07. अन्नत्थ सूत्र - ANNATTHA SUTRA
Evamäiehim ägärehim, a-bhaggo a-virähio,
Hujja me käussaggo..
Jäva arihantänam bhagavantänam,
Namukkärenam na päremi....
Täva käyam thänenam monenam jhänenam, Appänam vosirämi.
07. Sutra Meaning:
I shall now engross myself in meditation in a completely motionless yoga posture (Käyotsarga) for a specified duration. I will remain motionless except for breathing in and out, coughing, sneezing, yawning, belching, involuntarily losing balance, vomiting, fainting, subtle flickering movements of the eyes and other involuntary bodily movements.
I shall perform meditation and keep myself (my soul) away from all sinful activities by keeping my body motionless and by observing complete silence. At the conclusion of meditation, I will complete the Käyotsarga by offering salutation to Arihanta.
This doctrine of Non-Violence (Ahimsa Dharma) is immaculate, immutable and eternal."
The Arhats of the past, those of the present and the future narrate thus, discourse thus, proclaim thus, and affirm thus: "One should not injure, subjugate, enslave, torture or kill any living beings including animals, living organism, and sentient beings.
Mahävira (Achäranga Sutra, Ch. 4)