47. लघु-शान्ति स्तव
Aparajita means Undefeatable and
Bhavati means helpful...............
The next eight (8 to 15) verses are in praise of Vijayä Devi (Goddess of Victory).
I salute you, O Goddess! Who is beneficial and auspicious to entire fourfold Jain congregation, and gives mental peace (sutushti) and brings prosperity (pushti) to revered monks......8
I salute you O Goddess! Bestower of peace and joy to worthy living beings (bhavya jivas) by always looking after their wellbeing, eager to extend fearlessness and bring them success. .... 9
O goddess, you are a well-wisher of the devotees and always eager to provide patience, affection, intelligence and wisdom to those embedded with the right faith.
Oh Goddess! Benefactor to devotees, and always eager to provide patience, affection, intelligence and wisdom to the people with right faith, and the followers of Jain religious order. Be victorious Jayadevi; you provide grace, wealth, fame and glory to the people in the world, who stay by the Jain order and who bow to Lord Shäntinäth 10, 11
O Goddess! Protect us from fear of flood, fire, poison, snakes, evil planetary gods, kings, wars, demons (räkshasha), plagues, robbers, wild animals, ghosts, evil spirits and witches; Now protect, please protect; extend bliss and tranquility; do that incessantly; extend contentedness, spiritual nourishment, strength and prosperity.. 12, 13 Oh Graceful Goddess with high attributes, extend well-being, peace, contentedness, spiritual nourishment and bliss to the people; I bow to you with the sacred sounds of Hram, Hrim, Hroom, Hrah, Yah, Kshah Hrim, Phoot, Phut, Swähä.............. 13
Oh divine! Virtuous! Goddess Jayä! Be our benefactor, protector and bestow peace, strength and contentedness on us. I bow to you with the sacred sounds of "Om, namo, namo, hräm, hrim, hrum, rah yah kshah hrim, phat-phat swähä". Thus adored by the above Mantra Jayädevi extends tranquility to those who bow to Lord Shäntinäth. Let repeated obeisance be to that Lord Shäntinäth
14, 15