35. वंदित्तु सूत्र - VANDITTU SUTRA
Chauvisa-jina-viniggaya-kahäi, volantu me diahä...
Mama mangala-marihantä,
Siddhä sähu suam cha dhammo a.
Samma-dditthi devä, dintu samähim cha bohim cha.. Padisiddhänam karane, kichchäna-makarane padikkamanam. Asaddahane a tahä, vivaria-paruvanäe a..
Khämemi savva-jive, savve jivä khamantu me.
Mitti me savva-bhuesu, veram majjha na kenai.. Evamaham äloia, nindia-garahia-duganchhiam sammam. Tivihena padikkanto, vandämi jine chauvvisam.................
35. Sutra Meaning:
Bowing to the Omniscient pathfinders (tirthankaras) and liberated souls (siddhas), the leaders of the monastic congregation (dharmächärya), and all the monks (sädhus), I wish to confess for all the wrong doings I may have committed while following layman's vows.. 1
I wish to confess, scorn and reproach for whatever slight or major wrong-doing I may have committed, in respect to ethical behavior related to right knowledge (jnäna), right faith (darshana), right conduct (chäritra) and the other two, austerity (tapa) and energy (virya)..
I want to repent for the wrong-doing I may have committed in regard to acquiring two types of possessiveness, external (wealth, live stock, land etc) and internal (passions, etc.) as well as any day-to-day harmful activities, either done by me or my approval of such activities done by others.. .3
I scorn and reproach all the wrong doing I may have committed as a result of activities by my sense organs (indriya), or by the four kinds of passions (kashäya), and by attachment and aversion.
I want to confess for all wrongdoings I may have committed during the day while coming, going, standing, moving about, and for any