Not to sit alone with a person of the opposite gender Not to talk in private with a person of the opposite gender Not to observe the body of the opposite gender To only eat bland but pure food (not dressed with spices) To avoid food that produces impurity of the mind Not to adorn the body Not to remember past sensual pleasures
Not to listen to the private conversations of others 4 Attributes to avoid the 4 types of passions
Anger, Ego, Deceit and Greed 18 Attributes with regards to 18 Qualities to Acquire • 5 Attributes pertaining to follow the Five Great vows
Nonviolence, Truthfulness, Non-stealing, Celibacy, Non
possessiveness / Non-possession 5 Attributes related to observe the five codes of conduct regarding
Knowledge, Faith, Conduct. Penance. Vigor • 5 Attributes related to observing carefulness
Walking, talking, obtaining alms, putting clothes and other
things and disposing bodily waste properly • 3 Attributes to restrain the three medium of activity
Regarding activities of mind, speech and body
Thirty Six Attributes of Acharyas - Digambar Tradition Digambar tradition, however, mentions thirty-six attributes of Ächäryas as follows: 6 External Austerities
Anashan (Not eating for a set period of time) Unodari (Eating less than needed) Vritti-sankshepa (Eating within the limits of predetermined restrictions)
Material - Eat only a certain number of items Area - Eat only within limits of a certain area Time - Eat only once at a certain time Mode - Eat food only obtained or made by certain
means Rasa Tyag (Eating non-tasty food (reflection of temptation - example; Ayambil Tapa)