10 attributes acquired upon attaining omniscience: Prosperity exists all around in the presence of Arihanta
• Walking without touching the ground
Visibility of Arihanta's face from all four directions
Total compassion
Life devoid of obstacles
No growth of hair and nails
No blinking of eyes
• No formation of a shadow of body
14 Attributes Created by the Heavenly Gods:
• Facilitating a universal language
Enabling all beings to get along with each other
• Clean air all around
Clear skies
• Fruits, crops, and flowers flourish year-round irrespective of
Miles and miles of neat and clean grounds all-around
Lotuses made from gold under Tirthankar's feet
Sounds of reverential praises in the skies around Tirthankar
Peaceful and soothing voice
Unmatched physical strength
Milk-like blood
1008 desirable birthmarks and features
Proportionally built body
Solid physique
No food required to sustain life
Perfect knowledge
• Blowing of slow and fragrant breeze
Fragrant rain
• Removal of all potential obstacles from the land
Contentment all around
Movement of the Dharma-chakra (symbolic wheel of religion) in Tirthankar's Samavasaran