12 Alternatives to Animal Abuse
rivers. Slaughterhouses and feedlots are some of the worst polluters of land, water and air.
A diet including meat and dairy products requires the daily consumption of 8 times more water than that needed to produce non-animal foods.
Non-animal diets require 1/4 acre per person, whereas meat and dairy eaters require over 2 acres.
One half of the world's population is hungry or malnourished. There is a shortage of over 8 million tons of food, rising to an estimated 100 million tons by the year 2000. A total-vegetarian diet would END the world hunger crisis.
Food Alternatives For:
Animal Protein:
Beans and legumes (lentils), whole grains, nuts, tofu, avocado, olives, hummus, "Good Tasting Nutritional Yeast by the farm, vegetable protein such as processed vegetable foods in health food stores such as protose, Big Franks and Loma Linda Sandwich Spread.
Legume + Grain, Legume + Seed, or Legume + Nut combinations result in high quality complete proteins (rice + beans, lentils + rice, beans + corn).
Commercially prepared vegetable milk such as soymilk (in health food stores). Nut milks may be made at home in a blender in many varieties and delicious flavors. Also substitute with fruits and vegetable juices.
In baking, use egg replacement. You may leave eggs out of many recipes that call for them with satisfactory results.
Almonds, Sesame seeds, Tahini, dark green leafy vegetables, corn, molasses, seaweed, dried figs, sunflower seeds.