Essence of World Religions
Holidays The Baha'i Faith began in 1844. The Baha'i calendar divides the year into nineteen months of nineteen days each. Four days (five in the leap year) are added between the eighteenth and nineteenth months to keep it synchronized with the solar calendar. The Baha'i year includes nine holy days and a period of fasting near the end of the year. On holidays, work is suspended and a celebration includes family time, worship, and festive foods.
The Ridvän Festival - commemorates Bahäulläh's proclamation that he is the Messenger of God for this day an event which took place in Baghdad's Garden of Ridvän (Persian for paradise) - (April 21 - May 2, with abstention from work or school on April 21, April 29, and May 2) Declaration of the Bäb - celebrates the event with which the Bahä'i faith marks its beginning (May 23) Ascension of Bahäullah - the anniversary of Bahäulläh's passing (May 29) Martyrdom of the Bäb - marks the Bäb's execution (July
Birth of the Bäb (October 20) Birth of Bahäullah (November 12) Naw Ruz (Persian for "New Day") - celebrates the end of the Baha'i nineteen day fast and the beginning of the
Baha'i New Year (March 21) Other annual Baha'i observances do not require abstinence from work or school.
The Formula The mystic was back from the desert. "Tell us,” people said, "what God is like." But how could he ever tell them what he had