Essence of World Religions
Christianity began about 2,000 years ago in Canaan.
Christianity is based on the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth (Jesus Christ), believed to be the Son of God. He died in Jerusalem in 33 AD.
Major Scriptures
The Christian Bible consists of the
Old Testament (39 Books of Hebrew Bible) which records God's covenant with the Jewish people. It is written in Hebrew.
New Testament (27 Books) which records Christ's life and teachings as well as the development of early church. It is written in Greek and dates from 50 AD. Jesus himself left no writings. He chose 12 apostles to preach His doctrine.
Some sects (Catholic and some Protestants) also recognize additional 7 Books of the Apocrypha. It is part of the old testament and describes people and events from late in pre-Christian era.