Prakriti bandha Sthiti bandha
Anubhäga or Rasa bandha
Pradesha bandha
Type or category of karma bondage
Duration of attachment of karma bondage before they produce the result and then separate from the soul
The intensity of the attachment of karma bondage
Quantity of karma particles attached to the soul
(a) Prakriti Bandha (Type of Karma Bondage):
When karmic matter attaches to the soul, it obscures the soul's essential nature of infinite knowledge, infinite perception, bliss, perfect power, eternal existence, formlessness, and equanimity. The different types of karma obscure different qualities or attributes of the soul. The Jain literature has classified it into eight categories, according to the particular attribute of the soul that it obscures. This is known as Prakriti bandha. The eight categories of Karma are defined in detail later in this chapter.
(b) Sthiti Bandha (Duration of Attachment of Karma):
When karmic matter attaches to the soul, it remains attached for a certain duration till it produces the complete result. The duration of the attachment is determined according to the intensity or dullness of the soul's passions when the karma originally attached to the soul. After producing the result, the karma will separate or detach from the soul.
(c) Anubhäga Bandha or Rasa Bandha (Intensity of Attachment of Karma):
When karma produce the result, the intensity of the result is determined by the severity of the Leshyäs (any one of six Leshyä) along with passions of the soul when the karma was originally attached to it. This phenomenon is called Anubhäga or Rasa bandha.
(d) Pradesha Bandha (Quantity of Karma):
The quantity of karma particles that are attached to the soul by our activity of body, mind, and speech (known as Yoga) is called Pradesha Bandha.