Middle world - the region where Jyotishka devas, human beings, animals, and Vyantar devas live. This is the only part of the universe from which a soul, in the form of a human being, can achieve enlightenment and liberation.
Lower world - the region where Bhavanpati devas and infernal beings live. This region consists of seven hells where infernal beings are tormented by Bhavanpati devas in first three hells, by each other, and by extreme heat and cold in all hells. After their death, they are born as animals or humans.
Upper World
Alokäkäsh Alokäkäsh
Alokäkäsh World
The remaining limitless space surrounding Lokäkäsh is called Alokäkäsh, which is infinitely larger than Lokäkäsh
and is empty or void. Lower
Käl (Time) World
Both soul and matter continuously change their forms of existence, which is
known as Paryaya. These Lokäkäsh
changes in the soul and
matter are measured as time. Two views exist in Jainism with regards to time. Some consider that Time is an imaginary thing; it has no real existence. Therefore, they consider the universe to consist of five instead of six fundamental substances (Dravya).
Others believe that Time has a real existence consisting of innumerable time atoms.