Soul or Jiva is the only living substance. The remaining five substances are non-living substances and they are collectively known as Ajiva.
Jiva (Soul)
The soul is the only living substance which is conscious and possesses knowledge. Like energy, the soul is invisible. An infinite number of souls exist in the universe. In its pure form, each soul, without attached karma particles, possesses infinite knowledge, infinite perception, infinite energy and power, and unobstructed bliss. In its impure form, each soul, with attached karma particles, possesses limited knowledge, limited perception, limited energy, a physical body and its limitations which experience pleasure and pain. In other words, a pure soul is expressed by infinite qualities and an impure soul is expressed by finite qualities.
Pudgal (Matter) and Karma Particle
Matter is a nonliving substance. All visible substances are matter, but certain types of matter, which are too subtle to experience through our senses, are not visible. Also, the other five non-matter substances - soul, medium of motion and rest, space, and time are not visible at all.
Many types of matter exist in the universe. Everything we see, touch, and feel is also matter and hence Jainism states that sound, light, darkness, color, and smell are all various types of matter.
However, the soul interacts with only eight types of such matter known as Varganä. The entire universe is filled with these eight types of Varganä, along with other matter which does not interact with the soul.
A soul interacts with these Varganä as follows:
Name of Varganä
Audärika Varganä
Vaikriya Varganä
Ähäraka Varganä
makes a physical body
makes a special body to heavenly and infernal beings
makes a special separate body (created by spiritually advanced monks), which can be sent a long distance