What Contentment is
Bhagawan Mahävir said, "A person who is free from delusion (who understands reality) has no misery. A person who is without any longing has no delusion. A person without greed has no longing. A person who does not have possessions has no greed." Thus, the absence of greed is contentment. Contentment, of course, does not mean that we should not make honest efforts to earn. We should be fairly rewarded for our efforts. However, we should limit the amount we want to accumulate. Contentment really consists of being happy, even when one has less than what can be obtained. One should make effort to get needed things without feeling discontented. Moreover, even if, after an honest effort, one does not get what is needed due to Karma, they should feel contented. Such a person stays happy. There is a proverb: "A contented person is forever happy." We should make proper use of our wealth, power, name, fame, knowledge, and relationships. We should not become selfish, mean, or stingy. Once we have accumulated up to our limit, we should devote more time to spiritual activities and distribute additional wealth towards worthy causes. Thus, one can be happy if they are contented with whatever they possess. Ways to Conquer Greediness Greed is the most difficult of the four passions (anger, ego, deceit and greed) to eliminate. Therefore, first anger, then ego, then deceitfulness must be eradicated; only then, greed can be eradicated. Methods similar to the "Ways to Conquer Anger" apply here. However, conquering greediness is indeed more difficult than conquering anger. The detection of anger is easy; it can be detected by several external signs. However, greed is usually subtle and not easy to detect inside one's self. Be aware that discontent leads to sorrow and misery. Contentment leads to happiness. Contentment is a natural wealth. Wealth in the form of cash, land, houses, cars, and jewels, and other non-material items like power, name, beauty, and fame are transitory. Contentment is the highest happiness. Desires on the other hand are the worst diseases. Be aware that as long as one has greed, he/she is trapped in cycles of birth and rebirth. A person free of greediness is free from all miseries. The absence of greediness is the only way to liberation.