7. Status-Determining (Gotra) Karma
Status determining karma determines your social and economical status. There are two subtypes of status determining Karma:
• High status determining (Uchcha Gotra) Karma
High Status Karma involves a high and respectful status in respect of (i) family; (ii) community (iii) learning (iv) power (v) profit (vi) penance (vii) looks and (viii) luxury.
Low status determining (Nichcha Gotra) Karma
Low Status Karma results in the opposite equipment and attainments like low and disrespectable family.
8. Life Span-Determining (Ayushya) Karma
Age determining karma determines our life span. Our life span may be shortened by natural calamities or accidents. The age determining karma determines the lifespan for the next life when two thirds of our current life has passed and it is based on precisely what kind of activities we are doing with our mind, speech or body. If we are involved in good deeds at that time in point, we will have a longer and a better next life. Since nobody knows which point in our life is this point; we should be constantly involved in doing good deeds. If our next lifespan is not decided at the first two thirds then it is decided at two-thirds of remaining time. If it is still not decided yet then again at the two thirds of remaining time and so on and so forth, or at the time of death. Age determining karma will not be acquired if the soul is going to be liberated in the current life.
There are four sub-types of age determining karma:
Infernal Age Determining Sub-Human Age Determining Human Age Determining Celestial Age Determining
Jain Education International
Narak Ayushya Karma Tiryancha Ayushya Karma Manushya Ayushya Karma. Dev Ayushya Karma
Quantity of the Bondage of Karmas (Pradesha Bandha)
If the physical vigor of our activities is weak, then we accumulate a smaller number of Kärman particles, but if the physical vigor is stronger, then we accumulate a larger number of Kärman particles on our soul. The higher the number of Kärman particles bonded, the stronger is the resultant effect.
Duration of the Bondage of Karmas (Sthiti Bandha)
The duration of karmic particles on the soul is decided by the quality of our passions at the time of our activities. If our desire for the activity is mild, then the duration of the bondage will be for a short time. On the other hand if the passions are stronger, the duration of the bondage will be for a long time. The minimum time could be a fraction of a second and the maximum time could be thousands or even millions of years.
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