27 Karma
destructive or Ghäti Karma.
Karma is the key to a Soul's destiny and is based on the Natural Law of cause and effect. There are consequences for all our thoughts, words and actions. Our Kashaya - anger, ego, deceit and greed - bind karma to our soul. The famous saying, “everything that goes around comes around", perfectly describes the Theory of karma.
This is the theory which gives us an explanation as to how certain characteristics or factors of our individuality, which we have at present, are direct results of forces generated in the past. Simply put it is the law of nature: "what you sow, so shall you reap". This reaping does not necessarily occur in the same lifetime. In addition, sowing is not restricted to verbal and physical acts alone. Thoughts even though they may not be put into action do affect your karma. Karmas are broadly classified into two groups: a) Destructive (Ghäti) Karma b) Non-destructive (Aghäti) Karma Ghäti means destruction. Those Karma that destroy the true nature of the Soul are called
They are: 1 Knowledge-Obscuring
(Jnänävaraniya) Karma 2 Perception-Obscuring
(Darshanävaraniva) Karma 3 Deluding (Mohaniya) Karma (This
karma is responsible for creating Räga
and Dvesha) 4 Obstacle creating (Antaräya) Karma Those Karma that do not destroy the true nature of the soul but are responsible for physical body, life span and social standing, are called non-destructive or Aghäti Karma: 5 Feeling Pertaining (Vedaniya) Karma 6 Body Determining (Näm) Karma 7 Status Determining (Gotra) Karma 8 Life-span Determining (Ayushya)
Karma Understanding karma theory gives us hope that through our own efforts we can liberate ourselves from the bondage of karma. Karma is the mechanism through which we can shape our own destiny.
Äyushya Darshanävaraniya
Gotra Jnänävaraniya Mohaniya
Did you know? Our “Kashäya” binds karma to
our soul!
43 winter