26 Soul (Ätmä)
What is Soul? Where is it? What color is it? What shape is it? Does it really exist? If it does exist why do we not see the Soul? Undoubtedly, we believe in the existence of matter. We can see it and detect it around us. We usually tend to believe only what we see, hear, feel, touch or smell.
The presence of certain objects or phenomenon is, in many cases, beyond the scope of our senses. For example, we cannot see the air and electricity but we realize their existence by their operations. Similarly, the existence of soul or Ätmä сan be realized by its operations. Jains believe that the difference between a living being and a nonliving object is that the living being has a soul and a nonliving object does not. The eternal question of “WHO AM I?” automatically establishes the existence of a soul. The distinguishing quality of the soul is consciousness (Chetanä) i.e. awareness of existence, feelings and thoughts.
The Inherent Qualities of the Soul Infinite Knowledge (Anant Jnän)
The Soul is an ocean of intelligence. The Soul is an ocean of knowledge. Nothing is hidden from the Soul.
Nothing is unknown to the Soul. Infinite Perception (Anant Darshan)
Just as the Soul knows everything, it
sees, feels, and observes everything. Infinite Happiness (Anant Sukh)
The Soul is never angry, mad, or sad.
The natural state of a Soul is bliss. Infinite Energy (Anant Virya)
When the Soul becomes non-attached, it has infinite power. In a pure Soul, there is infinite power
and limitless capacity. These are the inherent qualities of the soul and do not come from outside. But karmic matter clouds and obscures these qualities and capabilities. Upon destruction and removal of the karmic bondage the qualities of the soul shine forth.
All souls are capable of attaining liberation (Moksha).
Did you know?
The inherent qualities of the soul are Infinite
knowledge, perception, energy
and bliss.
Ätmä Darshan
Jnän Sukh Virya