25- Anand Shrävak
Once upon a time, there lived a King named Jitshatru in the city of Vänijya, India. A rich householder named Änand also lived in the same city. He was so rich that he had 4 million gold coins, an equal amount of cash, an equal amount invested in business, lots of jewelry, and many other assets. He also owned 40,000 cows. He was highly respected by the King as well as by the people of Vänijya.
One day, Lord Mahävir visited Vänijya and delivered a sermon. After listening to the sermon, Änand decided to follow Jainism by accepting the twelve vows of a householder. Änand observed these vows for fourteen years and progressed spiritually. One day Änand shrävak attained a special ability known as Avadhi-jnän (clairvoyance) by performing severe penance, austerities, and meditation. His Avadhi-jnän was purer and more powerful than that acquired by other laypeople in their spiritual progress.
At this time, Lord Mahävir and his disciples were in town. While returning from gochari (getting food or alms), Gautam swämi learned that many people were going to pay homage to Anand shrävak for his newly acquired spiritual ability (Avadhi-jnän) and his austerities. He decided to visit him. Änand was very happy to see Gautam swämi, his guru (spiritual teacher). Änand shrävak welcomed Gautam swämi warmly. Gautam swämi inquired about his health and then asked about his new special ability. With due respect, Änand replied to Gautam-swämi, "Revered guru, I have attained a special ability (Avadhi-jnän) with which I can see as high as the first heaven and as low as the first hell."
Gautam swämi visiting Änand Shrävak
Gautam swämi explained to Änand, "A layman (shrävak) can attain the special ability of Avadhi-jnän, but not of this magnitude. You need to do Präyashchitta (atonement) for imagining these visions." Änand was puzzled. He knew that he was correct but his guru questioned his truthfulness and told him to repent for it. He therefore politely asked Gautam swami, "Does one need to repent for speaking the truth?" Gautam swami, equally puzzled, replied, "No one has to repent for speaking the truth." He then left Änand thinking that he would reconfirm this with Bhagawän Mahävir.
Gautam swämi returned to Bhagawan Mahavir and asked about Änand's special ability. Mahävir replied, "Gautam, Änand was telling the truth. He has acquired Avadhi-jnän of immense magnitude. Rarely does a layperson attain