Namaskar Sutra
Namaskar Sutra with Meaning
Namaskar Sutra is the most fundamental sutra in Jainism
We can recite it at any time of the day
When reciting this sutra we do not ask for any favors or material benefits
We bow to the supreme souls and worship virtues of all the supreme spiritual people
At the time of recitation, we remember their virtues, seek inspiration and try to emulate them
Namaskar Sutra is a "Vinay" (Humility) sutra. It is called Namaskar Sutra because we are bowing down to worshipful personalities in the first five sentences (padas). The remaining four padas shows the benefit of bowing down those supreme souls.
We need to ask ourselves when we recite the sutra Is my ego reducing? Am I becoming humble? Am I getting inspired by their virtues? And am I emulating those virtues?
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