B08 - Theory of Karma and Reincarnation
3. Antaraya (Obstructing) Karma:
This karma obstructs the natural quality and energy of the soul such as charity and willpower. It also prevents one from doing good. This karma puts obstacles in soul's efforts to achieve various objectives. In spite of wealth and opportunity to donate, one may not be able to do so. Though one intelligently makes various attempts, one cannot succeed in the business or other endeavor on account of this karma. Even though one has worldly pleasure at his disposal, is not able to enjoy them because of ill health. Although one possesses healthy body and a desire to carry out religious activities may get some obstacles and cannot do so.
After the attainment of Vitaräga state, a person destroys all his Antaräya karma within 48 minutes and attains Anant-virya, a state of infinite power and energy.
In reality a person destroys the above three karma together within 48 minutes after the attainment of Vitaräga state. Once all four Ghäti karma are destroyed, a person is known as Kevali, Arihant, Tirthankar, or Jina (13th Gunasthänak Spiritual Stage).
Consequently Obstructing Karma is responsible for all the obstacles we face in our lives.
Five Subtypes of Obscuring Karma:
⚫ Charity obstructing (Dänäntaräya) Karma
Gain obstructing (Läbhäntaräya) Karma
Enjoyment Obstructing (Bhogäntaräya) Karma
Re-enjoyment obstructing (Upabhogänträya) Karma Will power obstructing (Viryänträya) Karma
4. Mohaniya (Deluding) Karma:
Deluding karma generates delusions in the soul with regards to its own true nature. The soul identifies itself with external substances and relationships. This karma generates attachment, aversion and the resulting passions like anger, ego, deceit and greed. As a result, the deluded soul loses its sense of discrimination and is not able to differentiate the good from the evil. It also creates doubts about religion and spiritual teachers and destroys faith in the Jina. As this karma obscures right belief and right conduct of the soul, it is divided into two groups.
Two Subtypes of Deluding Karma:
⚫ Faith Deluding (Darshan Mohaniya) Karma
Conduct Deluding (Chäritra Mohaniya) Karma
Darshan Mohaniya (Faith Deluding) Karma
This karma obstructs soul's natural inclination towards what is real and good. This karma generates delusion (Mithyätva) in the soul's innate nature of Right Conviction and Right Knowledge. It is the most dangerous karma. Because of this karma, a person does not have the Right Knowledge of the self (true nature of the soul) and of the Reality. The person believes in the opposite or false knowledge of reality and of the soul, for example: the belief that the body and soul are one etc.
Proper knowledge implies to having a proper understanding of the true nature of the soul, karma, the bondage of soul with karma, and the way to liberate the soul from karma. To have total conviction in the above knowledge is called Right Conviction or Faith. This state of spirituality is called Samyaktva or self-realization, 4th Gunasthänak spiritual stage. Because of Samyaktva, a person's knowledge (Jnän) and conduct (Chäritra) is called Right Knowledge and Right Conduct. A person's spiritual progress begins from the Samyaktva state.
This karma is again divided into three sub-categories with regard to the degree of faith. The operation of this karma may result either
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Compendium of Jainism - 2015