________________ language sutra_author author editor translator pages publisher year ed IZ_Hajarimalmuni_Smruti 6l_Granth_012040.pdf English H Bhattacharya 1965) sr no file3_name title_english title language Vratas_other_than_Ah imsa_as_Propunded_i Vratas other than Vratas other than n_Jainism_250369_std Ahimsa as Propunded in Ahimsa as Propunded 250369.pdf Jainism in Jainism Wall_Paintings_as_de pictedin_the_Patodi_Jaina_TWall Paintings as Wall Paintings as semple_Jaipur_250370 depicted-in the Patodi Depicted in the Patodi 12503701_std.pdf Jaina Temple Jaipur Jaina Temple Jaipur What_Jainism_Offers_ to_the_World_250371 What Jainism Offers to what Jainism Offers to 250371 std.pdf the World the World What_were_theconte What were nts_of_Drstivada_250 What were thecontents thecontents of 250372 372_std.pdf of Drstivada Drstivada Why_is_the_West_Int erested_in_Yoga_250 Why is the West Why is the West 250373 373_std.pdf Interested in Yoga Interested in Yoga |Z_Parshvanath_Vidyapith |_ Swarna_Jayanti_Granth 7_012051.pdf English Rita Pratap 1994) Z_Vijay_Vallabh_suri_Sm 4 arak_Granth_012060.pdf English CS Mallinathanan 1956 11 Iz_Jinvijay_Muni_Abhinan 4 dan_Granth_012033.pdf English L Alsdorf 1971 1 Z_Pushkarmuni_Abhinan 3 dan_Granth_012012.pdf English BKS Iyengar Woman_250374_std.p 250374 df Woman IZ_Jain_Dharm_Vigyan_ki 21_Kasoti_par_002549.pdf | 1994 Woman English Saurabh Golash 1 Yoga_and_America_2 250375 50375 std.pdf IZ_Pushkarmuni_Abhinan 1 dan Granth_012012.pdf Yoga and America Yoga and America English Yogi Shantananda Yoga_and_Ayurveda_ 250376 250376_std.pdf Iz_Umravkunvarji_Diksha |_Swarna_Jayanti_Smruti_ 8 Granth_012035.pdf Yoga and Ayurveda Yoga and Ayurveda English R V Ranade 1988 1 Yoga_and_Health_250 250377 377_std.pdf Iz_Umravkunvarji_Diksha |_Swarna_Jayanti_Smruti_ 11 Granth_012035.pdf Yoga and Health Yoga and Health English ML Gharote 1988 1 Yoga_and_Meditation 250378)_250378_std.pdf Iz_Pushkarmuni_Abhinan 2 dan_Granth_012012.pdf Yoga and Meditation Yoga and Meditation English KS Iyengar 1432 www.jainelibrary.org Jain eLibrary Available Literature Master List