________________ title_language language sutra_author author editor translator pages publisher year ed sr no file3_name title_english Style_of_writing_for_ Debate_in_Indian_Phil Style of writing for osophy_250328_std.p Debate in Indian 250328 df Philosophy Style of writing for debate in Indian philosophy Bhishan Swarup Rastogi |z_Deshbhushanji_Mahar aj_Abhinandan_Granth_0 6|12045.pdf English 1987 1 Survey_on_Jaina_Relig ion_and_Philosophy_2 Survey on Jaina Religion 250330|50330_std.pdf and Philosophy Survey on Jaina Religion and Philosophy English IZ_Hajarimalmuni_Smruti 4_Granth_012040.pdf Nathmal Tatia 1965 z_Pushkarmuni_Abhinan 20 dan_Granth_012012.pdf English JC Sikdar Survey_of_Plan_and_ Survey of the plant and Animal_Kingdom_as_ Survey of the Plan and Animal Kingdom as Revealed_Jaina_Biolog Animal Kingdom as Revealed in Jaina | 250331|y_250331_std.pdf Revealed in Jaina Biology Biology Survey_of_the_Work_ done_on_Jain_Mathe Survey of the work matics_250332_std.pd Survey of the Work done done on jain 2503321f on Jain Mathematics mathematies English Anupam Jain 1987 Survival_of_Jainism_2 25033350333_std.pdf Survival of Jainism Survival of Jainism English Bansidhar Bhatt 1987 1 |z_Deshbhushanji_Mahar aj_Abhinandan_Granth_0 8 12045.pdf |z_Deshbhushanji_Mahar aj_Abhinandan_Granth_0 612045.pdf |Z_Mahavir_Jain_Vidyalay |_ Suvarna_Mahotsav_Gra Inth_Part_1_012002.pdf and Mahavir_Jain_Vidyalay_S 11 uvarna_ Svabhavvada_a_Study 250334)_250334_std.pdf Svabhavvada a Study Svabhavvada A Study English VM Kulkarni Tantra Ecstasy Through Rituals Iz_Umravkunvarji_Diksha |_ Swarna_Jayanti_Smruti_ 13 Granth_012035.pdf English Kalidas S Joshi 1988 1 Tantra_Ecstasy_Throu gh_Rituals_250336_st Tantra Ecstasy Through 250336 d.pdf Rituals Tantric_Culture_Easte |rn_India_250337_std. Tantric Culture Eastern 250337|pdf India Tantric_Culture_Easte rn_India_250338_std. Tantric Culture Eastern 250338 pdf India Tantric Culture Eastern India English Upendra Thakur IZ_Nahta_Bandhu_Abhina 7 ndan_Granth_012007.pdf IZ_Agarchand_Nahta_Abh inandan_Granth_Part_2_ 7 012043.pdf Tantric Culture Eastern India English Upendra Thakur 1977 10 1429 www.jainelibrary.org Jain eLibrary Available Literature Master List