________________ sr no file3_name title english title_language language sutra_author author editor translator pages publisher year ed Self Realization Through Vedant and Yoga IZ_Pushkarmuni_Abhinan 4 dan_Granth_012012.pdf English Kiyoshi Kuromiya Shodhana Kriyas An Analysis English ML Gherore Self_Relization_throug h_Vedant_and_Yoga_ Self Relization through | 250294|250294_std.pdf Vedant and Yoga Shodhana_Kriyas_an_ Analysis_250295_std. Shodhana Kriyas an 250295 pdf Analysis Short_sketch_of_early _education_250297_s Short sketch of early 250297|td.pdf education Significance_of_Regul Significance of ation_of_Temperature Regulation of _in_Mammals_25030 Temperature in 250302 2_std.pdf Mammals _Pushkarmuni_Abhinan 6 dan_Granth_012012.pdf IZ_Kesarimalji_Surana_Ab Jhinandan_Granth_01204 54.pdf English S Mookeerjee 1982 Short sketch of early education Significance of Regulation of Temperature in Mammals English HN Upadhyay 1 Sindhu_desa_of_Jaina _Literature_is_Tirabhu Sindhu desa of Jaina 250303|kti_250303_std.pdf Literature is Tirabhukti Sindhu desa of Jaina Literature is Tirabhukti (North Bihar) Iz_Jain_Vidyalay_Hirak_Ja 2 yanti_Granth_012029.pdf) 1994 IZ_Mahavir_Jain_Vidyalay |_ Suvarna_Mahotsav_Gra nth_Part_1_012002.pdf and Mahavir_Jain_Vidyalay_S 4 uvarna_ |Z_Kesarimalji_Surana_Ab hinandan_Granth_01204 414.pdf 1982 English Yogendra Mishra English Pushpa Kothari 1 Social_justice_to_man Social justice to 250304|kind_250304_std.pdf Social justice to mankind mankind Solution_of_World_Pr oblems_a_Jaina_Persp Solution of World Solution of World ective_250305_std.pd Problems a Jaina Problems a Jaina 250305 f Perspective Perspective |z_Shwetambar_Sthanakv asi_Jain_Sabha_Hirak_Jay| 3 anti_Granth_012052.pdf | 1998 English Sagarmal Jain 11 Iz_Pushkarmuni_Abhinan 7 dan_Granth_012012.pdf English MP Marathe Some_Amphibious_Ex Some Amphibious pressions_in_Umaswa Some Amphibious Expressions in 250306 ti_250306_std.pdf Expressions in Umaswati Umaswati | Aspects_of_Jaina_Psyc| hology_as_revealed_i Some Aspects of Jaina Some Aspects of Jaina n_Bhagavatisutra_250 Psychology as revealed Psychology as revealed 250307 307_std.pdf in the Bhagavati Sutra in the Bhagavati Sutra IZ_Hajarimalmuni_Smruti 13 _Granth_012040.pdf English JC Sikdar 1965 1 1426 www.jainelibrary.org Jain eLibrary Available Literature Master List