________________ sr no file3 name title english title language language sutra_author author editor translator year ed pages publisher |Z_Mahavir_Jain_Vidyalay _Suvarna_Mahotsav_Gra Inth_Part_1_012002.pdf land Mahavir_Jain_Vidyalay_S 5 uvarna_ On_Samlekhana_or_S upension_of_Aliment_ On Samlekhana or 250231 250231_std.pdf Supension of Aliment On Samlekhana or Suspension of Aliment English Nathmal Tatia On_translation_of_Ba On the translation of sic_Nyaya_Terms_Pak On the translation of the the Basic Nyaya Terms sa_Hetu_and_Drastan Basic Nyaya Terms Paksa Paksa Hetu and 250232 ta_250232_std.pdf Hetu and Drastanta Drastanta |Z_Aspect_of_Jainology_P art_3_Pundit_Dalsukh_M 10 alvaniya_012017.pdf English D D Daye 1991 1 IZ_Shwetambar_Sthanakv asi_Jain_Sabha_Hirak_Jay 13 anti_Granth_012052.pdf Sagarmal Jain 1998 Origin_and_Developm ent_of_Jainism_25023 Origin and Development Origin and 2502333_std.pdf of Jainism Development of Jainism English Oswals_and_Other_Jai ns_of_Rajasthan_2502 Oswals and Other Jains Oswals and Other Jains 250235 35_std.pdf of Rajasthan of Rajasthan English Z_Jain_Vidyalay_Granth_ 3 012030.pdf D S Baya 2002 1 Pali_Dhanya_and_Car Pali Dhanya and 250236 ukesi_250236_std.pdf Pali Dhanya and Carukesi Carukesi |Z_Aspect_of_Jainology_P art_2_Pundit_Bechardas_ 6 Doshi_012016.pdf English HC Bhayani 1987 1 Parasaka_the_fifth_va 250238|rna_250238_std.pdf Parasaka the fifth Parasaka the fifth Varna Varna |Z_Jinvijay_Muni_Abhinan 1 dan_Granth_012033.pdf English P V Bapal 1971 1 Paths_to_the_Divine_ 250239 250239_std.pdf IZ_Pushkarmuni_Abhinan 4 dan Granth_012012.pdf Paths to the Divine Paths to the Divine English Yogi Amrit Desai Z_Aspect_of_Jainology_P art_3_Pundit_Dalsukh_M 10 alvaniya_012017.pdf English Eli Franco 1991 11 Paurandara_Sutra_25 2502400240 std.pdf Paurandara Sutra Philosophical_Foundat ion_of_Religious_Tole Philosophical rance_in_Jainism_250 Foundation of Religious 250242 242_std.pdf Tolerance in Jainism Paurandara Sutra Philosophical Foundation of Religious Tolerance in Jainism English Vilas Sangve 14 USA Federation of JAINA 1987 1 1420 www.jainelibrary.org Jain eLibrary Available Literature Master List