________________ sr no file3_name title english title language language sutra_author author editor translator year ed pages publisher IZ_Tirthankar_Mahavir_S mruti_Granth_012001.pd English TK Tukol 710 English A Chakravarti 1956 11 Z_Vijay_Vallabh_suri_Sm 5 arak_Granth_012060.pdf IZ_Hajarimalmuni_Smruti 4_Granth_012040.pdf English GR Jain 1965 Message_of_Mahavir_ Message of Bhagvan 250210250210_std.pdf Message of Mahavir Mahavira Message_of_the_Relig| ion_of_Ahimsa_25021 Message of the Religion Message of the 2502111 std.pdf of Ahimsa Religion of Ahimsa Message_Humanity_2 250212 50212_std.pdf Message Humanity Message Humanity Method_of_Grow_Cro Joked_Bamboos_for_P Method of Grow Method of Grow alanquin_Beams_2502 Crooked Bamboos for Crooked Bamboos for 250213 13_std.pdf Palanquin Beams Palanquin Beams Method_of_Grow_Cro oked_Bamboos_for_P Method of Grow Method of Grow alanquin_Beams_2502 Crooked Bamboos for Crooked Bamboos for 250214 14_std.pdf Palanquin Beams Palanquin Beams Z_Nahta_Bandhu_Abhina 3 ndan_Granth_012007.pdf| English KV Varma z_Agarchand_Nahta_Abh Jinandan_Granth_Part_2_ 5 012043.pdf English K V Sarma 1977 1 Mewar_Painting_2502 250215 15_std.pdf Mewar Painting Kuwar Sangram Singh Mewar Painting English IZ_Nahta_Bandhu_Abhina 9 ndan_Granth_012007.pdf |z_Agarchand_Nahta_Abh inandan_Granth_Part_2_ 9 012043.pdf Kumar Sangramsingh English 1977 1 Mewar_Painting_2502 250216|16_std.pdf Mewar Painting Mewar Painting Modern_Psychothera py_vs_Ancient_Indian Modern Psychotherapy Modern Psycho _Psychotherapy_2502 vs Ancient Indian therapy V/s Ancient 250217|17_std.pdf Psychotherapy Indian Psycho therapy Morning_Walk_25021 2502199_std.pdf Morning Walk Morning Walk English SN Bhavsar English B B Das IZ_Pushkarmuni_Abhinan 7 dan_Granth_012012.pdf |Z_Jain_Vidyalay_Granth_ 012030.pdf IZ_Yatindrasuri_Diksha_Sh atabdi_Smarak_Granth_0 612036.pdf 2002 1 Mystic_Syllable_Om_2 250221 50221_std.pdf Mystic Syllable Om Mystic Syllable Om English AN Jain 1999 Nataputta_in_Early_Ni rgrantha_Literature_2 Nataputta in Early | 250222 50222_std.pdf Nirgrantha Literature Nataputta in Early Nirgrantha Literature |Z_Aspect_of_Jainology_P art_3_Pundit_Dalsukh_M 5 alvaniya_012017.pdf English MA Dhaky 1991 1 1418 www.jainelibrary.org Jain eLibrary Available Literature Master List