JES906 - Jain Academic Bowl (JAB) Past Q & A PDF File only Book pdf File Link -
https://jainelibrary.org/elib_master/jaina_edu/jaina_edu_jab/$JAB_R eference Q and A Final V2 000023 data.pdf
Reference Books
JES901 - Jainism and Spiritual Awaking
Book pdf File Link -
https://jainelibrary.org/elib master/jaina edu/jaina edu book/$jes90 1 jainism and spiritual awakening 000201 data.pdf
This booklet provides a basic introduction of the Jain religion to English speaking Jain youth of North America and other countries. It briefly covers various aspects of Jain philosophy, ethics, conduct, scriptures, religious holidays, prayers, symbols, and the life of Lord Mahävir. It is also helpful for a beginner of Jainism as it touches important aspects of Jainism in an easy manner. Several Jain temples give this book to all their visitors.
JES 902G - gol Erld 240 2412120 220 249
Book pdf File Link -
https://jainelibrary.org/elib master/jaina edu/jaina edu book/$jes 90
2_jain_darshan_ane_achar_ni_saral_samaj_000202_data.pdf આ પુસ્તક જૈન દર્શન અને આચારની સરળ સમજ મૂળ અંગ્રેજી પુસ્તકનું (Jainism and Spiritual Awaking) olgad 891 Uljale . a ziy પુસ્તકમાં લેખકે બે નવા પ્રકરણ ઉમેર્યા છે અને અમુક પ્રકરણનો વિસ્તાર કરેલ છે તેનું ગુજરાતી થયેલ નથી.
JES911 - Essence of World Religions
Book pdf File Link -