Book Title: YJ International Newsletter 2004 Vol 18 No 02
Author(s): Young Jains (UK)
Publisher: UK Young Jains
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Page #1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ YOUNG JAINS INTERNATIONAL NEWSLETTER Registered Charity No. 1005856 Since 1987 April-June 2004 OPENING EYES TO JAIN DHARMA Published quarterly in London, UK WHY? WHO? WHAT? WHEN? HOW? What does Jainism mean to you? Which words come into mind? What makes you HAPPY? HAPPY? What has made me What will make you HAPPIER? Volume 18 No.2/2004 PS2.50 Young Jains See the Inner Light within You! YOU SEARCHING FOR? WHAT ARE FIND ALL THE ANSWERS INSIDE!! For Personal & Private Use Only A non-profit making society dedicated to the promotion of Jain Dharma in the western SEE THE MANGO FOR THE MESSAGE Page #2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ YOUNG JAINS A non-profit making society dedicated to the promotion of Jainism in the western world. CORE OBJECTIVES To create a better understanding of Jain philosophy, practise and culture. To address the problems faced by young Jains in the UK. To take a further step towards adapting to a multi-cultural environment and living in multi-racial harmony. To prove that each one of us is talented and by working together, we can learn to respect ourselves and all around us. Young Jains is an organisation that encourages the discussion and exploration of Jain philosophy, spirituality and its practical importance to life, in an open and friendly environment. Formed in 1987, it is an independent charitable organisation. Events include discussions, retreats, debates, quiz nights, musical evenings, etc which are held on various themes and topics: including; understanding Jain principles, ethics, the environment, debating social concerns, health matters, visiting temples and increasing awareness about other faiths. Young Jains provides an opportunity for its members to be actively involved in delivering events and develop skills that are applicable to all aspects of life. Events are ideal for young professionals, predominantly delivered in English, although everyone is most welcome (regardless of caste, age etc). Check out the pictures from events on our web site, which is designed & developed by the Internet Sub-Committee. If you want regular information about Young Jains events via email, then join the Young Jains E-Chain by writing to the address below, stating your full name: Young Jains International Newsletter is the quarterly newsletter distributed freely to the members of Young Jains, a not for profit organisation seeking to increase the understanding and practise of Jainism in the Western world. Young Jains has an International presence covering America, East Africa, Australia and the U.K. Young Jains America Young Jains Professionals ( ( Young Jains Perth Young Jains Nairobi The editors reserve the right to edit material submitted for publication in the newsletter without express permission from the contributors. Whilst every effort will be made to ensure that the material is reproduced accurately. Young Jains does not take any responsibility for any errors, inaccuracies or omissions that may arise inadvertently. Young Jains Correspondence Address: Young Jains 1 Colonial Way PO Box 233 North Watford Herts. WD24 4EW All views and opinions expressed in the contributions published in the newsletter are those of the individual contributors and do not necessarily indicate support or endorsement by the editors, the Young Jains Committee or the Young Jains Organisation. Please mark Newsletter correspondence c/o The Editor Email: ( (P.O Box 586-00606, Sarit Centre, Nairobi, Kenya) The Newsletter Team: Alpa Shah, Harshna Shah, Hasmita Shah, Jaini Gudhka, Narendra Shah, Paarul Shah, Pragna Shah, Priti Shah, Raju M. Shah, Shaileen Shah For Persona Private Use Only Estimated Readership: 2000; Circulation: 400 copies (UK and World-wide). Printers: Caprin (Printer and Stationers) Ltd. Tel: 01727 872021 Publisher: Young Jains, Registered Charity No. 1005856 Advertising rates: PS60 for a quarter page, PS225 for a full page per issue E-mail: Web-site: All rights reserved. This entire publication is the copy right of the Publisher. No part of this publications may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, or by any means, electrical or mechanical, including photocopying or any information storage or retrieval system without the prior permission of the Publisher. Original works copyright remain with the respective artists/writer. Page #3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Be a Driver... You have the choice? Jai Jinendra. As another Young Jains AGM approaches, I have been reflecting on the past few years in Young Jains. My previous articles have been on the theme of individuals, like you, making a decision to make a difference to their lives by working on Young Jains projects. I use the train analogy to describe the Jain Service Provider express being driven by numerous people and each one of us having the option to jump on board. I would like to highlight the simple choice that you have to make a difference now. As members, you benefit from the extraordinary opportunities that others create. Your role is vital because you choose to be a member of an organisation that is non-sectarian, and focused on making things happen. As members you share your experiences of Young Jains with friends, family, and even other organisations. Ask yourself do you share a common complaint? "There is not enough time to do what I want to do". So, how do all the active supporters in Young Jains and other organisations have the time? Where do they find the time despite being at University, or pursuing successful careers, taking professional exams, and fulfilling family commitments, even getting married? These facts really pose two questions: Is time really limited? Or, do people just limit themselves by using it as an excuse for choosing not to do anything. Think about it... how many times have you heard people say "I cannot do that because I do not have the time"...very often. Compare this to how often you have heard real achievers say "I have achieved my dreams because I had the time"... not often. Therefore, real achievers choose to take action, they do not wait for things to happen or wait until time magically appears to allow them to do what they want to do. These real achievers include all those active supporters, team members, and committee members who have chosen to jump on board and do something worthwhile. The energy they have created by forming new and growing friendships to make a difference inspires me, and others, to be passionately involved in Young Jains. So, congratulations to all those making the choice to avoid the excuses and nurturing your qualities by sharing them with others. Most importantly, you inspire others by setting an example and keeping your arms open to receive others that wish to taste the experience. Nishad Himatlal Gudhka President - Young Jains UKI "If there were no valleys, there would be no mountains to climb." - Shaileen & Harshna For Persone Private Use Only Page #4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ PS20 OFF Complete Pair Of Glasses With This Voucher Ashmar & Co Chartered Accountants & Registered Auditors OR A Quality Personalised Accountancy Service Tailored To Your Specific Needs Services provided include 10 % DISCOUNT TO Young Jains Members. (not in conjunction with any other offers) Annual Accounts Tax returns Book Keeping Vat Returns Payroll Services * Free Initial Consultation (Quote Ref: Young Jains) Only valid at: Vision express optical lab Unit 6b Broadwalk Shopping Centre Edgware Middlesex HA8 7BD TEL: 020 8905 7670 FAX: 020 8905 7728 Contact Nilesh Shah Tel: 020 8930 8030 FREE 2 HOUR PARKING, DISABLED ACCESS ONE-HOUR SERVICE ON MOST JOBS Marlborough House, 159 High Street Wealdstone, Harrow Middx HA3 5DX Accountants for Young Jains & SANSAAR | Store Directors/Optometrists: Mr Nehul Shah and Mrs Shreni Shah Registered to carry on audit work by The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales "It is surprising how little we need to lead a happy life" - Dr. Jean Dreze Equatoria Travel With Compliments to all readers and members of Young Jains from Specialists for Sri Lanka & Maldives India. Far East Australia New Zealand USA & Canada Great Value Air Fares Worldwide Eurostar Reservations N.V.S. PHARMACY Tailor Made Holidays E-mail: Web: 46 Baker Street London W1 Tel: 020 7935 1120 53 Victoria Road Ruislip Middlesex Tel: 01895 632409 8 Queensbury Station Parade, Edgware, Middx HA8 SNP E-Mail: Website: Tel: 020 8381 2535 Fax: 020 8951 3434 Supplier of Himalayan Green Tea For Personal & Private Use Only Page #5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Mahavir Jayanti By Dr Atul K Shah First published in April-June 1999 issue of Young Jains International Newsletter M ahavir Jayanti is a celebration of the birthday of Lord Mahavir. We are celebrating his birthday 2600 years after he was born, and some 2500 years after he died. In modern times, birthday parties are common for children, but generally go out of fashion in adulthood. In fact, older people are embarrassed to celebrate their birthdays because they do not really want to grow old, and are often sad on their birthdays. We very rarely celebrate birthdays after people have died. However, in the case of Lord Mahavir, we are celebrating his birthday hundreds of years later. In fact, thousands of Jains all over the world will be celebrating this great day. Why? Is it because they have nothing else to do, or is it because they wish to bring him back to life, make him alive once again? Jains feel that Lord Mahavir was indeed a great man, very courageous and caring. When he was alive, he did some remarkable things in his life, which we wish to remember when we celebrate his birthday. His life was an example for all - he lived his message and practised what he preached. 12% 'One of the things he is most remembered for was his principle of universal love towards all living beings' He was a very caring and loving person, and did not have any enemies throughout his life. Even if people hurt him or injured him, Mahavir Swami was full of love for them. As a result, nobody hated him. Everyone loved him, and wanted to be near him and to learn from him. Lord Mahavir was never greedy - he had no possessions and lived very very simply. He was like a human magnet - he was very attractive in many ways. 'Instead of singing Happy Birthday to You, we sing Happy Birthday to our pure and loving inner soul" So when we celebrate his birthday, in truth we are reminding ourselves that we must live the great example set by Lord Mahavir. We must do something in this life that people will remember us for, long after we have died. We must give, without any expectation of receiving. We must love everyone, and be merciful, even to those who harm us. We must recognise that we are all interconnected the line that separates Me from You or anyone else is non-existent, only man made. When our friend suffers, we suffer, and when they are happy, we are happy. Instead of singing Happy Birthday to You, we sing Happy Birthday to our pure and loving inner soul. On this day, we wish to give these great principles of life a new energy and spirit. We pray to Lord Mahavir that we develop the great courage that he had and a deep commitment to this beautiful life. We pray that his life will never be forgotten and generations will continue to live by his principles and practice his great message. Above all, on Mahavir Jayanti, we openly declare our love for life and our desire to make it meaningful wherever we are, whatever we do. Jai Mahavir Mahavir Jayanti fell on 3 April this year We want to help retain Jain identity and culture by supporting Young Jains - Kishore, Ranjan & Family For Persona5 Private Use Only Page #6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ I Know What I did Last Summer By Jaini Gudhka "How do you decide what sort of holiday to plan?" "What experiences and adventures do you seek?" "How do you feel after your holiday?" Below is an account of my summer holiday, where I was privileged to have had an experience that satisfied my adventurous side in a way better than any standard holiday. t A young Jains Tasting the Mango" Convention, my friend Bindi, told me how she had spent her last week. She had been volunteering on a holiday organised by Sense, a national voluntary organisation that supports deafblind people. Bindi described her unique holiday experience and enjoyment, and immediately I said to her 'I would love to go on a Sense Holiday. So, that's what I did last summer. Sense has a principal belief that all people are entitled to dignity and respect, and should be valued equally. Sense strives to provide a range of services and opportunities, which recognise the diversity of their user's needs. Sense has been organising holidays for deafblind people for over 25 years with the simple aim Ther here were 4 holidaymakers, 2 leaders, and 6 volunteers. We were in a beautiful, serene location on the edge of the Cotswolds, with an on-site farm, adventure playgrounds and a BMX assault course. PLANNING We arrived at the holiday home and I was hit by the extent of the disabilities that the holidaymakers seemed to have. Seeing Gemma distressed about being in the house, made it all quite daunting on the first hour. After talking to the parents, I felt more confident and learned that Gemma prefers the outdoors. So, we spent the next two hours on the swing - which became our favourite holiday activity. All the volunteers supported and befriended all the holidaymakers. Also, we were assigned a holidaymaker that we predominantly supported. I was assigned to Gemma, a girl of 19 with hearing and visual impairments along with other disabilities. The other 3 holidaymakers, Nick, Ozan and Lucy, all had various levels of sensory and other impairments. Gemma, Nick and Ozan communicated using pictures, signs or gestures. for holidaymakers to have Fun in a supportive environment. It allows the holidaymakers to make new friends and gain new experiences, whilst at the same time it provides the parents/carers a chance to have a break. I had no previous experience or any knowledge of sign language or caring for special needs. Lucky for me, Sense was not looking for anything except passion, commitment, and stamina to deliver a fun-packed holiday for all to enjoy. Any specialist skills or experience is a bonus. The half-day workshop and fantastic manual gave me an understanding of the essentials, e.g. protection and mobility. As for expectations, it is best to keep an openmind and to savour every experience. ADVENTURE A typical day started at 8am. Although if you had been up doing the night shift, you would probably experience Nick awake early, heading straight for the kitchen for his bowl of 7 Weetabix! It was quite a task trying to get Ozan and Gemma up and ready, and could often take 2 or 3 hours. Then everyone jumped on the minibus to set off on the day's adventure. I am an adventurous holidaymaker, wanting to make the most of every moment. However, I was aware that this holiday could be different to my usual escapades. One of my biggest surprises was how active the holiday was, and how much we accomplished in terms of adventure and activities. Despite the fantastic onsite benefits available to us, we were out and about everyday. A few examples include visiting Legoland, a farm, Weston-super-Mare, boating and swimming. For Persol & Private Use Only After returning from our expedition, everybody would help with preparing dinner. After dinner, holidaymakers would get comfortable for the evening, and creative minds would unlock to produce impressive diaries to collect memories and present to their families. Page #7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ I Know What I did Last Summer By Jaini Gudhka At first, Gemma had seemed like a shy, quiet girl. We soon discovered how bubbly and sociable she really was - always smiling and jumping around with excitement, for example, whilst watching others having fun. There were moments when I remember wishing that the holidaymakers could tell me exactly how they felt, or To experience her patience with could tell us was an inspiration to me. their family and friends how much fun they had on the holiday. And then, I would realise that they could do that even without communicating in the same way I did. I remembered the times that I went abroad and was faced with the struggle of communication due to the language barrier - Is this situation really that different? In a week it is impossible to learn all the communication techniques. However, the simple expressions of the smile or laugh are usually enough to understand one another and develop a relationship. By the end of the holiday, the communication barriers had definitely lowered, Gemma was teaching me sign language, Ozan was happily dancing whilst indicating he wanted food or drink, Nick would guide me to the sink for water and Lucy would ask me for my help to finish her diary. Before the holiday, I remember questioning myself, "Will I be able to handle 'Intimate Personal Care (e.g. bathing, toileting, etc)?" In reality, you don't think twice and help the best you can. It must be noted, Sense stress that volunteers are not expected to do anything that they find uncomfortable. The individual relationships I built with Gemma, Nick, Ozan and Lucy taught me that everyone has their own ways of communicating. For example, Gemma used pictures, a few signs, and a simple communication aid, and often it took us a long time to decipher what she wanted, such as, a simple glass of milk. Yet, to experience her patience with us was an inspiration to me. On the last day of the holiday, when Gemma's mum came to collect her, Gemma clearly did not want to leave as she would not let go of the leader. Gemma was undoubtedly sad but waved goodbye and, once again, reminded me how to say thank you' in sign language. I was so deeply touched. I realised what we had achieved in a week: the trust, patience, respect, joy, and understanding between the holidaymakers and the volunteers, had created the type of relationship that would usually take months to build. HAPPY SNAPS o ften you return from holidays and feel miserable Sense was supportive throughout the experience. As a from the hit back to reality. In contrast, my voluntary organisation, they are appreciative that holiday with Sense provided great memories and a people voluntarily take time out to help provide a sense of growth at having confronted the challenges. I valuable service. Without volunteers, deafblind people had made unique friends with whom exceptional may not have the same opportunities as you. experiences were shared. I learned a lot about others and myself that week...the There was tremendous teamwork and support during best bit was that it didn't have to end there! This the holiday. The leaders and volunteers were unforgettable experience has motivated me to continue supportive at all times and energised each other. When my involvement in such fulfilling opportunities. someone got tired, the others were there to re- charge them. If you are interested in going on a fun filled holiday with a As a responsible volunteer, you group of friends that you have to be switched on at all times, haven't yet met, and you are remembering that you have been full of energy, enthusiasm and entrusted to care for these open-minded, I highly individuals and ensure that they are recommend a Sense Holiday. safe and are enjoying their holiday For further information, please to the fullest. After all, you visit or wouldn't expect any less from a contact me via email: holiday rep on any other holiday. At the boating centre with Elie (volunteer) & Gemma jgudhka @ For Persone 7 Private Use Only Page #8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ KSL Solicitors GODLEY & CO CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS CHARTERED TAX ADVISERS . Intentance Tix Planning Non Domicilynes * Property Taxiulion * Family Tax Planning We are a broadly based law practice in Harrow Middlesex. We provide advice of the highest quality in the following areas to home and overseas clients: VACANCIES As the firm continues to expand, opportunities have arisen for an accounts semi senior and a tax senior with a minimum of 3-4 years experience but not necessarily formal qualifications. The successful candidates must be self-motivated, computer literate, prepared to accept responsibility and have an organised approach to work. Property Wills & Probate Litigation Sales Purchases Mortgages Equity Releases Please contact: Vipool Shah MA(Cantab) FCA CTA or Divya Malde BSc FCA CTA * Consumer Law Godley & Co. 6 Park Lane. Wembley, Middlesex, HA9 7RP, UK Tel: 020 8903 5010 Fax: 020 8903 9772 Email: Registered to carry on audit work and regulated for a range of business activities by the Chartered Institute of Accountants in England and Wales For an information discussion on how we can assist you please telephone: Ketan Sheth on 020 8206 2666 702a Kenton Road Harrow Middx HA3 9QP T: 020 8206 2666 F: 020 8206 1666 E: 66Our business is you and your financial well-being99 Triple K Ltd. NOW OPEN BHARAT & SANJAY SHAH, the first Asian Funeral Directors in England since 1984, formerly of Kenton Road, Kenton, are now operating from their new & modern purpose built premises on Mollison Way in Edgware. Mon-Fri: 9-7.00pm, Sun: 10-4.00pm 217-219 Streatfield Road, Kenton, Harrow. Queensbury Roundabout/ Honeypot Lane. Tel: 020 82046812. FOR FUNERAL SERVICES PLEASE CALL 020 8952 5252 AND ASK FOR BHARAT OR SANJAY ANYTIME Kentons newest supermarket. Fully air conditioned. Bringing you the best quality foods from top brand names like Natco, Top-op, Jalpur, Fudco, Veetee, Asli, Pataks, Pride, Tilda, Simtom, Timtom, etc. Large selection of pulses, spices, sauces, dry fruit and nuts, exotic fruit juices. Best brand Triple K pulses and spices directly from India. Shopping should be a pleasure, so come and visit the cleanest and the very best food store in Kenton. INDIAN FUNERAL DIRECTORS 44 SOUTH PARADE MOLLISON WAY EDGWARE MIDDLESEX HAS 5QL TELEPHONE: 020 8952 5252 For Persone 8 Private Use Only Page #9 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Seeing The Whole Picture KIDS Ask your parents to help you with with the experiment. by Narendra Shak KORNER - -- --- -- -- -- In this issue we will see how our actions can be cruel and harmful when we make judgments without enough information. Read this story first. Once a little boy, who was deaf and lame, was sitting watching a football game. The ball came near him and one player shouted to him to kick the ball. The deaf boy did not move because he did not hear and he could not have kicked any way. The player got angry, thinking that the boy was not being friendly, and started calling him names. The boy still did not get angry or move. Then the player came near him and pushed him but the boy did not stand and fight or run away. Then another player who was the boy's friend, told the first player that the boy was deaf and lame. Then the first player was sorry for shouting and hitting the boy and said he would not have done so if he had known this. i The pictures show how this works: Picture 1 - Like looking through a small hole; EXPERIMENT:. Now try an we cannot tell what it is. It could be a tortoise experiment. Take a piece of paper shell or a football. and punch a small hole as thick as Picture 2 - Like looking through a bigger hole; a pencil in its centre. Then look at it is probably an animal, but which one? the room through the hole without Picture 3 - looking without anything blocking Picture 1 moving your head. Notice that you your view. You can see the whole Giraffe with can see very little of the whole room, the roller-skates. only what is directly in front of you. Now make Paint this picture and cut it out to stick on the hole bigger and then look as before. You can your bedroom wall. see more now but still cannot see things near the edges of the hole. Take the paper away completely and you can see the whole room. Most of us look at the world as if we were looking through a small hole. So we only see or understand a small part of anyone or any situation. What a Laugh! Therefore we have to be very Fascinating Non-fact: careful about how we look at and Picture 2 A giraffe's neck is so long judge other people and situations, since we cannot that it has to stand on a see the whole of it. The people who have achieved self-realisation chair to clean its teeth! and 'Enlightened Perception' (Samyag Darshan - Picture 371 true perception or faith) have better vision. They can see things (as if through the bigger hole in our experiment). They can listen to the spirit inside them. Next the Kevalis (Arhant Bhagwan) who have achieved Omniscience or complete knowledge' (Keval Gnaan) can see everything clearly, like when you looked without the paper in front of you. Only they can see everything completely. So we have to stay 'open-minded to try and become like them. When our 'minds' are made up, it is impossible to hear the spirit inside us. This inner voice talks to us all the time. To hear it, we have to quieten our minds by sitting silently. So everyday we must spend some time just sitting Did You Know? quietly and listening Recycling aluminium to our inner voice. cans can save nearly PS36 million every year. Skids Korner +XXO For Personal Private Use Only Page #10 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Go Bananas Over Fruit! Received via email - Source Unknown The Correct Way of Eating Fruits We all think eating fruits means just buying fruits, cutting it and just popping it into our mouths. It's not so easy as you think. It's important to know how and when to eat. What is the correct way of eating fruits? these will not happen if you take fruits in an empty stomach. There is no such thing as some fruits like orange and lemon are acidic because all fruits become alkaline in our body, according to Dr. Herbert Sehlton who did a research on this matter. IT MEANS NOT EATING FRUITS AFTER YOUR MEALS! **Fruits should be eaten in an empty stomach.** If you eat fruit like that, it will play a major role to detoxify your system, supplying you with a great deal of energy for weight loss and other life activities. If you have mastered the correct way of eating fruits, you have the secret of beauty, longevity, health, energy, happiness and normal weight. When you need to drink fruit juice - drink only fresh fruit juice, NOT from the cans. Don't even drink juice that has been heated up. Don't eat cooked fruits because you don't get the nutrients at all. Fruit is the most Important Food Let's say you eat two slices of bread and then a slice of fruit. The slice of fruit is ready to go straight through the stomach into the intestines, but it is prevented from doing so. In the meantime the whole meal rots and ferments and turns to acid. The minute the fruit comes into contact with the food in the stomach and digestive juices, the entire The fruit mixes with the putrefying other food and produces gas and hence you will bloat! Greying hair, balding, nervous outburst, dark circles under the eyes all So stop making 'goreng pisang' or 'durian porridge' if you want nutrients. Cooking destroys all the vitamins. Eating a whole fruit is better than drinking the juice. If you should drink the juice, drink it mouthful by mouthful slowly - you must let it mix with your saliva before swallowing it. You can go on a 3-day fruit fast to cleanse your body. Just eat fruits and drink fruit juice throughout the 3 days and you will be surprised when your friends tell you how radiant you look! Orange: Taking 2 to 4 oranges a day may help keep colds away, lower cholesterol prevent & dissolve kidney stones as well as lessen the risk of colon cancer. Page #11 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Go Bananas Over Fruit! Received via email - Source Unknown No wonder the banana is the number one fruit with the world's leading athletes. But energy isn't the only way a banana can help us keep fit. It can also help overcome or prevent a substantial number of illnesses and conditions making it a must to add to our daily diet. Overweight and at work? Studies at the Institute of Psychology in Austria found pressure at work leads to gorging on comfort food like chocolate and crisps. Looking at 5,000 hospital patients, researchers found the most obese were more likely to be in high-pressure jobs. The report concluded that, to avoid panic-induced food cravings, we need to control our blood sugar levels by snacking on high carbohydrate foods every two hours to keep levels steady. Depression: According to a recent survey undertaken by MIND amongst people suffering from depression, many felt much better after eating a banana. This is because bananas contain tryptophan, a type of protein that the body converts into serotonin known to make you relax, improve your mood and generally make you feel happier. PMS: Forget the pills - eat a banana. The vitamin B6 it contains regulates blood glucose levels, which can affect your mood. Ulcers: The banana is used as the dietary food against intestinal disorders because of its soft texture and smoothness. It is the only raw fruit that can be eaten without distress in over-chronicler cases. It also neutralizes over-acidity and reduces irritation by coating the lining of the stomach. Temperature control: Many other cultures see bananas as a 'cooling' fruit that can lower both the physical and emotional temperature of expectant mothers. In Thailand, for example, pregnant women eat bananas to ensure their baby is born with a cool temperature. Anaemia: High in iron, bananas can stimulate the production of haemoglobin in the blood and so helps in cases of anaemia. Blood Pressure: This unique tropical fruit is extremely high in potassium yet low in salt making it the perfect to beat blood pressure. So much so, the US Food and Drug Administration has just allowed the banana industry to make official claims for the fruit's ability to reduce the risk of blood pressure and stroke. Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD): Bananas can help SAD sufferers because they contain the natural mood enhancer, tryptophan. Smoking: Bananas can also help people trying to give up smoking. The B6, B12 they contain, as well as the potassium and magnesium found in them, help the body recover from the effects of nicotine withdrawal. Brain Power: 200 students at a Twickenham school were 'helped through their exams this year by eating bananas at breakfast, break and lunch to boost their brain power. Research has shown that the potassium packed fruit can assist learning by making pupils more alert. Stress: Potassium is a vital mineral, which helps normalize the heartbeat, sends oxygen to the brain and regulates your body's water-balance. When we are stressed, our metabolic rate rises, there by reducing our potassium levels. These can be rewbalanced with the help of a highpotassium banana snack. Constipation: High in fibre, including bananas in the diet can help restore normal bowel action, helping to overcome the problem without resorting to laxatives. Hangovers: One of the quickest ways of curing a hangover"is to make a banana milkshake, sweetened with honey. The banana calms the stomach and, with the help of the honey, builds up depleted blood sugar levels, while the milk soothes and re-hydrates your system. Strokes: According to research in 'The New England Journal of Medicine' eating bananas as part of a regular diet can cut the risk of death by strokes by as much as 40%! Heart-burn: Bananas have a natural antacid effect in the body so if you suffer from heart-burn, try eating a banana for soothing relief. Warts: Those keen on natural alternatives swear that, if you want to kill off a wart, take a piece of banana skin and place it on the wart, with the yellow side out. Carefully hold the skin in place with a plaster or surgical tape! Morning Sickness: Snacking on bananas between meals helps to keep blood sugar levels up and avoid morning sickness. Bruises: If you fall and you have a bruise, put the inside of a Banana Peel next to your skin on the bruise and wrap it so that it stays on and your bruise will not be sore. It will still bruise, but it will not be sore. Mosquito bites: Before reaching for the insect bite cream, try rubbing the affected area with the inside of a banana skin. Many people find it amazingly successful at reducing swelling and irritation. So you see a banana really is a natural remedy for many ills. When you compare it to an apple, it has four times the protein, twice the carbohydrate, three times the phosphorus, five times the vitamin A and iron, and twice the other vitamins and minerals. It is also rich in potassium and is one of the best value foods around. Nerves: Bananas are high in B vitamins that help calm the nervous system. For Personal Private Use Only Page #12 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ GURUDEV SHREE KANJI SWAMI By Narendra Shah First published in April-June 1999 issue of Young Jains International Nowsletter "...Please try and understand. No soul, with or without knowledge, has the slightest prowess to move even a particle. In such circumstances, how can it do anything to the human body, or to any other thing for that matter?..." Gurudev Shree Kanji Swami Scriptures) including a deep analysis of several hundred verses. Being a believer in purushaarth (personal effort) for achieving emancipation, he quickly became a learned and famous monk and, backed by his seventeen istory is punctuated by exclamatory events and the most successful twentieth century event for the Gujarati Jains has been the Kanji Swami movement. Born to a Sthanakvaasi family in Umrala, a small village in Kathiawar region of Gujarat in India in 1889, Kanji Swami showed great capacity for learning and was usually at the top of the class at school. Once at the age of II, when returning from the Jainshala, he saw a Jain Muni (monk) walking along the road and observed, "What a majestic way of walking with a total abandonment of worldly affairs. Absolutely alone and completely submerged in his innermost confidence of freedom". Even when he was still at school he never felt satisfied with the education and deep within him felt this is not what I am searching for. ...a learned and famous monk ... came to be known as the 'Kohinoor of Kathiawar...' renditions of the Bhagvati Sutra with its 100,000 verses, came to be known as the "Kohinoor of Kathiawar' (Jewel of Kathiawar). But all this time he could never completely engage with the scriptures he was studying and continued his search for the still evasive Truth. His mother Ujamba died when he was 13 and he lost his father Motichandbhai when he was 17, after which he joined his father's shop in Palej. He spent the frequent periods of lull in the shop reading various books on religion and spirituality. Turning down the many offers of betrothal, he confided in his brother Then around 1921 he came upon Acharya Kundkund's Samaysaar - 'Essence of the Doctrine'- the study of which was like drinking the nectar of Truth' for him. He followed on by studying the writings of other Digambars such as Todermaal and Shrimad Rajchandra. During his discourses he began to incorporate the ideas picked from these studies and began to lead a kind of double life, nominally a Sthanakvaasi monk but referring to the Digambar literature. His assertions that 'vows, giving and fasting were ultimately worthless if performed without any understanding of the soul' did not endear him to the Sthanakvaasi community. ... Absolutely alone and completely submerged in his innermost confidence of freedom...' that he wanted to remain celibate and take up dikshaa (renunciation). Eventually he took dikshaa as a Sthanakvaasi monk in 1914 at the hands of Shri Hirachandji Maharaj. During the ceremony, while riding on an elephant, he inauspiciously tore his robe, which was later to prove an ill omen in his monastic career. He embarked upon a rigorous study of the Shwetamber scriptures and finished a detailed study of the 45 Agams (ain This was all to lead to a great turmoil in his life and in the lives of his followers. He began experiencing distress about his own self and about his behaviour as a Sthanakvaasi monk. This came to a head at the small town of Songadh on Mahavir Jayanti day in 1934, when he formally removed his Muhapatti, left the Sthanakvaasimonk-hood and proclaimed to be a Digambar layman. Even though he had some devotees, the Sthanakvaasi community was understandably Your are pure, enlightened, charged consciousness, self-illuminating, the abode of bliss. What more is there to say? Become attentive and you will attain all this. - Atma Siddhi, Gatha 117 For Person 12 Private Use Only Page #13 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ GURUDEV SHREE KANJI SWAMI By Narendra Shah First published in April-June 1999 issue of Young Jains International Newsletter enraged by this apostasy and even his life seems to have been threatened. Taking refuge in a dilapidated house on the edge of Songadh, 'The Star of India' formerly used by the British for Tax collection purposes but now owned by a follower, he spent some time in study and contemplation. Even today ...Samyag Darshan was a pre-requisite to any meaningful progress upon the spiritual path..." many of his followers visit this house on his birthday for Bhaavpujaa. Eventually the local community became reconciled to Kanji Swami and indeed virtually all of the nearly three hundred families who today live at Songadh and follow him claim to be of Sthanakvaasi background. Kanji Swami started discourses, many of which are recorded on tapes, in the form of running commentaries on Acharya KundKund's writings. He never wrote any books and did not claim to say anything new but merely reiterating the words of Mahavir Swami and KundKund Acharya. Ignoring mundane topics such as dietary prescriptions, on the basis that all Jains would know about such matters, he directed his teachings to the subject of the soul and to Acharya KundKund's representation of it as the one eternal and unconditioned entity. Kanji Swami's insistence on the primacy of the absolute level of truth (nischay naya) over the relative one of ordinary life (vyavahar naya) is obvious from his frequent exhortation, "Please try and understand. No soul, with or without knowledge, has the slightest prowess to move even a particle. In such circumstances, how can it do anything to the human body, or to any other thing for that matter?" "...the soul and... Acharya KundKund's representation of it as the one eternal and unconditioned entity..." For him Samyag Darshan was a pre-requisite to any meaningful progress upon the spiritual path. "The real path lies in self-experience of the soul after securing itself in Samyag Darshan". He was convinced that the three jewels of Samyag Darshan, Gnaan and Charitra could only function effectively on the basis of a prior experience of the soul, and considered the various rituals and merit-making practices as subordinate. Although he did not take dikshaa again, he remained celibate throughout his life. In an interview in 1977 he denied being hostile to the monk-hood and regarded them as personifying the fundamental principles of Jainism. However, he also pointed out that taking up formal initiation and behavioural practices, like abandonment of clothes (ref. Digambar monk) and other possessions, could not make an individual a true monk unless he had abandoned internal possessions as well. By now the following had grown quite large and the small house became inadequate so his devotees started a building project at Songadh in 1937, which culminated in the 'Digambar Swadhyay Mandir'. In honour of his favourite scripture, one of his devotees, who was later to become the leader of his following, Bahenshri Champaben installed the Samaysaar in the main temple and the words of Acharya KundKund's five main treatises have been engraved on its walls. In 1936 Bahenshri Champaben, who had attained Samyag Darshan, experienced Jati Smaran Gnaan (realisation of one's previous lives) and this was announced at the consecration ceremony of the temple. She claimed to have been present with him in Mahavideh Kshetra during his then birth as a prince, and had listened to Shrimandhar Swami expounding the true doctrine to Acharya KundKund. After his eight-day visit Acharya KundKund had composed the Samaysaar. A temple dedicated to Shrimandhar Swami was consecrated in 1941. Kanji Swami commenced sermons on Pravachansaar on 1st Asaad Vad, the most auspicious day when Mahavir Swami's divine expressions of the Agams had started. He travelled on pilgrimage throughout India where he gave discourses and consecrated many temples. In 1980 he visited Kenya and installed many idols of Tirthankars at temples in various towns. He had a profound impact on one particular family in Mombasa, ... real path lies in self-experience of the soul after securing itself in Samyag Darshan... the Bhagwanji Kachara family who have continued their support to-date and even in London take a very active role at the Digambar Jain Mandir in Harrow. After a very dynamic and undoubtedly a revolutionary life, Kanji Swami died in a state of Samadhi on 28th November 1980. Following his death Bahenshri Champaben made another startling proclamation that he would be reborn as the Tirthankar 'Suryakirti' in Dhatakikhand!0 The path is outlined in the scriptures, but its inner meaning lies in the heart of the Wise (Self-realised) Ones! For Pers & Private Use Only 13 Page #14 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ SIGMA Pharmaceuticals pl S Freephone: Freefax: 0800 597 4462 0800 597 4439 Switchboard: 01923 444 999 SIGMA pharmaceuticals plc Chemins Wholesalers Distributors Email: Website: Corespondence address: P.O. Box 233, Watford WD24 4EW Warehouse address: Unit 1-7, Colonial Way (Off Radlett Road). North Watford, Hertfordshire WD24 4PR Northwood Dental Practice Meenesh K Shah BDS Associated companies Parallel Importers & Assembler of Pharmaceutical Products Unit 5-7, Colonial Way, North Watford, Hertfordshire WD24 4PR Tel: 01923 444 999 Fax: 01923 332 721 Quality Dental Health Care in a friendly environment Services provided include NHS and Private dental treatment Full range of cosmetic treatment Early, late and weekend appointments Emergencies seen promptly . Generics Galenicals Carters Chemist (Incorporating Carter Ability) 114 High Street, Northwood, Middlesex HA6 18J Tel: 01923 825 753 Freephone: 0500 708 096 Fax: 01923 835 995 Carter Ability: Suppliers of Mobility, Disability & Geriatric Aids 7 Station Approach, Northwood Middlesex HA6 2XN * Tel: 01923 824400 Packed Goods Tablets & Capsules Vaccines & Insulins OTC Products Surgical Dressings Parallel Imports Contact Lens Products laboratories ltd. Sharman Chemist 3-4 Clive Parade, Maxwell Road Northwood, Middlesex HA6 2QF Tel: 01923 825 288 SHAH SOLICITORS We offer a specialised and friendly service in the following areas of law Conveyancing Litigation Crime Employment 168 Greenford Road Sudbury Hill Middlesex HA1 3QZ Please contact us for a free initial consultation Tel: 020 8423 4007 For Personal & Private Use Only 14 * Wills & Probate Family Housing Immigration 12 Station Approach Northwood Middlesex HA6 2XN Tel: 01923 828234 Page #15 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ MAILBOX POSTBAG To: Nishad Himatlal Gudhka President of Young Jains Message of Acharya Shri Mahaprajnaji have learnt from your letter, the Young Jains at London have taken a keen Interest in the activities of J.V.B. London, conducted by the Samanijis. You are making a bridge in between elder and new generation. onset of puberty and this later stage of menarche is associated with decreased risks of various cancers in adult life-especially breast cancer. The Menopause drug H.R.T. also increases significantly the risk of breast cancer. Menopause is not a disease but an entirely natural condition through which women pass and have passed ever since man and women were created and its onset could be tackled by regular exercise, yoga and other alternatives that the doctor might recommend! "It is learnt from your letter that all of you from the Jain Community have taken keen interest in the activities of J.V.B. at London. It is my earnest desire that the Jains in U.K. and other countries abroad should try to understand the depth of Jain philosophy and Jain sadhana for spiritual upliftment. It is very good that all of you have risen above the narrow sectarian outlook and are very much interested in understanding spirituality in its true form. ERSTE PONTIFICIUM CONSILIUM 24 March 2004 PRO DIALOGO INTER RELIGIONES 120 CITTA DEL VATICANO Prol.N. 496/04 Dear Jain Friends, I hope that in future the activities of J.V.B. at London would flourish and, on out side, we shall also try to provide all necessary assistance though samanis. Let us all together give the world a true message of Non-violence and peace by propagating the spiritual sadhana and philosophy." As President of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue I wish you happy Mahavir Jaryani which the followers of Jain dharma will he celebrating throughout the world on 3 Anrl Your feast is an opportunity for us Christians to exchange greetings and this helps lo strengthen the bonds of friendship arendy established and to create new ones. It is my wish that such cordial links my continue to grow generation aller generation, sharing with cach other our joys and hopes, our SATUWS and preoccuparions. At the present time Christians everywhere are preparing for the great feast of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. This year, during the forty days of prayer, fasting and works of charity in preparation for the feast, His Holiness Pope John Paul II has invited Catholics to reflect on the plight of children in Our society. He has drawn attention in particular to the sufferings of children on account of poverty. sickpuss or violence. I am sure that the integral development of children is also one of the "preoccupations of lain families and communities. Children are the future of humanity and we need to bave greater concom for them. The followers of our two religious communities could join hands together with others, and wherever it is possible, to selp the cause of suffering children: thosc abused sexually, those forced to engage in prestitution and the sale and use of drugs, those forced to work in order to eam a living those who are scarred forever by the breakup of the family, little ones caught up in the obscene in fuking of organs cic. Nor should we close our eyes to the tragedy of AIDS and its devastating consequences. I am happy 1o note the collaboration of Jains extended to orphanages, special schools, dispensaries and homes to treat children infected with AIDS, particularly to institutions run by the Catholic Church in vanous places throughout the world. My wish is that this collaboration may grow and that we may be able to alleviate the suffering of all children, the protagonists of the future. Dear Jain friends, it is with great admiration and respect that I think of all those who are already committed to caring for needy children. Encouraged by such great generosity, let us resolve to help children in treed. Once again I wish you and your families a peaceful and joyful feast of Mahavir Javanti International Preksha Meditation Camp Contact: Mr.Siddharth Bothra (Mobile No.+91 98981 40345) E-mail : Website: Thianecce Archbishop Michael L. Fitzgerald, President Telix Machado Following excerpt was received from Nitin Mehta via E-mail PAXCall pieces Subject: A recent report on breast cancer in the British Journal of Cancer says that Muslim women from India and Pakistan are nearly twice likely to develop breast cancer then Gujarati Hindu women The Editorial Team is always trying to improve the quality of the newsletter. Therefore, we would greatly welcome your comments, ideas, news and views.. he report that Muslim women are almost twice likely to develop breast cancer then Gujarati Hindu women is probably because the later are vegetarian. According to a study of 33 countries it was found that breast cancer rates increased significantly with meat consumption. Vegetarian girls also have a delayed BOOKCLUB - We are trying to increase the range of books, CDs, tapes, videos we hold in our book club. Your suggestions would be most welcome. "Search for the Hero inside yourself. Search for the secrets you hide" Tasting the Mango 2002 Priti, Paras & Pujna For Person 15 Private Use Only Page #16 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Linkut Make a Difference with Young Jains Link Up Compiled By Kavit Haria O n 12th February 2004, Young Jains began their first service project in the year 2004 by working with LinkUp at a Junior Club to help with various activities for disabled children. LinkUp is a registered charity, which supports and promotes friendship between people with learning disability and others in the community. The main aim is to help these lovely, warm-hearted children to cultivate friendship as well as support them with group activities. It has been providing a service for people with learning disabilities in Harrow for 20 years. In this world, we see many people with learning disabilities. Their personalities are no different to other peoples and yet they are sometimes viewed differently. Why is this? They have potential like anyone else, unfortunately they don't have easy access to things that most of us take for granted and the lack of opportunity can be a greater handicap than the disability. Friendship is a remarkably powerful way of bringing people in from the margins of society and enabling them to unlock their potential. It is fulfilling Another volunteer, Suraj Shah said, "It was a wicked for everyone involved - people start by expecting to opportunity to jump in there (the karate workshop), give, and end up getting more out of the friendship get our hands dirty (the clay modelling), and generate than they ever pure energy imagined. For more A smiling face and a helping hand outweigh the riches of the world. It -(kids and information about is this thought that inspired me about Link-Up from my experience - grownups loved Rakhee Shah (volunteer) LinkUp, please visit the Mango or contact Caroline on High-5s). OK, so some kid kept punching me in the or 020 8868 5808. stomach, and the model flopped, but so what?! - Where else can you get away with such reckless fun?" Suraj is Young Jains volunteers' officer. If you would like to volunteer in any way with Young Jains, contact him through From Young Jains, six volunteers - Adarsh, Roshni, Suraj, Rakhee, Sonal and myself went on a cold Thursday to engage with the wonderful children in the activities that were organised by LinkUp. Two ladies came and gave the children a taster of how fun - making items out of clay could be! Like the kids, the volunteers got dirty and I overheard Rakhee, a volunteer, saying to Mark, "I haven't got this dirty for a long time; it's so fun!" We got there a little early and met a few friendly parents and introduced ourselves. The cars began to filter in, the kids came out of the cars, excited to be meeting up with friends and engaging in some fantastic activities. We began setting up and everything fell into place. We met Caroline who works with LinkUp. She portrayed a friendliest smile and settled in straightaway. Sonal said, "The people are fantastic. It's just like another Young Jains event where everyone's so warm and juiced!" Everything was relaxed, as there were many volunteers to help out. There were other volunteers who came from Heathfield School and through the Duke of Edinburgh Scheme. Adarsh said, "The people volunteering were really friendly and helpful". Later on, Adarsh said to me, "At first, I wasn't sure what to expect at the beginning and I was a bit nervous about working with kids as it's not something I've done on a regular basis." Adarsh concluded, "All in all it was a pleasurable and enjoyable evening where I felt I tried to help out and give 'seva' (service)." If you would like to take part in this amazing experience and discover the power to make a difference in the lives of children who are less fortunate then us, please register with Roshni Shah on 07790 844328 or 020 89332813. This article was compiled by Kavit Haria. Kavit is an A level student in London and an active volunteer of Young Jains UK. "I never thought there was a future but now I can see that there is" (Deena, a parent about the prospects for her son) For Personal & Private Use Only 16 Page #17 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Young Jains South London By Palvi and Rishi Nagaria ecember 2003 saw a very special event, where just over one-hundred people gathered at South London Oshwal Mahajanwadi, to attend "Preksha Mediation - A Way of Purification," marking the launch of Young Jains South. YGUNG JAINS we The future of y discussing possible ideas for events Samani Pratibha Pragya and Samani Jina Pragya On the 24th of January Young Jains South organised their first training day, which saw the formation of a working group who are eager to help organise future events. The success of the Preksha Mediation programme gave an initial taster of what Young Jain South can do for young Jains in South London, which in turn boosted the number of people that attended the training day. Presented by Samani Pratibha Pragya and Samani Jina Pragya, disciples of Acharya Mahapragya of Jain Vishva Bharati (VB) London, the event was both informative and entertaining. The Samanijis gave us many humorous and unexpected anecdotes making the subject a lot easier to understand for both the adults and children. The programme was followed by a delicious vegetarian meal for all who attended. A talk on vegetarianism was organised on the 13th of February, and was presented by Nitinbhai Mehta, (of The Young Indian Vegetarian Society). This programme was a huge success with around 70 people attending and participating in the programme. In the last 4 months we have seen the formation of Young Jains South and the success of the first 3 events organised. The support and interest for Young Jains in the South has and is continuing to blossom. So Young Jains South has hit the South scene and we are here to stay and make an impact! Watch this space... We look forward to reporting on our future successes! ... enjoying the mouth-watering meal After the meditation session, an interactive workshop was conducted allowing the audience to offer suggestions of events that they would like to see organised by Young Jains South. 'Love defies all logic. The more you give the more you get' Dontated by Arjun, Nikhil, Hasu & Hitesh For Persor 17 Private Use Only Page #18 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Musical Metamorphosis -By Kavit Haria - Tune into Tabla, harmonize with harmonium, synthesize with sitar...realise rhythm! hat makes Jainism such a sweet, attractive religion? Is it because it is considered pure, or is it the fantastic architecture of Jain temples? To me, it is the unbreakable bond of Jainism and Music. Firstly, what is Music? The dictionary definition of music is "an art form using a melodious and harmonious combination of notes." What is the difference between a song and music? A song is the rose, whereas a piece of music is the garden within which it resides. The song is usually of the heart and for the heart however; the music is of the entire being and for the entire being. Music comes from ragas, and a combination of these ragas help re-enforce the Jain values within us due to its collective devotional elements. Music is just like a catalyst; it helps to enhance our faith (shraddha) and devotion (bhakti) towards the fundamentals of Jainism. It is said that the sound of music 'touches' the soul like nothing else. Is this why music is appealing to humanity? It is able to change to the needs of our emotions. It cannot be felt physically, yet it touches. When worshipping the Jinas, prayers are recited in a consistently rhythmic manner. Songs such as the aarti, bhajans, stavans are sung with so much spirit and energy that sheer joy is continuously booming from the room or temple. Simply by listening to devotional songs, you can experience what I'm talking about. What's the difference between reciting and singing a prayer? The words are the same, yet why is it so different? Well, when one is singing, they find that the soul is praying too. The prayer begins to come from within. This type of praying is helpful in meditation and improves the quality of life. So that's why the famous expression 'prayer heals' is normally used. Bhakti is a rite and ritual. Rites and rituals are not performed for worldly happiness or for power, but to pay respect to our Tirthankars for the salvation they attained, and for showing us the path to Moksha allowing us to glean inspiration to be like them. Bhakti is interwoven into daily life of a Jain and can be considered as daily conduct. It shows the purest of soul in the form of daily conduct, which should lead us to the path of the realisation of the complete purest form of our own self, the soul. There are nine types of Bhakti: (1) Shravan God's name (2) Jinpuja - Worshiping (3) Smaran - Remembering (4) Maitri Friendly sentiment (5) Vandana Bowing down (6) Nivedan Dedication of self (7) Sharan To seek refuge in complete surrender (8) Kirtan Devotional singing (9) Archana Adorning Doing bhakti immediately inspires us and awakens the soul in us. If we sing a divine song, a soulful song, it immediately brings purity into our system. Singing purifies our limited consciousness and brings to us universal harmony. In our day-to-day life, we constantly break the universal harmony, but when we sing with pure feelings (bhav), we build and create this universal harmony in and around us. When we chant or sing, our soul is fed. A mother feeds her child whenever the child is hungry. Similarly, we have to feed the soul, the divine child within us, by chanting or meditating. Feeding the soul will allow it to come to the fore and the opportunity for the soul-bird to fly in the sky of Infinity and Eternity arises. During Bhakti, we should be engrossed completely, but can only do this by having full concentration, everincreasing devotion, admiration/astonishment, delight and appreciation of our Tirthankar's qualities. The Bhakti should be performed with pure feelings (bhav) and can help get rid of karma. In our inner life, mantras are very important. What is a mantra? A mantra is a syllable, group of syllables or a sentence divinely surcharged with power. In the Indian scriptures it is said that if you want mental illumination, if you want purity, or if you want other good qualities, then you should recite a mantra. For example, if you repeat Aum twice, thrice or hundreds of times, this repetition is japa. The Navkar Mantra is the most important mantra in Jainism and can be recited at any time. While reciting the Navkar Mantra, one is bowing down with respect to Arihantas (souls who have reached the state of nonattachment towards worldly process), Siddhas (liberated souls), Acharyas (heads of sadhus and sadhvis), Upadhyayas (those who teach scriptures to sadhus and sadhvis), Sadhus (monks, who have voluntarily given up social, economical and family relationships) and Sadhvis (nuns, who have voluntarily given up social, economical and family relationships). Collectively, they are called Panch Parmesthi (five For Personal Brivate Use Only Page #19 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Musical Metamorphosis - By Kavit Haria - Tune into Tabla, harmonize with harmonium, synthesize with sitar... realise rhythm! supreme spiritual people). In this mantra we worship their virtues rather than worshipping any one particular person. My love for rhythm has come through the Art of Tabla Playing. I have been training to play the tabla from my Guruji Pandit Sharda Sahai, for over six years and have been playing the tabla for more than seven years in total. A number of Young Jains members have also learnt or are currently learning tabla with Guruji. Pandit Sharda Sahai is a direct descendent of Pandit Ram Sahai, the direct descendent of the founder of the Benaras tablastyle. Guruji is a co-founder of Pandit Ram Sahai Sangit Vidyalaya. He is an internationally acclaimed tabla player and educationalist with a career that has spanned three continents. He is respected equally for his solo playing, his accompaniment and cross-cultural work with leading musicians from all over the world. He has accompanied all the major musicians and dancers of India, and worked with John Cage, Andy Shepherd, Buddy Rich, Adzenia, Nexus - to name a few. Pandit Ram Sahai Sangit Vidyalaya (PRSSV) is a charitable trust founded in 1987. It is named after one of the most innovative Indian musicians of the 18th century whose art of tabla playing is now practiced by amateur and professional musicians all over the world. The trust works with a range of musicians, dancers, poets and visual artists to devise work incorporating Indian classical music with the best of contemporary practice. Activities undertaken by PRSSV include concerts, workshops, classes, and access to syllabus development for graded examinations and recognised qualifications in North and South Indian music and dance, sitar, vocal, dance and tabla training by professionals, professional development for specialist music and dance teachers, theme based projects and residencies for schools, training in arts administration for volunteers and support, advice and information for performing artists, teachers and students. ain Education International For more information on PRSSV, please visit or contact Dr Frances Shepherd on 020 8841 1614. Recently, a few of us went to a show called "Tiranga," meaning "Three colours." It was a short and sweet production to celebrate India's Republic Day. Five of India's most prolific Instrumentalists presented their expertise as the night was celebrated through music and poetry. In the same way, music too can be expressed through poetry. The following poem does just that. Let the rhythm flow through your world As you enter this wonderful world, what do you hear? The sounds are plenty, but do only bring a tear. Searching for that inner harmony is vitally instrumental, Synergising to the melodies in style is truly magical. Inspired enthusiastically by all souls singing in tune, Charismatically always reaching high towards the moon. Deeper understanding will inevitably naturally flow; The one and only truth will prevail in every echo. Let the rhythm exuberate to the tapping of your feet, Live lovingly throughout every single heartbeat. Deepa M Shah (Young Jains External Relations Officer) Come along to Young Jains Sweet Harmony sessions on the first Monday of every month from 8pm to let your vocal chords experience the creative talent within you through music and song. If you have never sung, then this is the chance to learn in a great, comfortable and friendly atmosphere. Stavan sheets are in English and Gujarati, meanings are explained and musical hints are provided by the talented group leading the evening. Kavit Haria is an A Level Student in London and an active volunteer of Young Jains UK. For Perso19 Private Use Only Page #20 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ "There is nothing so small and subtle as the atom, nor any element so vast as space. Similarly there is no quality of soul more subtle than non-violence and no virtue of spirit greater than reverence for life." Lord Mahavir caprine Unit 2, Park Industrial Estate, Frogmore St. Albans. Hertfordshire, AL2 2DR Tel: 01727 872021 * Fax: 01727 875012 E-mail: ISDN: 01727 87205 Quality Business Printers NQA ISO 9001 REGISTERED COMPANY UKAS DUMNE 015 LIMITED Certificate No. 9017 For Personal 20 ato Use Only Page #21 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 0 JAIN II JAIN S Young Jains Keeps Growing & Growing... YJ Team 2025 he Young Jains committee is already being formed for the year 2025. Talk about forward planning!! This year has started with a baby every month amongst the some of the active members of Young Jains. In January, Rishabh, was born to Ketan and Kruti Varia, both active members. Ketan, a previous Young Jain of the Year Award winner and actively involved in leading and supporting the Crisis at Christmas project. Baby Harshi, Nishad & Khilna Baby Harshi was born in March to Nishad and Khilna Gudhka, the Young Jains President and Internet Officer respectively. Harshi is officially the youngest Young Jains Member and all three babies names have been added to the family memberships. They will be welcome additions to the Young Jains Parent and Toddler Group. I TAKING MARRIAGE VOWS Baby Rishabh Ketan & Kruti "Sajal the cult krina savien ongratulations to all those who got married recently including: Apul & Nishma and Vishal & Anoopa. In February, Rajesh Shah the Vice President and Sajal the current Membership Secretary had a baby girl named Krina. Right up to the birth and soon after, Rajesh and Sajal remained actively involved in their roles. Cngratulations! TASTING THE MANGOM II The Next Slice! September 3-5 2004, London Rajesh, Sajal & Baby Krina Please send your community involvement, charity raising, achievements, news items, things to share to In Loving Memory of Jamnaben Nathoo Merag & Nitin Nathoo Merag - from Motichand Nathoo Merag & Family. For Person 21 Private Use Only Page #22 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ YOUNG JAINS STUDENTS Compiled By Priya Kothari (YJS Cambridge) YJS Aston Vikash Shah rewarding philosophical concepts. These concepts underpin the heart of many Eastern religious schools of thought and are thus relevant to Jains and non-Jains alike. CUYJS has blended a set of fun evenings with some meaningful and spiritually enlightening discussions that have hugely benefited those who have attended. YJS Aston has brought many like-minded people together to share ideas, build friendships and support each other at university. After the trip to the Leicester derasar, members were inspired by an aarti and mangal divo and wanted to continue practising them every week. We have also invited external speakers to share their knowledge and ideas, for example Priti Shah came to talk about the reasons Jains celebrate Diwali. The sessions have been both informative and enjoyable, and have certainly established YJS within Aston. Samit Ahir, CUYJS member YJS Leicester Sawan Shah YJS Leicester has many events planned for this term including: . YJS Cambridge Priya Kothari 3 - Jainism: Back to Basics - Jainosophy: YOUR philosophy on Jainism - Anger management Greed, the downfall of all Egoism, all psychological? To lie or not to lie... - Antakshari nights Educated pooja - The lives of Lord Mahavir CUYJS recently put together a series of sessions entitled the "Jain Jigsaw Puzzle". Part One, held on January 20th, was an introductory event about the nature of the soul. The committee started by presenting a brief introduction to what Jains believe the soul to be. Participants were then split into groups to facilitate discussion on the soul. At the end, after the committee performed a play outlining key ideas, the floor was open to any points of thought. The team are busily planning their first event so look out for an event review in the next issue! YJS Manchester Rajul Shah and Amil Tolia , This first session was much enjoyed because the level of discussion was deep and complex. Many especially appreciated receiving a little token of their participation in the form of a piece of the jigsaw labelled Atma. On December 7th 2003, Jainism was launched on the BBCi's Religion and Ethnics website! This groundbreaking event was organised by Jain Samaj Manchester, Young Jains Students, Young Jains and Jain Spirit. The second evening concerned the Karmic Cycle and some thought provoking issues were brought up. One indicator of the evening's success must be that some of the discussions started during the session did not conclude until hours after the event officially ended. We began with prayers by Samaniji Pratibha Pragya and Samaniji Jina Pragya. This was followed by a speech on what Jainism's presence on the website of such a well respected media organisation meant and how this was a firm footprint in the digital age, given by Amil Tolia. In putting these sessions together, CUYJS has created a challenging set of interactive discussion forums that nurture understanding of some intrinsically difficult but ultimately After an excellent entertainment, the event continued with a talk by Atulbhai Shah on For Person 2 Private Use Only Page #23 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ YOUNG JAINS STUDENTS of Compiled By Priya Kothari (YJS Cambridge) marketing Jainism, aided by a pre-recorded Dinner at Cafe Zouk gave speech by Alan Bookbinder (Head of people a chance to mingle. The evening Religion and Ethics at the BBC), in which he was a great success with over 20 people discussed his view of Jainism and the central attending, all of whom were really positive tenets to its philosophy. Hemant, a member about the society and upcoming events. of YJS Manchester sang a song following this that was a perfect connection between the We also have a new website final speech and a session on meditation where you can find facilitated by the Samanijis. The event updates on upcoming events. culminated in the launch of the website and was followed by an Aarti and Mangal Divo. YJS Warwick Paras Shah The event was a great success because of the fantastic co-operative effort between YJS, the BBC, Jain Samaj Manchester and Jain Spirit. One World developed Week, the new skills such biggest as proactive student-led communicati celebration on and true time international management culture of its and a belief kind, kicked that great off with a things can bang on 14th happen with January as Young Jains the One and Young World Forum Jains Students talks started. in association Asia Day with many was our different Jain chance to and non-Jain spread the organisations. word about Jainism. We made tika marks on the The website can be viewed at foreheads of visitors, handed out short bulletins on Jainism, and wrote people's names in Sanskrit. YJS Oxford Palvi Shah At the One World Party, we teamed up with the Hindu and Sikh societies to perform a compilation of traditional dances from each of our cultures: Bharat natyam; bhangra; YJS Oxford is alive and well, with an and dandia. The hours we spent practising enthusiastic committee that is looking paid off as we were greeting by deafening forward to bringing events to students in cheers as we came on stage on the final Oxford. We recently held our first event, a night, cheers which doubled in volume as social evening, where the committee gave our last-minute dhol player surprised the an introductory talk on Jainism, Young Jains, audience. It was an amazing night to end a Young Jains Students, YJS Oxford and what jam-packed week, but one which YJS was we have planned for the near future. proud to be a part of. Anisha Shah, Treasurer, YJS Warwick - callion international For Pers23& Private Use Only www br Page #24 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ YOUNG JAINS INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION 2004 TASTING THE MANGOTTM II THE NEXT SLICE! September 3 - 5 2004, Canons High School, Edgware, London A Unique Experience not to be missed! Play Full Out! Have Fun! Capture the Info! Use It! "Just as a mighty mango tree is hidden within the stone of the mango, even so, O man, divinity itself is hidden within you. Rest not until you uncover it." Bhagwan Mahavir Comments from The Tasting The Mango TTMI - Funky Fundamentals 2002 Convention. "Great experience. Fun but educational at the same time. Well done." [Raj Bavishi 16-20] "The practical exercises were brilliant and also the analogies used. Very interactive and fun. Thank you for delivering in such great style." [Minal Shah 31-35] "I thoroughly enjoyed my weekend as it was very informative. I am going to take on board and USE IT! Thank you for the awakening." [Rakhee Shah 21 -25] "Was a very well organised and fun Convention. I am glad to say that I have become a lot more open minded to Jain ideas." [Deepa Kothari 16-20] "Excellent Convention. I was very impressed by the effort gone into coming up with such brilliant ideas and methods of conveying concepts which are complex and abstract in such a beautiful enjoyable and truly inspiring way - well done and hats off to the team!" [Anjli Shah 26-30] Visit for more info or email Come to the TTM events in May, June, September Eor Personal & Private se Only ..