Book Title: Wonderland Of Moksha
Author(s): Jayantilal Jain
Publisher: Jayantilal Jain
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Page #1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ THE WONDERLAND OF MOKSHA Reality, not an imagination Most of those who pursue spiritual activities aim at achieving moksha but very few know about it. Liberation, salvation, nirvana, bliss and other such words are used for the same. When we want to visit any place, we make many enquiries and arrangements before undertaking the journey. Likewise, we must know more about the land of moksha before embarking on its path. It looks like a dream or imagination because one has really not applied mind to it. This brief write-up aims at providing some guidelines. Consider the following points: First, Jain philosophy is based on scientific logic and independently describes this concept very clearly. Second, many Acharyas who had great scientific insight dealt with it in a systematic and consistent manner. Third, it is revealed by the omniscient Arihant in the presence of all the wisest at Conference of the Universe (samosharan) and accepted by them. Fourth, one becomes God, the Almighty- in the state of moksha and lives in this place, where else can he live? Fifth, we do know certain things in the universe like planets, Sun, Moon and millions of stars like objects seen in the sky. There are plans to colonise certain planets like Mars. But we have to admit that we do not know much about the infinite space beyond these areas. Sixth, no one has disproved that it does not exist. No one knows the entire cosmos as such. Until then, one should have open mind about it. 1 Location - the summit of cosmos: What a beautiful location! People feel great if on top of mountain/hill/skyscraper. Mokshaland is on the topmost part of the universe. What an excitement to have a glimpse of cosmos from this viewpoint! There are 8 earths in the universe (7 earths including ours and hells) and the 8th earth is the wonder land of moksha. Its width is one rajju, length (north-south) is 7 rajju and thickness is 8 rajju. Siddas's abode lies 7050 miles above the level plane of the 8 earth. This land, known as pragbhar, lays 10 yojanas (about 90.3 miles) above the abode of Sarvatha-Siddi - the last and the upper most part of the heaven. It has an excellent environment with no natural calamities, pollution etc. and fantastic living with no pollution of thoughts as well. This is indeed a fabulous hill station of the universe where one can see both the occupied part with all substances and the unoccupied part with only infinite space. 2 Unbelievable Shape & Extent: In the exact middle of this wonderland, there is an umbrella-like silver color rock called sidda shila. It is the crown of the universe with the shape of a half moon/ concave/semi circle. Its circumference (vyas) is 18,000,000,000 miles and thickness in the middle-32,000 miles. This size is similar to that of area (2 2 Dweep) in the middle part of universe where all human beings live. The rock, a kind of precious stone, keeps shining eternally and hence no darkness. No need to worry about energy sources or recharging/renewable energy. Page #2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ The shape of the occupied Universe is that of human being (in a standing position with two legs apart) with the height of 14 rajju, width of 7 rajju at the base, I rajju at the center, 5 rajju at the fifth heaven and 1 rajju at the top most. 343 cubic rajju is the measurement of the Universe. A rajju is a definite and well-defined very large number. The occupied Universe is surrounded by three kinds of air layers a water-like dense airy layer (Ghanodadhi Vatavalaya), dense airy layer (Ghanavatavalaya), layer of rarefied air (Tanu Vadavalaya). All the above numbers are not just adhoc numbers; it is possible to arrive at them with certain calculations as provided in scriptures. 3 Wonderful Size of Beings: The minimum height of a sidda is equivalent of 3.5 hand (4) hands=1 dhanush, 5.25 ft.). The maximum height is 525 dhanush (about 3100 ft). The size of an individual sidda is slightly less than that of the last body he had. Each soul has definite space points and these expand depending on the size of body in worldly existence. As there is no physical body in Moksha, size of sidda depends on the last body. They have either standing or sitting (padmasan) postures. 4 Path of Right Technology: Although the path to attain liberation is described in many ways, there is only one royal highway in terms of right faith, right knowledge and right conduct. In the laboratory of meditation of soul, continuous experiments have to be done in terms perfecting the art of meditation of the self and destroying karmas. One can launch oneself in the orbit of moksha by having the right technology of knowledge pertaining to these three jewels and ascend through the spaceship of pure soul; one will certainly land in this wonderful place. 5 Migration: The rate of increase of beings in the land is 608 in a period of six months as only these many souls can migrate to this land in the Universe in the state of moksha. The percentage increase may work out to be almost zero but the cumulative number is infinite. Migrations take place from 15 areas known as 5 Bharat, 5 Airawat and 5 Videh situated in the middle of the Universe. There could be a minimum gap of one unit of time (the smallest unit of time beyond which time is not divisible known as Samaya) and minimum gap of six months. In case of continuous salvation, it could be up to minimum of 2 units of time and maximum of 8 units of time. In one unit of time, a minimum of one living being attains moksha and maximum could be 108 living beings, with alternatives being within this number. 6 Automatic Launch: The nature of automatic launch, upward motion is due to its being free from all karma bondages which hold back the soul in the worldly existence. Let us take four examples to explain this process. 1. When a potter spins the wheel with a stick like object, the wheel revolves around the axis till its earlier momentum or existing impetus is exhausted. The souls in the worldly existence make attempts to reach the summit of the cosmos but do not succeed. In view of this previous experience/impetus, the emancipated soul soars upward to the wonderland. 2. When coated with mud, gourd vegetable sinks in the water. When the mud layer is washed, it floats on the water. Similarly, soul bonded with mud of karmas remains in worldly existence. When liberated from dirt of karmas, it moves upward only till the summit of the cosmos it reached. 3. When a castor seed ripens, it gets Page #3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ cracked and the kernel inside the seed pops up. The liberated soul cracks up the karmic body and moves upward. 4. It is the nature of the candle flame to go upwards. Sideway movements of the flame take place in the direction of the air. Karmas take the soul in sideways direction but in absence of karmas the soul moves upward. 7 Incredible Speed: No spaceship is required to reach there. It cannot be prevented by any force in the universe. The soul travels by itself. The speed with which the soul travels is phenomenal- it can travel the distance of 14 Rajju in one unit of time. The speed of modern spaceship is enormous but the speed of the soul is no match to all the concepts of speed that we understand. Once beings reach here, they live forever as nobody dies in the sense in which we understand on the earth today. The health index is perfect as nobody ever gets any disease. 8 Gateways: All Siddhas are of the same kind and the only gateway is to acquire knowledge of pure soul. However, the liberated souls can be classified in different categories based on their past background for better understanding. There are 12 gateways (more if sub-divided) in terms of the region of liberation, time of liberation, previous birth, previous gender, Tirthankars and others, previous conduct, self-enlightenment and enlightenment by others, type of previous knowledge, stature based on previous body, time duration between two emancipations, number of souls attaining liberation, variations in numbers such as big and small. The names of gateways are self explanatory. 9 Amazing features: The land is inhabited by infinite accomplished and super most scientists. The number of habitants is ever expanding and will continue to be so in the infinite times to come in future. Even then there will not be any dearth of place. The density of soul population is beyond normal understanding as infinite lives co-exist in the same space. In the space occupied by one sidda, there may be infinite siddas of different sizes: minimum, middle and maximum sizes. The head part of all siddas have similar level on the top layer of tanuvatvalay which surrounds our universe but have different levels down the area depending on the size of that soul. After attaining the state of liberation from karmas here on the earth, souls travel up to the end of universe till the medium of motion (dharmastikay) is there. Souls cannot travel beyond this point in the absence of it. The liberated souls go up to the end of the occupied universe due to their upward moving nature. In the unoccupied space there is no medium of motion which helps the moving objects. They get seated at the topmost space as Kings of the Universe. 10 Supreme Technology of Knowledge: This land is the permanent abode of a soul, unlike the worldly existence where the soul keeps wandering in other parts of the universe without any respite. This is the real native place where the soul is in the natural way with all the grandeur and treasure of infinite properties. The soul has no body to take care nor the wavering mind, no conflict of passions, no false belief, no senses, no conflict of interest, no need of food and water, no disease, no worries of getting up early or sleeping late, no need to have livelihood or job, and so on. Only work is to enjoy the eternal bliss, ecstasy and happiness. The kingdom of this land is unique where everybody is a King with equal treasure of virtues. A perfect example of democracy, capitalism and communism- all put gather in its Page #4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ best possible manner. What a state of technology of knowledge where everything in the universe is known to everyone! A website of all possible websites in the past, present and future in the entire universe of everything in it and they know all without even login, i.e. without making any attempt whatsoever and know all without technology of hardware, software, servers, internet, satellites, i-phones, laptops and so on. One may think that the best is readily available there and no challenge for them. Remember the biggest challenge is to get there and continually be absorbed in the self afterwards. They are super busy in the self and have no time or inclination to do anything else. This challenge is so onerous to overcome that a very few can make it. Even then it is not impossible because infinite souls have already made that place as their permanent residence. 11 Lost and Found: Moksha means liberation from 8 karmas and manifestation of 8 attributes which are obscured due to karmas. A soul has really infinite- times- infinite attributes. Suppose we have to weigh the eight attributes in the scale with two sides, with knowledge on the one side and the other seven on the other side, the side with knowledge will be heavier. In the absence of knowledge, the other attributes cannot be known/experienced evaluated. The eight Karmas are - Deluding karma, Knowledge obscuring karma, Vision obscuring karma, Obstructive Karma, Physic making karma, Life-span Karma, Status karma, Feeling karma. The corresponding attributes found in the souls are - righteousness, omniscience, Omni-vision, infinite potency, fineness, subtle occupancy, eternal with noweight and unperturbed bliss. The most wonderful aspect of this land is that every being here has complete knowledge - the unique live museum with vision of the universe relating to past, present and future of all substances in a single unit of time, without asking anybody or using computer. They know live all wonderful things on our earth and of the entire universe of all times. Every piece of knowledge is with infinite dimensions. What an amazing thing? Every being is completely immersed in the self, a super busy being with no reason ever to come out of this self absorption .Do they get bore? One gets boredom due to exhaustion of limited mental/physical power and idleness. They have immense and inexhaustible power. No one can ever create any hindrance in his self absorption and enjoying bliss. He is very subtle or fine with no physical body and occupies own space for eternity. No botheration of food, drinks, exercises, sleep and all body and money management related anxieties. 12 Eternal Happiness: This is in fact a land of eternal bliss. Happiness enjoyed by them in the minute part of a second is infinitely more than happiness one can ever conceive. Their happiness is beyond senses, independent, incomparable and without any anxiety. There is nothing in the whole universe which can be compared with it. There are no ups or downs in happiness. The continuous and eternal flow of nectar of happiness is on tape all the time. They celebrate parties every moment. One knows here all the greatest persons ever born in the universe and obtained moksha-present, past and future. The pleasures of inhabitants of wonderland are incomparable. These are however compared to infinite times the pleasures of greatest people of all times - the pleasure of Chakravorti Page #5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Kings, Dharnendras, Indras, Ahimendras. If we collectively sum up the immense pleasure of present, past and future of all these great category of beings and compare with the pleasures of Siddha, even the pleasure of a moment is infinite times more than the collective pleasures of all. The pleasures of worldly beings are momentary, occasional and associated with disturbances, while those of the siddhas are eternal, continuous and unperturbed. To sum up, the description of each aspect of moksha is eternal and wonderful in itself and no parallel to it in the Universe and in other philosophies. Seven known wonders on our Earth keep decaying and hence no match to it. It is wonderland with infinite wonders in one go. All good words of dictionaries with its superlative degrees fail to convey the awesome aspects of this land and its beings. This is the greatest civilization and most accomplished souls are citizens of this wonderland. - Dr. Jayanti Lal Jain About Dr. Jayanti Lal Jain: Dr. Jain currently serves as Director, Center of Philosophical Sciences, Mangalayatan University at Aligarh, India. He is a very learned Jain scholar giving daily Pravachans, covering multiple aspects of Jain studies, delivering key note speeches for many Jain programs or special auspicious events for the last 25 years. Dr. Jain holds Ph. D in Economics from Oklahoma State University, USA and Ph.D in Jainology from University of Madras, Chennai. He was Professor Emeritus at Department of Jainology, University of Madras. He worked at Indian Bank, Chennai as Chief Economic Advisor/ General Manager. Dr Jain has published many articles on Jain Philosophy and on Economics, Banking and Finance. His books on 'Pure Soul and its Infinite Treasure', 'Acharya Kundakund and Jain Philosophy' have been published by University of Madras. He has delivered many special lectures in India and abroad and has considerable teaching experience.