Book Title: Why Abattoirs Abolition
Author(s): Pratap J Tolia
Publisher: Vardhaman Bharati International Foundation
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Page #1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Why abattoirs abolition ? Sa DANKANA BLOCKS Priyavadini • Save uş! SH GUISTI! Vardhaman Bhereti IntlFoundation JINA-BHARATI 1580, KUMAR SWAMY LAYOUT BANGALORE-560078 (080-26667802/0611231580) Page #2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CONTENTS WHAT A TERRIFIC AGE OF GIANT ABATTOIRS ? • PRIMITIVE AGE OF ADI NATHA RISHABHA DEVA - THE FOUNDER-FATHER OF HUMAN CIVILISATION AND CHAKRAVARTI HARATA'S RISHABHANU SHASI :1: * THE RO-CHAP.GING AGE OF TRANSFORMATION BY GREAT COMPASSIONATE NEMIKUMARA-NUMI NAIHA IN MEDIEVAL AGES .: 4: IN PARSHWANATHA, MAHAVEERA AND BUDDHA'S AGE : NOT ONLY GO SHALAS LOURISHED, "GOKULAS" ALSO EXIST.D, BUT NEW FORM OF ANIMAL-SACRI FT CES EMERGED...! :5: • MAHAVUERA'S FOLLOWER IN MODERN AGE: SRIMAD RAJ CHANDRA : THE REVOLUTIONARY SPIRITUAL GUIDE OF MAHATMA GANDHI : MERGENCE OF BOTH A GREAT EVENT OF THIS CENTURY FOR VICTORY OF NON-VIOLENCE VEGETARIANISM AND NON-VIOLENT SYSTEM OF CURE-NATUROPATHY :7: * MEDIEVAL AGUS IN MODERN TIMUS-MEAT CONSUMING ISLAMIC WORLD: STUNNING REVELATIONS OF A VEGETARIAN ISLAMIC RESEARSHSCHOLAR:8: MUMBAI ALONE IS MAKING AVERAGE BUSINESS TRANSACTION OF SEVEN AND HALF THOUSAND CRORES ON THE OCCASION OF BAKRI-ID,..! :9:' WHY EARTHQUAKES...? :10: * INDUSRRY OF VIOLENCS :11: * WHERE ARE WE GOING...? :14: THINK... DEPLY THINK! :15: * WHAT'S THE FUTURE OF HUMANITY ? :16: * GANDHIAN PATH & GANDHI- THE ONLY EOPE: :17: VEGETARIAN CURE :18: DEDICATE WORKERS-- THINKERS: :19: * YOUTHS... BLOOMING YOUTHS... THE FUTURE HOPES OF VIOLENCECORRUPTIONS-DIVISONS-FREE AWAKENED INDIA....! :20: * TO THE POLITICIANS & MEAT-CONSUMERS : ABOLISH ABATTOIRS : BAN MEAT EXPORT : BE VEGETARIANS ! DEMAND OF THE DAY!!! :21: * POSERS TO POLITICIANS :22: * CONCLUSION : ONLY 2 RELIGIONS: CHOOSING WHICH ONE ? :24: APPENDIX: * ABATTOIRS BETRAYAL OF GANDHI IN HIS OWN NAME ! :25: * TO THE ADAMANT UTOPEAN ADVOCATES OF ABATTOIRS : :26: *WHAT IS THE PRIME NECESSITY OF INDIA ? :27: * IS 'KACHARAKANAHALLI A BATTOIR NEEDED ? :31: *POSERS TO PROPAGANDI STS OF ABATTOIRS, NON-VEG RESOS. :32: *LETTERS TO PPESIDENT, PRIME MINISTER, CHIEF MINISTER, EDITORS AND RELIGIOUS HEADS Culinal) |:37 to. * ARTICLE CATTLE IN TXDIN ECONOMY 'COMBUANA J. Wikt" (V.M.Vasu) Page #3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ PREFACE (I) With great Masters grace whole of our family and our small humble mission of Vardhaman Bharati International is dedicated to the cause of Vegetarianism, Violence Preven-tion, Yoga, Spirituality, Jainology & Meditational Music. A few of our Musical and Literary presentation are before the enlightened masses. Our dedicated, industrious daughters Parul and Vandana had worked on our various projects, which were followed by their younger sisters. Dr. Vandana, then a Naturopath working at INYS, Jindal, Bangalore prepared a small but research rul Book "WHY VEGETARIANISM ?" presenting the Scientists' and Spiritualists' comparative points of views on Vegetarianism. It was published in 1990, well received, leaving only One Copy with us for records, but could not be reprinted due to want of funds, which our affluent society hardly provides, which otherwise spends crores of rupees on rituals! The same was the plight of other booklet "WHY ABATTOIRS ABOLITION ?" articles of which were studiously and compassionately commenc-ed by vandana's elder sister Parul-PRIYAVADINI. She, an M. A. Gold Medalist, 7 Journalism Awards Winner and Author of 7 books could not see the light of the day and passed away at her blooming young age in a road crossing Accident. News Papers published glowing tributes to her, out of which the Loksatta-Janasatta notes her spirit of Compassion in these Words: "PARUL WAS ENCOMPASSING THE ENTIRE NEARBY LIFE INTO THE SACRED TIE OF DIVINE LOVE. HER LOVE AND FEELINGS OF EQUA-LITY WERE SPREADED NOT ONLY TOWARDS THE HUMAN BEINGS, BUT ALSO TOWARDS ENTIRE WORLD INCLUDING BIRDS AND ANIMALS. UNUSUAL WAS THE SPREAD OF HER SUBLIME SPIRIT". (* Ramanlal Joshi, 22.3.92 Here, Parul (Priyavadi ni)-commenced articles of "WHY ABATTOIRS ABOLITION ?" and utilised by us during 1988-1993 Anti-Slaughter House Movement at Bangalore, are added with latest developments on the subject, by the undersigned, consta -ly inspired by Late priyavadini's spirit of Compassion and also by remote-listening of the screaming cries of the slaught ered Animals resounding "SAVE US...SAVE US..!"Is the deaf humar -kind going to respond to it ?.... Both these Books, along with useful Appendix are presented for its deep thinking and action 'PARUL',1580, Kumarswamy LYT; BANGALORE-560078 (Ph.080-26667882)-PROF. PRATAPKUMAR J.TOLIYA. 21 October, 2008. Page #4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ (Prefaa continuation) This has been tossible due to the generous help of kind-hearted, Compassionate and considerate young Advocate Sri G.3.Prasanna Kumar's Philanthrophic Trust, in the sacred Memory of his merciful Late father, for which we are extremely thankful. It is hoped, this publication, though precise, will reach unto the worthy hands, hearts and heads of promising new generation all over and will enlighten them to take up this noble cause and adopt its all-be fitting righteous and use ful findings in their practice and day to day living.POONYA - the Merits and Credåts of these all will go to our above-re ferred innovative and vertuous daughters and energetic young person and spirit of Advocate Shri G.S.Prasanna Kumar. May the Yogic Will of all-compassionate Supreme Powers of the Paramgurus bless and enable all to totally eradicate Non-Vegetarianism and Abattoirs from the entire earth and to establish the Divine Kingdom of Compassion, Non-Violence, Vegetarianism and Integrated Universal love--comprising of Love to the Humans, to the Animal World and to the Environmental Vegetation. Om Shanti,, .. Shanti...Shanti. Page #5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Page (1 to 14) WHY ABATTOIRS ABOLITION ? PREFACE This timely work was commenced by our late genius eldest daughter Kum. Parul Toliya, Priyavadini, MA Gold Medalist and a Seven Awards Winner Journalist, who passed away in a road crossing bus accident, leaving behind a few of her immortal gems of pen. Her noble work has remained our guiding force. This spirit in the backdrop of our, then humble participation in 1993 Bengalooru Kacharakanahalli Abattoirs Protest Movement, continues even till date, when the Abattoirs are giantly spreading all over Bharat. This is a matter of deep grave pains & concerns for us, which is being reflected here in this book. When all political parties and the Governments have turned deaf ears to this serious problem facing the nation, it is now upto the younger generation to think over this subject in all sided integration, raise posers everywhere questioning tremendously WHY ABATTOIRS AT ALL? IS IT NOT ENOUGH OF RUINING THIS GREAT COUNTRY IN ALL RESPECTS? Hope, the awakening of new generation will only bring an end to this mother of all violences. Greatly compassionate young Advocate Shri G.S. Prasanna Kumar symbolises the new generation's hopes. Many many thanks are due to him and his kind father's. Philanthropic Trust for bringing out this timely work for placing in the nands of new thinking spirit of Bharat and the world. PROF. PRATAPKUMAR J. TOLIYA "PARUL', #1580 KUMARASWAMY LAYOUT BENGALOORU - 560 078 PH: 26667882 MARGASHIRA POORNIMA, 12.12.2008 Page #6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ TO THE ADAMENT UTOPEAN ADVOCATES OF ABATTOIRS By 'DIVYADARSHI In spite of eye opening FACTS laid down by the Seers & Practical Constructive Workers of this country, if the adamant Utopean Advocates of Abattoirs and the Government goes ahead with its Utopean, unpractical, nationally unsuitable plans of setting up of modern mechanical abattoirs in the name of science, hygiene, economy and what not. I clearly foresee the future of this city, this country and this humanity going to doom & total destruction. They talk of science & scientific outlook and the so called 'scientific killing'?, but they forgot that right use of the science is for peace, happiness & creation and NOT FOR KILLING, killing of the mankind serving, economically useful and innocent animals! They talk of health, hygiene & hygienic conditions, but they do not know at all the secret of health, which lies in VEGETARIAN food only and entirely. Killing itself, whatsoever scientific & sophisticated, is cruelly unhygienic and MEAT is scientifically & medically proved diseases-providing and health-polluting Diet. Go to the West and honestly inquire, study the results and accept the Truth openly if you find any worth in this. It is unfair & unscientific to talk of hygienic conditions without this sincere and in-depth study. They talk of pollution & environment, but either they are ignorant or deliberately twisting the crystal clear facts that modern abattoirs are the worst birth-places of pollution in several ways and are nuisances & enemies of NATURE & ENVIRONMENT. For Truth's sake, will they study the entire factual science behind this? They raise hue & cry of economy & employment problems, but do they have real study of our country's conditions and right perspective of national economy? If so, they will know (if they honestly want to) that the very base of our country's economy is AGRICULTURE and the Centre of Agriculture is preservation of cattle life for ploughing, for manure, for milk food and for entire human welfare. When this base & centre of our country's economy is destroyed by continuous slaughtering of the worthy & useful animals under several & entirely lame excuses, nothing is going to remain with us except the destruction, self destruction. Even economically, MEAT is the costliest food. They amusingly talk of providing instant death (and perhaps 'salvation'!), and quick & painless killing(?), to the animals by mechanical slaughter, but they overlook that they are not preventing the cruelties to them but are tremendously increasing the same, since no slaughtering (whether mechanical or otherwise) could be painless or cruel-less and moreover the mechanical slaughtering is going to multiply in numbers beyond calculation & imagination. All this is proved by the country's several modern abattoirs. IF COMPASSIONATE, LET THEM HAVE REAL MERCY & COMPASSION AND NOT THIS Page #7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ WHAT IS THE PRIME NECESSITY OF OUR COUNTRY? ABATTOIRS OR AGRICULTURE, FOOD, MILK, MANURE & CULTURE? When the intellectual elite (whether with wasted interest or otherwise) is out to think and speak on the necessity of modern abattoir, it is a welcome sign if their motive is open, unbiased & honest. It is presumed that if they have just, balanced, right thinking & perspective, they will not hesitate in accepting the first & foremost necessity of in-depth study of the subject and accept the factual truth. This pre-requisite could not and should be overlooked. The first question comes before us asking: WHY DO WE NEED ABATTOIRS? MODERN ABATTOIRS? They say, for FOOD, HYGIENIC FOOD, for MEAT-EATING people's requirement, etc, etc (wisely & seemingly they do not say openly that they are for export & money minting at the cost of the country's agriculture, rural economy, natural food, milk, manure, environment, human culture and our country's mainstream born compassion). Maybe, they need them for hygienic meat food only; let us take this for granted for argument, but if so, at what cost, this 'created & projected' necessity?, and whether is it prime necessity?, even so, how is it justified? Does the justification necessitate abattoirs in this economically poor, culturally rich & agriculturally fertile but unluckily neglected country? Does our intelligentsia thinking, studies & planning has overall root in this country's historical, environmental, spiritual, cultural & agricultural background and mainstream or it ponders over only on the borrowed western thinking unsuitable to our conditions? Several questions arise, but let us examine at a glance only a few important ones. Not only WHY, but it is important to study, do we need abattoirs - modern or whatsoever - AT ALL! It were the foreign rulers - the Britishers - who as a systematic planning, had started deserting forests, weakening villages & agriculture and destroying our cattle wealth by engineering slaughter and slaughter houses (common or modern). After independence, our brain-washed educated class sitting in furnished offices away from the villages, masses and real knowledge of practical & factual Bharatiya conditions went on dreaming and planning in the footsteps of the foreign rulers of foreign education. They hardly cultivated inquisitiveness to go into indepth studies of original Bharatiya agricultural systems on one hand and on the spot actual observation of prevailing Bharatiya rural, urban & environmental conditions. on the other. Politicians & Governments (this or that party) and vested interests employed such so called educated 'expects & technocrats' for planning & execution to fulfil their motives of whimsical & utopian type of money-making by setting up modern abattoirs, first of all for exports and earning foreign exchange and starting dairy industries on FOREIGN TYPE OF SET UPS, which can only be suitable PARTLY in Bharatiya conditions. Page #8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 4 As a result of chain reactions of the vicious circle of slaughtering and destroying of precious cattle wealth of this rich & prosperous country, there were manifold implications. Because of the destroyal of animals, the dung for fuel & manure for natural Bharatiya fertilising went on becoming scarce. This resulted in cutting of forests on one hand and non-availability of manure & bullocks for Bharatiya village agriculture. It also gave birth to the necessity of importing foreign fertilisers. The vicious circle commenced and went on rotating fast. Rains went on becoming rare, grass and food scarce, animals starving and milk becoming dear & dear. Taking advantage of these unfortunate conditions our educated experts & politicians went on increasing and showing the necessity of slaughtering animals in abundance. The statistics of first five year plan abattoirs show the percentage of slaughters and meat export TEN times more since 1972 and now they aim at making it FOUR TIMES MORE!! Can anyone imagine where this process and so called 'progress' will end? Perhaps unto the total destruction of our precious cattle wealth! And then the total agriculture and food production also will entirely stop!! Do our experts & politicians realise even for a while that cattle wealth & agriculture and environmental situations are inter-dependent in this country? Think of, honestly think of these facts of Bharatiya conditions, put aside political colouring of this religion or that behind the question of saving cattle wealth and cows & bullocks and all animals. The saving of all animals is in the interest of agriculture, Bharatiya culture and humanitarian compassion. To tell very precisely without any more elaboration, Bharatiya conditions do not at all necessitate slaughtering and slaughter houses whether modern or ancient. If we do project its necessity, it is for other means of all concerned vested interests. Will they reply why the huge cry of saving environments? Why the plans of protecting wild life and ferocious beasts? If these wild animals are dear and worth preserving, why not the innocent dumb animals who have served the mankind from time immemorial till this day? Why do we need milk & milk products? Do they think that the milk products will be available by destroying cattle wealth in the western ways? (Please do not argue about the slaughtering of 'unuseful & old' cattle; this has proved to be hypocrisy and highest lie & cruel corruption at Deonar and other Abattoirs). Hence the naked truth calls for no necessity at all not only for setting up new mechanical abattoirs but also for existing abattoirs. Again this is also not only for saving cattle wealth and agriculture, etc but for saving ourselves, for saving humankind and for solving all our problems? A practical Scientist & Scholar Late Satish Chandra Dasgupta, disciple of Scientist Praful Chandra Roy and constructive follower of Mahathma Gandhi has observed after his indepth study of whole life that - "Land, plants & vegetation, animals & man - there is a unity between these four. By uniting these all only we get right perspective. The same thinking is applied to cattle farming & dairy industry. We fail when we divide & isolate these four and succeed when we keep them united... As regards cattle Page #9 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ wealth & cow, we have not thought that they provide only milk, manure or bulls. All these and additionally the source of energy - gobar gas - is provided by the cow and other cattle. Bharat is a huge field - a farm - farmers are its inhabitants and the cow & cattle are in the centre of this household ship! Cattle farming & agriculture is the greatest of the Bharatiya industry. No other thing can replace this. Human beings also flourish when the cow, the cattle, the entire animal kingdom is fed & flourished. But if they are neglected & slaughtered, then only the destruction and disasters remain in the fortune of the nation, which we are witnessing today with our own eyes (if at all they are open)!" Even Mahathma Gandhi had strongly emphasised this need when he was questioned by Socialist Revolutionary Smt. Aruna Asaf Ali about the priority of cattle life (COW life) or human life. He had said - "I have to talk of preserving the cow & cattle because the solution of majority of Bharat's problems could not be found at all without the same ... to save them is to save human beings in Bharat" Acharya Vinoba Bhave, Mahathma Gandhi's thinking heir, has not only provided whole Bharatiya agricultural & cultural outlook about cattle life preservation, but has also instituted the great Satyagraha at the Mumbai's Deonar Abattoir, which is a matter of shame for Bharat's culture, second biggest in the world next to Chicago in USA and is exporting meat daily in abundance. The overall failure and disasters in Bharat as a result of this mass slaughtering has not opened our eyes and we the so called heirs of Gandhi, Vinoba & JP go on establishing new abattoirs throughout the country! What a shame, what a hypocrisy, what a pity!! Late Jai Prakash Narayan also has said very clearly that - "Apart from human & moral aspects of cattle protection its economical aspect also has very big importance ... due to this economical aspect also it becomes extremely necessary to protect the cow and to bring up and preserve all other animals" Even the greatly open-minded person like Late Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, who was known for his scientific & technological dreams, was honest enough to realise and admit in the Parliament in December 1963, a few months before his death - "I have commenced thinking more and more of Gandhiji's system ... I feel that unless & until some supplementary industry is not combined with agriculture, perhaps the immediate results are not to be derived. In my view, cattle farming is one such type of industry, which requires sponsoring and it could be combined with agriculture". Thus if the people and governments go on hero-worshipping or truly following Gandhi, Nehru or JP, do not follow them in action and go against their desires & Page #10 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ wishes, are they not becoming hypocrats? To be loyal to these great seers & leaders, all the right-thinking people, especially, the intelligentsia should now reconsider their attitudes & whims and the governments & vested interests should stop forever of thinking of necessities of abattoirs - the destroyers of all norms of humanity and entire growth - and bury their plans of setting up new abattoirs in this country. Rather they should employ their energies in improving the cattle wealth of the country and agriculture & culture of this once great mankind path showing nation. As regards other aspects of this subject, science, health, hygiene, diseases, violence, violent mind & terrorism, etc related with slaughtering, violence & abattoirs, they will be discussed at length in other part of series of this writing. IS KACHARAKANAHALLI ABATTOIR NEEDED? A big controversy has been raging for sometime about the proposed mechanised abattoir at Kacharakanahalli near Bengalooru at a staggering cost of Rs. 5.80 Crore by the Government of Karnataka, though Bengalooru Animal Food Corporation, champions of the new venture, who have vexed themselves eloquent, extolling the virtues of mechanised slaughter houses and hygienic conditions obtainable therein. While maintaining that there will be no increase in the number of big animals presently being slaughtered in various abattoirs in the city and that only a marginal increase is expected in the number of smaller animals, they also do not forget to mention that animals will be slaughtered in neat surrounds after stunning them. Attempts have also been made to dispel the cruelty being meted out to the hapless creatures in the present slaughter houses. The case has been cleverly put across and a good window dressing has been given. On the surface it sounds to be a good case in favour of Kacharakanahalli abattoir, but one has to just scratch below the skin to see through the whole issue in its true colour. Let us examine the issues one by one. No sentimental clap-trap just hard facts. The mechanisation - a step towards automation - itself raises the issue of the scale at which the new venture is being proposed. Mechanisation is an end to seek mass production. Even if present level of slaughter is maintained for sometime to curb criticism, as soon as the issue cools, the management may most probably put in for utilisation of idle capacity and the number of animals slaughtered big & small, both may increase manifold. The export targets set for the future are clear indicators in this direction and the past ten years' records of Mumbai's Deonar Abattoir are a glaring example. This issue should further be examined from three angles - one, can a government of the people go totally against the grain of its majority population who see mass slaughter as a depth blow to their age old heritage of non-violence propounded by Lords Buddha, Mahaveera, Gandhi, Vinoba Bhave, Jayaprakash Narayan, and its own sensibilities; two, can our dwindling animal population afford this further phenomenal erosion. The following figures speak for themselves and for the poor farmers who will starve if the animals disappear from the scene. Page #11 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ SPECIES Cattle Buffalo Sheep Cattle Buffalo Goats Sheep 7 AVAILABILITY OF LIVESTOCK PER 1000 HUMANS IN BHARAT 1951 430 120 108 1961 400 117 92 1972 326 106 74 AVAILABILITY OF LIVESTOCK PER 1000 HUMAN IN THE WORLD Bharat Argentina Austria Columbia 278 1365 Bharat 2089 Vietnam 403 Somalia Nepal 284 917 Pakistan 130 Turkey 3264 New Zealand 23528 100 Bharat 136 Bharat 69 This situation is grim and will further deteriorate with mass slaughter induced by mechanised abattoirs. Sudan Ethiopia 677 523 Uruguay Austria 7879 7671 1982 278 100 69 398 Argentina 1083 Brazil 728 Thailand 125 Pakistan 387 South Africa 1022 Three, can man hardly human in the circumstances, exist in isolation? The answer - well supported by scientific evidence is NO. If animals greed, aren't we driving our own death knell and snatching the rights of living from our own future generations? Answer is YES, we are. Hygienic Conditions: Hygienic conditions for slaughter houses are one big laugh. Unless it is proposed to wipe the platform, clear and sweep the flood & mire after each animal is killed the ones that follow will be in the same pool. The good quality of floor, ample water supply and fly, proofing so benevolently cited are arguments in favour of the big bargain are facilities easily creatable in existing places if so modified & modernised at much less expense. However, meat as a food itself is unhealthy and beset with many hazards, which has been proved beyond a shadow of doubt and should be played down, in the interest of public health, by popularising other protein rich food instead of present policy to provide government patronage to the animal food industry and thereby endangering public health by encouraging consumption of animal food. Is stunned slaughter, not slaughter?: Will a murderer who kills his victim after stunning him be any less culpable under the law? No, it is presumed. There lies our answer to the moral side of stunning before slaughter. Animal pain which is sought to be lessened by stunning is an eye wash. What greater pain than the death can we inflict on the hapless & unsuspecting poor creatures? Don't the animals have a right to live on this earth granted them by God?: Why do we look upon the lesser species as food? Why can't we co-exist? What is after all so Page #12 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ special about the inhuman race that we put down one thousand animals - big & small - on the average for one meat eating man. We have to think. They ought to live. These poor creatures will still earn thin by providing us - the greedy ones, milk, manure, services & hair while they live & hide, horns, hooves, etc when they die a natural death. ANTEMORTEM CRUELTY TO ANIMALS It is not at all clear as to how by creating a big butcherkhana the hardships and cruelty the animals are being subjected to at present during transportation and dumping is sought to be lessened? It will carry on and on a much longer scale too - directly in proportion to the increased number brought from all over to a single place. IS KACHARAKANAHALLI ABATTOIR JUSTIFIED From the foregoing it should be amply clear to the readers that it is NOT. The pointers stand out and even poke themselves into our eyes even if we try to keep them tightly shut. It is for all naturalists, animal conservationalists & humanists to bring it to the notice of the government which looks but does not see, which hears but does not listen, which can't read the writing on the wall. It is time that it took notice of public opinion and awareness before it is too late. Page #13 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 9 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR REGARDING POSERS TO PROPAGANDISTS OF ABATTOIRS Dear Editor, With reference to the report appearing in 20th issue of esteemed paper about the so called Seminar on Abattoir encouraging propaganda by the concerned interested few persons ignoring the vast masses, we have to reflect placing the following serious posers to all concerned: 1) COW-SLAUGHTER: While addressing to agitate for enforcement of Cow Protection Law, do the veteran politicians like Shri Kadidal Manjappa know, care and intend to know, what tremendous positive & constructive efforts are being made by the selfless workers & opponents of abattoir since several years for this purpose? When it is a Law, what the present and previous Governments (including his own) have done as their sacred duties to enforce it very sacredly & seriously? Why the Governments remain asleep and allow the unlawful slaughtering going on all over the State? Why they do not cooperate promptly & wholeheartedly with the cows-saving workers? (Hundreds of examples are there for such loopholes & lethargies), why the Government is rather not erecting huge cowsheds to keep such and other loitering cows in the heart of the city instead of planning the slaughter of the cows & cattle the costly wealth of the country? 2) SCIENTIFIC APPROACH: The issue of abattoir is being viewed after deep allsided studies very objectively & scientifically by everyone's welfare-wishing, farsighted opponents of abattoir from all sections of the masses (one NOT a section f people) who are totally selfless and having no self or vested interests like most of the stalwarts of the motivated & one-sided seminar (it is wondered why, not a single opponent of the abattoir was invited at the seminar? where there should have been equal number of either side speakers and with an entirely neutral Judge to preside). It is the unwisely thinking propagandists & supporters of the abattoir and so called 'scientific' slaughtering who do not know at all what scientific approach means and who entirely ignore the eye-opening facts behind the issue and vast, all-well-wishing science. If genuinely sincere, why do they not go with fully open & unbiased inquisitive mind to study the actual condition and affairs of the existing huge modern abattoirs elsewhere in the country? Why don't they have the courage to have such on the spot observation of so called scientific killing? How far is it scientific to kill not only the animal-cattle, but also the economy and balance of living of the nation? Should these scientific supporters be humbly requested to have such site-study & practical survey leaving the air-conditioned rooms, thinking on the dining tables at the luxurious hotels? After they have such an indepth study in actuality, it is to be asked what and how is the use & implementation of science & scientific approach? Should science be utilised at the cost of human welfare, country's economy and the animal - voiceless animal's right of living & coexistence? Secondly, if science does not meet this requirement, is it to be blindly followed and installed at the supreme place of Super God in the life of humankind? If at all so, it will have to be positively united Page #14 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 10 with universal compassion? Unbound love & non-violence. Unlike the selfclaiming 'Gandhians' like Shri Manjappa, it was very truly observed and significantly equated by real Gandhian, great modern thinker & farsighted seer, well-wisher of humankind Acharya Vinoba Bhave that 'Science plus Ahimsa & NonViolence Universal Welfare & Sarvodaya and Science minus Ahimsa = Total Destruction or Sarvanasha. When we are using the science in wrong way, are we not witnessing its dangerous, disastrous results in our day-to-day events, accidents and terrorist activities? Let us have right understanding and right usage of science before talking of scientific approach without knowing it in integrity. 3) GANDHIAN: It was surprising that Shri Manjappa calls himself to be a Gandhian. If so, he is to be very humbly questioned, does he know the objectives and all-sided welfare providing Gandhian economy & philosophy behind the stoppage of slaughtering & encouragement of agriculture & cattle farming in the country? Does he know what Gandhi and his ardent constructive workers have pleaded and implemented to save not only the cow, but entire cattle & animal wealth and why? Does he know that Gandhian economy & programme clearly indicates for saving & protecting and bringing up cattle wealth for total human welfare? Has he ever studied, why this protection & preservation of cattle life which provides dungs for fuel, manure for crops and bulls and other animals for agriculture and the entire circle not only for milk products but for overall human growth? Leaving aside several such posers, can one ask self-claimed Gandhian Shri Manjappa what he had done to enforce & implement these (or atleast what he believed to be) principles of Gandhian philosophy in the State of Karnataka when he was a CM? Will he list for people's information the concrete Gandhian steps taken by him with their results? 4) VEGETARIANISM: Amusingly enough a responsible person like Shri Manjappa inaugurating the Seminar claims to be a vegetarian also on one hand and twists the logic to the extent of emphasising the matter of Swami Vivekanandaji's being a non-vegetarian on the other. Will he provide the exact reference for this from Swamiji's biography? Even if it is so, how does it justify the cause of gigantic abattoirs killing the economy and overall culture of this basically spiritual country? How does it justify, scientifically justify the need of a modern abattoir in Bengalooru or Karnataka or Bharat? If so, what of the several very highly advanced other spiritual leaders of this nation and the west who are deadly against not only non-vegetarianism & modern abattoirs and modern abattoirs, but all sorts of slaughter houses, which are the root cause alongwith drinking, etc of the large scale violence, terrorism and all kind of cultural & moral degradation? Doesn't it seem ridiculous when such a person of Shri Manjappa's status opts to putforth such illogical arguments to prove his support? In fact, it is not the question only of Vegetarianism or Non-vegetarianism (to put in their words but the other way), but it is the question of the survival of human, which cannot survive without animals. If you have to survive, you have to let others survive! "Life for Life" may be the law of the uncivilised, uncultured beasts, while the culturally advanced intellectual human being should have the principle of Live & Let Live! Co-existence, without coexistence of animals and all creatures, Page #15 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ can human survive in isolation? Can humanity survive? If yes, think of a barren world without animals, vegetation & nature and live on dry land of science, the so defined, so twisted science devoid of care and consideration for vast loving, useful animal kingdom? 5) VIOLENCE: Open the inner eyes of right thinking and think, see & visualise for a while what is going on in the today's world of so-twisted science? Why these terrorism born terrible air disasters & train accidents? Why these tremendous earthquakes, floods & several natural calamities? Why these brutal killings outnumbering any age and any civilised culture? If you go deep impartially, you will realise and find the root cause of several imbalances in the world in violence of innocent animals and violation of cosmic laws of compassion & nature! Do you think that the cries & sighs of lakhs of dying dumb voiceless animals will be going in vain? Do you think that the nature won't punish the violent world with multiplied counter violence in its own way? What a terribly violent world of today! Visualising & foreseeing this coming violent world from its very birth right from Hiroshima's bombing of the innocents, several seers, well-wishers of humanity were greatly moved and went into the depth of human problems & violence and its root-causes. Count Leo Tolstoy, thinker-writer of the "The War & Peace", amongst several causes attached no lesser importance to the terribly violent and pathetically painful killing of animal in a mechanical abattoir in Moscow. He witnessed through his own eyes when he visited it, found the cries & sighs of dying animals resulting in creation of violent winds of its eaters and got so much moved that he himself could not eat for three days and ultimately gave up meat-eating forever! (if the advocates of mechanical scientific abattoirs ever go to any of the modern mechanical abattoirs like Mumbai Deonar, which the author of these words has visited, they will never think of atleast advocating such so called scientific killings! Do they have courage & sincerity to have such on the spot study of the facts or they will go on delivering imaginative sermons from the chairs of multistar hotels?) Similar deep thinkings of other great souls of the West like Bertrand Russel & George Bernard Shaw also go into the root causes of the global violence, violent mind & relationship of human with the animal world. Also worth-thinking, seriously thinking is the novel "Animal Farm" by another western author, which voices the pathos of voiceless animals, which have served humankind from time immemorial. And above all, voicing with Mahathma Gandhi, Nobel Laurette Rabindranath Tagore voiced his concern over animal sacrifices of ancient tradition and slaughtering & killing of animals & human beings in modern scientific fashion through a number of his literary works, plays & poems. He seems to be terribly moved when he sees this ever-growing violent world, which has gone made of violence and he prays to compassionate Buddha to reincarnate and make the earth free from violence, blood & bloodsheds of all kinds in this important song of his: HINSHAYA UNMATTA PRITHVI NITYA NITHOOR DWANDA GHOR KUTIL PANTH TAR LOBHA JATILA BANDHA Page #16 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ It was the extremity of the bankruptcy of arguments that one speaker of the seminar (perhaps a so called follower of Buddha, just as that of Vivekananda & Gandhi like Shri Kadidal Manjappa) went to the extent of showing compassionate Lord Buddha also as a meat-eater! Thanks for his logic and congratulations for his twisting and reference undermining great "Research on Buddha's Life"!! It was wondered, why some follower of Mahaveera also did not undertook such wonderful research and some follower of Christ did not go against his teaching of TGOU SHALL NOT KILL! In fact, we the human beings, especially the monopolist followers of one or other great persons, are clever enough to twist the facts and interpret the sayings or lives of the greats to suit our motives for reasons best known to them. To conclude this point of violence, if wiser counsels prevail on beings to create violence free human mind, all lovers of mankind will have to think afresh, will have to not only give up the moves of modern mechanical abattoirs, but to stop forever even all existing slaughter houses (old or new) and give up violent food and usage of violent animal products, etc and above all to practice non-violence in life in its true spirit. & destruction is awaiting, If not, this sort of total non-violence, the doom dangerously awaiting for all! 6) RELIGION: Some seminar speakers sermoned about religion too. They well know why. We are thinking of ONE & UNIVERSAL RELIGION OF COMPASSION, which is acceptable to all religions and not of this or that XYZ religion. Compassion and non-violence is the greatest religion. Please do not mix & misinterpret it with traditional religions to meet your ends. 7) HEALTH: Those other speakers of this one-sided and motivated seminar who spoke on health & science should have deeply & sincerely and impartially studied the open facts & findings of Mumbai's polluting abattoir as well as the alarming & eye-opening actual researches & results of the after-effects of scientifically produced & packed meat at the sophisticated abattoirs at New York, Washington, Chicago in USA and other countries. The figures & reports of medical societies over there clearly confirm that lot of diseases have cropped up as a result of consumption of such scientifically produced meat! After all meat is meat and meat-diet itself is disease-inviting & dangerous. Based on real experiments, medical officers have warned against such diet and people are going vegetarian, not in thousands but in lakhs & millions! It is in the fate & fortune of this unfortunate land of non-violent Rishis that slaughtering, increased slaughtering & meat-eating is advocated & propagated by the vested interests. The question arises: Who is wise? Who is more scientific? Vegetarianism & NonViolence opting West or We the blind claimants of science and adamant advocates of abattoirs? Page #17 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 13 What to elaborate more, the country's economy, ecology, agriculture, culture, scientific outlook & approach, universal religion, health, morality and overall cosmic nature - all these call for our entirely new thinking of the subject. It lies in, as indicated hereinabove, total abandonment of all abattoirs, violence, nonvegetarian food and adoption of entirely non-violent innocent life based on the generous principles of co-existence of LIVE & LET ALL LIVE. If at all violence is to be done, it will be bare minimum (with no violence/killing of animals, fish or even eggs). Page #18 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 14 Do we have any right to destroy this beautiful universe which not we but Nature or God had created as it is said? How can we do away with lives, which do not belong to us? MOKSHAMARGASYA NETARAM, BHETARAM KARMA BHRUBHRUTYE GYATARAM VISHWATATWANAM VANDE TADGUNA LABDHYE ADIMAM PRITHVI NATHAM, ADIMAM NISPARIGRIHAM ADIMAM TEERTHANATHAM CHA, RISHABHA SWAMINAM STUMAHA BUDDHA-STAVAMEVA VIBUDHARCHITA-BUDDHIBODHAT TVAM SHANKAROSI BHUVANA-TRAYA-SHANKARA-TVAT DNATASI DHIRA! SHIVA-MARGA-VIDHER-VIDHANAT VYAKTAM TVAMEVA BHAGAVAN! PURUSHOTTAMOSI WHAT A TERRIFIC AGE OF GIANT ABATTOIRS? PRIMITIVE AGE OF ADINATHA RISHABHADEVA THE FOUNDER FATHER OF HUMAN CIVILISATION AND CHAKRAVARTI BHARATA'S RISHABHANUSHASAN Adinatha Rishabhadeva, the Founder Forefather of Human Civilisation & Culture on Earth, the first Jain Tirthankara of this cycle of time, the Adi Manu, Adi Buddha, Adi Human Baba Adam, who had been accepted and adopted by all the religions of world in different names & forms, had an unusual, wonderful vision of the human being rising to the supreme height of universal consciousness & soulsublimation. How the primitive human, how the child-crawling humanity could be elevated to those unprecedented heights was planned & prescribed by him in this vision, the extensively encompassing super-disciplined way of life, the RISHABHANUSHASANA. In this visionary planning of enlightened & awakened human life, a total, complete, integrated & exclusive picture of humanity scaling the extreme heights of perfection was drawn by him. ASI (weaponry), MASI (script-writing) & KRISHI (agriculture) were the three factors and founding pillars of this, from which followed & expanded all the requisite human arts & life sciences, numbering 72 for men & 64 for women KALPASUTRA (Acharya Bhadrabahu). Leaving aside here the description of all these life uplifting, life disciplining subjects and faculties, we shall try to have a glance only on their basis. This is KRISHI (agriculture), centre point of which is VRISHABHA, the Bull. The Bull wonderfully symbolises his own name RISHABHA and represents his identity by being is LANCHHANA (the Page #19 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 15 introductory symbol). Coincidentally Vrishabha (Bull) is the vehicle of Lord Shiva also! What an astonishing & synthesising representation this Bull enjoys! Afterall the Bull and its mother Cow - both are indispensable and extremely important factors & centres of agriculture and overall human prosperity, which have been given their unparallel importance not only by Rishabha, but by all thinkers & religions, well-wishers of mankind. . In mankind's primitive age of Rishabha, there were nectar like KALPAVRIKSHA FRUITS on which only the primitive humans were living. When these Kalpavriksha Fruits went on disappearing gradually, the then King Rishabha taught his subjects to bake & boil corn foods (namely Shali) in earthen pots filled with water by keeping them amidst fire in between. Thus, this sort of natural simple & hygienic cookery-cooking taught by him, commenced. Next to other available fruits, this art of naturally boiled & baked food flourished and became ideal for human giving it perfect health, nutrition & longevity. In fact, this was Sattwik, Yogic food, the natural diet, the substitute of fruits when not available. Anyway, fruits and such baked boiled foods were the diets having bare minimum violence or no violence when man developed the art of fasting also, which again was shown by Rishabhadeva by his own practical example. The western religions of Christianity & Islam also suggest that the fruit of appeal or grain-corn of wheat were the first foods of primitive humans The Adam & Eve and that they were entirely vegetarians. Anyway, it is doubtless that such innocent, violence free foods were the diet forms of the forefathers of mankind. The above described Rishabha's recipe of cooked foods in baked & boiled forms! took a beautiful shape of ACHAMLA or AYAMBIL, which has been prevailing from ages to ages down till date and the holy practitioner Jains follow it in form of a pious penance. It has proved to be all health providing, all purity & prosperity bringing means. Thus, such natural baked-boiled food, fruits - the agriculture products & pure milk produced by Cow are the best & nectar like foods prescribed by Rishabha in his RISHABHANUSHASANA, establishing their utmost necessity in the Yogic and perfect path of spiritual sublimation. Such a natural pure food is a must when one is not fasting and for acquirement of these all, agriculture & protection of Cow and its progeny Krishi-Gopalana, assume centre place. Thus one can understand how Cow & Bullocks have had top most important place in RISHABHANUSHASANA and Bharatiya Agricultural Economy, endorsed by Lord Krishna, his cousin Tirthankara Neminatha and recently by Mahathma Gandhi & Acharya Vinoba Bhave, from time to time, from age to age, which we shall examine further here. In Rishabhadeva's time, after he renounced the established kingdom and worldly material life, he handed over his kingdom and his life order the non-violent RISHABHANUSHASANA to his sons. His eldest son Emperor CHAKRAVARTI BHARATA, brother of historic Mighty BAHUBALI, bore the pious responsibility of propagating & maintaining the established non-violent life order of RISHABHANUSHASANA, which he could succeed in doing in course of his DIGVIJAYA of six continents of the world. The primitive humans in other countries, who were living & behaving in beast like Page #20 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 16 ways by killing & consuming even their fellow humans were captured, won & transformed by BHARATA, establishing RISHABHANUSHASANA throughout everywhere. All the western world countries, especially of the middle east, were largely influenced by his noble mission, particularly by establishing completely non-violent, vegetarian world kingdom. The remotest relics of this all are traceable even today from the Islamic countries, which is again a great subject of research. Derivation of the word "Baba Adam" (SAHAJANANDA SUDHA:24: Bhawarlal Nahata) from Adinath, excavated finding of six feet long footprints of Rishabhadeva near Mecca, non-violent practices of Haj Pilgrims, etc are some guidelines for this. After long life span of Bharata, the non-violent order & discipline of RISHABHANASHASAN, went on continuing & flourishing throughout from second Jain Tirthankara Ajitnatha and sixteenth one Shantinatha & Twentieth one Munisuvrata Swamy supposed to be the contemporary of Lord Rama, in the Ramayana times. In the times of Tirthankara Neminatha, the Twenty Second one and contemporary & cousin brother of Lord Krishna, the humanity went on degrading from the nonviolent RISHABHANUSHASANA. For palatal lust of Kshatriya Hindu and even Jain Kings, killing of animals & birds on some festive occasions and consuming their non-vegetarian food commenced. Here, on one hand appeared Cow-protecting GOPALAKA KRISHNA and on the other his own cousin Great Compassionate NEMIKUMARA, TIRTHANKAR NEMINATH, going extremely ahead of the mission of Lord Krishna. Let us see here - when humanity went on degrading from non-violent RISHABHANUSHASANA order .. THE RECHARGING AGE OF TRANSFORMATION BY GREAT COMPASSIONATE NEMIKUMARA - NEMINATHA IN MEDIEVAL AGES The above two Great Luminaries undertook the degrading, violence leaning humanity's tremendous transformation by coming on the frontfore of Bharatiya Spiritual & Cultural stage of RISHABHANUSHASANA. GOPALAKA LORD KRISHNA, who is referred to as VASUDEVA GOVISHWAROOPA in the scriptures, protected, promoted & promulgated the POOJA & PALANA of the COW - the pious provider of all prosperities of life & agricultural benefits to the mankind. Krishna's cousin brother Prince Nemikumara of Yadukula went one step ahead further and protected, promoted & promulgated not only the Cow and its progeny, but the whole of the animal kingdom and the cattle wealth. It was right at the juncture of that period when the above referred degradation had begun to destroy this beautiful animal kingdom and lovable creation of Mother Nature. It was a noteworthy memorable day when Prince Nemikumar heard this innocent animal world's cries and their unspoken sufferings, screams & sighs and saw their pathetic plight with his own eyes - it is inspiring & interesting to know how it happened. We shall gather the same in the actual & authentic words of a Great Modern Visionary, Compassionate Gandhian Scholar, no less than the status of, PADMABHOOSHAN PRAGYA CHAKSHY DR. PANDIT SUKHLALJI, who deeply studies & looks at the above degradation as well as Nemikumar's great powers, potentialities & impact on the Page #21 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 17 ages & ages to come and regions & regions to have its spreading. He describes in more convincing way the pathos of the dying & crying dumb creatures even more effectively than the apt writers of the animal farm & animal husbandry. His 'to the point' picking powerful pen describes the spirit of transformation that followed on the footsteps of Rishabhadeva and Bharata's RISHABHANUSHASANA, in these words: "There was a time period when the degraded custom of meat-eating prevailed not only amongst the KSHATRIYAS, but also in classes. Just like the offering of coconut & fruits, the slaughter of animals & birds on the occasions of daily meals, social ceremonies & religious practices, was prevalent and respectably founded in the same & similar fashion. In such an age, Yadunandana Prince Nemikumara adopted an astonishing step. By getting moved & melted compassionately & spontaneously on listening to the unspoken pathetic cries & screams of the animals & birds, which were going to be slaughtered for the food to be served as a feast during his marriage, he made a great sacrificing resolution. He instantaneously resolved (during the course of his marriage procession) not to go ahead for such a marriage, wherein there was going to be huge & cruel slaughter of unnecessary & innocent animals & birds! With such a serious resolve without listening & heeding to the pleas of all concerned, he immediately (turned his chariot) returned from his ongoing marriage procession. By going over to Mount Girnar directly from Dwaraka, he commenced penance. By his selfexample of renouncing & leaving the Princess in his youth and by adopting the path of meditation & penance, he gave such a tremendous blow to that long prevailing tradition of the slaughter of animals & bids that from that blow, this tradition & practice was totally demolished & destroyed from whole of Gujarat and Gujarat influenced provinces and this practice was converted into the popular institution of Panjarapole-Goshalas (animal compassion shelters) from places to places, which is alive & prevalent even till date..!" (DARSHAN AUR CHINTAN, PP. 144-145) Dr. Pandit Sukhlalji's above observation has survived testimony of times. Throughout the subsequent ages, animal slaughterings & feasts of meat-eatings stopped thereafter and animal protecting-sheltering above referred PanjarapoleGoshalas flourished throughout Bharat. Nemikumar turned NEMINATHA's Ahimsa influenced continuously for a long span of time till now, but ... IN PARSHWANATH, MAHAVEERA & BUDDHA'S AGE: NOT ONLY GOSHALAS FLOURISHED, 'GOKULAS' ALSO EXISTED, BUT NEW FORM OF ANIMAL-SACRIFICES EMERGED Ahimsa-Non Violence & Compassion became deep-rooted since above referred 21st Tirthankara NEMINATHA's times in Bharat. It not only influenced Kshatriyas, Vaishyas, Brahmins & Jains, but also the Vaishnavaites and others from Gujarat to deep South Bharat where even today large number of people & communities are found strictly vegetarians. Page #22 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 18 Passing through 23rd Tirthankara PARSHWANATHA's times, which is comprised of heartful compassion of Prince Parshwakumar's saving of the burning snake and unbound mercy to the animal world, the subsequent age of 24th Tirthankara MAHAVEERA, just 250 years after PARSHWANATHA, is much more significant in two ways. On one hand it shows emergence of animal killings in novel form of animal sacrifice in the YAGNYAS and at the altar of some GODS & GODDESSES, which were largely opposed & prevented by MAHAVEERA and his contemporary & equally compassionate TATHAGATA GAUTAM BUDDHA, both spreading religion of NonViolence & Compassion throughout Bharat and the latter outside Bharat also, respectively known as Jainism & Buddhism. On the other hand, in the trend & tradition of Mahaveera's followers, not only Neminatha's times PanjarapoleGoshalas went on flourishing, but a new noteworthy and very largely beneficial dimension was added to it. This was the flourishing of preserving, protecting & maintaining of large number of Cows and their progenies. Cows, the milk-givers & Bullocks, the agriculture-promoters! History stands testimony that Bhagawan Teerthankara MAHAVEERA had several house-holder-followers also called SHRAVAKAS, apart from great number of Monks & Nuns. Out of these innumerable Shravakas, atleast ten, prime of whom was ANANDA SHRAVAKA (CUVASAGGA DASAO" BHAGAWAN MAHAVEER KE DAS UPASAKA, Jain Scripture) were possessing & preserving protecting very huge GOKULAS - the families of the Cows numbering 10000 (ten thousand) each, which totalling for ten Shravakas comes to more than One Lakh Cows!!! What does this suggest? Compassion in one way and milk, milk products & agricultural products prosperity in other way! Think of such huge numbers' preservation & magintenance and plentifulness of life sustaining milk, milk products and grains & corns! Most of these were being distributed to the HAVE NOTS and to the Monks & Nuns in BHIKSHA, which is interestingly & symbolically called "GO-CHARI", means which is collected & consumed just like the grass-eating Cow, which grazes only little little of the upper part grass from everywhere. Anyway, what picture is emerging of large scale AHIMSA & PASHUPALANA (animal protection) from this? What impact of it we can find of it on the social & religious life of those times, just 2500 years before? NEMINATHA, PARSHWANATHA, MAHAVEERA & BUDDHA's impacts & influences enlightened ages & ages. As per Maha Pandit Rahul Sankrutyayana, Jainism became deep-rooted in Bharat strengthening its long hold, but did not spread outside Bharat. While Buddhism succeeded in taking its message of non-violence & compassion out of Bharat, with its beautiful concept of BODHISATTWA, the incarnation of compassion, it is a paradoxical pity that later on, most of the Buddhist Cults & Monks themselves became meat-consuming non-vegetarians! While the Jains remained staunch vegetarians & compassionate non-violents, thanks to the far-sighted RISHABHANUSHASANA, disciplined planning of Mahaveera!!! MAHAVEERA'S FOLLOWER IN MODERN AGE SRIMAD RAJACHANDRA, THE SPIRITUAL GUIDE OF MAHATHMA GANDHI, EMERGENCE OF BOTH A GREAT EVENT OF THE EARLIER CENTURY FOR VICTORY OF NON-VIOLENCE, VEGETARIANISM & NONVIOLENT SYSTEM OF CURE NATUROPATHY Page #23 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Though non-violence & staunch vegetarianism prevailed throughout the ages in Mahaveera's tradition of Jainism and the animal sacrifices in the Yagnyas stopped, but the sacrifices at the altar of some Goddesses are still prevailing in Bharat, in spite of Satyagraha by the Jains and other animal loving groups! Even more dangerous form than this of increased Gigantic Abattoirs in Bharat has spread its nets, in spite of Mahathma Gandhi's emergence, about which we are going to deal in details here. But before that, it is necessary to have a glimpse of the making of Mahathma Gandhi. Mahaveera's Modern Age Follower, a Great 'Shatavadhani" Scholar Poet Jain Seer, who has influenced Mahathma Gandhi the most as per the latter's own autobiography, SRIMAD RAJACHANDRA will require a detailed mention here, which is not possible due to want of space. But it was he, who moulded young Barrister Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi to the religion of compassion & non-violence & spirituality. Above all, he became instrumental in strengthening his faith in Gandhiji's own Hinduism as per Acharya Vinoba Bhave's observation, is significant & important. It must be said in short, Srimad Rajachandra moulded Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi's spiritual life with staunch non-violence & compassion, untouched by any particular religion, even the traditional Jainism! In spite of this, simple, straightforward Srimad remained unassuming and passed away at the short age of 33, leaving his essence of non-violence & compassion with Mahathma Gandhi, who had his own potentialities of RITAMBHARA PRAGYA in words of Dr. Pandit Sukhlalji.. When Mahathma Gandhi emerged with these, all, his non-violence & manifold functions, on political stage, he had the privilege of leading non-violent struggle of independence and winning it successfully. After the independence, which was bloodstained on large-scale due to bloody partition, deeply moved Mahathma Gandhi had unprecedented Shantisena Mission of founding peace on the social & communal stage. His Noakhali, Calcutta tours, Delhi fast and lastly the sacrifice of his own life, are tragically unique & unparallel evidences of his mission of nonviolence. On medical & hygienic stage, he himself practiced & preached the native. cheap treatment of naturopathy and propagated it through his books of NATURE CURE, KEY TO HEALTH, DIET & DIET REFORM, etc and through his founding of NISARGOPACHAR ASHRAM at Uruli Kanchan, Poona. His equally important wish was of abolition of slaughter houses, which his worthy spiritual Vinobaji put into practice by commencing Satyagraha at Devnar Abattoir, etc, but the Congress Governments!!! MEDIEVAL AGES IN MODERN TIMES MEAT CONSUMING ISLAMIC WORLD: STUNNING REVELATIONS OF A VEGETARIAN ISLAMIC RESEARCH SCHOLAR Studious, deeply considerate & highly compassionate editor of "Prabuddha Jeevan", Mumbai's Gujarati Monthly - a seriously thought-provoking magazine, has revealed stunning facts and shocking figures pertaining to vegetarianism, gross slaughters and impact of giant gigantic slaughter houses, in his editorial of 16th September 2008 issue. Page #24 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 20 Deeply moving reflections on reading the same led this writer to spontaneously & intuitively write down articles in English & Hindi and pen a few poems in Gujarati. Some were sent to Bengalooru News Magazines also. Telephonic compliments were also communicated to this learned editor-friend. The basis of the said editorial titled "ISLAM & VEGETARIANISM” was the findings of a Vegetarian Modern Muslim Writer & Journalist Padmashree Muzaffar Hussain of Mumbai, in his deeply & exclusively studied book under the same title. After going through more than 30 books, writer Muzaffar Hussain narrates several surprising facts & expositions regarding the human culture & civilisation, its originator first Jain Tirthankara Adinatha Rishabhadeva, non-violent Jainism and also the basic importance of non-violence & compassion in primitive Islam! He cites AHIMSA DHARMA, the religion of non-violence, being the only criteria of growth throughout, by saying "no religion or philosophy of the world will be able to survive if it is not inspired & motivated by Ahimsa". He wonderfully defines the Ahimsa-based Jainism in this context, by observing: Page #25 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 21 "According to Jain philosophy, one which leads unto MOKSHA (salvation) is DHARMA. The word DHARMA is being used in the context of DUTY also. One which helps the soul is MOTION is also DHARMA. It is called 'Medium of Motion' in the western philosophy. Considering from all aspects, which creates, which accepts the term or caption of 'LIVE & LET OTHERS LIVE' physically, verbally & heartfully (mentally), is DHARMA. This is possible only then when the same will be non-violent (AHIMSA VADI) in thinking & practice. That means, it will be called DHARMA only when its first condition will be to become non-violent; AHIMSAK". Placing Jainism and its initiator of this cycle of time Adinatha Rishabhadeva in high esteem on the standard of Ahimsa, the author gives tribute to this father of human culture on the earth in these glowing words: "First Tirthankara Adinatha is believed to be the initiator of agricultural civilisation. He had commenced Arts, Artisans, Industries, Education, Commerce, Defence & Yoga Dharma gradually through the mediums of Krishi (agriculture), Shyahi-writing & Asi-sword. His deep studies of art & architecture made this world heavenly flourishing 'SUJALAM-SUFALAM'. We are the inheritors of Bharatiya plough-bearers, therefore we have to not only struggle with this calamity descended upon us, but also to find the way out". After these words of glowing tribute to the initiator of human civilisation first Jain Tirthankara, the scholarly writer turns to Islam, quoting the Koran and other Books of Islamic Scholars and tries to establish that philosophy of AHIMSA has been emphasised in Islam. He stresses that, "Order has been given in Islam also to become vegetarian". Giving several examples, he quotes, "ISLAM GIVES PRIORITY TO VEGETARIANISM”. Then again he quotes the Holy Koran saying, "YOU WILL HAVE TO GIVE ANSWER OF IT ALSO IF YOU WILL HARASS EVEN A SMALL BIRD!" Quoting so, this author reproduces an important extract from a book titled "PROTECTION OF ANIMALS IN ISLAMIC WORLD written by al Hafiz Masari, which reads as, "The way in which the Muslims carry on "Katle-Am" (gross killings) of animals in the name of religion, is a blot on the name of religion". Giving references of the Koran and books by other Islamic scholars, Al Hafiz Masari writes that, "It is a grave sin not only to kill the animals, but also to cause other atrocities upon them. To cut the trees is also great sin. Whosoever are there in the factory of nature are His, who you are to challenge His world by doing its misuse?" Quoting and referring to a number of such factual examples, writer Muzaffar Hussain further quotes that "Asad Madani, the Late President of JAMIAT-UL-ULEMA had released his report in Urdu Newspapers during the regime of the NDA Government and had strictly advised the Muslims not to sacrifice & slaughter Cow on the day of BAKRID. But, what a great pathetic paradox and contrast we find when Muzaffar Hussain himself makes an eye-opening terrific confession: Page #26 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 22 MUMBAI ALONE IS MAKING AVERAGE BUSINESS TRANSACTION OF SEVEN & HALF THOUSAND CRORES ON THE OCCASION OF BAKRID "Jaffar Sajjad asks what sort of religious sentiment is this that competition of slaughtering precious animal is going on.. 'such a competition is not sacrificing man by sacrificing the life of goat?.. they are not doing anything else than crushing the soul of religion..!" Let us come back to valuable studies & shocking revelations made by Padmashree Muzaffar Hussain. We shall quote very few of them referring here in his own words with his kind permission for the benefit of all concerned, which he accorded on phone: "Shariat does not compel anyone to uselessly do such works that cause the nation's environment into risk.. remember that safety-protection is the name of Islam. We have two pictures before u. One is that in which in the name of religion they harass any animal, slaughter it and give place to violence in their life. The second picture is of those events of Koran, Hadis & Pygambar Saheb's life, which cryingly proclaim that biggest of religion in the world is only AHIMSA. It becomes necessary to become vegetarian for the person of every religion to main SATWIKKTA higher spiritual practice. Discussion & dialogue of all these matters is necessary because nonvegetarians must appropriately understand that those who join religion with the violence of animals, are not doing justice with the nature and their own religion". EARTHQUAKES THINK OVER WHY EARTHQUAKE OCCURS THERE WHERE THERE ARE HUGE SLAUGHTER HOUSES IN THE WORLD? In last days earthquake took place sometimes in Bhuj and sometimes in that part of the Maharashtra, which is connected with Andhra. Who is not aware in Bharat of the slaughter houses by name AL-KABIR, which is in Rudraram near Hyderabad. When earthquake stroke in its limit, it terribly trembled the areas upto Osmanabad District of Maharashtra. The rejoicing notes of the people of Killari City were turned into cries & sighs ..! What is the reason of the occurrences of earthquakes where there are Giant Abattoirs in the world? Dr. Bajaj & Dr. Abraham associated with Science Dept. of Jawaharlal Nehru University at Delhi, worked on this constantly. Their study shows that the cries of lakhs of animals that are being slaughtered daily in the slaughter houses, remain not only in the atmosphere, but also reach deep into the earth by breaking its layers, where the temperature of moment-by-moment arising waves remains more. One such time comes when those Page #27 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ waves come out of the earth by breaking the face of the earth, which is earthquake in our words! Tulsidasji has clearly written indeed: Page #28 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 24 "TULSI HAI GARIB KI KABHI NA KHALI JAI .. LOHA BHASM HO JAI". The signs & screams of the poor never go in vain, even the iron gets melted by the skin of dead animals. Thought of Tulsidas is given the voice of science only by Dr. Bajaj & Dr. Abraham, which the world knows since very long. The scientists assert that third world war, though difficult to predict now, will be for water. Maximum usage of water takes place in slaughter houses. They use 48 Crore litres of drinking water every year in Al-Kabir, 64 Crore 84 Lakh gallons of water is being consumed in Devnar Abattoir of Mumbai. There are 6000 licensed slaughter houses in the country. Our precious water is being wasted in cleaning the slaughter houses, in washing the slaughtered animals and in packing & exporting meat covered by ice! People go on calling to save water, whether our institutions engaged in this matter have glanced ever at those legal & illegal slaughter houses? INDUSTRY OF VIOLENCE: Meat industry is constantly increasing in Bharat. We are now running not the Dairy Development Ministry, but the Mutton export Department! Alongwith our rare animals, we are wasting our nectar-like water also in this industry of violence!! Two major tragedies have been witnessed in last decade: One is of 'Mad Cow' and the other is of 'Bird Flu'. When we peep into those diseases and analyse the circumstances, we derive that these dangerous diseases have been created due to wild temptations of getting more & more milk from the cow and to trade hens in large numbers. There are two faces of meat eating, one is to consume it and the other is to trade it. When the matter of its business comes forth, it seems that blood is leaking dropping out of every youth of the world!, we see sunk in blood not only our rupees, but dollars, pounds, dinars, rials & euros! Awareness which is being shown on the occasion of Bakrid, does not remain for the whole year, why? Every year, lakhs of animals are being slaughtered in the abattoirs of the country. The exporters become tremendously rich by exporting their meat. Why no one is running united movement against this? Big companies, which export meat, do not bother for such opposition, because they have no need to be confounded. To awaken and to make aware the Bharatiya masses about that business is first necessity. Very few persons have information about how many slaughter houses are being opened daily. How many out of them are legal with licenses and how many are illegal, this is known by very less people. How many animals are being slaughtered daily in those slaughter houses? How slaughtered animals are being exported? How many big meat selling companies are there totally? How much they Page #29 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 25 are earning every year? What is Government Policy in this regard and what adverse effect of it is being clamped on environment & economic set up of the country? Page #30 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 26 Innumerable rallies & demonstrations are being organised in the country, but no movement so far has come up with regard to meat export & slaughtering of animals cruelly. Gandhians, religious leaders and a very small section of elderly people of the society join in this movement, but there is not remotest trace of the youth! Hence it is difficult to get solution in democratic Government till the future generation gets awakened. The country, which acquired freedom by walking on the path shown by Gandhi and made plan of absorbing PANCHASHEEL by adopting disarmament, its leaders should have proclaimed on very first day that all the CREATURES IN WATER. IN THE SKY AND ON THE EARTH ARE THERE, ON THE SOIL OF BHARAT WILL BE GIVEN PROTECTION. The Government will not do business of meat according to our ancient tradition. Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru had staunchly opposed slaughter house to be founded in Lahore during the freedom movement. He had said that, “I oppose slaughter house, I do not appraise at all the scene where the crows, vultures & hawks are moving around in the sky and where groups of dogs may be embarking on bones! Cattle is the wealth of our nation. I can never tolerate its destroyal..! The thoughts which Jawaharlalji had nourished before the independence, know not where & how they are lost? He lead the country as Prime Minister for 17 years, but the post-scene thereafter is tremendously hair-raising. The chain of ultra-modern slaughter houses, which commenced from 1947, has not stopped even till today! For getting foreign exchange, when the Government of Bharat started glancing at the precious things of the nation, its very first sight reached unto the cattle wealth of the country. The slaughterers & butchers sitting in that administration, showed only one remedy to the then Governments that the Government can earn crores of dollars by exporting meat! Since then neither the policy, nor the evil intention of the Government is changed! The flow of meat is going on in the form of export and the flow of dollars is coming towards the soil of Bharat! In 1947, the number of butchers was only 60000, which has now increased to around 5 Crore! That too in the situation where ultra-modern machines have been installed and the proportion of workers in which, does not remain to be too much As per the information available from Mumbai's Police Department, there were 36000 slaughter houses in the country until 1995. Out of these all, five were equipped with extremely ultra-modern machines and 24 were export-oriented units. In the last ten years, then number of these extremely ultra-modern slaughter houses grew from five to twenty five! What a tragic most & terribly tremendous growth is this? The much publicised Al-Kabeer Export Ltd, majority of owners of which belong to such communities, which remain away even from uttering the name of meat, did not give up its heinous meanness, in spite of stiff & tremendous oppositions & movements against it. Paradoxically, on Mahathma Gandhiji's martyrdom day of 30th January 1989, itself, they applied for permission to set up this gigantic modern Page #31 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 27 mechanical abattoir at Rudraram Village in Medak District of Andhra Pradesh near Hyderabad! It is a matter of grave shame of all times that the then Congress Government of Andhra Pradesh, with its dirtiest bloody pen absorbed in blood, making a huge mockery of Mahathma Gandhi's martyrdom day, accorded its sanction within 372 months only on 4th May 1989! What a great irony & contrast! What a tragic most paradox! What greater sin than this might be there of the then Congress Government? This giant slaughter house is slaughtering 180000 (one lakh eighty thousand) buffaloes and 700000 (seven lakh) sheep & goat every year! Not for meat-eaters of Bharat, but for the oily kings sitting in Arabstan! They shower dinar & riyal days & nights, which get credited to the owners of Al-Kabeer. The Government takes pride on its export and even pamper the Good Exporters Awards upon them in reward!! Due to continuous opposition by Bharatiya Masses & Ahimsa lovers, the name of AlKabir has become ill-famous no doubt, but who knows that similar type of 38 other ultra-modern units' genocide of slaughtering lakhs of Bharatiya cattle wealth, are making profits of crores of rupees every year! Out of these, one founded with collaboration of an Australian company at Derabakshi Village of Patiala District, near Chandigarh is killing 2000 animals in 8 hours! These killing factories are proud of the thing that their prestige is equal and on part with American & European companies and hence, their meat-export enjoys respectable place in Bharat! Any simile of such shameless, cruel most, demon like slaughtering abattoirs? V BHARAT IS A HUGE FIELD-A FARM FARMERS ARE ITS INHABITANTS AND THE COW AND CATTLE ARE IN THE CENTRE OF THIS HOUSEHOLD SHIP; CATTLE FARMING AND AGRICULTURE IS THE GREATEST OF THE BHARATIYA INDUSTRY. NO OTHER THING CAN REPLACE THIS HUMAN BEINGS ALSO FLOURIST WHENTHE COW, THE CATTLE THE ENTIRE ANIMAL KINGDOM IS FED AND FLOURISHED .BUT IF THEY ARE NEGLECTED AND SLAUGHTERED, THEN ONLY THE DESTRUCTION AND DISASTERS REMAIN IN THE FORTUNE OF THE NATION ,WHICH WE ARE WITNESSING TODAY WITH OUR OWN EYES (IF AT ALL THEY ARE OPEN]'' - SCIENTIST PRAFUL CHANDRA ROY EVEN MAHATHMA GANDHI HAD STRONGLY EMPHASISED THIS NEED WHEN HE WAS QUESTIONED BY SOCIALIST REVOLUTIONARY SMT. ARUNA ASAF ALI ABOUT THE PRIORITY OF CATTLE LIFE (COW LIFE) OR HUMAN LIFE HE HAD SAID - VI HAVE TO TALK OF PRESERVING THE COW AND CATTLE BECAUSE THE SOLUTION OF MAJORITY OF BHARAT'S PROBLEMS COULD NOT BE FOUND AT ALL WITHOUT THE SAME...TO SAVE THEM IS TO SAVE HUMAN BEING'S IN BHARAT'! Page #32 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 28 ACHARYA VINOBA BHAVE , MAHATHMA GANDHI'S THINKING HEIR, HAS NOT ONLY PROVIDED WHOLE BHARATIYA AGRICULTRAL AND. CULTURAL OUT LOOK ABOUT CATTLE LIFE PRESERVATION, BUT HAS ALSO INSTITUTED THE GREAT SATYAGRAHA AT THE MUMBAI'S DEONAR ABATTOIR, WHICH IS MATTER OF SHAME BHARATS CULTURE, SECOND BIGGEST IN THE WORLD NEXT TO CHICAGO IN USA AND IS EXPORTING MEAT DAILY IN ADUNDANCE . THE OVER ALL FAILURE AND DISASTERS IN BHARAT AS A RESULT OF THIS MASS SLAGHTERING HAS NOT OPENED OUR EYES AND WE THE SO CALLED HEIRS OF GANDHI, VINOBA AND JP GO ON ESTABLISHING NEW ABATTOIRS THROUGHOUT THE COUNTRY; WHAT A HYPOCRISY, WHAT A PITY;; WHY ABATTOIRS ABOLITION..; CONTENTS WHAT A TERRIFIC AGE OF GIANT ABATTOIR PRIMITIVE AGE OF ADHINATHA RISHABHADEV -THE FOUNDER-FATHER OF HUMAN CIVILISATION AND CHAKRAVARTI BHARATA'S RISHABHA SHASA;1; THE RE-CHARGING AGE OF TRANFORMATION BY GREAT COMPASSIONATE NEMIKUMARA-NEMINATHA IN MEDIEVAL AGES;4; IN PARSHWANATH, MAHAVEERA AND BUDDHA'S AGE; NOT ONLY GOSHALAS FLOURISHED, V GOKULAS'' ALSO EXISTED. BUT NEW FORM OF ANIMAL -SACRIFICES EMERGED...;5; MAHAVEERA'S FOLLOWER IN MODERN AGE; SRIMAD RAJ CHANDRA; THE REVOLUTIONARY SPTRITUAL GUIDE OF MAHATMA GANDHI; EMERGENCE OF BOTH A GREAT EVENTS OF THIS CENTURY OF VICTORY OF NON VIOLENCE VEGETARIANISM AND NON-VIOLENT SYSTEM OF CURE- NATUROPATHY ;7; MEDIEVAL AGE IN MODERN TIMES -MEAT CONSUMING ISLAMIC WORLD STUNNING REVELATIONS OF A VEGETARIAN ISLAMIC RESEARSHSCHOLAR; 8; MUMBAI ALONE IS MAKING AVERAGE BUSINESS TRANSACTION OF SEVEN AND HALF THOUSAND CRORES ON THE OCCASTION OF BAKRI -ID...; 9; WHY EARTHQUAKES...;10; INDUSTRY. OF VIOLENCE ;11; WHERE ARE WE GOING...; 14; THINK...DEEPLY THINK;15; WHATS THE FUTURE OF HUMANITY ;16; GANDHIAN PATH AND GANDHI-THE ONLY HOPE ; ;17; VEGETARIAN CURE;18; DEDICATE WORKERS -THINKERS; ;19; YOUTHS...BLOOMING YOUTHS ...FUTURE HOPES OF VOILENCE - CORRUPTIONS-DIVISONS- FREE AWAKENED INDIA....; 20; TO THE POLITICIANS AND MEAT CONSUMERS.; ABOLISH ABATTOIRS; BAN MEAT EXPORT ; BE VEGETARIANS; DEMAND OF THE DAY ; ; ;21; POSERS TO POLITICIANS ; 22; CONCLUSION ; ONLY 2 RELIGIONS ; CHOOSING WHICH ONE ;24; APPENDIX ; Page #33 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 29 ABATTOIRS BETRAYAL OF GANDHI IN HIS OWN NAME ; 25; TO THE ADAMANT UTOPEAN ADVOCATES OF ABATTOIRS; 26; WHAT IS THE PRIME NECESSITY OF INDIA ; 27; IS KACHARAKANAHALLI ABATTOIRS' NEEDED; 31; POSERS TO PROPAGANDISTS OF ABATTOIR Page #34 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- _