Book Title: Visvamitra in the Kalpasutra
Author(s): Umeshchandra Sharma
Publisher: Z_Nahta_Bandhu_Abhinandan_Granth_012007.pdf
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Page #1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Visvamitra in the Kalpasutras Dr. Umesh Chandra Sharma, M, A., Ph, D., Senior Research Fellow, Centre of Advanced Study in Sanskrit, University of Poona, Poona-7. The Sutras, as it is quite natural, generally provide important data about the gotra and pravara system among the Viśvāmitras. They have devoted a considerably large portion for the Viśvāmitras who occupy a significant place in our national and cultural history. The SSS, however, appear to be an exception in this connection. It devotes a major portion to the legend of Sunaśśepa's sacrifice and the important role played by Viśvāmitra in it. The narration runs parallel to that of the AB. The language and the style are also the same. It is certainly a repetition from the latter except minor verbal differences here and there which are of no importance. Viśvāmitra officiated as a Hoty priest in the said sacrifice (where Śunaśśepa was offered as a victim), Jamadagni, Vasiștha and Ayāsya being the other prominent priests. Sunaśćepa could not be sacrificed partly due to good offices of Viśvāmitra. He adopted him as his own son and accorded to him the highest place among his sons. He was called Devarāta after this and became a famous Kuśika. The Sūtras deal in detail with the gotra and the pravara systems of the family of the Viśvāmitras. These are as follows 1. The Kuśikashave three rși-pravaras-Vaišvā mitra, Daivarāta and Audala. 2. Visvamitra, Devaśravas nnd Devataras-these are Sraumata-Kāma 1. ŚŚS XV. 17-57. Cf. also AB VII. 13-18. 2. According to the BauSS(p) 31, the following are mentioned as the Kuśikas Kusikas, Pārņajanghas, Várak yas, Audaris, Māņis, Bșhadagnis, Alavis, Aghattis, Āpadyapas, Antakas, Kamantakas, Vāşpakis, Cikitas, Lāmakāyanas, Salankāyanas, Sankāyanas, Laukas, Gauras, Saugantis, Yamadütas, Anabhimlātas, Tārakāyaṇas, Cauvalas, Jabalis, Yājñavalk yas, Vidaņdas. Bhauvanis, Saubabhravis. Aupadahanis, Audum baris, Bhāristikis, Śyāmeyas, Caitreyas, Salavatas, Mayūras, Saumatyas, Citratantus, Manutantus, Mantus, others denoting the word 'Tantus' in the end, Băbhfvyas, Kalāpas and Utsaris. 3. Bauss(P) 31, ApSS XXIV. 9, 2, HirśS XXI. 3. 12. इतिहास और पुरातत्त्व : ९७ Page #2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ kayanas. They have the following three rsi-pravaras-Vaisvamitra, Daivasravas and Daivataras,1 3. The Katas2 also have three rşi-pravaras-Vaiśvāmitra, Katya and Ätkila. 4. The Dhananjayas have these three fi-pravaras-Vaisvamitra, Madhucchandas, and Dhananjaya. 5. The Aghamarṣaṇa-Kušikas have the following three rsi-pravaras-Vaiśvāmitra, Aghamarṣaṇa and Kausika." 6. The Purana-Varidhapayantas have two Ti-pravaras-Vaisvamitra and Paurana." 7. The Ajas also have three ri-pravaras-Vaisvamitra, Madhucchandas and Ajya." 8, The Astaka-Lohitas have three si-pravaras Vaisvamitra, Aṣṭaka and Lauhita. 9. The Rauksaka-Raipavas have three fi-pravaras-Vaisvamitra, Rauksaka and Rainava." 10. The Indra-Kausikas also have three rsi-bravaras-Vaisvamitra, Aindra and Kausika.10 11. The Rauhinas have three rşi-pravaras-Vaisvamitra, Madhucchandas and Rauhina.11 12. The Silankayanas also have three şi-pravaras-Vaisvamitra, Šalankayana and Kausika.12 1. BauSS(P) 33, ApsS XXIV. 9. 3, ASS XII. 14. 3. 2. Katas, Sairindhas, Karabhas, Vajayanas, Sahhiteyas, Kaukṛtyas. Šaisireyas, Audumbarayanas, Pindagrivas, Narayanas and Naratyas-these are the Katas. 3. BauSS(P) 35, Após XX. 9, 11, HstSS XXI. 3. 12, viss XII. 14. 6. 4. The Dhananjayas are Kärtsis, Asvavatas, Tulabhyas. Saindhavayanas. Ustrākṣas and Mahaksas. 5. BauSS(P) 36, ApsS XXIV. 9. 6, Hirds XXI. 3. 12, AISS XII. 14. 4. 6. Bauss 36, Apss XXIV. 9. 13, HirŚS XXI. 3. 12, ASS XII. 14. 6. 7. BauS(P) 40, 7pss XXIV. 9. 9-10, HirSS XXI. 3. 12, The AISS XII. 14. 5 and Daivarăta to this list. 8. BauSS(P) 37. Apss XXIV. 14. 4. 9. BauS(P) 34. According to ApSS XXIV. 9. 7-8 and HirSS XXI. 3. 12, only two are there-Vaisvamitra and Aştaka. According to AISS XII. 14. 4. the three pravaras are Vaisvamitra, Madhucchandas and Astaka. 10. BauS(P) 34. According to AsSS LII. 14. 6., the Repus have three pravarasVaisvamitra, Gähina and Rainava. 11. BauSS(P) 39. 12. ASS XII. 14. 4. ९८ : अगरचन्द नाहटा अभिनन्दन-ग्रन्थ Page #3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 13. The Hiranyaretases have three rşi-pravaras-Vaiśvāmitra, Hiranya and Retas. 14. The Suvarnaretases also have three îşi-pravaras-Vaiśvāmitra, Sauvarna and Retas. 15. The Kapotaretases have three rşi-pravaras-Vaišvå mitra Kāpota and Retas. 16. The Ghịta-kausikas also have three rși-pravaras-Vaišvā mitra. Gharta and Kausika.4 17. The Sathara-mātharas also have three si-pravaras–Vaišvámitra, Sathara and Mathara.5 18. The Sahula.mahulas have three rşi-pravaras-Vaiśvāmitra, Sāhula and Mahula.6 This is the picture of the pravara system of the Vaiśvāmitra in the Sūtra literature. The Sütras refer to Vaiśvāmitra in other connections also. In the AgGS, he is mentioned among the Saptarsis, the others being Jamadagni, Bharadvāja, Gautama, Atri, Vasiştha and Kaśyapa. The context is the Adhyāya-Utsarjanam (leave after completion of studies). In this rite seats are prepared by the student for the above-metioned Rşis? The BauśS refers to the selection of the priests. It enjoins that Adhvaryu priest should be an Angiras, the Brahmā priest should be a Vásiştha, the Hot! should be a Vaišvā mitra and the Udgaty should be an Ayāsya.8 Again, in the context of the Rşi-stoma, Viśvāmitra is connected with the seventeenth stoma. It has been prescribed in the Sūtra texts that a person desiring victory over enemies should perform the rite known as "Sanjaya' of Viśvāmitra.10, It has been stated in the TNB (XXI. 12. 1-4) that Viśyāmitra performed this four-day rite, defeated his rivals with its grace and got kingdom. The Vaiss mentions that four chief priests should be descendants of Vasiştha, Bhrgu, Angiras and Ayāsya respectively, remaining twelve priests can 1. lbid, XII. 14. 6. 2. MaśS XI. 8. 5. 17. 3. lbid. XI. 8. 5. 18. 4. Ibid. XI, 8. 5. 19. 5. Ibid. XI. 8. 5. 20. 6. Ibid. XI, 8. 5. 31. 7. lbid. XI. 8. 5. 22, 23. For the exhaustive list of the pravaras of the Visvamitras, see JOHN BROUGH, Early Brahmanical System of Gotra and Pravara. Camb ridge, 1953, p. 35. 8. AgGS. 1. 2. 2. 9. Bauss. II. 3. 10. Ibid XVIII. 22. इतिहास और पुरातत्त्व : १९ Page #4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ be selected from among the Kasyapas, Bharadvajas, Bhrgus Angirases. One authority says that Hoty should be a descendant of Visvamitra. A tarpana should be made to Visyamitra after daily bath according to the VaiGS and VaiDS.2 In connection with the upakarana-visarjana, Visvamitra is prayed. 3 The MiDa mentions that because a Vaisvamitra should necessarily be a Hotu priest, therefore, the descendants of Bhrgu, thunaka and Vasistha do not have the right to be appointed as Hotu priests.4 Thus, it can be said in conclusion, that the Visva mitra family is one of the most important families of ancient India. There were several gotras and pravaras among the Visvamitras. It has been prescribed in the Kalpa sutras that a descendant of Visvamitra should officiate as Hotr priest in the sacrifices. Some of the gotras and pravaras of Visvamitra pravara system are followed among the Brahmana families of the present day India also. For instance the surname 'Kausika' is applied by some of north Indian Brahmanas. Abbreviations AB Aitareya Brahmana. AgGS Agnivesya Grhya Sutra. Apos Apastamba Srauta Sutra. ASSs Asvalayana Srauta Sutra. Bauss Baudhayana Srauta Sutra. Bauss (p) Baudhayana Srauta Sutra (pravara-Khanda) Hirss Hiranyakesi Srauta Sutra. Mass Manava Srauta Sutra. Mida Mimaisa Darsana. SSS Sankhayana Srauta Sutra. TMB Tandya Maha Brahmani. Vaids Vaikhanasa Dharma Sutra. VaiGS Vaikhanusa Gyhya Sutra. 1. ADAS. XXII. 20. 2, ASSS X. 2. 25, HirsS XVII. 7. 12. 2. Vaiss XII. 1. 3. VaiGS I. 4, VaiDS II. 13. 4. BhGS, III. 10. 5. MiDa VI. 6. 26. * I am grateful to Dr, V. G. Rahurkar, my supervisor, for useful suggestions in writing this paper. 100 : अगरचन्द नाहटा अभिनन्दन-ग्रन्थ