Book Title: Virchad R Gandhi A Gandhi before Gandhi
Author(s): Bipin Doshi, Pankaj Hingarh
Publisher: Bipin Doshi, Pankaj Hingarh
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Page #1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 十 Virchand Gandhi_blb.qxd 7/29/2010 11:27 AM Page Virchand Gandhi, a Gandhi before Gandhi Bipin Doshi & Pankaz Hingarh* Virchand Raghavji Gandhi, a contemporary of Swami Vivekananda, too was a great exponent of Indian culture. Although a legend during his time, not much records are available on his invaluable contributions. He, alongside of the Swamiji at the Parliament of World Religions in Chicago in 1893 corrected the false and perverse impression of India as created by the Christian missionaries. Referring to the glory of his motherland's cultural traditions, he also said, on the other hand, "If that (Indian) culture was purchasable, England would have purchased it, adopted it. But it has not happened, it cannot happen." hen we speak about Hindu philosophy one eminent name emerges in front of us. that is of Swami Vivekananda and we all know that Swami Vivekananda W received his recognition primarily for his speech in the first ever World Parliament of Religions in 1893, where he represented Hinduism. But we hardly know that one more Indian legend at the same event boldly expressed his patriotism by defending Indian culture and Hinduism and represented Jainism - he was the charismatic and captivating Virchand Raghavji Gandhi. His captivating speech. received rounds of applause. A true patriot is someone who feels or voices expressions of patriotism, love, devotion to one's country. VRG displayed his patriotism, love and devotion for mother India and its spiritual heritage. His speech echoed the true spirit and culture of India. He received equal attention as did Swami Vivekananda. Bhagubhai Karbhari, a renowned scholar who was editor of Prajabandhu, Patriot and Samlochak newspapers, wrote in 1910 that Virchand Gandhi was felicitated with a silver medal at the parliament. VRG delivered 535 lectures in the USA and Europe and was nation *Dr Bipin Doshi, a physician, and Pankaz Hingarh are Jain scholars and India Committee Members of the Jain Association of North America, Virchand Gandhi Committee. 70 Page #2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 十 Virchand Gandhi_blb.qxd 7/29/2010 11:27 AM Page Personality ally and internationally felicitated with and independent, I affirm that we should many medals. seek to establish and for ever maintain peaceful relations with all nations of the world." Today this statement appears as a prophecy that Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948) proved in attaining India's freedom with peaceful means. VRG was admired by personalities such as Mahatma Gandhi, Lokmanya Tilak, Mark Twain, Governor Lord Reay, Col. Watson, Herbert Warren, Mrs. Charles Howard, Dr. Paul Carus, Alexander Fullerton, Miss Lilian Whiting, Annie Beasant, H.S. Olcott, Swami Vivekananda, Chief Justice Govind Ranade, High Court Justice Sir Narayan Ganesh Chandavarkar, William Pipe, George Francis Train, V. Gasenapp, and many others. The Indian National Congress was founded in 1885 in Mumbai. VRG, Ranade and Chandavarkar were key members of the party. The Indian Postal Department recently issued a stamp and brochure to commemorate him. A coffee table book compiled by Dr Bipin Doshi and Priti Shah, titled Gandhi before Gandhi, of selected speeches of VRG in the USA and Europe, has also been released by Narendra Modi, Chief Minister of Gujarat. Virchand Gandhi was a visionary too. He talked about economic and political freedom five decades before India became independent. In one of his speeches to the American public he declared: "You know, my brothers and sisters, that we are not an independent nation, we are subjects of Her Gracious Majesty, Queen Victoria, the 'Defender of the Faith'. But if we were a nation in all that that word implies, with our own government and our own rulers, with our laws and institutions controlled by us free "If we were a nation in all that that word implies, with our own government and our own rulers, with our laws and institutions, I affirm that we should seek to establish and for ever maintain peaceful relations with all nations of the world." Virchand Raghavji Gandhi (August 25, 1864 - August 7, 1901) was born in an upper middle class merchant family of Mahuva, Gujarat. His mother had had a series of auspicious dreams before his birth. His parents were very pious by nature. VRG graduated with honours from Elphiston College in 1884. During his preparation for solicitors' examination, VRG and MK Gandhi were in intimate contacts. From My Experiments with Truth, Mahatma Gandhi's autobiography, we learn that VRG and Mahatma Gandhi were together for their experiments in dietetics. VRG used to + 71 Page #3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Virchand Gandhi_blb.qxd 7/29/2010 11:27 AM Pagerti Eternal India, August 2010 give assistance to MK Gandhi by telling him from going abroad. One of the him different stories about barristers. He vows of a Jain saint is not to travel tried his best to get briefs for MK across water as it is tantamount to vioGandhi. VRG was a great exponent of lence against sea creatures. Since he Indian culture, religions, and a polyglot wanted Jainism to be represented at this knowing 14 languages, and was scholar conference, he trained and deputed 29in Jainism, Buddhism, Hinduism, year old, charismatic Virchand Raghavji Christianity, Western philosophies, Gandhi. Yoga, Indian economics, international The parliament was held at the trade, etc. It is noteworthy that at the Columbus Hall of the Art Institute of age of 21 VRG became the first Hon. Chicago with more than 7000 delegates Secretary of the Jain Association of of different nations and religions particIndia in 1885. ipating. The conFor the 1893 The parliament was held at the ference lasted 17 Parliament of Columbus Hall of the Art Institute of ute of dave days. It was domiWorld Religions, Chicago with more than 7000 nated by Englishdelegates of different nations and distinguished perreligions participating. speaking Christian sonalities were representatives, invited as representatives of various who delivered 153 of 194 speeches. religions on a common platform for the Opportunity for the leaders from other first time. Param Pujya Acharya religious traditions was limited, Vijayandsuri (Muni Atmaramji) was a although significant. Twelve speakers world famous Jain saint who could see represented Buddhism, 11 Judaism, 8 ages ahead of his time. He was born in Hinduism, 2 Islam, 2 Parsi, 2 Shintoism, 1821 CE in a Kapoor Khatri family. 2 Confucianism, 1 Taoism and 1 Being a versatile, far-sighted Jain saint- Jainism. Christianity dominated. Many scholar, and author of several learned Christian leaders declared theirs as the treatises, he was invited to participate in best religion and that one can't have the first ever parliament held in entry in the kingdom of heaven unless Chicago, USA. But the principles of one is a Christian. Faith in one God and right conduct for a Jain monk prevented the sacrifice of Jesus to wash the sins of Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated. - Confucius 72 Page #4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Virchand Gandhi_blb.qxd 7/29/2010 11:27 AM Pagera Personality man was highlighted often. To this the West has mistakenly instigated war, extent it was fine but many speakers in we praise our friends from the East who an over-enthusiasm attacked the beliefs pray to God saying, 'O God, forgive and traditions of other religions. them as they do not know what they are However, there were many Christian doing."" speakers like Prof. Robert, Wolivunski, Many representatives from India were Henry Infield, George Hood Don not allowed to speak until towards the Boardman who appreciated the oriental close of the session, with a view to religions and also the depth to which holding the audience till the end. Prof. they have reached. The organizers had Chakravarthi, Annie Beasant, H even expressed a desire to hold the next Dharampala, Virchand Gandhi and parliament at Varanasi in India. Rev. Swami Vivekananda were among them. Chepin admitted, “We want to learn, sit- VRG told the parliament, “This specting at the feet of tacle of learned those gentlemen, Many representatives from India were leaders of thought full of wisdom, not allowed to speak until towards the and religion who come from close of the session, with a view to meeting together the East". The holding the audience till the end. on a common platchief of the parlia. Prof. Chakravarthi, Annie Beasant, H form and throwing Dharampala, Virchand Gandhi and ment, Barrows, light on religious Swami Vivekananda were among said in his wel problems has been them. come speech, a dream of Muni "Motherland of religions, pure water of Atmaramji. He has commissioned me to rivers of India, disciples of Prince say to you that he offers his most cordial Siddhartha Buddha, those who are congratulations on his own behalf, and enlightening Asia, we welcome you." on behalf of the Jaina community, for Eminent Methodist Church speaker Rev your having achieved the consummaBW Ornate clarified, "Lots of misun- tion of that grand idea, of convening a derstandings by Christians are dispelled Parliament of Religions. I wish that the by orient scholars. They have realized duty of addressing you on the history that 'goodness' does not come with and the tenets of the Jaina faith had colour.” President Bonney, in his con- fallen on that able person than on me. cluding speech, remarked, "This was a The inclemency of the climate, and the conference of friendship and not a distant voyage which one has to underground for battle, even if any one from take before one can come here, have Page #5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Virchand Gandhi_blb.qxd 7/29/2010 11:27 AM Pagertha Eternal India, August 2010 prevented that able Jaina from attending on Jainism, but abusive comments on this grand assembly and personally pre- Hinduism and Indian culture was intolsenting to you the religious convictions erable to him. His expression was of the Jainas. You will, therefore, look echoed in the parliament, which not upon me as simply the mouthpiece of only displayed his patriotic love for Muni Atmaramji, the learned high priest India and its religions but also estabof the Jainas in India, who has devoted lished him as a known name in the his whole life to the study of that USA. Thereafter, he was termed as the ancient faith.” lion of the season. Let's take a look at He said, "I represent Jainism, a faith his speech: older than Buddhism, similar to it in its “Before proceeding with my address, ethics, but different from it in its psy- I wish to make a few observations. This chology, and pro platform is not a He said, "I represent Jainism, a faith fessed by a million older than Buddhism, similar to it in place for mutual and a half of its ethics, but different from it in its recriminations, India's most psychology, and professed by a and I am heartily peaceful and law- million and a half of India's most sorry that from abiding citizens". peaceful and law-abiding citizens". time to time the He expounded to most un-Christian them what this universe is; whether spirit is allowed freely here, but I know there is God as the creator of this uni- how to take these recriminations at their verse; what is the ultimate purpose of proper value. I am glad that no one has life and several such other things. He dared to attack the religion I represent. explained to them Navatatva, It is well that they should not. But every Shathdravya, Chargati, Panchavratha, attack has been directed to the abuses Moksha, Nyayavad, Anekantvad etc. existing in our society. And I repeat now what I repeat every day, that these Unjust and Inhospitable Criticism abuses are not from religion, but in spite On the 25th September 1893, of religion, as in every other country. Virchand Gandhi was to further discuss "Some men in their over-ambition, We shall require a substantially new manner of thinking if mankind is to survive. - Albert Einstein Page #6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 十 Virchand Gandhi_blb.qxd 7/29/2010 11:27 AM Page Personality think that they are Pauls, and what they think they believe. These new Pauls go to vent their platitudes upon India. They go to India to convert the heathens in a mass, but when they find their dreams melting away, as dreams always do, they return and pass a whole life in abusing the Hindus. Abuses are not arguments against any religion, nor selfadulation, the proof of the truth of one's own. For such I have greatest pity. "If the present abuses in India have been produced by the Hindu religion, the same religion had the strength of producing a society which made the Greek historian say: 'No Hindu was ever known to tell an untruth, no Hindu Himalayas to Ceylon, and, without exception all these calumnies proceed either from the missionaries or the English officers. We accord them their rights as we do even to the tiniest animalcule the right to live and be happy in their own way, if they let us alone, but when we find that these little creatures are annoying us, we have to brush them aside. The statements of these missionaries made about the Hindus, their religions and life, are never an admirable illustration of their methods and zeal. When I first came to know in this country, from missionary sources, that in India women threw their babies into the Ganges and that people threw themselves under the car of Jagganath, I doubted whether in the blackest and most intolerant days of the Christian Church, any villainous priest ever invented more bare-faced falsehoods or malicious slanders like these." He corrected the false and perverse impression of India as being the land of maharajahs, tigers and cobras. He narrated an incident from King Akbar's life and praised him for respecting all other religions. He spoke as an Indian first but kept Jainism at his heart. When one con "We accord them (missionaries) their rights as we do even to the tiniest animalcule the right to live and be happy in their own way, if they let us alone, but when we find that these little creatures are annoying us, we have to brush them aside." woman ever known to be unchaste'. And ever in the present day where is there a chaster woman or a milder man than in India? The oriental bubbles may be pricked, but the very hysterical shocks sent forth from this platform from time to time show to the world that sometimes bubbles may be heavier than the bloated balloons of vanity and self-conceit. "It has become an article of faith with most of the orthodox Christians that the Hindus are liars. All sorts of abuses are heaped on the people of India from the + 75 Page #7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 十 Virchand Gandhi_blb.qxd 7/29/2010 11:27 AM Eternal India, August 2010. sciously suppresses individuality by proper physical, mental, moral, and spiritual development, one becomes part and parcel of the immutable course of nature, environment, and ecology and never suffers, said VRG on Jain yoga philosophy. Gandhi said, "It is an astonishing fact that foreigners have been constantly attacking India and in the face of all this aggression the soul of India has stood vital and watchful. Her conduct and religion are safe and the whole world looks at India with a steady gaze." He added, "Cultural distinc Page 6 76 He was the first to tell the Western people about the unknown life of Christ in India. By his scholastic research, he tried to prove that at his young age Jesus Christ came to India tions, agriculture, art, artistic skill, literature, good conduct, means of knowledge, science, hospitality, feminism, love and respect - all these are found in India in quite a different form. If that culture was purchasable, England would have purchased it, adopted it. But it has not happened, it cannot happen." expressing our views in the USA against their systems, and their attacks and missions in India. No, honestly we will try to be diplomatic. But it was VRG who as a true patriot at the parliament retaliated to every attack on India, Indian culture and specially cleared the false myth created by fanatic Christian missionaries. His captivating speeches were on the fundamentals of Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Indian culture. He also spoke on a plethora of subjects like Indian international trade system, Indian economic and industrial outlook, ancient history of Indian civilization, and learnt a lot from Indian religions and its philosophy of compassion and justice. Today India is a democratic and independent country. Still can we imagine of science of eating, yoga, concentration, hypnotism, astral vision and astral body, occultism and vegetarianism. He was the first to tell the Western people about the unknown life of Christ in India. By his scholastic research, he tried to prove that at his young age Jesus Christ came to India and learnt a lot from Indian religions and its philosophy of compassion and justice. Is man's civilization only a wrappage, through which the savage nature of him can still burst, infernal as ever? - Thomas Carlyle + Page #8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Virchand Gandhi_blb.qxd 7/29/2010 11:27 AM Pagertz Personality VRG's forceful speeches and his fear- geted VRG, as if their religion and less yet courteous expressions created a Christian mission was challenged. VRG deep brilliant image that the American made it clear that his remarks were not people were magnetically attracted against Christianity but were against towards him and at their request VRG fanatic Christian missionaries who were prolonged his stay for two years and presenting wrong picture of India and was invited twice later in 1897 and its religions. 1899. VRG made his mission to educate The Literary World, Volume 51 (Page the Western layman about India and its 60, 1895) wrote, “Virchand Raghavji religions since Christian missionaries Gandhi, BA, attacks missionaries in under British rule had misrepresented India, charging them with misrepresenIndian culture. He delivered as many as tation both in regard to the religion and 535 lectures mainly in Chicago, Boston, the lives of the natives, and in regard to New York, Washington in the USA, and their own alleged self-sacrificing life." England, France, Rey. Addison Parker commended, "He ? Rev. Addison Parker commended, "He A Boston Germany and impressed me as one the brainiest and Transcript report other European most stirring of the representatives of said, “He is an countries. At all st. I know of no one except earnest and serious these places he him from whom I would prefer to speaker, carving was well listened, hear facts concerning the life and deep into the felicitated and prethought of the great people he philosophies of represents." sented with India, of which he medals. After the parliament he became is one of the most able exponents that famous in the USA but at the same time has ever visited America." The New many Christian fanatics began seeing in York Times described the personality of VRG a future threat. The people in the VRG as "wearing a turban of yellow, West began admiring VRG and were signifying knowledge, and a robe of eager to learn more about the oriental purple, portraying purity and activity, philosophy. Virchand Gandhi.” Buffalo Evening Christian periodicals were flooded Times said, VRG "preaches the uniwith analyses on the speeches of VRG versal brotherhood of man. He is much and his attack on Christian missionaries farther advanced in esoteric philosophy in India (The Review of Reviews, The than the Western theosophists, and gives Monist etc). Some seemed positive and far more lucid explanations of the orient some were negative. Some fanatics tar- teachings. The Hindu is decidedly the Page #9 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 十 Virchand Gandhi_blb.qxd 7/29/2010 11:27 AM Eternal India, August 2010. Page 8 lion of the season." Rev. Addison Parker commended, "He impressed me as one the brainiest and most stirring of the representatives of the Far East. I know of no one except him from whom I would prefer to hear facts concerning the life and thought of the great people he represents." "He was the most important delegate from India to the parliament of religions," Miss Lilian Whiting, a renowned writer of Boston, said of VRG. In those days, sea voyage was considered unholy and VRG had to face unjust criticism. At the same time, his vegetari VRG's immense success was covered anism in the American cold surprised by the leading newspapers and periodicals of the USA: New York 78 wrote on topics of social and cultural reforms like education for women and custom of repenting. VRG translated many publications, including The Unknown Life of Jesus Christ in English from French in 1894 from an ancient manuscript found in Tibet. And one should possess a copy of his scholarly translation. Times, St. Joseph Gazette, The Jamestown New York, Editors Bureau, Chicago Daily Sun, Chicago Herald, Chicago Suburban Star, Light of Truth, Cincinnati, Buffalo Times, The Illustrated Buffalo Express, Morning Star, Buffalo Evening Times, Buffalo Express, Buffalo Courier, The Evangelist, Evening Post, Rochester Democrat and Chronicle, The Rochester Herald, Rev. R. A. White, Chicago, Addison Parker Pastor of leading Baptist Church. VRG wrote many articles and books in Gujarati as well as in English. He Swami Vivekananda, who wrote from 541, Dearborn Avenue, Chicago, to the Diwan of Junagadh in 1894, "Now here is Virchand Gandhi, the Jain whom you knew well in Bombay. This man never takes anything but mere vegetables even in this terribly cold climate and tooth and nail tries to defend his countrymen and the religion. The people of this country like him very well. But what are they doing who sent him over? They are trying to outcast him." Herbert Warren, a religious enthusiast, abandoned non-vegetarianism and adopted the Jain religion. He took notes from VRG's lectures and wrote a book on Jainism. V. Glasenapp, a well-known German scholar, wrote his doctoral dissertation on the Jaina Doctrine of Karma and acknowledged VRG's influence. Herbert Warren, a religious enthusiast, abandoned non-vegetarianism and adopted the Jain religion. He took notes from VRG's lectures and wrote a book Page #10 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Virchand Gandhi_blb.qxd 7/29/2010 11:27 AM Page to Personality on Jainism. V. Glasenapp, a well-known as he was seen as a future threat by a German scholar, wrote his doctoral dis- few fanatic people. Whatever may be sertation on the Jaina Doctrine of the truth, the untimely demise of two Karma and acknowledged VRG's influ- heroes - VRG and Swami Vivekananda ence. Hon. E. B. Sherman Master in the - proved tremendous loss for the Chancery of the United States, Circuit nation. Otherwise both must have conCourt, wrote on VRG, "It has rarely, if tributed much more and Mahatma ever, been my good fortune to meet a Gandhi's mission would have accelerman whose reading and culture have ated and we would have been indebeen so wide and varied, and who, pendent much early. VRG wanted to withal, has so sweet, sincere and teach- continue his activities for a long time able a spirit as Mr. Gandhi". E. Allen and to accomplish much more but Richardson in “Strangers in This Land" unfortunately he could not, as this brilmentioned about One of the US periodicals wrote liant and promthe parliament and while paying tributes to both of them while paving tributes to boti ising young man, when VRG and Swamiji died in 1901 full of hopes and with the New York and 1902, respectively, "The influence aspirations, died Times. VRG had of Vivekananda's philosophy has at a very young eventually been kept alive by his disciples by age of 37, on attained bar at law founding organizations whereas, it is August 7, 1901. in both India and a matter of great pity that no attempt Today whatever is has been made to keep alive VRG's Britain. He had available about memory!" won the Piggery VRG is possibly case and got the slaughter house just 10% of his contributions to the removed from the sacred shrine of Jains country and the religion. called Samet Shikhar. He also resolved Swami Vivekananda and Virchand the Shatrunajay Tirth pilgrimage tax Gandhi had their own huge fan folissue and got it abolished. lowing. Swami Vivekananda's work VRG's death today also remains a became well-known but unfortunately mystery. From a 1902 letter of Mrs. not much of VRG's! One of the US Howard in Open Court we learn that periodicals wrote while paying tributes VRG's demise was due to haemorrhage to both of them when VRG and of lungs. However, we learn from Swamiji died in 1901 and 1902, respecVRG's descendants and local folks in tively, "The influence of Mahuva that he was given slow poison Vivekananda's philosophy has been 0 Page #11 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Virchand Gandhi_blb.qxd 7/29/2010 11:27 AM Pagers Eternal India, August 2010 kept alive by his disciples by founding with his friends Chief Justice Mahadev organizations whereas, it is a matter of Ranade and Sr. Narayan Chandavarkar. great pity that no attempt has been Ex-Prime Minister Indira Gandhi made to keep alive VRG's memory!" (Congress president) with top Congress Today only 10% of VRG details are politician Vadilal Chitrabhuj Gandhi available due to a gap of 100 years. In visited VRG's house and met Dhiraj India nobody maintained a detailed his- Mohanlal Gandhi, the grandson of tory of VRG and his contribution to VRG (a key person of Hindu India and the Indian society." Mahasabha, Mumbai) and paid As a reformer in the Western countries homage to VRG. he established the Gandhi Philosophical Virchand Gandhi lectured on the Society and the Society for the political and industrial outlook in India Education of As a national figure he attended the a - in Large Hall of Indian National Congress session William Science (SEWI) under held in Pune as the representative of building on whose banner sev- the then Bombay province in 1895 and December 19, eral Indian women was an early leader of the Congress 1898. His another went to the USA along with his friends Chief Justice international parfor higher studies, Mahadev Ranade and Sr. Narayan ticipation as all Chandavarkar. the School of India sole deleOriental Philosophy, and the Jain gate was at the international conferLiterature Society in London. He sentence of commerce in 1899 where he Rs 40,000 and a shipload of grains from lectured on the trade relations between the USA to India during the worst the USA and India. famine of 1896-97. Modern research about VRG reveals As a national figure he attended the that at several instances Mahatma Gandhi Indian National Congress session held was misunderstood as VR Gandhi. in Pune as the representative of the In a June 13, 1931 letter, Mahatma then Bombay province in 1895 and was Gandhi clarifies to Miss Emelia Mac an early leader of the Congress along Bean of Chicago when she mistook him Every civilization is, among other things, an arrangement for domesticating the passions and setting them to do useful work. - Aldous Huxley 80 0 Page #12 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Virchand Gandhi_blb.qxd 7/29/2010 11:27 AM Page 81 Personality as VRG, "Madam, I have your letter for who lectured at Blavasty Lodge, where which I thank you. You are giving me HS Olcott presided over the function credit of which I am wholly unde- (Old Diary Leaves - Henry S Olcott) serving. You are thinking of another Mr. and they interacted with each other and Gandhi my name-sake but in no way in his diary he mentioned VRG as a related to me. He and I were, however, "distinguished Jain", but Josephine friends and lived together for some time. Ransom seems to have mixed up MK You will be sorry to hear that he died Gandhi with Virchand Gandhi and many years ago, leaving an only son. It wrongly mentioned that Olcott was was he who visited America and made introduced to MK Gandhi and this time many friends. I have never had the priv- also MK Gandhi was in South Africa. ilege of visiting your continent." Old Diary Leaves by HS Olcott menMark Twain, father of American liter- tions, "A profound impression was creature, was too impressed by Virchand ated by the discourses of Professor GN Gandhi and his philosophy. His news- Chakravarti and Mrs Besant, who is paper Buffalo Express had widely cov- said to have risen to unusual heights of ered VRG when Mark Twain visited eloquence, so exhilarating were the India. VRG displayed his hospitality influences of the gathering." Besides and accompanied him to Byculla, those who represented our society and Mumbai Jain temples on 25 January, religions, especially Vivekananda, VR 1896. In his 'Mark Twain on Biblical Gandhi, Dharmapala, captivated the and Hindu Miracles', GB Singh states public, who had only heard of Indian that Virchand Gandhi had met Mark people through the malicious reports Twain on his visit to India but somehow of interested missionaries, and were 'Inventing Mark Twain: The Lives of now astounded to see before them and Samuel Langhorne Clemens' by hear men who represented the ideal of Andrew Hoffman mistook Virchand spirituality and human perfectibility Gandhi as Mahatma Gandhi. Mahatma as taught in their respective sacred Gandhi, at this stage of Mark Twain's writings. travel, was living in South Africa. Said one Chicago editor: 'We have HS Olcott was lawyer and the co- been for years spending millions of dolfounder and first president of the lars in sending missionaries to convert Theosophical Society. Pyarelal in his these men, and have had very little sucbook 'Mahatma Gandhi' also brings to cess; they have sent over a few men, and our notice that it was Virchand Gandhi have converted everybody." 81