Book Title: Vimala Thakar Life Sketch
Author(s): Pratap J Tolia
Publisher: Jina Bharati
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Page #1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ VIMALA THAKAR - Life Sketch of a Spiritual Revolutionary PROF. PRATAPKUMAR J. TOLIYA Page #2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Vardhaman Bharati International Foundation PRABHAT COMPLEX, K.G.ROAD, BANGALORE-560009. Ph: 080 65953440/26667882 JINA BHARATI GUJARATI CDS-CASSETTES 1. Atmasiddhi + Apoorva Avasar 2. Kalpasootra : Talks: Set of 10 (USA/UK) 3. Pragyavani: Dr. Pt. Sukhlalji Paramaguru Pad Bhakti Kartavya Bhakti Jharana 7. Jai Jinesh 8. Girnarji Siddha Kshetra: Rajul 9. Jinendra Darshan 10. Jain Bhajan: Prarthana Mandir 11. Arhat Vandana, Matri Smriti 2. Ahimsa Gaan 13. Gramyajeevan, Guj. Lokgeet (G) 14. Ramjhat Ras Garba Ni 15. Ras Garba Nootan Puratan 16. Ratnakar Pachisi 17. Sahajananda Sudha 18. Sangeetika 19. Musical Performances: USA 20. Musical Performances : India: Surat 21. Musical Performances : India Koba: DVD 22. Musical Performances : India B'lore: DVD 23. Matri Vani 24. Shishugana 25. Dhyan Sangeet:A'bad Page #3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ VIMALA THAKAR - Life Sketch of a Spiritual Revolutionary & a Vibrant Woman Power, A Burning Flame Role Model of Modern growing Young Girls, ABRIDGED PRELUDE OF VOYAGE WITHIN WITH VIMALAJEE SPIRITUALITY & SCIENCE SYNTHESIZING SIGNIFICANT BIRTH ON RAMANAVMI DAY By PROF. PRATAPKUMAR J. TOLIYA DEDICATED TO Bold Young Revolutionary Girls "VIDHROHINIS" of New India -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-. JINA BHARATI Vardhaman Bharati International Foundation Prabhat Complex, K. G. Road, Bangalore - 560 009. (INDIA) Page #4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ VIMALA THAKAR - Life Sketch of a Spiritual Revolutionary & a Vibrant Woman Power. By : Prof. PRATAP KUMAR J. TOLIYA Publishers : JINA BHARATI Vardhaman Bharati International Foundation Prabhat Complex, K. G. Road, Bangalore - 560 009. Email : Phone : 080-26667882 Copyrights : JINA BHARATI, But All Serviceful organisations & individuals will be free to reprint for propagation, by acquiring prior written permission from the publishers. Edition : January 2013 Copies : 500 Cost Sale Price : Rs. 14/ Printed by: KIRAN ENTERPRISES No. 17/1, 17th Cross Cubbonpet, Bangalore-560002. Mob: 94483 02610 Page #5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ (VIMALA THAKAR - Life Sketch of a Spiritual Revolutionary & a Vibrant Woman Power, A Burning Flame Role Model of Modern growing Young Girls. SPIRITUALITY & SCIENCE SYNTHESIZING SIGNIFICANT BIRTH ON RAMANAVMI DAY On the threshold of Modern Century, visualized by farsighted Great Seers like Acharya Vinobaji, as the "SYNTHETIC AGE OF SPIRITUALITY & SCIENCE", a forerunner apostle of it was taking shape in mortal Human Form. This practising experimenter of unification of Spirituality and Science was born in physical frame of Vimala Deedi on 15th April, 1921, the pious and auspicious Birth Day of Bhagawan Rama - 'MaryadaPurushottama Rama' - The great world-teacher teaching to the world the value and way of sanctity, spirituality, righteousness, respect, duty, humility, honesty, etc., in a House-holder's life, prescribing 'CHARITY BEGINS AT HOME'. This nobel ideal of Lord Rama was to be practised and taught to others in a different way by achieving great spirituality while remaining amidst society in a House (Commenced writing in train at Nadiad - Sri Atmasiddhi - writing place of SRIMAD RAJCHANDRAJ! : on 22-3-12 (6.31 a.m.) and completed on 31-3-2012 (Morning). Page #6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ holder's life and not in that of an Ascetic - the worldduties-escaping & seclusion-staying Ascetic ! Vimalajee's life, though internally of a superb ascetic, was a living example of this ideal of House-holder Lord Rama !! Rama himself had rigorously, sacredly, sacrificingly lived upto this ideal MARYADA (refci) - spiritual sanctity, respecting his revered father and his words like God in doing so, what not he had sacrificed ? can one imagine the unparalled tremendous troubles, tests and tribulations that he had willingly accepted and 'invited' in doing so ? Can one even think of the total Life - transformation taking place from the state of the WOULD BE PRINCE - KING going to be atoned and installed on the throne of Ayodhya, to a forest-going grandly sacrificing FORESTER - door to door & tree to tree begging BHIKSHU FORESTER and that too full of what sort of tremondous Trials and Thrilling Tests of Time ....... ? Can one have even a glimpse of the pathetic sorrows a delicate PRINCE might have undergone during this Forester's Ascetic Life ? His is the Supreme Example quoted respectfully by a Modern Admirer of Rama, who has remained as one of the Makers, Moulders & Role - Models of Vimalajee, SRIMAD RAJCHANDRAJI - again he himself too a worthy "House - Holder Ascetic" and MAHATMA GANDHIJI'S Spiritual Guide ! He quotes while discussing the pains & potholes of human life to one of his worthiest but 'time-tested' unhappy disciples : "hama Apa koI duHkhI nahIM, jo duHkha hai vaha rAma ke caudaha varSa ke vanavAsa kA eka divasa bhI nahIM hai!" Page #7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ "You and I are not at all void of happiness. Whatever unhappiness we feel or find, IS NOT EVEN A DAY OF RAMA'S FOREST EXILE OF FOURTEEN YEARS ............... XXX!" Hence, such a Great Apostle like Rama, to whom this admirer Srimad Rajchandra's background of Jain Philosophy has given the topmost rank of SIDDHAHOOD, the Moksha-Gami-Atma-Siddhatma, has remained Vimalajee's ideal also of SACREDNESS of a HOUSE-HOLDER'S LIFE- - which, from her childhood, she herself lived throughout. Is not it a significant event to be born on the Birthday of Rama-Ramanavami? Again, it was more significant, when her Birth took place at Bilaspur in Chhatisgarh at the place of her Maternal Grand Father, who himself was born on the same auspicious day of Ramanavami and also had passed away on Ramanavami day! What a symbolic significance !! Unique soul of Vimalajee, born on such a significant day, was destined to be a symbolic synthesizer of the Spirituality + Science unifying Age of Humankind. This unique symbolic child was foreseen before Page #8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ birth in the vision of her above Maternal Grand Father - 'Nanaji'- Sri Yadavrayji Bhagdikar, the rich Jagirdar of Raipur in Chhatisgarh. He had brought child Vimalajee's mother and his daughter at Raipur, where she was born. Vimalajee's Life-elevating foundation was laid in Nanaji's Devotion - surcharged atmosphere. Nanaji himself was a unique sublime soul. Even being a big wealthy person possessing Five storey building in Raipur and innumerable servants, this frequently practising 'Lawyer' soul of Nanaji was reading & practising the hidden Law of Divine Life. Inspite of being a aforesaid type of an ideal House-Holder, his was a Life of an Ascetic, a rare real ascetic ! This six feet tall, white complexioned House-holder Ascetic, was wearing silken Dhoti-Kurta, Pune style Pagree & shoes and was keeping a shawl on his shoulders, used to get up early in Amritvela Brahma-Muhurta - the early Dawn and sit down in Mouna - Silent Meditation after having his Bath. At this time of morning-meditation of Nanaji, child Vimalajee was fortunately privileged to sit down in his lap for hours and hours of her long childhood years. Nanaji, inspite of being an intellectual was absorbed in constant escatic chanting -Japa-Ramanama throuhgout Day and Night to such an extent that if somebody will stand near his bed while he was sleeping, will listen to this continuous chanting, in his ongoing Breathings. His Page #9 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 5 Palace had become sacred by becoming Residence of several Saints and Scholars. Even Swami Vivekananda had enjoyed Nanaji's hospitality. Thus his entire Life and consciousness was coloured with Satsanga and spirituality. Nanaji's life-long impact shadowed on Vimalajee. PARENTS Such an Ascetic House-Holder Nanaji in course of his Legal acquaintances, once met with a scholarly Advocate Shree Bagaram Chimanjee Thakar alias 'Bapu Saheb', originally from Pune and had permanently settled at Akola after his studies at Indore. Ajmer and Allahabad, U.P. Nanaji got impressed with this young noteworthy Advocate who had many meriteous qualities and characteristics in him. He was a scholar of the Upanishadas, student of the original principles of several religions, was the Secretary of Indian Rationalist Society. He was also a Freedom fighter and had gone to jail too in course of Satyagraha movements. He had to face social Boycott, a great punishment for a House-holder, when this revolutionary Advocate dined at the place of his Backward class client, but his entire family passed through this boycott-test with peace, equilibrium and self-respect without any compromise. He used to tremendously help several poor children in their studies. Page #10 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 6 Such a silent Revolutionary Advocate Bapusaheb, Bagaram Thakar was selected by Nanaji Sri Yadavraiji and got married his daughter Chandrika with him. Bapu Saheb and Chandrikaji had four sons and two daughters all of whom whether boys or girls had the privilege of getting equal education provided by Bapu Saheb. Such a revolutionary, kind and LIFE- adoring Bapu Saheb was very much fond of music and was himself a good Tabla Player also. Next to Nanaji, Vimalajee was fortunate to have the background of music, learnings and patriotic revolutionary spirit from such a noble father. Her mother Chandrikaji, being lovingly called 'Akka', though she had very little formal education, but, was aware of intricacies of Social Rules and Traditions, being a very practical person possessing Limitless Understanding of Life. She was having very worthy LifeStyle stamped with decency and beauty. Inspite of possessing love for traditional Devotional rituals, hers was not a kind of narrowness but was full of vast generosity, compassion and hospitality. This merit of her hospitality was so much developed that she enjoyed cooking and feeding the guest who might have knocked their doors even at the midnight! The neighbourhood was lucky to have Akka's generosity in abundance. Unlike Vimalajee's father, Akka had also participated in Page #11 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Satyagraha and had even undergone imprisonment ! Such revolutionary, patriotic and deeply religious parents in true sense were undergoing fasts on all saturdays. On Sundays, their hobby of walking used to drag them to especial walk of four to five miles. Akka had, out of all her six children, utmost worry for Vimalajee. Of course, it was over while going ahead and she became friend like to Vimalajee. Even she used to join her during the Bhoodan Movement Tours and seeing her daughter's tremendous impact while thundering huge public meetings with her speeches, she used to express her joy, satisfaction and proudness of being mother of such a rare daughter. Whenever she used to come to Shivkuti at Mount Abu, she used to drench all co-residents with her downpour of Love. Vimalajee was really privileged to have such parents and maternal grand father Nanaji - all of these had left unusual primary.impact on her life. EDUCATION - HARDLY, SELF-ACQUIRED & UNIQUE Very hard and unique was Vimalajee's Educational Life. With no interest in Traditional Education, she had the quest of acquiring spiritual knowledge, from her very childhood of 5 years' age. She used to say, "At the Age of Five, God had stolen my Heart." Her dis-interest in Page #12 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ formal material eduction or toys or ornaments or beautiful clothes etc., was indicative of her search for higher realm's education always. If some one asked her, she used to reply that, "I am an Ascetic" and her deep longing of becoming such an Ascetic was later nicely transformed by Ma ANANDAMAYI convincing her that Sanyasa-Ascetism does not confine to change of clothes and name and that she should continue her studies further. Vimalajee's childhood - consciousness was possessed continuously tremendously after knowing "where the God resides? How can I see him face to face ?" This quest of hers had pushed her to jump down into a deep well and to escape to forest during her uninterested childhood school education. In fact she had Ashramic Educational Atmosphere in her home only, where she learnt rigorous physical training, cooking, gardening, etc. At Akola, she had to give up her studies due to financial difficulties and commenced teaching children at Bhandara in Maharashtra by opening her own school under the name of ABHINAV BHARAT VIDYALAYA. After collecting self-earned enough funds, she joined Morris college at Nagpur for Under Graduate studies and the Nagpur University for P.G. Studies of M.A. with Eastern & Western Philosophies. In these days, she had to struggle Page #13 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 9 very very hard to continue and complete her unique Education. She earned several prizes in oratory, elocution, etc., She participated in Dramas, Learnt Vocal Music, Horse Riding and Swimming with achievements par excellence. Even acquired Military Training - all becoming a glorious shining part of her education. During the college studies, her going to Hardwar Rishikesh, Himalayas and staying in seclusion in Swami Ramateerth's lonely cave on the bank of The Ganges is something unusual for a young girl student and is an example of tremendous Self-will power fearlessness, unusual courage and strength. What a bold & vibrant woman power! BHOODAN MOVEMENT After completion of her educational tenure, Vimalajee was deputed to attend WORLD ASSEMBLY OF YOUTH CONGRESS. From there, after being selected as Chairperson of Universal Organisation for Women, She went to CORNELL UNIVERSITY in U.S.A. This was the period of 1953 A.D. when Vinobaji had commenced Bhoodan Movement in India, which was having spiritual base. In course of this movement, the ownership of thousands of Acres of Land was changed without shedding a drop of blood! A grand bloodless revolution !! Vimalajee returned to India in the month of Page #14 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 10 November in 1952 A.D. and met Vinobaji in the month of January 1953 A.D. She decided to dedicate Five Years of her life for Bhoodan Movement and after extending further five years, this Time-Tenure was made of Ten years. She studied Gandhian Literature and Sarvodaya Philosophy and this Movement acquired a new dimension and strength. Within this decade, Vimalajee travelled all over India, without sparing any district of it. This travel of hers went sometimes on Foot, sometimes in Train, Jeep, Rickshaw, Bullock Cart, Boat and in whatever means of transport was available. These were the days of very very hard times of travel wherein there was, obviously, no comfort and convenience especially in matters of Diet. Unsettled condition of Diet became a part of the hectic travelling life. Entire India was as if interowen in blood and flesh of Vimalajee. She spent down total energy of mind and body till the last drop in this absorption of the Nation - Mother India, which had enlarged its vision throughout the universe with Vinobaji's concept and caption of JAI JAGAT! Vimalajee had begun one of her short but significant poems in 2005 (on 7-8-2005 - the day of Tagore's departure from the world) with these immortal words : "tana meM bhArata deza samAyA, mana meM pUrA viSva smaaj|" "Whole of India is confined in Body and whole universal society in the mind !" Page #15 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ During this all-absorbing, all-serving days - touring days of Bhoodan Movement, Vimalajee had to face a Big Accident while returning from the journey of Nepal. She had to undergo a tremendous and testing operation, her body was greatly damaged. She had to bear long long Hospital Treatments & pains, in course of which once one of her great moulders of life Sangeet Martand Pandit Omkarnath Thakur even had helped her to be cured with his miraculous Divine Music ! Similarly at a later stage, when her body had caught some long permanent pains of Head and Ears as an after effect of this Accident and Operation, rescue had come from another divine healing force. It was of compassionate Sri J. Krishnamurti, her another great Life-moulder, who had healed her above pain of ears and head miraculously for life ever !! On another side it was Sri J. Krishnamurti's Interesting Voyage Transformation in her life, when she Left Bhoodan Movement, which was facing many limitations, by writing to her great Moulder Dada Dharmadhikari. ARBUDACHALA ABU To reside there, where the aspired solitude dwells - this quest of Vimalajee was noticed by Shri Gokul Bhai Bhatt, the Prime Sarvodaya Leader of Rajasthan. He selected and decided his choice on a Building owned by Page #16 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 12 the Princely family of Sirohi at Mount Abu. Its Trust was formed and there commenced long time residence of Vimalajee. Mt. Abu - Arbudachala being place of attraction of several Spiritual Personalities from Ancient Times, became more pious with the footprints of Vimalajee on it. Primary residence of Vimalajee was reminding of that forest culture. This span of time full of numerable adventures, had brought many challenges. Basic facilities were being created slowly slowly and SeekerAspirants commenced gathering gradually during the time - period from 1963 to 1968. The fragrance of Vimalajee's life spreaded extensively. Friends were being gathered, readings was going on and sometimes questions-dialogue sessions also used to take place. Several mysteries were being explored here. Deep studies of SRIMAD RAJACHANDRAJI here at Mt. Abu tremendously touched her inner experience of the SELF. Its outcomes were her unparallel expressions and admiring reverance in form of her books APRAMADA YOGA, PARYUSHAN PRASADI, SAPTABHASHI ATMASIDDHI, etc., Library which commenced here became prosperous during times of studies of Vimalajee. Gradually organising of Retreatsstudy camps started. People used to gather for meetings by making own independant arrangements for their boardings & lodgings. Vimalajee refused to Page #17 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 13 keep Shivkuti building as personal property, however, this place became prosperous due to her occupation from 1963 A.D. to 2009 A.D. (46 long years !). She went on making travels of India & Abroad upto 1991 A.D. She ended the festive occasion of her foreign tours in 1991 A.D. Gradually, went on ending tours within India also and Vimalajee hardly came down from Mount Abu and Dalhousie in the span from 2004 A.D. to 2009 A.D. Thus her long residing at Mt. Abu sheltering several seekers, particularly ladies is full of serveral rare thinkings & Attainments of synthesis of Spirituality & Science. FOREIGN TOURS On her Rama Navami birthday of 1992 A.D. Vimalajee had disclosed that, "Difficult was to acquire education, difficult were the tours & travels of Bhoodan Movement Times and Foreign Tours were several times more difficult than that!" She happened to go on tour of U.S.A. in 1953 A.D. for the first time and her festive period of foreign travels ended in 1991 A.D. For seekers - Aspirants of the world, these four approximate decades became like, 'FRIENDSHIP FESTIVITY'. Vimalajee did not allow to grow any Ashram, formal organisation or set up around her. Friends went on setting up informal arrangements under the name of 'FRIENDS OF VIMALA'. Page #18 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 14 Funds were being raised only to the extent of travelling expenses and arrangements for Boarding & Lodging. Vimalajee used to participate in Retreats and Meetings and personal Interviews were being arranged, during which she used to share with friends her understanding based on spirituality & Science and Spirituality & Social Life. The primary years of foreign travels were like Adventure at jumping in darkness. Gradually all started becoming steady and settled from Holland. Thereafter groups of friends commenced taking place of about 30 countries of Entire Europe, U.S.A., Australia, Sri Lanka, etc., All commenced getting sacred touch of VimalVision, Life & Philosophy. Artist Georgia Niesten of Netherlands is one of them. Vimalajee hardly preferred to stay or dine at Hotels. She herself or her accompanying friend like Prabhaben used to cook her food. It was a part and parcel of voyage abroad to undergo personal works, correspondence and personal interviews. This process continued whenever she went. She greatly explored New Human Consciousness and sacred Transformation of An Age also took shape through her medium. LAST PHASE & ULTIMATE VOYAGE After covering & winding up of Foreign & Indian Tours' festivity, Vimalajee continued her permanent Page #19 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 15 Residence at Shivkuti during last years of her life. Here too there remained activeness of life and exploration of several dimensions of Synthesis of Spirituality and Science and Samadhi. Expressions of Universal Awakening and thinking went on taking place. By accepting the physical limitations according to Age, She rhythemically arranged the process of Diet and movements anew. She went on reducing the quantum of diet gradually in form of half-liquid and liquid. Slowly she stopped intake of medicines also which was again innocent, non-violent, ayurvedic ! Her flame of soul went on shining by becoming more and more crystal. When expressed the desire of funeral pyre (3), she strictly instructed to not to perform any rates & rituals after the death and body being cooled down. Through prior wordly-expression order she refused and forbidden the condolence, meetings and speeches. She had become light and burden-free by making most of arrangements of 'SUHIVKUL' (Dalhouse), 'SHIV KUTI' (Mt. Abu) & 'SANT KRUPA' (Ahmedabad) from very early times. Her life's last week, particularly last three days were full of eagerness of melting in Divine Existence by giving up all coverings, consuming only the water of The Ganges (). and maintaining total silence. It was something like detaching from the body, remaining by Page #20 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 16 Soul's Existence in the Jaina Samlekhana or Santhara way, which Acharya Vinobaji had adopted before leaving his body. Vimalajee's pulses of the heart were beating quite normally & naturally, which ceased on the Brahma - Muhurta (brAhmamuhUrta), Amrut vela (amRtavelA) of Falgun Shukla Poornima, 11th March 2009, at 5-05 a.m., the day of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu's Anniversary. Vimalajee's peacful departure was worthwitnessing and inspiring, showing & teaching the ART of DYING (HATT Try tl). Her last voyage by covering her pious body in National Tri Colour commenced amidst the changings of OMKARA, STOTRAS, BHAJANS & DHOON. She was given GUARD of HONOUR by Govt. of India. As per her wishes this day is not being celebrated extensively on large scale. ( so gut: gut: umi:) SPIRITUALITY "Spirituality is simultaneously humility and selfreliance, exercising both in their relative fields". "Humility makes you tender, not soft and weak but pliable." MEDITATION "Meditation is coming home to relax, to rest." "Meditation is not the end, it is not the destination, it is a rebirth." * VIMALA THAKAR * Page #21 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ UNIQUE SYNTHESIZING SIGNIFICANCE OF SILENCE & SPEECH Vimalajee, whose self-realized visualized and valuable words (427-976) sprung from the deeper realm of Integrated SILENCE WITHIN, are stored in a few ACDsVCDs and about 288 Books in India (121 Gujarati, 92 English, 46 Hindi, 29 Marathi) and translated Abroad in 8 to 10 Langauages of the world, are testimony of time, expressing her unique vastness, depth and integrated - all synthetic deeper experience. This experience has been lived alive by her in day-to-day, rather moment-to-moment life, outward external life branded by INTERNAL FORCE of her extraordinary existence. This inner existence, consisting of her synthetic Total SILENCE, is being manifested in her self realized speech and words. Coinciding with such deeper experience of Medieval Mystic Sant Kabir saying, "Tec kahA~ se uThata hai, zabda kahA~ ko jAya ? zabda nAda aura TR A 300 site RTOG TIG Qr4 7 317 1" She Page #22 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 18 says that glo words spring from it sound and ng from original zeroness - emptiness - the realm of the existence of the Self within. Here hta silence is in the root, silence is Natural form of Life and not the speech. This is what she emphasizes. Hence her speech or words are the outcome of her deeper All-Integrated, Existence--reflecting Silence within. Such words are obviously Natural, simple, without exaggeration or short, incomplete expression. They are sweet, balanced, full of inner vibrations of Divine life. They reflect the insight or approach of looking at life and living the life in full awareness. They synthesize inner and outer world. They are capable of her lifelong mission & aim of synthesizing spirituality & science. The future of mankind will realize this. (30 guia: sula: gura:) (Courtesy : Based on Prof. Pratap Kumar J. Toliya & Dr. Prafull Dave's Articles and "Samparka Bindu" "Biradar", Feb, 2012) Vimalajee's Books + CDs available from "VIMAL SAURABH" Rajkot (Ph: 0281-2365279) Page #23 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 19 VIMALAJEE'S MOULDERS & MAKERS : BUT NO GURUS Vimalajee several times used to say that process of life works very mysteriously behind the meeting of two persons. Vimalaji's life became rich & prosperous by acquiring love from several great personalities. She had frequently expressed that "Let her mortal frame was born in Thakar family, but it was brought up by Saints and Rishis only. Their protecting shield has ramained with us." The below-mentioned names are only placed in form of memorising venerations but no one was her GURU ! In fact, this last, possibly missing several names moulding, making & carrying her illustrious unique life, is bound to be still extensive. It is hoped that the remaining names will be added by the readers from their memory. 1. Sant Gyaneshwar 11. Swami Japanandji 2. Nanaji Yadavraiji 12. Swami Sitaramdasji 3. Ramakrishna Paramahans 13. Babaji Maharaj 4. Swamy Vivekanand 14. Gaurishankar Maharaj 5. Swamy Ramteerth 15. Meher Baba 6. Ramana Maharshi 16. Ma Anandamayi 7. Srimad Rajchandraji 17. Swami Virjanandaji 8. Swami Prakashanandji 18. Tukadoji Maharaj 9. Gyangiri Maharaj 19. Dada Dharmadhikariji 10. Swamy Gangeshwaranandji 20. Acharya Vinobaji Page #24 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 20 21. Sane Guruji 30. Pandit Omkarnathji 22. Jai Prakshji + Prabhavatiji 31. Sri Sahajanandaghanji 23. Ravishankar Maharaj 32. Bhadrankar Vijayaji Maharaj 24. J. Krishnamurti 33. Acharya Maha Pragya 25. Gopinathji Kaviraj 34. Dr. S. Radhakrishnan 26. Gurudial Mallik 35. C. Rajagopalachary 27. Prgyachakshu Dr. Pt. Sukhlalji 36. Achyuta Patawardhan 28. Mahadevi Varma 37. Ravsaheb Patwardhan 29. Hanuman Prasadji Poddar 38. Trikamlal Mahasukhram Courtesy : 'Sampark Bindu' Feb. 2012 & 'Antaryatra Vimal Sarita Sah' - By Self This Book Partly Sponsored by : An Aspirant inspired by Vimalajee. Some of other JINA BHARATI Books by the Author * Voyage within with Vimalajee * 3iatal - fait Hai HE (H) * Hatayeft ATC (G) * SAPTABHASHI ATMASIDDHI * PANCHABHASHI PUSHPAMALA * In Walking Tours with Vinobaji * Reminicences of Rabidranath Tagore * JAINISM ABROAD and others. Page #25 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 21 An Indian Press Review : VARDHAMAN BHARATI An organisation spreading Ahimsa, Anekant & Atmavigyan Vardhaman Bharati, an organisation established in 1971 in Bangalore, is dedicated to Spirituality, Meditation, Music and Knowledge. It mainly aims at spreading Jainology, but generally its object is to elevate the virtues of character, good conduct and higher values in our society and to lead the people towards wellharmonized life style. They have utilized the medium of Music to achieve this end. They have sacredly recorded the tenets of Jain Religious Scriptures in Cassettes through Music and Meditation. They have made Spiritual Devotional Music humming in every home. Pioneering initiator of this activity is Professor Pratap Toliya. After serving as Professor of Hindi Literature and Principal, Prof. Toliya has settled down in Bangalore and is carrying on this work on large scale in a well-organized manner. Great personalities like PANDIT SUKHLALJI, GANDHIJI, VINOBAJI, etc., are his guiding forces. He tried to carry eternal principles of religion unto the masses by blending them with Meditational Music, i.e. Music and Meditation. Shri Pratapbhai had been influenced by Srimad Rajchandra also. He produced and presented in beautiful discs and cassettes from Srimad Rajchandra's books like ATMASIDDHI SHASTRA in pleasingly renderable way. Because of respect towards other Philosophies, in spite of Jain Philosophy & Religion being in centre, Prof. Toliya presented in recorded forms Geeta, Ramayana, Kathopanishada and especially Ishopanishada. The Gramaphone Disc of the latter was released by the then Prime Minister Sri Morarji Desai in 1979, Prof. Toliya conducts various Meditation Camps too. Page #26 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 22 Worth reading is the book 'PROFILES OF PARUL published about his other daughter Parul - the genius daughter of Prof. Toliya was born on 31st December 1961 at Amreli. We find in this book Parul's childhood, development of her different intellectual abilities, leaning towards Art and Religion and her achievements in the fields of Music and Journalism etc., As a sublime Soul, Parui went off spreading her fragrance everywhere. She met a tragic premature death in Bangalore being hit in wrong side dashing Motor Bus accident while crossing the road on 28th August 1988. Details of her life and Articles of Tributes are given in the book. These consist of writings of Pandit Ravishankar and Shri Kantilal Parikh titled 'Parul - A Serence Soul', which give a beautiful account of the rare achievements of the departed soul in the fields of Art and Religion. Parul was encompassing the entire nearby life into the sacred tie of divine love. Her love and feelings of equality were spreaded not only towards the human beings, but also towards entire world including birds and animals. Unusual was the spread of her Sublime Spirit. The whole picture of Parul's soul emerging out of the complete Book is worthrespect-producing. What a fate of destiny that this flower was crushed at the moment when it was growing into perfection! The Photographs given in the book exactly erect the 27 years' lifespan and progress of a person. The reader's eye sheds tears after reading the book. May God bestow eternal peace upon that Elevated Soul! 'Vardhaman Bharati' is doing the work of the spread of culture even being away from Gujarat and this being useful for the masses and Society, is highly commendable. "Triveni", Loksatta-Jansatta by Dr. RAMANLAL JOSHI (Editor 'UDDESH") Ahmedabad, 22-3-1992 Translated from Gujarati Page #27 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Vardhaman Bharati International Foundation PRABHAT COMPLEX, K.G.ROAD, BANGALORE-560009. Ph: 080 65953440 / 26667882 JINA BHARATI HINDI CDS-CASSETTES WON Kalpasootra: Talks set (Bhadra Muni/PKT) Dashlakshan Dharma : Talks set : Bhadra Muni Paramguru Pravachana Series: Bhadra Muni Dakshinapath Ki Sadhanayatra & Atmadrishta Mataji (Audio Book) Parul Prasoon : Poems (Audio Book) Music for Meditation (Dhoon & Dhyan) Music for Meditation (Dhyan Sangeet) 8. Music for Meditation (Yoga Conf. VYOMA) 9. Music for Meditation (Ananda Loka) 10. Music for Meditation (Omkar Nada Dhyan) 11. Mahaveer Darshan 12. Bahubali Darshan 13. Atmakhoj : Anant Ki Anugoonj 14. Baraha Bhavana - Asara Aradhana 15. Brahmagulal Katha 16. Bhikshu Chalisa 17. Chhah Dhala 1 & 2 18. Chanda Ki Chand Kavitayen 19. Dadguru Darshan 20. Divakar Darshan 21. Darshan Stotra, Samayik 22. Geet-Ghazals, Geet Kavitta 23. Jina Vandana 24. Jain Bhajanas 25. Kahat Kabira 26. Meri Bhavana Anubhav Vani 27. Meera Ke Bhakti Pad 28. Mahayogi Anandaghan Ke Pad 29. Navkar Mahima 30. Ratnakar Pachisi 1. Rajpad - Sahajanand Pad - Rajvani 32. Ratnatraya Vrat Katha 33. Spandana Samvedana 34. Sonagir : Dashlakshan kath 35. Sthanakvasi Pratikraman 36. Viron Ki Baat Page #28 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CARING & COMPASSIONATE VIMALA DEEDI AN IMPORTANT SUGGESTION TO THE JAIN SOCIETY BY - MODERN SEER & ASSOCIATE OF ACHARYA VINOBAJI AND SRI J. KRISHNAMURTI, WHO WROTE INTRODUCTORY OF SAPTABHASHI ATMASIDDHI. Excerpt from the book, 'Voyage within with Vimalaji' (Vimala Thakar): By this Author: "Instrument you have become, it's an important thing. Everyone wants to be a 'CREATOR' and no one an 'INSTRUMENT', a NIMITTA..." And saying so with her silent graceful, blessingful gestures, she again peeped into silence and seemed to be extremely pleased with all humble, spiritual, musical, literary creations that took shape at these humble hands." "How many creations ?" She asked. "More than a hundred cassettes-records already produced and about twenty five published-unpublished books" I hesitatingly replied. "Tremendous...! Extensively you have worked, widely you have travelled. A good deal of spread and publicity of spiritual and cultural values you have accomplished... Now the people, the society should make provisions for your future voyage, for your well being..." "You should be aptly rewarded for your untiring lifelong mission. You have carried the valuable words of Srimadji and other great Jain saints across the universe..." "You should be provided by the society with rest, relaxation and time for your own realisation now. It is quite apparent that you have worked throughout without caring for your family's well being and for your own physical comforts, health and care. How far this could go on? I experience a great deal of agony when I see your plight and sight. YOU MUST BLOOM AND BLOSSOM NOW. The Jain society, especially Srimad Rajchandraji's followers, must do something for your unusual and untiring creations..." Vimala Thakar - In personal Heart to Heart talk, 1994, Mt. Abu