Book Title: Trishasti Shalaka Purusa Caritra Part 5
Author(s): Hemchandracharya, Helen M Johnson
Publisher: Oriental Research Institute Vadodra
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Page #1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ GAEKWAD ORIENTAL SERIES No. 139 Page #2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Gaekwad's Oriental Series Published under the Authority of the Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, General Editor: B. J. Sandesara, M.A., Ph.D. No. 139 TRISASTISALAKAPURUSACARITRA Vol. V Books VIII and IX Page #3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Page #4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ TRISASTISALAKAPURUSACARITRA OR THE LIVES OF SIXTY-THREE ILLUSTRIOUS PERSONS BY ACARYA SRI HEMACANDRA Vol. V TRANSLATED INTO ENGLISH BY HELEN M. JOHNSON, Ph.D. AJA SAL THE HARARALA 132 RAD UNIVERSITY OF mAyaM zivaM sundaram OF BAROGA ORIENTAL INSTITUTE BARODA 1962 Page #5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Printed by Ramanlal J. Patel, Manager, The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda Press (Sadhana Press), Near Palace Gate, Palace Road, Baroda and published on behalf of the Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda by Dr. Bhogilal J. Sandesara, Director, Oriental Institute, Baroda, March. 1962, Price Rs. 25/ Can be had of: . UNIVERSITY PUBLICATIONS SALES UNIT, Near Palace Gate, Palace Road, Baroda r. Page #6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ To THE MEMORY OF G.D. WHO DIED ALONE BECAUSE OF THIS VOLUME Page #7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ I Preface II Abbreviations III Bibliography Introduction IV V Text Book VIII: Neminathacaritra Book IX: CONTENTS VI Appendix I: VII Appendix II: VIII Text Corrections Brahmadattacaritra Parsvanathacaritra Additional Notes New and Rare Words ::: IX Index of Names and Subjects X Index of Sanskrit and Prakrit Words vii : : xii xxviii 1 317 356 425 428 440 448 468 Page #8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ PREFACE Volume V of the translation of the Trisastisalakapurusacaritra has been completed under a Fulbright grant. I am under obligation to Muni Sri Punyavijayaji, disciple of Muni Caturvijayaji, for assistance on Book VIII given some years ago; and for the loans of MSS from the Lalbhai Dalpatbhai Bharatiya Sanskriti Vidya-Mandir in Ahmedabad. I am under especial obligation to Nyayatirtha Nyayavijaya Maharaj, disciple of the late Vijaya Dharma Suri, now at Mandal, Gujarat, for suggestions on some difficult points and one brilliant emendation. .: As always, I am indebted to Pandit L. B. Gandhi, now retired from the Oriental Institute, for much assistance on doctrinal points; and to Mr. H. M. Shah, B.A., of Ahmedabad for his help in many ways, especially as interpreter. There have been many changes in the staff of the Oriental Institute since my last stay in Baroda; but under the new Director, Dr. B. J. Sandesara I have had the same facilities, and special assistance from Mr. J. S. Pade, M.A., Research Officer, and Mr. M. R. Nambiar, Assistant Editor of the Ramayana Department. In addition to the Poona MS that I have used throughout, I had loans of two MSS from the Jnana Mandir in Baroda; of one from Chani; and of three from the Lalbhai Dalpatbhai Bharatiya Sanskriti Vidya-Mandir. Any corrections that I have made in the text have MS authority, except an occasional one from the same passage in the Yogasastra. Hemacandra is not consistent in his spelling of proper names and I have kept his spellings. Though uniform spelling would be desirable, I did not feel justified in changing Hemacandra's spelling. The Sanskrit words that have been retained in the translation are included in the English Index with an explanation for the reader who does not know Sanskrit. BARODA January 6, 1962. Page #9 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ABBREVIATIONS ABayA = Abhandlungen der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenchaften, Phil. Klasse. Abhi. = Abhidhanacintamani, Bhav. ed. Acar.=Acarangasutra. AKM=Abhandlungen fur die Kunde des Morgenlandes. AnSS=Ananda Sanskrit Series. Anuyog=Anuyogadvara. Apte=Sanskrit-English Dictionary. AS=Agamodayasamiti Sieres. Aup.=Aupapatikasutra. Ausadhi = BIhannighantu. Ava. =Avasyakasutra, Malayagiri's com. Avacurni. =Avasyakacurni. AvaH=Avasyakasutra, Haribhadra's com. AvaHH =Haribhadriyavasyakavsttitippanaka. B. =Barnett's ed. of Antagadadasao and Anuttarovavaiya dasao. Balfour =Cyclopaedia of India. Bate=Bate's Hindi Dictionary. Bhag. =Bhagavatisutra. BORI =Bhandarkar Oriental Institute. Bshat. =Bshatsangrahani. Chand.=Chandonusasana. Clements =Introduction to the Study of Indian Music. Crooke=Religion and Folklore of Northern India. DesiH=Desinamamala. DH=Dasavaikalikasutra, Haribhadra's com. DLF=Devchand Lalbhai Jain Pustakoddhar Fund. Dutt =Materia Medica. Fox-Strangways =Music of Hindostan. G.=Der Jainismus. GOS=Gaekwad's Oriental Series. Page #10 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Guj. =Gujarati. Guna. Gunasthanakramaroha. H=Hindi. Haim. Haimasabdanusasana. Hindu Holidays - Hindu Holidays and Ceremonials. H. I. Elements of Hindu Iconography. H. of J.-The Heart of Jainism. HOS Harvard Oriental Series. H. P. Fallon's Hindustani Proverbs. IHQ Indian Historical Quarterly. IS-Indische Spruche. Jamb. = Jambudvipaprajnapti. JAOS Journal of the American Oriental Society. JBBRAS = Journal of the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society. J. G. The Jaina Gazette. J. G. D. Jaina Gem Dictionary. Jiv. - Jivajivabhigama. Jnata. Jnatadharmakatha. JOI Journal of the Oriental Institute. Baroda, India. K. Die Kosmographie der Inder. Kirfel=do. ABBREVIATIONS Kan. The Study of Jainism. Kavya. Kavyanusasana by Hemcandra. Kavya. V. Kavyanusasana by Vagbhatta. KG Karma Granthas.. = = Km Kavyamimamsa. KS Kalpasutra. KSK Kalpasutra, with Kiranavali com. LAI Life in Ancient India as depicted in the Jain Canons. Lokaprakasa. - Lp.= M = Marathi. Martin The Gods of India. = M. C. Marathi-English Dictionary. MDJG Manikchand Digambara Jaina Granthamala. Meyer-Hindu Tales. ix Page #11 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ABBREVIATIONS MW=Monier-Williams, Sanskrit-English Dictionary. Ns. = Natyasastra. O. of J.=Outlines of Jainism. Oppert =On the Weapons, Army Organisation and Political Maxims of the Ancient Hindus. Panca.=Pancapratikramanasutra. Pancaprati. =do. Panca. =Pancasakagrantha. Parsva.=Life and Stories of the Jaina Savior Parcvanatha. PE=Ardha-Magadhi Kosa. Penzer=Ocean of Story, trans. of Kathasaritsagara. PH=Paiasaddamahannavo. PJP. = First Principles of Jain Philosophy. Pk. =Prakrit. Popley=Music of India. Pra. =Prajnapana. Pras. =Prasnavyakarana. Pravac. =Pravacanasaroddhara. Raja. = Rajaprasniyasutra. Rajendra. = Abhidhanarajendra. Roxb. = Flora Indica. Sabda. =Sabdasagara. Sam. =Samavayangasutra. SBE=Sacred Books of the East. SBJ=Sacred Books of the Jainas (Arrah). Sth. =Sthanangasutra. T.=Tattvarthadhigamasutra, Jacobi's ed. Tapavali=Taporatnamahodadhi. Tri. =Trisastisalakapurusacaritra. Uttar. #Uttaradhyayana, SBE XLV. Uttar. B. =Uttaradhyayana with Bhavavijaya's com. Uttar. K.-Uttaradhyayana with Kamalasamyama's com. Uv.=Uvasagadasao, Hoernle's ed. VH=Vasudevahindi. Vises. =Visesavasyakabhasya. Vogel - Indian Serpent Lore. Page #12 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ABBREVIATIONS Watt - The Commercial Products of India. = Watt Dict. - Dictionary of the Economic Products of India. Wilkins = Hindu Mythology. YJG=Yashovijaya Jaina Granthamala, Benares. Yog.Yogasastra. ZDMG=Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenlandischen Gesell schaft. I= Vol. II = Vol. II, III = Vol. III, IV = Vol. IV, xi I, Trisastisalakapurusacaritra. Vol. LI, GOS. Vol. LXXVII, GOS. Vol. CVIII, GOS. Vol. CXXV, GOS. Page #13 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ BIBLIOGRAPHY GENERAL Abhidhanarajendra. A Prakrit-Sanskrit lexicon of Jain texts. By Vijaya Rajendra Suri. Ratlam 1913-25. Alberuni's India. An English Edition with Notes and Indices, E. C. Sachau. 2 vols. London 1910. Annals and Antiquities of Rajasthan, or the Central and Western Rajpoot States of India, J. Tod. 2 vols. London 1829-32. Antiquities of India, L. D. Barnett. London 1913. Ardha-Magadhi Kosa. In five languages. S. S. Jain Conference. Bombay 1923-30. Astronomie, Astrologie und Mathematik, G. Thibaut. Grundriss der Indo-Arischen Philologie und Altertums kunde. III Band, 9 Heft. Strassburg 1899. Ausgewahlte Erzahlungen aus Hemacandras Parishishtaparvan. German translation by J. Hertel. Leipzig 1908. Ausgewahlte Erzahlungen in Maharashtri. Grammatik, Text, Worterbuch. H. Jacobi. Leipzig 1886. Beast and Man in India, J. L. Kipling. McMillan and Co. 1904. Bshannighantu or Ausadhikosa. A Sanskrit, vernacular and English botanical glossary. Poona 1924. The Book of Good Counsels, Arnold. From the Sanskrit of the * Hitopadesa.' London 1893. Brahmanism and Hinduism, Monier-Williams. Fourth edition. New York 1891. Chips of Jade, Guiterman. New York 1920. A Collection of Telegu Proverbs, translated, illustrated, and explained, together with some Sanscrit Proverbs, Carr. Madras : London 1868. The Commercial Products of India, G. Watt. London 1908. Cultural Data in the Vasudeva-Hindi, B. J. Sandesara. JOI. X (Sept. 1960). Page #14 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ BIBLIOGRAPHY xiii Cyclopaedia of India and of Eastern and Southern Asia, Balfour. 3 vols. Third edition. London 1885. A Dictionary of the Economic Products of India, G. Watt. Government of India Press. Calcutta 1896. A Dictionary of the Hindee Language, J. D. Bate. Allahabad 1918. A Dictionary of Hindu Architecture, P. K. Acharya. Oxford Press. 1927 (?). A Dictionary of Plant Names, Gerth van Wijk. The Hague 1911. Eastern Monachism, Hardy. London 1850. Eine jainistische Bearbeitung der Sagara-Sage. Dissertation by Richard Fick. Kiel 1888. Elements of Hindu Iconography, T. A. Gopinath. Madras 1914. The Elephant-Lore of the Hindus. The Elephant-Sport of Nilakantha. Translated from the original Sanskrit with Introduction, Notes, and Glossary. Edgerton. Yale University Press. 1931. Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics, Hastings. New York 1908-26. Epitome of Jainism, Nahar and Ghosh. Calcutta 1917. Essai de Bibliographie Jaina, Guerinot. Annales du Musee Guimet. Paris 1906. Essays and Lectures on the Religion of the Hindus, H. H. Wilson. Vol. I. London 1861. Fact Digest. August, 1940. Published at Emaus, Pa. Fire-Arms in Ancient India, G. N. Vaidya. JBBRAS, IV (1928). First Principles of Jain Philosophy, H. Jhaveri. Benares 1918. Flora of British India, Hooker. 7 vols. London 1875-97. Flora of the Presidency of Bombay, Cooke. 2 vols. 1903-08. Flora Indica, Roxburgh. Thacker, Spink and Co. Calcutta 1874. The Folklore of Bombay, Enthoven. Oxford 1924. Folk Lore Notes. Vol. I Gujarat; Vol. II Konkan, Enthoven. British India Press. Bombay 1914. Page #15 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ xiv BIBLIOGRAPHY Folk Tales of Kashmir, Knowles. London 1888. The Geographical Dictionary of Ancient and Mediaeval India, N. L. Dey. London 1927. Geschichte der Indischen Litteratur, M. Winternitz. 3 vols. Leipzig 1904-1922. Gods of India, E. O. Martin. E. P. Dutton and Co. 1914. Grammatik der Prakrit Sprachen, Hemachandra (Siddhahemacandram, Adhyaya VIII). Edited by Pischel. Halle 1877-80. A Handbook of Tropical Gardening and Planting, H. F. Macmillan. Case & Co. Colombo 1914. A Handful of Popular Maxims, Jacob, Bombay 1900. See Laukikanyayanjali. Heart of Jainism, Mrs. S. Stevenson. Oxford Press. 1915. Hindi Sabdasagara. A Hindi lexicon. Published by Pracarinisabha of Benares. 1916-28. The Hindi Scientific Glossary. Containing the Terms of Astronomy, Chemistry, Geography, Mathematics, Philosophy, Physics, and Political Economy, with their Hindi equivalents. Syam Sundar Das. Benares 1906. Hindu Holidays and Ceremonials, B. A. Gupte. Thacker, Spink & Co. 1919. Hindu Mythology, Wilkins. Thacker, Spink & Co. 1882. Hindu Tales, translation of Jacobi's Ausgewahlte Erzahlungen in Maharashtri by J. J. Meyer. London 1909. Hindustani Proverbs, Fallon. A History of Indian Literature, M. Winternitz. Vol. 2. English translation. Calcutta 1933. The History of Rajputana, Gahlot. In Hindi. 2 vols. Jodhpur 1937. A History of Sanskrit Literature, A. B. Keith. Oxford 1928. Hobson-Jobson. A Glossary of Anglo-Indian Colloquial Words and Phrases, Yale-Burnell. London 1886. Householders' Dharma, C. R. Jain, Indian Architecture, P. K. Acharya. Oxford Press. 1927 (?). The Indian Calendar, Sewell and Diksit. London 1896. Page #16 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ BIBLIOGRAPHY The Indian and Christian Miracles of Walking on the Water, W. N. Brown. Chicago 1928. Indian Myth and Legend, D. A. Mackenzie. London. The Indian Sect of the Jainas, G. Buhler. Luzac & Co. London 1903. Indian Serpent Lore, J. Ph. Vogel. London 1926. Indian Tress, D. Brandis. London 1911. Indian Wisdom, Monier-Williams. Fourth edition. London 1893. Indische Spruche, Sanskrit und Deutsch, O. Bohtlingk. 3 vols. Second edition. St. Petersburg 1870-73. An Introduction to Jainism, A. B. Latthe. Bombay. XV An Introduction to the Popular Religion and Folkore of Northern India, W. Crooke. Allahabad 1894. Introduction to the Study of Indian Music, Clements. New York 1913. Das Jaiminiya Brahmana in Auswahl, Caland. Text, Ubersetzung, Indices. Amsterdam, 1919. The Jaina Gem Dictionary, J. L. Jaini. Arrah 1918. Jaina Iconography, Bhandarkar. (The Samavasaranastavana). Indian Antiquary. Vol. 40 (1911), pp. 125 ff.; 153 ff. Jaina Jatakas, translation of Book I, Canto I of Hemacandra's Trishashtisalakapurushacaritra, B. D. Jain. Lahore 1925. The Jaina Ramayanas, D. L. Narasimhachar. IHQ XV, 575 ff. Der Jainismus, H. V. Glasenapp. Berlin 1925. Jinaratnakosa, H. D. Velankar. Vol. I. BORI. Poona 1944. Kalpadrumakosa, Radhakantadeva. All-Sanskrit Dict. Cal cutta 1886-. Karma Philosophy, Karbhari. Bombay 1913. Key of Knowledge, C. R. Jain. 1915. Die Kosmographie der Inder, W. Kirfel. Leipzig 1920. Life and Stories of the Jaina Savior Parcvanatha, M. Bloomfield. The Johns Hopkins Press. Baltimore 1919. Life in Ancient Indian as Depicted in the Jain Canons, J. C. Jain. Bombay 1947. Page #17 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ xvi Life of Mahavira, M. C. Jaini. Allahabad 1908. Location of Krsna's Capital Dvaravati, N. K. Bhattasali. IHQ, X. (1934), pp. 541 ff. Marathi-English Dictionary, Molesworth-Candy. Bombay 1857. Marathi Proverbs, Mainwaring. Oxford 1899. The Materia Medica of the Hindus, Dutt. of Indian Plants by George King. Calcutta 1900. Mediaeval Jainism, B. A. Saletore. Bombay 1938. The Modern Gujarati-English Dictionary, Mehta. Baroda 1925. Music of Hindostan, Fox-Strangways. Oxford 1914. Music of India, H. A. Popley. Oxford Press. 1921. A Naturalist in Himalaya, R. W. G. Kingston. London 1920. Notes de Bibliographie Jaina, Guerinot. Journal Asiatique, BIBLIOGRAPHY Vols. 14, 19. On False Ascetics and Nuns in Hindu Fiction, M. Bloomfield. JAOS 44, 204 ff. On Talking Birds in Hindu Fiction, M. Bloomfield. Festschrift Ernst Windisch. Leipzig 1914. On the Weapons, Army Organisation and Political Maxims of the Ancient Hindus. Based on Nitiprakasika and Sukraniti, G. Oppert. Madras 1880. Outline of the Religious Literature of India, J. N. Farquhar.* Oxford Press. 1920. Outlines of Jainism, J. L. Jaini. Reprinted with corrections. Cambridge 1940. Paia-sadda-mahannavo With a Glossary Revised edition. (Prakrtasabda-maharnava). Hindi Dictionary. H. T. Sheth. Calcutta 1928. A Pepys of Mogul India, Irvine. London 1913. Plagues and Pleasures of Life in Bengal, Cunningham. London 1907. The Popular Religion and Folk-Lore of Northern India, W. Crooke. 2 vols. Constable & Co. 1896. Racial Proverbs, Champion. New York 1938. Ras Mala, Forbes. London 1878. Prakrt Page #18 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ BIBLIOGRAPHY xvii Religion and Folklore of Northern India, Crooke. Oxford University Press. 1926. Religion and Philosophy of the Veda and Upanishads, Keith. HOS 31, 32. Cambridge 1925. Sabdacintamani, a Sanskrit-Gujarati Dictionary. Vora 1900. The Sanskrit Drama, Keith. Oxford 1924. Shabda-sagara, Sanskrit-English Lexicon, Vidyasagara. Based on Wilson's Sanskrit-English Dictionary. Calcutta 1900. The Sinduvara Tree in Sanskrit Literature, M. B. Emeneau. University of California Publications in Classical Philology, 12, 333 ff. Some Indian Friends and Acquaintances, Cunningham. New York 1904. Study of Jainism, L. Kannoomal. Agra 1916. Things Indian, W. Crooke. London 1906. Uber das Leben des Jaina Monches Hemachandra, G. Buehler. Wien 1889. A Vedic Index of Names and Subjects, Macdonell-Keith. 2 vols. London 1912. A View of the History, Literature and Mythology of the Hindus, Ward. 3 vols. London 1822. Yaksas, Parts I and II, Coomaraswamy. Smithsonian Institute. Washington 1928-31. Yasastilaka and Indian Culture, K. K. Handiqui. Jaina Samskrti Samraksaka Sangha. Sholapur 1949. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenlandischen Gesellschaft. Vols. 28 and 42. Leipzig. SANSKRIT AND PRAKRIT TEXTS, INCLUDING TRANSLATIONS Agnipurana, edited by Rajendralala Mitra. Bibliotheca Indica, n.s. 189, 197, 201, 291. Calcutta 1873-79. Prose English translation by M. M. Dutt. 2 vols. Calcutta 1903-04. Adhyatmatattvaloka, Muni Nyayavijaya. With Guj. notes and translation by author. Translated into English with general notes. Bhavnagar 1920, Page #19 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ xviii BIBLIOGRAPHY Anuyogadvarasutra, vrtti by Maladharin. AS 1924. Anekantajayapataka, Haribhadra. With author's commentary. Yasovijayagranthamala 40. Bhavnagar 1914. Anekarthasamgraha, Hemacandra. With com. Ed. by Zachariae. Vienna 1893. Antagadadasao, translated by L. D. Barnett. and Anuttarovavaiyadasao, Oriental Translation Fund. London 1907. Apabhramsakavyatrayi, Jinadattasuri. GOS XXXVII. Baroda 1927. Abhidhanacintamani, Hemacandra. With index. Yasovijaya Jaina Granthamala 42. Bhavnagar 1919. Abhidhanacintamani, Hemacandra. Herausgegeben, ubersetzt und mit Anmerkungen begleitet. Bohtlingk and Rieu. St. Petersburg 1847. Arthasastra, Kautilya's, translated by R. Shamasastry. Government Oriental Library Series. Bibliotheca Sanskrita, No. 37, Part II. Bangalore 1915. Das Altindische Buch vom Welt- und Staatsleben. Das Arthasastra des Kautilya. Aus dem Sanskrit ubersetzt und mit Einleitung und Ammerkungen versehen, J. J. Meyer. Leipzig 1926. Acarangasutra, translated by H. Jacobi. SBE Vol. 22. Oxford 1884. Adinathacaritra, Hemacandra. First parvan of Trisasti-salakapurusacaritra. Hindi translation by Muniraj Pratapamuni. Indore. Avasyaka-erzahlungen, Leumann. AKM X, 2. Leipzig 1897. Avasyakacurni, Jinadasa. With niryukti by Bhadrabahu. Ratlam 1928. Avasyakasutra, with niryukti by Bhadrabahu and vrtti by Malayagiri. AS Bombay 1928. Avasyakasutra, with niryukti by Bhadrabahu and vrtti by Haribhadra. AS Bombay 1916. Page #20 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ BIBLIOGRAPHY Uttaradhyayana, with vivrti by Bhavavijaya. Atmananda sabha. Bhavnagar 1918. with vrtti by Kamalasamyama. Belanganj, Agra 1923, Part I, and Bhavnagar, Parts II-IV, 1925-33. with Bhadrabahu's niryukti and Santisuri's vrtti. DLF 1917. translated by H. Jacobi. SBE Vol. 45. Oxford 1895. Upadesacintamani, Jayasekhara. Jamnagar 1918. Upadesatarangini, Sriratnamandiraganin. Benares 1910. Uvasagadasao (Upasakadasasutra), edited and translated by Bibliotheca Indica. Calcutta 1885. Atmavallabha R. Hoernle. Rsimandalaprakarana, Dharmaghosasuri. granthamala 13. Vala 1939. Aupapatikasutra, with vrtti by Abhayadeva. AS Bombay 1916.. " Kathakoca, translated by Tawney. Oriental Translation Fund, Vol. VI (New Series). London 1895. xix Katha Sarit Sagara, Somadeva. Ed. by Brockhans. 3 vols. Leipzig 1839-66. Kathasaritsagara, Somadeva. Translated by C. H. Tawney. Bibliotheca Indica. Calcutta 1880-84. 2 C. H. Tawney's translation of, called 'The Ocean of Story,' edited by N. M. Penzer with additional notes and appendices. London 1924. Karma Grantha, Devendra Suri, with author's commentary. 2 vols. Prasarakasabha. Bhavnagar 1909-11. 2 Devendra Suri. With Gujarati notes. Atmanandasabha. Vol. I. Bhavnagar 1935. Karmaprakrti, Sivacarya. Jaina Dharma Prasarak Sabha. Bhavnagar 1917. Kalpasutra, with Dharmasagara's vrtti, called Kiranavali. Atmanandasabha. Bhavnagar 1922. with Subodhikakhyavrtti. DLF 1923. translated by H. Jacobi. SBE Vol. 22. Oxford 1884. Kadambari, Banabhatta and son, Bhushanabhatta. of Bhanucandra and his disciple Siddhachandra. Ed. by '9 Page #21 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ BIBLIOGRAPHY K. P. Parab. Second edition. Bombay 1896. The Kadambari of Bana, translated by C. M. Ridding. London 1896. Kavyakalpalata, Arisinha. With vitti by Amaracandra. Bom bay 1891. Kavyaprakasa, Manamata. With com. by Vamanacharya Rama bhatta. BORI. Poona 1950. Kavyamimamsa, Rajasekhara. Third edition, revised and enlarged by K. S. Ramaswani. GOS I. Baroda 1934. Kavyanusasana, Hemacandra. Kavyamala 70. Bombay. Kavyanusasana, Vagbhatta. Bombay 1915. Kumarapalapratibodha, Somaprabha. GOS XIV. Baroda 1920. Krsnayajurvediyam taittriyabrahmanam, srimatsayanacarya viracitabhasyasametam. AnSS 37. Poona 1898. Gacchacaraprakirnaka, with vitti by Vanara. AS Bombay 1923. Gunasthanakramaroha, Ratnasekharasuri. With author's commentary. DLF Bombay 1916., Gommatasara, Nemicandra. Edited with translations in Sanskrit and English and with commentary in English by J. L. Jaini. SBJ V and VI. Lucknow 1927. Caturvargacintamani, Hemadri. Bibliotheca Indica. Calcutta. Caturvinsatijinanandastutayah, Sri Meruvijayagani. Ed. with Gujarati translation, etc. by H. R. Kapadia. AS Bombay 1929. Catuhsaranadimaranasamadhyantam Prakirnakadasaka. AS 1920. Chandonusasana, Hemacandra. Bombay 1912. Jambudvipaprajnapti, with vitti by Santicandra. DLF 1920. Jivajivabhigama, with vstti by Malayagiri. DLF.1919. Jaiminiyabrahmana. See above, Das Jaiminiya etc. Jnatadharmakatha, with vivarana by Abhayadeva. AS 1919. vers, 2 vols. Prasarakasabha. Bhavnagar 1929-30. Tattvarthadhigamasutrani, Umasvati. : With commentary. Motilal Ladhaji. Poona 1926. Page #22 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ . BIBLIOGRAPHY translated by H. Jacobi. ZDMG Vol. 60. Text and Translation. Notes and Commentary in English by J. L. Jaini. SBJ II. Arrah 1920. . Taporatnamahodadhi (Tapavaligrantha). Second ed. Edited by Muniraj Bhaktivijayaji. Atmanandasabha 27. Bhaynagar 1946. Taittiriyabrahmana. See Krsnayajur etc. Trisastilaksanamahapurana. See Mahapurana. Trisastisalakapurusacaritra, Hemcandra. , R xxi sabha. Bhavnagar 1905-09. translated by H. M. Johnson. Vol. I, The Adisvaracaritra. GOS LI. Baroda 1931. 6 vols. Prasaraka GOS LXXVII. Baroda 1937. GOS CVIII. Baroda 1949. Vol. II. Books II and III. Vol. III, Books IV and V. Vol. IV, Books VI and VII. GOS CXXV. Baroda 1954. See above, Adinathacaritra. see above, Jaina Jatakas. Davvasamgaha (Dravyasamgraha), Nemicandra. With com. by Brahmadeva. Ed. with translation and notes in English by S. C. Ghosal. SBJ I. Arrah 1917. Dasarupa, Dhanamjaya, edited and translated by George C. O. Haas. Indo-Iranian Series of Columbia University, vol. 7. 1912. Dasavealiyasutta, with Bhadrabahu's niryukti. Ed. and translated into English by K. V. Abhyankar. Ahmedabad 1932. Dasavaikalikasutra. Jinayasahsurigrantharatnamala. Cambay 1919. Dasavaikalikasutra with Bhadrabahu's niryukti and Haribhadra's vrtti. DLF 47. 1918. Ratlam 1928. Dasasastriya-upadesapada, Haribhadra. Divyavadana. A Collection of Early Buddhist Legends. Edited by Cowell and Neil. Cambridge 1886. Devalasmrti. See Smrtisamuccaya. Desinamamala, Hemacandra. Edited by Pischel. Second Bombay Sanskrit Series XVII. edition with glossary. Bombay 1938. Page #23 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ xxii BIBLIOGRAPHY Dravya-Samgraha,' Nemichandra. See Davvasamgaha. Dvyasrayakavya, Hemacandra. Bombay Sanskrit and Prakrit Series, 76.1921. Atmanandagrantharatnamala (41). Bhav Dhammilakatha. nagar 1915. Dharmaratnaprakarana, Sri Santisuri. Atmanandasabha. Bhavnagar 1914. Dharmasastra, Vasishtha. Translated by Buhler in SBE XIV. Oxford 1882. Nandisutra, with vrtti by Malayagiri. AS Bombay 1924. Nandyadigathadyakaradiyuto Visayanukrama. AS 1928. Navatattvaprakarana, Devaguptasuri. Atmanandasabha. Bhavnagar. Navatattvasahityasangraha, edited by Udayavijayagani. Ahmedabad 1922. Natyadarpana, Ramacandrasuri. Baroda 1929. Vol. I. GOS XLVIII. Natyasastra, Bharata. Edited by Sivadatta and Parab. Bombay 1894. with commentary of Abhinavagupta. GOS XXXVI and LXVIII. Baroda 1926-34. Cal Natyasastra, ascribed to Bharatamuni. Translated by M. Ghosh. Vol. I. Bibliotheca India. Work No. 272. cutta 1950. Nitiprakasika, ed. by Oppert. Trubner and Co. London 1882. Nyayakusumanjali, Muni Nyayavijaya. Sanskrit with translation and notes in Gujarati and English. Ahmedabad 1922. Pancatantra, translated by A. W. Ryder. University of Chicago Press. 1925. Pancapratikramanadisutra. Atmanandasabha. Bhavnagar 1926. Pancasakagrantha. With tika by Abhayadeva. Prasarakasabha. Bhavnagar 1912. Panchastikaya Sara, Kundakundacarya. Edited with translation, notes etc. by Chakravartinayanar. SBJ III. Arrah 1920. Pandavacaritra, Maladharidevaprabhasuri. Kavyamala 93. Page #24 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ BIBLIOGRAPHY xxiii Bombay 1911. Padmananda Mahakavya, with Caturvinsatijinendrasanksipta caritani as Appendix, Amaracandra Suri. GOS LVIII. Baroda 1932. Parisistaparvan, Hemacandra. Edited by H. Jacobi. Calcutta 1883. --, extracts translated by J. Hertel. Leipzig 1908. Parsvanathacaritra, Bhavadevasuri. Ed. by Hargovinddas and Bechardas. Yasovijaya Jaina Granthamala (32). Benares 1912. Purushartha-Siddhyupaya, Amsta Candra Suri. Edited by Pandit Ajita Prasad. Sacred Books of the Jainas. Vol. IV. Lucknow 1933. Prakirnaka Catuhsarana, Virabhadra. DLF 1922. Prajnapanopanga, with vivarana by Malayagiri. As 1918. Prataparudrayasobhabhushana, Vidyanatha. With notes in English. Bombay Sanskrit and Prakrit Series, No. LXV. 1909. Prabandhacintamani, Merutunga. Edited by Ramacandra Dinanath. Bombay. ---, translated by C. H. Tawney. Calcutta 1901. - Prabandhacintamani, Merutungacarya. Ed. by Jinavijaya. - Part I. Singhi Jaina Jnanapith. Santiniketan 1933. Pravacanasaroddhara, Nemicandra. With vitti by Siddhasena. DLF Bombay 1922. Prasnavyakarananga, with vivarana by Abhayadeva. AS Bombay 1919. Pracinagurjarakavyasangraha. GOS XIII. Baroda 1920. Priyadarsika, Harsha. Translated by Nariman, Jackson, and Ogden. Columbia University. Indo-Iranian Series, 10. Bshatsamhita, Varamihira. With commentary by Bhattotpala. Vizianagram Sk. Series X. Benares 1895-97. BIhatsangrahani, with vitti by Malayagiri. Atmanandasabha. Bhavnagar 1917. Bhagavatisutra, with vitti by Abhayadeva. As 1919. Bharatakosa, compiled by M. Ramakrishna Kavi Venkatesvara. Page #25 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ xxiv Oriental Institute. Tirupati 1915. Bhagavatapurana. Le Bhagavata Purana ou Histoire Poetique de Krichna. Traduit et Publie par M. Eugene Burnouf. 2 vols. Paris 1840-44. Bhavaprakasana, Saradatanaya. GOS XLV. Baroda 1930. Mallinathacaritra, Vinayacandrasuri. YJG 29. Benares 1911. Mahapurana, or Tisatthimahapurisagunalamkara, Puspadanta. Ed. by P. L. Vaidya. 3 vols. MDJG Bombay 1937. Matangalila, Nilakantha. Trivandrum Sanskrit Series No. 10. 1910. BIBLIOGRAPHY translated by F. Edgerton. See above, The ElephantLore of the Hindus. Manava-Dherma-Sastra (Manavadharmasastra); or The Institutes of Menu. Edited by G. C. Haughton. London 1825. Markandeya Purana. Edited by Bhattacarya. Calcutta 1876. translated by F. E. Pargiter into English. Calcutta 1904. Maharashtri. Ausgewahlte Erzahlungen in, See above under " Ausgewahlte. Mimansadarsana: Jaiminipranitamima/sadarsana with Sabara's bhasya. AnSS 97. Poona 1932. Meghaduta, Kalidasa. With commentary of Vallabhadeva. Edited by E. Hultzsch. London 1911. With commentary of Mallinatha. Edited by N. G. Suru. Poona. Maitrayani Sanhita. Edited by L. von Schroeder. 4 vols. Leipzig 1881-86. Moharajaparajaya, Yasahpala. GOS IX. Baroda 1918. Yajnavalkya Smrti, with commentaries of the Mitaksara, the Viramitrodaya, and the Dipakalika. An English translation with notes, etc. by J. R. Gharpure. Vol. II, Part III of the Collection of Hindu Law Texts. Bombay 1938. Yogadarsana, Bhagavan Mahamuni Patanjalipranitam, with bhasya by Krsnadvaipayana (Vyasa), and vyakhya called Tattvavaisaradi by Vacaspatimisra and tippana by Svami Balarama. Calcutta 1890. Yogasastra, Hemacandra. With his own commentary. Page #26 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ XXY BIBLIOGRAPHY Prasarakasabha. Bhavnagar 1926. --, four chapters translated by E. Windisch. ZDMG Vol. 28 (1874). Yogasutra, Patanjali. Translation by Woods, called The Yoga-system of Patanjali, or The Ancient Hindu Doctrine of Concentration of Mind. Includes the bhasya and the Tattvavaisaradi. Harvard Oriental Series, 17. 1914. See above, Yogadarsana. Raghuvansa, Kalidasa. With the commentary of Mallinatha and translation into English. Ed. by Nandargikar. Bombay 1897. Ratnasancayaprakarana. With Guj. commentary. Pra sarakasabha. Bhavnagar 1928. Rajaprasniyasutra, with vitti by Malayagiri. As Bombay 1925. Ramayana of Valmiki. With commentary (Tilaka) of Rama. Edited by Parab. 2 vols. Bombay 1888. Rauhineyacaritra, Devamurti. Atmanandasabha. Bhavnagar 1916. Lalitavistarakhya-caityavandanasutravsttih, Haribhadra. With Guj. com. Ahmedabad 1960. Lekhapaddhati. GOS XIX. Baroda 1925. Lokaprakasa, Vinayavijaya. DLF 1926. Laukikanyayanjali, A Handful of Popular Maxima, Jacob. Bombay 1900. Vasudevahindiprathamakhandam, Sri Sanghadasa. Edited by Caturvijaya and Punyavijaya. Atmanandasabha 80, 81. Bhavnagar 1930-31. Vasistha Dharmasastra. See Dharmasastra. Vasinkhadharmasastra: Aphorisms on the Sacred Law of the Aryas as taught in the School of Vasistha, ed. by A. A. Fuhrer. Bombay Sanskrit and Prakrit Series, XXIII. 1916. Vikramacaritra (Pancadandakathatmaka). Edited by Hiralal Hansraj. Jamnagar 1914. Vimalanathacaritra, Jnanasagarasuri. Edited by Hiralal Hansraj. Jamnagar 1910. Page #27 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ xxvi Vivekavilasa, Jinadattasuri. Ahmedabad 1898. Visesavasyakabhasya. With commentary by Maladharihemacandra. Benares 1911. Visnupurana. Jivanandavidyasagara ed. Calcutta 1882. Vishnu Purana, translation by H. H. Wilson. Trubner & Co. London 1870. Viramitrodaya, Pujaprakasa. Edited by Pandit Mitramisra. Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series 164-66, 183. Benares 1913. Venisamhara, Bhatta-Narayana. Edited with English notes by Rashivadekar and Dravid. Poona 1909-10. Vairagyasataka, Bhartrhari. Edited by Kale. Bombay 1922. Satapathabrahmana, translated by Eggeling. SBE XII, XXVI, XLI, XLIII, XLIV. Oxford 1882-1900. Saligramanighantubhusana, L. Saligrama. Bombay 1912. Silangadi Ratha Sangraha. Ahmedabad 1913. Sesanamamala, Hemacandra. In vol. with Abhidhanacinta BIBLIOGRAPHY mani. DLF 92. Surat 1946. Sraddhavidhi, Ratnasekhara. Bhavnagar 1927. Sri Vijayadharmasuri Astaprakari Puja, Muni Vidyavijayaji. Bhavnagar 1927. Sri Santinathamahakavya, Munibhadrasuri. YJG 20. Benares 1911. Sri Santinathacaritra, Devacandrasuri. MS in Oriental Institute, Baroda. Atmanandasabha. Srisamavasaranastava, Dharmaghosasuri. Bhavnagar 1911. Srautasutra of Apastamba belonging to the Taittiriya Samhita. Ed. by R. Garbe. 3 vols. Calcutta 1902. Sanskarakaustubhaprarambha, Anantadeva. Bombay 1861. Sangitamakaranda, Narada, GOS XVI. Baroda 1920. Sangitaratnakara, Sarngadeva. Edited by Apte. Poona 1896. Sanatkumaracaritram, ein Abschmitt aus Haribhadra's Neminathacaritram. Text and translation, H. Jacobi. ABayA XXXI, 2 (1921). Samaranganasutradhara, King Bhoja. GOS XXV and XXXII, Baroda 1924-25. Page #28 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ BIBLIOGRAPHY xxvii Samavasaranastavana, translated by D. R. Bhandarkar. Indian Antiquary, 40 (1911), pp. 125 ff.; pp. 153 ff. See above, Jaina Iconography and Srisam.deg Samavayangasutra, with tika by Abhayadeva. As 1918. Sadhanamala. Vol. II, GOS XLI. Baroda 1928. Sadhupratikramanadisutra. Bhavnagar 1921. Samudrikasastra. Published by Hiralal Hansraj. Jamnagar 1917. Sahityadarpana, Visvanatha Kaviraja. Text and translation in Bibliotheca Indica. 1875. Siddhahemacandram, Adhyaya VIII. Hemacandra's Prakrit Grammar. Edited by Pischel. Halle 1877. Siddhanta Kaumudi. English translation by B. Diksit. Panini Office. Allahabad. Sushruta Samhita, translation into English by Kaviraj Kunja Lal Bhishagratna. 3 vols. Calcutta 1907-16. Sutrakrtangasutra, translated into English by H. Jacobi. Oxford 1895. SBE Vol. 45. Suyagadam (Sutrakrtanga). Motilal Ladhaji. Poona 1928. Sthaviravali. See Parisistaparvan. Sthanamgasutra, with vivarana by Abhayadeva. As 1918. Smrtisamuccaya, containing the Devalasmrti. Anandasramasanskrtagranthavali 48. Poona 1905. Syadvadamanjari, Mallisena. A commentary on Hemacandra's Anyayogavyavacchedika. Motilal Ladhaji. Poona 1925. The Harsa-carita of Bana. Translated by Cowell and Thomas. London 1897. Hastyayurveda, Palakapyamuni. Edited by Apte. Poona 1894. Haribhadriyavasyakavrttitippanaka, Hemacandrasuri (Mala dharin). DLF 53. Bombay 1920. Hemacandravacanamrta. Collected and translated into Guj. by Muni Jayantavijayaji. Ujjain 1937. Haimasabdanusasana (Brhadvrtti), Laghunyasasahita. Mansukhbhai Baghubai. Ahmedabad. Ca. 1914. Seth Page #29 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ INTRODUCTION Book VIII of the Trisastisalakapurusacaritra, the Neminathacaritra, includes also the lives of Krsna, the ninth Vasudeva, Balarama, the ninth Balabhadra, and Jarasandha, the ninth Prativasudeva. It gives more space to Krsna than to Neminatha himself and is, in fact, a Jain Harivansa. The origin of the Harivansa is told in 6. 7. 12-110 of the Trisasti. The first chapter of Book VIII narrates the previous incarnations of Neminatha and then he is practically forgotten until Chapter IX. Chapters II-IV are a long wearisome account of Vasudeva's many marriages. Chapters V-VIII concern Krsna's affairs, with much repetitious detail of battles, especially the one in which Jarasandha is killed. However, Hemacandra manages as usual to introduce interesting episodes which redeem the tiresome narrative of unromantic marriages and fighting. The founding and destruction of Dvaraka are interesting and offer data for the much-discussed site of Krsna's Dvaraka. Book IX includes the lives of Brahmadatta, the twelfth cakravartin, and of Parsvanatha. The life of Brahmadatta is best known to Europeans from Jacobi's Ausgewahlte Erzahlungen in Maharashtri, translated in Meyer's Hindu Tales. Hemachandra's account agree in general with that one, but not in all details. There is a Brahmadattakatha also in the Yogasastra commentary, pp. 75-90, Bhavnagar edition. The rest of Book IX gives a detailed account of Parsvanatha's life, into which much doctrinal and didactic material is introduced. There are many Parsvanathacaritras, but the one most available is Bhavadevasuri's, which has been summarized and treated by M. Bloomfield in The Life and Stories of the Jaina Savior Parcvanatha. Hemacandra's version is much briefer, but contains many of the subordinate incidents of the longer work. Page #30 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ BOOK VIII Page #31 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ NEMINATHACARITRA Page #32 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER I PREVIOUS INCARNATIONS OF ARISTANEMI Reverence to the Lord of the Universe, celibate from birth, the edge of a disc (nemi) for cutting the mass of creepers of karma, Aristanemi. The biographies of the Arhat, Sri Nemi; of the Visnu, Krsna; of the Sirin, Rama; and of the Pratihara, Jarasandha, will be celebrated. First incarnation as Dhana (3-134) In this same continent, Jambudvipa, in this same zone, Bharata, there is a city, Acalapura by name, the crest-jewel of the earth. Its king was named Vikramadhana, suitably named because his enemies had been subdued by his strength in battle. He was difficult for his enemies to look upon, like Krtanta; but he produced joy to the eyes of his friends, like the moon. Of him endowed with cruel splendor, the arm-staff shone just like a wishing-tree for his favorites, like a diamond-staff (of punishment) for his enemies. Glories 1 came to him from the quarters of the heavens, like rivers to the ocean; and Fames appeared like cascades of a mountain. His wife was named Dharini, always steady as the earth, wearing the ornament of pure conduct. Fair with beauty of the body, endowed with virtue and grace, she looked like the king's Sri embodied. Like a swan in gait and voice, the abode of Sri like a lotus, she made her dwelling in her husband's heart, like a bee in a flower. One day in the last part of the night 2 she saw in a dream a mango tree with excited bees and cuckoos, with clusters of 1 7. Sampad for the more usual Sri. See I, n. 1. 2 11. There is a belief that dreams at this time come true. Cf. Kathakosa, p. 72, n.; Katha Sarit Sagara, Vol. I, p. 441; Vol. II, p. 482. Page #33 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 2 CHAPTER ONE blossoms out, bearing fruit. A handsome man, holding this in his hand, said: "This very same mango tree is being planted today in your court-yard. When some time has passed, it will be set in different places up to nine times, bearing better fruit each time. " 66 She told her husband the dream and he had it interpreted by experts. They, joyful, explained: You will have a distinguished son. But we do not know the meaning of the planting of the mango nine times in different places. Only an omniscient knows its interpretation. 39 After hearing their speech, the delighted queen carried her embryo from that time, like the earth carrying the best treasure. At the right time Dharini bore a son with a pure form, like the east bearing the sun, a source of joy to the world. The king held his son's birth-festival accompanied by large gifts on an auspicious day, and he was named Dhana. Dhana grew up to his father's and mother's delight and he was passed from lap to lap by kings like nurses. He acquired gradually the entire collection of arts and he reached youth, the pleasure-garden of Ananga (Love). Now, in the city Kusumapura there was a king, Sinha, powerful as a lion, glorious in deeds of battle. His chief-queen was named Vimala, spotless as a digit of the moon, dear as life, like a goddess roaming on earth. A daughter, Dhanavati, of surpassing beauty was borne by her to King Sinha, after many sons. She grew up in course of time with a wealth of beauty surpassing the beauty of beautiful women, Rati and others; and she comprehended all the arts. One day when the time giving joy to the night-blooming white 3 lotus was at hand, attended by friends she went to see a garden. Like a goddess she wandered freely in the garden charming with the buzzing of bees flying about the blooming 3 25. Kumuda. The season described must be spring. But the kumuda does not bloom especially in spring. Its best blooming season is the rainy one, according to Roxburgh, Page #34 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ PREVIOUS INCARNATIONS OF ARISTANEMI saptacchada,4 with young buds of the bana tree 5 turned into arrows of the Five-arrowed One (Kamadeva), vocal with the cries of excited pairs of blue cranes,6 crowded with flocks of kalahansas 7 playing in the pools of clear water, lovely with fields of sugar-cane charming with singing women-gardeners. As she wandered about, she saw under an asoka a painter holding a picture. Kamalini, a friend of Dhanavati, took the painting from him by force and saw a man's figure in it. Astonished by the figure, she said to the painter: "To whom among gods, demons, or men does this wonderful form belong? Or rather, this form does not exist at any time among them. Surely you painted it just from your own idea to show your skill. How will there be skill for such a creation on the part of an old Creator worn out by the creation of many persons ? " The painter smiled and said: " There is no skill at all on my part in this picture to be painted just as it was seen. This is a young man with an unsurpassed form, Dhana, son of Sri Vikramadhana, King of Acalapura, whom I painted. Whoever looks at him in the picture, after seeing him in person, blames me again and again with the words, 'He is a false painter.' Because you have not seen him, you, like a frog in a well, 8 are astonished at seeing his picture by me, fair lady. Even goddesses become confused at seeing his wonderful form, but I painted it to the best of my judgment to amuse my own eyes." As Dhanavati stood there, she saw and heard; and became a target for the arrows of Makaradhvaja. Kamalini said: " This is a good thing to amuse the eye. You have painted a 4 26. The Alstonia Scholaris. It has a strong scent. 5 26. A blue-flowering Barleria, according to MW. Roxburgh gives 3 kinds of Barleria with blue flowers, all of which he says bloom in the cold season. I have not been able to find out any more about bana. 6 27. Sarasa. Proverbial as inseparable. See I, n. 130. 7 27. A kind of goose or swan with dark gray wings. Abhi. 4.393. 8 37. A symbol of ignorance and contemptibility. Cf. IV, pp. 20, 125, 281. Page #35 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER ONE wonderful figure. You are skilful; you are discerning." With these words Kamalini started to go on and Dhanavati also with difficulty, absent-minded from that time. Looking backward, her face like a lotus with a twisted stalk, stumbling at every step, Dhanavati went home. Then Dhanavati, overcome by Dhana's figure in the picture, did not take pleasure in anything, like a marali 9 in the desert. Emaciated, she knew neither hunger nor thirst. Even at night she did not rest, like a cow-elephant brought from the forest. Recalling constantly Dhana's figure, the painted one and the described one, she frequently shook her head, twisted her fingers, and raised her eye-brows. Absorbed in meditation on Dhana, whatever she did, she did not remember it even at the time, like something done in a former birth. Massage, baths, ointment, and ornaments were abandoned. She thought of Dhana day and night, like a devotee thinking of a favorite deity. One day Kamalini asked her, " Lotus-eyed maiden, from what anxiety or ailment do you suffer that you are like this?" Pretending to be angry, Dhanavati said to her: "Why do you ask just like a stranger? Do you not know? You are my second heart, or my life. You are not merely a friend. I am embarrassed by your questions." Kamalini said: "I have been properly rebuked, proud lady. I know your strong desire, the arrow in your heart. You are surely in love with Dhana from seeing his picture. I asked, as if I did not know that, just for fun. Knowing your infatuation on the spot, anxious from that time, I asked an astrologer whether my friend would have the husband she desired. Always showing confidence, he replied, 'She will have.' So be of good courage. Your desire will certainly be quickly accomplished." Consoled by her with this speech, Dhanavati became composed then. Wearing divine ornaments, she went to pay her respects to her father. After dismissing her, her father thought, 9 43. A water-fowl. Maralas are included among the harsas. Abhi. p. 534, line 2 Page #36 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ C PREVIOUS INCARNATIONS OF ARISTANEMI $ This daughter of mine is ready for a husband. Who on earth will be a suitable husband for her?" 66 While the king was considering this for a long time, a messenger of his who had been sent earlier returned from King Vikramadhana. He remained after he had reported the king's business and King Sinha asked him, "Did you see anything remarkable there?" 6 He replied: "I saw that which does not exist even among the Vidyadharas nor the gods-the fascinating beauty of Dhana, Vikramadhana's son. I thought at once, He is a suitable husband for Dhanavati. May the Creator's effort of creation be fruitful in their union. 333 Delighted, the king said: Looking after my business well yourself, you have rescued me submerged in an ocean of anxiety about my daughter's husband. Go today to offer Dhanavati to Dhana, clever man. Ask Vikramadhana at my command. "" Just then Candravati, Dhanavati's younger sister, went to pay her respects to her father and heard all their conversation. The messenger went home. Candravati, delighted, went and reported it to Dhanavati together with remarks about her good fortune. Dhanavati said: "I am not convinced by her speech. She talks from ignorance. She does not know the real facts. The messenger, I think, has been sent on some other business; but she, stupid, has become aware of my business." Kamalini said: "The messenger stays here today. Find out from his lips. Who looks at a fire when there is a lamp? "10 With these words, knowing (Dhanavati's) inclination, she had the messenger brought there. Dhanavati herself, delighted, heard everything from his lips. Dhanavati herself wrote a letter and gave it to him, saying, "This letter of mine must be delivered to Dhana. 66 95 Then the messenger went quickly to the city Acalapura and approached Vikrama seated in the assembly-hall. Vikrama 10 67. I.e., fires have been superseded by lamps as a source of light. Page #37 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 6 CHAPTER ONE "" said to him: "I hope everything is well with King Sinha. My mind is overwhelmed by doubts at your quick return. He said: Greetings! Sinha sent me here again to offer his daughter Dhanavati to your son Dhana. Just as Prince Dhana is extremely handsome, so is she. Let their suitable union, like that of gold and a gem, take place now. Let their affection in the beginning thrive by this union, like a tree by watering. "" 66 The king agreed, entertained him, and dismissed him. Announced by the door-keeper, he went to Dhana. He bowed, went near, announced the reason for his coming, and delivered the letter saying, "Dhanavati sent this. " Prince Dhana broke the seal with his own hand and read the letter that was like a command of Madana. The lotus whose beauty is increased by autumn like youth, its face downcast, wishes the touch of the sun's rays. 66 ""11 Dhana thought: "This wonderful double meaning of hers shows a pre-eminent affection in her heart towards me. With this reflection he wrote a letter to Dhanavati with his own hand and put it together with a necklace into his (the messenger's) hand. Dismissed by Dhana, the messenger went quickly and reported Vikrama's agreement in the matter to the king. After going and bowing to Dhanavati, he delivered the letter and necklace to her and said: "These were written and delivered by his own hand for you by Dhana. Taking the necklace, which was spotless as the moon's rays, with her lotus-hand, Dhanavati broke the seal and read the letter. As the sun rejoices at touching the lotus with his rays, the matter, accomplished by its own nature, does not wait for a request, 66 99 11 78. There is a double meaning throughout this sloka which it is impossible to bring out in one sentence. "The day-blooming lotus whose beauty is increased by autumn, its face faded, wishes the touch of the sun's rays." "A woman of the best kind, whose beauty is increased by youth, her face languid, desires the touch of Aditya's hand. " ww Page #38 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ PREVIOUS INCARNATIONS OF ARISTANEMI After reading that, delighted, wreathed with hair erect from joy, she thought: From the meaning of that verse, he has surely consented to my affair. This pearl necklace, white as nectar, was sent to me to put around my neck as a security for the embrace of his arm. With this reflection she put the necklace around her neck, quickly gave the messenger a gratuity, and dismissed him. 93 66 On an auspicious day the king sent her accompanied by elderly ministers, escorted with great magnificence, to Acalapura. As she left, her mother Vimala, pure-hearted, instructed her: Always be devoted to your husband's parents and to your husband like a god. Be friendly with your co-wives and polite to your attendants. Do not be haughty when in your husband's favor; and be unchanged when in disfavor. "" 7 After giving her other such advice, weeping, she let her go with difficulty, embracing her repeatedly. Dhanavati bowed to her, entered a fine palanquin, and set forth with her retinue, adorned with an umbrella and chauris. She went gradually to Acalapura, gazed at by the citizens with astonishment, like Prince Dhana's Sri in person who came choosing her husband. She had the palanquin set down and stopped in a garden outside (the city). The wedding took place with great magnificence on an auspicious day. In his fresh youth Dhana with his bride looked like the areca nut tree with the betel vine, like a new cloud with lightning. Sporting at will with Dhanavati, like Smara with Rati, Dhana passed some time like a moment. One day he went to a garden, exercising a horse. Wearing dangling gold ear-rings, he looked like Revanta 12 in person. He saw there Muni Vasundhara, by whom the earth was purified, who had four kinds of knowledge, engaged in preaching. After bowing and seating himself in the proper place, he listened with devotion to his sermon, nectar to the ears. Vikramadhana, Dharini, Dhanavati, all came, bowed to the muni, and listened to his sermon. 12 97. The horseman, par excellence.. . Page #39 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 8 CHAPTER ONE At the end of the sermon, King Vikramadhana explained to him: "While Dhana was in her womb, his mother saw a mango tree in a dream. Some man explained to her, 'It will be planted nine times in a different place, each time with better and better fruit. Please tell us the meaning of the planting nine times. I knew the other fruit of the dream by the birth of the prince. 35 Completely concentrated, employing right-knowledge, he asks mentally an omniscient somewhere at a distance. The omniscient knew the question from his wealth of omniscience and related the life of Aristanemi which consisted of nine births. The muni understood it by telepathy and clairvoyance and said: He who is your son Dhana in this birth will experience nine better and better births. In the ninth birth he will be the twenty-second Arhat, Aristanemi, belonging to the Yadu family, here in Bharata. "" 66 On hearing this speech of the muni, they all rejoiced exceedingly; and the nature of them all became tinged with belief 13 in the Jina's religion at that time. Vikrama bowed to him and went home with Dhana and the others; and the suri went elsewhere, engaged in the course of his itinerary. Dhana experienced pleasure of the senses with Dhanavati in sports suited to the season, like a god devoted to sense-objects. One day he went to play at water-sports in the pleasure-pool with his wife Dhanavati who was like a co-wife of Sri in beauty. There Dhanavati pointed out to her husband a muni falling in a faint under an asoka, who was like the emotion of tranquillity embodied, overcome by heat, fatigue, and thirst, the buds of his palate and lips dried up, the ground sprinkled with blood from his cracked lotus-feet. Both quickly approached the muni and attended him and restored consciousness by cool applications. Dhana bowed to him when he had recovered and said: "I am entirely blessed now that I have found you like 13 108. A bhadraka has the slightest degree of right-belief. . Page #40 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ PREVIOUS INCARNATIONS OF ARISTANEMI a wishing-tree on earth. A meeting with persons like you is hard for us living in a nearby place to attain, like one with shade trees for men in a desert. However, Blessed One, we ask you how this condition arose. If it would not distress you or if it is not a secret, tell us. "" He replied: "I have pain in the highest degree from dwelling in worldly existence. But the pain which originates in the course of wandering has good consequences. I am named Municandra and, joined to a large caravan, I set out formerly on the vihara. Sadhus can not remain in one place. One day I became separated from the caravan in a forest and then roaming about, confused about directions, I came here. Worn out by hunger and thirst, I fell to the ground in a faint. After that, I had consciousness restored by what you did, illustrious sir. Dharmalabha 14 to you, good sir. Just as I lost consciousness in a moment, so is everything in existence. Then just such dharma must be practised by one seeking happiness. After telling this, the best of munis, Municandra, explained to him the lay-dharma, suited to him, taught by the Jinas, the root of right-belief. Then he and Dhanavati adopted laydharma, the chief part of right-belief, under Municandra. He led the sage to his house and provided him with food and drink. The muni was persuaded to live in that same place for some time to instruct them in dharma. The muni took leave of Dhana and joined his group again. Dhana and Dhanavati became entirely devoted to lay-dharma. Dhana and Dhanavati shared affection even before; they did so especially from enjoyment of one dharma. Dhana himself was installed on the throne by his father at the time of his death and governed the earth properly in accordance with lay-dharma. One day a gardener told him that Muni Vasundhara, who had come before, had come to an arbor in the garden. Dhana and Dhanavati went at once, paid homage to him, and listened May you acquire dharma. " The customary blessing from a 14 121. sadhu. 2 N 9 "" Page #41 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 10 CHAPTER ONE to a sermon by him, a great boat for the ocean of existence. Immediately after that, Dhana, depressed by existence, installed on the throne his son Jayanta, born of Dhanavati, on an auspicious day. Dhana and Dhanavati took initiation from Vasundhara, and Dhana's brother, Dhanadatta, and Dhanadeva finally. The sage Dhana practiced very severe penance at his guru's feet and, after finishing his studies with the guru, in course of time he was installed in the rank of acarya. After enlightening many kings and favoring them by initiation, at the end he, wise, observed a fast together with Dhanavati. Second incarnation as a god (135-136) At the end of a month they died and became very powerful gods, Samanikas of Sakra 15 in the heaven Saudharma. Dhana's brothers, Dhanadeva and Dhanadatta, and also others, whose vows were unbroken, died, and became gods in Saudharma. Third incarnation as Citragati (137-258) Now here in Bharata in the city Suratejas, the ornament of the north row on Vaitadhya, there was a cakrin of Khecaras, named Sura. Of him there was a wife, Vidyunmati by name, like lightning of a cloud, a receptacle of affection beyond measure. After completing his life, Dhana's jiva fell from Saudharma and descended into the womb of Vidyunmati, Sura's wife. When the time was full, queen Vidyunmati bore a son full of auspicious marks, like the night of full moon bearing a full moon. On an auspicious day the father gave his son the name Citragati with a great festival bestowing delight. As he grew up in the course of time he absorbed all the arts under a teacher and reached youth like another Puspacapa (Kamadeva). 15 135. See II, p. 125 for the Samanikas. Page #42 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 11 PREVIOUS INCARNATIONS OF ARISTANEMI Dhanavati's birth as Ratnavati (144-151) And now, there was a king, Anangasinha, in the city Sivamandira in the south row on this very Vaitadhya. He had a moon-faced wife, Sasiprabha. Dhanavati's jiva fell and descended into her womb. At the right time sasiprabha bore a daughter with a pure body. Because she was born after many sons, she was extremely dear. On an auspicious day her father named her Ratnavati and she grew up in course of time, like a creeper in wet ground. Soon she acquired the arts suitable .for women and attained youth, auspicious, a formless ornament of the body. One day her father asked an astrologer, "Who will be a suitable husband for her?" After some reflection, he replied: " The man who takes from you your jewel of a sword and on whom the gods rain flowers as he worships in a temple of the eternal Arhats, the crest-jewel of the human world, will marry your daughter Ratnavati in a suitable union." Saying, "Whoever takes from me my jewel of a sword, he, the sole field of miracles, may be my son-in-law," the king, delighted, dismissed the astrologer. Episode of Sumitra and Padma (152-194) Now in this same Bharata in the city Cakrapura there was a king, Sugriva, who was not stiff-necked (with pride) because of his virtues. He had a son, Sumitra, by his wife, Yasasvati, and one named Padma by Bhadra, elder and younger respectively. Sumitra was dignified, well-bred, devoted to the law, knowing what was right, adhering to the doctrine of the Arhats. Padma was the opposite. Thinking, "The kingdom cannot belong to my son while he is alive, " Bhadra, evil-minded, gave Sumitra strong poison. Dazed by the poison, Sumitra fell to the ground. The effects of the poison spread like waves of the ocean. Sugriva came there in haste with the ministers and had many remedies applied Page #43 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 12 with charms and spells. subside at all and the gave him poison. 35 Bhadra fled somewhere, terrified by her crime; and the king worshipped the Jinas and performed propitiatory rites to avert evil, et cetera for the sake of his son. He talked unceasingly, recalling his son's virtues again and again. The vassals and other ministers were also without any devices (for a cure). CHAPTER ONE But the effects of the poison did not report arose in the city, Bhadra Origin of friendship of Sumitra and Citragati (161-196) Just then Citragati came there in his aerial car, as he was wandering through the air for amusement, and saw the city miserable from grief. When he learned about the criminal poisoning, he got out of his aerial car and sprinkled the prince with water charmed by a magic art. The prince, his eyes opened, got up, asking, "What's this?" his heart uninjured. There is no limit to the power of a charm. The king told him, Your mother Bhadra 16, hostile, gave you poison. This man, at once a brother for no reason, allayed it, son. << His hands placed together respectfully, Sumitra said to Citragati: "Indeed, I know your family just from your idea of assistance to strangers. Nevertheless, favor me now by telling me about your family. Whose mind is not eager to hear about the relatives of the great?" Then an attendant of Citragati, a minister's son, told everything, the family-line, et cetera, delighting the ears of all. Sumitra, delighted, said to him: "Really the poisoner and the poison did me a favor today. How otherwise would the meeting with you have taken place? You did not give mere life to me; but furthermore I have been saved from a low birth resulting from death without complete renunciation and the formula of homage.17 What can I do in return for you 66 16 164. Really his step-mother, of course. 17 169. Pratyakhyana and namaskara. 59 Page #44 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ PREVIOUS INCARNATIONS OF ARISTANEMI 13 bestowing unequaled benefits, like a rainy season cloud, on the world of living creatures, thou ocean of compassion? Citragati asked permission of Sumitra, who continued talking like this and had entered into friendship, to go to his own city. Sumitra said: 'Brother, a kevalin, named Suyasas, is now wandering in places near here. You may go after paying homage to him when he has come here in course of time. Pass the time until his arrival right here. " Citragati agreed and spent several days, amusing himself pleasantly with him, as if they were twins. Both went to a -garden one day and the kevalin, Muni Suyasas, came there like a living wishing-tree. They circumambulated and paid homage to him who was standing on golden lotuses and surrounded by gods, his arrival long desired, and sat down. King Sugriva heard about it, and came and paid homage to the muni. He delivered a sermon that was daylight for the sleep of delusion. At the end of the sermon Citragati bowed to the muni and said: "I have been well enlightened about dharma by you devoted to compassion. For a long time I have not known laymanship even though it is hereditary in the family, like one not sharing a treasure before him, Lord. Sumitra here has been an unequaled benefactor by whom Your Reverence, the teacher of such dharma, was pointed out to me. 59 With these words, Citragati, wise, adopted lay-dharma completely along with right-belief under the muni. "C Fate of Bhadra (182-189) Sugriva bowed to the muni and asked, " Blessed One, where has she, who gave the poison to my noble son, gone?" The muni replied: "She ran away into a forest and was handed over to a village-chief by robbers who had seized her ornaments, et cetera. Then she was sold by the village-chief to a merchant and, running away, she was burned in a great forest-fire. As she died absorbed in cruel meditation,18 she went to the first 18 185. Raudradhyana. See I, n. 8. 99 Page #45 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 14 CHAPTER ONE hell. Ascending (from that), she will be the wife of an outcaste. Killed by a co-wife cutting her throat, because she was pregnant, she will enter an animal-birth, after she has gone to the third hell. She will experience endless pain of existence of this sort from the crime of giving poison to your son who had right-belief." "" The king said: Blessed One, the one for whose sake she did this, her son, remains here. She alone has gone to hell. Shame on that! This worldly existence is cruel with love, hate, et cetera. I shall undertake mendicancy, a means for abandoning it. "" CC Sumitra bowed to the king: "Shame on me, the cause of the acquisition of such karma 19 by my mother. Master, permit me to become a mendicant now. Who would wish to dwell in such exceedingly cruel worldly existence?" The king restrained by his command his son speaking so, installed him in the kingdom, and took the vow himself. Then Rsi Sugriva went away with the omniscient; and Sumitra went with Citragati to his own city. He gave some villages to Padma, Bhadra's son, but he, evil-minded, was not satisfied with these and slipped off somewhere. One day Citragati, eagerly desired by his father, took leave of Sumitra with difficulty and went to his own city. Always occupied with pujas to the gods,20 attendance on gurus, penance, study, and self-restraint, he delighted his father exceedingly. Now, Kamala, brother of Ratnavati, son of Anangasinha, abducted Sumitra's sister, the wife of the King of Kalinga. Then his friend Citragati learned from the lips of a Khecara that Sumitra was afflicted by grief over his sister's abduction. "I shall search for your sister and bring her back soon. Consoling him thus, Citragati started with Khecaras to rescue the sister. He received the report, She was abducted by 66 19 190. Bandhakarma. See I, p. 450. 20 196. Cf. III, n. 28 for these duties, which are really six. Liberality (dana) is omitted here. "" Page #46 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ PREVIOUS INCARNATIONS OF ARISTANEMI 15 Kamala, " and he went to the city Sivamandira with a complete army. The hero, King Sura's son, uprooted Kamala easily, like an elephant a lotus plant, in a moment. Angered by the defeat of his son, Anangasinha, roaring like a lion, attacked with his army. A great battle, terrible even to the gods from the power of magic arts, of soldiers, and of arms, commenced. Ananga realized that the enemy was hard to conquer and, intending to conquer him, recalled his inherited jewel of a sword which had been given by a god.21 Immediately the jewel of a sword fell into his hand, hard to look at because of its hundred flames, resembling death to enemies. Holding the sword, he said, " You there! Go away, boy! If you remain in my presence, I shall cut off your head like a lotus-stalk." Citragati said: "It is a strange thing that you seem like another person because of the power of a piece of iron. Shame on you boasting of your strength." Saying this, he created darkness on all sides by means of a magic art and the enemy stood as if painted, not seeing him, though he was standing before them. Then Citragati seized quickly the sword from his hand, took Sumitra's sister immediately, and went away. After a moment, when light had been produced, Ananga looked around and did not see the sword in his hand nor the enemy before him. For a moment he was in despair but, recalling the astrologer's words, "The one who takes my sword will be my son-in-law," he rejoiced. "How will he be recognized? Or rather, he will be known by the rain of flowers at worship in a temple of the eternal Arhats." With these reflections, he went home. Citragati himself, his object accomplished, delivered King Sumitra's sister, whose good conduct was unbroken, to him. Sumitra, terrified of existence even before from his own discernment, became completely so from despair at his sister's abduction, et cetera. Having settled the kingdom on his son, King Sumitra went to Muni Suyasas and took the vow in NA 21 204. This does not occur in this account. Page #47 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER ONE Citragati's presence. Citragati went to his own city; and Sumitra, intelligent, learned nine purvas,22 lacking a little, under his guru. Sumitra wandering alone after he had received his guru's permission,23 went to the Magadhas and stood in kayotsarga 24 outside a village. Padma, his half-brother, came there as he roamed about and saw him benefiting all living creatures, engaged in meditation, firm as a mountain. Evilminded Padma shot him in the heart with an arrow drawn to his ear, facing hell as if for a meeting with his mother. He has not caused me any loss of dharma by killing me, but on the other hand has conferred a benefit by the friendly act of destroying karma. I wronged him, since the kingdom was not given (to him) then. May he pardon me and may all other creatures pardon me, also. Meditating thus, final renunciation having been made and the formula of homage recalled, Sumitra died and became a Samanika in Brahmaloka. Padma fled, was bitten by a cobra in the night, died, and became an inhabitant of the seventh hell. 16 99 When Citragati had grieved over Sumitra's death for a long time, he, noble, made a pilgrimage to a temple of the eternal Arhats.25 Many lords of the Khecaras met there on the pilgrimage and Anangasinha came with his daughter Ratnavati. Citragati performed various kinds of worship to the eternal Arhats and, his body horripilated, recited a hymn of praise in a voice beautiful with devotion. Knowing this by clairvoyance, the god Sumitra came there with gods and rained flowers on him. All the Khecaras, delighted, praised Citragati and Anangasinha recognized that he was the very one who was to 22 216. Of the original fourteen. As time went on, fewer and fewer were learned. They were all lost eventually. 23 217. Sadhus do not travel alone normally. 24 217. Indifference to the body by one standing or sitting, with the arms hanging down, is called kayotsarga. Yog. 4.133. It differs from pratima in that standing is necessary in pratima. 25 224. See III, n. 314; I, n. 404. Page #48 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ PREVIOUS INCARNATIONS OF ARISTANEMI 17 be his daughter's husband. The god Sumitra became visible and said to Citragati with great joy, "Do you recognize me?" When Citragati replied, " You are a powerful god," he assumed Sumitra's form to identify himself. Citragati embraced him and said, "This dharma that I professed through your favor is beyond criticism, noble sir!". Sumitra replied: "This magnificence that I have attained is through your favor by saving my life. If I had died then without final renunciation and the namaskara, I would not have been born even as a human, if you had not saved my life." The lords of the Khecaras, Cakrin Sri Sura and others were delighted with them grateful to each other and reciting each other's good deeds. Ratnavati looked at Citragati superior in beauty and conduct and was pierced by Manmatha's arrows. Seeing his daughter distracted (by love), Anangasinha reflected: " This agrees with the earlier words of the astrologer. He seized my jewel of a sword, a rain of flowers took place here, and my daughter's love developed here immediately. He is the husband described by the astrologer as suitable for Ratnavati. I am to be congratulated in the world on my daughter and son-in-law. It is not fitting to speak about marriage, et cetera here in the temple." With these reflections he went home with his attendants. Then Citragati honored the god Sumitra, dismissed the Khecaras, and went to his own house with his father. A minister, sent by Anangasinha, bowed to Cakrin Sura, and said in a sincere and polite manner: "Master, your prince, Citragati, resembling Mara, unequaled in beauty and gracewhom does he not astonish? "Anangasinha's daughter, Ratnavati, is a jewel, lord. Let her be joined with the jewel Citragati by your command. You are the lord of both. Agree with Anangasinha about their wedding. Dismiss me now, lion among man." Sura agreed to that speech, as he desired a suitable union, and celebrated their wedding with a great festival. Citragati shared sensuous pleasure with her and also practiced dharma, pajas to the gods, et cetera, with her, 3N Page #49 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER ONE The souls of Dhanadeva and Dhanadatta had fallen and become his younger brothers, Manogati and Capalagati. Citragati made a pilgrimage, unusually magnificent, to Nandisvara, et cetera with them and Ratnavati, like Indra. Accompanied by his wife and brothers, eager for service to sadhus, he listened attentively to dharma in the presence of the Arhats.. One day Cakrin Sura installed him in the kingdom; but he himself became a mendicant and attained the highest abode (emancipation). He (Citragati) subdued many magic arts like a new Cakrin Sura and ruled the Khecara-lords, reducing them to footmen many times One day a vassal of his, Manicuda, died, and his sons, Sasin and Sura, fought over the kingdom. Cakrin Citragati divided the realm and gave it to them; and set them on the right path with suitable speeches on dharma. Nevertheless, they fought one day like forest-elephants and died. When highminded Citragati heard that, he reflected: "These people, stupid, fight, die, and fall into a low condition of existence for the sake of transient glory, alas! If they would fight for emancipation, as they fight for glory, indifferent to the body, then what would be lacking ? ". So reflecting, Citragati, terrified of existence, installed bis eldest son, born of Ratnavati, named Purandara, on the throne. Then Citragati took the vow under Acarya. Damadhara along with Ratnavati and the two younger brothers. Fourth incarnation as a god (259-260) After he had practiced penance for a long time, he observed the fast padapopagama 26 at the end, died, and became a power. ful god in the heaven Mahendra. Ratnavati also and the two younger brothers became chief-gods in the same place, sharing friendship with each other. 26 259. See I, n. 126 and II, p. 349. Page #50 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ PREVIOUS INCARNATIONS OF ARISTANEMI 19 Fifth incarnation as Aparajita (261-450) Now in West Videha in the province Padma there is a city Sinhapura which resembles a city of the gods. Harinandin was king there, delighting the world, dulling others' brilliance like the overlord of brilliance (the sun). His chief-queen was named Priyadarsana, dripping nectar with her glance, like moonlight. Citragati's soul fell from Mahendrakalpa and descended into her womb, indicated by the great dreams. When the time was complete, Queen Priyadarsana bore a son pleasing in appearance, like the ground of Panduka 27 bearing a wishingtree. The king named him Aparajita and he grew up gradually, tended by nurses. He grasped the arts in due course and reached youth in due course, a Minadhvaja (Kamadeva) in form, an ocean with water of merit and grace. He had a friend, a minister's son, Vimalabodha, dear (to him) because he had played in the sandpile with him and had been a fellow-student. One day they went outside (the city), riding horseback, for amusement; and the horses ran away with them and took them into a large forest at a great distance. When the horses were tired out, they got down from them at the foot of a tree and Prince Aparajita said to Vimalabodha: "Thank heaven we were carried away by these horses ! How otherwise was this earth full of many wonders to be seen.? If we had asked our fathers for permission to go, unable to bear separation, they would certainly not have let us go. Now this is a good thing that has happened. This is a grief to our fathers -that we were carried away by the horses. For that very reason we shall roam about to overcome this calamity." Just as the minister's son agreed to this, a man came there, crying "Save me ! Save me !" The prince said to him who had come for protection with trembling body and unsteady eyes, "Do not be afraid." The minister's son said to the 27 265. A garden on the peak of Meru. II, p. 110. Either spelling, Pandaka or Pancuka, is used. Page #51 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER ONE prince: "You spoke without reflection. If he should be a criminal, then that would not be a good thing." Aparajita said firmly: "This is always the ethics of the warrior caste. One who has sought protection must be protected, whether he is a law-breaker or law-abiding." As the prince was saying this, policemen ran up with sharp swords drawn, crying, "Kill him ! Kill him!" While still at a distance, the policemen said: "Go away, travelers. We are going to kill this man by whom the whole city has been robbed." The prince said with a smile," One who has come to me for protection can not be killed by Sakra even, to say nothing of others." When the angry policemen attacked, then the prince ran up with a drawn sword, striking them down like a tiger deer. They fled and reported to their master, the King of Kosala; and the king sent an army, wishing to kill the protectors of the thief. Aparajita defeated the soldiers speedily and the king himself came, surrounded by horsemen and elephant-riders. Aparajita turned the robber over to the minister's son, tightened his belt, and faced his enemy in battle. Setting his foot on an elephant's tusk, like a lion, he climbed on the boss and killed the elephant-rider seated on the shoulder. Aparajita fought, mounted on the same elephant; and he was described to the king by a minister who had observed him. The King of Kosala ordered his soldiers to stop fighting and said to him:" You are the son of my friend Harinandin. Surely you are my friend's son because of that strength. Who, indeed, is equal to an elephant except the young of a lion ? By good fortune you, powerful, have come from your house to your house," 28 and, seated on an elephant, he embraced him seated on an elephant. The king, affectionate, had him, whose lotus-face was bowed in embarrassment, mount his own elephant and conducted him, like a son, to his own house. The minister's son let the robber go and followed Aparajita; 28 289. I.c., to the house of a friend. Page #52 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ PREVIOUS INCARNATIONS OF ARISTANEMI 21 and they both remained comfortably in Kosala's house. One day the King of Kosala joyfully gave his daughter Kanakamala to Harinandin's son. After he had remained several days, one day, with the idea, " May there be no obstacle to (my) leaving," he left in the night with his friend without saying anything about it. As he was going along, not far from the temple of the godess Kalika, he heard a cry in the night, "Oh! Oh! The earth is lacking in men." Thinking, "A woman is crying, " the hero, an ocean of compassion, followed the sound like an arrow that strikes merely from sound.29 He saw a woman riding an elephant near a blazing fire and a man with a sharp sword drawn. "Some one, who is a man, protect me from this base Vidyadhara," she cried again, like a goat in the presence of a butcher. The prince reviled him, saying, "Stand up for battle, villain. Is this courage of yours (only) against a woman, basest of men ?" The Khecara advanced for battle with a drawn sword, saying, "Shall I not hurl my courage against you?" After they had fought sword against sword for a long time, both, expert, escaping each other's blows, they fought handto-hand eagerly. Realizing that Aparajita could not be conquered in a hand-to-hand fight, the elephant of Vidyadharas bound him with a magic noose.30Prince Aparajita broke the noose, like a rogue-elephant the rope of the tying-post, with great anger. By the power of magic arts the Vidyadhara attacked the prince with many weapons, angry like an Asurakumara.31 By the power of the prince's former merit and the strength of his body, his blows had no effect at all on the prince. Just then the sun rose on the eastern peak and the prince struck the Khecara on his head with a sword. Unconscious * 29 295. The target is located merely by sound. 30 301. Nagapasa, here with a play on the meaning elephant' of naga. Usually the play is on its meaning serpent.' 31 303. For the Asurakumaras, see II, p. 106. Page #53 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 22 CHAPTER ONE from the blow, the Khecara fell on the ground, and Smara struck the woman with arrows as if in rivalry with the prince. After the prince had restored the Nabhascara (Vidyadhara) to consciousness again by remedies, he said, Fight, if you are able now." The Vidyadhara replied: "I have been defeated by you completely. I have been saved from a woman's murder, fortunately, and from hell resulting from that. In the knot at the end of my garment 32 there are a pearl and a root, Put the root on my wound, after rubbing it with water from the pearl. The prince did so and the Khecara was cured. Questioned by the prince he related his own experience: "This is the daughter, Ratnamala, of Amrtasena, a king of Vidyadharas, lord of Rathanupura. Her husband was said by an astrologer to be the son of Harinandin, young Aparajita, the sole ocean of the jewels of good qualities. She fell in love with him and did not think about any one else. l, 66 One day I saw her and asked for her in marriage. She replied, Aparajita may take my hand, or fire may burn my body. There is no other course than these. ' I, son of Srisena, named Surakanta, persistent in marriage with her, was angered by her speech. Leaving the city, I subdued magic arts hard to subdue and again asked for her with many devices. When she did not want me-not through any device, I seized her and brought her here. What will those blind from love not do? 'Let the fire cling to her body; let her vow be fulfilled. ' With this thought, I was eager to crush her and throw her in the fire. You saved her from me and you saved me from a low condition of existence. You are a benefactor of us both. Tell who you are, powerful sir." The minister's son told him the prince's family, et cetera; and Ratnamala rejoiced at once at the longed-for meeting. At that time Ratnamala's parents, Kirtimati and Amrtasena, 32 309. The Indian upper garment serves as a parse among its many uses. Page #54 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ PREVIOUS INCARNATIONS OF ARISTANEMI came there, following her. The minister's son, questioned, told them what had happened. They both rejoiced, "Her protector was her husband, no one else." Aparajita married Ratnamala given by them; and relief from fear was given to Surakanta by their words. Surakanta gave the pearl and the root to the prince free from desire and gave the minister's son pills that would produce a different appearance. Announcing to Amrtasena, "Your daughter must be conducted to my house when I have gone (there), Aparajita departed. Amrtasena with his daughter and the Khecara Surakanta went to their respective homes, recalling Aparajita. The prince, going ahead in a forest, suffering from thirst, sat down under a mango tree and the minister's son went for water. When the minister's son returned after he had gone far and obtained water, he did not see Aparajita under the mango tree. He thought: "Is this not the place? Have I come to the wrong place by mistake, or did the prince himself go for water because of great thirst?" 29 With these reflections he went to every tree, searching for the prince, and, when he did not see him, fell to the ground in a faint. When he had recovered consciousness and got up, he cried pitifully: "Prince, show yourself. Why do you torment me needlessly? No human is able to carry you off or hurt you. There can be no inauspicious reason for not seeing you, friend." 66 Thus lamenting many times, wandering in .villages, et cetera to search for him again, he went to the city Nandipura. While the minister's son remained in a garden outside in low spirits, two Vidyadharas approached him and said: A Vidyadhara-lord, Bhuvanabhanu, very magnificent and very powerful, lives in a great forest, having created a palace. He has two daughters, Kamalini and Kaumudini, and your dear friend was described as their husband by an astrologer. We were appointed by the master to bring him and when we came to this forest, we saw you too. You went to get water and Page #55 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER ONE we seized Prince Aparajita and took him into the presence of our master, Bhuvanabhanu. Bhuvanabhanu rose to greet him like the risen sun and hastily seated him on the best jeweled throne. The Khecaralord made Aparajita blush by the truthful praise of his merits and asked him about marriage with his two daughters. Grieved by separation from you, the prince gave no answer and has remained silent, like a muni, thinking of you alone. Then we were instructed by the master to bring you. Searching here and there, we came here and now by good fortune you were seen. So get up, illustrious sir, and start to go there quickly. The wedding of the prince with the princesses depends on you." Delighted; the minister's son, like joy embodied, went with them at once into the prince's presence. The prince married the princesses on an auspicious day, remained for a while, and went away as before. They reached the city Srimandira and stopped there, their wishes being fulfilled always by the pearl given by Surakanta. One day an unusual noise of a tumult arose in this city and soldiers, wearing armor and with raised weapons, were seen roaming about. The minister's son, questioned by the prince, "What's this?" found out from the people and reported: "Suprabha is king here. He has been struck with a knife by some man who gained admittance by a trick. The king has no support of the kingdom--no son, et cetera. For this reason the people, becoming a body-guard, confused, roam about the whole city. This great tumult is theirs." "Alas ! He has been struck by some evil warrior, an enemy." Aparajita remained with his face downcast from compassion. The king's injury grew worse even with treatment and the chief-courtesan, Kamalata, said to the king's ministers: "There is a foreigner in town, a second self, noble, pious, truthful, like some god in form. Since he has all his wishes accomplished, devoid of occupation, very powerful, there must be here some magic herb." The ministers investigated and conducted the prince to Page #56 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ PREVIOUS INCARNATIONS OF ARISTANEMI 25 the king. The king considered himself well just at the sight of him. The prince, compassionate, looked at the wound first and, feeling great pity, took the pearl and the root from his friend. He had the king drink the water from the washing of the pearl, rubbed the root with the water, and put it on the king's wound. The king was cured and said to the prince, "Whence did you, a brother for no reason, come here, ocean of compassion ?" The minister's son narrated everything and the king spoke again: "He is the son of my friend, King Harinandin. Shame on negligence that I did not know him, though the son of my brother; however, this wound of mine was the fruit of negligence." After this speech the king, won by his merits, insisted on giving him his daughter Rambha, like another Rambha 33 in beauty. After he had passed some time sporting with her, the prince left as before, accompanied by the minister's son. He went to the city Kundapura and saw a muni, an omniscient, seated on divine golden lotuses there. After circumambulating him three times, bowing to him, and seating himself, he listened to a sermon from him that was like a rain of nectar for the ears. At the end of the sermon Aparajita bowed to him and asked him, "Am I capable of emancipation or not?" 34 The omniscient told him: "You are capable of emancipation. You will be the twenty-second Arhat in the fifth birth.35 Your friend will be a ganabhet in Bharata of Jambudvipa." They both rejoiced at hearing this and they remained there comfortably for several days, serving the muni and practicing dharma. The muni went elsewhere to wander and they also went from place to place, worshipping shrines. 33 361. The most beautiful heavenly nymph. 34 365. Bhavya. See I, n. 3.-; 35 366. Fifth birth from this one, but the present birth is included. This incarnation is the fifth of nine, 4N Page #57 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 26 CHAPTER ONE Now Jitasatru was king in the city Janananda and his chief-queen was Dharini, wearing good conduct. Ratnavati fell from heaven and descended into her womb. When the time was completed, she bore a daughter, named Pritimati. She grew up gradually and acquired all the arts, and reached full youth, the life-restorer of Smara. Even a learned man became ignorant before her exceedingly learned in the arts. So her eye did not become at all enamored of any one. Her father thought, "If I marry her, learned as she is, to just any husband whatever, she will die. ' "" After these reflections, he asked her privately, "Daughter, whom have you considered as a husband?" She replied, "Whoever surpasses me in the arts, let him be my husband." The king agreed to this and the promise became widely known. Kings and princes practiced the arts assiduously. One day King Jitasatru had platforms built outside and summoned kings and princes to a svayamvara. Kings, earthdwellers and sky-dwellers, came with princes, with the sole exception of Harinandin grieved by the separation from his son. They seated themselves on the platforms like gods in palaces. By chance Aparajita came there in his roaming. He said to Vimalabodha: "We have come at the right time. We shall see the examination in arts of the experts and we shall see the girl. We must see that no acquaintance recognizes us. "" Along with him (Vimalabodha), he assumed a very commonplace appearance by means of a pill. They both went to the svyamvara-pavilion, like gods assuming fictitious figures for amusement. Pritimati came there like another goddess Laksmi, wearing priceless clothing like a goddess come to earth, fanned by chauris, surrounded by friends and slave-girls, the people in front being driven back by the body-guards and door-keepers. A friend of hers, Malati, pointed with her finger and said: "These men, earth-dwellers and sky-dwellers, have come here, thinking themselves superior. That is the King of Page #58 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ PREVIOUS INCARNATIONS OF ARISTANEMI Kadamba, famed throughout the world, a hero named Bhuvanacandra, the face-ornament of the eastern quarter. This man, courteous by nature, the tilaka of the southern quarter, is Samaraketu, a Minaketu (Kamadeva) in beauty of the body. This Kubera of the northern quarter, named Kubera, unwearied of his enemies' wives, is a cluster of flourishing creepers of fame. This is King Somaprabha, by whose fame the brilliance of the moon is surpassed. The others also, Dhavala, Sura, Bhima, et cetera, are kings. This lord of Khecaras is powerful Manicuda; that is Ratnacuda; and that is powerful Maniprabha. These, Sumanas, Soma, Sura, et cetera, are lords of Khecaras. Look at them and examine them. They all know the arts. *99 At whomever Pritimati, schooled by her, glanced, Ananga, as if instructed by her, struck with arrows. She assumed the voice of the female cuckoo excited by spring and held the debate, taking the purvapaksa, 36 debating like the goddess Vac. Their intelligence confounded, all earth-dwellers and sky-dwellers were unable to answer, as if seized by the throat. "The goddess Vac has taken her side from connection with women. Hence we, who had never been defeated by any one before, were defeated by her. " Ashamed, the kings and princes said many things of this sort to each other, with faces burned in embarrassment. 27 Jitasatru thought: "After the Creator had made her, did he not make a suitable husband for her because he was worn out by all his exertion? Here are so many kings. If there is no suitable husband for my daughter among them, some other inferior man will not be suitable. Then what to do?" His minister, knowing his mood, said: "Enough of despair, lord. There are distinguished men among the distinguished. The earth has many jewels. Issue a proclamation: ' A king or prince or anyone, who can defeat her, shall be her husband. Saying, "Very well! Very well!" the king had it done. 999 392. Le, she would state the question and take the affirmative. Page #59 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 28 CHAPTER ONE "There After hearing the proclamation, Aparajita thought: would be no glory in a debate with a woman, even in a victory; but in the absence of a debate the whole men's side is defeated. So, glory or no glory, she must be defeated by all means. 99 After these reflections, the prince quickly appeared before Pritimati. When she saw him, though he was poorly dressed like the sun obscured by a cloud, Pritimati felt friendship from association with the affection of former birth. Pritimati took the purvapaksa as before. Aparajita quickly silenced her and was victorious. At once she threw a svayamvara-wreath on Aparajita; the kings-earth-dwellers and sky-dwellers--became angry with him. Saying, "Who is this man? Shall he, crazy in speech, an abode of lightness like cotton, a beggar, marry her, while we are here?" The kings put on their armor and began a battle ardently with horsemen and elephant-riders, their weapons raised. The prince leaped up and killed an elephant-rider and, standing on his elephant, fought with missiles that were in the elephant's housing. In a moment he killed a charioteer and, using his chariot, attacked. Now on the ground, now again on an elephant, he fought. Like just one man who has become many, like a thunderbolt that has burst, Aparajita, excited, killed the enemy-soldiers. Saying: We were defeated before by a woman with manuals (sastra); now we are defeated by a single man with weapons (sastra)," the kings, ashamed, advanced together to fight. Then Aparajita mounted Somaprabha's elephant and Soma noted his marks and tilaka carefully. Checking his arm, Soma embraced him, powerful, and said, "By good fortune you have been recognized, nephew with immeasurable strength. He told all the kings and they all ceased fighting; and the marriage-pavilion was occupied by these same ones who had become his attendants. 66 On an auspicious day, King Jitasatru celebrated the marriage of Aparajita and Pritimati who were infatuated with each other. Aparajita assumed his natural beautiful form and all the people 93 Page #60 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ PREVIOUS INCARNATIONS OF ARISTANEMI admired him because of his strength and beauty. Jitasatru entertained and dismissed all the kings; and Aparajita remained there, sporting with Pritimati. King Jitasatru's minister gave his daughter Rupavati to Vimalabodha and he sported with her. One day a messenger from Sri Harinandin came there. The prince saw him and embraced him ardently. Questioned, "Is it well with my honored father and mother?" The messenger, his eyes filled with tears, said: 'It is well with them only in the mere preservation of the body. From the very day of your departure, their eyes have not been dry. Hearing repeatedly about your new adventures from popular report, they rejoice for a moment and they swoon from separation from you. Hearing this report about you, I was sent today to find out the facts. You should not distress your parents. "" 29 66 His eyes filled with tears, the prince said in a choking voice: Shame on me, a base son, causing such pain to my parents. Then taking leave of Jitasatru, Aparajita set out; and Bhuvanabhanu came with his two daughters, and other kings brought their daughters whom he had married before. Surakanta, who had acquired fearlessness, came there. Aparajita with Pritimati and his other wives also, attended by kings-earth-dwellers and sky-dwellers, covering the sky and earth with sky-dwelling and earth-dwelling soldierseager, arrived at Sinhapura in a few days. Harinandin went to meet him and embraced him falling to the ground, set him on his lap, and kissed his head again and again. His mother, her eyes wet with tears, touched him on the back as he was bowing, and kissed the top of his head. The daughters-in-law, Pritimati and the others, introduced by Vimalabodha pronouncing their names, bowed at the feet of their father and mother-in-law. Then Aparajita dismissed the earth-dwellers and the sky-dwellers and he continued amusing himself as he liked, making a festival for his parents' eyes. "2 Manogati and Capalagati fell from Mahendra and became his younger brothers, Sura and Soma. Then one day Page #61 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER ONE Harinandin settled the kingdom on Aparajita, became a mendicant, practiced penance, and attained emancipation. Pritimati was King Aparajita's chief-queen; Vimalabodha his minister; and his brothers were governors of provinces. King Aparajita, by whom the kings had been subdued before, governed the earth happily and enjoyed pleasures without any obstacles. Building various shrines and making pilgrimages by the lac, he passed the time, undeceived by the objects of existence. Incident causing Aparajita's enlightenment (438-450) One day he went to a garden and saw a caravan-leader's son, Anangadeva, very magnificent, like Ananga with a body. Noticing him surrounded by friends wearing divine garments, sporting with many beautiful young women, giving money to beggars, being praised by bards, occupied in singing, the king asked his attendants, "Who is he?". They told the king, "He is Anangadeva, very rich, the son of the caravan-leader, Samudrapala." Saying graciously, "I am fortunate, whose merchants even are so noble and prosperous," Aparajita went home again. On the next day, going outside (the city), he saw a corpse moving along, carried by four men, with a drum reverberating dismally, followed by women beating their breasts, their hair disheveled, wailing, fainting at every step. The king asked his attendants, "Who is this dead man?" and they replied, "This is the same Anangadeva, who died suddenly from cholera." "Oh! This worldly existence is worthless. Alas! Alas! The creator destroys the confident. Oh! The negligence of living creatures whose minds have the sleep of delusion." Thus acquiring great desire for emancipation, Aparajita went home and, troubled, remained several days. One day the ominiscient, whom he had seen before in Kundapura, came there to help him, knowing from his (omniscient) knowledge that he was a suitable person. After Page #62 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ PREVIOUS INCARNATIONS OF ARISTANEMI 31 listening to dharma from him, Aparajita installed his son by Pritimati, Padma, on the throne and became a mendicant. At that time his wife, Pritimati, his brothers, Sura and Soma, and his minister Vimalabodha, all followed him into mendicancy. Sixth incarnation as a god (451) They all practiced austerities, died, and went to the heaven Arana. They became Indrasamanikas, friends of each other. Seventh incarnation as Sankha (452-533) Now in this Jambudvipa in Bharatavarsa, there is a city, Hastinapura, the ornament of the Kuru-country. Srisena was its king, resembling the moon. His chief-queen was named Srimati, who was like Sri. 66 In the last part of the night she saw in a dream, a full moon, white as a conch, entering her lotus-mouth; and she told her husband at dawn. The king was assured by experts: According to the dream the queen will have a son, like the moon, by whom the darkness of all enemies will be destroyed. " Now Aparajita fell and descended into her womb. At the right time she bore a son pure with all the favorable marks. His father named him Sankha with a name that had been caused previously;37 and he grew up, tended by five nurses. He acquired all the arts with ease, making his teacher a mere witness, for they were innate in him, acquired in a former birth. Vimalabodha's jiva fell from Arana and became Srisena's minister's son, Matiprabha by name, a depository of good qualities. He became attached to Prince Sankha, like Madhava to Manmatha, from playing in the sandpile with him and studying with him. Playing with this friend and with other princes in many various games, he (Sankha) attained youth. 37 457. By the moon white as a conch that his mother had seen. It was quite customary for a child to be named after something seen in a dream by his mother. Page #63 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER ONE One day people living in the country at a distance came to Srisena with loud lamentations and declared: 32 "On the border of your territory there is a very rugged lofty mountain, Visalasrnga, marked with the river Candrasisira. A village-chief, Samaraketu, lives in a fortress on it and he robs us fearlessly. Protect us from him, lord. " Intending to depart to kill him, the king had the drum sounded. Prince Sankha bowed to him and spoke with con fidence: 66 What is this disregard of yourself in the matter of a mere village-chief? An elephant would never kill a fly, nor a lion a hare. With your permission I shall capture him and bring him here, father. Give your commands. You yourself desist from marching, for that is a source of shame to you. 99 Prince Sankha was at once dismissed by the king after hearing this speech, and he went with an army to the vicinity of the village. The village-chief, best of schemers, left the fortress empty and went into hiding somewhere, when he heard that the prince was coming. Prince Sankha, very shrewd, had one vassal enter the fortress-town with selected soldiers. He himself remained in hiding in a thicket with soldiers. The village-chief, always tricky, besieged the fortress. As he shouted, "Where are you going, sir prince?" the prince surrounded him with many soldiers. The village-chief was attacked now by the king's soldiers on the walls of the fortress and now by the prince's soldiers, as he was placed between. Tying an axe on his neck,38 he went to the prince for protection and said: "You alone are a recompenser to me for deceitful counsels. Master, I will be your slave, like an evil spirit that has been subdued. Take everything of mine and receive me with favor. " Then the prince annexed all the loot that he had taken from any one whatever and took it himself as a fine from him. The prince took the village-chief and turned back home. 38 474. A sign of submission. Page #64 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ PREVIOUS INCARNATIONS OF ARISTANEMI 33 66 At night he stopped on the road and made camp. In the middle of the night while he was on his couch, he heard a pitiful sound and went to follow that same sound, with his sword as a companion. He saw before him a middle-aged woman crying and he said, "Do not cry. Tell me the cause of your sorrow." Her confidence won by his appearance and speech, she said: There is a king, Jitari, in Campa in Angadesa. A daughter, Yasomati, the crest-jewel of women, was borne by his wife, Kirtimati, after many sons. As she, very fastidious, did not see any one at all who was a suitable husband, her eye did not take pleasure in any man. Sankha, son of Srisena, fell in her range of hearing once and Manmatha took an abode in her heart at the same time. 6 Yasomati declared, Sankha alone shall marry me,' and her father was delighted, thinking, She has fallen in love suitably. When the king had sent messengers to Srisena on her account, a Vidyadhara-king, Manisekhara, asked for her. King Jitari replied, 'She wishes no one except Sankha.' Then one day the basest of Vidyadharas kidnaped her. I am her nurse and, clinging to her arm, I came with her, and was forcibly abandoned here by the villain of a Khecara. He took the girl, the cream of worldly existence, away somewhere. Therefore I lament in this way. How will she keep alive?" The prince said, "Be of good courage. I shall defeat him and bring the princess here," and he began to search, roaming through the great forest. Just as the sun rose on the eastern mountain, the prince reached Mt. Visalasrnga. In a wood on it he saw Yasomati talking to the Khecara who was begging her to marry him. Sankha, whose merits are as brilliant as a conch, shall be my husband and no one else. Villain, why do you trouble me uselessly, seeker of the unsought?" The prince was seen by them and the Khecara, delighted, said: "Your friend has come into my power, drawn by death, silly woman. Destroying him at the same time with your hope, girl, I shall marry you by force and take you to my house," 5 N 66 Page #65 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 34 CHAPTER ONE Sankha said to him talking in this way: " Get up, villain, kidnaper of another's wife. I shall take off your head with a sword." Then both fought, powerful, with swords raised, dancing with beautiful dance-steps, shaking the mountain, as it were. When he was not able to defeat the prince by strength of arm, then he fought with weapons made by magic art, balls of hot iron, et cetera. Because of the prince's pre-eminent merit, some had no power and the prince broke some missiles with his sword. Then the prince took his bow from the Khecara, who was worn out and distressed, and pierced his breast with its own arrow. He fell to the ground in a faint like a tree whose root has been cut. Sankha summoned him to fight again, after he had restored him by wind, 39 et cetera. The Khecara-lord said to him: "I, the chief of the undefeated, have been defeated by you, powerful sir. Certainly you are not an ordinary man. As Yasomati was gained by your merits, hero, I have been gained by your strength. Pardon my fault." The prince said: "I am charmed by your strength of arm and politeness, 'illustrious sir. Tell me, what can I do for you?" He said: " If you are graciously disposed, let us go to Vaitadhya. That would be a pilgrimage to the temple of the eternal Arhats for you and a favor to me." Sankha agreed to his suggestion and Yasomati, of whom a good understanding had developed, rejoiced at the thought, "I chose a husband of this kind." Khecaras who were soldiers of Manisekhara approached and, informed of events, bowed to their benefactor, the prince. The prince sent two Khecaras and had his adventures made known to the army; and he despatched the army to Hastinapura quickly. He had Yasomati's nurse brought there by Nabhascaras; and Sankha went with the nurse and Yasomati to Vaitadhya. There he worshipped the eternal Arhats in 39 500. I.e., by fanning. Page #66 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ PREVIOUS INCARNATIONS OF ARISTANEMI their temples and made many pajas with Yasomati. Manisekhara conducted the prince to Kanakapura, seated him in his house, and worshipped him like a deity. All the inhabitants of Vaitadhya came and looked at Sankba and Yasomati again and again as if they were something marvelous that had come. Other Kheoaras there, delighted by the toward of victory over enemies, et cetera, became magnificent soldiers of the prince. They gave their daughters to him, but he answered, "I shall marry these after I have married Yasomati." Then they, Manisekhara and others, took their daughters and conducted Sankha to Campa with Yasomati. It was announced to Jitari that a bridegroom, surrounded by Khecara-lords, had come with his daughter and he went to meet them, exceedingly rejoiced. After embracing Sankha ardently, the king had him enter the city and married him to his daughter with a great festival. Then Sankha married the daughters of the Vidyadharas, and made a pilgrimage to the shrine of Sri Vasupujya with devotion. After dismissing the Khecaras, Sankha remained there with his wives, Yasomati and others, and then went to Hastinapura. Sura and Soma fell from Arana and became his younger brothers, Yasodhara and Ganadhara, as in a former birth. One day King Srisena gave the earth to Sankha and took the vow at the feet of Ganadhara Gunadhara. As Srisena observed penance hard to perform, so Sankha, with glory as brilliant as a conch, governed the earth for a long time.. One day the great muni, Srisena, whose omniscience had arisen, came there in his wandering, resplendent with the attendance of gods. King Sankha came and paid homage to him with great devotion and then listened to a sermon resembling a boat for crossing the ocean of worldly existence. At the end of the sermon, Sankha said: "I know from your teaching that in worldly existence no one belongs to any one, but is isolated. Nevertheless, why this extreme affection for Yasomati on my part? Please explain, All-knowing. Instruct me ignorant." Page #67 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER ONE The omniscient explained: "In your birth as Dhana, she was your wife Dhanavati; in Saudharma she was your friend; she was the wife Ratnavati of Citragati; your friend in Mahendra; your wife Pritimati in your birth as Aparajita; a god-friend in Arana; in this seventh birth she became again your wife Yasomati. So your affection for her originated in other births. Now after going to Aparajita 40 and falling, you will be the twenty-second Tirthanatha, Neminatha, here in Bharatavarsa. She, named Rajimati, devoted to you without being married to you, will adopt mendicancy at your side and will attain emancipation. Yasodhara and Gunadhara, your 'brothers in former births, and your minister, Matiprabha, will become emancipated, after having attained the rank of ganadharas." Sankha installed his son Pundarika on the throne and took the vow at his (Srisena's) side with his brothers, Yasomati, and the minister. In course of time Sankha finished his studies, practiced severe penance, and acquired Tirthak'tkarma by the sthanas,41 devotion to the Arhats, et cetera. Eight incarnation as a god (534) At the end Muni Sankha observed the padapopagamana and went to Aparajita. They, Yasomati and others, went to the same Aparajita by the same procedure. 40 529. A palace in the highest heaven, the Pancanuttara. 41 533. For the sthanas, see I, pp. 80 ff. Page #68 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER II MARRIAGES OF VASUDEVA WITH MAIDENS BEGINNING WITH SYAMA AND ENDING WITH SUKOSALA Now there is in this Bharata an excellent city Mathura, adorned by the river Yamuna like a dark garment. In this city Yadu was king, many kings having passed away since Bthaddhvaja, son of Vasu, of the line of Hari. Yadu had a son, Sura, whose splendor was equal to the sun, and Sura had two sons, Sauri and Suvira, eminent heroes. King Sura placed Sauri on the throne and Suvira in the rank of heir-apparent and became a mendicant, as disgust with worldly existence had developed. Sauri gave the kingdom of Mathura to his younger brother, Suvira, and went to the country of Kusarta. There he founded Sauryapura.42 Sons, Andhakavssni and others, were born to King Sauri; BhojavTsni and others to Suvira, whose strength was boundless. Suvira gave the kingdom of Mathura to Bhojakavssni and, after founding the city Sauvira in the Sindhus, remained there, powerful. Powerful Sauri installed Andhakavrsni on his throne, became a mendicant under Muni Supratistha and attained emancipation. While Bhojavisni directed the realm at Mathura, he had a son, Ugrasena, who had enormous strength of arm. Ten sons were born to Andhakavssni from Subhadra: Samudravijaya, Aksobhya, Stimita, Sagara, Himavat, Acala, Dharana, Purana, Abhicandra, and Vasudeva were the ten, called Dasarbas. They had two younger sisters, Kunti and Madri. Their father gave Kunti to Pannu and the other to Damaghosa. 42 5. Sauryapura was on the Yamuna, below Mathura. Page #69 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER TWO Previous birth of Vasudeva (13-50) "" One day Andhakavrsni bowed to Muni Supratistha who had clairvoyant knowledge and asked, his hands joined together respectfully: "Master, why does my tenth son, named Vasudeva, have exceeding beauty and charm, know the arts, and have good strength?" The sage Supratistha related: In the province Magadha in Nandigrama there was a poor 43 Brahman, and his wife, Somila. They had a son, Nandisena, and while he, the crest-jewel of misfortune, was a boy, his parents died. Pot-bellied, jagged-toothed, bleareyed, square-headed, and misshapen in the other limbs, he was abandoned even by his relatives. While yet alive, one day he was bought by his maternal uncle. Now his uncle had seven marriageable daughters. 'I shall give you one of my daughters,' his uncle said to him; and he did all his uncle's house-work from desire for her. When the eldest grown daughter knew about it, she said, "If my father gives me to him, I will certainly die. Nandisena was depressed at hearing that and his uncle said to him, I shall give you the second daughter. Do not worry. The same vow was made by the second daughter when she heard that and in the same way he was rejected in turn by the other daughters. Then his uncle said to him, Son, I shall ask for the daughter of some one else and give her to you. Do not be agitated.' Then Nandisena thought: His own daughters do not want me. How then will other maidens want me, deformed as I am?' With this thought, he departed because of disgust with existence and went to Ratnapura. Seeing husbands and wives playing there, he blamed himself. Wishing to die because of disgust with existence, he went to a garden, saw there a sage, Susthita by name, and bowed to him. The sadhu knew by (clairvoyant) knowledge his inclination and said to him: Do not be eager for death. Verily, that is the fruit of " 43 15. Parsva., p. 108 takes 'rora' as a proper name, but the text, both there and here, favors an adjective. Page #70 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ MARRIAGES OF VASUDEVA WITH MAIDENS 39 non-dharma. Dharma must be practiced by the seeker of happiness. Certainly happiness is not from self-destruction; but dharma is the source of happiness in birth after birth through mendicancy. Enlightened by hearing that, he took the vow at his feet and, after he had finished his studies, took a vow of service to sadhus. In his assembly Purandara described him as performing service to sadhus, the young, the sick and others, 44 free from disgust with existence. One of the gods did not believe Sakra's speech and, assuming the form of a sick sadhu, went to a forest near Ratnapura. After assuming the dress of a second sadhu, he went to his (Nandisena's) dwelling and, a morsel having been taken to break fast, he said to Nandisena: "How, sir, can you eat now when there is a muni outside, who is exhausted by hunger and thirst, suffering from dysentery, when you have vowed service to sadhus?' Leaving his food, Nandisena went to search for water and the god began to make it impure 45 by his power. It did not become apparent because of the power of the muni, who possessed magic arts; and then he found pure water some place. Nandisena went to the sick sage and was scolded harshly by the false muni. 'I am in such a condition, but you, greedy for food, did not come quickly! Shame upon your vow of service.' Nandisena said: "Pardon this fault of mine. I shall cure you. This water is suitable for you. After giving him water to drink, he said, 'Stand up,' and the sick muni said, 'Shame, stupid! Do you not see that I am not able ?! Then Nandisena put the false muni on his shoulder and was abused by him at every step as he went along: 'Villain, why do you hurt me serverely by jolting because you are going very fast? Go slowly, slowly, if you are performing true service.' So instructed, he went very slowly. The god defecated on him and said, 'Why do you interrupt your speed?' 44 30. Vaiyavsttya. See I, n. 123. 45 34. Anesaniya, technically impure for a sadhu, Page #71 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER TWO Nandisena reflected, "How can the great sage be cured?' and paid no attention to the bitter words. He (the god) in his divine form removed the filth and joyfully showered flowers on the muni, circumambulated him three times, and bowed to him. The god told him about the praise given by Sakra, begged his forgiveness, and said, 'What may I give you?' The muni said: 'I have acquired dharma which is very hard to acquire. Hence there is nothing of value here that I can ask of you.' So answered, the god went to heaven and the muni to his own shelter. Questioned by the sadhus, he related everything without pride. For twelve thousand years he practiced penance hard to endure and at the end, when he had observed a fast, he remembered his own hard fate. Because of that penance, may I be dear to women. After making that nidana,46 he became a god in Mahasukra. Then Nandisena fell and became your son, this Vasudeva, attractive to women because of his nidana." Then Andhakavssni installed Samudravijaya on the throne and he himself became a mendicant under Supratistha and attained emancipation. Previous birth of Kansa (52-61) Bhojavssni became a mendicant and then Ugrasena was king in Mathura and his chief-queen was Dharini. One day Ugrasena was going along outside (the city) and saw an ascetic standing in a secluded spot, observing a month's fast. He had made a vow,47 "I shall break fast after a month's fast with alms taken from one house, not otherwise." Month after month he broke his fast with alms from one house and went to the secluded place, but not to another house. Ugrasena invited him for fast-breaking and went home. The ascetic followed him but the king had forgotten him. Without eating 46 50. See II, n. 29. 47 54. Abhigraha. See I, n. 102. Page #72 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ MARRIAGES OF VASUDEVA WITH MAIDENS at all, the muni went to his own shelter and again commenced a month's fast in the same way. The king went there again by chance and again saw him. Remembering his invitation, he apologized cleverly. Again he invited him and again he forgot in the same way. Again he (the ascetic) went back to his own place without eating at all. Again the king, remembering, apologized as before. The ascetic was invited again and now became angry. As a result of this penance may I be able to kill him in another birth." After making this nidana, he died from fasting. Early life of Kansa (62-104) He then became (an embryo) in the womb of Ugrasena's wife, Dharini, and she had a pregnancy-whim 48 to eat her husband's flesh. Day by day Dharini grew thinner, ashamed. Finally she told her husband her base pregnancy-whim. His ministers put hare's flesh on the stomach of the king, who remained in the dark, and cut it off again and again and gave it to the queen who looked on. When her pregnancy-whim was gratified and she returned to her original nature, she said, "What is the use of life, what is the use of the embryo without a husband?" The ministers said to her wishing to die, "In a week we will show you the master restored to life." When she had been cured in this way, on the seventh day they showed her Ugrasena; and she held a great festival. 48 62. 49 68. On the auspicious fourteenth 49 day of the dark half of Pausa, the moon being in Mula, during the night Ugrasena's chief-queen bore a son. Afraid of the embryo because of the pregnancy-whim, as soon as he was born she cast him into a brass chest she had had made in advance. She had a slavegirl throw the chest, which was full of jewels together with a letter fastened to two rings marked with her own and the king's names, into the Yamuna. The queen told the king, " A son was born and is dead." 66 6 N 66 41 For dohada, a pregnancy-whim, see Parsva., p. 204. For the fourteenth, see I, n. 301. Page #73 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 42 CHAPTER TWO The chest was carried by the river to the gate of Sauryapura. At dawn Subhadra, a rasa-dealer, 50 went there to bathe, saw the brass chest, and pulled it from the water. With astonishment he saw in it the boy, like a new moon, together with the letter, the jewels, and the rings. The merchant took the boy with the chest, et cetera home and, delighted, handed him over to his wife, Indu, as a son. The husband and wife gave him the name Kansa and made him grow with honey, milk, ghi, et cetera. As he grew up, he was quarrelsome and abused the boys. Daily complaints came to the merchant and his wife from the people. When he was ten years old, he was sent by them to attend Prince Vasudeva and he became very dear to him. He studied all the arts with Vasudeva and played with him and reached manhood with him. Prince Vasudeva and Kansa, being together, looked like Mercury and Mars in one sign of the zodiac. Now in the city Suktimati the ninth son of Vasu escaped and went to Nagapura.51 His son was BIhadratha. He went to Rajagpha and among his descendants was a king, named Jayadratha, and his son was Jarasandha. He, the Prativisnu, having cruel commands, was lord of three parts of Bharata; and thus commanded King Samudravijaya through a messenger: " Capture and bring King Sinharatha, who lives in Sinhapura, a city near Mt. Vaitalhya, who is irresistible like a lion. To the one bringing him, I will give my own daughter, Jivayasas, and any one city of first rank in wealth which he desires." Vasudeva bowed to Samudravijaya and asked permission to execute Jarasandha's order, though difficult. Samudravijaya said, " Fighting is not appropriate for you, a delicate boy, 50 72. Rasavanija. Rasa seems to include a wide range, such as honey, milk, ghi, sugar-cane juice, wine. I can think of no English term to include them all. 51 80. For this incident, see IV, p. 147; Page #74 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ MARRIAGES OF VASUDEVA WITH MAIDENS 43 prince. No more of that request." Vasudeva persevered in asking the king again and finally he sent him forth with many soldiers. Vasudeva went rapidly and King Sinharatha went to meet him and a great battle between the two took place. Sinharatha put to flight Vasudeva's army; and Vasudeva himself with Kansa as a charioteer advanced to fight. Then the two fought for a long time with various weapons, like a god and demon, longing for victory over each other from anger. Then Kansa ceased being a charioteer and, powerful, soon broke Sinharatha's strong chariot with a very large club. Blazing with anger, Sinharatha drew his sword to kill Kansa and Vasudeva cut it at the hilt with a sharp-edged arrow. Kansa, arrogant from tricks and strength, tossed up Sinharatha, like a wolf tossing a goat, bound him, and threw him in Vasudeva's chariot. Sinharatha's army having been broken, then Varsneya, victorious, took Sinharatha along and gradually returned to his own city. King Samudravijaya said to Vasudeva secretly: "What the astrologer Krostuki told me is certainly useful. "This daughter of Jarasandha, Jivayasas by name, inauspicious, will certainly cause the destruction of her husband's and father's family.52 Jarasandha will give her to you as a reward for bringing Sinharatha. Some means must be devised for not accepting her." Vasudeva replied: "Kansa captured Sinharatha in battle and brought him. So Jivayasas must be given to him." The king said: "He will not want to take her, because he is a merchant's son, but he appears to be of the warrior caste from his strength." The rasa-merchant, questioned by the king after he had administered an oath (of secrecy), told the story about Kansa from the beginning, Kansa listening. Subhadra delivered the rings of Ugrasena and Dharini and also the letter to the king, who had the letter read. "The son, dearer 52 95. When this prediction was made is not told in our account. Page #75 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 44 . CHAPTER TWO than life, is abandoned by Dharini, wife of Ugrasena, terrified because of a pregnancy-whim, to protect her husband. After putting him together with the name-rings, adorned with all the ornaments, into a brass chest, she had him carried away by the Yamuna." After hearing this read, the king said: "He is a powerful Yadava, son of Ugrasena. Otherwise, how could such heroism be ?" Marriage of Kansa with Jivayasas and capture of his father, Ugrasena (105-113) The king went with Kansa to Ardhacakrin Jarasandha, delivered Sinharatha, and described the strength of Kansa. Jarasandha gave his daughter Jivayasas to Kansa and the city Mathura, which he demanded from anger with his father. With an army furnished by Jarasandha, Kansa went to Mathura and, cruel, captured his father and threw him into a cage. Ugrasena had sons, Atimukta and others. Atimukta became a mendicant at that time because of grief for his father. Kansa brought Subhadra, the rasa-merchant, from Sauryanagara and rewarded him with gifts of gold, et cetera, considering himself to acknowledge former favors. One day Dharini talked to Kansa for her husband's release; but he did not release his father at all even from her talk. "I had him put in the brass chest and carried away by the river. Ugrasena did not know it. He is entirely blameless. I alone am guilty in this matter. My husband should be released." She said this daily to men respected by Kansa, going to their houses. Even at their request, Kansa did not release Ugrasena. Verily, a nidana from a former birth does not turn out otherwise. Vasudeva leaves home (114-138) Dismissed by Jarasandha after entertaining him, King Samudravijaya went to his city, attended by his brothers. The Page #76 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ MARRIAGES OF VASUDEVA WITH MAIDENS 45 women of the city always followed Vasudeva when he went around Sauryapura, as if powerfully drawn by a charm, bewildered by his beauty. Samudravijaya's younger brother spent some time going here and there for amusement, his beauty like magic for women. One day the leading men of the town went to the king and told him confidentially: "The women have become out of bounds from Vasudeva's beauty. Any woman who sees Vasudeva even once becomes quite helpless, to say nothing of those who see him constantly as he goes about." Saying, " We shall do what you wish," the king dismissed them. * You must not tell this to Vasudeva," he said to his retinue. The next day Samudravijaya took Vasudeva on his lap, when he came to pay his respects, and said: "You have become thin from roaming about for amusement. So you must not go out in the daytime. You must stay in my house, nowhere else. Learn new arts; refresh the ones learned earlier. You will have recreation from the circle of artists, son." Vasudeva said: " Very well," courteously and stayed at home in that way. He passed the days with amusements, singing, dancing, et cetera. One day he saw a hunchbacked girl who happened to come there bringing perfume. He asked, "For whom is this perfume ?" and she replied, "Prince, this perfume has been ordered now by Queen siva herself for Srimat Samudravijaya." Saying, "This is useful to me," Prince Vasudeva took the perfume for a joke. Angry, she said, "Because of just such behavior, you are kept here." He said, "How is that?" Very much frightened, she told him the incident of the townsmen from the beginning. Truly, a secret is not fixed long in the heart of a woman. "The king thinks me to be such a person, Vasudeva roams about to ingratiate himself with women of the town.' Enough of my living here." With these thoughts he dismissed the slave-girl. In the evening he assumed another appearance by means of a pill and left the city. He went outside, built a Page #77 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 46 CHAPTER TWO 66 funeral pyre from wood near the cemetery and had an unclaimed corpse burnt on it. Vasudeva wrote a note with his own hand, to ask forgiveness of his parents, and hung it on a post.53 Since virtues are reported by the people to the parents as a fault, Vasudeva, considering himself dead though alive, entered the fire. Then may you all, parents and townspeople, pardon completely my fault, whether it exists or not, conjectured by yourselves." A woman in a chariot, going to her father's house, saw Vasudeva dressed like a Brahman, after he had done this and had wandered off the road, going on the right road, and said to her nurse, "Take this tired Brahman into the chariot." After doing this, she reached the village. After bathing and eating there, Vasudeva went in the evening to a Yaksa's temple. "The Yadavas have learned that Vasudeva has entered the fire. They and their attendants performed funeral rites with lamentations." After hearing that news, Vasudeva, free from anxiety, went to the city Vijayakheta. Marriage with Syama and Vijayasena (139-141) There Sugriva was king and he had two very beautiful, accomplished daughters, Syama and Vijayasena. Vasudeva married them as a reward for winning a contest in the arts and remained there comfortably, sporting with them. A son, named Akrura, was borne by his wife Vijayasena to Vasudeva, and he was like a second Vasudeva. Marriage with Vidyadhari Syama (142-158) Then he set out and reached a terrible forest and Varsneya, 53 132. Dr. Sandesara (Cultural Data in the Vasudeva-Hindi, JOI X, p. 15) thinks the pillar in the cremation-ground was probably there to help strangers identify the place. Page #78 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ MARRIAGES OF VASUDEVA WITH MAIDENS 47 seeking water in it, went to a pool Jalavarta. An elephant there, like a living Mt. Vindhya, ran at him and the prince, like a lion, tamed it and mounted it. Two Khecaras, Arcimalin and Pavananjaya, saw him mounted on the elephant, took him to the garden Kunjaravarta and released him. There the Vidyadhara-lord Asanivega, gave him his daughter, Syama, and he sported with her. Pleased with her playing of the lute, Varsneya gave her a boon. She asked, "May you never be separated from me." He asked the reason for the boon and she related: " Arcimalin was king in the city Kinnaragita on Vaitadhya. He had two sons, Jvalanavega and Asanivega. Arcimalin installed Jvalana on the throne and took the vow. Angaraka,, Jvalana's son, was borne by Vimala and I am Asanivega's daughter by Suprabha. Jvalana installed Asanivega on the throne and went to heaven. Angaraka banished him (Asanivega) by the power of magic arts and seized the kingdom. My father went to Astapada and there he asked a flyingascetic, Angiras by name, Will the kingdom be mine or not?' The muni said, "The kingdom will be yours by the power of your daughter Syama's husband. He can be recognized by his taming of the elephant of Jalavarta.' From confidence in the muni's speech my father founded a city here and sent two Khecaras to be always at Jalavarta. You were brought here by them when they had seen you tame and mount the elephant and you were married to me by my father, Asanivega, lord. In the past this agreement was made between noble Indra Dharana, Indra of the Nagas, and the Vidyadharas: "Whoever kills a man near an Arhat's shrine, or one with a woman, or an attendant on a sadhu, even if he has good magic arts, shall be deprived of his magic arts.' For this reason, master, no-separation was chosen by me as a boon. May the wicked Angaraka not kill you alone. "The tenth son of Andhakavrsni said, " Very well," and passed the time with her in amusements from practicing the arts. Page #79 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 48 CHAPTER TWO Marriage with Gandharvasena, daughter of Carudatta (159-302) One day Angaraka seized him with her during the night when he was asleep. Awakened, Vasudeva thought, "Who has kidnaped me?" He saw Angaraka, with a face like Syama's face, and Syama carrying a sword, saying "Halt! Halt! Angara cut her in two and Vasudeva, troubled, saw two Syamas fighting on both sides of Angara. 66 Thinking, This is sorcery," Vasudeva struck Angara on the head with his fist, like Hari striking a mountain with a thunderbolt. Released by him injured by the blow, Varsneya fell from the sky into a broad pool outside the city Campa. Vasudeva swam across the pool like a hansa and wisely entered a shrine to Vasupujya situated in a garden on the pool's bank. He worshipped Vasupujya, spent the rest of the night, and went to Campa with a Brahman whom he had met. There he saw young men here and there carrying lutes and he asked the reason for it. "" The Brahman explained: "There is a sheth here, Carudatta, who has a very beautiful daughter, named Gandharvasena, the sole abode of the arts. She has promised, 'Whoever can surpass me in music shall be my husband.' For that reason every one here is devoted to music. Every month an examination takes place before two teachers of music, Sugriva and Yasogriva." Vrsni's son, disguised as a Brahman, went to Sugriva, who was pre-eminent there, and said: "I am Skandila, a Brahman of the Gautamagotra. I wish to study music with you on account of Gandharvasena. Accept me, a foreigner, as a pupil." Sugriva, slow-witted like one who does not recognize a jewel when it is covered with dust, called him approaching, Fool! contemptuously. Varsneya remained near Sugriva under the pretext of studying music, making the people laugh and hiding his identity by his village-speech. 66 95 On the day of the contest Sugriva's wife gave a pair of garments of conspicuous beauty to Sauri because of affection Page #80 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ MARRIAGES OF VASUDEVA WITH MAIDENS 49 for him like a son. Vasudeva put on the two new garments and the ornaments given earlier by Syama, arousing the people's curiosity. "Come! I think you will surpass Gandharvasena today in knowledge. You are exceedingly skilled in music," he was ridiculed by the townspeople in this way. Enjoying their jokes, he went to the assembly and was seated on a high seat by men laughing at him. Gandharvasena went there like a goddess moving on earth and she defeated many musicians from her own and foreign countries. When his time in the contest had come, Samudravijaya's younger brother assumed his own form, changing his form at will like a god. As soon as Gandharvasena saw his beauty, she trembled; all the people were astonished, discussing, "Who is he?" He cleverly spoiled every lute that was given him by the people and then Gandharvasena gave him her own lute. Making ready the lute, he said, "Fair lady, what must I sing with this lute?" She replied: "Expert in singing, play the song connected with the three steps of Muni Visnukumara, elder brother of Cakrin Padma." 54 Like Sarasvati in male attire, Varsneya sang it in such a way that he defeated Gandharvasena together with the assembly. Then Sheth Carudatta dismissed all the musicians and himself conducted Vasudeva to his house with respect. At the time of the marriage the sheth said, "Son, with reference to what gotra shall I give you my daughter? Speak, fair sir." Vasudeva smiled and said, "Tell what your family is considered." The sheth said: " The fact that she is a merchant's daughter is the reason for your smile. At the proper time, I shall tell you the whole story of my daughter." With these words the sheth had the marriage of the bride and groom celebrated. Sugriva and Yasogriva, charmed by his virtues, bestowed their daughters, named Syama and Vijaya, on Vasudeva. 54 183. See IV, pp. 90 ff. (6, 8, 14-203). N 7 Page #81 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER TWO Carudatta's adventures (190-301) One day Carudatta said to Vasudeva: " Hear today the whole story, the family, et cetera, of Gandharvasena. In this same city there was a wealthy sheth, named Bhanu. His wife was Subhadra; and they were much grieved because they had no son. One day a flying ascetic was asked by them, unhappy, about the birth of a son. He said, "There will be,' and went away. In course of time I, the son, was born. Story of Amitagati (193-204) One day as I was playing with friends on the bank of a river I saw the beautiful footprints of a Khecara. I knew that his wife was with him from a woman's footprints and I saw in front of me a plantain-house, a couch of flowers, and a sword and shield. Not far from there I saw a Khecara nailed to a tree with iron nails and in the scabbard of his sword three rings of herbs. With one herb from them I released him by my own knowledge; with the second I healed his wounds; and with the third I restored consciousness. He said to me: 'I am Amitagati, son of King Mahendravikrama, in the city Sivamandira on Mt. Vaitadhya. One day I went to the best mountain, Hrimat, with a friend Dhumasikha and with Gauramunda for amusement. There I saw the beautiful daughter, Sukumalika, of my maternal uncle, Hiranyaroman, who is an ascetic. Wounded by love, I went to my home and was married to her by my father, who brought her at once, as he had learned of my state (of infatuation) from a friend. I remained dallying with her and one day I knew by his behavior that Dhumasikha was enamored of her. Nevertheless, I went about with him and came here. I, careless, was nailed (to a tree) by him and Sukumalika was kidnaped. You released me. Friend, tell me why you have done this, that I may be free from debt to you, a friend for no reason.' Page #82 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ MARRIAGES OF VASUDEVA WITH MAIDENS 51 'I have done what I should just from seeing you, sir.' So assured by me, the Khecara flew up and went away. Carudatta's adventures resumed (205-302) I went home and in course of time attained youth, amusing myself as I liked with friends, making a feast for my parents' eyes. At my parents' command I married the daughter, Mitravati, of my maternal uncle, Sarvartha, on an auspicious day. Devoted to the arts, I did not become devoted to pleasure with her.55 My parents noticed that and I was judged, ' He is inexperienced.' Then I was urged by my parents into frivolous society for the sake of social experience and I frequented gardens, et cetera, at will. For twelve years I stayed, amusing myself, in the house of the courtesan, Vasantasena, daughter of Kalingasena. There sixteen crores of gold were spent without my realizing it and (then) I was driven out by Kalingasena because He has no money. " " After learning of my parents' death, miserable, I took courage and took my wife's ornaments to engage in business. One day I started out with my maternal uncle and with the ornaments I bought cotton in Usiravartinagara. As I was going to Tamralipti, the cotton was burned in a forest-fire. My uncle abandoned me, saying, 'He is unlucky.' Then I went alone horseback toward the west. My horse died and then I went on foot. Worn out by a very long road, terrified by hunger and thirst, I went to Priyangunagara which was full of merchants. There I was seen by Surendradatta, a friend of my father. Welcomed like a son with clothes, food, et cetera, I stayed comfortably. Having borrowed at interest a lac, though he opposed me, I embarked on the ocean in a boat with merchandise bought 55 207. Carudatta's adventures start out very similarly to those of Dhammila in the Dhammilakatha. His adventures are narrated in the VH, pp. 133 ff., which the Trisasti" does not follow exactly. Page #83 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 52 CHAPTER TWO with the money. I reached Yamunadvipa and by making trips back and forth to Antadvipa and other cities, I made eight crores of gold. Then I started by water toward my own country. The boat went to pieces and I reached one plank. By means of it I swam across the ocean for seven days and came to a shore called Udumbaravativela. finally reached a city on it, named Rajapura, and outside of it I went to a hermitage, Uddamapadapa.56 There I saw a wandering mendicant with the triple staves named Dinakaraprabha, and I told him about my family, et cetera. He, well-disposed, treated me like a son. One day he said to me: You seem to want money. Therefore come, son. We shall go to a mountain and there I shall give you a liquid by which you can have crores of gold as you like. ' With this promise I set out with him joyfully and in the late afternoon reached a large forest with many magicians. Going on the mountain-slope, we came to a large cave closed with many stones worked by machinery, resembling the mouth of Yama. The Tridandin opened the door by a charm and we entered the large cave named Durgapatala. After wandering over much ground, we reached a well, the site of the liquid, four cubits wide, terrifying as a door to hell. Go inside the well and take the liquid with a gourd,' he told me and I descended into the well by means of a chair with a rope which he held. 6 6 At twenty-four feet down, I saw the liquid surrounded by a wall and I was stopped there by a man. I said to him: ' I am a merchant, Carudatta. A holy man had me enter for the liquid. Why do you prevent me?' He replied: 'I am a merchant. Desiring money, I was hurled by that Tridandin into the well of liquid like a piece of meat into an enclosure. He, wicked, went away. The lower part of my body is eaten away by the liquid. Do not enter here. I will hand you the liquid in the gourd. Then I handed him the gourd and he filled it with the liquid and tied it beneath the chair and I shook the rope. 56 221. Or perhaps uddamapadapa is an adjective, with large trees. * " Page #84 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ MARRIAGES OF VASUDEVA WITH MAIDENS 53 The holy man pulled the rope and, when I had come near the top (of the well), asked me for the vessel of liquid and did not lift me up and put me down (outside the well). As I had found out that he was greedy and threatening, I threw the liquid into the well; and he threw me down with the chair and I fell on the wall. The merchant, a brother for no reason, said to me: 'Do not despair. You have not fallen into the liquid. You are comfortably placed on the wall. When the iguana comes here, hang on to its tail. You must go to the door. Watch for its coming.' I remained for some time, comforted by his words, repeating the namaskara again and again. The man died. One day I heard a terrifying noise, but, trembling, I remembered what he said and knew that an iguana was certainly coming. It came to drink the liquid and when it, very powerful, had turned around, I held to its tail with both hands. Clinging to its tail I left the well, like a cowherd getting out of a river by holding to a cow's tail. Outside, I turned loose the tail. I fell to the ground in a faint and, when I became conscious, I wandered on and reached a forest and had to climb up on a rock because of a buffalo. As the buffalo was striking the rock with a long horn, he was seized quickly by a python like an arm of Kinasa (Yama). While they were busy fighting, I climbed down and fled. Speedily I came to a village on the edge of a forest. There I was seen by Rudradatta, a friend of my uncle, and, cared for by him, I became rejuvenated, as it were. Then I took a small amount of mercandise worth a lac and started quickly for Svarnabhumi with him. After crossing a river, named Isuvegavati, on the road, we came to a mountain and then in turn to a cane-plantation. We reached the country of the Tankanas and got two goats. Mounted on them, then we went by a goat-path. Then Rudra said: 'From now on this is no country for pedestrians. We shall kill the goats and make skins with the hair inside and the flesh outside. We shall put them on here and we shall go to Svarnamedini, carried by bharandas with the idea that we are meat.' Page #85 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER TWO I said: How can we kill these goats, like our brothers, who, poor things, have carried us over difficult ground?' "Since they are not yours, how are you going to stop me?' Angry, he killed his own goat first quickly. The second goat looked at me with a long, timid glance. 54 I said to him: 'I am not able to protect you. What can I do? Nevertheless, may the religion of the Jinas, which bears great fruit, be a refuge for you. It alone is brother, father, mother, and lord to a person in distress.' Then after accepting the religion, which I described, by nodding its head, he listened attentively to the namaskara which I recited. He was killed by Rudradatta and became a god. Carrying knives, we entered their skins. We were lifted up by two bharandas; and while they fought on the way from desire for all the meat, I fell into a pool. I cut the skin with the knife and swam out. Going on, I saw a large mountain in a forest. After I had climbed it, I saw a muni standing there in kayotsarga. After I had paid homage to him and he had given 'Dharmalabha,' he said to me: Story of Amitagati resumed (261-291) 'How have you come here to this inaccessible place, Carudatta, since there is a path for no one except gods, Vidyadharas, and birds! I am that Amitagati who was set free by you earlier. Then I flew up and found my enemy near Astapada. Abandoning my wife, he escaped to Mt. Astapada. I caught her as she fell and returned to my own home. My father installed me on the throne and took the vow under two flying-ascetics, Hiranyakumbha and Svarnakumbha. By my wife Manorama I had a son Sinhayasas, and a second one, Varahagriva, equal to me in strength and power. By my wife Vijayasena I had a daughter, Gandharvasena, expert in all branches of music, beautiful. After installing my sons as king and heir-apparent and bestowing magic arts on them, I took the vow under my father and teacher. This is the island, Page #86 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ MARRIAGES OF VASUDEVA WITH MAIDENS 55 Kumbhakanthaka, in the Lavana Ocean and this mountain is Karkotaka, where I have practiced penance. At his question, 'How did you come here?' I related in turn the whole story of my misfortunes. Just then two Vidyadharas, equal to him in beauty, came through the air and bowed to him. From their resemblance to him I knew they were his sons. The muni said to them, 'Bow to Carudatta. ' After bowing to me, saying, 'Father, father,' they sat down. Just then a god's aerial car descended from the sky. Then a very magnificent god got out of the car and bowed to me and then circumambulated the muni and paid homage to him. Questioned by the Khecaras about the inverted order of homage,57 the god said, 'Carudatta is my teacher of religion. The story is: Story of the goat (275-289) 99 In Kasipuri there were two women ascetics, Subhadra and Sulasa, sisters, who were expert in the Vedas and Vedangas. At that time many disputants had been defeated by them and one day an ascetic, Yajnavalkya, came for the purpose of debate. "The one who is defeated shall become the servant of the winner. Sulasa made this promise, was defeated by him, and was made a slave. Yajnavalkya had his youth renewed by Sulasa, youthful, who served him, and he became submissive to Kama. Living not far from the city he sported with her daily and she bore a son to the Tridandin Yajnavalkya. Fearing the people's ridicule, Sulasa and Yajnavalkya abandoned their son under a pippal and fled. When Subhadra learned that, she went and got the infant who was eating a fruit of the pippal which had fallen into his mouth of its own accord. For that reason she named him 6 Pippalada '; reared him carefully, and taught him the Vedas, et cetera. Being very intelligent, very learned, he became intolerant of the pride of disputants. 57 274. Normally, he would have paid homage to the muni first. " Page #87 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 56 CHAPTER TWO Sulasa and Yajnavalkya came to debate with him. He defeated them both in debate and, when he learned that they were his own parents, he became exceedingly angry at the thought, "I was abandoned by them." He established firmly sacrifices, the matsmedha, pitsmedha, 58 et cetera and killed his parents in the pitrmedha and matsmedha. At that time I was a disciple of Pippalada, Vagbali by name, and I went to a terrible hell, because I had sacrificed animals, et cetera. After getting out of hell, I was born an animal five times and was killed by cruel Brahmans in a sacrifice again and again. Then I was born as a goat in Tankana and, after having religion taught me by this Carudatta and being killed by Rudra, I went to Saudharma. Hence Carudatta, an ocean of compassion, is my teacher of religion and homage was paid to him first. I did not transgress the proper order.' Thus informed by the god, they said, 'He saved our father's life as well as helped you.' The god then said to me, 'Speak, blameless Carudatta. What earthly reward can I make you?' I told the god, ' Come at the right time,' and he departed. I was brought to Sivamandira by the two Khecaras. I remained there, treated with respect by them and their mother; and honored to a very high degree by Khecaras, their relatives. They showed me this Gandharvasena, their sister, and said, When our father took the vow, he instructed us: "An astrologer predicted that Prince Vasudeva would marry your sister, after defeating her in the arts. Hence, entrust her to my brother, Carudatta, an earth-dweller, that Vasudeva, an earthdweller, may marry her happily." Take her as your own daughter and go.' Just as I was leaving, after these instructions from them, -the god came. The god, the two Khecaras and other Khecaras, their adherents, brought me here easily in the aerial car without delay. After giving me crores and crores of gold, rubies, and 58 285. I have still found no explanation for Hemacandra's accusation of killing in the matsmedha and pitsmedha. See IV, p. 149, n. 121; Appendix I, Page #88 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ MARRIAGES OF VASUDEVA WITH MAIDENS 57 pearls, the god and the chiefs of the Vidyadharas went to their own places. The next morning I saw my maternal uncle, Sarvartha, my wife, Mitravati and the courtesan Vasantasena, whose hair was arranged in a braid down her back.59 Now that Gandharvasena's lineage has been narrated to you, Vasudeva, do not scorn her with the idea, 'She is a merchant's daughter.'" Marriage with the Matangi, Nilayasas (303-338) After hearing her story from Carudatta, Vssni's son, very delighted, sported with Gandharvasena. In Caitra, as he was going with her in a chariot to a garden, he saw a girl in a Matanga-dress, surrounded by Matangas.60 When Gandharvasena saw that they were becoming interested in each other, red-eyed (from anger), she said to the charioteer," Speed up the horses." After Vasudeva had gone quickly to the garden and had played with her, he went again to the city Campa. Then an old Matanga-woman came from the group of Matangas, approached Vasudeva, gave him her blessing, and said: Story of Nilayasas (307-338) "When Rsabhadhvaja divided his realm and gave it to his followers in the past, it happened that Nami and Vinami were not there.61 Seeking a kingdom, they served the Lord even though he had taken the vow. The Indra Dharana gave them the sovereignty of the two rows (of Vidyadharas), one to each. In course of time they gave the realm to their sons, became mendicants near the Master and attained emancipation as if, emancipated, to see the Lord. Nami's son, Matanga, became a mendicant and went to heaven. In his line there is a Khecara 39 300. I.e., she wore her hair as if she were a widow. 60 303. Matanga here is the name of a Vidyadhara-line. See I, p. 176. For Nami, see I, p. 170. 61 307. See I, pp. 170 ff. 8N Page #89 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 58 CHAPTER TWO lord, Prahasita by name. I am his wife, Hiranyavati, and I have a son, Sinhadanstra. His daughter is Nilayasas, whom you have seen. Marry her, prince. She was afflicted with love at the sight of you. This is an auspicious moment. She can not endure delay." Sauri replied, "I shall say after consideration. Do you come again." She said, " Who knows whether you go there or I come here?" With these words she went away somewhere. One day in the hot weather Sauri had played in the water with Gandharvasena and had gone to sleep. A ghoul seized him firmly by the hand, saying repeatedly, " Get up," and carried him off quickly, though struck with his fist (by Vasudeva). Taken near a funeral pyre, he saw a blazing fire and the Khecari Hiranyavati with a terrible appearance in front of it. The ghoul, 62 addressed cordially by her, "Welcome, Candravadana," delivered Varsneya to her and instantly departed. She smiled and said to Varsneya: " Have you considered,.prince ? Consider now, sir, at our insistence." At that time Nilayasas, who had been seen before, came there attended by friends, like the goddess Sri attended by Apsarases. Instructed by her grandmother, "Take your husband," Nilayasas accepted Vasudeva and went through the air. In the morning Hiranyavati said to Vasudeva: " This is a large mountain, Hrimat, covered with a forest, Meghaprabha. On it, which is ruled over by flying ascetics, Angaraka, a Khecara-lord, the son of Jvalana, who has lost his magic arts, is again subduing magic arts. The magic arts will submit after a long time, but at sight of you they will submit quickly. Hence you should go to assist him." Told by Vrsni' son, "No more about him whom I have seen (before)," 63 she conducted him to Sivamandira on Mt. Vaitadhya. At the request of King Sinhadanstra, who took him to his own house, Dasarha married the maiden Nilayasas. 62 317. Preta is here used interchangeably with bhuta in 315. 63 324. See above, p. 47 f, Page #90 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ MARRIAGES OF VASUDEVA WITH MAIDENS 59 At that time Sauri heard a tumult and asked its cause. The door-keeper related: "There is a town here named Sakatamukha. Its king is named Nilavat and his wife Nilavati. They have a daughter, Nilanjana, and a son, Nila. There was an arrangement in the past between brother and sister that the marriage-festival of a son with a daughter must be celebrated. Nilanjana had a daughter, who is your wife Nilayasas, and there is a son of Prince Nila, Nilakantha by name. Nila asked her in marriage for his son in accordance with the agreement. Questioned by her father about it, Muni Bphaspati said, "The father of Visnu, lord of half of Bharatavarsa, the best of the Yadus, Vasudeva, Manmatha in beauty, will be her husband.' Brought here by .a magic art, you have been married to her by the king. Nila has come on that account and then the tumult arose." Sauri was delighted at hearing that. Playing with her, he saw the Khecaras going to Hrimat in the autumn for magic arts and herbs. He said to her, "I shall be your pupil in acquiring magic arts," and she agreed. She went to Mt. Hrimat, taking him along. Knowing that Sauri desired dalliance there, she created a plantain-house and dallied with him. And she saw a peacock. "Look! this peacock has a full tail," she said, astonished, and the lovely-eyed woman herself ran to catch it. But when she got near the peacock, the rogue of a peacock mounted her on his back and kidnaped her, flying up in the air like Garuda. Running after him, Sauri came to a herder's station. Entertained with respect by milkmaids, he stayed there for the night and started south in the morning. He came to the village Giritata and heard a teacher reciting the Vedas. He asked a Brahman the reason for his recital. The Brahman said: Marriage with Somasri (340-345) "In Dasagriva's time the Khecara Divakara gave his very Page #91 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER TWO beautiful daughter to the Rsi Narada.64 From his line there is a Brahman in this village, the village-head, Suradeva. By his wife Ksatriya he has a daughter, Somasri, learned in the Vedas. Questioned by her father about a husband for her, the astrologer Karala said, 'Whoever defeats her in the Vedas will marry her.' In order to defeat her, these people are constantly engaged in the study of the Vedas and Brahmadatta is the teacher of the Vedas here." Yadava became a Brahman in appearance and said to the teacher of the Vedas, "I am a Brahman, Skandila, of the Gautama gotra. I wish to study the Vedas under you." He agreed and Yadava studied the Vedas under him, defeated Somasri in the Vedas, and married her. Tricked by a sorcerer (346-352) One day while amusing himself with her he went to a garden and he saw there a sorcerer, Indrasarman. When he had seen his magic art performing miracles, Sauri asked for it. He said: " Take this magic art which deludes the mind. This magic art, undertaken in the evening, is successful; but at sunrise it causes many calamities. Procure some friend." "A foreigner, I have no friend." " Brother, I am the friend of you, a brother, and (so is) my wife, Vanamalika." Being told this, Sauri took the magic charm, whispering it properly, and was taken away by the magician Indrasarman in a litter. Reflecting on the calamity, Sauri whispered the magic charm at dawn and, having recognized the trick, got out of the litter. Yadava outstripped Indrasarman and the others running after him and at the end of the day reached a hamlet, Tlnasosaka. 64 340. This contradicts the description of Narada as a celibate. Cf. IV, p. 151. Perhaps this Rsi Narada is an entirely different person from the wellknown Narada who is so prominent in the Trisasti.deg Or perhaps the prayena in 7.2.514 means that generally Narada was an ascetic, but not always. There were 9 Naradas.. Page #92 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ MARRIAGES OF VASUDEVA WITH MAIDENS 61 Story of Sodasa (353-365) Asleep in a temple there, Vasudeva was aroused by a Raksasa, who had come quickly, and was beaten severely by his fists. After fighting the Raksasa hand-to-hand for a long time, Sauri tied him with a cloth like a goat that had been bought. Beating him on the ground, like a washerman clothes on a stone, he killed the Raksasa. At daybreak the people saw him. Delighted, the people put Sauri in a chariot and conducted him inside a home with a drum being played, as if he were an eminent bridegroom. Promptly the people offered him five hundred maidens. Preventing that, Sauri said, "Who is this Raksasa?" One of them explained: "In the city Sri Kancanapura in the Kalingas, there was a powerful king, Jitasatru. This was his son, Sodasa, greedy for flesh by nature,65 but the king had given freedom from fear to living creatures in his country. But the king, asked by his son for the meat of one peacock every day, agreed, though against his wishes. Daily the cooks brought a peacock from Mt. Vania. One day when it had been killed for cooking, it was stolen by a cat. So at that time they cooked and gave him the flesh of a dead boy. After eating it, he asked them, "What is this unusually sweet meat?' They told him the truth and Sodasa ordered: 'In future a man must be cooked in the place of the peacock every day. With these orders, he himself constantly seized boys from the people. When the king found it out, he expelled him from his country from anger. Terrified of his father, he lived here in an inaccessible place and killed five or six men every day. The villain was killed by you. Well done! Well done! " When they had told him this, Sauri gladly married the maidens. He stayed for the night and went to excellent 65 359. Cf. IV, pp. 187 ff., for a slightly different version of a cannibal Sodasa. Page #93 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 62 CHAPTER TWO Acalagrama. There Yadava married Mitrasri, the daughter of a caravan-leader, because he had been described earlier by an astrologer as her husband. Marriage with Kapila (368-374) Going to the city Vedasama, he was escorted by Vanamala to her own house, after saying, "Come, come, brother-in-law." She announced, "Here is Vasudeva," and her father, after asking, "How are you?" explained: .. Kapila is king here. He has a daughter, Kapila. You, noble sir, living in the village Giritata, were described formerly as her husband by an astrologer. 'He will subdue the horse, named Sphullingavahana,' was said by the astrologer to be the means of recognizing you. My son-in-law, the sorcerer, Indrasarman, was sent by the king to bring you here; but he reported here that in the meantime you had gone. By good luck you have come. Subdue the horse." Vrsni's son, when he had been told this, subdued the king's horse and married Kapila. Honored by the king and by his brother-inlaw, Ansumat, he begot a son, Kapila, by Kapila. One day he went to capture an elephant and he mounted the elephant, after capturing it, and struck it with his fist as it was jumping up in the air. Falling on the bank of a pool, it became the Khecara, Nilakantha, who had come to fight at the marriage with Nilayasas. Marriage with Padmavati and Asvasena (377-380) Then wandering about, Sauri went to the city named Salaguha and there he taught archery to King Bhagyasena. Powerful Vasudeva defeated Meghasena, the (king's) elder brother, who had come there to fight with Bhagyasena. King Bhagyasena then gave his daughter, Padmavati, who resembled Padma, to Varsneya and Meghasena gave Asvasena. After Vrsni's son had enjoyed himself there for a long time with Padmavati and Asvasena, he went to Bhaddilapura. Page #94 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 63 MARRIAGES OF VASUDEVA WITH MAIDENS Marriage with Pundra (381-382) There he saw Punara, the daughter of King Pundra who had died without a son, who had the appearance of a man by means of an herb, ruling the kingdom. Varsneya perceived that she was a woman and married her infatuated (with him). She had a son, named Pundra, and he became king. Marriage with Ratnavati (383-386) The Khecara Angaraka in the guise of a hansa seized Samudravijaya's younger brother at night and threw him in the Ganga. At daybreak Sauri saw the city Ilavardhana and sat down in the shop of a caravan-leader at his invitation. From his power he (the merchant) made a profit of a lac of gold and, recognizing his power, spoke to him respectfully. The caravan-leader seated him in a golden chariot, conducted him to his house, and married him to his daughter, Ratnavati. Marriage with Somasri (387-411) One day when the Sakra-festival 66 was taking place, seated in a divine chariot, he went with his father-in-law to the city Mahapura. Outside the city Yadava saw new palaces and asked his father-in-law, "What is this second city?" The caravan-leader said: "The king here is Somadatta. He has a daughter, Somasri, whose beauty surpasses that of the moon. These palaces were ordered built for her svayamvara and the kings, who had been summoned, were dismissed again because of their lack of cleverness." After hearing this, Yadava went and bowed to the Sakrapillar. The women of the king's household, who had come earlier, were leaving, after bowing to the pillar. Just then the king's elephant came there, after pulling up the tying-post, and caused the princess to fall from the chariot to the ground. When Sauri saw her, miserable, unprotected, seeking protection, 86 387. The same as the Indrotsava. See I, p. 342 f., 7. 386, Page #95 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER TWO he stood in front of her, scolded the elephant, as if he were the elephant-driver himself. Leaving her, the elephant, unrestrainable from anger, ran at Yadava; and Yadava, very strong, tamed the elephant. The elephant being bewildered, Yadava picked her up, took her into a house, and restored her by fanning with his upper garment, et cetera. She was taken home by nurses; and Sauri with his father-in-law was taken to his house by a caravan-leader Kubera, with great respect. After he had bathed and eaten, Sauri remained there, until the king's female door-keeper came with blessings for the victory and said: "King Somadatta has a superior daughter, Somasri. * In the past it was said, 'Her husband certainly should be chosen in a svayamvara.' But when she saw the gods who had come to the omniscience-festival of Yatin Sarvana,67 the recollection of her former births took place. From that time the gazelleeyed maiden resorted to silence. Questioned by me in secret one day she told as follows: There was a god in Mahasukra. In that birth he enjoyed pleasures with me, very dear to him, for a long time. With this same me he made a pilgrimage one time to Nandisvara, et cetera, held a birth-festival of the Arhat, and returned to his own place. When he had reached. Brahmaloka, the god fell 68deg and I, grieved, went to the Kurus in this Bharata, searching for him. I saw there two omniscients and asked them, " Where has my husband, who fell from heaven, been born?" They told me: "Your husband has appeared in a royal house in the Hari-line. You also will be a king's daughter, when you have fallen from heaven, When he rescues you from an elephant at the sakra-festival then he will become your husband again." After honoring them devotedly, I went to my own place. In 67 399. The typography here is not quite right and it is impossible to be sure whether the name is Savarna or Sarvana. 68 403. Brahmaloka is a lower heaven than Mahasukra. He got only so far. Page #96 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ MARRIAGES OF VASUDEVA WITH MAIDENS 65 course of time, I fell and was born as the daughter of Somadatta. When I saw the gods at Sarvana's omniscience-festival, I experienced recollection of former births, I knew these facts and for that reason I observed silence.' I made known this entire story of hers to the king and the king dismissed the kings who had come to the svayamvara. There was proof when she was saved by you from the elephant and I have been sent to escort you. Hence come, marry her, hero." Then Vasudeva went with her to the palace, married Somasri and sported there with her. Marriage with Vegavati (412-423) One day Sauri had been asleep and when he woke up he did not see the gazelle-eyed maiden and, crying pathetically, he remained distracted for three days. Varsneya saw her standing in a grove and said to her: "Because of what fault have you disappeared so long? Tell me, proud lady." She said: "For your sake I made a particular vow. I have been in a vow of silence for three days, lord of my life. After worshipping this deity, celebrate the marriage again. For that is the rule in this (vow)." Sauri did so. She made Yadava drink wine by saying, "This was left from the sacrifice to the goddess," and he experienced very great sensual pleasure like a Kandarpika god.69 He went to sleep with her at night and when he woke up he saw a different woman. He said, "Who are you, fair lady?" She said: "In the city Suvarnabha in the southern row there was a king, Citranga, whose wife was Angaravati. They had a son, Manasavega, and a daughter, Vegavati, who I am. After installing his son on the throne, Citranga became a mendicant. Your wife, 70 master, was kidnaped by my brother, shameless, for dalliance and she was addressed with various A class of gods devoted to amorous sport. PE, 69 416. Kandarpika. 70 420. I.e., Somasri. IN Page #97 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER TWO pleasing words through my mouth. But your wife is very virtuous. She did not consent to that. She honored me with friendship and she instructed me to bring you. When I had come and had seen you, I did such a thing, 71 wounded by love. You are my lawfully married husband and I am a maiden of good family." When the people saw Vegavati at daybreak, they were all astonished. With her husband's permission she told the people about Somasri's kidnaping. Kidnaped by Manasavega (424-428) One time Vasudeva went to sleep, tired from pleasure with her, and was carried off in the night by Manasavega, who surpassed Garuda in speed. When Vasudeva knew it, he beat the Khecara with his fist and, injured by the blows, he dropped Vasudeva suddenly into the water of the Bhagirathi. He fell on the shoulder of a Khecara, Candavega, standing there, engaged in subduing a magic art, and was the cause of the magic art's submission. Vysni's son was addressed by him: "Noble sir, the magic art was subdued by your power. What can I give you ? " and he asked for the magic art' going-throughthe-air.' The Khecara gave him the magic art and Vasudeva began to subdue it at the gate of Kanakhala with deep coticentration. Marriage with Madanavega (429-451) When Candavega had gone, a Khecari, Madanavega, the daughter of King Vidyudvega, came there and saw him. Wounded by love, she seized Sauri, took him to Mt. Vaitadhya, and released him resembling Puspacapa (Kama) in the garden Puspasayana. She herself went to the city Amstadhara; at dawn three brothers of hers came and bowed to Sauri. The first brother was Dadhimukha, the second Dandavega, and the third Candavega who had given him the magic art. They 71 422. I.e., tricked him into marriage. Page #98 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ MARRIAGES OF VASUDEVA WITH MAIDENS 67 conducted Sauri to the city and married him properly to Madanavega; and he sported with her happily. Killing of Trisikhara (434-449) One day Madanavega, who had satisfied him, asked Sauri for a boon and the chief of strong men granted her a boon. One day Dadhimukha bowed to Sauri and said: Trisikhara is king in the city Divastilaka. On behalf of his son, Surpaka, he asked my father for this maiden in marriage but my father, Vidyudvega, did not give her. A flying-sage, questioned by my father about a husband for his best of daughters, said: 'Vasudeva of the Hari-line, will be your daughter's husband. He will fall at night on Candavega's shoulder as he is subduing magic arts in the Ganga and the magic arts will submit immediately. ' After hearing this, my father did not give him his daughter, more than ever; and he was taken away by King Trisikhara, who had captured him with an army. Remembering the boon given by yourself to your wife Madanavega, release your father-in-law now and show honor to me, your brother-in-law. Nami was the first bulb of our line. He had a son, Pulastya. In his line there was Meghanada, lord of Arinjayapura. His son-in-law, Cakrin Subhuma, gave him the sovereignty of the two rows (of Vidyadharas) and divine missiles-Brahma's missile, missile of fire, et cetera.72 In his line there was a king, Ravana, and also Bibhisana. Among Bibhisana's descendants was my father Vidyudvega. Take these weapons which have come by inheritance. They will be fruitful for you who have good fortune, but useless for persons without good fortune. " 66 Vrsni's descendant took the missiles offered with this explanation and obtained control over them by the proper practice. What is not accomplished by merit? 72 442. These weapons are not mentioned in the Subhumacaritra, Trisasti 6.4. Page #99 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER TWO When he heard that Madanavega had been given to a mortal, Trisikhara came himself to fight, inflamed with anger. Sauri fought, mounted in a magic chariot with a golden beak which had been given him by the Khecaras, surrounded by Dadhimukha and others. Varsneya cut off Trisikhara's head with Indra's weapon,73 released his father-in-law, and went to Divastilaka. A son, Anadhssti, was borne by his wife Madanavega to Sauri, amusing himself, after he had come to his father-in-law's city. One day he made a pilgrimage to the temples of eternal Arhats with the Khecaras and was gazed at by enamored Khecaris again and again. Sauri returned from the pilgrimage and called Madanavega, "Come, Vegavati," and she went to the couch angrily. Jarasandha's hostility (455-458) At that time Vssni's son was kidnaped by Trisikhara's wife, Surpanakhi, in Madanavega's form, after she had burned his house. Wishing to kill him, she dropped him from the air near Rajagaha and the scion of the Yadus fell on a pile of straw. Learning that the city was Rajaglha from the fact that Jarasandha was being hymned, 74 Sauri went (there), won a crore of gold at dice and gave it to beggars. Then thauri was taken to the palace by guards who had arrested him. He asked the soldiers, "Why am I arrested when I have committed no crime?" They replied: " Jarasandha was told by an astrologer, Whoever wins a crore of gold and gives it to beggars at dawn, his son will be your slayer.' You are he. At the king's command you, though innocent, are to be killed." With these words, they threw Vasudeva in a bag. From fear of censure they wished to kill Varsneya secretly and they threw him from a mountain. 73-448. A thunderbolt. 74 454. Cf. IV, 290; Ras Mala, p. 190; Prabandhacintamani, pp. 48, 49. Page #100 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ MARRIAGES OF VASUDEVA WITH MAIDENS Reunion with Vegavati (458-474) 33 Vegavati's nurse caught him. As he was carried by her, Sauri thought, "I think, indeed, that I am being taken through the air by bharundas, like Carudatta. Released on a mountain, he saw Vegavati's feet and the chief of the Yadus came out of the bag, after observing them. Yadava embraced the fair-toothed girl who was crying, "Lord! Lord!" and asked her," How did you find me?" Wiping away tears, she said: 66 At that time because of a reversal of fortune, I did not see you on the couch, master, when I had risen from bed. As I was crying pitifully with the women of the household, the magic art Prajnapti told me about your kidnaping and fall. Knowing nothing further, I reflected, My husband, at the side of some sage, is calling a magic art by his power. 9 After I had grieved over the separation from you for some time, with the king's permission I wandered over the earth in search of you, master. I saw you in the temple of the eternal Arhats with Madanavega and I followed you quickly when you reached the city from the shrine. Hidden there, I heard you call my name and because of your affection, I relinquished grief arising from the long separation. C From anger Madanavega went to the interior of the house quickly and then Surpanakhi made a fire from the power of an herb. Then she in the form of Madanavega seized you and I followed quickly to rescue you being carried by her. As I was standing below in the assumed form of Manasavega, she, powerful from magic arts and herbs, saw me and reviled me. As I fled from her to a shrine, I offended a muni. Then my magic arts were lost and at that time I met my nurse. Considering, 'Where is my husband,' I ordered my nurse (to search) and, as she wandered about, she saw you as you fell from the mountain. You, inside the bag, were seized by her speedily, lord, brought to the tirtha, Pancanada, on Hrimat and released. " Page #101 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER TWO After hearing that, he stayed there with her in a hermitage. Balacandra (474-490) One day he saw a maiden held by a noose in the river. Told (to do so) by Vegavati and compassionate himself, Sauri freed the maiden from the noose. She was in a faint and Sauri restored her by sprinkling water. Then she circumambulated Vasudeva and said: "Today magic arts of mine have been subdued by your power. Moreover, hear: There is a city Gaganavallabha on Mt. Vaitadhya. Vidyuddanstra of Nami's line was king there. One day he saw a muni standing in statuesque posture in West Videha. Look! This is some portent of calamity.' Vidyuddanstra took him to Mt. Varuna and had him beaten by Khecaras, saying, 'Kill him.' The muni being engaged in pure meditation, his omniscience arose; and the Indra Dharana came for the omniscience-festival. When he saw them (the Vidyadharas) hostile to the sage, Dharana quickly destroyed their magic arts from anger. They, miserable, said: "We do not know who he is. We were ordered to do this act against the muni by Vidyuddanstra only, who incited us, saying, " He is a portent of calamity.'" Indra Dharana said: 'I have come on account of his omnisciencefestival. O villains, what shall I do to you, ignorant as you are! Because of your grief, the magic arts will submit again to you, (if you are) devout laymen. They will destroy instantly the hostility to sadhus and to those who have taken refuge with them. The great magic arts, Rohini and others,75 will not submit to any man or woman in the line of Vidyuddanstra, evil-minded. But they will submit at the sight of a sadhu or a great man.' After saying this, the Indra Dharana went to his own house. In former times a maiden in his line, Ketumati, who was 75 485. See I, n. 218; Abhi. 2. 153-4; III, p. 41. Page #102 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ MARRIAGES OF VASUDEVA WITH MAIDENS 11 subduing magic arts here, was married by Visnu Pundarika. 76 1, a maiden of his line, named Balacandra, have the magic arts subdued by your power. Marry me submissive (to you), moonfaced one." Asked by her, "What shall I give you in return for the submission of the magic arts ? " Vssni's son said, "Give a magic art to Vegavati." She took Vegavati and went to Gaganavallabha and Vasudeva went to the same hermitage.77 Marriage with Priyangusundari (491-559) Suddenly two kings, who had taken the vow, blaming their (lack of) courage came there. Seeing them, Sauri asked the reason for their distress. They said: " In Sravasti there is a long-armed king, Eniputra, pure-minded, with spotless conduct. He summoned kings to the svayamvara of his daughter Priyangusundari, but not one was chosen by his daughter for her husband. Then a fight was started by the angry kings all together and they all were defeated and put to flight by her father alone. Some went to the mountains, some to the forest, and some to the rivers; but we became ascetics. Shame on us, cowards with useless arms." After hearing this, the scion of the Yadus enlightened them about the religion of the Jinas. They became mendicants; and Sauri himself went to Sravasti. Story of the three-footed buffalo (497-515) There in a garden he saw a temple with three doors and entrance at the chief door, which had thirty-two bars, was difficult. He entered by a side door and saw statues of a sage, a householder, and a three-footed buffalo. He asked a Brahman, " What is this?" and he said: 76 487. This is not mentioned in Pundarika's biography, Trisastio 6.3. In the Vasudevahindi, p. 265, she is said to be the wife of Vasudeva Purusottama. She is not mentioned in his biography, Trisastio 5.4, either, 11 490. Where he had been staying with Vegavati; Page #103 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 72 CHAPTER TWO 'There was a king here, Jitasatru, and he had a son, Mrgadhvaja. There was a sheth, Kamadeva, who went one day to his cattle-station and was told by his herdsman, Dandaka: 'I have killed five calves of this cow-buffalo in the past. But this sixth calf, which has a very fine appearance, has been born. As soon as born, he bowed at my feet with tremulous eyes and I have protected him trembling from fear from compassion. Do you, too, give him freedom from fear. For he is some one who remembers former births.' << On being told this, the sheth took the buffalo to Sravasti from compassion. At the sheth's request, the king granted him freedom from fear. 'He may wander anywhere in Sravasti without fear. One of his feet was cut off by Prince Mrgadhvaja; and he (the prince) was exiled by the king and became a mendicant. The buffalo died on the eighteenth day and on the twentieth day Mrgadhvaja's omniscience took place. Gods, asuras, kings, and ministers came and paid homage to him. King Jitasatru said, 'What was the reason for your enmity toward the buffalo?' The omniscient related: In the past there was an Ardhacakrin, Asvagriva. His minister, Harismasru, a Kaula,78 criticized religion. The king always approved religion and he was a believer. Thus the dissension between the king and the minister increased. They were both killed by Triprstha and Acala, and went to the seventh hell. Rising from it, they wandered through many births. Then Asvagriva became I, your son, and Harismasru became the buffalo and was killed by me because of their enmity. After he died, he became Lohitaksa, chief of the Asuras, and has come to pay homage to me. Such is the drama of birth.' Lohitaksa bowed to the sage and made jeweled statues here of the sage, the sheth, and the three-footed buffalo. Marriage with Bandhumati (514-516) Now in the line of sheth Kamadeva there is a sheth 78 508. A left-hand Sakta. Page #104 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ MARRIAGES OF VASUDEVA WITH MAIDENS 73 Kamadatta and he has a daughter, Bandhumati. An astrologer questioned by the sheth about a husband for her, said, 'Whoever opens the main door will be your daughter's husband.'" After hearing that, Vasudeva opened the door. The sheth went there and gave him his daughter immediately. Marriage with Priyangusundari (517-559) The princess, Priyangusundari, went with her father to see him from curiosity. As soon as she had seen him, she fell in love. A door-keeper related to Vssni's son the circumstances of Priyangusundari and the history of Eniputra, his palms placed together respectfully. "You must go by all means to Priyangusundari's house at dawn." With these words the door-keeper went away and Sauri watched a play. In it he heard that there was a Khecara, Vasava, the son of Nami. In his line there were other Vasavas and Puruhuta, springing from it. One time as Puruhuta was wandering about, mounted on his elephant, he saw Ahalya, the wife of Gautama, and he dallied with her in the hermitage.79 Then Gautama made him, whose magic arts were gone, a eunuch. After hearing that, Yadava was terrified and did not go to Priyangusundari. Sauri went to sleep with Bandhumati and at the end of his sleep during the night he saw a goddess and thought, "Who is she?" Saying, "Why do you reflect, my dear?" the goddess took him by the hand and led him to an asoka-grove. She said: Eniputra's history (525-556) "Here in Bharata in the city Sricandanapura there was a king Amogharetas. He had a wife, Carumati, a son, Carucandra, and a courtesan, Anangasena. She had a fair-eyed daughter, Kamapataka. Ascetics came to the king's sacrifice and among them Kausika and Trnabindu, teachers. They 79 57. This is quite different from the account in the Ramayana, 1.48, 10 N Page #105 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 74 CHAPTER TWO both offered fruit. The king asked, "Where did such fruit come from?' They told the story from the beginning of the kalpa-tree brought at the originating of the Hari-line. 80 At that time Kamapatakika, dancing with a knife, stole the minds of Prince Carucandra and of the sage Kausika. When the sacrifice was ended, the prince made her his quickly; but the ascetic Kausika asked the king for her. The king said: She has been taken by the prince. Moreover she is a laywoman and, one husband having been acknowledged, she would not take a second.' Thus restrained by the king, Kausika pronounced a curse in a rage: ' If you enjoy a woman, you shall die at that very moment.' The king gave his kingdom to his son, Carucandra, became an ascetic and, nobleminded, lived in the forest. His queen went to the forest with him, not knowing that she was pregnant. In the course of time, to destroy doubt she told her husband about the embryo that had appeared. One day a daughter was borne by her, named Rsidatta. She (the queen) became eventually a laywoman under a flying-ascetic. She (the daughter) grew up; and her mother and nurse died. One day King Silayudha came there to hunt. Infatuated at the sight of her, he obtained hospitality from her, led her to a secluded place, and enjoyed her in divers ways. She said: 'I have had a purifying bath. If by chance there should be conception, tell me, what is the proper course for me, a maiden of good family?' He said: "I am Silayudha, of the. Iksvaku-line, king in Sravasti, son of King Satayudha. If you should bear a son, you must bring him to me in Sravasti. Then he, and no one else, must be made king by me.' His soldiers came and he, taking leave of her, went away. She told her father this and in time she bore a son. Rsidatta died in child-birth and became the chief-queen of Jvalanaprabha, the Naga. Her father, Amogharetas, taking the boy by the hand, wept very much from grief-he, 80 528. See IV, pp. 77 f. Page #106 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ MARRIAGES OF VASUDEVA WITH MAIDENS 75 an ascetic, like other people.81 I am the wife of Jvalanaprabha and, knowing this from clairvoyance, went there myself in the form of a doe and reared my son by the breast. For that reason he was called ' Eniputra.' 82 After he died Kausika became a serpent, poisoning by its glance, in my father's hermitage. Cruel, he bit my father and I extracted the poison. The snake, enlightened, died and became a god, Bala. Assuming the appearance of Rsidatta, I came to Sravasti and took the boy to the king. But he did not remember and did not accept him. Leaving the boy in his presence, I stood in the air and said: 'I am the maiden, named Rsidatta, whom you enjoyed in the forest. This son of yours was born; but I died when he was born. I became a deity and reared him by becoming a doe. He is your son, Eniputra.' Thus informed, Silayudha installed his son on the throne, became a mendicant, and went to heaven. Pleased by a three-day fast by Eniputra for the sake of a child, I granted a daughter and thus Priyangusundari was born. The king summoned kings to her svayasvara, but none was chosen by her and the kings commenced to fight. All the kings were defeated by Eniputra because of my presence. However, Priyangusundari wishes to choose you, after seeing you today. On your account, I have been worshipped by her with a three-day fast, blameless one, and the door-keeper, Gandharaksita, spoke to you on my instructions. From ignorance you showed contempt. But now, summoned by him at my command, you should marry Eniputra's daughter. Ask for some boon." Yadava said, "You should come, recalled by me," and she promised to do so. The goddess went away, leaving Sauri in Bandhumati's house, and at the dawn Sauri, accompanied by the doorkeeper, went to the temple. There Yadava joyfully married 81 543. As an ascetic, he should have been immune to grief. 82 545. 'Son of a doe.' Page #107 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 76 CHAPTER TWO Priyangusundari, who had come before, with a gandharvamarriage. On the eighteenth day the door-keeper announced to the king that Sauri was the bridegroom given by the goddess and the king conducted him to his own house. Marriage with Prabhavati (560-587) Now, on Mt. Vaitadhya in the city Gandhasamtddhaka Gandharapingala was king and he had a daughter Prabhavati. She went in her wandering to the town Suvarnabha and saw Somasri 83 and at once a friendship started. Knowing her separation from her husband, Prabhavati said: "Do not grieve, friend. I will bring your husband now." Somasri sighed and said, " You will bring my husband, Manmatha in beauty, in the same way that Vegavati brought him." Prabhavati said, "I am not Vegavati," and went to Sravasti, seized Varsneya, and brought him there. Sauri, assuming another appearance, stayed there with Somasri. One day he was recognized and captured by Manasavega, who had come there. An uproar arose and Sauri was freed by the elder. Khecaras and dissension with Manasavega continued. Then in the city Vaijayanti in the presence of King Balasinha the two engaged in a dispute and Surpaka and others came there. Manasavega said: "First Somasri was intended for me. He married her by a trick and my sister 84 without my permission." Sauri said, "I married Somasri by her father's plan. He kidnaped her. The people know all that from Vegavati." Being refuted thus, Manasavega got up to fight and Nilakantha, Angaraka, Surpaka, and other Khecaras. Vegavati's mother, Angaravati, gave Sauri a divine bow and quivers and Prabhavati gave him Prajnapti. Yadava, his strength increased by the magic art and divine weapons, like Bidaujas, alone defeated all the Khecaras easily. Capturing 83 561. See above, p. 65. 84 568. Vegavati, See above, p. 65. Page #108 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ MARRIAGES OF VASUDEVA WITH MAIDENS 79 Manasavega, Sauri threw him down before Somasri, but released him at the word of his mother-in-law, Angaravati. Attended by Manasavega and other Khecaras who had become servants, accompanied by Somasri, he went to Mahapura in an aerial car. There the scion of the Yadus amused himself with Somasri. One day he was kidnaped by the magician Surpaka, who had turned into a horse. Perceiving that, Sauri beat Surpaka with his fist and, dropped by Surpaka, fell into Jahnavi's water. He swam out of the Ganga and went to a hermitage. There he saw a woman with a necklace of bones on her neck. The ascetics whom he questioned, related: Rescue of Nandisena (578-588) "She is the wife of King Jitasatru and daughter of Jarasandha, named Nandisena. She was bewitched by a mendicant and he was killed by the king. Even now she, strongly bewitched, wears his bones." Then by the power of a charm Sauri made her free from the witchcraft. Jitasatru gave him his own daughter Ketumati. Dimbha, Jarasandha's door-keeper, went to the king and said, " This benefactor, who saved Nandisena's life, should be summoned." The king said, "That is fitting." Sauri, put in a chariot by the door-keeper, went with him himself to the city of the lord of Magadha. There he was made a prisoner by guards and when he asked the reason for his arrest, they said: ! "An astrologer predicted to Jarasandha: 'Whoever shall cure your daughter, Nandisena, his son will surely be your slayer.' You are recognized. For that reason you are to be killed." With these words they led Yadava like an animal to the place of execution and the Mustikas 85 and others prepared to 85 585. Mustikas are defined by MW as a despised race (=Dombas) '; and Domba is defined as a man of low caste (living by singing and music).' But here a Mustika is obviously of a caste that acts as executioners, Page #109 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 78 . CHAPTER TWO execute Dasarha. At that time Gandharapingala, lord of Gandhasamtddha, asked a magic art about a husband for Prabhavati and she said, "Vasudeva." He sent a nurse, Bhagirathi, to lead him there. She snatched Sauri from them (the executioners) and took him to Gandhasamaddhaka. There Sauri married Prabhavati who was given by her father. He remained there happily, enjoying himself with her. Sauri went away and married other Vidyadhara-women and also Sukosala. Living in Sukosala's house, he experienced pleasures of the senses without any obstacles. Page #110 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER III VASUDEVA'S MARRIAGE WITH KANAKAVATI AND HER FORMER INCARNATIONS Now in this same Bharata there is a city, PeNhalapura, which resembles a city of the Vidyadharas, a depository of all marvels. In this city the breeze from the blooming housegardens is a source of delight, a perfumer for scenting the young men's garments day and night. There the girls threw up their hands from fear for their ivory ear-ornaments because of the constellations reflected in the jeweled pavements of their houses at night. Waving banners, like serpents 86 guardians of the houses, are seen on its houses containing treasure with raised flags.87 All of its inhabitants are thoroughly imbued with firm belief in the religion of the Jina, like cloth with indigo-dye. Kanakavati's parents (6-13) Hariscandra was king in this city, spotless as the moon with good qualities, like a younger brother of Bidaujas because of his wonderful magnificence. The Sris continually submitted to slavery to the arched eyebrow of him who was firmly established in victory over the senses, who possessed wisdom and power. His glory, as if in rivalry with unlimited wealth, became boundless and spread unhindered over the earth. His name was hymned by goddesses and Vidyadharis on the plateaux of Vaitadhya because of his spotless glory. His chief-queen, dearer than life, beautiful, was named Laksmivati, like Visnu's Laksmi. Because of her good conduct, modesty, affection, cleverness, and good breeding she was moonlight for the delight of the night-bloomig lotus of her husband's mind. Speaking to her husband in a voice gentle 86 4. Proverbial guardians of treasure. 87 4. I.e., flags indicated the number of crores the owper possessed, Page #111 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 80 CHAPTER THREE from affection, she poured a stream of nectar, as it were, into the canals of his ears. She was like a living creeper with shoots in the form of arts, with flowers in the form of modesty and other virtues with fruit in the form of devotion to her husband. Birth and childhood of Kanakavati (14-30) In the course of time Laksmivati bore a daughter who by her own splendor was like an auspicious lamp in the lying-inhouse. Possessing all the favorable marks from her very birth, like Sri who had come to the house, she delighted her parents. Immdiately Dhanada, her husband in a former birth, deluded by former affection, came there and rained a shower of gold on her. Delighted by the shower of gold, Laksmivati's husband gave his daughter the name of Kanakavati. Going from lap to lap, nursing at the breasts of nurses, in course of time she became able to walk, like a hansi. When they saw her approaching on her feet, the nurses, their hands held out, sang to her with ever new coaxings. When she was speaking very slowly in an indistinct, whispering voice, the nurses made her, like a maina, speak often from curiosity. With her hair bound, earrings dangling, anklets tinkling, she amused herself with jeweled balls, like Rama (Sri) in another form. Playing with dolls constantly, she shed the highest degree of joy on her mother with wide-open eyes. Leaving sweet and simple childhood gradually, Kanakavati became suitable for learning all the arts. On an auspicious day the king took Kanakavati to a suitable teacher of the arts to learn the arts. She learned the eighteen alphabets, like the creator of alphabets, and learned grammar by heart like her own name. She became able to challenge her teacher from study of dialectics; she was conversant with the ocean of texts on meter and rhetoric. She attained facility in poetry in six dialects; she was distinguished in painting; she was confident in sculpture; she knew sentences whose verbs and subjects are hidden; she was versed in enigmas; she was expert in all kinds Page #112 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ VASUDEVA'S MARRIAGE WITH KANAKAVATI 81 of gambling; she was skilled in the art of the charioteer. She was competent in massage; she knew how to cook; she acquired dexterity in exhibiting magic, sorcery, et cetera. She was qualified to be a teacher in comprehension of the three divisions of music.88 Indeed, there was no art which she did not know thoroughly. With a form beyond criticism, immersed in the water of grace, she arrived at youth which makes all the arts bear fruit. Observing that, her parents engaged in the search for a husband for her and, not finding a suitable bridegroom, planned a svayamvara. Episode of the swan (33-61) One day as the gazelle-eyed maiden was sitting comfortably in her house, she saw a rajahansa89 that had come suddenly. She noticed that his bill, feet, and eyes were red as the shoots of the asoka; that he was white as balls of new sea-foam; that his neck was wreathed with little golden bells; that his voice was beautiful and that he danced, as it were, in his gait. She reflected: "Surely he is the source of amusement for some one of much merit. Why is this ornament of birds outside his master's jurisdiction? Let the swan belong to any master whatever, he shall be for my amusement. My soul longs for him intensely." Then the maiden with a swanlike gait herself seized the swan that was clinging to the window, resembling an auspicious chauri of Sri. The lotus-eyed maiden caressed the swan slowly with her lotus-hand with a gentle touch, as if he were a toy-lotus. With her hand soft as a sirisa she stroked his spotless tail like a child's bunch of hair. Kanakavati said to her companion: " Bring me a wooden cage that I may put him in it. Birds do not remain in one place." When the companion had gone to get a wooden 88 30. Song, dance, and instrumental music. Abhi. 2.193. 89 33. A kind of hansa with red bill and feet, Abhi. 4. 392, 11N Page #113 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 82 CHAPTER THREE cage, the swan began to speak in human language." Princess, you are discerning. Do not put me in a cage. I shall tell you something about your husband. Release me." Astonished at seeing the swan speaking in a human voice, she said to him respectfully as if he were a favored guest who had come: "On the contrary, you are worthy of favor, swan. Name my husband. News, being half-told, is sweeter than sugar." The swan related: "In the city Kosala there is a daughter of Kosala, a lord of Khecaras, named Sukosala, who resembles a goddess. Sukosala's husband is a young man, the abode of the very essence of beauty. The delineation of all beautiful persons is suspended by anyone who has seen him. Sukosala's husband has an extraordinary beauty, fair lady. There is beauty equal to his, if in a mirror, not otherwise. As this young man is the crest-jewel of men because of his wealth of beauty, likewise you are the crest-jewel of women, proud lady. Seeing the beauty of you both, with the desire for you two to meet I have described him to you, after describing you fully to him. You have been depicted to him so that, when he has heard of your svayamvara, he will come to it himself, fair lady. You should recognize him in the midst of many in the svayamvara, like the lord of the constellations (moon) among the constellations, by his great splendor. So free me. Good fortune will be yours; but blame, if I am held captive. The venerable Creator, as it were, exerts himself for a husband for you." Kanakavati thought: " This is no ordinary man taking the form of a swan for amusement. Through him I shall find a husband." She released him from her hand. Flying up through the air, he dropped in her lap a picture and said: "Here is a painting of the young man as he is, fair lady. After seeing a picture of him, you can recognize him, when he has come here." Kanakavati, delighted, joined her hands in supplication and said to him: "Who are you? Favor me a little by telling your name." ********* The Khecara, who had the gait of a swan, dangling golden earrings, divine unguents, and ornaments, said, speaking Page #114 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ VASUDEVA'S MARRIAGE WITH KANAKAVATI 83 truthfully: "I am a Khecara, named Candratapa, beautiful lady, eager for service to your future husband. By the power of a magic art, I shall tell you something else, innocent lady. On the day of the svayamvara he will come to you as a messenger of another." She, having received a blessing, dismissed the Khecara saying this and reflected, "By good fortune this speech of the god suits me." The picture, like an eye, was made the place of the opening and shutting of the eyes by her, unsatiated with the sight of her husband in the picture. Now the girl, grieved by the pain of separation, put the picture on her head, now on her throat, now on her heart, like a piece of plantain.90 At that time Candratapa, eager for their meeting went to the Vidyadhara-city, adorned with Vidyadharas. By the very great power of magic arts, unstumbling like the wind, he entered at night the bed-chamber occupied by Vasudeva. He saw Vasudeva and his wife lying on a couch ornamented with swansdown, with white covers. He approached to serve Sauri, who was lying comfortably on the pillow of a Vidyadhari's arm, by rubbing his feet. Sauri, even though enjoying the comfort of sleep arising from weariness from pleasure, awoke immediately. For the best men arouse easily. When Yadava saw him, unexpected and at night too, he was not terrified nor angered, but he reflected: "As this man was not hindered from service to me, he is either seeking protection or concerned about my affairs. If I should speak to him as he is tending my feet, even in a low voice, the queen, sleeping comfortably from fatigue from pleasure, would awaken. I can not disregard this person as he is occupied with service. Even if I were indifferent, I could not sleep, while he is here. So, I shall get up carefully without waking the queen and shall deal with this zealous man at a distance from the bed." Then Dasarha left the couch without shaking the bed by 90 63. Plantain is considered cooling. Page #115 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 84 CHAPTER THREE making his body light and sat down in another place. Candratapa, his body adorned with jeweled ornaments, bowed to the tenth Dasarha with devotion, like a mere footman. Sauri regarded him saying: "I am Candratapa, the Vidyadhara, who described Kanakavati. Dasarha embraced the Khecara, who deserved confidence, and asked him the reason for his welcome arrival. 66 Then Candratapa, chief of the prudent, began to speak in a firm voice cool as moonlight. After describing Kanakavati as she is to you, scion of the Yadus, I have described you to her with a truthful account.. By the power of magic art, I have painted you on canvas, lord, and delivered the canvas, sun to her lotus-face, to her. After looking at you on the canvas like a full moon, her eyes shed water from joy like moonstones. At once she put the canvas containing your image on her heart as if to share the pain of separation from you. With streaming eyes, like a mechanical doll, her palms put together in supplication, the end of her garment being waved from respect, she begged me: Do not be indifferent to wretched me. I have no other friend but you. By all means bring this man to my svayamvara.' Lord, today is the tenth day of the dark fortnight. On the fifth day of the bright fortnight after this her svayamvara will take place in the forenoon. You should go to the svayamvara-festival. She, for whom the hope of meeting you is a life-saving drug, must certainly be favored by you. Vasudeva said: "Candratapa, at dawn I shall do so, after taking leave of my own household. You should be delighted. Stay in the garden of the harem with the intention of going with me. You should see the fruit of your own efforts at her svayamvara, certainly. 55 At these words the young Vidyadhara went away; but Vasudeva, experiencing great joy, went to sleep on the couch. At dawn Vasudeva took leave of his household, got permission of his women-folk to go, and went at dawn to Pedhalapura. There King Hariscandra met the scion of the Yadus and lodged him in the garden Laksmiramana. In that garden which 39 Page #116 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ VASUDEVA'S MARRIAGE WITH KANAKAVATI 85 was red from the shoots of the asoka, fragrant with the trumpetflower, smiling with the blossoms of the pandanus, perfumed with the saptacchada, rich with purple sugar-cane and orange trees, full of jasmine-buds, Sauri rested and diverted his eyes. Then Kanakavati's father paid the honor suitable for his rank to Anakadundubhi (Vasudeva) entitled to honor. Lofty palaces and houses having been built first, Sauri remained in the garden and heard this legend: "In the past there was a samavasarana of Sri Nami Svamin, which was attended by gods, asuras, and kings in this garden. Laksmi, together with other goddesses, sported here in a dance before the Arhat. From that time it has been called 'Laksmiramana.'" In the temple there the scion of the Yadus worshipped, and paid homage to the lofty statues of the holy Arhats with divine gifts. Then Sauri, calm, saw descending there an aerial car rich with jewels in all parts like a moving Sumeru; marked with a lac of banners like a tree with shoots; with a multitude of various elephants, makaras and horses like the ocean; with a splendor as if it sipped the brilliance of the sun; filled with the tumult of bards like the sky with thunder; with the roaring of clouds threatened by the noise of auspicious musical instruments; with all the Vidyadharas with heads erect. Vasudeva asked a god who was standing in front, " To what god does this car, suitable for Sakra, as it were, belong? Speak." He said: "This belongs to Dhanada. He has got into it and now he descends among these mortals for a very strong reason. After he has worshipped the images of the Arhats in this shrine, he will go soon with the intention of seeing Kanakavati's svayamvara." Then Sauri reflected: "Oh! Kanakavati is fortunate, since even gods come to her svayamvara when it is undertaken." Then Dhanada descended, worshipped, and paid homage to the images of the holy Arhats and had a concert performed. "Oh! This god is noble and has merit, an advanced layman. Oh! the doctrine of the holy Arhats has a person fit for its promulgation. Oh! I am fortunate in whose range Page #117 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER THREE of vision this marvel took place." Sauri reflected thus for a long time, his mind concentrated. Vasudeva's embassy for Kubera (110-177) Vaisravana completed a paja there to the holy Arhats, started on at pleasure, and saw Anakadundubhi. He thought, "That man has an extraordinary appearance which is not that of gods, asuras, or Khecaras." After observing the incomparable beauty of his appearance, Dhanaka, staying in his car, summoned Yadava quickly by a gesture of his finger. Thinking, " I am a mortal; he is a powerful god, an advanced layman," Vasudeva went to him, unafraid and because he was curious. Desirous of his own object, Dhanada favored Vrsni's son with friendly conversation, et cetera as if he were a friend. Respectful naturally and favored in this way, Vssni's son, his hands together respectfully, said, "Tell me what I am to do." Vaisravana said in a voice pleasing to the ear: "Execute a commission for me that can not be executed by anyone else, noble sir. In this city there is a maiden, Kanakavati, the daughter of King Hariscandra. Tell her this from me: "Vaisravana, lord of the north quarter for Sakra, lord of the gods, wishes to marry you. Though a mortal, become an immortal.' By means of my unerring command you, unstumbling like the wind, will reach the place ornamented by Kanakavati." Then Sauri went to his own house, took off his divine ornaments, et cetera and put on soiled clothing suitable for a servant. But Dhanada said to Yadava as he was going in the soiled clothing: "Why did you take off your fine clothes ? Everywhere outward show is of value." Sauri replied: " What has soiled or fine clothes to do with it? In the case of an embassy, speech is the ornament. That I have." "Good luck to you. Go on," Dhanada replied. Vasudeva went without hesitation to the court of Hariscandra's house. Though the gate was obstructed by elephants, Page #118 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ VASUDEVA'S MARRIAGE WITH KANAKAVATI 89 horses, chariots, soldiers, et cetera, Vasudeva entered King Hariscandra's house. Unnoticed by anyone, Vtsni's son went ahead with unstumbling gait, like a yogi with magic ointment.91 Sauri entered the first apartment of the palace which was blocked by guards with girded loins and holding maces.. Sauri saw at once the paving of sapphire, with moving waves of beauty like a tank with water. He saw there a group of women, like Apsarases, wearing divine ornaments, beautiful, of the same age. The scion of the Yadus then saw a second apartment with golden pillars, jeweled puppets, and waving banners. Then he entered a third apartment with waves of milk 92 like moonlight, like an elephant of the quarters entering the ocean of milk. There he saw women adorned with divine ornaments together with Apsarases, not to be equaled in the city of the gods. Reaching the fourth apartment, he saw a mosaic floor that looked like water,93 with surging waves, filled with swans, ospreys, et cetera. The scion of the Yadus watched women beautifying themselves by looking at themselves in it without mirrors. He heard auspicious sounds being made by cranes and parrots and saw servant-girls engaged in singing and dancing. Sauri went to the fifth apartment and saw a beautiful inlaid floor of emerald, resembling a house in heaven. He saw multitudes of wreaths of pearls and coral and suspended chauris reflected in it as if made by magicians. He saw slave-girls everywhere, beautifully dressed, wearing quantities of jeweled ornaments, leaning against pillars, like dolls. When he arrived at the sixth apartment he saw a mosaic floor of lotuses like the best heavenly pool adorned everywhere with lotuses. Varsneya saw in front of it jeweled vessels filled with divine ointments and in it he saw divine garments. 91 125. Which made him invisible. 92 130. I.e., it was paved with something that gave the effect of waves of milk, as the sapphire gave the effect of water. Probably the floor was of crystal. 93 132. For a similar effect, see Prabandhacintamani, p. 49. Page #119 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 88 CHAPTER THREE Vrsni's son cast his glance on the group of fair-eyed women, who were wearing red garments, like twilight embodied. In the seventh apartment Sauri saw an inlaid floor made of quartz with pillars of lohitaksa. In it he saw kalpa-trees laden with blossoms and rows of water-pots and ewers full of water. He saw female door-keepers, knowing the arts, expert in the dialects of all countries, fair-eyed, whose cheeks were grazed by earrings. He reflected: "In this house completely surrounded by these door-keepers there is no opportunity for anyone." As Sauri was so considering, a slave-girl, holding a golden toylotus, wearing divine garments, approached by a side door. The door-keepers asked her hastily, Where is the mistress Kanakavati and what is she doing?" She replied: "In the palace of the harem-garden, the mistress sits alone, wearing divine garments, with divinities in the vicinity." 66 When Vasudeva heard that and knew that she was there, he departed by the side door that had been shown by the slavegirl. Having reached the harem-garden, he saw a seven-storied palace with lofty walls and gradually ascended it. Approaching, the scion of the Yadus saw Kanakavati wearing divine ornaments and finery, like a wishing-creeper, adorned with flowers of all the seasons, like the Sri of the forest in person, with a wealth of beauty from the creator, like the wealth of creation from the beginning, seated on a throne, as if she had companions, though alone, looking at the figure of a man painted on canvas, as if absorbed in it. Kanakavati saw Dasarha like another form in the picture and bloomed from the knowledge of his wished-for coming, like a lotus at dawn. When she had seen Yadava to be the picture and the picture to be Yadava, she looked at him wearied, her eye unwearied and her body expanding from joy. Worshiping Dasarha with eyes like blue lotuses, she rose quickly from the throne, her hands put together respectfully, and said: "You have been drawn here by my merit. I am your Page #120 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ VASUDEVA'S MARRIAGE WITH KANAKAVATI 66 slave, sir," and, she started to bow to Vasudeva. Dasarha prevented her from bowing and said: "I am your servant. Do not you bow. You are mistress, noble lady. You are correct in bowing to one who would be suitable for you. Do not do a thing unsuitable for me, a servant of unknown family." She replied: Everything about you is known. You, and no one else, are my husband. You are he who was announced by a deity and who was meditated on in the picture." Vasudeva said: "Fair lady, I am not your husband. I am the servant of him who was announced as your husband by the divinity. Let Sakra's lord of the north quarter be known as your husband, namely Dhanada, sun to the lotus-faces of goddesses, famous throughout the world. I am his servant, a messenger, and ask you at his command: Be his chief-queen, attended by goddesses." She answered: At the mention of Dhanada's name, homage is made. He is a Samanika of Sakra on the one hand; I am a worm of a human on the other hand. Surely this improper embassy to me is merely for his amusement. Certainly there has been no previous marriage of mortal women with gods." Vasudeva said: " Fair lady, if you violate a god's command, you will suffer calamity, like Davadanti." Kanakavati said: "Because of some connection in a former birth, my mind is eager at hearing the syllables 'Dhanada.' Gods can not endure even the odor of the evilscented audarika body.94 Such are the words of the Arhats. You, and no one else, are my husband, disguised by the trick of an embassy for him. Go and tell the god, lord of the north quarter, my message. 'I am not worthy even to see you. I am a mere mortal. You are entitled to be worshipped by me who have a body of seven elements,95 when I have made an image.' 9 39 94 167. The ordinary human body. See I, n. 157. 95 169. See I, n. 74. 12 N 89 Page #121 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER THREE Then the best of the Yadus, unseen by any one, went back to Dhanada's presence the same way by which he had come. When the scion of the Yadus began to tell him the news, then Dhanada said, "I already know all." In the presence of the Samanikas Dhanada praised him, "Of this noble man there is unchangeable conduct." Praising him in these words, Dhanada gave Vasudeva at that very time a pair of garments of devadusya imbued with divine perfume, named Surapatipriya (Pleasing to Indra), a crest-jewel, Suraprabha (Bright as the sun), a pair of earrings, Dakagarbha (Clouds), a necklace,96 Sasimayukha (Moonbeam), two armlets, Lalitaprabha (Bright as lightning), a necklace of twenty-seven pearls named Ardhasarada (Half-moon),97 a pair of bracelets adorned with various gems, Sudarsana (Beautiful), a girdle of various jewels, Smaradaruna (Cruel to Love), and divine wreaths and divine ointment. He, feeling gratified, put them on and resembled Dhanada. After seeing Vasudeva looking like this and favored by Dhanada, the brother-in-law and the others, who had come with him, all rejoiced greatly. At that time Hariscandra came there from curiosity, bowed to Dhanada with hands folded respectfully, and declared, " The country of Bharata is favored today, o god, by you, since you have come here wishing to see the svayamvara." Saying this, he prepared the pavilion for the svayamvara and had platforms, beautiful with many kinds of seats, made. Warding off heat from the earth by the shadow of his car, with a series of moons shown by the row of erect white lotuses, fanned by gods who were caressed by the fingers of goddesses, making dance, as it were, the rays of light thrown out by lightning, being hymned by bards like the sun by the 96 174. Hara is a very elaborate necklace with many strings of pearls, 108 according to Abhi. 3. 323. 97 175. Ardhasarada. A surmise, but surely analogous to saradi, the night of full moon in Karttika or Asvina.' MW... Page #122 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ VASUDEVA'S MARRIAGE WITH KANAKAVATI 91 Valikhilyas,98 the lord of the north quarter set out to see the svayamvara. He entered the svayamvara-pavilion which had a canopy of divine white cloth like the sky covered with moonlight, with a festoon fastened up which resembled a bow strung by Smara, marked by jeweled mirrors everywhere as if provided with numerous suns, with a door-area adorned with the eight auspicious objects 99 made of jewels, adorned with white banners like cranes in the sky, with a floor paved with various jewels, like a younger brother of Sudharma,100 and with shows begun to amuse the eyes of the suitors. Dhanada, whose vehicle is a hansa, sat down on a high platform on a comfortable lion-throne, surrounded by goddesses. Not far from Dhanada, like his heir-apparent, sat Vasudeva, whose face was pleasant and handsome. In turn other magnificent kings and Vidyadharas were seated on the platforms, like rivals in splendor. Dhanada gave a ring marked with his own name, made of pure gold, to Sauri and he put it on his little finger. Then by the power of the ring all the people present there saw the son of the Yadus with the appearance of Kubera. 'Oh! the blessed Kubera has come in two figures." There was a unanimous assertion to this effect from the people in the svayamvara. Wearing a white garment with fringe, like the night anointed with moonlight, shining with pearl earrings like the ground of Meru with two moons, her lips red with the juice of lac like a bimba-creeper with ripe bimbas, her breast adorned with a necklace like a mountain with cascades, carrying in her hands a garland of flowers like a swing for Smara, Kanakavati went there indolently, like a swan, at that time. The svayamvara-pavilion looked with her, when she had come there, like the interior of a house with an auspicious CC 98 184. A class of rsis the size of a thumb, 60,000 of whom surround the chariot of the sun. MW. 99 186. See I, n. 153. 100 187. The assembly-hall in Saudharmakalpa. II, p. 45. Page #123 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER THREE lamp." She greeted all the suitors with a glance which was the essence of pride, like a digit of the moon greeting the nightblooming lotuses with its light.' Depressed in heart at not seeing there Vasudeva who had been seen in the picture and seen as messenger, she faded like a day-blooming lotus at evening. The burden (of the wreath) having been put in the hand of a childhood-playmate, she stood motionless for a long time like a doll, feeling ill. When she did not choose any one, the kings examined themselves, thinking anxiously, "Is something wrong with my appearance, clothes, conduct, et cetera ?" Her companion said to Kanakavati: "Why do you hesitate now? Place the svayamvara-wreath around the neck of some one." Hariscandra's daughter replied: " Surely a bridegroom is chosen who is pleasing. I, unfortunate, do not see him who pleases me." She reflected: "What stratagem or what course will there be for me? I do not see the desired bridegroom. O heart, break in two." Suffering from anxiety, she saw Dhanada, bowed to him and, miserable and weeping, her hands placed together in supplication, said: "O god, do not make me ridiculous in this way because I was your wife in a former birth. The husband whom I wished to choose has been sent away by you." Dhanada smiled and said to Sauri, "Take off the ring, named Kuberakanta, which I gave you, illustrious sir." At Dhanada's command Sauri took the ring off his hand and assumed his own form again, like an actor in a play. When she saw Dasarha in his own form, she, bright-eyed, became horripilated as if her joy had become external. Stepping near, her anklets tinkling, she placed the svayamvarawreath around his neck, as if it were her own arm. Then drums sounded in the sky at Dhanada's order and eager Apsarases sang tasteful auspicious songs. A loud penetrating voice said, "Listen! Hariscandra is fortunate, whose daughter has chosen a husband, the leader of the world." Instructed by Dhanada the gods rained unceasing treasure at Page #124 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ VASUDEVA'S MARRIAGE WITH KANAKAVATI: 93 once, as well as the women of the family the customary parched rice. Then the wedding-festival of Vasudeva and Kanakavati took place, opening out the one umbrella of joy. Kanakavati's birth as Viramati (216-243) The scion of the Yadus bowed to Srida and announced: "I am curious to know why you came here." Srida replied joyfully to Sauri wearing the wedding-ribbon: 101 " Prince, hear the reason for my coming. In the country Bharata of this same Jambudvipa there is a city, named Sangara, in the vicinity of Astapada. The king was Mammana and his wife was Viramati. One day he went outside the city with his wife to hunt. He, cruel-hearted like a Raksas, saw an ascetic, who was very dirty, who had come with a caravan. Thinking, * This is a bad omen, hindering my hunting entertainment,' he had the sadhu carried away from the caravan, like an elephant from the herd. The king and his wife went back to the palace and he spent twelve ghatikas 102 talking to the sage. Then the husband and wife in whom compassion was born, asked the muni, 'Whence have you come and where are you going? Tell.' The muni related: 'I started from Rohitakapura with a caravan to worship the images of the Arhats on Astapada. I was separated from the caravan by you, honored sir and lady. I did not go to Astapada. There are many obstacles to pious actions." Because of light karma the husband and wife talked with the muni and quickly forgot their anger like a bad dream. Knowing that they were tender-hearted, the muni with the idea of service to others told them about the Arhats' religion which is pre-eminent in compassion to living creatures. The husband and wife, whose ears had not been penetrated by the words of religion from birth, little by little became acquainted with religion from that time. They presented him with food, drink, 101 217. Cf. I, p. 145 and n. 188. 102 222. Twenty-four minutes. Page #125 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 94 CHAPTER THREE et cetera with devotion and kept him near like an honored guest. But they sent away other people because of their passionate nature 103 and they themselves attended to the refreshment of the sage. When he had given the herb of the knowledge of religion to them suffering from the disease of karma, with their consent after a long time the muni went to Astapada. They adopted layman's vows from contact with the muni for a long time and guarded them zealously, like poor people guarding money. One day Viramati was conducted by a messenger-deity to Astapada in order to make her religion firm. What is not possible for those devoted to dharma? Seeing the images of the Arhats being worshipped there by gods and asuras, she attained joy like one emancipated in this birth. After she had paid homage to the twenty-four statues of the Arhats on Mt. Astapada she went again to her own city, like a Khecari. She ate twenty dry meals 104 for each Jina, concentrating her thought very firmly on religion from sight of the sacred place. Devoted, she had golden tilakas overlaid with jewels made for the twenty-four Arhats. One day she went to the top of Astapada with her retinue and worshipped the twentyfour Arhats together with bathing. On the foreheads of the Arhats' statues she set golden tilakas like flowers of the srivalli.105 By giving suitable gifts to the flying-ascetics and others who had come to the holy place, she created penance. Then like one who has done her duty, like one dancing in her mind, Viramati, intelligent, returned to her own town. Then husband and wife, with separate bodies but one mind, as it were, passed some time, zealous in pious works. When their time was completed, discerning, they died in concentrated meditation and became a god and goddess, husband and wife, in heaven. 103 230. I.e., they had rajoguna. 104 236. Acamla. See I, n. 324. 105 239. Acacia (or Mimosa) concinna. Page #126 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 95 VASUDEVA'S MARRIAGE WITH KANAKAVATI Birth as Dhusari, wife of Dhanya (244-274). Mammana's jiva fell and became the son, named Dhanya, -the receptacle of much merit-of a cowherd Dhammilasa by Renuka in the town Potana in the district Bahali in Bharata in this Jambudvipa. Viramati's jiva fell from heaven and became the wife, named Dhusari, of this same Dhanya. . Every day Dhanya grazed the cow-buffaloes in the forest. For the grazing of the cow-buffaloes is the most important household business of cowherds. One day the rainy season, which is the enemy of people away from home, started, making nights of the new moon appear, 106 as it were, by the ill-fated rainy days, with the sky turned into a bath-room with showers by the violent downpours, with resounding flutes and drums, as it were, in the rising croaks of the frogs, making the earth seem to have a mass of hair with the green vegetation, with the ground slippery with the thick duckweed pushed up by the rain, with the knee-deep mud creaking from the feet of moving travelers, making the sky appear to have firebrands by the whirls of lightning. Even during the rainy season Dhanya went to graze his cow-buffaloes lowing from the joy of rolling in mud. Carrying an umbrella over his head to keep off the heavy rain, Dhanya wandered over the forest, following the herd of buffaloes. As he wandered, Dhanya saw an ascetic standing on one foot in pratima, motionless, emaciated by fasting, enduring the rain like a forest-elephant, his body trembling from cold like a tree shaken by the wind. When he saw the best of munis enduring trials 107 in this way, he felt compassionate and held his umbrella over his head. The umbrella being held by Dhanya with unequaled devotion, the discomfort from the rain being eliminated, the sage was in a house, as it were. The cloud did not cease from raining, like a drunkard from drinking wine, but neither did Dhanya stop holding the 106 248. Amavasya, which is entirely dark. 107 256. Parisaha. See I, n. 55. Page #127 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 96 CHAPTER THREE umbrella. In time the mass of clouds stopped raining and the great muni stopped the vow for meditation made for the duration of the rain. Then the cowherd bowed to the muni together with rubbing his feet and, his hands folded submissively, said: 'Great sage, the season is disagreeable; the earth is dangerous from mud. Whence have you come today, as if not knowing weariness?' The sage said to him "I came here from Pandudesa and I intend to go to the city Lanka which has been purified by my guru's feet. As I was going, the rainy season intervened as an obstacle and the cloud began to rain in an unbroken stream. Traveling during the rainy season is not fitting for sages. Making a vow (to meditate) until the end of the rain, I have stopped here. The rain has stopped today, sir, on the seventh day. My vow fulfilled, I am going now to some house. Dhanya said joyfully, 'Great sage, mount a buffalo of mine as a conveyance, for the muddy ground makes walking difficult.' The muni replied: 'Sages do not mount living creatures. For they certainly do not commit actions causing pain to others. Sages go on foot, no other way.' Saying this the muni went with him toward the town. With folded hands the cowherd bowed to the sage and said, "Please wait here while I milk the cow-buffaloes:'. He went to his own house and milked the cow-buffaloes quickly, took a pitcher of milk, and went to the muni. Considering himself extremely fortunate, joyfully Dhanya had the muni break his fast, the cause of merit.108 After passing the rainy season in Potana, the great ascetic went to an agreeable place by a road suitable for pure observation of care in walking. 109 Dhanya and Dhasari kept the lay vows for a long time, keeping right-belief as firm as engraving on a stone. Dhusari and Dhanya, fortunate took the vow at the proper time, kept it for seven years, and died in concentrated meditation. Both 108 271. Dhanya acquired merit by providing the milk. 109 272. Iryasamiti. See I, n. 37. Page #128 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ VASUDEVA'S MARRIAGE WITH KANAKAVATI 97 had acquired merit by the gift of milk to a suitable person and they were born as twins in Haimavata with no difference in soul-color.110 They died free from painful and evil meditation 111 and were born as gods, Ksiralindira and Ksiradindira, husband and wife. Nala and Davadanti (277-1077) The god fell and became the son, Nala by name, by his wife, Sundara, of King Nisadha, belonging to the Iksvakufamily, in the city Kosala in the country Kosala in this Bharata. He had a younger brother, Kubara. Now, there is in the Vidarbhas a city named Kundina and its king was Bhimaratha, whose strength was terrible. He had a wife Puspadanti, devoid of deceit, by whose great beauty the beauty of goddesses was threatened. Without obstructing wealth and religion, cherishing love unhindered, the king enjoyed pleasures with her. One day Ksirindira fell from the abode of the gods and descended into her womb as a daughter on an auspicious day. Then comfortably asleep on a beautiful couch, she had a pleasant dream and related it to the king at daybreak: 'Master, asleep. I know that a white elephant entered your house, impelled by a forest-fire, like a heap of glory made visible.' The king, learned in all the sciences, declared, 'Some embryo of exceeding merit has developed in your womb today.' While the king and queen were talking so, a white elephant came, as if Abhramupriya (Airavata) had fallen (from heaven). The elephant mounted the king and his wife immediately on his shoulder, for he was impelled by their merit. Being worshipped by the townsmen accompanied with throwing wreaths of flowers, after wandering through the city he returned to the palace and set them down. The best of elephants went 110 275. Lesya. See II, n. 267. 111 276. For the kinds of dhyana, see 1, n. 8. 13N Page #129 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 98 CHAPTER THREE of his own accord to the elephant-post and the gods rained flowers and jewels. After anointing his body with fragrant ointments and worshipping him with the choicest flowers, the king waved a light before him. At the proper time the queen bore a daughter, like a bank of clouds bearing lightning, on a day unspoiled by the fault of evil portents, et cetera. A tilaka on her forehead, a rival of the sun, was present at birth, like the srivatsa on the breast of a great man. She herself, shining especially with the tilaka, looked like a golden ring set with a jewel. By the power of her birth Bhima's strength became unlimited and his powerful commands were carried on their heads by kings. Because the queen had seen the best of elephants coming terrified by a forest-fire in a dream while she was in her womb, when a month had passed the king of Kundina gave his daughter the name Davadanti, a depository for the wealth of joy. With a row of bees buzzing around her fragrant breath, she grew day by day and became able to crawl. She, whose pleasant face was like a lotus, went from hand to hand even of her mother's co-wives, like a bee from flower to flower. The nurses, keeping time by snapping the thumb and middle finger at every step, amused her by playing a musical instrument, a vaktratimila.112 Gradually, accompanied by the tinkling of her anklets, she began to take steps. Like Rama in person she played, decorating the court-yard of the house. Verily by her power the king's treasures became visible. . When she had reached her eighth year, the king entrusted the girl to the best teacher of the arts for her to learn them. The teacher was only a witness for her, intelligent. For the arts were reflected in her like an image in a mirror. She, intelligent, became proficient in the Karmapraksti,113 et cetera, *112 299. Timila is a 'musical instrument,' but I have been able to find nothing more. Could vaktratimila be a mouth-organ'? 113 304. The Nature of Karma. Pandit L. B. Gandhi takes this to refer to a specific work by that name, which is widely studied, rather than the subject in general. Page #130 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ VASUDEVA'S MARRIAGE WITH KANAKAVATI and no one could cast scorn on (the doctrine of) Syadvada114 in her presence. Then the teacher led the girl, thoroughly versed in the ocean of all the arts, like Sarasvati, into her father's presence. At her teacher's command she showed fully her skill in all the arts, she-the sole canal in the garden of virtues. She displayed her learning in the interpretation of sacred knowledge to her father so that he became evidence of right belief, et cetera. The king rewarded his daughter's teacher with a lac and one thousand dinars and dismissed him. Because of her exceeding merit, a messenger-deity materialized and gave Davadanti a golden statue of the Arhat. The goddess said, 'O daughter, this is an image of a future Arhat, Sri Santinatha and it must be worshipped constantly by you.' With these words the goddess disappeared and Davadanti, wide-eyed, worshipped the statue and took it to her house. 99 Playing with her friends, pretty-toothed Davadanti attained purifying youth, the well for the water of loveliness. When the king and queen saw that she was fully grown, they became eager to see the festival of her marriage. Her parents suffered, as if wounded internally, from anxiety about a bridegroom suitable for the multitude of her various virtues. In time Davadanti became eighteen years old, but the king had not found a pre-eminent bridegroom suitable for her. Saying, A svayamvara is fitting for very proud unmarried young women,' the king instructed messengers to invite kings. Kings and princes, young, magnificent, came there quickly, competing with each other in splendor. Then the borders of Kundina were like the ground adjacent to Mt. Vindhya because of the innumerable elephants belonging to the kings that were in evidence. King Nisadha, lord of Kosala, came there accompanied by his sons, Nala and Kubara. The lord of Kundina approached and gave a greeting to all the kings. For that is fitting for guests. Then Bhima had a svayamvara-pavilion made, which was 114 304. The distinctive feature of Jain logic. See I, n. 4. Page #131 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 100 CHAPTER THREE like a younger brother of the aerial car Palaka in magnificence. He had platforms made, which resembled aerial cars, inside the pavilion and each one was beautified by a golden lionthrone placed on it. The kings came there, rivals in magnificence, wearing divine ornaments and garments, like Sakra's Samanikas. All sat down on the platforms, their bodily splendor diffused, charming with cleverness displayed by varied and numerous actions. One, a paryanka 115 being made from his upper garment, played with a toy-lotus in his hand, charming with waving leaves. Another smelled the fragrant jasmine flowers, like a bee, as if they were the spotless orb of Manmatha's heap of glory. One threw up in his hand a ball of flowers, as if wishing to make another moon in the sky. One stroked his beard, which was wet with oily musk, gracefully, with the tips of his finger-nails every moment. One made a dagger, whose ivory hilt was held in his fist, dance in his hand bejeweled with a blazing ring and with a firm fist. One clever one, haughty-minded, tore up pandanus leaves repeatedly and fashioned a lotus which resembled Kamala's lotus. One touched frequently a necklace hanging around his neck formed of pearls as large as myrobalans. At her father's command Davadanti came there, decorating the marriage-pavilion, like a deity a temple. When the kings had seen Davadanti whose body was adorned with sets of ornaments made of pearls and gems, like a blossoming jasmine; her hair curled like waves of running canal-water; having a tilaka on her forehead like a crown-prince of the sun; her hair black as collyrium; the breast-circles uninterrupted; wearing clothes that resembled the skin on the inside of the plantain; anointed with clear sandal-paste; long-eyed; they cast their eyes on her alone. Then the door-keeper of the harem at the king's command 115 325. Paryanka is an ascetic posture and also means, 'a cloth wound round the back and loins and knees while so sitting.' Apparently, the king used his uttariya for that effect. Page #132 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ VASUDEVA'S MARRIAGE WITH KANAKAVATI 101 began to announce the kings to her by name. "This is king Rtuparna, son of King Jitasatru, who has come from Sisumarapura. Let him be honored with a glance, princess. This is King Candra, son of Candra, the ornament of the Iksvaku-line, ground for the deposit of the jewels of virtues. Why do you not choose him? Here is Subahu, lord of Campa, belonging to the Bhoga-line, son of Dharana the Indra. Choose him and you will be served by the mists and winds of Jahnavi. This king is lord of Rohitaka, Candrasekhara, son of Pavana, lord of thirty-two lacs of villages. Does he please you? This is King Sasalaksman, son of Jayakesarin, equal to Sri's son 116 in beauty. Does he attract your heart? This is Yajnadeva, son of Jahnu, ornament of the Solar family, lord of Bhrgukaccha. Do you wish him, ambitious lady? Here is King Manavardhana, ornament of the lord of Bharata's family. Choose him, well-known to everyone, for a husband, O husband-chooser. This is King Mukutesvara, son of Kusumayudha. Do you deserve to be his wife, like Rohini of the Moon? This is Nisadha, lord of the Kosalas, the restrainer of enemies, sprung from the family of Rsabha Svamin. Let him be acknowledged your king. This is the son of that very man, Nala by name, long-armed. Let him be dear to you, or Kubara here, Nala's younger brother.' Then Davadanti placed the svayamvara-wreath around Nala's neck, like Laksmi placing it around Visnu's neck. Voices of Khecaras were heard in the sky, saying, 'It was well-chosen! Well-chosen!' when Nala was chosen by her. Prince Krsnaraja rose quickly, drawing his sword like another meteor, and reviled Nala. In vain did Davadanti throw this svayamvara-wreath on you! While I live, no one else is able to marry her. Therefore, release Bhima's daughter to us or take up a weapon. How will you be satisfied without conquering Krsnaraja? ' Astonished, Nala said: 'Villain, basest of warriors, why 116 342. Kama. Page #133 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 102 CHAPTER THREE, do you resent it uselessly because you were not chosen by Davadanti? I have been chosen by Davadanti. So you desire another's wife, regardless of the sin. Nevertheless, you die, villain.' With these words, Nala drew his sword and whirled it in his hand, his brilliance unbearable like a fire, his lip trembling with anger. At once the armies of both Nala and Krsnaraja put on their armor and took up weapons that penetrated vulnerable places. Davadanti thought: Alas! I am the cause of the strife that has arisen. Why is my merit lost? If I am worthy, mother messenger-deity, let Nala be victorious. Let there be peace between the two armies.' After these words, Davadanti picked up a pitcher of water and threw three jets of water (on them) in order to stop the evil. Krsnaraja, his head struck by the mass of water, became at once deprived of brilliance like charcoal that has been extinguished. Then through the power of the messenger-deity the sword fell from King Krsna's hand, like a ripe leaf from a tree. His power destroyed, like a snake without poison, Krsna thought: 6 Nala is no ordinary man. I reviled him without reflection. He is entitled to obeisance.' With these reflections, Krsna bowed at Nala's feet like a messenger who had come on a mission. His hands placed to his forehead, humble, he said, 'This transgression of a fool was committed without reflection. Pardon me, master.' Nala honored Krsna and dismissed him submissive. Bhima considered that his daughter had merit because of his son-in-law's virtues. After Bhima had entertained and dismissed each of the other kings, he arranged the marriage-festival of Nala and Davadanti. When the marriage-festival had taken place, King Bhima gave Nala horses, elephants, et cetera suitable to his own position at the releasing of their hands. The newlymarried bride and groom, wearing marriage-ribbons (on the wrist),117 auspicious songs being sung by old women of the 117 368. See above, n. 101. Page #134 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ VASUDEVA'S MARRIAGE WITH KANAKAVATI 103 family, worshipped the shrine in the house. The kings Bhima and Nisadha had their ribbons untied with a great ceremony. Then Bhima entertained Nisadha and his son devotedly and dismissed them; and followed some distance. For that is the custom. When Davadanti was leaving to follow her husband, her mother instructed her: 'Do not abandon your husband even in calamity, as if you were his shadow, daughter.' When Davadanti had taken leave of her parents and had come, Nala had her get into the chariot and seated her in his lap. Then as the Lord of Kosala travels to Kosala, the earth is sprinkled with the elephants' ichor like oily musk. The earth, trampled by the horses and donkeys, sounded like a cymbal; and the roads were streaked everywhere by the tracks of the carts. The earth was made invisible by the foot-saldiers marching in a solid array; and the trees on the roads were stripped of their leaves by the camels. The ponds became nothing but mud, their water drunk by the soldiers; and a second earth, as it were, was made in the air by the dust stirred up by the army. While Nisadha was going along, the sun set and the universe was filled with darkness like an ant-hill with water. Nisadha did not stop, eager for a sight of his city. Who does not have a very strong desire to go to his own place? Neither dry land nor water, neither hollow nor tree, nor anything could be seen in the darkness which was like one umbrella. "When Nala had seen the army reduced to a state of having four senses, their vision obstructed by darkness, he said to Davadanti who was lying in his lap: 'Wake up for a moment, queen. The army is oppressed by darkness. Display the son of your tilaka, glorious lady.' Davadanti arose and uncovered her forehead and her tilaka shone very bright, a garuda to the serpent of darkness. Then the whole army began to advance unhindered. Verily people, though alive, are 'like corpses, if they are without vision. Nala saw ahead a muni standing in pratima, sipped by bees like a lotus-bed. He said to his father: 'Master, let us Page #135 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 104 CHAPTER THREE see and pay homage to the great sage and gather the opportune fruit of the road. This man, standing in kayotsarga, was rubbed by some rutting elephant that wished to scratch its cheek, as if he were a tree. Now he endures a great trial, stung by bees because of the fragrance of the ichor impregnated by the rubbing of the cheek. He was not shaken from meditation even by the rutting elephant, firm-footed like a mountain. He has been seen on the way because of merit.' Nisadha, with manifest faith, and his son and retinue at once waited on the sage like a most sacred person who had been found. When Nala and his wife, Nisadha, and Kubara and the others had bowed to him, praised him in verses, and made him free from affliction,118 they went on. When they had reached the environs of Kosala, Nala said,This is our city, queen, adorned with temples of the Jinas.' Then Davadanti, her head erect, felt great eagerness for a sight of the shrines, like a peahen for the sight of a rain-cloud. She said, 'I am fortunate, by whom Nala was secured as a husband. I shall worship these shrines daily.' The king entered his own city, which was engaged in auspicious practices, with arches, et cetera everywhere, on an auspicious day. Nala and Davadanti, occupying themselves as they liked, sometimes engaged in water-sports, like swans. Sometimes they experienced the pleasure of swinging in swings, their chests with arms that were separate but moved together. Sometimes they filled each other's braids of hair arranged in various ways with very fragrant flowers gathered by themselves. Sometimes they played at a gambling game calmly, skilful at checking (the other's men), releasing (his own), at gama and cara,1 ,119 with invincible spirit. Sometimes they 118 390. I.e., from the torment of the bees. 119 398. Gama and cara must be moves in a game played with dice and men. Bandha must be something like 'check' and moksa escape from it. See III, n. 139 and JAOS 66 (1946), 260-262. Page #136 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ VASUDEVA'S MARRIAGE WITH KANAKAVATI 105 played musical instruments, stringed instruments, 120 et cetera, in turn; and sometimes Nala had Davadanti dance in private. Thus Nala and Davadanti, inseparable day and night, passed some time with ever new amusements. Nala as king (401-435) One day King Nisadha established Nala on the throne, Kubara as heir-apparent, and took the vow himself. Nala guarded the people like his own family, happy at their happiness; unhappy at their unhappiness, always. No other king was able to conquer Nala endowed with intelligence and power, unrivaled in strength of arm. One day Nala asked his hereditary vassals and others, Do I rule just the territory handed over by my father or more?' They said: "Nisadha enjoyed half of Bharata, less three parts. All of it is enjoyed by you. It is fitting for the son to be superior to the father. However, two hundred yojanas from here in the city Taksasila, Kadamba is king there and he does not acknowledge your command. He alone, ill-disposed, attains the glory of a spot on you, the moon of the wonderful glory of victory over half of Bharata. Disregarded like a trifling ailment by you from carelessness, having reached prosperity at will, he has reached a stage of being hard to subdue. If your mind has been made harsh with anger, long-armed one, doubtless he will be crushed by you like a water-jar dropped from a mountain. First, having instructed a messenger, let him, arrogant, be enlightened in regard to submission and tribute; and after that he can do as he likes.' After this advice, Naisadhi sent a messenger with instructions, who was a mountain of firmness, accompanied by a numerous retinue of soldiers. The messenger went quickly, haughty like Garutmat, and, not putting to shame his own master, declared to King Kadamba; 120 399. See I, n. 77. 14 N Page #137 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER THREE 'Serve my master, Nala, a forest-fire to a forest of enemies. (By so doing) prosper very much. Do not destroy your own splendor. I tell you what is to your own advantage, just as if I were supervised by your family-gods. Serve Nala. Reflect. Do not make a mistake.' 106 Biting his lower lip with his teeth, like Rahu a digit of the moon, Kadamba, not knowing his own advantage like a child, said: Is Nala a fool or insane, or asleep from wind ?121 For who does not know me, a boar for the grass 122 of enemies? Are there no family-ministers at your court by whom Naisadhi, stupid, was prevented from insulting me? Therefore go, messenger! If your lord is weary of his kingdom, let him be prepared. For I am his battle-guest.' The messenger went and reported Kadamba's speech, which was harsh from arrogance, to Nala, powerful. Then Naisadhi marched against the lord of Taksasila, a mountain of arrogance, with full equipment. Nala invested all Taksasila with an army, making a second wall, as it were, with elephants in close array. Kadamba put on armor and went outside with his army. For a lion can not endure for another one to approach the entrance of his den. The soldiers, their eyes red with anger, fought with each other, with pavilions made in the air by arrow against arrow, with cruel brilliance. 6 Nala said to Kadamba: Why should the elephants, et cetera be killed? Let us, who are enemies, fight in single combat.' Then Nala and Kadamba, like living mountains, fought in the best single combats, wrestling, et cetera. Kadamba, blind with arrogance, was defeated by Nala, victorious, in every kind of fight that he demanded from Nala. The warrior's conduct has been possessed in equal degree by me, but I have been brought to the point of death by powerful Nala. So, let me not die like a moth. I shall flee from him 6 121 416. I.e., from an excess of the windy humor.. 122 416 boar. ' 'Grass-eater' (mustada) is one of the words for hog,' 'wild Page #138 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ VASUDEVA'S MARRIAGE WITH KANAKAVATI 107 and take the vow. Even flight is better, the result of which is spotless.' Reflecting thus, Kadamba fled. Disgusted with existence, he took the vow and stood in statuesque posture. When Nala saw that Kadamba had taken the vow, he said: "I am defeated, Devoted to another world, do not abandon (this) world. You have the appearance of a conqueror.' The great muni, Kadamba, observing the great vows, resolute, made no reply to Nala. For what is a king to a man without desires ? Nala, having praised Kadamba, shaking his head at his strength of character, installed his (Kadamba's) son, Jayasakti, on the throne. Then the induction of King Nala, victorious like Visnu, into the lordship of half of Bharata was made by all the kings. All the kings, skilled in devotion, gave presents to the lord of Kosala who wished to go to Kosala. His power celebrated in song by the Khecaris also, sporting with Bhaimi, Nala ruled the earth for a long time. Loss of the kingdom (436-469) Kubara, the firebrand of his family, desiring the kingdom, searched for a trick against Nala, like a female demon against a good man. Nala had always been devoted to gambling, although well-behaved. Even the moon has a spot. Where is the jewel without a flaw? With the thought, "I shall win this country,' hard-hearted Kubara enticed Nala into playing with dice all the time. They played a great deal of time at gambling with dice and the winnings of both advanced like the knot of a damaru. 123 One day Nala, though expert in gama, cara, bandha, moksa, bewildered by fate, was not able to defeat Kubara. The dice, even though wishing to do so, did not fall favorably to Nala and cruel Kubara took his men again and again. 123 439. The damaruka is a small drum shaped like an hour-glass, with a string at the center with a knot in its end. When the drum is shaken, the knot strikes the ends of the drum alternately. Page #139 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 108 CHAPTER THREE Nala lost villages, poor towns, towns with earthen walls, et cetera gradually and he was being deprived of his wealth like a pool of its water in summer. All the people were depressed when Nala did not stop gambling but Kubara rejoiced exceedingly at his wish being fulfilled. Devoted to Nala, the people began to say 'Ha! Ha!' and Davadanti, hearing this lamentation, went there. She said: 'Lord, beg you, favor me. Stop gambling. The dice are hostile to you, like enemies. Wise men make use of gambling like visiting a courtesan, merely for sport, lord, but not to blind themselves in this way. Give a choice kingdom to Kubara, your younger brother, yourself. Do not cause criticism of yourself by people saying, "(His) wealth was taken away by force." For your land, which was won by hundreds of battles, to be lost by gambling grieves me exceedingly, Your Majesty, like a needle that has entered my ear." Nala did not hear her speech nor even see her, like an elephant that has reached the tenth stage of rutting.124 Scorned completely by her husband, weeping, Davadanti said to the family-ministers and others: 'Stop Nala from gambling.' Their speech, also, did not have the slightest effect on Nala, just like an herb on one struck by lightning. Nala became a fire, no less. His kingdom having been lost in gambling, he lost his harem, even including Davadanti. When all his property had been lost, Nala took all his ornaments, et cetera, from his person, like one who intends to become a mendicant. Then Kubara said to Nala: Do not stay here. Leave my country. The kingdom was given to you by our father; it has been given to me by dice.' Saying to him, 'Wealth is not far away for the powerful. Do not be arrogant,' Nala then set forth, taking no property except an upper garment. To Bhaimi clinging to Nala, Kubara said in a terrible. voice: 'I won you at gambling. Do not go. Ornament my 124 449. I can find nothing on 10 stages of rutting. Seven stages are frequently described. See I, n. 359 and Edgerton, The Elephant-Lore of the Hindus, pp. 32, 82-85. Page #140 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ VASUDEVA'S MARRIAGE WITH KANAKAVATI 109 harem.' Then the ministers and others said to hard-hearted Kubara: 'Bhaimi, a virtuous wife, does not touch even the shadow of another man. Do not put her in the harem. For the wife of an elder brother is like a mother. Even the children recite: " The elder brother is the same as a father." If you do so by force, then Bhima's daughter, a virtuous woman, will reduce you to ashes. Nothing is difficult for virtuous women. Do not consent to such an unworthy thing by angering this good wife, but on the contrary encourage her to follow her husband. There is no question of your giving villages, walled towns, et cetera to Nala. So give him a chariot with a charioteer and provisions.125 Thus addressed, Kubara dismissed Bhaimi with Nala and gave them a chariot with provisions and a charioteer. Nala said: "What desire for a chariot have I, by whom the wealth gained by conquest of half of Bharata was abandoned in play?' The ministers, servitors for a long time, said to Nala: "We would follow you, but Kubara prevents. Your younger brother has received the kingdom from you. He must not be abandoned by us. He, who in this family is king, must be served by us. For that is the custom. Since we are not able to go with you, long-armed one, Davadanti alone is now your wife, minister, friend, and footman. How will you lead Bhima's daughter, whose body is as delicate as the sirisa, by whom a good wife's conduct is promised, on the road on foot? How will she touch the road, with grains of sand blazing with heat of the sun, with her feet resembling the inside of a lotus ? So, take the chariot, lord. Please favor us. Get into it with the queen. The road is safe. Good luck to you. deg Begged by the ministers again and again in this way, Nala got into the chariot with Davadanti and departed. When the women of the town saw Davadanti with one garment, as if ready for a bath, they wept, their bodices soiled by their tears. Going through the city Nala saw a pillar five hundred 125 461. Cf. IV, p. 219 and n. 153. Page #141 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 110 CHAPTER THREE cubits high, resembling the post of the elephants of the quarters. As if he did not know any pain from the loss of the kingdom, Nala lifted it up easily from curiosity, like an elephant lifting a plantain tree. Again Nala set the pillar in the same place, as if teaching a kingly practice named, ' Digging up and resetting.'126 When the townspeople saw that, they said: 'Oh ! Nala has great strength. Even though he is strong, he has troubles. Surely fate is the reason. In the past when he was playing with Kubara in the garden Naga, a great sage came, a depository of the jewels of knowledge. He declared: Nala will be lord of the southern half of Bharata from the power of a gift of milk to a muni in a former birth. Whoever shall move a pillar five hundred cubits high in the center of the city, will certainly be lord of half of Bharata." The two things agree that Nala became lord of Bharata and that he moved the pillar, which was seen by our own eyes. But what he said, "While Nala lives, no one else will be king of Kosala," has turned out to be a contradiction. Or rather, his speech will be true with proof (already) seen. Who knows whether or not Kubara will rejoice or whether Nala will be king here again sometime? May the merit of Nala of good fame increase in every way.' Hearing the people talk to this effect, Nala abandoned the city Kosala, his chariot bathed. in tears by Davadanti weeping. Naisadhi said to his wife, 'Where are we going now, queen? For the course of intelligent persons is not without reference to some place.' CC Vaidarbhi said, her mind sharp as the tip of darbha-grass: 'Majesty, go to Kundina. There favor my father by becoming his guest.' Instructed accordingly by Nala, the charioteer, a receptacle of devotion, urging the horses, entered the country adorned by Kundina. Nala arrived at a forest with mountaincaves terrible with the roars of tigers, cruel with serpents, 126 474. I have not located this elsewhere. Page #142 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ VASUDEVA'S MARRIAGE WITH KANAKAVATI 111 crowded with hundreds of wild animals, filled with Bhillas who were hunters, its surface uneven with tusks of forestelephants killed by lions, the play-ground of Yama, as it were. Going ahead he saw Bhillas with bows drawn to their ears, cruel, resembling messengers of Yama, approaching. Some of the Bhillas danced, as if engaged in a drinking-party; some played a horn, resembling elephants with one tusk; some made a confused noise, like dancers on a stage, et cetera; some rained arrows, like clouds streams of water; others slapped their hands, like wrestlers in combat;127 all together surrounded Nala, like dogs an elephant. Quickly Naisadhi descended from the chariot, drew his sword from its scabbard, and made its blade dance in his fist like a dancer on a stage. Bhima's daughter also left the chariot, took Nala by the arm, and said: "What is this challenge on your part to these people, like that of a lion to hares? Naisadhi's sword, the abode of the Sri of victory over half of Bharata, will be shamed by being employed against these cattle.' After saying this, Bhima's daughter gave menacing shouts repeatedly, like a sorceress in a circle, 128 to accomplish her wishes. These menacing shouts given by Bhaimi became sharp iron needles, when they entered the Bhillas' ears, by her power. All the Bhillas fled in every direction and they (Nala and Davadanti) went far from their chariot, while pursuing them. Now their chariot was seized by other Bhillas. What can heroism do when fate follows a crooked course? Nala took Bhaimi by the hand, recalling the handtaking festival (at the marriage-ceremony), and wandered in this terrible forest. Vaidarbhi made the ground of the forest marked with cochineal, as it were, by the drops of blood dripping from her feet pierced by darbha grass. Formerly Bhaimi's head was 127 492. A form of challenge still in use. Cf. I, p. 125 and n. 164. 128 496. Cf. I, n. 186. Page #143 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 112 CHAPTER THREE bound by a tiara;129 but then Nala bound her feet by tearing up his own garment. Nala fanned Bhima's daughter, who sat exhausted under a tree, with a fan made from the end of his garment. Nala made quickly a cup from leaves of the palasa and gave a drink of water to her, like a thirsty maina in a cage. Bhima's daughter asked him: 'How big, now, is this forest? My heart trembles as if to break in two here.' Nala replied: This forest lasts for a hundred yojanas, dear. We have covered just five yojanas. Take courage.' While they were proceeding in the forest, talking to this effect, the sun set, as if emphasizing the impermanence of prosperity. Nala gathered asoka blossoms, stripped them of stalks and, intelligent, made a couch for Davadanti. He said to his wife: 'Lie down and adorn the couch. Give a chance to sleep. It is a friend for forgetting pain.' Bhaimi said: 'King, I think there is a village not far from here to the west. Listen to the lowing of the cows. Going on a little, we shall go to this village and pass the night comfortably asleep there.' Nala said: 'Timid lady, that is a hermitage of ascetics. They, wrong-believers, are always associated with unfavorable consequences. For right belief is spoiled just by meeting (Brahman) ascetics, like good milk by vinegar, slenderwaisted lady. Sleep comfortably here. Do not think of them. I shall be your guard like the chamberlain himself.' Remembering his wife's cotton covering, Nala threw half of his upper garment on the couch of blossoms. After homage to the god, the Arhat, and recalling the formula to the five, 130 Vaidarbhi lay there like a hansi on the bank of the Ganga. When Vaidarbhi's eyes were sealed in sleep, Kosala's lord felt anxiety like a whirlpool in the ocean of calamity. 129 502. With a double meaning of pattabandha as tiara' and a bandage of cloth.' 130 516. The 5 Paramesthins. See I, n. 71. It is usually called simply * namaskara. Page #144 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ VASUDEVA'S MARRIAGE WITH KANAKAVATI 113 'They are the basest of men who take refuge with their father-in-law. How can Nala go to the house of Davadanti's father? Therefore, making my heart adamant, deserting my wife, assuming firmness, I shall go elsewhere at random like a poor man. From the power of her virtue no calamity will happen to Bhaimi. For the virtue of good women is an eternal charm for the protection of their bodies.' With these thoughts the king drew his knife and cut off half his upper garment and wrote on Bhaimi's garment words in his blood: The road marked by a banyan tree goes in the direction of the Vidarbhas. The road to the left of it goes to the Kosalas. By one or the other go to the house of your father or father-in-law, lady pure in heart. But I can not endure to stay anywhere, discerning lady.' After writing these words, weeping soundlessly, Nala began to go forward with a secret step like a thief. Nala went ahead, with his head turned, looking at his wife asleep, until he could not see her. He thought: If a tiger or a lion, thin from hunger, should eat her, young, unprotected, lying in the forest, what to do? Keeping her in sight, I shall guard her during the night. At dawn she can go on the road she prefers of the two roads I described.' Retracing his steps like a man who has dropped something, after seeing his wife resting on the ground, Nala again considered: Davadanti, with one garment alone, sleeps on the road. Alas for Nala's harem that never sees the sun in such a state! Alas! as the evil result of my actions this wellborn woman has reached such an unfortunate state. What shall I, hopeless, do? Even with me present as a companion, she lies on the ground like a crazed person, like an unprotected person, she who had the best couch. Still Nala lives. Deserted by me, alone, when awakened, the fair-eyed woman will die as if in rivalry with me, though I am (in fact) alive. I can not endure going elsewhere after deceiving her, devoted (to me). Let there be either life or death with her. Or rather, I, like a hell-inhabitant, shall be a vessel of many woes 15 N Page #145 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 114 CHAPTER THREE in this forest which resembles hell. So let me be alone. The fair-eyed woman, following the instructions I wrote on her garment, going herself to the house of her own people, will live comfortably.' With this determination Naisadhi passed the night and at daybreak withdrew from his wife with hasty step. In the last part of the night with a gentle dawn-breeze fragrant from blooming lotuses, Davadanti saw a dream as follows: 'After climbing a mango tree with fruit, flowers, leaves, I ate its fruit, listening to the humming of bees. Suddenly the tree was uprooted by a forest-elephant and I fell to the ground like a bird's-egg.' Bhaimi awoke then and, not seeing Nala before her, looked everywhere, like a doe lost from the herd. She thought: 'An unavoidable calamity has happened since my husband has left me unprotected in the forest. Or has my husband gone to some lake at dawn to bring water for washing the face? Or has Nala been led away for dalliance by some Khecari who importuned him constantly, eager at sight of his beauty? I think he, playing for some time, has remained, defeated by her in a wager made on his staying, since he does not come now. The trees, the mountains, the forest, the earth-only lotus-eyed Nala I do not see.' So exhausted by anxiety, she looked and looked in all directions and, not seeing her husband, she thought about her dream: * The mango was King Nala; the fruit, flowers, et cetera, were the kingdom; the enjoyment of the fruit was the pleasures of the kingdom; the bees were my attendants; the uprooting of the mango tree by the forest-elephant-my husband was banished from his kingdom by fate, having uprooted him; my falling from the tree-I have been separated from Nala. Indeed, according to the dream, the sight of Nala will be hard to attain.' After she had decided on the meaning of the dream, she, intelligent, thought: 'Two things have happened to me. I have neither kingdom nor husband.' The starry-eyed woman Page #146 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ VASUDEVA'S MARRIAGE WITH KANAKAVATI 115 lamented very loud at the top of her voice. Whence is there any fortitude of women who have fallen upon an evil fate? 'Oh! Husband, why have you deserted me? Was I a burden to you? For a snake's own skin surely is not a burden to the snake. Or have you hidden somewhere in a thicket of creepers for a joke? Show yourself. For a joke does not give pleasure for a long time. I beg you-be gracious to me, goddesses of the forest. Show me my husband or the road purified by him. Earth, open in two like a ripe melon. I shall enter the chasm given by you and attain rest. With these lamentations Bhaimi, weeping, watered the forest-trees with her tears like a canal with its water. She did not have a moment's rest without Nala on water or on dry land, in shade or in the sun, as if suffering from fever. As she was roaming in the forest, she saw and read the words on the border of her garment, her lotus-eyes blooming with joy. She thought: 'I surely am the hansi to the full pool of his heart. Otherwise, how could I be the abode of the favor of his commands? I think a husband's command is superior to a guru's command. The people here (will be) entirely harmless to me executing his command. So I shall go to my father's house, the source of comfortable living. Without the husband his house is only a source of humiliation to women. Even with my husband I would like to go to my father's house. Now especially, I shall go to it, obedient to my husband's command. ' 9 With these thoughts Bhaimi began to advance on the road with the banyan tree, seeing Nala's words like Nala standing at her side. Tigers with open mouths, even though they had got up to eat her, were not able to go near her like a fire. Serpents could not approach her like a snake-charm embodied, not even rising from the ant-hill as she went along hastily. Elephants, though attacking their own shadows with their tusks with the idea they were other elephants, though rutting, went far from her like a lioness. No other calamities happened to her on the road. Everywhere there is good fortune of women Page #147 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 116 CHAPTER THREE who are devoted to their husbands. With her hair disheveled like a Pulinda woman;131 stained with the water of perspiration, as if she had recently bathed her whole body; with blood dripping from contacts with thorny trees such as the acacia and jujube, like an olibanum wet with its running resin; having another skin, as it were, of dust acquired from the road; going fast, fast, like a cow-elephant terrified by a forest-fire, she saw a caravan camped on the road, crowded with carts, et cetera, magnificent as a king's camp. . She thought: " If I meet a caravan, it would be a boat on the sea of the forest because of my wealth of merit.' Just as she was feeling safe, bandits surrounded the caravan on all sides, like asuras an army of gods. When the members of the caravan saw the army of thieves approaching like a plague consisting of thieves, they were terrified. For fear is easily experienced by the wealthy. Nala's wife, like a household-deity said: 'Listen, people of the caravan! Do not be afraid ! Do not be afraid !' She addressed the thieves: 'Evil-minded villains, go! This caravan is under my protection. You will experience a calamity.' The robbers paid no attention to Davadanti saying this, as if she were crazy or possessed by a demon. Then the daughter of the king of Kundina uttered menacing shouts destroying the insolence of the thieves for the sake of the caravan. The bandits fled when shouts, by which the forest was deafened, were heard, like crows at the sound of a bow. 'She is some goddess, surely, attracted by our merit. She protected us from the robbers,' the people of the caravan said. The leader of the caravan bowed to her like a mother with devotion and asked, "Why do you wander here in the forest? Who are you?' Bhaimi tearfully told her whole story beginning with Nala's gambling to the caravan-leader like a brother. The caravan-leader said, "You are deserving of honor from me because you are the wife of long-armed King Nala. Today 131 568. Pulinda is the name of a barbarous tribe. Page #148 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ VASUDEVA'S MARRIAGE WITH KANAKAVATI 117 I am happy. We have been won by your aid in protection from the robbers. So purify my camp, that a little may be done for you. With these words the caravan-leader led Bhaimi to his own tent and made her rest, worshipping her like a goddess. Then the cloud rained an unbroken stream, spreading a loud thunder like a prologue to the play of the rainy season. The earth became everywhere like a garden with canals because of the streams of water flowing without interruptions here and there. The earth nearby seemed to be made of playing flutes and drums from the croaks of the frogs from the natural pools filled with water. Everywhere in the forest the mud, fulfilling the pregnancy-whims of the sows, created boots on the feet of travelers. For three nights there was heavy rain without interruption. Bhaimi stayed there comfortably as if she had reached her father's house. When the cloud had stopped raining, Davadanti, virtuous, left the caravan and again went on alone as before. As Bhima's daughter, a faithful wife, had engaged in fasts of one day, et cetera from the day of Nala's banishment, she traveled the road slowly, slowly. She saw a Raksas with tawny hair like a peak with a forest-fire burning, his mouth terrible with the flame of his tongue like a cruel snake, with hands cruel as knives, with emaciated feet as long as palm trees, black as the darkness of amavasya as if made of collyrum, wearing a tigerskin as a garment, terrible even to the terrible, like a son of Yama (Pitrpati). * The Raksasa said: After a long time food is at hand for me lean-bellied from hunger. I shall eat you quickly. Though terrified, Nala's wife gathered resolution and said: 'Hear my story and do as you please. Certainly every one born must die. Let the one whose purpose is unaccomplished be afraid of death. But there is no fear of death on my part, a devout Jain from birth, my purpose accomplished. Do not touch another man's wife. Even if you touch me, you will have no pleasure in it because of my curse, fool. I am such a person. Consider for a moment. " Page #149 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 118 CHAPTER THREE Delighted by Vaidarbhi's courage the Raksasa said, 'Fair lady, I am satisfied. What can I do to help you?' She said, * If you are satisfied, demon Raksasa, I ask you, tell me when I shall join my husband.' Knowing by clairvoyance, the Raksasa told her: ' At the end of twelve years from the day of banishment, illustrious lady, King Nala will come himself and meet you living in your father's house. Now take courage. Fair lady, if you say so, I shall take you in half a second to your father's house. Do not exhaust yourself on the road.' She said: 'I am satisfied by the prediction of Nala's coming. I can not go with another man. Good luck to you. Go!' After showing his own brilliant form, he flew up in the air instantly like a mass of lightning. After she knew that her husband's banishment would last for twelve years, she made various vows, shoots of the tree of virtuous wifehood, such as: 'Until Nala is united with me, I will not use red garments, betel, ornaments, ointment, and luxurious food.132 Bhaimi reached a cave in the mountain and, devoid of fear, prepared to spend the rainy season right there. She herself made a clay image of santinatha and set it up in a corner of the cave as well as in her own spotless mind. Bhima's daughter brought flowers she had gathered herself and worshipped the statue of the sixteenth Arhat three times a day. At the end of the fasts, the one-day fast, et cetera, a devout laywoman, she broke her fast with pure fruit without seeds, knowing (what was permissible). The caravan-leader, not seeing Nala's wife in the caravan, went after her, thinking, 'I hope she is safe.' The caravan-leader reached the cave and saw Davadanti worshipping the Arhat's image with concentration. When he saw that Bhaimi was safe, the caravan-leader bowed joyfully and sat down on the ground, his eyes wide open from astonishment. Bhaimi completed the Arhat's puja and conversed with the 132 608. Viksti-wine, meat, honey, and butter. Pravac. p. 58, com. to 246. Page #150 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ VASUDEVA'S MARRIAGE WITH KANAKAVATI 119 caravan-leader and made inquiries about his welfare in a nectar-sweet voice. Some ascetics, who lived near and had heard her words, went there in haste and stood with ears pricked up, like deer. The cloud began to rain, beating the earth everywhere with streams of water like spades, hard to bear. They cried out, "We are being killed by these streams of water like arrows. Where can we go? Where can this water be avoided?' Seeing these ascetics running away like wild animals, Bhaimi said, "Do not fear! Do not fear!' in a loud voice. After making a trench in a circle around them, the daughter of Kundina's king, the best of virtuous wives, declared firmly in a charming voice: " If I am a virtuous wife; if I am devoted to the Arhat; if I am honest, may the clouds rain elsewhere than inside this trench.' At that very time by the power of virtue of Bhaimi's daughter the water did not fall inside the trench, as if an umbrella were held over it. Soon the mountain shone everywhere washed by the water, spotless, like a dark-bodied elephant bathed in a river. The mountain-caves became entirely filled with water, while the cloud was raining, like works of merit 133 of the Sri of water. Seeing that, they all thought, ' She is surely some goddess. No human has such a form, nor such power.' Pure-minded Vasanta, the caravan-leader, asked her, Mistress, tell who is this god you worship?' Bhaimi explained: "O caravan-leader, this god is the Arhat, Supreme Lord, Lord of Three Worlds, a wishing-tree for the prayers of living beings. Worshipping him, I stay here without fear. By his power tigers, et cetera here have no power over me.' After explaining the true nature of the Arhat, Vaidarbhi taught the Arhats' dharma, non-injury et cetera, to Vasanta, the caravan-leader. Vasanta accepted the dharma taught by her and said joyfully, 'By good fortune you, a cow of plenty 133 625. Such as digging a well. Page #151 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 120 for dharma, have been seen. The ascetics also accepted that dharma, consisting of knowledge of what is to be rejected, what is to be accepted, as if it were sewn in their minds, because of her speech. Imbued with her dharma, they blamed their own (Brahman) ascetic-dharma. Whom does vinegar please when he has obtained a drink of milk? CHAPTER THREE The caravan-leader Vasanta founded a city on that very place, resembling the city of Purandara, which is not abandoned by the wealthy. Because five hundred ascetics were enlightened here the city was called everywhere Tapasapura. Knowing his own advantage, making his own wealth fruitful, the caravan-leader built a shrine to Sri Santinatha in that city. The caravan-leader, all the ascetics, the whole people, passed the time, devoted to the Arhats' dharma. One day at night Nala's wife saw on the mountain-peak a light compared with which the sun was like a spark. Bhaimi saw gods, asuras, and Vidyadharas flying up and down like birds. Awakened by the noise of their cries, 'Hail! Hail!' the merchants and ascetics watched, their faces upturned from astonishment. Vaidarbhi with the merchants and ascetics climbed the mountain which had the form of a staff between heaven and earth. They saw the omniscience-festival, undertaken by the gods, of Muni Sinhakesarin whose omniscience had taken place there. After paying homage to the great muni together with the twelvefold avarta,134 they sat down at his feet, like travelers at the foot of a tree. The muni's guru, Yasobhadra Suri, came there then and, knowing that he was a kevalin, paid homage to him, and sat down before him. Svamin Sinhakesarin, an ocean with the water of compassion, delivered a sermon which penetrated the vulnerable spots of non-dharma. 134 643. Avarta is a form of homage in which the devote recites a sutra, at six points in which he touches the feet of the guru if present. The sutra is repeated, so making twelve avartas. It must be done daily by sadhus, but the 66 guru" need not be an individual, present in person. In that case the devote touches the ground. Pancaprati., Suguruvandanasutra, pp. 72 ff. Page #152 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ VASUDEVA'S MARRIAGE WITH KANAKAVATI Sermon (646-647) 'Look you! A human birth is very hard to attain for living beings wandering in existence. After obtaining it, action must be fruitful, like a self-sown tree. You, intelligent, should take the fruit of a human birth, the dharma of the Arhats, whose fundamental principle is compassion to living beings and which offers emancipation.' After he had described the pure dharma, nectar to the ears of the listeners, the sage said to the (Brahman) abbot, to destroy his doubt: The dharma which was taught you by Davadanti, it is the same as this. She speaks as a traveler on the road of the Arhats' dharma, not otherwise. Virtuous, a follower of the Arhats from birth, she showed you proof. At that time when the cloud was raining, it was kept away from the trench-line by her. Because of her virtue and devotion to the Arhats, even gods were always near her and she had good fortune even in the forest. In the past the caravan of the caravan-leader was protected from thieves by her merely by a shout. What power in the future?' At that time a god came there, very magnificent. He paid homage to the kevalin and said to Bhaimi, his voice not terrifying: 'Mistress, I was a disciple, Karpara, of the abbot in this hermitage and I was unequaled in sharpness of penance. The ascetics in the hermitage did not honor me even when I accomplished the penance of five fires and did not even commend me in words. Then I left the hermitage from pride and quickly went elsewhere, possessed by the demon of anger. Walking fast at night in dense darkness I fell into a mountaincave like an elephant into a pit. Then as I fell on mountain-crags, all my teeth were broken into a thousand pieces, like old oyster-shells. I stayed in that condition for seven days, injured by the fall on the crags. The ascetics did not even talk about me, like a bad dream. On the contrary, when I had left the place, like a snake a house, there was great happiness on the part of the ascetics. On my part, 16 N 121 Page #153 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 122 CHAPTER THREE there appeared anger connected with pain, resembling a blazing fire, against these ascetics. I died, blazing with anger, evil-minded. I became a poisonous serpent in this same forest of the ascetics. One day I approached you to bite, expanding my hood, and you recited the namaskara which was an obstacle to my course. I was held by the syllables of the namaskara, which fell within my hearing suddenly, like a pair of tongs and I was not able to go near (you). I entered a cave again, my power destroyed, and, staying there, kept alive by eating living creatures, frogs, et cetera. One day when it was raining, I heard this dharma being taught by you, o advanced laywoman, to these ascetics: "Whoever injures living creatures incurs pain, wandering unceasingly in this worldly existence, like a traveler in a desert." Hearing that, I reflected, "I am a serpent, wicked, always engaged in injury to living creatures. What will be my fate?" Again I reflected, "It is known to me by uha and apoha135 that these ascetics have been seen by me somewhere." Then this spotless memory of my former births arose and I remembered past births like something that happened yesterday. Then imperishable disgust with existence, like canal-water with high waves, rose in me and I observed a fast unto death by myself, Then after death I became a god in Saudharma. For emancipation is not far away for those who have endured bodily austerities. I am a god, Kusumaprabha by name, enjoying the bliss of heaven in the palace, Kusumasamtddha, by your favor. If your teaching of dharma had not fallen on my ears then, what would have been the fate of me, a boar in the mud of sin ? Recognizing you, (my) benefactor, by clairvoyance, fair lady, I have come here to see you. Henceforth I am like a son of yours.' After making himself known to Vaidarbhi, the god spoke 135 669. Two divisions of sense-knowledge. Oha is the desire to know more about something; apoha (=avaya) is finding out the facts. See I, n. 248 and HI, p. 339. Page #154 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ VASUDEVA'S MARRIAGE WITH KANAKAVATI 123 to the ascetics, like brothers who had come from the village, in a gentle voice: "Sir ascetics, pardon my angry behavior in a former birth and guard the laymanship which you have assumed.' With these words, Kusumaprabha drew the snake's body from the mountain-cave, hung it on a toon tree, and said, O people, whoever practices anger will become such a serpent as I, Karpara, was formerly, as a result of this anger." First the abbot, possessing right-belief, attained extreme disgust with existence from the maturing of good fortune. Bowing to the kevalin, the head of the ascetics asked for the vow, the best fruit of the tree of disgust with existence. The kevalin said: "Yasobhadra Suri will give the vow. For he, rich in indifference, is my guru. Astonished, the abbot asked the muni again, 'Tell us, Blessed One, how you have taken the vow.' The kevalin said: Sinhakesarin (684-694) 'In the city Kosala, Kubara, very powerful, King Nala's younger brother, rules. I am his son. King Kesarin, lord of the city Sanga, gave me his daughter, named Bandhumati. Commanded by my father, I went there, married her, and set out for my own city with the bride. As I went on the road, I saw this guru and several disciples stopped, like good fortune embodied. With great devotion I paid homage to the muni and listened to a sermon of his, a fountain of nectar to the ears. Questioned by me at the end of the sermon, "How long shall I live?' he employed upayoga 136 and said, " Just five days." Knowing death was near, then I was afraid and trembled. Fear of life is a great fear on the part of all creatures. The suri said to me, "Do not be afraid, son. Undertake mendicancy. For being a mendicant for even one day surely offers a path to heaven." After becoming a mendicant, P came here at his command and engaged in pure meditation. 136 689. Knowledge and perception. See I, n. 78. Page #155 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 124 CHAPTER THREE I reached omniscience by destruction of the destructive karmas.' 137 After telling this, Sinhakesarin made obstruction of activity, destroyed the karma that prolongs existence,138 and attained emancipation. Then the kevalin's body was made the recipient of cremation by the gods, pure in heart, who had taken it to a holy place. The pure-minded abbot, named Yathartha, adopted mendicancy at the feet of Sri Yasobhadra Suri. Davadanti, her soul subdued, said to the sage, Blessed One, give me mendicancy, the mother of emancipation.' Yasobhadra Suri said, "Davadanti, now you must enjoy pleasures with Nala. You are not ready for the vow.' When day had dawned, the suri descended from the mountain and purified the city Tapasapura with his feet. After bowing to the shrine there, a teacher of the Arhats' dharma, an ocean of compassion, he caused the citizens to acquire right-belief. 6 Bhaimi remained there, like a begging nun, in a cave for a house for seven years, engaged in pious meditation, her body and clothes soiled. One day a traveler told her, 'Today I saw your husband in such and such a place, Davadanti.' When the nectar of that speech was drunk, Davadanti's body expanded then with hair erect from joy. For that is a sign of affection. Thinking, Who is this that makes me expand?' Bhima's virtuous daughter ran after the sound like an arrow that strikes by sound. He, like a guarantee for drawing Bhima's daughter from the cave, went away after he had drawn her from the cave. She did not see the traveler; she abandoned the cave. In this way she lost both. For fate destroys the weak. She happened upon a large forest and walked, stood, sat down, rested on the ground, lamented again and again, and cried from weariness. Considering, 'What shall I do? Where 137 692. Ghatikarma. 138 693. Upagrahikarma. Page #156 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ VASUDEVA'S MARRIAGE WITH KANAKAVATI 225 shall I go?' She, knowing consideration, began to go to that same cave carefully. She was seen on the road by a Raksasi whose cavernous mouth was wide open, like a goat by a wolf, and was addressed by the words, ' I shall eat you.' Bhaimi said: 'If my husband Nala, and no one else, is in my mind, by the power of that virtue, be hopeless, Raksasi. If the omniscient, the Blessed One, free from the eighteen faults, 139 the Arhat alone is my god, be hopeless, Raksasi. If the sadhus devoted to the eighteen kinds of chastity,140 free from desire, devoted to compassion, are my gurus, be hopeless, Raksasi. If the dharma of the Arhats is clinging to my heart from birth, like cement, be hopeless, Raksasi.' :. Hearing that, the Raksasa-woman gave up her intention to eat her. For the words of virtuous wives are unerring like those of the very powerful. Thinking, 'She is no ordinary person, as her power is not deficient,' the Raksasi bowed to her and disappeared instantly like one that has come in a dream. . Going ahead, Nala's wife saw a mountain-stream without water, full of sand in waves resembling water. As this was waterless like an empty garden-canal, and Davadanti was very thirsty, her palate dry, she said: "If my mind is filled with right-belief, let pure water with high waves be in this (stream) like the Ganga.' With these words she struck the surface of the ground with her heel and at once the river was provided with water, like a magic river. Bhaimi drank the water white as milk and sweet, as if it had come from a vein of the Ocean of Milk, as she liked, like a cow-elephant. Then Vaidarbhi became wearied, walking, and sat down under a banyan, like a female Yaksa.141 Travelers from a caravan saw her seated thus, approached, and said, 'Who are you, lady? You look like a goddess to us.' She replied: 'I am a mortal and I live in the forest, lost from a caravan, I wish to go to Tapasapura. Direct me on the road to it.' 139 710. See IV. n. 12; Abhi. 1.72-73 and com. 140 711. See I, p. 206 and n. 266. 141 720. The banyap is especially favored by the Yaksas as a dwelling. Page #157 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 126 CHAPTER THREE " They said: Take the direction toward the setting sun. We are in a hurry and are not able to show you the road. After getting water, we shall go to our own caravan. It is here. If you go in it, we shall conduct you to some inhabited town.' She went with them to the caravan and the caravan-leader, Dhanadeva, compassionate, questioned her, Who are you? And why are you here?' Bhaimi said: I am a merchant's daughter. I left my father's house with my husband and during the night, while I was asleep, he abandoned me on the road. I was brought here by these men of yours like brothers. Take me, good sir, to some inhabited place.' The caravanleader said, 'I am going to Acalapura. You come, too, daughter. I shall take you like a flower.' With these words the caravan-leader, affectionate, seated her in the best carriage, like a daughter, and started quickly... Then the crest-jewel of caravan-leaders camped the caravan in a mountain-arbor with a cascade with murmuring water. During the night Vaidarbhi, comfortable, happily sleeping, heard the namaskara recited by some one in the caravan. She said to the leader: This man reciting the namaskara is a coreligionist of mine. So I wish to see him with your permission.' To fulfil her wish the caravan-leader, like a father, took her to the shelter of the layman of the namaskara. Bhaimi saw the layman, like a brother, performing caityavandana,142 inside a tent, like tranquillity embodied. During the caityavandana, Bhaimi remained seated, her eyes full of tears, showing approval of the devout layman. Nala's wife saw the Arhat's image painted on canvas, dark as a cloud, being worshipped, and she paid homage to it. At the end of the caityavandana Bhaimi asked him who had given an auspicious greeting, 'Brother, of which Arhat is this the image?' " 142 734. Caityavandana (or a) is a ritualistic performance. The worshipper must be in a proper spiritual state of mind, sit in a prescribed manner, and recite certain sutras, during which, at certain places, he makes anjali and other gestures of worship. For a detailed account, see the Lalitavistara. Page #158 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ VASUDEVA'S MARRIAGE WITH KANAKAVATI 127 The layman said: 'Sister in religion, listen. This is the image of Malli, the future nineteenth, Arhat. Now hear, good lady, the reason why I worship the image of a future Arhat, the cause of good fortune to me. 64 I am a merchant in Kancipura, the crest-jewel of the girdle of the ocean. One day a muni came there, Dharmagupta, possessing omniscience. The muni stopped in the garden Rativallabha. After paying homage to him, I asked him, "In, what congregation will my emancipation take place?" He told me: In the congregation of the Arhat Mallinatha, you will be King Prasannacandra in Mithila, after falling from heaven. After obtaining the sight of Malli, the nineteenth Arhat, omniscience having arisen, you will attain emancipation." From that time I have had great devotion to Mallinatha. After painting her image on canvas, I worship it, pious lady.' After he had told his own story the layman asked her, 'Tell me, a brother in religion, who you are, fair lady.' Dhanadeva, tearful, told the excellent layman the whole story told by her, the separation from her husband, et cetera. The layman, his cheek rested on his hand, his eyes moist with tears, penetrated by grief which, as it were, was not contained in 143 Vaidarbhi, said: 'Do not grieve. Such actions being told are a source of pain to you. This caravan-leader is your father; I am your brother. Be at ease.' At dawn the caravan-leader reached Acalapura and set down Vaidarbhi. He himself went elsewhere. Thirsty, she entered a tank at the city-gate quickly and was noticed by water-carriers like a water-goddess in person. On the edge of the water her left foot was seized by a lizard. Of the unfortunate trouble follows trouble as if from friendship with them. She recited the namaskara three times and by its power her foot was released by the lizard, like an object kept in the throat by a sorceress. After she had washed her face, hands, and feet and had drunk the charming water, she left the tank 143 747. This requires asammat to be taken as an adjective. Page #159 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ce 128 CHAPTER THREE slowly, slowly, like a marali. She, depressed, a jewel-box for the jewel of good conduct, sat on the bank of the tank, miserable, purifying the city by her glance. Rtuparna was king there, like Garuda in strength and Candrayasas, whose glory was brilliant as the moon, was his wife. The slave-girls of Candrayasas went there to get water and engaged in sport with each other, their pitchers placed on their heads. The slave-girls saw her like a goddess that had fallen into misfortune. For a lotus, though mired in mud, is still a lotus. Astonished, seeing Bhaimi's beauty, they entered the tank slowly, slowly and left it slowly, slowly. They went and described her, how beautiful she was, to their mistress Candrayasas, like a treasure that had been found. Candrayasas said to them, 'Bring her here. She will be like a sister to my daughter Candravati.' They went quickly to the same vicinity of the tank and saw her facing the city, like Laksmi. They said: 'In that city King ktuparna's queen, Candrayasas, summons you respectfully. She says, " You are my daughter, like Candravati." So come, lady. Make an offering of a handful of water to your troubles. 144 If you remain here, distracted, you will experience misfortune, possessed by evil Vyantaras, et cetera who have used trickery.' So Davadanti, her heart softened by the speech of Candrayasas, won over by affection for the state of being a daughter, set out. She was conducted to the palace by them bowed with respect, saying, 'Mistress, you are the adopted daughter of our mistress.' Candrayasas was a full sister of Puspadanti, Bhaimi's mother, but Bhima's daughter did not know, 'She is my mother's sister.' On the other hand, Candrayasas knew, 'Davadanti is my niece,' but did not recognize her seen (only) as a child. However, the queen saw her even at a distance with the affection for a daughter. Surely the heart is the authority for deciding on what is loved or not loved: 144 763. As if at their funeral rites. Page #160 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ VASUDEVA'S MARRIAGE WITH KANAKAVATI 129 Candrayasas embraced Nala's wife closely, as if to remove by solicitude her physical exhaustion arising from fatigue. Shedding tears, Vaidarbhi paid homage to the queen's feet, as if offering a price for her affection by cleansing her feet. 6 Questioned by Candrayasas, Who are you? Bhima's daughter told the same story as she had told before to the caravan-leader. Candrayasas said to Vaidarbhi, Good lady, do you thrive in my house with happiness, just like Candravati.' One day Queen Candrayasas said to her daughter Candravati: This sister of yours resembles my niece Davadanti. (But) such an arrival any place is not possible for her. For she is the wife of Nala, who is the lord of us even She (lives) at a distance of one hundred and forty-four yojanas. How could she come and whence would there be such misfortune to her?" Daily Queen Candrayasas gave gifts to suitable persons, the poor, the protectorless, et cetera, according to their pleasure, outside the city. One day Vaidarbhi said to her, 'I shall distribute charity here in case my husband should return in the guise of a beggar.' From that time Davadanti distributed charity together with Candrayasas according to custom, enduring bodily austerities with hope for her husband. Daily Bhaimi questioned the beggars one by one, 'Have you seen a man of such an appearance?' One day while she was in the dispensary, she saw a thief being led by guards who had bound him, with a drum being played in front. Bhima's daughter asked the guards, What crime was committed by him that it has such a punishment as the death-penalty?' 'He stole the jewel-case of Queen Candravati. For that deed he must die,' the guards replied. The thief bowed to Vaidarbhi and said: 'I have been seen by your eye. How can I experience death? Be a protection for me, lady.' Davadanti had the guards come near and said to the thief, 'Do not fear. Doubtless you will have good fortune with your life.' With these words, Bhima's daughter made a declaration 17 N 6 6 Page #161 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 130 CHAPTER THREE of virtue, 'If I am a virtuous woman, let his bonds fall completely apart.' After she had made such a declaration of virtue, she splashed the thief three times with the water from a pitcher and his bonds fell apart quickly. C As a tumult, arose, King Rtuparna and his attendants came there, thinking, "What's this?' Astonished, wide-eyed, the petals of his lips shining with the beauty of his teeth, he said to Davadanti, moonlight to the night-lotus of his eye: Prevention of the law of fishes 145 is the duty of kings everywhere, so there is repression of the wicked and protection of the well-behaved, noble lady. A king, taking taxes from the earth, should protect it from the misdeeds of thieves, et cetera. Otherwise, he himself would be contaminated by the crime of the thieves, et cetera. So, daughter, if I do not punish that jewel-thief the people would strive fearlessly for stealing other people's property. Bhaimi said: If a person dies, while I took on, what kind of compassion is there on my part, a laywoman, father? Let his crime be pardoned. He sought protection from me. Let his pain (punishment) be transferred to me, like a severe disease, father.' Then King Rtuparna released the robber at the importunity of his virtuous adopted daughter. As soon as he was released, the thief went to Bhima's daughter, saying, 'You are my mother, ' making tilakas on his forehead with the dust on the ground. Recalling her, day and night, who had conferred the benefit of the gift of life, the released robber paid homage to Bhaimi daily. One day Nala's wife asked the best of thieves: 'Who are you? Where have you come from? Tell me fearlessly. ' He told: In the city Tapasapura I was a slave, named Pingala, of a very wealthy caravan-leader, Vasanta. Overcome by evil passions, I dug a tunnel into Vasanta's very house and stole the best part of his treasure. I escaped carrying the plunder, intent on saving my life; and I was robbed on the road by robbers. 145 790. That the strong devour the weak. Page #162 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ VASUDEVA'S MARRIAGE WITH KANAKAVATI 131 How much enjoyment is there of the wicked? Coming here, I served King Rtuparna. What proud man would do service? Or (if he does), he should do it to the king. As I was going into the palace with evil ideas, I saw Queen Candravati's jewel-case. At the sight of it my mind leaped with the desire to steal it like that of an evil-minded adulterer at the sight of another man's wife. Like a kite stealing a necklace,146 I stole the jewel-case. Arranging my upper .garment, so it reached to the front of my feet, I went away. I was observed by King Rtuparna, very clever, because of some thief-gestures. Nothing can escape detection on the part of the clever. I was bound instantly by the guards at the king's command and, as I was being led to execution, I saw you, noble lady. Crying out very loud, even from a distance, I attained you as a protection and was set free by you, like a goat that has come to be slaughtered. Besides, when you, mistress, left Tapasapura, Vasanta, like an elephant taken away from the Vindhya, ceased to eat. Enlightened by Yasobhadra Suri and other people, he fasted for seven nights and ate on the eighth day. One day Vasanta, equal to Srida in wealth, took much money as a present and went to see King Kubara. Satisfied with the present, King Kubara bestowed on him the kingdom of Tapasapura, characterized by an umbrella, et cetera. After placing him in the rank of a vassal, the king, Nala's younger brother, gave him another name, Vasantasrisekhara. Dismissed by Kubara, Vasanta went to Tapasapura with a drum being beaten and ruled the kingdom. ' Bhaimi said: 'Friend, a bad deed has been committed. Become a mendicant. Expiate (it). 'The mother's command is authority,' Pingala said. Two ascetics came there in their wandering and were given alms free from fault by Vaidarbhi. Bhaimi said to the sages, Blessed Ones, if this man is suitable, favor him by giving him the vow. They said,' He is suitable. 6 > " 145 805. Kites are great thieves and will snatch things out of a person's hands. Page #163 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 132 CHAPTER THREE Pingala asked for the vow and he was initiated at once by them, after conducting him to the temple. One day the lord of Vidarbha heard that Nala had lost the glory of his kingdom in gambling and had been exiled by his younger brother, Kubara; that he had taken Davadanti and entered the great forest and no one knew where he had gone and whether he was dead or alive. Puspadanti wept very loud on hearing that from the king. For in misfortune tears are never far away from women. Then a young Brahman at court, Harimitra by name, clever in his master's orders, was deputed by the king to search for them. The boy, searching everywhere for Nala and Davadanti, went to Acalapura and entered the king's assembly. Candrayasas asked him as he was seated before the king, 'How do Puspadanti and her people fare?' He replied, "Always good fortutrefi Paspadanti is reported. The prosperity of Nala and Davadanti is questionable, mistress.' The boy, asked What do you say?' told the queen the story of Nala and Bhaimi, beginning with the gambling, very painful to hear. Then as Candrayasas was weeping, all the court wept, rerraining from any happy conversation. Seeing everyone miserable from grief, the boy, hungry, went to the alms-house with the intention of eating. For the alms-house is the wishing-gem for food. As he is seated there to eat, he recognizes Davadanti, the daughter of his mistress, superintending the dispensary. His hair erect from joy, pain 'from hunger forgotten, wide-eyed from delight, he worshipped Davadanti's feet and said: 'Queen, what is this condition of yours, like a plant in hot weather? Thank Heaven, you have been seen alive. Now there is happiness for all." He got up quickly and delighted Queen Candrayasas, saying, "Davadanti is in your alms-house.' Hearing that, Candrayasas went swiftly to the alms-house and embraced Davadanti, like a marali a lotus-plant. She said: 'Child, shame, shame, on me, that I did not recognize you, though you are distinguished by unique marks on your body ! . Why WWW Page #164 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ VASUDEVA'S MARRIAGE WITH KANAKAVATT 133 did you deceive me, hiding yourself, blameless girl? If there is such a misfortune by fate, what shame is there in your mother's own family? Oh! My dear, has Nala been deserted by you or have you been deserted by him ? Surely you have been deserted by him. You, a devoted wife, would not desert him. If your husband fallen into misfortune were deserted by you, then surely the sun would rise in the west. Nala, why did you abandon her? Why did you not leave her at my side? To abandon a virtuous wife, is this suitable for your family? My dear, I shall take over your trouble. Do you put it down. Forgive my sin that I did not recognize you. But where is your tilaka, child, that was on your forehead from birth, a garuda for the snake of darkness, a sun for a black night? With these words, she rubbed Bhaimi's forehead with moisture from her own lotus-mouth, smelling her head 147 again and again. Then Vaidarbhi's forehead-tilaka shone very brilliantly, like a piece of gold that had come out of a fire, like the sun burst from clouds. Then Queen Candrayasas bathed Nala's wife with perfumed water, like a god's statue, with her own hands.' Then Bhaimi put on garments sent by Queen Candrayasas, which were white, fine, as if made of the essence of moonlight. Then Queen Candrayasas, delighted, took Bhima's daughter by the hand and, a pool of the water of delight, sat down near the king. Then the sun set and the whole sky was filled with darkness that could not be separated by a needle, like a dish filled with collyrium. At that time pitch darkness did not enter the king's palace. It was halted by the brilliance of Bhaimi's tilaka, like a door-keeper. The king said to the queen, "The sun has set, surely. There is no lamp nor fire here. Why is there a light like daytime?' The queen showed the king Vaidarbhi's tilaka, present from birth, like a large pond with light for water. From curiosity the king covered the tilaka with his hand and his house at once became as dark as a mountain-cave. The king 147 841. A sign of affection Page #165 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 134 CHAPTER THREE took away his hand again and, taking the place of a father, with great interest asked Bhaimi for her story, beginning with the loss of the kingdom. Her face downcast, weeping, Davadanti told the whole story, beginning with the gambling of Nala and Kubara. The king wiped Bhaimi's eyes with his upper garment and said, ' Daughter, do not grieve. No one is stronger than fate.! Just then a god descended from heaven to the council and, his hands joined respectfully, said to Bhima's daughter: 'Davadanti, I, the thief Pingalaka, took initiation at your order and went to Tapasapura then in my wandering. I, resolute, stood in pratima in a cemetery and a big fire started not far away, kindled by the fire of the funeral-pyres. Though burned by it, I did not fall from pious meditation but, after making aradhana, 148 reciting the namaskara, I fell on the ground there and my body became fuel. * After death I became a god, named Pingala. Then I knew by clairvoyance that I had been saved from execution by you and had been made to take mendicancy. By its power I became a god. If you had ignored me, a great criminal, at that time, fair lady, dying without dharma being acquired, I would have gone to hell. By your favor, Vaidarbhi, I attained the glory of being a god. For this reason I came to see you. Hail! noble lady.' After this speech, the god rained seven crores of gold and departed, flying up in the air, like a mass of lightning. King Rtuparna, best of the wise, adopted the Arhats' dharma whose fruit had been made apparent by the god in this way. Then Harimitra, when an opportunity arose, said to the king: 'Majesty, give an order. After a long time let Davadanti go to her father's house.' Told the same by Candrayasas, the king said, "Very well,' and sent Vaidarbhi with an escort to the Vidarbhas. 148 857. This is a final confession, but more also. It includes gratitude for being allowed to perform good actions; request for pardon for sins committed; complete submission to Arhat, Siddha, dharma, sadhu. Also includes fast unto death. The best aradhana in the Trisastio is 10.1.230-265. Page #166 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ VASUDEVA'S MARRIAGE WITH KANAKAVATI 135 When King Bhima heard that Davadanti was coming, he went to meet her, drawn by a very strong affection like a horse hard to control. As soon as she had seen her father, Vaidarbhi, going on foot, her lotus-face blooming, ran and fell at his lotus-feet. The ground became very muddy from tears falling from father and daughter who had met longingly after a long time. Learning that Puspadanti had come along, her daughter embraced her closely, like Yamuna embracing Jahnavi. Clinging to her neck, Nala's wife cried at the top of her voice. New pain of people, as it were, takes place at the sight of a loved one. After a moment, having washed their lotus-faces with water (of tears), they talked together and recited their troubles. Puspadanti took Vaidarbhi on her lap and said: 'By good fortune you have been seen alive. Certainly good fortune watches over us. Passing the time comfortably in our house, after a long time you will see your husband. For a living person sees fair things.' . The king, delighted, gave Harimitra five hundred villages and said, 'I shall give you half the kingdom when Nala comes.' The king went to the city and held a festival because of Davadanti's arrival and for seven days worshipped gods and gurus especially. On the eighth day the king of Vidarbha, said to Vaidarbhi, . It will be arranged so that you will soon join Nala.' Resumption of Nala's story (877-1075) At the time when he left Vaidarbhi, wandering in the forest, Nala saw smoke rising up in one place from forest-undergrowth. The mass of smoke, black as collyrium, covered the sky, giving the impression--some mountain goes through the air with unclipped wings.149 The smoke, terrible with a wreath of flame, became visible from the earth in a twinkling, resembling a cloud joined with lightning. Naisadhi heard the noise of the burning bamboos, tratat, tratiti, and cries of wild animals, 149 878. Cf. Maitrayani Samhita, 1.10.13. Page #167 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER THREE 6 Then in the forest-fire aflame he heard human speech, 'King Nala of the Iksvaku-line, best of warriors, save me. Even if you are a disinterested benefactor with duty to humanity, nevertheless, I shall reward you, king. Save me.' Following the sound, Nala saw a serpent in a thicket of vines, saying, Save me! Save me!' He asked, ' How did you know me, my name, my family? How do you have a human voice? Tell me, serpent. The serpent said: 'I was a human in a former birth. From its practice in that birth my human speech results. I have brilliant clairvoyance and by it I know you, your name, your family, treasury of glory.' Nala, in whom compassion was inspired, threw his garment over the thicket of creepers to pull out the trembling serpent. The serpent reached the end of the king's garment resting on the ground and wrapped it with his coils like a ring with a hair. Nala drew up his garment with the serpent clinging to it, like a rope from a well. A king shares his eminence. When the king had gone to a place with saline soil 150 out of the range of the fire, the serpent bit him trying to set him free quickly, on the hand. Throwing the serpent on the ground like a drop of sweat, Nala said to him: You, grateful, have done well. O serpent, you have well repaid me, your benefactor. Whoever gives milk to drink 151 to your tribe is bitten.' As Nala was saying this, his body became hunchbacked like a strung bow, because of the poison spreading in his body. He had thin tawny hair like a demon; a hanging lip like a camel; thin hands and feet and a large belly like a poor man. Devoured by the snake's poison, Nala was like an actor in a moment, the shape of his whole body changed disgustingly. He reflected: 'Life with this form is useless to me. So I shall take mendicancy which is beneficial for the next world. ' As Nala was reflecting to this effect, the serpent abandoned its 136 150 890. I.e., free from grass. 151 892. There is a tradition of appeasing snakes by putting out milk for them. Page #168 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ VASUDEVA'S MARRIAGE WITH KANAKAVATI serpent-form and became a god with a dazzling form, wearing divine ornaments and garments. He said: As 'Do not be depressed. I am your father, Nisadha. At that time I gave you the realm and became a mendicant. a fruit of mendicancy I became a god in Brahmaloka. By clairyoyance I saw you reduced to this condition. I assumed the form of a snake by magic and produced this change of appearance in the limbs of you fallen into wretched state, like a boil on the cheek. Such a change in appearance in your limbs had been produced by me as a benefit. Consider it as a drink of pungent medicine. All the kings have been enslaved by you. They, your enemies, will not threaten you unrecognizable from the change in form, now. Do not carry out your wish for mendicancy now. The earth, as large as it is, must henceforth be enjoyed by you for a long time, Nala. I shall tell you the proper time for mendicancy like an astrologer. Henceforth, be at ease. Son, take this bel fruit and this jewel-case. Guard them as carefully as your ethics of a warrior. When you desire your own form, break open the bel. You will see inside it unspoiled garments of devadusya. At the same time you should open the jewel-case. In it you will see very beautiful ornaments, necklaces, et cetera. If you put on the devadusya-garments and the ornaments, at once you will have your own form, the same one with a divine appearance.' *MAY Nala asked him, 'Father, is Davadanti, your daughter-inlaw, in the same place where I left her, or has she gone elsewhere?' The god told him the whole story of Bhaimi from that place up to her arrival at Vidarbha, describing her fidelity. He said to Nala: ' Son, why are you wandering in the forest? I shall take you to any place where you wish to go.' Nala said, God, take me to Susumarapura.' After doing so, the god went to his own abode. 6 137 Nala stood in the garden Nandana on the road near that city and saw a temple there that resembled a temple of the eternal Arhats. Entering that shrine, the hunchback saw inside 18 N Page #169 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 138 CHAPTER THREE it a statue of Naminatha and worshipped it, with hair erect from joy. Then Nala went to the gate of Susumaranagara and there a mad elephant was roaming about, after pulling up its tyingpost. Its howdah being touched by the wind, it shook its howdah 152 and dragged down the birds even, trembling above, with his trunk. The elephant-men evaded his glance like that of a poison-serpent. He broke down the trees of the garden, like a mighty wind. King Dadhiparna ascended the city-wall hastily, unable to control the elephant, and said aloud; I will give what he wishes to anyone who will tame this uncontrolled elephant of mine. Sirs! Is there any one expert in the management of elephants ?' Hearing that, the hunchback said: "Where is he? Where is the elephant ? I shall reduce him to submission, while you look on.' As the hunchback was saying this, the elephant came, trumpeting very loud. The hunchback ran after him, scarcely touching the ground with his feet. The people said fittingly, 'Do not die! do not die! Hunchback, escape! escape!' but he went fearless as a lion. The hunchback ran forward, ran backward, flew up, rolled on the ground like a ball, deceiving the elephant. Seizing its tail again and again, powerful Nala exhausted the elephant, like a snake-charmer a snake. Nala, accustomed to fatigue, perceived that the elephant had become fatigued, quickly flew up like Garuda, and mounted the elephant, the best of riders. Seated in the front of the howdah, he put his feet on the neck-rope and tightened its knot, striking the bosses with his palm. Waving the elephant-goad, the hunchback rode the elephant that was giving cries with mouth wide-open because of beating with the neck-rope. Then the people proclaimed, * Victory! Victory!' and the king himself threw a gold chain around his neck. After Nala, powerful, had reduced the rogueelephant to wax, as it were, he tied him to the elephant-post 152 916. Cf. Kathakosa, p. 220. Page #170 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ VASUDEVA'S MARRIAGE WITH KANAKAVATI 139 and got down by the girth. Then Nala, whose glory was brilliant, not thinking about a bow (to the king), sat down near Dadhiparna, like a friend. Then Dadhiparna said to him: 'O hunchback skilled in elephant-training, what else do you know? There is ability on your part. The hunchback said: "King, what else shall I tell you? I know a pudding cooked in the sun. Do you wish to see it?' The king went home and, curious about the sun-cooked pudding, gave the hunchback rice, vegetables, a condiment of mixed spices, et cetera. Nala put the saucepans in the heat of the sun, recalled the magic art Sauri and quickly made the divine pudding. The king and his retinue ate the pudding as delightful as if it had been bestowed by a special wishing-tree. . After tasting the pudding, which removed fatigue and gave extreme joy, King Dadhiparna said: "Nala and no one else knows a pudding like this. I have been acquainted with this for a long time, as I served Nala. Are you Nala with a changed appearance ? Nala is not like this. How would he come a distance of two hundred yojanas? Why this solitariness of the king of half of Bharata ? His beauty, as I saw it, surpassed that of god and Khecaras.' : Then the king, satisfied, gave the hunchback garments, ornaments, et cetera, a lac of coins and five hundred villages. The hunchback accepted all that except the five hundred villages and the king said, "What else can be given you, hunchback?' The hunchback said: 'Grant this wish of mine. Forbid hunting and wine-drinking, so far as you writ runs.' The king honored his word and prevented even talk about hunting and wine-drinking in his jurisdiction. One day King Dadhiparna said to the hunchback in private: "Who are you? Where have you come from? Where do you live? Speak.' The hunchback said: 'I am King Nala's cook, named Hundika, in Kosala. I studied the arts at his side. Nala lost the whole earth to his brother Kubara in gambling and went to live in the forest with Page #171 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 140 . CHAPTER THREE Davadanti. Nala died there and then I came to you. I did not resort to Kubara, who is deceitful and does not appreciate merit.' Struck in the heart by this news of Nala's death like a thunderbolt, Dadhiparna cried out and also his retinue. King Dadhiparna performed Nala's funeral rites, a cloud with the water of tears, and was watched by the hunchback with a constant smile. One day King Dadhiparna sent a messenger for some reason to Davadanti's father by the road of friendship. Entertained by Bhima, living with him comfortably one day, the messenger, the best of speakers, told the news at the proper time: 'Nala's cook has come to my master. From Nala's teaching, he knows how to make the sun-cooked pudding.' Hearing that, Davadanti, her ears pricked-up, said to her father: 'Send a spy and find out what sort of a person this cook is. No one except Nala knows the sun-cooked pudding. Perhaps he is Nala himself, his identity concealed.' Then the king summoned the best of Brahmans, named Kusala, skilled in his master's business and, after entertaining him, instructed him: 'Go to Susumarapura and look at the king's favorite. Find out what arts he knows and what he looks like.' "The lord's command is authority,' saying, the Brahman started, urged on by good omens, and went to Susumarapura. Making repeated enquiries, he sat down near the hunchback. When he had seen the fully transformed figure, he became depressed. He thought: 'On the one hand, there is Nala; on the other hand, this man. On the one hand Meru; on the other, a mustard seed. Davadanti's idea that this man is Nala is surely wrong. I shall find out definitely.' After deliberating, he recited a couple of slokas containing criticism of Nala: ' Nala alone is chief of the cruel, shameless, weak, and wicked who abandoned his faithful wife. How have the feet of Naisadhi of little wit, abandoning his wife asleep, alone, innocent, trusting, endured it?' Hearing that recited again and again, recalling his wife, Nala wept, his lotus-eyes shedding Page #172 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ VASUDEVA'S MARRIAGE WITH KANAKAVATI tears without restraint. Asked by the Brahman, Why do you weep?' the hunchback said, 'I weep at hearing your charming song with the emotion of compassion.' Asked by the hunchback the meaning of the slokas, the Brahman told the story from the time of the gambling up to the coming of Vaidarbhi to Kundinapura. He said further: " Hunchback, a messenger from the lord of Susumara described you to King Bhima as a cook because of the sun-cooked pudding. Bhaimi, persuading her father with the words, "Nala and no one else has such a custom," sent me to look at you. When I had seen you, I reflected: "On the one hand, you are an ugly hunchback; on the other hand, Nala with divine beauty; on the one hand, a firefly; on the other, the sun." As I came, all the omens were favorable. All of them were false, since you are not Nala.' 6 141 Meditating on Davadanti, the hunchback, weeping more and more, importuned the Brahman, took him to his house, and said, 'What welcome can be given to you reciting the story of the virtuous Davadanti and the hero Nala?' Saying this, he prepared a suitable welcome with bath, food, et cetera and gave him all the ornaments given by Dadhiparna. Kusala went duly to Kundina and described to Bhaimi's father the hunchback just as he was. The Brahman told how the hunchback tamed and mounted the elephant and about the sun-cooked pudding which he had seen. He told about the gold necklace, the lac of coins, the clothes, and ornaments given (him) by the hunchback and about his own singing of the slokas. Bhaimi said: 'Father, Nala has been found. Such a change in figure is the result of some defect in food or some fault of karma, surely. Such skill in elephant-training, such a wonderful gift, the sun-cooked pudding-these belong to no one except Nala. Father, by some means bring the hunchback here, that I may test him by observing gestures, et cetera.' King Bhima said: 'Daughter, a man should be sent to Dadhiparna with the invitation to a fictitious svayamvara. Page #173 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 142 CHAPTER THREE Hearing of your svayamvara, Dadhiparna will come. He was eager for you in the first place, but Nala was chosen by you. The hunchback will come with Dadhiparna. If he is Nala, he will not allow you to be given to another. Nala is expert in horsemanship. If the hunchback is really Nala, driving the chariot himself, he will be recognized by the very chariothorses. With him driving, the horses would be swift as the wind, like winds that had been embodied in the form of horses. A day close at hand must be announced. Whoever comes then is Nala. For no one, to say nothing of Nala, endures the humiliation of his wife.' King Bhima summoned the lord of Susumara by messenger for the fifth day.153 Inclined to go, he reflected: 'I want to win Bhaimi, but she is far away. How can I get there tomorrow? What shall I do?' and he became miserable like a fish in too little water. The hunchback thought: 'Bhaimi, a virtuous wife, does not desire another man. Or, if she should desire (one), who would take her, if I were present ? I shall take Dadhiparna to Vidarbha 154 in six watches, so my going with him will be casual. He said to Dadhiparna:' Do not grieve. Tell the reason. For there is no cure of a sick man for a disease undescribed.' Dadhiparna said: 'Hunchback, Nala is dead. Vaidarbhi will hold another svayamvara tomorrow. Her svayamvara will be on the fifth day of the bright fortnight of Caitra. How can I get there in the interval of only six watches? The messenger has come by that same road in many days. How can I go in a day and a half ? 155 I long for Bhaimi in vain.' The hunchback said: 'O king, do not despair. I will take you quickly to Vidarbha. Give me a chariot and horses.' The king told him, 'Take whatever you want,' and the hunchback * 153 985. Not for the fifth day from that time, as one might think, but for the fifth day of the white half of Caitra, as appears below. 154 988. I.e., Kundina. 155 992. I.e., in 18 hours. . Page #174 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ VASUDEVA'S MARRIAGE WITH KANAKAVATI 143 chose the best chariot and thoroughbred horses with all the good marks: When Dadhiparna had seen his skill in everything, he thought: 'He is no common man. He is a god or Khecara.' After he had yoked the horses to the chariot, the hunchback said to the king, 'Get into the chariot. I will have you in Vidarbha at dawn.' The king, his betel-box-bearer, umbrellabearer, two chauri-bearers, and the hunchback--the six of them-got into the chariot which had been made ready. After tying the bel and the jewel-case on his hip with his garment and recalling the pancanamaskara, the hunchback started the horses. The chariot with its horses in good condition advanced by Nala's skill in horsemanship, like a god's aerial car by its master's thought. Dadhiparna's upper garment was blown off by the wind made from the speed of the chariot and it fell, as if used by it (the wind) to pay homage to Nala.156 Dadhiparna said to the hunchback: 'Stop the chariot for a minute. I want to get my scarf that has gone like a bird by the wind blowing it off.' While King Dadhiparna was saying this to the hunchback, the chariot covered twenty-five yojanas. The hunchback said with a smile: Where is your scarf, king? Twenty-five yojanas have been left behind, since the scarf fell. Indeed, these horses must be only second rate. If they were first-class, they would have gone fifty yojanas in so much time. King Dadhiparna saw in the distance a tree named aksa157 filled with fruit and he said to the charioteer: 'I know without 156 1000. Waving of garments' is one of the recognized forms of homage. But I am not quite satisfied with this half-sloka. Avatarana might be taken as making Nala get down from the chariot, in which case the wind would be a perverse fate to slow Nala and the king. Indian Sanskritists, whom I have consulted, do not agree. 157 1005. Aksa is usually the Eleocarpus ganitrus, whose seeds are used in rosaries, but it can also be the Terminalia belerica, the beleric myrobalan, whose most common name is vibhitaka. In the Kathakosa vibhitaka is used. Page #175 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 144 CHAPTER THREE counting them how many fruits are on this tree. I shall show you a marvel on the way back.' The hunchback said: 'King, are you afraid of the loss of time? Do not be afraid with me, expert in horsemanship, as your charioteer. With one blow of my fist I shall make all these fruits fall in front of you, like a cloud making fall drops of rain. The king said: 'Make the fruit fall, indeed, hunchback. There are eighteen thousand of them. See a marvel.' The hunchback knocked them down and the king counted them. There were just as many as he had said, not one more nor one less. The hunchback gave the magic art of horsemanship to Dadhiparna, who asked for it, and received from him fittingly the magic art of numbers. At dawn the hunchback-charioteer reached with the chariot the outskirts of Vidarbha and King Dadhiparna's face was blooming like a lotus. Just then in the last part of the night Vaidarbhi saw a dream which she described to her father joyfully, just as it was. 'I saw the goddess Nirvrti 158 today at dawn, while I was comfortably asleep. She showed me in the sky a garden of Kosala which she had brought here. At her command I climbed a mango tree which had flowers and fruit. She put a blooming lotus in my hand. When I had climbed the tree, a bird, which had gone up before, fell to the ground at once.' Bhima said: 'Daughter, this is a very fine dream. Surely, the goddess Nirvrti is your heap of merit which has matured. The garden of Kosala seen in the air confers lordship over Kosala on you. According to the climbing of the mango, you will soon meet your husband. The bird that had climbed there first and fell-King Kubara will doubtless fall from the throne. From seeing the dream at dawn, Nala will meet you today. For a dream at this time bears fruit quickly.' 158 1014. The only goddess Nirvrti that I have been able to find is a sasanadevata of Santinatha, who is called Nirvani. The variant would be permissible. I owe this identification to Pandit L. B. Gandhi. Page #176 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ VASUDEVA'S MARRIAGE WITH KANAKAVATI 145 At that very time King Dadhiparna arrived at the citygate and a man, Mangala by name, announced to Bhima that he had come. Bhima approached Dadhiparna and embraced him like a friend. After showing him hospitality by giving him a house et cetera, he said: Your cook, the hunchback, knows the sun-cooked pudding. Have him show it to me as I wish to see it. Enough of other conversation.' Dadhiparna gave the hunchback orders about the pudding. He demonstrated it at once, like a wishing-tree. Bhima and his attendants ate the pudding at Dadhiparna's insistence to taste its flavour. Davadanti had a dish of the pudding brought and ate it. She knew from its flavor that the hunchback was Nala. Bhaimi said: 'Formerly an omniscient suri told me that the sun-cooked pudding belonged to Nala alone here in Bharata. Whether this man is a hunchback; whether he is a dwarf; or whatever he may be, there is some reason for that. He is Nala without a doubt. The pudding is one test of Nala; there is another. If I am touched by Nala's finger, my hair will stand up from joy, certainly. Let the hunchback touch me with his finger, as if making a tilaka, (to see) by another sign whether he is Nala.' Asked, "Are you Nala?' the hunchback said: 'You are completely mistaken. On the one hand, Nala with divine beauty; on the other hand, I, unfit even to be seen.' Because of extreme insistence, the hunchback touched her breast very lightly, like a cleaner of wet letters touching a page. By the mere touch of his finger producing unique joy, Bhaimi's body had erect hair like the karkotaka.159 "At that time you deserted me while I was asleep. Where are you going now? You are seen after a long time, lord of my life,' Bhima's daughter said again and again. The hunchback, taken inside the house by her, inviting him, drew clothes and ornaments from the bel and jewel-case. He put 159 1033. The Momordica mixta. Its flowers are downy. Roxb, 19 N Page #177 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 146 CHAPTER THREE them on and resumed his own form. Then Bhima's daughter embraced her husband in his proper form--his whole body, like a creeper a tree. Bhima embraced lotus-eyed Nala, whom he met again at the door and installed him on his own lion-throne. 'You are our master. Everything is yours. Tell me what I shall do,' saying, Bhimaratha stood with folded hands like a door-keeper. Dadhiparna bowed to Nala and said: 'You are our lord always. Pardon anything improper that was done to you from ignorance. Just then Dhanadeva, the caravan-leader, very magnificent, came to see King Bhimaratha, carrying a present. Vaidarbhi had King Bhima show honor to the caravan-leader, a former benefactor, like his own brother. Rtuparna, Candrayasas, their daughter Candravati, and the Lord of Tapasapura, Vasantasrisekhara, came there, summoned at her father's command by Davadanti, who was very eager, anointed by former benefits. Being greatly entertained by King Bhima constantly, they remained a month, delighted by ever new hospitality One day when they were all present in Bhima's assembly, at dawn a god, by whom the sky was bathed in light, came from heaven. With folded hands, he said to Bhaimi: Remember in the past an abbot of ascetics; named Vimalamati, was enlightened by you. After death the abbot became I, a god in Saudharma, Spikesara by name, in the palace named Kesara. Though I had wrong-belief, I was established in Arhats' dharma by you. Because of that dharma, I became a god by your favor.' Saying this, the god rained seven crores of gold and departed, having shown his gratitude. : Vasanta, Dadhiparna, Rtuparna, Bhima, and other powerful kings installed Nala on the throne. At Nala's order the kings assembled their respective armies which, very large, crowded the earth. On an auspicious day Nala, whose power was unequaled, marched with the kings against his own Ayodhya, wishing to seize the Laksmi of the kingdom. Page #178 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ VASUDEVA'S MARRIAGE WITH KANAKAVATI 147 Covering the sun with the dust of that army, in a few days he arrived at a garden, Rativallabha, near Ayodhya and camped. When he knew that Nala had come with great power, Kabara was terrified, as if his breath had left his throat from fear. Nala sent word by a messenger: Play again with dice. Let your wealth be mine alone, or mine be yours.' Kubara, his fear of battle removed, delighted, gambled again. For he thought he would be victorious in this. Naisadha, having good luck, won the whole earth from his younger brother. For in good fortune victory acts like a marali to the lotus-hand of men Kubara, whose kingdom had been won by Nala, though he was very cruel, was not made the home of disfavor, with the idea, "He is my younger brother.' Kubara was made yuvaraja as before without anger by him whose wife was Vaidarbhi, after he had become the ornament of his own kingdom. Having taken possession of his own realm, united with Davadanti, then Nala paid homage eagerly to the shrines in the city Kosala. All the kings living in half of Bharata brought auspicious presents for the coronation, with devotion. Nala ruled half of Bharata for many thousand years, his unbroken command observed by all the kings. One day Nisadha came from heaven in the form of a god and enlightened Nala, a sheat-fish in the ocean of sense-objects. "Why are you, a man, not guarding your wealth of discernment which is always being stolen in the forest of existence by thieves in the form of the senses ? Formerly I promised to tell you when it was the proper time to become a mendicant. Now take mendicancy, the fruit of the tree of life.'. After saying this, the god departed and then a suri, named Jinasena, a treasury of clairvoyance, came there. Davadanti and Nala went to pay him homage zealously. Asked about their former births, after narrating them to them thus, 160 he said: "You obtained the realm from the gift of milk to the 160 1067. As narrated by Kubera himself. Page #179 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 148 CHAPTER THREE sadhu; and the separation of twelve years was the result of the anger at the muni which lasted for twelve ghatikas.' After hearing that, they settled the kingdom on their son Puskala, took the vow from him, and kept it for a long time. One day Nala directed his mind toward Davadanti for the sake of pleasure. Abandoned by the acaryas, he was enlightened by his father who came. As he was unable to keep, the vow, Nala commenced a fast unto death; and Davadanti did so, also, from affection for Nala. Nala died and became I, Kubera. Bhima's daughter became my wife. After falling, Sauri, she became Kanakavati. Confused by excessive affection because she was my wife in a former birth, I came here. For affection lasts for hundreds of births. In this very birth Kanakavati will root up her karma and attain emancipation, Dasarha. The Arhat, Vimala Svamin, told me that in the past in Mahavideha, when I went with Indra to pay homage to him." When Kubera had told Vasudeva the story of Kanakavati's former births, he departed. Because of exceeding long-standing affection Vesni's son married Kanakavati. Again he sported with Khecaris, he, the crest-jewel of the fortunate, whose beauty was unequaled. Page #180 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER IV VASUDEVAHINDI One day when he (Vasudeva ) was asleep, he was kidnaped by Surpaka. Awakened, he struck Surpaka with his fist and Surpaka released him. Sauri fell into the Goda (Godavari), swam across it, went to Kollapura, and married Padmasri, the daughter of King Padmaratha. There he was carried off by Nilakantha and, released, fell into Lake Campa, swam across it, and married a minister's daughter. Then carried off by Surpaka and released, he fell into the Ganga, came out of it and, roaming about, went to a village with other travelers. He married the village-chief's daughter, named Jara, and begot a son on her, named Jarakumara. He married Avantisundari, Surasena, Naradvis, Jivayasas, and other princesses. One day as he was going on the road, a deity said to him: Rohini, daughter of King Rudhira, will be given to you by me in a svayamvara. You must play a drum. " So instructed by her, he went to the svayamvara-pavilion in Aristapura. Rohini came to the marriage-pavilion, like Rohini 161 come to earth in person, the kings, Jarasandha, et cetera, being seated there. Wishing to make themselves pleasing to her, they did this and that; but no one pleased her, who did not see anyone suitable for herself. wwwbw 66 Sauri, disguised, in the midst of the drummers played a drum with clear words in a recital: Come! Come to me, doe-eyed! What do you look at, like a doe? I am the husband suitable for you, eager for union with you." After hearing that, Rohini, her hair erect from the sight of him, threw the svayamvara-wreath around Vasudeva's neck. A great tumult arose among the kings who cried, "Kill him! She chose a drummer," and there was loud laughter at these words. 66 161 9. The favorite wife of the Moon, one of the asterisms. Page #181 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 150 CHAPTER FOUR Dantavakra, lord of Kosala, whose speech was very crooked, said to Rudhira with ridicule, just like a clown: "If your daughter wished you to give her to a drummer, why were these well-born kings summoned by you well-born? If she, not knowing good qualities, chooses a drummer for a husband, she must not be respected by her father. For the father is the ruler of a child." Rudbira said: "Enough of this discussion of yours, king, The man chosen in the syayamvara of maidens is authority." Then King Vidura, skilled in law, said this good thing, " Nevertheless, it is proper for the groom to be asked about his family, etcetera." Vasudeva said: "What is this introduction to the praise of family, since whatever I am, being such, I have been chosen by her. Whoever, unable to endure it, tries to take her away from me, to him I shall tell my family by showing my strength of arm." When Jarasandha had heard this bold speech of his, angry, he said to Samudravijaya and the other kings: "Now, Rudhira, causing embarrassment to kings, is the basest of kings. This drummer is second, crazed by the playing of drums. He is not satisfied by so much: 'The princess has been obtained by me.' He is insolent like a dwarf from obtaining the fruit of a tall tree blown down by the wind. So kill them, Rudhira and the drummer, very quickly, sirs!" Thus addressed, Samudravijaya and the others prepared for battle. A Khecara-lord, Dadhimukha, became charioteer himself and had Vasudeva, eager for battle, get into his chariot. Then Sauri, hard to endure in battle, took the bow and quivers which had been given by Angaravati, the mother of Vegavati. Rudhira's army was broken by Jarasandha's kings. Vasudeva had the horses urged forward by Dadhimukha. The best of the Yadus defeated Satrunjaya, who had risen up (to fight) first. He broke Dantavakra and King Salya. Jarasandha then said anxiously to King Samudra: " This man is not a mere drummer, unconquerable by other kings. Rise up and defeat him yourself. If he is killed, Rohini is yours. Remove the disgrace of defeat Page #182 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ VASUDEVAHINDI from all the kings." Samudravijaya said: Enough of other But at your command, I will fight with men's wives for me! him powerful. 99 Saying this, Samudravijaya fought with his brother. For a long time their sword against sword caused amazement to all. As the chief of the Yadus was thinking, "Who is he, equal to me even?" Vasudeva threw an arrow with a message before him. Samudra seized the arrow and read its words as follows, "Vasudeva who went away by a trick at that time bows to you." ."162 Delighted, the lord of the Dasarhas got down from the chariot and ran forward, saying "Child! Child!" like a cow in the evening eager for its calf. Vasudeva also got down and fell at his feet. Samudra raised him up and embraced him immediately. 66 Asked by his elder brother, "My dear, where have you been for a hundred years?" Vasudeva told all his adventures from the beginning. Just as Samudravijaya was rejoiced by his brother having such power, so Rudhira was rejoiced by his son-in-law. When Jarasandha knew that he was the brother of his own vassal, his anger was appeased. For one's own man of superior merit is a reason for joy. Then a festival was held by the king's people who met for the occasion; and the wedding of Rohini and Vasudeva took place on an auspicious day. The kings, Jarasandha and the others, departed after they had been honored by Rudhira. The Yadavas, together with Kansa, remained there 163 for a year. One day Vasudeva asked Rohini privately, "Why did you ignore kings and choose me, a drummer?" She said: "I have always worshipped the magic art Prajnapti. She told me: The tenth Dasarha will be your husband. You can recognize him by the playing of a drum in the svayamvara.' From complete confidence in her words, I chose you at that time." 162 35. When he left Sauryapura. See above, p. 45 PS.. 163 42. In Aristapura. 151 Page #183 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 152 CHAPTER FOUR One day when Samudravijaya and the others were present in the council, a middle-aged woman descended through the air, bestowing a blessing. She said to Vasudeva: "I am Balacandra's mother, named Dhanavati. For my daughter's sake I have come to take you away. Balacandra is my daughter and Vegavati is like a daughter. 164 Day and night they are miserable because of the separation from you." Vasudeva looked at Samudravijaya's face and the king said, "Go, but do not stay for a long time as before. Then Vasudeva asked forgiveness of the king 165 and went with her in an aerial car to the city Gaganavallabha. Samudravijaya went to his own city with Kansa and looked constantly for Vasudeva's coming. Vasudeva married moonfaced Balacandra who was made ready by her father, the Khecara-lord, Kancanadanstra. Then he collected the beautiful maidens, previously married, from their respective homes and, accompanied by Vidhyadharas like footmen, went to Sauryapura, seated in a lofty aerial car. He was embraced ardently by Samudravijaya, eager, like the moon by the ocean with waves in the form of arms extended. 164 48. Putrika. Two Indian Sanskritists take putrika to mean * like a daughter.' But I think the -ka has a deprecatory tinge. Perhaps 'small daughter,' like 'basa sahib? and chota sahib.' 165 50. For any offence he may have committed. Page #184 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER V BIRTH OF RAMA, KRSNA, AND ARISTANEMI, KILLING OF KANSA, AND FOUNDING OF DVARIKA Now in Hastinapura there lived a sheth and he had a son, named Lalita, very dear to his mother. One day an embryo was produced by the shethni, which gave her much pain. Though she tried to make it fall by various means, it did not fall. A son was born and was given by the shethni to a slavegirl to abandon. He was seen by the sheth and the slave-girl was asked, "What is this?" She said: "He is undesired and is abandoned by the shethni." The sheth took him and reared him secretly somewhere else. The father named the child Gangadatta; and Lalita also cherished him always, unknown to the mother. One day at the spring-festival, Lalita said to his father, " It would be a fine thing, if Gangadatta ate with us today." The sheth said, "If your mother sees him, that will not be fine." "Father, I will see to it that he is not seen." So advised by the sheth, Lalita seated poor Gangadatta behind a curtain for dinner. The sheth and Lalita themselves were seated in front of it at that time and, while eating, gave food to Gangadatta secretly. The curtain was suddenly lifted by the wind and the shethni saw him, dragged him out by the hair, beat him, and threw him in the drain. The sheth and Lalita, embarrassed, bathed Gangadatta and, noble, enlightened him, unknown to the shethni. Then sadhus came there for alms and were questioned by them, "Why does the shethni hate her son?" One sadhu explained: "In a village there were two brothers and they went outside for wood. After loading a cart with wood, the elder brother went ahead and saw a snake, a cakkalunda, 166 moving 166 14. Desinamamala, 3.5, "a kind of snake.' The Desi. has cakkulanda. Muni Punyavijayaji tells me it is the snake commonly called domunha, the two-mouthed' snake. 20 N Page #185 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 154 CHAPTER FIVE on the road. He said to the younger brother, who was driving the cart, "This pitiable cakkalunda must be protected from the cart.' Hearing that, the serpent, delighted, was reassured. The younger brother came there, looked at her, and said, 'She has been protected by the elder brother, but I shall drive the cart over her, to hear with joy the sound of the breaking of her bones.' He, cruel, did so and the snake, hearing that, died while reflecting, "He is some former enemy of mine.' She was born as your wife. The elder brother died and was born as her son, Lalita, dear from the act in a former birth. The younger brother died and became Gangadatta, who was undesired because of his former act. Previous acts do not turn out otherwise." Then disgusted with existence, the father and two sons took the vow. The sheth and Lalita went to Mahasukra; but Gangadatta, recalling his mother's hostility, went to Mahasukra with a nidana for popularity with every one. Birth of Rama (23-27) * Then Lalita's soul fell from Mahasukra and originated in the womb of Vasudeva's wife, Rohini. Rohini saw an elephant, ocean, lion, and moon entering her mouth in a dream in the last part of the night, indicating the birth of a Halabhit. At the proper time Rohini bore a son with the color of Rohini's lord (the moon); and the kings, Magadha, et cetera celebrated his birth-festival. His father gave him the charming name Rama; and Rama grew up gradually, charming the minds of all. Rama acquired all the arts in the presence of teachers, with all the sciences reflected in the unclouded mirror of his intelligence. Account of Narada (28-42) One day Muni Narada came of his own will to Samudravijaya attended by Vasudeva, Kansa, and others. Samudravijaya, Kansa, Vasudeva and others rose and honored him like the risen sun, Delighted by their puja, Narada Page #186 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ BIRTH OF RAMA, KRSNA, AND ARISTANEMI 155 remained a moment and flew up to go elsewhere. For he always roams as he likes: Asked by Kansa, "Who is he?" the king said: .: "In the past there was an ascetic, Yajnayasas, outside the city. His wife was Yajnadatta and his son, Sumitra. Sumitra's wife was Somayasas. A god fell from the Jsmbhakas 167 at the expiration of his life (as god), entered the womb of Somayasas and Narada here was born. When the ascetics had fasted for one day, they always broke fast on the next day by gleaning, going to a forest. One day they went to gather food and left Narada in the shade of an asoka. The Jsmbhakas saw the child who had unusual light. Knowing by clairvoyance that Narada was a friend in a former birth, they transfixed the shade of the asoka above him. Then they went away on their own business but returned, after finishing it. Seeing him, they took him away from affection and took him to Mt. Vaitadhya. Because its shade had been transfixed by the gods, the asoka became known all over the world as chayavyksa 168 (Shade-tree) from that time. The child was guarded by the Jlmbhakas in a cave in Mt. Vaitalhya and, when he was eight years old, he was taught the magic arts, Prajnaptika, et cetera. Going through the air by means of them, he is the ninth Muni Narada in this avasarpini with his last body (before moksa). This birthstory of Muni Narada was related to me by Muni Supratistha who has knowledge of the three periods of time. Fond of quarreling by nature, he becomes angry if treated disrespectfully. He is honored everywhere, as he does not stay in one place." Marriage with Devaki (43-70) One day summoned by Kansa from affection, Anakadundubhi (Vasudeva) went to the city Mathura with the 167 33. Servants of Kubera. 168 38. As a matter of fact, this name for the asoka is not well-known. I can not find it cited anywhere else. Page #187 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER FIVE permission of the lord of Dasarhas. One day there Kansa in company with Jivayasas said to Sauri: "There is a very large city, Mrttikavati by name. My paternal uncle, named Devaka, is king there. He has a daughter, Devaki by name, who resembles a goddess. Go and marry her. I shall be your best man. Do not oppose this friendly request of mine." A depository of courtesy, the tenth Dasarha, so instructed, went with Kansa and he saw Narada on the road. Muni Narada, honored properly by Sauri and Kansa, delighted, asked, 'Where are you going and what for?" Sauri said, "I have started with my friend Kansa to marry the princess Devaki, Devaka's daughter." Narada said: "Such a thing was well undertaken by Kansa. For the Creator is unskilled in the union of suitable persons, even though he created them. Just as you, Vasudeva, have no equal in beauty among men, so Devaka's daughter, Devaki, has none among women. You have married many maidens, even Khecaris. When you have seen Devaki, you will surely consider them without merit. Do not allow any obstacle from any source to this suitable union. I shall go and describe your merits to Devaki, Vasudeva." 156 66 With these words, the muni flew up and went to Devaki's house. Worshipped by her, he announced, Let Vasudeva be your husband." Asked, "Who is Vasudeva?" the muni said: "The young tenth Dasarha, dear to Vidyadhara-women. What else? He, whom in beauty the gods, et cetera do not equal, is Vasudeva." Saying this, Rsi Narada left. Anakadundubhi entered Devaki's heart by that speech. In due course the two came to Mrttikavati city. Honored by Devaka, discerning, Sauri and Kansa took seats on a priceless seat and were asked the reason for their coming. Kansa said: "I came here to have you give Devaki, who is suitable, to Vasudeva. That is the reason for coming. Devaka said: "That is not the custom for the bridegroom himself to come on account of a maiden. I shall not give Devaki to him." "" Page #188 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ BIRTH OF RAMA, KRSNA, AND ARISTANEMI 157 Embarrassed, the two went to their own camp. King Devaka went to his harem. Devaka, to whom Devaki bowed with great joy, gave the blessing, "Obtain a suitable husband, daughter." Devaka told the queen: Today Kansa asked me urgently to give Devaki to Vasudeva. I did not give Devaki to Vasudeva, unable to bear separation from her." Hearing that, the queen was depressed and Devaki cried aloud. Knowing fully their inclinations, Devaka said, "Enough of this grief. I have come here to question you." The queen said: "Vasudeva is a suitable husband for Devaki. He himself has come to court her because of her merit." 66 When he had been told this, Devaka had Kansa and Vasudeva, whom he himself had formerly scorned, conducted to him at once by the minister. On an auspicious day the wedding of Devaki and Vasudeva took place with new auspicious songs being sung very loud. Devaka gave much gold, et cetera to Vasudeva and he also gave Nanda, owner of ten cattle-stations, together with a crore of cattle. Dasarha and Kansa, accompanied by Nanda, went to Mathura and Kansa began a great festival created for his friend's wedding. Incident of Jivayasas and Atimukta (71-88) Kansa's younger brother, Atimukta, who had taken the vow already, his body emaciated from fasting, came to Kansa's house to break his fast. Then Jivayasas, Kansa's wife, who was under the influence of wine, said: "It is a good thing that you have come on this festival-day, brother-in-law. Dance, sing with me." With such words the' muni was tormented by her many times clinging to his neck, as if he were a householder. He, omniscient, announced to her: The seventh child of the person on whose.account this festival is held will be the slayer of your husband and father." Hearing that speech that was like a clap of thunder, Jivayasas became sober very soon from fear and released the muni. She went and told Kansa and Kansa reflected: "A thunderbolt might be erring, but not the speech of the muni. Page #189 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 158 CHAPTER FIVE Before any one knows, I myself shall ask Anakadundubhi for the seven future children of Devaki. If my friend, being asked, will not give Devaki's children, I will try something else, that I may have peace." Making such a plan, feigning intoxication though sober, he went to Vasudeva's house, his hands folded in supplication even from afar. Dasarha got up to meet him and received him suitably, stroked him with his hand, and said hastily: "You are my friend, dear as life. You seem to be wanting to say something. Say it." I shall do whatever you say." Kansa said, his hands folded: "In the beginning I have been made satisfied, friend, by you by making Jarasandha give me Jivayasas. Now you should give me the seven children of Devaki as soon as born." Vasudeva, honest-minded, promised it should be so. Devaki also, not knowing the facts, said: "Let it be so. There is no difference between Vasudeva's children and your children. For our union was arranged by you alone like the Creator. Why are you different now, like one without authority, Kansa?" Dasarha said: "Fair lady, enough of much talk. Seven children of yours must be given to Kansa, as soon as born." Kansa said, "This is a favor to me," with a pretense of being intoxicated. After drinking wine with Dasarha, he went to his house. Afterwards Anakadundubhi heard the story of the muni and, truthful, was grieved at the thought, "I was tricked by Kansa." Exchange of children (89-97) Now in Bhaddilapura there was a rich sheth, named Naga, and his wife, Sulasa. Both were advanced lay-disciples. In Sulasa's childhood the flying sage, Atimukta said, " This girl will bear still-born children." Naigamesin, Hari's god, 169 was worshipped by her with penance and, pleased, when asked for sons, said, knowing it from clairvoyance, " I shall deliver 169 91. The general of Sakra's infantry. Cf. K., p. 305. Page #190 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ BIRTH OF RAMA, KRSNA, AND ARISTANEMI to you, whose children will be still-born, Devaki's children whom Kansa has asked for in order to kill, by transference of the children, pious woman." By his own power he made Devaki and Sulasa ready for conception at the same time and they became pregnant at the same time. They gave birth at the same time and the god transferred the dead child of Sulasa and gave Devaki's child to Sulasa. So the god exchanged six of their infants. Kansa had the still-born infants crushed thoroughly on a mill-stone. Devaki's children, like own children of Sulasa, grew up happily in her house, her nurslings. They were named Anikayasas, Anantasena, Ajitasenaka, Nihatari, Devayasas and Satrusena. Birth of Krsna (98-114) Then Devaki, after her purificatory bath, saw a dream at dawn-a lion, sun, fire, elephant, banner, aerial car, and a lotus-pool. Gangadatta's jiva fell from Sukra and descended into her womb; and she carried the embryo like the ground of a mine a jewel. On the night of the eighth day of the white half of Nabhas (Sravana), Devaki bore a son, black, on whom gods attended, destroying enemies by his glances. His partisans, the gods, put to sleep Kansa's agents, watchmen, by their power, as if they had eaten poison. Devaki summoned her husband and said: "You have been chained by a promise by scoundrelly Kansa, who is not a friend though pretending to be a friend. He kills each son of mine as soon as born. Save this child even by deceit. There is no deceit toward a criminal in protecting a child. Take this baby of mine to Nanda's cattle-station and leave him. He will grow up there like his maternal grandfather's house." epo Saying, "Very well! Very well!" the chief of the Yadus, tender from affection, took the child and left the house whose guards were asleep. The gods held an umbrella over him, made a rain of flowers and a light on the road by eight torches held The gods assumed the form of white bulls, going in front of him, and opened the city-gates without being seen by others. erect. 159 Page #191 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 160 CHAPTER FIVB Sauri arrived at the main gate and, questioned from astonishment by King Ugrasena who was in a cage, 170 "What's this?" Sauri replied joyfully to Ugrasena, showing him the child: " He is an enemy of Kansa. The destruction of your enemy will take place from him and your rise to power from him. But, o king, you must not tell this to any one." He said, "Very well " and Sauri went to Nanda's house. Just then Nanda's wife, Yasoda, bore a daughter. Sauri gave Yasoda the son, took the girl, and immediately put her in the boy's place at Devaki's side. Sauri left and Kansa's guards awake, saying, " What has happened," saw the daughter there. They delivered her to Kansa and Kansa thought: "The seventh child who was to be the death of me is a mere girl. I think the muni's speech was false. What need to kill her ?:". After cutting off one nostril, he returned her to Devaki. Krsna's childhood (116-169) The boy was named Krsna because of his black body and, protected by the gods, he grew up in Nanda's house. When a month had passed, Devaki said to Vasudeva, "I am eager to see my son. I shall go to Gokula. "171 Sauri said: " Kansa will see you going unexpectedly. So it is proper for you to go, after inventing some reason, Devaki. Accompanied by many women, worshipping cows everywhere, you should go to Gokula by the cow-path." Devaki did so. Devaki saw there her son, his breast marked with the srivatsa, his complexion like a petal of the blue lotus, his eyes like blooming white lotuses, his hands and feet marked by the disc, et cetera, polished like a sapphire, sitting on Yasoda's lap, delighting the heart. With the pretext of cow-worship Devaki went there constantly. The custom of cow-worship commenced among the people from that time. Then from inherited hostility Surpaka's two daughters, 170 108. See above, p. 44. 171 117. Nanda's cattle-station. Page #192 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ BIRTH OF RAMA, KRSNA, AND ARISTANEMI 1 61 Sakuni and Patana, unable to injure Vasudeva, went to Gokula, like witches most evil, to kill Klsna, who was alone without Yasoda and Nanda. Sakuni, standing on a cart, cried out sharply to Krsna standing below and Putana thrust her breast smeared with poison into Kssna's mouth. Instantly the deities attending on Kssna struck them both with the same cart and killed them. Nanda came there, saw Krsna alone, the cart overturned and the two Khecaris who had been killed. Saying, " I have been robbed," he put Krsna on his lap and reproachfully asked the herdsmen: "How was the cart overturned? Who are these two dead women with red faces like Raksasis? My son, (left) alone, is alive only because of his good fortune." The herdsmen said: "Master, this cart was overturned by this strong child of yours and these women were killed by him alone." Hearing that, Nanda examined Kesava over all his body and, seeing that he was uninjured, said to Yasoda: "Why do you attend to other business, leaving the boy alone ? Left even for a few minutes just now, he falls into misfortunes here. Even if the jars of ghi are rolling about, you must not go anywhere, leaving Ktsna alone. Enough of your other work." Hearing that speech, Yasoda, saying, "Oh! I am killed!" beating her breast with her hand, picked up Ktsna. Asking, "You are not hurt?" accompanied by an examination of his body, Yasoda kissed Kisna on the head and embraced him. Zealously Yasoda carried him herself constantly, but Kssna, impetuous by disposition, went here and there by tricks. One day, afraid of his running away, she tied Kssna by a rope around the waist, fastened the end of the rope to a mortar, and went to a neighboring house. Then Surpaka's son, recalling his ancestral hostility, went there and assumed the form of two arjuna 172 trees near each other. He led Krsna with the mortar between them in order to crush him and he was killed by Krsna's deity, who destroyed the arjuna trees. Hearing 172 138. Terminalia arjuna(MW); Pentaptera arjuna (Roxb.), 21 N Page #193 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 162 CHAPTER FIVE from a cowherd that the two arjunas had been uprooted by Ktsna like an elephant, Nanda came with Yasoda. They kissed Kssna, gray with dust, affectionately on the head and the herdsmen called him ' Damodara 'from tying with the rope. He, dearer than life, was held on breast, hip, and head day and night by the cowherds and milkmaids. He took the fresh butter from the churns mischievously and was not hindered by the herdsmen, gentle from affection, looking at his curious performances. He gave joy to Yasoda, Nanda, and the herdsmen, whether talking, wandering about, fighting, or eating. Afraid of accidents, they were not able to prevent him going about, but only followed him, fettered by the bonds of affection. Dasarha heard that he had killed Sakuni and Putana, overturned the cart, and destroyed the two arjunas. He reflected: "I concealed the son, but he is becoming known by his strength. May Kansa not find out about him. Even if he does find out, may he not be able to do anything unfavorable to him. Which one of my sons can I send to Krsna's aid? Akrura and the others are known to Kansa who has cruel ideas. Rama is a good one to assign, since he is not known to him now." Making this decision, Sauri had Rohini and Rama brought from Kosala 173 and, having talked with them, sent them to Sauryapura. One day he summoned Rama and told him everything in detail, gave him instructions, and turned him over to Yasoda and Nanda as a son. The two, ten bows tall, handsome, played, watched unwinkingly by the milkmaids whose work was neglected. Kssna studied archery and all the arts at Rama's side, always having assistance bestowed by the herdsmen. Sometimes as friends, sometimes as, teacher and pupil, they did various things, never separated even for a moment. Kesava seized by the tail excited bulls as they went 173 150. Jove must have nodded. There has been no mention of Rohini and Rama going to Kosala. Presumably they have been in Sauryapura, since Vasudeva collected his wives and went there; See p. 152. Page #194 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ BIRTH OF RAMA, KRSNA, AND ARISTANEMI 163 along. Rama, knowing his brother's strength, looked on like a stranger. 39 Krsna grew up there in such a way that the love of the milkmaids became a disease from looking at him. The milkmaids put him in the center and made a ballet (hallisa) around him, like bees circling ardently around a lotus. The milkmaids neither closed their eyes, looking at him, nor their lips, murmuring, " Krsna, Krsna. The milk-pail was knocked over because their attention was fixed on Krsna and sometimes they milked the cows on the ground without knowing it. They pretended terror, even when it did not exist, to make Krrsna face them quickly, when he was going away with his back to them. For he was devoted to comforting the terrified. Gathering wreaths of the sinduvara, et cetera, the milkmaids themselves placed them on Krsna's chest, like svayamvarawreaths. They stumbled at the beginning of song and dance, even when they knew them, eager to sip gracious speech from Krsna in the guise of teaching. The milkmaids talked and touched him for any reason whatever, as if he were the lord of the herdsmen, their passion unconcealed. Wearing a peacock's tail, Krsna sang gurjaris 174 of the herdsmen, the intervals being completed by the milkmaids without interruption. Krsna, being asked, pulled up lotuses growing in deep water, swimming easily like a hansa, and gave them to the milkmaids. 'When your brother is seen, he steals our heart; but when he is not seen, he takes our life," the milkmaids reproached Rama. Rama's younger brother frequently made Rama laugh, standing on a mountain-peak, playing the sweet-voiced lute, and dancing. Rama, like an excellent stage-manager, clapped to keep time for the milkmaids singing and the cowherd Krsna dancing. While Rama and Krsna sported in this way as cowherds there, eleven years passed happily like the susama-period. 175 174 164. The name of a Ragini, a musical mode. 175 169. The time of Bliss in the wheel of time. It is the second-best period, next to Pure Bliss. Page #195 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER FIVE Birth of Neminatha (170-186) Now in Srisauryapura Samudravijaya's wife, Siva, saw fourteen great dreams in the last part of the night: an elephant, bull, lion, Sri, wreath, moon, sun, banner, water-jar, lotus-pond, ocean, aerial car, heap of jewels, and fire. Then on the twelfth day of the dark half of Karttika the moon being in Tvastra (Citra), Sankha fell from Aparajita and descended into Siva's womb. There was happiness for hell-inhabitants and a light in the three worlds at that time. For that is a certainty at the kalyanas 176 of the Arhats. When Queen Siva was awake, she related the dreams to her husband. Krostuki came there, summoned to be asked the meaning of the dreams. Aflying ascetic came there of his own accord and he was honored by the king, who rose, and was seated on a splendid seat. The muni with Krostuki, questioned by the king about the meaning of the dreams, explained, " Your son will be a Tirthakrt, Lord of Three Worlds." After this explanation, the sage departed; and the king and queen experienced great joy, as if bathed in nectar. The queen carried the embryo concealed, which conferred happiness, bestowing an increase of beauty and grace on every limb. At night on the fifth of the white half of Sravana, the moon being in Tvastra, the queen bore a son, black in color, marked with a conch. The fifty-six Dikkumaris came from their respective places and performed the birth-rites of Queen Siva and the Jinendra. Sakra came there in five forms. With one form he took the Lord, and with two the chauris, with one a shining umbrella, and with one twirling the thunderbolt in front of the child like a dancer, he went to the peak of Meru to the rock Atipandukambala. Purandara sat down on a lion-throne on it and seated the Master on his lap like a splendid lion-throne. Then the sixty-three Indras, beginning with Acyuta, immediately bathed The 5 important, auspicious occasions in an Arhat's life. See 1, 176 173. n. 147. Page #196 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ BIRTH OF RAMA, KRSNA, AND ARISTANEMI 1 65 the Jinendra devotedly. Sakra set the Master on Isana's lap, bathed him properly, and worshipped him with divine flowers, et cetera. After he had made the light-waving and had bowed to the Lord with folded hands, Hari, his voice vehement with devotion, began a hymn of praise. Stuti (187-194) "O Lord, you who are attaining emancipation, pearl in the oyster-shell of Siva's womb, sole abode of the kalyanas, Blessed One, you are bestowing happiness. Homage to you, whose emancipation is near, to whom all objects are visible, treasury of manifold supernatural powers, twenty-second Arhat. The Hari-line is purified; the land of Bharata is purified in which you in your last body have descended, Teacher of the World. You are the sole depository of compassion, the sole abode of chastity, the sole refuge of power, Teacher of Three Worlds. By the mere sight of you, very powerful, Lord of the World, the work of teaching living beings is accomplished from the dispersion of delusion. Without any reason you are a protector; without any cause, affectionate; a supporter without motive; you the sole striver after emancipation in the Hari-line.177 Today this Bharataksetra is best in which you have descended from Aparajita for the delight of the people, bestowing enlightenment. May your (lotus-)feet impose constantly the condition of being a hansa on my mind and may my voice be successful in its purpose by the praise of your virtues." After this hymn of praise, Purandara took the Lord of the World and put him down by Sri Siva's side according to custom. Then Vasava appointed five Apsarases as nurses for the Master, made a pilgrimage to Nandisvara, and went to his own place. When he had seen his son at dawn with a great light like the risen sun, delighted, Samudravijaya held the birth-festival. 177 192. With the second meaning: sole pearl of the yellow bamboo. The bamboo is considered a source of pearls. See I, n. 314. Page #197 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 166 CHAPTER FIVE The rim of a wheel made of arista 178 was seen in a dream by his mother, while he was still in the womb, and for that reason his father gave him the name Aristanemi. When they heard of Aristanemi's birth, Vasudeva and others held a great festival in Mathura from extreme joy. One day Kansa went to Vasudeva's house to see Devaki and saw the girl who had one nostril cut off. Terrified, Kansa went home and questioned an expert astrologer, "Is not the muni's speech about Devaki's seventh child false?" The astrologer said: "The muni's speech is not false. Devaki's seventh child, the cause of your death, is somewhere. The bull, Arista, which you have, the great horse, named Kesin, an untamed donkey and goat-turn them loose in Vrndavana. The one who, playing there at will, kills them, though they are like iron, is Devaki's seventh son, your slayer. Furthermore, he alone will be able to string the hereditary bow Sarnga, which is in your house, worshipped by your mother. What was foretold by the omniscient, that, difficult to be touched by other people, will happen to the future powerful Vasudeva. Destroyer of the serpent Kaliya, slayer of Canura, he will kill your elephants, Padmottara and Campaka. 35 In order to ascertain his enemy, Kansa turned Arista and the others loose in the forest and instructed the wrestlers, Canura and Mustika, to train. Then in autumn the bull, Arista, like misfortune personified, bellowing, attacked the cowherds' establishment in Vrndavana. He lifted the cows on the ends of his horns, like mud from a river-bank, and he turned over many jars of butter with the end of his nose. "Save us! Krsna! Krsna! Rama! Rama! the loud miserable outcry of herdsmen arose then. Saying, "What's this?" Govinda ran in haste with Rama and saw before him a powerful bull. Though restrained by the 178 198. Or rista, a kind of black jewel. Cf. I, p. 368. In the Uttar., p. 197 of SBE. vol. XLV, Jacobi takes ristaka, in a list of symbols for blackness, as Sapindus Detergens, the soap-nut. It is certainly the jewel there, also. Page #198 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 167 BIRTH OF RAMA, KRSNA, AND ARISTANEMI elders saying, "Stop! This is no business of yours with our cows and butter, " Kssna challenged the bull. Raising his horns, his face screwed up with anger, his tail erect, Arista attacked Govinda. Hari seized him quickly by the horns, twisted his neck, made him breathless, and killed Arista. "Arista, who was like Death, has been killed," delighted, everywhere the herdsmen worshipped Krsna, thirsty for the sight of him. One day while Kesna was playing, Kansa's colt, Kesin, came with evil intentions like Kinasa, open-mouthed. Biting the calves, kicking the pregnant cows with his hooves, neighing in a terrifying manner, he was threatened severely by Krsna. Twirling his arm which resembled a thunderbolt, Hari put it in the mouth, cruel with saw-like teeth, stretched out, of him wishing to bite. He split his face with his arm (pushed) down to his neck, so that he was lifeless, as if eager for the company of Arista. One day Kssna, long-armed, killed easily Kansa's donkey and goat, whose strength was cruel, coming there. When he heard that they had been killed, in order to test his enemy thoroughly, Kansa set up Sarnga in the assembly under pretext of a paja. He made his sister, the maiden Satyabhama, its attendant, always near, and opened the festival. Kansa had it proclaimed, "I shall give goddess-like Satyabhama to the one who strings Sarnga." Hearing that, kings came there even from afar, but no one was able to string the bow. Hearing about it, Anadhssti, the son of Madanavega and Vasudeva, thinking himself a hero, got into a swift chariot. Crossing to Gokula, he saw there Rama and Ktsna together. He stopped one night and entertained them, talking. At dawn he got into the chariot, dismissed his younger brother Rama, and set out, taking Krsna as a guide on the road to Mathura. His chariot caught on a banyan on the road filled with trees and Anadhssti was not able to free it. Krsna came there on foot, pulled up the banyan easily, threw it aside, and after that made a straight chariot-road. Then Anadhtsti, delighted at seeing his strength, got down, embraced him, and put him in the chariot. Page #199 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 168 CHAPTER FIVE In time they crossed the Kalindi and entered Mathura. They went to the assembly of the bow to which many kings had come. They saw lotus-eyed Satyabhama, like its guardiandeity, near the bow. Looking at eager Krsna, Satyabhama, wounded by Manobhava's arrow, instantly chose him in her mind as her husband. Anadhrsti approached and, as he lifted up the bow, his foot slipped in the mud and he fell to the ground, like a camel. Then Satyabhama and the others with wide-opened eyes laughed a little at him with his necklace broken, his crown crushed, and his ear-rings lost. Unable to endure their laughter, instantly Damodara took up the bow as if it were a garland of flowers and strung it easily. With the curved bow which had great brilliance he looked like a rainy season cloud with a rainbow. Anadhrsti went to his father's house, left Kesava at the door in the chariot, went inside, and announced to his father, "I alone strung the bow Sarnga, Father, which could not be even touched anywhere by other kings. Vasudeva said harshly, "Go without delay. When Kansa knows that you have strung the bow, he will kill you. " Hearing that, Anadhrsti left the house in fear and went in haste with Krsna to Nanda's cow-station. Taking leave of Rama and Govinda, he went to Sauryapura. "2 There was a rumor that Nanda's son has strung the bow. Distressed by the stringing of the bow, using the festival of the bow as a pretext, Kansa summoned all the wrestlers for a contest. The kings, who had been summoned there, stood on platforms in order to see and their eyes were fixed especially on Kansa placed on a high platform. All his own elder brothers and all his sons, Akrura, et cetera, had been summoned by Vasudeva who knew Kansa's evil intentions. They were seated on very high platforms by Kansa, who had entertained them, like suns very strong in brilliance. Hearing that there was a wrestling-match, Krsna said to Rama, "Elder brother, let us go there and see the wrestlingshow. Rama agreed and said to Yasoda, "Prepare a bath for us, as we intend to go to Mathura. " Seeing that she was 99 Page #200 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ BIRTH OF RAMA, KRSNA, AND ARISTANEMI somewhat slow, Bala spoke harshly, for the sake of a prologue to the story of the murder of Govinda's brothers, "Say, have you forgotten now your former state as a slave that you do not carry out our order quickly?" Satvata (Rama), devoted, took Krsna, who was pale at that speech, to the river Yamuna for his bath. He said to him, "Why, my boy, do you appear pale, like a mirror touched by the wind and cloud of the rainy season?" Govinda said to Baladeva in choking words, "Why do you speak contemptuously to my mother, brother, saying to her, 'You are a slave'?" Rama said to Janardana who was pleasing_to_women: Yasoda is not your mother and Nanda is not your father. But Devaki, King Devaka's daughter, is your mother; and Vasudeva, the sole hero of the universe, fortunate, is your father. Every month Devaki comes here to see you under pretext of cow-worship, tearful, the surface of the ground being sprinkled from her breasts. Vasudeva, who has stayed in Mathura at Kansa's insistence, is our father, the sole ocean of gallantry. I am your elder brother with a different mother. I came here at the order of the honored father to protect you as he feared some misfortune to you." Asked by the younger brother, Why was I sent here by father?" he told the whole story of the brothers' murder, et cetera, committed by Kansa. 66 169 CC Hearing that, Krsna was angered and, cruel as a fire, vowed to kill Kansa. He entered the river to bathe. Kaliya, a serpent, his body submerged in the Kalindi's water, attacked Janardana, like a friend of Kansa, intending to bite him. While Rama was saying, "What's this?" because of the glitter of the jewel in his hood, Krsna rose up and seized it like a blue lotus. Krsna mounted the snake and rode it for a long time in the water by a lotus-stalk in its nose like an ox being led by a nose-cord. Leaving it crushed as if lifeless, Krsna left (the river) and was surrounded by Brahmans who had come from curiosity, asking whether the bath had been auspicious. Surrounded by cowherds, Rama and Krsna, very powerful, went to Mathura 22 N Page #201 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 170 CHAPTER FIVE and reached the main gate. There two elephants, Padmottara and Campaka, driven by mahouts at Kansa's order, ran toward them. Krsna killed the elephant Padmottara by pulling out its tusks, by blows with his fist, et cetera; and Balabhadra, like a lion, killed Campaka. They were watched by the townsmen with great astonishment, saying to each other, "These are Nanda's sons who killed Arista and the others." Wearing dark blue and yellow garments and garlands of wild flowers, surrounded by herdsmen, both Rama and Kssna went to the arena. There the two brothers, fearless, with their followers sat down on a high platform, after sending away the people who occupied it. Satvata pointed out to Krsna the enemy Kansa and the fathers,179 Samudravijaya and the others, in order of seniority. "Who are they, resembling gods?" debating with each other, the kings and townsmen seated on the platforms, looked at them. At Kansa's command many wrestlers contended there. Urged by him, Canura got up, as big as a mountain. Roaring like a thunder-cloud and giving slaps with his hands, scorning all the kings, Canura said aloud: "If anyone is the son of a hero and thinks himself a hero, let him, difficult to be suffered, fulfil my confidence in a wrestling contest." Unable to endure the insolence of Canura swaggering excessively, Kssna descended from the platform and, long-armed, slapped his arms. The slaps of Govinda, like the blows of a lion with his tail, shook heaven and earth, as it were, with a loud noise. " Canura, a professional pugilist, is superior in age and physique, hard from training, always cruel like a yak. This one is a mere boy, simple, softer than the heart of a lotus from living in the forest, inexperienced. It is not fitting for them to fight. Shame on this improper thing disapproved by every one!" A tumult arose among the people saying this aloud. Then Kansa said in a rage: " By whom were these herdsmen, intoxicated by drinking milk, brought here? On the contrary, 179 272. I.e., the uncles. Page #202 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ BIRTH OF RAMA, KRSNA, AND ARISTANEMI they have come of their own accord! Who, pray, here hinders them wishing to fight? Let him speak separately who has any injury from them! 33 Hearing Kansa's speech, all the people became silent and Govinda, his lotus-eyes wide-open, said: "This man, Canura, chief of pugilists, has been fed on royal food, always in training, with a very fine physique-now he may be seen killed by me, a herd-boy, living on milk, like an elephant by a young lion. "" Terrified by his confidence, Kansa ordered a second great pugilist, Mustika by name, to be ready to fight at the same time. Seeing Mustika get up, Satvata, skilled in fighting, descended from the platform and challenged him to fight. Then Krsna and Canura and Rama and Mustika began to fight with arms that resembled magic nooses. The earth trembled, as it were, from their heavy footsteps and the pavilion of the universe resounded, as it were, from the noise of their slaps. Mustika and Canura were thrown up in the air like bunches of grass by Rama and Krsna and the people, looking on, were delighted. The people became gloomy when they saw the heroes being thrown up at all by Canura and Mustika. Kesava struck Canura with a hard fist, like an elephant striking a heap of rocks vigorously with the hammer of his tusk. Canura, destroying pride, thinking himself victorious, struck Aristasudana 180 on the chest with his fist whose strength was equal to a ball of adamant. Injured by that blow, his eyes rolling as if from wine, Adhoksaja fell to the ground, his eyes shut. Incited by a glance by Kansa skilled in trickery, Canura, wicked, ran again to kill Govinda while he was unconscious. Bala, realizing that he intended to kill him, at once abandoned Mustika and struck him with his forearm which imitated a falling thunderbolt. Canura was hurled seven bows 181 by that blow and Krsna, having recovered conscious 180 294. The destroyer of the bull Arista. 181 298. Forty-two feet. 171 Page #203 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 172 CHAPTER FIVE ness, challenged him to fight again. Pressing on his waist with his knees and bending his head with his arm, Govinda, very strong, struck Canura with his fist. Canura, throwing up a stream of blood, his eyes miserable, was released at once by Krsna as well as by the breath of life as if terrified. Trembling from the agitation of anger, Kansa said: "Ho! Kill these sons of a cowherd without delay. Kill Nanda, too, by whom these serpents have been nourished. Take the property of the rogue and bring it here. If anyone else, a partisan of his, protects him in the meantime, he is equally guilty and must be killed quickly by my order." Then Pundarikaksa (Krsna), red-eyed from the agitation of anger, said: "Canura having been killed, you are as good as dead now from us. Now protect yourself, on the point of being killed by me now, villain. Later, you may give orders for what is suitable for your anger in regard to Nanda and others." With these words Govinda jumped up, climbed on the platform instantly, seized Kansa by the hair, and threw him to the ground. Janardana said to him whose crown was crushed, whose garment had slipped off, his eyes wavering like an animal tied in a slaughter-house: " The children's murders were committed uselessly for your protection, villain. Now you cease to exist. Experience the fruit of your own acts." All the people were astonished and terrified at Hari, by whom Kansa had been captured, like a rogue-elephant that had taken his form. The blue-clothed hero (Bala) made Mustika breathless by tying him with a rope and killed him like a goat brought for sacrifice. Now the soldiers, adherents of Kansa, in order to protect Kansa, ran to kill Kssna, holding many weapons. Rama pulled up a post of the platform and, striking around, put them to flight quickly, like bees in a honey-comb. Krsna set his foot on Kansa's head and killed him, dragged him by the hair, and threw him outside the arena, like an ocean casting up a tree. Then Jarasandha's soldiers, brought in advance by Kansa, put on armor with the intention of killing Rama and Krsna. Page #204 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ BIRTH OF RAMA, KRSNA AND ARISTANEMI 173 Seeing them clad in armor, King Samudravijaya put on armor and attacked in battle. For his coming was for that purpose. Jarasandha's soldiers fled quickly in every direction from King Samudravijaya like an ocean with high waves. At Samudravijaya's order Anadhssti put Rama and Kssna in his own chariot and took them to Vasudeva's house. All the Yadus, Samudravijaya and the others, went to Vasudeva's house and, having called a meeting, sat down. With Bala sharing his seat, Vasudeva, tearful, seated Kesava on his lap and kissed his head again and again. Asked by his brothers, " What's this ? " Anakadundubhi related Krsna's story from the affair of Atimuktaka. Then Samudravijaya took Krsna on his lap and, delighted at Rama's protection of him, praised Rama again and again. Devaki came with her daughter with one nostril, took Krsna who was going from lap to lap, and embraced him. The heroes, the Yadavas, weeping, said to Vasudeva: " You are able to conquer the world alone, long-armed one. How, hero, have you endured your sons being killed, as soon as they were born, by Kansa extremely evil ? " Vasudeva said: "I have endured this crime to protect my vow of truthfulness observed since birth. Krsna was saved by me at Devaki's insistence and concealed in Gokula. I took in exchange this pitiful daughter of Nanda. The scoundrel released her with contempt, after cutting off one nostril, thinking, Devaki's seventh child is a mere girl. ?" With the approval of his brothers and nephews, Samudravijaya dragged King Ugrasena from prison. Samudravijaya and the others with King Ugrasena held Kansa's funeral rites on Kalindi's bank. Kansa's mother and wives gave handfuls of water in the river, 182 but Jivayasas did not give from pride and she said angrily: "When I have destroyed these cowherds, Rama and Kssna, 182 330. At the end of the funeral rites. On the tenth day, the relatives take a bath, dip up handfuls of water and pour them out again, with mantras. Page #205 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 174 CHAPTER FIVE and the Dasarhas with their descendants, I shall perform my husband's funeral rites. Otherwise, I shall enter the fire." After making this vow publicly, she went to the city Rajagpha ruled over by Jarasandha. With permission of Rama and Krsna, King Samudravijaya made Ugrasena king in the city Mathura. Janardana (Krsna) married Satyabhama, who was given by Ugrasena, with fitting rites on the day designated by Krostuki. Now, Jivayasas, weeping, her hair disheveled, entered Jarasandha's assembly, like Bad Luck embodied. Questioned by Jarasandha, she told with difficulty the story of Atimuktaka and Kansa's slaying. Jarasandha said: " Kansa did not do well, since he did not kill Devaki herself. How is there ploughing in the absence of a field? Do not weep now, child. I shall make their women weep, by killing all of Kansa's slayers together with destruction of the root (Devaki)." After telling her this, Jarasandha gave instructions to a king, named Somaka, and despatched him to Samudravijaya. Arriving in Mathura, he said to King Samudravijaya: " Your lord, Jarasandha, commands you: 'Jivayasas is dearer than life to us. Because of her affection Kansa was her husband. To whom is this not known? You, our servant, may remain in peace; but Rama and Krsna, these insignificant enemies of Kansa, must be surrendered. Moreover, even though the seventh child was surrendered before, surrender him now; but Rama must be surrendered because of protecting him.'" Samudravijaya said: " If six children were surrendered by honest Vasudeva without my knowledge, that was not fitting. If Kansa has been killed by the boys, Rama and Krsna, from hostility because of their brothers' murder, what crime have they committed in this? The one fault on our part is this: that Vasudeva voluntarily from simplicity--that with his knowledge six sons 183 of mine were killed. My sons, Rama and Krsna, are the breath of life (to me). This action of your 183 346. I.e., nephews. Page #206 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ BIRTH OF RAMA, KRSNA AND ARISTANEMI. 175 lord, demanding them with the intention of killing them, is (taken) without reflection." Somaka said angrily: " Consideration of what is fitting or unfitting is never at all suitable for servants in case of the master's order. Let these two wretches go where the six infants went, king. Do not scratch the mouth of the serpent Taksaka. Quarreling with the powerful is not for your advantage. Who are you compared with the Lord of Magadha, like a goat compared with an elephant ? " Govinda, angry, replied: " Because the bond of affection has been preserved for a long time by our father from simplicity, does your master have power (over us)? Jarasandha is not our lord. On the contrary, saying this, he is a second Kansa. Therefore, go! Tell him what you like, sir!" Thus addressed, Somaka said to Samudravijaya: " This son of yours is a firebrand in the family, Dasarha. Why do you overlook that?" Blazing with anger at that speech, Anadhesti said: "Are you not ashamed at asking sons from a father, again and again? The lord of Rajagsha is grieved by the slaying of his son-in-law. Are we not grieved at the killing of six brothers? We, powerful Rama and Klsna and the others, Akrura and the rest, will not endure your speaking so, look you!" Attacked by Anadhtsti angrily in these words, distressed by anger, disregarded by Samudra, Somaka went to his own house. The next day the lord of the Dasarhas called together his relatives and asked his friend, Krostuki, the best of astrologers, "Tell us what will happen in the future in regard to this quarrel of ours that has arisen with Jarasandha, lord of three-part Bharata." He said: "Soon Rama and Ktsna, powerful, will be lords of three-part Bharata, after killing him. Go now to the west to the shore of the ocean. The beginning of the destruction of enemies will take place as you go there. Where Satyabhama bears twins, you must found a city in that very place and stay without fear."... ... Then the king informed his people about his departure by proclamation and left Mathura accompanied by eleven crores Page #207 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 176 CHAPTER FIVE of families. Samudravijaya went to Sauryapura, collected seven crores of families, and set forth, accompanied by relatives. King Ugrasena followed King Samudra and all went very willingly on the road inside the Vindhya. Then King Somaka went and reported all that, which was fuel to the fire of anger, to Ardhacakrin Jarasandha. Seeing Jarasandha angry, his son, Kala, said: "What are these wretched Yadus to you? Give me orders and I will kill the Yadus, having dragged them from the ends of the earth, from fire, and from the ocean. Otherwise, I shall not return." Then Jarasandha ordered Kala, accompanied by five hundred kings, surrounded by a great army, (to march) against the Yadus. Kala set out, accompanied by his brothers Yavana and Sahadeva, though restrained by unfavorable omens and inauspicious portents. Following the track of the Yadus, he came soon to the country at the foot of the Vindhya Mts., where the Yadavas were camped not far away. When the guardian-deities of Rama and Krsna saw that Kala was near, they created a mountain, lofty and wide, with one door. They created a camp and army of the Yadus reduced to ashes by fire and they created one woman, weeping near the funeral-pyre. Seeing her, Kala asked, " Lady, why do you weep so ?" She said: " Terrified of Jarasandha, all the Yadus ran away. The hero Kala came behind them like Death and the Yadus, terrified of him, near at hand, entered the fire. The Dasarhas, Rama, and Krsna entered the pyre here. I, too, shall enter the fire because of the separation from relatives." Saying this, she entered the fire. His mind bewildered by the gods, Kala said to Sahadeva, Yavana, and the kings: "I vowed before my father and mother that I would kill the Yadus, dragging them from fire, et cetera. Look! I too, keeping my promise, shall enter this blazing fire to kill them who entered the fire from fear of me." With these words, carrying sword and shield, he entered the fire like a moth and died, while his own people looked on, their minds confused by the gods. Page #208 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ BIRTH OF RAMA, KKSNA, AND ARISTANEMI 177 Just then the blessed sun set and Yavana, Sahadeva, and the others camped on the spot. When daylight came, they did not see the mountain nor the funeral-pyre and messengers said to them, "The Yadus have gone far away." Knowing from the confession of old men that bewilderment had been made by the gods, Yavana and the others turned back and told all that to the Lord of Magadha. Jarasandha fell to the ground in a deep swoon. When conscious, he cried, " Kala, Kala! Kansa, Kansa!" Learning of Kala's death as they marched, the Yadus, very happy, paid honor to Krostuki, confidence in whom had been created. The flying ascetic, Atimuktaka, came to them while they were in a forest on the road and was worshipped by the lord of Dasarhas. Samudravijaya bowed to the muni and asked him, " Blessed One, what will happen to us in this misfortune?" The sage said: "Do not fear. Your Prince Aristanemi will be the twenty-second Tirthaket, whose heroism is unequaled in the three worlds. Rama and Krsna will be a Bala and a Visnu, located at Dvaraka, lords of half of Bharata by the slaying of Jarasandha." Delighted, then Samudra worshipped and dismissed the muni. He went to the province Surastra by easy marches. There they made a camp together with eighteen crores of families to the northwest of Mt. Raivataka.184 Krsna's wife, Satyabhama, bore two sons there, Bhanu and Bhamara by name, the color of pure gold. On a day designated by Krostuki, after Hari had bathed and made an oblation, he made a paja to the ocean, and fasted for three days. On the third night, the god Susthita,185 Lord of the Lavana Ocean, came there, standing in the air, his hands folded submissively. The god gave Pancajanya to Kansari (Kssna) and Sughosa to Mustikari (Bala); and he gave divine jewels, wreaths, and garments. The god said to Krsna: "For what reason was I, the god 184 391. The modern Girnar, 185 394. Cf. II, p. 115, 23 N Page #209 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 178 CHAPTER FIVE Susthita, recalled by you? Tell me, what can I do for you?" Kesna said to the god: " The city Dvaraka here, which belonged to former Sarngins in the past, 186 was covered with water by you. Reveal its site for my place of residence." The god did so, went to Indra, and announced it to him. At Sakra's command Vaisravana made a city of jewels, twelve yojanas long and nine yojanas wide. He made a wall twenty-seven feet high, thirteen and a half feet in the ground, and eighteen feet wide, with a moat. Palaces with such names as round, square, long, mountain-peak, svastika, sarvatobhadra, mandara, earring, powder-flask were built by the lac, one-storied, twostoried, three-storied, et cetera. Divine shrines of the Jinas were made of various jewels and gems by the thousand at junctures of three and four roads. In the front part of it in the southeast part of the city was the golden palace of Samudravijaya, named Svastika, provided with a wall. Near it were the palaces of Aksobhya and Stimita in succession, named Nandyavarta and Girikuta, which had walls. In the southwest was the lofty palace of Sagara, called Astansa, and then the palaces, named Vardhamana, of the fifth and sixth (Dasarhas). In the northwest was Dharana's palace, Puskarapatra, and then Purana's, Alokadarsana. Near them was Abhicandra's, named Vimukta. In the northeast was Vasudeva's, named Kuberacchanda. The lofty palace of King Ugrasena was named Striviharaksama from its nearness to the king's highway. All were surrounded by wishing-trees; all had elephant-stables, horse-stables, walls, large gates, and rows of banners. Inside these Baladeva's palace, named Psthivijaya, was made, four-cornered, with large gates. Vasudeva's palace was eighteen stories high, named Sarvatobhadra, surrounded by various houses. In front of Rama's and Krsna's houses was the council-hall, named Sarvaprabhasa, resembling Sudharma,187 186 397. See in Vol. III the biographies of the first four Vasudevas, all of whom lived in Dvaraka. There is no account, however, of the construction or destruction of the first city. 187 413. The council-hall in Saudharma. Page #210 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ BIRTH OF RAMA, KRSNA, AND ARISTANEMI 179 made of various gems. Visvakarman made a beautiful temple of the Arhats, adorned with a hundred and eight tall statues of the Jinas, lofty as the peak of Meru, made of jewels, gems, and gold, rich with windows in the various stories and with beautiful golden balconies. Pools, ponds, tanks, shrines, rows of gardens, and everything else in it Dhanada made in a day and night. Thus Vasudeva's beautiful city, Dvaraka, equal to Indra's city, was made by the gods. To the east of it was Raivataka, 188 to the south was Malyavat, to the west Mt. Saumanasa, and to the north Gandhamadana.. Then at dawn Kubera gave Visnu yellow garments, the crown Naksatramala, the great jewel Kaustubha, the bow Sarnga, two quivers Aksayyasara (with imperishable arrows), the sword Nandaka, the club Kaumodaki, and the chariot Garudadhvaja. To Rama he gave Vanamala, a pestle, dark blue garments, a palm tree-banner, a chariot, two quivers Aksayyesu (with imperishable arrows), a bow, and a plough. Vaisravana bestowed jewels and ornaments on the ten Dasarbas. For they were entitled to honor from Rama and Krsna. Knowing that Krsna had destroyed his enemies, all the Yadus, delighted, sprinkled him (as king) on the bank of the Western Ocean. The two heroes got into their respective chariots-Rama into his with the charioteer Siddhartha and Krsna into his with the charioteer Daruka-to enter the city Dvaraka. The two, surrounded by the Yadus in chariots, like the sun and the moon by the constellations and planets, entered the city with shouts of "Hail! Hail " arising. The Dasarhas, Hari, Rama, the other Yadus, other members of the tribe, and their attendants at Krsna's command stopped in the houses in the city pointed out by Vaisravana. The Lord of Yaksas filled the new city with jewels, gold, money, with various garments, and with grain, raining them down for three and one-half days. 188 418. See Appendix I. Page #211 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER VI MARRIAGE OF KRSNA WITH RUKMINI AND OTHERS, SVAYAMVARA OF PANDAVAS AND DRAUPADI, AND THE LIFE OF PRADYUMNA Marriage with Rukmini (1-76) There (in Dvarika) Krsna remained happily with Rama, attending the Dasarhas, amusing himself, surrounded by the Yadus. There the Blessed Aristanemi grew up in course of time, spreading joy to the Dasarhas and the brothers, Halin and Krsna. All the brothers, though elder, became young and played with the Master in the grounds of amusement-mountains, gardens, et cetera. The Master, ten bows tall, gradually attained adolescence, victorious from birth over love, his mind uncorrupted by it. Though begged by his parents and by his brothers, Rama, Krsna 189 and the others, day after day, he did not consider marriage. Rama and Krsna conquered many kings and the two, united like Sakra and Isana, protected the subjects. Narada's mischief-making (7-18) One day Narada came in the course of his roaming to Krsna's house and was honored properly by Krsna and Rama. Then he went to Krsna's harem and Satyabhama, who was looking at herself in a mirror, did not honor him by giving him a seat, et cetera, because of her occupation. Then he went away, angry, and reflected with hostility: "Always the Naradas have been worshipped by all in the harems of the Kesavas; but this woman, arrogant from her youth and beauty because of her husband's affection, did not even give me a glance, to say nothing of rising to greet me. Hence I shall 189 5. Really cousins. Page #212 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ MARRIAGE OF KRSNA WITH RUKMINI AND OTHERS 181 make her fall into the trouble of acquiring a very beautiful co-wife." With these reflections, he went to the city Kundina. Bhismaka was king there. His wife was named Yasomati and they had a son, Rukmin, and a very beautiful daughter, Rukmini. Narada went there and, honored by Rukmini, said, "Let Krsna, lord of half of Bharata, be your husband." " Who is Klsna ?" she asked and Narada explained that all the virtues, beauty, grace, courage, et cetera, unequaled, were assembled in Krsna. After hearing that, Rukmini became enamored with Kssna immediately and continued to long for Klna, afflicted by love. Narada painted her picture on canvas, went to Dvarika, and showed it, which resembled collyrium of nectar for the eyes, to Krsna. When he had seen it, Kssna asked Narada, "Sir, who is this goddess whom you have painted on this canvas? Tell me." Narada smiled and said: "This is not a goddess, but a mortal, Princess Rukmini, sister of Rukmin, lord of Kundina." Astonished by her beauty, Krsna sent an agent at once to Rukmin and asked for Rukmini in a friendly speech. Rukmin laughed and said: "A cowherd of low family, indeed, asks for my sister. What is this foolish wish of his! I shall give her in marriage to King Sisupala. Their union, like that of Rohini and the Moon, is suitable." Hearing his harsh speech, the messenger went and reported it to his yellow-clothed master (Krsna). Rukmini's paternal aunt, Dhatri, knowing that he (Kssna) was free from faults, took her aside and said in a speech purified by affection: "When you were a child, the sage Atimuktaka saw you sitting on my lap and said, 'She will be Kssna's chief-queen.' Asked, "How will Klsna be recognized ?' he replied, 'Kssna will be recognized from his settlement at Dvarika on the Western Ocean.' You are not given by Rukmin to Krsna, though he has asked for you, but you are given to Sisupala, son of Damaghosa." Page #213 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 182 CHAPTER SIX Rukmini said, "Is the speech of sages false? Or is. thunder at dawn fruitless ?" Knowing Rukmini's preference for Krsna, her paternal aunt sent word at once to Krsna by a secret messenger: "On the pretext of a Nagapuja I shall go. with Rukmini to the garden-lines on the eighth day of the white half of Magha. You must come there, if you want Rukmini. Otherwise, sisupala will marry her, honor-giver." Now Sisupala, summoned by Rukmin, came with his army to Kundina to marry Rukmini. Narada, eager for strife, told Krsna that Sisupala, eager to marry Rukmini, had gone there. Klsna and Rama went to Kundina in separate chariots, unobserved even by their own people. At that time Rukmini, attended by her paternal aunt and friends, went to the garden for a Nagapuja. Descending from his chariot, Kssna first introduced himself, bowed to the aunt, and said to Rukmini:" I have come here to you from afar, like a bee to a jasmine. I am Kssna, drawn by your merits. Get into my chariot." With the approval of the aunt who knew her heart, Rukmini entered the chariot as well as Klsna's heart. When Kssna had gone some distance, in order to conceal their fault, her aunt and her slaves made a loud outcry. "Rukmin! Rukmin! Your sister, Rukmini, has just now been kidnaped by force by Sarngin and Rama like robbers." The two Yadavas blew Pancajanya and Sughosa, and Rukmin's city shook all over, as well as the ocean. Rukmin and Sisupala, long-armed, powerful, followed Rama and Krsna with large armies. Having seen them, Rukmini, terrified, sitting on his lap, said to Hari: "My brother is cruel and very strong. Sisupala is like him. Many other heroes, their adherents, fully equipped, are here. But you two are here alone. I am afraid. What will happen?" Hari laughed and said: "Do not be afraid. For you belong to the warrior-caste. Who are these miserable creatures, Rukmin and the rest? See that strength of mine, fair lady." Saying this, in order to give her confidence, Saragabhit cut Page #214 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ MARRIAGE OF KRSNA WITH RUKMINI AND OTHERS 183 down a row of palm trees like a row of lotus-stalks with one blow with a crescent-shaped arrow. By the pressure of his thumb and finger, he split the diamond of his ring as easily as a piece of a cooked bean. Rukmini felt great joy at her husband's strength, like a lotus blooming at the light of the sun at dawn. Govinda said to Rama: "Take the bride, brother, and go. I will kill these people, Rukmin and others, who are pursuing." Rama said, You go. I shall kill them." Rukmini, terrified, said, "My brother must be saved." Rama agreed to that with Krsna's approval and halted right there to fight, but Janardana went on. Then Bala, not slow in battle, his pestle raised, churned the enemy-army that had come, like Manthacala (Mt. Mandara) churning the ocean. Elephants and chariots turned into fine dust, like fragments of water-jars, from its iron tip, like mountains from the thunderbolt. Rukmin's army fled with Sisupala himself, but Rukmin, thinking himself a hero, said 64 to Balabhadra: "Ho! You have been seen, cowherd. Stand! Stand in front of me. I shall take away your pride produced by drinking milk." Remembering his promise, Rama abandoned the pestle and destroyed his chariot with arrows and killed the chariot-horses, piercing the armor. Rama cut off Rukmin's hair with a sharp-edged arrow and, laughing, said to Rukmin who had joined the category of enemies: "You are not to be killed because you are the brother of my sister-in-law. Go, villain. Though you are bald, by our favor divert yourself with your wives." Released with this speech, from shame Rukmin did not go to Kundina, but stayed and founded a city, Bhojakata, on that spot. Krsna said to Rukmini, as he entered the city Dvaraka: Queen, this city of mine was made of jewels by the gods. You will sport with me in its gardens composed of wishingtrees, with uninterrupted happiness, like a goddess. Rukmini said to Krsna: "Your wives are magnificent, given by their 66 Page #215 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 184 CHAPTER SIX fathers, with retinues that came with them. I have been brought here alone by you, husband, like a prisoner. Arrange it so that I shall not be ridiculed by them." Saying, "I shall make you superior to them," Acyuta (Krsna) established Rukmini in a palace near Satyabhama's house. Then Janardana married Rukmini with a gandharvawedding and sported with her at will through the night. Acyuta prevented people from entering Rukmini's house. Bhama said to him persistently, " Show me your wife." Hari had a statue of Sri, which was in a temple of Sri in a pleasure-garden, removed by skilled painters under pretext of repairs. Krsna went there, installed Rukmini in Sri's place, and instructed her, "Remain motionless, when the queens come." Ktsna went to his own house and Bhama asked him, "In what place, pray, is your wife to be found, left by you?" " She has been left in Sri's temple," told by Sarngadhanvin, Satyabhama went to Sri's temple with the Co-wives. Seeing Rukmini standing there in Sri's place, saying: " Look at the beauty of the goddess Sri. See the skill of the artists," she bowed, and said: " Goddess Laksmi, arrange it so that I shall surpass Hari's new wife in beauty. If so, I shall make a paja to you." After saying this, she went to Krsna and said, "Where is your wife?" Hari went to Sri's temple with Satya and others; and Rukmini got up and said, "To whom shall I bow?" Satyabhama, being indicated to her by Krsna, said, "How can she bow to me, when I paid homage to her from ignorance?" Hari smiled and said, "What fault is there in paying homage to a sister ?" Satya first bowed to Rukmini and, embarrassed, went to her own house, Kansanisudana gave Rukmini great wealth and enjoyed himself with her, sunk in the nectar of love. Marriage with Jambavati (77-86) One day Narada came. Klsna honored him and asked: "Have you seen anything unusual? For you roam about Page #216 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ MARRIAGE OF KKSNA WITH RUKMINI AND OTHERS 183 for that reason." Narada said: "Hear what I have seen. On Mt. Vaitadhya there is a Khecara-lord, Jambavat, and his wife, Sivacandra. They have a son, Visvaksena, and a daughter, Jambavati. No one in the three worlds is her equal in beauty. She goes to the Ganga constantly to play, like a hansi. After seeing her, a marvel, I have come here to tell you." Hearing that, Sarngabhit went there with troops and transport and saw Jambavati playing, surrounded by friends. Saying, "She is just as Narada described her," Hari carried off Jambavati; and a great tumult arose. Jambavat went there, angered, carrying sword and shield. He was defeated quickly by Anadhtsti and was led into Sarngin's presence. Jambavat then gave Jambavati to Sarngin and himself took the vow, disgusted with existence because of humiliation. Hari, accompanied by Visvaksena, Jambavat's son, took Jambavati and went to Dvaraka. Hari gave her a palace near Rukmini's palace and gave her other suitable things. She became friendly with Rukmini. Marriage with Laksmana (87-91) One day a messenger had gone to see Slaksnaroman, lord of Sinhala, and had returned. He reported to Kssna: "Slaksnaroman does not welcome your command. But he has a daughter, Laksmana, who is worthy even of you by her marks. Guarded by General Drumasena, now she has gone to bathe in the ocean and will bathe there for seven days. " Hearing that, Krsna went there with Rama, killed the general, took Laksmana, and departed. Krsna married Laksmana, installed her in a house of jewels near Jambavati, and gave her attendants. Marriage with Susima (92-97) Now, in the city Ayuskhari there was a king of the country Surastra, named Rastravardhana. He had a wife, Vinaya. They had a son, the heir-apparent, long-armed Namuci; and 24 N Page #217 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 186 CHAPTER SIX a daughter, Susima, whose wealth of beauty was unlimited. Namuci, who had obtained divine weapons, did not regard Krsna's command. One day he went with Susima to Prabhasa to bathe. Hari learned that he had camped there, came with an army, killed him, and took Susima. Govinda married her, put her in a palace near Laksmana's palace, and gave her great wealth. King Rastravardhana sent attendants to Susima and elephants, et cetera as a wedding-present to Kssna. Marriage with Gauri (98) Hari married Gauri, daughter of the king of Vitabhaya in Maru, and put her in a house near Susima's house. Marriage with Padmavati (99-104) Then Krsna went with Halin to Aristapura to the svayamvara of Padmavati, the daughter of King Hiranyanabha. The two heroes were honored properly by King Hiranyanabha, full brother of Rohini, calling them nephews' with pleasure. King Hiranyanabha's elder brother, Raivata, became a mendicant with his father in the Blessed Nami's congregation. His daughters, 190 Revati, Rama, Sita, Bandhumati, had been given before to Rohini's son, Rama. As all the kings looked on, Hari took Padmavati and defeated in battle the kings who had come to the svayamvara. Rama and Ktsna went to Dvaraka with their wives and Kesna put Padmavati in a house near Gauri's house. Marriage with Gandhari (105-109) Now, in the city Puskalavati in the country Gandhara, there was a king, Carudatta, son of Nagnajit. He had a sister Gandhari, beautiful in form, like one by whom a challenge had been given even to the Khecaris by her wealth of grace. At the death of their father, Carudatta was defeated by the (other) heirs and appealed by a messenger to Krsna who was a refuge 190 102. I.e., Raivata's. Page #218 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ MARRIAGE OF KRSNA WITH RUKMINI AND OTHERS 187 for protection. Hari went to the Gandharas, slew the heirs in battle, and married Gandhari who was given by Carudatta. Hari gave her a house near Padmavati's house. So there were eight chief-queens of Ktsna, who occupied houses in succession. Rivalry between Satyabhama and Rukmini (110-129) One day the sage Atimukta went to Rukmini's house and Satyabhama, who had seen him, went there quickly. Asked by Rukmini, "Shall I have a son or not?" the muni said, "You will have a son equal to Krsna," and went away. Satyabhama considered that the muni's words applied to herself and said to Rukmini, " There will be a son of mine equal to Klsna." Rukmini replied, "A sage's words do not bear fruit from a trick." Disputing in this way, they went to Klsna's presence. Then King Duryodhana, her full brother, came there and Bhama said: "My son will be your son-in-law." Rukmini said the same. He said, "I shall give my daughter to the son whom one of you will bear." Bhama said: "At the wedding of the son who is married first, the other must give her own hair to her (his mother)." Janardana and Duryodhana said, "Honorable Rama is a witness and guarantor." The two women went to their respective houses. One day Rukmini saw herself in a dream in a palace on a white bull; and she woke up. Just then a very powerful god fell from Mahasukra and descended into Queen Rukmini's womb. Rukmini arose at dawn and related the dream to Hari. He explained it, "You will have a son, the sole hero of the universe." Then a slave-girl of Bhama, who had heard the interpretation of the dream, went and told it, painful to her ears, to Bhama. She made up a dream and told Sarngapani, "Today I saw in a dream an elephant equal to Hastimalla." Though knowing by signs her deceit, with the thought, " May she not be angry," Kssna said, "You will surely have a fair son." Page #219 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 188 CHAPTER SIX By chance, then an embryo developed and enlarged her womb, but Rukmini's womb remained the same size because of her superior embryo. : One day Satyabhama said to Visnu: "That wife of yours announced an embryo deceitfully. Look at the womb of the two (of us)." Just then a slave-girl delighted Klsna: " Queen Rukmini has borne now a son, noble, gold color. " Hearing that, Satyabhama, ashamed, trembling with anger, bore a son, named Bhanuka, just as she was going to her house. Kssna, delighted, went to Rukmini's house then. Seated on a lionthrone to the north, he had his son brought and looked at him. "Let him be named Pradyumna, because he lights, un all the quarters, " flattering the child with these words, Janardana remained for a moment. Kidnaping of Pradyumna (130-152) Then the god Dhumaketu, because of former enmity, came disguised as Rukmini, took the child from Krsna and went to Vaitaanya. He went to the garden Bhutaramana on Tankasila and thought: "Shall I kill him by striking him? In that case, he does not suffer. If I abandon him on top of the rock, he, without food and suffering from thirst, crying, will die." Dropping him down there, he went away. The boy, whose life could not be taken away by any device because he had his final body, 191 fell uninjured in a spot marked by many leaves. At dawn the aerial car of the Khacarin Kalasamvara stalled there, as he was going to his own city from Agnijvalapura. Wondering at the reason for the car's stalling, the lord of Khecaras descended and saw below the child with a great brilliance. Thinking, "He is some distinguished person, the reason for the car's stalling," he delivered a son to his wife Kanakamala by means of the boy. Having gone to his own city, Meghakuta, the Khecara said, "My wife was 191 133. Before emancipation. Page #220 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ VANOVA MARRIAGE OF KRSNA WITH RUKMINI AND OTHERS 189 secretly pregnant. Now she has borne a son." Samvara 192 held a birth-festival for the boy on an auspicious day and gave him the name Pradyumna, because he lighted up the sky. Now, Rukmini came and asked Ktsna, "Where is your son?". Visnu told her, " You took him away just now." Asked by her again, " Why do you deceive me, lord?". Klsna searched for his son many times saying, "I have been tricked by someone,". When no news of the son was obtained, Rukmini fell in a faint. When she was conscious again, she and her attendants cried aloud. The Yadus and their wives were all grieved, with the exception of Satyabhama alone and her household. "Is there no news yet of the son of the powerful Visnu?" saying this, Rukmini gave pain to Kssna, suffering. Narada came to the council of Sarngin, who was depressed, with all the Yadus there and said, "What's this?" Klsna said: "Rukmini's son was taken from my hand by some one, as soon as he was born. Do you know the truth about him?" Narada said: "There was here Atimuktaka, who was omniscient, but he has attained emancipation. Now there is no one in Bharata who is omniscient. The Tirthakara Simandhara destroys all doubts. Now I shall go to the East Videhas and ask him, Hari." Begged by Krsna and all the other Yadus, who paid him homage, Narada went quickly to the place where the Lord Simandhara was. Bowing to the Jina who was in a samavasarana, he asked, "Where is the son of Kssna and Rukmini now, Blessed One?" The Master said, " Ktsna's son, named Pradyumna, was taken by a trick by the god, Dhumaketu, an enemy in a former birth. He was abandoned by him on a rock on Mt. Vaitadhya, but he did not die. He can not be killed by anyone because this is his last body. At dawn he was seen by the Khacarin Samvara, as he passed, and was given to his wife as a son. Now he is thriving. 192 138. Kalasanvara, above. Page #221 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 190 CHAPTER SIX Narada asked again: "How did Dhumaketu's enmity in a former birth arise?" and the Master related: Origin of Dhumaketu's enmity (154-227) "In Jambudvipa in Bharata in the Magadhas in very wealthy Saligrama there is a garden, Manorama. The guardian of the garden was a Yaksa, Sumanas, and a Brahman, Somadeva, lived in that village. Somadeva had two sons, Agnibhuti and Vayubhuti, by his wife Agnila, and they were both expert in interpretation of the Vedas. The two, well-known because of their learning, when they were grown, continued to enjoy many pleasures, haughty from pride. One day Acarya Nandivardhana stopped in this garden Manorama and was worshipped by the people who had come. Agnibhuti, arrogant, came and said, " If you know the meaning of the sastras at all, expound it, Sitambara..' Nandivardhana's disciple, Satya, said to them, 'Where are you from?' 'From Saligrama,' they replied. Satya said again, 'I ask: from what birth have you attained a human birth, sirs? Tell that, if you know anything.' They stood, their faces downcast with shame, devoid of knowledge. Muni Satya began to relate their (former) birth. ' In the forest of this village, you were two flesh-eating jackals in a former birth, alas! excellent Brahmans. They ate the skin-ropes, et cetera, wet by rain, everything which a farmer had left in the field at night. They died from this excessive food and became you, sons of the Brahman, Somadeva, in this birth because of their karma. At dawn the farmer saw that everything had been eaten and returned to his house. In course of time he died and became the son of his daughterin-law. As he had acquired the memory of his former births, he remained silent from birth deceitfully, at the thought, " How am I to address them: daughter-in-law or mother; son or father?" If you do not believe this, then ask the mute farmer his story so that, giving up silence, he will tell you.' Page #222 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ MARRIAGE OF KRSNA WITH RUKMINI AND OTHERS 191 The mute farmer was brought there at once by the people and was told by the muni: 'Tell your former births from the beginning. Son, father, father, son--such in the usual condition of existence. Therefore, lay aside your shame produced by the relationship in a former birth and give up your silence.' After bowing to the muni, delighted at this agreement with himself, he told his former births in just the same way to all listening. Many became mendicants and the farmer became enlightened; but they (the Brahmans) were ridiculed by the people and went home, ashamed. The Brahmans, being hostile, went at night with swords to kill the muni, but were transfixed at once by the Yaksa Sumanas. At dawn the people saw them and the Yaksa Sumanas told their weeping father and mother clearly: "These wretches, who intended to kill the muni, were transfixed by me. If they become mendicants, I shall release them, not otherwise.' They said, "The sadhudharma is very hard, but we will practice that suitable for laymen,' and the god released them. From that time they observed the Jina-dharma properly, but their parents did not acknowledge at all the Arhatdharma. Agnibhuti and Vayubhuti died and became gods in the heaven Saudharma, with a life term of six palyas.193 When they fell, they became the sons of a merchant, Arhaddasa, in Gajapura, Purnabhadra and Manibhadra, laymen, as a result of the former birth. One day a sage, Mahendra, stopped there and Arhaddasa became a mendicant, after listening to dharma in his presence. As Purnabhadra and Manibhadra were going to pay homage to Mahendra, they saw a bitch and a candala on the road and felt affection for them. After they had gone and bowed to the sage Mahendra, they asked, "Who is that candala and who is the bitch that we felt affection at the sight of them?' He related: 193 178. A palya is an inestimably long period of time. See I, n. 50. Page #223 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 192 CHAPTER SIX 'In your birth as Agnibhuti and Vayubhuti your father was the Brahman Somadeva and your mother was Agnila. After his death, your father became a king, Jitasatru, in Sankhapura in this same Bharata, always lusting after other men's wives. After her death, Agnila was born in the same city, Sarkhapura, as Rukmini, wife of the Brahman Somabhuti. One day King Jitasatru, as he was passing, saw her in the court of her house and at once became infatuated. The king invented some crime on the part of Somabhuti and put her in his harem. The Brahman miserable from separation from her, remained immersed in fire, as it were. After enjoying himself with her for a thousand years, Jitasatru died, and had a life in hell for three palyas. Then he became a deer and, being killed, became again a young deer. He was born a merchant's son, deceitful, and, after death, he became an elephant. By fate he remembered former births, fasted, died on the eighteenth day and became a Vaimanika-god with a life of three palyas. Then he fell and became a candala, but Rukmini became a bitch, after wandering through existence. For this reason there was affection for them on your part.' After hearing this, Purnabhadra and Manibhadra, enlightened the cannala and the bitch by means of the recollection of former births which they had attained. Then the candala, disgusted with existence, fasted for a month, died, and became a god in Nandisvaradvipa. The bitch, enlightened, died after a fast and became a princess, Sudarsana, in the same Sankhapura. The sage Mahendra came there again and, questioned by Arhaddasa's two sons, told the good status of the bitch and candala. The princess, enlightened by them again, became a mendicant, and went to heaven. Purnabhadra and Manibhadra, after observing lay-dharma and dying, became Samanikas in Saudharma. When they fell, they both became sons, named Madhu and Kaitabha, of King Visvaksena in Hastinapura. The god in Nandisvara fell, wandered through existence for a long time, and became a king in Vatapura, WA Page #224 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ MARRIAGE OF KRSNA WITH RUKMINI AND OTHERS 193 named Kanakaprabha. Sudarsana also wandered through many births, after she fell, and became Kanakaprabha's chief-queen, named Candrabha. Visvaksena installed Madhu on the throne and Kaitabha as heir-apparent, took the vow, and went to Brahmaloka. Madhu and Kaitabha having the whole country subdued, Bhima, a village-chief, attacked the country by trickery only. Madhu set out to kill him and he was honored by King Kanakaprabha with food, et cetera on the road to Vatapura. At the end of the meal, his follower (Kanakaprabha) with his wife Candrabha approached King Madhu with gifts from devotion to his master. After bowing to Madhu, Candrabha went again to the women's apartments. Madhu, afflicted by love, wished to take her just then even by force. Prevented at that time by his minister, King Madhu went on, defeated the village-chief, Bhima, and came there on his return. Again honored by King Kanakaprabha, Madhu said, 'Enough of these gifts of yours. Let Candrabha alone be given to me.' When, though asked, Kanakaprabha did not give her, then Madhu snatched Candrabha away and took her to his own city. Kanakaprabha, distracted, fell to the ground in a faint. When he had recovered, he wailed aloud and wandered about like a crazy man. One day King Madhu was engaged in court-business with his ministers and, without giving his judgment, went to Candrabha's house. Candrabha asked, 'What has taken so long today?' and Madhu said, 'Today I was occupied with a case of adultery.' Candrabha smiled and said, 'An adulterer should be honored.' Madhu said: Why should he be honored? Adulterers are subject to punishment.' Candrabha said again, If you are so harsh in law, do you not know that you yourself are the chief-adulterer?? Enlightened at hearing that, he felt ashamed. Then Kanakaprabha came, singing and dancing, on the highway, surrounded by small boys. Seeing him, Candrabha thought: 'My husband has reached this miserable condition from 25 N Page #225 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 194 : CHAPTER SIX separation from me. Shame on me, subservient.' With these reflections, she showed him as he came to Madhu and Madhu felt remorse at his own evil deed. Madhu put his son Dhundhu on the throne; and together with Kaitabha took the vow under the guru Vimalavahana. They practiced severe penance many thousand years, knowing the twelve angas, always doing service to sadhus. They both fasted at the end, made confession, died, and became Samanikas in Mahasukra. King Kanakaprabha, afflicted by hunger and thirst, after fasting for three thousand years, died. He became a god among the Jyotiskas, Dhumaketu by name. Knowing by clairvoyance the former hostility, he searched for Madhu's soul. The god did not see Madhu because of his magnificent rank as a god.194 When he fell and obtained a human birth, he became a (Brahman) ascetic. He practiced foolish penance and became a Vaimanika; and in this birth, too, he was not able to see the magnificent Madhu. After he had fallen and wandered through existence from submission to karma, again he became a god in the Jyotiskas, named Dhumaketu. At this time Madhu's soul fell from Mahasukra and appeared in the womb of Rukmini, chief-queen of Vasudeva. Because of former enmity, Dhumaketu seized the boy as soon as born and, wicked, wishing to kill him, threw him on top of the rock Tarka. Uninjured from his own power, he was taken by Samvara. His union with Rukmini will take place at the end of sixteen years." : * Asked by Narada, "Because of what act has Rukmini been separated in this way from her son ?" Lord Simandhara related: Cause of separation from son (229-238) " In the country Magadha in Bharataksetra in Jambudvipa in the village Laksmigrama there was a Brahman, Somadeva. 194 222. Madhu was a Samanika, which is a much higher rank than Jyotiska. Page #226 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ MARRIAGE OF KRSNA WITH RUKMINI AND OTHERS 195 One day his wife, Laksmivati, went to a garden. She saw a peahen's egg and touched it with her hand which was smeared with kunkuma.195 By that touch the egg became different in colour and odor and was abandoned by the mother for sixteen ghatikas, 196 as she did not know that it was hers. Then, when she had seen it in its proper condition again from rain-water, the mother covered it and in time it became a peacock. Again Laksmivati went there, saw the attractive young peacock, and took him away, though the mother wept. She put him in a cage in her house, satisfied him with food and drink, and taught him dancing so that he danced beautifully. But his mother, the peahen, chained by her affection for her son did not leave the place, giving harsh cries. Then the people said to her: 'Your curiosity is satisfied by him. This wretched peahen is dying. Set her son free.' Compassionate from that speech, she released him, grown, sixteen months old, and took him to the place from which she had taken him. By that carelessness the Brahmani acquired very strong feeling-karma of separation from her son, lasting for sixteen years. One day a muni, Samadhigupta by name, entered her house for alms as she was looking at herself, adorned, in a mirror. Her husband, the Brahman, said to her, 'Give him alms.' Just then he was called by some one and went outside. She, making a spitting-sound and muttering harsh words, sent the sage away and shut the door quickly. Because of that action of disgust on the seventh day she had oozing leprosy over all her body and, disgusted with existence, she entered the fire. After death she became the donkey of the washerman of that village. After dying again, she became a sow. living in a cave in the same village. After death she became a bitch, was burned in a forest-fire, and died there, acquiring a human birth by that death. 195 230. A red power whose chief ingredient is turmeric. See I, n. 394. 196 231. A ghatika is 24 minutes, so the egg was deserted for 6 hours and 24 minutes. Page #227 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 196 CHAPTER SIX She was born the daughter of a fisherman, named Kana, ill-smelling, ill-favored, on the bank of the Narmada near Bhrgukaccha. Abandoned on the bank of the Narmada by her parents, who were unable to endure her odor, when she was grown she constantly ferried people across the river). By chance the sage Samadhigupta came there in the cold season and spent the night in kayotsarga, motionless as a mountain. Thinking, "How will the mahatma endure the cold all night?' tender-hearted, she covered the muni with grass. At daybreak, she bowed to the muni and the great muni taught her dharma with the thought, . She is predisposed to dharma.' After thinking for a long time, I have seen him, some place,' she asked the muni and he related her former births. The sage said again, "You have been born here, evil-smelling, because of the disgust you showed for the sadhu. Everything is in accordance with karma.' She, whose memory of former births had arisen, begged forgiveness of the muni for the disgust shown in a former birth, blaming herself repeatedly. She became a laywoman and was entrusted to Aryika 197 Dharmasri by the compassionate muni. She wandered with her, and Dharmasri, who died in some village, entrusted her to a layman Nayala. Living in a solitary house, constantly engaged in worship of the Jinas, she passed twelve years under Nayala's protection. She fasted, died, and became Indra Acyuta's chief-queen, with a life-term of fifty-five palyas and, when she fell, she became Rukmini. Because she caused the separation of the peahen and her son, Rukmini will experience the pangs of separation from her son for sixteen years." After hearing this, Narada bowed to the Blessed One, flew up, and went to the city Meghakuta on Vaitalhya. Narada said, "By good fortune a son was born to you,' and was honored by Samvara; and Pradyumna was shown to him. 199 253. I.e., sadhvi. Page #228 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ MARRIAGE OF KRSNA WITH RUKMINI AND OTHERS 197 Narada saw that the son resembled Rukmini and, taking leave of Samvara, went to Dvaraka with confidence. He told in detail the news about the boy to Krsna and the others and the account of Rukmini's birth as Laksmivati. Then Queen Rukmini, her hands folded with devotion, bowed to Blessed Simandhara, 198 though remaining where she was. Rukmini was satisfied by the Arhat's promise, "A union with your son will take place after sixteen years." Draupadi and the Pandavas (264-378) Now, in the past Vrsabha Svamin had a son, named Kuru, from whom Kuruksetra was named. Kuru had a son, Hastin, from whom Hastinapura was named. In the line of King Hastin there was a king, Anantavirya. From him there was Kstavirya and then Cakrabhst Subhuma. Then after innumerable kings santanu became king. He had two wives, Ganga and Satyavati; and by Ganga he had a son Bhisma, whose strength was terrifying. By Satyavati he had two sons, Citrangada and Citravirya; and Citravirya's wives were Ambika, Ambalika, and Amba. Of these in turn there were sons Dhitarastra, Pandu, and Vidura. The realm was settled on Dhitarastra and Pandu became devoted to hunting. Dhitarastra married eight full sisters, Gandhari, et cetera, of Sakuni, King of Gandhara, son of Subala. They had one hundred sons, Duryodhana and others. By Kunti Pandu had sons, Yudhisthira, Bhima, and Arjuna. From Pandu's second wife, Madri, sister of Salya, there were two sons, Nakula and Sahadeva, long-armed. These five sons of Pandu were bold as lions, invincible even to Khecaras, powerful from magic arts and strength of arm. The five, respectful according to seniority, intolerant of bad conduct, caused astonishment among the people by their superior virtues. One day a messenger of King Drupada came from 198 262. Who was in the Videhas. See above, p. 189. Page #229 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 198 CHAPTER SIX Kampilya, bowed to King Pandu and said: "There is a maiden, named Draupadi, daughter of King Drupada by Culani, younger sister of Dhsstadyumna. All the Dasarhas, Sirin, Sarngin, Damadanta, Sisupala, Rukmin, Karna, Suyodhana, and other kings and powerful princes, invited by the king by messengers, are going now to her svayamvara. Do you go there and adorn the svayamvara-pavilion with these five princes who resemble young gods." Pandu went to Kampilya with his five victorious sons, like Smara with his five arrows, and other kings went also. There the kings were honored by Drupada one by one and they presided over the svayamvara-hall like planets over the sky. Draupadi, having bathed, wearing clean garments, adorned with wreaths and ornaments, after she had worshipped the Arhat, came attended by friends, like a goddess in beauty, to the svayamvara-pavilion, which was adorned by Krsna and the others like Samanika-gods. The kings there being pointed out by a friend who announced their names, Drupada's daughter, looking, went where the Pandavas were. She, enamored, threw the svayamvara-wreath around the necks of the five sons of Pandu at the same time. The circle of kings was amazed, saying "What's this?" until a flying ascetic came there. Draupadi's former births (286-355) The muni was asked by the kings, Krsna, et cetera, "How can Draupadi have five husbands?" and he explained: " This state of having five husbands will result from karma acquired in a former birth. What is remarkable ? The course of karma is unequal. Here in the city Campa 199 there were three Brahmans, Somadeva, Somabhuti, and Somadatta, full brothers. They, rich in grain and cash, 199 289. But they were in Kampilya, not in Campa. Again, below, 317, Campa is given as the place where they were. "Atraiva' makes this plain. Page #230 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ MARRIAGE OF KRSNA WITH RUKMINI AND OTHERS 199 had wives--Nagasri, Bhutasri, Yaksasri, respectively. Fond of each other, one day they made an agreement that they should all eat in one house in turn. One day, while they were doing this, when the time came to eat in Somadeva's house, Nagasri made ready. She cooked many kinds of food and unknowingly cooked a bitter gourd made into a sauce. To find out what it was like, she tasted it and discovered that it was inedible and spit it out at once. Depressed at the thought, "This is still bitter, though I prepared it with many sweet materials,' she put it away. She fed her husband and brothers-in-law and their families, who had come to the house, with other food without this. Then Acarya Sri Dharmaghosa, who was omniscient, stopped with his retinue in the garden Subhumibhaga. His disciple, Dharmaruci, went to Nagasri's house to break his month's fast, Somadeva and the others being gone. Thinking, 'Let him be satisfied with this,' Nagasri gave the muni the gourd-sauce. "I have never received this thing before,' he reflected, went to show the dish, and put it in his guru's hand. The guru smelled its odor and said, "If you eat this, you will die, son. Throw it out quickly. You should break your fast, after obtaining other food with which you are familiar.' So instructed, he went outside and found a clean bare spot. A single drop of the gourd-sauce fell from the dish by itself and he saw the ants dying, that had been touched by it. He thought: 'Many creatures are dying, touched by a drop of this. If it is thrown out, how many will die? Is it not better for me alone to die than for a lot of beings? Deciding so, he himself ate the gourd carefully. After he had made aradhana, he died, completely absorbed in meditation, and became a chief-god, an Ahamindra, in Sarvarthasiddha. Now, the Acarya Dharmaghosa instructed the other munis to find out why Dharmaruci was delayed. They saw him dead outside and, taking his broom, et cetera, they went and told the guru, grieving the guru. Then by employing his supernatural knowledge, the guru said, "This was a crime of Nagasri's Page #231 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 200 CHAPTER SIX against all ascetics.' Then the monks and the nuns, angered, went there and told the people, Somadeva and others. Nagasri was driven from the house by the Brahmans, Soma and others, and, being reviled by the people, wandered everywhere, miserable. She experienced hell even here on earth), afflicted by sixteen very severe diseases, 200 cough, asthma, fever, leprosy et cetera, Hungry, thirsty, wearing tattered garments, roaming without shelter, in time she died and went to the sixth hell. Rising from hell, she was born in the Mlecchas and went to the seventh hell after death. Rising from that she was born in the fishes. Again she went to the seventh hell and again she was born in the Mlecchas. So she, wicked, in this way went to all the hells, twice to each one. Then she was born many times in earth-bodies, et cetera and she destroyed much bad karma from the activity of involuntary destruction of karma. Then here in Campa she became the daughter, Sukumarika, of Sheth Sagaradatta and Subhadra. In the same place there was a wealthy caravan-leader, Jinadatta. His wife was named Bhadra and his son Sagara. One day Jinadatta, while passing near Sagaradatta's house, saw the girl Sukumarika, who had grown up. He observed her playing with a ball on top of the house and went home, thinking, She is suitable for my son.' Then Jinadatta went with relatives and asked Sagaradatta for the girl Sukumarika for his son. Sagaradatta said, 'My daughter is dearer than my life. I can not exist at all without her. If your son, Sagara, will live in my house as a son-in-law, then I will give him my daughter with a dowry, et cetera. Saying, 'I shall have him consider,' Jinadatta went home and told Sagara. Sagara stood silent. By the rule, ' unopposed is approved,' his father considered his son a 200 312. The 16 diseases as given in the Com. to Uv. 148 are: asthma, cough, fever, burning sensation, colic, fistula, hemorrhoids, indigestion, sharp pain in the eyes (glaucoma?), headache, lack of appetite, inflammation of the eyes, earache, itch, dropsy, leprosy. For another list see SBE 22, Acarangasutra, I. 6.1.3. Cf. also LAI, p. 179, Page #232 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ MARRIAGE OF KRSNA WITH RUKMINI AND OTHERS 201 house-son-in-law of Sagaradatta. Sagara was married to the girl by the parents and went to the bed-chamber with her and rested on a couch. Because of the power of past actions, burned severely instantly by her touch like a coal, Sagara remained there with difficulty. Leaving her asleep, he escaped and went home. At the end of her sleep, not seeing her husband, she wept very loud. A slave-girl, who had been sent at dawn by Subhadra to clean. the teeth of the bride and bridegroom, saw her weeping, deserted by her husband. She went and told Subhadra and Subhadra told the sheth. The sheth himself repreached Jinadatta. Jinadatta summoned his son and said to him privately: You did not behave fittingly in deserting the daughter of a good family. Now go, son, to Sukumarika. For I made such a promise before at that time to respectable people." Sagara declared: 'Father, I will enter the fire rather than go. again to Sukumarika. Sagaradatta heard that from inside the house and, hopeless, went home and told Sukumarika: * Sagara does not like you. So I shall find another husband for you, daughter. Do not worry.' One day, standing at a window, he saw a man carrying a beggar's bowl, wearing tattered clothes, seeking alms, surrounded by flies. The sheth called him, had him abandon the beggar's bowl, had him bathed, fed, and anointed with sandal. He said to him: 'I give you my daughter Sukumarika. Stay comfortably with her without anxiety about food, et cetera.' Talked to in this way, he went to the bed-chamber with her and, asleep, was touched by fire, as it were, from the touch of her body. Getting up, he put on his own clothes and fled. She, depressed, remained just as she was and was seen by her father. He said: 'Daughter, this is the maturing of past actions. There is no other reason. Remain contented in my house, dispensing charity. Just so she gave gifts, tranquil, devoted to dharma, virtuous. One day Arya Gopalika came to her house. She presented 26 N Page #233 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 202 CHAPTER SIX her with pure food, drink, et cetera. Listening to dharma from her, enlightened, she took the vow. Observing fasts of one day, two days, three days, et cetera, she wandered daily with Arya Gopalika. One time, looking at the sun, she said to the Arya, 'I shall do the penance of burning in the sun, standing in the garden Subhumibhaga.' She (the Arya) said: The penance of burning in the sun is not done outside of one's own place. That is prescribed for nuns in the Agama.' Just as if she had not heard that, she went to the garden Subhumibhaga and began the sun-penance, her eyes fixed on the sun. She saw the courtesan named Devadatta, who had come there, being held on the lap by one lover, with an umbrella held by another, being fanned by another with a pleasant breeze, her hair being bound by another, her feet being held on the lap by another. She, whose desire for pleasure had not been satisfied, made a nidana: 'May I have five husbands, like her, as a result of this penance.' Devoted to personal cleanliness, she sprinkled (herself) at every step; being restrained by the Arya, she thought: 'In the past when I stayed in a house, I was respected by the Arya, but now that I am a mendicant, she scolds me in this way. Enough of her.' Having considered so, she remained in a shelter apart. Alone, voluntarily she observed the vow for a long time. After fasting for eight months, she died without confessing and became a goddess in Saudharma with a lifeterm of nine palyopamas. When she fell, she became Draupadi and these five husbands were caused by that nidana in the past. What is surprising in that?" Pandavas go to Dvaraka (356-378) When this had been told by the muni, there was a voice in the air saying, " Well done! Well done!" Krsna and the others said, "It is good that these husbands happened." The Pandavas married Draupadi with a festival held by the same kings and kindred who had come to the svayamvara. Then Pannu escorted the Dasarhas, Ktsna, and the other kings invited Page #234 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ MARRIAGE OF KRSNA WITH RUKMINI AND OTHERS 203 here to the wedding to his own city with dignity. After entertaining them there for a long time, King Pandu dismissed the Dasarhas, Sirin, Sarngin, and the other kings who asked permission to go. Pandu gave the throne to Yudisthira and died. Madri followed him, after entrusting her two sons to Kunti. After Pandu's death, the Dhartarastras (Kurus) who were jealous, eager for the throne, evil-hearted, did not honor the Pandavas. The elders were satisfied by Duryodhana by politeness, et cetera. The Pandavas lost their kingdom which had been staked in gambling from greed. Duryodhana took Draupadi, having won her made a stake in gambling, but gave her back, afraid of Bhima red-eyed from anger. As they showed disrespect, the sons of Pandu were expelled from their kingdom by the Dhartarastras and took to living in the forest. After they had wandered from forest to forest for a long time, the five Pandavas were led to Dvaravati by Kunti, younger sister of the Dasarhas. All, arrogant from their magic arts and strength of arm, armed with divine weapons, went to Samudravijaya's house first. There Samudravijaya and the brothers, Aksobhya, et cetera soon paid honor to their sister and nephews from affection. The Dasarhas said to her: "By good fortune we see you with your sons, living, having returned to your kinsmen, sister." Kunti said: "I and my sons have been made alive at that time when I heard that you and your sons were alive. Hearing of the superior adventures of your sons, Krsna and Rama, I have come here, delighted, eager for a sight of them." Permitted by her brothers, she went with her sons to Hari's assembly. Rama and Krsna arose to greet them and bowed with devotion. Rama, Krsna and the Pandavas embraced and bowed to each other, one after the other, and sat down in suitable places. Krsna said: "It is well that you have come here to your own house. Verily, the fortune of you and the Yadus is a common one." Yudisthira said, "There are always slaves Page #235 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 204 CHAPTER SIX and wealth, Hari, of those by whom you are honored. How much more of those who are honored by you. We go everywhere, especially strong, because of you adorning our mother's family, Hari." After welcoming with various speeches Kunti and Kunti's sons, Krsna established each one in a separate palace. The Dasarhas gave their own daughters to the Pandavas in turn, Laksmivati, Vegavati, Subhadra, Vijaya, Rati. Being honored by the Yadus, by Krsna and Bala, the five-Yudisthira and the others, remained there happily. Kanakamala and Pradyumna201 (379-403) Now, when Kanakamala saw Pradyumna grown up, by whom all the arts had been studied, she became distracted from love. She thought: "There is no one like him among the Khecaras. I think there is no god like him. Why speak of mortals! Union of myself with him whom I reared is like the fruit of a tree that I grew. Otherwise, surely my birth is in vain." Reflecting in this way, she said to Pradyumna in a gentle voice: "There is a city, Nalapura, here in the north row. There is a king, 'Nisadha, in the Gauri-line. I am the daughter of this illustrious king, and there is a son, Naisadhi. The great magic art, Gauri, was given to me by my father himself. Samvara married me, after giving me the magic art Prajnapti. Devoted to me, Samvara does not wish any other maiden. The world is like straw to him from my power as I possess two magic arts. I, beloved in such a way, choose you. Enjoy me. Do not destroy my life from ignorance." Pradyumna said: "Heaven forbid! How can you say that? You are my mother; I am your son. That would be a sin of us both." She said: "You are not my son; but Samvara found you on the road, abandoned by some one, as he came from Agnijvalapura. You were given to me to rear, you are the son of some one else. So enjoy pleasure with 201 379.' Tho Joseph and Potiphar motif. See Parsva., p. 199. Page #236 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ MARRIAGE OF KRSNA WITH 'RUKMINI AND OTHERS 205 me as you like without fear." Thinking, "I have fallen into a woman's clutches," he said, "How shall I save my life from Samvara and your sons?" She said: " Fortunate man, do not fear. Take both magic arts, Gauri and Prajnapti. Be an invincible king." Determined in his heart, "I will not do this improper thing," Kssna's son said, "Give me the magic arts. I shall do as you say.' Distracted by love, she gave him the magic arts, Prajnapti and Gauri. Pradyumna subdued them quickly from the power of matured merit. Asked by her to dally, Krsna's son said: " Before you were only my mother from rearing me. Now you are my teacher from giving me the magic arts, blameless lady. You must not even mention this wicked act to me." With these words Pradyumna left her, went outside the city and, distressed in mind, stood on the edge of the tank Kalambuka. Kanakamala scratched herself with her nails and made an outcry. Her sons came, asking, "What's this?" "I have been scratched at will by that wretch of a son of your father, grown up, evil-minded, like one giving food scratched by a cat." Then they all went to the edge of Kalambuka in a rage and quickly attacked Pradyumna, saying, " Villain! Villain!" Pradyumna, who had great strength from the two magic arts, slew Samvara's sons easily, like a lion sambars. Angry at the staying of his sons, Samvara went to kill him and was defeated by Pradyumna by tricks produced by the magic arts. Pradyumna, remorseful, told Samvara the story of Kanakamala in detail, beginning at the beginning. Sasyara, remorseful, made a puja to him. At that time Rsi Narada came into Pradyumna's presence. Pradyumna honored him who was introduced by Prajnapti and told him Kanakamala's story from the beginning. Then Narada related the whole story which Jina Simandhara had told about Pradyumna and Rukmini. "In the past 202 your mother made a bet with her co-wife, 202 406. See above, p. 187. Page #237 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ NE 206 CHAPTER SIX. Bhama, with giving the hair at the first wedding of a son as a stake. Bhama's son, Bhanuka, is going to marry now. So your mother will have to give her hair, lost by the bet. Rukmini will surely die from the shame of giving her hair and grief at separation from you; though you, the son, are alive." Then Pradyumna and Narada got into an aerial car made by Prajnapti and went very quickly to Dvaraka. Narada said, "This is your father's city Dvaraka which Dhanada himself created and filled with jewels and money." Pradyumna said, " You should stay right here in the aerial car until I have performed some miracle in Dvaraka." Narada said, " Very well." Krsna's son saw the wedding-procession of Satyabhama's son which was halted there. He seized the girl who was to be married to him and put her down in Narada's presence. Narada said to her, "Do not be afraid. That is Krsna's son." Assuming the guise of a man carrying a monkey, Pradyumna said to the forest-guards, "Give fruit, et cetera to my hungry monkey." "This garden is reserved for Bhanuka's wedding. So nothing can be ordered by you," the guards said. Pradyumna seduced them with much money, entered the garden, and had it stripped of fruit, et cetera by the monkey. Then he became a merchant with a thoroughbred horse and went to the grass-market; and there he asked the shopkeepers for grass for his horse. When they did not give, Pradyumna seduced them with money in the same way and made every place stripped of grass by his magic art. In the same way, he drank and made dry the places with sweet water. He rode the horse himself on the bridle-path. Bhanuka saw the horse and asked, "Whose is it?" Pradyumna said impatiently, " It is mine." Bhanuka said urgently, " Give me the horse. I will pay you whatever price you ask, though it is a high one." Pradyumna said to him: " Take the horse after you have tried it. Otherwise, there might be a crime against the king on my part, though innocent." Then Bhanuka mounted the horse to test it and was thrown Page #238 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ MARRIAGE OF KRSNA WITH RUKMINI AND OTHERS 207 to the ground by it playing the part of a high-spirited horse. Then, laughed at by the people, he mounted a goat 203 and went to Vasudeva's house, making even the councilors laugh. Pradyumna then became a Brahman reciting the Veda with a low pleasing sound and entered Dvarika and roamed all over it, at junctions of three streets, et cetera. He saw a hunchbacked slave-girl of Bhama and by his magic art quickly made her as straight as a reed on the road. She fell at his feet and said, "Where are you going?" and Pradyumna replied, " Where I can get food by a wish." She said: "Come! I shall give you cakes, et cetera, whatever you like, prepared in Queen Bhama's house for her son's wedding." Pradyumna went with her to Bhama's house. The slavegirl left him at the festooned door and went into Bhama's presence. Bhama asked, "Who are you?" and the slave-girl replied, "I am the hunchback." "Who made you straight ? " The slave-girl told the story of the Brahman and Bhama said, "Where is the Brahman now?" She said, "I left him now at the festooned door." Instructed by Bhama, "Bring the mahatma here," the slave-girl quickly brought the fictitious Brahman there. After he had bestowed a blessing and had been seated, Satyabhama said to him, "Brahman, make me more beautiful than my co-wife, Rukmini." The false Brahman said, " You appear very beautiful. I do not see any where such beauty of other women." Satyabhama said: "Sir, this is a good thing that you say. Nevertheless, make me especially unequaled in beauty." He said: "In that case, become completely devoid of beauty. A high degree of beauty will result, if there is a complete absence of beauty in the first place." Asked, "What shall I do? " the Brahman instructed her: " Shave your head and smear your whole body with lampblack. Dressed in old tattered clothes, go ahead of me that I may bestow a wealth 203 424. Edaka is given in Abhi. 4.342 as sheep,.' but he was more likely to ride a goat. Cf. IV, n. 117, Page #239 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 208 CHAPTER SIX of beauty and grace on you." She did that, industriously. The Brahman said, "I am suffering from hunger. What can I do, if I am miserable? " Bhama gave the cooks orders to feed him and the Brahman gave instructions in Bhama's hearing, " You must mutter the charm, "Rudu, budu, rudu, budu,' before family-goddesses, until I finish eating, innocent lady." She kept on doing this; and the rogue of a Brahman continued to eat and got all the best food by the power of his magic arts. He was finally told by the cooks, who were afraid of Bhama and who held water-vessels, " Get up!" The false Brahman went away, saying, "I have not been satisfied today. I shall go where I will be satisfied." Then, he assumed the form of a young sadhu and went to Rukmini's house. Rukmini saw him, a moon for the pleasure of her eyes, from a distance. Rukmini went inside the house to get him a seat and he sat down on Ktsna's lion-throne set in the east. Queen Rukmini returned with a seat, saw him seated like that and, wide-eyed with astonishment, said, "The gods do not allow any man to sit on this lion-throne except Krsna or Krsna's offspring." The false sadhu said, "Because of the power of my penance the gods do not have sufficient power to do anything." She asked, "Whence and why have you come ? " and he replied: "For sixteen years I practiced penance without food. I did not drink even mother's milk from birth. I have come here to break the fast. Give something suitable." Rukmini said: "Nowhere has a fast of sixteen years been heard of. A fast up to a year, beginning with a one-day fast, has been heard of, muni." He said: "What is the use of this on your part? If you have anything and if you intend to give, then give it. If not, I shall go to Satyabhama's house." She said, "I have cooked nothing today from excitement." He asked, "What is the reason for your excitement?" She explained: "I have worshipped the family-deities for so long at the separation from my son, with the hope of a reunion. Now as I struck my neck with the intention of giving Page #240 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ MARRIAGE OF KRSNA WITH RUKMINI AND OTHERS 209 a head-oblation to the family-deities,204 a goddess said: 'Daughter, do not show impatience. Whenever your mango blooms out of season, then your son will come.' It has bloomed today, but my son does not come. So, sadhu, look at the horoscope. When will the reunion with my son take place ?" He said, " The horoscope does not give results to the empty-handed." Rukmini asked, "What shall I give you? Tell me." He said, " Offer gruel to me emaciated from penance." She occupied herself with a search for the materials for a gruel. Again the sadhu said to her: "I am extremely hungry. Make a gruel from any substance whatever and give me." She began to make a gruel with the sweetmeats prepared earlier, but the fire did not burn from the power of his magic art. Seeing her distressed, he said, " If the gruel does not materialize, satisfy * me with just the sweetmeats, as I am very hungry.".. She said: " Indeed, these sweetmeats of Ktsna's are very indigestible for others. I will not cause the death of a sage by giving them to you, muni." He asserted, "Nothing is hard for me to digest because of my penance." She then gave him a single sweetmeat at a time, fearful. Smiling and astonished, she said to him as he ate very quickly the sweetmeats given one at a time, " You are very strong, sage." Now, men came and said to Bhama who was muttering the charm: "Mistress, some man has made the garden stripped of fruit, et cetera. Some one has made the grass-shops empty of grass. Some one has made the wells waterless. Some one attacked your son Bhanu with a horse." Hearing that, Bhama asked, "Where, pray, is the Brahman, friends ?" Her slave-girls described his conduct in detail. Then depressed and angry, she sent slave-girls with baskets to Rukmini to get her hair. They said to Rukmini: "Give us your hair quickly. The mistress, Sri Bhama, a proud lady, ZA 204 456. I.e., she was about to decapitate herself and make a 'headoffering,' literally. 27 N Page #241 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 210 CHAPTER SIX thus orders." Hearing that, the false sadhu filled a basket with their hair and sent them to Bhama. Asked by Bhama, "What's this?" they said, "Do you not know, mistress, Like master, like servants." Then Bhama, excited, sent barbers to Rukmini's house. The sadhu shaved them and cut the skin on their heads. When she saw that the barbers had returned bald, Bhama went to Hari angrily and said: "You were the guarantor of Rukmini's hair. Let the wager of giving the hair be paid me now, Kesava. You yourself get up, summon Rukmini, and make her bald." Hari laughed and said, " You yourself are here shaved." She said, " Enough of joking, et cetera. Have her hair given to me today." Rama was sent by Ktsna to Rukmini's house and then Pradyumna created there a Krsna-form by means of a magic art. Embarrassed, Rama returned to the former place and, seeing Kssna there too, said: "Why do you ridicule (me)? After sending me for the hair, you have gone there yourself and have come here. Your wife and I have been shamed inconsiderately by you at the same time." Hari said, "I did not go there," and took an oath to that effect. Saying, " There is certainly some deceit on your part," Bhama went to her own house. Vinnu went to her house and tried to make her believe him. Narada said to Rukmini, " This is your son Pradyumna.". Making visible his own form which resembled a god, Pradyumna fell at his mother's feet, the sun to the darkness of her long pain. Rukmini embraced him with both arms, her breasts oozing, and kissed him on the head many times, her eyes dripping tears of joy. Pradyumna said to her, "I must surely not be announced, until I have shown my father some miracle." Rukmini, distracted from joy, did -not reply and he put her in a fictitious chariot and set out. Blowing his conch, terrifying the people, Pradyumna said: "I am abducting Rukmini. Let Krsna, if he is strong, protect her." Janardana, saying, " Who is this idiot who wishes to die?" pursued him with an army and twanged Sarniga repeatedly. Pradyumna scattered Page #242 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ MARRIAGE OF KRSNA WITH RUKMINI AND OTHERS 211 his army and made Hari weaponless, like a tuskless elephant, at once by the power of magic arts. While Visnu was depressed, his right arm twitched and he immediately told Bala. Just then Narada came and said: "Let your son accompanied by Rukmini be acknowledged, Krsna. Enough of talk about fighting." Pradyumna bowed to Kssna and Rama touching their feet, and was embraced closely by them who kissed- his head repeatedly. Janardana seated Pradyumna, who was like a twin of youth, resembling a god in appearance, on his lap, astonishing the people, and, accompanied by Rukmini, like Indra, he entered the city Dvarika which had the appearance of having eye-brows made by the new festoons placed on the gate hurriedly. Page #243 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER VII MARRIAGES OF SAMBA AND PRADYUMNA AND THE KILLING OF JARASANDHA Then at the festival which took place here at Pradyumna's coming Duryodhana got up and announced to Vasudeva: "My daughter, your daughter-in-law, master, has been abducted by some one just now. So have a search made for her so that Bhanuka can marry." Kssna said: "I am not omniscient. If I were such, why did I not know that Raukmineya had been kidnaped by some one ?" Pradyumna said, "I shall bring her here, recognizing her through Prajnapti," and brought there the svayamvara-maiden. Pradyumna did not take her though offered by Kssna saying, "She is my daughter-in-law," and Bhanuka married her. Govinda married Khecara-princesses to Pradyumna, though he was unwilling, with a great festival. Rukmini and Sarngadharin dismissed Narada after he had been honored as a benefactor because he had restored Pradyumna. Bhama, grieving at Pradyumna's great magnificence and fame, went to the anger-room and lay on an old couch. Kansari came there in agitation and said, "By whom have you been insulted, on account of which you grieve, fair lady?" She said: "There has been no insult to me. But if I do not have a son like Pradyumna, then I shall certainly die. " Knowing her persistence, Krsna observed pausadha with a three-day fast directed to the god Naigamesin. Naigamesin appeared and said to him, " What can I do for you?" Kssna said, "Give Bhama a son like Pradyumna." Naigamesin said: " Enjoy her from whom you desire a son. Have her put on this necklace. Then there will be the desired son." Naigamesin gave him a necklace and departed. Delighted Vasudeva assigned a bed-chamber to Satya. Informed about this by Prajnapti, Pradyumna told his Page #244 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ MARRIAGES OF SAMBA AND PRADYUMNA 213 mother and said, Take this necklace with desire for a son equal to me. Rukmini said: With you as a son, my purpose is accomplished. Moreover, a woman never bears a jewel a second time. Which one of the co-wives, to whom I may give a son, is dear to you?" asked by Pradyumna again, Rukmini said: "In the past Jambavati was sympathetic with me suffering from separation from you, son. Let the son equal to you be hers." With Pradyumna's approval she summoned Jambavat's daughter and Pradyumna made her look like Bhama by means of a magic art. She was sent by Rukmini, who explained to her, to Hari's house. She went at evening and was enjoyed joyfully by him, after he had given her the necklace. 25 35 66 99 66 Just then the god Kaitabha fell from Mahasukra and entered Jambavati's womb, indicated by the dream of a lion. Then Jambavati, delighted, went to her own house and Satyabhama came, seeking the bed-chamber in Krsna's house. Seeing her, Krsna thought: "Oh! Women are never satisfied in pleasure. Just now she has gone and she comes again in haste. Or, have I been tricked by some one who assumed Satya's form?" With the idea, " May she not be embarrassed," he dallied with her. 66 66 66 Raukmineya learned that it was the time of her dalliance and had a drum beaten which caused terror to all of Visnu's people. Hari, disturbed, asked, By whom was this drum beaten?" and his attendants told him, "It was beaten by Raukmineya. Hari smiled and thought: 'Now Bhama has certainly been tricked by him. Indeed, a son of a co-wife is like ten co-wives. Bhama's son will be somewhat timid because of pleasure with fear. Surely what must be does not happen otherwise. At dawn Janardana went to Rukmini's house and saw Jambavat's daughter ornamented with the divine necklace. Jambavati said to Hari looking at her with motionless eyes, "Why do you look so, master? I, here, am your wife. Visnu said, "Where did you get this divine necklace, queen?" Page #245 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 214 CHAPTER SEVEN She said, "By your favor. Do you not know what you have done yourself?" She told him the dream of a lion and Janardana explained: " Queen, you will have a son equal to Pradyumna." With these words Visnu went away. At the right time Jambavati, like a lioness, bore a son named Samba, whose strength was unequaled. Daruka and Jayasena, sons of the charioteer, and Subuddhi, son of the minister--these sons were born at the same time as Samba. And there was a son of Satyabhama, Anubhanuka by name, who had another name, Bhiru, as a result of the impregnation. Sons were born of the other wives of Govinda, very strong, very heroic, like young bhadra-elephants.205 Samba grew up with the sons of the minister and charioteer and, intelligent, gradually acquired the collection of arts easily. Marriage of Pradyumna (38-85) One day Rukmini sent a man to Bhojakata to arrange a marriage of Vaidarbhi, Rukmin's daughter, with Pradyumna. He bowed and said to Rukmin: "Queen Rukmini says to you: Give your daughter, Vaidarbhi, to Pradyumna. In the past there was a suitable union of Visnu and me by fate. Now do you arrange a union of Pradyumna and Vaidarbhi."" Recalling their former enmity, Rukmin said: "I will give my daughter to candalas rather than Visnu's family." The messenger went and reported that to Rukmini word for word. Insulted by her brother, she remained downcast like a day-lotus at night. "Why are you so troubled ?" asked by Pradyumna, she told the story of Rukmin, the cause of the arrow in her heart. Pradyumna said: " Mother, do not grieve. Indeed, uncle is not deserving of conciliation. At that time father did what was fitting. After arranging what is fitting for him, I will marry his daughter." With these words, he jumped up and went to Bhojakata with Samba. Both assumed the forms of candalas and the voices of 205. 36. The best kind of elephant. See I, n. 128. Page #246 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ MARRIAGES OF SAMBA AND PRADYUMNA 215 66 Kinnaras and, singing, won the hearts of all the citizens like deer,206 King Rukmin learned about them and summoned the sweet-voiced fictitious candalas. Holding his daughter on his lap, he had them sing. Delighted by their song, King Rukmin and his retinue gave them money and asked, "Whence have you come here?" They said: From heaven we came to Dvaraka, the city which was made by the gods for the god Sarigin." Vaidarbhi, delighted, asked them, "Do you know the son, Pradyumna, of Krsna and Rukmini there?" Samba said: Who does not know Pradyumna, Manmatha in form, the tilaka 207 of the ornaments of the earth, very strong?" 66 On hearing that, Vaidarbhi, eager, became penetrated by love. Just then a rutting elephant pulled up its post and ran away. Running over the whole city, terrorizing the people unexpectedly, he could not be subdued by any elephant-keeper. "I will give whatever he desires to any one who subdues this elephant," the king had proclaimed by the sound of a drum. The drum was not stopped by any one; but was stopped by them.208 The great elephant was transfixed by Pradyumna and Samba by singing. The two mounted the elephant, led him to the elephant-post, and tied him. They, surprising the citizens, were summoned joyfully by the king. Rukmin said to them, Ask what you wish," and they said, Give us Vaidarbhi here. We have no cook." Rukmin, angry at hearing that, banished them from the city. 66 66 Pradyumna said to Samba: Rukmini remains unhappy. Hence delay in Vaidarbhi's marriage is not fitting." As he was saying this, it became spotless night. Then, all the people being asleep, by means of his magic art Pradyumna went to Rukmin's daughter who was on the seventh floor of the palace. He delivered to her a fictitious affectionate letter from Rukmini and, when she had read it, she said, Tell me, what shall I 66 66 206 46. Deer are considered especially susceptible to music. 207 51. See I, n. 290, for the list of ornaments, including the tilaka. 208 55. For proclamation by drum, cf. Parsva., p. 185. Usually, the drum was touched,' but here dhr is used. Page #247 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 216 CHAPTER SEVEN give you?" He said: "Give me yourself only, fair-eyed maiden. I am Pradyumna for whom you were asked, fair lady." Saying, "Oh! what is well-arranged by fate, that surely is caused by the Creator," she consented to his speech. Making a fire by the power of his magic art and making it a witness, Krsna's son married her with the marriage-ribbon put on and wearing fine white garments. Karsni sported with her at will in many ways. In the last part of the night he said: "I am going to Samba. If you are questioned by your parents (or) attendants, do not talk. I have arranged for your protection from physical injury, blameless lady." With these words, Karsni left and Vaidarbhi went to sleep from staying awake too long and from fatigue from pleasure. She did not awake at dawn. Her nurse came there and, when she had seen the signs of a marriage, the marriage-ribbon, et cetera, aroused her and questioned her anxiously. Vaidarbhi told nothing and the nurse, trembling with fear, told Rukmin and the queen, in order to wipe out her own guilt. They went and questioned her and she told nothing; but they saw clear signs of marital relations. Rukmin thought to himself: " Though she was not given, she has dallied with some one of low family from her own wish. Better if this basest of girls had been given to the candalas." From anger at this thought, he had the candalas summoned by his doorkeeper. Saying angrily," Take the girl. Go where I shall not see you," he gave Vaidarbhi to them. They said to Vaidarbhi: " Princess, will you sell leeches, skin-ropes, et cetera in our house?" She, knowing the highest good, said: "Whatever fate does, I will submit to that. For the command of fate is hard to transgress." Then the two heroes took her and went elsewhere. But King Rukmin cried out in the council from remorse: "Oh, daughter, where are you, Vaidarbhi? Indeed, that union was not suitable. I threw you, like a cow, at the cannalas' door, daughter. Truly, the cannala Anger made me give my Page #248 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ MARRIAGES OF SAMBA AND PRADYUMNA 217 daughter to the canlalas. Every one, indeed, seeks advantage for his own category. Though you were requested by Rukmini for her son Pradyumna, I, blind with anger, of little wit, did not give you, alas!" While he was lamenting in this way, he heard the deep sound of musical instruments. His attendants, being asked "Where is that from?" investigated and reported: "Pradyumna and Samba, together with Vaidarbhi, occupy a palace outside the city which is like a heavenly palace, like gods. They, being praised by flying-ascetics, are having a concert, charming with the best musical instruments, performed. This sound comes from that, lord." Then delighted, Rukmin led them to his house and honored them very much from affection for a nephew and son-in-law. Then Pradyumna took leave of Rukmin and went to Dvaravati with Vaidarbhi and Samba, a festival for Rukmini's eyes. Pradyumna with fresh youth continued dallying happily with Rukmin's daughter with fresh youth like a new Rati. Samba sported with King Hemangada's daughter, named Suharini, borne by a courtesan, whose beauty surpassed that of Apsarases. Samba got Bhiru to play constantly and defeated him. After he had made him lose much money in gambling, he, eager, made him pay. Making an outcry, Bhiru told Bhama; she told Visnu and he told Queen Jambavati about Samba's bad conduct. Jambavati said: "I have not heard about Samba's bad behavior for so long. Why is this, O you whose fame is wide spread?" Visnu said: "A lioness thinks her son gentle and good. Elephants are the ones who know the sport of the young lion. Now I will show you his behavior." Saying this, Hari assumed the form of an Abhira and had Jambavati assume the form of an Abhiri. Both entered Dvaraka, selling buttermilk, and were seen by Prince Samba who was always roaming at random. Samba said to the Abhiri, " Come, I will buy your milk." She followed samba and Abhira followed her in turn. Samba 28 N Page #249 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 218 CHAPTER SEVEN entered a temple and called her. She said: "I will not enter there. Give me the money here." Saying, "You will have to enter here," Samba seized her by the hand and began to drag her like an elephant a creeper. Saying, "Villain, why are you seizing my wife?" the Abhira beat him quickly; and Jambavati and Hari revealed themselves. When he saw his parents, Samba covered his face and fled. Hari said to Jambavati, "Your son's bad behavior has been seen." On the next day Sarngin had him brought by force and he came, making a wedge. Questioned, he said: This wedge will be thrown into the mouth of any one who says a word today about yesterday. For that reason I am making it." Saying, "He, shameless, amorous, misbehaves here as he likes," Sarngapani banished Samba from his city. Pradyumna, penetrated by affection, gave the magic art Prajnapti to Samba, his brother in a former birth also, as he left. 66 Bhama said to Pradyumna, who was always tormenting Bhiruka, "Why do you not go from the city like Samba, evilminded man?" He said, "Where shall I go?" She said, "To the cemetery." He said to her again, When will there be a meeting with me?" She said angrily, "When I take Samba by the hand, villain, and lead him here, then there will be a meeting with you." Saying, Whatever my mother commands," Rukmini's son went to the cemetery and Samba came there in his roaming. Both had taken a very large burning-fee to the cemetery and gave it for the burning of the corpses of the townspeople. "C Bhiru and Samba (107-127) Now Bhama had assembled ninety-nine fair maidens for Bhiru and sought for one maiden zealously. Pradyumna learned that from Prajnapti and immediately created an army and became a king, named Jitasatru, himself. Samba became his daughter, resembling a goddess, and, as she was playing surrounded by friends, was seen by Bhiru's nurse. After 66 Page #250 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ MARRIAGES OF SAMBA AND PRADYUMNA 219 enquiring about her, she told Satyabhama about her at once and Bhama asked Jitasatru for her for Bhiru through a messenger. Jitasatru said: "I will give the girl at that time, if Bhama takes her by the hand and enters Dvaraka. Furthermore, if Bhama puts her (the girl's) hand over Bhiru's hand at the time of the wedding, then my daughter may be Bhiru's." So informed, the messenger went and reported it to Bhama. Saying, " Very well," Bhama went quickly to his camp, seeking her. Samba said to Prajnapti: "Have Bhama and her people see a girl and other people see just me, Samba." This being done by Prajnapti, Prince Samba entered Dvaraka, his right hand held by Bhama. Samba was led by Bhama to Bhiru's marriage-festival and the townswomen said: "Oh, this is strange! This is strange!" Samba went to Bhama's house and, deceitful-minded, took Bhiru's right hand with his left hand placed over it. Having taken with his right hand the hands of the ninetynine girls, he circled the fire at the same time according to rule. The girls, looking at Samba said, "You, equal to Rati's husband, have been joined with us as a husband by the Creator because of the maturing of our merit." When the marriage with these girls had been concluded, Samba went to the marriage-chamber. When Bhiru went there, he was terrified by Samba by a frown and went away. He went and told Bhama and she, incredulous, went there herself and saw Samba. Samba bowed to her. She said angrily, " By whom were you brought here, impudent villain ?" He said: "I was brought here and made to marry the girls by you. All the people of Dvaraka, spectators, are authority for this." Told this, she asked the townspeople who had come there. They said: "Do not be angry, queen. Samba was made to enter (the city) by you. While we were actually looking, he was made to marry the girls." Saying, "You, a cheat, the son of a cheat, the younger brother of a cheat, borne by a cheat, tricked me in the form of a girl," she went away angrily. Page #251 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 220 CHAPTER SEVEN In the presence of all the people, Krsna himself gave the girls to Samba and made great joy to Jambavati Samba went to bow to Vasudeva 209 and said: "Father, you married women after you had roamed over the earth for a long time. I married one hundred maidens at the same time without roaming. There is a distinct difference between you and me." Vasudeva replied: "O villain, resembling a frog in a well, you were banished by your father. Shame upon * you devoid of pride! But I, being insulted by my brother, left by conduct proper for heroes, and roamed everywhere without hindrance and married maidens, villain. Begged urgently by their relatives whom I had met at the proper time, I went to their houses, but not like you." Realizing that he had shown disrespect to a venerable person, Samba bowed deeply to his grandfather, his hands folded respectfully, and said: "I said that from ignorance. It was the bad behavior of a boy. The honored father must pardon it. The father is superior by his virtues." War between Krsna and Jarasandha (134_457) Now, some important merchants came there by sea from Yavanadvipa, bringing much merchandise. They sold the other merchandise, but not their jeweled blankets. Seeking a special profit, they went to Rajaglha. They were taken by merchants living there, going ahead, to the house of Jivayasas, daughter of the King of Magadha. They showed Jivayasas the jeweled blankets, cool in hot weather, warm in winter, with thick fine wool. Half the price of the blankets having been obtained, they sighed, "We came, having left Dvarika, hoping to get more." Jivayasas asked them, "What city is Dvarika, pray? Who is king there?" The merchants said: "The city Dvarika was made by the gods on ground given by the ocean. Krsna is king there, the son of Devaki and Vasudeva." Hearing that, Jivayasas said with outcries, " Now my husband's 209 127. His grandfather. Page #252 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ MARRIAGES OF SAMBA AND PRADYUMNA murderer lives and rules the earth." 66 Seeing her, Jarasandha asked the reason for the outcry. She told him the news about Krsna and said with folded hands: Father, release me right now. I will enter the fire. I will keep my promise. I will not live any longer." Jarasandha said: "Daughter, do not weep like this. I certainly will make the mothers, sisters, and wives of Kansari weep. Now there will be an extinction of the Yadavas." With these words the Lord of Magadha, though opposed by his ministers, ordered the army for the march. His powerful sons, Sahadeva, et cetera, followed him; and Sisupala, King of Cedi, chief of the powerful. King Hiranyanabha, very strong and powerful, and Duryodhana, the Kauravya, a leader in battle, and many other kings and vassals by the thousands converged on Jarasandha like rivers on the ocean. The crown fell from his head, the necklace on his chest broke, he stumbled, his foot caught by the end of his garment, and he sneezed in the beginning. His left eye twitched,210 his elephant relieved itself, there was an unfavorable wind, and vultures wheeled in the air. He did not stop at all, though an unfavorable result was foretold by these unfavorable omens and signs and others also like friends.211 Filling the heavens with noise, as well as dust raised by the soldiers, shaking the earth like an excited elephant of the quarters, Jarasandha, who had made a cruel promise, mounted a rutting elephant and set out toward the west, very powerful. Narada, full of curiosity, and spies went in haste and told Sarngapani that Jarasandha was approaching. Krsna, the sole abode of splendor like a fire, got ready for the march, accompanied by the beating of a drum. At its sound all the Yadavas and kings assembled, like gods of Saudharma at the sound of the bell Sughosa. Among them Samudravijaya came there in full armor, irresistible like the ocean, and also 210 150. Unlucky in a man. Cf. IV, p. 371. 211 151. I.e., like friends attempting to warn him. 221 Page #253 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 222 CHAPTER SEVEN these sons of his: Mahanemi, Satyanemi, Dsdhanemi, Sunemi, the Blessed Aristanemi, Jayasena, Mahajaya, Tejahsena, Jaya, Megha, Citraka, Gautama, Svaphalka, Sivananda, and Visvaksena, great warriors. Samudravijaya's younger brother, Aksobhya, who was not shaken by enemies, came there for battle and these eight sons of his, leaders in battle: Uddhava, Dhava, Ksubhita, Mahodadhi, Ambhonidhi, Jalanidhi, Vamadeva, and Dsdhavrata. Stimita came there and these five excellent sons of his: Urmimat, Vasumat, Vira, Patala, and Sthira. Sagara and his six sons: Nihkampa, Kampana, Laksmivat, Kesarin, Srimat, and Yuganta came. Himavat came there and his three sons: Vidyutprabha, Gandhamadana, and Malyavat. Acala and Acala's seven powerful sons came: Mahendra, Malaya, Sahya, Giri, Saila, Naga, and Bala. Dharana and his five sons came: Karkotaka, Dhananjaya, Visvarupa, Svetamukha, and Vasuki. Purana and Purana's four sons came: Duhpura, Durmukha, Durdasa, and Durdhara. Abhicandra came there and these six of his: Candra, Sasanka, Candrabha, Sasin, Soma, and Amstaprabha. Vasudeva 212 came there, like a god of gods in strength, and many powerful sons of his with these names: Akrura and Krura, sons of Vijayasena; Jvalanavega and Asanivega, two sons of Syama; three sons of Gandharvasena: Vayuvega, Amitagati, Mahendragati, like embodied fires; three powerful sons of Padmavati, the minister's daughter: Siddhartha, Daruka, and mighty Sudaru; two sons of Nilayasas: Sinhaja and Matangaja; two sons of Somasri, Narada and Marudeva; Sumitra, son of Mitrasri; Kapila, son of Kapila; Padma and Kumuda, sons of Padmavati; Asvasena, son of Asvasena; Pundra, son of Pundra; Ratnagarbha and powerful Vajrabahu, sons of Ratnavati; Candrakanta and Sasiprabha, sons of Somasri, daughter of Soma; Vegavat and Vayuvega, two sons 212 169. These are the 10 Dasarhas, beginning with Samudravijaya and ending with Vasudeva. Page #254 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ MARRIAGES OF SAMBA AND PRADYUMNA 223 of Vegavati; three sons of Madanavega, whose strength was famed throughout the three worlds: Anadhisti, Dsdhamusti, Himamusti; two sons of Bandhumati: Bandhusena and Sinhasena; the son of Priyangusundari, Silayudha, a leader in battle; two sons of Prabhavati, named Gandhara and Pingala; two sons of Queen Jara, Jarakumara and Vahlika; Sumukha and Durmukha, sons of Queen Avanti; Rama, son of Rohini, and Sarana and Viduratha; two sons of Balacandra, Vajradanstra and Amitaprabha. Many sons of Rama, beginning with these: Ulmuka, Nisadha, Prakstidyuti, Carudatta, Dhruva, Satrudamana, Pitha, Sridhvaja, Nandana, Srimat, Dasaratha, Devananda, Ananda, Viprathu, santanu, Psthu, Satadhanus, Naradeva, Mahadhanus, and Drahadhanvan; and these sons of Visnu came: Bhanu, Bhamara, Mahabhanu, Anubhanuka, Bshaddhvaja, Agnisikha, Dhisnu, Sanjaya, Akampana, Mahasena, Dhira, Gambhira, Udadhi, Gautama, Vasudharman, Prasenajit, Surya, Candravarman, Carukrsnaka, Sucaru, Devadatta, Bharata, Sankha, and other powerful sons of Visnu by the thousand, Pradyumna, Samba, et cetera came together there, eager to fight.. Ugrasena and his sons came to the battle: Dhara, Gunadhara, Saktika, Durdhara, Candrasagara; the paternal uncle of King Jyestha, Santvana, and his sons: Mahasena, Visamitra, Hsdika, Satyamitraka; the son of Mahasena, named King Susena; Htdika, Sini, and Satyaka, sons of Visamitra; sons of Hsdika, Kstavarman by name, and King Dudhadharman; son of Satyaka, named Yuyudhana, and his son Gandha; and many other sons of the Dasarhas and of Rama and Visnu; and sons of their fathers' sisters and their own sisters came there, very powerful. Then on a day named by Krostuki Janardana got into his chariot of which Daruka was charioteer and which was marked by a garuda(-banner), surrounded by all the Yadus, with a festival of victory indicated by favorable omens and portents, and advanced in the northeast direction. After he had gone Page #255 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 224 CHAPTER SEVEN forty-five yojanas from his own city, he, expert in battle, stopped at the village Sinapalli. Kssna's army stopped there, four yojanas this side of Jarasandha's army, and some Vidyadharachiefs came there. They bowed to Samudravijaya and said: "O king, we are attached to the merits of your brother, Anakadundubhi (Vasudeva). What kind of assistance from others in battle is needed for you in whose family there are Aristanemi, capable of protection or destruction of the world; Rama and Govinda, whose strength is unparalleled; and these descendants, Pradyumna, Samba, et cetera by the crore? Nevertheless, learning that there was a suitable occasion we have come with our devotion. Instruct us. Count us in the category of vassals, lord." The king said, " Very well, " and again they said: "Jarasandha is straw before Sarngin alone. Give us orders about the Khecaras who are partisans of Jarasandha on Mt. Vaitadhya before they come here. Let Vasudeva, your younger brother, accompanied by Pradyumna and Samba, be our general. This being so, they will certainly be defeated." With Kisna's permission Samudravijaya sent Anakadundubhi and his grandsons, Pradyumna and Samba with the Khecaras. At that time Aristanemi gave Vasudeva the amulet that obstructed weapons which had been tied on his arm by the gods at his birth-bath. Now the minister Hansaka came with other ministers and made this speech of good counsel to the lord of Magadha: "In the past Kansa did an unwise thing and he reaped its fruit. Without the power of good counsel, the powers of energy and excellence of treasury and army 213 have bad results. It must be considered whether an enemy is small, equal, or superior to one's self. How much more this powerful Visnu who is superior to yourself! The tenth Dasarha blackened the faces of the kings at Rohini's svayamvara. The master himself saw that. Then no one in your army was the equal of Vasudeva. 213 208. The 3 divisions of sakti. See II, n. 117. Page #256 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ MARRIAGES OF SAMBA AND PRADYUMNA 225 Your soldiers were saved by his elder brother, Samudra. Vasudeva, known from winning crores in gambling and from saving your daughter's life, even though condemned to death, did not die because of his own power.214 His sons, Rama and Klsna, attained such prosperity that Vaisravana made the city Dvaraka for them. These are the heroes, great warriors, to whom the warriors, even the Pandavas, Yudhisthira and the others, have resorted as a refuge in time of trouble. The sons, Pradyumna and Samba, are like another Rama and Krsna; Bhima and Arjuna are terrifying even to Kstanta from strength of arm. What need of the other heroes being named, since among these Nemi alone is able easily to make the earth an umbrella with his arm as a handle ? . In your army Damaghosa's son,215 (Sisupala) and Rukmin are leaders. Their strength in a fight with Bala was demonstrated at the abduction of Rukmini. Duryodhana, the Kauravya, and Sakuni, the Gandhara--these, indeed, have strength in trickiness, like a dog. There is no counting them among heroes. Karna, too, King of the Angas, I fear, is like a handful of meal in the ocean of Krsna's army, which has great warriors to the number of a crore. Nemi, Kssna, Bala-these are three very great warriors in the enemy's army. You are one alone in your army. There is a great difference between the two armies. Who is eager for battle with Sri Nemi to whom the Indras, Acyuta and the others, pay homage from devotion? Your son, Kala, was destroyed by the gods themselves, partisans of Klsna, who played a trick. Recognize an adverse fate from . that. Acknowledging the law, these Yadus, though powerful, left Mathura and went to the city Dvaraka. Kssna has come now opposed to you, but not of his own accord, like a serpent dragged from its hole by you, after striking it with a club. So much having happened, master, it is not fitting to fight with him. If you do not fight, he will turn around and leave." 214 212. See above, p. 77 f. 215 217. Sisupala, the son of Damaghosa and Madri, a sister of the Dasarhas. 29 N Page #257 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 226 CHAPTER SEVEN Angered by that speech, Jarasandha replied: " Surely, wretch, you have been weaned away 216 by these crafty Yadus, since you try to make me afraid of the enemy, telling that without effect. Does the lion ever become afraid from the howls of jackals, evil-minded man? I shall reduce to ashes the cowherds' army by my power. Shame on this wish of yours advocating retreat from battle." Then the minister Dimbhaka said: " This speech is like his heart. Battle, of which the time has come, certainly must not be avoided now by the master. Glorious death in battle of those facing the enemy is better than life of those turning their backs on battle, lord. Arranging the wheel-formation, impenetrable as the cakra-jewel, in our army, we will destroy the enemy-army engaged in battle." Delighted, Jarasandha said to him: "Good! Good!" and he instructed his mighty generals to make the wheelformation. The ministers, Hansaka, Dimbhaka, and other generals made the wheel-formation at the Ardhacakrin's command. In the wheel which had one thousand spokes, one king stood on each spoke. Each one of the kings had one hundred elephants, two thousand chariots, five thousand horses, and sixteen thousand foot-soldiers of boundless glory. There were seventy-five hundred kings in the circumference of the rim and in the middle of it was the Lord of Magadha with more than five thousand kings. In the rear of the King of Magadha was the army from Sindhu and Gandhara. The hundred Dhartarastras were to the king's right. The kings of Madhyadesa were to the left. In front there were kings without number. At each joint of the rim there were kings with formations of fifty carts. Gulmas 217 were placed in each 216 226. Bheda has been used-one of the 4 upayas. See I, p. 153 and Abhi. 3.400. 217 239. In Abhi.3.412 is given a succession of military groupings. Here a gulma consists of 27 elephants, 27 chariots, 81 horses, and 135 infantry. Gana does not occur in this connection in the Abhi. According to MW, a gana = 3 gulmas, but the numbers of its members correspond with Hem.'s gulma. Page #258 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ MARRIAGES OF SAMBA AND PRADYUMNA 227 interval (between spokes) and ganas between the gulmas. Outside the formation there were kings with various formations. Then King Jarasandha installed King Hiranyanabha, faithful, long-armed, with celebrated skill in various kinds of fighting, lord of expertness, as general of the wheel-formation. The sun set. At night the Yadus made the garula-formation, hard to penetrate by enemy-kings, the rival of the wheel-formation. In this formation there was half a crore of noble princes. Sirapani and Sarngapani were placed at its head. Akrura, Kumuda, Padma, Sarana, Vijayin, Jaya, Jarakumara, Sumukha, Dsdhamusti, Viduratha, Anadhtsti, Durmukha--these sons of Vasudeva with a lac of chariots were guards of the rear of Kansadvis. Behind them was Ugrasena with a crore of chariots. There were four sons to guard his rear. To guard Bhoja (Ugrasena) and his sons these kings were behind them: Dhara, Sarana, Candra, Durdhara, and Satyaka. Long-armed Samudravijaya took charge of the right wing himself and stood with his brothers and brothers' sons. Mahanemi, Satyanemi, Duohanemi, Sunemin, Aristanemi, Vijayasena, Megha, Mahajaya, Tejahsena, Jayasena, Jaya, Mahadyuti--these sons of Samudravijaya were at the side. Other kings with twenty-five lacs of chariots stood at Samudravijaya's side, like sons. Rama's sons were in charge of the left wing and also the Panqavas, Yudhisthira and the others, whose strength was immeasurable. Ulmuka, Nisadha, Satrudamana, Prakstidyuti, Satyaki, Sridhvaja, Devananda, Ananda, Santanu, Satadhanvan, Dasaratha, Dhruva, Psthu, Viprathu, Mahadhanus, Dsdhadhanvan, Ativirya, Devanandana-these, surrounded by twenty-five lacs of chariots, stood behind the Pandavas, eager to kill the Dhartarastras. Behind them were Candrayasas, Sinhala, Barbara, Kamboja, Kerala, and King Dravida. In their rear stood Mahasena's father, the sole mountain of fortitude and strength, with sixty thousand chariots. For guarding the wings there were Bhanu, Page #259 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 228 CHAPTER SEVEN Bhamara, Bhiruka, Asita, Sanjaya, Bhanu,218 Dhtsnu, Kampita, Gautama, Satrunjaya, Mahasena, Gambhira, Brhaddhvaja, Vasuvarman, Udaya, Ketavarman, Prasenajit, Dsdhadharman, Vikranta, Candravarman, Parthiva. This was the garudaformation made by Garuda-bannered (Kssna). Knowing that Nemin wished to fight from affection for his brothers, Sakra sent his own chariot, distinguished by weapons of victory, with Matali (the charioteer). The chariot, gleaming with jewels, spreading sunrise, as it were, brought by Matali, was adorned by Aristanemi. Samudravijaya himself installed (by sprinkling) Anadhssti, Ktsna's elder brother, in command of the army, accompanied by putting on a tiara. The cry of " Victory! Victory!" arose in all of Hari's army and there was terror everywhere in Jarasandha's army.. A violent battle began between the soldiers in the vanguard of the two formations who marched together without any gaps as if their garments were tied together. Various missiles flew up in the battle of the two formations like waves of the East and West Oceans rolled high at the end of the world. Both the formations of the two armies attained a state of complete impenetrability, like a riddle, by each other. After fighting for a long time, the soldiers in the van of the garuda-formation, though very firm from devotion to the master, were broken by Jarasandha's soldiers. Then Tarksya-bannered (Krsna) himself, like the soul of the garuda-formation, strengthened the soldiers, raising up his hand like a banner. Mahanemi and Partha (Arjuna), like the right and left wings, and Anadhisti, like the beak of the formation in frontthese three became angry. Long-armed Mahanemi blew the conch, Sinhanada, and Anadhssti blew Balahaka, and Phalguna (Arjuna) blew Devadatta. The Yadus beat crores of drums and the sound of the conchs was followed by their sounds like the king of Sankha by the Sankhakas. The soldiers in the enemy-army were terrified by the sound of the three conchs 218 258. One of these 'Bhanus' must be Mahabhanu. Page #260 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ MARRIAGES OF SAMBA AND PRADYUMNA 229 and by the sound of the drums, like crocodiles in the ocean. The three generals, Nemi,219 Anadhrsti, and Partha, strode, raining arrows, like very powerful oceans at the end of the world. The kings placed in the cart formation at the joints at the rim fled, unable to endure the heroism of their arms. The wheel-formation was broken in three places by the three, like the bank of a mountain-stream by wild elephants bent down (to strike). They themselves entered the wheel-formation, like the currents of rivers by which paths had been made, and other soldiers after them. Duryodhana, Raudhira, Rukmin these three kings stopped the soldiers and rose up, eager to fight. Surrounded by warrior-kings, Duryodhana blocked Partha, Raudhira blocked Anadhrsti, and Rukmin blocked Mahanemi. Duels between these six took place; and between other warriors, their partisans, by the thousand. Mahanemi impatient, deprived Rukmin, who thought himself a hero, shouting defiance, arrogant, of his weapons and his chariot. To protect Rukmin who had approached the point of death, seven kings, Satruntapa and others, came together in the gaps. While these seven were raining arrows at the same time, Saiveya (Neminatha) struck down their bows, like lotusstalks, with arrows. After he had fought for a long time, Satruntapa threw a spear at the enemy and all the Yadus were terrified, seeing it burst into flames. Servants, originating from the end of the spear, carrying various weapons, committing cruel acts, fell into the air by the thousand. Then Matali said to Aristanemi: "This king got that from the Indra Bali by penance, like Ravana from Dharana. This must be destroyed by a thunderbolt." At Nemi's command he fastened a thunderbolt to Mahanemi's arrow rapidly. Hurling the thunderbolt-arrow quickly, Mahanemi made the spear fall to the ground and deprived the king of weapon and chariot. Samudra's son (Nemi) destroyed the bows of the 219 274. Nemi alone usually means Aristanemi, but here it refers to Mahanemi. Page #261 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 230 CHAPTER SEVEN other six kings and at that time Rukmin, mounted in another chariot, attacked again. Eight kings together-Satruntapa and others and Rukmin-standing at the head of the arrogant, fought with Saiveya. Whatever bow Rukmin took, the prince destroyed it. So twenty bows of his were destroyed in immediate succession. Then he (Rukmin) threw the club Kauberi at Mahanemi and Siva's son reduced it to ashes with a fiery arrow. Rukmin, unable to bear defeat in battle, discharged the arrow, Vairocana, which rained lacs of arrows, at Saiveya. Mahanemi blocked it with the arrow, Mahendra, and struck Rukmin on the forehead with another arrow. Venudarin killed him distracted by that blow and the seven kings attacked Mahanemi quickly. Samudravijaya defeated Druma, Stimita defeated King. Bhadraka, and Aksobhya, whose strength was unshakable, Vasusena. Then Sagara killed in battle an enemy, named Purimitra, and Himavat, firm as Himavat, killed Dhrstadyumna. Dharana, like Indra Dharana in strength, killed King Anvastaka and Abhicandra killed arrogant Satadhanvan. Purana killed Drupada and Sunemi Kuntibhoja, Satyanemi Mahapadma, Drdhanemi Srideva. Thus broken by the Yadu-heroes, the enemy-kings went to Hiranyanabha, who had been installed as commander-in-chief, for protection. Now the heroes, Bhima and Arjuna, and Rama's powerful sons, put to flight the Dhartarastras, like clouds dhartarastrahansas.220 The skies became dark from Partha's falling arrows and the universe became distracted by the terrible sounds of Gandiva (Arjuna's bow). As he drew the arrows (from the quiver), placed them on the bow, and discharged them rapidly, no interval was distinguished by the gods standing in the air. Then Duryodhana, Kasi, Trigarta, Sabala, Kapota, Romaraja, Citrasena, Jayadratha, Sauvira, Jayasena, Surasena, and Somaka together attacked Partha, casting aside the ethics of the 220 301. A kind of hansa with black bill and feet. Abhi. 4.392. Page #262 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ MARRIAGES OF SAMBA AND PRADYUMNA 231 warrior-caste. Sahadeva fought with Sakuni, Bhima with Duhsasana, Nakula with Uluka, Yudhisthira with Salya. The sons of Draupadi with soldiers fought very hard with the six, Durmarsana, et cetera and Rama's sons with the remaining kings. Kiritin (Arjuna) cut down the arrows of the kings, Duryodhana, et cetera, who rained them simultaneously, with arrows, as easily as lotus-stalks. Gandivin (Arjuna) slew Duryodhana's charioteer and horses, and destroyed his chariot with arrows, and made his armor fall to the ground. Dhartarastra, uninjured, ashamed, fled quickly like a mere foot-soldier and leaped into Sakuni's chariot like a bird. Dhananjaya (Arjuna) put to flight the ten,221 Kasi, et cetera, with a rain of arrows, like a cloud dispersing elephants with a rain of hail. Salya cut down Yudhisthira's chariotbanner with an arrow and Yudhisthira cut down Salya's bow and arrow. Salya strung another bow and put to flight Yudhisthira with heron-feather-arrows, like the rainy season the sun with clouds. Then Kaunteya (Yudhisthira) discharged a spear hard to endure at Salya which caused terror to everyone like lightning out of season. Unhindered by enemy-arrows, it fell quickly and slew Salya, like a thunderbolt a lizard. Many kings fled. Vlkodara (Bhima), angered, recalling the victory in gambling by trickery, slew easily Duryodhana's full brother. Sahadeva, attacked by Gandhara with magic weapons and with missiles, shot an arrow, the destroyer of life. Suyodhana (= Duryodhana), who had really abandoned warriorethics, cut down this arrow, which had not yet reached Sakuni, with a sharp arrow. Madreya (Sahadeva) said to him defiantly: "Duryodhana, cheating on your part is apparent in battle as well as in gambling. Indeed, that is the strength of the weak. I will kill at the same time the two of you, crafty like jackals, fortunately found together. Do not separate." With these words, Sahadeva covered Suyodhana with sharp 221 311. Why 10? This should be 11. Twelve are named above as his attackers and only Duryodhana has fled. Page #263 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 232 CHAPTER SEVEN arrows, like autumn-time a wood with parrots. Duryodhana attacked Madreya with arrows and destroyed the bow, the root of the tree of battle. Duryodhana discharged an arrow, entirely unerring, subject to a charm, like Kinasa (Yama), for the destruction of Sahadeva. Dhananjaya (Arjuna) obstructed the arrow on the way with the arrow Garuda together with Suyodhana's hope of victory. Sakuni twanged his bow aloud and made Madreya disappear entirely by means of showers of arrows, like a cloud a mountain. Sahadeva destroyed Sakuni's chariot, horses, and charioteer and cut off his head like the fruit of a tree. Nakula quickly put Uluka to flight with missiles, like the sun an owl with its rays, after easily depriving him of his chariot. He went to Durmarsana's chariot; and Durmarsana and the others-the six-were put to flight by Draupadi's sons and their soldiers. They resorted to Duryodhana and Duryodhana together with the kings, Kasi, et cetera, attacked Dhananjaya. Surrounded by Rama's sons, like Purandara by gods, Partha split the multitude of the enemy by various arrows. Partha, blinding all the enemy with arrows, slew Jayadratha, like Duryodhana's life that had become separated. Karna, Kalaprstha 222 being drawn to his ear, biting his lips, chief of heroes, ran forward, wishing to kill Kiritin. For a long time the two heroes, Karna and Arjuna, played with arrows like dice, watched by the gods from curiosity. His chariot destroyed several times, his other weapons lost, carrying only a sword, Karna, best of heroes, was finally killed by Kiritin. Bhima gave a lion's roar; Phalguna blew the conch; and all of Partha's soldiers roared, thinking themselves conquerors. Duryodhana, blind with anger, quickly attacked with an army of great elephants, haughty, wishing to kill Bhimasena. Maruti (Bhimasena), striking chariot against chariot, horse against horse, elephant against elephant, destroyed completely Duryodhana's army. The appetite of powerful Bhimasena 222 332. The name of Karna's bow. Page #264 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ MARRIAGES OF SAMBA AND PRADYUMNA 233 fighting in this way was not satisfied by them, like that of one eating is unsatisfied by sweet-meats. The hero Duryodhana himself, quickly reassuring his people, ran at Bhimasena, like an elephant at an elephant. Both the heroes fought with various weapons for a long time, like thundering clouds, like angry lions. Recalling the enmity from gambling, Bhima lifted up a great club and crushed Duryodhana with his horses, chariot, and charioteer. Duryodhana having been killed, his soldiers were leaderless and went to the general, Hiranyanabha, for protection. All the Pandavas and Yadus belonging to the right and left wings surrounded General Anadhssti. Hiranyanabha took charge of the vanguard of the army, like a pilot the front of a boat, and, angry, attacked the Yadus, shouting abuse. Abhicandra said to him: "Why do you talk like a clown? Warriors are not heroes from talk, but are heroes from the defeat of- enemies." Then Hiranya shot sharp arrows at Abhicandra. Partha destroyed them in midair, like a wind rain-clouds. He hurled a series of arrows, hard to keep off, at Arjuna. Bhima jumped between and with a club made him fall from the chariot. Ashamed, he got into the chariot again, biting his lips from anger, and rained sharp arrows on the whole of the Yadus' army. There was not a horseman, nor an elephant-rider, nor a charioteer, nor a foot-soldier in the great army of the Yadus whom he did not strike with arrows. Then Jayasena, Samudravijaya's son, angry, ran to fight with Hiranyanabha, his bow drawn. Saying, "O nephew, why do you come to Yama's mouth?" Hiranyanabha killed Jayasena's charioteer. Jayasena quickly destroyed his armor, bow, and banner, and led his charioteer to Yama's house. Angry, Hiranyanabha killed Jayasena, striking him with ten sharp arrows which penetrated the chinks (in his armor). The hero, Mahajaya, Jayasena's brother, got down from his chariot, carrying sword and shield, and ran at Hiranya. Hiranya cut off his head with a sharp-edged arrow from a distance. Angry at the killing of his two brothers, Anadhtsti fought 30 N Page #265 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 234 CHAPTER SEVEN with him. Other kings on Jarasandha's side fought with Bhima, Arjuna, et cetera and with the Yadus in pairs, one from each side. Bhagadatta, King of Pragjyotisa, like the lord of the Jyotiskas,223 mounted on an elephant, attacked Mahanemi. He said: "I am not your brother's brother-in-law, Rukmin,224 nor Asmaka; but I am Krtanta to enemies like hell-inhabitants. Therefore, flee, sir!" Saying this, he urged forward his elephant with a goad; and the charioteer whirled Mahanemi's chariot in a circle. Mahanemi struck the elephant's feet with arrows and the elephant, his feet crippled, fell with Bhogadatta. "You are not Rukmin," laughed the hero Mahanemi, who was compassionate by nature, and, touching him with the end of the bow, released him. Now Bhurisravas and Satyaki fought, both longing for the Sri of victory for Jarasandha and Vasudeva, respectively. Fighting with divine iron missiles, like elephants of the gods with their tusks, they became terrifying to the three worlds. After a long time, their weapons destroyed like clouds whose water is exhausted, both fought with their own arms, striking fist against fist. They shook the earth with their hard falls and jumps up and both split open the skies, as it were, with the noise of slaps on the arms. Satyaki bound Bhurisravas with a rope, twisted his neck, pressed his back with a knee, and killed him. Now Anadhrsti cut down Hiranyanabha's bow, and he hurled a club, destroyer of enemies, at Anadhrsti. As it fell, Anadhrsti broke it with arrows, and it lighted up the sky with masses of flying sparks. Wishing to kill Anadhrsti, Hiranyanabha got down from his chariot quickly and ran forward on foot, carrying sword and shield. Krsna's elder brother got down quickly with sword and shield and harassed him for a long time, moving with various steps. Anadhrsti, lighthanded, using trickery, cut Hiranya's body with a sword like 223 357. The sun. 224 358. Rukmin was the brother-in-law of Vasudeva, the cousin of Mahanemi. I do not know the point of Asmaka.' Page #266 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ MARRIAGES OF SAMBA AND PRADYUMNA 235 a piece of wood with a brahmasutra.225 His kings took refuge with Jarasandha. Just then the sun sank into the Western Ocean. Anadhtsti, honored by the Yadus and Pandavas, went to Klsna. At Krsna's command all went to their respective camps. Then King Jarasandha took counsel at that time and installed powerful Sisupala as general of the army. The Yadus made a garuda-formation at Garuda-bannered's command and took the battle-field at dawn like that. Sisupala made a wheel-formation in like manner (as before). Then King Jarasandha took the battle-field. Then Hansaka at Jarasandha's request pointed out the enemy-soldiers and gave their names exactly: "That is Anadhesti, whose banner is an elephant, with a chariot with black horses. That is Pandu's son, Yudhisthira, with a chariot with dark horses. That is Dhananjaya with a chariot with white horses; and that is Vlkodara (Bhima) with chariot-horses the color of a blue lotus. That is Samudravijaya with a lion-banner and golden horses. That is Aristanemi whose banner is a bull and whose horses are parrot-colored. That is Akrura with a plantain-banner and brindled horses. That is Satyaki with horses spotted like a partridge. That is Prince Mahanemi with horses the color of white water-lilies; that is Ugrasena with horses the color of a parrot's beak. That is Jarakumara, with golden-backed horses and a deer-banner; that is Sinhala, son of Slaksnaroman, with horses from Kamboja. That is Meru with a dolphin-banner and tawny horses; that is King Padmarathapura with horses the color of a red lotus. That is Sarana, whose banner is a blue lotus, with dove-colored horses; and that is Viduratha with a 225 371. I can find no definition of brahmasutra except the normal 'sacred thread.' It is possible that it means that Anadhrsti carved Hiranyanabha's body as mathematically as a carpenter would a piece of wood measured by a thread, which Indian carpenters do use; but why a 'sacred thread' which they would not use? Page #267 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 236 CHAPTER SEVEN water-jar-banner and horses with five auspicious marks.226 That is Krsna with a garuda-banner and white horses in the midst of the soldiers, like a rain-cloud with cranes in the air. That is Rauhineya (Rama), palm-bannered, with black horses, placed in his right wing, like a living Kailasa. There are many other Yadus with various horses and chariot-banners, great warriors, who can not be named now." After hearing that, Jarasandha twanged his bow angrily and drove his chariot rapidly against Rama and Krsna. Jarasandha's son, Yavana, the crown-prince, angrily advanced to kill Vasudeva's sons, Akrura, et cetera. A battle, terrifying as the end of the world, took place between long-armed Yavana and them, like one between a sarabha and lions. Rama's younger brother, Sarana, whose strength was unparalleled, blocked him, raining various arrows like a cloud raining frogs. Yavana destroyed Sarana's chariot and its horses by means of an elephant, named Malaya, lofty as the Malaya Mts. The elephant lowered its head (to strike) and Sarana cut off Yavana's head with a sword, like the fruit of a tree rocked by the wind. He cut off the trunk and tusks of the elephant as it rose up and Krsna's army danced like peafowls in the rainy season. When he had seen his son's slaughter, Jarasandha, angered, carrying a bow, set out to kill the Yadus, like a lion deer. Ananda, Satrudamana, Nandana, Sridhvaja, Dhruva, Devananda, Carudatta, Pitha, Harisenaka, Naradeva--these ten sons of Bala in the front of battle were killed by Jarasandha, like goats in the front of a sacrifice. Klsna's army fled at the sight of the princes' slaughter and Magadha (Jarasandha) followed it, killing, like a tiger a herd of cows. Then General Sisupala, laughing, said to Krsna: " This is not a cow-station, Kesna; this is a battle of heroes." Ktsna said: "Go, king! Eventually you must go. Why have you delayed so long in 226 385. Pundra. On the chest, back, face, and flanks. Cf. Harsacaritra, p. 50. Page #268 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ MARRIAGES OF SAMBA AND PRADYUMNA 231 Rukmin's 227 battle, son of Madri?" Pierced by Hari's speech like an arrow piercing chinks in armor, the King of Cedi twanged his bow and discharged sharp arrows. Hari destroyed his bow, armor, and chariot with arrows and, drawing his sword, ran after him, like a fire with high smoke. Hari cut down in turn the sword, crown, and then the head of the King of Cedi who was shouting abuse, evil-minded. Angered by. Sisupala's killing, Jarasandha, terrible like Kstanta, attacked with his sons and kings. He said to the Yadus: "Do not die uselessly, sirs! Hand over the two cowherds. Nothing has been hurt today."228 Angered by that speech, like serpents touched by a stick, the Yadus attacked with shouts, raining various weapons. Though he was one, Jarasandha pierced the Yadu-soldiers with terrible arrows from all sides, as if he had become many, like a hunter deer. Neither foot-soldiers, nor charioteers, nor cavalry, nor elephant-riders were able to stand before Jarasandha as he fought. Like cotton blown by the wind, the whole army of the Yadus fled in every direction, injured by Jarasandha's arrows. Jarasandha dived into the great pool of Yadu-soldiers on all sides, like a buffalo, and the Yadus became frogs in it. Twenty-eight sons of Jarasandha, throwing the poison of weapons, like serpents, attacked Rama. The other sixty-nine sons of Jarasandha, wishing to kill Janardana, besieged him like demons. A terrible fight took place between Rama and Kssna and them, which rained sparks from the destruction of each other's missiles. Rama dragged Jarasandha's twentyeight sons by the plow and crushed them, like ants, with the pestle. Shouting, " Even now this cowherd, disregarded, is killing," Jarasandha struck Rama with a club like a thunderbolt. Rama vomited blood from the blow with the club and 227 401. As a matter of fact, Rukmin was not responsible. It was Jivayasas, who incited her father. 228 406. Apparently he means that nothing has happened so far to prevent peace, if Rama and Ktsna are surrendered. Page #269 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 238 CHAPTER SEVEN a great cry, "Ha! Ha!" arose in all the army of the Yadus. The youngest Kaunteya, (Svetavahana), jumped between and fought Jarasandha who wished to attack Rama. Klsna saw Rama's wretched state and, angered, his lips trembling, killed Jarasandha's sixty-nine sons who were in front of him. "Rama here will certainly die. What is the use of Kiritin (Arjuna) being killed? I will kill Kssna." With these thoughts, the King of Magadha attacked him. Then a rumor spread everywhere, "Kssna has really been killed." Just then Matali said to Aristanemi: "Of what importance is Jarasandha compared with you, Sri Nemi, Lord of Three Worlds, like a young elephant compared with a sarabha? He, disregarded by you, is making a dearth of Yadavas now. Show at least, Lord of the World, an exploit of your own easily accomplished. Even if the Lord is averse to any censurable act from birth, yet he should not disregard his own family being destroyed by enemies." Spoken to like this, without anger Nemi took in his hand the conch Paurandara, whose sound exceeded that of a thundercloud, and blew it. By its sound filling the space between heaven and earth, the enemy were terrified and the Yadu-army was restored again, able to fight. At Nemi's command Matali whirled the chariot in the battle like a circle of fire-brands, resembling a whirlpool in the ocean. Like a new cloud with a drawn rainbow, the Lord rained streams of arrows on all sides, making the enemy tremble. The Lord destroyed the banners of some, of some the bows, of some the chariots, and of some the crowns. The enemy-soldiers became unable even to look at, to say nothing of striking, the Lord who resembled a sun at the end of the world. The Master alone killed a lac of crowned kings. What are mountains compared with the ocean enraged? The Master, Lord of Three Worlds, did not kill Jarasandha, sparing him with the idea, " The Prativisnu must be killed only by Visnu." Sri Nemi continued blocking the enemy, having the chariot whirled, and the Yadu-soldiers fought again, their Page #270 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ MARRIAGES OF SAMBA AND PRADYUMNA 239 courage regained. In the meantime the remaining Dhartarastras were killed by Pandu's sons because of their own enmity, like deer by lions. Baladeva, having recovered (from the blow), fought many times, with the pestle and plow upraised, and killed the enemy-soldiers. Now Jarasandha said to Kssna: "For a long time you have remained alive only by trickery, like a jackal, sir cowherd. Kansa was killed by a trick; Kala too was killed by a trick. Indeed, you, unskilled in weapons, have not put up any fight. Now I shall put an end to your trickery and to your life at the same time, villain. Now I shall carry out my promise to Jivayasas." Krsna smiled and said: "O king, you have spoken the truth. I am such a person (as you say). But your own skill in weapons must be shown. I am not boastful like you. However, I say only this. Your daughter's vow to enter the fire will be fulfilled." Angered by this speech of Visnu, Jarasandha discharged arrows and Ktsna destroyed them, like che sun darkness. Both, armed with bows, fought ardently like sarabhas, making all the quarters resound with the sounds of the bow. The oceans were agitated by the impact of their fight, the Khecaras in the air trembled, and the mountains shook. The earth, unable to bear the coming and going of their chariots heavy as mountains, gave up instantly all capacity for endurance. Janardana struck down the King of Magadha's divine missiles with divine ones and iron missiles with iron ones with the greatest ease. The futility of all weapons being apparent, the King of Magadha, filled with embarrassment and anger, recalled the cakra which was difficult to check by other weapons. Whirling the cakra, which had come at once, in the air in his hand, Magadha, blind with anger, thirsting for victory, hurled it at Krsna. Even the Khecaras in the air trembled very much at the falling cakra and Kesna's soldiers, completely depressed, were terrified. Kssna, Rama, the five Pandavas, Page #271 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 240 CHAPTER SEVEN and other warriors threw their own missiles to make it halt. The cakra, unhindered by them, like the current of an overflowing river by trees, came and struck Krsna on the breast with its hub. The cakra, as if weaned apart by the policy of dissension, stayed at his side and Kssna took it in his hand like his own majesty that had been offered. "The ninth Vasudeva has arisen," the gods, proclaiming this, rained a shower of perfume and flowers on Krsna from the air. Kssna, feeling compassionate, said to the King of Magadha: "Take note, was this deceit of mine? Now go home. Acknowledge my command and again flourish with wealth. Lay aside conceit which has evil consequences. Live now, though old." The King of Magadha replied: "You are hurling my cakra, which is like a fire-brand, cherished for a long time by me alone. Hurl it." Then Janardana hurled the cakra at Jarasandha. Their very enemies' weapons become their own in the case of the great. The King of Magadha's head, cut off by the cakra, fell to the ground, but he went to the fourth hell. The gods rained flowers from the trees of heaven on Krsna shouting, " Hail! Hail!" Page #272 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER VIII THE EPISODE OF SAGARACANDRA, KIDNAPING OF USA, AND KILLING OF BANA Then Neminatha released the kings, enemies of Krsna, from the blockade. They bowed to him, their hands folded submissively, and said: "Lord, Jarasandha and we were deceived at that very time when you descended into the Yadu-family, Lord of Three Worlds. Vinnu alone, no one else, is the slayer of the Prativisnu, no doubt; to say nothing of one of whom you, Lord, are the aid and kinsman. This was not known by us and Jarasandha at first. Therefore, we committed such actions. Such is fate. Today we have come to you for protection. May there be good fortune to us all. Rather, enough of talking. There is naturally good fortune of those submissive to you." Nemi went with the kings, who continued talking in this way, to Hari. Hari got down from his chariot and embraced him closely. At Nemi's command Hari claimed the kings and also Sahadeva, Jarasandha's son, at Samudravijaya's command. Hari gave a fourth part of Magadha to Sahadeva and installed him in his father's rank, like a pillar of fame of himself. Kesava installed Mahanemi, son of Samudravijaya, in Sauryapura; Rukmanabha, son of Hiranyanabha, in Kosala; and Dhara, son of Ugrasena who did not accept the kingdom, in Mathura. Then the sun plunged into the Western Ocean. Dismissed by Neminatha, Matali went to heaven. Krsna and the others, at Krsna's order, went to their respective camps. Samudravijaya remained, eager for Vasudeva's coming. On the next day three elderly Khecaris came to Vasudeva who was in company with Samudravijaya and said: "Vasudeva, accompanied by Pradyumna and Samba, comes soon with Khecaras. Let his actions be heard, 31 N Page #273 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 242 CHAPTER EIGHT Vasudeva went from this place with his two grandsons and Khecaras to Vaitadhya and fought with hostile Khecaras. Nilakantha, Angaraka, and other former enemies among the Khecaras--all together fought Vasudeva. During that battle yesterday gods who were near said, " Jarasandha has been killed and Klsna has become Visnu.' Hearing that, all the Khecaras quit the battle-field and reported to King Mandaravega. He instructed them: 'Do you all come, sirs, bringing large presents. We shall go to Hari for protection by the door of Vasudeva.' Saying this, he went to Vasudeva's presence and gave his sister to Pradyumna and King Tripatharsabha gave his daughter. King Devarsabha and Vayupatha gave their daughters to srimat Prince Samba with great joy. All the Vidyadhara-lords are coming now with Vasudeva and we have been sent ahead to announce it." While they were saying this, Vasudeva, accompanied by Pradyumna and Samba, came there. with Khecaras, a festival for the eyes. The Khecaras worshipped Krsna with much gold and jewels, chariots, horses, elephants, et cetera, imitating streams of treasure. Hari performed the funeral rites of Jayasena and others; and King Sahadeva those of Jarasandha and others. When Jivayasas had seen the destruction of her husband and father with his family, she abandoned her life by means of fire. Since the Yadus had jumped from joy, Janardana made a city Anandapura 229 there on the site of Sinapalli. Then Govinda, having conquered half of Bharata in six months, went from that place to the Magadhas, attended by Khecaras and mortals. There Kansa's destroyer lifted a stone named Kotisila, one yojana high and one yojana wide, four fingers' distance from the ground with his left arm. Kotisila was presided over by deities living in half of Bharata. The first Visnu raised it to the end of his arm;230 the second to his 229 27. Identified with Vadnagar in North Gujarat, LAI, p. 266. But no identification of Anandapura with Sinapalli is made in LAI. See p. 334. 230 31. See III, pp. 53, 83, 104, 123, 147; IV, pp. 39, 51, 259, Page #274 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ THE EPISODE OF SAGARACANDRA : 243 forehead; the third to his neck; the fourth to his breast; the fifth to his heart; the sixth to his hip; the seventh to his thigh; the eighth to his knee; and the last four fingers from the ground. For in avasarpini they had decreasing powers. Then Krsna went to Dvaraka and was installed as ardhacakrin by sixteen thousand kings and by gods. Janardana dismissed the Pandavas to Kurudesa and the others, Khecaras and mortals, to their respective homes. The ten powerful Dasarhas, Samudravijaya, et cetera; the great warriors, Baladeva, et cetera to the number of five; the sixteen thousand kings, Ugrasena, et cetera; three and a half crores of princes, Pradyumna, et cetera; sixty thousand of the uncontrolled (princes), Samba, etcetera; twenty-one thousand heroes, Virasena, et cetera; likewise fifty-six thousand powerful, eminent *body-guards,231 Mahasena and others; others, rich men, sheths, caravan-leaders, by the thousand attended Krsna, their folded hands placed on their foreheads. The sixteen thousand kings gave jewels as presents to Vasudeva from devotion and each gave two choice maidens. Of these, Krsna married sixteen thousand maidens, Bala eight thousand and other princes as many. Kssna, Rama, and the princes sported at pleasure in pleasure-gardens, pleasure-mountains, et cetera, surrounded by charming wives. King Samudravijaya and Queen Siva, seeing them amusing themselves in this way, said to Nemi in a speech permeated with affection: "Dear boy, always there is joy to our eyes looking at you. Let it be more by marrying a suitable bride." Lord Nemi, terrified of existence even from birth and endowed with three kinds of knowledge, said: "I do not see suitable girls anywhere. These lead to falling into misfortune. 231 38. Talavarga. This seems to be the same as talavara, which MW defines as body-guard' and PH as 'city-guard.' The Prabandhacintamani, p. 79, line 28, (Singhi ed.), has talavargiya. LAI, p. 60, interprets talavara as knights' and says, n. 11: "They were invested with a patta given by the king; they possessed the same status, the only difference was that they were without chowries." Page #275 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 244 CHAPTER EIGHT Enough of them for us. When suitable ones are encountered, then I shall marry them." By this dignified speech, Nemi. restrained his parents, guileless by nature, from insistence on the marriage-business. Birth of Rujimati (48-49) Now Yasomati's jiva fell from Aparajita and entered the womb of Dharini, Ugrasena's wife. At the right time Dharini bore a daughter, Rajimati by name; and in time she grew up with unique beauty and grace. Episode of Sagaracandra (50-74) And now Dhanasena, living in Dvaraka, gave his daughter, Kamalamela, to Nabhahsena, son of Ugrasena. As he roamed about, Narada came to Nabhahsena's house and he was not honored by him, his mind fixed on the marriage. With the desire to injure him, he (Narada) went to Sagaracandra, son of Nisadha, son of Rama, very dear to Samba and others. He got up to meet him and asked: " Divine sage, have you seen anything marvelous as you roamed about ? For you are devoted to seeing that." He said: "The daughter of Dhanasena, named Kamalamela, a marvel in the world, has been seen right here. Just now she has been given to Nabhahsena:" After saying this, he flew up and went elsewhere. But Sagara fell in love with her. Sagara thought of her only; spoke her name only; saw her only everywhere, like one crazed by datura seeing gold.232 Narada went to Kamalamela's house and, asked by her about a marvel, he, crooked-minded, said: "I have seen two marvels. Of these one is Prince Sagaracandra because of a wealth of beauty; and Nabhahsena because of ugliness." At once deserting Nabhahsena, she fell in love with Sagara. 1 232 * 232 56. Pita must be the datura. See III, p. 168 and n. 228. People poisoned by datura see things in a yellow light. Cf. Prabandhacintamani (Tawney), 54 n. and 194 n. Tawney calls it gold-sickness.' Page #276 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ THE EPISODE OF SAGARACANDRA 245 Narada went and told Sagara about her love. Seeing that Sagara had fallen into the ocean of separation from her, his mother and other princes became very distressed. Then Samba came there and, standing behind Sagaracandra in such a state of mind, covered his eyes with his hands. Sagara said, " Are you Kamalamela here?" Samba replied, "I am Kamalamela."233 Naisadhi said: "You alone will cause Kamala to meet me. Enough of thinking about other devices." Samba did not agree to this proposition, but was made to agree by all the princelings who made him drink much wine and tricked him. When he had become sober, Samba thought: "Why did I promise this wicked thing! Nevertheless, this must be carried out." Then, after recalling Prajnapti, samba went with the other princes to a garden on the day of Nabhahsena's marriage. He had Kamalamela brought there from the house by the goddess (Prajnapti) and married her, infatuated, to Sagaracandra properly. When the partisans of her father and father-in-law did not see her in the house, searching here and there, they went to the garden. When they saw Kamalamela in the midst of the Yadus who had assumed the forms of Khecaras, they told Visnu. Angered, Krsna approached Kamalamela's abductors and attacked, wishing to kill them. For he was not tolerant of bad conduct. Assuming his own form, Samba took Sagaracandra with Kamalamela and fell at Krsna's feet. Embarrassed, Krsna said: "What is this you have done, wretch, that Nabhahsena, a refugee, has been so deceived, alas! What is to be done for him now?" Kesava informed Nabhahsena and gave Kamalamela to Sagara, no one else. Nabhahsena, unable to do an injury (to them), from that time always watched for a weak point in Sagaracandra. 233 62. This is one of those double meanings impossible to translate. Kamalamela, the girl's name, means 'a meeting with Kamala.' It needs only a change of quantity in the final vowel to make it a man's name, of course. Page #277 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 246 CHAPTER EIGHT Kidnaping of Usa (75-84) And now there was a son, named Aniruddha, of Pradyumna by his wife Vaidarbhi and he attained youth. At that time there was a Khecara-lord in the city Subhanivasa, Bana by name, with cruel power. He had a daughter, Usa. From a desire for a suitable husband she, beautiful, propitiated the magic art, Gauri, with a very strong determination. She (Gauri), satisfied, said to her, " Aniruddha, the grandson of Sarngin Kssna, will be your husband, resembling Indra." The god Sankara, the husband of the magic art Gauri, propitiated by Bana, gave him invincibility on the battle-field. Gauri said to him: " The boon which gave invincibility in all cases is not suitable. For, indeed, I have given a boon to Usa." Sankara said to Bana, " You will be invincible except in women's business," and Bana was pleased with that. By what Khecaras and what mortals was Usa not asked from Bana because of her beauty? But he, not being pleased, did not give her. Usa, being in love, sent a Vidyadhari Citralekha and had Aniruddha brought to her house as well as her heart. He took her and married her with a gandharvamarriage. He set out with the announcement, "I, Aniruddha, am going, having abducted Usa." Killing of Bana (85-95) Then, angered, the Khecara-lord, Bana, armed with a bow, surrounded Aniruddha with arrows, like a hunter a boar with dogs. At that time Usa gave her husband the magic art Pathasiddha and he, his strength increased by her, fought with Bana for a long time. Pradyumna's son was bound like a young elephant with magic nooses by Bana. Prajnapti told Sarngapani this. Hari went there with Sirin, Samba, and Pradyumna and the serpent-nooses fled at the sight of the garuda-banner. Bana, very proud of his own strength by Sankara's boon, intoxicated by pride, said to Kssna: "Do you not know my Page #278 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ THE EPISODE OF SAGARACANDRA strength? You always practiced kidnaping of others' daughters. I will show you the fruit of that which has come by inheritance to your sons, et cetera.' 99 Krsna said: What suitability is there in your speech, villain? The girl must necessarily be given. What fault can there be in choosing her?" Hearing that, Bana, surrounded by Khecaras, his face terrible with frowns, his bow drawn, shot arrows at Sarngin. Janardana, expert at destroying, destroyed them in midair; and so it went on for a long time between the two heroes, arrow against arrow. After making him weaponless, Krsna cut him into pieces, like Garuda a cobra, and led him to Yama's house. 66 Then Janardana, taking Aniruddha accompanied by Usa, delighted, went back to the city Dvaravati with Pradyumna, Sirin and Samba. 247 Page #279 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER IX ARISTANEMI'S SPORT, INITIATION, OMNISCIENCE And now Nemi, wandering about with the princes in sport, entered Vasudeva's armory without hesitation. There the prince saw the cakra very brilliant like the sun, the bow Sarnga, (the club) Kaumodaki, the sword (Nandaka), terrifying as the coils of the king of serpents, and (the conch) Pancajanya, the very loud musical instrument of the prologue of the play of battle, which were like a treasury of Visnu's glory. Recognizing Aristanemi, who intended to pick up the conch from curiosity, Carukrsna, the keeper of the armory, bowed and said: "Even though you are Hari's brother and are very powerful, nevertheless you are not able to lift, much less to blow the conch. For no one, except Hari, is able to lift and blow the conch. Do not make the effort uselessly." Nemi smiled, lifted the conch with ease and blew it which resembled moonlight to the teeth resting on the lower lip. Its sound, rivaling the sound of the ocean with high waves collected against Dvaraka's walls, filled heaven and earth. The ramparts, mountain-peaks, and palaces shook; Sirabhit, Sarngin, and the other Dasarhas trembled. Elephants, having pulled up their posts, their chains broken, quivered. Horses threw off their bridles and ran away. People of the town swooned at its sound like a clap of thunder; the guards at the armory fell down and remained like dead men. Govinda thought: "Who has blown the conch? Has some cakrin arisen or has Indra come to earth? When I blew the conch, there was terror on the part of all the kings; but when the conch was blown by that person, there was terror on the part of Rama and me." As Klsna was so reflecting, the armory-guards reported to him, " Just now Aristanemi blew Pancajanya with ease." While Hari stood astonished Page #280 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ARISTANEMI'S SPORT, INITIATION, OMNISCIENCE 66 at hearing that, Nemi came there. Krsna, dissimulating, hastily seated Lord Nemi on a priceless throne and said with respect: Why did you blow Pancajanya just now, brother? All the world is terrified even now by its sound." Nemi said, "Very well"; and Krsna, wishing to test his strength of arm himself, said to him respectfully: "No one but me was able to blow Pancajanya. Now I am pleased that you have blown it. To please me especially, show me your strength of arm. Compete with me in a wrestling-match, honor-giver!" He said, "Let it be so," and the brothers, eminent heroes, went to the armory, attended by the princes. Nemi, compassionate by nature, thought: "How is Krsna to be defeated-by my chest, arm, or foot? I shall do so that he will not suffer injury and will know the strength of my arm." He said to Janardana: "The fight of vulgar persons is often full of rolling on the ground. So may our fight consist only of bending each other's arm." Visnu agreed to that and raised his arm, long as a tree branch; Nemi bent it like a lotusstem. In the same way Neminatha lifted his own left arm and Visnu clung to it with all his strength, like a monkey to a tree. The pillar of Nemi's arm was not bent in the least by Visnu, like the peak of a great mountain by a forest-elephant. Releasing the pillar of Nemi's arm, Sarngabhrt, concealing his embarrassment, embraced Neminatha, and said: Just as Rama considers the world as straw compared with my strength, so I think the universe is straw compared with your strength, brother." With these words, Visnu dismissed Nemi and said to Sirin: "Brother, you have seen our brother's strength, the best in three worlds. As I, an ardhacakrin, was on his arm like a bird on a tree, I think no cakrin nor Indra is equal to him in strength. Will he not conquer all of Bharata by such strength? Will our younger brother remain thus (as he is)?" Rama said: "Just as he is known to be superior to a cakrin in strength, so he is characterized by the personification of tranquillity, indifferent to sovereignty." As Rama said this, 32 N 249 Page #281 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 250 CHAPTER NINE a deity saw Hari afraid of his younger brother's strength and said: "Do not worry. Hear the Jina's words. Formerly it was said by Jina Nami: "Nemi will be an Arhat. So, though being in fact a prince, he will have nothing to do with sovereignty. Waiting for the proper time, a celibate from birth, he will adopt mendicancy. Do not think otherwise, Krsna.' Thus assured by the deity, Krsna, pleased, dismissed Rama, went to the women's quarters, and summoned Nemi. The two, Sarngin and Nemi, seated on jeweled thrones there, bathed at the same time, pitchers of water being poured (over them) by courtesans. Hari and Nemi took their food right there, their bodies rubbed dry with devadusya cloth, anointed with divine sandal. Then Krsna said to the chamberlains: " This brother of mine, Nemi, is superior to us ourselves. There must be no interference with him anywhere in the harem. Prince Nemi may sport in the midst of all his brother's wives. There is no fault at all on your part." He said to his wives, Bhama and the others: "Nemi is the breath of life to me. He must be honored like your husband's younger brother,234 He may be allowed to play without hesitation." At these instructions by Sarngin, Nemi was honored in the harem by them, but unchanged, averse to pleasure, he went away. Hari, delighted, sported on pleasure-mountains, et cetera with his harem together with Aristanemi, making no distinction between him and himself. Garden Sports (45-56) One day in spring Krsna, together with Nemi and his harem, went with the townswomen and all the Vssnis (Yadus) to the garden Raivataka. There the princes and the citizens played at various sports in the garden, like the gods and . ... 234 . 42A younger brother-in-law has more privileges than an older one. In fact, Krsna and Nemi were cousins. Page #282 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ARISTANEMI'S SPORT, INITIATION, OMNISCIENCE 251 Asurakumarakas in Nandana. Some drank wine, which had the fragrance of the bakula, a life-giver to Smara, in bars under a bakula. Some played the lute; some sang aloud with vasanta;235 some, intoxicated, danced, like Kinnaras, with women. Some with their wives gathered blossoms from the campaka, asoka, and bakula, et cetera, like flower-gathering Vidyadharas. Some themselves made ornaments from flowers, like expert gardeners, and put them on the forms of gazelleeyed women. Some sported with women, like Kandarpikagods, on couches of fresh blossoms in arbors of vines. Some, who were much fatigued, resting on the bank of a water-course, drank the wind from Malaya, like sportive serpents. Some, imitating Rati and Smara, played with their wives by swinging in swings suspended on branches of the asoka. Lovers, engaged in Puspesu's doctrine, made different trees blossom: some the asoka by a kick of the beloved; some the bakula by the gift of a mouthful of wine; some the tilaka by an amorous glance; others the kurubaka by giving a close embrace; and other trees by other pregnancy-whims. Kssna, surrounded by his wives, Bhama and others, wandered with Nemi here and there in play, like a wild elephant in a forest. Seeing Nemi, Hari thought: " If Nemi's mind were on pleasure, then sri would have her purpose accomplished and then there would be good brotherhood on my part. If he, favorable, could be surrounded frequently with alambanas, uddipanas, and their vibhavas 236 by me, then my wish would be fulfilled." So reflecting, Govinda himself wove a wreath and threw 235 48. A raga. Bharatakosa, p. 591. 236 59. Vibhava is that by which love, et cetera are made to appear. It is two-fold: alambana and uddipana. Alambana is the object on which an emotion is concentrated, e.g., a girl. Uddipana is something that excites an emotion, e.g., a garden. Vibhava is the condition that is favorable to producing an emotion. Ghosh calls it determinant.' Natyasastra, Vol. I, p. 121, gives a long list of determinants: seasons, garlands, unguent, ornaments, dear ones, et cetera. See Kavyaprakasa, 4.28, also. Page #283 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 252 CHAPTER NINE it like another pearl necklace around Nemi's neck. Satyabhama and others, clever, knowing Hari's intention, approached Sri Nemi with various ornaments of flowers. One, touching him with the tips of full, high breasts, bound Nemi's braid of hair with beautiful wreaths of flowers from behind. One wife of Hari, the creeper of her arm raised, her arm-pit visible, standing in front of Nemi, put a wreath on his head. One, taking hold of his ear with her hand, arranged an earornament on Nemi's ear, like a flag of victory of Smara. One fastened ever fresh armlets on Nemi's upper arm, again and again, with the intention of wasting time in sport. So they decorated Nemi suitably for the season, but Sri Neminatha made no change toward them. Thus engaged in various sports day and night, Janardana returned to Dvarika with his retinue. Samudravijaya was always eager for the festival of Nemi's marriage and the other Dasarhas also, and Sarngapani. Spring passed while Hari and Nemi played and the hot weather came, making Smara strong,237 as well as the sun. Even the heat of the morning sun became unendurable, like Sarngin's splendor; even at night the heat was not allayed, like people's karma. Young men put on two soft white garments, resembling the inside of a plantain-skin, scented with musk. Women did not lay aside for a moment the palm-leaf fan moving to and fro like the flap of an elephant's ear, as well as Manmatha's teaching. Young men sprinkled themselves again and again with sandal-water, its fragrance doubled by the juice of various flowers. Lotus-stalks, put on their hearts by women, acquired fragrance superior to ropes of pearls. Pressing them very closely with their arms again and again, the young men did not let them go from their chest, like a sweetheart wet with water. So in the summer terrible with heat Ktsna and his harem went with Nemi to a pool in the garden Raivataka. Vinnu 237 69. Because it increases heat in the body: pitta. Page #284 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ARISTANEMI'S SPORT, INITIATION, OMNISCIENCE 253 with his wives and Nemi entered it for bathing-sport, like hansas in Manasa's water. At once a resemblance to lotuses newly burst open appeared from the faces of Visnu's wives submerged up to the neck in it. Hari himself threw a handful of water on one. She, clever, threw back a mouthful of water, on him. Janardana had the appearance of a pillar with puppets from the timid women, afraid of the water, clinging to him. Leaping up repeatedly, like waves, the doe-eyed women struck Sarngapani on the chest fiercely. The eyes of the doe-eyed women became very red from blows with water, as if from anger caused by the removal of collyrium, their ornament. One, summoned by Sarngin by pronouncing the name of a rival, beat him with a lotus, like an elephant with an iron club. One approached another whom she had watched for a long time and struck her in the eyes with water lifted up, mixed with lotus-pollen. The doe-eyed women wandered again and again around Sarngin, bringing to mind the beauty of the ballet and the sport of his life as a cowherd. Nemi, unchanged, there at his brother's insistence, played, surrounded by his brother's wives engaged in jests. Saying, " Where are you going now, brother-in-law," Hari's wives struck Nemi simultaneously with water struck with the open hand. Aristanemi with Krsna's wives holding in their hands falling masses of water looked like a tree with erect shoots. With water-sports a pretext for making known the touch of women, they embraced Nemi's neck, struck him on the breast, and hung on his arm. One in sport carried a lotus, like an umbrella, over Sri Nemi, like an umbrella-carrier of the harem. One threw a lotus-stalk around Nemi's neck with a jest, like a wreath on the hitching-post of an elephant. Using anything as a pretext, one struck Nemi on the heart, which had not been struck by Smara's missiles, with a lotus. Prince Nemi, unchanged, let all his brother's wives play for a long time with acts and counteracts. Seeing his brother playing so, Janardana Page #285 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 254 CHAPTER NINE rejoiced and stayed in the water for a long time, like a riverranging elephant. When Hari had finished the water-sport, he left the pool; Bhama, Rukminni, and the others went to the bank and stayed there. Prince Nemi left the pool, like a, marala, and went to the place on the bank where Rukmini and the others were. Rukmini got up, gave him herself her jeweled seat and dried Sri Nemi's body with her own upper garment. Under pretext of a jest, Satya said to Nemi: 66 'You are always tolerant of us. So I, unafraid, speak to you, brother-in-law. You are the brother of Sarngin, overlord of sixteen thousand women. Why do you not marry even one girl, fair sir? Your beauty is unequaled in the three worlds, brightened by grace, and youth has recently appeared. This being so, why does this condition exist? Your parents, brothers, and we, your brother's wives, ask you: Grant their wish for marriage. Consider, yourself, indeed, how much time you have passed, a mere eunuch, solitary, without a retinue of wives! Are you ignorant, dried up, impotent? Tell us. You are devoid of pleasure in women, prince, like a forest-flower. Just as Vrsabhadhvaja founded the first tirtha, so he himself showed the auspiciousness of marriage. At the proper time undertake celibacy as you like. Celibacy is not fitting in the householder stage, like reciting a mantra in impurity. 33 66 Then Jambavati said: 'In your line Muni Suvrata became a Lord Tirthankara, after he had married and had a son. Before and after him, those who married and attained emancipation are known in the Jina's doctrine. You certainly know that. You wish to become emancipated young, having left the path of those who have become emancipated, since you have been averse to women even from birth." Angry at the affection shown, Bhama said: " Friend, why do you talk to him uselessly in a friendly way? Surely, he is not to be won by gentle words. He has been talked to respectfully by his father, elder brother, and others in regard to marriage, but he has not regarded them at all. Let him Page #286 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ARISTANEMI'S SPORT, INITIATION, OMNISCIENCE 255 be besieged by us all together. If he will not regard our words, he must never be released." Then Laksmana and others said: "He, a brother-in-law, must be propitiated. Soothing, not angry speech, as it were, is the device for him." After this speech, Hari's wives, Rukmini and others, fell at Nemi's feet, urging him to marriage with persistence. When Krsna saw Nemi being begged so by them, he approached and urged him in the marriage-business. Other Yadus also said to Nemi: Do what your brother asks. Make Siva and Samudravijaya and other relatives happy." 66 Importuned persistently in this way by them, Nemi thought: "Alas for their ignorance! Shame on that politeness of mine! Not only do they themselves fall into the ocean of worldly existence, they make others fall by the stone of affection tied (to them). Now this speech of theirs must be accepted by word only. At the right time I must necessarily do what is suitable for myself. That Rsabha Tirthakrt married in the past was because of pleasure-karma. The course of karma is different." With these reflections, Sri Nemi agreed to their speech. Hearing that, all, Samudravijaya and others, rejoiced. After passing the hot season there, Govinda went to Dvaraka with his retinue, eager in the search for a maiden suitable for Nemi. Satyabhama said to him: "I have a younger sister, named Rajimati, who is suitable for Aristanemi." Krsna said to her: "Satya, truly you have helped me, since I am lifted out of the ocean of anxiety about a woman suitable for Neminatha." Krsna himself got up and went to Ugrasena's house, observed eagerly by the Yadus and townspeople. Ugrasena welcomed him with the foot-water, et cetera of the reception of a guest, seated him on a lion-throne, and asked the reason for his coming. Krsna said, King, you have a daughter, Rajimati, who is suitable for my younger brother, Nemi, superior to me in good qualities. Bhoja said: "By good fortune, it has happened, lord, that Hari comes to our house and makes us content. This house, this wealth, we, this daughter-everything is at your disposal. 66 Page #287 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 256 CHAPTER NINE What question of asking in case of what is one's own ?" Delighted by this speech, Krsna went and reported this to Samudravijaya and Samudravijaya said: "There is great devotion to your fathers and affection for your brothers, son. You give us great joy that you have caused a disposition toward pleasure on Nemi's part. For so long the wish clung to my very heart that Arisganemi should consent to marry." Then summoning Krostuki, King Samudravijaya asked the day for the marriage of Nemi and Rajimati. Krostuki said: "Certainly no other auspicious affairs are suitable in the rainy season, to say nothing of a marriage." Samudra said to him: "Delay in this case is not fitting. Nemi has been moved to marriage by Krsna with difficulty. There must be no obstacle to the marriage. Name a day very near. A marriage in the Gandharva fashion might take place with your permission." After reflecting, Krostuki said, " If that is so, scion of the Yadus, the design must be accomplished on the white sixth of Sravana." The king rewarded Krostuki and dismissed him and had the day announced to Bhoja. Then the two made preparations. In the city Dvaraka Kssna had jeweled platforms, arches, et cetera made at every shop, at every city-gate, at every house. On the day near the wedding, the Dasarhas, Sirin and Sarngin; the mothers, Sri Siva, Rohini, Devaki, and others; Bala's wives, Revati and others; Hari's wives, Bhama and others; the nurses and other important women, with loud songs seated Neminatha on a throne facing the east; and Bala and Sarngin themselves bathed him with pleasure. After preparing Nemi with the wedding-ribbon tied on and carrying an arrow in his hand, Govinda went to Ugrasena's house. Then Ktsna himself in accordance with the ritual anointed Rajimati, a young girl with a face like the full moon. He returned to his own house and, after passing the night, got Nemi ready to go to the marriage-house. Then Aristanemi, shining with a white umbrella and white chauris, wearing a white garment with a fringe adorned with pearl ornaments, Page #288 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ARISTANEMI'S SPORT, INITIATION, OMNISCIENCE 257 wearing collyrium with charming gosirsa-sandal, got into a chariot with white horses. Princes by the crore went in front of Prince Nemi, the skies being deafened by the noise of the horses' neighs. At his sides were kings mounted on elephants by the thousand. The Dasarhas, Govinda, Musalin were in the rear. All the women of the harem, placed in very magnificent palanquins, went singing auspicious hymns, and other noble women, also. Thus Sri Nemi set out on the king's highway with great magnificence, with panegyrists reciting auspicious things aloud, (going) in front. The glances, tender with affection, of young women perched on roofs of houses and shops on the road, fell on Nemi, like auspicious parched grain. Being pointed out to each other by the citizens and being described with interest, Siva's son went to Ugrasena's house. Lotus-eyed Rajimati became very eager at the noise of Nemi's arrival, like a peahen at thunder. Friends, knowing her heart, said to her: "You are fortunate, fair lady, of whom Nemi, the handsome one of three worlds, will take the hand. Even if Nemi is coming here, nevertheless, we, very eager, will stand in the window and watch for him coming, lotus-eyed lady." ... Delighted at the naming of her secret desire, Rajimati went in haste to the window, surrounded by her friends. Wearing a hair-dress with jasmines inside it, like a cloud with a moon; surpassing lotus-ear-ornaments with her (lotus-)eyes; with pearl-oysters defeated by her ears wearing pearl earrings; her lower lip with lac, like a bimba with ripe bimbas; wearing a gold necklace on her neck, like a conch with a gold band; her breasts marked with necklaces like cakravakas with lotus-stalks; looking, with her lotus-hands, like a river with lotus-plants; with a waist that can be grasped with (one) hand, like Manmatha's bow; charming with hips like a golden slab; with thighs like a plantain tree and shanks like a deer's; with nails like jewels; wearing a fringed white garment, anointed with gosirsa-sandal, she sat in the window like a goddess in a 33 N Page #289 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 258 CHAPTER NINE heavenly palace. Placed there, she saw at a distance Nemi like Kandarpa before her eyes, lighting the flame of love, in her heart. Looking at Nemi, she thought to herself: " This husband has been difficult to obtain, not within the range of (our) mind even. If he, the sole ornament of three worlds, has fallen to my lot as a husband, then is not the fruit of my birth fulfilled ? Even if he has come here himself, intending to marry, nevertheless, I am not convinced of it. By what merit was he won?" As she was thinking this, her right eye twitched 238 and her right arm; and there was a burning in mind and body. Rajimati told her friends this, stammering, shedding tears from her eyes like a woman in a shower bath. Her friends said: "Friends, evil has been allayed, anything inauspicious has been destroyed. May all your family-gods be propitious. Be firm. Your bridegroom has come, eager for marriage. What is this ill-omened anxiety on your part, while the marriage-festival is taking place?" As Nemi went along, he heard the pitiful cries of animals and asked his charioteer, "What is this?" though he knew well. The charioteer replied: " Lord, do you not know? These various animals have been brought here to provide food for your marriage. Earth-dwellers, goats, et cetera and skydwellers, partridges, et cetera, belonging to village and forest, these will die, master. These are being watched by guards inside enclosures, crying out. For fear of life is a great fear of all." Then Nemi, a hero of compassion, said to his charioteer, "Drive my chariot to the place where these animals are." The charioteer did so; and the Blessed One saw many animals, their hearts terrified at losing their lives. Some were fastened by ropes on the neck, some on the feet, some had been thrown into cages and some had fallen into snares. Their faces upturned, their eyes pitiful, their bodies trembling, they looked 238 167. Unlucky for a woman. See IV, p. 371. Page #290 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ARISTANEMI'S SPORT, INITIATION, OMNISCIENCE 259 at Nemi friendly from (his) appearance. " Protect! Protect!" they said to Nemi, each in his own language. Neminatha, giving orders to the charioteer, had them released. When the animals had gone to their respective places, the Lord had the chariot turned back towards his own house. Siva, Samudravijaya, Krsna, Rama, and others left their own conveyances and were in front of Nemi. Siva and Samudravijaya, their eyes filled with tears, said, "Why have you suddenly turned away from this festival ?" Nemi said: " Just as these animals were bound by bonds, so we are bound by bonds of karma. Just as there was release from bondage for them, so I shall take initiation to make my own release from the bondage of karma--the sole source of happiness." On hearing Nemi's speech, the two swooned and all the Yadus cried out, their eyes downcast. After Janardana had revived Siva and Samudravijaya and had restrained the outcry, he said to Aristanemi: " Always you have been worthy of honor by, me, Rama, and the fathers, honor-giver. This beauty of yours is unequaled and your youth fresh. Moreover, the daughter-in-law,239 lotus-eyed Rajimati, is suitable for you. So tell the reason for your disgust with existence. These animals that you saw have been released. So fulfil the wish of your fathers and relatives. You can not disregard your parents immersed in grief. Show compassion common to all in this matter, brother. Just as these miserable animals have been gladdened by you, so gladden your brothers, Rama and others, by the sight of your marriage." Blessed Nemi said: "I see no reason at all for sorrow of the parents nor of you, brother. This worldly existence, which has four states of existence in which pains must be experienced by creatures born in them, is the reason for my disgust with the world. In each birth there were other parents and brothers, 239 188. The loose use of terms of relationship is sometimes confusing. Rajimati is a daughter of Ugrasena, hence a sister-in-law of Kssna. Kssna and Nemi are cousins. So snusa is inaccurate for both present and future, Page #291 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 260 CHAPTER NINE but no one shares karma. One consumes his own karma himself. If the pain of one person could be destroyed by another, then even life would be given for his parents by the discerning man, Hari. But a creature himself experiences pains, such as old age, death, et cetera, even though there are sons, et cetera. No one is a protector of any one. If sons are merely for the pleasure of a father's sight, then Mahanemi and others are sources of happiness without me. I am exhausted by the comings and goings on the road of worldly existence, like an aged traveler. I shall strive for the destruction of karma, the source of worldly existence. The destruction of karma is not gained without mendicancy. So I shall undertake it alone. Do not make useless opposition." Samudravijaya said: "Son, you have been a prince from birth. How will your tender body endure discomfort ? Without an umbrella the heat of other seasons even is hard to bear, to say nothing of the terrible heat of the summer which must be borne. Hunger, thirst, et cetera can not be endured by others; how much less by you, my dear, with a body suitable for heavenly joy?" : Neminatha said: "Why is this pain of men, who know the hell-inhabitants with a multitude of ever increasing pains, mentioned ? Emancipation, the cause of infinite bliss is gained by the pains of penance; hell, the cause of infinite pain, is gained by pleasure originating in the senses. Having considered that, say, yourself, "What is fitting for men to do?' Every one, considering, knows; but only one here and there will reflect." Hearing that, his parents, Krsna and others, Rama and others, realized Nemi's determination on mendicancy and gave loud cries. The elephant Nemi, breaking the chains of affection for his own people, his chariot being driven by the charioteer, went to his own house. Founding of the congregation (208-209) Knowing that it was the proper time, the. Lokantika-gods Page #292 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ARISTANEMI'S SPORT, INITIATION, OMNISCIENCE 261 came there, bowed to Nemi and said, " Lord, found a congregation." The Blessed One began to give gifts for a year with money supplied by the Jsmbhaka-gods at Vasava's command. When she had seen Nemi turned back and had heard him longing for the vow, Rujimati fell to the ground, like a creeper whose tree has been taken away. Her friends, terrified, sprinkled her with fragrant cool water and fanned her with fans made from plantain-leaves. When she had regained consciousness and had got up, her hair fallen on her cheeks, her bodice wet from a stream of tears, she lamented: " There was no desire on my part that Nemi should be my husband. By whom were you asked, Fate, that Nemi was made my husband? Why did you make a reversal suddenly, like a blow with a staff? You alone are a deceiver and a destroyer of confidence. However, this was known before by me from lack of confidence in my own good fortune. On the one hand, Nemi as husband, the best in three worlds; on the other hand, I. If I was known to be unsuitable for you, Nemi, why by agreeing to the marriage did you create the wish in me ? And having created it, master, why was the wish broken? For the promise of the great is firm as long as life. If you depart from your promise, lord, the oceans will surely cross their boundaries. However, it was not your fault, but the fault of my karma, that I attained taking your hand only verbally. The beautiful shrine of the divine mothers, 240 the divine pavilion, the jeweled altar, and everything else for our marriage became useless. What was sung in auspicious songs--all that was not true. Such is the truth: you were hymned in the beginning as my husband, but you did not become my husband. What separation of husband and wife did I make in a former birth that I did not attain the happiness of touching the hand of a husband?" With such lamentations, she beat her breast with her lotus-hands, broke her necklace, and struck together her 240 220. Matrgsha. See I, p. 141 and n. 183. Page #293 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 262 CHAPTER NINE bracelets. Her friends said to her: "Do not be so depressed, friend. What (kind of) union would there have been with him, or what business of you with him? Without affection, without desire, averse to association with people, always afraid of householding, like a wild creature of a house, discourteous, cruel, self-willed hostile-if he has gone, let him go. It is a good thing that Nemi is known now. If he had married you, he would be thus indifferent. Having thrown you in a well, then your rope would be cut. There are many other Yadu princes with good qualities, Pradyumna, Samba, et cetera. Among them there may be an agreeable husband. You were given to Nemi only in intention, fair lady. You are now still a maiden from the failure of the marriage with him, innocent girl." 66 Rajimati said angrily: 'Friends, why is this said, resembling the family of an unchaste woman, for the disgrace of my family? Nemi is the best husband in three worlds. Who else is such a husband? Or, suppose there is such. What of him? Surely, a maiden is given once for all. Vrsni's son was chosen by me in heart and speech. He agreed to me as a wife at the importunity of the elders. Now, he, the best husband in three worlds, did not marry me. Enough of pleasures, indeed, the causes of worthlessness by nature. If I was not touched by his hand in the marriage-ceremony, his hand alone shall touch me in order to give the vow." Making a vow to this effect, having sent away her friends, Ugrasena's daughter passed the time, meditating on Nemi. Now the Blessed Nemi gave gifts day after day and Samudra and the others wept like children in pain. The Blessed One knew Rajimati's vow from the people and from his three kinds of knowledge; nevertheless, he remained indifferent. The Teacher of the World gave unceasing gifts for a year; and the chief-gods, Sakra and others, held the initiation-ceremony. Siva's son got into the jeweled palanquin, named Uttarakuru, carried by gods and kings. Sakra and Isana carried chauris in front of the Lord; Sanatkumara the Page #294 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ARISTANEMI'S SPORT, INITIATION, OMNISCIENCE 263 umbrella and Mahendra the principal sword; the Indra of Brahma carried a mirror and the Indra of Lantaka a full pitcher; Mahasukra a svastika and Sahasrara a bow; the Lord of Pranata a srivatsa and Acyuta a nandyavarta;241 and the other Indras, Camara and others, carried weapons. Surrounded by fathers, mothers, Rama, Krsna and others, the Blessed One, noble-minded, set out on the king's highway. As the Lord went near her house, he was seen by Rajimati and at once she fainted again and again from grief that had been renewed. Then Nemi went to the garden, Sahasramravana, the ornament of Mt. Ujjayanta, resembling Nandana. Siva's son entered the garden which was apparently smiling, as it were, with newly blossoming ketakis; its ground on all sides paved with sapphires, as it were, with the fallen rose-apples; with bees intoxicated from lying on the couch of kadamba blossoms; with a dance (tandava) full of peacock-cries commenced by peacocks with erect tail-feathers; with groves of blossoming kutajas 242 like an arsenal of Smara; with a throng of travelers overcome by the fragrance of white and yellow jasmines. He got out of the palanquin and took off the ornaments and Hari (Indra) gave them to Hari (Krsna). When three hundred years from his birth had passed, on the white sixth of Sravana, the moon being in Tvastra, in the forenoon, having fasted for two days, Siva's soon tore out his hair in five handfuls. Sakra took the hair and put a garment on the Lord's shoulder. Sakra threw the hair into the Ocean of Milk, returned, and stopped the tumult. The Lord began samayika.243 The mind-reading knowledge of the Lord arose. At that time there was a moment of comfort even for hell-inhabitants. A thousand kings became mendicants, following Prince 241 242. For the srivatsa and nandyavarta, see I, plate 4. 242 248. Oval-leaved rose bay. 243 252. Cessation of all censurable activity, including mental. For a detailed description, see I, n. 122. Page #295 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 264 CHAPTER NINE Nemi. Sakra, Krsna, and others bowed to Nemi and went to their own homes. On the next day in the cow-house at the house of the Brahman Varadatta the Supreme Lord broke his fast with rice-pudding. Then the gods made a shower of fragrant rain and flowers, a deep roll of a drum, a waving of garments, and a stream of treasure. Then eager for the destruction of the destructive karmas, Neminatha went elsewhere to wander, turned away from the bondage of karma. Episode of Rathanemi and Rajimati (258-274) Now Nemi's younger brother, Rathanemi, subject to the senses, was wounded by Smara, seeing Rajimati. He constantly presented Rajimati with unusual objects and she, innocent, not knowing his intentions, did not prevent him. She thought, "He visits me constantly from affection for his brother." He thought, " She takes my gifts from love." He, of little wit, went constantly to Rajimati's house and made jokes for her under the pretext that she was a brother's wife. One day Rathanemi said to her when she was alone: "Innocent lady, I shall marry you. Do not pass your youth uselessly. Since my brother, ignorant of pleasure, abandoned you, doe-eyed maiden, he has been deceived. Why should there be a loss of pleasure and happiness on your part ? Even though he was begged, he did not become your husband, beautiful lady; I am begging you. See the great difference." Only then was she, straightforward by nature, enlightened by his intention about the reason for the former gifts. She, knowing what was right, enlightened him by reciting of dharma, but he, evil-minded, did not desist from that effort. One day, clever Rujimati drank milk up to the neck and, when he had come, she smelled a madana, 244 which causes vomiting. She said to Rathanemi, "Bring a golden dish." He brought it and she vomited into it the milk she had drunk. " Drink this, Rathanemi," said Ugrasena's daughter. He 244 267. See I, p. 145 and n. 188 for madana in another use. Page #296 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ARISTANEMI'S SPORT, INIFIA FION, OMNISCIENCE 265 replied, " Am I a dog that you talk about drinking vamit ? " She said, " Do you know that this is not fit to drink?" He replied, "Not only do I know it, even children know it." Rajimati said: "If you know that, sir, why do you want to * enjoy me whom Neminatha vomited? How can you, his brother, want to do this? Henceforth, do not speak of this, the cause of a life-term in hell.". Thus informed by her, silent, ashamed, his wish destroyed, Rathanemi went to his own house, very disconsolate. Rajimati, intent on attachment to Sri*Nemi, with a desire for emancipation, continued to pass days like years. Fifty-four days after his initiation, Neminatha came in his wandering to the garden Sahasramravana on Raivataka. The destructive karmas of Sri Nemi engaged in meditation under a rattan palm there, observing a three-day fast, broke. Master Aristanemi's omniscience arose in the forenoon of amavasya of Asvin, the moon being in Tvastra. At once the Indras, their thrones shaken, came there and erected a samavasarana adorned with three walls. The Teacher of the World entered by the east door and circumambulated the caitya-tree one hundred and twenty bows high. Saying, "Homage to the congregation," the twentysecond Tirthaket sat down on the eastern lion-throne, facing the east. The Vyantara-gods created instantly images of Sri Nemi seated on jeweled lion-thrones in the other directions. The gods and goddesses of the four classes 245 remained in their proper places, their eyes fixed on the Master's face, like cakoras on the moon. The mountain-guards went and reported to their lord, Devaki's son, that the Master had stopped in the samavasarana in this way. He gave them twelve and one half crores of silver and set out, mounted on an elephant, wishing to pay honor to Neminatha. Surrounded by the ten Desarhas and by 245 282. The 4 classes of gods that build a samavasarana are: Vaimanikas, Bhavanapatis, Jyotiskas, and Vyantaras. For an elaborate description of a samavasarana, see I, pp. 334 ff. 34 N Page #297 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER NINE mothers, brothers, and princes by the crore, by all the women of the harem and by the sixteen thousand kings, Hari went to the samavasarana with great magnificence. After dismounting from the elephant even at a distance and laying aside royal insignia, Hari entered the samavasarana by the north door. After circumambulating and bowing to Nemi, Sarngabhrt sat down behind Sakra and the others in the proper places. Indra and Upendra bowed again to Jinendra Nemi and began to recite a hymn of praise in a voice purified by devotion. Stuti (290-297) 266 "Homage to you, Lord of the World, benefactor to all the universe, firm in chastity from birth, a hero of compassion, protector. By good fortune you have destroyed the destructive karmas, Master, by pure meditation for fifty-four days. Not only is the Yadu family, Lord, but also the three worlds, adorned by you brilliant with the light of omniscience. The ocean of existence, which is very deep and uncrossable, Master, would be a mere puddle, ankle-deep, by the favor of your feet. Everyone's heart is divided by the charms of women, lord. Your adamant heart-no other in the world-is undivided. Now your brothers' words, trying to prevent your taking the vow, are a reason for remorse, as they see this glory of yours. By good fortune you were not made to stumble at that time by the throngs of relatives who were evilly persistent. You, whose omniscience has arisen unstumbling because of the world's merit, protect us! May you be in my heart, O god, wherever I am or whatever I do. What need do I have of another!" After this hymn of praise, Indra and Upendra became silent; and the Lord began a sermon in a language suited to every dialect. Sermon (299-363) "All creatures' wealth is as momentary as a flash of lightning; unions end in separations, resembling wealth obtained Page #298 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ARISTANEMI'S SPORT, INITIATION, OMNISCIENCE 267 in dreams. Youth is fleeting like the shadow of a cloud; the bodies of corporeal creatures are like bubbles in water. Therefore, there is nothing at all of value in this worthless worldly existence, but value is the observance of (right-)belief, (right-) knowledge and (right-)conduct. Faith in the Principles is called right-belief, enlightenment on the Principles as they really are is known as (right-)knowledge; desistence from all censurable activity, the cause of emancipation, is (right-) conduct, fully for ascetics and partly for householders. A disciple of those who have full self-control, who has partial self-control (himself), who knows the true nature of worldly existence is a layman throughout life. He should avoid 246 wine, meat, new butter, honey, five kinds of figs, fruit that is known to have infinite bodies, eating at night, pulses mixed with raw milk, mouldy rice-pudding, curds more than two days old, and ill-smelling food. Wine-drinking (307-322) Intelligence, even of a man adorned with cleverness, runs far away because of wine-drinking alone, like a woman because of unhappiness. Evil men, their minds made helpless by drinking Kadambari,247 consider their mothers as wives and their wives as mothers. One whose mind is disordered by wine does not know his own or another's; a wretch makes himself master and the master a servant. Dogs make water in the open mouth, with the idea that it is a crack, of the wine-drinker lying in the cross-roads like a corpse. Immersed in the liquid of wine-drinking, he sleeps nude at the cross-roads and easily betrays his secret purpose. 248 From the drinking of varuni249 246 305. The sermon now follows almost word for word the Yogasastra, 3.6 ff. I have followed the Yog.'s commentary, pp. 158 ff. 247 308. A kind of liquor distilled from flowers of the Cadamba. 248 311. I.e., he is easily forced to betray a secret, such as designs against the king. 249 312. Liquor from hogweed mixed with juice of date or palm and distilled. MW. Page #299 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 268 CHAPTER NINE beaaty, fame, intelligence, and wealth disappear like various bright designs from a floating cloud. The wine-drinker dances constantly as if possessed by a demon and wails repeatedly like a sorrowful person; he rolls repeatedly on the ground like one suffering from a burning fever. Hala 250 causes a relaxation of the body, injures senses, and causes a deep swoon, like the halahala.251 Discernment, self-control, knowledge, truth, purity, compassion, tolerance--all perish from wine, like straw from a spark of fire. Many creatures originate in liquids; therefore, wine must not be drunk by one afraid of causing injury. That which was given was not given; what was taken was not taken; what was done was not done--the wine-drinker speaks as he likes, indeed, as if from sovereignty over liars. In the house or outside or on the road, the wine-drinker, his mind confused, takes other people's property, having snatched it away, unafraid of execution, imprisonment, et cetera. Suffering from intoxication from wine, at once he enjoys other men's wives-- very young, young and old, a Brahmani or Candali. Shouting, singing, resting on the ground, running, angry, pleased, weeping, laughing, standing straight, bending, roaming, staying in one place, the wine-drinker is an actor, the king of the wicked. Even though drinking wine frequently, the winedrinker is never satisfied, always devouring a multitude of creatures, like Krtanta. Wine is the cause of faults, wine is the cause of calamities; therefore, one should avoid wine, like a sick person avoiding improper food. Meat-eating (323-333) One who wishes to eat meat from killing animals pulls up the root, called compassion,' of the tree of dharma. One who wishes to eat meat and wishes to show compassion, wishes to plant a creeper in a blazing fire. The killer of meat, the 250 314. A spirituous liquor.' MW. 251 314. A deadly poison. Page #300 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ARISTANEMI'S SPORT, INITIATION, OMNISCIENCE 269 seller, the dresser, the eater, the buyer, the approver, the giver--they are all killers. Ones who eat another's flesh for the nourishment of their own flesh are in fact killers, since there is no killer without an eater. Who would commit a sin for the sake of that miserable body in which clean food is turned into excrement and nectar 252 into urine? The intelligence of one greedy for the taste of meat, like that of an evil-minded witch, revolves about killing one creature after another. Persons who eat meat, when divine food is present, eat halahala, putting nectar aside. There is no dharma of one without compassion. Whence is there compassion of a meat-eater? The one greedy for meat does not know that; or, if he should know, would not warn (others). The one devoid of compassion, who wishes to nourish his own flesh by the flesh of others, is fuel for the flames of helland no one else. Who, except worms, would eat meat originated in semen and blood, made to grow by feces and chyle, red when it has attained growth? Who, intelligent would eat dressed meat, spoiled at once by an infinite series of coagulated 253 creatures, viaticum on the road to hell ? Eating of butter and honey (334-340) Fresh butter, in which heaps of very fine creatures come into existence from coagulation, must not be eaten by the discerning after an antarmuhurta.254 Considering what sin there would be in the destruction of even one soul, who would use fresh butter consisting of a multitude of creatures ? Who eats honey, disgusting like saliva, originating from the destruction of many collections of creatures? The one who eats honey originating from destruction of lacs of small creatures is worse than hunters, killers of a few creatures. Observers of dharma do not eat honey spit out, which bees 252 327. Water, etc. 253 333. Sammurchita. See I, n. 29, p. 21. 254 334. An infinitesimal fraction less than 48 minutes. See II, n. 265. Page #301 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 270 CHAPTER NINE vomit after sipping the juice from the interior of flowers one by one. Honey that is eaten even for medicine is the cause of hell. For even an atom of poison that has been eaten leads to destruction of life. Sweetness (madhurya) is so called, alas! by the ignorant from honey (madhu), from eating of which the pains of hell are experienced for a long time. Eating of fruits and vegetables (341-345) One should not eat the fruit of the fig trees: udumbara, the banyan, the waved-leaved fig, the opposite-leaved fig, and the pippala trees, which is filled with insects. A virtuous person does not eat the fruit of the five fig trees, though emaciated from hunger because he had not obtained other food. All green bulbs and all budding leaves, the milk-hedge, the bark of the lavana 255 tree, the aloe, girikarnika,256 satavari,257 forked grain that has sprouted, guduci,258 soft tamarinds,259 the beet, amatavalli, 260 the climbing bean named sukara, and others that have infinite bodies, named in the sutras, unknown to heretics, must be zealously avoided by the compassionate. Eating at night (346-363) A wise man should eat fruit known to himself or another. He should not use forbidden fruit nor poisonous fruit. He should not eat food, which has been made uneatable by ghosts, demons, et cetera wandering unchecked, in the evening. Who would eat at night food in which creatures falling are not seen 255 343. The Yog. says ' a tree named lavana.' I suspect this should be * lavana,' Anona Reticulata. For all these botanical names, see Yog., p. 166. 256 343. 'A variety of Achyranthes with white blossoms. L.' MW. Yog., vallivisesa. 257 344. Yog., 'vallivisesa.' Asparagus Racemosus, MW. 258 344. Yog., villivisesa.' Cocculus cordifolius, MW. ' The Ausadhi. calls it, heart-leaved moonseed.' 259 344. Before the kernels are formed. 260 344. Yog., 'vallivisesa.' Cocculus cordifolius, MW. But obviously guduci and amstavalli both can not be Cocculus cordifolius. Page #302 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ARISTANEMI'S SPORT, INITIATION, OMNISCIENCE 271 at all because their eyes are obstructed by the darkness of night? An ant destroys intelligence, a louse would cause dropsy, a fly causes vomiting, and a spider leprosy. A thorn and a splinter of wood cause pain in the throat, a scorpion that has fallen into vegetables splits the palate. A hair stuck in the throat causes stammering. Such evil consequences as these, et cetera, to all from eating at night are seen. If one should eat pure food at night, without seeing fine creatures, there would necessarily be destruction of creatures in eating at that time. How can those people, stupid, who eat food at night which has a collection of creatures attached, be distinguished from Raksasas? Whoever continues eating day and night is clearly nothing but an animal, whose horns and tail are lost. Whoever eats at the beginning and end of the day, excepting forty-eight minutes each time, knowing the evil results of eating at night, is a receptacle of merit. One who has not made a vow to cease from eating at night, even though eating in the daytime, would not share the fruit free from trickery. There is no interest without speech.261 The ones who, abandoning eating by day, eat only at night, have laid aside a jewel and taken a piece of glass, stupid. Owls, crows, cats, vultures, sambars, hogs, serpents, scorpions, and lizards are born from eating at night. The one who, rich (in dharma), always avoids eating at night, would necessarily observe fasts for half of a man's lifetime. What merits there are in the avoidance of eating at night, the causes of only a good status of existence--who would be able to enumerate them fully? Many fine creatures have been seen by the kevalins in the forked grain mixed with raw milk, et cetera. Therefore one should avoid them. One devoted to compassion should give up fruit, flowers, leaves and other things that are connected with live creatures and also pickle that is contaminated. Thus, being first in compassion, with a 261 356. He must make the vow, just as one can not collect interest without an agreement. Page #303 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 272 CHAPTER NINE discriminating mind in food, even a layman is freed from worldly existence in course of time." First disciple (364-374) After hearing the Lord's sermon, King Varadatta attained extreme disgust with existence, eager for the vow. Ktsna bowed and asked: " Every one is devoted to you; what is the reason for Rajimati's extreme devotion ?" Then Nemi narrated his own relation with her for eight births, beginning with the birth as Dhana and Dhanavati. Then King Varadatta arose, bowed, and his hands folded respectfully, declared to Neminatha, the Lord of the World: "Even laymanship taken from you would bear great results for creatures, like water from a cloud in the naksatra Svati.262 But, since you have been obtained as a guru, I am not satisfied with so much. Who wishes for mere dishes, when a wishing-tree has been obtained ? I wish to be your first disciple. Give me initiation, a boat for crossing worldly existence. Show compassion, O ocean of compassion." The Lord himself initiated the king talking in this way; and after him two thousand warriors became mendicants. Dhanadeva and Dhanadatta, (his) brothers from the Dhanabirth, the minister Vimalabodha from the Aparajita-birth, who had wandered through births with the Master, were three kings in this birth, and had come there from devotion to Rajimati. Their recollection of former births arose from hearing the former births and, a wealth of disgust with existence being produced in them), they took the vow at Aristanemi's feet at that time. Founding of congregation (375-382) Neminatha, the Teacher of the World, installed properly eleven ganabhrts, Varadatta and others, with them. The Master taught them the three-steps-permanence, origination, 262 368. Rain in Svati is supposed to produce pearls. See I, n. 107, Page #304 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ARISTANEMI'S SPORT, INITIATION, OMNISCIENCE 273 and perishing; and they composed the twelve canonical books in accordance with the three-steps. A princess, Yaksini, accompanied by many maidens took mendicancy at that time and the Master appointed her head of the nuns. The Dasarhas, Ugrasena, Vasudeva, Langalin; the princes, Pradyumna and others became laymen. The wives, Siva, Rohini, Devaki, Rukmini and others became laywomen; and other women in the Master's presence. Thus the Lord's congregation originated in the samavasarana, fourfold like dharma, purifying the earth. The Lord finished his sermon in the first watch which had passed. In the second watch Varadatta delivered a sermon. Then the gods, Vasava and others, the kings, Krsna and others, and others bowed to the Blessed One and went to their respective places. Sasanadevatas (383-386) Gomedha, originating in that congregation, three-faced, dark, with a man for a vehicle, carrying a citron, an axe, a cakra in three right hands; an ichneumon, a trident, and a spear in his three left hands, became Nemi Svamin's messengerdeity. A Kusmandi, named Ambika, originating in the congregation, gold color, with a lion for a vehicle, holding in two right hands a bunch of mangoes and a noose; and in her two left hands a boy and a goad, became the Lord's messengerdeity. His vicinity always superintended by them, Nemi passed the rainy season and autumn. Then he set forth to wander elsewhere, moving like a bhadra-elephant, seeking the good (bhadra) of the people. 35 N Page #305 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER X THE RECOVERY OF DRAUPADI, THE LIFE OF GAJASUKUMALA AND OTHERS Abduction of Draupadi (1-93) And now by Krsna's favor the Pandavas remained in their city 263 and happily sported with Draupadi in turn. One day Narada went to Draupadi's house in his roaming and was not honored by her who scorned him with the idea, "He is lacking in self-control." Thinking, "How will she suffer in future?" Muni Narada left her house, angry and hostile. Not seeing any one here who would cause her trouble from fear of Krsna, Narada went to Bharata in Dhatakikhanda. (C He went to Padma, lustful, in the city Amarakanka, the servitor of Visnu Kapila ruling Campa. The king arose, conducted him to the harem, showed him his wives, and said to Narada, Have such women been seen anywhere?" Reflecting, "My purpose will be accomplished through him," Narada said: Why are you pleased by these women, like a frog in a well, king? In the city Hastinapura in Bharata in Jambudvipa there is the chief-queen of the Pandavas, Draupadi, the abode of beauty. Compared with her, all these are mere slave-girls." With these words, Rsi Narada flew up and went elsewhere. 66 Wishing to have Draupadi, Padmanabha subdued by penance a god, a former friend, living in Patala. Padma said to the god, who became visible and asked, "What can I do for you?" "Bring Draupadi here and give her to me." He said: " Draupadi wishes no one except the Pandavas. But I shall bring her at your insistence." Then the god gave Draupadi a sleeping-charm, kidnaped her asleep during the night, took her, and gave her to Padma. Draupadi, awakened there and not seeing her own place, 263 1. Hastinapura. Page #306 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ THE RECOVERY OF DRAUPADI 275 terrified, thought, " Is this a dream or sorcery?" Padmanabha said: "Do not fear, doe-eyed lady. I had you brought here. Enjoy pleasures with me. This is the continent Dhatakikhanda, the city Amarakanka. I am Padmanabha, king here. Now I wish to become your husband." Draupadi, quick-witted, said: "If none of my people come after a month, I shall do as you say." Reflecting, " It is impossible for men living in Jambadvipa to come here," Padma deceitfully agreed to that speech. "I, made husbandless, shall not enjoy pleasures at the end of a month," Draupadi vowed, very rich in wifely fidelity. The Pandavas, when they did not see Draupadi in the house at dawn, made a thorough search in water, on land, in forests, et cetera. They did not find news of her and their mother told Sarngin. He alone is their refuge and a brother to the distressed. While Krsna was still bewildered by the business, Muni Narada came there to see the trouble caused by himself. Asked by Visnu, "Have you seen Draupadi any where?" he said: "I went to the city Amarakanka in Dhatakikhanda. There I saw Drupada's daughter in the house of King Padma." With these words, he flew up and went elsewhere. Kssna said to the Pandavas: " Draupadi has been kidnaped by Padma. I will get her back. Do not worry at all." Then Visnu, surrounded by a great army, went with the Pandavas to the shore of the Eastern Ocean, called Magadha. The Pandavas said to Kssna: "Master, this ocean, violent, very terrifying, is uncrossable like worldly existence. In some places in it mountains are submerged like clods; in some places there are sea-monsters like mountains. In some places there is a submarine fire by which a promise to dry it up has been made; in some places there are Velandhara-gods, like fishermen. In it vessels 264 resembling water-jars are lifted up by 264 30 Ghana. Exactly what ghana means here, I do not know. I can find no authorized meaning that makes sense, but they are surely the same objects described in II, p. 114. Page #307 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER TEN waves. Uncrossable even by the mind, how can it be crossed?" "What is this anxiety on your part?" pure-hearted Krsna said to them. Seated on the shore, he propitiated Susthita 265 by penance. The god appeared in person and asked, "What can I do for you?" Krsna said: Draupadi has been kidnaped by King Padma. Arrange it so that she will be brought quickly from Dhatakikhanda, best of gods, lord of Lavana Ocean." 66 276 66 The god said: "She was delivered to Padma by a god who kidnaped her from former friendship. Likewise, Krsna, I shall deliver her to you. Or, if that does not please, then shall throw Padma with his army and transport in the ocean and deliver Draupadi to you." Krsna said: 'Do not do this. Give an unobstructed path over the water to the six chariots of the Pandavas and me, so that, going there ourselves and defeating the wretch, we shall bring back Krsna (Draupadi). For that is the path of glory." Susthita did so. Krsna and the Pandavas crossed the ocean like dry land and went to the city Amarakanka. Hari remained in a garden outside and sent Daruka, whom he instructed personally, as a messenger to King Padma. Stepping on the foot-stool with his foot, terrifying from his frown, delivering a letter on the point of a spear, Daruka said to Padma: Drupada's daughter, the wife of the Pandavas, the companions of Vasudeva, has been brought here from Bharata of Jambudvipa by you. Krsna, to whom a path was given by the ocean, has come with the sons of Pandu. Surrender Krsna, if you wish to live, wretch." 66 Padma said: He is Vasudeva there, but here, himself the sixth,266 what is he compared with me? Go! Prepare him for battle." Daruka went and reported the speech to Krsna. Padma, armed, came with an army, eager to fight. 265 31. 266 43. The lord of Lavanoda. See II, p. 115. I.e., with the Pandavas. Page #308 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ THE RECOVERY OF DRAUPADI 59 His soldiers approaching like waves of the ocean, Pundarikaksa (Krsna), wide-eyed, said to the Pandavas: "Will you fight with King Padma or will you, staying in your chariots, watch_me fighting? They said, "We shall fight with Padma, lord. Today King Padmanabha or we shall cause tears to be shed." Then they fought with King Padma and were defeated. They went again to Vasudeva and said: "Master, this Padma is very strong, surrounded by strong soldiers. He is conquerable by you alone, not by us. Do what is suitable in this matter." very time, I alone am Krsna said: "You were defeated at that Pandavas, when you said: 'King Padma or we.' king, not Padma." With these words, Janardana set out for battle and blew loud-toned Pancajanya. A third part of Padma's army broke at the sound of the conch, like the flight of a herd of deer at the roar of an approaching lion. Sarngin twanged his bow and at its sound again a third part of Padma's army broke like a weak rope. With the remaining third part of the army, Padma fled from the battle-field and entered Amarakanka at once. He shut the gates equipped with iron bars. Blazing with anger, Krsna got down from the chariot. By a process of transformation 267 Hari became a manlion in form, angry like Krtanta, terrifying with the fangs of his wide-open mouth. Giving very loud roars, he stamped with his feet; and the earth trembled along with the heart of his enemies. The tops of the walls shook, temples fell, and houses fell apart from the blows of Sarngin's feet. Some hid in caves; some entered water; some in the city fell in a faint from fear of the man-lion. 277 46 Padma went to Drupada's daughter as a refuge, saying, 'Queen, pardon us. Save us from this Sarigin who is like Antaka." After putting me in front of you and after donning women's clothes, go to Krsna as a refuge. In that case you will live, not otherwise." He did as he was told and bowed to 267 56. By a vaikriya-samudghata. See I, n. 157. .66 Page #309 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 278 CHAPTER TBN Sarngin. Vasudeva, affording protection, said to him, "Do not fear." Janardana delivered Draupadi to the Pandavas and, mounted on a chariot, returned with them by the same road. At that time the Blessed Tirthakrt, Munisuvrata,268 had stopped in a samavasarana in the garden Parnabhadraka in Campa. Seated in his assembly, Visnu Kapila asked the Lord: " Master, to whom like me does this conch belong, whose sound was the guest of (our) ears?" The Arhat said, "The sound of the conch was from Visnu Klsna," and Kesava asked, "How can there be two Haris in one place ?" The Blessed One told Kapila the story of Draupadi, Padma, and Ktsna. Kapila said: "Why do I not give a welcome to Krsna, lord of half of Bharata in Jambudvipa, who has come here as a guest ? " The Master said, " Just as there is no second Arhat nor cakrabhst in one place, so a Visnu who has come for a reason can not meet another." After hearing the Arhat's reply, Kapila went on the road furrowed by Klsna's chariot to see Kssna on the ocean-shore. He saw the white and yellow chariot-banners, like vessels of silver and gold, of Kssna as he proceeded in the ocean. The Sarngabhit blew his conch filled with the words: "I am Visnu Kapila. I have come, eager to see you. So turn back." Krsna blew his conch with the sound of distinct words, "We have come far. We must not talk with you." After hearing the words of the conch, Hari Kapila turned, went to the city Kanka,269 and said to Padma," What's this ? " Padma related his own crime and said, "You being master, I have been defeated by Ktsna, Visnu in Bharata of Jambu." Saying, "O evil-minded villain, quarreling with superiors," Hari banished Padma and installed his son on the throne. 268 64. Not our Campa, nor our Munisuvrata. This is all in . Dhatakikhanda. There was a Visnu Kapila there. See above, p. 274. 269 74. I.e., Amarakanka. Such an abbreviation, so common in names of persons, is unusual in place-names. Page #310 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ THE RECOVERY OF DRAUPADI 279 When Krsna had crossed the ocean, he said to the Panqavas, "Sirs, while I say good-by to Susthita, cross the Ganga." They embarked on the ship, crossed the terrifying stream of the Ganga, sixty-two yojanas wide, and said to each other: " Now let us see Visnu's strength. Let the ship be anchored right here. How will he cross the Ganga's stream without a ship?" With this agreement made, they settled on the river-bank. And now, his business finished, Krsna came to the Ganga. Not seeing a boat there, Hari put the chariot with its horses on one arm and began to swim across the water with the other arm. When he reached the middle of the stream, Kisna, tired, thought, "Indeed, Pandu's sons, powerful, swam the Ganga without a ship." Knowing that thought of his, the Ganga made shallow water at once and then Janardana swam across her with perfect ease. He said to the Pandavas, "How did you cross the Ganga ??' and they replied to Sarngin, "We crossed in a ship." "Why did you not turn the ship and send it back?" asked by Sarngin, they said, "We did not send the ship back, to test your strength." Kysna, angered, said: "You know my strength now. It was not known in the crossing of the ocean and victory at Amarakanka." With these words he crushed their chariots with an iron-staff. A city developed there, named Rathac mardana. Then Kansasudana banished the Papdavas; and went to the city Dvaraka with his camp. The Pandavas went to their own city and told Kunti about it. Kunti went to Dvaraka and said to Vasudeva: "Banished by you, where can my sons stay? In this half of Bharata, there is no land which is not yours." Krsna said, " Founding a new city, Pandumathura, 270 on the shore of the Southern Ocean, your sons may dwell there." Kunti went, told her sons Krsna's command and they went to the Pandudistrict, purified by the ocean's waves. Krspa installed 270 91. Identified with Madura in South India. Page #311 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 280 CHAPTER TEN Pariksita, grandson of his sister Subhadra, son of Abhimanyu, as king in Hastinapura. The six sons of Devaki (94-115) And now the Blessed Nemi, purifying the surface of the earth, went in course to Bhaddilapura, the chief of cities. In this city there were the six sons of Sulasa and Naga, borne by Devaki, who had been given by Naigamesin. They had married thirty-two girls each. Enlightened by Sri Nemi, they took the vow at his side. They all, having their last body, acquiring the twelve angas gradually, wandered with the Master, practicing severe penance. And now the Blessed Nemi went to Dvaraka in his wandering and stopped in the garden Sahasramravana there. Devaki's six sons, seeking food at the end of a two-day fast, forming three couples, entered the city Dvaraka. Two of them, Anikayasas and Anantasena, went to Devaki's house and Devaki rejoiced, seeing them resembling Krsna. She fed them with sinhakesaras, 271 the best sweetmeats, and they went away. Then two other full-brothers came. She gave food to the great munis, Ajitasena and Nihatasatru; and two others came. Bowing to the eminent asceties, Devayasas and Satrusena, Devaki asked, with her hands folded respectfully: "Have you come here again and again from confusion about directions, or is this confusion of my mind? Are you not the same? Or rather, in this city resembling heaven in wealth, do great sages not find suitable food, drink, et cetera ?" They said: "We are not confused about directions. We are six full-brothers, living in Bhaddilapura, sons of Sulasa and Naga. After hearing dharma, we became mendicants with Nemi. We six, forming three pairs, have come to your house in turn." Then Devaki thought: " How can these six resemble Kesna so? There is no such resemblance even of sesame-seed with 271 101. Laddu, a sweetmeat ball. PH. Page #312 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ THE RECOVERY OF DRAUPADI sesame-seed. Formerly I was told by the sadhu Atimukta, 'You will have eight living sons.' Could these be my sons?" With these reflections, on the next day Devaki went to the samavasarana erected by the gods to ask Nemi about that. Knowing her intention, the Master said, "These sons of yours were delivered, living, to Sulasa by Naigamesin." Then she, seeing the six sadhus there, her breasts flowing, paid homage to them and said: "It is a good thing, sons, that you have been seen. There is eminent sovereignty or initiation of my sons. But this is for my sorrow. Not one has been cherished by myself." The Blessed One then said: "Do not grieve uselessly, Devaki. For this fruit of former acts has developed in this birth. In a former birth 272 you took seven jewels from a co-wife. But you gave back one jewel to her weeping." Gajasukumala (116-145) After hearing that, Devaki, blaming her wicked act in a former birth, went to her house and continued to long for the birth of a son. Sarngapani said, "Mother, why are you so sad?" She said: "What is the use of this fruitless life of mine? You were reared in Nanda's house and your elder brothers in Naga's house. No child at all has been nursed by me like a cuckoo. I wish a son from eagerness to care for a child, son. Even animals are happy, taking care of their offspring, themselves." Saying, "I shall fulfill your wish," Hari went away and propitiated Naigamesin, Sakra's general. The god said: "Your mother will have an eighth son, but he, wise, will become a mendicant, when youth has bloomed." In accordance with this speech, a very magnificent god fell from heaven, came to Devaki's womb, and a son was born at the proper time. Devaki herself cared for him, named Gajasukumala, like another Krsna in beauty, resembling a god. He was extremely 272 115. See Appendix 1, 36 N 281 Page #313 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 282 CHAPTER TEN dear to his mother and like life to his brother. Moon to the night-blooming lotuses of their eyes, he gradually attained youth. At his father's command Gajasukumala married King Druma's daughter, Prabhavati. At the insistence of his mother and brother he, though unwilling, married Soma, the daughter of a Brahman, Somasarman, born of a ksatriya. Just then Nemi stopped in a samavasarana and Gajasukumala with his wives listened attentively to dharma. Their disgust with existence arose and, after obtaining his parents' consent, Gaja together with his wives took the vow under the Master. When Gaja had become a mendicant, unable to endure separation from him, his parents and brothers, Krsna and others, wept aloud. In the evening, after asking the Master for permission, he performed the penance of statuesque posture in a cemetery and was seen by the Brahman Somasarman who had gone outside. Somasarman thought, This man, evil-minded, has married my daughter for ridicule, wishing to practice heresy." Angry at this thought, Somasarman, malevolent, stood the neck of a water-jar, filled with blazing coals from a funeralpyre, on his head. Though burned severely by it, absorbed in meditation, he endured it. The fuel of karma being consumed, omniscience having arisen, he went to emancipation. At dawn, Krsna went in his chariot with attendants to see Gajasukumala, his mind full of longing. Going outside Dvaraka, he saw an old Brahman carrying a brick on his head to the temple. From compassion for him, Krsna himself took a brick from the kiln to this temple and the people took (bricks) by the crore. After finishing the Brahman's business, Janardana went to Nemi. He did not see Gaja there, like a deposit left by himself. Hari asked the Master, Where is my brother Gaja? and the Blessed One told Gaja's emancipation by the Brahman Soma. Then Govinda fainted and, consciousness regained, asked the Lord again, How can I recognize my brother's murderer?" The Blessed One said: "Do not be angry at * 66 66 44 99 Page #314 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 283 THE RECOVERY OF DRAUPADI Somasarman. For he was an aid to your brother in attaining emancipation at once. Emancipation may be acquired after a long time, but in a moment with assistance, just like that you gave today to the old Brahman in delivering the bricks. If Somasarman had not done such a thing to your brother, how would his emancipation have taken place without any delay? The one who, going to hang himself after seeing you enter the city, dies with a broken neck-know that he is your brother's murderer." Then Krsna, weeping, performed his brother's funeral rites, et cetera himself, entered the city and saw Soma dead just as described. He had him bound by the feet, had men drag him through the city, and had him thrown outside, a new offering for vultures, et cetera. Yadus become mendicants (146-153) Because of that sorrow many Yadus became mendicants under Nemi, and the nine Dasarhas except Vasudeva. Siva, the Master's mother, and seven fulf brothers, and other sons of Hari, became mendicants under the Lord. Rajimati, with a desire for emancipation, became a mendicant under the Master and Ekanasa, Nanda's daughter, and many other women of the Yadus. Hari took a vow to abstain from marriage and all his daughters became mendicants under the Master. Except Kanakavati, Rohini, and Devaki, Vasudeva's wives became mendicants under Nemi. As Kanakavati was meditating at home on the duration of existence, her omniscience appeared, her karmas suddenly broken. She, a festival for her made by the gods informed by Nemi, adopted mendicancy herself and went to the Master's presence. After she had seen Nemi, she went to a forest and, after fasting for thirty days, Kanakavati died and attained emancipation. Death of Sagaracandra (154-158) Sagaracandra, the son of Nisadha, the grandson of Rama, Page #315 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 284 CHAPTER TEN his mind disgusted, having the lesser vows in the first place, began observing the statuesque posture at that time. Going outside to a cemetery, he practiced kayotsarga and was seen by Nabhahsena who was always looking for a vulnerable point in him. Nabhahsena said to him: "Heretic, why do you do this ? Take the fruit of the trick of kidnaping Kamalamela." With these words, Nabhahsena, evil-hearted, put the neck of a jar on his head and filled it with coals from a funeral-pyre. Sagara, wise, endured it completely, died quickly and, the formula of homage to the five Paramesthins being recalled, went to heaven. Story of the drum (159-179) One day Sakra said in his council: "Krsna causes a recital of virtues, avoiding faults, and does not fight with low fights." A certain god, not believing his speech, went to Dvaravati; at that time Hari started out in his chariot to amuse himself as he liked. The god created on the road a dead dog with a black body which afflicted all the people to a great distance by the evil smell. Seeing it, Kssna said, " The white teeth in the mouth of the dog with a black body are very beautiful." . Then the god assumed the form of a horse-thief, stole Sarngin's jewel of a horse, and beat Ktsna's soldiers following the track. Krsna himself ran near and said to him: "Why do you steal my jewel of a horse ? Now turn him loose. Where are you going, sir?". The god said, " After you have defeated me in a fight, take the horse, sir." Krsna said, " Get a chariot in that case, for I fight in a chariot." The god said: " Enough of chariot, elephant, et cetera. But make a contest with my fights, arm-fights, et cetera." Govinda replied: "I am defeated. Take the horse. I certainly do not fight in a low fight even if I lose everything." The god, satisfied, said to Janardana, "Choose a boon, fortunate man," and accompanied it with the telling of the Sakra-incident. Krsna replied to the god: "Now the city Dvarika is filled with calamities from disease. Give something Page #316 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ THE RECOVERY OF DRAUPADI 285 to allay them." The god gave Krsna a drum and said: " You must beat this in your city at the end of every six months. From its sound being heard old calamities will perish and there will be no new ones for six months, Hari." With these words the god went away and Kesava beat the drum just so; and the disease in the city was allayed. A certain rich man from a foreign country, who was afflicted with a burning fever, heard the story of the drum, came and said to the drum's guard, " Take this lac of money for a favor to me, good sir. Give me a piece of the drum, a mere sliver.273 Show compassion." The drum's guard, greedy for money, gave him the piece and the drum was filled out with a piece of sandal with a close joint. In the same way he, avaricious, gave to others so that the drum became patched with inserts of sandal throughout. One day a calamity took place and Sarngin beat the drum and its sound, like the hum of a mosquito, did not reach the council even. Trustworthy men, questioned by Krsna, told how the drum had been patched by the guard. Klsna killed the guard and received another drum from the god by means of a three-day fast. What is difficult for the great to accomplish? The two physicians (180-199) Janardana beat the drum to allay disease and so instructed two physicians, Dhanvantari and Vaitarani. Of them Vaitarani, capable of emancipation, named and practiced whatever treatment was suitable for any one and gave him his own medicine. But Dhanvantari made a treatment mixed with sin. The sadhus said to him, " This is not prescribed for us." He replied to them: "I have not studied any system of medicine suitable for sadhus. Do not do what I said." So the two physicians practiced in the city." One day Krsna asked Sri Nemi," What is their (future) 273 174. Pala: rio of a tola, mW. It takes 24 tolas to make an ounce. Page #317 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 286 CHAPTER TEN status?" The Blessed One related: "Doctor Dhanvantari will go to the abode, Apratisthana, in the seventh hell. Doctor Vaitarani will become a monkey in the Vindhya-forest and, grown up, will become the head of a troop in that same place. One day sadhus will come to that forest with a caravan. One of them will have a thorn broken off in his foot. He will say to the other sages waiting: 'Leave me here and go on. Otherwise all, separated from the caravan, will die.' Leaving him behind on bare ground in the shade, the sadhus, despondent, unable to extract the thorn from his foot, will go on, The lord of the troop of monkeys will come there and the monkeys in front will give cries of 'Kila! kila!' on seeing the muni. Annoyed by their noise, the lord of the troop will stay in front. After seeing the sage, he will think, Where did I see such a person before?' Then he will recall his former birth and his being a doctor and he will bring herbs; visalya and rohini,274 from the mountain. After crushing the visalya with his teeth, he will put it on his foot and will, heal his foot, at once freed from the thorn, with the rohini. He will write the words, 'I was formerly the doctor, Vaitarani, in Dvaravati, before the muni. Having heard before about his life, the muni will tell dharma (to him). After making a three-day fast, the monkey will go to Sahasrara. He will see by clairvoyance the corpse of himself engaged in a fast and the muni near-by, pronouncing namaskaras. The god will say to the muni, after bowing to him with devotion, 'By your favor this great magnificence of a god became mine.' He will guide the sadhu and unite him with his sadhus; and the sadhu will tell the story of the monkey to the sadhus." After hearing that, Hari, having faith in dharma, bowed to Nemi and went away. Then the Blessed One went elsewhere to wander. 274 192. Visalya, "N. of various plants (also of a specific for arrow wounds).' MW. Here visalya is used to remove the arrow and rohini to cure the wound. Page #318 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ THE RECOVERY OF DRAUPADI 287 287 Movement during the rains (200-205) One day at the beginning of the rainy season, Neminatha, giving delight to the people like a cloud, approached Dvaraka and stopped in a samavasarana. Attending on him, Krsna said, " Blessed One, why do you and other sadhus not wander in the rains?" The Master said: "During the rains, the ground is covered with various jivas (living creatures). The sadhus, bestowing freedom from fear on the jivas, do not move about then." Ktsna said: "If that is so, I, coming and going with a large retinue, cause destruction of many jivas. I will not leave my house during the rains." Making a vow to this effect, Krsna went away and entered his own house. Sarngabhit instructed the door-keepers. "During the rains, no one must be admitted to my house." The story of the weaver (206-247) In that city there was a weaver, named Vira, exceedingly devoted to Visnu. After he had seen Ktsna and paid homage to him, he ate, but not otherwise. Not being admitted to Hari's house at that time, standing at the door, he made a puja directed to Hari day after day. Sometimes he did not eat because he had not seen Visnu. The rains over, Hari left his house. All the kings and the miserable Vira 275 attended him; and Vasudeva asked Viraka, "Why are you emaciated ? " The door-keepers told him the circumstances, the cause of emaciation, and Krsna, compassionate, gave him free access to his house. Then Krsna went with his retinue to pay homage to Nemi and heard yatidharma (the duties of sadhus), and he said to the Master: "I am not able to bear asceticism, Lord. Nevertheless, let this be my decision: to have initiation taken by others and to approve them. Whoever wishes to become a mendicant, I shall not hinder him and shall hold a departurefestival for him like a son." 275 209. I think this is a case of the pejorative -ka. Page #319 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 288 CHAPTER TEN With this resolution, Visnu left; and said to his own marriageable daughters who had come to bow, "Will you be mistresses or slaves ?" They told sarngin, "We will be mistresses," and Sarngin said, "In that case take initiation under Nemi, innocent girls." So he made his daughters, suitable for marriage, become mendicants in turn. One day one queen said to her daughter Ketumanjari, "Asked by your father, child, say unhesitatingly, 'I will be a slave, not a mistress, lord.'" When she was suitable for marriage, she went into her father's presence, sent by her mother. She was asked in the same way by her father and she replied as instructed by her mother. Kssna thought: "My daughters will wander in the forest of existence and they will experience disrespect everywhere. That is not suitable. Let it be so that others do not say this." With this thought, Hari said to the weaver Vira, " Have you done anything unusual ?" He said, "I have done nothing unusual," and Hari said to him, "Nevertheless, consider and tell something." Vira said: "In the past I made a lizard in a jujube fall down, hitting it with a stone, and it died. Water, flowing on the road in the track made by a chariot-wheel, was held back by me stepping in it with my left foot and it flowed far away. Flies that had entered a jar of sizing,276 buzzing, were kept imprisoned for a long time by me placing my left hand over the opening." On the next day in the council Kssna said to the kings, "Sirs, the conduct of Viraka is not in accordance with his family." They, saying, " Long live!" began to listen attentively and again Krsna said to them: "This weaver is a ksatriya by whom a red-hooded serpent living in a grove of jujubes was killed with a weapon from the ground. This weaver is a ksatriya by whom the Ganga, carrying dirty water 276 224. Pata must be corrected to pana in accordance with the MSS and 235 below, but ' sizing' is a conjecture. It would be suitable for a weaver to have a jar of sizing. Page #320 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ THE RECOVERY OF DRAUPADI 289 in a ditch made by a wheel, was restrained with his left foot. This weaver is a ksatriya by whom a noisy army, living in Kalasipura 277 was checked with his left hand. He, with clearly heroic practices, is a suitable son-in-law for me." He said to Viraka, " Take Ketumanjari." Unwilling but ordered by Krsna with a frown, Viraka married his daughter, Ketumanjari, and took her to his house. Ketumanjari reclined on a couch continually and Viraka carried out her orders day and night. One day sarngin asked him, "Does Ketumanjari carry out your orders ? " and Viraka said, "I carry out her orders." Klsna said to him, " If you do not compel her do all your work, I shall throw you in prison." Knowing Kesna's intentions, Vira went and said to Ketumanjari, "Make a sizing for clothing. Why do you merely sit?" "You, a weaver, do not know (what is proper)." Fearlessly Viraka beat her saying this angrily with the strings of a weaver's brush. Weeping, she went to her father and told him her mistreatment. Kssna said, " You, giving up mastery, chose servitude." "She said, "Now give me mastery." Krsna said, "Now you are subject to Viraka, not to me." Begged earnestly by her, Kssna restrained Viraka, took her, and had her take initiation under Nemi Svamin, One day Klsna made the homage of the twelve avartas to all the sadhus, but the other kings did not have strength (enough). Following Vasudeva, Viraka made the homage of the twelve avartas 278 to all the sadhus after him. Krsna said to the Master: " I was not so tired from three hundred and sixty battles 279 as from that homage." The Omniscient said: "Klsna, you have acquired much merit today, right-belief 277 229. With a play on kalasi, "water-jar.' 278 240. See above, p. 120. 279 242. Pandit L. B. Gandhi says he has seen allusions to Krsna fighting 360 battles. There were 18,000 sadhus in Neminatha's train and if he did the avartas to all, as it distinctly says, it would be quite a feat for Ktsna, to say nothing of Vira. 37 N Page #321 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 290 CHAPTER TEN which arises from destruction of karma 280 and the bodymaking karma of a tirthaket.281 Age-karma, suitable for the third hell, has been taken by you, having risen from the seventh hell, and at the end you will make it firm."282 Krsna said: "Blessed One, I shall pay homage to you again so that my hellish-age karma will break completely, as before." The Master said: "That would be material homage of yours from pious conduct, but fruit is obtained only from spiritual homage, not otherwise." Ktsna asked about the fruit to Viraka and the Lord said: " His fruit is bodily austerities. He pays homage in accordance with your wish." After bowing to the Blessed One, meditating on the Blessed One's words, Krsna and his retinue went to the city Dvaraka. Story of Dhandhana (249-270) Krsna's son by his wife Dhandhana, named Dhandhana, married many princesses, when he was grown. One day, after listening to dharma at the Master's side, his mind disgusted with existence, he took initiation, and his father held his departure-festival. He wandered with the Master and was esteemed by the sadhus. As he was so occupied, his obstructive-karma matured. Wherever he went, he obtained nothing at all there; and it was the same with the munis who went with him. Then the sadhus declared to Neminatha: " Dhandhana, Kssna's son, disciple of the Lord of Three Worlds, does not receive alms in a city with a generous population of rich coreligionists. What is the reason for that, Master?" The Master related: "In the past there was a Brahman, named Parasara, the king's agent in the village Dhanyapuraka in the Magadhas. One day he had the king's fields sowed by 280 243. See I, p. 204. 281 243. See I, p. 408. 282 244. See I, pp. 402, 404, 409. Page #322 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ THE RECOVERY OF DRAUPADI 291 the villagers; and when the food arrived,283 he did not let the villagers go to eat. He had one furrow plowed in each field by force by the hungry, thirsty, tired oxen and plowmen. He acquired obstructive karma and after dying and wandering through existence, became this Dhandhana. Now his karma has matured." Hearing that, a desire for emancipation being produced, Dhandhana took a vow in the Master's presence: "I will not eat what has been obtained by another." Enduring the trial of failure in begging, 284 Dhandhana passed some time, not eating what had been obtained by another. One day Vasudeva asked Neminatha present in his council, "Who among these great sages does what is difficult to do?" The Master said: "They all do what is difficult to do, but especially Dhandhana who has passed so long a time, enduring the trial of failure in begging." After bowing to the Lord, as Klsna was entering Dvaraka, he saw Sadhu Dhandhana going in search of alms. Getting down from his elephant, Krsna bowed to him with great devotion. A sheth saw that and thought, "Who is this fortunate man to whom Krsna bowed?" In his wandering Dhandhana came to this same sheth's house and he provided him with sweetmeats with much honor, Dhandhana came, bowed to the Omniscient, and said: " Is my obstructive karma destroyed that I have obtained alms?" The Master said: "Your destructive karma is not destroyed. This receiving of alms was from Hari. The sheth gave you alms because Hari paid homage to you." Thinking, " This is receiving from another," he, devoid of love, et cetera, began to put the alms down on the bare ground. As he was engaged in firm meditation to the effect, " Karma acquired in the past is very difficult for creatures to destroy, alas!" his omniscience arose. Then the sage Dhandhana, after circumambulating Nemi, sat down in the assembly of kevalins, and was worshipped by the gods. 283 256. It would be brought by the families of the workers. 284 260. Alabhaparisaha. See I, n. 55 and p. 448. Page #323 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER TEN Rathanemi and Rajimati (271-286) The Blessed Nemi wandered through villages, mines, cities, et cetera and again and again stopped in a samavasarana in Dvaraka. One time when the Lord was there, it began to rain suddenly. Rathanemi, who had gone for alms, started to the Master. Overwhelmed by the rain, he entered a cave. After paying homage to the Master, Rajimati was returning. Her companions, sadhvis, ran away, terrified by the rain, but Rajimati entered the cave, not knowing (he was there). She did not see Rathanemi, who had entered first, because of the darkness; but stood up and took off her garments to wring them out. 292 Seeing her unclothed, wounded by love, Rathanemi said: "You were begged before. Now there is an opportunity for enjoyment (of you by me)." Recognizing Rathanemi from his voice, her body covered at once, she said: "Such a thing is not fitting for well-born people at any time. You are a younger brother of the Omniscient. You are also his disciple. So, what is this idea of yours today, injurious to two worlds, sir! I, being a disciple of the Omniscient, will not fulfil your wish, but you will fall into the ocean of existence, because of that wish. Stealing from a shrine, destroying a sadhvi's virtue, killing a sage, and criticism of the doctrine are the fire at the root of the tree of enlightenment.285 Creatures in the Agandhana species 286 do not wish to eat vomit; they would rather enter a terrible, blazing fire. Shame on you, lover of glory, you who wish to eat vomit for the sake of living. Better death for you, indeed. I am the daughter of the King of Bhojas; you are the son of Andhakavrsni.287 Let us not belong to the 285 280. From Haribhadra's Dasasastriya-upadesapada, p. 169. 286 281. A species of serpent. See Uttar., 22. 43; Dasavealiyasutta, 2.6.8 (Abhyankar). 287 283. He was the younger brother of Aristanemi, and the grandson, not the son, of Andhakavrsni. Page #324 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ THE RECOVERY OF DRAUPADI 293 Gandhana species. Practice self-control resolutely. If, having seen a woman, you touch her, afflicted by love, you will have a wavering mind, like duckweed struck by the wind." Thus enlightened by her, feeling repentance again and again, having given up all desire for pleasure, he observed a very severe vow. After confessing his sin to the Lord, he, pure-minded, continuing as an ordinary ascetic for a year, attained omniscience. Dravya and bhava worship (287-294) After wandering elsewhere, one day Sri Nemi stopped again on Mt. Raivataka, the sun to the lotuses of bhavyas. Krsna said to his sons, Palaka, Samba, et cetera, "Whoever pays homage to the Lord first at dawn, to him I shall give the horse desired." Hearing that, Prince Samba arose from his couch at dawn and, staying at home, worshipped Neminatha mentally. Palaka got up in the middle of the night, went on his fastest horse and paid homage to the Lord, reviling him in his heart, because he was an abhavya. When he was asked by Palaka for the horse Darpaka, Hari said, "I shall give the horse to the one whom the Master says was the first worshipper." Questioned by Visnu who had gone (there), "Who worshipped you first ? " the Master said, "First by Palaka in actual fact (dravya); by Samba in spirit (bhava)." Asked by Krsna again, " What is this?" the Lord said, " Palaka is an abhavya; Jambavati's son is a bhavya." Rathangapani (Krsna), angered, quickly banished Palaka who was devoid of spirituality; but gave Samba the finest horse in accordance with his request and made him governor of a large district. Page #325 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Prophecy about destruction of Dvaraka (1-18). One day at the end of a sermon Janardana, humble-minded, bowed to Neminatha, his hands folded respectfully, and asked: How will the destruction of Dvaraka, of the Yadus, and of myself take place? Made by others for some reason or by themselves in course of time?" << CHAPTER XI BURNING OF DVARAKA AND THE DEATH OF KRSNA The Blessed One said: In a hermitage outside Sauryapura there was a well known leading ascetic, named Parasara. He went to an island in the Yamuna and enjoyed a girl of low family; and a son was born to them named Dvaipayana. A mendicant, a celibate, self-controlled, living there from friendship for the Yadus, he will be attacked by Samba and others blind from wine. Angry, he will burn the city Dvaraka with the Yadus. Your death will take place at the hand of your brother, Jarakumara." 66 "He, alas! is a coal to the family," with this impure thought in their hearts, Jarakumara was looked at by all the Yadus. Thinking: "Why should I, the son of Vasudeva, be the murderer of my brother? I will try by all means to make that false," Jara's son got up, bowed to Nemi and, carrying two quivers and a bow, took up a residence in the forest to protect Krsna. Dvaipayana heard the Lord's prediction from the people's talk and became a forest-dweller to protect Dvaraka and the Yadus. Krsna bowed to the Master, entered Dvaraka and, with the thought, "This calamity would originate from wine," prohibited wine. At Krsna's command all the people of Dvaravati brought the wine previously made and abandoned it, like water of the house-streams, in stone pits in the cave Page #326 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ BURNING OF DVARAKA AND DEATH OF KRSNA Kadambari in a grove of kadambas on the mountain nearby. The charioteer, Siddhartha, his brother, said to Baladeva: How can I see such an evil fate of the city and the family? Therefore, dismiss me that I may take the vow at once at the Master's feet. I can not endure delay." Bala, weeping, said: "Brother, you say what is fitting. You are dismissed by me, even though unable to dismiss you, faultless man. When you have died, after practicing penance, and become a god, remembering this brotherly affection, you should enlighten me at the right time, when I am in trouble." Siddhartha agreed, became a mendicant in the Master's presence, practiced severe penance for six months, died, and went to heaven. 66 Beating of Dvaipayana (19-30) And now the wine which the people had thrown in stone pits became sweet from the blossoms of various trees falling in it. At that time in the month Vaisakha one of Samba's men went there as he was roaming about, saw the wine, and drank it from thirst. Delighted with it, he filled a skin with the wine, went to Samba's house, and gave it (to him) as a present. Seeing the fragrant wine, Hari's son drank it again and again with delight and said, "Where did you get it?" He told about the wine being there and on the next day Samba went with princes hard to control to the cave Kadambari. When he had seen the wine, named Kadambari from its connection with the cave Kadambari, Samba rejoiced, like a thirsty man at the sight of a river. Samba had the wine brought by servants to a grove of blossoming trees and, a drinking-party being formed, drank with friends, brothers, and nephews. Drinking the wine with remarks: "It has been found after a long time." "It is old." 'It has been made from good materials," they did not become satiated. Blind from drinking the wine, the princes, sportive, saw the sage Dvaipayana engaged in meditation on the mountain in front (of them). Samba said to his people: He will destroy my 66 295 M Page #327 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 296 CHAPTER ELEVEN city and family. Therefore, let him be killed. How can one, who has been killed, kill?" Then they all, angry, beat him again and again with clods, kicks, slaps, and fists. After _felling him to the ground almost dead, they went to Dvaravati and entered their respective houses. Krsna learned about this from spies and, depressed, thought: "Oh! this lack of restraint on the part of these princes will be the death of the family." Then Kssna and Rama went there to Muni Dvaipayana and saw him red-eyed from anger like a serpent poisoning with its look. Janardana began to soothe the excessively terrifying three-staved ascetic, like a mahout calming a rogue elephant. "Anger, above all, is a great enemy which not only causes pain in this birth, but causes continuous pain to a creature in lacs of births. The crime was committed by my sons, ignorant, blind from drinking wine. So, pardon it, great sage. Anger is not fitting for you." Being so addressed by Krsna the three-staved ascetic was not appeased and he said: " Enough of this conciliatory talk of yours, Krsna. Beaten by your sons, I have made a nidanato burn Dvaraka with its people. There is no escape from that, except of you." Rama' restrained Krsna: "Do not, brother, uselessly appease this miserable ascetic intent upon forbidden things. People with crooked feet, noses, hands, with large lips, stomachs, noses, with defective eyes, and deficient limbs certainly do not become tranquil. This one having spoken, there is no escape from the future event, brother. In any case the speech of the Omniscient can not be false." Then burned by grief, Kssna went to his own house. Dvaipayana's nidana became known in Dvarika. On the next day Sarngabhit had a proclamation made in the city: " Henceforth, people, be especially devoted to dharma." All the people began (to be) so. The Blessed One, Sri Nemi, came and stopped on Mt. Raivataka. Kssna went there, bowed, and listened to a sermon resembling the sun for putting Page #328 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ BURNING OF DVARAKA AND DEATH OF KRSNA 297 to flight the deep sleep of the world's delusion. After hearing the sermon, some princes, Pradyumna, samba, Nisadha, Ulmuka, Sarana, and others became mendicants. Many women of the Yadus, Rukmini, Jambavati, and others, afraid of existence, became mendicants at the Master's lotus-feet. Questioned by Kssna, the Blessed One said, "In the twelfth year Dvaipayana will burn this Dvarika." Krsna thought: " They-Samudravijaya and the others-are fortunate who took initiation in the beginning. Shame on me, uninitiated, greedy for sovereignty." Knowing his thought, the Master said: "Kssna, the Sarngins never take initiation, because they have barriers made by a nidana. They go below necessarily. You will go to Valukaprabha."288 Hearing that, Kssna at once became exceedingly miserable. Again the Omniscient said: "Do not be sad, Janardana. Rising from it, you will be a mortal; then a Vaimanika. Falling, you will be the son of Jitasatru, lord of the city Gangadvara in this Bharata, and the twelfth Arhat, named Amama.289 Bala will go to Brahmaloka and, falling, will be a mortal; then a god and, falling, will be a man in this Bharata. In the approaching utsarpini, a Kesava, he will attain emancipation in the congregation of you, a Tirthaket named Amama."290 After saying this, the Lord of the World went elsewhere in his wandering. After bowing to him Vasudeva went to the city Dvarika. Then Kssna had a proclamation made again in the same way in the city and all the people became especially devoted to dharma. Dvaipayana died and was born among the Agnikumaras.291 He recalled his former enmity and went to Dvaraka. Asura Dvaipayana saw all the people there observing fasts of one, two, three, et cetera days, engaged in making puja to the gods. Unable to make an attack because 288 50. The third hell. 289 52. In the coming utsarpini. Abhi. 1.55. 290 54. See Text Corrections. This seems somewhat repetitive, but preferable to the text of the edition.. 291 57. See II, p. 106. 38 N Page #329 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 298 CHAPTER ELEVEN of the power of dharma, cruel-minded, he watched for weak points continually for eleven years. When the twelfth year came, the people thought: "We will enjoy ourselves, since Dvaipayana, crushed by this penance, has fled, defeated." They began to sport at will, drinking wine and eating meat. At that time Dvaipayana, knowing a weak point, seized the opportunity. Many portents, resembling portents at the end of the world, appeared in Dvaraka, showing the gate to death. Meteors fell, thunderstorms took place, and the earth shook. Planets discharged smoke imitating fire. The disk of the sun, faulty, made a rain of coals and suddenly there was an eclipse of sun and moon. Clay puppets in the houses gave loud bursts of laughter and the gods painted in pictures laughed, too, frowning. Within the city wild animals roamed and Asura Dvaipayana wandered, attended by witches, ghouls, vampires, et cetera. In dreams the people saw themselves with red garments 292 and ointment, sunk in mud, being dragged, facing the south. Bala's and Ktsna's jewels, the plow, cakra, et cetera disappeared; and then Asura Dvaipayana created a whirlwind. He gathered up the wood, grass, et cetera everywhere in the city; and he brought the fleeing people from (all) quarters and threw them in the city. The whole city of Dvaraka, its trees uprooted by wind from eight directions, was filled with wood. After crowding together sixty crores of families from outside and seventy-two living inside into the city Dvaraka, the Asura lighted a fire. The fire blazed, like fire at the end of the world, with the sound dhagag, dhagiti, darkening the universe by the unbroken masses of smoke. The townspeople with their children and old people, unable to take a step as if chained together, remained made into a solid body. Hari and Rama put Vasudeva, Devaki, and Rohini in a chariot to remove them from the fire. The horses did not 292 67. A corpse is usually wrapped in a red cloth. The south is Yama's quarter, Page #330 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ BURNING OF DVARAKA AND DEATH OF KRSNA 299 move; oxen did not move, transfixed by the god, like serpents by a snake-charmer. Then Bala and Upendra themselves pulled the chariot, of which two axles were broken at once, like a piece of a reed, with the sound tadat, taditi. Nevertheless, they got the chariot to the gate by their own strength, wretched in mind from the cries, " Oh! Rama, save." "Oh! Krsna, save." The Asura immediately made double-doors in the gate and Rama broke them like a clay dish with a kick. Nevertheless, the chariot did not go out, as if devoured by the earth; and the god said to Rama and Ktsna: "What is this delusion of yours? You were told earlier, indeed, that there was no escape for any one here, except you two.293 For penance was sold by me." Then the parents said: "O sons, do you go. So long as you two live, all the Yadus live. What is dependent on heroism that has certainly been done for us by you, but this fate, hard to transgress, is very strong. We, bereft of good fortune, did not take initiation at Sri Nemi's feet. Now we shall experience the fruit of our actions." When Rama and Klsna did not go, after being told this, then Vasudeva, Devaki, and Rohini said: " Henceforth, our refuge is Sri Nemi, Teacher of the There Worlds. We shall renounce the four kinds of food.294 Henceforth, we seeking a refuge, have found the refuge taught by the Arhats--Arhat, siddha, sadhu, and dharma. We belong to no one and no one belongs to us." They, having made an aradhana, remained engaged in the namaskara. Dvaipayana rained fire on them, like a fire-cloud; and the three, Vasudeva and the others, died and went to heaven. Rama and Krsna went outside the city to an old garden and continued to watch the city as it burned. The walls of 293 80. As a matter of fact, only Krsna was excepted. 294 85. Asana, solid food; pana, drink; khadya, fruit; svadya, betel, ginger, etc., usually taken after a meal. KSK, 3.40, p. 191a; SBE, vol. 22, p. 303. Page #331 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 300 CHAPTER ELEVEN jewels were reduced to powder, like pieces of stone; the pillars of gosirsa-sandal were reduced to ashes, like straw. The copings of the walls broke with the sound tadat, taditi; the roofs of the houses fell in with the sound phadat, phaditi. There was no space between the flames there which were like the water in the ocean. Everything became one fire like one ocean at the destruction of the world. The fire danced, as it were, with hands of flames; the fire thundered, as it were, with its noise; it brought a net, as it were, in the guise of smoke for the fishes of citizens. Then Krsna said to Sirin: "Alas! Alas! 1, standing on a bank like a eunuch, watch my own city burning. As I am not able to save the city, I can not endure to see it. Elder brother, say where we can go. Every place is barred to us." Balabhadra said: " Panqu's sons are our friends and connections by blood and marriage. So we shall go to their house." Ktsna said: "At that time 295 they were banished by me. How can we, embarrassed by our own offence, go to their house?" Rama said: " The noble keep in mind benefits, but never remember injuries, like a bad dream. Many times you have benefited Pandu's sons. Grateful, they will make a puja, nothing else, brother. Do not think otherwise.". Assured by Sirin to this effect, Sarngin set out in the southeast to the Pandavas' city, Pandumathura. Now, in the burning city Rama's son, Kubjavaraka, who was in his last body, (standing) on the top of a palace, his arms held up, said: "I am a disciple of Sri Neminatha, now observing the vow. I was told by the Master that I, having the last body, would attain emancipation. If the Arhat's pronouncement is authority, why am I burned by fire?" At this speech the Jlmbhaka-gods conducted him to the Master's presence. At that time Sri Nemi had stopped in the Pallava 296 295 97. See above, p. 279. 296 104. LAI identifies this with Parthia. Page #332 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ BURNING OF DVARAKA AND DEATH OF KRSNA 301 country and noble-minded Kubjavaraka became a mendicant there. The wives of Rama, Krsna, and others, who had not been initiated previously, recalling Nemi, observing a fast, perished. Sixty and seventy-two crores of families were consumed. Thus the city was burned in six months and then was covered by the ocean. Fight with Acchadanta (107-121) And now, as Klsna was going along, when he had reached the city Hastikalpa 297 on the road, he told Haladharin that he was suffering from hunger. Balabhadra said to him: "I shall go to this city for food for you. You stay here on your guard, brother. If anything unfavourable happens to me for any reason, I shall give a lion's-roar. Hearing that, you should hurry." With these words Rama entered the city. and, possessing a god-like form, was seen by the townspeople with wonder, "Who is he?" "Dvaraka has been burned and Sirin here, having left it, has come," this rumor spread among the people, on reflection. By means of a ring Rama himself took many kinds of food from a confectioner and wine from a liquor-dealer by means of a bracelet. When Bala went near the city-gate, after taking (the food and wine), the guards saw him and, astonished, went to the king. The king in this city was Acchadanta, son of Dhstarastra, who had survived those killed by the Pandavas, partisans of Krsna, in the past. The guards said: " Like a robber he takes food and wine in your city by giving a valuable ring and bracelet. Now, equal to Sirin in form, he is going outside. Whether he is a robber or whether he is Bala, henceforth there is no fault on our part." Acchadanta went there with an army to kill Bala and had the gate's double-doors barred. Bala put down the food and drink, pulled up an elephant-post, gave a lion's roar, and began 297 107. Identified as Hathab near Bhavnagar by LAI. Page #333 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 302 CHAPTER ELEVEN to kill the enemy-army. Hearing the lion's-roar, Krsna ran up, broke the double-doors with a kick, and entered the city, like the submarine fire the ocean. Taking the iron-bound club, Kssna killed the enemy-soldiers; and said to King Acchadanta who was submissive: "Our strength of arm has not gone any place! Villain, what have you done? Humble, enjoy your kingdom. You are freed from this crime." Death of Krsna (122-165) After saying this, they went to a garden outside the city and ate. They set out to the south and came to the forest Kausamba. Klsna became extremely thirsty from drinking wine, from salty food, from heat and fatigue, from grief, and the destruction of accumulated merit. Krsna said to Bala: "My palate dries up from thirst. I am not able to go to this forest, though it is full of shade-trees." Balabhadra said: "I shall go for water, brother. You stay here, resting under a tree, on guard." Putting one foot on his knee, covering himself with a yellow garment, Hari went to sleep under a tree on the road. Rama said again, "O brother, dearer than life, while I am gone, do not be careless for a moment." Looking up, he said: "Goddesses of the forest, my younger brother is under your care. Dearer than the whole world, he must be protected." With these words, he went for water. Jara's son came there, a hunter, carrying a bow, dressed in a tiger skin, wearing a long beard. Roaming for hunting, he saw Ktsna like that and with the idea that he was a deer, Jareya shot him in the sole of the foot with a sharp arrow. Getting up quickly, Kssna said: "I, without any misdeed on my part, have been wounded by an arrow in the sole of the foot by a trick by some one who did not speak. I have never before killed any one, my family and name being unknown. So let your Honor tell your family and name." Standing in the trees, he said: "I am the son of the Dasarha, Vasudeva, moon to the ocean of the Hari-line; and of Jara. Page #334 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ BURNING OF DVARAKA AND DEATH OF KRSNA 303 Jarakumara by name, I am the elder brother of Rama and Klsna. After hearing Sri Nemi's prediction, I came here to protect Krsna. I have been living here twelve years now and have not seen a human being here. Tell me, sir, who you are, Kssna said: "Come! Come, tiger of men. I am Hari, the very brother of yours for whose sake you became a forestdweiler. Your effort for twelve years has been in vain, brother, like that of a traveler on a road hard to traverse because of confusion of directions." Hearing that, Jarakumara came there hastily, saying, " Is this Klsna?" and after seeing Krsna, swooned. Consciousness recovered with difficulty, Jareya, weeping pitifully, asked Krsna: "Oh! What is this, brother? Why have you come here? Is Dvaraka burned? Has the destruction of the Yadus taken place ? Indeed, all of Nemi's prediction is true from your condition." Krsna told everything and Jareya, weeping again, said: "Oh! I have done a fitting thing to a brother who has come! Where, pray, is the place in hell for me who have killed you, a younger brother, sunk in misfortune, dear to your brothers. I surely lived in the forest with the idea of protecting you. I did not know that Death had been placed before you by the Creator. Oh, earth, give a crevice by which I can better go now to that hell with this same body. Henceforth, a place here is worse than hell, the pain of killing a brother, worse than all pain, being present. Why did I become the son of Vasudeva and your brother? Or why did I become a human being even, I who did such a deed? After hearing the Omniscient's prediction, why did I not die right then?, While you were alive, what deficiency would there be, if I, a mere person, were dead?" Kssna said: "Enough of your grief, brother. Fate can not be transgressed by you nor by me. You are the sole survivor of the Yadus.298 So live a long time. Go! Go! Otherwise 298 149. He seems to forget Rama. Page #335 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 304 CHAPTER ELEVEN Rama may kill you from anger at my killing. Take my kaustubha as a token. Go to the Pandavas. Tell them the whole story., Let them be of assistance to you. You must go somehow from here with reversed footprints so that Rama, following your footprints, will not find you quickly. With my voice you should ask pardon from all the Pandavas and others also formerly harassed by me, when I possessed lordship, by making them render service, et cetera." So instructed again and again by Kssna, he went away just so, after he had pulled the arrow from Kisna's foot, taking the kaustubha. When Jareya had gone, Janardana, suffering from pain in his foot, his hands folded respectfully, began to speak: "Homage to the Blessed Arhats, homage to the siddhas, triple homage to the acaryas, to the upadhyayas, and to sadhus. Homage to the blessed Aristanemi, master of the world, who founded a congregation on earth, abandoning the wicked, us and others." After reciting this, resting on a couch of grass, placing a foot on a knee and covering (himself) with a cloth, Kssna thought again: " The blessed Nemi is fortunate, and Varadatta and others, the princes, Pradyumna and others, my wives, * Rukmini and others, who abandoned the status of a house holder, the cause of dwelling in existence and became mendicants, but shame on me here who have experienced mortification." As he was meditating thus, a strong case of tetanus 299 raged like a brother of Kstanta, breaking his limbs throughout. Suffering from thirst, the blow from the arrow, and the tetanus, his discernment breaking down suddenly, he thought again: "From birth I was never defeated by any one, man or god. I was reduced to such a state first by Dvaipayana. Even with so much time elapsed, if I should see him, I would get up and 299 160. I have translated vayu, 'the windy humor,' as 'tetanus' on the authority of an Indian doctor. Kssna certainly died from tetanus. LAI, p. 180, takes vayu to be paralysis,' but it certainly can not be that here. Page #336 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ BURNING OF DVARAKA AND DEATH OF KRSNA 305 kill him, myself. What does he amount to? Who would be able to protect him?" Engaging in cruel meditation to this effect for a moment, his life of a thousand years completed, Kssna went to the third hell which he had acquired formerly by karma that must be experienced. Sixteen years of Visnu passed as prince, fifty-six as governor, eight in conquest, and nine hundred plus twenty in the time as Ardhacakrin. Page #337 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER XII BALADEVA'S GOING TO HEAVEN, EMANCIPATION OF NEMI AND THE PANDAVAS Grief for Krsna (1-35) Rama hastily got water in a cup made from a lotus-leaf and, hindered by unfavorable qmens, went near Kssna. Bala stood for a moment with the idea, "He is comfortably asleep." When he saw black flies, he removed the cloth from Kssna's face. Then he knew that his brother was dead and Bala at once fell to the ground in a swoon, like a tree whose root has been cut. After he had recovered consciousness with difficulty, Bala gave a lion's roar and the wild animals were terrified and the whole forest trembled. He said: "By what criminal has my younger brother, comfortably asleep here, the sole hero of the universe, been killed? Let him announce himself. Let him appear before me, if he is truly a soldier. Who would attack those asleep, off guard, children, sages, or women ? " Scolding in such loud words, Rama roamed through the forest. Again he approached Kssna, embraced him, and cried out: "O brother, hero of the world, cherished on my lap, younger but elder in merit, chief of the universe, where are you? Without you I am not able to exist. Formerly you spoke. Now you do not answer. Where is affection, Janardana? I do not recall any transgression of mine, nor were you observed to be angry. Or was that delay of mine that took place a reason for anger on your part? You are justly angry; nevertheless, stand up now, brother. The sun is setting. This is not the time for sleep of the noble." Talking incoherently in this way, Rama passed the night. At daybreak he said: "O brother, get up! Get up!" Rama got up and, bewildered by affection for his brother, put Krsna, Page #338 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ BALADEVA'S GOING TO HEAVEN 307 who did not get up, on his shoulder and wandered over mountains, forests, et cetera. Carrying Krsna's body, worshipping it daily with flowers, et cetera, Bala passed six months, bewitched by affection for his brother. While he was roaming in the same places, the rainy season began. Siddhartha, who had become a god, saw him by clairvoyance. He thought: "Oh! My brother, devoted to his brother, is carrying Krsna dead. I shall enlighten him. He asked me previously to enlighten him in case of a calamity." After this reflection, he made a chariot of stone coming down a mountain. After descending from a rough mountain, it broke in pieces on level ground. The god, assuming the form of a farmer, began to put it together. Bala said to him, "Foolish man, why do you try to repair the chariot, which has gone to pieces on level ground after coming down from a rough mountain?' The god said: "One who was not killed in a thousand fights, has died without a fight. When he can live, then my chariot can be repaired." 66 "" The god began to plant lotus-plants on stone. Bala said: Does a lotus-bed grow on stone? The god replied, "When your younger brother becomes alive, then these lotuses will grow." Going ahead of him a little, the god sprinkled a burnt tree. Bala said, "Does a burnt tree grow, even if sprinkled? The god replied to him, When the corpse on your shoulder becomes alive, then this tree will grow. 22 66 Assuming the form of a cowherd, the god began to throw fresh durva in the mouth of dead cows like in the mouths of living cows. Balabhadra said to him, "When will these cows that have become skeletons eat the durva you have given them, foolish man?" The god said, When your younger brother becomes alive, then these cows will eat the grass, look you." Rama reflected: "Is my younger brother really dead, that these talk in this way-one by one-with one accord? Knowing his thought, the god at once assumed the form of Siddhartha, appeared before him, and said: I am Siddhartha, your charioteer. At that time, I became a mendicant, died, 99 66 99 99 Page #339 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 308 CHAPTER TWELVE and became a god. I have come here to enlighten you, requested by you earlier. The killing of Krsna by Jarakumara was foretold by Nemi and it happened just so. The words of the Omniscient are not false. Jarakumara was sent by Krsna, after he had given him his kaustubha as a token, to the Pandavas' house." 66 Bala said: "It is a good thing, Siddhartha, that I have been enlightened by you. What shall I do now, crushed by the calamity of my brother's loss?" Siddhartha said, Henceforth, nothing is fitting for you, discerning brother of Sri Nemi, except mendicancy." Bala agreed and, accompanied by the god, performed Krsna's funeral rites at the mouth of the Sindhu. "9 A End of Rama's life (36-70) Knowing that Rama wished to take initiation, Sri Nemi quickly sent a sage, a Vidyadhara, unequaled among the compassionate. At his side Rama took initiation and practiced sharp penance, after going to Mt. Tungika, and Siddhartha stood guard. One day Bala entered a city to break a month's fast and was observed by a townswoman, who was standing at the mouth of the well, accompanied by a small child. Her mind occupied with looking at Rama's exceeding beauty, she tied the rope around the boy's neck instead of the water-jar. When she began to throw him in the well, then she was noticed by Bala and he thought, "Shame on my beauty, the cause of evil. Henceforth, I shall not enter cities, villages, et cetera, but shall break fast with alms from wood-gatherers, et cetera in the forest." After enlightening the woman, Bala went to that very forest and practiced very difficult penance for a month, et cetera at a time. Food, drink, et cetera were brought by the gatherers of grass, wood, et cetera and the muni broke his fasts, accepting the pure food given by them. The wood-gatherers, et cetera went and told their own kings, A man with a godlike form Page #340 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ BALADEVA'S GOING TO HEAVEN 309 practices penance in the forest." They were frightened at the thought: "Does he practice such penance with the desire for, our kingdoms, or does he subdue a charm? We shall go and kill him." With this thought, they went simultaneously with a full army to the vicinity of Muni Rama. Then the god Siddhartha, always near him, created many lions terrifying to the world. The kings, frightened, went and bowed to Bala and from that time Balabhadra was known as 'Narasinha.' While he was practicing penance in the forest, many tigers, lions, et cetera, influenced by his excellent sermons, became gentle. Some became laymen, some acquired a leaning toward right-belief; some practiced kayotsarga; some observed a fast at that time. Turned away from eating meat, they became attendants, like disciples of Muni Rama in the form of animals. A certain deer, a relative of Rama in a former birth, recalling his former births, with a strong desire for emancipation attained, became a constant companion, Always attending Rsi Rama, the deer roamed the forest and he looked for wood-gatherers, et cetera who had come with food. When he saw them, he went at once to Rsi Rama standing in meditation and, upsetting his (Rama's) feet with his head, he announced givers of alms. At his insistence Rama abandoned meditation instantly and went for alms with the deer going in advance. One day carpenters came to that forest for suitable trees and cut down many strong, straight trees, The deer in his roaming saw them and at once told Rama; and at his insistence the great muni completed his meditation. As they were seated, Rsi Rama came there, with the deer going in advance, for alms to break a month's fast. The head of the carpenters, delighted at seeing Rama, thought: "Oh! here is some sage in the forest, like a wishing-tree. Oh, the beauty! Oh, the splendor! Oh, the tranquillity! Oh, he is some great man! By this muni as a guest, I have accomplished my desire entirely." Page #341 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 310 CHAPTER TWELVE 66 Thinking thus, the carpenter, the ground being touched by his five limbs,300 bowing to Rsi Bala, brought him food and drink. Muni Bala thought: This is some pure-minded layman, eager to give me alms to acquire karma that has heaven as its fruit. If I do not accept the alms, I would make an obstacle to a good status for him. For this reason I accept." So reflecting, the Blessed One, an ocean of the milk of compassion, though indifferent to his own body, accepted alms from him. The deer, his face upturned, his eyes diffused with tears, looking at the muni and the wood-cutter, thought: "Oh, the Master, an ocean of compassion, though indifferent to the body, the sole protection of penance, favors the carpenter. Oh this wood-cutter is fortunate and his birth has great fruit, by whom the Blessed One has been presented with food and drink. But I have little fortune, unable to practice penance and not able to give food. Alas for me contaminated by being an animal." As the three continued absorbed in pious meditation in this way, a half-cut tree, struck by a strong wind, fell. The three, struck by the fallen tree, died, and became gods in the palace Padmottara in Brahmaloka. Rama's visit to Krsna (71-89) Rama, who had observed the vow for one hundred years and had gone to heaven, saw Krsna, who had gone to the third hell, by clairvoyance. Deluded by affection for his brother, Rama made a vaikriya-body, went to Krsna, embraced Krsna, and said: "I am Rama, your brother. I have come here from Brahmaloka to rescue you. Tell me what I can do for your comfort." Saying this, he lifted up Krsna with his hand, but he broke into pieces and fell from his hand to the ground and joined together like quicksilver. Rama, recognized at first from the embrace and then from the pronouncement of 300 61. His hands, feet, and forehead. Page #342 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ BALADEVA'S GOING TO HEAVEN 311 his name, was saluted by Krsna, who had got up, with great eagerness. Bala said to him: " Brother, Sri Nemi said at that time that the pleasure of the senses would end in pain. Now it is present before you. I am not able to take you, chained by karma, to heaven. So I remain near you to give you mental pleasure, Hari." A 12-1973, AT 750 Krsna said: "O brother, what is the use of your staying here? Even with you here, the hellish-age karma, which was acquired, must be consumed. At that time 301 joy and depression of enemies and friends took place because of that state of mine which led to pain in hell. So go to Bharata. Show me going in an aerial car, carrying disc, bow, conch, and club, wearing yellow garments, with a Tarksya-banner. Show yourself always and everywhere in an aerial car, wearing blue clothes, with a palm-tree banner, carrying a plow and pestle. There should be a rumor among the people, destroying former disrespect, Rama and Krsna are wandering at will, imperish C 999 able.' Rama agreed and went to Bharata. After making them just so, he showed the two figures everywhere. He said: "O people! After making auspicious statues of us, worship zealously with the idea that we are exalted deities. For we alone, the makers of origination, permanence, and perishing, 302 came here from heaven and go to heaven as we like. Dvaraka was made by us and was destroyed by us wishing to go. There is no other Creator nor Destroyer; and we alone bestow heaven." From this speech of his, all the people in villages, cities, et cetera made many statues of Krsna and Halin and worshipped them. The god gave great prosperity to the makers and worshippers of the statues and all the people everywhere became 301 79. At the time of Nemi's prediction. 302 85. The three steps. The more usual terminology is utpada, dhrauvya, and vigama. See I, p. 209. They were not makers of the three steps. This must be boasting to justify their claims to worship. Page #343 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 312 CHAPTER TWELVE devoted to them for that reason. The god Rama executed his brother's order in this way in Bharata and went back to Brahmaloka, much depressed at his brother's pain. And now Jara's son went to the Pandavas, told them about the burning of Dvaraka, et cetera and delivered the kaustubha. At once plunged into grief, weeping, they held Kesna's funeral rites for a year, like brothers. Knowing that they wished to become mendicants, Sri Nemi sent Muni Dharmaghosa, who had four kinds of knowledge, with five hundred munis. After installing Jareya on the throne, they, accompanied by Draupadi and others, became mendicants at the sage's side and practiced penance together with special vows.303 Bhima made a vow, "I shall accept food (only) offered on the point of a lance." But it (his vow) was completed in six months. Knowing the twelve angas, wandering over the earth gradually, eager to bow to Nemi, the five Pandavas set forth. Emancipation of Neminatha (96-125) And now, after the Supreme Lord had wandered in Madhyadesa, et cetera, the Lord wandered in cities Rajapura, et cetera in the north. He went to Mt. Hrimat and, wandering in many Mleccha countries, enlightened kings, ministers, et cetera. After he had wandered among aryas and non-aryas, the Lord went again to Hrimat. Then he wandered in the Kirata-countries, destroying the delusion of all the people. After coming down Mt. Hrimat, he wandered in the Deccan, awakening, like the sun, many bhavya-lotuses.. From the time of his omniscience, as the Lord wandered, there were eighteen thousand noble ascetics, forty thousand intelligent female ascetics, four hundred who knew the fourteen purvas, fifteen hundred who had clairvoyance, the same number who had the art of transformation, and the same number of omniscients, one thousand sadhus with mindreading knowledge, eight hundred ascetics with the art of : 303 93. Abhigraha. Page #344 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ BALADEVA'S GOING TO HEAVEN 313 disputation, one lac and sixty-nine thousand laymen, three lacs and thirty-nine thousand laymen (in his retinue). Attended by such a retinue, accompanied by gods, asuras, and kings, knowing that it was time for his emancipation, the Lord went to Raivataka. There in a samavasarana made by the Indras, the Master delivered his last sermon with a desire for benefit to everyone. Enlightened by that sermon, some there became mendicants, some adopted laymanship, and others a disposition toward right-belief. Then the Lord commenced a padapopagama fast for a month with five hundred and thirty-six sadhus. On the eighth of the white half of Suci (Asadha), (the moon being) in Tvastra in the evening, Nemi, engaged in sailesi 304 meditation, attained emancipation together with the munis. The princes, Pradyumna, Samba, and others also attained emancipation; and Krsna's eight chief-queens and the Blessed One's brothers. Many other sadhus and other sadhvis, Rajimati, et cetera went to the abode from which there is no return. Four hundred years as householder, one year as an ordinary sadhu, five hundred years as an omniscient-this was the life of Rathanemi. Such was Rajimati's duration of life also, rich in penance, divided into maidenhood, ordinary asceticism, and omniscience. Siva and Samudravijaya went to the heaven Mahendra and the other Dasarhas became magnificent gods. Siva's son had a life of one thousand years-three hundred years as prince, seven hundred years as ordinary ascetic and omniscient. Sri Nemi's emancipation took place when five hundred thousand years had passed since Sri Nami Jina's nirvana. At Sakra's command Vaisravana created the Lord's bier and Sakra himself put the body on it, after worshipping it properly. The gods made the funeral pyre of gosirsa-sandal, et cetera as fuel in the south-west on a surface of jeweled slabs. 304 109. See I, n. 8. 40 N Page #345 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 314 CHAPTER TWELVE" Lifting up the Master's bier, Purandara brought it there and cast the body of Sri Nemi Svamin on the pyre. At Sakra's command the Agnikumaras set fire to the pyre and the Vayukumaras made it blaze quickly. The Abdas 305 extinguished the fire at the right time with water from the. Ocean of Milk; and the Indras, Sakra, Isana and others took the Lord's teeth. The other gods took the remaining bones, the goddesses the flowers, the kings the garments, and the people the ashes of Nemi. Indra engraved the Master's marks and name on the Master's cremation slab of vaidurya with his thunderbolt. Maghavan erected a pure, lofty shrine, provided with a statue of Sri Neminatha, on the slab. After doing so, the gods, Sakra and others, went to their respective places. Emancipation of the Pandavas (125-127) And now, the Pandavas arrived at the city Hastakalpa at that time. They said to each other with satisfaction: '" The mountain is twelve yojanas from here. After seeing Nemi at dawn, we shall break our month's fast." Then they heard from the people in this Hastipura that Lord Nemi had reached emancipation--the Blessed One, accompanied by various sadhus. When they heard that, Panlu's sons, deeply grieved, went to Mt. Vimala and observed a fast unto death. With omniscience arisen, they reached emancipation, but Drupada's daughter went to Brahmaloka to a magnificent abode. The twenty-second Arhat, the ninth Sarngabhst and Sirapani and their enemy (Prativasudeva), whose glory is unequaled, the four-of whom each one has come to their ears for the astonishment of the three worlds-have been celebrated in this book (by me) after considering thoroughly with reference to the doctrine of the Jinas. 305 121. Meghakumaras. Page #346 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ BOOK IX Page #347 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ BRAHMADATTACARITRA PARSVANATHACARITRA Page #348 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER I BRAHMADATTACAKRICARITA After bowing to Sri. Neminatha, I shall narrate the life of Cakravartin Brahmadatta, whose birth took place in his congregation. Previous incarnations (2-104) In the past there was a son, named Municandra, of Candravatansa in the town Saketa in Bharata in this same Jambudvipa. Weighed down by the pleasures of love like a porter by burdens, he took the vow under Muni Sagaracandra. Guarding a mendicancy worthy of honor from the world, once upon a time he went with his guru to wander in a foreign country. He entered a village on the road for alms and, becoming lost from the caravan, wandered in the forest like a deer lost from its herd. Overcome by hunger and thirst in the forest, he fell ill and was nursed by four cowherds like brothers. As a kindness to them he delivered a sermon. There is compassion on the part of the good even for those committing an injury; how much more for those bestowing help! The four, possessing tranquillity, took the vow under him, like four forms of fourfold dharma.306 They observed the vow strictly, but two of them felt disgust with dharma. People's course of mind is varied. The two went to heaven because of their penance, even though feeling disgust. Penance, practiced even for one day, necessarily leads to heaven. After they fell, they became twin-sons of a slave, Jayavati, by a Brahman, Sandilya, in Dasapura. After they had grown up in course of time, at their father's order they went to protect 306 8. See I, p. 18 ff. for an elaborate exposition of four-fold dharma: liberality, good conduct, penance, and state of mind. Page #349 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 318 CHAPTER ONE the field. Such is the duty of slaves. As they lay at night, one was bitten by a cobra, like a brother of Kstanta, that had emerged from a hollow in a banyan. The second one, walking around to find the snake, was soon bitten by the same evil snake, as if from enmity. As no antidote was available, the two, pitiable, died. As they had come, so they went. Alas for their fruitless birth. They were born twin-deer of a doe on the plateau of Mt. Kalinjara and they grew up together. Roaming together with affection, the two deer were killed by a hunter. They both died at the same time by the same arrow. After death, they both were born twin-sons, as in former births, of a rajahansi on the Ganga. One day as they were playing in the same place, a fisherman caught them in a net and killed them by breaking their necks. Such is the fate of those devoid of dharma. Citra and Sambhuta (20-102) Then they became sons of a Matanga-chief, named Bhatadatta, who was endowed with much wealth, in Varanasi. Named Citra and Sambhuta, devoted to each other, they were never separated, joined like a finger-nail and the flesh. At that time the king in Varanasi was named Sankha and 'he had a celebrated minister, named Namuci. One day the king handed him over secretly to Bhutadatta for execution, his crime being very great. He said to Namuci secretly, " I will guard you like my own life, if you, hidden in an underground chamber, will teach my sons." Namuci agreed to the Matanga-chief's proposition. There is nothing that people who desire to live will not do. Accordingly, he taught the various arts to Citra and Sambhuta; and he dallied with the infatuated wife of the Matanga-chief. Bhutadatta discovered that and prepared to kill him. Who can endure the evil of an adulterer in the case of his own wives? He was conducted far away by the Matanga's sons, who learned their father's intention), and a Page #350 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ BRAHMADATTACAKRICARITA 319 fee also was given to him with the object of saving his life. Then Namuci went to Hastinapura after his escape and Cakrin Sanatkumara made him his minister. Now Citra and Sambhuta had just become grown, like the Asvins who had come to earth for some reason. They sang a sweet song, putting Haha and Huhu 307 to shame; and they played the lute better than Tumburu and Narada. When they played the lute with seven very clear notes accompanied by vocal compositions, the Kinnaras became their servants. Playing a drum (muraja) with a deep sound, they gave an imitation of Krsna with a drum made from Mura's skeleton. They acted a play which Siva, Siva, Urvasi, Rambha, Munjakesin (Visnu), and Tillotama did not know. Whose mind did they not capture, displaying an unprecedented wealth of all the musical arts, magic for every one? One day a festival of Madana took place in this city and choruses of townsmen, skilled in concerts, set out in it. A chorus of Citra and Sambhuta set out there and the townsmen, drawn by their song like deer, went to that same place. Some one told the king, "All the people in the city have been made impure like themselves by these Matangas, who have attracted them by song." The king ordered the superintendent of the city reproachfully, Admission to the city is never to be given them." From that time they stayed at a distance from Varanasi. One day the important festival of Karttikeya took place there. Transgressing the king's command from irresponsibility, they entered the city like bees the side of an elephant's temple.308 With their entire bodies veiled, they roamed through the city, looking at the festival, very secretly like thieves. Then they were caused to sing very loud by the songs of the townsmen, like a jackal by the cry of jackals. Fate can not be crossed. The two Matangas were surrounded by the young people of 207 31. 41. 66 Famous Gandharvas. I.e., where the ichor emerges. Page #351 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 320 CHAPTER ONE 66 the town, like honey by flies, when they had heard their song pleasing to the ear. Their veils were pulled off by the people to find out who they were and they were addressed contemptuously, Look here! these are the same two Matangas." They were beaten by the people with clubs and clods and they left the city, like dogs a house, their heads bowed. They were beaten at every step by the people, like a hare by soldiers. With stumbling steps they reached the garden Gabhira with difficulty. They reflected: Alas for us! Skill in arts, beauty, et cetera are spoiled by low birth like milk that has been smelled by a snake. Let there be a benefit through merit, that is a crime on our part. This is it: a vampire has arisen from the good fortune taking place. Arts, grace, beauty et cetera are sewed together with the body. It is the abode of worthlessness. Let it be abandoned somewhere like straw." 66 Having reached this decision, intent on destroying their lives, they went toward the south as if to see Death in person. When they had gone a long distance, they saw a mountain from which elephants on the ground (below) looked like young swine to those who had climbed it. As they were climbing (the mountain) with the intention of jumping from a precipice, they saw on this mountain a great muni like a living mountain of virtues. When they saw the muni on the mountain-top like a cloud in the rainy season, their streams of anguish disappeared. At once they fell at his lotus-feet, like bees, shedding their former pain, as it were, in the guise of tears of joy. After he finished his meditation, the muni questioned them, "Who are you? Why have you come here?" and they told him their whole history. He said: "The body alone is destroyed by a leap from a precipice. Impure karma that has been acquired in a hundred other births is not destroyed. If this body of yours must be abandoned, take the fruit of the body. Penance is the surest means of emancipation, heaven, et cetera." Their minds purified by the nectar of his sermon beginning Page #352 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 321 BRAHMADATTACAKRICARITA with these words, they both undertook the duties of a sadhu under him. They became students and in course finished their studies. What that has been undertaken with zeal by the intelligent would not take place? They wore away their bodies together with old karma by fasts of two days, three days, et cetera. Then wandering from village to village, from city to city, they came one day to the city Hastinapura. They practiced severe penance in a garden outside it. Even pleasuregrounds can serve for penance of people with tranquil minds. One day Muni Sambhuti, like sadhus' duties embodied, entered the city for alms to break a month's fast. Wandering from house to house with great care in walking, as he happened to be on the highway he was seen by the minister Namuci. The minister thought, " That is the Matanga boy. He will tell my affair." Wicked men are afraid in all circumstances, Thinking, "I shall expel him so he can not make known my weak point to any one," he gave orders to footmen. He commenced having his former benefactor beaten. For bad behavior is natural to the wicked like drinking of milk to snakes. Beaten like rice-seed by violent men with clubs, the muni left that place in very great haste. When he was not left alone by the bruisers, even though he was leaving, then the muni, though tranquil, became angry. Even water becomes hot from the heat of fire. An eruption of steam left his mouth all around, giving the appearance of a cloud that has risen unseasonably in the sky. A hot-flash, garlanded with a mass of flames, shone forth, spreading over the sky crowded, as it were, with a circle of lightning. The citizens went with fear and curiosity to appease him who was very angry and possessed the hot-flash. When King Sanatkumara knew about this, he went there. A wise man would extinguish a fire in the place where it starts. The king bowed to him and said: "How is this suitable for you, Blessed One? Surely a moon-stone, even though heated by the sun's rays, does not give off fire. This anger of yours is because of some great crime of theirs. Was there not poison from the churning of the 41 N Page #353 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ HO awal 322 CHAPTER ONE Ocean of Milk? Anger, as well as love of strife, on the part of good persons should not exist. If it does exist, it should not last long. If it does last long, it is worthless in its results. Why do I say that in this case? Nevertheless, lord, I beg: Dismiss this anger suitable for other people. People like you are disposed equally towards evil-doers and benefactors." In the meantime Citra learned of this and came to Muni Sambhuta to appease him like an elephant of the highest class with soothing words. His anger was extinguished by Citra's words in accordance with scripture like a forest-fire on a mountain by streams of water from clouds. The great muni freed from sharp anger, like the full moon from darkness, instantly reached serenity. After they had paid homage and asked his forgiveness the people left him; and Muni Citra led Sambhuta to the garden. They felt remorse that a great calamity had been caused by them wandering from house to house for the sake of mere food. "This body is transient, nourished by food. What use have ascetics for this body or for food?" After coming to this decision and undertaking voluntary starvation 309 first, they rejected the four kinds of food. The king wished to know, "Who has insulted a sadhu, while I am ruling the earth?" and some one informed him that it was the minister. "He is wicked who does not worship those who are entitled to worship. How much more he who beats them." With these words, the king had him bound and led away like a thief. Saying, "May no one else abuse, sadhus," he, pure-minded, led him bound through the city into the presence of the sadhus. Bowing and making the earth consist of water, as it were, by the dazzling light of the king's headjewels, the chief of kings paid homage to them. Their mouths covered with mouth-cloths held in their left hands, their right hands upraised, they gave him a blessing. Saying, "Whoever has injured you, let him partake of the fruit of his acts," King 309 85. Samlekhana. See I. p. 357. Page #354 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ BRAHMADATTACAKRICARITA 323 Sanatakumara showed them Namuci. Namuci, who had been taken to a place suitable for execution, was freed from Sanatkumara by them, like a snake from a garuda. Though he deserved to die, the king released him, after banishing him, who was a candala in behavior, from the city, like a candala. For the command of the guru must be respected. Sunanda, the cakrin's woman-jewel, attended by sixty-four thousand co-wives, came to pay homage to them. She, with loosened hair, fell at Muni Sambhuta's lotus-feet and by her face made the earth like the moon., Muni Sambhuta felt the touch of her hair and at once his hair stood up with joy. Manmatha is a seeker of tricks. Then the king, after taking leave of the two, accompanied by his women, went away. Sambhuta, overcome by love, made a nidana to this effect: "If there is any fruit of my severe penance, then may I become the husband of the woman-jewel in a future birth." Citra said: "Do you desire this fruit of penance which confers emancipation? Do you make a foot-stool with a jewel suitable for the head? Give up this nidana, made from delusion, now. Let her improper conduct be in vain. People like you are not deluded." Even though restrained in this way by Sadhu Citra, Sambhuta did not give up the nidana. Alas! the desire for sense-objects is very strong. When their fasts were completed and destruction of age-karma had been achieved, they were born gods in the palace Sundara in Saudharma. Life of Brahmadatta (104-600) After it fell from the first heaven, Citra's soul became the son of a rich man in the city Purimatala. Sambhuta's soul fell and descended into the womb of Queen Culani, the wife of King Brahman, in Kampilya. His future power indicated by the fourteen great dreams, her son was born, gold color, seven bows tall. King Brahman, who was immersed in the Absolute, as it were, from joy, gave him the name, famous throughout the world, Brahmadatta. He grew up, giving Page #355 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 324 CHAPTER ONE joy to the lotuses of the eyes of the world, thriving with the collection of arts like the spotless moon with the collection of digits. Brahman had four friends like the four faces of Brahma. Among these one was Kataka, King of Kasi; another was Kanerudatta, King of Hastinapura; Dirgha, Lord of Kosala; and Puspaculaka, Lord of Campa. United by affection, the five lived in the city of each one for a year at a time, like the (five) trees of heaven in Nandana. One time they came as usual to Brahman's city and some time passed as they amused themselves there. When Brahmadatta was twelve years old, King Brahman died from a headache. After Kataka and the others had performed King Brahman's funeral rites, the four took counsel like the four methods embodied. "While Brahmadatta is a child, one of us here in turn must be his protector for a year at a time, like a police officer." By agreement they appointed Dirgha to protect their friend's realm. Then the three went fron that place to their respective homes. Then Dirgha, whose intelligence was small, consumed the wealth of Brahman's realm at his pleasure, like a bull an unguarded field. Dull-witted, without any restraint he searched out everything that had been concealed for a long time in the treasury, like wicked people the weak point of an enemy. Because of previous acquaintance he went unhindered into the women's quarters. For overlordship generally acts as a cause of blindness in men. He took counsel privately with Queen Culani more than necessary, striking with clever humorous speeches like arrows of Love. He scorned the customs and people favored by Brahman and he became attached to Culani. The senses are hard to restrain. The two of them-Culani and Dirgha-abandoned love for a husband and affection for a friend-King Brahman. Alas! love crushes everything. Many days pass like an hour for them amusing themselves happily in this way as they liked. The minister Dhanu, who was like King Brahman's second heart, learned of this. For their evil conduct was evident. Page #356 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 325 BRAHMADATTACAKRICARITA The minister reflected: " Let Culani behave improperly from her nature as a woman. For good women are rare. That Dirgha destroys the realm with the treasury and harer, which were handed to him in trust from confidence (in him)--that is no crime on his part.310 So he would do something hostile to the prince. For evil people, like a cat, are not devoted to their supporter." After reflecting so, he instructed his son, Varadhanu, to make this known to Brahmadatta and to attend him constantly. When the affair had been disclosed by the minister's son, Brahman's son displayed anger gradually, like an elephant newly in rut. Then Brahmadatta, unable to endure his mother's wicked conduct, went to the women's quarters, taking with him a crow and a hen-cuckoo. There he said aloud, " These two must be killed because of the mixing of castes. I will certainly kill any one else like these." "I am the crow, you the cuckoo, is the meaning. He wishes to kill us," Dirgha said. The queen said, "Do not be afraid of a child's talk." One time the prince brought a mrga-elephant 311 with a cow bhadra-elephant and spoke in like manner contemptuously, indicating killing. Hearing that, Dirgha said, "The child's speech has a meaning." Culani replied, " If so, what then?" One time Brahman's son tied a crane to a hansi and said, "He 'mates with her. I do not tolerate such conduct of any one." Dirgha said: " Queen, listen to these words of your son, a child, which resemble a belching of smoke from a fire of anger that has sprung up inside. The prince, growing up, will certainly be a great obstacle to us, like a lion to two elephants. Look! Before the prince becomes of military age, even though a child, he must be uprooted like a poison-tree." Culani said, "How can a soni, supporter of a kingdom, be killed ? Even animals guard their offspring like their own 310 125. It was only what was to be expected. 311 132. The third kind of elephant. See I, n. 128. Page #357 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 326 CHAPTER ONE lives." Dirgha said: "Death has come to you in the guise of a son. Do not be confused. While I am alive, sons of yours will be easy to acquire." Then Culani, dismissing affection for her son, like a witch, subject to her attachment to erotic love, agreed to that. She counseled: "He must be destroyed and evil report must be avoided, just as a mango-grove must be sprinkled and the offering of water to the Pitris must be made.312 What device? Or rather, there is this one. Brahman's son must be married. Then a combustible house must be made in the guise of a dwelling. When he and the daughter-in-law are sound asleep in it, which will have a secret entrance and exit, immediately after the wedding a fire must be kindled in it at night." The two of them, after making this plan, chose Puspacula's daughter and all the wedding-gear was prepared. Minister Dhanu found out this cruel intention of theirs and, his hands folded together, informed King Dirgha: "Let my son, Varadhanu, who knows the arts and is expert in polity, be the beast of burden of the chariot of your commands, like a young ox. I, like an old ox, am weak in comings and goings. I will go somewhere and perform a religious act with your permission." Thinking, " After he has gone somewhere else, this deceitful man would do something evil," Dirgha was afraid of him. Who does not fear the wise ? Dirgha, dissimulating through deceitfulness, said to the minister: "What use do we have for the kingdom without you, like a night without the moon? Practice religion right here with a food-dispensary, et cetera. Do not go elsewhere. A kingdom with people like you looks like a grove with good trees." Then Dhanu of good intelligence built a pure food-pavilion, like a great umbrella of religion, on the bank of the Bhagirathi. He kept the food-dispensary flowing uninterruptedly, like the 312 141. Just as water can serve the two purposes of sprinkling trees and making an offering, so a device must be found to kill Brahmadatta and avoid scandal, Page #358 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ BRAHMADATTACAKRICARITA 327 current of the Ganga, with food, drink, et cetera for the caravans on the road. He made an underground tunnel for four miles up to the combustible house with trustworthy men won by gifts, honors and favors. Now Dhanu informed Puspacula about this incident by a secret letter, water for the tree of friendship. When Puspacula knew about it, he wisely sent a slave-girl in his daughter's place, like a hen-crane in place of a hansi. She entered the city, the sky blazing with her ornaments and gems, watched by the people with the idea that she was Puspacula's daughter, as if with the idea that brass was gold. The sky being filled with sounding musical instruments and deafening songs, Culani joyfully married her to Brahman's son. Culani dismissed all the people at evening and sent the prince with her daughter-in-law to the combustible house. The other attendants were dismissed; and the prince with his bride and with Varadhanu, who was like his own shadow, went there. Half the night passed, Brahmadatta being kept awake by the minister's son with conversation. Whence is sleep of great men? Then a fire blazed in the bed-chamber, as if set by men with their heads bent, instructed by Culani to yell "fire." Then a cloud of smoke filled heaven and earth in all directions like a stream of ill-fame from the evil deeds of Culani and Dirgha. The fire of seven tongues became one with a crore of tongues with masses of flames, as if ravenous to devour the whole. Questioned by Brahmadatta, What is this," the minister's son told him briefly about Culani's evil conduct. "In order to drag you from this place like a figure from an elephant's trunk, my father had a tunnel made here which leads to the dipensary. After making it visible immediately by a kick on it, now enter its door like a yogi the entrance to a chasm." After striking the hollow ground, like a hollow drum, with his heel, he went through the tunnel with his friend, like a thread through the hole in a jewel. At the end of the tunnel, the king's and the minister's 66 Page #359 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 328 CHAPTER ONE sons mounted horses held by Dhanu, resembling the Sri of Revanta. The horses went in the fifth gait 313 for fifty yojanas like a kos; then, broken in wind, died. Then, intent on saving their lives, they went on foot with great difficulty to the vicinity of a village named Kostaka. Brahmadatta said, "Friend Varadhanu, now hunger and thirst torment me, as if in rivalry with each other." "Wait here a moment," the minister's son said and summoned the barber from the village because of a wish for a haieout. From the advice of the minister's son, Brahman's son had a haircut then and there and wore only a top-knot. He put on pure reddish garments and had the appearance of a newly-risen sun covered by a twilight cloud. He wore a sacred thread placed around his neck by Varadhanu and Brahman's son bore a resemblance to a Brahman's son. The minister's son covered Brahmadatta's breast, which was marked with a srivatsa, with a cloth, like the sun by a monsoon-cloud. In this way Brahman's son made a change of clothes like a stage-manager and the minister's son did the same, like an assistant stagemanager. Then they entered the village like the full moon and sun. They were invited for food by an important Brahman. He fed them with devotion suitable to a king. Generally entertainment is in accordance with prestige. The Brahman's wife, throwing unhusked rice on the prince's head, brought forth a pair of white garments and a maiden who was equal to an Apsaras. Then Varadhanu said, " Foolish woman, why do you tie her to the neck of this young Brahman, unskilled in arts, like a cow to the neck of a bulI ? " Then the important Brahman said: " This is my daughter, Bandhumati, fair with virtues. There is no other husband for her except him. 'Her husband will be lord of the six-part world,' astrologers told me. This very man is certainly he. They told me, 313 169. The Abhi. 4. 312-315 enumerates the 5 gaits of a horse. See I, n. 304. But none seems to be a gait of great speed, certainly not the fifth. ln III, pp. 173, 179, the horse used the fifth gait in inverted training, Page #360 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ BRAHMADATTACAKRICARITA 329 "Whoever, with the mark of the srivatsa covered with a cloth shall eat in your house, to him must be given your daughter.'' Brahmadatta's marriage to her took place at that time. Unexpected pleasures appear freely to those men devoted to pleasure. After passing the night and consoling Bandhumati, the prince went elsewhere. How can people with enemies stay in one place? They reached a border-village and there they heard, "Dirgha has blocked all roads on account of Brahmadatta." They went forward by a side road and fell into a large forest obstructed by wild animals as well as cruel men of Dirgha. Then Varadhanu left the prince, who was thirsty, under a banyan tree and went for water with speed equal to the mind. Then Varadhanu was surrounded by Dirgha's men, enraged, who had perceived him, like a young boar surrounded by dogs. He was captured and bound by them saying a terrifying thing: "Seize him! Seize him! Bind him! Bind him!" He gave a signal to Brahmadatta, "Escape," and the prince fled. Certainly heroism (should be) at the right time. Then Brahman's son went quickly from that large forest to another large forest, like a hermit from one hermitage to another. Living there on food of fruit of bad-flavor and no flavor, on the third day he saw an ascetic before him. 'Where is your hermitage, Blessed One?" he asked and was conducted by the ascetic to his hermitage. For guests are dear to ascetics. Then he saw the abbot and joyfully paid homage to him like a father. The heart is the criterion even in an unknown matter. The abbot said, "Son, what is the reason for you, whose appearance is very delicate, coming here like a tree of heaven to Meru?" 66 Then Brahman's son confided his adventures to the mahatma. Generally nothing must be concealed from such men. Then the abbot, delighted, said, stammering: "I am your father's younger brother, like one soul made into two. So you have come to your own house. Remain at your pleasure, son. Thrive from our penance along with our wishes." Causing keen joy to the people's eyes, dear to everyone, he 42 N 99 Page #361 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 330 CHAPTER ONE remained in this hermitage. The rainy season was at hand. Living there with him, like Janardana with Bala, he was taught all the manuals, weapons, and missiles. : When the end of the rains, charming with the twittering of the blue cranes, had come like a brother, the ascetics went to the forest for the sake of fruit, et cetera. Though restrained urgently by the abbot, Brahmadatta went with them to the forest, like an elephant with elephants. Roaming here and there, he saw elephant-sign and, sharp-witted, thought, " There is an elephant not far away." Though restrained by the ascetics, he followed its track and at the end of five yojanas saw an elephant like a mountain. His loin-cloth tied firmly, giving a loud roar, the man-elephant challenged the rutting elephant unhesitatingly, like a wrestler challenging a wrestler. The elephant, the hair on his body erect from anger, his trunk curled up, his ears motionless, his eyes red, ran at the prince. When the elephant came near him, the prince threw his upper garment in between in order to deceive him like a child. Very angry, he caught the garment, which was like a piece of cloud falling from the sky, instantly on his tusks. By various gestures the prince made the elephant move to and fro with ease, like a snake-catcher a snake. Just then a cloud, like a friend of Brahmadatta, making a loud noise, overwhelmed the elephant with streams of water. Then, after crying out with a disagreeable sound, he ran away, putting the deer to flight. The prince, confused about directions by the rain, arrived at a river in his roaming. The prince crossed the river like calamity personified and saw on its bank an old deserted city. Entering, the prince saw in it a bamboo-thicket and in this a sword and a shield like a portentous Ketu and Moon. The prince, curious about weapons, took them and cut the large bamboo-thicket with the sword, (like) cutting a plantain. In the bamboo-thicket he saw a head with quivering lips that had fallen on the ground in front of him, like a lotus on dry ground. Looking fully, Brahman's son saw the trunk of some one Page #362 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 331 BRAHMADATTACAKRICARITA hanging upside down, inhaling smoke. He blamed himself, "Oh! I have killed some poor man, rich from subduing magic arts. Shame on me!" When he went forward, he saw a garden that was like Nandana descended from heaven to earth. Entering it, he saw before him a seven-storied palace that was like the embodied secret of the Sri of the seven worlds.314 He ascended the lofty palace and saw a woman like a Khecari, seated, her face resting on her hand. The prince approached her and asked in a clear voice: "Who are you? Why are you alone and what is the cause of your grief?" Overcome by fear, she said with sobs: "I have a great misfortune. Tell who you are. Why have you come?" "I am Brahmadatta, son of Brahman, king of the Pancalas." When he said this, she got up joyfully. Making water for washing the feet, as it were, from the water of tears of joy that fell from the cup of her hands in the form of her eyes, she fell at his feet. Saying, "You have come, prince, protection for me without protection, like a ship to one sinking in the ocean," she wept. Questioned by him, she said: "I am the daughter, Puspavati, of your mother brother, Puspacula, lord of Anga. As a girl I was given to you. Waiting for the wedding-day, I went to the garden Dirghikapulina to play like a hansi. I was brought here by a wicked Vidyadhara, named Natyonmatta, who abducted me, like Janaki by Ravana. Unable to endure my glance, he entered a bamboo-thicket in order to subdue magic arts, like Surpanakha's son. Now the magic art will be submissive to him, inhaling smoke upside down, and he, powerful from the magic art acquired, will surely marry me." The prince told her the story of his killing. There was joy upon joy, at acquiring a friend and losing an enemy. A gandharva-marriage of them infatuated with each other took place. Among ksatriyas it is the best kind for two persons 314 221. See MW, s.v. loka. Page #363 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 332 CHAPTER ONE in love, though unaccompanied by sacred verses. Sporting with her tenderly with varied conversation, he passed three watches like one. Then at dawn Brahmadatta heard the sound in the air of Khecara-women like that of ospreys. "What is this noise that takes place suddenly in the air like rain without a cloud ?". Questioned so by him, Puspavati replied in confusion:" Two sisters of Natyonmatta, your enemy, Vidyadhara-maidens, named Khanda and Visakha, have come. The reason is that they have come uselessly, bringing weddinggear. Action is planned one way; fate performs it another way. Go away for a moment until I find out by praises of your virtues their state of mind toward you, whether they are friendly or hostile. In case of friendliness, I shall wave a red pennant and you should come. In case of hostility, I shall wave a white pennant and then you should go elsewhere." Then Brahmadatta said: "Do not be afraid, timid lady. I am truly Brahman's son. What will these two, pleased or displeased, do to me?" Puspavati said: "I do not speak of fear on your part because of these two girls. But may their relatives, Vidyadharas, not be obstructive." In accordance with her wish, he stayed in the same place at one side. Then Puspavati waved a white pennant. When the prince saw that, he left that place very slowly at his wife's insistence. For there is no fear on the part of such men. After crossing a forest difficult to cross like the sky, at the end of the day he arrived at a large lake, like the sun arriving at the ocean. After entering it quickly, like a celestial elephant entering Manasa, and bathing, he drank its water freely like nectar. After Brahman's son left the water, he approached the northwest bank which was asking, if the bath were successful, as it were, by the sounds of the bees buzzing in the creepers. There he saw a fair maiden, like the goddess of the forest in person, gathering flowers in an arbor of trees and creepers. JIN Page #364 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ BRAHMADATTACAKRICARITA 333 The prince thought, " The skill in making forms of the Creator, who has practiced making forms since birth, has appeared in her." Talking with a slave-girl, looking at him with glances resembling jasmines, as if throwing a garland around his neck, she went away. When the prince, observing her alone, started to go away, a slave-girl came, carrying clothes, ornaments, and betel. She delivered the garments, et cetera and said: "She whom you saw here sent this to you, like a pledge for the accomplishment of desires. I have been instructed, 'Conduct him to the house of my father's minister for true hospitality. For he knows what is proper.'" He went with her to the house of the minister Nagadeva. The minister rose to greet him, as if drawn by his merits. Informing him, "He, very fortunate, has been sent to your house by Princess Srikanta," she went away. Being entertained like a master in many ways by the minister, he passed the night like a moment. At the end of the night the minister conducted the prince to the palace. The king met him like a newly-risen sun with a reception-gift, et cetera. The king gave him his daughter without asking about his family, et cetera. For experts certainly know all that just by appearance. The prince married her, covering hand with hand, as if to unite completely their affection for each other. One day Brahmadatta, while playing, asked her secretly, "Why did your father give you to me, alone, whose family, et cetera were unknown?" Srikanta, whose petal-lip gleamed with rays from her beautiful teeth, said: "In Vasantapura Sabarasena was king. His son, my father, after he was installed on the throne, was overthrown by cruel kinsmen and he took refuge in this settlement with his army and transport. Having made the Bhillas bend, like a current of water reeds, my father supports his followers by plundering villages, et cetera. I was born, very dear to my father, a daughter after four sons, like Sri after the four methods. When I was grown, he said to me, 'All the kings Page #365 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 334 CHAPTER ONE are my enemies. He will be considered your husband, whoever is desired by you staying here, after you have seen him.' From that time I, remaining constantly on the bank of the pool like a cakravaki, look at all travelers one by one. There is no success for my wishes. You, exceedingly difficult to obtain even in a dream, have come here from the accumulation of my good fortune, husband." One day the village-chief went to plunder a village and the prince went with him. For that is the course of ksatriyas. When the village had been looted, Varadhanu came and fell like a hansa at the lotus-feet of the prince on the bank of a pool. After embracing the prince's neck, he wept with all his might. Pains are renewed at the sight of a loved one. The minister's son was questioned by him, after consoling him with very gentle speeches like draughts of nectar, and told his experiences. 66 When I left you at that time under a banyan tree, I went for water, lord. A little ahead I saw a large pool like a tank of nectar. After taking water in the hollow of a lotus-leaf for you, as I was coming back, I was surrounded by armed soldiers like messengers of Yama. 'Ho Varadhanu! Say where Brahmadatta is to be found.' Being questioned so by them, I said, 'I do not know.' Beaten unhesitatingly by them like robbers, I said that Brahmadatta had been devoured by a tiger.' Told, Show the spot,' I wandered here and there deceitfully. When I came to the road leading to seeing you, I made a gesture to escape. I threw a pill given by the ascetic into my mouth and, unconscious by its power, I was abandoned by them thinking I was dead. After they had been gone for a long time I took the pill from my mouth and, roaming to look for you like something lost, I came to a village. " There I saw an excellent mendicant like a heap of penance in person and I paid homage to him. He said to me: I am Vasubhaga, a friend of Dhanu, Varadhanu. Where is Brahmadatta, illustrious sir?' Feeling confidence (in him), I told him the whole truth and he, his face dark from the smoke Page #366 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ BRAHMADATTACAKRICARITA of an evil story, said again to me: 6 At the time when the combustible house was burned, at dawn Dirgha saw one burned skull, but not three skulls. He saw the tunnel there and at its end horses' tracks and, knowing that you two had escaped by Dhanu's wit, he was very angry with him. He gave orders to patrols in every direction with unstumbling progress like the light of the sun to capture you and take you in. Minister Dhanu escaped but your mother was thrown into the candala-quarter like hell by Dirgha.' 335 Wounded by that news that was like a boil upon a boil, having pain coming on top of pain, I went to Kampilya. There I became a fictitious kapalika and constantly entered house after house in the candala-quarter, like a spy. When I was asked by the people there the reason for my roaming, I said, 'This is the practice of a candala-magic art of mine.' Friendship, the vessel of confidence, was created by me roaming there in this way. What is not accomplished by deceit on the part of the one without a protector? One day I said to the mother through them, Kaundinya, an ascetic, a friend of your son, salutes you.' On the next day I went myself and gave the mother a citron containing a pill and she became unconscious from it when it had been eaten. The city-superintendent went and reported to the king, 'She is dead,' and his own men were ordered by the king to see to her cremation. When they came there, I said to them, 'If her cremation takes place at this moment, there will be a great misfortune to you and the king,' and they went to their house. I said to the guard, 'If you help, I shall acquire a charm by means of the corpse of this woman who has all the marks.' The guard agreed and at evening, accompanied by him alone, I took my mother to the cemetery far away. On the bare ground I made circles, et cetera craftily and then sent the guard to make an oblation to the city-goddesses. When he had gone, I gave the mother another pill and she Page #367 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 336 CHAPTER ONE arose, conscious, yawning as if at the end of sleep. After making myself known and restraining her weeping, I led her to Kacchagrama to the house of Devasarman, a friend of my father. Wandering here and there, searching for you, I came here. By good fortune you were seen now like a heap of merit of mine before my eyes. After that time, lord, how did you set out and how did you fare?" So questioned by him, the prince made known his adventures. Then a man came there and told them: "In the village, Dirgha's soldiers, showing a track marked by a double shape like you (two), say, 'Have such men come here?' After hearing their speech, I saw you here. Do what is pleasing to you." When this man had gone, they fled into the forest like young elephants and in the course of time came to the city Kausambi. There in a garden they saw a cock-fight, on which there was a wager of a lac, between the cocks of Sheth Sagaradatta and Buddhila. Flying up repeatedly the cocks fought violently with claws like hooks for drawing out life and beak against beak. In this fight Buddhila's cock defeated the pure-bread, powerful cock of Sagaradatta, like a misraelephant 315 a bhadra-elephant. Then Varadhanu said, "If you wish, Sagara, I will examine him, to see how your pure-bred cock was defeated by him.". Looking at Buddhila's cock with Sagara's approval, he saw iron needles, like messengers of Yama, on his feet. Observing this, Buddhila offered him half a lac secretly; and he told the prince of this incident in an aside. Brahmadatta removed the iron needles and had Buddhila's cock fight again with Sheth Sagara's cock. Without needles Buddhila's was defeated instantly by (Sagara's) cock. Whence is there victory of low persons without trickery? Sagaradatta, delighted, had them get into his chariot and conducted them, excellent friends from the gift of victory, to his house. While they were living in his house like their 315 307. Mixed, the worst of the 4 kinds of elephants. See I, n. 128. Page #368 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ BRAHMADATTACAKRICARITA 337 own, a servant of Buddhila came and told Varadhanu something. When he had gone, Varadhanu told the prince, "Now see the half of a lac that Buddhila wished to give me." Then he showed him a necklace which gave an imitation of the planet Sukra (Venus) with spotless, large, round pearls, Brahman's son saw a letter marked with his own name fastened to the necklace; and a female ascetic, named Vatsa, came like a message embodied. After throwing unhusked rice on their heads accompanied by the pronouncement for a blessing, she took Varadhanu aside, told him something, and went away. The minister's son began to tell that to Brahman's son: "This woman asked for an answer to the letter fastened to the necklace. "Explain this letter marked with Sri Brahmadatta's name. Who is Brahmadatta?' Questioned so by me, she said: 'There is a sheth's daughter, named Ratnavati, in this city, like Rati who has assumed maidenhood on earth in another form. On the day of the cock-fight of Sagaradatta and her brother Buddhila, she saw this Brahmadatta. From that time distressed, wounded by love, she does not rest, but says constantly, "Brahmadatta is my refuge-he alone.' One day she herself wrote the letter fastened to the necklace and handed it to me, saying, "Deliver it to Brahmadatta." I sent the letter by a slave.'. After saying this, she waited and I dismissed her, after delivering your answer." 316 From that day the prince, burned by Mara hard to control, like an elephant burned by the midday sun, was not happy. One day men sent by Dirgha to the lord of Kausambi came to search for them there, like an arrow lost in the body. When the search for them had started in Kausambi at the king's order, Sagara put them in an underground house and concealed them like a treasure. As they wished to leave, 316 325. Brahmadatta has written no reply, so far as we know. He has had no opportunity. But in the Maharastri version, Varadhanu delivers a reply, which he must have written himself. See Meyer, p. 39. 43 N Page #369 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 338 CHAPTER ONE at night Sagara put them in a chariot, escorted them on the road some distance and then returned. As they went forward, they saw in a garden a woman seated in a chariot full of missiles, like a goddess in Nandana. She addressed them respectfully," Why has so much time passed on your part? and they replied, "How do you know who we are?" She said: There was in this city a very wealthy sheth, named Dhanaprabhava, like a brother of Dhanada. I am in addition to eight sons of this excellent sheth, like the Sri of discrimination to the (eight) intellectual qualities.317 Since I have been grown, I have prayed very much to the Yaksa in this garden to obtain a very superior husband. There is no other desire of women. Pleased by my devotion, the best of Yaksas gave me this boon: Cakravartin Brahmadatta will be your husband. He, whom you see at the cock-fight of Sheths Sagara and Buddhila, marked with a srivatsa, accompanied by a friend, of unusual beauty, must be recognized by you. Your first meeting with Brahmadatta will take place when you are staying at my temple. 66 So I know that you are he, sir. Come! Come! Calm me suffering from the fire of separation for a long time here by a meeting now like a stream of water.' 59 He consented and took command of the chariot as well as her strong affection and asked her, Where must we go?" She said: "In the city Magadha, there is my paternal uncle, Sheth Dhanavaha. He will show us much honor. So we must go from here to there." At this speech of Ratnavati, Brahman's son had the horses urged on by the minister's son as charioteer. After crossing Kausambi-territory in a moment, Brahman's son arrived at terrifying large forest that was like an amusement-place of Yama. There two chiefs of a robberband, Sukantaka and Kantaka, besieged Brahmadatta, like two dogs a great boar. Immense like sons of the night of the 317 333. See III, p. 339, 66 Page #370 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ BRAHMADATTACAKRICARITA 339 destruction of the world, simultaneously with their soldiers they covered the sky with arrows, like a pavilion. The prince took a bow and, shouting, kept down the band of thieves with arrows, like a cloud a forest-fire with streams of water. As the prince was raining arrows, they escaped with their soldiers. Indeed! when a lion attacks, how can deer remain ? The minister's son said to the prince: "You are tired from the battle. Sleep for an hour, master, staying right here in the chariot." Brahmadatta went to sleep in the chariot with Ratnavati, like a young elephant with a cow-elephant on a mountain-ridge. At daybreak, when they had reached a river, the tired horses stopped and the prince awoke. Awake, he did not see the minister's son in the chariot. Thinking, "Has he gone for water?" he called him repeatedly. As he did not receive an answer and saw the front of the chariot smeared with blood, wailing, "Oh! I am killed," he fell in the chariot in a faint. Being conscious again, he got up and wailing like ordinary people, " Oh! Oh! friend Varadhanu, where are you?" was enlightened by Ratnavati. "So long as it is not known for certain that your friend is dead, it is not fitting to do anything inauspicious for him, even in speech, lord. Doubtless he has gone somewhere on your business. Ministers go on their lord's business without asking their lord. He, guarded by his very devotion to you, will surely come. For the power of devotion to the master is an armor for servants. When we have arrived at a settlement, we will have men search for him. It is not fitting to remain in this forest--a garden of Death." At her speech he drove forward the horses and came to a border-village of Magadha. What is very far for horses and Maruts? The village-chief, who was in the assembly-hall, saw him and conducted him to his own house. Great persons, even though unknown, are honored because of their appearance. Questioned by the village-chief, "Why do you seem overcome by grief?" he said, "My friend, fighting with thieves, Page #371 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 340 CHAPTER ONE has gone somewhere." "I will bring news of him, like Maruti of Sita," and with these words the village-chief penetrated the whole forest. Then the chief returned and said: "No one has been seen in the forest. However, I found this arrow which had fallen in fighting." "Varadhanu has certainly been killed," and then night came, the abode of darkness, like the grief of Brahman's son thinking this. During the fourth watch of the night, thieves attacked there, but they were defeated by the prince, like persons absent from home by Mara. Then, followed by the village-chief, he went gradually to Rajagtha. He left Ratnavati at a hermitage outside the city. Entering the city, he saw two girls, just grown, standing at a window of a palace, like Rati and Priti in person. They said to him: "When you went away at that time, abandoning people devoted to you, does that appear fitting to you?" The prince said, "Oh! What devoted persons and when were they abandoned? Who am I and who are you?" " Please come and rest, lord." And Brahmadatta entered their house, as well as their hearts, as they made such conversation. Remaining, they related their own true story to Brahman's son who had a bath and a meal. "There is a mountain, Vaitadhya by name, the abode of Vidyadharas, made of slabs of silver, like a tilaka of the earth. In the city. Sivamandira in its southern row there is a king, Jvalanasikha, lika Guhyaka in Alaka. There is a wife, Vidyucchika, of the Vidyadhara-lord, like lightning (the wife) of a cloud, by whose brilliance the surface of the sky is lighted. We are their daughters, dearer than life, named Khanda and Visakha, younger sisters of a son, Natyonmatta. One day our father, as he was talking with a friend, Agnisikha, in his palace, saw gods going through the air to Mt. Astapada. Then he set out on a pilgrimage to holy places and made us and his friend Agnisikha go. For he would endow him, beloved, with dharma. When we arrived at Astapada, we saw the statues made of jewels of the Page #372 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 341 UDALA BRAHMADATTACAKRICARITA Tirthanathas, possessing (the right) size and color. After we had made the bath, anointing, and paja properly and had made the circumambulation three times, we paid homage with deep concentration. When we left the temple, we saw two flyingascetics under a red asoka tree, like penance and tranquillity embodied. After bowing to them and sitting down in front of them, we listened with faith to a sermon, moonlight for destroying the darkness of ignorance. :: Agnisikha said, 'Who will be the husband of these girls ?' They said, "The man who will kill their brother. Our father became black from that speech, like the moon from winter. Because of the speech containing disgust with existence, we said: "Just now we heard a sermon whose essence was the worthlessness of worldly existence. Why are you defeated by a savage in the form of fear of it, father? Enough for us of these various pleasures arising from sense-objects. From that time we began to protect our brother. One day my brother in his roaming saw Puspavati, the daughter of your maternal uncle, Puspacula. His mind was captivated by her beauty, wonderful grace, and merit and he, of little wit, abducted her. Intelligence is in accordance with karma. Unable to endure her glance, he went to acquire a magic art. You know fully what happened after that. .: At that time Puspavati told us of our brother's destruction. She removed sorrow by formulas of faith, like a teacher of wisdom. Furthermore Puspavati said: "When he has come, he must be met (with honor). For the words of the muni, "Let Brahmadatta be your husband," are not false.' We agreed to that and she from haste waved a white pennant. You had abandoned us and gone away then. When you did not come and were not seen from the imperfection of our good fortune, we came here, depressed, after wandering everywhere. You have been met because of merit. You were chosen before for our husband because of Puspavati's speech. You alone are our fate." He married them with a gandharva-wedding. For a king Page #373 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 342 CHAPTER ONE is the recipient of women like the ocean of rivers. Sporting with the two of them like Siva with Ganga and Uma, Brahman's son passed the night there. "Until I obtain my kingdom, you must stay with Puspavati," he said and dismissed them. They said, "Very well," respectfully; and the people and the palace and everything disappeared like a city in a mirage. 66 Then Brahman's son went to the hermitage to look for Ratnavati. Not seeing her there, he asked a man of good appearance: Have you seen yesterday or today a woman wearing divine garments and adorned with jeweled ornaments, good sir?" He said: "Yesterday I saw a woman, crying, 'Lord! Lord!' Recognizing her as my granddaughter, I entrusted her to her paternal uncle." Told by him," You are her husband," Brahman's son agreed and was conducted by him, delighted, to her uncle's house. The uncle married Brahmadatta to Ratnavati with great magnificence. Everything requires little effort on the part of the rich. Experiencing pleasures of the senses with her, one day he began Varadhanu's funeral rites. While the Brahmans were eating, like visible ghosts, Varadhanu came there disguised as a Brahman and said, "If you give food to me, that is to Varadhanu in person." His speech was heard by Brahman's son, like nectar to the ear. When he had seen him, making him one with himself, as it were, by an embrace, bathing him as it were with tears of joy, he conducted him into the house. Questioned by the prince he told his adventures. cc At that time, when you were asleep, I was attacked by thieves like Dirgha's soldiers. I was hit by an arrow by a thief inside the trees. I fell to the ground and concealed myself in the vines. When the thieves had gone away, concealing myself in the trees like an ati 318 in water, gradually I reached a village. Learning news of you from the villagechief, I came here. By good fortune I saw you, like a peacock 318 407. The ati is an acquatic bird (MW and Abhi. 4. 404), but the comparison does not seem very felicitous. Page #374 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ BRAHMADATTACAKRICARITA 343 seeing a cloud." Then Brahmadatta said: "How long shall we, like eunuchs, stay without manly action?" Just then the festival of spring, which had Makaradhvaja (Kamadeva) attained as sovereign, the intoxicator of young men like wine, took place. At that time a rutting elephant of the king broke his post, threw off his chain, and went away, like the younger brother of Death, all the people being terrified. The elephant seized with his trunk a girl burdened with the weight of hips, with a stumbling gait, after pulling her up like a lotus. With the miserable-eyed girl begging for protection, weeping, the cry "Ha! Ha!", like the first syllable of universal grief, arose. "Oh, miserable elephant! you are an outcaste. Are you not ashamed, seizing a woman?" So addressed by the prince, he abandoned her and approached him. Jumping up, setting his foot on the stair of his tusk, the prince mounted him easily and seated himself on his withers. Then the prince quickly tamed him by means of voice, foot, and goad, 319 like a yogi himself with good yoga. Hailed by the people, "Well done! Well done! Long live! Long live!" the prince led the elephant, like a cowelephant, to the post and tied him. Then the king came there and was astonished, when he saw him. To whom do not his appearance and strength cause surprise? "Who is he? Where from? Is he Surya or Vasava incognito?". At these words of the king, Ratnavati's uncle described him. Then the king, considering him to have merit, held a festival and gave maidens to Brahmadatta, like Daksa (his daughters) to the moon.320 After he had married them and was staying there comfortably, he was told one day by an old woman, who had come and twitched the border of his garment: "There is a rich man here, named Vaisravana, like another 319 416. With a play on yoga meaning 'a means of control of an elephant' and 'self-concentration. See II, p. 71 and note 132. 320 420. Daksa gave 27 daughters as wives to the Moon, Page #375 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 344 CHAPTER ONE Vaisravana (Kubera) in wealth. He has a daughter, named Srimati, like Sri from the ocean. She, who was saved from the rogue-elephant like a digit of the moon from Rahu, longs for you alone. She has been depressed from that time. Save her from Smara, as you saved her from the elephant. Take her hand as you have taken her heart." The prince married her with many auspicious rites of marriage. Furthermore, Varadhanu married Minister Subuddhi's daughter, Nanda. Remaining there, they became very famous in the land because of their power. Then they set out energetically for Varanasi. Hearing that Brahmadatta had come, the Lord of Varanasi went to meet him like a Brahman out of respect and conducted him to his house. Kataka' gave him his daughter, named Katakavati, and a four-part army like the Sri of Victory embodied. Karenudatta, King of Campa, the minister Dhanu, and other kings, Bhagadatta and others, came, when they heard of his arrival. After appointing Varadhanu general, like Arsabhi (Bharata) Susena, Brahman's son set out to lead Dirgha on the long road. A messenger from Dirgha came and said to King Kataka, "It is not fitting to abandon your friendship from childhood with Dirgha." Then Kataka said: "In the past together with Brahman we were friends like five full brothers. When Brahman died, his son and realm which had been entrusted to him for protection, were claimed by Dirgha. Even a witch does not devour what has been entrusted. Would even an outcaste do the very great crime which Dirgha did in regard to Brahman's son and goods, without considering it for a long time? So go. Tell Dirgha, Brahmadatta approaches. Fight or die.'" With these words he dismissed the messenger. Then, with unbroken marches Brahman's son went to Kampilya and besieged it together with Dirgha, like a cloud covering the sky together with the sun. Dirgha left the city with a full army, the essence of battle, like a snake, pressed by a stick, leaving a hole. At that time Culani, because of Page #376 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ BRAHMADATTACAKRICARITA 345 extreme disgust with existence, took the vow under the head-nun, Purna, and in course of time attained emancipation. King Dirgha's front-line soldiers were killed by the frontline soldiers of Brahman's son, like the aquatic monsters of a river by the sea-monsters of the ocean. Dirgha, frowning, like a boar with the tusks raised from anger, ran forward and began to kill the enemy. Brahmadatta's army, infantry, chariots, cavalry, et cetera, was overthrown by Dirgha, swift as a river's current. Then Brahmadatta, red-eyed from anger, himself roaring, fought with Dirgha roaring, like an elephant with an elephant. Both, exceedingly strong, destroyed arrows with arrows, like the ocean stirred up at the end of the world destroying waves with waves. Then Brahmadatta's cakra, with light streaming forth, victorious over the circle of the heavens, knowing the proper, time like a servant, approached. Then Brahman's son quickly took Dirgha's life with it. What struggle is there of the lightning in the killing of a lizard? Saying, " Long live the cakrin," like bards, the gods rained flowers on Brahmadatta. Looked on as a father, as a mother, as a deity by the townspeople, he entered the city Kampilya like Sutraman entering Amaravati. The king had his wives, previously married, brought from all places and installed the woman-jewel, named Kurumati. Expedition of conquest (449-470) One day the cakravartin set out with immeasurable forces, following the cakra, eager for the conquest of Bharataksetra. In the past there was holy Vrsabhalanchana, best of kings, and he gave his kingdom to his eldest son, Bharata. Making a division the Master gave countries to his other ninety-nine sons. He himself practiced penance and attained emancipation. The countries with their names are these: in the east: Pragama, Mastaka, Putra, Angaraka, Malla, Anga, Malaya, Bhargava, Pragjyotina, Vansa, Magadha, Masavartika; in the south: Banamukta, Vaidarbha, Vanavasika, Mahisaka, Vanarastra, Tayika, Asmaka, Dandaka, Kalinga, Isika, Purusa, 44 N Page #377 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 346 CHAPTER ONE Mulaka, Bhogavardhaka, Kuntula; in the west: Durga, Suparika, Arbuda, Arya, Kalli, Vanaya, Saksika, Nartasadhika, Maheka, Ruru, Kaccha, Surastra, Narmada, Sarasyata, Tapasa; in the north: Kuru, Jangala, Pancala, Surasena, Pataccara, Kalinga, Kasi, Kausilya, Bhadrakara, Vlka, Arthaka, Vigarta, Kausala, Ambasta, Salva, Matsya, Kuniyaka, Mauka, Balhika, Kamboja, Madhudesa, Madraka, Atreya, Yavana, Abhira, Vana, Vanasa, Kaikaya, Sindhusauvira, Gandhara, Katha, Tosa, Daseraka, Bharadvaja, Camura, Vaprasthala, Tarnakarnaka; these behind the Vindhya: Tripura, Avanti, Cedi, Kiskindha, Naisadha, Dasarna, Kusumarna, Naupala, Antapa, Kausala, Padama, Vinihotra, Vaidisa; Videha, Vatsa, Bhadra, Vajra, Sindimbha, Saitava, Kutsa, Bhanga--these occupying the middle part of Madhyadesa. Conquering the lord of Magadha, the god-lord of Varadaman, Prabhasa, Kotamala, and others in turn, his commands kissing the heads of the circle of kings, Brahman's son himself conquered these ninety-nine countries. The king made the six-part land a one-part land by rooting up, as it were, boundaries that had grown up under different masters. After crushing his enemies, the king set out for Kampilya, his commands cherished by crowned kings, covering the earth with soldiers and the sky with dust which they stirred up, with the road shown by the cakra like a door-keeper going in advance, lord of the fourteen jewels and the nine treasures, traveling with unbroken marches, the king arrived at the city. King Brahmadatta entered the city Kampilya, which had a concert undertaken from joy, as it were, in the guise of the noise of the drums. Then his coronation lasting for twelve years, like that of Bharata, was commenced by kings coming from every direction. Story of the faithful Brahman (471-484) When in the past Brahman's son was wandering alone, there was a Brahman, a companion, sharing pleasures and pains. "When you have heard that I have obtained the realm, Page #378 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ BRAHMADATTACAKRICARITA 347 you must come quickly, reverend sir." Invited in these words, he (the Brahman) came to his neighborhood at that time. Owing to the obstacle of the royal coronation, he did not gain admittance; (but) he began to serve the king, just as a doorkeeper. At the end of the coronation, the king went outside and the Brahman made a banner of worn-out shoes to make himself known. Seeing this banner different from other banners, the king asked the door-keeper, "Who is the bearer of this unusual banner?" He said, For twelve years he has done service Your Majesty." The king summoned him and said, "What is this?" He said: While I was wandering with you, so many shoes of mine were worn out. You did not make me even that gift, lord." Then he recognized him and laughed. He appointed him to service and saw that he was not barred by the door-keepers. 66 The king, occupying his audience-hall, summoned him and said, "Reverend sir, what can be given you?" He said, "Give me food." The king said, "That is very little. Ask for a district or something like that." He, who had a greedy tongue, said: " Even in the case of royalty, food is compensation. So, have food given me everywhere in Bharataksetra and a dinar for a fee, beginning with your house." The king thought, Certainly so much is his due," and gave him food in his house and a dinar cash. At the king's command the Brahman began to eat in Bharata; and he thought, "Since I have eaten everywhere, I shall eat in the palace." But the Brahman did not obtain royal food even after a long time. Passing time uselessly, he died at some time or other. 66 66 Reunion with Citra's soul (485-511) One day at a musical play a slave-girl delivered to him a bouquet of various flowers, like one arranged by Apsarases. When Brahmadatta saw it, thinking, Such as this I have seen somewhere before," he employed inner uha and apoha again and again. From the rising of the memory of five former Page #379 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 348 CHAPTER ONE births just at that time he swooned, and realized, " I saw such a one in Saudharma." Sprinkled with sandal-water, he recovered, and he thought, " How will my brother in a former birth be found?" Wishing to know him, he gave a samasya 321 of a half-sloka: "We two were slaves, deer, hansas, candalas, and gods likewise.". He had proclaimed in the city: "I shall give half the kingdom to the one who completes my samasya of half a sloka." Everyone, reciting the half-sloka which he had learned by heart like his own name, made a second half. But no one completed it. At that time Citra's soul, the son of a rich man, who had become a mendicant from memory of his former births, came from Purimatala, as he was wandering alone. Then in the garden Manorama where he occupied a bare spot of ground free from life, he heard the half-sloka from a water-drawer who was reciting it. "This is the sixth birth of us (now) separated from each other." After supplying the second half of the sloka, he taught it to him (the water-drawer). The water-drawer recited the second-half of the sloka to the king and questioned by him, "Who is the poet?" said it was the muni. Giving him a gratuity, he went eagerly to the garden to see the muni like a tree of dharma that had sprung up. After paying homage to the muni, his eyes full of tears, the king sat down near him, feeling affection from former births. After the muni, an ocean with water of compassion, had pronounced a blessing, he began a sermon as a favor to the king. Sermon (499-502) " Your Majesty, in this worthless worldly existence, there is nothing else of value. Dharma alone is of value, like a lotus in mud. The body, youth, wealth, lordship, friends, relatives--all those are as wavering as the border of a banner 321 489. A part of a stanza to be completed. Page #380 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ BRAHMADATTACAKRICARITA 349 lifted by the wind. Just as you conquered external enemies to gain the earth, so conquer internal enemies to gain emancipation. Take the duties of sadhus; abandon everything else, after separating them. For a rajahansa takes milk after separating it from water." seen, Brahmadatta then said: "By good fortune you have been brother. This sovereignty is yours alone. Enjoy pleasures as you like. For pleasures are the fruit of penance. Why do you practice penance? Who would struggle, when his purpose has been self-accomplished?" 66 The muni said: "My wealth was like Dhanada's. I abandoned it like straw from fear of wandering in births. You, your merit exhausted, have come to this earth from Saudharma. Your merit being exhausted, do not go from here to a low state of existence, king. After obtaining a human birth in an Aryan country in a highest family, which confers emancipation, you gain pleasures by that, like cleansing the feet with nectar. Recalling how we wandered in low categories after falling from heaven, our merit exhausted, why are you confused, king, like a child?" Even so enlightened by him, the king did not become enlightened. How is there any growth of the seed of enlightenment on the part of those who have made a nidana? After enlightening him who was most unenlightened, the muni went elsewhere. How long do reciters of spells remain after a bite by a serpent commanded by Death? The muni attained brilliant omniscience by destruction of destructive karmas; after destroying the karmas prolonging existence, he attained the highest step (emancipation). Story of the Naga and Nagini (512-571) Brahmadatta continued to be served by kings, passing years with the splendor of a cakrin, like Sakra on earth. One day a horse with marks like one of the seven horses of the Sun was sent by the lord of the Yavanas as a present. Brahmadatta Page #381 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER ONE quickly mounted him to test whether or not his speed was equal to his matchless form. The elephant of kings, accompanied by horsemen, elephant-riders, charioteers, and infantry, left the city, bestriding the horse. The cakrin, whose courage was great, pressing both sides of the horse with his thighs, eager to see his speed, struck him with a whip. Like a boat driven by a wind behind it, urged by the whip, the horse went with excessive speed and became invisible in a moment. Although the king pulled him to turn around, the horse did not stop, but went unchecked into the forest, like the mind of a man without restraint. In the forest terrifying from cruel wild animals the horse stopped of its own accord from weariness, like a flying bird (resting) on a lake. The cakrin, who was suffering from thirst, wandered here and there, looking for water; and he saw a pool with a garland of dancing waves. The king unsaddled the horse and watered him, led him to the bank, and tied him to a tree-root with the bridle. Then Brahmadatta himself bathed like a forest-elephant and drank the water fragrant with the perfume of lotuses as he liked. After the cakrabhit had come out of the pool, as he was walking on the bank, he saw a Naga-maiden with a wealth of matchless beauty and grace. While he stood astonished by her beauty, a serpent, a boa constrictor, came out of the banyan tree, like its living foot. The Naga-maiden instantly assumed the form of a female serpent and agreed to union with the boa constrictor. The king thought: " Alas! This woman is extremely in love with that low serpent. Water and women seek the low. This mixing of castes can not possibly be disregarded by me, since everyone on earth must be set on the right road by the king." With this reflection, the king separated them, struck both with a whip and, his anger allayed, released them. They went away somewhere. The king reflected again: "Surely, a Vyantara, assuming the form of a boa constrictor, dwells (here) to dally with that Naga-maiden." As the king was so Page #382 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ BRAHMADATTACAKRICARITA 351 reflecting, by following the horse's track he came to the entire army which was delighted at the sight of the king. Attended by the army the cakrin went to his own city. The Naga-maiden went and tearfully told her husband such a story: 322 " Brahmadatta, sovereign of the world of mortals, is lustful. Roaming about, he came just now to the forest, Bhutaramana. I, going in attendance on a Yaksini, surrounded by women-friends, was seen by him as I emerged from a lotus-pond after a bath. Wounded by Love at sight of me, wishing to dally, he asked me; and beat me, unwilling and weeping, with a whip. Though I told your name, he, intoxicated with power, beat me for a long time and left me for dead." After hearing that, the Naga-prince, angered, approached Brahman's son to kill him, entering his house at night. Just then the chief-queen said to Brahmadatta, " Lord, what did you see when you were carried away by the horse?" The king related the wicked story of the female serpent and the boa constrictor, the punishment administered by himself, and the checking of their evil conduct. The Naga, concealed, heard all that and his anger was allayed instantly, as he had learned by himself his wife's fault. At that time the king left the house for care of the body and saw the Naga by whose splendor the sky was lighted up. The Naga said: "Long live King Brahmadatta, who is the chastiser on earth of the evilly-behaved. The Naga-maiden whom you beat is my wife. You were described to me by her, 'Lustful for me, he beat me,' though you are a chastiser. Because of her story, king, I came here, eager to burn you. Just now I heard secretly her bad behavior from your mouth. She, a harlot, was properly punished by you devoted to the law. Pardon that I thought of something evil against you because of her story." The king said, "There is no fault on your part. Truly, 322 531. The Joseph and Potiphar motif. cf. Parsva., p. 199. Page #383 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 332 CHAPTER ONE women conceal their own fault by deceit, blaming some one else." The Naga said: " It is the truth that women are deceitful. I am delighted by your conduct. Tell me, what can I do for you, sir?" The king replied: "May there be nowhere in my kingdom any adultery, theft, nor violent death at all." The Naga said: "Let it be so. Again I am delighted with that request of yours beneficial to others. Now ask something for yourself." After considering, the king asked: "King of Nagas, make it so that I can understand properly the speech of all creatures." The Naga said: "This is hard to give, but it is given by me to you. But if you tell anyone else, your head will split into seven pieces." With these words, the king of Nagas went away. One day the king went to the toilet-house with his wife. A female lizard said to a lizard, " My dear, bring me the king's ointment which will satisfy my pregnancy-whim." The lizard said, " Am I of no use to you by myself? " The king understood their speech and laughed. The queen asked the king, " Why did you laugh suddenly?" The king, afraid of death if he told that, said, " For no reason." She said: " Certainly you must tell me the reason for laughing. Otherwise, I shall die. Why must it be concealed from me?" The king said: " If it is not told, you may or may not die. But if it is told, I shall die at once undoubtedly." Not believing that, she said again, "Tell me. We shall both die. May our condition of existence be the same." The king, who had fallen into women's persistence, had a pyre made in a cemetery. He went near the pyre and said, "I, ready to die, am going to tell that." Then after bathing, the king mounted on an elephant and went with her to the pyre, watched by the tearful townspeople. In order to enlighten the cakrin, one of the family deities created a figure of a goat and a pregnant doe. Thinking, "The king understands all languages," the pregnant doe said to the goat in pure goatlanguage: "My dear, bring me here a bundle of barley from that pile of barley. When I have eaten it, my pregnancy-whim Page #384 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ BRAHMADATTACAKRICARITA will be satisfied." The goat said: "This barley of Cakrin Brahmadatta is guarded for the horses. There would be death to me in taking it." The doe said, " I shall die, if you do not bring the barley." The goat replied, "If you are dead, I shall have another wife." She said again, "Look! The cakrin gives up life to please his wife. He is the quintessence of affection, but you have no affection for me, alas!" The goat said: The husband of many women is ready to die at the speech of one woman. That is folly. I am not a fool like him. If the queen dies with him, there will be no union in the next birth. People's states of existence have different paths, depending on their karma." After he heard their talk, the cakrin reflected: The goat spoke well. Why should I, bewildered by a mere woman, die?" The king, delighted, put a gold necklace and a garland of flowers on the goat's neck and went home. He restrained the queen, saying, "I shall not die on your advice." And he directed the realm again, with a cakravartin's splendor unbroken. Thus sporting in many ways, Brahmadatta passed seven hundred, less sixteen, years from birth. 66 353 66 Brahmadatta's blinding (572-596) One day a Brahman, an old acquaintance, said to him, "Cakravartin, give me the (same) food that you eat yourself." Brahmadatta said: "Brahman, my food is very hard to digest; but when it is digested for a long time, it leads to a great frenzy." Then Brahman said, " You are very stingy in giving food. Shame on you!" and the king fed him and his household with his own food. During the night a tree of insane love with a hundred branches appeared violently in the Brahman from his porridge like a seed. The Brahman and his sons, like cattle, committed sins in love with mother, sister, and daughter-in-law unrecognized. Then at the end of the night the Brahman 45 N . Page #385 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 354 CHAPTER ONE and his household were not able to show their faces to each other from shame. Thinking angrily, "I and my household have been derided by the king with cruel food," the Brahman went outside the city. As he was wandering outside, he saw in the distance a goatherd perforating the leaves of a fig tree with pieces of gravel. Reflecting, "He is capable of effectuating my hostility," after gaining him over with honor as well as money, he said to him: "By throwing little balls (of rock) you must put out the eyes of the one who goes on the highway, mounted on an elephant, with a white umbrella and chauris." The goatherd agreed to the Brahman's command. Cattleherds act without reflecting, like cattle. Taking his place inside a hut, throwing two little balls at the same time, he knocked out the king's eyes. The command of Fate is not to be transgressed. The goatherd was caught by his bodyguards, like a crow by a hawk, and when he was beaten, confessed that the Brahman alone was the cause of his crime. After hearing that, the king said: "Shame, shame on the tribe of Brahmans! Wherever they eat, they, wicked, break the dish. Better a gift to a dog than to him who becomes master of the giver. Certainly it is not fitting to give to ungrateful Brahmans. Whoever created deceivers, cruel men, wild animals, meat-eaters, and Brahmans, he must be blamed first of all." Saying this, the king, very angry, had the Brahman killed, together with his sons, brothers, friends, like a handful of flies. Blind in both eyes, a promise having been made in his heart in anger, he had all Brahmans, family priests, et cetera, killed. He instructed the minister, "Fill a big dish with eyes of Brahmans and set it before me." Knowing the king's cruel state of mind, the minister filled a dish with fruit of the sebesten and put it before him. Brahmadatta was delighted, touching them frequently with his hand, saying, "The dish is well filled with eyes of Brahmans." Page #386 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ BRAHMADATTACAKRICARITA 355 Just as Brahmadatta had no pleasure in the touch of the woman-jewel, Puspavati,323 so he did have pleasure in the touch of the dish. At no time did he have the dish taken away from in front of him, like a drunk man a cup of wine, the cause of a low state of existence. He crushed the sebestens with the idea they were Bralamans' eyes, as if gratifying the pregnancy-whim of the tree of evil ready for fruit. His cruel state of mind grew worse, as it was unhindered. Everything pertaining to the great, favorable or unfavorable, is great. Death of Brahmadatta (597-600) So sixteen years passed, while the king was practicing cruel meditation--a boar in the mud of evil. Twenty-eight years passed while Brahmadatta was prince; fifty-six while he was governor of a district; sixteen years in the conquest of Bharataksetra, six hundred in guarding the rank of cakravartin. Seven hundred years having passed from the day of his birth, saying frequently " Kurumati," he went to the seventh hell which accorded with the fruit of developments connected with injuries (committed by him). 323 593. Earlier and later she is called 'Kurumati.' Page #387 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER II PREVIOUS BIRTHS OF PARSVANATHA Homage to Sri Parsvanatha. Protector, Supreme Spirit, tree for the support of the creeper of all the auspicious occasions (kalyana). Now the very purifying life of Parsvanatha is celebrated for the benefit of the whole world and for my own benefit. Incarnation as Marubhuti (3-55) In this zone, named Bharata, of this same Jambudvipa, there is a city Potanapura like a new piece of heaven. The ornament of the earth, a habitation for meetings with Sri, it is frequented by kings, like the lotus-bed of a river by hansas. Rich men there shone like younger brothers of Srida because of their wealth and like full brothers of a wishing-tree because of their great generosity. It was magnificent beyond the sphere of words from its resemblance to Amaravati; or rather, Amaravati was magnificent because of a resemblance to it. Its king was named Aravinda, bee to the lotus-feet of the Arhat, the abode of Sri, like the ocean. Just as he was unique among the powerful, so he was among the discerning. Just as he was chief of the wealthy, so he was of the glorious. Just as he divided money among the poor, protectorless, and unfortunate people, so he divided day and night among the aims of existence. Corresponding to the king, there was a Brahman, a family-priest, an advanced layman, who knew the Principles-soul, non-soul, et cetera, named Visvabhuti. He had two sons, Kamatha and Marubhuti, older and younger, borne by Anuddhara. Varuna was the name of Kamatha's wife and Vasundhara of Marubhuti's, endowed with beauty and grace. Both (the sons) had learned the arts and both were competent in the acquisition of property, affectionate towards each other, a source of joy to their parents. Recalling the formula of homage to the Page #388 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ PREVIOUS BIRTHS OF PARSVANATHA 359 Pancaparamesthins, engaged in concentrated meditation, Visvabhuti died and became a chief god in Saudharma. His wife, Anuddhara, worn out by fever because of separation from him, her body dried up by sorrow and penance, died, engaged in the formula of homage. The brothers performed the funeral rites of their parents and in course of time, enlightened by Rsi Hariscandra, became free from sorrow. Kamatha remained there, always occupied with domestic affairs. When the father has died, generally the elder son is the head of the house. Marubhuti, always knowing the worthlessness of worldly existence, became averse to sense-objects, like an ascetic to food. Devoted to precepts of undertaking study and fasting, engaged in concentrated meditation, he passed days and nights in the fasting-house. Having desisted from everything objectionable, Marubhuti's idea was always, "I shall wander near a guru." Intoxicated by the wine of negligence, always confused by wrong-belief, Kamatha on the other hand became devoted to other men's wives and gambling without restraint. Vasundhara, Marubhuti's wife, with fresh youth became the causer of delusion to people, like a living poisonous creeper. But she was never touched at all by Marubhuti, an ascetic by nature, even in sleep, like a desert creeper by water. Then she, desirous of sense-objects and not having any union with her husband, considers her youth like a jasmine in a forest. Kamatha, who was naturally lustful, undiscerning, after seeing his sister-in-law again and again, addressed her affectionately. One day Kamatha, seeing her alone, said: "Why do you waste away daily like a digit of the black half of the moon, fair-browed lady? Even if you do not tell it from shame, nevertheless I know your trouble. I think my younger brother, foolish, behaving like a eunuch, is the cause of that." After hearing that improper speech of his, trembling, she began to flee, her hair and upper garment disheveled. Kamatha ran after her, held her by the hand, and said: " Foolish girl, why this fear of yours at the wrong time? Bind up your loose Page #389 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 358 CHAPTER TWO hair and put on your garment which has fallen off." With these words he did it himself, though she was unwilling. She said: "Elder brother, what is this? You are to be honored like Visvabhuti. This is not right for you or for me, leading to disgrace of both families." Kamatha smiled and said: Do not say this from simplicity. Do not make your own youth, deprived of pleasure, in vain. Enjoy pleasure of the senses with me, fair-eyed lady. Enough of this eunuch Marubhuti now, since the law (smrti) is: 'If the husband has disappeared, dies, become an ascetic, is impotent, or outcaste-in these five calamities, of women another husband is prescribed.' "324 So advised by him she, very desirous of pleasure in the beginning, seated on his lap first, abandoned shame together with propriety. Then Kamatha, wounded by love, dallied with her. In this way there were constantly secret opportunities, always concealed, for them. 66 Finding this out, Varuna, bereft of compassion, red-eyed, jealous, told Marubhuti everything. Marubhuti said to her: Lady, this ignoble conduct does not exist in the elder brother, like heat in the moon." Though restrained by him in. this way, she told that day after day. He reflected, Who can be certain from confidence in some one else? Being averse to sexual pleasure, in order to be a witness himself, he went to Kamatha and said, "I am going to the village now." After saying this, Marubhuti went away, but returned at night in the guise of an exhausted begger by changing his dress and speech. 66 He said to Kamatha, "Sir, give me, a traveler from afar, shelter in your house," and he gave it unhesitatingly. He stayed in the window shown him, pretending to go to sleep, wishing to see the evil conduct of the two blinded by love. Vasundhara and Kamatha, evil-minded, dallied for a long time, unafraid from the thought, "Marubhuti has gone to the 324 34. See III, n. 122. Page #390 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ PREVIOUS B)RTHS OF PARSVANATHA 359 village." Marubhuti, staying where he was, saw what should . not be seen, but did not do anything hostile, fearing people's censure. He went and told everything to King Aravinda. Intolerant of evil conduct, he gave instructions to his guards: "Kamatha, committing a crime, must not be killed because he is the son of the house-priest. After seating him on a donkey with mockery, he is to be banished." After seating him on a donkey, they expelled Kamatha, his body spotted with mineral-mixtures, accompanied by drums sounding forth harshly. Watched by the townspeople, his head bent, unable to retaliate, Kamatha went to the forest, with a desire for emancipation. Then he became an ascetic under the ascetic Siva and Kamatha began fool's penance in the forest. 325 Marubhuti suffered remorse: "Shame on what I did, that I told the king about my brother's stumbling conduct. This stumbling of mine was greater than his stumbling. I shall go now and ask forgiveness of my elder brother." With these thoughts, he asked the king and, though restrained by him, went to Kamatha and fell at his feet. Recalling the former disgrace at that time, Kamatha angrily raised a big stone and tirew it at his head, as he was bowing. Taking it up even again, Kamatha threw the rock on him injured by the blow, as well as (throwing) himself completely into hell. Second incarnation as elephant (56-108) Dying from the injuries from the blows, in a state of painful meditation, he was born an elephant, the leader of a herd on the Vindhya mountains, tall as Vindhya. Varuna, blind with anger, died and became a cow-elephant, wife of the same lord of the herd. Happy from unbroken pleasure, the lord of the herd plays with her especially on mountains, in rivers, et cetera as he liked. 325 50. I.e., foolish kinds of penance that produce no results See III, p. 224, n. 285. Page #391 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 360 CHAPTER TWO And now Arvinda, Lord of Potana, was amusing himself with the women of his household on top of the palace in autumn. While he was amusing himself, he saw a newly-risen cloud, filled with a rainbow and lightning, spreading over the sky in a moment. While the king was saying, " Look at its beauty!" the cloud, struck by a strong wind, dispersed like a bunch of cotton. After seeing that, the king reflected: " Other things in samsara are like this. The body, et cetera are gone as soon as seen. What confidence in that (samsara) is there on the part of a discerning man?" .: As the king was rellecting assuredly to this effect, his knowledge-obscuring and conduct-deluding karma reached destruction and quiescence. With clairvoyance produced at once, the king installed his son Mahendra in his place and took the vow at the feet of Acarya Samantabhadra. With his guru's permission, engaged in solitary wandering and fasts, Muni Aravinda wandered, as if to cut the road of births. As he wandered, indifferent to the body, there was no stopping at all in a solitary place, dwelling, village, or city. One day, his body emaciated by penance, having made numerous special vows, he went to Astapada with the caravan of the trader, Sagaradatta. Sagaradatta asked the muni, " Where are you going?" He replied, "We are going to Mt. Astapada to pay homage to the gods." Again the trader asked: " What gods are on that mountain? By whom were they made? How many are they? What fruit is there for you in their worship?" Knowing that he had attained suitability for emancipation, Rsi Aravinda said to him, "No others, except the Arhats, are worthy to become gods, sir." "Who are the Arhats?" "They who are free from passion, omniscient, worshipped by Sakra, saviors of the whole universe by teaching of dharma. Cakrin Bharata, Rsabha's son, had the statues of the twentyfour Arhats, Rsabha and the others, made of jewels there (Astapada). The chief fruit of homage to them is emancipation, but other incidental fruit is attainment of the rank of Page #392 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ PREVIOUS BIRTHS OF PARSVANATHA 361 king, Indra, Ahamindra, et cetera and such things. How can others, themselves engaged in injurious acts, facing a bad state of existence, causing delusion in everyone, become gods, sir?" Enlightened by him with this and other speeches, the caravan-leader abandoned wrong belief quickly and in his presence undertook to be a layman. Rsi Aravinda told him religious stories daily; and gradually he reached the forest inhabited by Marubhuti. At meal-time the caravan-leader with the caravan camped on the bank or a pool there, an Ocean of Milk of water. Some went for wood; some for water; some for grass; some remained in the caravan, engaged in cooking food, et cetera. At that time the elephant Marubhuti, surrounded by female elephants, came there and drank water from the pool, like a cloud from the ocean. After making for a long time the (sport of) tossing up his trunk filled with water with the cowelephants, he left (the pool) and climbed up the edge. Looking around in all directions, he saw the caravan encamped there and he ran forward, his face and eyes red from anger, like Krtanta. His trunk made into a circle, both ears motionless, the heavens filled with his trumpetings, he scattered the members of the caravan. Men, women, draft-animals, elephants, et cetera fled in all directions to save their lives. Everyone wishes to live. Knowing by clairvoyance that the time for the elephant's enlightenment was near, the Blessed Aravinda held the kayotsarga-posture, motionless. After running from a distance from anger, seeing him, he went near, his anger appeased from the power of the Sri of his (Aravinda's) penance. At once, his body motionless from the desire for emancipation and compassion that had arisen, he stood before the muni, like a new disciple. The muni finished his kayotsarga for his benefit and began to enlighten him in a voice deep from tranquillity. 66 Sir! Sir! Do you not remember your own birth as 46 N Page #393 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 362 CHAPTER TWO Marubhuti? Do you not recognize me, King Aravinda ? Have you forgotten the dharma of the Arhats accepted in that birth? Remember everything. Dismiss delusion which results in (birth in the category of wild animals." Immediately he attained recollection of the birth through the muni's speech, and the elephant bowed to the muni with his head. Again the muni said: "In this existence which resembles a play, a creature, like an actor, assumes a different form from moment to moment. So, on the one hand, you were then a Brahman, intelligent, knowing the Principles, a layman; on the other hand, now you are an elephant, your soul confused by the nature of your category (as an animal). Accept again the layman-dharma of your former birth." He agreed to the muni's speech with gestures of his trunk, et cetera. Varuna, who had become a cow-elephant and had stayed just there, attained the remembrance of (former) births at that very time, like the noble elephant. For the sake of firmness (in faith) the tsi explained again householders' dharma to him. After becoming a layman and bowing to the muni, the elephant went away. Amazed by the elephant's enlightenment, many people there became mendicants and many became laymen at that time. Then Sagaradatta, too, became a distinguished layman, his heart firm in the Jinas' dharma, not be shaken even by the gods. Having gone to Mt. Astapada, the great muni Aravinda paid homage to all the Arhats and went elsewhere in his wandering. The elephant-layman, having become a yati in spirit, roamed, devoted to care in walking, et cetera, practicing penance--the two-day fast, et cetera. Drinker of water heated by the sun, breaking a fast with dried leaves, et cetera, the elephant remained averse to play with cow-elephants, his mind disgusted with existence. He reflected: "They are fortunate, who take the vow as humans. The vow is the fruit of being human, like the gift of money in a dish. Alas! Being human then was wasted by me, like W ! Page #394 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ PREVIOUS BIRTHS OF PARSVANATHA 363 money by a rich man, as I did not take initiation. Now, what can I, an animal, do?" Thus meditating, his mind firm in his guru's teaching, he continued passing the time, comfortable in pleasant and unpleasant circumstances. Kamatha's second incarnation (104-115) Now, Kamatha, unappeased by the murder of Marubhuti, not being made to speak by the guru, blamed by the other ascetics, died, engaged in especially painful meditation; he became a kukkuta-serpent 326 and roamed, destroying creatures like a winged Yama. One day as he roamed he saw the Marubhuti-elephant drinking pure water heated by the sun's rays in a pool. He happened to be mired in mud at that time and was unable to get out because of his emaciation from penance and he was bitten on the boss by the kukkuta-serpent. Knowing his own death (at hand) from the stream of the poison, the elephant rejected the four kinds of food, engaged in concentrated meditation. -Marubhuti's third incarnation (109) Recalling the homage to the Five, engaged in pious meditation, he died and became a god in Sahasrara with a life-term of seventeen sagaras. Varuna's third incarnation (110-115) The cow-elephant Varuna practiced very severe penance, so that she became a goddess in the second heaven, after death. There was no god in Isana whose heart was not won by her wealth of fascinating beauty and grace. But she did not pay any attention to any god at all, absorbed in thought of meeting the god with the soul of the elephant. The god with the soul of the elephant had great affection for her and, knowing by clairvoyance that she was in love, had her brought to Sahasrara. 326 105. Part serpent and part cock. See III, n. 276, Page #395 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 364 CHAPTER TWO The god made the goddess the crest-jewel of his harem. For affection connected with, former births in very strong. Enjoying sensuous pleasure, suitable to the heaven Sahasrara, with her, he passed the time, foreseeing no separation. Kamatha's third incarnation (116-117) In course of time the kukkuta-serpent died and became a hell-inhabitant in the fifth hell, with a life-term of seventeen sagaras. 'Kamatha's soul always experienced pains suitable for the fifth hell and never attained any rest at all. Marubhuti's fourth incarnation as Kiranavega (118-146) Now, in the East Videhas in the province Sukaccha on Mt. Vaitadhya there is a city, named Tilaka, rich in money. In it there was a Khecara-lord, Vidyudgati by name, by whom all the Khecaras had been made to bow, like another Indra. His chief-queen was Kanakatilaka, who took the part of a tilaka of the harem from her wealth of beauty. Some time passed as King Vidyudgati enjoyed sensuous pleasure with her. And now the elephant-soul fell from the eighth heaven and descended into Queen Kanakatilaka's womb. In the course of time she bore a son who had all the favorable marks of a man. He was named Kiranavega by his father. Cherished by nurses, he grew up gradually. He became the depository of arts and sciences and gradually attained youth. After requesting him, Vidyudgati had him take his kingdom and he himself took initiation under the guru Srutasagara. Not greedy, he guarded his ancestral royal wealth and, not intent upon it, he enjoyed sensuous pleasure, intelligent. He had a son, Kiranatejas, the sole abode of splendor, borne by Padmavati. In course of time he became of military age with the sciences learned, noble, like a second form of Kiranavega. A muni, Suraguru, came there and made a stop. Kiranavega went there and bowed to him with great devotion. Page #396 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ PREVIOUS BIRTHS OF PARSVANATHA 165 Then the sadhu delivered a sermon for the benefit of Kiranavega seated at his feet. Sermon (131-133) "A human birth, which is capable of obtaining the fourth object of existence (emancipation), is very hard to win in this forest of births. A foolish man with an undiscerning soul, even when he has won it, wastes it in service to sense-objects, like a low person a fine jewel for a little money. Sense-objects, served for a long time, lead only to a fall into hell. Therefore, the dharma taught by the Omniscient, which has emancipation as its fruit, must be served." After hearing this serinon which was like nectar to the ears, disgusted with existence, he placed his son, Kiranatejas, on the throne. He himself became a mendicant at the side of Suraguru and, after finishing his studies, became in course of time like an embodied chapter of traditional learning. With permission of his guru, he engaged in wandering alone. One day he went through the air to Puskaradvipa. After bowing to the eternal Arhats there he stood in pratima in a spot on Mt. Hema near Vaitadhya. The muni continued passing the time, practicing severe penance, enduring trials, sunk in tranquillity. Kamatha's fourth incarnation (139-145) The soul of the kukkuta-serpent, having risen from hell, was born as a great serpent in a thicket of Mt. Hema. He wandered day and night in this forest for food, destroying many creatures, like a long arm of Kala (Death). One day in his roaming the serpent saw Rsi Kiranavega standing in a bower, his mind fixed on meditation, motionless as a pillar. Because of his hostility from a former birth, the serpent, red-eyed from anger, at once surrounded the sadhu, like a sandal tree, with coils. The serpent, pouring poison into his fangs, bit the muni in many places with fangs terrible Page #397 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 366 CHAPTER TWO with poison. The muni thought: "Surely this serpent is conferring great benefits on me for the destruction of karma; he is not causing injuries in the least. Even if I lived for a long time, the destruction of karma must be made by me. Now it has been made by him. My purpose is accomplished in any case." Meditating in this way, he made confession, begged forgiveness from all the world, recalling the homage to the Five, engaged in pious meditation, and observed a fast. Fifth incarnation (147-148) After death he became a chief-god in the palace Jambudrumavarta in the twelfth heaven, with a life of twenty-two sagaras. Always sunk in pleasure there, brilliant with many kinds of magnificence, attended by gods, he passed the time. Fifth incarnation of Kamasha (149-150) The serpent, roaming on Mt. Hema's slope, was burned by a forest-fire and was born in the hell Dhumaprabha, with a life-term of seventeen sagaras. With a body of one hundred and twenty-five bows, he experienced there the sharp pains of hell, deprived of an atom of comfort. Sixth incarnation as Vajranabha (151-194) Now in this Jambudvipa in the province Sugandha, the ornament of West Videha, there is a fine city, Subhankara by name. The king there, named Vajravirya, whose strength was irresistible, was like Indra in person, pious, the chief of the rulers of the earth. He had a chief-queen, Laksmivati by name, like another Laksmi in form, who had attained the ornamentship of the earth. Kiranavega's soul fell from Acyuta when its life-term had been completed, and descended into Laksmivati's womb, like a hansa into a pool. At the right time she bore a son possessing a pure form, an ornament of the earth, named Page #398 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ PREVIOUS BIRTHS OF PARSVANATHA 367 Vajranabha. Moon to the night-blooming lotus of the world, cherished by nurses, he gradually grew up, with joy to his parents. In course of time he attained youth, expert in weapons and sciences; and he was installed on the throne by his father himself on a pure day. Vajravirya took the vow with his wife; but Vajranabha guarded properly the kingdom given by him. In time there was a son, like another form of Vajranabha, named Cakrayudha, like Cakrayudha (Visnu) in strength. Cakrayudha-the bee to the lotus-hands of nurses-grew along with the desire for mendicancy on the part of his father who was terrified of worldly existence. Complete with the arts like the moon with digits, the prince attained youth and his father begged him: "Take the kingdom. But I, depressed by existence, the burden being taken now by you, shall undertake mendicancy, the only means of emancipation." 66 Cakrayudha said: 'Because of what fault committed from thoughtlessness and irresponsibility is there such disfavor to me? Pardon that, lord. Guard the kingdom as well as myself for a long time. Do not abandon me, father, after guarding me for so long." S Vajranabha said: "There is no fault on your part, faultless one. But sons, like horses, are guarded for lifting a burden. Do you, having been born and having reached military age, fulfil my wish in the sphere of mendicancy now. For it has been known even from your birth. If I, even though you were born, weighed down by the burden, fall into the ocean of existence, then who will strive for good sons?" Saying this, the king.installed him on the throne, though he was unwilling, by his own command. For the command of the elder is very powerful for the well-born. Then the Blessed Jina, Ksemankara, came and stopped in a garden outside the city. After hearing that, Vajranabha thought: "The coming of the Arhat because of (my) merit is favorable to my wish." He, wishing to become a mendicant, went with great magnificence at once and paid homage to the Page #399 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 368 CHAPTER TWO Jina, and listened to a sermon he delivered. At the end of the sermon, his hands folded in obeisance, he said to the Blessed One: "Master, favor me by giving me the long-desired vow. Though I have acquired another good sadhu as guru because of merit, I have especial merit since you have come here as guru. 1, wishing initiation, have installed my son on the throne now. I am ready for your favor characterized by giving mendicancy." The master himself at once initiated him saying this. He studied a section of the scriptures and practiced severe penance. Wandering alone by his guru's permission, observing the pratima-posture, his body emaciated by penance, the great sage wandered in cities, et cetera. By unbroken principal vows and firm lesser vows, the muni acquired in course of time the magic art of going-through-the-air, as if he had wings. One day flying up, the yati went to the province Sukaccha, like another sun in the sky from his excessive brilliance from penance. Sixth incarnation of Kamatha (179-196) The serpent, after wandering through births after hell, was born in that very place in a great forest on Mt. Jvalana as a Bhilla, named Kurangaka. When he had grown up, he roamed daily in the forest with a strung bow, killing creatures for a livelihood. In his wandering Vajranabha reached that same forest inhabited by wild animals like soldiers of Antaka (Death). Unterrified by the cruel animals, female yaks, et cetera, the great sage went to Mt. Jvalana. Just then the sun set. From the habit of staying wherever he was when the sun set, he stayed in a cave of Mt. Jvalana in kayotsarga, like a new peak of the mountain. Darkness spread over the directions, like a flock of flesh-eaters that had arisen. Owls with their hoots sounded like sporting birds of Death. Wolves howled aloud like singers belonging to Raksases; tigers wandered, striking the ground with their tails like a drum Page #400 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ PREVIOUS BIRTHS OF PARSVANATHA 369 with drum-sticks. Witches in various forms, female demons, female Vyantaras, by whom cries of " kila! kila!" were made, met at that time by agreement. The Blessed One, motionless, remained at that same time and in that same place very terrifying by nature, fearless as if he were in a garden. As he was practicing meditation, the night passed and the light of the sun appeared, like the light of his penance. Then the muni set out to wander over the earth whose creatures had gone from the touch of the sun's rays, his gaze fixed at the distance of six feet. Just then the hunter Kurangaka came forth, cruel as a tiger, wearing a tiger-skin, carrying a bow and quiver. Then he saw muni Vajranabha approaching and he became exceedingly angry, thinking, " This ascetic is a bad omen." Angry because of the hostility of previous births, his bow drawn at a distance, Kurangaka struck down the great sage like a deer. Reciting, " Homage to the Arhats," he sat down, after brushing off the surface of the ground, free from painful meditation, though he was wounded by the blow. After confessing fully to the Siddhas, he undertook a fast, asked pardon of everyone, being especially free from attachment. Seventh incarnation (195) Engaged in pious meditation he died and became a god of the highest magnificence, named Lalitanga, in the middle Graiveyaka. Seventh incarnation of Kamatha (196-197) After seeing him dead from one blow, feeling pride, Kurangaka rejoiced at the thought, "I am a great bowman." After living from hunting from birth, Kurangaka died and was born in the abode Raurava in the seventh hell. Eighth incarnation as Suvarnabahu (198-309) Now, in this Jambudvipa in the East Videhas there is a broad city, Puranapura, resembling a city of the gods, 47 N Page #401 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 370 CHAPTER TWO Kulisabahu, resembling Indra (Kulisabhrt), was king there, his command borne like a wreath by hundreds of kings. His chief-queen was Sudarsana, fair in form, the recipient of extreme affection. He experienced pleasures of the senses, sporting with her like the earth embodied, without doing injury to the other objects of existence. His life completed, in course of time the god Vajranabha fell from Graiveyaka and descended into her womb. At dawn, lying on her couch, Queen Sudarsana saw the fourteen great dreams indicating the birth of a cakrabhit. Delighted by the dreams as explained by her husband, she passed the time. At the right time she bore a son, like the east bearing the sun. . After holding the birth-festival, the king gave him the name, Suvarnabahu, with a great festival again. Being passed from lap to lap by nurses and kings, he crossed childhood slowly, like a traveler a river. He learned all the arts easily from the impression on his mind from previous births and he reached fresh youth, the abode of Love. Suvarnabahu was without a counterpart in the world in beauty, invincible in courage, and gentle with a wealth of good-breeding. The king, depressed by existence, knew that his son was competent and, after importuning him, installed him on the throne, but became a mendicant himself. With his command unbroken on earth he (Suvarnabahu), like Indra in Saudharma, continued to enjoy pleasures, immersed in the nectar of happiness. One day he went out for sport, attended by thousands of kings, mounted on a new horse that was like an eighth horse of the Sun's horses.327 Wishing to test the horse's speed, the king struck him with a whip and he ran away very fast like a deer, a mount of Marut.328 The more the king pulled on the bridle, the faster he ran because of inverted training. Like Garuda on foot, like the wind embodied, the horse outdistanced 327 211. The sun has seven horses. 328 212. God of wind. Page #402 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ PREVIOUS BIRTHS OF PARSVANATHA 371 the soldiers in a moment. Whether touching the earth or going through the air, the horse could not be seen because of his speed. It was conjectured, "The king has gone with him, certainly, mounted on him." In a moment the king reached a forest very far away, full of various trees, crowded with all kinds of animals. The king saw a pool spotless as his own heart and the horse, thirsty, panting hard, stopped at the sight of it. Then the king took off the saddle, bathed and watered the horse; and the king himself bathed and drank. Then after coming out (of the pool) and resting a moment on its bank, the king started out and saw ahead a charming ascetics' grove. The king was delighted, seeing it with trees whose water-basins were being filled by young ascetics holding young deer on their hips. As the king was entering it, his right eye twitched, indicating new happiness to him expert in proper procedure. As he went forward, delighted, the king saw on the right a girl-ascetic with a girl-friend sprinkling the trees with pitchers of water. He thought, " Indeed, there is no such beauty of the Apsarases nor of the Naga-women, nor of mortal women. She is superior to the three worlds." While the king, hidden in the trees, was considering her, she entered a bower of madhavi 329 with her friend. After loosening the firmlyfastened bark-garment, the maiden began to sprinkle the bakula, her mouth giving joy to the bakula.330 Again the king reflected: 'On the one hand, the beauty of her, lotus-eyed; on the other hand, this work suitable for an ordinary woman. She is not an ascetic-maiden, since my mind is attached to her. Surely she is some princess who has come here from some place." 66 Just then a bee flew into her face with the idea that it was a lotus, causing terror to her shaking two fingers. When the bee did not leave her, then she said to her friend, Save 329 224. Gaertnera racemosa. 330 225. Indian medlar, which poetically blossoms from the nectar of a woman's mouth. 66 Page #403 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 372 CHAPTER TWO me from this Raksasa of a bee. Save me!" The friend said: "Who is able to save you except Suvarnabahu? Follow the king alone, if your object is protection." "Who, pray, threatens you, when the son of Vajrabahu 331 is protecting the earth?" With these words the king, knowing that it was a suitable time, appeared before them. Seeing him suddenly, they were alarmed and did not do or say anything suitable. Knowing they were frightened, the king said to them again, "Does some one interfere with your unhindered penance here, fair lady?" Regaining composure, the friend said: " While Vajrabahu's son is king, who is able to make an obstacle to penance of ascetics here? This girl was only stung on the face by a bee with the idea that it was a lotus. The timid-eyed maiden said, "Save! Save!'" The king sat down on a seat which she offered at the foot of a tree and was questioned by her with a pure mind in a voice like nectar. " You are shown to be some one uncommon by your form which is beyond criticism. Then say who you area god or a Vidyadhara ?" The king himself was unable to name himself and said: "I am the attendant of King Kanakabahu. At his order I have come here to the hermitage to restrain those causing obstacles. The king's effort in this is great." ; The king said to the friend who was thinking, "He is the king himself," "Why is the girl tormented by that work ?" Sighing, she said: "She is the daughter, Padma, borne by Ratnavali, of the Khecara-king, lord of Ratnapura. Her father died as soon as she was born and his sons, seeking his kingdom, fought with each other and destruction of the kingdom took place. Ratnavali took this girl and came to the house in the hermitage of her brother, Abbot Galava. One day a sadhu who had divine knowledge came here and Galava asked him, "Who will be Padma's husband?" The great 331 231. A variant of the earlier Kulisabahu. Page #404 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ PREVIOUS BIRTHS OF PARSVANATHA 373 muni replied, "The son of Cakrabhit Vajrabahu, come hither, carried away by his horse, will marry the girl." The king reflected: " This sudden running away of the horse with me is surely a design of the Creator for union with her." He said: "Lady, tell me where the abbot is now. At the sight of him now may I have a shoot of joy." The friend replied: "He has gone now to follow the muni who has started to wander elsewhere. After he has paid homage to him, he will return." Then an old nun said: " Oh, Nanda, 332 bring Padma. It is time for the abbot's return." The king, by whom the arrival of soldiers was known from the noise of the horses' hooves, said, "You go. I shall keep the army from the hermitage." Then Padma was led away from the place by Nanda with difficulty, as she was looking at King Suvarnabahu, her head turned. The abbot and Ratnavali came at that time and the friend told the story of Suvarnabahu excitedly. Galava said: "The muni's knowledge is exceedingly trust-worthy. The noble Jain sages do not speak anything false. He, the chief of the caste and order, must be honored with hospitality. And he is Padma's future husband. We will go with Padma to him." Then the abbot, accompanied by Ratnavali, Padma, and Nanda, went to the king's presence and was honored by the king who had risen. The king said to Galava: " Eager to see you today, I have wished to come. But why have you yourself come?" Galava said: "Any one else who has come to the hermitage must be honored with hospitality, but specially you, our protector. An omniscient predicted that Padma here, my sister's daughter, would be your wife. You have come because of her merit. So, marry her now." So advised by the muni, Svarnabahu married Padma, like another Padma (Laksmi), with Gandharva rites. Then Ratnavali said to the king, who held a festival, " Always be 332 249. Who must have been in another part of the hermitage. Page #405 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER TWO the sun to the fotus of Padma's heart." Just then Ratnavali's son, Padmottara, a king of Khecaras, came to that place with his wives, bringing gifts, covering the sky with aerial cars. He came to the place and, announced by Ratnavali, after bowing to Svarnabahu with hunds folded respectfully, he said: "After learning this story of yours, I have come here to serve you atone, Majesty. So give me your orders, king. Do you, rich in splendor, come to my city on Mt. Vaitadhya. There the Laksmi of the lordship of the Vidyadharas awaits you." At his importunity the king assented to his proposal Padma bowed to her mother and said with sobs: " I shall go with my husband, mother. Henceforth, there is no home for me elsewhere. So tell me. When shall I see you again ? Alas! How 'shall I abandon the trees of the garden like brothers, the young deer like sons, the ascetic-maidens like sisters! Before whom will the peacock display the art of the tandava with a voice pleasing with the sixth note, when the cloud thunders? Without me who will now make the bakula, asoka, and mango trees drink water, like sons drinking milk, mother? Ratnavali said: " Child, you have become the cakravartin's wife. Then forget, alas! your mode of life resulting from living in the forest. You must now follow your husband, the cakrin, Vasava on earth. You will be a queen in his abode of joy. Enough of sorrow." After saying this, kissing her on the head, embracing her ardently, and taking her on her lap, Ratnavali, shedding tears, advised her: "Child, when you have gone to your husband's house, always be submissive, Eat, when your husband has eaten. Lie down, when he has lain down. The cakrin's wife, you must always treat co-wives with courtesy, even though they practice rivalry. For that is suitable for greatness. Your face covered by a veil, your eyes always downcast, child, you should adopt not-seeing-the sun, like a night-blooming lotus. You should practice attendance at your father-in-law's lotus-feet, Page #406 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ PREVIOUS BIRTHS OF PARSVANATHA 375 like a hansi; by all means do not show pride caused by being the cakrin's wife. Always consider your husband's children by co-wives like your own nurslings and have them come to the couch of your lap." After drinking the nectar of this speech of advice with the hollows of her ears and after bowing to her, she took leave of her mother and became a follower of her husband, Padmottara, after bowing to Ratnavali, said to the king, "Adorn my aerial car, master." Then the king took leave of Gavala and Ratnavali and got into Padmottara's car with his attendants. Then Padmottara conducted Svarnabahu accompanied by Padma to the city Ratnapura, the crown on the head of Vaitadhya. The Khecara gave King Svarnabahu a palace made of jewels like a palace of the gods. Obeying orders, standing at his side like a servant of the king, he arranged the usual procedure with bath, food, et cetera. Staying there, Svarnabahu attained lordship over all the Vidyadharas in the two rows by a great wealth of merit. He married many Vidyadhara-maidens there and was consecrated in lordship over all Vidyadharas by the Vidyadharas, Then accompanied by the Khecaris, Padma and others, whom he had married, Svarnabahu went to his own city with hs retinue. The fourteen great jewels 333 gradually appeared to King Suvarnabahu ruling the earth properly. Following the path of the cakra, he subdued the six-part orb of the earth with ease, attended even by gods. Sporting with various sports, Vajrabahu's son remained there, surpassing all brilliance by (his own) brilliance, like the sun. One day, when he was on top of the palace, he saw with astonishment a group of gods flying up and down in the air. He heard that the Lord of the World, the Tirthanatha, had come and he went to pay homage to him, his mind filled with faith. After paying homage to the Jinendra and sitting down in the proper space, he listened to a sermon from him, which 333 287. For the 14 jewels, see I, n. 290. Page #407 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 376 CHAPTER TWO resembled unexpected nectar. After enlightening many souls capable of emancipation, the Blessed One went elsewhere. King Suvarnabahu went to his own house. The king recalled again and again the gods who had come to the Tirthaket's sermon, " Where have I seen them before?" and reached remembrance of former births by using uha and apoha. Seeing his former births, he reflected: "To me striving for human birth, there is no end to existence by that (human birth). One, who has attained the state of a god, delights in mortal state. What bewilderment is this..of the soul whose nature is hidden by karma? A creature goes to heaven, the world of mortals, an animal birth, and hell, lost from the road to emancipation, like a traveter on different roads. Therefore, I shall strive especially for the road to emancipation only. The wealth of self-reliance is the root of every purpose." * After making this decision, King Svarnabahu installed his son on the throne. At that time the Lord Jina, the Lord of the World, came in his wandering. Vajrabahu's son went to the Tirthanatha's presence and became a mendicant. Practicing severe penance, he finished his studies in time: By means of some of the sthanas, devotion to the Arhats, et cetera, being practiced, he, intelligent, gradually acquired the bodymaking karma of a Tirthaket. One time in his wandering he went to a great forest, Ksiravana, terrifying from various wild animals, near Mt. Ksira. There, facing the sun, like another sun in brilliance, he continued practicing penance, maintaining firm statuesque posture. Eighth incarnation of Kamatha (304-308) Kurangaka; risen from hell, became a lion on that mountain and by chance came there in his roaming. Hungry because he had not obtained food the day before, he, resembling Death, saw the great sage from a distance. Angry from hostility of former births, the lion ran forward, his mouth wide open, splitting open the earth, as it were, with blows of his tail. The lion with ears erect, filling the caverns with loud Page #408 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ PREVIOUS BIRTHS OF PARSVANATHA 377 roars, approaching by leaps, made an attack on the muni from the ground. The muni, knocked to the ground by the lion, free from desire for the body, made rejection of the four kinds of food, engaged in concentrated meditation. The muni made confession, asked forgiveness of all creatures; and continued in pious meditation, his heart unchanged even toward the lion. Ninth incarnation as a god (310) Torn by the lion, the muni died and became a god in the palace Mahaprabha in the tenth heaven, with a life-duration of twenty sagaras. Ninth incarnation of Kamatha (310) The lion, too, died and went to the fourth hell with a lifeduration of ten sagaras. He was born in animal-births, experiencing many and various pains. 48 N Page #409 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER III BIRTH, YOUTH, INITIATION, AND OMNISCIENCE OF SRI PARSVA Tenth incarnation of Kamatha (1-8) Then the lion's soul, experiencing pains in worldly existence, was born as a son in a poor Brahman family in some hamlet. His father, brothers, et cetera had died soon after he was born. He had been kept alive by the people from compassion; and he was called Katha. He survived childhood and had reached youth, always in a miserable condition. Ridiculed by the people, he got food with difficulty. One day, seeing rich men wearing jewels and ornaments, disgust with existence having developed at once, Katha reflected:"These thousands of gluttons, adorned with various ornaments, are like gods. I think that is the fruit of penance in a former birth. I, always craving mere food, surely did not perform penance. So I shall practice penance now." Reflecting to this effect, from desire for emancipation, he took the vow of an ascetic and practiced the penance of the five fires, et cetera, his food consisting of bulbs, roots, et cetera. Incarnation as Parsvanatha (8-366) Now in this Jambudvipa, there is a city, Varanasi, on the Ganga, the ornament of Bharataksetra. Banners on its shrines looked like waves of the Jahnavi. The golden finials were like lofty lotus-calyxes. The rays of the full moon, rising above its wall, gave the appearance of a silver coping at night. Maidens, who are guests in the houses there whose floors are paved with sapphire, are laughed at because they put their hands (on the floors) with the idea that they are water. Its shrines with rising smoke of burned incense, that was like blue garments that had been put on, shone for the destruction Page #410 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ INITIATION, AND OMNISCIENCE OF SRI PARSVA 379 of the evil-eye.334 The peafowl there utter their cries all the time as if it were the rainy season, mistaking the sounds of drums in concerts for thunder of the clouds. His parents (14-21) Asvasena of the Iksvaku-family was king there, by whom other regions on all sides had been made into a court-yard by armies and horses. Sri 335 was on his chest, the goddess Vac in his lotus-mouth, the sword on the couch of his hand, and the earth on his arm. With great ease he conquered his enemies; with great ease he ruled the earth; with great ease he gave wealth; with ease he did everything. A mountain-peak for the river of good conduct, a tree for the bird of virtues, he became the tying-post for the cow-elephant, Laksmi, on earth. Kings, even though always ill-behaved like serpents, did not transgress the command of the lotus of kings. His chief-queen, the crest-jewel of fair-eyed women, without deceit even toward her co-wives, was Queen Vama. She wore good conduct like the spotless glory of her husband, like a second Jahnavi with inherent purity. She became exceedingly dear to her husband because of these various virtues. Yet she did not take the least pride in this favor. Birth (22-34) Now, after enjoying the greatest magnificence of a god in the heaven Pranata, King Suvarnabahu's jiva completed its life. On the fourth of the black half of Caitra, (the moon being) in Visakha, having fallen, at night he descended into Lady Vama's womb. Then Queen Vama saw the fourteen great dreams indicating a Tirthaket's birth enter her mouth. The dreams being interpreted by the Indras, her husband, 334 12. Dark blue and black are anti-evil eye colors. Cf. Crooke, An Introduction to the Popular Religion and Folklore of Northern India, p. 190. See also III, pp. 260, 344. 335 15. In the form of the srivatsa. Page #411 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ a&o CHAPTER THREE and astrologers, the queen, delighted, passed the time, carrying ber embryo. On the tenth of the dark half of Pausa, (the moon) in Radha (Visakha), she bore a son, dark blue in color, marked with a serpent, like the ground at the foot of a mountain bearing a jewel. The fifty-six Dikkumafis came there instantly and performed the birth-rites of the Arhat and the Arhat's mother. Sakra came there, gave the queen a sleeping-charm, made an image of the Arhat and put it at her side. He created five forms; with one he took the Lord, with two he took chauris, and with another the umbrella over the Lord. Twirling the thunderbolt with another, going ahead with beautiful leaps, his gaze fixed on the Master's face, his head turned, he went quickly. Sakra arrived at the rock Atipandukambala on Meru in a moment, seated himself on a lion-throne, and took the Lord on bis lap. The sixty-three Indras, Acyuta and the others, went there quickly and performed the Lord's birth-bath properly. After placing the Lord on Isana's lap, Saudharma's Indra bathed him properly with water gushing from the bulls' horns.336 After making the anointing and worship of the Lord of the World, Vasava, his hands folded respectfully, began a pure hymn of praise. Stotra (35-41) " Homage to you, the color of priyangu,337 the source of kindness to the world, the sole bridge for the crossing of samsara hard to cross. Homage to you, Blessed One, sole treasury of the jewels of knowledge, having the color of a blooming blue lotus, sun for the lotuses of bhavyas. Homage to you with the sign of a serpent, with the one thousand and eight favorable marks of a man, moon for dispelling the darkness of karma. Homage to you, purifier of three worlds, 336 33. For the bulls, see I, p. 125. 337 35. I.e., very dark. Page #412 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ INITIATION, AND OMNISCIENCE OF SRI PARSVA 381 possessor of three kinds of knowledge, spade for the ground of karma, virtuous. Homage to you, receptacle of all the supernatural powers, possessing unlimited compassion, receptacle of all magnificence, supreme spirit. Homage to you whose passions are far removed, the Ocean of Milk of joy, free from love and hate, on the way to emancipation. If there is fruit from service at your feet, Supreme Lord, then may I have this alone-devotion to you in birth after birth." After praising the Arhat thus, he took him and put him down near Vama; and he took away the sleeping-charm and the Arhat's image. Then Sakra went to his own place. Childhood (43-52) At dawn Asvasena held his son's birth-festival accompanied by releases from prison, et cetera. While he was still in the womb, his mother saw a serpent creeping at her side on a dark night and at once told her husband. Recalling that and deciding, "That was the power of the embryo," King Asyasena gave his son the name Parsva. The Lord of the World, cherished by nurses appointed by Indra, grew up in course of time, going from lap to lap of the kings. Nine cubits tall, he gradually reached youth, a pleasure-grove of Love, a charm for (attracting) women. From the blue color of his body Parsva looked as if made from the essence of blue lotuses, or rather, of the Sris of blue lotuses. Long-armed, the Lord looked like a tree with long branches; and having a broad, firm chest, he looked like an immovable mountain. From his hands, feet, face and eyes, Asvasena's son had the beautiful appearance of a pool with a bed of blooming lotuses. Marked with the thunderbolt, et cetera, slender-waisted, flat-bellied, the Lord had mortise, collar, and pin joints.338 After seeing the Lord with such beauty, goddesses reflected, "They are blessed on earth, whose husband he will be." 333 31. The best kind of joints. See I, n. 133. Page #413 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 382 CHAPTER THREE Story of Prabhavati (53-211) One day King Asvasena, who was devoted to stories of the Jain religion, sitting in his council, was told by the door-keeper who approached him: "O king, there is a man at the door of good appearance who wishes to make a request of the Master. Favor me by giving instructions." King Asvasena said: " Have him enter quickly. For all who wish to make a request must be recognized by kings who observe the law." Admitted by the door-keeper, he bowed to the king and sat down on a seat indicated by the door-keeper. The king said to him: "Sir, whose son are you? Who are you? For what reason have you come here to my presence?" The man said: "Master, here in Bharata there is a city Kusasthala, like the playground of Sris. The king there, Naravarman, is like armor for those seeking a refuge, the only wishing-tree of beggars, powerful. He subdued many kings on the border of his country, shining with sharp brilliance like the sun at the end of the world, Oking. Always devoted to Jaina dharma, eager to listen to sadhus, he directed his kingdom for a long time, powerful from unbroken law. One day, depressed by existence, he abandoned sovereignty like straw and became a mendicant in the presence of the guru Susadhu." When his story was thus half-told, the king, devoted to co-religionists, delighted, and causing delight to his councillors, said: "Oh! King Naravarman is discerning, knowing what is right, who thus abandoned his kingdom like straw and took the vow. For a kingdom which is acquired by kings by the exertions of many battles at the risk of their lives, is difficult to abandon even at the end of life. The wives, who are the breath of life either from themselves or from wealth, and the sons, et cetera who are guarded, living, are difficult to abandon. Naravarman abandoned everything at once, wishing to abandon this existence. He did well. Now tell me the sequel." Again the man said: "In the kingdom King Naravarman Page #414 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ INITIATION, AND OMNISCIENCE OF SRI PARSVA 383 had a son, Prasenajit, an ocean to the rivers of armies. He has a daughter, Prabhavati, who is now grown, like a goddess come to earth, whose beauty is unequaled. The Creator made her face from moon-dust, as it were, her eyes from blue lotuses, her body from gold-dust, her hands and feet from red lotuses, as it were, her thighs from the inside of plantains, her nails from rubies, and her creeper-like arms from lotus-fibers, as it were. Seeing her with unequaled beauty and grace, grown up, Prasenajit became anxious about a suitable husband for her. He examined many princes, but he did not consider any one suitable in beauty for his daughter. One day Prabhavati went to a garden accompanied by her friends and heard a song in slokas being sung by Kinnaris: "The son of Asvasena, king of holy Varanasi, Sri Parsvanatha, excels with a wealth of beauty and grace. She, by whom he will be obtained as a husband, is victorious on earth. But whence is there such maturing of merit with a husband, hard to attain?' Hearing such celebration of Sri Parsvanatha's virtues, Prabhavati became infatuated with him, as if absorbed in him. Kama, defeated by Parsva in beauty, struck the infatuated girl with arrows pitilessly as if from hostility. Abandoning other amusement and modesty, like a doe she listened again and again to their song, her mind on one thing. By her very listening to that song, Prabhavati's love for Parsva was seen by her friends. For what is overlooked by the experts ? Prabhavati continued for a long time to look up at the Kinnaris who had flown up, her mind distracted, in the power of the demon Smara. Her friends, intelligent, made her move and led her to her house, meditating on Parsvanatha, like a yogini. An ornament became like a fire; a fine garment like a fire of chaff; a necklace like the blade of a sword for her with her mind fixed on him. There was heat in her body (enough) to cook a handful of water and a succession of tears to fill sauce-pans cooking a measure of grain. Neither in the Page #415 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 384 CHAPTER THREE morning nor in the evening, neither by night nor by day, did the girl get rest; broken by the fever of love. Knowing that her illness was incurable by itself, her friends, with the wish to protect her, told her parents. The parents were delighted when they learned that she was in love with Parsva; and to reassure them, they said repeatedly 'It is a good thing that Prince Parsva, crest-jewel of three worlds, suitable for her, has been chosen as a husband by our daughter, intelligent. Our daughter alone is at the head of ambitious women. Such a desire of another girl does not arise anywhere. We shall marry our daughter to Prince Asvaseni. For generally a wish is in accordance with the obtaining of fruit.' Her friends went and told her father's speech to this effect; she rejoiced at that speech like a peahen at thunder. Restored by that hope of a husband, she passed the days, counting them on her fingers, like a yogini a muttering of charms. Like a digit of the new moon, she became so thin that she looked like another bow of Kama. Seeing their daughter very miserable, day after day, the parents decided to send her, who had chosen her husband, to Parsva. A lord of the countries, Kalinga and others, named Yavana, hard to control, learned about that and said in the assembly: 'When I am available, why does some Parsva marry Prabhavati? Who is this King of Kusasthala who will not give her to me? Or, if mere beggars take the object given here, heroes will take all their wealth, after snatching it away.' Saying this, his power unequaled because of many soldiers, he blocaded Kusasthala quickly in many ways. There was no entry nor exit of anyone there, like of wind in the body of a master yogi engaged in meditation. I, being sent by the king escaped from the city at night. I am Purusottama, son of the minister Sagaradatta. I came here to tell you this news. Henceforth, let your Majesty do what is fitting both for your own people and the enemy-people." Then Asvasena, angered, his aspect dreadful from a Page #416 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ INITIATION, AND OMNESCIENCE OF SRI PARSVA 385 frown, spoke a very firm speech, terrifying like the noise of a thunderbolt. "Who is this wretched Yavana? Or what fear is there, so long as I live? I shall march with an army to protect the city Kusasthala." With these words, Asvasena had the drum sounded and his soldiers assembled quickly at its sound. Defense of Prasenajit (105-172) Parsva, piaying in a playhouse, heard the sound of the drum and the noise of the soldiers assembling at that time. Saying, "What is this?" Parsva, perplexed, went to his father's side and he saw the generals ready for battle coming there. After bowing to his father, the prince said decisively: "Has a demon, a Yaksa, a Raksasa, or some one else transgressed? On account of which there is this exertion of the father himself, powerful? I do not see anyone your equal or your superior." Pointing to Purusottama, Asvasena said, " King Prasenajit must be protected from King Yavana." Again the prince said: " Compared with the father there is no god nor asura in battle. Of what importance is this King Yavana in the matter? Enough of the father's going. I shall go myself. I shall at once give a lesson to him who does not know (his own) strength." Asvasena said: "Son, my mind is pleased by your festival of sport, not by injurious battle-marches, et cetera. I know the strength of arm, capable of conquering the three worlds, of my own son, but my delight is in you playing in the house." Parsvanatha replied: " This is play for me, father. There is no measure of effort in it. So let Your Honor remain right here." At his son's insistence like this, knowing his strength of arm, he agreed to that speech devoid of anything objectionable. Dismissed by his father, Sri Parsva, mounted on an elephant, followed by Purusottama, set out at an auspicious moment from the festival. When the lord had gone one day's march, 49 N Page #417 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 386 CHAPTER THREE Sakra's charioteer came, bowed, got down from his chariot and said with folded hands: "Indra, knowing that you wish to fight for sport, master, sent a battle-chariot with me as a charioteer. He knows that the three worlds are like straw compared with the master's strength. Nevertheless, Saksa shows his devotion to you at the right time." As a favor to Sakra, the Master got into the great chariot filled with various weapons, which did not touch the surface of the ground. Sri Parsvanatha advanced, hymned by the Vidyadharas, with the chariot going through the air, with great splendor like the sun. The Lord's army, skilled in battle, adorned with soldiers looking up to see the Master again and again, followed on the ground. The Master, able to go in a moment, alone competent for victory, went with short marches at his soldiers request. In some days he reached Kusasthala and then camped in a seven-storied palace made by the gods in a garden. " This is the custom of warriors," the Lord, impelled by compassion, sent an intelligent messenger with instructions to Yavana. He went to Yavana and said eloquently from the Master's power: " Prince srimat Parsva instructs you by my mouth: 'King Prasenajit, who has sought protection from my father, must be freed from the siege and hostility by you now, o king. I, after restraining with difficulty my father who had started, have come to this country merely for that reason. Return to your own place. Submit at once. This transgression of yours can be tolerated only if you go away."" Yavana, his brow terrible from frowns, said: "Messenger, why do you say this! Do you not know me? Who is this boy Parsva who has come here for battle from a caprice? Who is the old man Asvasena who started first? Both of them and other kings, their partisans--what do they amount to? Therefore, go! Let Parsva go also with the desire for his own welfare. You are not to be killed because you are a messenger, though saying harsh things. Escaping alive, go and tell Page #418 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ INITIATION, AND OMNISCIENCE OF SRI PARSVA 387 everything to your master." Again the messenger said: "The lord sent me to enlighten you from compassion, not from weakness, evil-minded man. As the lord wishes to protect the King of Kusasthala, likewise he does not wish to kill you, if you obey his command, sir! Breaking the master's command, unbroken even in heaven, you die yourself, like a stupid moth touching a bright fire. On the one hand, a fire-fly; on the other, a sun lighting up the whole universe. On the one hand, you are a mere king; on the other, Parsva, the lord of three worlds." Yavana's soldiers, their weapons raised, rose up angrily and said defiantly to the messenger saying this: "Is there some hostility of yours toward your own master that you make this threat, villain? You are well-skilled in stratagem, wretch!" While they were talking in this way and wishing to kill him from anger, an old minister said in contemptuous and harsh words: "He is not an enemy of his master, but you are an enemy (of yours) who thus cause injury to your lord from your own desire. To cross the command of Parsvanatha, lord of the universe, is not for your welfare, fools, to say nothing of killing his messenger. The master is thrown at once into a thicket of evil by such servants like untamed horses that have dragged him along. Messengers of other kings have been attacked before by you. In those cases it turned out well for you, for our lord was stronger than they. What is this quarrel of our lord, caused by badly-behaved worms of men, with one of whom the sixty-four Indras are servants!" qu All the soldiers, reprimanded in this way, terrified, became quiet. Taking the messenger by the hand, the minister spoke with conciliation. What these men, who make their living by arms alone, said to you from ignorance, you must pardon. You are a wise servant, ocean of tolerance. We shall follow you ourselves to take the honored Parsva's commands on our head. Do not tell such a thing to your lord." After informing the messenger to this effect and entertaining him, he dismissed him. 66 Page #419 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 388 CHAPTER THREE Desiring his welfare, he said earnestly to his own lord: " Master, was this, which has evil consequences, done after reflection ? (But) even by so much there is not ruin. Resort to Parsvanatha whose birth-rites goddesses performed, whose nurse-duties goddesses discharged, whose birth-bath the Indras and gods gave. What is this inclination of yours for a quarrel with him, of whom gods and asuras with the Indras are footmen, like that of a goat with an elephant? Here Garuda, there a raven; here Meru, there a mustard-seed; here the serpent Sesa, there a heron-snake; here Parsva, there such as you. As soon as you are allowed by the people, then with desire for your own good tie an axe to your neck and approach Asvasena's son. Accept the rule of Parsva Svamin, ruler of the world. The ones who are under his rule are fearless in this world and the next." After reflection Yavana said: " I have been well enlightened by you. I, stupid, have been saved from this evil, like a blind man from a well." With these words, Yavana tied an axe to his neck and with his retinue went to the garden adorned with Sri Parsva Svamin. Yavana was extremely astonished when he saw his army adorned with seven lacs (of soldiers) resembling horses of the sun; with bhadra-elephants by the thousand resembling elephants of Mahendra; with chariots like aerial cars of the gods; with foot-soldiers like Khecaras. Being watched at every step by the soldiers with astonishment and scorn, gradually Yavana arrived at the door of the Master's palace. He was announced by the door-keeper and, admitted to the council, bowed from a distance to the lord like the sun. The axe on his neck being removed by the master, Yavana bowed again, approached before him, and said, his hands folded respectfully: "Compared with him, whose commands all the Indras execute, what am I-a worm of a man, a heap of straw before a fire! Showing compassion, just now you gave me orders by sending a messenger. Why am I not reduced to ashes merely by your frown? This rude behavior of mine has become a. Page #420 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ INITIATION, AND OMNISCIENCE OF SRI PARSVA 389 virtue, master, since I have seen you purifying the three worlds. How can I say, "Pardon,' when there is no anger on your part? To say, 'I give,' to you, yourself lord of the house, is not suitable. 'I am your servant,' is a poor speech to you who are served by Indras. What sort of speech is, 'Give freedom from fear,' to the bestower of fearlessness himself? Nevertheless, from ignorance I say, 'Be gracious. Take my wealth. I am your servant. Bestow freedom from fear on me, terrified, lord.'" Sri Parsvanatha said: "Good fortune to you, sir. Do not fear. Rule your kingdom. Do not do such a thing again." The Teacher of the World rewarded him, who agreed to this, by the gift of much favor. For such is the custom of the great. At once the siege of Kusasthala was raised and Purusottama left, after obtaining permission from Parsvanatha. He related the story to King Prasenajit and joy became the sole umbrella in the city at that time. Prasenajit reflected, pleased: "I am fortunate in every way and my daughter Prabhavati is fortunate in every way. The wish-Prince Parsvanatha, worshipped by gods and asuras, will purify my city-has not taken place. Taking this same Prabhavati as a present, I shall go to Prince Parsvanatha, a benefactor." After these reflections, Prasenajit, delighted, went with a delighted retinue to Parsvanatha, taking Prabhavati. With folded hands he bowed to Parsva Svamin and said: . "By good fortune, your arrival, master, was like rain without clouds. Yavana, though an enemy, was a benefactor to me in the quarrel because of which you, the lord of three worlds, did me a favor. As you did me a favor from compassion by coming here, likewise do me a favor by marrying Prabhavati. She, seeking what is hard to obtain, is infatuated with you from a distance. Show compassion for her. You are compassionate by nature." Prabhavati thought: " The prince, formerly heard about from Kinnaris is now seen. The eye agrees with the ear. Courteous in speech, compassionate, he is heard and seen. Page #421 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 390 CHAPTER THREE Now he is well importuned by my father for my sake. Yet I am frightened now from lack of confidence in my good fortune, filled with anxiety whether or not he will approve my father's proposal." While she was thinking this, Prince Parsva, his voice deep as thunder, said to Prasenajit who was waiting: " By the father's command we have come to protect you, Prasenajit, but not to marry this daughter of yours. So do not insist on this uselessly, Lord of Kusasthala. Having executed the father's command, we are going to the father's presence.' Hearing that, Prabhavati, very depressed, thought: "Such a speech from him is like a fall of fire from the moon. He was compassionate to every one, but cruel to me. How will you exist, alas! unfortunate Prabhavati? Family deities always worshipped, now show my father some device at once. For his devices are destroyed now." Prasenajit thought: "He himself is free from all desire, but he will do what I wish at Asvasena's insistence. I shall go with him under pretext of wishing to see Asvasena. I shall importune Asvasena to accomplish that wish." Having caused friendship to be made with him so reflecting, Parsvanatha honored and dismissed King Yavana. Prasenajit, being dismissed, said to Parsvanatha, "I shall go, wishing to bow to honored Asvasena, lord." Taking Prabhavati, he went with Sri Parsva, who had said, "Very well," to the city Varanasi. Pleasing Asvasena by the protection of those who had come for protection, Parsvanatha approached and made him rejoice by the sight of himself. When Parsva had gone to his own house, Prasenajit approached and went before him, accompanied by Prabhavati. Asvasena rose to greet him, raised him falling at his feet, embraced him with both arms, and said, perplexed: "I hope your rescue took place. I hope that things are well with you, king. I wonder what the reason is that you have come here yourself." Prasenajit said:" Always I, of whom you, a sun in splendor, Page #422 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ INITIATION, AND OMNISCIENCE OF SRI PARSVA 391 are the ruler, have protection and prosperity. But the request for something hard to obtain alone troubles me now. It will be accomplished by your favor, elephant of kings. Take my daughter, Prabhavati, for Prince Parsvanatha from regard for me, king. Do not do otherwise." Asvasena said: "Our Prince Parsva has always been disgusted with worldly existence. I do not know what he will do. That desire of ours, too, is always in our heart: When will our son's marriage-festival with a suitable bride take place?' Now from affection for you we shall make Parsvanatha marry, even by force, though he has been unwilling from childhood." With these words, the king went with him to Parsva and said, "Marry Prasenajit's daughter." Sri Parsva said: "Father, possession of wives, et cetera is a life-saver of the tree of worldly existence even when it is almost destroyed. How can I marry his daughter for undertaking worldly existence? I intend to cross the ocean of worldly existence, completely free of possessions." Asvasena said: "Fulfill our wish characterized by marriage with King Prasenajit's daughter. The ocean of existence must certainly be crossed by you who have such an intention. You should act for your own advantage at the right time, after marrying and having a son." Parsva was not able to transgress his father's command and he married Prabhavati to destroy pleasure-karma. At the people's insistence, the Lord passed the days, sporting with her in gardens, pleasure-peaks, et cetera. One day Parsva, occupying the terrace on the top of the palace, began to watch the city Varanasi from curiosity. The Lord saw men and women of the city going outside in haste, carrying baskets of flowers as offerings. Parsva asked his attendants, "What great festival is there today that the people, wearing many ornaments, are seen going in haste?" Some one explained: "Today there is no great festival, but another reason is present, Majesty. Today an ascetic, named Katha, has come here outside the city. He is observing the penance Page #423 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ BLACK 392 CHAPTER THREE of five fires, 339 et cetera. The people of the town go to worship him." Parsvanatha went with his retinue to see the show; and saw Katha engaged in the penance of the five fires. The Lord, who had three kinds of knowledge, saw a great serpent being burned inside a piece of wood which had been thrown into a firepit. When he saw that, the Blessed One, an ocean of compassion, said: " Alas for wrong knowledge! Since even in penance there is wrong knowledge, not compassion. What sort of river is it without water; what sort of night without a moon; what sort of a rainy season without a cloud; what sort of dharma is it without compassion? How is there dharma of a creature, like an animal, pitiless, not having a trace of the principle of dharma, allowing bodily torments?". Hearing that, Katha said: " Rajputs know horses, elephants, et cetera certainly; but we munis know dharma." Then the Master ordered his servants: " Pull that piece of wood out of the firepit. Split it open carefully that he may be convinced." They pulled out the wood, split it carefully, and a very large serpent came out hastily. For the serpent burned somewhat in it the Blessed One had namaskaras recited by men and the renunciation of everything made instantly. The serpent, absorbed in meditation, pure-minded, accepted that, watched by the Blessed One with eyes moist from compassion. By the power of the namaskaras and the sight of the Master, he became after death a Naga-king, named Dharana. "Oh, the knowledge of the prince! Oh, such discernment!" Being so praised by the people, the Master went to his house. After seeing and hearing that, Katha practiced penance especially-foolish or pernicious. Whence is there knowledge of persons with wrong belief? After he died, Katha became an Asura, named Meghamalin, in the Meghakumaras in the Bhuvanavasins.340 339 216. One in each direction and the sun overhead. 340 230. See II, p. 106. Meghakumaras = Stanitas; Bhuvanavasins - Bhavanapatis. Page #424 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 393 INITIATION, AND OMNISCIENCE OF SRI PARSVA His initiation (231-246) Now Parsva, the Blessed One, knew that the fruit of his own pleasure-karma had been consumed and set his mind on mendicancy. As if knowing his intentions, the Lokantika gods came at that time and announced to Parsva, "Lord, found a congregation." Then the Master began to give gifts for a year with money furnished by the Jtmbhakas instructed by Vaisravana. The initiation-ceremony of Parsva, the Supreme Lord, was held by the Vasavas, Sakra and others, and by the kings, Asvasena and others. He got into a litter, Visala by name, carried by gods and mortals and went to the garden Asramapada. The Blessed One, son of Asvasena entered the garden whose surface was darkened by the dense masses of marjoram; which was making an invocation to Love, as it were, by the bees of the jasmines; with swarms of bees kissing the multitude of mucukundas; 341 fragrant from the pollen of the lavali 342 floating in the air; with singing gardeners seated on the edge of sugar-cane fields. The Lord Parsva, wearing (deva-)dusya given by Vasava, got out of the palanquin, and laid aside ornaments, et cetera, 343 thirty years old. On the forenoon on the thirteenth of the dark half of Pausa, the moon being in Radha, observing a three-day fast, the Master became a mendicant with three hundred kings. At that time the Lord's knowledge called "mind-reading " arose. For it arises at the initiation of all the Arhats. 341 237. Pterospermum suberifolium. It has fragrant white flowers. 342 237. The lavali is one of Hemacandra's favorites in the botanical world, but it is difficult to identify. MW calls it Averrhoa Acida and Dutt calls it Phyllanthus longifolius, which is the same (Roxb.). This is a tree and Hem.'s lavali is a creeper. Artabotrys suaveolens or odoratissima has been suggested, but their flowering seasons do not agree with lavali's. See I, pp. 156. 223; III, pp. 343 239. In this instance the pulling out of his hair is not described. Parsva., p. 115, n. 4, says that Parsvanatha was the first Jain to practice this austerity, but that is an error. Rsabha and all the Arhats did so, as is said above in this same note, 50 N Page #425 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 394 CHAPTER THREE On the next day the Lord broke his fast in a hamlet, Kopakata, with a milk-pudding in the house of the householder Dhanya. The gods made there the five things, rain of treasure, et cetera.344 But Dhanya made a footstool on the ground of the Master's feet.345 Unhindered like the wind, the Lord wandered in villages, mines, cities, et cetera, an ordinary ascetic, his gaze fixed six feet ahead. One day in his wandering the Master came to a hermitage near a town and the sun set. The Teacher of the World stood in pratima under a banyan tree near a well, motionless as its foot. Attacks by Meghamalin (247-295) Now the Meghakumara, the Asura Meghamalin, knew by clairvoyance his own crime in a former birth. Recalling his hostility to Parsva in each birth, the Asura blazed inside with anger like an ocean with submarine fire. Meghamalin, the basest of gods, blind from anger, approached to attack Parsvanatha, like an elephant to split a mountain. The god created tigers, their mouths terrifying from saw-like teeth, with claws the shape of hooks, tawny-eyed. They beat the top of the ground with their tails again and again and gave loud roars resembling the words of a charm of Death. The Blessed One was not shaken by them, his eyes motionless in meditation; they went away somewhere as if from fear of the fire of his meditation. Elephants, created by him, attacked, trumpeting, dripping with mada, their trunks lifted, lofty like living mountains. The Master was not disturbed by them terrifying even to the terrifying. They fled quickly and went somewhere, as if ashamed. Bears, filling the heavens with their growls, devoid of pity; many panthers, cruel, like an army of Yama; scorpions, splitting rocks even with the tip of the sting; serpents, burning trees by their glance, were created there by him with the 344 243. See I, p. 180 f. 345 243. I.e., he made a platform where Parsva had stood. Cf. I, p. 183. Page #426 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ INITIATION, AND OMNISCIENCE OF SRI PARSVA 395 intention of attacking the Lord. The Lord did not stir from meditation on their account, like the ocean from its boundary. Then he created vampires holding knives, like clouds with lightning, with projecting teeth, giving loud cries of "Kila! kila!" With pendent tongue and linga like trees with hanging serpents, with long legs and feet, just as if mounted on palmtrees, discharging long flames from the mouth, like a stomach-fire, they attacked the Lord on all sides, like dogs an elephant. The Lord was not shaken by them, absorbed in the pool of nectar of meditation. They too fled somewhere, like owls at dawn. Then exceedingly angered, the Asura Meghamalin himself created clouds in the sky like the night at the end of the world. Lightning flashed in the sky, terrifying like a tongue of Death; thunder, splitting open the universe, as it were, spread over the skies. A terrible darkness took place, taking away the function of the eye. Heaven and earth became one as if sewed together. With the evil intention, "I will destroy this former enemy," Meghamalin began to rain like a cloud at the end of the world. He beat the earth with streams of water like pestles, or like arrows, as if digging it up with spades. The sleeping birds flew up and flew down from the trees; boars and buffaloes, et cetera moved here and there. Creatures were dragged away by the streams of water terrifying from speed; even big trees were rooted up from the roots. In a moment the water reached Parsva Svamin's ankles; in a moment his knees, in a moment his hips, in a moment his neck at that time. In that wide-spread water, the Lord had the beautiful appearance of the great lotus, the home of Laksmi, in the lake Padma. The Master was motionless in the water, like a jeweled pillar, and, his eyes fixed on the end of his nose, did not move at all from his meditation. When the water reached the tip of Sri Parsva Svamin's nose, then the throne of Dharana, the Indra of the Uragas (Nagas) shook. He knew by clairvoyance, "Oh! Katha, Page #427 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 396 CHAPTER THREE practicing foolish penance, attacks my lord, considering him an enemy." Then the Naga-king went with his wives to the Teacher of the World with speed, as if competing with the mind. Dharana bowed to the Master and placed beneath his feet a tall lotus with erect stalk, resembling the seat of an omniscient. The serpent-king covered the Lord's back, sides, and breast with his own coils and made an umbrella with seven hoods over his head. The Blessed One, standing comfortably on the lotus with a stalk the length of the water, absorbed in meditation, looked like a rajahansa. Dharanendra's wives, their minds penetrated by devotion, sang, danced, et cetera before Parsva Svamin. The loud sound of flutes and lutes, the intense sound of the drums spread there, imitating hand-clappings many-fold. A dance was displayed with various beautiful dance-steps, splendid with dramatic actions 346 of the hands, et cetera, with various angaharas and karanas. Absorbed in meditation, the Lord remained indifferent to both the Naga-lord Dharana and the Asura Meghamalin. This being so, when he saw Meghamalin raining angrily, the Naga-king, angered, said to him with contempt: "O villain, what is this undertaking for your own disadvantage, evil-minded wretch. I am the servant of the Compassionate. Henceforth, I will not tolerate it. What crime against you was committed by the Lord, when he showed the snake being burned inside the log, if you were prevented from sin at that time? Good advice then led to your hostility, villain, like rain-water on saline soil. You are an enemy for no reason to the Lord here who is a brother (to everyone) for no reason. Villain, if you have injured him in this way, you will die today." After hearing that speech, Meghamalin looked down and saw Parsva standing so, attended by the Naga-Indra. Terrified, he thought: "My power, great as it is, is useless against him, like that of the Payomucs (Meghamukhas), partisans 346 280. For abhinaya, see I, n. 235. Page #428 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ INITIATION, AND OMNISCIENCE OF SRI PARSVA 391 of the Mlecchas, against the cakrin.347 He, an ocean of compassion, able to grind mountains with his fist, does not reduce me to ashes. Nevertheless, I am afraid of Indra Dharana. I can not remain in the three worlds because of the crime against him, the lord of the three worlds. Where shall I go for a refuge, if this lord is a refuge?" Thus reflecting, he destroyed at once the expanse of water; terrified, he went to the Master himself, bowed, and said: "If there is no anger on your part, Lord, toward me committing a crime, I am delighted; nevertheless, I am terrified by my own act. After doing such a wicked act, shameless, I ask you: Save me, save me, miserable, afraid of falling, Lord of the World." With these words, the god Meghamalin asked forgiveness of the Lord of the World, bowed to him, and remorsefully went to his own home. Knowing that the Lord was free from attacks, after hymning him and bowing to him, the Naga-king went to his own house. The dawn appeared. His omniscience (296-310) The Lord of the World went from that place to the city Varanasi and stood at the foot of a dhataki in the garden Asramapada. At that time when eighty-four days had passed since the day of the Master's initiation, his destructive karmas broke. In the forenoon on the fourth of the dark half of Caitra, the moon being in Visakha, Sri Parsva's omniscience arose. The gods, Sakra, et cetera knew it by the shaking of their thrones and made Sri Parsva Svamin's samavasarana at once. Attended by the gods shouting" Hail! Hail!, the Lord entered the samavasarana by the east door. The Master circumambulated the great caitya-tree, twenty-seven bows tall, like the sun the peak of Meru. Saying, " Homage to the congregation," Lord Parsva sat down on the principal jeweled lion-throne, facing the east. At once by his power the Vyantara-gods created images of the Master in the other three 347 288. See I, p. 242 ff. Page #429 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 398 CHAPTER THREE directions. Gods, goddesses, men, women, sadhus, sadhvis bowed to the Master and remained in their usual places. Then a gardener saw the Lord's splendor, went to King Asvasena, bowed, and said: "By good-fortune you are prosperous today, master. Now Parsva Svamin's omniscience, which destroys the ignorance of the world, has arisen. Endowed with miraculous powers, 348 attended by Sakra, et cetera, the Lord of the World is seated now in a divine samavasarana." Then the king gave him a suitable gift and he told Queen Vama with haste made by the desire to see him. Asvasena went with Queen Vama and his retinue to the samavasarana, a boat for the ocean of existence. After circumambulating the Lord and bowing to him, the king sat down behind Sakra, his mind filled with joy. After bowing to the Master again, his folded hands placed on his head, King Asvasena and Sakra began a hymn of praise. Stuti (311-319) " Glory to your spotless omniscience, giving light to all present, past, and future living creatures everywhere. You alone are the boat for creatures to cross the boundless ocean of existence. You alone are the pilot. This day is the king of all days, Lord of Three Worlds, on which the great festival of the sight of your feet took place for us. The darkness of ignorance, thief of the eye of men's discernment, does not go away without the juice of the herb of your teaching. Now your congregation in worldly existence, ah! becomes an enterprise for helping creatures cross (existence), like a new ford at a river. Homage to you, having the four infinities of Siddhas, 349 possessing all the supernatural powers, submerged in indifference, alone gracious. There is compassion on your part toward Meghamalin, evil-minded, who committed serious injuries in each birth. In what instance is there not compassion 348 307. "Caitya-tree should be inserted after four-fold face and body,' in I, n. 11. 349 317. Infinite perception, knowledge, power, and bliss. Page #430 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ INITIATION, AND OMNISCIENCE OF SRI PARSVA 399 on your part? Wherever I stay, wherever I go, may the protection of your lotus-feet not leave my heart." After this hymn of praise, the Indra of Saudharma and Asvasena stopped speaking and Sri Parsvanatha, the Blessed, delivered a sermon. Sermon (321-354) "In this great forest of worldly existence, the sphere of old age, disease, and death, there is no other protector but dharma. Therefore it alone must be served. It is two-fold with complete and partial self-control. The first belongs to ascetics and is ten-fold: self-control, et cetera.350 The second belongs to house-holders and is considered twelve-fold; 351 the five lesser vows, the three meritorious vows, and the four disciplinary vows. The vows with transgressions do not lead to virtue. Then transgressions-five to each vow-must be avoided. 352 Binding from anger, cutting the skin, loading with excessive burdens, beating, limitation of food, et cetera are known (as transgressions) in non-injury. Teaching of wrong belief, a false accusation suddenly,353 telling of secrets, betrayal of confidential deliberation, and false writing are transgressions in truthfulness. Abetment in theft, receiving stolen goods, crossing an enemy's realm, counterfeiting, falsification of measures are (transgressions) joined to non-theft. Going to a woman who has been taken for a short time, 354 going to one who has not been taken,355 another marriage, excessive persistence in love, and love-sport are prescribed (as transgressions) in chastity. Exceeding the amount 350 322. For a full exposition of yatidharma see I, n. 38 and II, p. 274 f. 351 323. For the 12 lay vows in detail see I, p. 207 f. 352 325. This sermon follows closely the Yog. 3.90 (p. 189) ff. I have followed the commentary, but not all its alternative interpretations and details. 353 326. Without thinking. 354 328. Itvaratta, a courtesan. The Yog, offers several explanations for the meaing, but the PH cites itvara only as small,'' for a short time.' 355 328. A courtesan who has not been taken of her own free will, or respectable widow or maiden. Page #431 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 400 CHAPTER THREE of money and grain, of base metal, of cattle, et cetera, of fields and possessions, of wrought and unwrought gold (are transgressions) in non-possession for one who has taken the vow it is not fitting (to act) in five ways-in regard to acquisition, existence, offspring, joining, and gifts.356 Forgetfulness, exceeding (distance in the) upper, lower, and horizontal directions, increasing the ground: these five are prescribed (as transgressions) in the vow of limitation of direction. Food with life, food joined with something that has life, food mixed with something that has life, fermented liquids, slowly ripening food: these belong to the standard of things of single and repeated enjoyment. These must be avoided in regard to food. In regard to work, cruel work must be avoided. In this vow one should avoid the fifteen sins--the undertaking of (sinful) work. Livelihood from charcoal, a forest, carts, wages, splitting; trading in tusks, lac, rasa, hair, and poison; pressing in a machine, marking domestic animals, keeping worthless creatures, 357 burning a forest, drying up a pond: one should avoid these fifteen. Livelihood from charcoal consists in making charcoal, in making frying-pans, in making pitchers of iron, or gold, working in copper, et cetera, in baking bricks. The selling of leaves, flowers, and fruit of plants cut in two or not; 356 330. This sloka is quite unintelligible as it stands, but is explained elaborately in the com. (p. 195 ff.) to Yog. 3.96. A transgression of bandhana, 'acquisition,' would be, e.g., waiting until after the term of his vow to acquire something; or keeping it in storage to use later. A transgression of bhava, 'existence,' would be, e.g., to make two piles of base metal into one, thus keeping within the limit. In regard to offspring (garbha), it would be a trasgression to have pregnant cattle, so the number would exceed the permitted one. In joining (yojana) he might erase the boundary, so two farms would count as one. In regard to gifts, (dana), he might receive a gift which would cause his limit to be exceeded, in which case he might give it to some one else on condition that he would return it-which would, of course, be a transgression. 357 335. Asati is collective. Page #432 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ INITIATION, AND OMNISCIENCE OF SRI PARSVA 401 living from splitting and grinding of grain: they are livelihood for forests. The sale of carts, the making of their parts, and also driving them: that is known as livelihood from carts. A living from driving the loads of oxen, buffaloes, camels, donkeys, mules, and horses of carts--that is livelihood from wages. Living from work of digging ponds, wells, et cetera and crushing rock, combined with injury to the earth--that is livelihood from splitting. The taking of tusks, hair, nails, bones, skin, and down from their place of origin in a movable creature for the sake of trading--that is livelihood from trading in tusks. The sale of lac, red arsenic, indigo, dhataki,358 borax, et cetera ----that is called trading in lac, the abode of evil. The sale of fresh butter, lard, honey, wine, et cetera; the sale of two-footed and four-footed creatures--that is trading in rasa and hair. The sale of objects destructive of life, such as poison, weapons, plows, machines, iron, sulpheret of arsenic--that is called trading in poison. The pressing of seasame, sugar-cane, mustard seed, castor beans in water-machines, et cetera and the making of oil from their leaves are known as pressing by machine. Piercing the nose, branding, cutting the testicles, overloading, 359 cutting the ears and tail--that is called marking. The keeping of a maina, parrot, cat, dog, cock, peafowl, and of a slave-girl for the sake of money--they know as keeping of worthless creatures. A forest-fire could be of two kinds: from a calamity or from the idea of acquiring merit.360 Drying up of ponds is the flooding of water from ponds, rivers, lakes, et cetera. Superintendence of combined things,361 excess of repeated 358 342. The Grislea tomentosa, because its bark and flowers are used in making wine. 359 346. A surmise, but it must be something of the sort. The Com. says: prsthagalanam karabhanam. 360 348. E.g., burning the old grass would be a good thing-an idea still prevalent. 361 349. I.e., two objects, either of which is harmless, but injurious when combined, e.g., bow and arrow. 51 N Page #433 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 402 CHAPTER THREE pleasure, garrulity, bad gestures, 362 love are connected with purposeless injury. The evil activity of body, voice, and speech, want of zeal, not keeping (samayika) in mind are prescribed (as transgressions) in the samayika-vow. Employment of a servant, 363 having something brought (from outside), throwing out of matter, 364 consequences of sound and form 365 (are transgressions) of the vow of time and place. Not having inspected and cleaned (the bare ground for) excretions, things accepted, and covers, want of zeal, no earnest thought (are transgressions) of the pausadha-vow.366 Throwing something into something with life, covering with something with life,367 transgression of time, 368 anger,369 pretext of some one else 370 are prescribed in the fourth disciplinary vow. Cherishing the vows devoid of these transgressions, even a layman, pure-minded, is freed from the bondage of existence." After hearing the Lord's sermon, many became mendicants; many became laymen. Certainly the speech of the Arhat is not fruitless. Asvasena, enlightened, gave his kingdom to his son, 362 349. Gestures to produce love. 363 351. To do something not permitted for him to do himself. 364 351, E.g., bricks, wood, etc. for other people to use. 365 351. While staying in the prescribed space, he summons others by a cough, etc. and lets them see him. 366 352. When the layman lives like a sadhu. 367 353. He throws something that should be given into something with life, or covers it with something with life, so the sadhus will not accept it. 368 353. He sets a time after the usual time for sadhus to take alms, or he eats before that time. 369 353. He is angry at being asked for something and does not give it, even if he has it; or, he gives something from jealousy because some one else has given so much. In that case, he acquires no merit. 370 353. He pretends that something belongs to some one else, so he can not give it. Page #434 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ INITIATION, AND OMNISCIENCE OF SRI PARSVA 403 Hastisena, then and there, and became a mendicant, nobleminded. Queen Vama and Prabhavati became afraid of worldly existence because of the Lord's sermon and adopted mendicancy which results in emancipation. The Lord had ten ganadharas, Aryadatta and others. The Master taught them the three steps: permanence, origination, and perishing. From the three steps they all composed the twelve angas. To the intelligent teaching is like a drop of oil in water. The Lord delivered his sermon in the full first watch. In the second watch Aryadatta delivered a sermon. Then Sakra and the others bowed to the Supreme Lord and they all went to their respective places, recalling the Master's sermon. Sasanadevatas (362-365) Originating in that congregation, the Yaksa Parsva, with a tortoise for a vehicle, dark, elephant-faced, splendid with an umbrella of serpent-hoods, four-armed, holding an ichneumon and a serpent in his left hands, a citron and a serpent in his right hands, became the Lord's messenger-deity. Likewise the goddess Padmavati, with a kurkuta-serpent for a vehicle, gold colored, carrying a lotus and a noose in her right hands, a fruit and a goad in her left hands, became the second messenger-deity of Lord Sri Parsva. The Lord, his vicinity unceasingly presided over by the messenger-deities, wandered over the earth, attended by reverent gods and others. Page #435 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER IV THE WANDERING AND EMANCIPATION OF PARSVANATHA Then the Teacher of the World, wandering for the benefit of all the world, went one day to the country Pundra, which was like a tilaka of the earth. Story of Sagaradatta (2-49) Now there was at that time in the city Tamalipti in the eastern territory a merchant's son, Sagaradatta, knowing the arts, young, intelligent. He was always averse to women from the memory of former births which had taken place and he did not wish to marry any woman, even though beautiful. For he, a Brahman in a former birth, had been abandoned, unconscious, somewhere else by his wife who had given him poison, because she was in love with another man. He had been restored to life by a herd-girl and he became a mendicant. He died and became the merchant's son, with memory of his former birth, averse to women. The herd-girl, devoted to worldly matters, died in course of time and became the beautiful daughter of a merchant in the same city. She, won with dignity, was chosen for Sagaradatta by his brothers together with the idea, " His eyes should take pleasure in her." Yet his mind did not relax even on her. For he considered women to be messengers of Yama, because of his experience in his former birth. The merchant's daughter thought: " There is some memory of a former birth. He has been mistreated by some courtesan in a former birth." After reflecting thus in her mind, at the right time she herself wrote a sloka on a leaf and sent it. He read: "It is not fitting for a man, who has been burned by a milk-pudding, to abandon curds. Are small creatures that originate in a little Page #436 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ EMANCIPATION OF PARSVANATHA 405 water present in milk?" After considering carefully the meaning, he wrote and sent a sloka. She read: A woman takes delight in an undeserving person; a river flows to low ground; the cloud rains on the mountain; Laksmi resorts to a man devoid of merit." After considering the meaning, in order to enlighten him, she again wrote and sent a sloka. He read: Where is the fault of the writer? Why the abandonment of her by one so great? Surely the sun does not abandon the devoted twilight." Pleased by such words, Sagaradatta married her and, delighted, enjoyed pleasures daily. cc Then one day Sagaradatta's father-in-law went with his sons to the town, Patalapatha, to trade. Sheth Sagaradatta also began to do business and sometimes went to another coast with a very large ship. Seven times his ship was wrecked in the ocean and, when he returned, he was laughed at by the people, "He is without merit." His money lost, he did not abandon effort. One day in his roaming he saw a boy drawing water from a little well. Seven times the water did not come, but it came the eighth time. After seeing that, he thought, "Men's efforts are fruitful. Even Fate fears those, for whom it has made obstacles, whose energy is unhindered by obstacles and who do not abandon an undertaking, and it (Fate) is broken." With this thought, he tied an omen-knot,371 set out for Sinhala by boat, and arrived at Ratnadvipa because of the wind. There he sold his merchandise, bought collections of jewels; filled the boat with them and started to his own city. The sailors, coveting the jewels, threw him in the ocean at night. By chance he reached a plank from a boat wrecked before and he swam out. He reached Patalapatha on the coast, where his father-in-law saw him and took him to his house. After bathing, eating, and resting, Sagara told the affair of the sailors from the beginning and his father-in-law said: You stay here. The sailors will not go to Tamalipti from fear 66 371 23. Sakunagranthi. See Appendix II. Page #437 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 406 OHAPTER FOUR of your relatives, but, stupid, will come here." Sagara agreed and his father-in-law told the story to the king. For that is the rule of the far-seeing. One day the ship came to that shore and was recognized by the king's agents from signs described by Sagara. The king's men asked all the wretched sailors: 372 " Who is the owner of the cargo? What is the cargo?' And how much is here?" They, terrified and answering one way and another, were obseryed and the agents quickly summoned Sagaradatta. When they saw Sagara, terrified, they bowed and said: "At that time we, candalas in acts, did a wicked thing, lord. Yet you were saved by your merit, but we have been brought to the edge of capital punishment on your account. Do what is fitting to be done by the master." 373 Compassionate Sagara had them released by the king's men, gave them some food for the journey, and dismissed them, pure in mind. He, noble-minded, was highly honored by the king, saying, "He has merit," and he acquired much money from the merchandise on the boat. He gave gifts and, seeking dharma, asked the teachers of dharma: 374 " I wish to make the god of gods in jewels. Say who he is." There was no agreement among them who had no trace of the truth about god. Then a learned man said: "Do not ask stupid men like me. After practicing penance, and investing a jewel with divinity,375 concentrate your thoughts. The gods will tell you who is the supreme god." Sagara did so and at the end of a three-day fast, a deity showed him a purifying statue of a Tirthakara. The deity said to him, "Sir, this is the Supreme God, whose true nature the munis--no others---know." With these words, the deity 372 31. Pejorative -ka? MW quotes karnadhara, sailor,' karnadharaka, 'helmsman.' But as there were several persons concerned here, they must have been the sailors. 373 34. The instrumental presents a difficulty here. I have found no other MS reading. It seems necessary to supply a verb. 374 37. Not Jainas, of course. Parsva., p. 169, n. 4 is an error, 375 39. See Parsva., p. 199, Page #438 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ........ EMANCIPATION OF PARAVANATHA . 407. went away. Sagara, delighted, showed the sadhus the golden statue of the Arhat. The sadhus taught him the dharma taught by the Arhats and he became a layman. One day he asked the sadhus: " Of which Arhat is this the image? By what procedure must I install it? Now do your Reverences tell me." The sadhus said: " Sri Parsva is now stopped in the district Pundravardhana. Go and ask him." Sagara went at once, bowed to Sri Parsva and asked him about the procedure suitable for the jeweled statue in all respects. The Master explained to him with reference to his own samavasarana all the supernatural powers of the Arhats, the worship of the Jinas, and the installation (of the statue). He had it installed in accordance with the procedure prescribed by the Jina, thinking, " It is the statue of a Tirthakrt." The next day he became a mendicant in the presence of the Master. Then the Blessed One with his retinue, attended by gods and asuras, endowed with all the supernatural powers, went elsewhere. Story of Bandhudatta (50-297) Now in the city Nagapuri, there was a king, Suratejas, the chief of the glorious, like the Indra of the serpents in the city of the Nagas. There was a rich man, Dhanapati, friend of the king, and Dhanapati's wife Sundari, fair in conduct. They had a son, Bandhudatta, who had his grandfather's name, well-bred and virtuous, and he reached youth. Manabhanga, by whom his enemies' minds were broken, was king in the city Kausambi in the country Vatsa. There was a rich man, Jinadatta, devoted to the religion of the Jinas, who had a wife Vasumati and a daughter, Priyadarsana. She had a friend, the daughter of the Vidyadhara, Angada, named Msgankalekha, devoted to the Jinas' doctrine. The two friends passed the days with worship of the gods, service to the guru, study of dharma, et cetera. One day it was said by a sadhu, who had come in his wandering, to a second sadhu, in reference to Priyadarsana, Page #439 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ . 408 CHAPTER FOUR " After bearing a son, she noble, will become a mendicant." Mtgankalekha rejoiced at hearing that, but did not tell anyone. Dhanapati asked for Candralekha, the daughter of Vasunanda, a sheth of Nagapuri, for his son and he gave her. On an auspicious day at an auspicious hour the wedding of Bandhudatta and Candralekha took place with a great festival. Candralekha, whose hand had just been marked with the wedding-ribbon in the afternoon, was bitten by a snake at night and died. In the same way six wives of his, just married, died on the same day as the wedding from the maturing of karma. " Bandhudatta has a poison-hand." Then, though asking, he did not obtain another maiden even with much money. He thought, "What is the use of money to me deprived of a wife," and wasted away day by day, like the moon of the dark half. Dhanapati thought, " My son, grieved, will die. I shall put him in business to make him forget his grief." After this decision, the sheth instructed Bhanudatta," Son, go to the Sinhalas or somewhere else to trade." At his father's command Bandhudatta took much goods, embarked on a boat, crossed the ocean, and went to the Sinhalas. He pleased the lord of Sinhala with valuable gifts; and he exempted him from customs and dismissed him with favor. After selling his goods there and making the desired profit, he bought goods in exchange and started for his own city. When he, going by sea, had come near his own country, his ship, rocked by a storm, was wrecked. He got hold of a wooden plank by the favor of Fate and reached Ratnadvipa, the ornament of the sea-coast. karena memang bang After landing and bathing in a tank in a grove of mangoes bearing fruit, he ate the sweet mangoes, an herb for the disease of hunger. Taking fruit along the road in this way, he went to Mt. Ratna, climbed it and saw a jeweled shrine. He entered the shrine of Aristanemi there, paid homage to the image in it and to the munis living there. He was questioned about news about himself first by the eldest muni; and gradually he told about the death of his wives, the wreck of his ship, et cetera, Page #440 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ......EMANCIPATION OF PARSVANATHA Enlightened by the muni, he accepted the Jinas' religion, showing pleasure at his arrival there which had borne fruit. " A Vidyadhara, Citrangada, said to him: "You are my co-religionist because of Jinadharma, fortunately. Shall I give you the magic art going-through-the-air,' or shall I take you to a desired place, or shall I give you a maiden?" Bandhudatta said: 'Whatever magic art you have is surely submissive to me. That place only, where there is sight of such gurus, is desired by me." 66 After saying this, he became silent and the Khecara reflected:"He wishes a maiden. Certainly there is approval of what is unopposed. Investigating fully, I shall give him, noble, a virtuous maiden who will not die as soon as married to him." After deciding so, he led Bandhudatta to his own house, honored him especially with suitable bath, food, et cetera. Citrangada asked all his Khecaras, "Has any maiden been seen in Bharatavarsa who is worthy of him?' Mrgankalekha, the daughter of his brother, Angada, said: "Father, do you not know my friend, Priyadarsana? She, like the womanjewel in beauty, is my friend in Kausambi, the daughter of Sheth Jinadatta. Formerly I walked at her side. After bearing a son, she will become a mendicant,' a muni said, with reference to her, and I heard it." 409 Citrangada instructed Khecaras, Amitagati and others, to arrange for Priyadarsana, suitable for Bandhudatta, to be given to him. The Khecaras took Bandhudatta and went to Kausambi. They camped in a garden outside ornamented with a shrine of Parsva. Bandhudatta entered the shrine with the Khecaras, paid homage to Parsva and the sadhus and listened to dharma from them. Jinadatta, to whom co-religionists were dear, had gone there and, after inviting them, took Bandhudatta and the Khecaras to his house. After Jinadatta had entertained Bandhudatta and the Khecaras with dignity with baths, seats, et cetera, he asked the reason for their coming. The Khecaras, thinking, "This is an enterprise of love; 52 N Page #441 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER FOUR falsehood is a branch of love,"376 at once made up this story and said: "We have come from Mt. Ratna, having undertaken a tour of the holy places. We went to Mt. Ujjayanta and paid homage to Nemi. We were honored with food, et cetera by Bandhudatta, who belonged there, like a brother because we were co-religionists. Because he was devoted to dharma and was always averse to women, a very strong affection developed between him and us. We came from Ujjayanta here to pay homage to Sri Parsva and Bandhudatta came also, drawn by affection for us." 410 After hearing this speech of the Khecaras and after seeing Bandhudatta, Jinadatta reflected, 66 He is a suitable husband for my daughter." So reflecting, Jinadatta had him urged by the Khecaras and said to Bandhudatta, " Marry my daughter." Bandhudatta considered, as if portraying unwillingness for that. At that same time, Amitagati announced Citrangada. Citrangada having come with the procession of the bridegroom's friends, Jinadatta married Bandhudatta to his daughter. After giving instructions to Bandhudatta, Citrangada went to his home and Bandhudatta remained there, delighting Priyadarsana. He had a car-procession of Sri Parsva made and, thus devoted to dharma, he remained there for four years. As time passed, Priyadarsana conceived and saw an elephant entering her lotus-mouth in a dream. One day Bandhudatta told his wife that a desire to go his own home had arisen. She told Jinadatta and Jinadatta loaded him with very great wealth and dismissed him with his wife. "I am 376 92. As the first half of this sloka was not clear to me, I consulted four Indian Sanskritists Each one had a different interpretation, but they agreed that it referred to the tradition that falsehood is permissible in five cases. Udvahakale ratisamprayoge pranatyaye sarvadhanapahare| Viprasya carthe hyanrtam vadeyuh pancanrtanyahurapatakani|| Vasisthadharmasastra, 16.36. The same idea is expressed in the Mahabharata, 8.69,33 and 69. (Gorakhpur ed.), Page #442 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ MAM ....... EMANCIPATION OF PARSVANATHA 411 going to Nagapuri.". He put the people who had set out with him because of the announcement in front like brothers and going very slowly, a great traveler on the right road, reached the forest Padma, the sole abode of evil Guarding the caravan, worried, after traversing the forest three days, he had the caravan stop on the bank of a pool. is the caravan was camped there, in the last watch of the night an attack by the village-chief, Candasena, took place. After seizing the property of the caravan and leading away Priyadarsana, the soldiers turned her over to Candasena. When Candasena had seen her," sad-raced, his compassion aroused, he thought, "Shall I send her to her own home?" As he was considering, he saw a slave-girl, Cutalata near her. "Who is she? Whose daughter? Tell me everything." The slave-girl said: "She is the daughter of Jinadatta, a merchant of Kausambi. Her name is Priyadarsana." On hearing that, he fainted at once. When he had regained consciousness, the village-chief said to Priyadarsana: "My life was saved in the past by your father. Do not be afraid. Hear from the beginning: I am a noted chief of thieves. One day when I had gone out for stealing, I went to a mountain-village in the country Vatsa at the beginning of night. Surrounded by thieves, drinking wine, I was found there by the guards and was handed over to Manabhanga by the ones who captured me. He had me beaten. As I was being led out to execution, my release was obtained by your father, compassionate, going to break his fast at the end of pausadha. After giving me clothes and money, your father dismissed me. You are the daughter of (my) benefactor. Therefore, instruct me. What can I do?" Jinadatta's daughter said, " Brother, now find Bhanudatta, my husband, who was separated (from me) by the attack." "I will do so," the village-chief replied and escorted Priyadarsana to his house with exceeding devotion and considered her like his own divinity. Then Candasena himself went to look for Bandhudatta, after comforting Priyadarsana with the gift of NATURE Page #443 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 412 fearlessness. Now Bandhudatta, separated from his wife, standing in a grove of date trees, unhappy, thought: "Separated from me, she, long-eyed, will not be able to live a day. My wife is probably dead. With what hope can I live in future? Death is a suitable refuge. There is no other course for me. No I shall die, hanging myself from this big saptacchada." With these thoughts he moved forward. CHAPTER FOUR When he got near to the saptacchada, he saw a big pool in front of it and in it a rajahansa grieved by separation from his mate. Seeing him miserable like himself, he was very grieved. For the unhappy man knows the mental suffering of the unhappy. While Bandhudatta stood so, in a moment the rajahansa was united closely with the hansi seated in the shade of a lotus-bed. After seeing him united with his wife Bandhudatta thought: 66 Again the union of the living with the wife takes place. I shall go to my own city. Penniless, how shall I go there? Going to Kausambi without my wife is not suitable. After going to Visala and taking money from my maternal uncle, giving it to the general of the thieves, I shall obtain the release of my wife. After going with my wife to Nagapuri, from my own house I shall give the money to my maternal uncle by some means, remembering what was done. With this plan, going east the next day, he went in great distress to a place named Giristhala. While he rested in a Yaksa's temple concealed by a tree, near the road, a traveler suffering from fatigue came. Asked by Bandhudatta, "Whence have you come?" the traveler announced clearly, "I am from Visala." Is the caravan-leader there, Dhanadatta, all right?" asked by Bandhudatta, the traveler, sad-faced, said: 66 66 When Dhanadatta was away on business, his eldest son, sporting with his wife at home, paid no attention to the king as he was passing by. Angered by that offense, the king seized his goods and put his household, sons, wives, et cetera in Page #444 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ . EMANCIPATION OF PARSVANATHA prison. Dhanadatta has come to his sister's son, Bandhudatta, for the sake of a balance of a crore of rupees of a ransom. Traveling (on the way), he was quit by me yesterday." 66 Bandhudatta thought: Alas! What has Fate done! The one in whom I had hope, has fallen into an ocean of calamities. Let it be so. Staying right here, I shall see my uncle. After I go to Nagapuri, I shall get the money for him quickly." So reflecting, he stayed. On the fifth day his uncle came with a caravan, with few companions, very distressed. Dhanadatta sat under a tamala tree in the garden of the Yaksa's temple and was seen by Bhanudatta. In order to test him, Bandhudatta said: "Tell from where you came here and where you are going." Dhanadatta said: "I have come from Visala and I am going to the city Nagapuri, good sir." Bandhudatta said: "I too am going to Nagapuri, but who of your family lives there? Tell." He said, My nephew Bandhudatta is there," and Bandhudatta replied, "Bandhudatta is a friend of mine." 66 413 After ascertaining that he was his uncle, Bandhudatta stayed there without disclosing himself and they ate and slept together. At dawn Bandhu went to the river for bathing and saw that the dust of the ground in a thicket of kadamba was tinged with the color of jewels. He dug up the ground with a sharp horn and came to a copper box filled with jewels and ornaments. After taking the box secretly, going to Dhanadatta, and telling him how it had been obtained, he said politely: "I have obtained all the news from you, a traveler. Accept this box because of your merit, uncle of my friend. After both of us have gone to Visala and paid money, we will release our men from the king's imprisonment and then we will go to Nagapuri." With these words, Bandhudatta set the box down in front of him and became silent. Dhanadatta said: "Shall we see your friend Bandhudatta because of having the men released, good sir? After that, he is the authority." Bhanudatta bowed and announced who he was. Dhanadatta said, "Oh! how Page #445 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 414 CHAPTER FOUR have you reached such an unfortunate state?" When his experiences had been told by Bhanudatta, Dhanadatta said, "Son, first we shall rescue Priyadarsana from the Bhillas." Just then the king's armed soldiers came quickly and arrested all the travelers camped there on the suspicion that they were robbers. While Dhanadatta and Bandhudatta were throwing the object into the Yaksa's temple, they were caught by the king's men. "What is this?" questioned by them, they said, " From fear of you, we hid this object of our own." The king's soldiers took them with the box and the other travelers before the king's minister. After examining and releasing the other travelers, the minister questioned the uncle and nephew zealously, " Where are you from and what is this?" "We have come from Visala and now we have started to Latadesa, taking this money acquired before." The minister said, " If this is your property, in that case tell everything that is in the box with some sign of proof." Not knowing (what was in the box), terrified, they said, " If the box has been stolen, open it yourself, minister, and let it be examined." The minister himself opened the box and saw ornaments in it marked with the king's name. Remembering that these objects had been lost for a long time, the minister reflected: " This has been deposited by these two from objects stolen before. The robbers will be caught through these two being beaten." With this idea he had the whole caravan seized by his men. He had the two beaten severely by guards like messengers of Yama. Distracted by heavy blows, they said: "We came yesterday with the caravan. If that is not so, we must be killed by you then, after consideration." A man of the place said in reference to Bandhudatta, "I saw him in this caravan five days ago." Asked by the minister, "Do you know him?" the caravan-leader said, " Who, indeed, knows such travelers going in a caravan?" After hearing that, the minister, angered, had the nephew and uncle detained in a prison resembling hell. Page #446 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ...... EMANCIPATION OF PARSVANATHA 415 Now Candasena, after wandering for a long time through the forest Padma without finding Bandhudatta, went home, ashamed. Before Priyadarsana he promised: "I will bring your husband within six months, or I will enter the fire." After making this promise the village-chief sent spies to Kausambi and Nagapuri to find Bandhudatta. After some days they returned and said to Candasena, "We, roaming about, have not seen Bandhudatta." Candasena reflected: "Miserable from separation from his wife, surely he is dead by leaping from a precipice or entering a fire. Four months have passed from the limit of my promise. Now I shall enter the fire. Bandhudatta is hard to find. Or rather, I will stay until Priyadarsana gives birth. After taking her son to Kausambi, I shall enter the fire." While he was reflecting thus, the door-keeper came and said: "By good fortune you prosper today. Priyadarsana has borne a son." Delighted, the village-chief gave him a gratuity and said to the goddess of the forest Padma, named Candasena: "If my sister and her son are well for one month, I will give you an offering of ten men." When twenty-five days had passed safely, he sent men in every direction to bring men for the sacrifice. Now Bandhudatta and his maternal uncle passed six months in that prison resembling hell. Then a great thief was found by the guards at night-a mendicant with money--and they arrested him and handed him over to the same minister. "Mendicants do not have such money. So he must be a robber." After this decision, the minister ordered him to be killed. As he was being led out for execution, thinking, "The muni's speech is not false," he said with remorse: "No one, except me, robbed the city. All the loot is in the mountains, rivers, gardens, et cetera. The goods should be returned to those from whom it was stolen. It is deposited like a treasure. Then kill me." The guards told the minister and the minister saw all the goods in the places described, except one box. The minister Page #447 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 416 CHAPTER FOUR said to the mendicant: "Why this conduct of yours repugnant to (your) belief and appearance? Tell fearlessly, clever man." Story of the thief (193-225) "This same act is customary for those devoted to senseobjects, (but) without money in the house. If there is anything unusual, hear: In the city Pundravardhana, I am the son, Narayana, of the Brahman Somadeva. I constantly taught the people that heaven was from killing living creatures, et cetera. 6 One day I saw some sad-faced men arrested on the suspicion that they were thieves. 'All these rogues should be killed,' I said at that time. A muni said, 'Oh! the wicked ignorance!' I bowed and asked the muni,' What ignorance?' and he said: The imputation of non-existent crime, causing great pain to another. These men have fallen into misfortune from the ripening of former karma. Why do you invent a non-existent crime of thievery? Soon you will find the full fruit of acts committed in a former birth. So do not impose a false crime on another.' w Asked by me again about the full fruit of former acts, the muni, who had supernatural knowledge, his mind filled with compassion, said: Former birth of thief (201-214) In this same Bharataksetra in the city Garjana, there was a Brahman, Asadha by name, and his wife Racchuka. Now in the fifth birth (before this) you were their son, Candradeva, and you were taught the Vedas by your father. Considering yourself learned, you were much honored by King Virasena. Another mendicant, named Yogatman, intelligent, was there. There was a child-widow, Viramati, the daughter of Sheth Vinita, and she went off with a gardener, Sinhala. Yogatman had been worshipped by her and by chance he went somewhere else on the same day without telling Page #448 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ...... EMANCIPATION OF PARSVANATHA 417 any one because of freedom from attachment. " Viramati has gone," was the gossip among all the people. You reflected, "Surely Yogatman has gone with her." " Viramati has gone somewhere," was the talk in the palace and you said definitely, "She has gone with Yogatman." The king said, "He has given up association with his wife, et cetera," and you said, "For that very reason he, a heretic, has taken other men's wives." On hearing that, the people became lax in religion and on account of that sin the other mendicants expelled Yogatman. Having acquired in this way sharp, firmly bound karma, 377after death you became a goat in the hamlet Kollaka. Having a putrid tongue from the fault of that karma, after death you became a jackal in a great forest of Kollaka. After the jackal had died from cancer of the tongue, you became the son of Madanalata, a courtesan of the king in Saketa.378 One day you, a young man, intoxicated, were restrained by a prince when you were insulting the king's mother and you insulted him, also, deeply. He cut off your tongue and you, ashamed, fasted and died. Now you became a Brahman. The rest of your actions you know already. After hearing that, having disgust with existence which had been produced, I became a mendicant at the feet of Suguru, eager for obedience to a guru. The magic arts of 'goingthrough-the air' and of 'opening-locks' were given to me by the guru as he was dying and I was instructed earnestly: 'These magic arts must not be invoked in any other calamity except the rescue of a righteous person; and no falsehood must be spoken even in jest. If a falsehood is told through carelessness, you should recite the magic arts one thousand and eight times, standing in water up to the navel, holding the arms erect.' Devoted to sense-objects I have done the reverse. Yesterday I told a falsehood in front of the habitation in the garden. 377 210. Nikacita. See I, p. 402. 378 212. Parsva., p. 175, has Yogatman dying from mouth-disease, but this is an error. The text, 8.156, agrees with our account, 53 N Page #449 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER FOUR Yesterday some young women, after bathing, came to worship the god in the habitation and asked me the reason for taking the vow. I said carelessly the reason was the separation from a dear wife and I did not make the prayer prescribed by the guru, standing in water. At night in order to steal I entered, like a dog, Sheth Sagara's house whose door happened to be open. As I was leaving after taking the gold, silver, et cetera, I was caught by the police; and the magic art, ' going-throughthe air,' did not manifest itself, though recalled." The minister asked him again: "Only a box of ornaments has not been found. Were you mistaken about the place? He said: "The box was taken from the place where it was buried by some one who came and learned about it by chance." 418 After hearing that the chief-minister released the ascetic and he remembered the uncle and nephew who had taken the box. He thought: "Surely the box was taken by them in ignorance and they lied because they were terrified. They must be questioned without fear on their part." He summoned them and questioned them unafraid. When they had told everything in detail, they were released by the minister conversant with right conduct. They stayed two days because of emaciation and left on the third day; and they were caught by Candasena's men who were looking for men. They were both thrown into the midst of prisoners by Kiratas for the sacrifice to the goddess Candasena. Taking Priyadarsana with slave-girls and her son, Candasena approached for the worship of Candasena. Saying, "Merchants' wives are not able to look at this terrible goddess," he covered Priyadarsana's eyes with a cloth. After taking the boy himself, Candasena by a signal of his eye had Bandhudatta brought, the very first one by chance. The village-chief said to Priyadarsana, After having your son bow to the goddess and having him give her red sandal, have him worship her." 66 He himself, completely pitiless, drew his sword from its 39 Page #450 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ...... EMANCIPATION OF PARSVANATHA 419 scabbard, but miserable Priyadarsana thought: " Alas! this sacrifice with men to the goddess is for my sake. How has this inglorious thing been caused by me! Oh! Oh! I have become a Raksasi." Bandhudatta, knowing that death had come, pure-minded, began to recite namaskaras, virtuous. Hearing his voice, at once Priyadarsana opened her eyes and saw her husband, She said to Candasena, " Brother, you have been faithful to a promise, since this is Bandhudatta, your sister's husband." Falling at his feet, Candasena said to Bandhudatta: " Pardon this crime of ignorance. You are master. Give orders." Delighted, Bandhudatta said to Priyadarsana, "What crime is there of this man who has reunited me with you?" Then giving orders to Candasena, Bandhudatta had the men released from prison and said to him, "What is this ? " and the Bhilla-king told the story ending in the offering for the fulfilment of his wish. Bandhu said: "Puja with living creatures is not fitting. You should worship the goddess with flowers, et cetera. You should avoid injury, other people's money and wives, and falsehood. Be a vessel of contentment." He agreed, " Very well," and the goddess, being near, said, "Beginning with today, my worship must be made with white lotuses, et cetera." Hearing that, many Bhillas became bhadrakas at once. The son was handed over to Bandhudatta by Priyadarsana. Bandhudatta handed over his son to Dhanadatta and told his wife, " He is my maternal uncle." She veiled herself and bowed from a distance to her father-in-law. He gave a blessing and said, " A name for the son is fitting today." Since he had given joy to his relatives by the gift of life, his parents gave him the name Bandhavananda. After conducting Bandhudatta and his uncle to his house, the Kirata-chief gave them food and then handed over the loot that he had taken. Candasena, his hands folded respectfully, brought tiger-skins, chauris, elephant-tusks, pearls, fruit, et cetera to Bandhudatta. Bandhu dismissed the prisoners, Page #451 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 420 CHAPTER FOUR like brothers, with suitable gifts and, having helped Dhanadatta to accomplish his purpose, sent him to his own home. Bandhudatta went to the city Nagapuri with the caravan, his son and Priyadarsana, accompanied by Candasena. His brothers, who came delighted, and the king had him mount an elephant and enter the city with much honor. Bestowing gifts, Bandhudatta went to his own house and told his whole story to his brothers at the end of a meal. 66 Again he said to all: Everything in this existence is worthless except the doctrine of the Jinas. This is my experience." The people became devoted to the doctrine of the Jinas from Bandhudatta's speech. Bandhudatta entertained Candasena and dismissed him. Bandhudatta lived there in comfort for twelve years. One day in autumn Srimat Parsva stopped in a samavasarana. Bandhudatta went there with Priyadarsana with great magnificence, bowed to Sri Parsvanatha and listened to a sermon. Previous birth of Bandhudatta (261-293) He then asked the Lord: "Because of what acts did six wives die as soon as married and why did my separation and imprisonment take place?" The Master related: 66 Here in Bharata on Mt. Vindhya there was a Sabara-lord, named Sikharasena, intent on doing harm, devoted to senseobjects. Priyadarsana was his wife, named Srimati, and you continued playing with her in mountain-thickets at that time. One day a group of sadhus, who had lost the way, came there wandering in the forest and was seen by you with a compassionate mind. You went and asked the sadhus, 'Why do you wander here?' They told you, 'We have lost the way.' " Srimati said to you, After feeding them with fruit, et cetera, help these munis cross the Vindhya-forest difficult to cross.' You brought bulbs, et cetera and they said: 'This is not proper. If there is anything devoid of color, odor, et cetera, give us that. Or fruit, et cetera, that was gathered a long time ago, is suitable for us.' On hearing that, you fed Page #452 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ EMANCIPATION OF PARSVANATHA 421 them with such bulbs, et cetera. You led the sadhus to the road and they taught dharma. After giving you the formula 'homage to the five,' they instructed you as follows: 'On one day in a fortnight you, staying in solitude, with all censurable activity given up, must recall this formula of homage. If some one should threaten you then, do not be angry at him. If you practice dharma in this way, the glory of heaven is not hard to attain.' You said, 'So be it.' One day a lion approached you as you were doing just so and Srimati was at once afraid of him. Saying, 'Do not be afraid,' you seized a large bow, (but) you were reminded by Srimati of the self-control advised by the guru. Then you, motionless, and noble Srimati were devoured by the lion and you became gods in Saudharma with a life-term of a palya. After falling, you became the son of King Kurumrganka and Balacandra in Cakrapuri in the West Videhas. Srimati, falling from heaven, became the daughter of King Subhusana, brother-in-law of Kurumrganka, and Kurumati. You two, Vasantasena and Sabaramrganka by name, gradually attained youth, living in your respective places. She fell in love with you from hearing your virtues; and you with her from the sight of a painting of her figure brought by an esteemed painter. You were married to her by your father, knowing your affection. Your father became an ascetic and you became king. At that time the karma originating in your Bhilla-birth, caused by separating animals, matured. Hear the full truth, noble sir. In that same province, a powerful king, lord of Jayapura, named Vardhana, angry for no reason, said to you through agents: Send me Vasantasena and accept my command. In that case enjoy your kingdom; if not, fight with me.' Hearing that with anger, mounted on an elephant, you set out with an army for battle, being prevented by the people from seeing unfavorable omens. At that time King Vardhana, being defeated, fled; and a powerful king, named Tapta, fought with you. You, your army destroyed by him who had defeated you, Page #453 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 422 CHAPTER FOUR died and, because you were subject to cruel meditation, you became a hell-inhabitant in the sixth hell. Vasantasena entered the fire, grieved by the separation, died, and was born at that time in the same hell. You, having risen from hell, became the son in the house of a poor man in Bharata in Puskaradvipa and she became a daughter of a caste equal to his. The marriage of the two took place when they were grown and, though the pain of poverty was present, you two sported constantly. One day you two were at home and saw some sadhvis. Getting up with devotion, you presented them with food and drink zealously. Questioned, the sadhvis said, "Our head is Balacandra and there is shelter in the house of Sheth Vasu.' At the end of the day, you two went there, your minds purified, and were taught dharma completely by the head-nun, Balacandra. You both adopted lay-dharma at her feet and, after death, became gods with a life of nine sagaras in Brahmaloka. After falling, you became these two (you are now). You made severe separation of animals in your Bhillabirth and she approved it. By the maturing of that (karma) you experienced the death of your wives, separation, and the pains of capture, imprisonment, et cetera. For the maturing of karma is painful." Bandhudatta bowed again and said to the Blessed One: "In future where shall we go and how long will our existence be?" The Master replied: " After death, you will go to Sahasrara. Falling, you will be a cakrin in East Videha and she will be your chief-queen. After enjoying the pleasures of the senses for a long time and after becoming mendicants, both will go to emancipation." Hearing that, Bandhudatta and Privadarsana took the vow at that very time under the M: Sri Parsva. One day a king, a lord of nine treasures,379 went to pay homage to Parsva who had stopped in a samavasarana near 379 298. For the nine treasures, see I, pp. 252 f. Page #454 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ...... EMANCIPATION OF PARSVANATHA 423 his city. "By what acts in a former birth did I attain this magnificence?" So questioned by him, the Blessed One, Lord Parsva said: "In a former birth you were a gardener, Asoka by name, in a village, Hellura, in the country Maharastra. One day after selling flowers, you started home. Half-way on the road, you entered a layman's house where the statue of an Arhat was set up. Seeing the Arhat's statue there, looking for flowers, you put your hand in the basket and found there nine flowers. You put them on the Arhat and acquired great merit. One day you presented a priyangu-blossom to the king. You were installed by the king as the head of the guild and, when you died, you became lord of nine lacs of drammas 380 in Elapura. After death you became lord of nine crores of money 381 in the same place. When you died, you became lord of nine lacs of gold in the city Svarnapatha. After death you became lord of nine crores of gold in the same place. After death you became master of nine lacs of jewels in Ratnapura. In course of time you died and became master of fully nine crores of jewels in the same city, Ratnapura. You died and became a king, the son of King Vallabha in Vatika, lord of nine lacs of villages. Then you died and became such a king-lord of nine treasures. From this birth you will go to the Anuttara-palace." After hearing the Master's account, the king, very devout, became a mendicant at that time. The Congregation (311-315) As the Lord wandered, his retinue from the day of 380 304. Dramma, according to PH, equals a gold mohar, which was probably about 15 rupees in Hemacandra's time. But he is supposed to be richer in each birth and, if he starts with a gold coin, what would his nine lacs of gold' be? I think probably dramma here should be taken as about a rupee. 381 305. I strongly suspect that the 'dravya' of the edition should be read 'dramma.' Page #455 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 424 CHAPTER FOUR omniscience consisted of sixteen thousand ssis (sadhus), thirtyeight thousand noble sadhvis, three hundred and fifty who knew the fourteen purvas, fourteen hundred who had clairvoyant knowledge, seven hundred and fifty who had mind-reading knowledge, one thousand omniscients, eleven hundred who had the art of transformation, six hundred noble disputants, one lac and sixty-four thousand laymen, and three lacs and seventyseven thousand laywomen. His emancipation (316-321) Knowing that his emancipation was near, the Lord went to Mt. Sammeta, accompanied by thirty-three munis, and fasted for a month. The Teacher of the World, together with the thirty-three munis, attained the place from which there is no return on the eighth of the white half of Sravana, (the moon being) in Visakha. Thirty years as householder, seventy in keeping the vowsso the age of Sri Parsva Svamin was one hundred years. The emancipation of the Supreme Lord, Sri Parsvanatha, took place eighty-three thousand, seven hundred and fifty years from the day of Sri Nemi's emancipation. The lords of gods, Sakra and the others, came to Mt. Sammeta's peak, accompanied by the gods. Subject to an excess of grief, they celebrated splendidly the emancipation-festival of the Supreme Lord, Parsva. The ones who, believing, bring the biography of Parsvanatha, purifying the three worlds, within the range of hearing--from them misfortunes go away; and they would be remarkably prosperous, and they go to the final abode, What else? Page #456 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ APPENDIX I ADDITIONAL NOTES p. 138 ( 8.3: 916 ). I have debated long about the meaning of asana in this connection, whether withers' or 'howdah.' Neither seems to fit perfectly. First I favored withers.' But "he shock his withers" seems an abnormal phrase. So in the proof I changed to 'howdah.' In a parallel passage in the Kathakosa, p. 220, Tawney has 'howdah.' The original of Tawney's Kathakosa (ed. by J. Sastri, Lahore, 1942) does not help. It is as ambiguous as Hemacandra. But that is not entirely satisfactory, either. In either case, the repetition of 'asana,' seems unnecessary. Also, an elephant tied to a post would not normally have a howdah. I suspect strongly that 'sprstasano' should read 'prsthasano,' probably prstasano' in the MS. The MSS that I have used are like the text, so I do not make the emendation. It would remove all difficulty by specifying that the elephant had a howdah. " With a howdah on his back, he shook the howdah by the wind (of his running)." P. 179 (8. 5. 418). In all the discussion of the location of Kssna's Dvaraka, I have not seen any reference to the Trisastio passages. Bhattasali (IHQ X, 541 ff.) thinks there were two Dvarakas in Ktsna's time: one" under the shadow of the Raivataka or Gomanta hill " and the other at "Mula Dvaraka on the sea, about 22 miles east of Prabhasapattana or Somnath." Hemacandra gives no indication that he has more than one place in mind, but his allusions to its location are not consistent. In 8. 5. 361 Kssna is directed to go to the ocean-shore in the west and to found a city where Satyabhama bears twin sons. In 8. 5. 397-8 Ktsna asks Susthita for the return of the site of the city of the former Sarngins, which had been covered 54 N Page #457 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 426 APPENDIX ONE by the ocean. He obtains it and Kubera builds his city there. In 8. 6. 25 Dvarika is on the western ocean. In 8. 7. 140 Dvarika was made on " a site given by the ocean." In 8. 11. 106 it was covered by the ocean, after it was burned. But in 8. 5. 391, just previous to his interview with Susthita, he made his camp to the north-west of Mt. Raivataka. There Satyabhama bore twin sons. In 8. 5. 418 its location is described very exactly: Raivataka was to the east of it, Malyavat to the south, Mt. Saumanasa to the west, and Gandhamadana to the north-which certainly would not apply to Mula-dvaraka, but might to Junagadh. In 8. 7. 195 Klsna left Dvarika and went to the north-east for 45 yojanas and stopped at Sinapalli, where Anandapura was later founded (8. 8. 28). LAI (p. 266) identifies Anandapura with Vadnagar in North Gujarat. In 8. 11. 100 he leaves Dvaraka and goes to the southeast to the Pandavas'city, Pandumathura. LAI (p. 271) takes Dvaraka to be Junagadh. P. 228 (8. 7. 258). Or perhaps, Bhanuka. Satyabhama had twins, Bhanu and Bhamara (p. 177); a son named Bhanuka (p. 188); and a son Anubhanuka, (p. 214). His other name was Bhiru. Mahabhanu was also a son of Krsna.. P. 235 (8. 7. 371). After asking for years many Sanskritists for suggestions for brahmasutra, at the last minute I was offered an interpretation that made sense. I, and everyone else, had correlated brahmasutrena with asina, but Mr. T. Venkitram Shastri of the Ramayana Dept., O. I., interprets it quite differently: "Anadhtsti, light-handed, using trickery, cut Hiranya's body along the sacred thread, like a piece of wood." I.e., he cut the body diagonally along the line of the sacred thread. He cited a passage in the Ramayana, 6. 81. 30, where the same method is used. P. 265 (8. 9. 282). The cakora, a kind of partridge, is supposed to live on moonbeams. P. 281 (8. 10. 115). This incident is mentioned in the Cauppannamahapurisacariya, p. 197 (Prakrit Text Society Page #458 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 427 ADDITIONAL NOTES Series, No. 3); but no details are given there, either. P. 343 (9. 1.414). With a play on matanga meaning' elephant' and outcaste.' P. 351 (n. 22). This is not a true example of the Joseph and Potiphar motif, as the Nagini had not tried to seduce Brahmadatta. P. 354 (9. 1. 578). The Yogasastra (p. 90a) has krurenanena, which seems to me a little better. P. 373 (9. 2. 249). Note 332 applies to the "old nun," not to Nanda, who was Padma's friend. P. 396 (9. 3. 280). Karana is defined in the Ns. as "the two feet moving (together)" in 11. 2. and as "combined (movement of) hands and feet" in 4. 30-34. An angahara consists of a number of karanas. Ns. 4. 30-34. P. 410 (n. 376 to 9. 4. 92). The commentary to Ramayana, 2. 107. 6, (Gujarati Printing Press edition) also quotes these lines about the five lies. Page #459 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ APPENDIX II NEW AND RARE WORDS In making this list, the determining factor was whether the word is in Momier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary, ed. 1899. The references to -L. and grammarians are from that dictionary. However, if the word has been found in some other lexicon, the fact has been noted. Many words, or kindred ones, not found in earlier lexicons, are quoted in Schmidt's Nachtrage (abb. PS) to the Petersburg Worterbuch. The references to the text of the Trisastio are illustrative, not exhaustive. The list is intended to include new words, words cited only from lexicographers and grammarians, additional meanings of words cited, and variants in form. Possibly some variants are only MS errors. That question always arises to plague lexicographers. aksavata, m. 8. 5. 270, arena, L. aksivat, adj. 8. 3. 62, like an eye. aksepa, m. 8. 2. 298, without delay. akhatasaras, n. 8. 3. 588, natural pool. agandhana, m. 8. 10. 281, a species of serpent, PH. angasesa, adj. 8. 7. 310, uninjured. angahara, m. 9. 3. 280, a number of karanas. Ns. IV. 30-34. atinirmala, adj. 8. 3. 560, entirely harmless. atyahita, n. 8. 3. 541, calamity, PH. accahia. adhibhu, m. 9. 4. 307, master, L. adhiropana, n. 9. 4. 197, imputation. anasakta, adj. 9. 2. 126, indifferent. anahata, adj. 8. 3. 541, unavoidable. anutsikta, adj. 8. 2. 47, without pride. anudvata, adj. 8. 1. 421, wet. PH. S. V. uvvaa. anuvara, m. 8. 5. 46, best man (at wedding). Page #460 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ NEW AND RARE WORDS 429 anuna, adj. 8. 1. 141, great. antadvipa, m. n. 8. 2. 218, a city. aparatha, ind. 8. 6. 422, otherwise. aparibhu, 8. 3. 8, to become boundless. apaci, 8. 11. 122, to the south. apatava, n. 8. 2. 390, lack of cleverness. abdhi, m. 9. 1, 519, lake, L. abhimukhya, n. 8. 9. 130, disposition. abhiyana, n. 8. 3. 320, approaching, L. ambamukha, m. 8. 3. 415, child (?). ayogra, n. 8. 7. 435; 8. 12. 81, pestle, L. aristamayi, adj. 8. 5. 198, made of a black jewel named arista. arocakin, adj. 8. 8. 82, not liking. ardhajarati, f. 8. 4. 46, middle-aged woman. ardhasarada, f. 8. 3. 175, half-moon (?). alaktarasa, m. 8. 3. 196, lac. L. avatarana, n. 8. 3. 1000, worship, L. avastha, caus. 8. 3. 229, keep, cause to remain. asuci, f. 8. 9. 105, impurity, PH. asvahsdaya, 8. 3. 982, horsemanship, L. asammats, adj. 8. 3. 747, not contained in. astagha, adj. 8. 9. 293, deep. acarin, adj. 9. 2. 274, practicing, L. ajna, f. 9. 2. 103, teaching, PH. adambara, m. 8. 3. 121, outward show. atapana, f. 8. 6. 346; 9. 2. 303, enduring heat of the sun. atodya, n. 2. 3. 249, surely ' drum'here. atmasastha, adj. 8. 10. 43, himself the sixth. anaya, m. 8. 11. 93, a fisherman's net. Only Pan. apanin, m. 8. 6. 417, shopkeeper. apana, m. 8. 11. 25, a bar, drinking place. aranala, 8. 3. 513. vinegar. Desi. 1.67. aradhana, f. 8. 3. 857, a ritualistic performance, including confession, prayer, and fasting unto death. See n. 148. aroha, m. 8. 3. 531, couch.. Page #461 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 430 APPENDIX TWO arya, m. 8. 5. 248, et passim, elder brother. alidha, adj. 8. 3. 143, grazed. asana, n. 8. 3. 916, withers of an elephant, L.; or, howdah. asphalita, adj, 8. 3. 421, in close array. itvara, 9. 3. 328, a short time, PH. indhanaya, nom. 8. 5. 366, to act as fuel. ibhajivika, m. 8. 3. 917, elephant-man. is, 9. 1. 310, to offer. isuvegavati, f. 8. 2. 248, name of river. iksin, adj. 8. 5. 143, looking at; 9. 4. 229, looking for. unccha, m. 8. 12. 94, food. uddaha, m. 8. 10. 280, criticism, PH. utpat, caus. 8. 12. 119, lift up. utprasravastana, adj. 8. 10. 112, with streaming breasts. udanya, nom. 8. 3. 716, to be exceedingly thirsty. Only Pap. (MW). udaraja, m. 8. 10. 95, son. uddhr, intransitive, 8. 1. 185; 8. 2. 287, to rise from. udvahapurvaka, adj. 8. 2. 422, accompanied by marriage, i.e. lawful. udvestana, n. 9. 3. 171, raising of siege. udvodhr, m. 8. 1. 484, one who marries, with acc., i.e. husband. unmanyu, adj. 8. 1. 410, excited. upajna, adj. 8. 5. 260, committed, done. upamatr, f. 8. 3. 19, nurse, L. upalaksita, adj. 8. 3. 834, recognized. urabhra, m. 9. 3. 152, seems' goat' rather than 'ram.' ulloca, m. 8. 3. 185, canopy, L. kaksanadi, f. 8. 3. 929, girth. Nadi, a strap of leather, L. kathita, adj. 8. 3. 148, shown. karana, n. 9. 3. 280, movement in danse. See p. 426. karketana, m. 8. 3. 141, quartz, L. karnadharaka, m. 9. 4. 31, sailor. Page #462 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ NEW AND RARE WORDS 431 431 kartika, f. 8. 3. 594, knife. PH, kattiya (karttika). kaladhauta, n. 9. 1. 370, silver. kalasvana, adj. 8. 3. 35, having a charming voice (as a bird), L. kalapa, m. 8. 3. 926, neck-rope, L. kaka, f. 8. 9. 341, Ficus oppositifolia. kanjika, f. 8. 3. 633, vinegar, L. H. kanji. kanaya, nom. 9. 1. 579, to perforate. kataraksi, f. 9. 2. 235, timid-eyed woman. kadambari, f. 8. 11. 24, a kind of wine, L. kandarpika, m. 8. 2. 416, an amorous god. PE, kandarpa, amorous sport. PH =" jester-gods, but that would not do here. kanduka, m. 8. 11. 112, confectioner. Cf. H. Kanda. karpatika, m. 8. 1. 406, = karpata, beggar, L. The editor of the text interprets the word, in 9. 4. 152 as 'traveler' which suits better. Also in 9. 4. 172. kalakuta, n. (L) 9. 1. 76, the poison produced at the churning of the ocean. kalaprstha, m. 8. 7. 332, n. of Karna's bow. kiri, m. 9. 1. 52, hog. Only Un.. (MW). kisoraka, m. 8. 5. 217, colt, L. kukula, m. or n. 9. 3. 83, fire of chaff. L. PS. kukkutahi, m. 9. 2. 107, cock-serpent, L. kunta, m. 8. 3. 1028, dwarf, PH. kuberakanta, f. 8. 3. 208, pleasing to Kubera, the n. of a ring. kumari, f. 8. 9. 343, n. of various plants in MW, all L. PH, ghikumari, aloe. kusartadesa, m. 8. 2. 5. n. of country. kusumasamtddha, m. n. 8. 3. 673, n. of a palace. kupika, f. 9. 4. 20, small well, MW. krpitayoni, m. 9. 3. 163. fire, L. kolika, m. 8. 10. 236, weaver, PH. Desi. 2. 65. kaukucya, n. 9. 3. 349, bad gestures to produce love); PH, S. v. kukkua. kramelaka, m. 8. 3. 375, camel, L. kridaniya, adj. 8. 9. 42, be allowed to play, Page #463 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 432 APPENDIX TWO ksamasramana, m. 8. 3. 220, a Jain ascetic, MW (HParis.). ksayanala, m. 8. 11. 72 = ksayavayu, wind at the end of the world. khagamini, f. 8. 2. 427, going-through-the-air, n. of vidya. kharvanga, m. 8. 4. 24, dwarf, khatika, f. 8. 5. 400, moat, L. khecaranari, f. 8. 3. 9. female Khecara. khetana, n. 9. 3. 338, driving. gajarohana, n. 8. 3. 919, management of elephants. gata, n. 8. 9. 263, loss. gandhana, m. 8. 10. 283, a kind of snake that can be made to such the poison from a wound it has made. See SBE, XLV, p. 118. gandhantara, n. 8. 6. 231, change in odor. gama, m. a move in a game played with dice and men. garja, f. 8. 3. 586, rumbling of clouds, L. gahvara, m. 8. 1. 129, arbor, L. galana, n. 9. 3. 346. See prsthagalana. girikarnika, f. 8. 9. 343, a variety of Achyranthes with white blossoms, L. girisara, m. 8. 5. 204, iron, L. glhagola, m. (a, f.) 9. 1. 551, house-lizard = gphagodha.. genduka, m. 9. 1. 485, bouquet. gehini, f. 8. 9. 232, a housewife, L. gokulini, f. 9. 4. 6, a woman cow-herd. gocaracarya, f. 8. 10, 263, search for alms. grahilata, f. 9. 3. 151,'madness. ghana, m. 8. 10, 30, vessel (?). cakkalunda, f. 8. 5. 15, a kind of serpent. Desi, 3. 5. Desi & PH have cakkulanda. cancacancavi, ind. 9. 1. 306, beak to beak. cara, m. 8. 3. 398, a move in a game played with dice and men, Page #464 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ NEW AND RARE WORDS 433 caramadeha, m. 8. 5. 189, last body (before emancipation). caramavigraha, m. 8. 5. 40, the last body before emancipation. caramanga, m. 8. 11. 102, the last body before emancipations. carca, f. 9. 3. 34, anointing. * carcari, f. 9. 1. 36, 37, chorus. PH. caccari. caityavandana f. (dega, n.) 8. 3. 734, worship of an image of a Jina, PH. chayavaksa, m. 8. 5. 38, shade-tree. janyayatra, f. 8. 6. 412, wedding procession (of bridegroom's friends.) jalakuttima, m. n. 8. 3. 132, inlaid floor that looks like water. jalaukas, m. 8. 7. 74 = jalaukasa, leech, L. janguli, f. 8. 3. 565, snake-charm. jameya, m. 8. 1. 413, a sister's son, L. jareya, m, 81 11. 9 = jarakumara. jijivasu, adj. 9. 2. 83, wishing to live. jnanin, m. 8. 6. 146, omniscient. tanka, 8. 6. 131, n. of a rock. thatharatva, n. 9. 3. 336, working in copper. PH, thatthara (desi). tatratya, adj. 9. 4. 94, belonging there. Whitney's Sanskrit Grammar, 1245 b. talavarga, m. 8. 8. 38, city-guard, PH. taraka, m. 9. 2. 71, helmsman, L. tarana, m. 9. 3. 309, a boat, L. turya, n. 8. 2. 356, drum. dakagarbha, n. 8. 3. 174, cloud. dattapatra, f. 8. 6. 106, challenge. dadhisara, n. 8. 5. 143, butter, L. dantabhumi, f. 8. 9. 27, mountain-peak. darsayamini, f. 8. 3. 248, new moon-night, L. dapana, n. 8. 5. 82, causing the giving of, L. 55 N Page #465 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 434 APPENDIX TWO dinatyaya, m. 8. 9. 347, night, L. dirghapatha, m. 9. 1. 430, road to death. durayati, adj. 9. 3. 150, having evil consequences. durdeya, adj. 9. 1. 550, hard to give. durvata, m. 9. 4. 70, storm. devana, m. 8. 3. 438, 1055, a die, L. devasthana, n. 8. 1. 239, temple! dogunduka, m. 8. 1. 110, a class of very sportive gods, PE. dorbhit, adj. 8. 7. 301, powerful. druha, m. 8. 5. 340, enemy, L. dvarabhumika, f. 8. 3. 186, door-area. dhanurdanda, m. 8. 5. 238 = dhanuryasti, bow. dharmaputra, m. 8. 3. 675, adopted son, MW. Rather, like a son. dhanyarandhani, f. 8. 7. 57, cook. dhvani, m. 8. 10. 74, word, L. nadicara, adj. 8. 9. 94, river-ranging. narada, m. 8. 2. 353, raksasa. nastita, adj. 8. 5. 264, nozzled, L. natana, m. or n. 8. 3. 74, making. nindu, f. 8. 5. 90, a woman bearing a dead child, L. niyuddhajivin, m. 8. 5. 279, professional fighter. niyojana, m. 9. 1. 12, = niyoja, duty. nirgara, adj. 8. 3. 361, free from poison. nirnidana, adj. 8. 9. 238, unceasing. nirbhrathta, adj. 8. 6. 46, cooked. niryama, m. 8. 7. 344; 9. 3. 313, pilot, L. nirvsti, f. 8. 3. 1017, n. of sasanadevi. nirajana, f. 8. 3. 290, waving of light, only W. (MW). nemin, m. 8. 7. 261, Neminatha. pattabandha, m. 8. 3. 501, binding or crowning the head with a turban or tiara, L. paramarhati, f. 8. 3. 612, 8. 3. 666, advanced laywoman. paricita, m. 9. 1. 572, an acquaintance. Page #466 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 435 NEW AND RARE WORDS parispanda, m. 8. 3. 411, retinue, L. pana, n. 8. 10. 224, 235, sizing (?). paparddhi, f. 8. 3. 219, hunting, PH. s. v. paraddhi; m. 9. 2. 190, hunter. paraya, caus of pr, 8. 12. 43, to break fast. pavita, adj. 8. 9. 100, shining, bright. pittala, f. 9. 1. 156, brass. Abhi. 4. 113. pitriya, nom. 8. 3. 851, act like a father. pindibhu, 8. 11. 73, to become a solid mass, L. pita, m. or dega f. 8. 8. 56, datura. putrika, f. 8. 4. 48, like a daughter; or, lesser daughter. putara, m. 9. 4. 11, small creature, PH, s.v. pora. prsthagalana, n. 9. 3. 346, overloading (?). prsthatas, ind. 8. 1. 132, finally, the last of several. prakranta, adj. 8. 3. 188, begun, commenced, L. praguna, n. or m. 8. 6. 292, preparation. praghosa, m. 8. 12. 82, rumor. pracchadavati, f. 8. 3. 515, covering. pratiropa, m. 8. 3. 474, resetting. pratilabhana, n. 8. 3. 230, gift of food and drink to sadhus. pratilabhaya, 8. 3. 229, to give food and drink to sadhus. pratilekha, m. or n. 9. 1. 319, letter, pratyakhyana, n. 9. 3. 225, final rejection of all food. pratyes, 9. 3. 148, to take. pramadavana, n. 8. 3. 147, 149, garden attached to the king's harem, PH. pravartini, f. 8. 9. 377, head of the nuns, PH. prinaka, adj. 8. 9. 178, friendly. bandita, f. 9. 4. 260, imprisonment. bandipuns, m. 9. 4. 230, prisoner. bandha, m. 8. 3. 398, a play in a game played with dice and men. bahali, f. 8. 3. 244, n. of country. balavidhava, f. 9. 4. 204, child-widow. bahubhst, adj. 8. 7. 175, powerful. Page #467 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 436 APPENDIX TWO bimbika, f. 8. 9. 158, the plant Momordica monadelpha. bijaksara, n. 9. 1. 413, the first syllable of a mantra or spell, L. brahmasutra, n. 8. 7.371. See n. 225 and App. I. bhata, m. 8. 5. 292, hero. bhadraka, adj. 8. 1. 108, tinged with right-belief. bhadrakata, f. 8. 12. 50, inclination toward right-belief. bhinnamurdhan, adj. 8. 10, 143, having a broken neck. bhujanga, m. 9. 4. 186, thief, PH. bhujabhrt, adj. 8. 2. 434, powerful. Cf, PH. bhujavat, having powerful hands, s.v. bhuala. bhruna, m. 8. 5. 103, 308, child, L. bhruvallari, f. 8. 3. 7, arched eyebrow. marala, nom. 8. 3. 1057, acts like a marala. malla, adj. 9. 3. 144, strong, L. mahapuns, m. 8. 3. 292 = mahapunsa, a great man. mahabhuja, adj. 8. 1. 289, powerful. matanga, m. 8. 2. 300, n. of a Vidyadhara-line. masuri, f. 8. 3. 328, beard, L. mukhabandhana, n. 8. 9. 10, bridle. mukharajju, f. 9. 1. 521, bridle, L. mucukunda, m. 9. 3. 237, Pterospermum suberifolium, L. mtgadhurtaka, m. 9. 4. 211, jackal, L. mssodya, m. 8. 9. 317, liar, L. mesaka, m. 8. 2. 249, goat. See IV, n. 117. maithunika, m. 8. 6. 21, marriage. moksa, m. 8. 3. 398, a play in a game played with dice and men. yantrasalabhanji, f. 8. 3. 83, mechanical doll. yapyayana, m. or n. 8. 3. 266, palanquin. See PH, yapay, s v. java. yugamatra, n. 9. 2. 189, six feet, L. yautrika, n. 8. 5. 310, rope. rajanijani, m. 8. 1. 453, moon. Page #468 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ NEW AND RARE WORDS 437 rathakaraka, m. 8. 12. 56, carpenter, L. rajabatu, m. 8. 3. 822, a young Brahman in the king's service. rajasabhava, m. 8. 3. 230, passionate nature = rajoguna. rinkhana, n. 8. 3. 298, the crawling of children, L. rora, adj. 8. 2. 15, poor. .! rohini, f. 8. 10, 192, a therapeutic mountain-herb. raukmin, adj. 8. 7. 401, connected with Rukmin. latavesma, n. 8. 9. 51, = oglha, arbor of creepers. lalla, adj. 8. 3. 20, having indistinct sound, PH. lavana, 8. 9. 343, perhaps = lavana, f. Cardiospermum halica cabum, L. luth, caus, lothyamana, 8. 9. 38, being poured. lumbi, f. 8. 9. 385, bunch. lohitaksa, m. 8. 3. 141, a red jewel. vaktratimila, f. 8. 3. 299, a musical instrument; mouth-organ (?) vatavasin, m. 8. 3. 720, a Yaksa, L. vanda, m. 8. 9. 102, eunuch. vadhu, f. 8. 6. 57, sister-in-law. vargiya, m. 8. 8. 68, partisan, Only Pan. varnantara, n. 8. 6. 231, change in color. vasanta, m. 8. 9. 48, n. of a raga. Bharatakosa, p. 591. vata, m. 8. 11. 161, tetanus (?). vamalura, n. 8. 3. 377, ant-hill. Only m. (MW). viksti, f. 8. 3. 608, luxurious food. vidvara, m. 9. 2. 242, destruction (?). vinila, adj. 9. 3. 12, dark blue, L. vibra, 8. 7. 281, 344, to shout. vit, caus. vartaya, 8. 3. 73, 226, talk with. vithabhuja, m. 8. 2. 495, useless arm. venika, f. 8. 2. 300, = veni, braid of hair, L. vaidagdhya, n. 8. 2. 208, social experience. vyanjana, n. 8. 9. 350, ordinarily, 'sauce,' condiment,' but Yog., p. 167, says here it = saka, vegetable. vyatipata, m. 8. 3. 291, evil portent, L. vyavarnay, 8. 3. 432, to praise. Cf. PH, vanna. Page #469 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 438 APPENDIX TWO sansana, n. 8. 9. 266, reciting, L. sakunagranthi, m. 9. 4. 23, a knot tied on observing something as a prognostic of a future event or as an indication of some passing occurrence in a distant region; to preserve. in the mind a lively expectation of it. MC s.v. sakuna gantha. sayana, m. n. 8. 9. 247, lying on. MW only adj. sarada, f. 8. 9. 387, autumn, L. sastrasastri, ind. 8. 4. 33, weapon against weapon. siroratna, n. 8. 1. 3, crest-gem, L. sukara, m or n. 8. 9. 344, n. of a kind of bean, Yog. p. 166b. sesikr, 8. 11. 114, to leave over, to allow to survive. saiveya, m. 8. 7. 283, son of Siva = Neminatha. srinandana, m. 8. 3. 342, Kama, L. srivalli, f. 8. 3. 239, Acacia concinna, L. srotas, n. 8. 3. 448, ear, L. samrohana, n. 8. 1. 352, treatment. samskarts, m. 8. 9. 325, dresser of meat, Yog. p. 160a. samhara, m. 8. 12, 85, perishing, as one of the 3 steps. sajj, caus. 9. 1. 595, to satisfy. sandhana, n. 9. 4. 363, pickle, L. sannyasta, m. 9. 2. 18, ascetic. sarvala, m. or n. 8. 9. 83 = sarvala, iron club, L. sarangamada, m. 8. 3. 328 = mtgamada, musk. sinhakesara, m. 8. 10. 101, sweetmeat ball = Guj. laddu, PH. . sitacchada, m. 8. 3. 37, swan, L. sukhasukham, ind. 8. 5. 365, very willingly. Cf. sukhasukhena, Pan. sudhavarti, m. 8. 6. 16, collyrium made from nectar. Only HParis. surabhoga, m. 8. 9. 202 = devabhoga, pleasure of the gods. su, m. 8. 2. 419, son. sssti, f. 8. 12, 85, origination as one of the three steps. sevala = sevala, m. 8. 3. 250, duckweed. sauvida, m. 8. 3. 126, guard, L. Page #470 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ NEW AND RARE WORDS skund, 8. 8. 27, to jump. Only Dhatup. skhalya, m. 8. 9. 40, obstacle, hindrance. stagha, m. or n. 8. 10. 83, shallowness. Cited only as adj. strikarya, n. 8. 8. 81, women's business. sthiti, 8. 12. 85, permanence, one of 3 steps. svarabhanga, m. 8. 9. 351, stammering, L. svarnamedini, f. 8. 2. 251, n. of country. svarvasin, m. 8. 6. 493, god. svasthibhu, 8. 3. 573, to be comfortable. svagatika, adj. 8. 10, 68, 8. 3. 77, welcoming. svayatta, n. 8. 9. 128, what belongs to one's self. hindi, f. title to sarga 4, wandering, PH. 439 Page #471 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ TEXT CORRECTIONS For Read sindhu dazA degsandha dazI ka tI saM tIsaM pahartuM staH kSIbha jJA 8. 1. 2 8. 1. 48 8. 1. 61 8. 1. 62 8. 1. 281 8. 1. 332 8. 1. 336 8. 1. 350 8. 1. 380 8. 1. 386 8. 1. 397 8. 1. 397 8. 1. 399 8. 1. 421 8. 1. 443 8. 1. 446 8. 2. 12 8. 2. 88 8. 2. 131 8. 2. 134 8. 2. 235 kSI bha' 'jJA puHzri vo naro pu:ni no varo vApa d ,tstshaa tstshaa 64, l glu waa yy zl, tstsaa yyo tstsaa , yM, waai rgyu l zl, # a tstshaa zl- ddh dvAna vrajan vApa dvAna bajat madrI mAdrI yuddhaM ima' tim o ooooooooo 261 332 8. 2. 341 8. 2. 381 8. 2. 381 jita dRzyo deg jAtaM vaMzyo 382 8. 2. 382 8. 2. 395 8. 2. 445 Page #472 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 8. 2, 576 2. 579 8. 3. 11 8. 3. 50 8. 3. 103 8. 3. 120 8. 3. 121 8. 3. 148 8. 3. 149 8. 3. 183 8. 3. 209 8. 3. 227 8. 3. 251 8. 3. 286 8. 3. 229 8. 3.305 8. 3.305 8. 3.305 8. 3.307 8. 3. 314 3. 328 8. 3.334 8. 3.340 8. 3. 392 8. 3.425 8. 3.440 8. 3.497 8. 3. 519 8. 3.599 8. 3.602 8. 3.632 8. 3. 674 8. 3.776 8. 3. 778 56 N For 'jAnha .. karma 'naH ku degET zrI tatra 'sI ka gaM prA kara kA 7deg yA - pAbu 'stA : T 'NI pA rita "da nu zuci zrAtmAnamA spa sva 'vipa vaiSA 'sa 'dA ca Read jA karma 7:3 ETS dragi tata degdeg 'sI' gA kira kAM rdhI * mu 'bhra SThapa yAM bu 'stAM da 7:57 *NIpA 'risa degdeg vAda "dArya ' dhRtimA spRza 'zasvi vidrUpaM kaiSA do 441 Page #473 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 442 For Read sama samaH jdU 8. 3.811 8. 3. 856 8. 3. 866 8. 3.878 8. 3. 939 ." 8. 3.961 avina 'tArtha ekaiva jaratku agchin tArdha ekaikaH jarA 8. 5. 46 yAMcA vara yAcyA ko 'ko 8. 5. 75 5. 106 8. 5. 107 sphU iyo degdhI tam degtA 133 Teva Teva mohA snehA mI nI t ng ^ thN thN thN thN thN thN thN thN thN thN thN thN ttN thN ^ ^ ) i h i j h i h i do 8. 5. 141 5. 143 5. 159 8. 5. 160 8. 5. 170 5. 173 8. 5. 226 thI sthitaH yo degsthita 256 vIraH vIra sthi nmu sti di ghA 5.264 .5.267 5. 268 8. 5. 274 8. 5. 275 8. 5. 358 5. 400 410 8. 5. 411 8. 6. 108 8. 6. 120 8. 6. 150 degdighA cANU so'pi heSo - hA kmirA kmiNyA dA Page #474 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 443 For Read 'dRSTA vRSTayA sena vatrA madrayA mAyA ma mA amatyapi agatpatiH kADakSa degbhAmA 8. 6. 232 6. 236 242 8. 6. 243 8. 6. 272 8. 6. 312 8. 6. 360 8. 6. 391 8. 6.441 8. 7. 15 8. 7. 22 8. 7. 28 35 8. 7. 91 8. 7. 185 8. 7. 185 8. 7. 191 8. 7. 196 8. 7. 244 7. 247 7. 249 254 8. 7. 259 8. 7. 279 kakSa bhAyA meM saM mnA tu bhA' pasaM mnAnubhA mA 2 // 6.1-66 3 6 3 6 6 6 .1 5.6.201663 1153 3 6 43 : 46 16.1 .6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6414144.1 3.6.13 // sAtya senapalyA jara gharaH davA "satya sinapallayAM marA dharaH mahI mahA 777777777777777777 OM OM OM ooooo dhva 302 mAthi pRSTo 8. 7. 305 8. 7. 320 8. 7. 332 8. 7. 8. 7. 355 8. 7. 368 8. 7. 379 8. 7. 343 8. 7.438 8, 7.452 nyA bhayA praSTho tAmApA Tista iyo tamAeM degTita ko mAyA mAyAM Page #475 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 444 8. 8. 10 8. 8. 49 8. 9. 27 8. 9. 27 8. 9. 94 8. 9. 200 8. 9. 215 8. 9.215 8. 9.218 8. 9. 258 8. 9.307 8. 9.344 8. 9.353 8-10. 203 8. 10. 224 8. 10. 230 10. 251 8. 10. 262 8. 10. 283 8. 11. 6 8. 11. 52 8. 11. 54 8. 11. 82 8, 11. 112 8. 11. 138 8. 11. 154 8. 11. 154 8. 11. 159 8. 11. 159 8. 11. 161 8. 12. 8. 13. 6 8. 12. 21 8. 12. 43 For sthAma bena madata nandIvara re yadyevaM degdeg ga na gatA 'pAta rImU bahU' 'DhA lA gandhinau ku mama pRthivIza janArdana kRtena aMgu ku jAra - stu 'vandha jire taM 'ghAtavAtaistaira [**] dminI Fat 41deg Rea i sthApa T vana danta nadIcara ro yadveda bA dAM 'dhIba gu nu gacchatA pAna rI sAdhu 'DhAlA gandhane degTF SmamaH amamAkhyasya kezavaH kRte naH - aMgu ...TE jAre n$82mbhw* Page #476 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 445 For Read 5. kAra naHpa 'naH pa lA le jA kAra' 0 | 0 pAna 0 0.00 tAma jJA kAra' pANa' "tA ma pa niraMbho puSpyan degstunda 0. apa mirambho puSyan kSA degkSyA mantra degmatra mAraM mAkUtaM spR miti 8. 12. 56 103 8. 12. 121 9. 1. 34 9. 1. 48 9. 1. 52 9. 1. 68 9. 1. 76 9. 1. 89 9. 1. 89 9. 1. 107 9. 1. 119 9. 1. 141 9. 1. 144 9. 1. 145 9. 1. 147 9. 1. 156 9. 1. 167 9. 1. 181 9. 1. 265 9. 1.278 9. 1. 279 9. 1. 295 9. 1. 331 9. 1. 339 9. 1. 344 9. 1.359 9. 1. 397 9. 1. 398 9. 1. 407 9. 1. 410 9. 1. 418 9. 1. 420 9. 1. 433 - mitiH sumi sami sya syA prAvRta bakhatama rAdhi bena vena vA vA Tau pA iva khazcau pavat degkhA cau degdya vA napatitrIta thavA naH strImistu ma syA kanyA rAjya kanyAsa rAjye Page #477 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 446 For Read sau gArmalayA kAkSikA sarikAH gA malayo sAkSikA sAdhikAH 'diti 9. 1. 436 9. 1. 452 9. 1. 455 9. 1. 455 9. 1.465 9. 1. 496 9. 1. 510 9. 1. 512 9. 1. 9. 1. 536 9. 2. 4 9. 2. 55 2. 76 9. 2. 122 2. 127 ma mi kAladRSTA yat "mami kAlAdiSTA yan 513 gam padya pabha degminat degmitaH iii ravyAna lati patI ravyAda tila vatI 137 natvA pa tyayo karNa natvApa' nyato karNa. 9. 2. 278 9. 2. 293 9. 2. 307 9. 3. 18 9. 3. 29 9. 3. 40 jhAM dadhau 'dita jAhi 'ditA ghrAdi h h h h h h h h` h` k` h h h dheH dhe 9. 3. 82 9. 3. 147 9. 3. 204 9. 3. 209 3. 229 3. 255 9. 3. 263 9. 3. 268 9. 3. 314 9. 3. 330 9. 3.340 tavApa blaar vApi vasU vidyu tavopa tajjAtaH cApi degcamU dhyayu sattvA svatpA satvA tatvA prati pati bhane 'mana Page #478 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 447 For Read gAti go'ti stArA te'nya dharma stArAn te a'nya dharma 9. 3.349 9. 3. 352 9. 4. 32 9. 4. 43 9. 4. 74 9. 4. 125 9. 4. 182 4. 259 9. 4. 274 9. 4. 277 9. 4. 302 vIde stha vIMde mahA patiH mahA pateH tata nveSI 3deg Page #479 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ INDEX OF NAMES AND SUBJECTS B. = Baladeva; C. -- Cakravartin; P. = Prativasudeva; king. T. Tirthankara; K. = Abduction, 14, 65, 193, 212, 274, 331, 341, 371. abhavya (soul incapable of emancipation), 293. Abhramupriya = Airavata, 97. Acacia concinna, n. 105. Acalapura, city, 127. Acarangasutra, n. 200. acarya (head of a group of sadhus), 304. Adhoksaja Krsna, 171. adultery, 318, 324, 358. advice to bride, 7, 103, 374. aerial car, description of, 85. Agandhana, a species of serpent, 292, n. 286. Agnibhuti and Vayubhuti, Brahmans, pre-births of Dhumaketu and Pradyumna, 190 f. Agnikumaras, 297, n. 291. Ahalya and Puruhuta, 73, n. 79. Ahamindra, gods in the two highest heavens, 361. Airavata, Indra's elephant, 97. aksa, Terminalia belerica, 143. Aksayyasara, n. of Krsna's quivers, 179. Aksayyesu, n. of Bala's quivers, 179. Amarakanka, a city in Dhatakikhanda, 274 ff. Ambika, sasanadevata of Nemi, 273. Amitagati, story of, 50-56; nailed to a tree, 50. Amogharetas, K, 12, 73, 74. Anakadundubhi = Vasudeva, 155, et passim. Anandapura, city, founding of, 242, n. 229. V. Vasudeva; Anangadeva, prosperous merchant, death of, 30. Andhakavrsni, K. of Sauryapura, son of Sauri, 37, et passim; father of the 10 Dasarhas, 37. Angahara (a dance position), 396, 427. Angaraka, enemy of Vasudeva, 47 et passim. anger-house, 212. animals, cries of, deter Nemi from marriage, 258; results of separating, 422. Page #480 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ INDEX OF NAMES AND SUBJECTS Aniruddha, son of Pradyumna, elopes with Usa, 246. Anubhanuka, son of Satyabhama; 214. Aparajita, pre-birth of Nemi, 19 ff; incident causing enlightenment of, 30. apoha ( division of sense-knowledge ), 122, n. 135, 347. appearance transformed by pills, 23, 26. Apratisthana, abode in seventh hell, 286. Apsaras, heavenly nymph, 58, 87, 165. aradhana, (a rite of propitiation), 134, n. 148. areca nut and betel vine, 7. Arhat = Tirthankara, 1, et passim. Arhats, temple to eternal, 16, n. 25. Arista, Kansa's bull, 166; killed by Krsna, 167. Aristanemi, see Neminatha. Aristapura, a city, 149, 186. Aristasudana = Ktsna, 171. Arjuna, a Pandava, 197, et passim, took prominent part in battle of Krspa and Jarasandha, 220-248. art, magic, 59; going-through-the air, 66; of horsemanship, 144; of numbers, 144; opening-locks, 417. arts, magic, reason for losing, 47; lost, 69, 70; submit at sight of sadhu or great man, 70. aryika = sadhvi, 196. asana, meaning of, 425. ascetic, a bad omen, 70, 93, 369. Asmaka, 234, n. 224. asoka (Jonesia Ashoka), 3, 155 et passim. Astapada, mt. 93,360, et passim. Asura, 72 = Asurakumara, 21, n. 31, Asvasena, father of Parsva, 379 ff. Atimukta, Kansa's brother, omniscient, 157; prophecy of, about death of Karisa and Jarasandha, 157, 177, 181. Atipandukambala, rock on Meru, 164, 380. avarta (form of homage) 120, n. 134. axe, tied on neck, 32, 388. Ayuskhari, city, 185. Bakula (Mimusops elengi), 251. Balacandra, story of, 70. bana (tree), 3, 3n. Bana, K., killed by Krsna, 246 f. bandha (play in dice game), 107. 57 N Page #481 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 450 INDEX OF NAMES AND SUBJECTS Bandhudatta, merchant, story of, 407-422; deaths of six wives of, 408; reason for deaths, 422. battle-formation, garuda, 227; wheel, 226. Bhadra, attempts to poison step-son, Sumitra, 11 f; fate of, 13 f. bhadraka, (a soul with a tinge of right belief), n. 13. Bhaimi = Davadanti, 108 et passim. Bhama=Satyabhama, 267, et passim; desires son, 212; defrauded by Pradyumna, 213; has timid son, 214. Bhanuka, son of Satyabhama, 188. bharanda (fabulous bird), 53, 54, 69. bhavya (a soul capable of emancipation), 25 et passim. Bhima, a Pandava, 197, et passim. Bhimaratha K., Davadanti's father, 97 ff. Bhimasena = Bhima, 232. Bhiru = Anubhanuka, 214; tricked out of his brides by Samba, 218 f. Bhojakata, city, founded by Rukmin, 183, 214. Bhojavssni, K. of Mathura, son of Suvira, 37. Bhuvanabhanu, Vidyadhara, 23, 29. blankets, jeweled, 220. body, last, before emancipation, invulnerable, 189. boon, of invincibility in battle, 146; of understanding speech of all creatures, 352. Brahmadatta, C., pre-births of, 317-323; birth of, 323; father of, dies, 324; escapes murder plot, 327; adventures of, 328 ff; many marriages of, 329 ff; expedition of conquest of, 329 ff.; blinded by hostile Brahman, 354; had Brahmans killed, 354; death of, 355; age of, 355. Brahmaloka, a heaven, 64, et passim. h Brahman, story of greedy, 347; story of B. and Cakrin's food, 353; ingratitude of, 354. brahmasutra, meaning of, 426. bridegroom to seek girl himself, impropriety of, 156. buffalo, three-footed, story of, 71. butter, fresh, eating of, 269 f. Caitra, 57, 142, 142n, 179. cakoras, 265, 426. cakra (discus of the cakrin), 248. cakravaki (cakra bird, Anas Casarca), 335. cakravartin (ruler of 6-part Bharata, 353 = cakrin, 10 et passim. Campa, city in Angadesa in Bharata in Jambudvipa, 33, et passim; 198, n. 199. Campa, a city in Dhatakikhanda, 274, 278. Page #482 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 451 INDEX OF NAMES AND SUBJECTS 451 Campaka, Kansa's elephant, 166; killed by Kespa, 170. candala and bitch, story of, 191 f. Candasena, chief of thieves, 411 ff. Candrasisira, river, 32. Candratapa, Khecara, go-between for Vasudeva and Kanakavati, 83, 84. Candrayabas, Q., 128 ff. Canura, Kansa's wrestler, 166 ff.; killed by Klsna, 171. Capalagati, brother of Nemi in pre-births, 18, 29. cara (play in a dice game), 107. Carudatta, story of, 50-57; lives in courtesan's house, 51; spends all his money, 51; misfortunes, of 51-53; rides goat, 53; carried by bharandas, 54. castes, mixing of, 325, 350. Cauppannamahapuriscariya, 426. cave with poisonous liquid, 52, 53. challenge in wrestling, 111. chariot and provisions for exile, 109, n. 125. chastity, transgression of, 399. chauri (fly-whisk), 7, 87, 164, 256, 262, 354, 419, children, exchange of, 159 f. chowrie, 243n. Citra, story of, and Sambhuta, 318 ff; reunion with Sambhuta 347; emancipation of, 349. Citragati, pre-birth of Aristanemi, 10 ff. cock fight, 336. concert, 396. contest, musical, to win girl, 48; in the Vedas, 60. countries, ninety-nine names of, 345 f. cow-worship, origin of, 160. cranes, blue, 3, n. 6. Creator, worn out, 3, 27; destroys the confident, 32; exerts himself for girl's husband, 82; unskilled, 156; 216, 333, 373, 383. Culani, mother of Brahmadatta, 323; intrigue with K. Dirgha, 324 ff. Dadhiparna, K., 138 ff. Daruka, Bala's charioteer, 179. Dasarhas, ten, 37 et passim; names of sons of, 222; nine become mendicants, 283. datura, 244, 244 n. daughter, dear after many sons, 11, 333. Davadanti, story of, 97-148; childhood of, 98; gift of statue to, 99; description of, 100; svayamvara of, 100; stops a fight, 102; deserted by Nala, 114; adventures in forest of, 115-127; lived in cave 7 years, 124; saves a thief, 129; Page #483 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ INDEX OF NAMES AND SUBJECTS recognized, 132; sent to her father's house, 135; reunion with Nala, 145. declaration of virtue 119, 129. 452 devadusya (very fine material), 90, et passim. Devaka, K., father of Devaki, 156 f. Devaki, marriage to Vasudeva, 157; story about 7 children of, 158 ff; bears Krsna, 159; goes to Krsna, 160; six sons of, alive, 280; reason for separation from, 281; longs for son, 281; bears a son, 281; burned to death in Dvaraka, 299. Dhammilakatha, n. 55. Dhanada Kubera, 179 et passim; visit to svayamvara of Kanakavati, 85. Dhanadeva, caravan-leader, 126 f. Dhanapati, merchant, 407 ff. Dhandhana, son of Krsna, story of, 290 f; obstructive karma of, 290. Dhanu, K. Brahman's friend, 324 ff. Dhanvantari, physician, 285; future of, 286. Dhanya, pre-birth of Nala, 95 f. Dharana, Indra of Nagas, 392, 395 ff. dharma (ethics, religion), 17 et passim; fourfold, 317, n. 306; tenfold of sadhus, 399, n. 350; twelvefold of layman, 399, n. 351. dharmalabha (the blessing from a sadhu), 9, n. 14. Dharmaruci, sadhu, killed by bad food, 199. Dhartarastras, descent of, 197. Dikkumaris, fifty-six, 164, 380. Dhumaketu, enemy of Krsna, kidnaps Pradyumna, 188; origin of enmity with Krsna, 190 ff; pre-birth of--and Pradyumna, 190 ff. Dhusari, pre-birth of Davadanti and Kanakavati. 95 f. Dirgha, Brahmadatta's guardian, 324; has intrigue with Culani, 324 ff; plans B.s murder, 325 ff; pursues him, 329 ff.; killed by Brahmadatta, 345. disciplinary vow, fourth (atithisamvibhaga), transgressions of, 402. diseases, sixteen, 200, n. 200. Domba, n. 85. Draupadi, svayamvara, 198; threw wreath around necks of 5 Pandavas, 198; previous births of, 198-202; kidnaped for Padmanabha, 274; rescued by Pandavas and Krsna, 275. dream, 1, 31, 97, 144, 159, 187, 213, 410; at dawn, true, n. 2; interpretation of, 8, 31. dreans, fourteen, 164, 323, 370, 379. drum to allay calamities, 284; pieces sold from, 285. drum, proclamation by, 215, n. 208. dry meals, 94. Duryodhana, brother of Satyabhama, 187. Duryodhana, son of Dhrtarastra, 197 et passim; partisan of Jarasandha, 221; killed, 233. Page #484 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ INDEX OF NAMES AND SUBJECTS 453 Dvaipayana, prophesied to destroy Dvaraka, 294; goes to live in forest, 294; beaten by Samba, 296; made nidana, 296; destroyed Dvaraka, 298. Dvaraka, built by Vaisravana, 178; destruction of, prophecy about, 294; burned for 6 months, covered by ocean, 301; location of, 425. Eating at night, forbidden, 271. Ekanasa, Nanda's daughter, 160, 283. elephant, taming of, 47, 63, 138, 330, 343. Eniputra, K., story of, 73. enjoyment, single and repeated, transgressions of, 400. evil-eye, 379. eye, twitching of right, unfavorable for women, 258, n. 238; favorable for men, 371; twitching of left eye unfavorable for men, 221, n. 210. Falsehood, remedy for, 417. fasting for 3000 years, 194. fifteen kinds of sinful work, 400 f. figs, five kinds of, 270; not to be eaten, 270. fire and lamp (proverb), 5, n. 10. fires, five, 392, n. 339. fishes, law of, 130. five things, 394. five fires, 392, n. 339. Five, homage to the, 363, et passim. five lies, permissible, 410, n. 376, 427. food of cakrin causes madness, 353 ff. food, forbidden, 267 ff. formula of homage, 12, et passim; value of, 17. four acts, fire to the tree of enlightenment, 292. fourteen dreams, 164, 323, 379. fourteenth, auspicious, 41, n. 49. frog in a well, 3, n. 8. fruit, forbidden, 270. Gajasukumala, son of Devaki, story of, 281. gama (play in a dice game), 107. gambling, by Nala, 107, f. Gandhamadana, north of Dvaraka, 179. Gandhana, a species of serpent, 293. Gandhara, country, 186. Gandharapingala, K., 76, 78. Gandhari, sister of K. Carudatta, marries Krsna, 187. Page #485 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 454 Gandhasamrddhaka, city, 76. Gangadatta, pre-birth of Krsna, 153, 159. garden sports, 251. INDEX OF NAMES AND SUBJECTS garments, dark blue, of Rama, 179; yellow of Krsna, 179. Garuda (a vulture-like bird, Visnu's vehicle), enemy to serpents, (personified), 59. Garudadhvaja, Krsna's chariot, 179. garutmat, 105 = Garuda (personified). Gauri, d. of k. of Vitabhaya, marries Krsna, 186. Gauri, magic art, 246. Gautama, 73. See also IV, p. 45. ghatika (24 minutes) 93. gift of flowers to T's statue, result of, 423. glories (Sris), 1. going-through-the-air, magic art, 417. Gokula, Nanda's cattle-station, 150, et passim. Gomedha, sasanadevata of Nemi, 273. gotra (clan), 49. Govinda Krsna, 186, et passim. = guru (teacher), 16, et passim. Hair, bet on, between Satyabhama and Rukmini, 187. Hansaka, minister of Jarasandha, 224; points out and names leaders of Krsna's army, 235 f. Hari Kapila, 278. Hari = Krsna, 186, et passim. Harinandin, K., 19 f. Hariscandra, K., 79, 84. Hastikalpa, city, reached by Krsna, 301, n. 297. Hastimalla (Indra's elephant), 187. Hastinapura, 192 = Hastinapura, 197 Hastinapura, 280. headache,cause of death, 324. = herb, heals wounds, 50; changes appearance, 63, fire from, 69. Hiranyanabha, brother of Rohini, 186; partisan of Jarasandha, 221; prominent in battle, 233 ff.; killed 234. homage to the Five, 363, et passim. honesty, transgressions of, 399. honey, penalties of eating, 270. horse, inverted training of, 370. horses, runaway, 19. hot flash, 321. Hrimat, mt., 69. Page #486 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ INDEX OF NAMES AND SUBJECTS 455 455 Iguana used to escape well, 53. Ilavardhana, city, 63. Indrasarman, sorcerer, tricks Vasudeva, 60. Indrasamanika, 31. injury, purposeless, transgression of, 412. Isuvegavati, river, 53. Jambavati, d. of K. Jambavat, 185; marries Ktsna, 185; friendly with Rukmini, 185, 213; bears Samba, 214. Jarakumara, brother of Klsna, prophesied to kill Krsna, 294; went to live in forest, 294. Jarasandha, P., 42 et passim; war of, with Klsna, 220-240; unfavorable omens for, 221; partisans of, 221; 28 sons of, killed by Rama, 237; 69 sons of, killed by Krsna, 238; killed by cakra., 240... jewels, seven, stolen from co-wife, 281, 426; fourteen, 375, n. 333. Jina = Tirtharkara, 12 et passim. Jivayasas, d. of Jarasandha, destined to cause destruction of husband's and father's family, 43; cause of war, 221; enters fire, 242. joints, kind of, 381. Joseph and Potiphar motif, 204, n. 201; 351; 427. Jsmbhakas, attendants of Kubera, 155 et passim. Jvalanaprabha, a Naga, 74. Kadamba (Nauclea cadamba), 263. kadambari (a kind of wine), 267, 295. Kadambars, cave, 295. Kaitabha, pre-birth of Samba, 213. Kala, son of Jarasandha, killed by trick, 176 f. kalahansa (a kind of goose), 3, n. 7. Kalasipura, imaginary city, 289. Kalingasena, bawd, 51. Kaliya, serpent, killed by Krsna, 170. Kamalamela, story of, and Nabhahsena and Sagaracandra, 244. Kamapataka, courtesan's daughter, 74. Kamatha, brother of Marubhuti, pre-birth of Meghamalin, 356, ff; seduces Marubhuti's wife, 357 f.; disgraced and banished, 359; kills Marubhuti, 359. Kampilya, city, 198, n. 199, et passim. Kanakaprabha, pre-birth of Dhumaketu; k. of Vatapura, crazed by abduction of his wife, 193. Kamala = Sri, 100. Kanakamala, wife of Aparajita, 21. Page #487 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 456 INDEX OF NAMES AND SUBIECTS Kanakamala, wife of Kalasamvara, 188; infatuated with Pradyumna, 204; tries to seduce P., 205; slanders him to husband, 205. Kanakavati, birth and childhood, 80; accomplishments of, 80; visit from a swan, 81; previous birth of, 93-148; married Vasudeva, 148; omniscience and emancipation of 283. Kandarpika (a class of gods), 65. Kanerudatta, K. of Hastinapura, friend of K. Brahman, 324 ff. Kansa, abandoned by mother, 41; found by Subhadra, 42; attends Vasudeva, 42; captures Sinharatha, 43; learns he is Ugrasena's son, 43; married Jivayasas, 44; receives Mathura, 44, throws father in cage, 44; arranges marriage of Vasudeva and Devaki, 156; demands Devaki's children, 159, killed by Ktsna, 172. Kansari = Kisna, 177 et passim. Kansasudana = Kisna, 279, et passim. kapalika, a Saiva ascetic, 335. Kapila, V. in Dhatakikhanda, 274, 278. karana (a dance position), 396, 427. karkotaka (Momordica mixta), 145. karma (result of previous acts), 14 et passim. Karmapraksti, name of work, 98. Karpara, Brahman ascetic, converted to Jainism, 121 f. Kataka, friend of K. Brahman, 324 ff. Katha, ascetic, incarnation of Kamatha, 391 f. Kathakosa, 143, n. 425. Kaula, 72, n. 78. Kaumodaki, Kssna's club, 179. Kausamba, forest, where Krsna died, 302. Kausika, a teacher, curses king, 74; becomes a poison-eyed serpent, 75. Kaustubha, Kssna's jewel, 179, 304. kayotsarga (ascetic posture) 16 et passim. Kesava = Vasudeva, 180 et passim. Kesin, Kansa's colt, killed by Klsna, 167. ketaki (Pandanus odoratissimus), 263. Ketu (demon's tail), 330. Khecara = Vidyadhara, 24 et passim. kidnaping, 33, f., 50, 59, 65, 66. Kinasa = Yama, 53, 167. kings, names of, at svayamyara, 26 f., 101. kings, new, established in kingdoms by Kssna after war, 241. Kiranavega, pre-birth of Parsvanatha, 364, kites are thieves, 131, n. 146. Page #488 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ INDEX OF NAMES AND SUBJECTS Kosala, city, 97 et passim. Kosala, country, 97 et passim. Kotisila, lifting of, by different Vasudevas, 243. Krostuki, astrologer, tells Dasarhas to go west and found a city on ocean-shore, 175; honored, 177; 223, 256. Krsna, birth of, 159; saved by Devaki, 159; sent to Nanda's, 160; exploits as a child, 161-163; killing of bull Arista and other animals, 167; disclosure of parentage to, 169; killing of wrestler, 170 ff.; war of, with Jarasandha, 220240; partisans of, 221 ff.; sons of, 223; conquest of half of Bharata, 242; lifted Kotisila, 242; 12 avartas of, 289; 360 battles of, 289, n. 279; escapes burning Dvaraka, 299; killed by Jarakumara, 302; age of, 305; funeral rites at mouth of Sindhu, 308. Krsna and Rama set out for Pandumathura, 300. Krsna Draupadi, 276. Krtanta Yama, 237. Kubara, Nala's younger brother, 97. kukkuta-serpent (part cock and part serpent), 363. Kundina, city, 97 ff. kunkuma (a red powder) 195. Kunti, d, of Andhakavrsni, married to Pandu, d. 37. kurubaka (red amaranth or red Barleria), 251. Kusalasthala, city, 382 ff. Kurumati, wife of Brahmadatta, woman-jewel, 345, 355, n. 323. kutaja (oval-leaved rose bay), 263. Lac (100,000), 51, 53, 139, 269, 313, 388, 423, 424. Laksmana, d. of Slaksnaroman, K. of Sinhala, 185; marries Krsna, 185. Laksmiramana, garden, 84, 85. Laksmivati, pre-birth of Rukmini, separates peacock and its mother, 195; leprosy from scorn for sadhu, 195; evil smell from-,196; born as Rukmini, 196. Lalita, pre-birth of Rama, 153 f. lavall (a creeper), 393, n. 342. Lavana Ocean, 177. limitation of direction, transgressions of, 400. Lokantika-gods, 261, 393. lotus, night-blooming white, 2. 457 Mada (ichor), 394. Madhu, pre-birth of Pradyumna, K. of Hastinapura, abducts Candrabha, 193. Madri, d. of Andhakavrsni, married to Damaghosa, 37. magic arts, see arts. 58 N Page #489 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ INDEX OF NAMES AND SUBJECTS Mahanemi, son of Samudravijaya, 222; prominent in battle, 227 ff. Mahapura, city, 63. Mahasukra, a heaven, 64 et passim. 458 maina, 80. Maitrayani samhita, n. 149. Mallinatha, painting of, worshipped, 127. Malyavat, south of Dvaraka, 179. Mammana, pre-birth of Nala, 93 f. Manasavega, enemy of Vasudeva, kidnaps Somasri, 65; kidnaps Vasudeva, 66; 76: Manogati, brother of Nemi through pre-births, 18, 29. marali (a water-fowl), 4, n. 9 marriage-ribbon, 93, 102. Maru, country, 186. Marubhuti, pre-birth of Parsvanatha, 356 ff.; deceived by his wife and brother, 357 ff.; killed, 359. Matali, Sakra's charioteer, sent to assist Aristanemi, 228, 229: urges Nemi to fight, 238; goes to heaven, 240. matanga, double meaning of, 427. Matanga, a Vidyadhara-line, 57 f., n. 50. Mathura, city, 36, 155, et passim. matrmedha (sacrifice to the mothers), 56, n. 58. meat-eating, penalties of, 268 f. Meghamalin, Meghakumara, Parsva's enemy through many births, attacks of, 394 ff. mendicancy for one day only leads to heaven and emancipation, 123. methods, four, 333. missiles, divine, 67. moksa (play in dice game), 107. mountain goes through air, 135, n. 149. Mrttikavati, city, 156. mucukunda, Pterospermum suberifolium, 393, n. 341. muni sadhu, 70 et passim. Munisuvrata, T., in Dhatakikhanda, 278, n. 268. murder, 16; attempted, 11, penalty for, 13. Mustika, Kansa's wrestler, 166 ff; killed by Krsna, 172. Mustika, a low caste, acts as executioner, 77, n. 85. Mustikari Balarama, 177 et passim. - Nabhahsena, son of Ugrasena, tricked out of Kamalamela, 245; becomes enemy of Sagaracandra, 245. Nabhascara = Vidyadhara, 22, et passim. Page #490 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ INDEX OF NAMES AND SUBJECTS 439 Naga and Nagini, story of, 349 ff. Nagasri, Brahman's wife, gave poisonous food to sadhu, 199; afflicted by 16 diseases, 200. Naigamesin, 158, n. 169, 281. Naksatramala, Krsna's crown, 179. Nala and Davadanti story of, 97-148. Nala, prince of Kosala, chosen by Davadanti, 101; conquest of Taksasila by, 105 ff.; loss of kingdom by gambling, 107; expelled from kingdom, 108; bitten by snake, 136; transformation of, 136; subdues elephant, 138; suncooked pudding of, 139; wonderful drive of, 142 ff.; restored to throne, 146; wins kingdom back by gambling, 147; takes the vow, fasts to death, reborn as Kubera, 148. namaskara (formula of homage to the Five, n. 17, et passim; occurrence of, 304. Nami, 57, n. 61... naming of child, n. 37. Nami's line, 67. Namuci, minister of K. Sankha, teacher of Citra and Sambhuta, 318; minister of Sanatkumara, 323; persecutes Citra and Sambhuta, 321 f.; saved from death, 323. Nanda, owner of 10 cattle-stations, given to Vasudeva, 157 Nandaka, Krsna's sword, 179. Nandisena, d. of Jarasandha, bewitched by an asectic and cured by Vasudeva, 77. Nandisena, pre-birth of Vasudeva, 38 ff. Narada, the ninth, infancy of, 155; married, 60, n. 64; offended by Satyabhama, 180;---by Nabhahsena, 244;---by Draupadi, 274; arranges marriage with Jambavati, 185; goes to see T. Simandhara in E. Videha. 189; tells Pra dyumna story of his birth. 205. Natyasastra, 427. Nemi = Mahanemi, 229, n. 219. Nemi = Neminatha, takes part in battle, 238. Nemin = Neminatha, 228. Neminatha, T., pre-births of, 1-36; birth of, 164; always adverse to marriage, 180; blew Krsna's conch, 248; defeated Klsna in arm-fight, 249; indulges in garden sports, 251; attempts to interest him in women, 253. f.; agrees to marry, 255; deterred from marriage on his wedding-day, 259; initiation of, 263; omniscience of, 265; samavasarana of, 265; founded congregation, 272; ganabhsts of, 272; Sasanadevatas of, 273; retinue of, 312; emancipation of 313; age of, 313; bones divided, 314. nidana, (wish for something as reward of penance), 40, n. 46, et passim. Nila, enemy of Vasudeva, 59. Nilayasas, wife of Vasudeva, story of, 57-59. Page #491 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 460 INDEX OF NAMES AND SUBJECTS nine treasures, lord of, 422, n. 379. ninety-nine names of countries, 345.f. Nirvsti, a goddess, 144, n. 158. Nisadha, K., Nala's father, 97 ff. non-injury, transgressions of, 399. non-possession, transgressions of, 400. noose, magic, 21, n. 30. Obstructive-karma, result of, 290. omen, ascetic a bad, 70, 93, 369; see: eye, twitching of. omen-knot, 405, n. 371. omens, unfavorable, 221. opening-locks, magic art, 417. originating of Hari-line, 74, n. 80. ornaments, names of, 90. Padapopagama (a fast unto death), 18, et passim; n. 26. Padma (province in West Videha), 19. Padma, son of Bhadra, 11; kills his brother, 16; fate of, 16. Padmavati, d. of Hiranyanabha, marries Klsna, 186. Padmavati, sasanadevata of Parsvanatha, 403. Padmottara, Kansa's elephant, 166; killed by Klsna, 170. Padmanabha, K. in Amarakanka, had Draupadi abducted, 274. palace, description of, 87 f. palaces, names of, in Dvaraka, 178. Palaka, Sakra's aerial car, 100. Pancajanya, Krsna's conch, 177. Pancanada, tirtha, 69. Pancanuttara, highest heaven, 36 n. Pandavas, descent of, names of, mothers of, 297; lose kingdom by gambling, 203; go to Dvaraka, 203; make Kssna swim the Ganga by a trick, 279; banished, told to found Pandumathura, 279; initiation of, 312; emancipation of, 314. Panquka, 19, n. 27. Pandumathura, city, founded on the Southern Ocean by Pandavas, 279, n. 270. Parsva, sasanadevata of Parsvanatha, 403. Parsvanatha, T., pre-births of, 356-377; birth of as elephant, 359 ff.; parents of, 379; birth of, 379; childhood of, 381; raises siege of Kusasthala, 385 f.; averse to marriage, 390; marries, 391; rescues serpent from fire, 392; initiation of, 393; attacks on, by Meghamalin, 394 ff.; omniscience of, 397; ten ganadharas, 403, sasanadevatas of, 403; congregation of, 424; emancipation of, 424; age of, 424. Page #492 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Parsvanathacaritra, n. 43, n. 48, n. 374, n. 375, n. 378. Partha Arjuna, 228, et passim. paryanka, 100, n. 115. = INDEX OF NAMES AND SUBJECTS Pathasiddha, magic art, 246. Paurandara, a conch, 238. pausadha-vow (when a layman lives like a monk), transgressions of, 402. peacock, captured as pet, 195; results of, 195.. pearl, magic, 22, 24, 25. pearls, n. 177. Pedhalapura, city, 79. penance, for 12,000 years, 40; fool's penance, 359, n. 325. Phalguna Arjuna, 229. pill, transforms appearance, 23, 26; used to simulate death, 334, 335; used to restore life, 335. Pingala, thief, 130 ff. Pippalada, defeats his parents in debate, angry at their abandonment, establishes mother-sacrifice and father-sacrifice, 56, n. 58. pitrmedha (sacrifice to the fathers), 56, n. 58. plantain, considered cooling, 83, n. 90. post in cemetery, 46, n. 53. power to understand speech of all animals, 352. powers, three, 224, n. 213. 461 Prabandhacintamani, n. 74, n. 93. Prabhavati, infatuation of, for Parsva, 383 f. Pradyumna, son of Rukmini, 188; kidnaped by Dhumaketu, 188; rescued by Kalasamvara and reared as his son, 188 f., pre-birth of, 190 ff.; plays tricks in Dvaraka, 206 f.; tricks Satyabhama, 207, f.; revealed to Rukmini, 210; tricks Krsna, 213; marriage of, 214 ff.; sent from city by Bhama, 218. Prajnapti, magic art personified, 69, 151, 212, et passim. Prajnapti and Gauri given to Pradyumna, 205. Prasenajit, father of Prabhavati, Parsva's wife, 383 ff.; insists on marriage, 391. Pratihara - Prativasudeva, 1 et passim. pratima (statuesque posture), 103 et passim. pregnancy-whim, 41, n. 48; satisfied by trick, 41. priyangu (a creeper), 380. Priyangunagara, city, 51. prophecy, 8, 11, 17, 43, 47, 56, 62, 68, 73, 77, 83, 157, 177, 196, 294, 297, 338, 341, 373, 408, 422. propitiatory rites, 12. pudding sun-cooked, 139, 141, 145. paja (offering of worship), 14, et passim. Page #493 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 462 INDEX OF NAMES AND SUBJECTS pulling out hair, n. 343. Pundarika, V., 71, n. 76. Pundra rules kingdom, disguised as a man, 63. purva (part of the Scriptures), 16. purvapaksa, 27, n. 36, 28. Puskalavati, city, 186. Puspacula, K. of Campa, friend of K. Brahman, 324 ff. Puspadanti, Davadanti's mother, 97 ff. Puspavati, wife of Brahmadatta, 331, 341; woman-jewel, 355. Rahu (demon, enemy of moon), 344. Raivataka, mt., east of Dvaraka, 179. Rajagrha, city, 174, 220, 340. rajahansa (a kind of swan), Khecara disgused as, 81. Rajimati, birth of, 244; chosen for Nemi, 255; deserted by Nemi, 261; vows celibacy, 262; wooed by Rathanemi, 264 f.; reason for devotion to Nemi, 372; takes initiation, 283; final encounter with Rathanemi, 292; emancipation of, 313. Raksas (demon), 93 et passim Raksasa, 61 et passim. Rama (Sri), 98. Rama, birth of, 154; made guardian of Krsna, 162; names of sons of, 223; active in battle with Jarasandha, 227 ff.; escapes burning Dvaraka with Krsna, 299; crazed by grief, 306 f.; initiation of, 308; emancipation of, 310; visit of, to Krsna in hell. 310; establishment of cult of Rama and Krsna by, 311. Ramayana, n. 79. Rambha, nymph, 25. rasa, meaning of, n. 50. Ras Mala, n. 74. Rathamardana, a city, 279. Rathanemi, woos Rajimati, 264; attempts to seduce R.. 292; initiation and omniscience of, 293. renunciation, complete, 12; value of, 17. reunion of Nala and Davadanti, 145. rivalry between Satyabhama and Rukmini, 187, f. Rohini, magic art, 70. Rohini, mother of Rama, 150 et passim; svayamvara of, 150 f. root, magic, 22, 25. Rsidatta, mother of Eniputra, 74; assumes form of doe to nurse child, 75. Rtuparna, K., 128 ff. Rudhira, K., father of Rohini, 149. Page #494 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ INDEX OF NAMES AND SUBJECTS 463 Rudradatta, merchant, 53; rides goat with Carudatta, 53; kills goats, 54; uses their skins to be carried by bharandas, 54. Rukmin, son of Bhismaka, K. of Kundina, 181; defeated by Kssna, 183; killed. 230. Rukmini, d. of Bhismaka, K. of Kundina, 181; elopes with Kssna, 182; bears Pradyumna, 188; cause of separation from P., 194 f.; took initiation, 297. rutting, seven stages of, n. 124; tenth stage of, 158, n. 124. Sacrifice, human, 415, 418. sadhu (a monk), a bad omen, 70, 93, 369. Sagaracandra, grandson of Rama, takes Kamalamela from Nabhahsena, 244 f., killed by Nabhahsena, 284. Sagaradatta, story of, 404 ff.; poisoned by his wife. 404; shipwrecked 7 times, 405. sailesi (the final meditation), 313, n. 304. Sakra-festival, 63, n. 66. Sakta, n. 78. Samanika (gods), 10, n. 15, et passim. samasya (incomplete part of stanza), 348. samavasarana (preaching hall), of Nemi, 265; of Parsva, 397. samayika (cessation of all censurable activity), 263, n. 243; transgressions of, 402. Samba, son of Jambavati, 214; bad behavior of, 217 f.; banished from city by Krsna, 218. Sambhuta, pre-birth of Brahmadatta, story of, and Citra, 318-323; famous musician, 319; takes initiation, 312; makes a nidana, 323; born as Brahmadatta, 323; reunion with Citra, 347. Sammeta, mt., place of Parsva's emancipation, 424. Samudravijaya, eldest Dasarha, 37, 42, et passim; prevents Vasudeva's marriage to Jivayasas, 43; fights with Vasudeva, 150 f; names of sons of, 222. Sarvara - Kalasamvara, 189. Sanatkumara, C., at Hastinapura, 319. Sankha, pre-birth of Nemi, 31 ff. saptacchada (Alstonia Scholaris), 3, 11. 4. sarabha (a fabulous animal), 236. Sarnga, Kansa's bow strung by Krsna, 168. Saraga, Krsna's bow, 179. Sarngapani = Ktsna, 221, et passim. Sarvana, a sadhu, 64, n. 67. Satyabhama, sister of Kansa, 167; marries Krsna, 174; offends Narada, 180; rivalry with Rukmini, 187. See Bhama. Saudharma, (first heaven), 10, 399. Saumanasa, mt., west of Dvaraka. Page #495 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 464 INDEX OF NAMES AND SUBJECTS Sauri, magic art, 139. Sauri, K. of Mathura, 37; k. of Kusarta; 37, founded Sauryapura, 37; 10 sons of, 37. separation of Rukmini and son Pradyumna, reason for, 194 ff. sermon, 121; on food, 266-270; 348, 365, 399. service to sadhus, 39, n. 44; test of, 39. sheth, (prominent business man), 48 et passim. siddha (emancipated soul), 304 et passim. Siddhartha, Krsna's chariotier, 179; died and became god, 295; appears to Rama, 307. Silayudha, K., father of Epiputra, 74, 75. Simandhara, T. in East Videha, 189. Sinhakesarin, son of Kubara, emancipation, of 123 f. Sinhapura (city), 19. Sirapani = Rama, 227 et passim. Sirin = Balabhadra, 1 et passim. Sisupala, nephew of the Dasarhas, 181; prominent in battle, 221 ff. siva, Nemi's mother, 164; becomes mendicant, 283. sloka (verse), 140. smelling the head, 133. snake, fed with milk, 136, n. 151; killing of, 153; drinking milk of, 321. snake-bite, transformation from, 136. Sodasa, cannibal prince, killed by Vasudeva, 61, n. 65. Soma, brother of Aparajita, 29. Somaka, meassenger of Jarasandha, 174 f. Somasarman, Brahman, killer of Gajasukumala, 282. soul-color, 97. sound, arrow striking from, 21, n. 29. Sravasti, city, 71. srl (personified), 1, 7, 88, et passim. Sri, goddess of wealth and beauty, 184, et passim. stealing of jewels from co-wife, 426. sthana, (practice which will result in birth as Tirthankara), 36. stotra, 380. stuti, 398. Subhadra, a rasa-merchant, 42. Subhadra, aunt of Pippalada, rears him, 55. Subhuma, C., 67. Subhumacaritra, n. 72. Suci = Asadha (July-August), 313. Sughosa, Bala's conch, 177. Sukumarika, pre-birth of Draupadi, afflicted by abnormal heat of body, 200 f.; Page #496 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ INDEX OF NAMES AND SUBJECTS 465 nidana by, 202. Sulasa, mother of Pippalada, 55, 56. summer, description of, 252; makes Smara strong, 252. Sun, seven horses of, 370. Sura, brother of Aparajita, 29. Surakanta, Vidyadhara, 22, f. Surpaka, enemy of Vasudeva, turns into horse, 77. Susima, d. of Rastravardhana, k. of Surastra, 186; marries Krsna, 186. Susthita, god of Lavana Ocean, 177, 276. Susumarapura, city, 137. sutra (a ritualistic verse), n. 134 Suyodhana = Duryodhana, 231. Suvarnabahu, pre-birth of Parsva, 369. Suvira, crown prince at Mathura, 37; king of, 37, founded Sauvira in the Sindhus, 37. Svarnabhumi, country, 53. Svarpamedini, country, 53. Svati, rain in, 272, n. 262. svayamvara, debate at, 27; names of kings at, 27; fight after, 28; of Kanakavati, 91 f.; of Davadanti, 99 ff.; fight after, 101 f.; names of kings at, 101; ficti tious, 141 f.; of Rohini, fight after, 150 f.; of Draupadi, 198. svayamvara, kings dismissed from, 63, 71, 75; fight after, 28, 75, 101, 150, 186. Syadvada, 99. Tamralipti, city, 51 et passim. tetanus, 304, n. 299. thjef, saved by. Davadanti, 129; story of a, 416; results of false accusation by, 417. three-steps, 272, 311, n. 302, 403. tilaka (ornamental mark on forehead), 98, of Davadanti, 133 f. tilaka (Clerodendrum phlomoides), 251. time and place, vow of, transgressions of, 402. tirtha (a sacred place), 69. TirthakTt, 164, et passim. tirthakrtkarma, (karma which will result in birth as a Tirthakrt). 36. Tirthanatha = Tirthankara, 36.. Tirthankara, 254. tongue, diseases of, from false accusation, 417. transgressions of the 12 layman's vows, 399-402. treasures, nine, 422, n. 379. Trisikhara, K., killed by Vasudeva, 67, truthfulness, transgressions of, 399. 59N Page #497 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 466 INDEX OF NAMES AND SUBJECTS. Tvastra, Nemi's constellation, 164, 263, 265, 313. Uddamapadapa, hermitage (?), 52. Udumbaravativela, shore, 52. Ugrasena, K. of Mathura, son of Bhojavssni, 37; forgetful of invitation to sadhu, 40; nidana against, 41; thrown into prison, 44; released from prison, 173; k. of Mathura again, 174. .. uha (division of sense-knowledge), 122, n. 135, 347. upayoga (knowledge and perception), 123, n. 136. Usa, kidnaped, 246. Usiravartinagara, city, 51. Uttaradhyayana Sutra, n. 178 Uvasagadasao, n. 200. Visakha (Parsvanatha's asterism), 379, 380, 393, 397, 424. Vac, goddess of speech, 27, 379. Vaidarbhi = Davadanti, 110 et passim. Vaidarbhi = Rukmini, 214 ff. Vaisravana Kubera, 178, et passim. Vaitarani, physician, 285; future of, 286. Vajranabha, pre-birth of Parsva, 366 ff. Vama, mother of Parsva, 379. Vanamala, Bala's crown, 179. Varadhanu, friend of Brahmadatta, 325, et passim. Varuna, wife of Kamatha, 356 ff. varunl (a kind of liquor), 267. Vasanta, caravan-leader, befriends Davadant, 118; corvertod, 119; founds city Tapasapura, 120. Vasantasena, courtesan, 51. Vasu, escape of son of, 42. Vasudeva, the tenth Dasarha, 37; previous births of, 38; leaves home, 45; many marriages of, 46-78; won a crore of gold, 67; saves Nandisena, 77; narrowly escapes execution, 78; embassy for Kubera to Kanakavati, 86-90; marries K., 148; marries-Rohini, 152; returns to father's house, 152; marries Devakt, 157; fights on Kisna's side, 222 ff.; names of sons of, 222, f.; wives of, take initiation, 283; burned to death in Dvaraka, 299. Vasudevahindi, wandering of Vasudeva, 149-152. Vasundara, wife of Marubhuti, 356 ff. Vayubhuti, 190 f. Vidyadhara, semi-divine being, 22 et passim... vihara (the wandering on foot of Jain sadhus), 9. Page #498 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ INDEX OF NAMES AND SUBJECTS 467 Vimalabodha, minister's son, friend of Aparajita, 19 ff. Vinami, 57, n. 61. Vira, a weaver, story of, 287-290; marries Krspa's daughter, 289; 12 avartas of, 289. Viramati, a pre-birth of Kanakavati, 93 f. Visalascoga, mat., 32. Visnu = Prativasudeva, 1 et passim. Visnukumara, muni, 49. Vitabhaya, city, 186. Vrsabhadhvaja = Rsabha, 254. Vrspi = Andhakavrspi, 71 et passim. Warrior caste, ethics of, 20. wife angered by being called co-wife's name, 68. wine, prohibited to save Dvaraka, 294; found and drunk, 295. wine-drinking, penalties of, 267 f. work, sinful, 15 kinds of, 400 f. worship, material and spiritual, 293. Yadava, descendant of Yadu, 44 et passim = Vasudeva, 60, et passim. Yadu, descent of, 37, descendants of, 37. Yadus, descendants of Yadu, 177 et passim. Yajnavalkya wins a debate, enslaves Sulasa, abandons child, 55; defeated by son, Pippalada, 56. Yaksa (semi-divine being), 46 et passim. Yaksas and banyan, 125, n. 141. Yama (god of death), 53, et passim. yati = sadhu, 362. Yogasastra, n. 246, n. 255, n. 256, n. 257, n. 258, n. 259, n. 352, n. 354, n. 356, p. 427. yogi (one with supernatural powers), 87, 327. yogini, 384. yojana (about 8 miles) 105 et passim. Yudhisthira, eldest Pandava, 197, et passim. Yuvaraja (crown-prince), 147. Page #499 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ INDEX OF SANSKRIT AND PRAKRIT WORDS aradhana, 134, 134 n, 199, 299. arya, 312. drya, 202. aryika, 196. alambana, 251, 251 n.* avarta, 120, 120 n, 289, 289 n. asana, 427. itvara, 399 n. itvaratta, 399 n. iryasamiti, 96 n. aksa, 143, 143 n. agandhana, 292. anga, 194, 280, 312. angahara, 396, 427. anjali, 126 n. anesaniya, 39. antarmuhurta, 269 n. apoha, 122, 122 n, 347, 376. abhavya, 293. abhigraha, 40 n, 312 n. abhinaya, 396 n. amavasya, 95, 117, 265. amstavalli, 270. arista, 166. arjuna, 161, 162. ardhacakrin, 243. ardhasarada, 90 n. arhat, 15, 16, 18, 25, 34, 68, 69, 85, 89, 93, 94, 112, 118, 119, 120, 121, 124, 126, 134, 179, 197, 278, 299, 367, 380, 381, 407, 423. arhaddharma, 191. alabhaparisaha, 291. avatarana, 143 n. avasarpini, 243. avaya, 122. asana, 299 n. asoka, 3, 8, 73, 81, 85, 112, 112 n, 340, 374. asati, 400 n. asammats, 127 n. asura, 72, 85, 86, 116, 120, 313, 388, 407. uqumbara, 270. uttariya, 100 n. utpada, 311 n. utsarpini, 297 n. uddamapadapa, 52 a. uddipana, 251, 251 n. upagrahikarma, 124. upayoga, 123. upadhyaya, 304. upaya, 226 n. uha, 122, 122 n, 347, 376. rsi, 91 n, 424. edaka, 207. audarika, 89. acamla, 94 n. acarya, 10, 148, 199, 304. ati, 342, 342 n. amavasya, 95 n. kadamba, 263, 295, 413. karana, 396, 427. karabha, 401 n. karkotaka, 145. karma, 1, 14, 16, 93, 94, 98 n, 124, 141, 148, 195, 196, 198, 200, 260, 261, 283, 290, 291, 305, 311, 320, 321, Page #500 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ INDEX OF SANSKRIT AND PRAKRIT WORDS 469 349, 353, 366, 380, 381, 416, 417, 422. / ghana, 275. karmapraksti, 98. ghatikarma, 124. kalasi, 289 n. ghi, 42, 42 n, 161. kalahansa, 3. kalpa, 74, 88. cakkalunda, 153, 153 n. kalyana, 164, 165, 356. cakkulanda, 153 n. kapalika, 335. cakra, 226, 239, 240, 248, 273, 345, 346, kayotsarga, 16, 54, 104, 196, 284, 309, 375. 361, 368. cakrabhst, 350, 370. kukkuta, 363, 364, 365. cakravartin, 353, 374. kunkuma, 195. cakravaka, 257. kutaja, 263. cakravaki, 334. kumuda, 2 n. cakrin, 10, 67, 248, 249, 350, 375, 397, kurubaka, 251. 422. kurkuta, 403. candala, 182, 191, 214, 215, 216, 323, ketaki, 263. 335, 348, 406. kevalin, 13, 120, 121, 123, 124. candali, 268. kos, 328. campaka, 251. kaustubha, 308, 312. cara, 104, 104 n, 107. ksatriya, 282, 288, 289, 331, 334. candala, 217. caitya, 397, 398 n. khadya, 299 n. caityavandana, 126, 126 n. gana, 226 n, 227. caityavandana, 126, 126 n. ganadhara, 36. chota, 152 n. ganabhst, 25. gandhana, 293. jina, 12, 104, 178, 179, 189, 196, 205. gama, 104, 104 n, 107. jinadharma, 191. garuda, 59, 103, 133, 138, 223, 227, 228, jiva, 10, 11, 31, 95, 159, 244, 287, 379. 235, 236, 246, 247. garbha, 400 n. damaru, 107. gandharva, 76, 184, 246, 331, 341. damaruka, 107 n. girikarnika, 270. tadat, 300 guduci, 270, 270 n. taditi, 300. guru, 10, 14, 16, 115, 120 n, 123, 125, 135, 199, 272, 317, 360, 363, 368, 382, tamala, 415. 409, 421. talavara, 243 n. talavarga, 243 n. gurjari, 163. talavargiya, 243 n. gulma, 226, 226 n. gotra, 49. tapdava, 263, 374. timila, 98 n.. gosirsa, 300, 313. tilaka, 27, 28, 94, 98, 103, 130, 133, 145, ghafika, 93, 148, 195, 195 n. 215, 215 n, 364. Page #501 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 470 INDEX OF SANSKRIT AND PRAKRIT WORDS tilaka, 251. nemi, 1. tirtha, 69, 254. tirthakara, 406. pancanamaskara, 143. tirthakrt, 164, 265, 278, 290, 297, 379, patta, 243. 407. pattabandha, 112 a. tirthaikara, 254. parisaha, 95 a. tratat, 135. paryanka, 100, 100 n. tratiti, 135. pala, 285 a. . tridancin, 55. palasa, 112. palya 191, 191 n, 192, 421. darbha, 110, 111. pata, 288 n. dana, 14 n, 400 a. padapopagama, 18, 313. durva, 307. : padapopagamana, 36. devadusya, 90, 137, 250. pana, 288 n, 299 a. domunha, 153 0. palaka, 100. dohada, 41 n. pitpmedha, 56, 56 n. dramma, 423, 423 n. pitta, 252 n. dravya, 293, 423 n. pippal, 55, 270. pundra, 236 n. dhagag, 298 putrika, 152 2. dhagiti, 298. paja, 14, 17, 35, 86, 118, 167, 177, 184, dharma, 9, 9 n, 13, 16, 17, 18, 25, 31, 205, 419. 39, 40, 94, 119, 120, 121, 122, 124, purva, 16, 424. 125, 134, 134 n, 146, 191, 196, 201, purvapaksa, 27, 28. 264, 268, 269, 271, 273, 280, 286, 290, prsthagalana, 401 n. 296, 297, 298, 299, 317, 318, 348, 362, pausadha, 402. 365, 382, 392, 399, 407, 410, 421, 422. pratima, 16 n, 95, 103, 134, 394. dharmalabha, 9, 54. pratyakhyana, 12 n. dhataki, 397, 401. prayena, 60. dhartarastrahansa, 230. priyangu, 380, 423. dhs, 215 n. preta, 58 n. dhyana, 97 n. dhrauvya, 311 n. phadat, 300. phaditi, 300. naksatra, 272. nandyavarta, 263, 263 n. bakula, 251, 371, 374. namaskara, 12 n, 17, 53, 54, 113, 122, bandha, 104 n, 107. 126, 127, 134, 286, 299, 392, 419. bandhakarma, 14 n. naga, 21 n, 47. bandhana, 400 n. nagapasa, 21 n. bana, 3, 3 n. nikacita, 417 n. bimba, 91, 257. nidana, 40, 41, 44, 202, 296, 297, 323, budu, 208. 349. bel (bilva), 137, 145, Page #502 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ INDEX OF SANSKRIT AND PRAKRIT WORDS brahmasutra, 235, 235 n, 426. brahmani, 268. bhadra, 214, 273, 325, 336, 388. bhadraka, 8 n, 419. bhava, 400 n. bhavya, 25, 293, 312, 380. bharanda, 53, 54.. bharunda, 69. bhava, 293. bhuta, 58 n. bheda, 226 n. makara, 85. mada, 394. madana, 264, 264 n. madhu, 270. mantra, 173 n, 254. mandara, 178. marala, 4. marali, 4, 128, 132, 147. mahatma, 196. matrgrha, 261. matrmedha, 56, 56 n. madhavi, 371. madhurya, 270. misra, 336. mucukunda, 393. muni, 7, 8, 9, 13, 24, 25, 35, 39, 40, 41, 47, 54, 55, 69, 70, 93, 94, 95, 96, 103, 110, 120, 123, 127, 148, 157, 158, 160, 164, 166, 177, 187, 190, 191, 196, 198, 199, 202, 208, 209, 290, 308, 309, 310, 320, 361, 365, 368, 369, 373, 392, 406, 415, 416. muraja, 319. mustada, 106 n. mrga, 325. moksa, 104 n, 107. yuvaraja, 147. yoga, 343 n. yogini, 384. yojana, 105, 112, 129, 139, 143, 178, 224, 242, 328, 330. yojana, 400 n. raksas, 93, 117. rasa, 42, 42 n, 43, 44, 400. rasavanija, 42 n. raksasa, 61, 118. raksasi, 61, 125. raga, 251 n. ragini, 163 n.. rajahansa, 81, 349, 412. rajahansi, 318. rista, 166 n. ristaka, 166 n. rudu, 208. rora, 38 n. rohini, 286, 286 n. raudradhyana, 13 n. laddu, 280. lavana, 270, 270 n. lavali, 393, 393 n. linga, 395. lesya, 97 n. lohitaksa, 88. vaktratimila, 98, 98 n. vasanta, 251. vayu, 304 n. varuni, 267. vikiti, 118 n. vigama, 311 n. vibhava, 251, 251 n. vibhitaka, 143 n. visalya, 286, 286 n. vihara, 9. yaksa, 46, 125, 125 n, 179, 190, 191, 385. veda, 55, 60. yati, 362, 368. yatidharma, 287, 399 n. vedanga, 55. vaikriya, 310. 471 Page #503 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 472 INDEX OF SANSKRIT AND PRAKRIT WORDS vaikriyasamudghata, 277. 208, 209, 210, 281, 285, 286, 287, vaiyavyttya, 39. 289, 290, 304, 312, 313, 321, 322, 349, - 368, 382, 407, 420, 424. sakunagranthi, 405 n. sadhudharma, 191. sakti, 224 n. sadhvi, 196 n, 292, 313, 422, 427. satavari, 270. samayika, 263, 402. sarabha, 236, 238, 239. sarasa, 3 n. sastra, 28. saradi, 90. siddha, 134, 299, 304, 398. sinduvara, 163. sasanadevata, 144. sastra, 28, 190. siohakesara, 280. susama, 163. sirisa, 81. sutra, 120 n, 126, 270. sailesi, 313. suri, 8, 123, 124, 145, 147. sri, 1 n, 88, 111, 119, 234, 328, 331, 361, 379, 381. sthana, 36, 376. snusa, 259. Srivatsa, 98, 160, 263, 263 n, 328, 329, smsti, 358. 338, 379 n. syadvada, 99. srivalli, 94. svayamvara, 26, 28, 63, 64, 65, 71, 75, sloka, 6 n, 140, 149, 404, 465. 81, 82, 83, 84, 90, 91, 92, 99 n, 101, samlekhana, 322. 141, 142, 149, 150, 151, 169, 186, samsara, 360, 380. 198, 202, 212, 224. saptacchada, 3, 85, 412. svastika, 178, 263. samavasarapa, 85, 189, 265, 265 n, 266, svadya, 299 n. 273, 281, 287, 292, 313, 397, 398, 407, 420, 422. hansa, 4, 48, 63, 81, 91, 163, 165, 230 m, samasya, 348. 348. sampad, 1 n. hansi, 80, 112, 115, 185, 325, 327, 331, sambar, 271. 375, 412. sammurchita, 269 . . halkhala, 269. sarvatobhadra, 178. hallisa, 163. sagara, 363, 364, 377, 422... hara, 90. sadhu, 9, 9 n, 16 n, 18, 38, 39, 39 n, 40, hala, 268. 47, 70, 120, 125, 134, 148, 153, 194, halahala, 268, Page #504 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ERRATA Page Line For Read XXVIII 21 Hemachandra XXVIII 16 agree Sumitra Hemacandra agrees Sumitra, Eighth Eight 21-****** thus bloomig Santinatha Jivayasas Arthatdharma power Yudisthira this blooming santinatha, Jivayasas Arhaddharma 1.99 156. 191 195 203 203 powder Yudhisthira 5 - 36 8 204 . 10. 234 242 Bhogadatta Kotisila Bhagadatta Kotisila 242 soon halahala guduci Ktsna 263 269 270 276 291 307 307 324 324 son hala hala guduci Krsna and, and one, durva failesi Kataka one durva sailesi Kataka bread King possession for seasame 336 bred 344 the King possession. 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