Book Title: Torso Of Parsvanatha In Bhagalpur Museum Bihar
Author(s): Ajay Sinha
Publisher: Ajay Sinha
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Page #1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ A Torso of Parsvanatha in the Bhagalpur Museum (Bihar) AJUY KUMAK SINILA Bhagvan Parsvanatha' is one of the most revered Tirthankaras of Jainism. According to Prof. Rlys Davids,' he was the lone founder of the Jaina Faith. He is the 23rd Tirtlankara and his emblem is snake. He was born in the royal palace at Varanasi in about 817 B.C. He was married with the daughter of king Prasenajita of Kosala but like prince Siddhartha he left his home to follow the life of an ascetic at the age of 30 and preached his doctrine of love and universal fraternity, for about 70 long years through out the country. He was closely associated with the province of Bihar and he died in about 717 B.C. at Mount Parsvanatha' (Sammeta Sikhara) in the district of Hazaribagh, Bihar. The torso. of Bhugvan Parsvanatha under discussion was acquired by the author of this paper from Katwali Police Station, Monghyr in the year 1977. It was uncarthed inside the old Monglyr Fort during the course of construction of the building for Gun Factory. The town of Monghyr,' no doubt, has a glorious past. - It is learnt from the Padmacarita of the Acarya Ravisena (circa 7th century A.D.) that the Jaina religion was in flourishing condition during that period in the vicinity of Monghyr. Temple of the Tirthankurus were being built and the Icachers were ulways loving in these stered places propagating their religion. Acaryu Jinasena' and Acarya Haribhadra (circu 8th century A.D.) also described the Anga region as a centre of Jainism. The colossal 1 • Bhattacharya, B. C: The Jaina Iconography (Delhi 1974), pp. 58-59. Davids, Rhys : Ency. Brill., Vol. xii (9th Edition), p. 543. Ra i ndrar. T. N:..... ...........11. 1941., . I. Pp. 3u-52. Sinha, B. P. (ed.): The Comprehensive History of Bihur, Vol. I, II, II. (lat). p. 457. Ibid., p. 458. Page #2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 102 LIIN JURXiT. luisu of Lord Parsvaihithia wireli is broken abuse lie chest od polos the knees mcasures 1107.36 cms. The waist un chest me:isure SO cinis and 94 cms. respectively. This very measurement gives us an idea izbolt its colossalness. The snake Dharana, is usual, coming up from Lord Parsvanatha's balck who is standing in his natural kayutsurga mudra. He is naked and hence worshipped by the Digambara sect. It is carved out in black basalt. At present, a lomple of Lord Parsvanatlia is situated at Baru Bazar which is situated in the heart of the Monthyr lown. It is worshipped by the Digambara Jainus. According to the local people, it was constructed some hundred years irgo above the original temple sile. The author is of opinion that the curse of Lord Parsvanatha under discussion was originally placed.near the present temple and was bocins: worshipped prior to its destruction. It might bic clestructed in the 13111 century and thrown into the ditches of nearby Monglyrilivil which was subsequently found and at present adoring the Bhagalpur Museum, Bhagalpur.