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Page #1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED Annuaire Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes. Ve section - sciences religieuses, Tome LXXXVII. Paris, 1980, 528 pp. (Comptes rendus des conferences 1978-1979. Religions tibetaines: A.-M. Blondeau (pp. 99-106); Yonten Gyatso (pp. 107-108). Religions de l'Inde: Madeleine Biardeau (pp. 145-171); Charles Malamoud (pp. 173-180).] ARCHAIMBAULT, Ch., Contributions a l'etude d'un cycle de legendes lau (Publications de l'Ecole Francaise d'Extreme-Orient, Vol. CXIX). Paris, Ecole Francaise d'Extreme-Orient, 1980. 441 pp., 9 pl. ARIS, MICHAEL, Bhutan. The early history of a Himalayan kingdom. Warminster, Aris & Phillips Ltd. XXXIV, 345 pp., 2 maps, 5 figures, 7 tables, 31 plates. PS 12.50 + PS 3 for optional microfiche. Asiatische Studien/Etudes asiatiques, XXXIII, 1 (1979), pp. 1-60 [Hans-George Tuerstig, 'Ein Beitrag zur Atomtheorie des Nyaya-Vaisesika-Systems', pp. 9-22; Jacques May, 'Le Hobogirin', pp. 23-38]; XXXIII, 2 (1979), pp. 61-224; XXXIV, 1 (1980), p. 1-100. * BAILEY, G. M., 'Trifunctional elements in the mythology of the Hindu trimarti', Numen 26 (1979), pp. 152-163. BAREAU, ANDRE, 'Necrologie Louis Hambis (18 decembre 1906 - 19 octobre 1978)', L'annuaire du College de France 79 (Paris, 1979), pp. 55-57. -' 'Resume de cours et travaux 1978-1979. 1. La devotion bouddhique et ses manifestations dans le Thupavamsa (suite et fin); 2. La repartition geographique du bouddhisme primitif: la localisation des faits et des legendes (suite)', ibid., pp. 517-535. -, 'The Place of the Buddha Gautama in the Buddhist Religion during the Reign of Asoka', Buddhist Studies in honour of Walpola Rahula (London, 1980), pp. 1-9. BASHAM, A. L., "The Background to the Rise of Buddhism', Studies in History of Buddhism (Delhi, 1980), pp. 13-31. BECHERT, HEINZ (ed.), Die Sprache der altesten buddhistischen Uberlieferung / The Language of the Earliest Buddhist Tradition (Symposien zur Buddhismusforschung, II). (Abh. d. Ak. d. Wiss. in Gottingen, Phil.-hist. Kl., Dritte Folge, Nr. 117), Gottingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1980. 193 pp. DM 66.-. BHATT, N. R. (ed.), Sardhatrisatikalottaragama avec le commentaire de Bhatta Ramakantha. Edition critique par N. R. Bhatt (Publications de l'Institut Francais d'Indologie No. 61). Pondichery, Institut Francais d'Indologie, 1979. CLXIV, 238 pp. BONGARD-LEVIN, G. M., Drevneindijskaja civilizacija. - Filosofija, nauka, religija. Moskva, Izdatel'stvo 'Nauka', 1980. 333 pp. 1 r. 40 k. -, K. Antonova and G. Kotovsky, A History of India. Book 1. Moscow, Progress Publishers, 1979. 264 pp. (G. Bongard-Levin, Ancient India (pp. 9-177); K. Antonova, India in the Middle Ages (pp. 179-264).] Buddhist Studies in honour of Walpola Rahula. Editors: Somaratna Balasooriya, Andre Bareau, Richard Gombrich, Siri Gunasingha, Udaya Mallawarachchi, Edmund Perry. London, Gordon Fraser, 1980. XIII, 293 pp. PS 20.00. Bulletin de l'Ecole Francaise d'Extreme-Orient, LXVI (Paris, 1979), 328 pp. [J.C. Gardin et P. Gentelle, 'L'exploitation du sol en Bactriane antique', pp. 1-29; J. Deloche, 'Etudes sur la circulation en Inde. I. Les ponts anciens de l'Inde (addenda et corrigenda)', pp. 31-44, 12 pl.; A. Bareau, 'La composition et les etapes de la formation progressive du Mahaparinirvanasutra ancien', pp. 45-103; G. Martel, 'Les Birhor, chasseurs collecteurs, nomades Indo-Iranian Journal 23 (1981) 319-334.0019-7246/81/0234--0319 $01.60. Copyright (c) 1981 by D. Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht, Holland and Boston, U.S.A. Page #2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 320 PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED du Bihar', pp. 105-113, 4 pl.; A. Vergati Stahl, 'Une divinite lignagere des Newar: Digudyo', pp. 115-127, 2 pl.; A. Forte, 'Le moine khotanais Devendraprajna', pp. 289 298.) CAILLAT, COLETTE, "La langue primitive du bouddhisme", Die Sprache der altesten buddhistischen Uberlieferung (Gottingen, 1980), pp. 43-60. - Compte rendu de Ch. Tripathi, Catalogue of the Jaina Manuscripts at Strasbourg (Leiden, 1975) - OLZ, 75 (1980), Sp. 71-73. -, 'Pronoms et adjectifs de similarite en moyen indo-arycn', Indianisme et bouddhisme. Melanges offerts a Mgr Etienne Lamotte (Louvain-la-Neuve, 1980), pp. 33-40. CHANG, KUN and CHANG, BETTY SHEFTS, Spoken Tibetan texts. Volume 3 (Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica, Special Publications No. 74). Nankang, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC, 1980, 248 pp. CHITTICK, WILLIAM C. (tr.), A Shi'ite Anthology. Edited and translated by W.C.C. Selected by 'Allamah Tabataba'i. With an introduction by Seyyed Hossein Nasr. State University of New York Press, 1980. VI, 152 pp. DALLAPICCOLA, ANNA LIBERA - ZINGEL-AVE LAL-LEMANT, STEPHANIE (eds.), The Stupa: its religious, historical and architectural significance (Beitrage zur Sudasienforschung, Band 55). Wiesbaden, Franz Steiner Verlag, 1980. IX, 359 pp., many plates. DANIELSON, HENRY, Adisesa, The Essence of Supreme Truth (Paramarthasara). Sanskrit Text with Translation and Notes (Religious Texts, Translation Series. Nisaba, vol. X). Leiden (Brill), 1980. x + 87 pp. Gld 28.-. DEMIEVILLE, PAUL, 'Notes on Buddhist Hymnology in the Far East', Buddhist Studies in Honour of Walpola Rahula (London, 1980), pp. 44-61. DESHPANDE, MADHAV M., Evolution of Syntactic Theory in Sanskrit Grammar. Syntax of the Sanskrit Infinitive -tumUN (Linguistica Extranea: Studia 10). Ann Arbor (Karoma Publishers, Inc.), 1980. II + 164 pp. DUNKEL, GEORGE, 'Fighting words: Alcman Partheneion 63 makhontai', JIES (vol. ?), pp. 249-272 (Discussion of the Vedic vivac, pp. 256-264.) DURT, HUBERT, 'Mahalla/mahallaka et la crise de la communaute apres le Parinirvana du Buddha', Indianisme et bouddhisme. Melanges offerts a Mgr Etienne Lamotte (Louvain la-Neuve, 1980), pp. 79-99. EGGERMONT, PIERRE H. L., 'The emperor Asoka and the Tisyaraksita legend', Orientalia Lovanensia Periodica 11 (1980), pp. 165-78. EIMER, HELMUT, 'Einige Hinweise zur Edition tibetischer kanonischer Texte - Beobachtungen zur Uberlieferung in Blockdrucken - !,ZAS 14/1 (1980), pp. 195-209. - The Tibetan Indexes (dkar chag) to the Collected Works (bka''bum) of A kya gsan 'dzin rdo rje (Bibliographia Philologica Buddhica, Series Minor, IV). Tokyo, The Reiyukai Library, 1980. IV, 42 pp. EJIMA, YASUNORI, Chugan shiso no tenkai. Bhavaviveka kenkyu [Development of Madhyamika philosophy in India. Studies on Bhavaviveka). Tokyo Shunjusha, 1980. XIV, 504 pp. Yen 7.500 (Chapter 1: Works of Bhavaviveka. Chapter 2: Bhavaviveka's own attitudes towards logical theory. Chapter 3: Sunyata and logic: Bhavaviveka's logical method to demonstrate sunyata, or his logic of 'sunyata. Chapter 4: Bhava viveka's logic of sunya ta in the light of the history of Madhyamika philosophy. Chapter 5. Later circumstances around logic of 'sunyata. The Sanskrit text of Bhavaviveka's Madhyamahtdaya-karika III. Tattvajnanaisana, collated with its Tibetan version, and an index of Sanskrit words. Japanese translation. Indices. English summary.) 'Madhyamakaratnapradipa ni tsuite', Indogaku bukkyogaku kenkyu XXVIII (1980), pp. 951 (37) - 945 (43). (Ejima lists corresponding passages in the Madhyamakaratnapradipa (MR) and the Madhyamakahedayakarika (MHK) with its commentary, the Tarkajvala (TJ), and suggests that Bhavaviveka was the author of MR and TJ but not of MHK. The differences between MR and TJ are due to the fact that TJ is a commentary Page #3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED 321 and MR an independent work which made use of TJ. The existing TJ is not identical with the original TJ of Bhavaviveka.] EMENEAU, MARRAY B., Language and Linguistic Area, Essays by M. B. E., Selected and introduced by Anwar S. Dil. Stanford, Calif. (Stanford Univ. Press), 1980. xiv + 371 pp. -, 'Linguistic Archaisms in Toda Songs', South Asian Languages Analysis (SALA) 1 (1979), pp. 31-45 (Published by the Univ. of Illinois, Urbana Champaign]. 'Toda vowels in non-initial syllables', BSOAS 42-2 (Burrow Volume, 1979), pp. 225 - 234. 'Sanskrit bhagin- 'wealthy' + 'village headman; fisherman; palanquin-bearer', American Indian and Indoeuropean Studies (Papers in honor of Madison S. Beeler), The Hague Paris-New York, 1980, pp. 312-325. EMMERICK, R. E., 'Contributions to the study of the Jivaka-pustaka', BSOAS XLII (1979), pp. 235-243. 'The vowel phonemes of Khotanese', Festschrift for Oswald Szemerenyi on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, vol. 11, Amsterdam, 1979), pp. 239-250. 'The Concluding Verses of the Khotanese Vajracchedika", Prajnaparamita and related systems: studies in honor of Edward Conze (Berkeley, 1977) (published in 1979], pp. 83-92. 'r-In-stems in Khotanese', Lautgeschichte und Etymologie (Wiesbaden, 1980), pp. 166- `172. ENOKI, KAZUO, Shirukurodo no rekishi kara. Tokyo, Kenmon shuppan, 1979. 230 pp. Yen 1700 (Collection of seven essays relating to the silkroad. 1. Concerning the distribution of profits; 2. Caravan trade. 3. The Lapis Lazuli of Badakhshan; 4. Tunhuang and Yarkand; 5. The Rama story in Khotanese; 6. The character of the city states of the oases of Central Asia; 7. Su-chou in the late Ming period.] ENOMOTO, FUMIO, 'asrava ni tsuite (On asrava]', Indogaku bukkyogaku kenkyu XXVII (1978), pp. 158-159. -, 'asrava no seiritsu ni tsuite; omo-ni Jaina Koso kyoten ni okeru (On the origin of asrava, mainly in the older canonical texts of the Jains]', Bukkyo shigaku kenkyu XXII (1979), pp. 17-42. *EULER, WOLFRAM, Indoiranisch-griechische Gemeinsamkeiten der Nominalbildung und deren indogermanische Grundlage (Innsbrucker Beitr. z. Sprachw., Bd 30) Innsbruck 1979, 282 pp. FILLIOZAT, JEAN, Yogasa taka. Texte medical attribue a Nagarjuna. Textes sanskrit et tibetain, traduction francaise, notes, indices (Publications de l'Institut Francais d'Indologie No. 62), Pondichery, Institut Francais d'Indologie, 1979. XL, 209 pp. FLEMMING, LESLIE A., Another Lonely Voice. The Urdu short stories of Saadat Hasan Manto. Monograph Series No. 18. Berkeley, Center for South and Southeast Asia Studies, Univ. of California, 1979. 133 pp. FOK, TOU-HUI, An-hui 'San-shih wei-shih shih'. Yuan-tien i-chu. Hongkong, Chung-hua ta hsueh ch'u-pan-she, 1980. 2, 6, 273 pp. Hard US $ 10.50, Paper US $ 7.50 (Annotated Chinese translation of Sthiramati's Trimsikavijnaptibhasya (pp. 1-150), romanized Sanskrit text (pp. 151-208), Sanskrit Chinese index (pp. 209-273). Published by the Chinese University Press, Shatin N. T., Hongkong.) FORTE, ANTONINO, 'Le moine khotanais Devendraprajna', BEFEO 66 (1979), pp. 289-298. FUJITA, KOTATSU, The vow in the Sanskrit manuscripts of the larger Sukhavativyuha. Sapporo, Department of Indian Philosophy, Faculty of Letters, Hokkaido University, 1980. xi, 88 pp. (Collation of 31 MSS of the Vow portion of the Larger Sukhavativyuha.) Giljansko-Russkij Slovar' (by) A. A. Kerimova, A. K. Mamedzade, and V. S. Rastorgueva. Moskva ("Nauka'), 1980. 466 pp. [Based on the dialect of Rest. Gilaki is one of the Caspian dialects of Persian. The book contains a Russian-Ghaki word index.] Page #4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 322 PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED GLASENAPP, HELMUTH VON, Ausgewahlte kleine Schriften. Herausgegeben von Heinz Bechert und Volker Moeller. Mit einem Nachtrag zur Helmuth von Glasenapp Bibliographie von Zoltan Karolyi (Glasenapp-Stiftung, Band 18). Wiesbaden, Franz Steiner Verlag GmbH., 1980. XIV, 557 pp. DM 74,-.' GNOLI, GHERARDO e ADRIANO V. ROSSI (eds.), Iranica (Ist. Univ. Orient., Seminario di Studi Asiatici, Series Minor X), Napoli 1979. 452 pp., 42 plates. ['Linguistica e Letteratura' (four articles on Baloci and Persian), 'Archeologia' (Five Studies. Note P. Ferioli e E. Fiandra, 'The administrative functions of clay sealings in protohistorical Iran'), "Zoroastrismo' (G. Widengren, 'Revelation et predication dans les Gathas', Ph. Gignoux, 'Des structures imaginaires du pantheon pre-zoroastrien a l'existence de Baga', J. DuchesneGuillemin, 'La royaute iranienne et le x'ar@nah', Gh. Gnoli,"Asavan. Contributo allo studio del libro di Arda Wiraz').) GNOLI, GHERARDO, Zoroaster's Time and Homeland. A Study on the Origins of Mazdeism and Related Problems (Ist. Univ. Orient., Seminario di Studi Asiatici, Series Minor VII). Naples 1980, xxii + 279 pp. [Introduction (1-22); Chapter I 'Historical geography of the Avesta. The first chapter of the Vendidad' (23-57); Chapter II: "Avestan geography and the Indo-Iranians, Proto-Indoaryans and Iranians' (59-90); Chapter III: 'The Chorasmian hypothesis reexamined' (91-127); Chapter IV: 'Sistan and the Hamun-i Hilmand' (129- 158); Chapter V: 'Zoroaster's time' (159-179); Chapter VI: 'Zoroaster's work' (181-198); Chapter VII: 'An historical perspective of Zoroastrianism from its origins to the Sassanian period' (199-225). Conclusion (227-231).] 'Sol persice Mithra', Mysteria Mithrae (E. P. R. O. vol. 80), Leiden-Roma 1979, pp. 725740 (Mithra not to be reduced to 'contract' (p. 737), his solar features (which do not imply an identity) have not been borrowed from Mesopotamia (p. 731). He is a god of spirit-lightsemen (p. 738), is the main subject of eschatology and a saosyant (cf. Mithras salutaris of the mysteries, pp. 738, 740 n. 86). Mithra and xVaranah (p. 738).] GOMEZ, LUIS O., 'La "meditacion" budista: i mistica o metafisica ?', Dialogos. Revista del Departamento de filosofia de la Universidad de Puerto Rico, VIII, num. 22 (1972), pp. 25-57. "Ultimo tratado de cultivo graduado (Uttarabhavanakrama)', Dialogos, VIII, num. 23 (1972), pp. 85-137. 'Emptiness and moral perfection', Philosophy East & West 23 (1973), pp. 361-373. 'Some aspects of the free-will question in the Nikayas', Philosophy East & West 25 (1975), pp. 81-90. "Consideraciones en torno al absoluto de los budistas', Estudios de Asia y Africa, X, 2 (EI Colegio de Mexico, 1975), pp. 97-154. 'Proto-Madhyamika in the Pali canon', Philosophy East & West 26 (1976), pp. 137-165.Review of Buddhist Studies in Honour of 1. B. Horner (Boston, 1974) - Philosophy East & West 27 (1977), pp. 211-221. 'Primer tratado de cultivo graduado (Purvabhavanakrama)', (Parte I), Dialogos XI, num. 29-30 (1977), pp. 177-224. Karunabhavana: Notes on the Meaning of Buddhist Compassion', The Tibet Journal III, 2 (1978), pp. 33-59. 'El Bhavanayogavatara de Kamalasila', Estudios de Asia y Africa, XIV (1979), pp. 110-137. GONDA, J., The Mantras of the Agnyupasthana and the Sautramani (Verhandelingen Kon. Ned. Akad. v. Wet., Afd. Letterk., N. R. 104). Amsterdam-Oxford-New York 1980. 202 pp. HAHN, MICHAEL, 'The play Lokanandana taka by Candragomin', Kailash VII, 1 (1979), pp. 51-67. HARA, MINORU, 'Obituary Naoshiro Tsuji (18.11.1899 - 24.9.1979)', Memoirs of The Research Department of the Toyo Bunko, No. 37 (Tokyo, 1979), pp. 193-219. -, 'Tsuji Naoshiro hakase kokubetsushiki no chaji [In memoriam Tsuji Naoshiro]', Indogaku bukkyogaku kenkyu, XXVIII (1979), pp. 394-395. Page #5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED 323 'Tsuji Naoshiro sensei no chosei o itamu [Naoshiro Tsuji. Obituary]', Toyo gakuho 61 (1980), pp. 130-144. 'Hindu concepts of teacher Sanskrit guru and acarya', Sanskrit and Indian Studies. Essays in Honour of Daniel H. H. Ingalls (Dordrecht, 1980), pp. 93-118. HARMATTA, J. (ed.), Studies in the Sources on the History of Pre-Islamic Central Asia. Budapest, Akademiai Kiado, 1979. 162 pp. $ 14.00. Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies 40, 1 (1980), pp. 1-295 [Philip Denwood, Review of L. Petech, The Kingdom of Ladakh c. 950-1842 A.D. (Roma, 1977), pp. 263-266.] HATTORI, MASAAKI, 'Uddyotakara ni hihan-sareru apoha ron [The apoha doctrine as presented by Uddyotakara]', Ito Shinjo, Tanaka Junsho ryo-kyoju shotoku kinen Bukkyogaku ronbunshu (Koyasan, 1979) pp. 117-131. 'Apoha and pratibha", Sanskrit and Indian Studies. Essays in Honour of Daniel H. H. Ingalls (Dordrecht, 1980), pp. 61-73. Review (in Japanese) of Hara Minoru, Koten Indo no kugyo (Tokyo, 1979) - Shukyo kenkyu, no. 243 (vol. 54, no. 4) (1980), pp. 100 (668)-104 (672). 'Nyayavarttika, II.2.66 ni okeru apoha-ron hihan (Uddyotakara's criticism of the apoha theory in Nyayavarttika II.2.66]', Mikkyogaku 16-17 (1980), pp. 15-30. HEMACANDRA, Dhatu parayana. Edited by Muni Municandravijaya. Ahmedabad, 1979. 28 + 496 pp. Rs. 40. [The first part of this edition was published in 1973, cf. IIJ 18, p. 158. The present edition contains the entire text and eleven appendices including a dhatu index (pp. 365-400) and a word index (pp. 401-469). Introduction in Sanskrit (pp. 9-15). To be obtained from Saraswati Pustak Bhandar, Ahmedabad, Oriental Book Centre, Ahmedabad and Motilal Banarsidass, Delhi.) HINUBER, OSKAR VON, 'Die Paisaci und die sakische Orthographie', XX. Deutscher Orientalistentag 1977 in Erlangen, pp. 332-333. - 'Die Kolophone der Gilgit-Handschriften', StII 5/6 (1980), pp. 49-82. History of Religious 19-3 (1980), pp. 187-285 (Note: Alf Hiltebeitel, 'Rama and Gilgamesh: The sacrifices of the water buffalo and the bull of heaven' (pp. 187-223); G. D. Bode, 'Theravada Buddhism's meditations on death and the symbolism of initiatory death (pp. 237-258), M. Eliade, 'Indologica, l' (pp. 270-275): reviews of works by Tucci, Gnoli, Lommel, Gonda, and Caterina Conio.] 19-4 (1980), pp. 287-381 (Note: C. J. Fuller, 'The divine couple's relationship in a South Indian temple: Minaksi and Sundaresvara at Madurai' (pp. 321-348); Wade Wheelock. 'A taxonomy of the mantras in the New- and Full-moon sacrifice' (pp. 349-369); C. N. Tay, 'The Lotus Sutra in its latest translation' (pp. 372-377: on Hurwitz's translation from the Chinese).] Hobogirin, cinquieme fascicule: chootsusho-chuu. Paris, Librairie d'Amerique et d'Orient - Tokyo, Maison Franco-japonaise, 1979. pp. 371-563, 1-IV, pl. XXIX-XXV. HOFFMANN, KARL, 'Das Verbaladjektiv von hur bei Panini', StII 5/6 (1980), pp. 87-98 (VII.2.31-33: ahruta 'nicht fehlgegangen: nicht schwankend; unverkrummt', etc. Note p. 95: dhru- '(sich) tauschen' is a separate root (M. Schwartz, JRAS 1966, p. 119 ff.).] HOOK, PETER EDWIN, Hindi Structures. Intermediate Level (Michigan Papers on South and Southeast Asia, No. 16). Ann Arbor, University of Michigan, Center for South and Southeast Asian Studies, 1979. xxi, 338 pp. $ 6.00. HOUSTON, G. W., 'An overview of Nestorians in Inner Asia', CAJ 24 (1980), pp. 60-68. -, Review of L. S. Dagyab, Tibetan Religious Art (Wiesbaden, 1977) - ibid., pp. 140-144. HULIN, MICHEL, Le principe de l'ego dans la pensee indienne classique, la notion d'ahamkara (Publications de l'Institut de Civilisation Indienne, Fasc. 44). Paris, Diffusion E. de Boccard, 1978. 375 pp. Indian Linguistics 40-3, 1979 (1980), pp. 133-212. (M. Deshpande, 'Candragomin's syntactic rules, some misconceptions' (pp. 133-145: on vivaksa, the speaker's desire as presupposed in Panini and Candragomin); Johannes Bronkhorst, 'The role of meanings in Panini's Page #6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 324 PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED grammar' (pp. 146-157: meanings are the input in P.'s grammar, which "turns meanings into utterances"); Edward C. Hill, The expression of past and present state in Telugu (pp. 158-164); S. V. Shanmugam, 'Regional language and nationalism' (pp. 165-177); P. Dasgupta, The Bangla -wal-no form as participle and gerund' (pp. 185-197), etc. Review of the Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Sanskrit by Cardona (pp. 198-205).] Intern. Journal of Dravidian Linguistics (IJDL) IX-2 (June 1980); pp. 203-386 + xxxix + Index vols I-VIII (xxxiii pp.). [A. Chandrasekhar, "To Dravidian Linguists' (Presidential address, pp. 232-252); L. R. Prabhoo, 'Dative case in Indo-Aryan and Dravidian: contact and interference in the Indian subcontinent' (pp. 253-273); Hannah Fane, 'SumerianDravidian inter-connections: the linguistic, archeological and textual evidence' (pp. 286 - 305); Sanford B. Steever, "The verbs in South Central Dravidian' (pp. 337-375), etc.) IRWIN, JOHN, "The axial symbolism of the early stupa: an exegesis', The Stupa, Its Religious, Historical and Architectural Significance, ed. A. L. Dalla piccola et al. (Beitr. z. Sudasienf., Bd. 55), Heidelberg 1980, pp. 12-36 with 8 plates. The Axis Mundi and the Phallus: Some unrecognized east-west parallels', Proc. of the Intern. Centenary Conference of the Folklore Society (?), 1978 [Xeroxed proof sheets without page numbering.) ISDL Working Papers in Linguistics No. 1 (Intern. School of Drav. Linguistics, Vanchiyoor, Trivandrum), 1980. 17 pp. [Editor D. N. S. Bhat. Contents: Bhat, 'Material for a comparative Dravidian syntax' (pp. 1-14), H. C. Bhayani, 'On the tag Hime intensifiers in Gujarati' (pp. 15-17).] ITO, GIKYO, 'Zoroastrians' arrival in Japan (Pahlavica I', Orient 15 (1979), pp. 55-63. JAINI, PADMANABH S., Amstacandrasuri's Laghutattvasphota. Edited by P. S.J. (L. D. Series 62]. Ahmedabad, L. S. Institute of Indology, 1978. 40, 258 pp. Rs 50 [Introduction, text, translation, verse index, index of Sanskrit words. ] Saratama. A panjika on the Astasahasrika Prajnaparamita sutra by Acarya Ratnakarasanti. Edited by P. S. J. [Tibetan Sanskrit Works Series, No. XVIII). Patna, Kashi Prasad Jayaswal Research Institute, 1979. X, 22, 226 pp. Rs 30. JONG, J. W. DE, Review of Minoru Kiyota (ed.), Mahayana Buddhist Meditation: Theory and Practice (Honolulu 1978) - The Eastern Buddhist, N. S. XII/2 (1979), pp. 153-161. Journal Am. Or. Soc. 99-2 (1979), pp. 175-397 [Diana Paul, 'The concept of Tathagatagarbha in the Srimala devi Sutra (Sheng-Man Ching)' (pp. 191-203); Michael W. Meister, 'Mandala and practice in Nagara architecture in North India' (pp. 204-219);W. W. Malandra, 'Atharvaveda 2.27: Evidence for a Soma-Amuler' (pp. 220-224); Max I. Baym, 'William Dwight Whitney and Ernest Renan: the role of Orientalism in Franco-American relations' (pp. 225-234). Reviews of Goldman, Gods, Priests and Warriors, the Bhrgus of the Mahabharata (pp. 341-343), Lokesh Chandra, Saddharma-Pundarika-Sutra (Kashgar .. Manuscript) and Toda, Note on the Kashgar Manuscript of the Saddharmapundarikasutra (both by D. S. Ruegg), Schubring, Nayadhammakahao, W. Howard, Samavedic Chant, Verpoorten, L'ordre des mots dans l'Aitareya Brahmana, Joshi, Dharmakosa IV, 1-4. A. Wezler, Bestimmung und Angabe der Funktion von Sekundarsuffixen durch Panini, etc.) 99-3 (1979), pp. 399-555. (L. W. J. van der Kuijp, "Tibetan contributions to the 'Apoha' theory: the fourth chapter of the Tshad-ma rigs-pa'i gter' (pp. 408-422).] Journal asiatique, CCLXVIII, 1-2 (1980), pp. 1-211 [M. Soymie, 'Paul Demieville (1894 1979)', p. 1-10]. Journal of the K. R. Cama Oriental Institute No. 47, Bombay 1979. ix + 151 pp. (Four lectures on 'Ancient Iranian systems of writing' by Dr. Hormazdyar K. Mirza: I. 'Oral and written transmission of the Avesta texts' (pp. 1-32). II. 'Cuneiform, Aramaic and other scripts' (pp. 33-56). III. 'Origin and some problems of the Pahlavi script' (pp. 57-86). IV (idem, pp. 87-124). Additional notes, Index, 13 plates.) Journal of Mithraic Studies, Vol. III, Numbers 1 and 2 (1980), VI, 234 pp. [The contents of this final volume are: Per Beskow, The Portorium and the Mysteries of Mithras', pp. 1-18; Page #7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED 325 R. L. Gordon, 'Reality, evocation and boundary in the Mysteries of Mithras', pp. 19-99; John R. Hinnells, 'The Parsis: a bibliographical survey (1)', pp. 100-149; Paul Axelrod, 'Myth and Identity in the Indian Zoroastrian community', pp. 150-165; Ketayun H. Gould, 'Singling out a demographic problem: the never-married Parsis', pp. 166-184; . Malcolm Davidson and Roger Beck, 'The Mithraic relief in Toronto, CIMRM 606', pp. 185-199; R. L. Gordon, 'Panelled complications' (Apropos of Henry Lavagne, 'Les reliefs mithriaques a scenes multiples en Italie', Melanges Pierre Boyance, 1974, pp. 481-504), pp. 200-227; Stefan Zimmer, Review of H. Lommel, Kleine Schriften (Wiesbaden, 1978), pp. 228-234.] JUNGHARE, INDIRA YASHWANT, Topics in Pali historical phonology. Delhi, Motilal Banarsidass, 1979. xu, 193 pp. Rs. 60. KAJIYAMA, YUICHI, 'Realism of the Sarvastivada School', Buddhist Thought and Asian Civilization (Emeryville, 1977), pp. 114-131. 'Later Madhyamikas on Epistemology and Meditation', Mahayana Buddhist Meditation: Theory and Practice (Honolulu, 1978), pp. 114-143. ""Thus Spoke the Blessed One ...", Prajnaparamita and related systems (Berkeley, 1977 [1979]), pp. 93-99. ""Chie no tomoshibi" dai-jugo-sho (shiyaku)', Ito Shinjo, Tanaka Junsho ryo-kyoju shotoku kinen Bukkyogaku ronbunshu (Koyasan, 1979), pp. 181-202 [Transl. of the 15th chapter of Bhavaviveka's Prajnapradipa.) 'Bhavaviveka no goshiso. "Hannyatoron" dai-jushichi-sho no wayaku', Kumoi Shozen-hen Goshiso kenkyu (Kyoto, 1979), pp. 304-357. (Transl. of the 17th chapter of Bhavaviveka's Prajnapradipa.] ""Bukkyo tetsugaku" ni tsuite. E. Frauwallner no shogai to gyoseki', Toyo gakujutsu kenkyu 18,4 (1979), pp. 51-67 (On the life and work of E. Frauwallner (1899-1974). ] KAPP, DIETER B., 'Die Kindheits- und Jugendriten der Alu-Kurumbas (Sudindien)', Zeitschrift fur Ethnologie 103 Heft 2 (1978), pp. 279-289 (For the English version see vol. 22, p. 179.] KATSURA, SHORYU, 'Immyoshorimonron kenkyu (III)', Hiroshima daigaku bungakubu kiyo, 39 (1979), pp. 63-82 (A Study of the Nyayamukha (III). For parts I and II see IIJ, 22, pp. 179 and 333.) -, 'The Apoha Theory of Dignaga', Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies, XXVIII, 1 (1979). pp. 493 (16)-489 (20). KESARCODI-WATSON, IAN, 'Are there real things? Borrowings from Nagarjuna', JIP, 5 (1978), pp. 371-383.. --, 'Atma-vidya and "ego", Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 40 (1979), pp. 130-134. KIEHNLE, CATHARINA, Vedisch uks und uks/vaks. Wortgeschichtliche und exegetische Untersuchungen (Alt- und Neu-Indische Studien, 21). Wiesbaden, Franz Steiner Verlag GmbH, 1979. V, 241 pp. DM 27,-. KLAFKOWSKI, PIOTR, The Secret Deliverance of the Sixth Dalai Lama as Narrated by Dharmatala. Edited from the Hor chos-'byun by Dharma tala and Translated into English, with an Introduction and Comments (Wiener Studien zur Tibetologie und Buddhismuskunde, Heft 3). Wien, Arbeitskreis fur Tibetische und Buddhistische Studien, 1979. VI, 93 pp. o.S. 200.KORTLANDT, FREDERIK, 'Three problems of Balto-Slavic phonology', Zbornik za filologiju i lingvistiku (Novi Sad) XXII/2 (1979), pp. 57-63 (p. 60: "It now turns out that Winter's law excludes the derivation of Slavic bogu from *bhogWos on formal grounds. I conclude that the word was borrowed from Iranian at an early stage, not only with the meaning 'god', but also in the sense of 'fortune'." It is further suggested that slovo is an early borrowing from Iranian sravah-.] KUIPER, F. B.J., 'Prenatale elementen in archaische en oosterse culturen', Miel van Compenhout en Fons Baets (eds.), Strategie van de (pre)natale ervaring (Antwerpen, 1980), pp. 45-61. Page #8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 326 PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED KVAERNE, PER, Reviews of D. Schuh, Erlasse und Sendschreiben mongolischer Herrscher fur tibetische Geistliche (St. Augustin, 1977); L. S. Dagyab, Tibetan Religious Art (Wiesbaden, 1977); D. Schuh/L. S. Dagyab, Urkunden, Erlasse und Sendschreiben aus dem Besitz sikkimesischer Adelshauser und des Klosters Phodang (St. Augustin, 1978); A. MacDonald/ Y. Imaeda, Choix de documents tibetains conserves a la Bibliotheque Nationale, Tome jer (Paris, 1978) - Acta Or. 40 (1979), pp. 318-328. "The visit of Prince Waldemar of Prussia to Nepal in February and March 1845', Kailash VII, 1 (1979), pp. 35-50, 17 pl. [Translated from the German.] LAMOTTE, ETIENNE, Le traite de la grande vertu de sagesse de Nagarjuna (Mahaprajna paramitasastra). Tome V: Chapitres XLIX-LII, et Chapitre XX (2e serie) (Publications de l'Institut Orientaliste de Louvain, 24). Louvain-la-Neuve, Institut Orientaliste, 1980. XV, 2163-2451 pp. Language 56-1 (1980), pp. 1-250 (Review of Haudry, L'emploi des cas en vedique (1977) by R(osane) Rocher, pp. 192-194.) - 56-2 and 56-3 (1980, pp. 251-717). LIENHARD, SIEGFRIED, 'Beobachtungen zu einem wenig bekannten kavya-Motiv', WZKS, 22 (1978), pp. 57-65. 'Problemes du syncretisme religieux au Nepal', BEFEO 65 (1978), pp. 239-270. 'Observations concerning a Buddhist text on erotics: The Nagarasarvasva of Padmasri', CAJ 23 (1979), pp. 96-103. 'Summer poems in Sanskrit and Prakrit', Indologica Taurinensia V (1977) (publ. in 1979), pp. 113-118. 'Remarks on the early history of Indian medical terminology', Scientia Orientalis 16 . (1979), pp. 9-20. -, 'On the meaning and use of the word indragopa', Indologica Taurinensia VI (Torino, 1978), pp. 177-188. LINCOLN, BRUCE, 'Death and Resurrection in Indo-European thought,JIES 5.(1977), pp. 247-64. 'The Hellhound', JIES 7 (1979), pp. 273-285. LINDTNER, CHR., Nagarjuna. Juvelkaeden og andre skrifter. Oversat og indledet af C. L. Kobenhavn, Sankt Ansgars Forlag, 1980. 106 pp. [Danish translation of the Ratnavali, the Yuktisastika, the Niraupamyastava and the Paramarthastava.) 'Candrakirti's Pancaskandhaprakarana. I. Tibetan Text, Acta Or., 40 (1979), pp. 87145. 'Narakoddharastava', ibid., pp. 146-155 [Edition of the Sanskrit text of Nagarjuna's Narakoddharastava and of the Tibetan translation. English version.] Linh Son - Publication d'etudes bouddhologiques, no. 10 (Mars 1980), 45 pp. [Peter Skilling, 'The Dasottara-sutra, the Satsutraka-nipata, and the Silaskandhika', pp. 26-35; Bhikkhu Pasadika. 'The Sutrasamuccaya (IX), English translation', pp. 36-45.); no. 11 (Juin, 1980) (Peter Skilling, 'On the Five Aggregates of Attachment', pp. 20-31; Bhikkhu Pasadika, "The Sutrasamuccaya (X), English translation', pp. 32-42.); no. 12 (Septembre 1980), 44 pp. (Lalmani Joshi, 'Nirvana selon les ecritures bouddhistes (I)', pp. 16-24; Peter Skilling. 'On the Five Aggregates of Attachment (II)', pp. 25-30; Bhikkhu Pasadika, 'The Sutrasamuccaya (XI), English translation', pp. 30-41.] LOBSANG DARGYAY, Die Legende von den sieben Prinzessinnen (Saptakumarika-avadana.) In der poetischen Fassung von Guhyadatta/Gopadatta aufgrund der tibetischen Ubersetzung herausgegeben, ubersetzt und bearbeitet. (Wiener Studien zur Tibetologie und Buddhismuskunde, Heft 2). Wien Arbeitskreis fur Tibetische und Buddhistische Studien, Universitat Wien, 1978. X, 162 pp. O.S. 200.-. LUDERS, HEINRICH, Bruchstuke buddhistischer Dramen (Kleinere Sanskrit-Texte Heft I); Bruchstucke der Kalpanamanditika des Kumaralata (Kleinere Sanskrit-Texte Heft II) (Monographien zur indischen Archaologie, Kunst und Philologie, Bd. 1). Wiesbaden, Franz Steiner Verlag GmbH., 1979. VI, 375 pp. DM 74.-. Page #9 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED 327 MAEDA, SENGAKU, Vedanta no tetsugaku (Sara sasho 24). Tokyo, Heirakuji shoten. 1980. 11, 304, 34 pp. Yen 3.800. (Study of Sankara's Advaita. The first chapter sketches the development of the Vedanta philosophy and gives full bibliographical information on editions, translations and studies. Chapters 2-7 contain a systematical study of Sankara's philosophy; Chapter 2. Sankara and his philosophical position; Chapter 3. The way to know the truth; Chapter 4. Cosmological study of atman = brahman; Chapter 5. Psychological and epistemological study of atman = brahman; Chapter 6. Exegetical study of atman = brahman; Chapter 7. The doctrine of deliverance. Appendix: Sankara and Buddhism.] MAGNIN, PAUL, La vie et l'oeuvre de Huisi (515-577) (Les origines de la secte bouddhique du Tiantai) (Publications de l'Ecole Francaise d'Extreme-Orient, vol. CXVI). Paris, Ecole Francaise d'Extreme-Orient, 1979. 289 pp. et 15 planches de reproduction de textes chinois. Mahabhasyapradipavyakhyanani. Commentaires sur le Mahabhasya de Patanjali et le Pradipa de Kaiyata, edition par M. S. Narasimhacharya. Vol. IV: Adhyaya 1 Pada 2-4. V, 383 pp.; Vol. VI: Adhyaya 3 Pada 1-4. VI, 420 pp. (Publications de l'Institut Francais d'Indologie Nos. 51, 4 et 51, 6). Pondichery, Institut Francais d'Indologie, 1977, 1979. MALAMOUD, CHARLES, Le Svadhyaya, recitation personnelle du Veda. Taittiriya-Aranyaka. Livre II. Texte traduit et commente (Publications de l'Institut de Civilisation Indienne, Fasc. 43). Paris, Diffusion E. de Boccard, 1978. X, 249 pp. MAYRHOFER, MANFRED, Kurzgefasstes etymologisches Worterbuch des Altindischen, Bd. IV. Register, 4. Lief. (= 30. Lieferung des Gesamtwerkes). Heidelberg (Carl Winter), 1980, pp. 241-320. - 5. Lief., 1980. III-VIII pp., pp. 321-384. Zur Gestaltung eines etymologischen Worterbuches einer 'Grosscorpus-Sprache' mit je einem Anhang von V. I. Abaev, sowie von Karl Hoffmann und Eva Tichy (Osterr. Akad. d. Wiss., Philos.-hist. Kl., Sber., 368. Bd. Wien (Verlag Osterr. Akad. d. Wiss.), 1980. 58 pp. "Zarathustra und kein Ende?', Acta Antiqua Ac. sc. hung., t. XXV, fasc. 1-4, 1977 [1980], pp. 85-90 [Reaction to B. Schlerath, 'Noch einmal Zarathustra', Die Sprache 23/2, 1977.). - 'Zu iranischen Reflexen des vrki-Typus', Recherches de linguistique, Hommages a Maurice Leroy (ed. Univ. Bruxelles) pp. 130-152 [A critical survey of all Old Iranian traces of the vrki-inflexion.] Middle East: Abstracts and Index, The Vol. 2, No. 2, June, 1979. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Northumberland Press. XV, 298 pp. MIMAKI, KATSUMI, 'Le chapitre du Blo gsal grub mtha' sur les Sautrantika. Un essai de traduction', Zinbun: Memoirs of the Research Institute for Humanistic Studies, Kyoto University, Number 16 (1980), pp. 143-172. 'Sur le role de l'antarasloka ou du samgrahasloka', Indianisme et bouddhisme, Melanges offerts a Mgr Etienne Lamotte (Louvain-la-Neuve, 1980), pp. 233-244. MURAKAMI, SHINKAN, 'Muyoku to mushoyu. Mahabharata to bukkyo (I)', Tohoku daigaku bungakubu kenkyu nenpo, 29 (1979), pp. 140-213 and (248)-(244). [Nondesire and non-possession. The Mahabharata and Buddhism. English summary pp. (248)(244). Mahabharata verses have some ideas in common with ideas expressed in the verses of the early Buddhist texts: the realization of the transciency and suffering of life, the suppression of craving and desire, the resolution to give up one's possessions and leave one's home and family. However, these verses do not contain the whole of the early Buddhist teachings which are found in prose passages shared by the different schools. ] MYLIUS, KLAUS (tr.), Die Bhagavadgita. Aus dem Sanskrit. Ubersetzung, Einleitung und Anmerkungen (Reclams Universal-Bibliothek, Band 814). Leipzig, Verlag Philipp Reclam jun., 1980. 125 pp. DDR 1.50 M. METTE, ADELHEID, 'Ein musiktheoretischer Traktat im Jainakanon', WZKS 24 (1980), pp. 83-97. Page #10 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 328 PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED NAKAMURA, ZUIRYU (ed.), Hokkekyo no shiso to kiban (Hokkekyo kenkyu VIII). Kyoto, Heirakuji shoten, 1980.8,477, 19, 25 pp. (Volume eight of Studies on the Lotus sutra. Contents. Part I, The Lotus Sutra and Indian philosophies: Yensho Kanakura, 'Contacts between Buddhist views on Buddha and Indian Philosophies', pp. 3-18; Yesho Yamaguchi, 'The Lotus Sutra and Indian Philosophy - A Methodological Study (Notes)-', pp. 19-41; Keisho Tsukamoto, 'On the Origin and Development of "aupapadukah padme"', pp. 43- 87; Yukei Matsunaga, 'Characteristics of Dharani of the Lotus Sutra', pp. 89-106; Kenzo Hojo, 'The Cognition of the Word in the Lotus Sutra', pp. 107-130. Part II, The Formation of the Lotus Sutra and its Basis: Akira Hirakawa, 'The Thought of Eka-yana in Saddharmapundarikasutra - 'to Manifest Eka-Yana by Opening Tri-yana' -', pp. 133-177; Zuiryu Nakamura, 'Tathagata-garbha and Dharma-Kaya of the Lotus Sutra', pp. 179-210; Shinjo Suguro, 'The vijnaptimatra-theory and the Theory of dhyana or samadhi of Saddharmapundarikasutra', pp. 211-238; Zuei Ito, 'The Thought of Buddhavatamsaka-namamahavaipulya-sutra and That of Saddharmapundarikasutra', pp. 239-279; Kenyo Mitomo, 'On the Theory that Sravaka Can [be] a Buddha', pp. 281-322; Yenshu Kurumiya, 'The Collection of Manuscripts of Saddharmapundarikasutra Dug Out in Gilgit', pp. 323-334. Part 3, The Development of the Thought of the Lotus Sutra: Yosho Nomura, 'A Form of the P'u men p'in in hien wen found in Touen-huang', pp. 337-388; Kosho Kawamura, 'The Background of the Formation of du lian tian di pin. ma ma pu sa pin', pp. 389-432; Takao Maruyama, 'The Hermeneutic Development of "Hokke Shichiyu", or Seven Parables in the Lotus Sutra"', pp. 433-461; Senkyo Sakawa, 'Fa-hua-chingpien-hsiang-t'u in Chinese Temples and Other Places', pp. 463-477. Index, pp. 1-19. English abstracts, pp. 1-25.) Naritasan bukkyo kenkyujo kiyo (Journal of the Naritasan Institute for Buddhist Studies) 4 (Naritasan shinshoji, 1979), 353 + 109 pp. (Yamaguchi Zuiho, ""Nikan-bon yakugoshaku" kenkyu (Tr. of the introduction and the colophon of the Madhyavyutpatti and a study on the date of the compilation of the Maha- and the Madhyavyutpatti)', pp. 1-24; ota Tsugio, 'Hizohoyaku-sho Heian-matsu shareihon ni tsuite (On the late Heian manuscripts of the Hizohayaku-sho)', pp. 25-133; Miyake Hitoshi, 'En no Ozuno densho no tenkai to Shugendo (The development of the legend of En no Ozuno and the Shugendo)', pp. 135-173; Nasu Seiryu, 'Shakumakaenron kogi (Lecture on the Shih mo ho yen lun T.1668)', pp. 175-235; Fuse Joe, 'Genyu Hoin no "Denju yoi" ni tsuite (On Genyu Hoin's Denju yol)', pp. 237-238; A. Govindakutty (tr. by Matsumoto Shokei), 'Tamiru bungaku gaikan (Survey of Tamil literature)', pp. 269-283; Matsumoto Shokei, 'Tamiru go koshi ni-hen (Tr. of two old Tamil poems from Manikkavacakar's Tiruvacakam)', pp. 285-330; Ihara Shoren, 'Rigu-veda no gengok Shingon shiso no hitotsu no genryu (Various aspects of the Rigvedic ideas of the word. A source of the concept of the mantra)', pp. 331-353; Ihara Shoren, 'Rigu-veda honyaku ka Renou, Thieme san-hakase ni yoru (Index to the hymns tr. by Tsuji, Renou and Thieme)', pp. 81-109; Miyasaka Yusho, 'Radakku (Nishi-Chibetto) Re chiku no ganpo (Chibetto Bukkyo jiin) shozo no Chibetto bunken no chosa-hokoku (Report on the Tibetan texts preserved in the Tibetan monasteries in the Leh district in Ladakh in Western Tibet)', pp. 1-8; Miyasaka Yusho, 'Nishi Chibetto Radakku chiho gonpa shozo Chibetto bunken mokuroku (Radakku kaihan-bon) (Catalogue of the Ladakh editions of Tibetan texts preserved in the monasteries in the Leh district in Ladakh)', pp. 9-80.) NARTEN, JOHANNA, 'Avestisch Cis', Mon. Nyberg II (1975), pp. 81-92 (Word of the religious terminology: 'Jemandem etwas bestimmen, ubertragen, zuweisen, zusprechen, zuerkennen'; on the phrase cinasti ... and on tkaesa.) - 'Ved. amayati und amayavin', Stil. 5/6 (1980), pp. 153-166 (amayati 'hurts' (from ami-, Hoffmann), amayat and amaya 'what hurts' (hence class. amaya- 'illness'), amayavin 'suffering from pain'. Av. amayava (Yt. 71, 17) from *amaya-va). Newsletter (Annual) of the Scandinavian Institute of Asian Studies, Copenhagen 1979. no. 13. Page #11 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED 329 (Soren Egerod, 'Bernhard Karlgren', (pp. 3-24); Per Sorensen, 'The history of a kettle drum' (pp. 30-37).) NORMAN, K. R., 'Two Pali etymologies', BSOAS XLII (1979), pp. 321-328. [1. vivatta chadda < *vivrtta-sabda 'one whose name has rolled in different directions'; 2. akhinavly)appatha < *askirna-vak-patha 'of rough, unrestrained speech'. ] 'Magadhisms in the Kathavatthu', Studies in Pali and Buddhism (Delhi, 1979), pp. 279287. Reviews of W. Schubring, Kleine Schriften (Wiesbaden, 1977); R. O. Franke, Kleine Schriften (Wiesbaden, 1978); U. Schneider, Die grossen Felsen-Edikte Asokas (Wiesbaden, 1978), Acta Or., 40 (1979), pp. 342-344, 344-346, 346-363. 'Four Etymologies from the Sabhiya sutta', Festschrift for Walpola Rahula (London, 1980), pp. 173-184. -, 'The dialects in which the Buddha preached', Die Sprache der altesten buddhistischen Uberlieferung (Gottingen, 1980), pp. 61-77. 'Middle Indo-Aryan studies XIV-XV', JOIB 29 (1979), pp. 37-49. (1. Three Notes on the Uttarajjhayanasutta (XIX.63; XXIII.89; XXIV.8); 2. Nine Pali Etymologies (mukha, vanibbaka, dirasannu, onitapattapani, pattakkhandha, panna, unna, pona, ninna).] OBERHAMMER, GERHARD, Materialien zur Geschichte der Ramanuja-Schule. I. Parasarabhattas Tattvaratnakarah (Veroffentlichungen der Kommission fur Sprachen und Kulturen Sudasiens, Heft 14). Wien. Verlag der osterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1979. 258 pp. O'FLAHERTY, WENDY DONIGER, Women, Androgynes, and Other Mythical Beasts. Chicago and London, The University of Chicago Press, 1980. xviii, 382 pp. PS 16.50 / $35.75. OJIHARA, YUTAKA, 'Causerie Vyakaranique (V): *purvatra siddham* contrairement a 8.2.1', Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies, XXVIII (1979), pp. 508(1)-503(6). -, 'Sur une formule patanjalienne: "na cedanim acaryah sutrani kltva nivartayanti", Indologica Taurinensia VI (Torino, 1978), pp. 219-234. Orientalistische Literaturzeitung, 74. Jahrgang, Heft 6 (November/Dezember 1979), Sp. 513 624; 75. Jahrgang, Heft 1 (Januar/Februar 1980), Sp. 1-96, Heft 2 (Marz/April 1980), Sp. 97-208. Pali Buddhist Review, Vol. 4, No. 3 (1979), 49-100 pp. [Nathan Katz, 'Does the 'Cessation of the World' entail the Cessation of Emotions? The Psychology of the Arahant', pp. 53-65; L. P. N. Perera, 'An Analysis of the Sela Sutta of the Sutta-Nipata', pp. 66-70; Bhikkhu Nanajivako, "The Analogy of the Jivan-mukta in Vedanta with the Arahant in Pali Buddhism', pp. 71-85; Russell Webb, 'Pali Buddhist Studies in the West. 9. Czechoslovakia', pp. 86-90.] PATYAL, H. Ch., 'Avakirnin', JOrInst (Baroda) 28-3/4 (1979), pp. 1-6 ['one who has violated his vow of chastity or celibacy, who has neglected his daily duties for seven days (hence debarred from his asrama and from participation in the sacred rites)'. ] PETECH, LUCIANO, 'Ya-ts'e, Guge, Pu-ran: a new study', CAJ 24 (1980), pp. 85-111. PINNOW, HEINZ-JURGEN, 'Reflections on the history of the Khmer phonemic system', Mon-Khmer Studies VIII, pp. 103-130 [Translation of 'Sprachgeschichtliche Erwagungen zum Phonemsystem des Khmer', Zs. f. Phonetik u. allgem. Sprachw. 10-4 (1957), pp. 378-391. See vol. 3, p. 318.) 'Remarks on the structure of the Khmer syllable and word', Mon-Khmer Studies VIII, pp. 131-137 [Translation of 'Bemerkungen zur Silben- und Wortstruktur des Khmer', ZfPh. 11 (1958), pp. 176-179.] Prajna paramita and related systems. Studies in honor of Edward Conze (Berkeley Buddhist Studies Series 1). Edited by Lewis Lancaster. Berkeley, 1977 (published in 1979). (A. Rawlinson, "The Position of the Astasahasrika Prajnaparamita in the Development of Early Mahayana', pp. 3-34; L. Schmithausen, 'Textgeschichtliche Beobachtungen zum 1. Kapitel der Aspasahasrika Prajnaparamita", pp. 35-80; R. E. Emmerick, The Concluding Page #12 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 330 PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED Verses of the Khotanese Vajracchedika", pp. 83-92; Yuichi Kajiyama," "Thus Spoke the Blessed One ..."., pp. 93-99; L. Hurvitz, 'Hsuan-tsang and the Heart Scripture', pp. 103-121; M. Pye, 'The Heart Sutra in Japanese Context', pp. 123-134; A. Wayman, 'Secret of the Heart Sutra', pp. 135-152; H. W. Bailey, 'Mahaprajnaparamita-sutra', pp. 153-162; L. Lancaster, 'A Study of a Khotanese Prajnaparamita Text: After the Work of Sir Harold Bailey', pp. 163-183; J. W. de Jong, 'Notes on Prajnaparamita texts: 2. The Suvikrantavikramipariprccha", pp. 187-199; Akira Yuyama, 'The First Two Chapters of the Prajna-paramita-ratna-guna-samcaya-gatha (Rgs)', pp. 203-218; L. O. Gomez, "The Bodhisattva as Wonder-worker', pp. 221-261; N. R. Lethcoe, 'The Bodhisattva Ideal in the Asta-and Panca- Prajnaparamita Sutras', pp. 263-280; D. Seyfort Ruegg, 'The gotra, ekayana and tathagatagarbha theories of the Prajnaparamita according to Dharmamitra and Abhayakaragupta', pp. 283-312; A. Kunst, 'Some Aspects of the Ekayana', pp. 313-326; S. Beyer, 'Notes on the Vision Quest in Early Mahayana', pp. 329-340; J. Hirabayashi and S. Lida, 'Another Look at the Madhyamika vs. Yogacara Controversy Concerning Existence and Non-existence', pp. 341-360; H. Bechert, 'Mahayana Literature in Sri Lanka: The Early Phase', pp. 361-368; W. B. Bollee, 'A Note on Evil and its Conquest from Indra to Buddha', pp. 371-381; E. Steinkellner, 'Jnanasrimitra's Sarvajnasiddhih', pp. 383-393; G. Parrinder, 'Mystery and Mysticism', pp. 395-402; P. S. Jaini, 'Prajna and drsti in the Vaibhasika Abhidharma', pp. 403-417; The Works of Edward Conze, pp. 419-433; Index, pp. 435-451.) PORCHER, MARIE-CLAUDE, Figures de style en Sanskrit. Theories des Alamkarasastra, analyse de poemes de Venkatadhvan (Publications de l'Institut de Civilisation indienne, Fasc. 45). Paris, Diffusion E. de Boccard, 1978. 420 pp. REYNOLDS, C. H. B., Sinhalese. An introductory course. University of London, School of Oriental and African Studies 1980. VIII, 319 pp. PS 18.00. RICHARDSON, H. E., 'The fifth Dalai Lama's decree appointing Sangs-rgyas rgya-mtsho as regent', BSOAS 43 (1980), pp. 329-344, 2 pl. ROSSI-ADRIANO V., Iranian Lexical Elements in Brahui (Istituto Univ. Or., Seminario di Studi Asiatici, Series Minor VIII). Napoli, 1979. LXII + 360 pp. -, see GNOLI. ROSU, ARION, Les conceptions psychologiques dans les textes medicaux indiens (Publications de l'Institut de Civilisation Indienne, Fasc. 43). Paris, Diffusion E. de Boccard, 1978. XV, 289 pp. SAGASTER, KLAUS, 'Bemerkungen zum Begriff "Gut" im Altturkischen, Mongolischen und Tibetischen', Die Mongolischen Epen (Wiesbaden, 1979), pp. 140-149. -, 'Uber eine Sammlung von Materialien zur Volkskunde der Tschachar-Mongolen', CAJ 23 (1979), pp. 260-270. 'M. M. Haltods Notizen uber die mongolische Volksmedizin', Heilen und Schenken. Festschrift fur Gunther Klinge zum 70. Geburtstag (Wiesbaden, 1980), pp. 77-96. SANCISI-WEERDENBURG, H. W. A. M., Yauna en Persai, Grieken en Perzen in een ander perspectief. Groningen 1980. ix + 271 pp. [Doctor's thesis, Leiden.] Sanskrit Manuscripts of Saddharmapundarika. Compiled by the Institute for the Comprehensive Study of the Lotus Sutra, Rissho University, Vol. III. Tokyo, Publishing Assocation of Saddharmapundarika Manuscripts, 1978. XI, 543, 27 pp. (Chapter 3.] ; Vol. VI. Tokyo, 1979. XI, 503, 32 pp. (Chapters 8-10.) SATO, HISASHI, "Ta no Rugentei no nyuzoro-ni tsuite', Bukkyo daigaku daigakuin kenkyu kiyo, 8 (1980), pp. 1-14 (Study of the route followed by Liu Yuan-ting, the Chinese envoy to Lhasa in 822.) SCHLERATH, BERNFRIED, Sanskrit Vocabulary. Arranged according to word families with meanings in English, German and Spanish. Leiden, E. J. Brill, 1980. IX, 216 pp. DGI. 48,-. -, 'Indo-iranisch *var. "wahlen" , Stil. 5/6, 1980, pp. 199-208. (var- 'ein Sichbekennen, ein Page #13 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED 331 huldigendes Proklamieren, ein Sichanschliessen an einen Helden'; RS. IV.42.5 vrtah 'Die Elite, die Helden' (like Grassmann), pra-var-'jemanden sich eingliedern', Av. fravarane 'ich gliedere mich ein', fravasi- perhaps 'Identitat, alter ego' (or originally for the elite of killed warriors?).] SCHMIDT, HANNS-PETER, 'Ancient Iranian animal classification', StII 5/6 (1980), pp. 209- 244. 'Notes on Rgveda 7.18.5-10', Indica 17/1 (1980), pp. 41-48. Review of B. L. Ogibenin, Structure d'un mythe vedique, Le mythe cosmogonique dans le Rgveda (The Hague-Paris 1973) - ZDMG 130 (1980), pp. 132-141. SEMEKA-PANKRATOV, ELENA, 'The structure of the twin-myth and V. V. Ivanov's theory of "even" and "odd"), Wiener slawistischer Almanach, 4 (1979), pp. 439-454. SHIRAISHI, SHINDO, 'Shittansho no denshu to gojuonzu no seiritsu', Yamanishi daigaku gakujutsu gakubu kenkyu hokoku, 4 (1953), pp. 55-68. - 'Hannyashingyo bonpon no kaishaku ni tsuite', [On the interpretation of the Prajna paramitahrdayasutra) , Indogaku kukkyogaku kenkyu, 38 (1979), pp. 417(92)-412(97). SHULMAN, DAVID DEAN, Tamil Temple Myths, Sacrifice and Divine Marriage in the South Indian Saiva Tradition. Princeton (Princeton Univ. Press), 1980. xvi + 471 pp. $ 37.50. SIMON, RICHARD, Kleine Schriften. Herausgegeben von Rudiger Schmitt (Glasenapp-Stiftung, Band 20). Wiesbaden, Franz Steiner Verlag GmbH., 1979. X, 956 pp. DM 148.-. -, Die Erzahlung vom grossen Affen Hanumat. Ramayana, Buch V. Deutsche Ubertragung von R. S., herausgegeben von Rudiger Schmitt. Saarbrucken, Universitatsbibliothek, 1977. XIV, 264 pp. SIMONSSON, NILS, 'Ett livshjul i Bhagavadgita', Religion och Bibel XXXVII (Stockholm, 1979), pp. 79-85 [Interpretation of the cakra in Bhagavadgita II. 14-16.) SOKOLOVA, V. S., Bartangskie Teksty i Slovar', Moskva-Leningrad (Izdatel'stvo Akad. Nauk SSSR), 1960.197 pp. (Continues Rusanskie i Xufskie Teksty i Slover' (1959). Bartangi also belongs to the North Pamir dialects but, although mostly reckoned among the 'Sughni group', it is different from both Sughni and Rosani. In the texts the two main dialects Basadi and Sipanji are represented.] South Asia Institute of Heidelberg University, Bulletin 1973-1978 (Heidelberg, no date). 83 pp. South Asian Languages Analysis, no. 1 (1979), VIII, 219 pp. [Published by South Asian Languages Analysis group, Department of Linguistics, University of Illinois, At UrbanaChampaign, 61801. Tej K. Bhatia, 'Negation in South Asian Languages', pp. 1-12; Susan K. Donaldson, 'Hindi-Urdu jab-Clauses as Statements of Presuppositions', pp. 13-30; Murray B. Emeneau, 'Linguistic Archaisms in Toda Songs', pp. 31-46; H. H. Hock, Retroflexion Rules in Sanskrit', pp. 47-62; Yamanu Kachru, 'The Quotative in South Asian Languages', pp. 63-78; Manjari Ohala, 'Phonological Features of Hindi Stops', pp. 79-88; Rajeshwari Pandharipande, 'Passive as an Optional Rule in Hindi, Marathi, and Nepali', pp. 107-114;S. N. Sridhar, 'New Evidence for Spontaneous Demotion', pp. 115-124, Manindra K. Verma and Edward C. Hill, 'Why Do South Asian Languages Have the Typology That They Have?', pp. 125-134; Kashi Wali, 'Verb Raising in Marathi', pp. 135-144; William D, Wallace, 'The Syntax and Semantics of Causatives in Nepali', pp. 145-156; Ramawatar Yadav, "The Influence of Aspiration on. Vowel Duration in Maithili', pp. 157-165; Mridula A. Durbin, 'Ergativity and Antipassive in Gujarati', pp. 169-192; Yamuna Kachru and Rajeshwari Pandharipande. 'On Ergativity in Selected South Asian Languages', pp. 193-209; Bernard Comrie, 'Some Remarks on Ergativity in South Asian Languages', pp. 211-219.] SPROCKHOFF, J. F., 'Die Alten im alten Indien. Ein Versuch nach brahmanischen Quellen', Saeculum 30-4 (1979), pp. 374-433. 'Die feindlichen Toten und der befriedende Tote', Leben und Tod in den Religionen, Symbol und Wirklichkeit (herausg. von G. Stephenson. Darmstadt (Wissensch. Buchgesellschaft), 1980, pp. 263-284. Page #14 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 332 PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED STEIN, ROLF A., 'Resume de cours et travaux 1978-1979. 1. Chine; 2. Recherches relatives aux debuts du lamaisme (Tibet)', L'annuaire du College de France, 79 (Paris, 1979), pp. 545-555. -, 'Introduction to the Gesar Epic', Gesar Epic (Thimbu, 1980), pp. 1-20. SUKANDA-TESSIER, VIVIANE, Le triomphe de Sri en pays soundanais. Etude ethno philologique des techniques et rites agraires et des structures socio-culturelles (Publications de l'Ecole Francaise d'Extreme-Orient, Vol. CI)' Paris, Ecole Francaise d'Extreme-Orient, 1977. XII, 468 pp., 69 photographies. TACHIKAWA, MUSASHI, ""Churon" ni okeru engi' (Pratityasamutpada in the Madhyamaka Sastra), Nagoya daigaku bungaku-bu sanju shunen kinen ronshu (Nagoya, 1979), pp. 550(1)-535(16). -, 'A logical analysis of the Mulamadhyamakakarika', Sanskrit and Indian Studies. Essays in Honour of Daniel H. H. Ingalls (Dordrecht, 1980), pp. 159-181. Taisho daigaku kenkyu kiyo, 65 (1980), 386 pp. (Kicho Onozuka, 'On Amoghavajra's Esoteric Buddhism; A Study of its Fundamental Thought', pp. 1-21; Bunsho Agawa, 'Saint Shoko's viewpoint concerning "Shan Tao", pp. 23-45; Endo Yujun, 'A Study Relating to Tattvasamgraha', pp. 47-64; Kenju Ozawa, 'The Bodhisattva concept and Panca-vidya-sthana in the Yogacarabhumi', pp. 65-84: Michihiko Komine. "The Sravaka and Bodhisattva in Early Mahayana Buddhism', pp. 85-97; Masahito Sakamoto. 'On the severance of Buddhism and Shintoism in the Early Meizi'. pp. 99-125: Shozen Yamada. 'Research on the Concluding Chapter of Hojoki', pp. 127-149. Index to Journal and * Memoirs of Taisho University Vols. 1-64, pp. 386-329.) TARTHANG TULKU (ed.), Guide to the Derge bka' - 'gyur and bsTan- 'gyur. Berkeley, Cal., Dharma Publishing, 1980. xlvi, 1044 pp. Tibetan Tripitaka, Sde dge edition, Bstan hgyur. Sems tsam. Compiled and edited by K. Hayashima, J. Takasaki, Z. Yamaguchi, and N. Hakamaya with table of contents and bibliographical notes. Published by the Sekai Seiten Kanko Kyokai Co. Ltd. for the Faculty of Letters, University of Tokyo. [Photomechanical edition of the Sems tsam section of the Sde-dge bstan-hgyur in sixteen volumes. Seven volumes have been published from October 1979 to July 1980. For the Dbu ma section see IIJ 21, p. 229 and 22, pp. 260-261.] TODA, HIROFUMI, Review of S. Watanabe, Saddharmapundarika Manuscripts found in Gilgit (Tokyo, 1972-1975) - Shukyo kenkyu, no. 224, vol. 54, no. 1 (1980), pp. 106-112 (in Japanese.] -, 'Saddharmapundarikasutra. Nepalese Manuscript (K') (I-IV)', Tokushima daigaku kyayabu; Rinri gakka kiya, VIII (1980), 39 pp. [Transliteration of MS K', a manuscript brought back by Kawaguchi. A photographic reproduction of this MS was published in 1926 (reprinted in 1956). For the date of this MS (1069/1070 A.D.) see W. Baruch, Ostas. Zeitschrift, N. F. X (1934), p. 41b.] Tohogaku, 59 (1980), 172 + 14 pp.; 60 (1980), 229 + 13 pp. [In Memoriam Dr. Tsuji Naoshiro, by Enoki Kazuo, Tanaka Otoya, Hara Minoru, Ojihara Yutaka, Iwamoto Yutaka, pp. 203-218.) TOLA, FERNANDO, Amaru. Cien poemas de amor. Version directa del sanscrito de F. T. Barcelona, Barral editores, 1976. 127 pp. Transactions of the Philological Society 1980.152 + 5 pp. [Note: T. Burrow, 'Sanskrit ma- 'to ascertain' (pp. 134-140): on anu-ma- and pra-ma-: Phl. nimay-'to show, guide', Gr. menuo 'to reveal, inform' (But note also German ermessen 'to judge, consider, appreciate, understand'). ] TRIPATHI, CHANDRABHAL, 'Die Einleitung des Dasottarasutra. Revidierter Text, Indianisme et bouddhisme. Melanges offerts a Mgr Etienne Lamotte (Louvain-la-Neuve, 1980), pp. 353-358. TSUJI, NAOSHIRO, Bhagavadgita (Indo koten sosho). Tokyo, Kodansha, 1980. 416 pp. Page #15 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED 333 Yen 3.200 [Translation pp. 13-288; notes pp. 289-305; general introduction (The Bhagavadgita, Krsna and the Bhagavata school, the relations of the Gita with other philosophical and religious schools, the transmission and study of the Gita, metre and language, conspectus of the contents) pp. 309-349; explanations of the main ideas of the Gita pp. 351-411; postface pp. 413-414.] Visnusahasranama with the Bhasya of Sri Samkaracarya. Translated into English in the light of Sri Samkara's Bhasya by R. Ananthakrishna Sastry. (Adyar Library General Series No. 8). Adyar, The Adyar Library and Research Centre, 1980. XXX, 475 pp. Rs. 40.00; AUS $ 7.00; US $ 8.00; PS 3.50. WACKERNAGEL, JACOB, Kleine Schriften. Dritter Band. Herausgegeben von Bernhard Forssman im Auftrage der Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Gottingen. Gottingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1979. XXVI + 1427-1905 pp. WALDSCHMIDT, ERNST, Bruchstucke des Bhiksuni-pratimoksa der Sarvastivadins. (Kleinere Sanskrit-Texte Heft III); Bruchstucke buddhistischer Sutras aus dem zentralasiatischen Sanskritkanon (Kleinere Sanskrit-Texte Heft IV) (Monographien zur indischen Archaologie, Kunst und Philologie, Bd. 2). Wiesbaden, Franz Steiner Verlag GmbH., 1979. 445 pp. DM 66,-. WALRAVENS, HARTMUT (Hrsg.), Kleinere Schriften von Berthold Laufer. Teil 2: Publika tionen aus der Zeit von 1911 bis 1925 (Sinologica Coloniensia 7). Wiesbaden, Franz Steiner Verlag GmbH., 1979. 2 Bde, LIII, 1-828 pp.; 829-1625 pp. DM 168,-, (The second part of Laufer's Kleinere Schriften contains also his correspondence with Franz Boas (pp. 1-286) and with Erwin von Zach (pp. 286-301).] WAYMAN, ALEX, 'Secret of the Heart Sutra', Prajnaparamita and Related Systems, Studies in - honor of Edward Conze (Berkeley, 1977 (1979]), pp. 135-152. Calming the Mind and Discerning the Real. Buddhist Meditation and the Middle View. From the Lam rim chen mo of Tson-kha-pa. Delhi, Motilal Banarsidass, 1979. xi, 508 pp. Rs. 75. 'Yogacara and the Buddhist logicians', J. Int. Ass. Buddhist Studies, 2 (1979), pp. 65-78. 'Observations on the History and influence of the Buddhist Tantra in India and Tibet', Studies in History of Buddhism (Delhi, 1980), pp. 359-363. -, 'Buddha as Savior', Studia Missionalia 29 (1980), pp. 191-206. -, Nescience and Insight According to Asanga's Yogacarabhumi', Buddhist Studies in honour of Walpola Rahula (London, 1980), pp. 251-266. WELLER, FRIEDRICH, Untersuchung uber die textgeschichtliche Entwicklung des tibetischen Buddhacarita (Abh. Sachs. Ak. d. Wiss. zu Leipzig, Phil.-hist. KI., Band 69, Heft 3). Berlin, Akademie-Verlag, 1980. 91 pp. WEZLER, ALBRECHT, 'Samska und stngin. Zum Verstandnis einer askesekritischen Erzahlung aus dem Mahabharata', WZKS 23 (1979), pp. 29-60. Besprechung von Journal of Indian Philosophy I, 1 (1970) - OLZ, 74 (1979), Sp. 198- 201. -, 'Studien zu Patanjalis Mahabhasya I: Der Term svartha und Paribhasa CXIII', StII 5/6 (1980), pp. 279-309. Besprechung von J. Duncan M. Derrett, Bharuci's Commentary on the Manusmrti (Wiesbaden, 1975) - ZDMG, 130 (1980), pp. 143-144. WILLEMEN, CHARLES, Dharmapada. A concordance to Udanavarga, Dhammapada, and the Chinese Dharmapada literature (Publications de l'Institut Belge des Hautes Etudes Bouddhiques, Serie "Etudes et Textes", No. 3). Bruxelles, 1974. 55 pp. + facsimile of the Fa chi yao sung ching (T. No. 213). Udanavarga. Chinese-Sanskrit Glossary. Tokyo, The Hokuseido Press, 1975. X, 101 pp. Yen 1.500. WITZEL, MICHAEL, 'Die Katha-Siksa-Upanisad und ihr Verhaltnis zur Siksa-valli der Taittiriya Upanisad', WZKS 24 (1980), pp. 21-82 (Continuation of WZKS 23 (1979), pp. 5-28).] Page #16 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 334 PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED -, 'On the location of the Licchavi capital in Nepal', StII. 5/6 (1980), pp. 311-336, 1 map, 1 figure. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenlandischen Gesellschaft 130-2 (1980), pp. 207-452, *25* - *29*. Zentralasiatische Studien, 14/1 (1980), pp. 1-234 [Helmut Eimer, 'Einige Hinweise zur Edition tibetischer kanonischer Texte - Beobachtungen zur Uberlieferung in Blockdrucken - ', pp. 195-209.] ZURCHER, ERIK, 'Buddhist influence on early Taoism. A survey of Scriptural Evidence', TP LXVI (1980), pp. 84-147.