Book Title: Panchbhashi Pushpmala English
Author(s): Pratap J Tolia
Publisher: Vardhaman Bharati International Foundation
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Page #1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ಪಂಚಭಾಷಿ ಪುಷ್ಪಮಾಲಾ પંચભાષી પુષ્પમોળી श्रीमद् राजचन्द्रजी कृत पंचभाषी पुष्पमाला ARTUN Panchabhashi Pushpamala by Srimad Rajchandraji পংচভাষী পুষ্পমালা Page #2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Vardhaman Bharati International Foundation PRABHAT COMPLEX, K.G.ROAD, BANGALORE-560009. Ph: 080 22251552 / 26667882 JINA BHARATI GUJARATI CDS-CASSETTES 1. Atmasiddhi + Apoorva Avasar Kalpasootra : Talks : Set of 10 (USA/UK) 3. Pragyavani: Dr. Pt. Sukhlalji 5. Paramaguru Pad Bhakti Kartavya Bhakti Jharana 7. Jai Jinesh 8. Girnarji Siddha Kshetra : Rajul 9. Jinendra Darshan 10. Jain Bhajan: Prarthana Mandir 11. Arhat Vandana, Matri Smriti 12. Ahimsa Gaan 13. Gramyajeevan, Guj. Lokgeet (G) 14. Ramjhat Ras Garba Ni 15. Ras Garba Nootan Puratan 16. Ratnakar Pachisi 17. Sahajananda Sudha 18. Sangeetika 19. Musical Performances: USA 20. Musical Performances : India : Surat 21. Musical Performances : India Koba: DVD 22. Musical Performances: India B'lore: DVD 23. Matri Vani 24. Shishugana 25. Dhyan Sangeet:A'bad Page #3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ PANCHABHASHI PUSHPAMALA (Five lingual Rosary of Pious Golden Thoughts for Today) -Gujarati - Hindi - English - Kannada - Bangla - SRIMAD RAJCHANDRAJI Hindi Critical Explanations Poojya Sadhvishri BHAVPRABHA SHREEJI Editing & Hindi - English Versions :Prof. PRATAP KUMAR J. TOLIYA Smt. SUMITRA P. TOLIYA (Editors of SAPTA BHASHI ATMASIDDHI & Singers - Directors of ATMASIDDHI & other Discs ) JINA BHARATI Vardhaman Bharati International Foundation Prabhat Complex, K. G. Road, Bangalore - 560 009. (INDIA) Page #4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ PANCHABHASHI PUSHPAMALA (Gujarati, Hindi, English, Kannada, Bangla) PHILOSOPHY Original Writing : SRIMAD RAJCHANDRAJI Editing : Prof. PRATAP KUMAR J. TOLIYA Smt SUMITRA P. TOLIYA Puhlishers : JINA BHARATI Vardhaman Bharati International Foundation Prabhat Complex, K. G. Road, Bangalore - 560 009. Copyrights : JINA BHARATI, But All Serviceful organisations & individuals will be free to reprint for propagation, by acquiring prior written permission from the publishers. Edition : 1st, 2008 Copies : 1000 (each) Price : Single lingual copy each cost Price : Rs. 9/Sale Price Rs. 5/Five lingual combined copy: Cost Price : Rs. 54/Sale price Rs. 36/ISBN N0.81-901341-3 Page #5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Foreword Param Krupalu Dev Srimad Rajchandraji's unique childhood exposition of PUSHPAMALA (Gujarati) having valuable explanation by Respected Great Learned Sadhvishree Bhavprabhashreeji, is being published in Hindi and also in small other lingual bookiets titled PANCHABHASHI PUSHPAMALA totally in Five Languages. There is least doubt that this will be a very very useful and beneficial publication for the world of Seekers. Art of living the life, is Religion. Form of Jainism consists of fivefold conducts, namely JNANACHARA (conduct pertaining to knowledge), DARSHANACHARA (pertaining to Cognition), CHARITRACHARA (pertaining to character behavior), VEERYACHARA ( pertaining to Spiritual Power) and TAPACHARA. (pertaining to Penance). "ACHAR": Conduct: is important word in these all. Teerthankaras have specified and laid down rules of Conduct : Codes of conduct. Prominent first Agama of Jainism is "ACHARANGA Page #6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ SOOTRA" prescribing required Code of Conduct at various stages. Bhagawan Mahaveer has clearly outlined a Guideline for the success of a Seeker's life. What to do? What not to do? What to eat ? What not to eat? How to live ? How not to live ? Which activity to do? Which not to do? How to speak ? How not to speak ? How to perform acts in House-holder's or Monk's life and how not to do so ? All these matters ultimately lead towards Seekership and Path of Salvation (MOKSHA MARGA) only. Similarly, Srimadji has wonderfully knitted pious flowers in this clear, orderly Rosary of PUSHPAMALA and prescribed the duties to make TODAY-ALL DAYS to be successful. This pertains to the Seeker standing on any stage, Ascetic or Religious head, King or poor subject, Lawyer or Poet, Rich or Artisan, Officer or Servant, Greedy or Sandow, Child, youth or Aged, Womanwhether a Royal lady or a poorman's wife, person of a Bad Character or a Miserable one, person of any profession, follower of any religion and so on, Due to this only, Rev. Page #7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Mahatma Gandhiji had said that, ''Srimadji's writings will provide abundant guidance to one who has to get rid of the blemishes of the Self, who is anxious to know about his own duties, whether he may be a Hindu or belonging to any other religion. This is my strong belief." In respect of "TODAY'S CODE OF CONDUCT" and "MORAL LESSON" Pushpamala is the Scripture. Rev. Gandhiji had told in this regard to Dr. Pandit Sukhlalji that, "Oh! Evidence and Testimony of Rebirth is this PUSHPAMALA!" It is a matter of Great, very Great Public Welfare that the fragrance of this All-Welfare-- providing and All-happiness bestowing Pushpamala reaches unto the vast masses of the world. With this motive of spreading its expansion far and wide, it is an important step in this direction of publication and propagation of righteous religion, the bringing out of the Pushpamala in addition to Gujarati original, in Hindi (With/without Page #8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ explanation), in English, In Kannada, in Bangla booklets separately as well as combined, has its own significance. Seekers Prof. Pratapkumar Toliya and Sushri Sumitra Toliya have left no stone unturned with Labour of Love to accomplish this noble task. For this they deserve compliments and respects. This PANCHABHASHI PUSHPAMALA (Five Lingual Rosary of Pious Flowers) is their important contibution after "SAPTABHASHI ATMASIDDHI". Our profound thanks and well-wishes unto them. Om. "May the Yogic Spiritual Powers of Great Realised Persons bring welfare of the world !". OJAS, 2, Gulabnagar, Raiya Road, RAJKOT-360007. 29-11-2006 * VASANTBHAI KHOKHANI, Such other code of conduct describing books are RATNAKARANDA SHRAVAKACHAR, SAGAR DHARMAMRIT, ANAGAR DHARMAMRIT, etc., Page #9 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Editorial : PANCHABHASHI PUSHPAMALA A Unique Present from a Supremely Self Realized Soul Pushpamala - This garland of divine, pious flowers of supreme knowledge, woven at the age of ten by SRIMAD RAJCHANDRAJI is the most conspicuous evidence of previous-birth's crystal clear knowledge .............. The outcome of this knowledge and realisation of previous birth the JATISMRITI-JNANA, was the unique expression of the nectar of knowledge of several births and of pure beautiful spotless life. This 'PUSHPAMALA' presents a wonderful experimental guidance for day-to-day life, from morning to evening, for a child to a grown up person, for an illiterate as well as a learned one, for the poor as well as the rich, for an ascetic as well as a householder. It is a wonderful creation penned at the age of ten after his writing of poems at the age of eight years !! All Page #10 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ outcomes of his said JATI, SMRITI JNANA at the age of seven years !!! Really this is a daily guide for every orie, for every one's practical, moral, social, religious life. Here is an actual account and prescription of capturing and utilizing every passing moment of the PRESENT - the goiden present. Introspection of the PAST, improved utilization of the PRESENT and building of shining DIVINE FUTURE. Then there remains no past or future but only the PRESENT, the living PRESENT lying before us. How wonderfully he presents the very first nectar-like piece of guidance and offers us his fragrant flower from this bunch of flowers, when he opens the curtain of the past night in the dawn with these awakening words : "Gone is the night. Dawn - Divine has descended, you are freed from the clutches of sieep. Now try to get rid of age-old inner sleep of ignorance." And then follows, one after another, these pious flowers Spreaded over the span of the day from morning to evening and for each and every one. Page #11 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 3 Where can one have such a wonderfully prescribed and guided schedule for the day - a pious and successful day? The everlasting fragrance of these pious flowers have enlightened and greatly filled up the lives of many a people including the authors of these lines. This bunch, this garland is superbly capable of transforming the lives of the large masses and making them happy, blessed and blissful. This Pushpamala of Srimad Rajchandraji will be regarded as the first creation, first all-influencing creative order of his other life-soul-stirring and Lifeelevating and sublime creations like BHAVANABODH MOKSHAMALA, VACHANAMRITA and SRI ATMASIDDHI SHASHTRA. Hence, this ALL-USEFUL creation must reach unto everyone, everywhere, not only out of Gujarat and all over India, but all over the world. It should reach every corner of the earth, should fill up every language and should echo and reecho even where the rays of the sun do not reach. Here, in this, is the most capable master-Key for those who have veered off the right path, for the restless, unhappy Page #12 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ world to get ever-lasting peace and happiness. This is the view and feeling of the great persons of the present age about this profound creation. We are fortunate to have musically composed, recorded and presented to the world before 32 years in 1974, SRIMADJI'S immortal creation and supreme golden summit of self realisation SRI ATMASIDDHI SHASTRA (in original Gujarati with Hindi commentary). Again due to gracious inspiration of Srimadji and several present day great masters, we were fortunate to be instrumental in editing & bringing out this creation's (Atma Siddhi) Septilingual Book-form SAPTABHASHI ATMASIDDHI-consisting of verse translations of the original Gujarati script. The greatest inspiration behind translating - propagating of this (ATMA SIDDHI) and other scripts of SRIMADJI throughout the world was Sri Sahajanandghanji (Bhadra Muni), the founder of Srimad Rajchandra fishram at Hampi, Karnataka. Page #13 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ The gigantic task of editing and publishing SAPTABHASHI ATMASIDDHI which remained incomplete on account of Sahajanandji's untimely passing away, could be later accomplished with all sorts of help, assistance and guidance by Vidushi Sushri Vimala Thakar, who also penned the precious Foreword of this SAPTABHASHI ATMASIDDHI. Deedi Vimalaji's love, devotion and dedication for the everawakened life and vibrant works of Srimad Rajchandrji, is well known. Her published discourses on Srimadji, titled "Yoga of Silence" (APRAMADA YOGA) has become a milestone in understanding Srimadji in right perspective. Years back, a useful plan of "SELECTED WORKS OF SRIMAD RAJCHANDRA" was outlined with Deedi Vimalaji, but due to the lethargy and involvement in several other happenings and activities by this humble self, it remained on paper only. But in between, publication of small books - booklets and discs of Srimad's mass-lifting literature based on wide planning with Deedi Vimalaji and Gurudev Sahajanandghanji, has proved Page #14 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ very useful due to it being the DEMAND OF THE DAY. In the context of all this, now initially being translated and published is this small creation of SRIMADJI'S PUSHPAMALA - the path-shower, lifepurifier of the large masses. As said earlier, this simple, pure, peaceful, innocent lifestyle-teaching tiny creation is capable of transformation on a very large scale. This is being presented firstly in five languages of Western, Eastern, Southern and Northern Indian and International link languages viz original Gujarati, Bengali, Kannada, Hindi and English respectively. The grace and Yogabala-Yogic Powers of Srimadji - Sahajanandghanji is our guiding force. We are fortunate to have permanent, all time guidance & blessing of Sushri Vimala Thakar for this and other works. We are also fortunate to have endorsements from several studious scholars and saints. At the same time, an humble, unassuming seeker, who strictly wishes to remain anonymous, has contributed major financial help from his Page #15 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ hard-earned money and savings. We are confident and resolved due to Ha treurret, ventures in right direction, that due to the Yogbala- Anugraha of Srimadji this small publication of Pushpamala will also be greatly successful and widely circulated. If the immortal creations like "Geetanjali" by Gurudev Rabindranath Tagore and "Geeta Pravachana" by Acharya Vinoba Bhave can spread their message in innumerable languages of India and the world, why cannot the universally useful literature of Srimadji fill up with its fragrance all the languages of the world? Worth-reading is "PRATIKSHA HAI SOORYA Kl" article based on wide vision of Sri Sahajanandaghanji and published in our SAPTABHASHI ATMASIDDHI. Suggestions from readers, friends, scholars, about this publication are most welcome. While concluding, we hereby extend our profound thanks to Poojya Sadhvishri Bhav Prabhashriji and the trustees of Sri Subodhak Pustakshala, Khambhat, Page #16 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 8 founded by Srimadji himself, for their kind permission of publishing Hindi translation of Poojya Sadhvijee's critical study of Pushpamala. We are also thankful to Sri K.R. Bannerjee for his Bangla Translation & Smt. Pushpabai Swayam Shakti for her Kannada Translation. We are thankful to Shri Vasantbhai Khokhani for his valuable foreword. Similarly our profound thanks are due to Shri Mahendra Shah, Chimanbhai L. Shah, Dr. H.S. Madanakesari, Sri Nagin Khincha and Kum. Kinnari Toliya for their suggestions and to M/s IMPRINTS and M/s C. P. INNOVATIONS Bangalore for their careful typesetting & printing. With salutations to the Supreme Masters and expecting suggestions from the enlightened readers, we remain Prof. PRATAP KUMAR J. TOLIYA Smt. SUMITRA P. TOLIYA Gyana Panchami, 27-10-2006 1580, Kumarswamy Layout Bangalore - 560078. (Ph. 080-26667882) Page #17 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ROSARY OF DIVINE FLOWERS SRIMAD RAJACHANDRAJI Pushpamala *9* Gone is the night, the dawn-divine has descended. You are freed from the clutches of sleep (Now) try to awaken from the age-old inner sleep of ignorance. *2* contemplate and glance introspectively upon the night and the life that has passed before the dawn. Rejoice at the time that has passed by fruitfully and let this day also be as fruitful. For a day that has been futile, repent and then forget its futility. *4* Moment after moment and thus infinite time has slipped by; and yet nothing noteworthy has been achieved ! Be ashamed of yourself over and over again if no good deed has been performed by you. *6* In case you have performed any * Z * * * Page #18 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 10 unworthy act, feel sorry and resolve not to repeat the same verbally, mentally or physically. *7* Apart from the worldly transactions, divide this day of yours in the following parts if you are independent::1 Prahara = 3 Hours - Devotional duties :1 Prahara = 3 Hours - Religious Duties :1 Prahara = 3 Hours - Meals :1 Prahara = 3 Hours - Activities pertaining to acquisition of knowledge :2 Prahara = 6 Hours - Sleep :2 Prahara = 6 Hours - Worldly activities 111 :8 Prahara= 24 Hours *8* If you are an ascetic who has renounced the world, glance at the world by thinking upon the form of a woman sans skin. *9* Ponder upon the following, if you do not have faith in the existence of religion :(1) How and on what logical basis are you in your present condition? (2) Why are you unable to know about the things that are going to happen Page #19 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 11 tomorrow? (3) Why are you not attaining the things desired by you? (4) What is the purpose of the Strangeness of things ? *10* If you have faith in the existence of religion, but you have doubts in its fundamental principles, then I suggest the following: - *11* Equnimity, oneness towards all creatures. *12* Or not to deprive any living being of LIFE; do not extract work from it beyond its capacity. *13* Orthe path trodden by the saints. *14* Follow pure religion by thinking and understanding its motive and considering that there is no difference in the basic principles. The difference exists only in perception. *15* | am not partial to any religion. You may follow whatever religion you like. (The purport behind what I am saying is,) follow that religion and see that your devotion and conduct are capable of eradicating the worldly filth. Page #20 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ .12 *16* Make this day worthwhile, fruitful, and exalting without forgetting purity of the mind, howsoever dependent you may be. *17* Remember death if you are being led to committing any misdeed today. *18* If you are inclined to cause harm (grief) to anyone, recapitulate the happy and unhappy events of your life. *19* Whether you are a king or a pauper, turn towards righteousness by contemplating upon this thought that the remains (relics) of this body are going to require not more than five to six feet of land and that too for a brief period of time!. *20* It doesn't matter if you are a king. Do not lose yourself to unawareness and idleness, since you are eating the bread (by extracting Taxes) from people of lowest among lowest, of meanest among meanest, of adultery, of abortion, of heirless person, of outcastes, of butchers and of prostitute. What then.... ? *21* By inquiring (investigating) into the miseries, injustices and taxations of Page #21 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 13 your subjects, (you) reduce them, oh king! As you are also a guest at the doorstep of Time, of Death ! *22* If you are a lawyer, ruminate over half of the above thought. *23* If you are a wealthy person, do think over the usage of your money. Find out and tell me the cause of earning to day. *24* Considering the immeasurable violence and harm caused in dealing of grain etc., lead your mind towards the business transaction which is fair and just. *25* If you are a butcher, start this day by thinking of the happiness of your own soul. *26* If you are a matured child of understanding age, keep your eyes upon learning and obedience. *27* If you are a young person, keep your eyes upon industriousness and celibacy. *28* If you are an old person, begin this day by keeping your eyes upon death. *29* If you are a woman, remember your Page #22 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 14 religious duties towards your husband, ask for forgiveness for the faults committed by you and keep your eye upon the family. *30* If you are a poet, enter into this day by remembering undue, exaggerated praise (flattery). *31* If you are a miser............... *32* If you are a power-intoxicated, power hungry person, then remember Napolean Bonaparte in both of his conditions. *33* Begin this day by resolving a good thought of finishing the work that might have been left unaccomplished yesterday. *34* If you are contemplating to begin any work today, then enter into this day by weighing discriminately your time, ability and the result. *35* Enter into this day by keeping in mind that at every step there is sin, at every sight there is poison and at every moment Death is knocking at the door readily awaiting and hanging overhead. Page #23 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 15 *36* Even if you are a prince and going to undertake a hideous deed today, start this day by accepting beggarhood. *37* If you are a fortunate person, then make others also fortunate in its delight, but if you are an unfortunate one, then desist from doing harm to others while entering this day. *38* If you are a religious head, enter into this day by casting a critical-glance of despise to your misconduct. *39* If you are a servant, then enter into this day wishing loyalty and faithfulness towards your employer, who is the sustainer of your body, which is dearest of all to you. *40* If you are a person with bad character, then enter into this day by thinking of your health, fear, dependency, your condition and happiness. *41* If you are an unhappy person, enter into this day by hoping for livelihood enough for the day. *42* Enter into the accomplishment of today's transactions after certainly Page #24 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 16 having spared time for religious duties. *43* Considering the nature of every passing day, contemplate over that pure thing any time during the day, even if it has not been feasible at the start of the day. *44* Enter into this day by inquiring into your way of living with respect to diet, movement and personal hygiene. *45* If you are an artisan, then enter into this day by thinking of idleness and abuse of ability. *46* Whatever your vocation, don't accumulate unjustly - earned money for the sake of your livelihood. *47* After having accepted this in your mind, cleanse yourself, get absorbed in divine worship and beg for forbearance. *48* If you are contemplating to do harm to any particular group for the sake of your own benefit in worldly dealings, desist from it. *49* Desist if you are encouraging a despot, a licentious person or a mischeifmonger. Page #25 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 17 *50* Reserve at least an hour and a half for religious duties and advancement of learning. *51* Life is too short and the web of worldly affairs too widespread. Therefore curtail the web of worldly efforts and yours will be a life which is happy, long and worth living. *52* Even if your home may be blessed with all comforts in life like Good Wife, Son, Family, Wealth, etc; you enter this day considering that misery underlies all these pleasures. *53* Good conduct is the base of purity. *54* To take care that the mind does not become sensitive. *55* Enter into this day with a simple resolve to speak Moderate, Cool & Collected (tranquil), Pleasant (Sweet), true and soft words. *56* The body itself is the home of filth and dirt. For such a mean thing, why should I feel happy by indulging in any unworthy cause ? ....... Do ponder over it today. *57* If anybody's livelihood is going to be snatched by your hands today Page #26 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 18 . .......... think over and stop : implied meaning.) *58* You have now entered into the process of dining. Temperate, limited and lesseater Akbar has been considered as the Greatest Emperor. *59* If you feel like sleeping during daytime today, then get absorbed in God's devotion or benefit from Holy, right scriptures. *60* | do understand that to do so is very difficult, but however, habitual practice and study is the cure for all. *61* It is best, if a long - drawn enmity is rooted out today, ctherwise beware of it. *62* Similarly, do not add new enmity, because, as the philosophers say, for how long is this happiness to be enjoyed ? *63* Desist if you have to involve in any sort of highly sinful Violent Trade. *64* Desist if, while obtaining vast fortune, somebody's life is to be unjustly sacrificed. *65* Utilize well today's 21,600 seconds Page #27 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 19 (moments) reflecting that time is very precious. *66* Real, long-lasting happiness lies only in detachment; hence do not expand internal delusion by allurement of worldly attractions.. *67* If you have got a day of leisure, then act according to previously mentioned freedom. *68* Seek any type of innocuous amusement or any other sinless, righteous resources for today's pleasure. *69* If you intend to an embark on a well intended Deed, then not to delay this day, since there is no other auspicious day like this day. *70* Do not forget the welfare and well being of the people even if you are an empowered officer, because even the king, whose bread you are eating, is an honoured servant of his subjects, of his people. *71* Behave this day by accepting the Good vow of remaining discreet even in Social (worldly) purposes. Page #28 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 20 *72* Have special tranquil quietness unto yourself after sun-set. *73* It will be considered wise if there is no hindrance caused to the following matters in this day: (1) Health (2) Dignity (Greatness) (3) Purity (4) Duty. *74* If any great work can be accomplished by you today, then if need be, sacrifice even all your happiness. *75* Debt is like mean dust; it is a thing sprung from the Death God Yama's hands: it is the despotic tax-collector of devilish king. If you are indebted, unburden it today and desist from incurring a fresh one. *76* Have a Glance at the calculations of day-related duties (chores) *77* According to the warning given in the morning, if anything improper is committed, repent for it and learn a lesson. *78* If you have come after doing some benevolence, charity, gain or some Page #29 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 21 beneficial act for others, then feel delighted and remain humble. *79* If anything contrary is done knowingly or unknowingly then desist from it now. *80*Regulate properly your worldly activities and seek retirement from worldly affairs at leisure. *81* Be delighted to enjoy your life, the way you have enjoyed the best day like today. Then only... (”lt is worth” Implied:Ed.) *82* Think of this moment, at which you are meditating over my narrative, as the duration of your life and get encompassed in good deeds. *83* As per the saying of Saint Vidur, do such a good deed today that you might sleep peacefully without worry at night. *84* Learned great persons have proclaimed this day-today to be golden, pious and worth contemplating. Hence accept it. *85* As far as possible, remain less attached to sensual pleasure even with regard to your own wife today. Page #30 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ *86* It is the foundation (base) of the miraculuous Physical and Spiritual Power. This is the erudite persons' statement realised with experience. *87* Even if you have got a small addiction like taking a pinch of snuff, stop and get rid of it completely today itself. Desist from getting addicted to anything new. *88* It is proper for all human beings to think of time, place, friends, etc., this morning according to one's ability. *89* Very few people reflect, as to how many virtuous people they got associated with today, what blissful countenance was experienced today? *90* Do not get disheartened if you are engrossed in howsoever frightful but best deed (action) today. *91* Your life of good deed of today is devout worship of pure Supreme Being (Satchidananda), benevolent (merciful) God (Almighty). *92* It will be the fragrance of the day, if to the best of your ability, the work (deed) done by you has resulted in Page #31 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 23 welfare, honour, humility, benefit (profit) for (of) yourself, your family, friend, son, wife, parents, teachers (masters), learned persons and saintly persons. *93* The home of the fortunate one where this day will pass without quarrel and with cleanliness, with purity, with unity, with contentment, with calmness, with love, with courtesy, with happiness, is the abode of piety and divinity. *94* Competent and ever-obeying sons, obedient and religious servants, virtuous wife, united family and one's own state like a saintly person: the one who has got all these things, this day of his deserves salutations from all of us. *95* The day of the person, who intellectually (with all his Prowess) tries (endeavours) to be endowed with all these noble qualifies, is preferable (approvable) by us. *96* The house where the disposition is contrary to above behaviour (above Page #32 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 24 state) is in line of our Sarcastic (Taunting) glance. *97* May be your earnings are just sufficient for your livelihood, but if without anxiety, then do not make your day unholy (polluted) by desiring that Royal Pleasure which is full of worries. *98* Be tolerant at the time when somebody has spoken you unpleasantly (told you a bitter word). It may not be useful, yet........ *99* Do laugh in the night for the mistake committed in the day, but keep in mind that you should not have to laugh again. *100*If (your) faculty of knowledge (understanding, perception) has increased today, If your inner Power (Power of the Soul) has brightened today (achieved more lustre); if you have increased your good deeds (if there is an enhancement in your pure deeds) then, (that is the fragrance of this day: implied completion of the sentence by the Translator). Page #33 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 25 *101*Don't use your power today, in any improper (unworthy) way; If still you have to do it on account of Transgression of limits, then be aware of (afraid of) ill deeds (sins). *102* Straightforwardness is the seed of religion. This day is the best of all, if it is followed intellectually. *103*Oh Sister! May you be a king's wife, or a poor man's wife, I don't care for that at all. One behaving with modesty is praised even by the holy sages, What to be said by me? *104*If the world bears righteous attachment towards you because of your virtues, then Oh Sister ! I bow unto you. *105*High respect, modesty, contemplation, ability to listen, meditation, glorification and worship with regards to the virtues of the Highest Soul: these things are praised by the Seers. Therefore adorn this day (with these virtuous things: implied meaning - Ed.) *106* A person of good character is happy, Page #34 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 26 a person of bad character is miserable. If you do not believe this, then bearing this in mind, think over the same henceforth, from this very moment. *107* | unfold and disclose to you today the easy remedy of all this, namely, having recognized one's own faults, to get rid of them. *108* Long or short, in proper sequence or not, orderly or without order, in whatever form expressed by me, this anthology strewn with flowers of purity, will turn out to be auspicious by pondering over it in the morning, in the evening or at any other suitable leisure hours. What more shall I say? - XXX --- Page #35 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 27 SAPTABHASHI ATMASIDDHI RELEASE OF SEPTI-LINGUAL BOOK "SAPTABHASHI ATMASIDDHI” (VERSE TRANSLATIONS). ORIGINALLY WRITTEN BY SRIMAD RAJCHANDRAJI, M. GANDHIJI'S SPIRITUAL GUIDE, ON KARTIK POORNIMA, THE FORMER'S BIRTH ANNIVERSARY AT BANGALORE. "SRI ATMASIDDHI SHASHTRA" original in Gujarati is the essence of all the Six schools of Indian Philosophy. It was written in a rare ecstatic mood of self realisation in a spontaneous overflow of sublime spiritual experience 105 years ago by Great Modern Jain Seer and Mahatma Gandhiji's SPIRITUAL Guide (about whom M. Gandhiji himself has written exclusively and respectfully in his autobiography, "The Story of my Experiments with Truth"), whose Birth Centenary has recently been concluded. HE WAS SRIMAD RAJCHANDRAJI. Srimad Rajchandraji's dedicated follower and founder of Srimad Rajchandra Ashram at Hampi, Karnataka, Yogindra Yugpradhan Sri Sahajanandghanji Maharaj (Bhadra Muni, a secular Jain Saint) was an enlightened modern seer with Great Vision. He visualized the need of such a secular spiritual work like SRI ATMASIDDHI shastra to be brought out for the multilingual common seekers out of Gujarat in Karnataka, India and Vast World, since till now it was confined to Gujarati only, the mother tongue of Srimad Rajchandraji and Mahatma Gandhiji, both of whom were above narrow fragments of languages and religions. Hence Sri Sahajanandaghanji resolved to carry out his vision farsightedly into action. 31 years ago before he breathed his last in Samadhi, he initiated and inspired at HAMPI, Prof. Pratap Kumar Toliya, Ex-Professor of Mahatma Gandhiji's Gujarat Vidyapith at Ahmedabad and settled in Karnataka since 1970, to undertake multilingual editing & translating of SRI ATMASIDDHI. Accordingly Sri Sahajanandaghanji and Prof. Toliya both planned a project to initially begin with seven languages, Page #36 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 28 viz., Original Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, English, Sanskrit, Marathi and Bangla. Though Sri Sahajanandaghanji himself had earlier done Hindi translation, he inspired Prof. Toliya to commence fresh one in Hindi and English, which he himself went on correcting to bring the soul and spirit of original Gujarati work in it. In the meanwhile the former left the body, the work remained inconcluded for some time and with Sri Sahajanandghanji's ascendant Holy Mother of Hampi Ashram and Padmabhooshan Pragyachakshu Dr. PANDIT SUKHLALJI's worthy guidance, Prof. Pratap Kumar Toliya went on striving further in the direction. Firstly he brought out Sri Sahajanandghanji's Hindi translation along with Gujarati and released it along with his everfirst L.P. Record (now C.D.) Of SRI ATMASIDDHI SHASHTRA in 1974. Then he went on collecting other lingual translations done by various scholars, such as the one by Dr. A.N. Upadhye in Kannada where no translations were available, he approached and inspired other lingual scholars like Sri Bhawarlal Nahata of Calcutta, who aptly and especially did Bengali Translation and sent to him for this project of SAPTABHASHI ATMASIDDHI. On one hand there were so many problems of correcting and adequating every lingual work befitting the original one, since all these parallel translations, except the Kannada one, were in VERSE, just as the original Gujarati. On the other hand there were difficulties of Funds, which remained till the ends, since the rites and rituals - bound otherwise spendthrift society of our times does not bother to see the eternal utility of such a work's Universal Appeal and usage. The traditional people, organisations and Ashramas, including even the one at Hampi, the Initiators own founding, were not bothered to fund this project. The above Editor had his tests. But the order, message, wish and blessings of the departed Master were with him. He went on, inspite of the odds and adversities at every step, with firm resolution. Thereafter in 1996, during "ATMASIDDHI CENTENARY CELEBRATION" at Chicago, U.S.A. (Which commenced at San Fransisco for year long programmes) SAPTABHASHI ATMASIDDHI'S First Manuscript was Page #37 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 29 released internationally before printed publication. Editor Prof. Toliya by remaining present over there gave the particulars to the meeting Audience as well as to the Press of Chicago, a Press Brief of which and some photos are reproduced in the present published work. Vidushi Vimala Thakar, an ardent associate of Philosopher Sri J. Krishnamurti and Acharya Vinoba Bhave, has written a befitting Introductory Preface, describing this Gem of Books as worthy of study by every Genuine Sadhaka - a seeker of the Self. The Appendixes contain Mahatma Gandhiji's noteworthy relationship with Srimad Rajchandraji, the High Calibre author. It was VIMALA Deedi who encouraged the editor in all respects, to complete this project. Ultimately now during the PARAM SAMADHI CENTENARY OF SRIMAD RAJCHANDRAJI's passing away and 2600th BHAGAWAN MAHAVEERA BIRTH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATIONS, SAPTABHASHI ATMASIDDHI acquired perfect printed publishing form and after 31 years of striving hard, it could see the light of the day. It was majestically released on very auspicious day of KARTIK POORNIMA, SRIMAD RAJCHANDRAJI and KALIKAL SARVAGYA ACHARYA HEMACHANDRAJI's BIRTHDAY (also of GURU NANAK) and pious SIDDHACHALA YATRA TITHI, at Bangalore in the sacred presence of Jain Acharya Sri CHANDRANANA SAGARJI, whose enchanting Speech of MANGALIKA is drawing thousands of listeners every month. Studious seeker Sri Ashok Sanghvi while releasing it open threw light on the Universal relativity and utility of this Septi-lingual Verse Form and applauded the efforts of Prof. Toliya giving his various contribution's details. The Acharyaji also commended the Editor's Spiritual, Literary and Musical contributions to the society. SAPTABHASHI ATMASIDDHI has a long history of its 31 years of strivings, tests and trials, a glimpse of which could be sensed from the pages of this work. Apart from parallel verse translations of original ATMASIDDHI SHASTRA in Gujarati. Sanskrit, Hindi, Marathi. Bengali, Kannada & English, there are researchful critical notes on the Page #38 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 30 creations, Author, Inspirers, Translators in 200 Demi Size (A4) pages with Picture plates of Mahatma Gandhiji and Srimad Rajachandraji and beautiful coloured title cover. Additionally an outline of the Publishers' (JINA BHARATI Vardhaman Bharati International Foundation's activities and Literary & Spiritual-Musical Contributions) Who have to their credits a long history of Monumental oriental creations of Recordings of the same ATMASIDDHI SHASTRA and SRI BHAKTAMAR STOTRA, KALYAN MANDIR STOTRA DHYAN SANGIT MUSIC FOR MEDITATION, ISHOPANISHAD-OM TATSAT, etc. (which was released earlier by the then Prime Minister Sri Moraji Desai) from 1970, 1974, 1976, 1996 to 2001 this glimpse speaks volumes of the said spiritual-cultural activity which has run throughout without any grants, Funds or Donations from Philanthropists!! The released work of SAPTABHASHI ATMASIDDHI, being a precious Creation is very reasonably priced at Rs. 301/- in India and $ 51 Abroad. This international edition contains the above translation of the original work in KANNADA also for the benefit of Kannada readers. The Kannada version was prepared by Great Scholar Dr. A.N. Upadhye and revised and abridged by present scholar Principal Dr. M.A. Jayachandra, which is a worth-studying. The copies of SAPTABHASHI ATMASIDDHI (and also the Compact Discs and Cassettes of ATMASIDDHI and other creations, if needed, are available from Vardhaman Bharati Internation Foundations's City Office at PRABHAT COMPLEX, K.G. ROAD, BANGALORE-560009 (PH: 08022251552) or KUMAR SWAMY LAYOUT (PH: 08026667882) offices by crossed D.D.s or M.O.S or Cash remittances. Outstation despatches will require postage extra. In USA they can be ordered in advance to 1. Sri Mukund Mehta (Ph: 781-344-6030) 2. Mahaveer World Vision: Dr. Salgia (PH: 614-899-2678). Any further inquiries required may kindly be acquired from the above Phone Nos. Or Offices. JINA BHARATI, Bangalore (E-Mail: Page #39 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Vardhaman Bharati International Foundation PRABHAT COMPLEX, K.G.ROAD, BANGALORE-560009. Ph: 080 22251552/26667882 JINA BHARATI HINDI CDS-CASSETTES 1. Kalpasootra: Talks set (Bhadra Muni/PKT) 2. Dashlakshan Dharma : Talks set : Bhadra Muni Paramguru Pravachana Series: Bhadra Muni Dakshinapath Ki Sadhanayatra & Atmadrishta Mataji (Audio Book) 5. Parul Prasoon : Poems (Audio Book) 6. Music for Meditation (Dhoon & Dhyan) 7. Music for Meditation (Dhyan Sangeet) 8. Music for Meditation (Yoga Conf. VYOMA) 9. Music for Meditation (Ananda Loka) 10. Music for Meditation (Omkar Nada Dhyan) 11. Mahaveer Darshan 12. Bahubali Darshan 13. Atmakhoj : Anant Ki Anugoonj 14. Baraha Bhavana - Asara Aradhana 15. Brahmagulal Katha 16. Bhikshu Chalisa 17. Chhah Dhala 1 & 2 18. Chanda Ki Chand Kavitayen 19. Dadguru Darshan 20. Divakar Darshan 21. Darshan Stotra, Samayik 22. Geet-Ghazals, Geet Kavitta 23. Jina Vandana 24. Jain Bhajanas 25. Kahat Kabira 26. Meri Bhavana Anubhav Vani 27. Meera Ke Bhakti Pad 28. Mahayogi Anandaghan Ke Pad 29. Navkar Mahima 30. Ratnakar Pachisi 31. Rajpad - Sahajanand Pad - Rajvani 32. Ratnatraya Vrat Katha 33. Spandana Samvedana 34. Sonagir : Dashlakshan kath 35. Sthanakvasi Pratikraman 36. Viron Ki Baat Page #40 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ THE FRAGRANCE OF 'PUSHPAMALA'- FLOWERS Today, this day ! .... And the day's beautiful, auspicious Dawn ! These Golden moments of the PRESENT, the passing TIME! Bhagawan Mahaveer had, due to these precious passing moments, indicated and endowed with valuable words & caption of : "INMEVAM KHANAM VIYANIYA" meaning this is our real time, the "TIME of our OWN" : "THE GOLDEN MOMENTS OF THE PRESENT". Here, in this 'PUSHPAMALA'--- Rosary of Pious Flowers, Srimad Rajchandraji, the Great Seer of Present Times, has emphasised this precious PRESENT, which is in our hands ! His own state and seekings of 'APRAMADA YOGA'the Natural Meditative State of constant and complete integrated AWARENESS, has provided a fine way, a fine mode of utilising perfectly each and every passing moment of the present. This has been derived from his reminiscence of the Divine Orders of the Grand Master, of the Lord to his worthy disciple Ganadhara Gautama telling and awakening him: "WASTE NOT A SINGLE, MOMENT IN USELESS WORLDLY MUSINGS, O GAUTAMA!" Let us, on waking up, remember and ponder over Srimad Rajchandraji's same golden words beautifully expressed in the very first flower of this garland (Pushpamala) : "GONE IS THE NIGHT...... DAWN-DIVINE MORN has arrived.... You are freed from the clutches of Sleep. NOW TRY TO GET RID OF THE AGE-OLD. SLEEP OF IGNORANCE!" What an excellent 'Reminder! What a nice AlarmBell of the morning'!! What a fantastic fragrance of the very first flower of this rosary of "Pushpamala"!!! Let us enjoy the Divine fragrance of this entire rosary (divine garland) and make this day and this Entire Life a blessed one. JINA BHARATI BANGALORE