Book Title: Notes on Some Prakrit Words
Author(s): H C Bhayani
Publisher: ZZ_Anusandhan
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Page #1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Notes on some Prakrit winds HC Phayam B 74 'besimal, ghee, que greasy 1. Under 'Desinamala' 5.22 Kemacandra has noted Pk. go for which he has given, besides others, two meaning - equivalents in Sk.: FEST 'besmeared' and FATTET 'greasy'. In Hala's Gahakosa 909 occurs thrice. In verse no. 22 in the compound expression vaNNa-ghia-tuppa-muhie~ for which there is a variant reading quq-f39-FTT-HEC. In verse no. 520 also we have vaNNa-ghia-tuppa-muhi. In verse no. 289 occurs tuppANaNA which is rendered by a commentator as qafct1611. In Bhuvanapala's recension we have 74179 for Juruumi, rendered as EarthHiSTOT in the commentary. In the Jain Agama 'Dasasrutaskandha' (8122) occurs quam 'whose ends are bemeared with oil.' In Hemacandra's Siddhahema grammar 3101F-13'bemeared with the oil of Ankostha' is cited in the commentary on 8-1-200. In the 'Desi Sabda Kosa' Iftqa = af&ta from *Anuyogadvara-curni' and fuqy = fare from Vipakas'ruta' are noted. In the 'Gahakosa' occurs the denominative 70959 (with variants gufa37, guf1737) 'besmeared with ghee' in verse 529. In 'Setubandha' (15,38) 9 is used in the sense of ghee'. Past passive participle 3gung 'besmeared' of the verb formed from 24 occurs in Jain Agamika texts. For example : - 37146-ET -fonfeta-ta (Prasnavyaankarana', chapter 3, in the description of thieves) having limbs drenched and besmeared with oil emitted from perspiration. With gyf we Page #2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 106 can compare uddhUliya (from dhUlI), uddhRviya (from dhUva) etc. See Bhayani, Some Aspects of Desya Prakrit, 1992, pp. 72, 77. For NIA derivatives from 19 see CDIAL 5864. 2. Under 'Desinamamala' 3,15 g is noted with the meaning FETTET 'greasy'. At 'Siddhahema' 8,1 the verb 214qc is noted as synonymous with Sk. 991. guise etc. occur frequently in Prakrit literature in the sense of 'besmeared with grease'. For NIA derivatives see CDIAL 4865 (709 / 21109). 214EUR occurs in the sense of a greasy substance like oil, ghee etc.' in NIA languages. 3. From Sk. 94, Pk. Hal to besmear' is derived H. CH, G. GU 'butter' etc. See CDIAL 10378. 4. If like altuge and we take ng as primarily meaning "to besmear', then 504 and afuqy 'besmeared' can be regarded as formed like phuTTa and phuTTiya, tuTTa and tuTTiya etc. and tuppav from tuppa as a denominative with tuppavia as past passive participle. Later semantic development as 'besmearing', 'grease', 'ghee can account for 194 / 99 'ghee'. Turner indicates that go and q are related. In a few Prakrit words we find palatal consonants (c, j) taking the place of dentals (t, d) or conversely 1 for cand d forj. See Pischel's Comparative Grammar of Prakrit Languages, 215, 216. We can compare ciTThai and tiSThati, cuccha and tuccha with cuppa and tuppa . Or alternatively regard cuppa as prior. * The present discussion of 79 is a considerably expanded version of a short note on uttuppiya that was included in my paper 'tIna ardhamAgadhI tai 8T in Muni Sri Hajarimal Sunni-Girantha'. 1905. pp. 771772 ; reprinted in my collection Studies in Des'ya Prakrit'. 1988. pp. 192-194. Page #3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 107 In veiw of the variant ghia-litta for ghia-tuppa and the citation 310 --in the 'Siddhahema', I find untenable Tieken's view that in verse 20 709 means to (i.e. 1937-944 is a compound of two synonyms) and that the meaning afera is based on a misunderstanding (Herman Tieken, 'Hala's Sattasai as a source of pseudo-Desi words', Bulletin D'etudes Indiennes, 10, 1992. p. 235). Pk. fiasfrie In PSM. this word is noted from Pindanirsyukti 239 with the sense 'ekatra piNDIkRta'. But Bollee has referred to parikadruliya (should it be originally 4f $184 ?) from Ratnacandra's dictionary and has pointed to the occurrence of yfirruse in the same sense (p. 466, 495). So face is a wrong from. It derives from Sk. fione, Pk. fias. Reference Works Materials for an edition and study of the Pimda and Ohanijjuttis of the Svetambara Jain Tradition. Vol II text and glossary. Willem B. Bollee. 1994. Comparative Dictionary of the Indo-Aryan Languages. R. L. Turner Paiasaddamahannavo. H. Sheth. Desi Sabdakosa . Dulaharaja. Abbreviations CDIAL Comparative Dictionary of the Indo-Aryan Languages. DS. Desi Sabdakosa ON Oghanijjutti PM - Pimdanijjutti PSM Paliasaddanjahannavo. For Private & Personal use only Page #4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ saMzodhana- samAcAra : merutuMga- bAlAvabodha - vyAkaraNa nArAyaNa ma. kaMsArA vi.saM. 1403 thI 1471 daramiyAna hayAti dharAvI gayela aMcalagacchIya AcArya zrImerutuMgasUri eka bahuzruta vidvAna ane graMthakAra hatA. emaNe kAmadevacaritra, saMbhavanAthacaritra, jainameghadUta, SaDdarzananirNaya, jesAjIprabaMdha, nAbhivaMzamahAkAvya vagere trIseka graMtho racyA che. emAMno eka graMtha 'merutuMgabAlAvabodha- vyAkaraNa' che. A graMthanA saMpAdananI kAmagirI ve eka varSa pUrve aMcalagacchIya AcArya zrI kalAprabhasUrijI dvArA mane soMpavAmAM AvI hatI. 'buddhisAgaravyAkaraNa 'nA kAryamA vacce thoDoka avakAza maLyo tyAre tenI sAthe sAthe A kArya AraMbhIne e 1996nA DIsembaramAM pUrNa thayeluM. atyAre e graMthanuM chapAikAma cAlu che ane cha eka mAsamAM prasiddha thaze. A badhI kAmagirInuM saMcAlana AcArya zrI dvArA thai rahyuM che. 'merutuMgavyAkaraNa' viSe 'saMskRta vyAkaraNa zAstra' nA itihAsomA khAsa koI mAhitI maLatI nathI. enuM kAraNa. e che ke A vyAkaraNa mULe 'kAtaMtravRtti 'nA svarUpanuM che, tethI e koI svataMtra vyAkaraNa hovAnuM prasiddha nathI. tenI je cAra hastaprato maLI che temAM 'bAlavabodhavRtti', 'kRtsUtravRtti - bAlAvabodha', 'kAtaMtra bAlabodhavRtti' ane 'kAtaMtra vyAkaraNa bAlabodhavRtti saha' AvAM ja graMtha nAmo che. AcArya merutuMgasUrie pote paNa koI svataMtra racanA karyAnA dAvo karyo nathI. ulaTuM emaNe to graMthanA AraMbhe bIjA maMgalazlokamAM ja trIjA - cothA caraNomAM "kAtantrasya pravakSyAmi vyAkhyAnaM zArvavarmikam // 2 // " ema kahI dIdhuM che. A uparathI jaNAya che ke A graMtha racanA pAchaLa emano uddeza potAnA ziSyasamUhane saraLatAthI saMskRtanA jANakAra banAvavAno ane- 'bAlAvabodha' no ja hato. chatAM 'merutuMga bAlavabodha - vyAkaraNa' e svataMtra graMtha gaNAvatrAnI pAtratA Page #5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 109 dharAve che kAraNa ke AcAryazrIe potAnA jamAnAmA potAnA vihArakSetra mAravADamAM pracalita kAtaMtra vyAkaraNa tathA tenA uparanI durgavRtti tathA siddhahaimazabdAnuzAsananA pAMcamA adhyAyanAM amuka cUMTelAM sUtro tathA temanA uparanI bRhadvRttino upayoga karIne potAnI zArvavarmika kAtaMtranI 'bAlAvabodhavRtti' tathA AcArya hemacaMdrasUrinA amuka pasaMda karelAM sUtromAM anuvRttinI AvazyakatA mujaba jarUrI pheraphAra karIne navesarathI potAnAM kRtsUtro maThArI tathA tenA upara paNa bAlAvabodha svarUpanI vRttinI racanA karIne potAnA A 'merutuMga-bAlAvabodha-vyAkaraNa' tarIke oLakhAvA lAyaka vyAkaraNagraMthanI racanA karI che. A graMthamAM kula maLIne 1071 sUtro che ane tenA upara AcAryanI 'bAlavabodhavRtti' che. A sUtro cAra adhyAyamAM vaheMcAyelAM che ane dareka adhyAya amuka saMkhyAnA pAdomAM vaheMcAyelo che. pAda saMkhyA cAra ja hoya tevo niyama ahIM nathIM. prathama adhyAyamAM pAMca pAda, bIjAmA cha pAda, trIjAmAM ATha pAda ane cothAmA cha pAda che. e rIte A 'merutuMga-bAlAvabodha-vyAkaraNa' caturadhyAyI ke paccIsapAdI vyAkaraNa graMtha