Book Title: Note on Ullana Kusuna Kusana
Author(s): H C Bhayani
Publisher: ZZ_Anusandhan
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Page #1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 2. A note on ullaņa; kusuna/kusaņa H. C. Bhayani ubbhejja pejja kamgu takkotlana-sūva-kamji-kaddhiyāi/ee u appa-levā pacchā-kammam tabin bhaiyam/ PN 624. khira dahi jāu kattara tella ghayan phāniyam sapinda-rasam iccai bahu-levan paccha-kammai tahim niyama// PN 625. ullaņa v.n. of ullei; ullei ārdrayati (Glossary to PN. DN.) ullaņa : a kind of eatable; cooked pulse of slight consis tency (H. osāman; G. osānan) PN. 624 (PSM.). ollaņi : mărjitā; curds mixed with sugar, cardamom, cinnaman ctc. (PN, 1, 154) (PSM.). ullana : a kind of porridge, pulsc-water. (Vyavahāra-bhāsya, 3805. Jain Vishvabhārati edi tion), As PN 624, 625 refer to various types of cooked food, ullana also means there what is understood by PSM and V.B. references. navaniya manthu takkan va jāva attatthiyā va genlamti/ desüņa jāva ghayan kusaņam pi ya jattiyaṁ kālami (PN. 282) kusaņa prepared in the form of a mixture of rice and curds etc. kusuna : curds etc. (PN. 607). kusana : timana (DN 2, 35), ‘moistening' (PSM.) kusaņa : curds, buttermilk etc. (PN 282) (PSM.) kusuniya : rice mixed with curds etc. (PN. 282 Com.) (PSM.) kusana : timana (DN. 2.35) (PSM) timaņa : curry (DN. 2.35) (PSM.) 3. 5. Page #2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 103 timana : (Old Guj.): curty, pulse-watcr. timana : 'moistening, 'sauce' (CDIAL 5949) Compare kattara (PN 620, 625, 637) = ghita-vatikonmisratimanadi (PN.ON Glossary). 'moistening' is the primary meaning of ullana. Wlien sonie liqueous food-article like curds, butter-wilk, pulse-watcr etc. was mixed with rice to moisten it, it also came to be included in the meaning-range of ullana. Similarly the primary meaning of temana is mostening. Wlien some liqueous food-arlicle like curry, pulse-water, curds etc. was mixed with rice to moisten it, that came also within the mcaning-range of timana. In Modern Gujarati kasanvu mcans 'to mix somc liqucous eatabe like curds, cooked pulse etc. with rice etc. and coagulate to form a thin lump.' That seems to be the primary meaning of Pk. kusana (n.) also. Later on it come to signify such a mixture. 7.