Book Title: Nandishen Diwakar Chitrakatha 048
Author(s): Nityanandsuri, Chidanandmuni, Shreechand Surana
Publisher: Mahavir Seva Trust Mumbai
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Page #1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ A Mahavir Seva Trust Presentation DIWAKAR CHITRA KATHA Nandishen Vol. 48 Rs. 25.00 LOON Page #2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Nandishen One who walks may fall also. But to rise again and be careful and determined enough to reach the destination is the victory of a man's sagacity and courage. The life of muni Nandishen is an example of this. Nandishen was the son of King Shrenik of Magadh. After listening to the sermon of Bhagavan Mahavir he got initiated as an ascetic. He acquired many special powers through austerities. Once a courtesan made fun of his austerities. This provoked his subdued ego. Conceit leads to one's downfall. The courtesan seduced the ascetic and he became a householder. While caught in trap of love, Nandishen's soul still remained awake. One day he regained his spiritual awareness and returned to the path of selfcontrol and austerities. The second short story in this book is 'Importance of Dress'. Udayan was the prime minister of King Kumarpal of Gujarat, a great devotee of Acharya Hemachandra Suri (12th century). During the last moments of his life he desired to listen to pious hymns recited by some ascetic. However, as there was no ascetic available, his sons brought an impersonator disguised as an ascetic and fulfilled the last wish of their father. Whether it was the influence of the dress or the awakening of the inner piety but the impersonator disguised as ascetic became a true ascetic and took to the spiritual path. The two stories included in this book inspire us to reverse the process of decline and climb the stair of spiritual rise. The author of these stories is Acharya Shrimad Vijaya Nityanand Surishvar ji M. who is famous as .restorer of many temples and pilgrimages. We express our gratitude for this and many other picture stories of this series. Shrichand Surana 'Saras' Written by : Acharya Shrimad Vijaya Nityanand Suri Editor : Managing Editors : Muni Chidanand Vijaya Dr. Mansukhbhai Jain, Sanjay Surana Translator: Surendra Bothara PUBLISHERS MAHAVIR SEVA TRUST A-7, SAGAR NIWAS, 1ST FLOOR, OFF MANCHHUBHAI ROAD, MALAD (E), MUMBAI-400 097. PH. (O) 8811397, (R) 8892121 FEDERATION OF JAIN ASSOCIATIONS IN NORTH AMERICA (JAINA) Clo DR. P.B. GADA, 4410, 50TH STREET, LUBBOCK, TEXAS-79414 (U.S.A.). PH. 806-793-8555 SHREE DIWAKAR PRAKASHAN A-7, AWAGARH HOUSE, OPP. ANJNA CINEMA, M.G. ROAD, AGRA-282 002. PH. : (0562) 351165 W Page #3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ NANDISHEN Shrenik, the king of Magadh had many sons- Konik, Halla, Vihalla, Megh Kumar, and Nandishen. Nandishen was not just a great warrior but also an expert elephanttrainer. Playing with elephants was his hobby. TWAU 000000 0000000000 الی ہے NANDISHEN - Chan Page #4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ NANDISHEN The jungles around Rajagriha were full of elephant herds. One bull male elephant was going through a Banana plantation with his herd. He came upon a young male playing around with cows female elephants. !! ?? Suddenly he remembered an incident from his previous birth — some elephant from another area has attacked, trampled, and goaded him with tusks. He is groaning and is about to die This fear, made him angry and he attacked the young elephant. This scene made him worried DIMMATVIN When this young one matures he will kill me the same way. He trampled and goaded the young one to death and threw him in fa lake. After this, mad with rage, he sought and killed every male. 2 Page #5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Within a few days he became the king of the jungle NANDISHEN d Once a cow elephant got pregnant. She thought This rogue leader will kill my infant as soon as it is born. Come what, I will save my son. While the herd moved she limped to remain at the rear. Once in a while, she eloped for three-four days and rejoined the herd. The leader observed this for some days and thought She is lame and will catch up in due course. = done. WE W 3 L Y When the time of delivery approached the cow elephant looked for a safe place. She arrived at a distant hermitage on the banks of a river. The hermits saw the elephant U The leader was not worried Oh! The poor lame-one approaches with a stack of hay on her head. She seeks refuge. It appears that she is pregnant, and about to deliver. She got refuge in the hermitage. Page #6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ After some time she gave birth to a male. She thought I should return to the herd otherwise the rogue will know. Dood Leaving the newborn in the care of the hermits she returned to the herd. While growing, the young elephant also played around with the hermits. He watered the plants bringing water in pitchers and sometimes just in his trunk, Observing this the sages said Here, Sechanak eat these bananas arl-Jon! Bod NANDISHEN Here, in the hermitage, the sages fed the little elephant bananas and green vegetation and took proper care. When called Sechanak' he would come to the sages. Great! He alone waters all the plants. He has become our sechanak (one who waters/ plants). Thus the name Sechanak stuck to him. Once Sechanak was drinking water at the riverbank. That aged rogue elephant also came there. The moment he saw Sechanak, he got enraged and attacked. 4 Наши How this young was left alive? I will kill him at once. Page #7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ NANDISHEN But the old bull was no match for young | With this resolve he came to the hermitage and Sechanak and was killed. Sechanak became started uprooting trees Hey Sechanak! What new leader of the herd. One day thought are you doing? Stop As my mother saved me him!! by hiding in the hermitage, some other cow may take refuge there and raise my enemy. I should destroy the hermitage. 7 The hermits came with their sticks to stop Sechanak. You thankless rogue! What are you doing. We gave you refuge, fed you and raised you. And you are destroying us. Stop it. You rogue! BAO HOOOOO OOMMM! But Sechanak did not stop. Afraid of their life, the sages ran away and approached king Shrenik Don't .worry. You will be protected. O king! There is a beautiful elephant, but it has become mad. It is beyond anybody's control. It is destroying our hermitage. Please save us. 5 Page #8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ NANDISHEN The words of the hermits enraged Sechanak. He broke the shackles with one heave and rushed at the hermits. The terrified hermits and the soldiers ran for their life. King Shrenik accompanied his soldiers. With the help of a trap the elephant was captured the pleased hermits approached the shackled elephant Thankless rogue! These Like fire you de hermits have stroyed your own caused me refuge. Now suffer this misery. the consequences of your misdeed HELP!! HELP! SAVE! THE ROGUE IS KILLING US! RUN! HE WILL TRAMPLE US When all efforts by the soldiers to control Sechanak failed, prince Nandishen placed an arrow on his bow and confronted the elephant. Calm down, O King of Elephants! other wise my arrow will become the instrument of your death Sechanak stopped and carefully looked at Nandishen. I have seen him (somewhere. VAPE This train of thoughts triggered his Jatismaran jnana* and he stood pacified before Nandishen. * The knowledge about earlier birchs Page #9 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ NANDISHEN This sudden calming down of the elephant puzzled Nandishen. On seeing me why the elephant has calmed down suddenly Excellent, O prince! Today your knowledge of elephants has caused a miracle. VW ZAWO /C Sechanak was sent to the elephant yard of Magadh. Once Bhagavan Mahavir came to Rajagriha. King Shrenik and his family attended the religious assembly. After the discourse prince Nandishen asked Prabhu! When the Prince! On seeing soldiers could not you his affection for subdue Sechanak you from previous elephant, why on birth was seeing me he suddenly awakened. calmed down? Bhagavan narrated the story of his earlier births. In a village lived a rich Brahmin named Mukhapriya. Once he decided to arrange for a feast for a hundred thousand Brahmins. He conveyed the idea to his wife. The wife said My lord! We should look for an honest and hardworking servant to manage this. www.jainelibrary Page #10 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ NANDISHEN A poor hardworking person lived nearby. The Brahmin approached him Bhim! Can you manage my work. I need your help. Why not! But on one condition. Once the feast is over 1 will take all the remaining food. What?) i The Brahmin accepted the condition. Everyday hundreds of Brahmins took their meals. || Bhim brought home all the remaining food each day. TU UNIT 8 Page #11 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ NANDISHEN Bhim offered with devotion all this food to the Shramans visiting the town. مل Gurudev! Take a little more. No! It is enough! * Jain ascetics. When his life-span as a god ended, Bhim was born Nandishen, the son of king Shrenik, דניניו. Revevevevey As a result of the pious act of offering pure food to detached Shramans and Shramanis, Bhim reincarnated as a god. З бизаз Nandishen 9 TILN 12 fif Bhante! Where is that Brahmin? INC And www.jainelibra Page #12 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ NANDISHEN After many a rebirth he was born as an elephant. This Sechanak is the soul that was the Brahmin. When you uttered sweet words to pacify him, he recalled the affection from earlier birth. You helped him when he needed and he felt obliged. That is why he obeys you. Nandishen - WH When serving Shramans begets so much punya* how highly rewarding would be to become an ascetic and observe austerities?! I will embrace success by accept ing ascetic discipline. Nandishen requested - Bhante! want to get initiated under your auspices. FO Son! It is not advisable yet. You should wait for your karmas to mature Bhante! I am filled with intense detachment. I don't want to lead worldly life OXXO COOOO Son! To suffer the unalterable karmas is inevitable and no one can avoid it. Don't be so hasty? TILL * Meritorious karma. Jhin Education International 10 Page #13 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ NANDISHEN No, Bhante! Every Nandishen came to his parents and sought persecond of life is impor- mission. tant. I will destroy all I want to karmas through self abandon my control and austerities. I will cross all hurdles. 500 wives and become an ascetic. What ??? Bhagavan remained silent. He knew whatever will be, will be. The parents tried their best to dissuade him Son! Enjoy yourself for a few years more and then get initiated. No, I no more want to be a part of this worldly life. Gerous IND Nothing could stop Nandishen. He left the palace to get initiated. The moment he stepped out there was a divine pronouncement Prince Nandishen! You are yet to suffer the unalterable karmas. Don't get initiated and practice ascetic-discipline. LU Not at all! What can karmas do to a person who practices ascetic conduct with all sincerity? Page #14 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ NANDISHEN Nandishen came to Bhagavan Mahavir. Considering the intense feeling and destiny of Nandishen, Bhagavan said. CA A Do as you please! After getting initiated, ascetic Nandishen commenced his wanderings with Bhagavan. One day he approached senior ascetics for studying the canon Gurudev! Please bless me with the knowledge of the scriptures. D The seniors taught him the canons. Ascetic Nandishen would study and contemplate in isolation and on his own. He would practice kayotsarg* sometime in standing and at others in sitting posture. I should shed my karmas fast. * Dissociation of mind from the body; a type of meditation. 12 Page #15 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ NANDISHEN One day perversions in his mind became intense. His mind became so agitated that he started running around like a mad elephant. He thought With the increasing intensity of my austerities my sensual desires are getting strong instead of weakening. Strange are the ways of karma. Karmas can, even force me break my vows. will be ruined if I do that.. He tied his hands, legs and other parts with strings and stood still. shop He resorted to the hardship of enduring scorching sun, standing on one leg The protective deity saw this Cilin Even now the mind is not getting calm. It appears as if there is a tide in the sea. 13 This will devalue the Jain order in the eyes of masses. ww With his divine power he broke the strings Nandishen had tied. www.jainelibrary. Page #16 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 2 Oh! All my efforts to pacify my mind have failed. It is better to commit suicide. One day the ascetic thought NANDISHEN It is better to die by taking poison than to be alive after breaking VOWS. tereny He took a sharp sword and placed it on his neck. What is this? I fail to move the sword?? DUC The ascetic went to a cremation ground. He saw a burning funeral pyre. To commit suicide he jumped into the fire. ed runw The deity had made the sword immobile. (Surprising! The poison has turned ineffective like a pinch of sand. He consumed poison 14 Yes! Now I am sure to. die. Br Page #17 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ NANDISHEN The deity at once extinguished the fire and the Now the ascetic climbed a hill and jumped ascetic was saved. into a ravine. The deity caught him in the air and said - O dogmatic and mulish ascetic Nandishen! Why can't you accept the truth? PRESES O divine one! I don't get what truth you are talking about? Even a Tirthankar has to suffer the unalterable* category of karmas You are getting adamant unneces sarily. Ascetic thought - The god is right. Alle my efforts are getting wasted now. I have lost the battle of karmas. Let things take their own course. . r *Nikachit karmas cannot be shed without suffering their fruition. 15 Page #18 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ In order to shed his karmas, ascetic Nandishen observed the Chhattha Tap* Once he set out to beg alms to break his two day fast. Wandering around he came to an unknown village. Standing at the gate of a house he uttered Dharmalabh!** May you be blessed with piety. The mockery by the courtesan inflamed the anger and ego of the ascetic. This mean courtesan is making fun of me. She is ignorant of my powers. NANDISHEN The ascetic drew a straw from the thatch, Wow This happened to be the residence of a courtesan. She came at the gate and broke into laughter on seeing the ascetic O ascetic! Where have you come? Here money is needed not piety. I do not require piety. I crave for wealth. He waved the straw and at once there was a shower of gems. The courtesan saw this and was wonder struck. What?! He appears to be some great man. A series of two day fasting intervened by a day of meals. As a result of this harsh austerity he was endowed with many special powers. 16 Page #19 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ NANDISHEN The ascetic stepped out of the Her expressions and physical beauty stopped the ashouse. Unmindful of her shabby cetic in his track. attire, the courtesan rushed out and fell at his feet — O lord! My master! Please don't aban don me. side-stepped with an intention to leave O beloved one! will die if you leave. Please do not leave alone this delicate body burning with passion. Enjoy it. and quench my thirst, my lord! The ascetic stops and thinks - The beauty and attraction of the courtesan won over the resolve of the ascetic. He thought - It appears that am destined to break my vows and become a householder. Bhagavan as well as that god had said that there is still a balance of some Sunalterable karmas that must suffer. Darling! Please come inside the house. This bed of pleasures awaits you. Scho 17 www.jainelibre Page #20 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ I can accept you only on one condition. NANDISHEN My darling! The ascetic told the courtesan accept all your Let it be clear to you that each day conditions. My will accept food only after preaching body, heart, and and enlightening ten persons. The day wealth all I fail to reach this number I will again belong to you. become an ascetic. Then she said At these words the courtesan thought scornfully — Darling! accept all what you say. Naive ascetic! Once entrapped in my web it would be beyond you to escape. > Nandishen discarded his ascetic garb* and put on good clean householder's dress. MADUTYUNUM *Dress, ascetic-broom and alms-pots. Page #21 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ NANDISHEN Even while enjoying all what the courtesan Come morning Nandishen would sit on a platform in the had to offer including rich food, Nandishen's ground floor portion of the house and give religious dissoul remained awake. She offers him food, course. The visitors carefully listened to what he said — fans him, and massages his feet. He is lost in his thoughts Therefore, Bhagavan said that don't listeners... the make haste, let the time fire of pasmature. But I was adamant sions... and ignored his words. Today | Satiation suffer the bitter consequences. never comes Indeed, enjoyI had to break my vows. through enjoyments ment is a type of fire. The more oil you pour the What more intense it he says becomes. It is is true. not extinguished. Thus people continued to comment. He kept a count - INandishen continued these discussions from morning till noon. People in audience said One... Two.... Ten. Yes, now ten persons have been enlightened. What you say is true. We will go to Bhagavan and accept his path. lain Education International FORDV 19ersonal Use Only Page #22 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ NANDISHEN As soon as he reached the count of ten he got up and went into the house. My lord! It has been a long wait. I have not even taken a sip of water. One day it was past noon and the courtesan got tired waiting. She called from the first floor - My lord! Please come. You are very late today. The food is getting cold. The count is ten, now I will take my meal. Wait a bit. have converted nine persons. As soon as this tenth is.. This way he converted ten persons every morning till noon. After that he took his bath and meals. But the tenth person was adamant and argumentative. He kept on refuting what Nandishen said 3563 2 No! I am not convinced. 20 Page #23 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ NANDISHEN Nandishen tried to explain with another The courtesan came downstairs - Jogic - See! Are you convinced now? My lord! Three quarters of the day have passed, this is the fourth. It is very late. Very soon I will convince him and come. No I don't accept this as well. She went back but soon came again - Darling! I am dying with hunger. Please let go. I have convinced nine persons. This is the tenth one. In a little while he will understand My lord! The food I cooked first got cold. Now I have cooked afresh. It is very late. Please get up now. Please wait a little. According to my resolve, I have yet to convert the tenth person. val 21 www.ainelib Page #24 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ NANDISHEN The courtesan reacted with The courtesan irritation laughed What sort of vow is this? You have already converted nine persons. Why not consider yourself to be the tenth and come to eat? When you have broken the all important ascetic-vow, why worry about breaking this minor vow? No! can't break my VOW. Nandishen suddenly got a jolt in his mind - Oh! You have awaken me. Now the tenth person has been automatically enlightened. I am awake ! My lord! please don't mock me. I am very hungry. Please come I have stood up and will go. But not inside your house. I am going to my omniscient Lord. 22 Page #25 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ The courtesan started crying. She joined her palms and fell at his fool 53 My lord! Please don't mind what I said. Pardon me, please. Please don't leave me. Just then the governing deity appeared and said Education International NANDISHEN s sabem Nandishen E P29C Nandishen! You have suffered for all your unalterable karmas. Go to Bhagavan without any hesitation. Atone for breaking your vows and accept perfect ascetic-discipline. The rise of attachment nad disturbed my mind. I had lost my path. You have awaken me. Please don't stop me now. I am leaving now. The courtesan tried to stop him. MUR Save The god provided him the ascetic garb again. For Ph23& Personal Use Only wahedo da tera Page #26 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ NANDISHEN Nandishen came to Bhagavan Mahavir - Prabhu! Kindly forgive my mistakes. Attachment had corrupted me. Please initiate me into ascetic-discipline once again. Nandishen! To go astray is nothing unusual but to regain the lost path of righteousness is, indeed, commendable. You are awake once again. May you attain bliss, son! Nandishen got initiated again. He practiced rigorous austerities for many years. va Concluding his life-span he reincarnated as a god - THE END in heavens. -Trishashti Shalaka Purush Charitra, 10/5; Upadesh Mala of Dharmadas Gani. 24 Page #27 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ NANDISHEN THE SIGNIFICANCE Udayan was the prime minister of King Kumarpal of Gujarat. He was intelli OF DRESS gent as well as an accomplished warrior. He had fought and won many battles alongside Kumarpal. Once Udayan went for pilgrimage to Palitana. While he was sitting and devotedly singing hymns before the image of Adishvar Dada* A rat ran towards its hole Twith a burning wick from a lamp. The priests in the temple also saw this. MASASAYANVAYAYAYAYAAVA Jou Catch that rat. IfTUA JUU it enters the hole with the burning wick the whole temple will be burnt to nashes. Bean Wh - They rushed and made the rat release the wick. Udayan Minister thought This whole temple is made of wood. All its huge pillars and even the roof is made up of wood. If by chance some such accident takes place.....? 21 SEN 000001 SI 25 alion International Page #28 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Udayan thought over for some time and came up with an idea - I should launch the renovation of this temple and get it made of stone. NANDISHEN This idea transformed into a resolve - Prabhu! I resolve to accept and observe these four vows till the renovation of this temple is complete — (1) complete celibacy; (2) continuous Ekasana (taking only one meal a day]; (3) sleeping on floor; and (4) abstaining from eating betel-leaves. SCOV son GAZTUN I After resolving thus before Adishvarl The minister fought a battle with king Samarsen of Sorath bhagavan, Udayan climbed down from the and won it for king Kumarpal. After the victory he gave Siddhagiri. The commander of the army the dictates of king Kumarpal - informed him after greetings — Minister Sink Sire! King Kumarpal doesn't The army is want to dethrone you. He only wants that like other ready to kingdoms under him, Sorath attack also observes ahimsa, Sorath amnesty for animals, and other such beneficent ways. Minister Sir! accept the command of king Kumarpal. * Tirthankar Risabhadeva. 26 Page #29 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ NANDISHEN After conquering king Samarsen, minister Udayan moved towards Patan. On the way he felt dizzy due to excessive bleeding from his battle wounds. no Oh! I am having blurred vision. Suddenly he lost consclousness and fell on the ground. Other ministers sprinkled water and fanned him. Udayan opened his eyes and looked around How do you og The lamp of my life feel now, is about to be extinguished... minister sir? The ministers asked Prime sminister! If you have any last wish please tell us. We will try our best to fulfill. I have four wishes -(1) to get my younger son Ambad appointed as commander-in-chief; (2) to construct a stone temple of Bhagavan Adishvar on Siddhagiri; (3) to construct new steps at Girnar hills; and (4) listen to the discourse of some ascetic and die peacefully. Jain Ed o n International For Private Personal Use Only Page #30 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ OKTA NANDISHEN On hearing the last wishes of prime minister The ministers searched around some vilUdayan, the other ministers thought - lages but failed to find any ascetic The first three wishes will SMOK certainly be carried out by his elder son Bahad Dev but where to get an ascetic for preaching in this remote There is no jungle to fulfill his ascetic available fourth desire? far or near. What should we do Let's search now? nearby vil lages. 90 Next day the mimic came well prepared and already in the disguise of a Jain ascetic. The ministers greeted him — The ministers made a plan to fulfill the prime minister's last wish. They called a villagemimic and told him the story Please give We want that in the me one day to disguise of a Jain ascetic acquire you give the last religious knowledge of discourse to the minister. the dress and We offer you any desired ways of a Jain reward. ИЛUUUUUЛЛ ПЛЛАГ "Revered DHARMALAABHIS ascetic has arrived. ascetic ANYWA NYWAYY DON * Traditional greeting by Jain ascetics meaning may you be blessed with religion 28 Page #31 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Udayan opened his eyes and beamed with joy. He joined his palms and extended greetings NANDISHEN /Gurudev! Now comes my last moment. I seek pardon from all beings in this world. I censure all sins committed by me and atone for them. Gurudev! Please let me hear the chant of Arihant. RUN In his semi-conscious state Udayan sat up and The ministers said to the acting asdevotedly touched the feet of the ascetic cetic He reclined again and breathed his last listening to the chanting by the ascetic. The acting ascetic chanted hymns and prayers. NAMO ARIHANTANAM NAMO SIDDHANAM 29 19 Your acting was, indeed, realistic. The last wish of the prime minister has been fulfilled. Here is your reward. You may discard the ascetic garb now. Page #32 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ NANDISHEN The acting ascetic thought - How pious is the ascetic garb. This dress is so impressive that the prime) minister of Gujarat bowed at my feet, When so great is the significance of ) the dress, how great would be the eminence of a real ascetic? He decided — I will not discard this dress now. From an impostor I will become a true ascetic and make my life worthwhile. This silence made the ministers place more gold coins before the mimic. What do you think, is it not enough? Here, take some more. The mimic disguised as ascetic! sald 2?!! ??!! No! Now I don't require this wealth. The prime minister has closed his eyes but now my inner eyes are open. Now I will go to some ascetic and actually get initiated. 30 Page #33 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ The mimic went to an acharya and requested him for initiation The ministers were taken aback - It is absolutely right. Now I will maintain the What dignity and honour do of this dress and you pursue my spiritual' uplift. Gurudev! I want to get initiated as an ascetic and take to the spiritual path. Please initiate me to be an ascetic. M say ? ee After getting initiated he went to Girnar hills and pursued the spiritual path through austerities. WTP US 40 ADA 2 w THE LESSON: The change of attitude made a real ascetic of a mere impostor leading him to immortality. Indeed, he is successful who transforms from fake to real. Page #34 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ NANDISHEN THE PLAY GOES ON Does the sun not dawn if the cock doesn't crow? "Nothing happens without me."Why have such ego? While preaching, a great saint said to a trader — "You should spend some time in company of sages." The trader expressed his inability - "Reverend! I have a wife and five children. I am the only bread earner in the family. If I take a rosary in hand and sit idle how will my household run?" The saint laughed and said — "Brother! This world goes on. Nothing stops in the absence of an individual. However, if you still have this ego, you may test my statement. Go out-station for two months and see." The trader accepted the saints advise and went away for two months. When he had left, the saint sent a slip of paper at the traders house. It had a message-"While walking near a bush in the jungle, a hungry tiger pounced on the trader and killed him." The family was shocked at this news and the house was filled with wailing and gloom. They all endured the great sorrow considering it to be their ill-fate. The relatives dutifully contributed to provide for immediate expenses. They also arranged for suitable jobs for the sons. Soon the household was running satisfactorily. Soon the trader became a thing of past memory. After two months he returned home. It was late in the night. He knocked at the door. His wife asked from inside - "Who is there?" Introducing himself as the head of the household he asked - "Have you forgotten me?" The wife looked through the peep-hole. When she saw her husband she thought "It seems that after death he has become a ghost and has come to torture us." This made her utter ---- "No! You are not needed here. Please return to your place. We don't want our house to be haunted by ghosts." Taken aback, the trader said — "Hey simpleton! Why do you utter these words? Dol look like a ghost? I am the same head of this family. How will you make both ends meet in my absence? Consider that there is no other earning member in the family. Have you gone made?" "No! No! I have thought of everything. Please leave this place at once. The household is running well. It is even better than when you were here. We don't even want to see your face." This snubbing by his own wife surprised him but at the same time it made him aware of the realities of life. He went to the saint and narrated the story. He got detached from this selfish world and took to the spiritual path. 32 Page #35 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ (MAHAVIDEH AREA ) At the centre of Jambu Dveep, there is Sumeru Mountain (also known as Mandar Parvat) which is hundred thousand yojan in height. It is one thousand yojan deep from the level ground and ninety thousand yojan high. In its north is Neelvant Mountain and in the south is Nishadh Mountain. Between these two mountains is the land inhabited by human beings, bed-like in shape. This area is known as Mahavideh. In its east and west is Lawan Samudra. Due to location of Meru Mountain, this area is divided in four parts. The area in the east is eastern Mahavideh. The area in the west is Apar Mahavideh. In the south of Meru Mountains is DevKuru and in the north is Uttar-Kuru area. In the east of Meru Mountain is River Sita and in the west is River Sitoda. They flow mid-way in Mahavideh area. Therefore, Poorva Mahavideh is divided in two parts and the Apar Mahavideh is also divided in two parts. Thus, the entire Mahavideh is divided in four parts. Each of these four parts have eight continents called Vijay. Thus, the four Mahavideh area have thirty-two Vijays. In view of existence of Vaitadhya Parvat in between, each Vijay is divided in tow parts—the Northern area and the Southern area. Uttar-Kuru—In the north of Meru Mountain there are two great mountains tusklike in shape. They are called Gaj-danta mountains. They are surrounded by land that is called Uttar-Kuru. There Yugaliya human beings reside. A great Jambu tree is located here. So this dveep is famous as Jambu Dveep. Dev-Kuru—In the south of Meru mountains also, there are two Gaj-danta mountains. They are surrounded by land that is called Dev-Kuru. A great tree known as Koot-Shalmali tree exists in this area just as Jambu tree is in Uttar-Kuru. For detailed description see Jambu Dveep Prajnapti Vakshaskar 4 (Ganitanuyog-Description of Tiryak Lok) Page #36 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ SA Intele hlaoth सीतोदा नदी 24 नलिनाक्ती विजय 25 वप्र विजय निषधपर्वत 23 नलिन विजय 22 कुमुद विजय 26 सुवप्र विजय 27 महावप्र विजय 21 शंख विजय 20 पद्मावती विजय 28 वप्रावती विजय 29 बल्गविजय 30 सुवल्गुविजय 31 गंधिल विजय 19 महापद्म विजय 18 सुपा विजय 17 पद्मविजय धानी राज 32 गंथिलावती विजय De Plaid भद्रसाल वन गधमादनापूवता भद्रसाल वन शाल्मली वृक्ष नीलवंतपर्वत सा तिगिच्छवह मेरु पर्वत कसराद्रह देबकुरू जम्बू वृक्ष माल्यवंत पर्वत 16 मंगलावती विजय राजधानी 1 कच्छ विजय 15 रमणीय विजय 2 सुकच्छ विजय 14 सम्यक् विजय 3 महाकच्छ विजय 13 अंकावती विजय 4 कच्छावती विजय 12 वत्सावती विजयः 11 महावत्स विजय आवर्त विजय 6 मंगलावती विजय 7 पुष्कलावर्त विजय चन्द्र 10 सुवत्सविजय 9 वत्सा विजय सीता नदी 8 पुष्कलावती विजय पूर्व लवण समुद्र MAHAVIDEH KSHETRA (See Details Overleaf) Picture taken from Illustrated Upasak Dasha and Anuttaraupapatik Dasha Sutra, EDITOR : Shri Amar Muni