Book Title: Milk If Everyone Stops Consuming Milk at Same Time
Publisher: ZZZ Unknown
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Page #1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Many people argues that- "If everyone stops consuming milk.... what will happen to all animals... they will immediately go to slaughterhouse......." is this true or is it a mere hypothetical question or escapism....?...let's analyse... Past scenario Animals were treated as family members in 'pre- white revolution' era i.e. 40-50 years ago. There was very less cruelty towards animals. They were not treated like milk machines. People used to maintain them for life even after they stop producing milk. Thier normal life span was 20-25 years. Our demand for milk was limited. We were not consuming so much of butter, ice cream, paneer, sweets, choclates, cakes, etc. Current Scenario Animals are commodities' and milk business is fully commmercialised Almost 50% of our milk consumption are for making milk products like butter, sweets, ice creams, paneer, choclates, cakes, biscuits, etc. Continuous artifical insemination of animalst to breed crores of animals All kinds of cruel techniques are applied to extract milk. Please watch this videoHorrors in Indian Dairy Industry- by PETA-in Hindi--- Animals useful (useful for milk) life span is 5-6 years. Animals are sold to butchers/slaughter houses once useful life is over.Cattle owners buy new cattle and same vicious cycle goes on. If you visit rural area or any dairy farm and try to find cattle which do not give milk and still they are being maintained by farmer or by dairy owners. You will be surprised that you may not find even few farmers who takes care of animals once they stop giving milk. No need to talk of dairy producers who have made hell for cattles. Who is supplying cattle to slaughterhouses ? All farmers (big or small) and dairy owners are suppliers. Who is responsible for this ? Aren't we responsible for this who consumes milk of these animals ? Recently, in Maharashtra, due to ban on cow slaughter imposed in year 2015, cattle markets are now empty. Cattle owners are not finding buyers due to legal ban on cow slaughter. Where does these cows will go now? Do you think farmers are going to maintain them ? No. Either they will be sold to some small butchers at negligible price in illegal manner or they will let these cattle roam in street to eat wastages and plastics. Page #2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ What should we do in this current scenario We should identify a cow or buffalo and ensure or personally take care of animals whose milk we would like to use. We need to check that there is no cruelty on animals. Are we ready to take responsibility to take care of them if farmers does not want to maintain them? We have no right to use animal milk if we are not ready to take care of them. Do we really care for animals? It is humanity to take care of living beings who has provided something to us. We shoudn't try to justify our action of consuming excessive milk and milk products. We need to think about life of few animals whose milk we are consuming and no point to think about what will happens to crores of animals.........this is escapism...........this is like trying to hide our misdeed. What will happen if some of us stop milk consumption ? It took decades to spoil our habit of increasing milk consumption to abnormal levels... there can't be an overnight change in habits of all people even if we wish and pray. Actually, we will come across three types of people... Vegan (do not consume milk or milk products) * some are not vegan... but, they will care for animals rest of the people.. who may be consuming excessive milk ..... Action of these three types of people.....on an average... may translate in to following scenario.... lower demand will result in reducing commmercialisation of milk business and this will act as low incentive for artifical and excessive breeding of animals. * Milk business will be free from dairy cruelty to animals.. lower number of animals will be available for slaughter and therefore reduction in consumption of meat. Our ultimate aim should be to completely stop animal slaughter and animal cruelty. leather obtained when animal dies natural death.. Farmers will restart use of animal dung for fertilisers. Cow urine will be used for so many purposes.Bullocks will replace tractors/machines for agricultural use and they will be not be killed on birth this is possible...and it will happen... we just need to sincerely try....we should decide on what kind of people we would like to be... out of three types of people descirbed above... Page #3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Very Ideal scenario-Cows/buffalos should be on their jungle or on from control of human being.... in limited numbers... following natural processes of birth and death ..humans don't intervene to do artificial insemination of animals or kill them for food or torture them for any animal and let live........... What if some people have different opinion.. Very honestly, most of the problem starts when we try to put ourselves in to some box/category/group like Vegan or Vegetarianism, Jains. Christians, etc. People become very strict and somewhat stubborn when they try to follow some particular path. e.g. Jains on eating kandmul or some people follow some rituals. We should not worry about who is saying what. We need to follow a Lord Mahavir's principle of 'anekantvad' (respect for views of others). The most important thing is to follow 'ahimsa'.. which is a supreme religion (Ahimsa Parmo Dharma). We need to exercise our judgement and follow our heart and soul. Please note- We have not tocuhed upon four major issues in this note There are many research papers which clearly establish that humans do not need animal milk. They can get all nutritiions from plant based food. Kid just need his/her mother milk and no other milk when it grows up. Milk contains fat and cholesterol. No fibre. Milk is responsible for heart disease, diabetes and other serious diseases. Oxitocin and other injections and medicines are given to animals to increase milk production. Huge deterioration in quality of cattle feed. All these has resulted in very very low utility of animal milk. Due to excessive milk consumption and ever increasing milk price, adulteration in milk is a very serious issue and almost 78% of milk available in India is adulterated which is causing some serious health risks.