Book Title: Maa Parmatmaa
Author(s): Namramuni
Publisher: Parasdham Mumbai
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Page #1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ МАА Parmatmaa SUUоссе Page #2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ MAA Parmatmaa Yug Diwakar Pujya Gurudev Shree Namramuni Maharaj Saheb Page #3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ MAA Parmatmaa By Yug Diwakar Pujya Gurudev Shree Namramuni Maharaj Saheb Published by : Parasdham - Mumbai. First Edition printed in September 2011. : Available at: PARASDHAM Vallabh Baug Lane, Tilak Road, Ghatkopar (E), Mumbai - 400 077. Phone : 022-32043232. 12/2a, Bakulbagan Row, Kolkata - 700 025. Phone : 9831067208 A PAWANDHAM Opp. B.C.C.I Ground, Mahavir Nagar, Kandivali (W), Mumbai - 400 067. Phone : 022-32092277. Old Padara Road, Hathibhai Nagar, Vadodara - 390 007. Phone : 0265-3293232. SHREE UVASAGGAHARAM SADHANA BHAVAN 4, Africa Colony, Kalawad Road, Rajkot. Phone : 0281-6548659 Did you enjoy reading this book ? Your feedback is valuable. For feedback and review email us at Page #4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Universal motherhood is free from attachment and expectations... It is love in its purest form... Love for all... Every creature is his or her child... It is care and compassion, not fear and obsession. Such love is divine love! Such love that overcomes the limit of mind is true motherhood! This aatma becomes Parmatmaa! This Soul becomes the Supreme Soul! Page #5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ INTRODUCTION Any one who embarks on a new duty, takes up a new responsibility has to be educated enough to be able to complete the work with precision. Motherhood is a divine responsibility and it requires appropriate education. We do not have any particular courses or institutions for this training. This book has been written with this purpose in mind. It is a message and a guideline for all existing and would be mothers. We all are aware of the famous saying that “The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world”. There is undoubtedly a lot of truth in this. The children of today are the citizens of tomorrow. A mother's role in a child's formative years is very important and crucial. Thus a mother has to be aptly equipped to perform this duty successfully. The mothers were, are and will always remain the backbone of the family and of the whole society in a broader sense. This book will take a mother on a journey from individual motherhood to universal motherhood. This is the translated English version of the original book in Gujarati - MAA, JEMA MALAE PARMATMA. Page #6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Maa... ..An Epitome What a word! Lovable, dear, beloved, full of warmth and different....!! Each one of us has a different mother yet the term MOTHER represents the same emotion for all of us, i.e. epitome of love and care. It is just not merely a word – there are a lot of sentiments attached to it... perhaps the greatest word created till date is, “Maa (Mother).” The word mother is synonymous with feelings of pure love and care... it is a mother's sweet kind voice that touches the bottom of our hearts. The feelings of gratitude and love bind us closely to a mother. But today, I put forth a different point of view. I am here to give a message to all mothers... One would wonder, = O = Page #7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ “Why is a message required for a mother - what does she need to learn?" A mother is hurt most of the time, thus, she is unable to connect herself to the Parmatma (Supreme Divine Soul). When will the life of a mother be considered successful? When she connects herself solely to her children or when her connection with Parmatma is stronger than any other bond? When a mother connects herself to her child, she is unable to connect herself to Parmatma and when she is unable to connect to Parmatma, her very existence is questioned. One needs to ruminate, if the life a mother is living, is commendable and laudable. Mother and Father... what is the difference between these two words? One whose mind rules over the heart, is the Father and one whose heart rules over the mind, is undoubtedly the Mother. A mother can do well for her child or may even cause the opposite. Remember, a mother can be great, but her motherhood may not be great. A mother's love and affection can improve or spoil the child's life. Love and affection within limits will give a positive direction and the same, if out of limits, will ruin the child's life. Come to think of it, should a mother's love be Page #8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ restricted by a boundary? Should a mother's affection have a periphery? If yes, is she a mother in the true sense at all? On the other hand, extreme pampering by a mother is not only the reason for a child's downfall but also causes tremendous harm to the mother and her soul. A mother's affection is compared to the water in the well – you can drink the water but you cannot jump or go deep into the well to quench your thirst. Every mother should remember this, because, mothers usually keep worrying about the not so serious issues such as her children's whereabouts, what they would have eaten, and so on and so forth... Unfortunately, over time, this leads to ill health and sleepless nights... A mother spoils her health due to over-attachment to her child and excessive affection leads to unnecessary worries. Will a mother regain that health ever? Will her child be there in times of grief when his mother needs him? Will the ailing mother ever have her child beside her? The most common answer would be a “NO.” In fact, a child would blame his mother for her illness and question her, “Mom, why do you not take good care of yourself?" In my view, a good, great mother is someone who keeps herself deeply connected to Parmatma more than her = 33 . Page #9 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ children - she would connect herself less with her child and more with the Supreme Divine Lord. This does not mean she ignores her roles and responsibilities. – Duties should be performed 100%, however, emotions should be 0%. Moreover, a mother who is connected to Parmatma will never raise her hand on her child. It is only when the connection with Parmatma starts weakening and is on a decline, that one loses control over one's self. Then, loose and foul language and miscommunication take a higher seat. Do you raise your hand or hit your child because he is at fault or because you lose control over yourself? Hitting can be verbal – with harsh words, that hit hard or physical – a slap that hurts; unfortunately, both cause pain. But where and why does this anger arise? When the feeling of “mine and only mine” prevails... it carries along with it whacks and slaps. The greater the feeling of attachment, the higher the likelihood of hitting and hurting the child. This thought is backed by the principles of psychology A mother's heart is always filled with concern for her child. This anxiety carries negativity along with it, which Page #10 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ then compels the heart and the hand to take an aggressive form. Motherhood is praised and acknowledged by the whole world. We too bow down with respect to her motherhood, because she selflessly nurtures her baby in the womb for nine months and even after birth, continues caring for years ahead. Hunger, thirst, sleep, health, beauty and even her career become unimportant for her where her child is concerned. She sacrifices all that she has and is; therefore, she is worthy of that respect... our heads naturally bow down with pride and honour. However, one needs to remember – motherhood is not as worthy of respect and reverence as much as a mother herself. This is because, attachment is associated with her motherhood and this attachment entangles her in the endless cycle of life and death. Her health is at stake... her heart cries in agony... she starts doubting her capabilities... and her affection gives birth to expectations, which lead to discontentment. Every person expects more from a mother than a father but sadly, a mother is often the one who is neglected, ignored and taken for granted, than the father. Water is valued the most in a desert... when there is scarcity of a resource, it is valued the most. The more you get, the lesser you value. Page #11 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Out of affection, a mother continuously advises her child... “Have you done this? Did you eat well? Don't do this... Don't do that... Don't go here... Don't go there... Come home early... and so on and so forth.” She is aware that her child is old enough to understand the do's and don'ts of his life. Even then, her attachment and her maternal feelings and concerns drive her to continuously advise and nag her child... during such moments and situations, the distance between the child and the mother increases instead of decreasing, and this leads to unhappiness. And if you are unhappy, how will you get close to Parmatma ? Will this sorrow take you closer or away from Parmatma? Every house has the same story to narrate... a woman... a mother is said to be the epitome of patience because she can bear all the sufferings. As a child, a girl is dominated by her father, when married, she has to listen to her husband and when she becomes a mother, the children begin to take over. The saga and suffering continues at all stages of a woman's life that leads to the bondage of karma (sins). Affection, motherhood, expectation, love and attachment! This is the way the world works...! Page #12 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Attachment, in any aspect, will always keep you away from a balanced approach. When you are attached, you will never keep equanimity anywhere.Be detached from the negative. Attachment keeps one away from equanimity. Attachment kills patience but remember... each individual enters this world all alone – relationships are a delusion. We do not belong to each other... As soon as the sun sets, birds perch together on a tree and the rising sun sets them free for a new flight. Together in the night... apart in the morning. Similarly, mother and father, sisters and brothers, son and daughter meet in one lifetime, lead a life together and part ways eventually due to the rise of karmas and when karmas are nullified, their relations break off. The child for whom you have excessive attachment... limitless love... the bearing of all the pain and insult for the same child... letting go of all pleasures for someone who is never permanently with you or who will never be... should there be this extreme level of attachment? Only when motherhood dies from a mother can she become Parmatma! What does this mean? = Page #13 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Does a child desire to see his mother as a mother or in the form of Parmatma? Would Marudeva, mother of Tirthankar Bhagwan Rushabhdev, have attained salvation if she kept calling “Rushabh, Rushabh” all the time? What if she had not listened to her inner calling and realised that all relationships are a delusion and nobody is mine? Imagine the extent of love and feelings of a mother who has been with a child for 82 lakh purva (thousands and thousands of years) and the same son, when he attains Right Knowledge (Kevalgyan), travels from one village to other and reaches his home town of Vanita... what would be the first thing he would do? Meet his mother? No....!!! Will HE send a message to HIS mother? “Mom, I am here...? No...!!!" Rushabh has true love for his mother, not attachment. Rushabh loved his mother but he wasn't attached to her... There is a difference between love and attachment. HE respected HIS mother and that was the reason HE wished the path ofliberation and Salvation for HIS mother. A child that ignores his mother, disregards and disrespects her should remember that he is confirming his place in an orphanage in the next birth. = 8 Page #14 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Marudeva rushes to see Rushabh... Her eyes wait to meet HIM but Parmatma Rushabh does not notice her. A mother expects and awaits... a glance by her son, she eagerly waits for HIM to talk to her... But remember... One who welcomes you may possibly disregard you some day. But one who doesn't welcome you will never ever displease you. When there is closeness and dearness, a formal welcome is not necessary. Her heart sank... tears rolled down her cheeks... she was worried... tensed... unhappy... "Will HE ignore me? Won't HE even look at me? Won't HE talk to me?” Success is achieved only when pain reaches a level of extremity. When pain is excruciating, success is then created, formed and achieved. The happiness and joy of a birth of a child is experienced after tremendous painful labour. After tremendous and dreadful labour pains does one, get to celebrate the happiness of a newborn. Gradually, mother Marudeva begins to realize... that, “For the one whom I have 100 % feelings, HE does not have any for me.” Page #15 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ “I have 100 % feelings for a person who does not have any feelings for me." She is terribly upset... she ponders... she begins to think... “I am dying every moment for my son... my heart cries out Rushabh... Rushabh... but HE does not even spare a moment for me." This is a lesson to learn for all mothers-to-be who wish to become like mother Marudeva... who desire to attain Salvation... who want to attain ultimate peace and serenity. Marudeva persistently called out for Rushabh, yearning for HIM, but Rushabh was never hers... this self-reflection... this process towards truly understanding the soul... this inner journey enlightened her...she was nowsure“nobody in this world is mine.” — 10 = Page #16 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ I am wasting my time and energy after a person who is engrossed in and connected to HIS soul.” There is a difference now... earlier, He was a mother's son but now HE is a divine soul. Marudeva realises and accepts this truth. Understanding leads to patience... patience makes one dispassionate and frees one from love and hatred. Marudeva is now completely immersed in meditation... she is blessed with continuous inspiration from Lord Rushbhdev who takes her closer to her soul... the outside environment becomes unimportant... the journey within her inner being increases her love for her soul. When you fall in love with your soul, you connect with your inner self and this connection with the inner self takes you closer to Salvation. An auspicious desire makes you move closer to Parmatma. May every mother achieve Salvation. Marudeva's role as a mother brought along expectations as well as a constant turmoil of desires and wishes. But as soon as the motherhood in terms of excessive attachment in her dies, she attains Salvation, even before Lord Rushabhdev. Death of motherhood in the mother gives birth to Parmatma. Think about this... is a mother best as a mother? Or best as Parmatma? — — Page #17 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Motherhood in a mother will perhaps enable her to take care and nurture only her children but if she becomes Parmatma, she is able to shower her blessings on the entire universe. Which is better? Looking after the well-being of the world or taking care of a few children? A mother needs to liberate herself from expectations and a child needs to eliminate disrespect. It is a sin for a mother to have expectations and a sin for a child to disrespect... A mother must solely develop the virtue of patience and equanimity through motherhood and eventually, leave behind her attachment and affection. An auspicious desire... “May every mother move closer to divinity.” "May every Maa become Parmatma." Page #18 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Mad... ...Her Essence A mother is a person with whom one is not only connected by birth, but the connection continues, even after death. Other relationships are created after one is born... but a mother's relation is the only one which exist not only after birth but even before birth. What qualities should a mother possess? Who is an ideal mother? Mother is not just a word but a sentiment, an emotion, that every individual has experienced... be it a wealthy man... an influential minister... a highly paid officer or an aboriginal...!! Why is a woman bestowed upon by nature to be a mother? Why has nature selected a woman to bear all the pain... carry the weight not only for nine months but all her = 13 Page #19 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ life... what is the sign from nature? Why is it that only a woman can bear a child and not a man...? Because a man does not possess the same amount of forbearance, love, sentiments as the woman has...! One, who can tolerate, can create!!! One, who cannot tolerate, cannot create!!! One who possesses endurance, patience and tolerance is the one who can create something unique, something distinguishied. Therefore, a woman is called an idol of patience and forbearance. She is an epitome of persistence, acceptance and tolerance. Does being a mother carry with it expectations? Is all her patience, her tolerance, her creation, her motherly feelings, a result of expectations or affection? Perhaps your take on this would be - it is because of the closeness she shares with her child, however, in my view, it is surely a combination – a little bit of attachment, a bit of selfishness and a bit of expectation. Motherhood which is free from expectations, is high ranking. Motherhood which is devoid of selfishness, is noble and immaculate. — 2 — Page #20 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Motherhood when is not driven by expectations, selfishness or attachment, it is worthy of worship. A mother can be a blessing – she can be a dwelling of virtues as well as vices..!! The whole world knows the virtues of motherhood but hardly there is anyone who knows about the vices of motherhood. Motherhood that has attachment involved, motherhood that has the qualities of selfishness, motherhood that revolves around expectations, is never respected or admired. On the contrary, it will always create trouble and harassment for others. Every mother should contemplate, “What is the level of my expectations? What is the degree of attachment or affection? Am I being selfish?" Is being a mother some kind of status? Is it a position or is it pure love? A mother is not just a matter of position or status, it is LOVE... When love prevails there is no room for complaints and when there are complaints there is no LOVE... Expectation is the mother of all complaints. Does the modern mother have expectations- or is she without expectation? — 5V Page #21 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ A dissatisfied, demanding mother having expectations is never worshipped. A mother who is free from expectations is the one who deserves to be closer to Parmatma - she is eligible to become a divine pure soul. The best moment in a woman's life would perhaps be when she becomes a mother and experiences motherhood. If that is so, what must she do to become great and adorable? The world places a mother right at the top. The world acknowledges the position of a mother. A mother's world revolves around her child, and if expectations of the mother are completely nullified, then, she will do well for her child and herself too, like the Supreme Lord, but if she is bounded by her own expectations, then, she will surely cause harm. Without expectations, she fosters well-being and with expectations, she inflicts pain. In Jain history, there is a story of a king who renounces the world at a young age. The king was a father to an innocent child. The child grows up with all the materialistic pleasures around him. The queen's deliberate efforts to keep her child engrossed in numerous comforts and luxuries, was to keep the child away from the thoughts of renouncing the world like his father. She was worried and wanted to prevent the child from possibly becoming a monk!!! Page #22 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ The son was Shukaushal, his father was Kirtidhar, and his mother was Sridevi. Sridevi's upbringing of the child in the lap of luxury and grandeur was with an aim and a goal... she thought that the child would be engrossed in splendour and would never ever think of leaving her, even if he saw his father as an ascetic. She was constantly troubled with the doubt that someday, “My husband will come and my son would leave me for him... what if he leaves me and goes with his father?" Today's mother is also troubled with a similar doubt... “Someday someone will come and take away my child... will seize him from me. Earlier, he always missed me... he always liked my company... he would not take a step without my permission and now, my love has no hold over him?" Expectations carry along attachment, and when there are no expectations, one does not feel the need to increase their attachment. Excessive attachment leads to expectations and possessiveness. If there is no attachment then there is no need for possessiveness and expectations. Great people never seek importance and the one who seeks importance can never be great... One can never be eminent or prominent without = 1 Page #23 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ effort... greatness is achieved in the garden of humanitarian values, in the fragrance of compassionate and friendly nature. Distance makes the heart grow fonder and this is exactly what happens with prince Sukaushal. He sees an old maid crying and inquires, “Why are you crying?” The maid answers, “I am missing your father, I am thinking of him. He was a great king and his presence always brought happiness and peace. The people in his kingdom were very happy with him.” A thought flashes across Sukaushal's mind... “Where would my father be right now? Why did my mother never mention his name? Why did she never talk about him?" "Your father has renounced worldly pleasures and has become an ascetic,” replies the old maid. Sukaushal sets out in search of his father... coincidently, his father enters his kingdom. He looks at his father... he looks at the ascetic... he adores his personality... his heart starts beating faster... “I want to be with him, under his guidance, I want to completely surrender myself to him...I want to purify my life... my soul... I want to be with him...!" The prince respectfully bows to his father... he gains religious knowledge, enjoys the spiritual company of the ascetic for two days and on the third day, he announces, “I surrender my life to you... please accept me... I am ready for renunciation." = B Page #24 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Hearing this, the queen is furious and angry...! Expectations... expectations... expectations...!!! “He is mine... how can he surrender to someone else?” Irritated, annoyed and in a fit of anger, grief takes over. In the spur of the moment, she takes her last breath and her soul reincarnates in the form of a tigress. Sometime thereafter, it so happened that the father and son were passing through a jungle, inhabited by this tigress. The tigress sees the two men. One is her husband and the other is her own blood, her son... she fixes her gaze. Can a mother ever be a killer? If she is a killer, then can she ever be a mother? Expectations rules... selfishness takes over... attachment prevails... “He is mine and only mine, He will rule the kingdom and I will be the queen mother!" Expectations are not fulfilled... selfishness is not the key... attachment loses its hold and suddenly she attacks her own son, her own blood, she tears his flesh apart... the same child whom she caressed and nursed. Expectations and attachment become the reason for killing the one whom she once nursed and nurtured. The one who nursed and nurtured before, is today, hungry for his blood... expectations and over-attachment are = 19 Page #25 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ the reasons. Motherhood should be devoid of three detrimental qualities. What is attachment? Is the attachment of a mother good or bad? Attachment means the feeling of ownership. Attachment carries authority along with it. Attachment in other words is I... Me... Myself! This is mine and should remain mine...! The greater the attachment, the greater the disharmony and disputes in a relationship...! Motherhood is an incident... Motherhood is a feeling. If these deficits, stated above, are nullified then a mother and Parmatma are the same. These qualities are a hindrance to the mother in her journey towards divinity... Are patience and forbearance innate qualities, are they acquired or self-created? At times, endurance is a result of environmental experiences and at times, it is innate. When patience and forbearance is intrinsic, a mother would never ever raise her hand. When does a mother raise her hand ? Is it for the Page #26 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ welfare of the child or for another reason? Does she hit because the child is at fault or because she loses control over herself? Does repentance follow hitting? Is hitting ever regretted ? Only those who have no self-control, repent! It is a misconception that hitting will improve the child. Every mother who raises her hand is misled by the thought that hitting improves the child's behaviour. It is a delusion that my harsh hand will create a happy, disciplined child. "A sinner needs to be sorry... if one does not commit a sin, then one does not need to be sorry or repent.” When a child is born, the mother is his world... Gradually the child reaches his teens, his world... his feelings... his thoughts undergo changes. How can one expect a two-year-old and a twenty-year-old to have the same feelings for the mother? But every mother is in a state of delusion... even at 20 she expects the son to need her in the same manner when he was 2! Time changes situations and thus, love and feelings undergo transformations as well! One must accept the fact that love changes... feelings Page #27 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ change... people change... Beyond a certain limit, clinging leads to burning! Burning of the heart and soul! Why do women get wrinkles at an early age? The answer to this is expectations... over-affection ...overclinging and over-possessiveness. Imagine the plight of a hungry, tired, thirsty mother waiting for her child and the child, upon arrival, ignores the mother and the first thing he does is switches on the television!! This creates a storm of negative thoughts and baseless imaginations in the mother's mind. These negative thoughts sometimes lead to the secretion of a chemical by the body that directly affects the skin. When a mother loves without expectations and showers her affection dispassionately... problems, difficulties and dangers stay miles away!! They will never arise! For a pregnant woman, Jain philosophy states three ways of being polite... Being polite and humble through one's eyes! Being polite and humble through one's ears! Being polite and humble through one's conduct! A European couple give birth to a dark skinned child with curly hair... This seemed very unlikely and unusual. - 20 = Page #28 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Upon investigation, it was found that the mother had a poster of a black warrior hung in her room. She was extremely fond of him, she was engrossed in continuous thoughts of the person in the poster, and eventually, this led to the birth of a child that resembled the warrior in the poster. There was once an era, where a pregnant lady would never ever see or talk with another man other than her husband. Perhaps people would refer to this as an old, unworthy practice. But a child born to such a woman would have extraordinary qualities, a unique shine on the face and a distinguishing personality. If a mother's thoughts and conduct during her pregnancy are negative, then, she will have to face their repercussions for the rest of her life. That is why the first essential highlight is the eyes... “See only that, which is good.” What is worth seeing is either Parmatma or introspection to see one's own soul. The second essential aspect is to listen. What is worth listening, are the divine words of Parmatma... preachings of the Guru... good discourses! And last, but not the least, is good conduct. Cleanliness, self-control and simplicity are the keys to good conduct. = U 23 — Page #29 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Mad... ...An Impact It is quoted in the Aagam (Jain Scriptures) that the seeds of values and character are sowed in a mother's womb. Every mother-to-be would have a vivid imagination about the to-be-born child. She wonders how would the child be... with whom her feelings, her life, her lifestyle is connected? Every mother aspires that her child be peaceful, calm, intelligent, smart and brave and these thoughts vary with every pregnant woman. But surely, her thoughts have an impact on the child. Thus, what should a mother do if she wishes her child to have all the qualities she values...? Is the mother truly responsible for all the qualities in the child? Does she have an important role to play? Is it in her hands? The Aagam quotes an incident of Queen Chelna... Page #30 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ She was an ardent follower of Lord Mahavir... although a devotee, when she was pregnant with prince Konik, she had this uncontrollable urge to eat her husband's flesh... his heart's flesh was what she desired! Doesn't that seem rather shocking??? Lord Mahavir's devotee with such a vicious desire!!! Does a mother really have control over the child in the womb? A child's thoughts affect the mother and vice-versa. If a child can influence his mother's thoughts, then, why can't a mother's feelings and thoughts affect the child? CRAVING... craving for rain, water and thirst when it was Meghkumar and during Konik's pregnancy, craving for flesh... Be it Meghkumar or Konik, craving has an important role to play. It is quite possible that not all thoughts of a mother will influence the child... but some surely will...! Thoughts that a mother consistently ponders about... ruminates on... will slowly and steadily have an impact on the child. Just as an empty pot gets slowly filled by droplets of water... similarly, a child, at birth, is like an empty pot and the quality of water that fills this pot depends on the mother. Page #31 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ The choice lies between two kinds of water... polluted water or pure water... from the drainage or from the Ganges...! A mother who sows seeds for good character fills it up with water from the Ganges... crystal clear & pure. A mother who gives little or no importance to character building fills it up with dirty, impure drainage water. For example, during pregnancy, if a mother constantly watches violent scenes on the television, who would be affected? Obviously the child.... That which affects the mere existence... the identity of the mother affects the child...!! What does this mean? Imagine... you are having dinner and have a bowl of kheer (Indian milk dessert) and relishing it with a puri (deepfried whole wheat bread)... Suddenly, you hear a scream... a voice warns you, “this bowl of kheer is contaminated! There was a lizard in it.” What would be your reaction? “What? A lizard!” The word lizard penetrates straight to your soul. When you say the word lizard, your entire existence... emotions... entire identity, gets involved... !!! Similarly, thoughts, actions, incidents, scenes, feelings... those which affect our entire existence should be avoided as it directly disturbs the child... miscarriages often Page #32 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ occur due to sudden shock and therefore, they should be avoided. This has an impact on the child, resulting in variations in the child's heartbeat. Sometimes, the heartbeat stops completely, clearly proving that the mother's thoughts... her actions... her experiences... have a powerful influence on the child. For example, a mother, who happens to be pregnant queen, hears someone saying that her kingdom has been attacked... all the city gates have been closed and the king has left for war...! When she hears this, her child also hears the that very moment, that very second... The foetus may just be the size of the tip of a needle, but it has the potential to hear everything that the mother can hear, even if the pregnancy is just 48 minutes old...! Parmatma says that all senses are developed within 48 minutes... in just 48 minutes the ears have taken form wellenough to hear everything...! Sometimes, a child in the womb may possess special powers called Vaikriya (which enables one to change body shape, size and form). When the child hears about the attack by the enemies, on his father, he leaves the womb in the form of a Vaikriya body and prepares for war... forms an army... Page #33 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ fights the war... defeats the enemy and then, returns to his place in the womb. The father is confused... who was it? Whose army came and helped me defeat the enemy? In Bhagwati Sutra Aagam, it is mentioned that a few children have such divine powers... such capabilities. However, unfortunately, if the child takes his last breath at that point in time, he goes to hell!!! Sixth hell...fifth, fourth, third, second or the first level of hell. If the mother's thoughts... her mind... her listening abilities... her sight... her food... everything she does has an impact on the child, what should an ideal mother do? What should she say? What should she listen to? What should she see? What kind of an environment should she be in? Jain scriptures have many such examples on the influence of the mother. Firstly, colour has an important role to play in one's life. Imagine yourself in a red room... one is bound to lose his cool, become angry, if he is surrounded by red... red clothes... red curtains... red furniture... red walls... Everything is red! Even a cool-headed person would start fretting and fuming! Therefore, nowadays, people have started using Page #34 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ colour therapy. People consume water kept in green, blue or other coloured bottles so as to have the beneficial effects of such colours on the person's thoughts, mind, nature and feelings. There must be some reason why Lord Mahavir's followers... his sadhus and sadhvis (ascetics) wore whitecoloured garbs while those of other religions wear orange! There must surely be some purpose... and the reason is that colours have a very important role to play... it can have a strong impact on a person's mind...! If you are dressed in white... and everyone around you is also in white... you will definitely feel calm and composed... thus, a peaceful feeling prevails. Compare your feelings – what do you experience when you are dressed in other bold colours? One automatically feels the difference... When one attends a condolence prayer in white clothes, one automatically experiences 50% serenity and calmness... merely due to the colour of the clothes...!!! Our own clothing... our attire, our dressing style, can generate and provoke feelings of lust, desire and passion. The colour red increases desires... generates demands. Why are red-coloured clothes worn on auspicious occasions? Why are sadhus and sadhvis dressed in white? Their clothes support them. It helps to bring about 50% decline in Page #35 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ their desires. The white attire plays the role of a catalyst. Black is the same as red. Light colours around the mother will give a soothing effect. If the mother's environment is dark-coloured, the ambience is dark, chances of a hyperactive and an anxious child increase! Lightcoloured walls and surroundings help to give birth to a peaceful and calm child. Where does one get exposed to a maximum range of colours? Television...!!! Observe carefully!!! All the colours it emits have an influence on us. Therefore, the choice remains ours! What you see is what you get!!! That is why a black child was born to a white couple - because the mother was constantly looking and appreciating the portrait of a black warrior hung in-front of her bed. A mother experiences what she constantly sees... her experiences have a direct impact on the child. Just like colour, scenes, incidents, experiences also have an impact...! We fail to understand why, at times, some kids have a faint-hearted nature... they are frightened about trivial matters... they are threatened very easily...! A mother stands in the balcony, sees the lightning and hears the thunder – she is scared... this feeling of fright = 30 - Page #36 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ penetrates deep down... and gets embedded... resulting in a nervous child! How does one identify this feeling of fear? When one is frightened, he feels his existence shrinking... the first sign is the contraction of the navel. One's hunger diminishes when one hears the news of someone's sudden death. If the environment is full of inhibitions and fear, the child will be timid and faint-hearted. A mother's expectations of wanting the best for her child are fulfilled if, during her pregnancy, the environment around her is the best... her thoughts... her actions... have to be in alignment with the qualities she desires...! A peaceful mind and body would help...! Reading good books... watching good programmes... listening to good material! This creates positivity and cheerfulness in the mother, which will ultimately affect the child. This is why it is most important to sow the seeds of good values and character in a pregnant mother rather than trying to do the same in a child after his birth...!!! = 431 V Page #37 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Love do Attachment All human beings need affection in their lives... one cannot stay without warmth and affection...and where the attributes of affection do not form a part of their lives, the purpose of life is lost. They feel life is meaningless and not worth living. Is this affection the cause of happiness or is it the reason for sorrow? What is the first step towards affection and love? Most of the time, when people fall in love they do not know what they are doing? Why are they doing it? They simply fall in love without giving a thought - Whether it will give them joy or sorrow? Love seems ecstatic... but in the end, on an average the unhappiness exceeds the happiness it brings...! = 32 Page #38 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ A person infected with a disease where the urge to scratch is so severe that he is made to sleep on a rough coir cot so that he can rub his body against the coir ropes to satisfy his strong urge to scratch. He will surely enjoy this. He feels good at that moment, but what will be the end result of such an act? What is the outcome of the initially pleasurable act? There are bruises all over the body that cause a severe burning sensation. This is how the worldly love is... in the eyes of Parmatma. Love, in the beginning, is sweet, but as time passes, the sweetness disappears... one realises it is not the same as before... one begins to think that he has made a mistake. Most of the time, attraction is mistaken for love. Attraction is misinterpreted as love... where does this attraction arise? How is it born? According to most of the people, what they believe LOVE is nothing more than attraction. I am a soul... we are souls and the frequency of every soul is different from the other... The frequency possessed by each soul sends vibrations to the surrounding environment. When two individuals meet and if their frequency does not match, it creates anger, distrust and hatred. If their frequencies match 20% - 30%, they tend to develop a liking Page #39 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ and good wishes arise. The more their frequencies match... the higher the harmony... It just clicks! And this is interpreted as love! This kind of attraction is called raag (excessive attachment). One is vulnerable, during a certain age... as soon as raag diminishes, dwesh (hatred) is born. One gets annoyed, angry and upset with the person whom he loves the most. What kind of relationship is this? This is attachment, which finally leads to hatred. Most youngsters get carried away and attracted to each other, but little do they know that this attraction, which leads to attachment, finally ends up in hatred. We do come across incidents in the newspapers where the lover brutally kills his girlfriend... destroys her face with acid... burns her... what is the reason behind such violent acts and behaviour? There is not a single green leaf that does not turn yellow on drying up and there is not a single green tree that does not convert into wood on drying up..! A tree that is green never burns and upon drying it, cannot escape burning... Two green stems, on rubbing against each other, will never generate sparks, but two dry stems can cause friction Page #40 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ and ignite. Does one get dry wood directly? Where does it come from? From a green tree...!!! Dry wood is never born directly... the green trees dry up to form the dry wood. There can never be a single leaf or tree that will always remain green...!What seems green today is going to dry up tomorrow and when it dries it may catch fire in the future...!!! What you consider as love, is in the true sense, raag! When you develop feelings of affection for an individual, you feel as if it's now impossible to live without him. He/She is my world... I am made for him/her. It is time to remember that what looks green and fresh today is going to dry up tomorrow. The world revolves around attachment and hatred. Check yourself... check your daily routine... does the one to whom you are attracted play on mind throughout the day or not? and if a problem arises with the same person, then won't the feelings of anger and aversion take over? one experiences negativity and what comes out is obviously what resides inside...!! Check every hour of your life... do we live emotionally or physically? Do we really have control over our Page #41 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ emotions? Little praise brings a smile on our face and slightest criticism makes us completely upset...!!! Feelings of attachment and hatred are born when one does not have control over one's emotion. It's raag at one time and dwesh at another. Hatred is born out of attachment, like creates dislike. Since you are fond of someone you tend to despise the others. Liking for one may create disliking for others..! Hatred is born out of attachment ! Dwesh is born out of Raag...! Whatever the degree of hatred – is it independent or is it born out of the green twig of attachment? Is the feeling of dislike independent or is it because you liked someone, somewhere? If there is attachment, hatred is bound to arise...!! Even though an individual may be surrounded with the comforts and luxuries of life, he always desires... my partner should be loyal to me. My partner should forever be mine... I cannot share him/her with anyone... he/she should not have any feelings for anyone else and if the partner gets along with someone else, begins to enjoy his/her company, then anger surrounds the mind... agitation and anxiety begin to rule...! A doubt always disturbs the individual who is in Page #42 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ love... am I truly in love? Will it last forever? Is my decision the right one? Are my actions and behaviour justified? What if my heart breaks? Will we break up and part ways? How will you identify the difference between love and attachment? What are the parameters? It is very essential for today's generation to know this difference in order to enable them to abstain themselves from attachment while in love as they undoubtedly are going to fall in love. After all, attachment leads to hatred and these feelings of hatred can ruin an individual's entire life. When a relationship begins with love, it should end with love... it is good to love but one must stay away from raag. Where there is attachment, one will react violently, and when one's wishes are not fulfilled by the partner, he/she breaks up and starts a new relationship with another person. What is the difference between attachment and love? Attachment leads towards deception. Love will always lead one to the path of truth. Love results in success and attachment results in failure. Love considers the welfare of the other and attachment destroys the other. Page #43 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ In love, there is a feeling of the other person's wellbeing whereas attachment creates selfishness in the person... In love, there is total surrender... a feeling of completely 'letting go'... giving away oneself in totality. Attachment carries expectations... As expectations increase, the attachment transforms into hatred. Introspect yourself... in your lifetime, to-date, what have you experienced, love or attachment? Love and attachment... Fire and water... Can they ever be together? One that destroys attachment is love... Love is nothing, but that which ends attachment. It may be attachment in the initial phase but if the frequency matches, it transforms into love. Many a times, love leads to marriage, but love diminishes after marriage and at times, one falls in love after marriage. Not only do the majority of youngsters fail to understand the difference between love and attachment, but even their parents and grandparents are unable to differentiate this, thus problems arise... = 38 V Page #44 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ One must realise that love does not carry problems and if it does, then it is not love, it is attraction! When love exists, problems cease. Where there is Love, there is Sacrifice... surrender... letting go... tolerance and acceptance. And there is no scope for problems to arise...! Be alert... awaken today... check your relationships, distinguish between attachment and love? The dry wood is the result of the green sapling... the sapling is very soft and subtle. The same sapling then grows into a big green tree... the same tree slowly dries up... it strongly brushes against others and the outcome is fire...!!! How is the fire initiated? It is a result of the small green sapling... the same is with love... initially, it is soft, subtle and smooth. Having a soft corner for the other person slowly diminishes and over time, the relationship turns sour...!! Why does this happen? It begins well, but does not end well... why does it It end with fire? because it was not love... it was attachment. Under the influence of affection, one gets carried away. One fails to understand the situation during the Page #45 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ moment... it seems strange! An individual cannot distinguish between right and wrong. He/She is blinded with feelings and attraction. He/She just continues to go with the flow... and reaches a stage from where when he/she does not want to go ahead and cannot find a way to go back. Only after going a good distance, does one get familiar with the path and only after going deep into the relationship, does one realize that he/she has wasted his/her effort, time and energy. After spending time with each other, one realizes his/her mistakes... one comprehends his/her errors... one accepts his/her faults. Ofwhat use is the comb when one has turned bald? No point crying over spilt milk. By the time you realise, it's too late. It seems rather difficult now to continue and impossible to give it up, thus, resulting in pain, worry, tension and suffering. One loses the glow on his/her face... peace refuses to prevail... one can neither laugh nor cry... one can neither bear nor reveal. Neither can one live with it nor can one tolerate it. Filled with anxiety and tension... an unhealthy mind leads to an unhealthy body, which gives way to acidity, blood pressure and cancer! One tends to waste time struggling for a good life, thus losing the invaluable human birth and creating hell for oneself...! 40 - Page #46 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ What is the outcome when you are hurt and upset? What happens when things do not go your way? What happens when there is distress? Life becomes a burden...! The slightest crack in the heart is more painful than a cracked bone in the hand or leg. Life becomes hell when desires and expectations remain unfulfilled... An invaluable life seems totally worthless... One does not want to live 'life' which is so precious! If you are alert and if you are aware about the difference between love and attachment, what will be your life in the end..? Is it not helpful to you if you are aware and alert about the fact that there is a difference between love and attachment? How does one realise if he is in love or he is merely experiencing feelings of attachment? Attachment is the product of physical attraction and outer beauty. Love arises when one feels the beauty within. The feelings that are created by just looking at outer beauty is Raag and the feeling that are created by experiencing the inner beauty is Love. = 1441 — Page #47 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Always remember... We are surrounded by people who live in attachment but rarely do we find someone who knows how to love. There is only one with true love amongst lacs of those who only have attachment. Only one in millions knows the meaning of true love, others have mere delusional feelings of attachment...! Most times, physical looks or some quality like art, skill, eyes, voice or outer beauty and charm appeal to people. When one is attracted due to reasons highlighted above, it is attachment and when one has no reason for attraction, it is love. Love is free from expectations... it does not matter if he looks at you... cares for you or doesn't. When your feelings are not bound by the shackles of do's and don'ts, it is love. Thus, it is extremely important for us to understand the difference. Because, the difficulties and situations that arise from our attachment, not only cause harm to us but also disturbs and destroys the parents and the entire family. Due to his adamant and stubborn nature, the child threatens the parents that he will only marry a partner chosen by him, otherwise... That child is unaware of the fact that the attraction... the affection... the feelings of giving up everything for that Page #48 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ person would be futile... the entire set of feelings is a delusion. The one whom she thinks is her world, is her delusion. In recent times, love has become a shoddy word - it has lost its richness and elegance. Cheating, deceit and treachery take place in the name of love. One plays with feelings. “I LOVE YOU” is a loosely used phrase and if the opposite person shows some interest, the cycle begins... Remember, if true love exists, the need to say "I LOVE YOU” does not arise. It becomes quite obvious in one's thoughts and behaviour. If one needs to show, if one needs to prove love, then, it's raag. Exhibition of feelings is raag, understanding without using words or doing anything is love. Continuous exchange of messages is raag because it is demanding...when one gives in... surrenders without any expectations, it is love. Attachment demands give and take... it is based on calculations. Just as the body needs oxygen to live, attachment thrives on selfishness. If the supply of oxygen decreases, it harms the breathing and thus, our life. Similarly, when selfish motives are unfulfilled, problems arise. Therefore, it is rightly = 43V Page #49 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ said that every relationship comes with an expiry date. Perhaps, it is because the degree of affection for people changes with time. Today you have strong attachment with someone, tomorrow you might not have the same..! Glue, a sticky substance, enables to stick effectively... however, as the strength of the glue diminishes over time, the bond weakens and the sticker begins to peel off. Many peoples' attachment and attraction is similar to that of a sticker. In the beginning, the bond is strong. But with the passage of time, the corners start curling-up and eventually, they loosen to such an extent that they may fall apart at any moment...!! Man is a social animal and his emotions of affection are pretty obvious. All humans are affectionate beings. However, they only have few hours to handle the tenderness and affection in a relationship as the remaining 20+ hours are spent on handling complicated situations – the demanding circumstances etc. arising out of these affectionate emotions. It is said – a woman not only weds a man, but is married to the entire family... Adjustment becomes the need of the hour, not only with the husband but with every single member of the family Page #50 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ because she spends only a few hours with her husband – the entire day, she interacts with her mother-in-law, sister-in-law and others in the family. It's my advice to the youngsters i.e. today's generation that mere love and affection are not enough for survival. While choosing a life partner one should always consider compatibility of cultures and lifestyle. You may do whatever you like in your life but while choosing your life partner take parental advice and then decide. I am sure you will not repent taking their advice. It will certainly help you make the right choice. As a well-wisher and with the grace of Parmatma, I would only like to say, “Think twice before you act.” I say this with a lot of compassion and love... and my intuition... Have the right attitude! If you fail to have the right attitude, it will compel your partner to get a substitute! To think that he will always be with you and never disown you in this life is a delusion. For a peaceful and happy relationship, one needs to reduce his/her expectations. Try to reduce your expectations. Lesser the expectations... more the peace..! Just as your clothes give you the perfect fitting, your Page #51 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ thoughts appeal only to you. One must not impose them on others. Allow your partner to live his life on his terms and you live your life on your terms. “I will live the way it is destined for me to live” is the attitude of true love. Attachment is not at all desirable and one should have a divine friend (kalyan mitra). You live in a materialistic world... you have a social life... your friends, your relatives... some are closer to your heart than others but remember, the more a person is dear to you, the greater is the loss you would incur... more the intensity of affection... greater is the pain...!!! A person standing on the 13th floor of a building warns the person on the ground floor of a tsunami. Come up quickly, or you will drown... the person below confidently says, I do not see a tsunami. The person on the 13th floor can obviously see further than the one below... he can sense the danger ... he can see the future... he wants to save the person standing on the ground floor. All those who have attachments must have a divine friend in their lives. A divine friend is one who can see with his third eye... Page #52 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ has a strong sixth sense, strong intuition. He can see what we cannot with our two eyes. He awakens us with an alarm... gives us a signal... He is the one who will show us the path of truth. He will not engage in false praise. He will show you the right path. He has no personal gain. He is selfless and expects no personal benefits. He is compassionate, kind and loving. Such is a divine friend... a Guru... one who has a Guru in his life will never be misled or taken for a ride. In case he does stray, it would be for a short period as his divine friend will bring him back on track. A relationship is different from an eternal bond; the latter is a strong connection that exists from many births. What we form in this birth is a relationship but what exists from many previous births is an eternal bond (runanubandh). We share an eternal bond with our divine friend... our Gurudev! There is 100% connection as your frequency matches with whomever you share an eternal bond with... you admire his talks... you enjoy his company and you trust him - 47V Page #53 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ completely. You love him unconditionally and this love is permanent... one automatically surrenders selflessly to a divine friend. Only after an infinite cycle of life, death and rebirth does one get a divine friend. Our social circle increases the cycle of life, death and rebirth. Our divine friend... our Gurudev will enhance our soul... our existence and lead us onto the right path of Salvation towards eternal peace and bliss. = 48 V - Page #54 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Splash your thoughts! read this book and write a page tonite... your thoughts and reactions your ideas and reflections, and let that flow, from within you then it will surely be true! Page #55 --------------------------------------------------------------------------  Page #56 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Other Titles... Divine love Divine Love ..Its Possible.. It is a very touching story of unconditional and pure love of Chandanbala and Lord Mahavir. The book will surely held one captive and leave a profound effect on the reader. The book is written in simple and lucid language communicating the story and the various morals directly to the reader. The reader is compelled to ponder over the various questions and morals that come up regularly in the course of the story as they are highlighted. Yug Diwakar Pujyu Gurudev رفت رزيت [تردرزدار آزادراردارند ون کارت Page #57 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ The Inner Journey The Inner Journey... Part-1 Yug Diwakar Pujya Gurudev Shree Namramuni Maharaj Saheb To accomplish the journey to uplift ourselves from the mundane world to liberation... Supreme Lord Mahavir has given us 73 milestones. Each word of Parmatma has the potential to bring about self-purification and selftransformation. Pondering upon these precious jewels of Parmatma, following them with utmost faith and devotion and being ever grateful to our revered dev Guru, let us become the traveler on this path of Supreme accomplishment! ! As one reads each commandment... understands it... experiences it... and follows it... one will move closer to Parmatma... closer to oneself! Page #58 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Versatile Visionary Feelings of service, sadhana and devotion... humanitarian & philanthropic activities... dedication & discipline... these have become the global identity of a million of youngsters. This is Yug Diwakar Pujya Gurudev Shree Namramuni Maharaj Saheb. Tough meditation and deep thinking are the strong pillars of His personality. Unique and innovative style of imparting knowledge is the source of blossoming His personality. With the intent of World Peace and Global Welfare, Pujya Gurudev's missions are not limited to Jain devotees only; but huge contributions in terms of time, energy & power are also received from Non Jain devotees who play a significant role in fulfilling these missions. : About the Book : This book is guiding light for all those in love... for all parents and prospective parents. Embark into the journey of true motherhood, true love and attain the Supreme !!! Log on to...,, 25/