Book Title: Know to Enlighten
Author(s): Rajyashsuri
Publisher: Rajyashsuriji
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Page #1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ NO NG Know To Enlighten Jogo dd odh surkshwarji Diksha Shatabd 100 Editing & Blessings by WELL-WISHER OF THE UNIVERSAL BROTHERHOOD ACHARYA RAJYASH SURISHWARJI With Best Compliments From J. K. SHAH - BHARUCH KAMLESHBHAI UDANI - BHARUCH SIDDHA (BHAMA SHAH) - CHHAYA NILESHBHAI M. SHAH - U.S.A. DR. M. M. BEGANI- BOMBAY R. B. JAIN - JALGAON Cost Price Rs. 7.25 Labdhl Diksha Shatabdi Granth Mala 2 Page #2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ NO PREFACE PUBLISHER'S NOTE We are happy to present this book 'Know To Enlighten' i.e. a bunch of articles which contains the references of websites and available important literature, helpful for the detail study to the readers on the occasion of the chaturmas at Munisuvrat Tirth, Bharuch, Gujarat (2004). We are greatful to Acharya Shri Rajyash Surishwarji Maharaj Saheb for editing and rendering his blessings for the publication. We pay our Vandanas to our Guru Maharaj and we highly thankful to donors. Almost all the matters of articles have been carefully collected and represented by Muni Vishrutyash Vijayji. We also extend our thanks to Setu Sanatbhai Shah and the printers for rendering their assistance. Albert Einstien the noble physicist, acknowledged the importance of religion and science working hand in hand. With the giant leap of technology and reducing of communication barriers, changes in living style have been voluminous. But, how far these objectives have succeeded in giving mental peace and solace? There are many activities that we do in daily life which have a religious view point. How many of us know why is religion asking us to do so? Do we know of the scientific rationale behind it? Did you know why girls and women are asked to rest during their 4 days of menstruation cycle? Did you know that foetal homicide is a crime, not only legally but religion wise too? Did you know that you would not be reading this had your mother opted for pregnancy test and subsequent abortion? Did you know that almost all religions support abstain ing from eating during evening and morning? • Does non-violation mean only stop violence? • Almost everyone has watched T.V. did you know what are the effects of watching T.V.? To know answers to the above questions and enlighten yourself and others read further... KNOW TO ENLIGHTEN Sanskruti Bhavan Rajendrabhai Dalal-Secundrabad T-6/A, Shanti Nagar Dineshbhai S. Shah-Coimabatore Vikramsuri Marg Ashram Road Ahmedabad-380 0013 (Guj.) BOOKS AVAILABLE AT: JAYPRAKASH N. JAIN 1-2/3, First Floor, New Six Bunglow, Nr. V. P. Science College, Vallabh Vidyanagar-388120 Phone : 02692-234276 NIMESH R. SHAH 27. Shubham Society, Opp. Shambhu Dairy, BHARUCH-392001 Phone : 02642-262059 PALAK & VIPUL B/81, Prerna Viraj-1, Jodhpur gam, Satellite, AHMEDABAD-380 015 Phone : 079-26923003 R. B. JAIN 5-A, Suyog Colony, JALGAON-425001 (Maha.) K. Mahajan 09.09.2004 Bharuch KAMLESH UDANI J. B. Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals Ltd. 128/7, G.I.D.C. Industrial Area, ANKLESHWAR-393 002 Phone : 98241 22890 Page #3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ A SCIENTIFIC TRUTH FOR WOMEN'S HEALTH Every subject has got two aspects to be taken into consideration-scientific as well as religious. Religious view point evolved first from Immemorial Times but was not accepted by the people very well. Only the inclusion of scientific view of aspect to the religious view made it more powerful and now it necessitates the acceptance of this view. Nowadays girls and women even of orthodox families do not observe the menstruation cycle (Rest for 4 days) in one should follow certain rules and regulations, strictly during this period. Especially Youngsters have to observe this period strictly. It is said that Goddess Saraswathi (Knowledge) as well as Lakshmi (wealth) move away from them who do not observe this and many disease set in. It is said that food stuff like Pickles, Pappad, sev, Wafers etc., not only get spoilt if prepared in her presence, but gets spoiled with a mere shadow of this type of woman, then what of the food prepared by her? In Bible leviticus (old Testament) on page number 98 (new Revised Std. Version Catholic Edition for India) it has been rightly said that any woman in M.C. is recognised as impure for 7 days. It prohibits us to touch anything that is touched by her. Her purity gets revived only after the 7th day. According to 10th Sthan of Thanang Sutra' holy agam on jainism, no work should be done, by women in M.C. They should not visit holy places, can't touch Holy Books, even news papers and should not see the monks. Reading of quaran Sheriff, touching well or river water or greenaries, horse riding, getting closely indulged in any ceremony, temple construction work, plucking flowers for offering; by women in this state has been prohibited by religions such as Islam, Parsi and Jainism etc. Sri Shukla Yajurveda allows such women to work only after 3 days. - That is why wise and religious women do not work or touch things during this period. They are forbidden from doing worship, going to temple, reading and writing are treated as if they are untouchables. The ancient Scientist "Pliny" observed that liquor get spoiled in the presence of a woman in menstrual Rhythm. So the fruits get Rotten, Flowers wither and vessels get rusted. S. L. Sixney writes In (Medical Review). That touching a woman in M.C. creates dangerous effects. A Kind of poison Eminates like Toxin coming from sweat and perspiration and cannot be washed out even by hot water. In 1920 S.I.Bishok said a poison known as Minocolin oozes from the skin of woman under M.C. and if one touches her, may contact many kinds of diseases. A poison called Oxy Cholestin comes out from her body. It affects even inanimate things. A woman in M.C. should limit her movements. It is not advisable for her to go out of the house and even the Lady Doctors of John Hopkins of America opine that women under M.C. should not do household work. American Circular as well as Mr. Craser's research reveal that Red Indians do not touch their head and dairy products. In Medical Review Europe's Dr. Sikam explained by Page #4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ M.C. is period of total rest. No workmanship by females, so it is high time for the females to get awakened and accept this period as a gift bestowed over them. Hence, all women-folk are advised to insist on observance of prohibitions under M.C. Then there will be peace, purity and harmony. Last, but not the least : It is incumbent on the part of husbands to co-operate with their wives for strict observance of M.C. Websites: www.method is Further Reading : Jan experiment; two women were given a flower each. The Flower given to woman in M.C. withered within 4 hours, while that given to the pure lady remained fresh for 48 hours. Woman in M.C. is prohibited from nursing in operation theatre (West), going to temple (Nigeria Japan), doing household work (S. Ireland), working in sugar Factories and in silk mills (France) as it may spoil sugar and reduce the softness of silk. It is also said, to keep herself away from all things and cannot use table or chair (Jews) and some of them even live in hut separated from the families (Congo), many such practices are followed in many other countries such as South America, China, England, Mexico, Germany and others. Modernisation of girls and women means westernisation. So when these western countries have accepted the scientific view that non-observance of M.C. is unhygienic, then why not every female accept it? Hence from the above discussion religious as well as scientific views are clearly sketched out. Many precautionary measures have been suggested by thinkers. Though any woman is in M.C. the other family members could regularly go to temples by having sprinkled Golden water on themselves. In absence of any other woman in the family, neighbours help could be sought. But how pity today's women having led extravagantly and high life cutoff ties with their neighbours. Now, one can realise that the prohibition practised in this period is very scientific. The so-called fashion of nonobervance of M.C. is unhygienic and leads to cultural and industrial downfall as well as individual and family disasters. The Wild Genie A Woman's Worth Women Bodies, Women Wisdom Alexander Paul Marianne Williamson Dr. Christine Nothrud 34 Page #5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ WOO VOLA CIVILIZED CRIME IN THE NAME OF MODERNIZATION Abortion is a murder because biological development is impossible without existence of life. Science also has proved that a new life comes into being the moment the female egg is fertilized with the males sperm. Something must be done with to stop the murder of the unborn which, who knows, may even be a great soul or a Nation-Builder. This living being, for the first nine months, develops its home in its mother's womb and when this home become small for its continuous development, it enters a bigger home, i.e. the outside world. It is already nine months old on the day it is bom. While delivering a judgement the Supreme Court, citing the example of the Vedas, has said that taking away someone's life is not only a crime, but a sin. ("The Hindustan Times" 16/4/94.) The very moment the chromosomes of the male & female combine together, the height, intellectual level, blood group etc., of the new personality are decided once for all. The process of formation of the eyes. Spinal column, brain, nervous system, lungs, stomach, lever, intestines, kidneys etc. of this tiny living being starts in 3rd week. Formation of hands & legs starts in 4th week. Head and eyes are formed: eyes get lenses and the retina. And Ear too are formed in 5th week. Formation of head, face, mouth, tongue, etc., get completed and also the sex of the child can be determined in the 7th week. His heart-beat can be heard on an ultrasonic stethoscope in 9th week. His thumb impression at this stage is the same as when he will be 80 years old. All the organs and systems of the body are fully developed, start functioning. Now he needs to grow (only in size). The heart-beat of the child in the womb) can be heard by placing a stethoscope on the abdomen of the mother. What science says today, we find the same in old scripture written in prakrit language as stated in the following parahs. This details being taken from the book "SAMVEG RANG SHALA" which is written by JIN CHANDRA SURI in VIKRAM SAMVAT 1125, on page no. 447. (stanza-8038) THE FORMATION OF THE FOETUS : The new life comes into being the moment the female egg is fertilized with the male's sperm. This living being for the first seven days, turns into formation of solid cell; and in the first month the process of formation initiated and in the second month that develops one curs less in one Pal (1 Pal = 60 Rati) and in the end of the third month becomes the clot of a flesh and in the forth month the mother's embryo helps to develop the limbs of a new foetus. From the fifth month the formation of head, limbs of Hand & Legs is initiated and in the sixth month blood and biles accumulated during the process and in the seventh month seven hundred blood vessels and five hundred different cells are formed. In the eighth month the nervous system forms with 35 millions roots of body cells on the surface of a skin the tiny living being with all the organs and system of the body is fully developed and comes out at the end of nineth month or tenth month from the mother's womb giving the pain to self as well as to mother. So a tiny Page #6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ being consists of 300 hundred bones by 160 joints means made up of 900 sinews, seven hundred blood vessels and five hundred clots of fleshes. Dr. Thomas Burning, in his famous book titled 'The Secret Life of The Unborn Child', has written that by the middle of the 5th month on the mother's abdomen being exposed to bright light, the child moves its hands as if to cover its eyes. Loud music makes it move its hands towards its ears. Mr. Peter Hopper of the British Council of psychologists has arrived at the conclusion, after years of study, that the foetus of 12 weeks is capable of recognising music. It not only reacts to the sounds of music but also learns to differentiate between the sounds. According to him, when a familiar tune is played, the new born child stops crying. The new born can recognise only those tunes which they had heard in the womb. This conclusion corrorates the famous episode of 'Abhimanyu' getting the lessons of combarate piercing the 'Chakravyuha' in his mother's womb. The brain of the mother and child are synchronized. A pregnant mother driving a car or a scooter unknowingly teaches unborn child the skills of safe driving. It is often seen that a doctor's child becomes a doctor as Sanskars' are inherited from parents. If an expectant mother undergoes an X-ray test, the child in the womb may get affected adversely by the exposure, if the test is done within the first three months of pregnancy. She is forbidden to consume any medicines without the advice of a competent doctor. World famous magazine 'Lancet' has cautioned the pregnant women from getting the ultrasound test done The development of the foetus is affected by frequent exposures to ultrasound tests. Whereas abortion on one hand involves brutal killing of an innocent child, on the other hand the mother also has to face crisis of varying degree owing to the complications arising out of abortion. Some of these probable complications have an immediate effect and some leave a long-term effect, which may not only leave the mother infertile, but can also endanger her life. Women go for abortion suffering for the rest of their lives; they become a living and moving 'museum of diseases. Their home becomes a battlefield for a variety of conflicts. This in turn destroys the peace and harmony of the family. Once their girls going for abortion suffering from such diseases cannot bear children in their later life according to a survey done in Toronto. (Canada). The risk involved in an abortion is twice to that in delivery. According to Nagode survey, 1968 of Japan, more than 30% of the women undergoing abortion suffer from mental problem in their later life. According to an article published in 'The Hindustan Times' dated 15th July 1990, out of 50 million abortions done every year in the world, about half are illegal in which about 2 lakh women die and 6 to 8 million get diseased for life. In India itself about half a million women die every year out of the complications arising from illegal abortions. Dangers, therefore, to the mothers undergoing abortion are no less. When the former president of USA. Mr. Ronald Reagan saw film depicting the murder, pain and agony of Page #7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ NO the unborn, got so moved by the same that he requested every American senator to see this film. Mr. Ronald was keen on changing the abortion laws. If we accept that a mother can kill her own child, how can we tell others not to kill each other? Any country that accepts abortion is not teaching its people to love, but to use any type of violence, to get what they want. Many countries have opposed encouraging abortion. Mrs. Benazir Bhutto, the former Prime Minister of Pakistan said that Islam does not permit abortion unless the foetus possess grave danger to the life of the mother. Until the year 1971, undergoing or performing an abortion were legally treated as criminal offences and according to IPC Section 312, those undergoing, performing or encouraging abortions were liable to conviction for a period extending from 3 years to life imprisonment. According to the new act of 1971, if, in the opinion of a registered medical practitioner: (a) the continuation of pregnancy endangers the pregnant's life or could cause grave injury to her physical or mental health. (b) There is a serious danger of the new born being disabled, crippled or otherwise, physically or mentally abnormal. Then, for aborting a foetus of upto 12 weeks and upto 20 weeks foetus after consulting another registered medical practitioner, he will not be considered guilty. 'Grave injury to mental health.' The second explanation of the conception taking place owing to the failure of the means of contraception has in effect given a blanket freedom and full legal sanction to undergoing or performing Foeticide and has really caused 'grave injury' to the purpose. As a result the number of foeticides started growing by leaps and bounds and performing abortion become a well-established business. Advertisements for undergoing abortion and getting rid of the unwanted child started appearing in every nook and corner of the country. The Govt. statistics itself states that whereas 2,06,710 abortion took place in 1976, the figures rose to 18,21,004 in 1981 About 5,14,700 abortions take place every year and the number is increasing every year. Killing by abortion is even more cruel than killing by hanging, because whereas hanging kills instantaneously, in abortion the unborn child is tortured to death. Whereas capital punishment is awarded to a dangerous criminal, the victim of an abortion is totally innocent. Had these innocent lives have a right to present themselves in a court of law or to fight their cause by moving a petition, no power on earth could save the killers, the parents or the doctors of the innocent victims of abortions, from capital punishment. If it is a crime to burn and kill the undesirable wives, if it is a crime to kill those blind, handicapped, suffering from cancers or AIDS, those tired of old age and praying for their own death due to continuous physical and mental suffering, then why it is not a crime to kill the innocent unborn. Parental testing or Aminisynthesis was started to determine the hereditary defects and diseases and defect in the chromosomes was a scientific achievement because with the help of these tests, 72 incurable and hereditary diseases could be diagnosed. 10 Page #8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ VOLA Owing to sex-determination of the unborn in the process of this test, this achievement very quickly got transformed from a boon to a curse. *Abortion the cheap alternative to dowry': In the abortions performed after sex-determination, 97% of the cases, i.e. almost all were of female foeticide. The number of female foeticide during the last five years has grown by almost 200% and has created a deep imbalance in the sex ratio. (Females per 1000 males were 935 in 1981, has come down to 929 in 1991. In some states this ratio has come down to as low as 882.) This will encourage the existing problems like prostitutions etc. and lead to diseases like AIDS taking epidemic proportions. Government of Maharashtra first banned the sexdetermination of the foetus. This was followed by many other states. But no evil is fully eradicated merely by making acts because selfish elements always find out some way. In order to maintain the dignity of their parenthood, they should neither undergo sex-determination test themselves nor to advise any one else to undergo such tests. The girl also is as much a part of her parents as the boy. A female foetus has the same amount of life as a male foetus. The source of inspiration for Saint Tulsi Dasa and great poet Kalidasa, to become great laureates were women only. The English proverb 'There is a woman behind every successful man' is accepted universally. It is an absolute truth that a son or a daughter bring their own fate with them. There are many examples around us where the daughter of a poor person is enjoying the riches of life and has also eliminated the poverty of her parents and brothers, whereas the son of a wealthy person is in distress having lost all the wealth he inherited. In many families the sons do not prefer to stay with their parents and wherever they stay, there is strife in the family. Had the sons been a support in the old age, (of the parents) then there would have been no need to open new old age homes every day! In the present age girls are excelling boys in almost every field. The success ratio of girls is generally better than that of boys. Treating the girls inferior to the boys, therefore, is totally unjustified and based on talse notions and the killing of an unborn girl is such a wrong and sinful act that neither that one undergoing in nor the one performing it, can escape its punishments and they will have to face the consequences of such an inhuman act for many lives to come. As mother Terresa said - "Abortion is nothing but a murder of a child. Think what would have happened if your mother had adopted the same course towards you at your birth." Anti-Abortion Websites: 11 12 Page #9 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ EAT TO BE GREAT A Difficult Decision : A Compassionate Book About Abortion Joy Gardner Abortion In Law, History and Religion, Abortion the Silent Holocaust John Powell Born for Battle Arthur Matthews Convincing the skeptical listener Gianna: Aborted... and Lived to Tell About It Jessica Shaver Her choice to heal Sydna Masse, Joan Phillips In Good Conscience: A Practical, Emotional, and Spiritual Guide to deciding whether to have an abortion Anna Runkle Politically Correct Death: Answering the Arguments for Abortion Rights Francis J. Beckwith Pro-Life answers to Pro-choice arguments Randy Alcorn Why abortion is Genocide Abortion : Right or wrong: You decide Gopinath Agrawal Now-a-days it is the system of the modern world that they have no concern with the time of eating and what to eat and what not to eat. Eating, drinking after sunset has become so common that one will wonder whether eating after sunset is a sin ? The answer is firmly affirmative and powerfully positive. Killing of lives in eating after sunset solidly and undoubtedly is established by both Jain as well as non-jain philosophy and scientific experiments and researches too. Keval Gyanis (Omniscient) have gone to the extent of saying that not only eating and drinking after sunset is sinful but also eating in darkroom during the day time and eating in narrow mouthful vessels is sinful. Jain philosophy acclaimed that those who eat after sunset are called animals without horns and tails. They have warned that food is spoiled by devils and evil spirits and small insects after sunset, so it is prohibited. One may question what will happen if one eats after sunset ? If one eats after sunset he is likely to eat ants which causes cessation of intelligence and mental power. If a louse is eaten, it will cause dropsy. If a fly is eaten, it will cause vomitting and if a spider is eaten it causes leprosy. Yog Shashtra of Kalikal Sarvagna Hemchandracharya In the same scripture it is said that in case thorns or wooden particles are eaten it may cause chocking and unbearable throat pain. Scorpion may cause poisonous bites at the pallate. Horirs may cause hoarseness of throat. In this manner innumerable prima facie diseases may be caused apart from the sin in eating after sunset. It is conjuctured that those who eat after sunset are likely to be reborn as owl, crow, cat, vulture, antelop, pig, Tolerance is the only real test of civilisation. The greatest requirement for children is : Mother's love and father's affection. Both are missing in today's world. 13 14 Page #10 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ snake, scorpion and go on committing the same sin event after rebirth. One may doubt that eating after sunset is to be avoided by Jain community as they strictly practise non-violence. But it is not so. Even non-Jain philosophies have condemned eating after sunset and aver as a great sin. They proclaimed that eating after sunset is a "highway to hell." Sage Markandey has declared in "Markand Puran' that even drinking water after sunset is as good as drinking blood and eating is as good as eating meat. While bidding good-bye to Vanmala before leaving to Vanvas with Shri Ram, Laxman assured her that he would never forget her. If at all he forgets her he will be committing a sin of killing a person. But Vanmala was sad. When he took a vow that he would be committing sin of eating at night if he forgets her, then she allowed him to go. This episode of Ramayan defines eating after sunset as a great sin. Foreigners have coined a word 'Breakfast.' When one eats in the morning he breaks his fast i.e. from evening to morning or sunset to sunrise. When he breaks the fast he is not supposed to eat from sunset to sunrise. So fast is implied in breaking a fast in the morning. That is why it is called "Breakfast." Medical opinion in no way supports eating after sunset. Some of the medical opinions, throw light on the concept of not eating after sunset: Mr. T. Hartley in his book 'Healing by water' informs that there is a great effect of sun rays on human body. He supports eating before sunset and it is advisable to eat before sunset and rest at night. "Where sun (rays) enters, entry for Doctors or Vaidyas is prohibited. Prof. Albert J. Beloj in his book "The Philosophy of Eating" has recommended that every one should take nutritious food three times in a day after sunrise and before 15 sunset. Meals at night after hard labour during the day disturbs digestion. Dr. Lieutenant Colonel in his book 'Tuberculosis and the Sun Treatment' informed that the incumbents of sun institution take their food at 6.00 O'clock in the evening and this is helpful for their health. (Meals after sunset are harmful to the health). Dr. S. Parot in his book "Health and Life" has mentioned that one heart patient was cured, when he left late night meals and started taking meals before sunset. He was cured of his heart trouble by this change. Ramesh Mishra held that late night meals and improper food is responsible for many of the digestive troubles in India. He was able to cure many diseases just by changing their time of evening meals i.e. eating before sunset. Italian poet tells in his poem 'to get up at 5, dine at 9 in the morning and 5 in the evening and to go to bed at 9' By this one can live with good health for 99 years. According to Ayurved, digestive power is strong during the day time. Just like lotus blooms at the rise of the sun so also the Nabhi Kamal - Lotus of the body blooms in the morning and fades in the evening. So meal after sunset is harmful to health and if eaten, one becomes lazy and feels loss of memory power instead of becoming active and blooming in the morning. Religion forbids meals after sunset and medical opinion is also against meals at night. Right food at the time can make the body healthier which is an instrument for salvation. A person with healthy body can concentrate well. So a person not eating after sunset may become great i.e. 'Eat to be Great.' ܀܀ - 16 Page #11 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ MX VOXO NON-VIOLENCE PROBLEMS AND PROSPECTS Nothing is higher than the highest mountain, deeper than ocean, wider than sky. Likewise, no religion is greater than non-violence which is the mother of world giving bliss and love. Non-violence, truthfulness, not to steal, celibacy. Non-possession are such virtues that no religion in the world can deny. Non-violence is the nectar of 18 Purans and is the highest way of earning virtues (Vyas). Whether one may belong to any country, society, caste or creed, no one will dare to say that "to tell a lie" is a religion. Then, how one can say "Violence to be a religion ?" Though external ways of any religion may differ, internal religion of all souls are equal i.e. right faith, right knowledge and right conduct. In some religions, "Yagna" is performed to propitiate Gods, here animals are sacrificed. Then a question arises : Is violence a religion ? According to Mahabharat Shantiparva, Moksha Dharmadhikar in Chapter 99, St 20," it completely denies the animal sacrifice for the Yagna and states non-violence as the complete religion. Violence destroys penance and I am telling you the real religion of 'non-violence' which was told by the truth speakers." Shri Bhagwat, Vishnu Puran, Padma Puran, Brahma Vaivart Puran and Padmottar kand of Shabda Kalpa druma, all these scriptures have criticised violence for Yagna and have shown the hell as its results and emphasised that saving any living being is equal to saving the universe. Similarly, Bhagwat, Pashupat, Sankhya and Buddha each believed that non-violence should be given the first preference. Then what is non-violence ? Meaning of non-violence is to stop violence. This is the negative meaning. Friendliness towards universe, to think about welfare and betterment of mankind, politeness & softness of one's heart, by looking to violent people, is the positive meaning of non-violence. If one will check the heart of person, surely he will find mercy. Even if the butcher sees two dogs quarrelling, he will feel mercy towards the weaker one. Saint Tulsi says: "Mercy to others is mercy to your-self." If you will not kill anybody, no body will kill you." Yajurved states: "We look world like friends. Mercy for all souls is one among the seven tirths of Skand Puran which is hailed most important because it produces mental purity." Bhagwat Gita also emphasises "One who regards all souls alike and love them as equally to himself is a real observer." Famous Hindu Saint of Gujarat 'Narsinha Mehta' stated "One who knows the feelings and Pains of others is the real follower of Vishnu." Saint Tulsidas proclaimed "root of religion is mercy and root of sin is pride. Don't leave mercy until soul is in the body." If mercy is natural, then what forces a man to become violent? Environment, present birth, Sanskar of previous births, revenge, opposite faith and taste of tongue etc. force him to become violent. Food is one of the main factors on which behaviour of human beings depends, some are FASTIDIOUS about food. They eat any thing and every thing they like. In this connection, vegetarian food controls the behaviour of eaters, whereas non-Vegetarian food only adds the sense of cruelty and sinfulness. Purity of food helps to lead 17 Page #12 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ WOOL pure life. Someone has said if the food is pure his mind is cheerful. If mind is cheerful his life is full of happiness. Pure life leads to abstinence from food which is the ultimate aim of life. One must observe non-violence to the maximum extent and lead a good life. Non-violence protects, but violence leads to destruction. Non-vegetarian foods are produced out of animal life. Animals are sacrificed for non-vegetarian food products which involves violence. It is said whatever you eat you get there deeds for e.gif you eat animals, you may behave like animals. On the contrary, vegetarianism is not only propaganda of a cult but there is a thoughtful approach also to live a better life which is the real way of life. People eat in order to sustain physical body. This body is meant for entertaining good thoughts and doing good deeds. Every living being wants to be happy. Hence, if one resorts to non-vegetarian food how can he have noble thoughts in his life ? G. B. Shaw has said: "My stomach is not a grave yard to bury animals or birds." Vegetarianism is accepted not only to satisfy hunger but also to preserve purity of character and conduct. According to foreign thinkers, there is no royal road to peace except non-violence. Today many countries are quarrelling them-selves. How vegetarianism can put a stop to the rivers of blood ? Yes, it is meant to wipe out the blots of cruelty. It gradually fills one's heart with a delicate sense of love and compassion. Non-vegetarian foods encourage cruelty but vegetarianism saves world from Wars. There can be no war as long as people are non-violent, compassionate and soft to others. Otherwise, there is no alternative to total destruction and annihilation of a generation. Pure food-stuffs consisting of vegetables and fruits create in the eaters good thoughts, sentiments, selfconfidence, devotion, patience, cheerfulness, love, fraternity, high thinking, a placid and quiet thoughtfulness and renders peace to their brain and nervous system. Pure and innocent food make one healty in body and quiet in mind. It not only makes soul happy in this life, but in the other world too. Like Hinduism, Islam also decries non-vegetarian food and true followers of Islam refrain from taking nonvegetarian food. The holy Kuran says: "The sacrifice of an animal does not go to Allah, but your mercifulness." According to Islam, beasts are born of unholy seeds, hence flesh is also impure and unacceptable. The very Kuran says "God has created QUADRUPEDS as beasts to burden, grain and vegetation for food." Sacrifice of animals is prohibited at Macca, the religious shrines of Islam. This emphasises that true religion lies in mercy and not in violence. Jesus, founder of christianity says "Thou shalt not kill." He was totally against violence, He asked to hold right cheek, if slapped on the left one. True followers of Lord Jesus also should, therefore, take only vegetarian food. Sikh religion also forbids non-vegetarian food and proclaims non-violence. Guru Nanak says, "Your garment is soiled with blood, if you eat flesh, how can your mind be clean ?" Granth sahib says: "Those who drink alcohol and eat flesh are wicked... They will be dumb at the day of judgment." Then how can followers of Sikh religion dare to take nonvegetarian food? Kabir, whom both Muslims and Hindus regard as a 19 20 Page #13 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ VOXO source of diseases like indigestion, headache, bone weakness, swelling of mouth and foot and make them more lethargic. Both medical opinion and religion, forbid Nonvegetarian food to one and all and praise vegetarian food which makes one healthy, wealthy and non-violent. So why one should take non-vegetarian food at all, when every nutrition is available in vegetarian food ? The message is to replace one's diet by vegetarian food and cease to take non-vegetarian food. By Practising non-violence in life, one will be doing good to himself, his fellow beings and nation at large. WebSite: saint, has said, "There is no greater sin than violence." He further stated, that "One who gives many cows in charity, but eats its flesh, will surely go to hell." Lord Buddha, Lord Mahaveer, are the stalwarts of nonviolence. Both Buddhism and Jainism have prohibited nonvegetarian food to its followers. The Recent greatest national leader & father of Nation, Gandhiji was the greatest follower of Non-violence. Mahabharat, Purans and Scriptures of many religions say - "Non-violence is a great order", "Freedom from fear is the best gift", "Compassion is the root to religion and "live and let live others," are the cardinal principles of good life. It is evident from all above that non-vegetarian food is sinful and is prohibited. Leaving aside scriptures and religion, the medical opinion is also against non-vegetarian food. Dr. Bell in his Book "Scourge of Cancer and how to destroy it" says nearly 2 crores and 25 lac people in England and 30,000 people in Wales die because of non-vegetarianism (Cancer). Hence, I am against nonvegetarianism." Dr. W. Gibson in the Times says that "I have not been taking fish, meat or alcohol for last 30 years and, I am living on fruits and vegetables. Not a single man out of 1000 people can fully have as strong lungs as I have, dare say that "children fed on Vegetables will be strong and free from diseases." Sir Walter Scott Fergussan says that he was cured of paralysis when he switched on to vegetarian food from non-vegetarian food. He lived for 30 more years. Many Doctors opine that non-vegetarian food is a → Gandhi - Discovery Of Satyagraha Vol. 2 Pyarelal Gandhi - Birth Of Satyagraha Vol. 3 Pyarelal Gandhi - Satyagraha At Work Vol. 4 Sushila Nayar The Matchless Weapon Satyagraha James K. Mathews The selected Works of Mahatma Gandhi Vol.3 M.K. Gandhi Gandhi on Non-Violence Mohandas Karamachand Gandhi, Thomas Merton (Editor) Jainism and the New Spirituality Vastupal Parikh 21 22 Page #14 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ MY A MOB PSYSCHOLOGY Television is recognised and one of the most powerful communication media all over the world. About 45 crores of people view the Television daily in India. Children spend on an average 2 to 3 hours per day in viewing Television and more hours on holidays. In a year, children watch. T.V. for more than 1,200 hours and study not even for 900 hours. Jainism and Ecology : Nonviolence in the Web of Life Christopher Key Chapple (Editor) The Buddha Taught Nonviolence, Not Pacifism Paul R. Fleischman Beyond Dogma: Dialogues & Discourses His Holiness the Dalai Lama Nonviolence and Pace Building in Islam: Theory and Practice Mohammed Abu-Nimer The Kingdom of God Is Within You Leo Tolstoy, Martin Green Jesus and Nonviolence: A Third Way Walter Wink Beyond Violence : In the Spirit of the Non-Violent Christ Gerard A. Vanderhaar Martin Luther King, Jr.: The Making of a Mind John J. Ansbro Revolution of Conscience Martin Luther King, Jr. The Philosophy of Nonviolence Greg Moses Moved By Love: The memoirs of Vinoba Bhave Vinoba Bhave Translated by Marjorie Sykes from a Hindi text prepared by Kalindi Socrates' Justice from Ancient Greece: How We Evolve to Nonviolence, Brotherhood and Lasting Peace Frank W. Ryan Food Not Bombs : How to Feed the Hungry and Build Community (revised edition) C.T. Butler, Keith McHenry Children and Nonviolence Bob Aldridge, Janet Aldridge Nonviolence for the Third Millennium : Its Legacy and Future G. Simon Harak (Editor) Diet for New America John Robbins When one watches the T.V. scene, light is emitted out from the Cathode - ray tube. Its strength is 25,000 W in respect of colour T.V. sets while in Black & White sets it is 18,000 W. The Electrons discharged on the particles of Phosphorus coated on the inner view side of the tube which is called Screen are converted into a scene for the viewers. It is worthwhile to note here that 625 lines radiate in 25 seconds on each line containing 800 phosphorus dots on the screen. This affects the health of children. Every medium has its own effect on viewers, good as well as evil. In order to study the ill-effects of T.V. on viewers, especially on children, studies have been conducted all over the world and in India too. Some of the findings relevant to deleterious effects on children and their health are narrated. (0) Children like to see most scenes full with violence, crime, fighting and cruelty on women. (ii) Children copy the scenes in their daily activities and plays. They inflict injuries on other children or get themselves injured. (iii) Children watch T.V. for greater time than the elders. They are more receptive and emotional. "A ten year Page #15 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ child recently shot his father for some insignificant cause." (iv) Dr. S. P. Soro experimented on a dog. He kept it in a T.V. room for 60 days. She then gave birth to four puppies which were having paralysis. (v) A German scientist has said that 'a Pregnant woman viewing T.V. is likely to give birth to a blind or a deformed child. (vi) Prof. Jolen Macdonald has experimented on a Parrot which had been kept by him in a T.V. room. He found a blue spot on the beak of the bird. The bird's sex was changed and it laid eggs. (vii) Radio-active expert, Dr. Amil Grubb asserts that a T.V. room equipped with a T. V. Set emits enough Xrays, harmful to living beings. (vii) Due to T.V. viewing, some 600 children were suffering from cancer in the city of Boston and some 2,500 children were found suffering from blood cancer in Hudson and areas surrounding Arizona. (ix) There has been a rise to the extent of 500 percent in criminal and violent cases in the western as well as many eastern countries after the advent of T.V. (x) Apart from other harms, it hinders physical growth of a child. An American Scientist Dr. M. Ottu found that when a pea plant was kept for many days before a T.V. set, the plant got spoiled from the toxic radiation emitted by the T.V. Its roots got bent and came out of the ground. Mr. Ottu concluded that children also look tired as a result of watching T.V. (xi) T.V. has its adverse effect on electronic cards and audio taped cassettes. Then how can children remain safe? 25 (Xii) T.V. affects the eye sight of the children adversely. Their brain and intelligence get distorted. Consequently the rhythm of their sleep is changed and their nerves are affected. (xiii) Children viewing T.V. were found more dependent. They have bad dreams at night. The rhythm of hunger and toilet routine is disturbed. (xiv) A survey of some schools in Canada indicated that Exam results of Non-T.V. schools were better than schools where T.V. was a part of school life. (xv) The left side brain gets dull and inactive in case of children addicted to T.V. It may be added that T.V. is a bulldozer eradicating the salient virtues of the soul. Now it is advisable to keep Children away from T.V. It is the bounden duty of parents to provide alternate sources which will detract children from T.V. and save children from T.V. menace. Effects of TV on personal life: At the age of 3 years a child starts watching T.V. till the age of 20, he watches appx.30,000 murders, 80,000 rapes, in addition to that advt. of Beer, Wine started, now what reaction will come in his mind? Gandhiji watched the drama of Staywadi Harishchandra and decided to fight for Ahimsa and truth for the whole life. Good scenes have good effect and bad have worst. No matter how useful TV might be, but the fact is that it has destroyed contact between people. Garden without water, life without food and car without petrol are nothing. Similarly, our lives without sentiments also means nothing. People sometimes become so busy watching TV, that they do not even bother if a Muni or 26 Page #16 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ VO Tue even dangerous thing like TV? It is said that one cannot save a man who decided to commit suicide. What have you decided ? TV generate unnecessarily problems by sending bad vibration by way of quarrelling & angry people depicted in the serials. Websites: - - - - Further Reading : Help! Help! The operating system is destroying the city. guests come. TV doesn't allow a son to sit with his parents, a mother-in-law with her daughter-in-law, a husband with his wife, and people with their friends. As a result the family becomes like a pile of sand, together yet lonely Material things can satisfy a person for short time, but to get real happiness one has to get love and affection from his near ones. There have been stories in rural areas where people have taken care of their pets or cattle in their dying moments even when they themselves have remained hungry. Can we expect such treatment or anything remotely like this in our TV infected cities? TV wastes a lot of time and time once lost can never come back, no matter how hard you try. Time used properly can make a Man into Mahatma, if wasted can make a Man into Demon, that is what TV is doing to us. When a child becomes a teenager, he loses interest in toys. when a teenager becomes an adult, he loses interest in games, when an adult becomes old, he loses interest in daily activities. But what about TV, can anyone from children to grandparents leave that ? Spending money to buy a TV is not the end, it is the beginning of many more expenses to come, which are incurred when people blinded by advertisements start demanding things which they don't really need. If we don't keep a bomb in our home, why keep an A saint may not be rich, but his blessings are invaluable. Age can reduce time of devotion, but not the attitude. In anger you would have to endure much more than in forgiveness. 27 28