Book Title: Jain Journal 2001 01
Author(s): Jain Bhawan Publication
Publisher: Jain Bhawan Publication
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Page #1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ VOL. XXXV No. 3, JANUARY ॥ जैन भवन ॥ BHAW For ISSN 0021-4043 A QUARTERLY JAINOLOGY JAIN Ja n Journal Use Only LICATI ON 2001 Page #2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ a quarterly on Jainology JAIN JOURNAL || जैन भवन || JAIN BHAWAN CALCUTTA Page #3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Vol. XXXV No. 3 January Rupees Fifteen Copyright of articles, stories, poems, etc. published in the Jain Journal is reserved. All contributions, which must be type-written, and correspondence regarding contributions, and book-reviews should be addressed to the Editor, Jain Journal, P-25 Kalakar Street, Calcutta-700 007 For advertisement and subscription please write to the Secretary, Jain Bhawan, P-25 Kalakar Street, Calcutta-700 007. Subscription: for one year : Rs. 60.00, US $20.00: for three years: Rs. 180.CO, US $ 60.00, Life membership: India: Rs 2000.00, Foreign: US $160.00, Cheques must be drawn in favour of only Jain Bhawan Phone No: 238 2655 2001 Published by Satya Ranjan Banerjee on behalf of Jain Bhawan from P-25 Kalakar Street, Calcutta-700 007 and printed by him at Arunima Printing Works, 81 Simla Street, Calcutta-700 006 Editor: Satya Ranjan Banerjee Page #4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ The Jaina way of Life Dulichand Jain The Bibliography of the Svetambara Canon Royce Wiles Book Review Contents News on Jainism around the World 97 104 132 136 Page #5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Page #6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Vol. XXXV JAIN JOURNAL No. 3 January THE JAINA WAY OF LIFE DULICHAND JAIN Introduction We are living in a scientifically and technically advanced world divided into "Developed", "developing" and the "Under-developed" regions. A keen competition is going on everywhere. Only a few are thriving and prospering, whilst a majority of people lead a life of scarcity, want and impoverishment. There is tension, worry and unhappiness in the life of every one. Mr. F.L. Lucas, an English critic said, "Many a time, after pondering, I am amazed that some day the human civilisation would come to an end, not by an atom bomb, or famines or any such means, but it would come to an end by man's own intellect and deterioration of self-control in the midst of the tension of the highly artificial civilisation." Role of religion Under these circumstances we have to examine, how Jain religion can play a positive role in mitigating the sufferings of the common people. Jainism is one of the oldest religious traditions of the world. A long generation of Tirthankaras, Acāryas, saints and scholars belonged to this tradition. Lord Mahavira was the twenty-fourth Tirthankara of the present era. Mahāvīra, born with no supernatural powers, rose by dint of his determination, self-discipline, compassion, forbearance and other qualities of heart to the highest position among men and acquired the status of a Tirthankara or omniscient. 2001 Mahavira and his Teachings Lord Mahavira observed rigorous austerities spread over for twelve and a half years till he achieved kevala-jñāna (omniscience) which was his aim behind initiation in the ascetic order. He faced many adversities and calamities brought upon by natural and supernatural forces during this period. In the thirteenth year of his ascetic order, he Page #7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 90 JAIN JOURNAL: Vol-XXXV, No. 3 January 2001 attained infinite knowledge, infinite intuition and infinite bliss. Only aster obtaining omniscience, he began to preach and give discourses. He stressed the importance of right faith, right knowledge and right conduct. He stated that a man could rise high only by humility, noble conduct and discipline. He established caturvidha sangha (the fourfold congregation of monks, nuns, laymen and laywomen, so as to provide proper guidance to the monks and nuns and to inspire and stimulate the laymen and laywomen in their religious practices. In the sangha established by Lord Mahāvīra there was no difference between men and women. Both were regarded as equal. The women were also initiated as nuns, which was a great revolutionary step at that time. Now we have to examine how the teachings of Lord Mahāvīra can improve the life of ordinary people and bring peace and prosperity to them. Some critics say that the principles of Jainism are so difficult that they cannot be practised by ordinary people. This is a fallacy. Teachings of Lord Mahāvīra are grouped into two parts. 1. Teachings to śramanas (mendicants) and teachings to householders (Śrävakas). Śramanas have no doubt to follow very rigorous and extensive restraints, because they proceed to the path of sarva-virati or total renunciation. Once they take pravrajyā (renunciation), they have to observe the panca Mahāuratas or the five great vows of total abstinence from violence, untruth, stealing, sexual indulgence and possessions. They proceed to the path of liberation which is the state of infinite consciousness, absolute freedom and eternal bliss. They devote their whole life to scriptural study, service to the guru and dedicate themselves to preaching. But so far as the householders are concerned, the teachings of Lord Mahavira are much simpler. Thirty five Rules of Conduct Jain Ācāryas have described the duties and responsibilities of the laity elaborately. These are called 35 virtues of a Margānusārī (one who follows the path shown by Jinas). These rules prevent a laity from deviating the spiritual path and prompt him to rise higher. It is the means by which he gets the right attitude of living. It is due to these virtues he begins to stop the karmic influx. From the sincere practice of these rules, his soul gets purified. Acārya Sri Bhuvanabhānuśrīśvaraji has nicely classified these rules into following four groups in his book “A Handbook of Jainology": I Eleven obligatory duties II Eight derogations that ought to be discarded III Eight virtues to be cultivated and IV Eight endeavours to be carried out with diligence. Page #8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAIN: THE JAINA WAY OF LIFE 1. The Eleven Duties A householder devotee should follow some kind of business, trade or profession, which is not of an ignoble or degrading nature. He should do so in a just and honest way and in proportion to his capital, or in case of employment under other people, in proportion to his strength. The business should not harm any men, animals, fish, birds or insects. Therefore the business must not be that of a butcher, brewer, wine merchant, gun-maker or anything which involves destruction of life. When money is earned honestly the mind remains peaceful and the wealth is enjoyed without any disturbance. The layman should not marry a person from the same lineage. He should marry a person of different gotra but with similar character, taste, culture and language etc. This will result in harmonious relationship thereby rendering discord and misunderstanding less likely. He should respect parents and elders. He should serve the ascetics who come to him for bhikṣā (food) as well as guests with due respect. He should also help the needy and destitutes and satisfy their needs. He should maintain his dependents and make them work for the well-being of the family. He should live in a house which is not accessible to thieves and rogues and cannot be entered by undesirable people. He should dress according to his means but the dress should be decent and not gaudy. His expences should be in proportion to his income. He should eat and drink at the proper time in conformity with his constitution. Excessive eating should be avoided. Food should be taken only at home. He should fast when he is suffering from indigestion. II. Discarding eight Derogations These include giving up (i) calumny, (ii) betraying the trust, deceiving and cheating, (iii) gambling, (iv) the six internal foes viz. anger, pride, deceit, greed, attachment and aversion, (v) places of danger like battle field, places having epidemic or famine etc. (vi) meat eating, intoxicants and (vii) crimes which might lead to imprisonment. He should properly perform his household duties, but should not be careless in his religious duties. III. The eight virtues to be cultivated A layman should acquire the habit of discretion between right and wrong acts and should keep away from ignoble sinful acts. He should be a farsighted person and plan properly for the future needs of his Page #9 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 100 JAIN JOURNAL: Vol-XXXV, No. 3 January 2001 family. In undertaking any responsibility, he should always consider his strength and weaknesses. He should always keep his temperament, voice and appearance gentle and serene. IV. The eight endeavours He should always keep the company of noble people and admire their virtues. He should have compassionate attitude towards all and help everyone without selfishness. He should express gratitude to all who help him with humility. A layman should have svādhyāya of holy texts everyday and he should listen to the discourses of monks and nuns. He should try to understand tattvas and meaning of dharma sāstras to know the path of right faith, right knowledge and right conduct. These virtues are prescribed so that a laity gains material prosperity and also spiritual advancement in his life. Thus we find that Jaina Acāryas have given very deep thought to practical day to day life of the laities. All these qualities will make a laity spiritually conscious and make his life peaceful and harmonious. Practice for higher advancement Those who want to rise higher in spiritual life, must follow five anuuratas (primary vows) prescribed for a householder which consists of partial observance of non-violence, truthfulness, non-stealing, chastity (to refrain from all illicit sexual relationships) and nonpossession. A householder should devote part of his time in dāna (charity), śila (virtuous life), tapas (austerity) and bhāvanā (purification of thoughts). Non-violence Non-violence is the sense of equality of all living creatures. If you feel that every soud is independent and autonomous you will never trample on its right to live. This leads you to compassion and kindness towards all living beings and results in harmony and peace in the world. The principle of non-violence in Jainism embraces not only human beings but also animals, birds, plants, vegetables and creatures of earth, air and water. It is the holy law of compassion extended to body, mind and speech of a living being. Lord Mahāvira says, "All living beings desire to live. They detest sorrow and death and desire a long and happy life. Hence one should not inflict pain on any creature, nor have any feeling of antipathy or enmity. One should be friendly towards all creatures." (Acāranga Sūtra, Page #10 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAIN THE JAINA WAY OF LIFE The other vows All the other vows preached in Jainism are only an extension of the vow of non-violence. Truthfulness is essential to keep order and harmony in society. There are moments in life when one has to take hardships to keep up one's convictions. In business and in our dayto-day dealings our truthfulness is put to test. We have to practise it constantly to maintain our integrity. While observing the vow of nonstealing, one is required to earn his livelihood by honest means. We violate the vow of aprigraha by accepting and holding what is not needed by us. What we possess in surplus has to go to those who need it badly. The principle of continence is significant in maintaining the morals in society. 101 Thus we see that these principles, preached by Lord Mahāvīra, are universal in character and are applicable to every individual in any society. These simple rules can be practised without the least philosophical speculation, even by ordinary people. Integral View of Life Jainism takes an integral view of life. Faith or only knowledge by itself cannot take us to the path of salvation. We should have a combination of right faith, right knowledge and right conduct to tread the path of salvation. These constitute the three jewels of Jainism. Without right faith, there is no right knowledge and without right knowledge there is no virtuous conduct. Lord Mahavira says, "By knowledge one understands the nature of substances; by faith one believes in them; by conduct one puts an end to the flow of karmas and by austerity one attains purity." (Uttaradhyayana Sutra, 28.35) Concept of Karma The significant achievement of Tirthankara Mahāvīra's revolution in spiritual field was the upholding of the concept of karma in place of God, the creator. He says that man is the architect of his own destiny and he can rise only by his own efforts and not by the grace of any external agency. God is devoid of attachment, hence there is no need for him to create this universe which is beginingless and endless. Every inexplicable event in the life of an individual occurs due to the karmas accumulated in his previous birth. Karma is conceived as something essentially material which gets interlinked with soul which is conscious. As particles of dust get attached to the body smeared with oil, so does karma with the soul. Lord Mahāvīra says, "Attachment Page #11 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 102 JAIN JOURNAL: Vol-XXXV, No. 3 January 2001 and aversion are the root causes of karma and karma originates from infatuation. Karma is the root cause of birth and death and these (birth and death) are said to be the source of misery." (Utta. Sū 32.7). He further adds, "None can escape the effect of their own past karmas. (Utta. Su 4.3) Religion in Day to Day Activities A householder should lead his life in such a way that he continues religious practices faithfully everyday. There are six essentials which a Srāvaka (householder) is expected to practise everyday in his life. These are enumerated below: 1. Samāyika: It is defined as follows: "sāmāyika is to be devoid of attachment and aversion and to be indifferent to life and death, gain and loss, fortune and misfortune, friend and foe, joy and sorrow” (Mulācāra 23). A householder should do at least one camāyika a day for 48 minutes. In this period, he should remain aloof from his domestic and business activities, He should devote his time in self-contemplation, meditation and scriptural study. 2. Caturvimšati stava : Worship of twenty four Tirthankaras by reciting their stotras and bhujans. Tirthankaras are deities free from attachment and aversion and by their worship we try to adhere to at least some of their virtues in our life. 3. Vandanā : A srāvaka should go everyday to the sādhus (mendicants) and sadhvis (nuns) and offer his reverential salutation. Association with such holy people results in development of virtues in life. Pratikramana : In this, self-contemplation and introspection should be done in the morning and in the evening. He should check up whether he is developing good qualities. If he has made any mistake he should repent for the same so that such mistakes do not recur. 5. Kayotsarga : This literary means abandonment of body. It is done in a standing or sitting posture of meditation. This helps in keeping the mind under control. It is said, "Just as fire fanned by powerful winds destroys heaps of firewood in no time, so also the fire of meditation destroys heaps of karmas in no time" (Dhyāna-Sataka 101). Page #12 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAIN : THE JAINA WAY OF LIFE 103 6. Pratyakhyāna: A Śrāvaka should take some vows everyday to purify his life. The aim of life is to realise the distinction between body and soul. The soul is everlasting but the body is perishable. Through pratyākhyāna we develop qualities of self and abondon the negative traits which hamper our spiritual progress. Jaina Art of Living Jainism is a living religion. There are numerous monks and nuns and nearly ten million laities continuing the tradition, following virtually the same path prescribed by Jinas. Though the path of monks and nuns is very difficult, the path prescribed for the householders is inuch simpler. Here the stress is laid on simplicity and nobility. They should lead a life full of virtues and should keep away from the six vices. This has resulted in harmony and peace in individual and family life. It is due to this, even in the modern age, Jaina laity practises complete vegetarianism and do not take any intoxicants. They are also socially conscious and run a large number of Charitable Institutions for the cause of education, medical benefits and for service to the downtrodden. ernational www.jainel Page #13 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ THE BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE SVETAMBARA CANON* 1-2 3 0.1 COMPLETE EDITIONS 9. Jinagama granthamālā, Byavara, Agama Prakāśana Samiti 1979-94 4 5 ROYEE WILES O THE "CANON" AS A WHOLE Acaranga sutra (prathama Anga: mula pätha, Hindi anuvadavivecana-tippana-parisista yukta/ Sudharmasvami-praṇīta; sampadaka-vivecaka Śrīcanda Surānā 'Sarasa'. Byavara, Rajasthāna Śrī Agama Prakāśana Samiti, Vira Nirvāņa samvat 2507 [1980]. 2 v.; 25 cm. (Jinagama granthamālā ; granthānka 1, 2). Upāsakadasānga sutra: mulapāṭha, Hindi anuvada, vivecana, parisiṣṭa yukta pañcama Gaṇadhara Bhagavatsudharma-Svāmi-pranita saptama Anga / samyojaka tatha pradhana sampadaka Yuvacārya Śri Miśrīmalaji Mahārāja 'Madhukara'; anuvadaka-vivecakasampadaka Chaganalala Śāstrī. Byāvara, Rajasthāna : Sri Agamaprakāśana Samiti, Vīra Nirvāṇasamvat 2037. VI. sam. 2037. I. san 1980. 3, 3, 2, 20, [5], 233 p. ; 25 cm. (Jināgama granthamālā; granthänka 3). Jñātādharmakathānga sūtra: Pañcama Gaṇadhara Bhagavatsudharma-Svāmi-pranita sastha Anga: mūlapāṭha, Hindi anuvada, vivecana, parisista yukta/samyokjaka tathā pradhana sampadaka Yuvacārya Srimisrimalaji Mahārāja 'Madhukara'; sampadaka-vivecaka-anuvadaka Sobhäcandra Bharilla. Byavara, Rajasthāna: Śrī Āgamaprakāśana-samiti, Viranirvāṇasamvat 2508 [1981]. 16, 60, 576 p.; 24 cm. (Jinagama-granthamālā; granthānka 4). Antakṛddaśāsūtra: pañcama Gaṇadhara Bhagavatsudharma-svāmi-pranīta astama Anga: mulapāṭha, Hindi This bibliography is a draft version of the author. It is printed here for the benefit of the scholars. Page #14 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ WILES THE BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE SVETAMBARA CANON 6 7 8 9-10 11 anuvada, vivecana, parisista yukta / samyojaka tatha pradhana sampadaka Śrīmisrimalaji Mahārāja 'Madhukara' ; anuvadana-vivecana-sampadana Bā. Bra. Jaina Sadhvi Divyaprabha. Byāvara, Rājasthāna: Śrī Āgamaprakāśanasamiti Viranirvāṇasamvat 2508 [1981]. 32, 202 p. : ill.; 25 cm. (Jināgama-granthamālā; 5). Anuttaropapātikadaśānga : Pañcama Gaṇadhara Bhagavatsudharmasvami-praṇīta navama Anga: mülapatha, Hindi anuvada, vivecana, parisiṣṭa yukta / ädya samyojaka tatha pradhana sampadaka Miśrimalaji Mahārāja 'Madhukara'; anuvadaka-vivecaka Sadhvi Muktiprabhāji. Byavara, Rajasthāna: Śrī Āgamaprakāśana-samiti, 1981. 32, 99 p.; 25 cm. (Jināgama-granthamālā; granthanka 6). Sthānāngasūtra: Pañcama Gaṇadhara BhagavatsudharmaSvāmi-praṇīta tṛtiya Anga: mulapāṭha, Hindi anuvada, vivecana, parisista yukta / samyojaka tathā pradhāna sampadaka Yuvācārya Śrīmisrimalaji Mahārāja 'Madhukara'; anuvadaka-vivecaka Hiralala Saśtrī. Byavara, Rajasthāna: Śri Agamaprakāśana-Samiti, Viranirvāṇasamvat 2508. Vi. sam. 2038. I. san 1981. 66, 754 p. ; 25 cm. (Jināgama granthamālā; granthanka 7). Samavāyāngasūtra Pañcama Ganadhara Bhagavatsudharma-Svāmi-praṇīta caturtha Anga : mülapāṭha, Hindi anuvada, vivecana, parisiṣṭa yukta / samyojaka tatha pradhana sampadaka Śrīmiśrimalji Mahārāja 'Madhukara'; anuvādaka, vivecaka, sampādaka Hirālālaji Śästri. Byavara, Rajasthāna Śri Āgamaprakāśanasamiti, Viranirvāṇasamvat 2508 [1982]. 14, 104, 259 p. ; 25 cm. (Jināgama granthamālā; granthārka 8). : 105 : Sūtrakṛtāngasūtra : Pañcama Gaṇadhara Bhagavat Sudharmasvami-pranīta dvitiya Anga: mula patha, Hindi anuvada-vivecana-tippana-parisista yukta/samyojaka tathā pradhana sampadaka Śrī Misrimalaji Mahārāja 'Madhukara'; sampādaka-anuvadaka-vivecaka Śrīcandra Surānā 'Surasa'. 2 v.; 26 cm. Byavara, Rajasthāna; Śri Agama Prakāšana Samiti, Vira Nirvana samvat 2508 [1982]. (Jināgama granthamālā; granthanka 9, 10). Vipakasruta: Pancama Ganadhara BhagavatsudharmaSvāmi-praṇīta gyārahaväṁ Anga: mūlapāṭha, Hindi Page #15 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 106 JAIN JOURNAL: Vol-XXXV, No. 3 January 2001 anuvāda, vivecana, parisista, yukta / samyojaka tathā pradhāna sampādaka Srīmiśrīmalaji Mahārāja 'Madhukara'; anuvādaka Rośanalāla Jaina ; sampādaka Sobhācandara Bhärilla. Byāvara, Rajasthāna : Sri Agamaprakāśana-Samiti, Viranirvānasamvat 2508 [1982]. 50, 156 p. ; 25 cm. (Jināgama granthamālā ; granthānka 11). 12 Nandisūtra : Sridevavācakaviracita : mülapatha, Hindi anuvāda, vivecana, parišişta yukta/ samyojaka tathā pradhāna sampādaka Śrimiśrīmalaji Mahārāja Madhukara'; anuvādana-vivecana Jaina Sadhavi Umarāvakumvara *Arcanā'; sampādana Kamalā Jaina 'Jiji'. Byāvara, Rajasthāna : Sri Agamaprakāśana-samiti, Viranirvanasamvat 2508 (1982). 29, 219 p.; 25 cm. (Jināgama granthamālā; granthānka 12). 13 Aupapātikasūtra : Çaturdaśapūrvadharasthavirapranīta prathama Upanga : mūlapātha, Hindi anuvāda, vivecana, parisista yukta/ samyojaka tathā pradhāna sampādaka Yuvācārya Srimisrimalaji Mahārāja 'Madhukara'; anuvādakavivecaka Chaganalāla Sāstrī. Byāvara, Rājasthāna : Sri Agamaprakāśana-samiti, Viranirvāṇasamvat 2508 (1982). 42, 198 p. ; 25 cm. (Jinagama granthamālā ; granthänka 13). 14, 18, 22, 25 Vyākhyāprajñaptisūtra: Pancamaganadhara Bhagavat Sudharmasvāmi-pranita: pañcama Anga : Bhagavatisütra: mūlapātha, Hindi anuvāda, vivecana, tippanayukta / samyojaka tathā pradhāna sampädaka Yuvācārya Śrīmisrimalaji Mahārāja 'Madhukara'; sampādaka-vivecakaanuvādaka Ainara Muni, Sricanda Surānā 'Sarasa'. Byävara, Rājasthāna : Sri Agamaprakāśanasamiti, Viranivāṇasamvat 2509-12 (1982-86). (Jināgama granthamālā ; granthanka 14, 18, 22, 25). 4 v. ; 25 cm. 15 Rajapraśniyasūtram : dvitiya-Upānga, mülapätha, Hindi anuväda, vivecana, parisista yukta / samyogaja tathä pradhāna sampadaka Sri Misrimalaji Mahārāja 'Madhukara'; sampādaka-vivecaka-anuvādaka Sri Ratana Muni ji. Byāvara, Rājasthāna : Sri Agamaprakāśanasamiti, Viranivānasamvat 2509(1982). 40, 244 p. ; 25 cm. (Jināgama granthamālā ; granthānka 15). <16,20,27> Prajñāpanāsūtra: Sri Syamāryavācaka-sankalita caturtha Upanga: mūlapātha, Hindi anuvāda, vivecana, tippanayukta Page #16 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ WILES: THE BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE SVETAMBARA CANON 17 18 19 220 21 22 23 24 / sampadaka-vivecaka-anuvādaka Jñānamuniji; sahasampādaka Śrīcanda Surānā 'Sarasa'. Byavara; Rājasthāna : Śrī Agamaprakāśana-samiti, Viranirvanasamvat 2509<2512> [1983-<1986>]. v. <1-3>; 25 cm. (Jināgama granthamālā; granthānka 16, 20, 27). 107 Prasnavyakaranasütram: daśamamangam: mūlapāṭha, Hindi anuvada, vivecana, parisishta, sabdakosa sahita/samyojaka tathā pradhāna sampādaka Miśrīmalaji Mahārāja 'Madhukara'; anuvadaka Praviņaṛṣiji; sampādaka Sobhācandra Bharilla. Byavara, Rajasthāna: Sri Agama Prakāśana-Samiti, Vi. sam 2040 [1983]. 35, 319 p. ; 25 cm. (Jinagama granthamālā; granthānka 17). Viy. see v. 14. Uttaradhyayanasūtra: mūlapāṭha, Hindi anuvāda, vivecana, parisista, tippaṇayukta / samyojaka tathā pradhāna sampadaka Miśrīmalaji Mahārāja 'Madhukara'; anuvadakavivecaka sampadaka Rājendramuni. Byāvara, Rājasthāna : Śri Agama Prakāśana-Samiti, Vi. sam 2510 [1984]. 110, 732 p. ; 25 cm. (Jināgama granthamālā; granthānka 19). Pannav. see v. 16. Nirayāvalikāsutra: Kappiyā, Kappavaḍimsiya, Pupphiyā, Pupphaculiyā, Vaṇhidasā / anuvadaka sampādaka Devakumara Sastri; mukhya sampadaka Sobhācandra Bhārilla. Byavara, Rājasthāna: Śrī Āgamaprakāśana Samiti, Viranirvāṇa samvat 2511 [1985]. 31, 144 p.; 26 cm. (Jināgama granthamālā; granthānka 21). Viy. see v. 14. Daśavaikālikasūtra: mūlapāṭha, Hindi anuvāda, vivecana, parisiṣṭa yukta / Śri Sayyam-bhavasthaviraviracita; adyasamyojaka-pradhānasampadaka Misrimalaji Mahārāja 'Madhukara'; anuvadaka-vivecaka-sampadaka Mahāsati Puspavati. Byāvara, Rajasthana Śrī Agamaprakāśana Samiti, 1984. 80, 452 p. ; 25 cm. (Jinagama granthamālā ; granthanka 23). Reprint 1993. Avasyakasūtra: mūlapāṭha, Hindi anuvada, vivecana, tippana yukta / adyasamyojaka tatha pradhana sampādaka Miśrīmalaji; anuvadaka-vivecaka-sampadaka Suprabhā 'Sudha'. Byavara, Rājasthāna: Śrī Agama Prakāśana Samiti, Page #17 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAIN JOURNAL: Vol-XXXV, No. 3 January 2001 Viranirvana samvat 2520. Vikrama samvat 2051. I. san 1994. 2. samskarana. 68, 130 p.; 25 cm. (Jināgama-granthamālā; granthānka 24). Viy. see v. 14. Jambūdvīpaprajnaptisütra: Sthavirapranita sastha Upanga: mūlapatha, Hindi anuvāda, vivecana parisishta yukta / ādyasamyojaka tathā pradhäna sampādaka Misrimalaji Mahārāja 'Madhukara'; anuvādaka-sampädaka Chaganalälasāstri. 2. samskarana. Byāvara, Rajasthāna : Śri Agama Prakāśana-Samiti, Viranirvāna samvat 2520 [1994], 59, 417 p.; 25 cm. (Jināgama-granthamālā; granthānka 26). 27 Pannav, see v. 16. 28 Anuyogadvārasūtra / Aryaraksitasthaviraviracita : mülapātha, Hindi anuvāda, vivecana, parisista yukta / ādyasamyojaka-pradhānasampādaka Miśrīmalaji Mahārāja 'Madhukara'; anuvādaka-vivecaka Sri Kevalamuniji ; sampādaka Devakumāra Jaina; mukhyasampādaka Sobhācandra Bhārilla. Byāvara, Rājasthāna : Sri Agama Prakāśana-Samiti, Viranirvāna samvat 2513 (1987). 47, 501 p.; 25 cm. (Jināgama-granthamälā; granthānka 28). 29 *Sūryaprajñapti-Candraprajnapti : ŚrutasthavirapranitaUpangasūtradvaya: mulapātha, prastāvanā tathä parisista yukta / sampādaka Kanhaiyālālaji Kamala'; mukhya sampādaka Sobhācandra Bhārilla. Byāvara, Rājasthāna : Sri Agama Prakasana-Samiti, (1989). 1. samskarana. 48, 248 p.; 25 cm. (Jināgama-granthamālā; granthānka 29). 30-31 Jivajīvābhigamasutra : Srutasthavirapranita-Upāngasūtra : mülapätha, prastāvanā artha, vivecana tathä parisista ädi yukta / sampādaka Rajendramuniji; mukhya sampādaka Sobhācandra Bharilla. Byāvara, Rājasthāna : Sri Agama Prakāśana-Samiti, 2515-17 (1989-91). 2v.; 25 cm. (Jināgama-granthamälā; granthanka 30, 31). 32 Trini chedasūtrāni : Daśāśrutaskandha. Brhatkalpa. Vyavahārasutra : mūlapādha, Hindi anuväda, vivecana, tippaņa yukta / samyojaka tathā adya sampadaka Misrimalaji Mahārāja 'Madhukara': anuvādaka-vivecakasampadaka Kanhaiyälālaji Mahārāja). 'Kamala'. 1. Page #18 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ WILES: THE BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE SVETAMBARA CANON 109 samskarana Byavara, Rajasthana : Sri Agamaprakāšana Samiti, Vira nirvana sam. 2517. Vikrama sam. 2048. 1992 1. 81, 462 p. ; 25 cm. (Jināgama-granthamālā; granthänka 32). 32a Nisithasūtra : mulapātha, Hindi anuvāda-vivecana-tippana yukta / ādya samyojaka tathā pradhāna sampādaka Misrimalaji Mahārāja 'Madhukara'; anuvädaka-vivecakasampādaka Kanhaiyālālaji Mashārāja). “Kamala'; Sri Tiloka Muniji Mashäraja]. 1. samskarana. Byāvara, Rajasthāna : Sri Agamaprakāśana Samiti, Vira nirvāņa sam. 2517. Vikrama sam. 2048. 1991 I. 97, 458 p.; 25 crn. (Jināgamagranthamälä; 32a). 0.2 SELECTIONS12 1923 Jain, Blanarsi). Dlas). Ardha Magadhi Reader. Lahore, 1923. lxv, 178 p.; 22 cm. Contents: Preface v. - Ardha-Māgadhi grammar [ix]-xxxviii. – Ardha-Māgadhi language and literature ixl fie. xxxix]-liii. - Bibliography liv-lxv. - Ardha-Māgadhï reader. 1. Miyāputte dārae (Vivā. 1.1] 1-12. - 2. Mehe kumāre [Nāyā 1.1. variants from Näyā. 1877; 1919] 13-38. -- 3. Tāvasaparivväyagā (extracts 3-6 from Ācār. 1, copied from Acār. 1916) 38-46. - 4. Ayatthasamanuvāse 45-46. - 5. Indiyabhogāim 47-48. – 6. Ittaramaranam 48. -- 7. Pänavaho (Panhā. 1) 49-51. - 8. Mokkhamagge (Süy. 1.11) 52-55. – 9. Bäla-pandiyamaranam (Utt. 5) 55-57. - 10. Anagārakiccāim (Süy. 14] 58-61. - 11. Parisahovasaggā (Süy. 1.3.1) 61-62. - 12. Cittasambhūyä (Utt. 13-14] 6374. - 13. Ayarappanihi [Dasave. 8] 74-78. - Note to translation[s] 79. - [Translations unless noted are reprints from Jacobi's SBE] 1. The child Miyāputta / B. D. Jain. 8093. - 2. Prince Meha / B.D. Jain 94-119. - 3. Ascetics and hermits. 120-26. - 4. Prosecution of one's object 127-28. - 5. Sensual pleasures 129-30. - 6. The death called ittara 131-32. – 7. Injury to life / B.D. Jain. 133-36. - 8. The path 137-41. - 9. Death foolish and wise 142-146. - 10. 12. This and the following sections are not comprehensive, rather simply a place to enter appropriate works from the ANU Library collection until I have time to cover a wider range of material. Page #19 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ .10 JAIN JOURNAL: Vol-XXXV, No. 3 January 2001 The duties of a monk 147-50. 11. Trials and persecutions 151-153. - 12. Citra and Sambhuta 154-66. — 13. The treasure of right conduct/ B.D. Jain 167-72. Index of words explained in footnotes 173. - Index of important words and subjects 174-78. Reprint. Delhi: Sri Satguru Publications, 1982. ANU PK1255.J34 1982 1942-51 Śramana Bhagavan Mahavira. Ahmedabad: Śri Jaina Siddhanta Society, Vira samvat 2468-77. Vikrama samvat 1998-2007. 1942-51. 5 v. in 8; 25 cm. (Commemoration volume; 1-8). v. 1, pt. 1-2: Life [earlier existences of Mahavira] / by Muni Ratna Prabhavijaya. 2nd ed. Vira samvat 2474. Vikrama samvat 2004. 1948.; pt. 1. 106, 227, 26 p. - pt. 2. vii, 304, 32 p. v. 2, pt. 1-2: Life [of Mahavira, containing 116 sutras of the Kalpasūtra and additional material?]. Vira samvat 246877. Vikrama samvat 1998-2007. 1942-51. 12, 19, 284 p. pt. 2. 8, 792, 31 p. v. 3: Kṣamasramaṇa Jin[a]bhadra Gani's Ganadharavada, along with Maladharin Hemacandra Suri's [Sanskrit] commentary edited by Muni Ratna-prabha Vijaya; with translation, digest of commentary and introduction / by Dhirubhai P. Thaker. Ahmedabad: Śrī Jaina Grantha Parakāśaka Sabha, Virasamat 2468. Vikram samvat 1998. 1942. Contents Introduction [3]-36.-Kṣamāśramana Jin[a]bhadra Gani's Gaṇadharavada [text and English translation] [1]-538. Corrections [534]. [Advertising, 6 pl. Cover-title: "Śramana Bhagavan Mahāvīra v. 3. Gaṇadhara-vāda." Reprint: Vira samvant [sic] 2470. Vikrama samvat 2006. 1950. Slight differences in pagination plus index p. 537-46. v. 4: Kṣamäsramana Jinabhadra Gani's Nihnava-vāda: along with Maladharin Hemacandra Suri's commentary edited by Muni Ratna-prabha Vijaya: with translation, digest of Sanskrit Page #20 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ VILES : THE BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE SVETAMBARA CANON · 111 commentary and introduction / by Dhirubhai P. Thaker. Ahmedabad: Sri Jaina Grantha Parakāśaka Sabhā, Virasamvat 2473. Vikram samvat 2003. 1947. Contents : Preface : the text of the Nihnavāda / Dhirubhai P. Thaker (1)-19. – Nihnavavāda [text and English translation] [1]-340. - Corrections (341). - Index (343)347 - (Advertising, 32 p.) Cover-title: "Šramaņa Bhagavān Mahāvīra : v. 4 Nihnavavāda." v.5, p. 1: Ahmedabad: Sri Jaina Grantha Parakāsaka Sabhā, Vīrasamat 2474. Vikrama samvat 2004. 1948. Contents : Introduction [5]-7. - Sthaviravali (text and English translation] [1]-332. – Chronology (333)-336. - Appendix no. VI. Yuga-pradhāna (337)-347. - Index [348]356. - (Advertising 32 p.) The sources are listed (Introduction p. 6) but not clearly identified, the translation seems to include Kalpasūtra and Nandī pattāvalis. Cover-title : "Sramana Bhagavān Mahāvīra : v. 5., p. 1., Sthaviravali." v. 5, p. 2: Virasamat 2477. Vikrama samvat 2007. 1950. Contents : Sthavirāvali (translation only) (1)-218. - Chronology (219)-226. - List of the disciples of Vijayanemi Suri 228-29.- Corrections (232)-234. - Subject-index (235)242. - (Advertising] 1-31. Cover-title: "Sramana Bhagavān Mahāvīra : v. 5., p. 2., Sthaviravali." "[A]n effort to supply the English-knowing public with an accurate, comprehensive, and authentic account of the twenty-six previoius bhavas (existences) and the twentyseventh bhava of Sramana Bhagavan Mahāvira" (Foreword v. 1, pt. 1, p. 21). Sources for the extracts printed and translated are not given. First edition in 4 v. 1941-42 (v. 1, pt. 1. Preface to second edition). ANU BL1371.15 Page #21 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAIN JOURNAL: Vol-XXXV, No. 3 January 2001 983 Dhammakahānuogo: Hindi anuvāda sahita / sankalanakartā Muni Kanhaiyālāla “Kamala' evam Dalasukhabhāi Mālavaniyā; anuvāda Devakumāra Jaina; pradhāna sampadaka Śrícanda Surānā Sarasa'. Ahmadābāda : Āgama Anuyoga Trasta, Vira nirvana samvat 2509. Vikrama samvat 2040. Isvi san. 1983. 2 v.; 28 cm. (Agama Anuyoga grantha 1) Bhāga 1. Prathama evam dvitiya skandha. 16, 2, 132, 24, 257, 379 p. ; 5 leaves of plates (portraits). Bhaga 2. Trĩya se astha skandha, 68, 124, 320, 79, 172, 40p. Contents Bhāga 1 : Prakāsakiya (71-8. -- Präkkathana / Muni Kanhaiyālāla “Kamala' (9)-15. - Prastuata Dharmakathānuyoga kā sanksipta paricaya 16. - Dharmakathānuyoga eka samīksātmaka adhyayana / Devendra Muni (1)-131 p. – Sanketika sabdasūci 132. – Visaya-suci (1)-24. - 1. khandho: Uttamapuruşakathānaka (1)-257. - 2. khandho : samanakahānagāni (1)-379. Contents Bhāga 2 : Prakāśakiya (1). - Anuyoga ki sārthakatā: eka cintana / Muni Kanhaiyālāla 'Kamala' [6]7. – Sanketika sabdasūci (8]. - Prastāvanā : Agama kathāsāhitya mīmāmsā / Premsuman Jaina [9]-40. - Vişaya-sūci [41]-68. - 3. khandho: Śramani kathānaka (1)-124. - 4. khandho: Śramanopāsaka kathānaka (1)-320. - 5. khandho: Ninhavakathāem (1)-79. - 6. khandho : Prakirnaka kathāem (1)-172. - Parisista 1. Carita sandarbha sthala sūci (1)-7. – 2. Vyakti nāma-sūcī (8)-40. ANU LARGE BOOK BL1310.2.D43 1983 v.1. v.2 986 Ganitānuyoga : Jaina Agamamata bhugola-khagola evam antariksa sambandhi samagri ka visayakrama se pramanika sankalana. 2nd ed., rev. and enl. Ahamadabada : Agama Anuyoga Trasta, 1986. 1 v. (various pagings) : ill.; 28 cm. LCCN 90-903323. ANU ON ORDER 14 April 1997 0.3 STUDIES 925 Glasenapp, Helmuth von. Der Jainismus : eine indische Erlösungsreligion : nach den Quellen dargestellt. Berlin : Alf Häger, 1925. 505, 28 p. ; 20 cm. Page #22 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ NILES: THE BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE SVETAMBARA CANON 113 Contents : Vorwort (v)-vi. – Inhalt (vii) -x. - 1. Einleitung 15. - 2. Geschichte 6-80. - 3. Schrifttum 81-137. - 4. Lehre 138-313. - 5. Gesellschaft (314)-357. – 6. Kultus (483)488. - Zu den Bildern (489)-488. - Index (493)-505. "Mit 3 farbigen und 28 schwarzen Tafeln." Reprint. Hildesheim : Georg Olms, 1964. 1984. ANU BL 1351.65 1964 Translation. Shrotri, Shridhar B. Jainism: an Indian religion of salvation / translated by Shridhar B. Shrotri. New Delhi : Motilal Banarsidass, 1996 (forthcoming) (MLBD Newsletter May 1996, 13] 1926 Schubring, Walther. Worte Mahāvīras : kritische Übersetzungen aus dem Kanon der Jaina. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 1926. ix, 152 p. (Quellen der Religionsgeschichte. Bd. 14, Gruppe 7). Reviews : H. Jacobi, Der Jainismus, Archiv für Religionsgeschichte 18 (1915), 283 ff. - E. Leumann, Zeitschrift für Indologie und Iranistik 7 (1929), 157-162. ANU BL1310.89 1935 Schubring, Walther. Die Lehre der Jainas nach den alten Quellen dargestellt. Berlin, Walther de Gruyter, 1935. 251 p. (Grundriss der indo-arischen Philologie und Altertumskunde; Band 3 Heft 7). ANU BL1351.542 [Abridged) translation : The doctrine of the Jainas: described after the old sources / translated from the revised German edition by Wolfgang Beurlen. Delhi : Motilal Banarsidass, 1962. viii, 335 p. 2, 1978. Review of 2 by Willem B[ollée) Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 130 (1980) 661. ANŲ BL1351. S413 1976 1941 Kapadia, Hiralal Rasikdas. A History of the Canonical Literature of the Jainas. Gopipura, Surat : Hiralal Rasikdas Kapadia, 1941. ix, 272 p.; 20 cm. Contents : Preface (iii]-iv. - Analysis [5]-ix. – Chapter 1. Genesis of the Jaina scriptures (11-19. - 2. Classifications Page #23 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 14 1947 JAIN JOURNAL: Vol-XXXV, No. 3 January 2001 of the Agamas [20]-58. - 3. Redaction of the Jaina canon [59]-69. 4. The extinct Agamas of the Jainas [70]-109. - 5. The extant Agamas of the Jainas [110]-170. 6. The canonical exegetical literature [171]-205. - 7. Comparison and evaluation [206]-231. Index 1. Names of authors and other persons and sects and the like [232]-240. - Index 2. Names of works, their sections, doctirnes, metres etc. [241]264. - Additions and corrections [265]-272. - [RW] Jain, Jagdish Chandra. Life in ancient India as depicted in the Jain canons [sic] (with commentaries): an administrative, economic, social and geographical survey of ancient India based on the Jain canons. Bombay New Book Company, 1947. 420 p.; 25 cm. Contents: Preface [5]-7. Bibliography (with abbreviations) 8-15. Contents [16]. - Section 1. Introduction to the Jain canon. Chapter 1. The history of the Jain church [19]-30. - 2. The canons of the Jains 31-43. - Section 2. Administrative organisation. Introduction [47]. - 1. Central administration 4960. 2. Fiscal administration [61]-63. 3. Administration of justice. [64]-74. 4. Military organisation [75]-81. 5. Local government [82]-83. - Section 3. Economic aspects. Introduction [87]. 1. Production [89]-110. 2. Distribution [111]-112. 3. Exchange [113]-122. 4. Consumption [123]-134. - Section 4. Social conditions. 3. Position of women [152]-168. - 4. Education learning [169]-174. - 5. Arts and sciences [175]-191. - 6. Religious conditions [192]225.7. Manners and customs. [226]-242. Section 5. Geographical material in the Jain canons. General outlook [245]-247. 1. Jain conception of the world [248]-249. 2. The Jain Aryan countries [250]-256. - 3. Mahavira's itinerary [257]-262. 4. Geographical lexicon. [263]-366. Section 6. Some important kings and dynasties. Introduction [369]. - 1. Sixty-three great men 371-376. 2. Kings and rulers [377]-400. Retrospect [401]-403. Index [405]-420. Map India at the time of Mahāvīra (500 BC) facing p. 252. Map: Places visited by Mahavira (500 BC) facing p. 256. Hindi translation published 1965. 2nd. revised and enlarged edition 1984. - ANU BL1321.1.J3 Page #24 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ WILES: THE BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE SVETAMBARA CANON 1949 1952 Law, Bimala Churn. Some Jaina canonical sutras. Bombay: Bombay Branch Royal Asiatic Society, 1949. xv, 213 p.; 24 cm. (Bombay Branch Royal Asiatic Society Monograph : no. 2). - 8. Upāsakadaśā [43]-46. Contents: Author's note [v]. Introduction / E.J. Thomas [vii]-viii. Bibliography [ix]-xi. Chapter 1. Jaina canon [1]-6. - 2. Acaranga sutra 7-12. - 3. Sütrakṛtänga [13]-24. - 4. Sthānanga [25]-27. - 5. Samavāyānga [28]-30. - 6. Väkhyā-prajñapti [31]-37. - 7. Jñātādharmakatha [38]-42. 9. Antakṛtadaśānga [47]-54. 10. Anuttaraupapātikadaśā [55]-73. 14. Rājapraśniya [74]-77. 15. Jīvājīvābhigama [78]-81. – 16. Prajñāpana [82]-83. 17. Jambudvipaprajñapti [84]-85. - 18. Nirayāvalī [86]-87. 19. Nisītha and Mahānisītha [88]-95.-20. Kalpa sūtra [96]-103. - 21. Nandi sutra and Anuyogadvara [104]107. 22. Uttaradhyayana sutra [108]-146. - 23. Avasyaka [147]-150. - 24. Daśavaikälika [151]-156. 25. Tattvärthadigama sutra [157]168. Appendix 1 Vividhatirtha-kalpa [169]-185. Appendix 2 Principles of Jainism [186]-210. Index [211]-213. — - 115 - "In this monograph I have tried to present a critical account of the principal Jain canonical texts in the light of my comparative study of both Buddhist and Jain texts." "In the first chapter I have given a general account of the Jain canon, and in the following chapters a detailed treatment of some of the important Jain sutras has been made." [Author's note] "Jainism in fact on the literary side shows a much greater development than what is to be seen in the Buddhist texts." [E.J. Thomas, Introduction viii]. *Sandesara, Bhogilal Jayachandbhai, b. 1916 ? Jaina Agamasahityamam Gujarata / Bhogilala Ja. Sandesara. Avrtti 1. Amadavada: Gujarata Vidyasabha, 1952. lii, 262 p. ; 22 cm. (Setha Punamacanda Karamacanda Kotavalagranthamala; gran. 1.; Setha Bholabhai Jesingabhai Adhyayana-Samsodhana Vidyabhavana Samsodhana granthamala; granthanka 8). [CRL catalogue] SAMP early 20th-century Indian books project; item 15326. Gujarat as portrayed in Jaina Agamic literature; a study. Page #25 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAIN JOURNAL: Vol-XXXV, No. 3 January 2001 1955 Kohl, J.F. Einige Bemerkungen zur Zahlensymbolik und zum Animismus ir botanischen System der Jaina-Kanon. In Studia Indologica : Festschrift für Willibald Kirfel zur Vollendung seines 70. Lebensjahres / herausgegeben von Otto Spies. Bonn: Selbstverlag der Orientalischen Seminars der Universität Bonn, 1955. 375 p. ; 21 cm. (Bonner Orientalistische Studien. Neue Serie. Band 3). p. 125-35, ANU PK102.25K5 1964 Vijaya Muni. Agama aura vyākhyā sāhitya / lekhaka Vijaya Muni; Muni Samadarsi Prabhākara. Agarā : Sanmatijñānapitha, 1964. 97 p.; 24 cm. (Agama-sähitya-ratna-mālā ; 9). Contents : Agama-sähitya : eka anucintana | Muni Samadarsi Prabhākara 1-52. – Vyākhyā-sahitya : eka parisilana / Vijaya Muni 53-97. ANU BL1310.65 1964 1965 Jaina, Jagadisacandra. Jaina Agama sahitya mem Bharatiya samāja (500 B.C. - 1000 A.D.). Vārānāsī : Caukhamba Vidyābhavana, 1965. 20, 620 p. ; 21 cm, Hindi translation of 1947 work. Univ. of Poona Q31:21:90Y1/152J5/ 129693 1966 Jaināgama-nirdesikā : paintālisa Jainagamom kā visayanirdesana / sampādaka Muni Kanhaiyālāla 'Kamala'. Dilli : Agama Anuyoga Prakāśana, Vira samvat 2492. Vikrama samvat 2023. Īsvī san. 1966. 25, 968 p.; 19 cm. Contents : Vijñapti. [4). – Jaināgama-nirdesikā Āgama-süci (5). - Visaya-nirdesana mem prayukti Agamom ki praityam [list of editions analysed to create this directory] [61-7. - Prastāvanā-prabhāvanā (9)-25. - [Analyses! (11 Anga āgamas) 1-526 - (12 Upanga āgamas) 537-755. -- [4 Müla ägamas) 757-843. - [4 Cheda agamas) 845-916. - (10 Prakirņakas) 919-940. - Pindaniryukti. 941-959. – Parisista 1 Mahā Nisītha sūtra kā visaya-nirdesana 961-968. ANU BL1312.9.K34 1966 1969-91 * Ayuma aura tripitaka; eka arusilana / lekhaka Muni Nagarajaji; sampadaka Muni Mahendrakurnaraji 'Prathama' Page #26 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ WILES : THE BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE SVETAMBARA CANON 117 (tatha) Muni Mahendrakumaraji divitiya'; bhumika : E. Ena. Upadhye. Eka avalokana : Sukhalaji Sanghavi. l. samskarana. Kalakatta : Jaina Svetambara Terapanthi Mahasabha, 1969-91.3 v. ; 25 cmn. (Univ. of Chicago library catalogue] Contents: 1. Itihasa aura pararnpara - 2. Bhasha aura sahitya - 3. Tattva, acara, va kathanuyoga. Parts of v. 1 chapter 14 published in 1974 as King Bimbisāra and king Ajātasatru.... v. 1 translated into English 1986. 1974 King Bimbisāra and King Ajatasatru in the age of Mahavira & Buddha / by Muni Nagraj; foreword by Ramesh Chandra Pandey; translated by Muni Mahendra Kumar 'Dviteeya'. Ladnun, Rajasthan : Agama & Sahitya Prakashan, Jaina Vishva Bharati, 1974. viii, 90 p.; 18 cm. Contents: 1. Srenika Bimbisāra 1-37, - 2. Ajātasatru Künika (381-74. - Bibliography 75-82. -- Index (83)-90. Translation of selections of v. 1 of Agama aura Tripitaka 196991. LCCN 76-903581 ANU PAMPHLET DS451.9.B55N3313 1977 Devendra, Muni. Jaina āgama sähitya : manana aura mimämsa : Jaina vänmaya kā paricayātmaka adhyayana. 1. samskarana. Udayapura : Sri Taraka Guru Jaina Granthālaya, 1977. 32, 768 p.; 23 cm. LCCN 77-908117. ANU BL1310.4.D48 1977 1978 K.K. Dixit. Early Jainism. Ahmedabad : L.D. Institute of Indology, 1978. 8, 99 p.; 25 cm. (LD series; 64). Contents : Foreword/ Nagin J. Shah. (3). - Bibliography [4]. - Preface / K.K. Dixit [5]-6. -- Table of contents (71-8. - Chapter ). Some noteworthy features of the Jaina speculation as occuring in Acārānga I and Sūtrakrtänga I (11-21. - 2. A historical evaluation of Uttarādhyayana and Daśavaikälika. (22)-33. - 3. Sutrakstānga II : a historical evaluation. (34)41. - 4. The four old Chedasūtras (AyarDas., BșhKapp., Vava., Nis.). [42]-53. – 5. Ācāranga II. (54)-61. – The five Anga texts of the form of a story-collection (Näyā., Uvās., Antag., Anuttaro., Vivā.] [62]-75. - 7. Praśnavyäkarana (76) - Page #27 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 18 .978 1981 1983 1984 JAIN JOURNAL: Vol-XXXV, No. 3 January 2001 80. 8. Rṣibhāṣita [81]-85. 9. A special relevance of the Suttanipäta for Jaina studies [86]-92. Index 1. Sanskrit and Prakrit tems. [93]-96. Index 2. Names of persons, works etc. [97]-99. - - 1 ANU BL1351.2. D53 *Indranandi, 10th cent. Srutavatara ani Srutapancamikriya 1. [i.e. 2.] avrtti. Solapura Jaina Samskrti Samrakshaka Sangha, 1978. 6, 49 p.; 20 cm. (Jivaraja Jaina granthamala). [CRL catalogue] In Marathi and Sanskrit. On the history of Jaina canonical literature; includes a manual for the worship of Sarasvati, goddess of learning, according to Jaina ritualism. *Deo,Shantaram Bhalchandra. Jaina canonical literature: an appraisal. 1st ed. Mysore: Dept. of Jainology and Prakrits, University of Mysore, 1981. vi, 41 p., [1] leaf of plates: port.; 23 cm. (Department of Jainology and Prakrits series; 4). [CRL catalogue] "Dr. A.N. Upadhye memorial lecture series, 1." "Lecture 1" (p. 1-13) Dr. A.N. Upadhye and his contribution to Jaina studies. 83-902491 *Malvania, Dalsukh Bhai. Jainagama aura Palipitakagata kucha samana visayom ki carca. Poona, India : Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, 1983. xvii, 51, [1] p.; 23 cm. LCCN 85-900487. Jagdishchandra Jain. Life in ancient India as depicted in the Jain canon and commentaries: 6th century BC to 17th century AD. New Delhi: Munshiram Manoharlal, 1984. xxiv, 507 p.; 22 cm. Contents Preface to the second edition [xi]-xv. - Preface to the first edition [xvii]-xix. Abbreviations [xxi]-xxiv. Section 1. Introduction to the Jain canon. Chapter 1. The history of the Jain sangha [3]-27. 2. The Jain canon [28]. 41. 3. The antiquity of the canon. [42]-60. Administrative organisation. Introduction [62]. administration [63]-77. 5. Administration of justice [78]81. 6. Crime and punishment [82]-92. organisation [93]-103. 8. Fiscal administration [104]-107. Section 2. 4. Central - 7. Military www.m Page #28 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ WILES: THE BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE SVETAMBARA CANON 119 - 9. Local government (108)-110. - Section 3. Economic aspects. Introduction 112. - 10. Production [113]-145. - 11. Distribution (146)-147. - 12. Exchange (148)-163. - 13. Consumption (164)-182. - Section 4. Social conditions. Introductory (1841-14. Social organisation (1853-193. – 15. The family (1941-200.- 16. Position of women (201)-222. - 17. Education and learning (223)-230. - 18. Arts and sciences (231)-260. - 19. Manners and customs. (261)-284. - Section 5. Religious conditions. Introduction (2011-222. Introduction (286). – 20. The Samanas [287]-311. 21. Other schools and sects (312)-318. - 22. Popular deities (319)330. - Section 6. Geographical material in the Jain canon. Introduction (332]-334. – 23. Jain conception of the world [335]-336. - 24. The Jain Aaryan countries (337]-343. - 25. Mahāvīra's itinerary (344)-349. - Section 7. Important kings and dynasties. Introduction (442)-443. – 28. Sixtythree great men (444)-447. – 2. Kings and rulers (448-473. - Retrospect [4741-478. - Bibliography (479)-487. - Index (excluding the new sections, 6 and 7) (488)-507. - Errata [509-10). Map : Places visited by Mahāvīra (500 BC) facing p. [344). Map : India at the time of Mahāvīra (500 BC) facing p. [350]. First ed. 1947. Hindi translation published 1965. (RW) 1986 Nagraj, Muni, Agama and Tripitaka: a comparative study: a critical study of the Jaina and the Buddhist canonical literature = Agama aura Tripitaka: eka anuśilana / English version by Mahendra Kumārji and K.C. Lalvāni; edited by Bhupendra Swarup Jain and Raghunatha Sarmā. New Delhi : Today & Tommorrow's Printers and Publishers, 1986-<>. v. <1->; 25 cm. Contents : v. 1 History and tradition : Prastavana (1985) / Muni Nagaraja y-vii. – A Review / Sukhläla Sanghvi ix-xvi. - Introduction to the first Hindi edition 1969/Muni Nagrāja xvii-xxiii. - Chapter 1. Mahavira and Buddha 1-4. - 2. Contemporary religious teachers 5-24. – 3. Gośālaka 2558. - 4. Chronology 59-176. – 5. Previous births. 177-87. - 6. Birth and initiation 188-235. – 7. Spiritual exertions 236-49. – 8. Hardship and forbearance 250-65. – 9. Page #29 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 120 1986 1991 1989 JAIN JOURNAL: Vol-XXXV, No. 3 January 2001 Omniscience and enlightenment 266-71. - 10. The monastic order and its expansion 272-347. 11. Monks and nuns 348-68. 12. Leading followers (Upāsakas) 369-419. 13. Defiant disciples. 420-39. 14. Follower kings 440-532. - 15. Liberation 533-60. 16. Wanderings and monsoon camps 561-69. 17. The Niganthas and Nigantha Nataputta in the Tripitakas [sic] 570-621. - 18. Codes and books on conduct and discipline 622-56. - Appendix 1. Nigantha and Nigantha Nätaputta in Tripitakas: original Pali 659-735. 2. Bibliography 739-59.- Literary gems by the same author 761-762. --- -- Planned in three volumes I. History and tradition II. Literature and teachings. III Philosophy and ethics (p. xvii). Original in Hindi published in 3 vols, 1969-91. ANU BG4610.J3/N24/1986 v. 1 *Jaina, Komala. Jaina Agama mem nari. Devasa, Madhya Pradesh: Padmaja Prakasana, 1986. 15, 263 p.; 25 cm. LCCN 86-901898. Durch Entsagung zum Heil: eine Anthologie aus der Literatur der Jaina: ausgewählt, aus dem Prakrit und Sanskrit übersetzt und eingeleitet von Adelheid Mette. Zürich : Benziger Verlag, 1991. 195 p.; 19 cm. ANU BL1310.32.G4 D 87 1991 0.4 EDITIONS OF COMMENTARIES Niryukti-sangrahaḥ / sampādakaḥ samsodhakaśca Śrījinendrasūri. Prathamavṛttih. Lakhābāvala, Santipuri, Saurāṣṭa: Śri Harṣapuspamṛta Jaina granthamālā, Vira sam. 2515. Vikrama sam. 2045. San. 1989. 20, 600 p.; 1 plate: 19 cm. (Sri Harṣanpuṣpāmṛta Jaina granthamālā; 159). - Bhadrabahusvāmiviracitaḥ: Contents Alpa vaktavya/Jinendrasuri 3-5. - Sankṣipta kramah 6. - Anukramaḥ 7-13. Suddhipatrakam 14-20. - 1. Avasyakaniryuktiḥ. 1-189. - 2. Śrīmati Oghaniryuktiḥ 190-265. - 3. Śrīpindaniryuktiḥ 266-327. Śrīdasavaikālika-sūtra-niryuktiḥ 328-364. Śrīuttaradhyayanasūtra-niryuktiḥ 365-419. - 6. Śrī 4. 5. 1 Page #30 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ WILES: THE BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE SVETAMBARA CANON 121 Acārānganiryuktih 420-454. - 7. Śrī Sūtrakrtānganiryuktih 455-475. - 8. Śridaśāśrutaskandhaniryuktih 476-481. - 9. Paryusanākalpädhyayananiryuktih 481-490. - 10. Niryukti-gāthānām akārādikramah 491-600. "750 Pratayah." ANU BL1310.4 B432 1989 1995 The Nijuttis on the seniors of the Svetambara Siddhanta : Ayāranga, Dasaveyāliya, Uttarajjhāyā and Suyagada: text and selective glossary / Willem B. Bollée. Stuttgart : Franz Steiner, 1995. ix, 197 p.; 24 cm. (Beiträge zur Südasienforschung Südasien-Institut Universität Heidelberg; Band 169). Contents : Ayäranga Nijjutti 1-27. -- "Appendix : Schubring's selection of words from the notes to his Worte Mahāvīras (numbers refer to pages)." (about 150 words] 27-29. - Dasaveyaliya Nijjutti 31-73. (Based on editions of Leumann (1892), who worked from MSS, and DLP[1918b], the text in the latter edition was used for the 1989 Niryukti-sangrahah text]. – Uttarajjhāyā Nijjutti 75-117. - Sūyagada Nijjutti 119-36. - Glossary 137-79. - Bibliography 181-93. - Corrigenda for Materials for an edition and study of the Pindaand Oha-Nijjuttis.... 1994-97. [RW 0.5 STUDIES OF COMMENTARIES 1934-35 Kapadia, H.R. The Jaina commentaries ABORI 16 (1934-35) 292-312 1976 Herman Tieken. Textual problerns in an early canonical Jaina text' WZKS 30 (1986) 5-25. 1977 Alsdorf, Ludwig. Jaina exegetical literature and the history of the Jain canon. In, Mahavira and his teachings / editorial board A.N. Upadhye, Nathmal Tatia (et al). Bombay : Bhagavān Mahāvira 2500th Nirvana Mahotsava Samiti, 1977. iv, 462 p.; 25 cm., p. 1-8. 1991 Khadabadi, B.K. *Reflexions on the Jaina exegetical literature. In. Aspects of Jainology v.3: Pt. Dalsukh Bhai Malvania Felicitation volume 1 / editors M.A. Dhaky: Sagarmal Jain. Varanasi : P.V. Research Institute, (1991), p. 27-33. [Bruhn 1996, 51) Page #31 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 122 1909 0.6 DICTIONARIES AND INDEXES13 *Jaina siddhanta praveśikā / Gopal Dasji Baraiya, 1909. [JL 3, x] JAIN JOURNAL: Vol-XXXV, No. 3 January 2001 1910-25 *Vijayarajendra, (1826-1900). Abhidhanarajendraḥ: koṣaḥ: sa ca Śrisarvajñaprarupitaganadharanirvatitadya"svinopalabhyamana'seṣasūtra-tadvṛtti-Bhāṣya-Niryukti-Cümyādinihitasakaladārśanika-Siddhantaitihasa-Silpa-VedantaNyaya-Vaiseṣika-Mimāmsādipradarsitapadarthayukta' yuktatvanirnayakah: bṛhadbhumiko-podghata-Präkṛta Muni vyakṛti-Prākṛtasabdarūpāvalyādiparisiṣṭasahitaḥ / Śrīmadvijayarājendrasūrīśvara-viracitaḥ; Śrīdīpavijaya-Śrīyatīndravijayābhyām samsodhitaḥ. Ratalāma Śrījainasvetambarasamsta-Sanghena, Śrīvira samvat 2436-[2451 ?] Śrirajendrasūri samvat 4-[19 ?] Srivikramābdah 1967-[1982 ?] Khristabdaḥ 1910-25. 7 v.; ports; 34 cm. Contents: v. 1 (Śrīvīra samvat 2440. Śrīrājendrasūri samvat 7. Śrīvikramābdaḥ 1970. Khristabdaḥ 1913). 4, 15, 35, 13, 54, 8, 18, 893 p. : plate Vijayarajendra Abharapradarsanam 1-4. Granthakartā kā sankṣipta jīvana-paricaya 1-15. - plate listing Vijarajendra's 55 "books" from 1846-97; verso gives a sample of his handwriting (subhamyuśaya). Śrī Saudharma Bṛhattapāgachiya paṭṭāvali. - plate of Vijayadhanacandra (1839-1920), pupil of Vijayarajendra. - Prastavanä 1-18. - Akāra se kakāra taka sabdom ke antargata () koṣṭhaka mem aye hue sabdom ki akarādi krama se suci 19-27. - Avasyaka katipaya sanketa [included analysis of the Svetambara 'canon'] 2835. Upodghataḥ 1-13. - dedicatory verse to Vijarajendra. --Abhidhanarajendrapariśiṣṭani 1. Siddhahemasabdānusāsanam Adhyaya 8 [1]-54.2. Atha Prākṛtasūtrāṇām akaradyanukramaņikā 1-8, 3. Sankṣiptaprākṛtasabdarūpāvaliḥ 1-18. - Abhidhanarajendraḥ 'a'- 'ahohiya' - 1-893. Contents: v. 2. (Śrīvira samvat 2436. Śrīrājendrasuri samvat 4. Śrīvikramābdaḥ 1967. Khristabdaḥ 1910) 4, 1107, [ie. 1187] p.: plate of Vijayarajendra and Vijayadhanacandra Prastāvanā 1-4. 'a' - 'ühäpannatta' 1-1107 ie 1187. -- 13. I have not yet included editions of Hemacandra's "Desinämamālā". Page #32 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ WILES: THE BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE SVETAMBARA CANON 1918 Abhara-pradarśanam 1-4. v. 3 and 4 at binding (June 1997), not sighted. Contents v. 5 (Śrīvīra samvat 2448. Śrīrājendrasūri samvat 15. Śrīvikramābdaḥ 1978. Khristäbdaḥ 1921): [plate of Vijayarajendra] Abhāra-pradarśanam [1-4]. [plate of Vijayadhanacandra] - 'pa'-'bhola' 1-1627. 123 Contents: v. 6 "Punarmudrita" (Śrīvira samvat 2461. Śrīrājendrasuri samvat 28. Śrīvikramābdaḥ 1991. Khristabdaḥ 1934) [plate of Vijayarajendra] Abhärapradarśanam 1-4. [plate of Vijayadhanacandra] 'ma''vrasu' 1-1468. - Contents: v. 7 "Punarmudrita" (Śrīvīra samvat 2461. Śrīrājendrasūri samvat 28. Śrivikramābdaḥ 1991. Khristabdaḥ 1934) [plate of Vijayarajendra] pradarśanam 1-4. [plate of Vijayadhanacandra] Abhāra'sa' Prasasti 1250-51. 'hva' 1-1250. Prakrit and Sanskrit; introductory matter in Hindi. Vols. 67 edited by Bhupendrasuri and Yatindravijaya. Spine title: "Jain enclyclpaedia." The presence of the plate of Vijayadhanacandra (1839-1920) in the ANU set, even though some of the title-pages are dated before 1920, indicates that some of the volumes have been bound later. The plates are all printed "Bhavanagara Śrī Mahodaya Presa." v. 2 has a sticker on the first fly leaf "The Encyclopaedia is bound and covered by the Mahodaya Press, Bhavanagar." This set therefore seems to be made up of original (v. 1, 2, 5) and repint (v. 6,7) volumes (vols. 3, 4 not seen). LCCN 82-915002 ANU LARGE BOOK PK1223.V5 v. 1-7. Repint 1985. *Abhidhanarajendrah = Abhidhanarajendrah: Prakrit Magadhi, Sanskrit /Vijayarajendra Suri. Delhi, India: B.R. Pub. Corp.; New Delhi, India Distributed by D. K. Publishers Distributors, 1985. 7 v.: ports.; 29 cm. *Jaina gem dictionary / J.L. Jaini. Arrah, 1918. [JL 3, x) Attempt to give uniformity to the English equivalents of Jain technical terms, based on the 1909 Jaina siddhanta praveśika (JSK 1,1). Page #33 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 24 JAIN JOURNAL: Vol-XXXV, No. 3 January 2001 1923-38 * An illustrated Ardha-Magadhi dictionary : literary, philosophic, and scientific, with Sanskrit, Gujrati (sic), Hindi, and English equivalents, references to the texts & copious quotations / by Ratnachandraji; with an introduction by A.C. Woolner. Indaur : Sri Svetämbara Sthānakavāsi Jaina Kanpharansa, I. san. 1923-38. Vira samvat 2449-64. Reprint 1977. An illustrated Ardha-Magadhi dictionary : literary, philosophic, and scientific, with Sanskrit, Gujrati, Hindi, and English equivalents, references to the texts & copious quotations / by Ratnachandraji: with an introduction by A.C. Woolner. Tokyo : Meicho-Fukyū-kai, 1977.5 v. ; 24 cm. Contents v. 1: Introduction / A. Woolner i-viii. - Skeleton grammar of Ardha-Magadhi ix-xxxii. - [folding chart) Alphabetical list of works consulted with a list of abbreviations used in the dictionary - Kośāntargata sūtroni yādi tathā sanketono khulaso xxxiii. - Grammatical abbreviations and their equivalents xxxv. – A guide to transliteration xxxvi. - Preface / Sardarmal Bhandari xxxviixlvi. – Publisher's note xlvii-xlviii. - Translator's note / Pritamlal N. Kachhi xlvix-l. - Hints for the study of this dictionary li-liv. – Prastāvanā - Hindi translation of Woolner's Introduction 1-6. - Prakāśaka kī or se do sabda = Hindi translation of Preface 7-14. - Kosa dekhane ke niyama 15-18. -- Citra-süci 19. – Ardhamāgadhi-kośa 'a'‘ahohia' 1-511. Contents : v. 2 (1. san 1927. Vira samvat 2453) : (photo of Kesarichand Bhandari (1871-1925)]. - Citra-sūci 1. - Publisher's note 2. – 'a'-nhusā' 1-1002. Contents: v. 3 (Ī. san. 1930. Vira samvat 2456): Publisher's note 1. - Prakāśakonum nivedana 3. - 'ta'-'bohiya' 1-701. Contents: v. 4 (7. san. 1932. Vira samvat 2458): Publisher's note 1 - Citra parisista 4. - 'bhai'-'holāvlāya 1-912. – Citra parisista : bhäga 2 uvasagga / kausagga / nakkhattamandala - bhāga 3. tamukkaya / tavakkhetta / titthayara / disävidisā / divasamuddā / nandisara / nirayavāsa / pamäna - Suddhi patraka - Corrections v. l4, 1-103 reduced size in reprint ? Contents : v. 5 (Vira samvat 2464. Vikrama samvat 1995. I. Page #34 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ WILES : THE BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE SVETAMBARA CANON 125 1938): Sampādakiya vaktavya / Muni Ratnacandra 1-4. - Prakasaka kā nivedana : abhärā pradaršana 5-6. - Mahāräştri va desya-Präkrtäntargata pramanagranthom (repharanseja) ke sariketom kā vivarana 7-14. - 'ai'-'holia' 1-665. - Desi-Prakrta kosa from the Desinamamala and earlier volumes of this dictionary ‘aakha''hola' 665-857. -- Suddhi-patra Devanagari 1-12. -- Errata 13-21. - Postface about the reprint edition, in Japanese / Takanisa Koseki, 1-2. Vols, 2-4 have title on added t.p.: Sacitra Arddha-Magadni kosha. Vol. 5 has title : The remaining part of Ardha-Maradhi quadrilingual dictionary, or, Maharashtri and Deshya Prati dictionary: title on added t.p.: Parisishta Arddha-Magih kosha, evam, Maharshtri va Desya Prakrta kosha Gulab-Virgranthamālā; ratna 21). About 50 000 words, collected from 49 texts consisting og nearly the whole of the Svetämbara "canon" together with all supplernentary words. A more complete list of sources is given in the fifth volume which is a separate sequence. In the postface the efforts to obtain a good copy of the text are described, having been unsuccessful the copy of Professor Matsunami Seiren was taken apart page by page, each page was carefully repaired before being photographed (See the brief notice about the reprint by J. W. de Jong IIJ 21 (1979) 213). ANU MENZ ASIAN REFERENCE PK 1256.R3 1977 v.1-5 Reprint. 1988. *An illustrated Ardha-Magadhi dictionary : literary, philosophic, and scientific, with Sanskrit, Gujrati (sic), Hindi, and English equivalents, references to the texts & copious quotations / by Ratnachandraji; with an introduction by A.C. Woolner, Varanasi, India : Amar Publication; Delhi: Distributor, Bharatiya Vidya Prakashan, 1988.5 v. : ill. ; 25 cm. LCCN 88-901557 1924-34 *Brhat Jaina sabdarnava / B.L. Jain; completed by Shital Prasadaji. 1924-34. 2 v. (JSK 1, 1] v. 1 Barabanki. v. 2 Surat. A helpful source book (JSK 1,1). Page #35 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 26 JAIN JOURNAL : Vol-XXXV, No. 3 January 2001 1928 Paia-sadda-maharnavo = Prākrta-sabda-maharnavah/ karta Haragovindadāsa Trikamacanda Setha. Calcutta : Pandit Hargovind Das T. Sheth, samvat 1985 (1928). [97], 1278 p. Reprints. Vārāṇasī: Prākrta Grantha Parişad, 1963. 64, 952, 3 p.; 27 cm. (Prakrit Text Society series ; 7). ANU ASIAN REFERENCE PK 1223.55 Dilli : Motilal Banarsidass, 1986. ANU LARGE BOOK PK 1223.85 1983 Abridged edition K.R. Candra, 1987, see below. 1954-79 Alpaparicitasaiddhāntikasabdakosah : prathamah suaraparyanto vibhāgah / sampādakau KāñcanavijayaKsemankarasāgarau; sangrāhakah Gunasāgarah. 1. samskaraņa. Surat : Śresthi-Devacandalālabhãi. Jainapustakoddhārakosa. Vīrābdah 2480-2505. Vaikramābdah 2010-38. Sākābdah 1876-99. Khristābdah 1954-79. 5 v.; 26 cm. (Sresthi-DevacandralālabhaiJainapustakoddhāra; granthänkaḥ 101, 115, 116, 125, 126). Contents v. 1: Prakāśakiya (1)-2. Sampādakiya vaktavya 38. – Sanjñāpatrakam [List of source books, listing all those edited by Anandasāgara = Āgamoddhāraka] 9-11. - Patränka sūci 12-15. = Śuddhipatrakam (16). - Sriāgamoddhāraka-stavah. (1)-24. -- Alpaparicitasaiddhāntikaśabdakosah 'anka- ohabale' 1-237 p. v. 2: Virābdah 2490. Vaikramā'bdah 2020. Sākābdah 1886. Khristābdah 1964. Contents : Prakāśakiya (1-2). - (2 plates of buildings of Setha Devacanda-Lālabhāi-Jainavidyārthabhuvana in Gopīpura, Surat, also of Anandasagara and Manikyasagara). - Svalpam [3]. – Sanjñā patrakam (8)-10. – Patrānkasūci (11)-14. - Suddhipatrakam (15]. 16. - (composite of photographs of Anandasāgara, with caption "Sriāgamoddhārakāstakam) [21]. - Agama vatavrksa (1)-4. - 'kankatu kadesyah'jhosetha (241)-455. v. 3: Virābdaḥ 2495. Vikramā'bdah 2025. Śākābdaḥ 1891. Khristābdah 1969. Contents v. 3: Prakāśakiya (5-6). – Prathama bhāganu Page #36 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ WILES: THE BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE SVETAMBARA CANON 1966 1969 1970 sampādakiya vaktavya [7]-8. - [Plate of Anandasāgara Sūri]. A Śrīalpaparicitasaiddhantikasabdakoṣa' mäțe have pachi a. sai. śa.' evi sañjñāno upayoga karāśe [9]-12. Dvitiyabhāgagatam svalpam 13-14. Tṛtiya bhāgasya. yatkiñcit 15. - Patrankasuci [16]-19. Suddhipatrakam [1]-6. - Sanjñā patrakam 6-8. --- 'tankam'-'praudhi' 457[751]. *27 v. 4: Virabdaḥ 2500. Vaikrama'bdaḥ 2030. Sākābdaḥ 1893. Khristabdaḥ 1974. Contents v. 4: 'phandai'-'vrihyudaka' 753-1026. - Śuddhipatrakam 1027-31. [series details] 1032. Contents v. 5: Prakāśakiya 5-6. - - [Introduction in Sanskrit] 7-8. [Plate of Anandasägara]. [Introduction in Gujarati] 9-11. - Yat kiñcit 12-15. - Sañjñāpatrakam 16-26. — 'saka''hlasana' 1033-1213. Parisiṣṭa 1. [Supplementary entries] 1214-56. 2. Kalikālasarvajñaśabdānuśāsanādiveda catuṣṭayavidhātṛ-Śrīhemacandrācāryapraṇītadesyanāmasangrahākārādi 1-56. Lists occurences of words and the glosses on them found in the commentaries. ANU PK1223.A62 1954 v. 3, 4, 5 only [BORI, v. 1 and 2 are photocopies, others original printings] *Lesya-kosa / Mohanalala Banthiya, Śrīcand Cauradiyā. Kalakatta, 1966. [JSK 1, 1] *Kriya-kosa / Mohanalāla Banthiya, Śricand Cauraḍiyā. Kalakattā, 1969. [JSK 1, 1] Prakrit proper names / compiled by Mohanlal Mehta and K. Rishabh Chandra; edited by Dalsukh Malvania. Ahmedabad: L.D. Institute of Indology, 1970-72 v. ; 24 cm. (Agamic Index; v. 1.) (L.D. series; 28, 37). Contents v. 1: 12, 488 p. Preface / Dalsukh Malvania. [3]-4. - Transliteration [5]. – List of abbreviations [6]-12. - 'Aii''Phenamāliņi 1-488. Contents v. 2: Preface [1]. 'Bausa'-'Hottiya' 491-888. - Index / Ramesh Malvania (889]-1014. Page #37 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAIN JOURNAL : Vol-XXXV. No. 3 January 2001 8000 proper namnes collected from the original canonical texts of the Svetämbara Jains and from their printed Prakrit commentaries, that is the Niryuktis, Bhäsyas and Curņis, but not from the Sanskrit commentaries (v. 1 Preface, p. 3). The printing follows the pattern set out in the Dictionary of Pali Proper names. Sources outside the canonical works have only been consulted for geographical names. A dictionary of technical terms in Jaina canonical works was announced in the preface to v. 2. "1000 copies." ANU OS 3BL1310.A4 v. 1 and v. 2 1970.73 Joinendra siddhanta kośa / Jinendra Varni. Dilli : Bharatiya Jränapitha Prakāśana, Vira Ni. samvat 2496-99. Vikrama Samvat 2027-30. San. 1970-73. 4 v.; 27 cm. (Jnanapitha Mürtidevi Jaina granthamālā : Samskrta granthänka 38, 40, 42, 44). Contents v. 1: [1 plate, Mūrtidevi). - General editorial / H.L. Jain, A.N. Upadhye (1-2). = Pradhāna sampādakiya (341. - Prästävika / Jinendra Varni (5-6). - Sanketa-suci [78]. - Jainendra siddhānta kośa a-au (1)-503 p. – [Series details 11.8. Contents v. 2 : Vira samvat 2498. Vi. samvat 2028; A.D. 1971. : Sanketa-suci (98 abbreviated titles) (3-4). - Jainendra siddhänta kośa ka-na [1]-634. Contents v.3: Vira samvat 2498. V. samvat 2029. A.D. 1972: (plate Mürtidevī). -Sanketa-sūci (1-2). - Jainendra siddhanta kośa pa-va (1)-544. - (Series details 1]-8. Compilation of definitions and technical terms, 6000 words, 21000 topics are explained here (1,5), the Sanketa-sūci list of sources is exclusively Digambara. ANU PK965.V35 v. 1, 2, 3, 4 2nd edition of all volumes (1986?-88), revised by Jinendra Varni himself, 360 new entries, v. 5 to be an index to all the volumes v. 1 (2nd ed.) not held ANU. Contents v. 2: (Vira samvat 2512. Vi. samvat 2043; A.D. 1986) : Prakasakiya prastuti : dvitiya bhāga, dvitiya samskarana (1-2). - Sanketa-süci (98 abbreviated titles) (3 Page #38 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ WILES: THE BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE SVETAMBARA CANON 4]. Jainendra siddhanta kosa ka-na [1]-635. 637-40.- Bharatiya Jñänpith (publication list] 1-18]. Contents v. 3 (Vira samvat 2513. V. samvat 204-1. A.D. 1987): (plate Mürtidevi]. - Sanketa-suci [1-2]. ---Jainendra siddhanta kosa pa-va [1]-629. - Parisiṣṭa [631]-632 -- [Series details 11-8. Contents v. 4 (Vira samvat 2515. V. samvat 2045. A.D. 1988). [plate Murtidevi]. Sanketa-suci [1-2]. Jainendra siddhanta kosa sa-ha [1]-542. Parisiṣṭa [543]-544. ANU BL1303.V3 1985 v. 2, 3, 4 only. 1972-79 Jaina-lakṣaṇāvali; Jaina pāribhāṣika sabda koša / sampadaka Balacandra Siddhäntaśästri. Dilli Vira-SeväMandira, Vi. Ni. samvat 2498-99, Vikrama samvat 2028-36. San. 1972-79. 3 v.; 27 cm. (Vira-Seva-Mandira granthamälä, granthänka 15). v. 1 a-au: 15, 88, 312, 22 p. - v. 2 VI. Ni. samvat 2499. Vikrama samvat 2030. San 1973. kakva-pauṣṇakala: S, 313730, 22 p. v. 3 Vi. Ni. samvat 2505. Vikrama samvat 2036. San 1979. Contents v. I a-au: Prakāśakiya [2]-4. [5]-6. [1 leaf of plates, Jugalakiśora Mukhtara. Chotelala Saravagi] Foreword / Dayanand Bhargava [vii]-x - Do sabda [11]-13. Sampadakiya / Balacandra SiddhantaSastri [14]-15. - Prastāvanā [1]-85. Prakṛta sabdom ki - vikṛti va una kā Samskṛta rūpäntara / Balacandra Siddhanta-Sastri [86]-87. Suddhi-patra [88]. - Jainalakṣaṇāvali [1]-312. - Lakṣaṇāvali mem upayukta granthom ki anukramaņikā [1]-16. - Granthakārānukramanikä [17]20. Śatabdikrama ke anusāra granthakārānukramanikä 20-22. Vira-Seva-Mandira ke upayogi prakāśana [23]. - 129 Parisiṣṭa 1 -- --- Contents v. 2 kakva-pauṣṇakāla Prakāśakiya [4]-5. Sampadakiya / Balacandra Śāstri [6]. [reviewers opinions 7-8]. Jaina-laksanavali [313]-730. Lakṣaṇavali mem upayukta granthom ki anukramaņikā [390 titles] [1]-18. Granthākānukramaṇikā [19]-22. - Granthanukrama Prakāśakiya Contents v. 3 prakaraṇasamājāti-hrasva [includes photos of Jugalakisora Mukhtāra, Balacand: Page #39 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 30 JAIN JOURNAL: Vol-XXXV, No. 3 January 2001 Sāstri, Chotelāla Jain, śāntirasāda Jaina] (4)-6. - Sampādakiya / Balacandra Sastri (7]-8. - Foreword / Jyoti Prasad Jain [ix-xii. - Prastavaná / Balacandra Šāstri [1]44. - Prastāvanāgata visista laksya śabdom ki anukramaņikā [45]. – Suddhi-patra (46)-48. – Jainalakšanāvali (729)-1218. - Isa grantha ke samyojaka (photo of Jugalakiśora Mukhtara and short life details] (1219)-1220. "An authentic and descriptive dictionary of Jaina philosophical terms." ANU BL1303.937 1972 v. 1, 2, 3 1984 *Ekārthaka kośa: samānārthaka kośa / sampadaka Samani Kusumaprajna; vacana-pramukha Acarya Tulasi; pradhanasampadaka Yuvacarya Mahaprajna. 1. samskarana. Ladanun, Rajasthana : Jaina Visva Bharati, 1984. 41, 396 p.; 23 cm. (Univ. of Chicago library catalogue] Dictionary of Prakrit synonyms, with Hindi meaning. *Nirukta kosa / Sadhvi Siddhaprajna, Sadhvi Nirvanasri ; vacana-pramukha Acarya Tulasi ; pradhana-sampadaka Yuvacarya Mahaprajna. 1. samskarana. Ladanun, Rajasthana : Jaina Visva Bharati, 1984. 27, 370 p.; 22 cm. (Univ. of Chicago library catalogue) 987 Präkrta-Hindi kośa : Sv. Pam. Haragovindadāsa Trikanacanda Setha krta Pāia-sadda-mahannavo ki kiñcit parivartita āurtti - sampādaka Ke. Āra. Candra. Ahmadābāda : Prākịta Jaina Vidyā Vikāsa Phanda, 1987. 14, 890 p.; 24 cm. ANU MENZIES NEW BOOKS COLLECTION + 1799 210 988 Desi sabdakośa / vācanā-pramukha Ācārya Tulasi; pradhāna sampadaka Yuvācārya Mahāprajña; sampadaka Muni Dulaharāja; sahayogi Sadhvi Asokasri; Sādhavi Siddhaprajñā; Sādhavi Vimalaprajñā; Samani Kusumaprajnā. Lādanum, Rājasthāna : Jaina Viśva Bhārati, Vikrama samvat 2045. 1988. 66, 570 p.; 23 cm. Contents : Asirvacana / Acārya tulasi (5). - Puroväk / Yuvācārya Mahaprajña (71-9. -- Bhūmikā / Nathamala Tätiyā [111-14. - Sampādakiya (15)-51. - Prayukta grantha sūci Page #40 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ WILES: THE BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE SVETAMBARA CANON 131 (53)-62. – Sanketa sūcī (63)-66. – Anukrama (67). – Desi sabdakosa [1]-439. - Parisista 1. Avasista desi sabda (443)504. - 2. Desĩ dhātu-cayanika [5053-570. Three parts : Desi sabdakośa includes 10 000 desi words used in the Agamas and their commentaries including Angavijjā, Viy., ĀvCū., NandiCu., NisBhā., NisCu., VavaBhā., BrhKappBhā., Pāiyalacchināmamāla, Kuvalayamālā, Setubandha, etc. and grammar books (Sampādakıya, p. 38, 47). The first appendix gives 3 381 desi words from non-Agama texts and Apabhramsa literature, compiled from glossaries of published works, as well as PSM, words given in Trivikrama's Sabdanusāsana and 193 words from the chapter on style in Nemicandra Sastri's Haribhadra ke Prakrta kathā sahitya kā ālocanatmaka parisilana(1965) (for the titles of the works used see Sampādakiya, p. 48, for the list of editions used p. 53-62 (1st group). The second appendix gives 1745 desi roots from Prākrit grammatical literature, including those from the Agamas and non-Āgamic works (Sampādakīya, p. 22). ANU NBC 1 796 083 1992 *Ippagumta, S. Camdu kosam: Prakrit : English dictionary / by S. Ippagumta. lst. ed. Delhi, India : Parimal Publications, 1992. xii, 217 p.; 23 cm. (Univ. of Chicago library catalogue) 1994 *Bhayani, Harivallabh Chunilal, (b. 1917). Gujarati bhasano laghu vyutpattikosa / sampadaka Harivallabha Bhayani, sahayaka Urmi Desai. 1. avrtti. Gandhinagara : Gujarata Sahitya Akadami, 1994. 240 p.; 22 cm. Gujarati, Prakrit, and Sanskrit (Prakrit and Sanskrit in Gujarati script); explanatory matter in Gujarati. Summary : Gujarati-Prakrit-Sanskrit etymological dictionary. 1995 A Pada index and reverse pāda index to early Jain Canons : Ayäranga, Sūyagada, Uttarajjhāya, Dasaveyaliya, and Isibhāsiyaim / by Moriichi Yamazaki and Yumi Ousaka. Tokyo : Kosei Publishing Co., 1995. 537 p. 23 cm. (RW) Page #41 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ BOOK REVIEW Arhat Parbra and Dharanendra Nexus-ed by M. A. Dhaky, Lalbhai Dalpatbhad institute of Indology, Ahmedabad, and Bhogilal Leherchand Institute of Indology, Delhi, 1997, pp. xiv + 148 + 67 plates, price Rs. 400.00. One of the most authoritative books on Parsvanatha and his Dharanendra legend is the present one under review. It is a collection of fourteen articles on different aspects of Arhat Parsvanatha. Apart from editing the book, the editor M.A. Dhaky has also contributed three articles on Arhat Parsva and Dharanendra Nexus: An Introductory Estimation, Arhat Pārsva with Dharanendra in Hymnic Literature and The Tirthas of Parsvanatha in Gujarat. All these articles are full of information and marked by distinctive features. Most of the papers were read at a Seminar organised by B.L. Institute of Indology, Delhi, in 1987. The convener of the Seminar was Professor M.A. Dhaky. "The papers in this volume", says Dr. Jitendra B. Shah in his Foreword, "we feel (and the scholars possibly will endorse), cast fresh light on the problem of the connection between Arhat Pārśva and Nāgarāja Dharanendra and thus push forward the frontiers of research on that score by some measure, besides adding information on several facets of research and issues related with the doctrine, sect, followers and representations of Arhat Pārsva." The association of Dharanendra with Pārśva was figured in the medieval narrative literature of the Jains. "When Pārsva, after renunciation of worldly life was meditating (on the outskirts of Ahicchatra)", says M.A. Dhaky, "his past enemy, the tapasa-ascetic Kamatha, who after his death was reborn as a vyantara demi-god called Meghamali, conjured up a cloud bust, the fiercely gathering waters were intended to drown the Jina. At this juncture Nagendra Dharana, to whom Pārśva had shown compassion in the former's previous birth as snake, appeared on the scene, lifted up the Jina from the waters, and protectively spread his five-hooded head as a canopy over him." This simple legend which is available in a few versions in the pre-medieval and medieval narrative literature as well as in the sculptural representations could be found in the Nirgrantha literature Page #42 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ BOOK REVIEW 133 from the first century B.C. - A.D. In Padmakirti's Pasanähacariu in Apabhramsa written in A.D. 1077 is represented the third Digambara version of the legend. U.P. Shah's article on The Historical Origin and Ontological Interpretation of Arhat Pärsva's Association with Dharanendra is an interesting one and is also authenticated with textual references. Some articles containing the images and temples of Pārsvanatha, such as, Images and Temples of Parsva in Central India by Amar Singh, Pārsvanātha Images in Orissa and Bengal by D.R. Das, Parsvanātha Images in Ellora by Marutinandan Prasad Tiwari are illuminating and informative. Pārsvanātha is also mentioned in southern India inscriptions, and these are Jina Parsva and his Temples in Inscriptions: Southern India (C. 5th to 11th cent. A.D) Andhra Pradesh, Kerala, and Tamil Nadu by K.V. Ramesh and Jina Pārsva and his Temples in Inscriptions : Southern India (Karnataka) (C. 5th to 11th century A.D.) by Madhav N. Katti. It contains 67 plates of Pārsvanātha collected from different museums of India showing different aspects of Parsvanātha figures belonging to different centuries. All these plates are not chronologically arranged. On the whole, this is a well-written text on Pärsvanātha and his Dharanendra legend and every piece of article is well-edited and every piece of information is also well-documented. The quality of paper and printing is of high order and binding is done well. A well-authenticated life story of Pārsvanātha would have been an added quality to this book. Every ardent scholar of Jainism must peruse this volume for his research. Manatungācārya aur unke Stotra-ed by Madhusudan Dhaky and Jitendra Shah, Sharadaben Chimanbhai Educational Research Centre, Ahmedabad, 1997, pp. (viii) + 135. The two editors - M.A. Dhaky and J.B. Shah-are to be congratulated for bringing out a treatise on Mānatunga and his workBhaktāmara-stora. In their elaborate Hindi introduction, the editors have discussed several problems on the Bhaktamara-stotra, such as, the story behind the composition of the work, the sloka-number of Bhaktāmara, the philosophy of the work, Bhayahara-stotra and the comparison, the date of Manatunga and his followers. It also contains only the texts of Bhaktāmara-stotram and Bhayahara-stotram The Page #43 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 134 JAIN JOURNAL : Vol-XXXV, No. 3 January 2001 latter work is in Prakrit. The text is exceptionally well-printed and the quality of paper is remarkable. The Bhaktāmara-stotra text is printed in bid type very pleasing to the eye. The introduction is marvellously written. The analysis of the topic is logically presented, and I personally agree with lots of their arguments. The book is recommended to all lovers of Jainism and particularly to those who are the fans of Bhaktāmara-stotra. The Rajputs of Rajputana-A Glimpse of Medieval Rajasthan : Dr. M.S. Naravane; A.P.H. Publishing Corporation, 5, Ansari Road, Daryaganj, New Delhi-110002. Rs. 700. "This is not history in the true sense. It is also not a mere travelogue. I can call it a journey through history which took me to the major signposts of that history and to the people whose ancestors made that history." So says the author, who was Wing Commander in the Indian Air Force, who after retirement, returned to his first love -- Indian medieval history. He travelled alone in his scooter to all important towns and forts and monuments in Maharashtra and Rajasthan. Hundreds of tourists visit Jaipur or Bikaner, Ranthambore or Chittoor and look at them with awe and wonder how these mighty forts or palaces could possibly fall to any invader. Others, keen on seeing temples, visit the exquisite Dilwara temples at Abu or Nathadwara or Eklingji in Udaipur. But what lies behind these historical monuments ? The author seeks to provide the information with great care and deep interest. By extensive field trips and interviewing the local people and consulting authentic historical writings, he has been able to present the true essence of the rich culture and traditions of the Rajputs who epitomise chivalry and exemplary courage. He has devoted individual chapters on social, political and military ethos of the Rajputs. The colourful dress, ornaments, marriage system, polygamy, Sati and Jauhar, food and hospitality, religion, art and architecture are described lucidly. The author has made a critical analysis of the strength and weaknesses of the Rajput army. They committed tactical blunders Page #44 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ BOOK REVIEW 135 and turned an almost sure victory into defeat. The brave and triumphant Prithviraj Chauhan met with his defeat and death due to tactical mistakes and over-confidence and also unwarranted lenience to the enemies. Lack of cohesion, failure to adapt to changing pattern of warfare and use of arms are also cited as causes for their failure. The sword and the shield, the musket and the bows have long since been consigned to the museum. What lives on to the great fortune of India is the Rajputs' courage and loyalty which find their outlet in the regiment of the Indian Army. In the chapter entitled "A journey through history", the author takes the reader to all important places and gives interesting accounts of forts, palaces, temples, fairs and festivals for which Rajasthan has become so famous. The book makes an enjoyable reading - factual and analytical. K.V. Raman, from The Hindu 22 August 2000 nal Use Only Page #45 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 136 JAIN JOURNAL : Vol-XXXV, No. 3 January 2001 NEWS ON JAINISM AROUND THE WORLD Need to protect Jain rock-cut beds The 17 rock-cut beds of Jain ascetics atop the 300-foot-tall hillock at Sittannavasal, 20 km frorn Pudukottai, dating back to 2nd century B.C. are badly in need of protection from indiscriminate blasting of rocks from the quarries at the foot of the hills. Pudukottai region had been an important centre for Jain ascetics from the early days. Quite a few megalithic burial sites are strewn all around the hill, indicating that Sittannavasal was an important human settlement in those distant days. Sittannavasal, Vellanur, Thenimalai, Ammachatram, Kudumiyanmalai, Chettipatti etc. were centres where the Jain ascetics had chosen to lead their secluded life. With the ascendance of the Pandya kings in Madurai in the 7th century, and the active support given to Hindu savants by the kings, many Jain monks withdrew to nearby Pudukottai district. The Jain rock-cut beds of Sittannavasal are not only the oldest, but also artistically and historically most significant. Most of the beds are having a raised portion akin to the pillow, and some of them are very broad. Near the pillow portion of one of the beds, there is a Tamil Brahmi inscription which reads that the bed was constructed as an offering to the Jain monk, by a devotee, Ilayar Enbaan of Sithuposil, the old name of Sittannavasal. There are similar inscriptions mentioning the names of the Jain monks to whom the beds were made as an offering The entire Jain rock beds could be reached by climbing the steep rocky clope and after crossing the seven steps and hence the Sittannavasal rock-beds are called 'Ezhadipattam". According to Mr. P. Rajendran, Conservation Officer of the Archaeological Survey of India, the cavern measuring about 50 metres long and five metres wide, which sports the magnificent rock-cut beds, is exposed to the continuous high pressure gusts of wind created by the blasting of rocks in the quarries--one situated just at the foot of the hill and a series of quarries at Kazhugumalai village, located less than three metres away. Already minor cracks had developed on the roof of the cavern due to the high pressure gusts of winds, and it is Page #46 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ NEWS ON JAINISM AROUND THE WORLD feared that unless certain restrictions are placed on the use of high explosives, the cavern faces risk of collapsing in the near future. However, there is some ray of hope. Mr. Chandrakant Kamble, District Collector, who has assumed office recently, and has launched a plan to revive the DWACRA women groups for quarrying, has assured that licences for new quarrying will be issued only after ascertaining whether they would be at a safe distance from the archaeological monuments. 137 The lease period of the quarry at the foot of the hill would be expiring very soon, and it would not be renewed he assured. A decision has been taken to stop quarrying near Kudumiyanmalai, Sittannavasal, and Ammachatram, since they were close to protect monuments of the ASI. HC settles row over Jain rituals The Mumbai High Court has held that observing be tithi calender and performing navangi guru worship by devotees was not illegal or contrary to the principles or tenets of Jain religion. The Hindu 7July 2000 The ruling will have a bearing on the two crore Jain community spread all over the country, because it puts at rest the controversy over the manner of gurupoojan (worshipping guru) and observance of tithis in the absence of any such mention in Jain religious scriptures since time immemorial. While one section believed in ekang (in reverence to one point of guru's body) and ek tithi, the other followed navang (in reverence to nine points of the body) and be tithi. However, there was no dispute over the manner in which idol should be worshipped. The judgement was delivered by Justice Rajan Kochar who recently upheld a lower court's order which restrained Matunga Jain Shwetamber Murti Pujak Tapagachha Sangh, a trust, from putting up signboards at Upashraya (temple banning Navangi worship and the practice of following be tithi calender. A few devotees had challenged in a civil court resolutions passed by the trust in its general body meeting on July 1, 1998 banning Page #47 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 138 JAIN JOURNAL: Vol.XXXV, No. 3 January 2001 navangi worship. The court ruled in their favour and the aggreived trust siled an appeal before the High Court. The judge observed, 'Guru vandanā, will depend on the devotee and the Guru. The New Indian Express 31 July 2000 HC order on Jains' worship In a landmark verdict, the Mumbai High Court has held that observing 'Be Tithi' calendar and performing 'Navangi' Guru worship by devotees was no illegal or contrary to the principles or tenets of the Jain religion. The ruling will have a bearing on the two-crore Jain community spread all over the country, because it puts at rest the controversy over the manner of Gurupoojan' (worshipping Guru) and observance of'titis' in the absence of any such mention in Jain religious scriptures since time immemorial. While one section believed in 'Ekang (in reverence to one point of the Guru's body) and 'Ek Tithi', the other followed 'Navang' (in reverence to nine points of the body) and 'Be Tithi'. However, there was no dispute over the manner in which the idol should be worshipped. The judgement was delivered by Justice Ranjan Kochar, who recently upheld a lower court's order which restrained the Matunga Jain Shwetamber Murti Pujak Tapagachha Sangh, a trust, from putting up signboards at the Upashraya (temple banning Navangi' worship and the practice of following 'Be Tithi' calendar. A few devotees had challenged in a civil court resolutions passed by the trust in its general body meeting on July 1, 1998 banning 'Navangi' worship. The court ruled in their favour and the aggreived trust siled an appeal before the High Court. The judge observed, "Guru Vandanã will totaily depend on the devotce and the Guru. No trust can permit or allow any member of the Jain community to perform 'Guru Pooja' in a particular way. There is nothing wrong is a devotee or member of the trust performs Pooja in accordance with his own 'Bhakti', which, however, should not be against Jain religion." The Judge observed "If the Guru accepts such a form of worship (Navangi), I do not find how the trust can prevent or prohibit 'Gurupoojan' by a devotee in this manner.' Page #48 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ NEWS ON JAINISM AROUND THE WORLD 139 "It may be that 'Navangi' was acceptable to a microscopic minority among Jains and may be it was also not universally accepted. But there is no Jain Shastra or scripture to show that 'Navangi' is against the tenets of Jain religion." 'Navangi' might be of recent origin but such a practice was in vogue in a section of the Jain community and if such worship was in accordance with religious tenets, practices and usage, the trust had no powers to restrict devotees from performing it in the Upashraya. It also had no right to allow only 'Ekangi' worship, Justice Kochar ruled. The trust was empowered to frame regulations on the administration of the shrine or place of worship or any other property, but it could not lay down guidelines for the mode of worship, the Judge remarked. The Judge also went through the scheme framed by the High Court many years ago for the administration of the same trust and found that there was no clause to show ban on 'Navangi' form of worship. "According to me, the trust cannot choose to invite only such gurus who follow either 'Ekangi Guru Pooja' or 'Navangi' worship. It has to treat all of them equally without any discrimination. It can, however, fix any day of the week for 'Navangi' worship to avoid inconvenience to others", he opined. The Hindu 31 July 2000 Lampless Jain temple turns 100 The 'Lampless Jain temple' in Mattancherry is celebrating its centenary and the Sthanakvasi Jains are commemorating it during *Paryushan Parva', falling between Aug 26 and Sept 9. Lasting for nearly eight days, Paryushan Parva is the most important festival of the Jains when they observe severe penance, undertake fasts and do charities. On Sept 3 they observe 'Samuhik Kshamapana' collective pardon, when they seek pardon from all living beings in the world. They also grant pardon for any wrong done to them. The prosperous Jain community in Kochi has about 1200 Swethambara Jains and 400 of them belong to the Sthanakvasi sect who worship without idols, pujas, incense or flowers, or lamps (hence the name lampless temple), as they believe that even flowers have life and that light can attract flies and kill them. They sit in meditation Page #49 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 140 JAIN JOURNAL: Vol-XXXV, No. 3 January 2001 covering their nose and mouth, so that they do not inhale living organisms. The Deravasi Jains worship idols, perform pujas, light lamps and offer prayers. The Lampless temple, the only one of its kind in Kerala, is one hundred years old. It's just a cool spacious hall sans idols where men and women sit separately to meditate. Thousands of pigeons feeding on offerings from devotees greet your arrival. Jain monks and nuns walk barefoot to this Sthanak every year in pilgrimage. To cope with the increasing rush of Jain pilgrims, renovation plans are afoot estimated at around Rs. 30 lakhs. Jainism in Kerala dates back to the third century. Relics of the religion's significant past presence is marked by temples that have survived the onslaught of time and fundamentalism, like the temple in Wyanad, or the Kallil Bhagavati temple in Perumbavoor or the temple in Nagercoil. Jainism is undergoing a revival, even abroad, with more people getting attracted to it by its cardinal principles, like 'live and let live', 'forget and forgive', and even vegetarianism. Even its prayers are not addressed to an individual god but to all those who are an embodiment of all virtues. The Indian Express 14 August 2000 Mahaveer's teachings recalled The teachings of Lord Mahaveer and tenets of Jainism were recalled by speakers at a function organised here (at Chennai) on September 16, to espouse the cause of universal peace. The function was organised as part of the ongoing 2600th birth anniversary celebrations of the Jain monk by the Shri Chandraprabhu Jain Naya Mandir Trust. The speakers stressed the need to preserve the environment and ensure peace not only among humankind, but also between men and animals. Jain Acharyas Nityodaya Sagar Suriji Maharaj and Chandranan Sagar Suriji Maharaj participated in the function in which ‘Mahamangalik' was rendered. Speaking on the occasion, Mr. N. Veerasamy, Minister for Health and Electricity, promised all support and protection to the Jain community. Mr. L. Ganesan, general secretary of the Tamil Nadu unit of the Page #50 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ NEWS ON JAINISM AROUND THE WORLD 141 BJP, hailed the contribution of the Jains to the development of the country. Mr. J. Gokulchand Jain, secretary of the Trust, listed out its activities. The Hindu 17 September 2000 Rajasthan HC declares Jains as minority In an important pronouncement the Rajasthan High Court has declared Jains as a religious minority community and allowed teaching institutions set up by them to enjoy minority status under Articles 29 and 30 of the constitution. Allowing a writ petition filed by the Vijay Shanti Educational Trust, Mr. Justice Rajesh Balia held that Jains constituted a separate religious community and because of their small population they come under religious minority community. Rejecting the State Government's contention that only after issuance of a Central notification the teaching institutions established by Jains could be provided benefit under Articles 29 and 30 of the Constitution, Mr. Justice Balia said the community cannot be deprived of minority status on this ground. The petitioner trust, a body of Swetambar Jains, told the court that it had set up a dental college and hospital in Udaipur after obtaining permission from the State and Central Governments and the Dental Council of India, and was now seeking minority status for the institution. The State Government asked the trust to apply for the same to the State Minorities Commission which issued it a certificate last year. However, the certificate was withdrawn by the commission on the ground that an inquiry was pending in the matter. The Hindu 17 September 2000 Mahaveer Awards presented Mahaveer Awards 2000, instituted by Bhagwan Mahaveer Foundation, were presented to KM Gangwal, Pune, Chennai Cancer Institute and Tripura Adivasi Mahila Samithy, Agartala, by State Assembly Speaker PTR Palanivel Rajan yesterday (5.10.2000). Addressing the function, Palanivel Rajan said Christians and Muslims in the State do yeomen service in education and health care. He praised the foundation for its service to society. Page #51 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAIN JOURNAL: Vol-XXXV, No. 3 January 2001 K M Gangwal received the award propagating non-violence and vegetarianism. The Cancer Institute bagged the award for excellence in education and medicine and the Tripura Adivasi Mahila Samithy for its social and community service. Each award carried a cash prize of Rs. 5 lakh, a memento and a citation. 142 V Santha from the Cancer Institute and president of the Samithy Anurupa Mukerjee received the awards on behalf of their institutions. Ambassador of the Republic of Bulgaria Edwin Sugarev and Ambassador of Lebanon embassy, New Delhi, Jean Daniel, offered felicitations. Former RBI Governor S Venkitaramanan also spoke. Acharya Sri Chandaji released the brochure. The New Indian Express 7 October 2000 International Seminar on Aspects of Jainism The International Seminar on Jainism "Aspects of Jainism" was held at Warsaw University, Poland, between 8th and 9th September, 2000. It was the most important Indological events in Poland. It is also for the first time in the history of Polish Indology that scholars met and debated on issues pertaining to the field of Jaina and related studies. The seminar was presided by Sri Muni Jambuvijaya. World top specialists participated and presented their papers. From MLBD Newsletter, November 2000 Page #52 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAIN BHAWAN: ITS AIMS AND OBJECTS JAIN BHAWAN: ITS AIMS AND OBJECTS The establishment of the Jain Bhawan in 1945 in the Burra Bazar area of Calcutta by eminent members of the Jain Community, the Jain Bhawan has kept the stream of Jain philosophy and religion flowing steadily in eastern India for the last over fifty years. The objectives of this institution are the following: 143 1. To establish the greatness of Jainism in the world rationally and to spread its glory in the light of new knowledge. 2. To develope intellectual, moral and literary pursuits in the society. 3. To impart lessons on Jainism among the people of the country. 4. To encourage research on Jain Religion and Philosophy. To achieve these goals, the Jain Bhawan runs the following programmes in various fields. 1. School: To spread the light of education the Bhawan runs a school, the Jain Shikshalaya, which imparts education in accordance with the syllabi prescribed by the West Bengal Board. Moral education forms a necessary part of the curricula followed by the school. It has on its roll about 550 students and 25 teachers. 2. Vocational and Physical Classes: Accepting the demands of the modern times and the need to equip the students to face the world suitably it conducts vocational and physical activity classes. Classes on traditional crafts like tailoring, stitching and embroidery and other fine arts along with Judo, Karate and Yoga are run throughout the year, not just for its own students, but for outsiders as well. They are very popular amongst the ladies of Burra Bazar of Calcutta. 3. Library: "Education and knowledge are at the core of all round development of an individual. Hence the pursuit of these should be the sole aim of life". Keeping this philosophy in mind a library was established on the premises of the Bhawan. With more than 10,000 books on Jainism, its literature and philosophy and about 3,000 rare manuscripts, the library is truly a treasure trove. A list of such books and manuscripts can be obtained from the library. 4. Periodicals and Journals: To keep the members abreast of contemporary thinking in the field of religion the library subscribes to about 100 (hundred) quarterly, monthly and weekly periodicals from different parts of the world. These can be issued to members interested in the study of Jainism. 5. Journals: Realising that there is a need for research on Jainism and that scholarly knowledge needs to be made public, the Bhawan in its role as a research institution brings out three periodicals: Jain Journal in English, 'Titthayara' in Hindi and 'Sramana' in Bengali. In 35 years of its publication, the Jain Journal has carved out a niche for itself in the field and has received universal acclaim. Śramana, the Bengali journal, which is celebrating its twentyseventh anniversary this year, has become a prominent channel for the spread of Page #53 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 144 JAIN JOURNAL: Vol-XXXV, No. 3 January 2001 Jain philosophy in Bengal. Both the Journals are edited by a renowned scholar Professor Dr Satya Ranjan Banerjee of Calcutta University. The Jain Journal and Sramana for over twentyseven years have proved that these journals are in great demand for its quality and contents. The Jain Journal is highly acclaimed by foreign scholars. The same can be said about the Hindi journal “Titthayara" which is edited by Mrs Lata Bothra. In April this year it entered its 25th year of publication. Needless to say that these journals have played a key-role in propagating Jain literature and philosophy. Progressive in nature, these have crossed many milestones and are poised to cross many more. 6. Seminars and Symposia : The Bhawan organises seminars and symposia on Jain philosophy, literature and the Jain way of life, from time to time. Eminent scholars, laureates, professors etc. are invited to enlighten the audience with their discourse. Exchange of ideas, news and views are the integral parts of such programmes. 7. Scholarships to researchers : The Bhawan also grants scholarships to the researchers of Jain philosophy apart from the above mentioned academic and scholastic activities. 8. Publications : The Bhawan also publishes books and papers on Jainism and Jain philosophy. Some of its prestigious publications are : The Bhagavati Sutra (in English) Parts 1 to 4 Barsat ki Rat (A Rainy Night) (in Hindi), Panchadarshi (in Hindi) Bangal ka Adi Dharma (Pre-historic religion of Bengal) Praśnottare Jaina-dharma (in Bengali) (Jain religion in questions and answers). Weber's Sacred Literature of the Jains. 9. A Computer Centre : To achieve a self reliance in the field of education, a Computer training centre was opened at the Jain Bhawan in February 1998. This important and welcome step will enable us to establish links with the best educational and cultural organisations of the world. With the help of E-mail, internet and website, we can help propagate Jainism throughout the world. Communications with other similar organisations will enrich our own knowledge. Besides the knowledge of programming and graphics, this computer training will equip our students to shape their tomorrows. 10. Research : It is, in fact, a premiere institution for research in Prakrit and Jainism, and it satisfies the thirst of many researchers. To promote the study of Jainism in this country, the Jain Bhawan runs a research centre and encourages students to do research on any aspects of Jainism. In a society infested with contradictions and violence, the Jain Bhawan acts as a philosopher and guide and shows the right path. Friends, you are now aware of the functions of this prestigious institution and its noble intentions. We, therefore, request you to encourage us heartily in our creative and scholastic endeavours. We hope that you will continue to lend us your generous support as you have done in the past. Page #54 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAIN BHAWAN PUBLICATIONS 145 JAIN BHAWAN PUBLICATIONS P-25 Kalakar Street, Calcutta - 700 007 Price :Rs. 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 English: 1. Bhagavati-sutra-Text edited with English translation by K.C. Lalwani in 4 volumes; Vol-1 (satakas 1-2) Vol-II (satakas 3-6) Vol-III (satakas 7-8) Vol-IV (satakas 9-11) 2. James Burges - The Temples of Satruñjaya, Jain Bhawan, Calcutta, 1977, pp. x+82 with 45 plates (It is the glorification of the sacred mountain Satruñaya.] 3. P.C. Samsukha-Essence of Jainism translated by Ganesh Lalwani, 4. Ganesh Lawani - Thus Sayeth Our Lord, Price :Rs. 100.00 Price :Rs. Price :Rs. 10.00 10.00 Hindi 5. Ganesh Lalwani-Atimukta (2nd edn) translated by Shrimati Rajkumari Begani Price :Rs. 40.00 6. Ganesh Lalwani - Sraman Samskriti ki Kavitā, translated by Shrimati Rajkumari Begani Price :Rs. 20.00 7. Ganesh Lalwani - Nilanjanā translated by Shrimati Rajkumari Begani Price :Rs. 30.00 8. Ganesh Lalwani - Condana-Mürti, translated by Shrimati Rajkumari Begani, Price :Rs. 50.00 9. Ganesh Lalwani - Vardhaman Mahavir Price :Rs. 60.00 10. Ganesh Lalwani-Barsat ki Ek Rāt, Price :Rs. 45.00 11. Ganesh Lalwani - Pañcadasi, Price :Rs. 100.00 12. Rajkumari Begani - Yado ke Āine mē, Price :Rs. 30.00 Bengali: 13. Ganesh Lalwani -- Atimukta, Price :Rs. 40.00 14. Ganesh Lalwani - Sraman Samskrti Kavita. Price :Rs. 20.00 15. Puran Chand Shyamsukha-Bhagavan Mahāvir O Jaina Dharma, Price :Rs. 15.00 Three Journals : Jain Journal A Quarterly research Journal on Jainism yearly Rs. 60.00 Life Membership-Rs. 2000.00 Titthayara A Monthly research Journal on Jainism in Hindi Life Membership-Rs. 1000.00 Sramana A Monthly research Journal on Jainism in Bengali yearly-Rs. 30.. Life Member Rs. 500.00 Page #55 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ BOYD SMITHS PVT. LTD. B-3/5 Gillander House 8 Netaji Subhas Road, Calcutta-700 001 Phone: (0) 220 8105/2139, (R) 329 0629/0319 NAHAR 5/1 Acharya Jagadish Chandra Bose Road, Calcutta-700 020 Phone : 247 6874, Resi : 244 3810 KUMAR CHANDRA SINGH DUDHORIA 7 Camac Street, Calcutta - 700 017 Phone : 242 5234/0329 WITH BEST WISHES It is difficult to conquer self. If self is conquered, we shall be happy in this world and afer. TARUN TEXTILES (P) LTD. 203/1 Mahatma Gandhi Road Calcutta-700 007 Phone: 238-8677/1647, 239 6097 ASHOK KUMAR RAIDANI 6, Temple Street Calcutta-700 072 Phone: 237 4132, 236 2072 GLOBE TRAVELS Contact for better & Friendlier Service 11, Ho Chi Minh Sarani, Calcutta-700 071 Phone: 282-8181 MANIK JAIN Philatelia 1 Moti Sil Street Calcutta-700 013 Phone : 228-8549 Page #56 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Computer Exchange Park Centre 24 Park Street Calcutta - 700 016 Phone: 229 5047/0911 BALURGHAT TRANSPORT CO. LTD. 170/2C, A.J.C. Bose Road Calcutta-14, Phone: 245 1612-15, 247-4851 2, Ramlochan Mallick Street Calcutta-700073, Phone : 238 7098/9397 SONA CHAND BOYED & SONS 9/10, Sita Nath Bose Lane Salkia, Howrah - 711 106 Phone, Resi : 665 3666/665 2272 In the Memory of Sohan Raj Singhvi Vinaymati Singhvi 93/4, Karaya Road Calcutta - 700 019 Phone (O) 220 8967 (R) 247 1750 ARIHANT JEWELLERS Mahender Singh Nahata 57, Burtalla Street, Calcutta-700 007 Phone: 232 4978 R.K. KOTHARI N.I. Corporation Photographic, Heavy & Fine Chemicals 44c, Indian Mirror Street, Calcutta-700 013 Phone : 245-5763/64/65 D: 245-5766, Fax : 91-33-2446148 MUSICAL FILMS (P) LTD. 9A Esplanade East Calcutta - 700 069 SWTONE ELECTRONICS 29/1B, Chandni Chowk Street 1st Floor, Calcutta-700 076 Phone: 237 6255 Page #57 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Caltronix 12, India Exchange Place 3rd Floor, Calcutta- 700 001 Phone: 220-1958/4110 M.C.C. INVESTMENT & LEASING CO. LTD. 9, Rabindra Sarani Calcutta-700 073 Phone: 235 7750/0741 DR. ANJULA VINAYAKA M.D. DND, M.R. C,O.G. (London) 12, Prannath Pandit Street Calcutta-700 025, Phone: 474-8008 DELUXE TRADING CORPORATION Distinctive Printers 36, Indian Mirror Street Calcutta-700013 Phone: 244-4436 GRAPHITE INDIA LTD. Pioneer Carbon/Graphite Industry 31, Chowranghee Road, Calcutta-700 016 Phone : 226 4943, 226 5755, Fax: (033) 242 6420 WILLARD INDIA LTD. Mcleod House, 3 N.S. Road Calcutta-700 001, Tel No. 248-7476 Fax: 248-8184 PIONEER SAFETY PRODUCTS INDIA PVT. LTD. 105, Matheswar Talla Road, Calcutta-700 046 Phone: (O) 328 1541 (R) 2405129, 2804740 Fax: 329 0895 VINEET PVT. LTD. 1, Shakespeare Sarani, Calcutta Phone : 282 7612/7626/7617 Gram-Vineet Page #58 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ PUSHRAJ PURANMULL 65, Cotton Street, Calcutta-700 007 Phone : Gaddi 239 7343/4577 Office : 220 7969, 221 1907 Resi : 247 1490, 40 3104 MINEX AGENCIES 71, Ganesh Chandra Avenue Calcutta-700013 Phone: 225 7067, 236 1178 Resi : 534 4392 MINERAL GRINDING INDUSTRIES 23/24 Radha Bazar Street, Calcutta-700 001 Phone: (O) 242 9199/2218/2883/5335 Resi : 240 5119 RELIANCE PRODUCTS PVT. LTD. 15, Chittaranjan Avenue, Calcutta - 700 072 Phone Office : 237 4927/5311 Resi : 241 4538/3719 MAHAVIR COKE INDUSTRIES (P) LTD. 1/1A, Biplabi Anukul Chandra Street Calcutta-700 072 Phone: 215-1297/236-4230/4240 JAISHREE EXPORTS A Govt. of India Recognised Export House 105/4, Karaya Road, Calcutta-700 017 Phone : 247-1810/1751, 240-6447 Fax: 913 3247/2897 1.B. ENGINEERS Off : 26, P.K. Tagore Street Calcutta-700 006, Factory : 7, Graham Road Kamarhatty, Cal-700 058 Phone-Off: 530-7442, 530-9520 Fact : 553-3438, 334-2524 SUTRIPTA ASIT KUMAR 2 No. Ratanpur Singur, Hooghly, West Bengal Page #59 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ MOHAN LAL JAIN 9, India Exchange Place 5th Floor, Room No. 6 Calcutta-700 001 Phone: 220 8255/8528 RAMESH TRADING CO. 17, Armenian Street Calcutta-700 001 Phone : 235 4253 SAMANT JUTE SUPPLY 12, Pollock Street, Calcutta-700 001 Phone : 235 1001/5000 RATAN LAL DUNGARIA 16B, Ashutosh Mukherjee Road Calcutta-700 020 Phone (R) : 455 3586 JAIPUR EMPORIUM 227, A. J.C. Bose Road Anandlok Building Calcutta Phone : 240 7937, 280 0494 C . SUDIP KUMAR SINGH DUDHORIA Indian Silk House Agencies 129, Rasbehari Avenue Calcutta, Phone : 464-1186 SHIV TRADING CO. 11, Polock Street, Calcutta-700 001 Phone: 335 1423 HIRALAL MOTILAL BENGANI 21, Burtolla Street 7th Floor, Calcutta-700 007 Phone: 238 1831/3207 Page #60 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ V.S. JAIN Royal Gems INC. Diamond & Coloured Stones 632, Vine Street, Suit # 421 Cincinnati OH 45202 Phone: 1-800-627-6339 RAJIV DOOGAR 305, East Tomaras Avenue SAVOY ILLINOIS-61874 U.S.A, (219) 2884652 DR. NARENDRA L. PARSON & RITA PARSON 18531 Valley Drive Villa Park, California 92667 U.S.A Phone: 714-998-1447 714998-2726 Fax-714 7717607 MANOHAR PARSON 18, Aldridge Way Nepean, Ottawa, Canada K2 G4 H8 Phone (613)-726-1231 Fax-(613)-7211343 SAILENDRA NAHAR Clo Impex Enterprises P.O. Box 476, Halton Garden, London Ecin 8DL Phone : 44-171-404-7221 Res. 44-181-3408270 CREATIVE LTD. 12, Dargah Road, Post Box 16127 Calcutta-700017 Phone: 240 3758/3450/1690/0514 NIRMAL KUMAR DUGAR 11, Dr. Ashutosh Shastri Road Calcutta-10, Phone No.: 350 2928 S.C. SUKHANI Shanti Niketan Building 4th Floor, Room No. 14, 8, Camac Street, Calcutta-700 017 Phone off: 242 0525 Res : 239 9548, Fax: 242-3818 Page #61 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ J. KUTHARI PVT. LTD. 12 India Exchange Place, Calcutta-700 001 Phone: (O) 220 3142, 221 4095, (R) 475 0995, 4761803, Fax: 221 4131 SANJAY MINNI Minisoft Private Limited 209, M.G. Road, Calcutta-700 007 Phone: 238-8154, Fax: 91-33-2311690 METROPOLITAN BOOK COMPANY 93, Park Street Calcutta-700 016 Phone: (O) 226 2418 (R) 464 2783 In the memory of Late Narendra Singh Singhi Angoori Devi Singhi 48/3, Gariahat Road Calcutta-700 019, Tel : 464-2851/3511 SURANA MOTORS LTD. 8th Floor, 84 Parijat 24A Shakespeare Sarani Calcutta - 700 071 Phone : 247 7450 Fax: 247-5264 LALCHAND DHARAM CHAND Govt. Recognised Export House 12, India Exchange Place, Calcutta-700 001 Phone: (B) 220 2074/8958, (D) 220 0983/3187 Resi : 464 3235/1541, Fax: 220 9755 C.H. SPINNING & WEAVING MILLS PVT. LTD. Bothra Ka Chowk Gangasahar, Bikaner B.W.M. INTERNATIONAL Peerkhanpur Road, Bhadohi - 221 401 Phone: Off, 05414-25178/778, 79 Fax: 05414-25378 Bikaner 0151-522404, 25973, Fax: 0151-61256 Page #62 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ AAREN EXPORTERS 12A, Netaji Subhas Road 1st Floor, Room No. 10 Calcutta - 700 001 Phone: 220-1370/3855 KESARIA & COMPANY Jute Tea Blenders & Packeteers since 1921 2., Lal Bazar Street, Todi Chambers, 5th Floor, Calcutta-700 001 Phone Office : 248-8576/0669/1242 Resi : 225 5514, 27-8208, 29-1783 LODHA CHARITABLE TRUST 14, Government Place East Calcutta-700 001 A.K. Chhajes Chhajes & Co. Chartered Accountant 230A Masjid Moth South Extention Part II New Delhi - 110 049 Siddha Niketan Golden chance to book flat in Jaipur Calcutta - 700 071 Phone: 282-2164/4577 Suvighya Boyed 340 Mill Road Apt # 1407 Etobicolse Onterio - m 9 Cly 8 416-622-5583 PRITAM ELECT & ELECTRONICS PVT. LTD. 22, Rabindra Sarani Shop No. G-136 Calcutta-700 073 Phone : (033) 2362210 Page #63 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ R.C. BOTHRA & COMPANY PVT. LTD Steamer Agents, Handling Agents, Commission Agents & Transport Contractors Regd. Office 2, Clive Ghat Street, (N.C. Dutta Sarani) Calcutta-700 001 Phone : 220 9333/6702/6400 Fax: (91) (33) 220-9333 Vizag Office 28-2-47 Daspalla Centre Vishakhapatnam-530020, Phone: 569208/563276 Fax : 91-891-569326 Page #64 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ HINDUSTAN GAS & INDUSTRIES LTD. ESSEL MINING & INDUSTRIES LTD. Registered Cffice "Industry House" 10, Camac Street, Calcutta-700 017 Telegram : 'Hindogen' Calcutta Phone : (033) 242-8399/8330/5443 Fax : (91) 33 2424998/4280 Manufacturers of : Engineers' Stee! Files & Carbon Dioxide Gas At Tangra (Calcutta) Iron Ore and Manganese Ore Mines In Orissa S.G. Malleable & Heavy Duty Iron Castings At Halol (Gujrat) Ferro Vanadium and Ferro Molybdenum At Vapi (Gujrat) High Purity Nitrogen Gas At Mangalore H.D.P.E./P.P. Woven Sacks At Jagdishpur (U.P.) Page #65 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Estd. Quality Since 1940 BHANSALI Quality, Innovation, Reliability BHANSALI UDYOG PVT. LTD. (Formerly: Laxman Singh Jariwala) Balwant Jain-Chairman A-42, Mayapuri, Phase-1, New Delhi-110 064 Phone: 5144496, 5131086, 5132203 Fax: 91-011-5131184 E-mail: Page #66 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ With Best Compliments WHILE PURCHASING HEASIAN, SACKING, YARN AND DECORATIVE FURNISHING FABRICS & OTHER JUTE PRODUCTS, PLEASE INSIST ON QUALITY PRODUCTION. We are, always ready to most the Exact type of your requirement. AUCKLAND INTERNATIONAL LTD. (UNIT: AUCKLAND JUTE MILLS) “KANKARIA ESTATE” 6, Little Russel Street, Calcutta-700 071 A RECOGNISED EXPORT HOUSE Cable: SWANAUCK, CALCUTTA Telex: 21-2396 AUCK IN Codes : BENTLEY'S SECOND Phone : 2479921/9720 2402683 Registered Office & JUTE MILL' At Jagatdal 24-Parganas BHATPARA 81-2757/2758/2038 Page #67 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Voice & Vision of Communication SOBHAGYA ADVERTISING SERVICE 91B Chowringhee Road Calcutta 700 020 Ph: 223-6708/6997/4356/4357 Fax: 223-6863 E-mail : * Mumbai * New Delhi * Chennai * Hyderabad * Ahmedabad * Bangalore * Bhubaneswar * Kochi * Patna * Baroda * Lucknow * Jaipur * Indore * Rajkot * Surat * Pune * Thiruvanathapuram * Bhopal * Nagpur * Panaji * Guwahati * Visakhapatnam Page #68 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ With Best Compliments MARSON'S LTD MARSON'S THE ONLY TRANSFORMER MANUFACTURER IN EASTERN INDIA EQUIPPED TO MANUFACTURE 132 KV CLASS TRANSFORMERS Serving various SEB's Power station, Defence, Coal India, CESC, Railways, Projects Industries since 1957 Transformers type tested both for Impulse/Short Circuit test for Proven design time and again PRODUCT RANGE Manufactures of Power and Distribution Transformer from 25 KVA to 50 MVA upto 132kv level Current Transformer upto 66kv Dry type Transformer • Unit auxiliary and stations service Transformers 18, PALACE COURT 1, KYD STREET, CALCUTTA-700 016. PHONE: 29-7346/4553/226-3236/4482 CABLE-ELENREP TLX-0214366 MEL-IN FAX-00-9133-2259484/2263236 Page #69 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ "GANGES" FOR QUALITY JUTE GOODS Manufacturers of: Canvas, Tarpaulins, Special & Ordinary Hessian including fine Carpet Backing All Sacking Twine THE GANGES MANUFACTURING COMPANY LIMITED Chatterjee International Centre 33A, Jawaharlal Nehru Road, 6th Floor, Flat No. A-1 Calcutta 700 071 Gram "GANGJUTMIL" 226-0881 226-0883 Fax: +91-33-245-7591 Telex: 021-2101 GANG IN Phone: 226-6283 226-6953 Mill: BANSBERIA Dist: HOOGHLY Pin-712 502 Phone: 6346441/6446442 Fax: 6346287 Page #70 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Registered with the Registrar of Newspapers for India Under No. R. N. 12121/66. Winter 2001 28 water supply schemes 315,000 metres of pipelines 110,000 kilowatts of pumping stations 180,000 million litres of treated water 13,000 kilowatts of hydel power plants (And in places where Columbus would have feared to tread) Subhash Projects and Marketing Limited MAN IN PARTNERSHIP With NATURE Head Office : 113 Park street, 3rd floor, South Block, Calcutta 700016 Ph: (033) 226 8031, Fax (033) 245 7562, Registered Office : Subhas House, F-27/2 Okla Industrial area, Phase II New Delhi 110 020 Ph: (011) 692 7091-94, Fax : (011) 684 6003. Regional Office : 8/2 Ulsoor Road, Bangalore 560 042, Ph: (080) 559 5508-15, Fax: (080) 559 5580. Laying pipelines across one of the that our credo of when you dare, then nation's driest regions, braving alone you do. Resulting in a string of temperature of 50degC. achievements. Under the most arduous of Executing the entire water intake and conditions. Fulfilling the most unlikely of water carrier system including treatment dreams. and allied civil works for the mammoth Using the most advanced technology Bakreshwar Thermal Power Project and equipment, we are known for our Building the water supply, fire fighting innovative solutions. Coupled with the and effluent disposal system with deep financial strength to back our guarantees. pump houses in the waterlogged Be it engineering design. Construction seashore of Paradip. work or construction management. Be it Creating the highest head-water environmental, infrastructural, civil and supply scheme in a single pumping power projects. The truth is we design, station in the world at Lunglei in Mizoram build, operate and maintain with - at 880metres, no less. equal skill. Moreover, we follow the Building a floating pumping station on foolproof Engineering, Procurement and the fierce Brahmaputra. Construction System. Simply put, we are Ascending 11,000 feet in snow laden a single point responsibility. A one stop Arunachal Pradesh to create an all shop. powerful hydro-electric plant. So, next time, somebody suggests Delivering the impossible, on time that deserts by definition connote and perfectly is the hallmark of Subhas dryness, you recommend he visit us for a Projects and Marketing Limited. Add to lesson in reality. By the courtesy - ANTARCTICA LIMITED