Book Title: Jain Education and Empower Trust Broucher
Author(s): Jain Education and Empower Trust
Publisher: Jain Education and Empower Trust
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Page #1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ vipina jaina ejayukezana enDa empAvaramenTa TrasTa DUCATIO e -10, bhAnupArka, pahele mALe, kasturabA roDa, kAMdIvalI (vesTa), muMbai - 400 06 7. (InDIyA) phona : 022-64524645 + 09324977185 4 Email : & Web : www.jeetindia. org JAIN EDUS JEET NT TRUST DUCATIO "ION & EM TPOWERM Ajo sArdhArSika AvatIkAlano zreSThI ane ucA zrAvuka Page #2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ VAIN EDUS JEET VT TRUST DUCATIO ION & CATPOWER saba par3heM saba bar3heM AjaLo sAmaika AvatI kAlano zreSThI ane uraca zrAvaka baLe anyong For a Private Use Only Page #3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ABOUT JEET JEET: A Charitable trust formed by Group of Friends. DUCATION & JEET GROUP: Founded in 2007 by like minded individuals from different professions such as CA, Entrepreneurs, Directors and Consultants. All individuals are well reputed in their field and majority are past students of Mahavir Jain Vidhyalaya. FOR ALL 4 FIRKAAS OF JAINS.... JEET MENT TRUST WERMEN Ano sAdharmika AvatI kAlano zreSThI ane ucca zrAvaka bane Page #4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JEET VISION JEET MISSION JEET OVERVIEW EDUCATION JEET Empower A Jain to become self reliant by supporting their education & Self employment. Provide support to create equal opportunity of growth through education and employment. 8 EMPOWERMENT "Ajano Sadharmik Aavti Kaalno Shreshti Ane Uchha Shravak Bane" TRUS JEET GOAL To support 10000 Sadharmik families by June 2015. To enroll 500 SWAYAMSEVAKS (volunteers) to support JEET by June 2015. Ano sAdharmika AvatI kAlano zreSThI ane ucca zrAvaka bane Page #5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAIN EDUC JEET OUR ACTIVITIES Sadharmik Jain in Rural areas Students studying upto 12th through Scholarship and interest free Loans for higher education Local Volunteers network EDUCATION EMPOWERMENT & Support Students perusing Higher Education to get assistance from JJC, JITO, and other organizations. Ano sAdharmika AvatI kAlano zreSThI ane ucca zrAvaka bane Page #6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAIN EDUS T TRUS OUR PROGRESS SO FAR... CATION POWERM (AS ON 20.09.2012) FAMILIES ADOPTED 2413 CITYNILLAGES COVERED 223 DISTRICTS COVERED 40 NUMBER OF CHILDREN SUPPORTED 4262 168 NUMBER OF SWAYAM-SEVAKS NO. OF STUDENTS SENT TO VARIOUS VIDHYARTHIGRUHA 79 Growng constantly ...... AjaLo sAdharmika AvatI kAlano zreSThI ane urazya zrAvaka bane Jan Educ a tional For Personal & Private Use Only www.eliyor Page #7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ FURTHER ANALYSIS OF JEETMI APPLICATIONS CATION ERMENT CMPOWER APPLICATIONS RECEIVED FROM NO.OF APPLICATIONS WIDOW FAMILY 177 29 131 DIVORCEE FAMILY HANDICAPPED/MAJOR HEALTH ISSUE FAMILY ORPHAN CHILDREN PUJARI FAMILY 14 46 TYAKTA SADHARMIK 2008 TOTAL 2413 AjaLo sAdharmika AvatI kAlano zreSThI ane ucca zrAvaka bo o & Piese Welby ora Page #8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Total Standard below 4th Standard 5th Std to 7th Std Boys 374 Girls 425 799 338 377 715 gth Std to 12 Std 838 1652 814 552 12th Above 544 1096 2078 2184 4262 Page #9 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINED EMT TRUST DUCATIO ERMENT CMTPONER OUR ACTIVITIES: VIDHYARTHI-GRUHA PROJECT Our sadharmiks face challenges in providing their children Hygienic and Satvik Food, Good place to live, Environment at home and surroundings for study and character building. At other end - We have boarding's and hostels spread across Gujarat with good facilities, but they are scarcely occupied or lying vacant. 1. In 2011 - 50 Jeet Students were placed in various such Gurukuls. 2012 target is 200 2. Jeet organized 2 days Camp at Yashovijayji Gurukul Palitana ,Saverkundala Jain Vidhyarthi Gruha and others AjaLo sArdhArmika AvatIkAlanI zreSThI ane ucca zrAvaka bane Shine Page #10 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ OUR ACTIVITIES : CAREER UPLIFTMENT SUPPORT VAIN EDUC JEET CMT TRUST CATION & EMPOWER > JEET provides career guidance and support to students. > Tied up with Harrison International for aptitude test for students having options for 650 career path > Organises saminar for Motivation and carrier guidelines . Ajano sAdharmika AvatI kAlano zreSThI ane urazya zrAvaka be Page #11 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ o Provide employment in organisations. OUR ACTIVITIES EMPOWERMENT SUPPORT FOR BUSINESS AND JOB o Forwarding their CVS to JOB portals. JAIN EDUCATION o Provision of interest free loan for business ventures JEET & MENT TRUST EMPOWERMEN Ano sAdharmika AvatIkAlano zreSThI ane ucca zrAvaka bane Page #12 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAIN ED TRUST JEET DUCATION & EMPOW OWERMEN 'Next Step.... AjaLo sAdharmika AvatI kAlano zreSThI ane ucca zrAvaka baLe Page #13 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ SHREEE ADINATH VIDYPEETH JAIN EDUC A Step in the right direction UCATION JEET & EMPOWERMENT JEET VIDHYARTHI-GRUH AT BELAPUR, NAVI MUMBAI Ano sAdharmika AvatI kAlano zreSThI ane ucca zrAvaka bane For Personal & Private Page #14 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ VAIN EDUC CAT TRUS CATION VIDHYARTHI-GRUHA ERMENT CMPOWER o No boarding facilities exclusively for Jain students at new educational hubs. O Jeet starts an initial model Vidyapeeth at CBD Belapur-Navi Mumbai. o In future Jeet Plans to set-up Vidhyapeeth at various Education Hub like Surat, Indore, Ahmedabad, Delhi, etc. Ajano sArdhArmika AvatIkAlathI zreSThI ane urazya zrAvaka bane For Personal & Pre Use Only Page #15 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ VIDHYARTHI-GRUH RAJ SPARSH ......! UCATION JEET 1& EMPOWERMENT Ano sAdharmika AvatIkAlano zreSThI ane ucca zrAvaka bane Page #16 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAIN EDU OUR OBJECTIVES TION & EMPOW OWERME Provide world class facilities to deserving Jain students, pursuing higher education in any professional course and will include: 1. Lodging and boarding within stipulated Jain principles (to the extent possible, but certainly avoiding abhakshya). 2. A pre-decided calendar of activities including interaction with distinguished Indian and global personalities, industrial visits, inter institution debates, distance learning of subjects with global focus.(outside curriculum) Ajano sAdharmika AvatIkAlano zreSThI ane urazya zrAvaka bane Page #17 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ FINISHING SCHOOL PROJECT o Bhantar: Gantar :Chantar o Leaders for tomorrow JAIN EDUC UCATION o Exposure to the out side world o Will emphasize overall development covering physical, religious, spiritual, family, social & professional phases in their lives. JEET TRUST & EMPOWERMENT Ano sAdharmika AvatI kAlano zreSThI ane ucca zrAvaka bane Page #18 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ VAIN EDUA JEET CAT TRUST CATION & EMPO POWER LEADERSHIP FACTORY AjaLo sArdhArmika AvatI kAlano zreSThI abe urazya zrAvaka bane Page #19 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAIN EDU EMT TRUS CATION CMT POWER What is it.... o 2-year part time Diploma in Personal Effectiveness for College going Students undertaking any professional courses o A Diploma program including concepts of Finishing School & concepts of Campus-toCorporate Program o A program for creating better Employability & Entrepreneurship Skills o A 'Leadership Factory' to create Leaders of tomorrow (SHRESHTI) o A unique initiative by JEET AjaLo sAdharmika AvatI kAlano zreSThI ane ucca zrAvaka bane Page #20 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINED EDUCATI CWT TRUS WHION RED CURRENT SCENARIO POWERM o To become successful apart from Functional Knowledge one requires Soft Skills, Etiquettes, Grooming & Strong values o College education provides only Functional Knowledge, not Soft Skills (MIND SET CHALLENGES AND VISIONS) o Many capable students do not come in lime light as they lack the finesse o In today's competitive world creating the right impression, managing self & others & operating on strong positive values are as important as knowing the job and delivering results. Ajo sAdharmika AvatI kAlano zreSThI ane uraca zrAvaka bane in Educa www.janabyorg For Personal & Private Use Only t ional Page #21 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAIN EDUC EET CMT TRUS CURRENT PROBLEM CATION POWER o Some colleges have crash-course on soft skills focusing more on 'How to appear for interview o Personality Development cannot be done in few sessions or a few days o Changing attitudes & developing skills cannot be done in few days o Attitudes do not change overnight or skills cannot be developed overnight, it requires sustained effort o Also many parents /teachers are neither aware of such concept nor know how to guide children in acquiring right attitudes & skills to develop a powerful personality, AjaLo sAdharmika AvatI kAlano zreSThI ane urasa zrAvaka be Page #22 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ VAIN EDUC JEET EMT TRUST CATION WERMEN THE SOLUTION o Keeping the Current Scenario/Problems in mind, SAV DIPLOMA' has been designed o Designed to Enhance Excellence in Performance o Students need to be groomed & coached systematically over a period of time, so that they inculcate the right attitudes, skills & values o It includes various aspects of Identifying their strength and creating program for him to be Shreshti of tomorrow Ajano sArdhArmika AvatI kAlano zreSThI ane urazya zrAvaka bane Page #23 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAIN EDC TRUST JEET EDUCATIO MENT 1 SALIENT FEATURES POWERM oDesigned by an expert having 25+ years of experience in training 15000 managers & executives from corporate world oMore than 25,000 students already trained using part of the program & are already successfully working in organizations 02-years' sustained effort of mentoring & coaching, covering 75 sessions/topics of 3 hours, with action-plan & implementation sessions. Ajano sArdhArmika AvatI kAlano zreSThI abe urazya zrAvaka baLe Page #24 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAIN EDUC EMT TRUST METHODOLOGY CATION & EMPO OWERME o Lectures, exercises, psychometric assessments, games, management films, group work, presentations, case studies, book reading & development projects, industry visits, etc o Industrial Visits Outside India and to provide exposure to various aspects o Periodical tests lexams AjaLo sAdharmika AvatIkAlathI zreSThI ane urazya zrAvaka baLe Page #25 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAIN EDO CAT TRUST TON & POWERME FACULTY o Practicing Managers o Successful Entrepreneurs o Spiritual Leaders o Motivators & many more.... AjaLo sArdhArmika AvatIkAlanI zreSThI abe urazya zrAvaka bane Page #26 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CATION & ERMEN NEXT STEP EMPOWE ANGEL FUND AjaLo sArdhArmika AvatI kAlano zreSThI abe uzya zrAvaka bane in Education n ational For Personal Private Use Only www.nity to Page #27 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAIN EDO CDUCATI ON & EN HOW WE WILL ACHIEVE THIS ? CMTPOWER PROFESSIONAL MANAGEMENT TEAM Past students of SMJV along with few reputed professionals will be the members of managing committee Day to day functioning of this Vidyapeeth will be looked after by qualified professionals under the said managing committee Ajano sAdharmika AvatIkAlanI zreSThI ane urazya zrAvaka baol in Education national Page #28 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ISO LODU UCATION N & EMP OWERMEN HOW CAN YOU BE THE PART OF JEET ? AjaLo sAdharmika AvatIkAlanI zreSThI ane ucca zrAvaka bane For Para Only A Pris tional Jan Educ Page #29 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ WE CANNOT ACHIEVE OUR GOALS WITHOUT YOU We need your support. By monetary donations. By your time and efforts. By your equal participation in JEET activities. JAIN EDUCA JEET UCATION & TRUST EMPOWERMENT Ajano sAdharmika AvatI kAlano zreSThI ane ucca zrAvaka bane Page #30 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ VAIN EDU JEET 19 TEMT TRUS JEET DONATION OPPORTUNITIES FOR SUPPORT TO CHILDREN IN VILLAGES UCATION CMPOWER o Corpus o Ratna Stambha - Rs. 1.08 Cr. o Suvarna Stambha - Rs. 54 Lakhs o Rajat Stambha - Rs. 27 Lakhs o Annual contributions o District Donor- Rs. 9 Lakhs o Taluka Donor - Rs. 2.52 Lakhs ol Student Donor - Rs. 9000 ALo sAgharmika AvatI kAlano zreSThI ane ucca zrAvaka baLe Jan Education n ational For Personal & Private Use Only www.eliya Page #31 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JEET ACTIVITIES : RATNA STAMBH * Name connected with JEET for life long as Ratna stambh and Biggest supporters Life long name will be published in All Jeet publication, books, magazine, website and other media material | Appropriate Chair and recognition will be given in all JEET function All press released appropriate recognition will be given INVESTMENT 1.08 Cr For Personal & Private Use Only www.jainelibrary Page #32 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JEET ACTIVITIES : SUVARNA STAMBH * Name connected with JEET for life long as Suvarna Stambh and Second largest supporter Life long name will be published in All Jeet publication, books, magazine, website and other media material * Appropriate Chair and recognition will be given in all JEET function * All press released appropriate recognition will be given INVESTMENT 54 Lakhs Page #33 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JEET ACTIVITIES : RAJAT STAMBH Name connected with JEET for life long as Rajat Stambh and Third Biggest Supporter Life long name will be published in All Jeet publication, books, magazine, website and other media material Appropriate Chair and recognition will be given in all JEET function All press released appropriate recognation will be given INVESTMENT 27 Lakhs Page #34 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JEET ACTIVITIES : DISTRICT DONOR o FOR ONE YEAR DONOR NAME WILL BE PUBLISHED IN ALL BANNERS IN ONE DISTRCT O ALL THE DISTRCIT PROGRAM DONOR WILL BE CHIEF GUEST o All THE PAYMENTS WILL BE DISBURSED IN THE DISTRICT ADOPTED MENTIONING DONOR'S NAME o INVESTMENT RS. 9 LAKHS Jain Education Internationa For Personal & Private Use Only www.jainelibrary Page #35 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JEET ACTIVITIES :TALUKA DONOR O FOR ONE YEAR DONOR NAME WILL BE PUBLISHED IN ALL BANNERS IN ONE TALUKA o All THE PAYMENTS WILL BE DISBURSED IN THE TALUKA ADOPTED MENTIONING DONOR'S NAME o INVESTMENT RS. 2.70 LAKHS PER YEAR O YOU CAN ADOPT FOR MULTIPLE YEAR For Personal & Private Use Only wwwjainelibrary Page #36 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JEET ACTIVITIES: DONOR FOR A STUDENT O FOR ONE YEAR DONOR NAME WILL BE PUBLISHED ON WEBSITE O INVESTMENT RS. 9000 PER STUDENT O YOU CAN ADOPT MULTILPLE STUDENTS FOR MULTIPLE YEAR For Personal & Private Use Only www.jainelibra Page #37 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ SHREE ADINATH VIDYAPITH INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES Jain Education Internation For Personal & Private Use Only www.jainelibrar Page #38 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shree Adinath Vidhyapith - A Finishing School Shree Adinath Vidhyapith is a Finishing School where not only lodging and boarding facility will provided but also for making "Sarvangi Vikas" of Students - a Diploma Course will be developed of pre decided calendar of activities like Personality Development, Presentation skills, Principles of Jainism, Yoga.. etc. along with interaction with distinguished Indian and Global personalities, industrial visits, inter institution debates and distance learning of subjects of global importance which are generally not carried in curriculum. Facility for Higher Education and Vocation Course (Student studying above 10th std.) Facility for all sub-sects of JAIN student (Charey Firkas), Admission will be on merit Donor's nominee student subject to minimum criteria Located at CBD Belapur-Navi Mumbai This will be Ladder for Leaders of Next Generation... in Educational Page #39 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Mukyadata Vidhyarthigruha o Throughout the existence of Vidhyarthi Gruha to be known by the suggested by the donor. name Permanent signage on Vidhyarthi Gruha building throughout its existence. Name on stationery forms and all kinds of communication material Vidhyarthi Gruha of Permanent position at location with two photographs. appropriate sized good MAIN EDUCATION CATION & K JEET EMPOWERMENT Ano sAdharmika AvatI kAlano zreSThI ane ucca zrAvaka bane Page #40 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Vidhyarthi Gruha's MUKHYA DATA... * . 0 * 0 * EDUCATION JEET EMPOWERMENT Right to recommend 5 students (5 seats) for admission. Appropriate chair in all programs and functions. Name in all advertisements and Press releases. Name on website, with photograph. Credit through articles, interviews, photographs and across all advertisements. Will be taken on Shree Adinath Vidhypith Executive / Advisory Board. Investment as Mukya Data Rs. 2.70 Cr Ano sAdharmika AvatI kAlano zreSThI ane ucca zrAvaka ba For Personal & Private Use Only Page #41 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAIN EDU AT TRUST Donation Opportunity for Vidhyarthi Gruha...2 "CATION ERMENT CMPOWER Ground floor na Data Name plate at Ground floor of building. * Right to recommend for 2 students (2 seats). * A photograph in Vidhyarthi Gruha, * A photograph and name in yearly reports /periodicals. Appropriate seat in all functions / programs. Credit and recognition for suggested name in all publications. * Will be taken on Shree Adinath Vidhypith Executive | Advisory Board. * Investment Rs. 54 Lakhs AjaLo sAgharmika AvavIkAlano zreSThI ane ucca zrAvaka bane Page #42 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Donation Opportunity for Vidhyarthi Gruha...3 Apartment Data o Name on Each Flat staying 8 students. o Name plate on Main Door as Data of Flat. o Right to recommend 1 student (1 seat). o A photograph in Vidhyarthi Gruha. o A photograph and credit on website. o A photograph and credit in yearly report. o Appropriate chair in institution for all functions/programs. o Will be taken on Shree Adinath Vidhypith Executive / Advisory Board. o Investment Rs. 27 Lakhs JEET UCATION & TRUST EMPOWERMENT Ano sAdharmika AvatI kAlano zreSThI ane ucca zrAvaka bane For Persona Page #43 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Donation Opportunity for Vidgyarthigruha ...4 A chair of pride for every student DUCATION JEET & EMPOWERMEN Student toping in Vidyapeeth's exams will earn the honor of being selected as chair student. Studying under the chair is pride and highest status in Vidyapeeth. He will have separate training and several other benefits. For donors giving donation under this chair will gain pride for giving donation for that particular chair name and for such brilliant students. TRUST First chair we are planning is KALIKAL SARVAGNYA ACHARYA HEMCHAMDRACHARAYAJI'S CHAIR Ajano sAdharmika AvatI kAlano zreSThI ane ucca zrAvaka bane Page #44 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAIN EDUT JEET CMT TRUST "CATION CMPOWER Kalikal Sarvagnya Shri Hemchandracharyaji Chair A pride for Donors as well as student o Life long name will be connected with this Chair. o Name plate on Vidhyarthi Gruha. o Appropriate Name and Chair in all Function. o Web site , Stationery, annual report ............ o Will be taken on Shree Adinath Vidhypith Executive, Advisory Board. o Total Investment Rs. 36 Lakhs AjaLo sArdhArmika AvatI kAlano zreSThI abe uraca zrAvaka bane Page #45 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ STUDENT SEAT DONOR DONOR WILL HAVE RIGHT TO RECOMMEND SADHARMIK STUDENT FOR 30 YEARS STUDENT HAS TO PASS MINIMUM CRITERIA OF ENTRANCE EXAM TO GET ADMISSION. * RIGHT TO ADMIT STUDENTS AS FREE. INVESMENT RS. 9 LAKHS * AFTER 30 YEARS DONOR WILL HAVE RIGHT TO PAY ADDITIONAL AMOUNT AS CHANGED AND CONTINUE SEAT For Personal & Private Use Only Page #46 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JEET Donation Opportunity for Vidgyarthigruha ...4 UN EDUC VENT TRUS DUCATION & EMP POWER o One Student expense for one year 75000/ o Name will be on Board at Vidhyarthi Gruha and website for one year o Donation between 1 Lakh to 5 Lakhs Name will be on Marble Plate AjaLo sAgharmika AvatI kAlano zreSThI ane ucca zrAvaka bane www.minelib Page #47 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JEET CORE COMMITTEE Name Hitesh C Doshi Jayesh D Shah Bhupat Shah Vijay K Shah Vimal Vasa Hitesh Mehta Divyang Shah Pankaj Doshi Samir Jhaveri Mehul Kuvadia Saurabh Zaveri Education B.Com CA B.Com B.Com B.Com CA B.Com B.Com B.E. M.A., MBA MBA Business Chairman, Waaree Group Practicing CA Director, Pepsi Pack Director, D.K.Enterprise Director, Viply Finance Director, Waaree Group Director, Fibro Plast Director, Mahavir Thermo Diamond Professional CEO, Grey Cells Director, M M Petro For Personal & Private Use Only www.jainelibrary Page #48 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JEET CORE COMMITTEE Name Education Business Nilesh Gandhi CA, LLB Director, Unid Finance Paresh B.Shah Textiles Eng. Director, Wearwell Textiles Eng. Director, G Tek Electr. Pankaj Gardi Haresh Shah | Architech Director, Rachit Enter. Viren Doshi B.Com Director, Bonetti Ltd Himanshu J.Shah B.Sc. Director, Vikson Advertor Nimesh Sanghavi Manish Mehta Paresh Shah B.Com B.Com B.Com Director, Wellpack Indus Director, Waama Instr. Share Broker For Personal & Private Use Only www.jainelibra Page #49 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ THANK YOU 'Would you like start!!!! AjaLo sArdhArmika AvatI kAlano zreSThI ane urazya zrAvaka baLe