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The Magazine of the Federation of Jain Associations in North America
FALL 1997
9th Biennial JAINA Convention - July 4-6, 1997, Toronto, Canada
VOLUME 13, NO. 2
Jan July
6, 19
Page #2
Vinod K. Shah, M.D., F.A.C.C. Adinath A. Patil, M.D., F.A.C.C. Mahesh P. Shah, M.D., F.A.C.C. Anantha K. Rao, M.D., F.A.C.C. Anil K. Shah, M.D.
Umed K. Shah, M.D., F.A.C.G. Atul R. Shah, M.D., F.A.C.G.
Nayan R. Shah, M.D., F.A.C.G.
Kiran D. Mehta, M.D., F.C.C.P.
Internal Medicine
Anwar T. Munshi, M.D. Bhasker A. Jhaveri, M.D.
Rita B. Jhaveri, M.D. David M. Federle, M.D. Mary Kramer, M.D.
Ila V. Shah, M.D., F.A.A.P. M.F.O. Lafeer, M.D., F.A.A.P. A.S. Dhillon, M.D., F.A.A.P. Kirit Patel, M.D., F.A.A.P. Amit Sheth, M.D., F.A.A.P.
Family Practice
John F. Fenwick, M.D.
J. Patrick Jarboe, M.D. Thomas F. Lusby, M.D. Robert J. Bauer, M.D. John L. Bennett, M.D.
Phil M. Chamberlain, M.D. Halappa G. Hakkal, M.D.
Leonardtown Offices Shanti Medical Center Route 5 P.O. Box 664 Leonardtown, MD 20650 301-475-5579 475-5524
St. Mary's Medical Arts Building 301-475-5021 301-475-5023
Belmont Professional Building 301-475-3040
Prince Frederick Office
110 Hospital Road
Lexington Park Offices
100 Exploration II Suite 1030 301-863-7041 301-863-9000
By the Mill Road & Rt. 235 301-863-5835
Charlotte Hall Offices
Charlotte Hall Medical Center Route 5
301-884-7322 301-884-7330
993 Old Route 5 301-884-4666
Washington Area
831 University Blvd. Suite 32 Silver Spring, MD 20903 301-445-4430
अहो! अहो ! श्री सद्गुरु, करुणासिंधु अपार आ पामर पर प्रभु कर्यो, अहो! अहो! उपकार (१९२४)
Thanks! the Holy True Teacher! Unfathomable ocean of compassion; I'm highly obliged; Oh! good Teacher, The Pupil poor has no expression. (124)
शुं प्रभुचरणकने घरं? आत्माथी सहु हीन, ते तो प्रभु आपियो, वर्तु चरणाधिन (१२५)
What should I offer to you, Lord? In soul-comparison all is trifle; The soul is gifted by the Lord,
I wish to act to your oracle. (125)
Shri Atmasiddhi Shastra, Srimad Rajchandra -
We dedicate ourselves to ceaseless efforts of Acharya Sushil Kumarji and Gurudev Chitrabhanuji, in spreading the principles of Jainism among all the Jains settled in North America.
We congratulate the Executive Committee for their devoted service to JAINA.
Shanti Medical Center, P.O. Box 664, Leonardtown, MD 20650 Phone: 301-475-5579 Metro 301-870-2049 Fax 301-884-7419
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FALL 1997 VOLUME 13, NO. 2
We Have A Response-Ability
In this issue
A Message from the Past President ...
From the Editor in Chief ........ 3
The Executive Committee ..... 3
Headquarters News ....
Regional News...
Affiliate Notes ...
Committee News ..
Happy Occasions .........
For Your Information ...........
Fund & Member Update ..... 13
JAINA Trustees .....
Acharya Tulsi Tribute ..........
It has been over two months since the uplifting and confidence building JAINA convention in Toronto, where your new executive committee assumed the responsibility for serving the Jain community in North America. Apart from holding the convention every two years the most visible activity of JAINA has been the publication of JAIN DIGEST which is mailed out to nearly 7,500 families free of charge. Every issue costs JAINA nearly $10,000 to publish and distribute. Most of our readers eagerly await the next issue of JAIN DIGEST, whether their interest lies in the activities of YJA, the matrimonial announcements, committee news or the news of other Jain Centers and organizations around the world.
In the last few years it has become almost impossible to think about JAINA's other responsibilities such as education, temple construction funding, YJA and senior citizen housing due to the lack of funds. At the present, JAINA's treasury is completely empty.
Your new executive committee has decided to change all that. At the Toronto convention, I have promised to publish JAIN DIGEST quarterly without fail. It is our firnı belief that a major international organization like ours can not operate without strong financial backing from the constituency it serves. We have to make JAINA financially healthy on a permanent basis. The time has come to address this ongoing problem once and for all.
Therefore, your executive committee has come up with a new project: 'JAINA Patron'. The goal is to identify 200 donors from 54 centers, who would be willing to support JAINA on an ongoing basis. Your executive committee members have already become such donors. The donors will be expected to donare US$251 per year, tax-deductible, as long as they can and they will be designated as a 'JAINA Patron'. The expectation is that each center will have at least four generous families who would be willing to come forward to support this idea. This project will take care of our annual budget of $52,000. Patrons will have special privileges (see the details on page 26). No administration will have to worry about our annual budget.
Then we can embark upon the projects which are very important for our children as well as our senior citizens. We want to make sure that every center has a temple and pathshala so that our children, many of whom are being born and brought up in this country will have a chance to experience the joy, beauty and strength of our cultural and religious heritage. We also need senior citizen housing next to our temple, one in every region of North America, so that our senior citizens can enjoy their golden years in a religious atmosphere. This is our responsibility. Each and every penny you donate is used for JAINA's causes. Not a single penny is wasted on the administration. Dozens of volunteers are putting in hundreds of hours of their valuable time every week at no cost to JAINA.
JAINA relies on people like you and me who understand the need to respect, honor and care for Jainism. Please join me in supporting the work of the only organization dedicated solely to the survival, well being and prosperity of Jains: The Federation of Jain Associations in North America.
I want to thank Harshad Shah and John D'Arcangelo who gave four valuable years of their life for JAIN DIGEST and improved upon it. Lata Champsee of Toronto has agreed to be the next Editor in Chief. Helping her as Publishing Editor is Navin K. Jain of Buffalo. I welcome them both and I'm confident that this team will take JAIN DIGEST to new heights. I wish them all the best.
Jai Jinendra.
Building a Temple?.............
9th Biennial Convention Highlights
President's Speech Delivered at 9th Biennial Convention ....... 21
JAINA Awards
JAINA Patron Appeal............
A Message from YJA.
Young Minds.
Matrimonials ....
MIS Information..............
MIS Registration Form ......... 35
Dhiraj Shah
Moving? Receving duplicate copies? Send your address corrections to:
JAIN DIGEST Circulation Federation of JAINA P.O. Box 700 Getzville, NY 14068-0700
Jain Education Interational 2010_02
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Federation of Jain Associations in North America (JAINA)
HEADQUARTERS 135 Morningside Drive, Grand Island, NY 14072-1335
Phone/Fax: 716/775-0268 Telephone Hours: Sunday, 9 AM - 12 Noox EST
EDITOR IN CHIEF Lata Champsed 35 Whitehom Crescent wulowdale, ONT MZJ 3B1 Phone: 416/493-1666. Fax 416/493-1667
President Dhiraj H. Shah Phone/Fax: 716/755-0268
First Vice President Mahendra K Pandya Phone: 718/816-0063. Fax: 212/319-434)
PUBLISHING EDITOR Navin K. Jain 223 Surrey Run Amherst, NY 14221.3363 Phone: 716/632-3716. Fax: 716/632-1502 alacsu buffalo edu, www.DUVS.COM
Regional Vice Presidents Sobhagya S. Khamesta, Canada Phone: 905/274-6464, Fax: 416/368-0007
COMMITTEES Abusaray Cwebration
Surendra Singhvi Environment and cology
Nancy Jain Fund Raising-Inited States
Sanjay Pandya
Bipin Parikh Find Raising - Canada
Lax Nagata Interfauh Activities World Council of lans
Manoj Dharamsi
Rashini Gardi Jain Pos
Naresh Shah
Arhant lain JAINA Bulletin Board Service
Pravin Shah JAINA Temple Guidelines
Maherdra Pandya Jio nawi and Vegetarianism
Narendra Sheth Library and fiducation
Prem Gada
Mamrage Information Service
Hasmukh Shah Media Watch/Public Relations
Sushil Jain Anant Jain
Manoj Jain Morniersbip
Jit Turakhia Museum and Art Gallery
Kiru Gosalia Senior Citizens
Dilip Shah Scholar Visitation
Nirmal Dasi Summer Camps
Haribhai Shah
Dilip T. Shah, Midwest US Phone: 630/655-1670, Fax: 630/837-1099
Anop R. Vora, Northeast US Phone 716/473-9290, Fax: 716/473-945)
Pravin C. Mehta, Southeast US Phone: 615/648-9353. Fax: 615/648-5901
World GOMERY Service
Dhiraj Shah
Prabodh Mehta, Southwest US Phone: 281/820-9325. Fax: 713/780-1013
Yoring Juins of America
Raju Shah Ravi Gada Parvin Mehta
Jashvant C. Shah, West US Phone: 510/475-782, Fax: 40H/577-3594
Secretary Dilip V Shah Phone: 215/561-0581, Fax: 215/562-3146
EDITORIAL BOARD PRO Arbant Jain, Ahant Shah REGIONAL EDITORS Canada Mahendra Mehta 26 Vancho Cres Islington, ONT M9A 422 Phone/Fax 416 241-2016 Mus, LSS Manubhai Doshi 931 Golden Road Lake Fores, 11. 60045 Phone: 87/735-0120 Northeast, USB Vinay Vakani 206 Sussex Street Oradell, NJ 09649-2435 Phone: 201/965-9344 Subedst US Surendra Shah 1465 Sumtet Drive Marletta, GA 30064-2925 Phone: 770/422-1485 Sortwest, LIS Jadavil Kenia 1819 Plymouth Rock Drive Richardson, TX 75081-3942 Phone: 972/690 3593 West US Chandrakant Parekh 12914 Wolverton Lane Cerritos, CA 90701-72655 Phone: 562/865-1679, Fax 562/865 8915
Treasurer Jit Turakhia Phone 315/622-3287, Fax: 315/622-2998
Kewur Two directes
Immediate Past President Manibhani Mehta Phone: 714/898-3156. Fax: 310-940-4583
CANADA Regular
Torta Associate
Edmonton Montreal Ottawa Vancouver
JAINAX Hekud VC So famili) Asrc One director JAINA Beard lup k 50 fans NORTHEAST
Regular Honton
Dallas Buffalo
Houston Cherry Hill Associate
Phoenix Essex Fells
Associate Hartford
Tulsa New York
Ft Meyers
Lublock Orange
Jacksonville Philadelphia
WEST Pittsburgh
Middle Tennessee
Reunlar Rochester Morgantown
Los Angles Washington, DC
New Orleans
San Francisco Associate
Associate Albany
Palm Beach
Poxtland Allentown
Sacramento Flmira
San Diego Harrisburgh Syracte
Executive Council Chairman - Mahendra Pandya, New York, NY Vice Chair - Niranjan Shah, Chicago, IL Comptroller - Jagt Jain, Buffalo, NY Secretary General - Bharat Tolia, Detroit, MI
Chicago Cincinati/Dayton Cleveland Columbus Tetroit
St. Louis Associate
Kansas City Minneapolis Milwaukee
Members-at-Large Hashmikant Gardi, Chicago, IL Bhupendra Tolia, Norwood, NI Mahendra Varia, Martin, KY
Trustees All Trustees name арреаr от page 14 of this issue.
ASSOCIATE EDITORS Gomawostros Manoj Dharris 11820 Triple Crown Road Rescon. VA 20191-2014 Phone: 703/620-9637 Young Mind Gaurav Kapadia 67 Nassau Drive Great Neck, NY 11021-1610 518/829-3316 Matrimonials Hasmukh Shah 8721 Scrimshaw Delves New Port Richey, FL 34653-6623 Phone: 813/376-7290
Key to Regions Canada
All Prowinces Midwest ND, SD. KS. MO, IA, MN, WI,
IL, OH, IN, MI, NE Northeast ME, NH, VT, MA, CT, RI, NY
Southwest West
All Board of Director names will be printed in a future issue
JAINA publishes the JAINA Focus monthly newslester fexr administrative purposes. It is sent to all member organizations and committee members of JAINA All new items for publication in the JAINA Focus nust be sent to the Editor by the 109 of each month:
MANAGING EDITORIAL BOARD Laia Champset. Manubhal Doshi, Jagat Jain, Ramesh Jain. Vijay Jair. Harshad Shah, Anup:
Dilip V. Shah 1902 Chestnut Street Philadelphia, PA 19103-4678 Phone: 215/561-0581, Fax: 215/567-3146
Brahani Jain Sexiety, US and Canada International Alumni Association of Mahavir Jain
Vidyalaya, Rochester, NY Intemational Mahavir Jain Mission. US and Canada Jain Meditation International Center, Sand
Canada Jain Social Group, LA and Toronto Kutchhi Gurjar Jain Society, Grand Island, NY Kutchhi Oswal Samaj. San Francisco Shri S. S. Jain Foundation, Toronto, Canuda Shri Mahavir Jain Foundation, Santa Ana, CA Jain Academic Foundation of North America
Lubboxk, TX
The Manugitig Editorial Board will endeavor to publish ati material submitted but reserves the right to edit and/or reformat for clasy. And space restrictions. The views expressed in the ances are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the Managing Editorial Board of JAIN DIGEST PUBLKCATION DATES AND DEADLINES Spring March
February 15 Summer (June)
May 15 Pall (September
August 15 Winter December) November 15
We encourage Our readers to send their questions, comments or views on current issues or concems facing the Jain community of North America to the Editor in Chief, Lala Champsee. We endeavor to publish all letters, space permitting JAIN DIGEST reserves the right to edit all material for danity and/or space All letters must include the sender's name, address and phone number to be considered for publication
"Truth is my religion and ahimsa is the only way of its realisation."
- Mahatma Gandhi
PRINTER Odieo Printing Company, Inc DepewNY
Young Jains of America
lain BBS http://www.jainism org/
Jain Education Intemational 2010_02
Page #5
A Message from the Past President
Dear Friends,
Jai Jinendra!
It is an honor and privilege that I was given the task of Editor in Chief of JAIN DIGEST. I take this opportunity to thank my predecessors Harshad Shah and Publishing Editor John D'Arcangelo for doing a wonderful job. It certainly is a challenge to follow in their footsteps. I will be counting on their help from time to time,
JAIN DIGEST congratulates the Jain Society of Toronto for hosting the 9 JAINA Convention this past July. We acknowledge the thousands of hours spent by the volunteers in making it a grand success.
The YJA is planning the next Youth Convention in the summer of 1998. Details about this are included in Young Minds.
It takes a great deal of time and money to produce and distribute JAIN DIGEST to over 7,500 families. You can help by becoming a JAINA Patron (complete information is on page 26).
Please inform JAIN DIGEST about any change of address and for adding any new members to its mailing list, at the address on the back cover.
We would like to hear from you to share your thoughts and insights through Letters to the Editor.
Last but not the least, JAIN DIGEST would like to congratulate the new Executive Committee and wish them the very best and look forward to working with them.
I am very much pleased with the success of the 9th JAINA Convention hosted by the Jain Society of Toronto. My sincere thanks to Mr. Khamesra, his Convention Organizing Committee, the JAINA Executive Committee, all directors, sponsors, dignitaries, volunteers, YJA and above all, all of the over 7,000 attendees like you who made this a beautiful and successful event.
I appreciate your help the past two years during which we were able to make JAINA a more stable and vibrant organization. During my two years of Presidency I was able to visit about 20 Jain centers and I am pleased with the activities at these centers. Our achievements in the last two years like getting USAID and other social contributions have made us known in the Jain Community here and abroad. YJA needs our help to propagate our Jain heritage. JAINA needs your continued support and input to continue its progress under the guidance of our new President Dr. Dhiraj Shah. I will continue to participate and help at my best for the progress of JAINA.
Lastly I am thankful to my wife Savita, my sons Ashish & Minesh and daughter-in-law Asha whose support helped me to carry on the task of JAINA's Presidency.
Jai Jinendra,
Lata Champsee
Manibhai Mehta
President Dhiraj H. Shah
First Vice President Mahendra K. Pandya
Meet your Executive Committee for the 1997-99 term
Regional Vice Presidents:
Sobhagya S. Khamesra
Dilip T. Shah Midwest US
Anop R Vora Northeast US
Pravin C. Mehta
Southeast Us
Prabodh Mehta Southwest US
Jas vant C. Shah
West US
Secretary Dilip V Shah
Treasurer Tit Turakhia
Immediate Past President
Manishai Mehta
on Education International 201002
Page #6
Acharya Tulsi Passes Away
JAINA Vardhaman Mahavir Educational Endowment Fund
Acharya Tulsi, a leading spiritual teacher, a Jain saint and an advocate of global peace, died following a heart attack in Bikaner, Rajasthan on June 23. He was 84.
The spiritual leader was given the title of 'Yug Pradhan' (leader of the generation) by president V.V. Giri in 1971. He was also a recipient of the Indira Gandhi National Integration Award and the Bharat Jyoti and Vakpati Awards.
He was not only a saint, but also a poet, orator and writer. He had written over 100 books. The Jain Vishwa Bharati Institute in Rajasthan, founded by Acharya Tulsi, is undertaking research on ahimsa or nonviolence and world peace. The Jain teacher had undertaken a padyatra (journey on foot) over 6,200 miles all over the India to promote this cause.
All the peace loving people and particularly the Jains will miss Acharya Tulsi very much. (See Acharya Tulsi tribute on page 15).
JAINA launched the 'JAINA Vardhaman Mahavir Educational Endowment Fund' at the 9th Biennial Convention of JAINA in Toronto. The sole purpose of this fund is to provide Jain education, Jain teacher training scholarships, essay competition on Jainism and establishing a university chair on Jainism. So far, pledges of $75,000 have been received. For more information, contact JAINA Headquarters.
Congratulations to... ...Drs. Mahendra and Chandra Varia of Martin, Kentuky, for their generous donation of $100,000 to Prestonsburg Community College. The prayer and the donation are the couple's way of sharing their good fortune with those around them. In 1993, the couple set up a $25,000 scholarship fund for the many children Dr. Chandra Varia had delivered in the area. The entire Jain community of North America is very proud of the Varias for their act of sharing and caring for those who need most.
Jain Medical Convention-1997
...the Jain Center of South Florida for taking the first major step by acquiring land to build their own Jain temple, which will fulfill a need for hundreds of Jain families living in Southern Florida. JAINA extends its full cooperation to the Center to make their dream a reality.
The Jain Medical Convention was held in Orlando, Florida on March 22nd and 23rd. Physicians, pharmacists and other people from all over the United States attended the program. The program was organized by Dr. Usha Jain and Manohar Jain of Orlando, Florida.
Saturday evening began with a reception and get together. The welcome speech was given by Manohar Jain, followed by introduc- tions of JAINA and a speech by Dr. Dhiraj Shah. Dr. Usha Jain conducted the cultural program which included different styles of performances in Jain religion.
The CME conference was held the next morning in which known speakers from different universities lectured on different common medical topics.
Family members who didn't attend the conference enjoyed conversation with samaniji.
The next convention will be held in June 1998 in Orlando, Florida.
For further information please call Usha and Manohar Jain at 407/876-4444 or 407/876-5555.
... the Jain Center of Greater Boston for publishing the 4th edition of the Jain Directory of North America. It contains very useful and interesting information. The Directory was released at the 9th Biennial JAINA convention by Gurudev Chitrabhanu. JAINA is very proud to have the Jain Center of Greater Boston as one of its pillars. Chandra (sister of Dr. L. M. Singhvi, Indian High Commissioner to the U.K.) and Narpat Bhandari, who donated $250,000 to the University of California, Santa Cruz, for an Indian Studies Chair named after Chandra.
Jain Education Interational 2010_02
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Mahendra Mehta, Regional Editor
Edmonton, Alberta
The Jain Society of Alberta was well represented at the 9th Biennial JAINA Convention in Toronto. This small Sangh managed to put together 2 quilts and raised funds totalling $1,583. The President Mr. Jashwant Mehta was awarded a JAINA Recognition Award for his leadership qualities.
Montreal, Quebec
Most of the Montreal Jain Sangh attended the 9th Biennial JAINA Convention and had lots of praise for all the activities.
Sadhviji Shilapiji visited Montreal after the Convention and gave a series of lectures for 3 days. The Montreal Jain Sangh holds regular monthly Snatra Puja and are preparing for the celebration of forthcoming Paryushan Parva.
Toronto, Ontario
The Jain Society of Toronto celebrated Murti Sthapna Mahotsav on 7-8 June 1997 at Jain Centre in Toronto.
Two new beautiful Pratimas of Bhagwan Shree Rushabhdev & Shree Parsvanath, 'Parikar' for Mulnayak and a Navkar Mantra marble plate were ceremoniously installed under the spiritual guidance of Pujya Jinchandraji Maharaj. Over 200 families and individuals participated in 108 Abhisheks, Sthapna and Pooja Vidhis.
The IMJM organised the 1997 Arhum Yoga retreat on June 6-8 at Lorretto Centre in Niagara Falls, Ontario. The faculty included Dr. Richard Cohen from University of Pennsylvania, Mr. Pravin Shah and Shantibhai Parakh.
The Swastika Controversy. Prakash Mody's interview with Leslie Scrivner of Toronto Star on the subject of Swastika was very informative and thought provoking and it sure provoked a torrent of letters from readers of Toronto Star. The Swastika is an auspicious symbol for Jains, Hindus, Bud
dhists, North American native Indians including Mayas and Navahos for thousands of years. However, the advent of Nazis in 1930s saw corruption of this sacred symbol by Adolf Hitler into harbinger of terror, suffering and genocide. However, it will take more than this generation in the west to right the wrong.
Manubhai Doshi, Regional Editor
Chicago, IL
All the routine activities like Snatra Pooja and Digambar Pooja are performed every Sunday. Sthanakwasi friends get together on the first Sunday of every month for chanting of Navkarmantra etc. RajBhakti is performed on the third Sunday in Jnanamandir. Panchakalyanak and other Poojas are performed often and Mahavir Mahila Mandal takes active part in such performances. Arati and Mangal Divo are done every evening in the main temple as well as in the Jnènamandir.
Religious classes are held on the 3rd Sunday of every month. Four separate classes are conducted based on different age groups. They are conducted in accordance with the annual schedule fixed for the purpose. These classes are held from 11AM to 12 NOON. A class for Gujarati language is conducted on the 2nd Sunday of every month.
Mahavir Jayanti. 2595th birthday of Lord Mahavir was celebrated on 19th and 20th of April. The main function was on 20th which was attended by about 1,000 persons.
Health fair and fun fair. Health fair and fun fair were organized on June 8th. Arrangements were made for testing anemia, complete blood chemistry, blood pressure, eye exam, dental check up etc. and also for taking cardiograms. About 80 people took advantage of those facilities. The fun fair also was well attended.
Ottawa, Ontario
Once a month we meet for stavans. On April 29, 1997, we celebrated Mahavir Jayanti. 350 members attended the function. Many Ottawa families participated in the 9th Jaina Convention in Toronto. Heartfelt congratulations to the Jain Society of Toronto for their excellent job.
Mini Pratishtha Mahotsav. The 4th anniversary of Pratishtha Mahotsav was celebrated from 27th to 29th June. As a prelude to that, Siddhachakra Pujan was organized on 22nd June. The anniversary program was associated with a Mini Pratishtha Mahotsav, because the idols of Ajitnath, Chandraprabhaswami. Vasupujyaswami. and Mallinath, which had been left out carlier, were installed on this occasion in the periphery of the temple. Now the periphery has idols of all the 24 Tirthankars. The
program included hoisting of new flag on the temple on 27th June, Mahavir Panchakalyanak Pooja on 28th and the installation of the idols on 29th. 28th was also marked by Raj-Bhakti and cultural program.
Dr. Bharill gave discourses in Jain Center from 9th to 11th July and on 14th July. On 12th and 13th he held day long camps when he talked about various aspects of Jainism.
Detroit, MI
Mahavir Jayanti was celebrated in April. The construction of the temple is coming to end. The Jain community eagerly awaits to celebrate the Pratishthè Mahotsav.
St. Louis, MO
Prayer, Bhajan etc. and religious classes are held by the Jain Center every month. Mahavir Jayanti was celebrated on 27th
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REGIONAL NEWS (continued)
April when Dr. Shah gave a life sketch of the Lord pointing out certain historical events pertaining to his life. The program concluded with Arati and lunch.
Cincinnati/Dayton, OH
The Jain Center of Cincinnati-Dayton celebrated the Mahavir Jayanti on April 27th. The celebration started with Jap and Snatra Pooja with 300 people in attendence. Shri Chitrabhanu who was present at the function gave discourse about the teaching of Lord Mahavir. The Center took the opportunity to honor Chitrabhanuji on the occasion of his 75th birthday. It also honored 8 non-Jain students who had completed the course on Jainism and Nonviolence offered by the University of Dayton.
Vinay Vakani, Regional Editor
Essex Falls, NJ
Jain Center of New Jersey (JCNJ) has signed a contract for the purchase of a property in Edison, New Jersey. The property is an existing 26,000 sq.ft. single story building located on 8 acres of land. Site plans have been submitted to the Edison Township for approval. Closing will take place soon after the Township approval. The existing building will be improved and expanded to house temples in Shwetamber and Digamber traditions, prayer halls for Sthankvasi and Srimad Rajchandra traditions, an Assembly Hall and a Dining Hall. In addition, space will be provided for Pathshala and Swadhyay classes and an extensive library.
The total cost of purchase and improvements is estimated at $2.2 million. A Fund Raising Committee has statrted a drive to raise the funds. A Shikhar-bandhi Dehrasar will be built in the future.
With this contract, the JCNJ has reached a major milestone towards realizing
Surendra Shah, Regional Editor Miami, FL
At Jain Center of South Florida (Miami) Elections for the executive committee for the coming year were held in January. Dr. Deepika Dalal was elected president, Shashi Jain as vice president, Dr. Mayur Maniar as secretary, and Naresh Ravani as membership head.In addition, the building committee is active in building a new center. The land is acquired already. The next phase is raising funds for the proposed building. Dr. Deepika and Ashok Dalal have donated $50,000. Dr. Satish and Geeta Shah $10,000, and Bharat and Lata Vakil $2,000. Kanubhai Mehta contributed his real estate expertise and commission. In addition, Mr. and Mrs. Mehta donated land which was sold for $18,000. The soci
a dream of acquiring a spacious facility for the current and future generations of Jains. Edison is centrally located in New Jersey. It is well known to the Indian Community in the U.S., and famous for the cultural and social activities.
Recently, Edition Township held hearing for JCNJ application. The Township has engaged a traffic engineer who will study the traffic and parking issue and submit a report at the town meeting in September JCNJ will keep Jain community informed about the progress of this project. Contact persons:
Diwakar Shah 908/754-0891, Girish Shah 201/335-4172 Viren Shah 908/3293236 JCNJ will celebrate Paryushana under the guidance of Muni Jinchandraji.
New York, NY
Jain Center of America (JCA) recently purchased a property in Lake Success, Long Island, New York. The site consists of approximately 4 acres of land just off Long
ety is having regular Satsang on every second Sunday of the month. Mahavir Jayanti was celebrated in April.
Atlanta, GA
Progress is being made towards building a new meeting and worship center for the society. The land has already been acquired.
The society celebrated Mahavir Jayani with more than 200 attending the celebration. Bhagvan Mahavir's life was narrated in songs. A dinner, Swamivatsalaya, followed the program.
Several scholars, including Munishri Jinchandraji, Niraj Jain and Pandit Dhirajlal Mehta, visited and gave discourses on Jain scriptures.
Island Expressway. JCA plans to build a spacious and attractive facility that will include a temple, auxiliary facilities for religious activities and a community hall. JCA held annual picnic on July 27th. During Paryushana Pandit Dhirajlal Mehta will be giving religious discourses. Dasha Lakshana will be celebrated under the guidance of. Bhattarak Charukirtiji. Mahavir Jayanti will be on August 31, 1997.
Jain Study Circle, Inc. recently published two books titled Studies in JainismPrimer and Studies in Jainism- Reader 2 which have been mailed to over 5,000 families in North America.
Primer is suitable for youngsters introducing them to the basic tenets of Jainism. (Reader 2 is higher level than Reader 1, which was published in 1990.)
The Jain Study Circle circular is published from New York on a quarterly basis and also holds quarterly meetings to discuss and exchange views on principles of Jainism.
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to have a lock-in (a day full of Jain activities) during August. 3905 Arc Street Houston, TX 77063 contact: 713/879-9457 Prabodh Mehta.
entities play a role in any happening which includes destiny and Purusharth.
We are expecting Shri Bhattarak CharuKirthiji in August and others in later months. We also had Pravinbhai Shah from Raleigh, NC and Dr. Prem Gada from Lubbock visiting here in July who brought us up-to-date on what is happening in the lain education arena including a CD-ROM from Harvard University on various religions including Jainism. A few of the fami- lies attended the JAINA convention in Toronto We are looking forward to the Paryushan and Das Laxan days coming up shortly.JSNT contact is president Pradeep Shah at 972/867-6255.
Southwest Jadavji Kenia, Regional Editor Dallas, TX
Jain Society of North Texas celebrated Mahavir Jayanti and Ahimsa Day with the help of Gurudev Chitrabhanuji during April 19-20, 1997 weekend. This visit was of extra importance as it was also a part of the FREEDOM 50 (celebrating 50 years of India's independence) planned by India Association of North Texas throughout 1997. On April 19, the program started with Snatra Pooja followed by a Jain family feud game between adults and youth con- ducted by the Jain Youth Group and a discourse by Gurudev Chitrabhanuji. On Sunday, April 20, there was Ahimsa Appreciation Walk in the morning at the White Rock Lake in Dallas co-sponsored by the Jain Society and India Association of North Texas, after which the group gathered for few inspiritional words on Ahimsa from Gurudev Chitrabhanuji followed by Q&A with Gurudev.
Then in the afternoon there was a larger gathering at the DFW Hindu Cultural Center where a lot of non-Jains were also present. This program was jointly sponsored by the Jain Society and the DFW Hindu Temple Society. There was a cultural program by Jain and non-Jain youths followed by an Ahimsa discourse by Gurudev. Gurudev was also presented a "Key to Dallas” by the mayor's office and he also signed a peace message for the multi-faith group. Among the dignitaries this year, we had a visit from Dr. Bharill in June who delivered the discourses on Kram-Baddha-Paryay.
Later Shri Niraj Jain visited us who gave lectures on Ahimsa and Aparigrah and also spoke highly about Purusharth throughout his lectures. He also included a lecture on Jain history and Jain art. Pandit Dhirajbhai Mehta visited this area after the JAINA convention. He had a 5-day camp in Waco to teach about Yog-Satak. Dhirajbhai then came to Dallas and gave lectures on Ahimsa and Anekantvad and tried to explain how 5
Houston, TX
Jain Society of Houston had an election for new board of trustees. They are Suresh Ghclani (chief trustee), Parimal Desai, Pallavi Mehta, K. T. Shah, Navin Mehta and Ashok Shingavi. Our new ex- ecutive committee is Jitendra Shah - President, Dinesh Lakhia - Vice President, Suresh Chokshi - Secretary, Priti Shah - Treasurer, and Sanjay Barai, Vinod Bilakhia, Hema Chheda, Rahul Lakdawala, Nitesh Mehta, Sudha Parekh, Pankaj Shah, and Ranjan Vora.
Among the scholars, we had Mr. Niraj Jain gave lectures on Ahimsa from June 1923. The month of July was booming with activities. Pandit Dhirajlal Mehta gave lectures from July 17-23. He explained Dev, Guru, Dharma and Syadvad as these pertain to Jainism in his simple yet informative style. On 20th July, Babubhai Kadiwala performed the Sidhhachakra Pujan at the Jain Center. Mr. Pravin Kamdar gave his seminar on Jainism to our Youth which was enlightening to everyone, specially our young Jains. We are looking forward to visit discourses from Sri Bhattarak Charukirtiji who will be here for the Paryushan. Our Jain Fellowship (youth) group is planning
Phoenix, AZ
As we planned, the Jain Center of Greater Phoenix had third annual Jain Camp at Payson, Arizona from February 15 to 17. A total of 26 young adults and 30 adults participated in the camp. The theme of the camp was "LIVE AND LET LIVE". This camp was basically arranged and managed by the young adults from our Pathshala group. In the camp we had several religious as well as fun filled events, covering the basic principles of Jainism, Pancha Parameshthi, Jain Cosmology, Tapa, Fourteen Gunasthanas, Meditations, and three Spiritual Jewels also had debate/discussion on day to day real life topics such as drugs, peer pressure, etc. A session on TEAM BUILDING and LEADERSHIP was very successful.
In between these sessions, young adults had plenty of time for hiking, playing games of volleyball, football, basketball etc. and Swadhyaya for the adults. On second night, February 16, there was talent show. As usual on the last day we had the tests, celebration of the accomplishments, and filling out the survey form.
We celebrated the Mahavir Jayanti program this year in Dobson Ranch, Tempe, AZ. The Pathshala members performed dances, drama, and sang Stavans in the program. The program was concluded with a delicious dinner.The Jain Center of Greater Phoenix had Dharmalabh from Mumukshu Rajendrabhai Kamdar and Mrs. Kamdar (visiting from Rajkot) from June 10 to 15. Shree Rajendrabhai gave discourses on Vrata and Tapa. Several Jains Metro Phoenix area attended the JAINA convention held in T oronto, Canada. News contact: Harshad Desai at 602/582-8437.
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REGIONAL NEWS (continued)
Tulsa, OK
The Tulsa Jain Youth group held a Youth convention on July 24-27. It was well planned and well executed by the Youth only. All adults and family members provided food, transportation and hosting. A total of 45 youth took part in the convention. Participants from ages 14 to 24 were from Amarillo, Dallas, Houston, Lubbock, Oklahoma City, and one from Maryland. We invited some non-Jain youth from our city, Tulsa. They were pleased and
enjoyed Jain tradition and practices. The main topics were the theory of Karma, Jain rituals, History of our Roots, Gheeboli, Pets and the current social issues. RaasGarba was planned for one evening and for the other evening a social was planned for youth only. The events were well attended and well disciplined. The University of Tulsa was very generous to let us use their very fine facilities.
We are looking forward to a visit by Shri Bhattarak Charukirtiji for a day on
August 24, 1997. Samanji Sthitprajna and Samanji Ashwiniprajna will grace the Tulsa Jain Sangh during Paryushan Parva. They will be here from August 27 to September 9, 1997. Tulsa Jain Sangh has been granted a non-profit tax exempt status from the IRS. We are planning to build a new Jain Center including a temple (Derasar). We are reaching out to our community for support and donations and we will mail detailed information shortly. Contact: Kanti J. Shah, Treasurer & Trustee 918/369-3163.
West C. Parek, Regional Editor
uly 20'97
Los Angeles, CA
The 8th anniversary of the inauguration of the Jain Bhavan was celebrated on June 29 with a Dhwaj Rohan ceremony. With significant growth of the Jain community in Southern California, the present Jain Bhavan is proving to be inadequate to accommodate increased attendance in youth and adult classes as well as larger participation in religious gatherings. To offer expanded and additional facilities, the Center has completed the acquisition of two adjacent propertiesa vacant parcel and an office building. The planning and fund raising will begin to achieve the next phase of our goal.
The celebration of Mahavir Janma Kalyanak on April 20 began with a puja by Mahavir Mandal followed by a General Body meeting and a cultural program presented by the youth members of the Jain Center Youth Council (ICYC) and Jain Association of Young Adults (JAYA). The services and dedication of the outgoing directors whose term of office had expired were recognized by presenting them with a plaque.
The annual medical camp, jointly sponsored by the Jain Center of Southern California and the Jain Social Group, was organized on May 11. Over 120 people took advantage of the services offered by a broad
Children performing at the Mahavir Janam program at the LA. Jain Bavan. range of specialists - doctors, surgeons, den- Bharil, Rajendrabhai Kamdar, Acharya tists, pharmacists, optometrists, and others. Chandanaji, and Bhatarak. Mammography and pap smear tests were On Sunday, July 27, 1997, 45 JCYC also made available for eligible participants. youth members and 15 adults coordinated
The Jain Senior Association organized an effort to clean up the Jain Bhavan. The a bus trip for its members to visit Hindu and task began at 10 am in the morning and Buddhist temples in Malibu, Northridge, lasted until 6 pm in the evening. The cleanup and La Habra. At the annual JCYC picnic event was well coordinated and turned out organized on April 12 at the Cerritos Park to be very successful. The children were East, nearly 60 youths participated in a day proud of their efforts and have decided to of fun and games. Over 60 families from hold several such events during the year so California attended the 9th Biennial JAINA that their place of worship can be kept Convention held in Toronto, Canada, dur- clean. ing the weekend of July 4.
Various scholars and dignitaries have San Francisco, CA visited the center this year and include The current year's activity began with Pandit Dhirajlal Mehta, Dr. Hukumchand weekly Navakar Mantra Jap for a period of
Continued on page 13
Jain Education Interational 2010_02
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Jain Meditation International Centre
On July 26, 1977, the Mesonic Hall in New York City was filled with joyful reunions and the experience of a unique satsang, celebration of Gurudev Shri Chitrabhanu's 75th birthday. As he was ushered in by Bahubali Bob Feinson, with Pramodaben and Darshan, about 200 multi-cultural voices joined in the singing of "Happy Birthday."
This birthday party sparked a deep sense of belonging, a loving kindness and re-dedication to Gurudev's inspiring teachings of Mahavir, rekindling the messages of peace and ahimsa.
As the tributes were shared by Dr. Dhiraj Shah, President of JAINA; Dr. Dhiraj Shah recalled his being the first Jain to be granted a landmark conscientious objector status thanks to Gurudev's book published in English, and he elaborated on Gurudev's influence in organizing 55 Jain centers to transfer the strength of the heritage and culture to the children, and co-founding JAINA, with commitment to worldwide philanthropy and community service akin to the Red Cross and to the support for the production of vegetarian world video. He called Gurudev 'Vishwa Manvi-World Citizen, belonging to world and considering all equal to himself. Leonard Marks related his first introduction to Jain teachings with Gurudev in the West, and Chatna Florida used the metaphor of building a cathedral with her life, the foundation being Gurudev's teaching how to meditate and celebrate each day with the three jewels of Jainism. In his biographic article and poem, Devendra Peer, a JMIC director, refered to Gurudev as "tall as the Himalayas, yet ever approachable, in his presence unreal becomes real, and real thing begin to seem unreal, joy of self-realization becomes certain and clear." In his birthday message to his father, Rajeev said I believe in you the most, not just because you are my father, you are a lighthouse in the sea, the magnitude of your achievements are truly unsurpassable. Darshan recalled cherishing the father/Guru and Son walks together, so appreciating his refreshing perspective of the world and having gained the insight through the teachings that we are virtual temples can take our God where ever we go, preparing the Temple inside; starting with the self. We can see the holiness of others'.
Of special note is that Yashoda Jordan developed a Website for JMIC in honor of Gurudev's birthday, located at http://
With music from the heart and soul, the program started with Navkar Mantra by all led by Rashmi Rose Gunter, accompanied by James Allen on the keyboard. Mona, nine year-old, sang Maitri Bhavanu, self-accompanied on keyboard; followed by Premal Takacs
Bruce Johnson, State Senator, honored Gurudev on his 75th birthday at the Ohio State House.
of Ohio and the Jain Youth of New York who also sang Maitri, and then Kanan Kapadia presenting to Gurudev the Young Jain's essays based on his books. The Michigan group in chorus sang Chattari Mangalam and Namaste Song. And Pramodaben led us with Mangalam Mantra.
A joyful magic-miracle roast was performed by Bahubali Feinson; and Subodi Feyler and Peter Mathews mimed an amusing skit on meditation as Dr. Atma and Mind. Rashmi Rose, a professional singer, rendered her original birthday song with James on the keyboard. The evening was also accentuated with delicious Gujarati food, and a special birthday cake. Dr. Dhirajbhai invited us all to contribute to the JAINA Education Fund, established in Gurudev's honor so that scholarship support is available for all those commited to furthering their Jain studies.
The colorful and enriched evening of celebration concluded with Gurudev's retelling of his journey from India to JFK airport and then his message "I've come here to collect your loving blessings The teaching is not preaching: It is practise. What more can we do on earth than to transform ones consciousness, practise nonviolence and conquer weakness. It is a blessing to fill our hearts with love, compassion, forgiveness. Looking into your eyes, seeing the changes, the creativity, the love that has developed, what more joy is their in this life? And acknowledging the torch bearers of the future, like Nicky Gould, a vegetarian American Jain youth, and some of the accomplishments of some of the first American students such as Leonard, editing the meditation manual, realize what you are, and bringing the teachings to his work as a trial lawyer. And Alan Slifka, celebrating the gifts of the teachings by creating the Abraham foundation for Middle East peace." By evenings end, that all hearts and souls were filled with precious memories that will remain for a long time to come.
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International Alumni Association of Shri Mahavir Jain Vidyalay
IAAMJV is a non profit, tax exempt association of over 350 former students of Shri Mahavir Jain Vidyalaya, Bombay. It's main goal is to promote the cause of education in the Jain community irrespective of the sect. The alumni association has raised over $315,000 since its inception in 1991. Besides helping the mother institute in the major projects, it is also directly awarding loan scholarships to the needy and talented undergradute Jain youth in India and graduate students pursuing higher studies outside India. Currently it is involved in establishing a branch of the institute in Udaipur, estimated to cost around two crore rupees. The member- ship to IAAMJV is open to any Jain residing outside India. If you are interested in supporting our mission in general or in setting up scholarship trust fund in someone's name, please contact Anop Vora 716/473-9290. We urge you all to support a great cause.
A busy year at Siddhachalam
The recent favourable decision of the Supreme Court of New Jersey has dealt with the basic of our religious use of the property and the issues raised since 1991 have been addressed satisfactorily and conclusively. The decision also deals with the collateral and secondary issue of rebulding of a new Dining facility at Siddhachalam
On the basis of the findings of the Superior Court of New Jersey, Siddhachalam has commenced an action in the Federal Court for punitive and other damages based on violation of civil rights against the Township of Blairstown and Blairstown Zoning Board of Adjustments. We are currently preceeding further with the site plan.
Kshamapana Day will be celebrated on Sunday, October 5th, 1997, at Siddhachalam beginning at 11AM with pooja, spiritual discourses and Sahadharmaik Vatsalya.
Siddhachalam is on Internet at and our email address is
The following Jain Centers and Societies around the world celebrated Gurudev Shree Chitrabanu's 25th anniversary as a poineer of Jainsim in the West and his 75th birthday:
Antwerp, Belgium
Toronto, Canada Trumbull, Connecticut Metro Washington, DC
London, England Orlando, Florida
Chicago, Illinois Salisbury, Maryland Whitemore Lake, Michigan
Detoroit, Michigan St. Paul, Minnesota Caldwell, New Jersey
Buffalo, New York Elmhurst (Queens), New York
Long Island, New York
New York (JMIC), New York Poughkeepsie, New York
Cincinnati, Ohio
Columbus, Ohio Allentown, Pennsylvania Harrisburg, Pennsylvania Johnstown, Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Indonesia, Singapore
Zürick, Switzerland Columbus, South Carolina
Dallas, Texas Houston, Texas
10/JAIN DIGEST FALL 1997 at Education Intelioma 2010/02
ates Personal use an
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Ahimsa Committee
JAINA Education Committee
The Jain Community will celebrate the annual Ahimsa Day on Sunday, October 5th, 1997, throughout North America. This will be the 6th year of celebration. A growing number of Jain centers are celebrating this day by (a) obtaining proclamation from city/state officials, (b) inviting speakers to talk about Jain Ahimsa, (c) organising seminars, (d) giving food and old clothes to needy people, (e) showing Ahimsa Video, (f) organising "Aymbel Tapascharya" for members, etc. We request you to organise this event for your centers to promote Ahimsa principle in your community-Jain & non-Jain. If you need additional information, please contact Dr. Surendra Singhvi, Chairman of Ahimsa Day Celebration Committee, at 9371 885-7414.
Committee has developed the curriculum program for all Jain youths which starts from preschool to high school. This program is divided into four groups:
Level 1: for age up to 8 (Preschool and Grades 1-2) Level 2: for age 9 to 11 (Grades 3-4-5) Level 3: for age 12 to 14 (Grades 6-7-8)
Level 4: for age 15 to 18 (Grades 9-10-11-12) In these four levels, there are over 125 topics covering most of the Jain principles and philosophy. The educational material for the above groups is now available either in book form or as computer printouts.
JAINA Charitable Trust A phenomenal increase in the membership from 30 to 75 during the past year was greeted by all the Trustees. Trust Funds are now over $140,000 and at annual meeting the Trustees approved contributions of $10,000 to the Toronto Jaina Convention and $5,000 to JAINA General Fund.
Trustees invites you to become a trust member and help JAINA in preserving and spreading our rich Jain heritage. For more information contact Dr. Mahendra Pandya at 718/816-0083. (See page 13 for a list of Trustees).
Jain Books in Cartoon Format
The Education Committee, in collaboration with Mahavir Seva Trust and Diwaker Chitra Katha, has been publishing monthly Cartoon Books on Jain personalities and the Jain theme for more than eighteen months.
JAINA plans to continue this project for at least the next five years. 12 books were published in 1995-96: Bhagwan Parshvanath
The Fortune Rich Dhanna Wisdom Stories of Abhay Kumar
Bhagwan Mahavir Voll Kshamadan
Bhagwan Mahavir Volll Moral Stories of Bhagwan Mahavir
Princess Chandanbala Bhagwan Shantinath
Bhagwan Rishabhdev Miracles of Namokar Mantra
Maha Sati Madan Rekha
Jain Internet and BBS Committee
12 more books have been published in 1996-97:
The Miracle of Shree Siddhachakra The Inspiring Story of Meghkumar The Young Yogi Jambukumar
Prince Shrenik Lord Malinath Anjana Sundari
The Monarch Brahmadatta
Bhagwan Neminath Shripal & Mainasundari Chandragupta & Chanakya
Acharya Heervijay Suri The Great Sthulibhadra
The Internet Jain Database is enhanced in many categories. Ten additional books and several scholarly articles have been added. Also all files are converted into Microsoft Word (.doc) files. The following is the summary of the complete datebase that exists on Internet website, located at or http:// Subject
Number Jainism Education Articles on Jainism Books on Jainism Ahimsa Quotes on Jainism Jain Rituals World Religions Essays by Youth
Stories from Jain Literature 104 Activities in progress include the creation of Jain spell checking dictionary that will help to make all Jain words spelled the same way across database. Also, editing of all children stories. They will be converted to North American English.
These books are available by yearly subscription of $21. For educational material and subscriptions to the cartoon books, please contact:
Dr. Premchand B. Gada, Chairman JAINA Library/Education Committee 4410 50th Street Lubbock, TX 79414
Or call 806/793-8555, or email
Jain Education Interational 2010_02
Page #14
JAINA wishes the very best to all of you and thanks you for your donation:
Nealesh Shah, 22, (son of Dr. Dhiraj & Pratima Shah of Buffalo, NY) has graduated from Wharton Business School on May, 18, 1997, in Finance and International Relations and has accepted a position of Financial Analyst at Stern & Stewart Investment Banking firm in New York City ($101.00)
Neil Shah, 18, (son of Hemant and Dr. Hansa Bhayani of Buffalo, NY) has graduated from Nichols High School on June 13, 1997, and will attend John Hopkins University in the fall of 1997 ($51.00)
Sujay Turakhia, 17, (son of Jit and Manda Turakhia of Syracuse, NY) has graduated from Liverpool High School on June 28, 1997, and will attend Cornell Univeristy Engineering School in the fall of 1997 ($31)
Jay Pahade, 17, (son of Ravi & Pramod Pahade of Buffalo, NY) has graduated from Williamsville North High School and will attend Virginia Commonwealth University to pursue a medical career ($25)
Nickesh Pahade, 22, (son of Ravi & Pramod Pahade of Buffalo, NY) has graduated from University of Michigan with B.S. degree and has started a website consulting company, Woolverine Web Productions ($25)
Do you have a Happy Occasion to share? If so, send them with your donation to JAINA Headquarters, at the address on page 2.
JAINA and AT&T has signed an agreement called the Association Awards Pro- gram. This is how it works: AT&T will pay JAINA 5% of the residential AT&T, direct dial, international, long-distance, perminute usage charges, billed and collected for each registered JAINA member, who choose AT&T as their long distance company. Please sign up now! Don't forget to give AT&T our account number 4NAE 1987. If you have any questions, please call Kushal Jain at 908/949-0889.
JAINA is in the process of updating data of Jain & Hindu/Jain Temples in North America. A letter incorporating a form of details required from each Jain Society is in the mail. Your cooperation in completing this form as soon as possible will be appre- ciated. Jasvant Mehta of Jain Society of Alberta is co-ordinating this Jain Project. Call him at 403/435-9070, fax: 403/4975520 or send an email message:
Bhaktamar Stotra is available on video. It is sung by Anuradha Podwal, with commentary by Harish Bhimani. The video will take you on a journey of the ancient Jain temples of India. If you would like to have this video, we request a donation in the amount of $10 plus $3 for shipping and handling (50c for each additional tape) to:
Anil R. Shah Jain Center of Greater Boston 26 Humbolt Avenue Burlington, MA 01803
Or you may phone 617/272-3666. At your request, the JCGB will include a free bird feeder with each order to teach your children Jiv Daya.
FALL 1997
Jain Education Interational 2010_02
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The JAIN DIGEST & JAINA would like to thank each and every one of the following people for their generosity in helping make us successful.
Rasik & Manorama Patel
San Marino, CA
Jinendra & Indira Mehta
La Verna, CA
Kamlesh & Dipti Shah
East Brunswich, NH
REGIONAL NEWS (continued)
Continued from page 8
seven weeks during the months of March and April. Mahavir Jayanti was celebrated in the presence of Samaniji Muditprajna, Samaniji Charitraprajna, Saman Shrutprajna, and Saman Ashwiniprajna. A children's program was presented by three groups of pathshala participants.
Various scholars who visited the center included Shri Dhirajlal Pandit, Shri Neeraj Jain, Dr. Hukumchand Bharil, Shri Kiritchandravijay, Shri Babubhai Kadiwala who performed the Sidhchakra Mahapujan for the first time in Northern California, Samanjis and Samanijis delivered lectures on Acharang Sutra and other topics as well as conducted Prekshadhyan classes on a regular basis during their two-months ex
Congratuations and thanks to newest JAIN DIGEST Life Members
Mukul & Gargi Mehta Agoura Hills, CA
Kishor & Damini Mehta Vista, CA
Samarpan Jain Sangh Philadelphia, PA
Ramesh & Varsha Shah Newark, DE
Jit & Manda Turakhia Syracuse, NY
tended stay. The classes provided an opportunity to learn various exercise, asanas, meditation, anupreksha, and swadhyay. An excellent set of videos, audios, and books have been prepared with the help of Samanjis.
Nearly 100 people, some from as far away as Los Angeles and San Diego, partici pated in a very successful three-day Prekshadhyan Shibir (family camp) held in Aug at Point Bonita Recreation Center, Salsaulito. The camp was graced by the presence of Samanijis Bhavitprajnaji and Vinitprajnaji who flew from Orlando, Florida specifically for this event, Samanjis Shrutprajnaji and Aswiniprajnaji, sadhaks and sadhikas, provided an excellent oppor
Dilip & Sarla Shah Philadelphia, PA
Mrs. Brigitte M. Walker St. Petersburgh, FL
tunity to learn about self development and self realization.
Following the acquisition of the land last year, the construction of the Jain Bhavan will begin as soon as the city approves the project. The estimated project cost is $3 million and the Center is appealing for donations and support from the entire Jain Community of North America.
Sacramento, CA
Samaniji Sanmatiprajna and Samaniji Prasannaprajna were invited to stay for an extended period and organize regular programs including discourses on Jainism and Preksha Dhyan classes for adults and youths.
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Congratulations, and thanks, to the JAINA Charitable Trust. JAINA heartily extends its congratulations to the JAINA Charitable Trust for its tremendous growth in membership.
JAINA also thanks the Trust for it's contributions of $5,000 to the JAINA General Fund in 1997, and $10,000 to the gh Biennial JAINA Convention held in Toronto this past July
The Trust, established in 1994 with 24 Trustees and $26,006 in donations, now has 75 Trustees and $140,000 in donations and trust income.
JAINA Charitable Trust Members
Business Fairway Diam Gems Trading
Rosy Blue Smit Diamond Disons Gems Indiam Inc.
Dia Blue
Saral Diamonds Indian Diamond
Shefi Diamonds Vimco Diamonds Allied Gems C. M. Diamonds Indo Jewel
GerWave Real Gems
City & State New York, NY New York, NY N. Royalton, OH Short Hills, NI New York, NY Reston, VA New York, NY New York, NY S. Barrington, IL Phoenix, AZ New York, NY New York, NY Diamond Bar, CA New York, NY New York, NY Toronto, ONT New York, NY Sugar Land, TX Los Gatos, CA Bloomingtield Hill, IL Freemont, CA Toronto, Ont. Williamsville, NY New York, NY San Jose, Ca New York, NY New York, NY New York, NY Englewood Clfs, NJ New York, NY New York, NY Manhasset Hls, NY New York, NY Niagara Falls, NY New York, NY New York, NY Cypress, CA New York, NY
Mr. Shekhar Bansali Mr. Hem Bardia Dr. Khushal Bhaiji Dr. Yashwant Bhandari Mr. Dave Krishnakant Dr. Manoj Dharamsi Mr. Ketan Doshi Mr. Sunil Doshi Dr. Rashmi Gardi Dr. Kirit Gosalia Mr. Dharam Hirawat Mr. Anu Hirawat Mr. Mahendra Jain (Daga) Mr. Duli Jain (Baid) Mr. Sunil Jain Mr. Ramesh Jain Mr. Paresh Jain Mr. Udai Jain Mrs. Madhu Jain Dr. Ashok Jain Mr. Prem Jain Mr. Gyan Jain Dr. Jagat Jain Mr. Sunil Jain Mr. Rajen Jaswa Mr. Dinesh Jhaveri Mr. Smitesh Jhaveri Mr. Nitin Jubanputra Mr. Arun Kothari Mr. Vinay Kothari Mr. Atul Kothari Dr. Narendra Lodha Mr. Samir Mehta Dr. Pravin Mehta Mr. Nimish Mehta Mr. Satish Mehta Dr. Manibhai Mehta Mr. Himanshu Mehta
Ashi Diamonds AshiDiamonds Precision Design Embay Diamond Renaissance Diamond Data Convertion Pioneer Gems Galaxy USA Sunny Gems Shivani Diamond Indian Gems Moti Gems Pinal Impex
Name Mr. Chandra Mehta Mr. Ragin Mehta Mr. Sagar Mehta Mr. Milan Mehta Mr. Milan Mehta Mr. Anand Nahar Dr. Mahendra Pandya Mr. Sanjay Pandya Dr. Bipin Parekh Mr. Ashit Parekh Mr. Rajshekhar Parikh Mr. Narendra Patni Mr. Asok Sancheti Mr. Kushal Sancheti Mr. Nainesh Saraiya Mr. Mehul Shah Mr. Dinesh Shah Mr. Raichand Shah Mr. Chinu Shah Mr. Girish Shah Mr. Rajesh Shah Mr. Kinish Shah Mr. Ramesh Shah Mr. Dilip Shah Mr. Arun Shah Dr. Narendra Shah Mr. Niranjan Shah Dr. Vinod Shah Dr. Dhiraj Shah Mr. Deepak Sheth Mr. Jawahar Shetti Mr. Kamal Surana Dr. Bhupendra Tolia Dr. Bharat Tolia Mr. Jit Turakhia Mr. Prabodh Vaidya Dr. Mahendra Varia
City & State New York, NY New York, NY New York, NY New York, NY New York, NY Forest Hills, NY Staten Island, NY Staten Island, NY Chicago, IL New York, NY New York, NY Cambridge, MA New York, NY New York, NY New York, NY New York, NY New York, NY New York, NY New York, NY Campbell, CA New York, NY New York, NY Mayfield Hts, OH Philadelphia, PA New York, NY Athens, GA Des Plaines, IL Leonardtown, MD Grand Island, NY New York, NY Haworth, NI New York, NY Norwood, NI W. Bloomfield, MI Liverpool, NY Bolinbrook, IL Martin, KY
Vaishali Diamonds Sure Diam
Fine Emerald
Indo Gems
Sangam Diamond Simplex Diamond Sanghavi Diamond Alma Diamonds Precious Trade Impex Diamond
Shah Associates, MD, PC Dirjah Shah, MD, PC Diamlink
Far East Gems
Paras Diamonds
Atit Diamonds Serited Diamonds
J. T. Systems Chicago Rx and Counseling Martin Animal Hospital
Brilliant Gems
We have tried to provide as many business addresses as possible. Any missing ones will be added in a future issue.
For information on becoming a part of this Trust, which is helping in preserving our Jain heritage in North America,
please contact Dr. Mahendra Pandya at 73 BeeBe Street, Staten Island, NY 10301, or call 718/816-0083.
Page #17
A Tribute to Acharya Tulsi
Acharya Tulsi, the finest symbol of India's glorious spiritual tradition left his body in Gangashahar, India on Monday, June 23, 1997, for eternal peace.
Youngest Acharya. Born on October 20, 1914, at Ladnun, Rajasthan, child Tulsi became Muni Tulsi at the age of 11, as 9th Acharya. At the age of 22 he was entrusted with the responsibility of leading a large religious order. consisting of 500 monks and nuns and millions of shravaks and shravikas.
Acharya Tulsi's life is a new manifestation of Indian consciousness. His 72 years of monkhood, unprecedented number of years as Acharya, unparal leled barefoot walk of 100,000 km throughout India, wide contact with masses, intimate spiritual relationship with political leaders like Dr. Rajendra Prasad, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru and Mrs. Indira Gandhi.
Gurudev launched a three-dimensional campaign of Anuvrat, Preksha Meditation and the Science of Living.
Anuvrat Movement. Acharya Tulsi launched the Anuvrat Movement on March 2, 1949, with a view to spread non-violence and righteousness. Anuvrat, derived from the code of conduct of Jain Shravak enlisted in the Agams, aims at creating a feeling of pure humanitarian and universal fraternity irrespective of consideration of race, sect, gender, class, language or religion. Be a good human being first and then proceed further-this is the basic message of Anuvrat. Acharya Tulsi realized the universal nature of religion and made it a tool to solve social, national and international problems. Anuvrat Movement put forward the following secrets before the people:
• Dharma (Religion) occupies the first place, sect comes next • There may be many sects but dharma belongs to all
⚫ Dharma must not be subjected to political interferences ⚫ Dharma not only ensures happiness in the hereafter but it also brings happiness to the present life.
• He who fails to make his present life better is unlikely to achieve happiness in the hereafter.
• The primary aim of Dharma is to purify character. Its ritualistic practices are means to achieve the purity of the character as an end.
Preksha Dhyan. In 1975, experiments to evolve an effective technique of meditation were carried out. They proved immensely successful. The technique thus evolved came to be known as Preksha Dhyan. Preksha Meditation was one of the most important activities of Acharya Tulsi. Its sole aim is to bring about an inner change in the person.
Jeevan Vigyan. It is a constructive and important endeavour aimed at bringing about a psychological transformation in the attitude of students. Many experiments have been made in colleges and schools to test its efficacy.
National awards and recognition.Acharya Tulsi had influenced Indian politics by his personal traits and actions as a religious preceptor. He never compromised the dignity of a saint by joining active politics. Dr. S. Radhakrishnan has included the life accounts of fourteen great men in his book Living with Purpose. One of them is Acharya Tulsi. Dr. Radhakrishnan honoured him in 1961 on the completion of his twenty-five years of Acharyahood. In 1971 President V. V. Giri honoured him by conferring on him the title of Yugpradhan. In 1986 he was conferred the title of Bharat Jyoti by President Gyani Zail Singh. Acharya Tulsi was a nominated member of the National Integration Council. He was honoured by the Indira Gandhi National Unity Award in 1993.
Jain Vishwa Bharati. In 1970, Acharya Tulsi established Jain Vishva Bharati for the purpose of religious education and training; and to discover the new depth of spiritual knowledge. It has a huge library containing 35,000 Grantha and 5,000 hand-written patra. In 1991, the Govt. and UGC approved it as a full fledge University where a student can receive masters degree in arts, science and religion.
Saman Deeksha. The need for a third category of monks and nuns between full-fledged ascetic and house-holders had been felt for a long time. In 1980, Acharya Tulsi took a revolutionary step and initiated the first batch of samanis on the campus of Jain Vishva Bharati, Ladnun. The aim of establishing this new category of ascetics, who are like Sadhu and Sadhvi in every respect with the exception that they do not have to observe the vow of travelling on foot and that the food can be prepared for them, was to help and facilitate the spread of Jainism and also to open up new avenues of constructive work.
Simple monk again. On February 18, 1994 Acharya Tulsa relinquished his office of Atari in favor of Yuvacharya Mahapragya. From that day onwards, Acharya Mahapragya, a most competent and brilliant successor, became the 10th Atari of the Terapanth Dharm Sangh. For one Acharya to transfer his exalted office to another within life time was a unique event in the history of Jains. A man of heroic courage, remarkable spiritual development, prodigious amount of creative writings and his gift of thousands of dedicated workers—all sound singularly great and incredible.
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Does Your Center Want to Build a Temple?
The JAINA Temple Committee has been providing guidelines to build nonsectarian Jain temples in North America and also help Jain Centers to get the necessary idols and the namokar mantra shila
The Buffalo Jain temple built as per JAINA Guidlines. The idols and
namokar mantra shila were provided by the Temple Committee.
Now the Committee wants to take active part in helping every Jain Center to have its own nonsectarian, independent temple, swadhyay, bhawan, library and pathshala.
As soon as any Center buys land or a building for their nonsectarian temple, the Committee will get actively involved in providing them a grant, a loan, idols and help in raising funds.
The goal of the Committee is to see a Jain temple at every Jain Center
The Temple Committee is also planning to arrange a Tirth Yatra with educational seminars in India during the winter vacations of 1998, and therefore invites suggestions and volunteers for these activities.
Please contact Dr. Mahendra Pandya at 718/816-0083 for further information
and your suggestions for these two JAINA projects.
Page #19
he 9th Biennial JAINA Convention was held in Toronto, Canada on July 4-6, 1997, and on all accounts was a roaring success, with attendance exceeding over 7,000. The International Plaza Hotel and Toronto Congress Centre, the venue of convention hummed with people throughout the day and night. All 400 rooms in this hotel and other neighbouring hotels were full. Although over 1100 families were pre-registered, the registration desk could hardly keep up with the flood of people coming in from all parts of North America for on-site registration. Almost 50% of the delegates had arrived by Thursday night in order not to miss any part of the activities on Friday, the first day of the Convention.
Each day, there were pratikramans in Hindi, Gujarati and English and Yoga and meditation starting at 6:30 in the morning under the guidance of Munijis, Samanjis & Panditjis. Following breakfast, lectures, workshops, seminars, discussions, presentations, questions and answers, exhibitions and auctions commenced at 9AM. There were over 60 speakers who spoke within their alloted time and 30+ moderators, well versed in their task did a wonderful job of running the three day programme of 80+ lectures etc. smoothly and efficiently.
The opening ceremony was very impressive part of programming. The stage and the podium were art-fully decorated with shrubs, vines, branches, leaves and flowers. The procession of the dignitaries was led by two lovely dancing young Jains to the tune of sitar, tabla, dholak and other instruments. The dignitaries included amongst others, Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, Her Honourable Hillary M. Weston; Minister of Culture, Madam Marilyn Mushinski; the Chief Justice of Ontario, Honourable Roy McMurtry; High Commissioner of India in the UK, Dr. L. M. Singhvi, who was also the keynote speaker; Rajiv Bhatia, Counsul General of India; and Terry Curran, Counsul General of U. K. Gurudev Chitrabhanu, Acharya Chandanaji, Jinchandraji Maharaj, Bhattarak Charukirtiji and Amrendramuni led the overall spiritual message to the delegates.
The national anthems of Canada and India were sung by a talented young lady followed by Namokar Mantra set to a dance choreographed specially for the occasion. Acharya Chandanaji recited the Manglacharan and Guruji Chitrabhanu blessed the Convention. The Lieutenant Governor welcomed all our guests and showed how well versed she was with Jain scriptures by mentioning and quoting from Tattvarth Sutra. This gesture captured the hearts of many in the audience and the keynote speaker, Dr. Singhvi, felt fit to mention it in his speech. Various other dignitaries gave welcoming words and praised the organisation of the Convention.
Dr. Singhvi's keynote speech was the centre piece of the morning's deliberations. In his 25 minute delivery, he talked about Jain identity which is social, religious and cultural and cuts across linguistic, ethnic, regional, economical and political differences. He talked about the art of inter-generational covenant
which enables present generation of Jains to pass on the tradition that they have inherited. He counseled us in North America to exorcise the ghosts of divisiveness of firquas. He urged us to build SETU-INDIA, a network of bridges between people living in India (Bharatvasi), people of Indian origin everywhere (Bharatvanshi) and friends of India in all countries of the world.
Dr. Singhvi offered many ideas for the future. He said Jains should create and strenghten:
an effective Global Network of co-operating, collaborating and constantly communicating with Jain organisations
> Global Awareness Programme to foster wider understanding of Jain history, traditions, principles and their contemporary relevance today
Eminent Exponents of Jainism should be invited to lecture at Universities, civic communities and other venues
> An Intercontinental Jain Youth Exchange Programme > Establish University Chairs in Jainology and Indian Cultural Heritage
> Encourage Jain Youth Camps
> Establish Jainism in curriculam of schools and universities > Organise Essay Competetitions on Jain themes
> Establish an Ahimsa Global Gold Medallion or similar substantial Award to raise profile of Jains and Jainism
Make an Annual Jain Sangh from North America to Jain pilgrimage centres in India thus reviving an old Jain tradition > Sponsor specific Ecology Programmes. First and foremost we should undertake the Promotion of Vegetarianism with Jain philosophy and ethics in focus. It should be our priority to reclaim and reconvert our fellow jains in particular and others in larger Hindu fold, who have lost their vegetarian life style.
> Consider creating Order of Lay Preachers who can travel, preach, maintain temples and perform ceremonies and rituals
> Create Order of Novitiate Monk and Nuns who may be ordained for overseas work for a limited period within the discipline of the Jain Order.
The dignitaries were then led to inspect the exhibition room with 35 Jain quilts and Jain artefacts. The quilts showed powerful synthesis of North American quilting art with Jain tradition of religious art. The quilts were labour of love from individuals as young as 6 years and as old as 76. All quilts were auctioned off with silent bids at the close of the Convention.
The Jain temple at the Convention was beautifully constructed in the terrace room. The ambiance of the temple created an inner feeling of piety and peace. There were fourteen dreams on the walls and life size mannequin of dreaming Trishla in artfully decorated palatial bedroom of the future mother of 24th Tirthankar.
For over 6,000 delegates by Friday and another 1000+ on Saturday, the daytime was occupied with listening to Sadhujis, Sadhvijis, Scholars and specialists in different fields of endeavour, visiting various booths and exhibition, socialising and of course eating sumptuous meals across the road in Toronto
Page #20
What a
9th Biennia
Ju Tor
2 JAINA CONVENTION Ja Society of Toronto
Top to bottom: Dr. L.M. Singhvi, Indian High Consulate to the UK, delivers his keynote speech. Ontario Lt. Governor Hillary Weston opens the convention. Monks attend a session. 1st Vice President Mahendra Pandya, Incoming President Dhiraj Shah, Gurudev Chitrabanu, Moderator Keerti Shah, and Outgoing President Manibhai Mehta participate in a session. Delegates at the convention.
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With community support, these visionary volunteers have been changing the course of JAINA, which has become democratic and is gradually heading toward a professional and financially strong organization as one voice of all Jains in North America.
Left to right: Dr. Jagat Jain, Past President; Dr. Dhiraj Shah, Incoming President: Dr. Manibhai Mehta, Outgoing President: Dr. Khushal Bhaiji. Trustee.
Top to bottom: Nuns attend a session. Con vention goers view informational materials at the JAINA TEAM booth. Delegates at the convention.
Page #22
Congress Centre. The food committee did a tremendous job in organising the feeding of 7000+ people in two hours. The food was delicious, very varied in its taste and its regional origin and catered to the different needs of respected Sadhu and Sadhvijis, older generation who abstained from eating potatoes, onions and garlic and new group of vegans. The younger Jains also had a choice of pasta and sandwiches.
It was an amazing sight to behold, everything was executed with military precision with hardly any wait.
In the evening on Friday, Ravindra Jain and party from Bollywood entertained some 2,800 listeners to Jain devotional songs for three hours. He too emphasized in his music 'the exorcising the ghosts of firquas' and called himself the follower of the Tirthankar only. Ravindraji was well received by the audience and he responded by singing a specially written song for the Convention. His words when set to his music had an electrifying effect and had definitely added to the message of this Convention. The young Jains had also organized a cruise on Lake Ontario which grew from one boatload to three. Over five hundred youths, 19 and over, had an awesome time. Simultenously there was a dandiya-raas programme at the Congress Centre for those who had the urge to participate in something more active.
The Saturday night was for the cultural programme and various Jain Sanghs chosen from some 54 centres, presented skits, dances and other varied items. Janak Khendry presented two very impressive dances on Sthulibhadra and Kosha and the other on Panchkalyanak. The evening ended with Young Jains dancing away till wee hours.
The Sunday started with Pratikraman, Yoga and Meditation and was followed by questions and answers with all Sadhujis, Sadhvijis, Bhattarakji, Guruji and Samanji on the stage fielding difficult questions from the audience. 90 minute proved to be too short a period to satisfy everyone. The final part of the morning was taken up by the closing ceremony, highlight of which was the presentation of the JAINA Awards. The JAINA Ratna Award was given to Dr. Tansukh Salgia for his excep- tional contribution to the promotion of Jainism in North America. The Acharya Sushil Kumar Ahimsa Award was given to Dr. Bruce (Balbhadra) Costain for helping second generation of Jains in maintaining their religious identity. Many other adult and young Jains received awards for their work in promoting JAINA and the cause of Jainism. (See pages 24-25 for a complete listing).
There were many other important activities which highlighted the Convention. The Youth Networking workshops proved to be successful. The marriage bureau was in great demand and had over 650 entries. For the first time ever, a blood donor clinic in was set up which was quite successful.
A Convention of many firsts, the Toronto JAINA Conven- tion was also the birthplace of programming for children be
tween the ages of six and 13. Aimed at educating and inspiring the children of the Jain community about the fundamentals of their religion, the sessions enabled the children to
understand what it meant to be a Jain, especially in North America. From rhythmic ahimsic poetry to the story of "Emily the Cow" to understanding the concept of vegetarianism, all sessions captured the interest of every child who attended. The initiative was very successful and attendance topped 120 kids on Saturday morning.
Special time slots and rooms were made available to any groups or alumnis for get-togethers. Hence there were mini sammelans of Kutchhis, East African Jains, Oswals, Gurjars, Alumnis of Mahavir Jain Vidhyalay etc.
special souvenir issue was published to commorate the occasion and help raise some funds. The souvenir contained many original articles on Jain art and architecture, Vastushastra, Agam etc. Souvenir was very much in demand. Similarly, a pin depicting hand symbol of peace was given away as a convention momento (one per family) was very much appreciated by the delegates.
This was a very uplifting JAINA Convetion. It attracted more than 7,500 delegates to Toronto, compared to only 2,500 at the 5th JAINA Convention, also held in Toronto, in 1989.
The name and work done by JAINA has become well known to all the Jains around the globe. As mentioned by outgoing President Dr. Manibhai Mehta, JAINA has been recognized by the U.S. government, as well as the government of India, as a humanitarian organization.
During the convention, JAINA elected a new executive committee under Dr. Dhiraj H. Shah, of Buffalo, as President, and launched the JAINA Bhagwan Vardhman Education Endowment Fundin honor of Gurudev Chitrabanu's 75th brithday, and collected pledges of US$75,000. JAINA also held the meetings of its' Executive Committee, Board of Directors, Presidential Advisory Coucil and JAINA Chartiable Trust.
Dr. Dhiraj Shah, in his address to the convention, presented his vision of JAINA for the next two years (see a transcript of the speech on the next page). He talked about the need to have Jain temples at each Jain community and a pathshala at each center. He emphasized the need for senior citizen housing in different regions of North America.
Ravindra Jain had composed a special song called 'Viday'or parting of friends which brought a surge of emotions in the hearts of the audience as they joined in the singing. Ravindraji said this is not a goodbye but au-revoire meaning until we meer again. We then parted with joy of successful Convention in our hearts and sadness of parting with so many friends we had made.
The Ich Biennial JAINA Convention at Toronto has reinforced the spirit of Jain unity demonstrated in San Francisco in 1991, Pittsburgh in 1993, and in Chicago in 1995.
DIGEST FALL 1997 Jain Education Intemational 2010_02
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Federation of JAINA
Presidential Acceptance Speech Delivered by Dr. Dhiraj Shah at the 9th Biennial JAINA Convention in Toronto, Canada, on July 6, 1997
Respected Gurujis, dignitaries, ladies, and gentlemen, Jai Jinendra.
It is indeed a distinct honor and privilege for me to have been elected as your President for the next two years. I accept this honor with a deep sense of responsibility, gratitude, and humility. I would like to congratulate the previous administrations which were led by Dr. Manibhai Mehta, Dr. Jagat Jain, Dr. Sulekh Jain, Dr. Tansukh Salgia, and Dr. Manoj Dharamsi for their accomplishments. I want to thank the Jain Society of Toronto and the volunteers for such a marvelous convention.
Twenty-five hundred years ago, a great prophet by the name of Mahavir taught the world the principles of Jainism; principles such as ahimsa, anekantavad, aparigrah, and anukampa. But 2,500 years after, we must face the tragic fact that the world has become more violent, more intolerant, more materialistic, and less compassionate. When we look at the world around us, many countries like Yugoslavia, Rwanda, Zaire, and Albania are being disintegrated and millions of people are being killed in the name of religion, race, language, and ethnic cleansing. How fortunate we are to be living in our adopted land, North America, and coming from our mother land, India, where all religions, races, languages and ethnicities are embraced and tolerated. While the world is engulfed in the art of destruction and dissection, we have created “JAINA' which represents all the Jains of North America in spite of our diversity of religious rituals, traditions, customs, languages and regional origins. Our diversity is our strength! It brings out the best in each of us. Let us not make our diversity a reason for discord. Let us embrace each other's traditions, languages and ethnic backgrounds. Let us be inclusive, not exclusive. JAINA is an example of our unity in diversity.
Since its founding in 1981, JAINA has grown from merely four Jain societies to an incredible fifty four today, thanks to Gurudev Chitrabanu and Acharya Sushilmuni.
Friends, it is not just enough to have a society if we want to follow Lord Mahavir's teachings. We need a physical structure, we need a building, we need a temple and pathshala, we need a pulpit. We need this pulpit to preserve and promote the principles of Jainism as caught by Lord Mahavir. In fact, we need this pulpit in each and every metropolitan area in North America. This pulpit will not only satisfy the needs of our generation, but the needs of generations to come. At the same time, we also need a library in every center to complement our temple and pathshala.
We also need senior citizen's housing in various locations next to our temples, where our senior citizens can spend their golden years in a religious atmosphere. This is not something new. The Christian community has done it. So have the Jewish, Moslem, and Hindu communities. Why have we, the richest ethnic group, forgotten to take care of our senior citizens. I believe it is time to implement a housing program just for senior citizens. Our children are our future, but our senior citizens are our foundation. We don't want to follow other communities blindly; however this idea is a sound one and it helps us to maintain our identity in this mosaic of multicultural society we call North America. We want to assimilate, not isolate; but at the same time we want to preserve our identity by having a temple, pathshala, library, and senior citizen housing complex in every region of North America.
This is my vision. I hope that this is your vision as well. This is what I intend to begin to accomplish in the next two years; however, I need your help to make our vision a reality. We need a strong JAINA which can stand by every Jain society and Jain family as they build their temple and pathshala. Whether it is the Jain Center of New York, Detroit, Miami, San Francisco, New Jersey or Tulsa-JAINA wants to make our vision a reality. JAINA is on your side! We will spend our time, talent, and treasure to make sure that you succeed. However, your honest effort is needed to help JAINA succeed. Remember, JAINA's success is your success.
To achieve these goals, I would like to propose that we raise a million dollars before the next millennium for the JAINA Charitable Trust, a second million for the JAIN DIGEST Endowment Fund, and a third million for the JAINA General Fund.
1. The JAINA Charitable Trust will help societies to build temples, pathshalas, libraries, and senior citizen's
housing. 2. The JAIN DIGESTEndowment Fund will generate enough interest so that we can publish more than two issues
of the JAIN DIGEST every year and other useful literature that can be sent to 10,000 Jain families. 3. The JAINA General Fund will be used to carry out humanitarian, educational, and environmental activities,
Jeev Daya, inviting scholars, a scholar's training program, helping Jain families in need, publishing books for children of all ages and sending them to each one of our homes.
Presidential Acceptance Speech
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Jains have highest per capita income in North America. We have to use our resources to provide Jainism with a firm foundation. It will not serve our generation only, but it will serve generations to come as well. If we fail, our children, many of whom are being born and brought up in this country will noever know the joy, beauty, and strength of our religious and cultural heritage. We have a great responsibility to ourselves, our children, and our heritage. If we do not fulfill our responsibility, our children will never forgive us.
The plan of action is very simple: 1. If you can afford to contribute $500 or more for the next ten years, then you can become a trustee of the JAINA
Charitable Trust, or 2. You can become a lifetime member of the JAIN DIGEST by contributing $101, and 3. Give a one time gift to the JAINA General Fund of $101 as a complement to your lifetime subscription. This will give JAINA a sound financial foundation.
We have a dream of a world where there is no violence, no starvation, tolerance for each other's viewpoints and proper medical care for all. Our three proposals are the first steps in accomplishing these goals. These goals may not be accomplished tomorrow, however we must begin today or it will never be accomplished. I believe that the time is right for all of us to make this commitment.
With your support, and only with your support, we can put JAINA on the path to achieving these goals. Together, we will triumph. Let us do it for our religion, for our children, and for ourselves.
I would like to thank each and every one of you for attending this convention and for listening to me. Jai Jinendra.
We thank the following members who have become JAINA Patrons by donating $251.
Presidential Acceptance Speech
Dr. Jagat & Mrs. Urmila Jain Mr. Ramesh & Mrs. Asha Jain Mr. S. and Mrs. Garima Khamesra Mr. Deepak & Mrs. Aruna Maniar Dr. Manibhai & Mrs. Savita Mehta Dr. Pravin & Dr. Malini Mehta Mr. Pravin & Mrs. Madhu Mehta Dr. Mahendra & Mrs. Asha Pandya Mr. Bipin & Mrs. Rekha Parikh Dr. Dilip T. & Dr. Bhavna Shah Mr. Dilip V. & Mrs. Saria Shah Mr. Ramesh P. & Dr. Jaya Shah Mr. Jit & Mrs. Manda Turakhia Mr. Anop & Mrs. Renuka Vora Mr. Laxmikany & Mrs. Kirtida Shah Mr. Probodh & Dr. Lata Mehta Dr. Kewal & Mrs. Usha Jain Dr. Ramesh & Mrs. Rekha Shah Mr. Kaushik & Mrs. Geeta Shah Mr. Vijay & Mrs. Madhu Chheda Mr. Popatlal & Dr. Kalpana Savla Mr. Dinesh & Mrs. Sushila Shah Dr. Bipin & Mrs. Ketki Shah Mr. Nitin & Mrs. Meena Dhila Mr. Ravindra & Mrs. Pallavi Kobawala Mr. Kirti & Mrs. Hansha Shah Dr. Piyare & Mrs. Sulakshna Jain Dr. Lalit & Mrs. Abha Jain Mr. Bachubhai & Mrs. Hansa Ajmera Mr. Bhadresh & Mrs. Shefali Dhila Mr. Prakash & Mrs. Kirtida Mehta Mr. Ajay & Mrs. Arti Ajmera Dr. Pradip and Mrs. Jayshree Morabia Dr. Narendra & Mrs. Hansha Shah Mr. Mahendra & Mrs. Deena Mehta Dr. Anil & Mrs. Bharti Shah Mr. Narenda & Mrs. Bela Khandwala Mr. Kirit & Dr. Urmila Kamdar Mr. Kishore & Mrs. Rashmi Shah Mr. Pravin & Mrs. Manjula Patel Mr. Raju & Mrs. Manjula Shah
Buffalo, NY Toronto, ONT Toronto, ONT Rochester, NY Los Angeles, CA Buffalo, NY Clarksville, TN New York, NY Chicago, IL Chicago, IL Philadelphia, PA Cleveland, OH Syracuse, NY Rochester, NY Miami, FL Houston, TX Buffalo, NY Buffalo, NY Buffalo, NY Los Angeles, CA Los Angeles, CA San Diego, CA North Fort Myers, FL Clewiston, FL Chicago, IL Chicago, IL Buffalo, NY Batavia, NY Washington, DC Washington, DC Washington, DC Washington, DC Port Arthur, TX Athens, GA Fort Meyers, FL Chicago, IL Chicago, IL Chicago, IL Owensboro, KY Clarksville, TN Bowling Green, KY
Special thanks to our President and his wife, Dr. Dhiraj & Mrs. Pratima Shah, of Buffalo, NY, who has contributed $5,001 for this program and became a Grand Patron. Charity indeed begins at home. Information on becoming a JAINA Patron is available on page 26.
--Anop Vora, JAINA Patron Program Coordinator 22/JAIN DIGEST FALL 1997 cation Interational 2010_02
Page #25
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Jain Education Interational 2010_02
Page #26
The Jaina Awards & Recognitions
Editor's note: the following awards were presented at the 9th Biennial Convention this past July,
JAINA Ratna Award
Acharya Sushil Muni Ahimsa Award
Dr. Tansukh Salgia For his exceptional contributions to the promotion of Jainism
in North America as well as leading the Federation of
Jain Associations in North America in the 1980's.
Dr. Bruce (Balbhadra) Costain For helping the second generation of Jains in maintaining their religious identity by teaching the principles of non-violence,
multiplicity of viewpoints and non-possession.
JAINA Special Recognition Awards
Dr. Manibhai Mehta
Cypress, CA A man of many attributes who led the Federation of Jain Associations in North America as its President from 1995 to 1997.
Sobhagya S. Khamesra
Toronto, Canada The heart and soul of the 9th Biennial Convention for the
Federation of Jain Associations in North America.
JAINA President's Special Awards
Moti Champsee
Toronto, Canada A leader of the Toronto community who is dedicated to preserving the interests
of the Indo-Canadian community.
Keshav Chandaria
Toronto, Canada A Jain leader of North America who has dedicated his life to various
humanitarian causes.
Dr. Kumarpal Desai
Ahmedabad, India A scholar of Jainism who promotes the principles of Jainism by writing,
lecturing and teaching.
24/JAIN DIGEST FALL 1997 2010_02
Page #27
Ratibhai Dodhia Lincoln, RI
Kanubhai Doshi Washington, DC
Mohanbhai Mehta Toronto, Canada
Samir Sanghani Sugarland, TX
Sanjay Gala Sunnyvale, CA
Prem Jain San Jose, CA
JAINA Recognition Award
. . . . . . .
Niren Nagda Washington, DC
Arvind Shah Toronto, Canada
Dr. Kirit Shah New Jersey
Meena Shah Toronto, Canada
Manhar Sheth Toronto, Canada
Jadavji Kenia Dallas, TX
Nilesh Gandhi Boston, MA
Institutional Award
Jain Society of Metropolitan Chicago
The Federation of Jain Associations in North America is pleased to honor the Jain Society of Metropolitan Chicago for hosting the successful 8th Biennial JAINA Convention.
Rishi Mehta San Jose, CA
JAINA Youth Awards
R. Kobawala Chicago, IL
Monali Shah Santa Clara, CA
Yashica Ghelani New Brunswick, NJ
Nancy Jain Toronto, Canada
Dr. Hansraj Maru Brookfield, CT
Rakesh Shah
San Jose, CA
Jaswant Mehta Alberta, Canada
Shaina Varia Richardson, TX
Dr. Mahesh Varia Chapel Hill, NC
Page #28
1997 JAINA convention was a great showcase to demonstrate what the Jain community in North America can do. We should all feel proud of this achievement. Please remember that JAINA offers a unifying force and we should all support it to the best of our ability so that it can continue to initiate future conventions and help the Jain community in many areas.
JAINA has very limited sources of and revenue and therefore must depend upon the generosity of its members for financial support. It has experienced financial difficulties off and on in the past but the time has come to address this on going problem once for all and make JAINA a powerful force.
The Patron Program is aimed at making JAINA financially solvent on a continual basis. Please bear in mind that we can not operate the organization effectively without a strong financial back up from the community.
One entire page (inside back cover) of December issue of JAIN DIGEST would contain the names of all Patrons, including a message of gratitude from JAINA.
They will receive an advance copy of JAIN DIGEST via First Class.
They will receive JAINA FOCUS every month. Their names will also be included in the convention souvenir.
They will be assured of hotel accommodation at their own cost at the site of convention.
They will be recognized at convention by providing them with JAINA Patron badge, special tie and lapel pin.
They will be assured a seat with their spouse in the first 20 rows at opening plenary session of convention.
Any person who agrees to donate at least US$251 per year (August 1 - July 31) will be designated as JAINA Patron.
Any one who donates US$5,001 will be recognized as a Grand Patron. Because this level of donation entails life time patronship, he will not have to contribute subsequently. A regular Patron can upgrade his status within 5 years by paying up the difference.
What your participation would mean to JAINA
The funds generated through this program would allow us to publish JAIN DIGEST regularly. The shortage of funds has prevented us from doing so in spite of our best intentions.
With better financial health, JAINA will be able to concentrate on projects of utmost value to the Jain community. We will do our very best to serve you.
Enrollment Form
Yes, I would very much like to support JAINA and become a Patron/Grand Patron.
Here is my check of US $251/$5,001 payable to JAINA (or S. S. Jain Foundation in Canada).
City, State & Zip Code:
Please mail your check with this form to
Mr. Anop R Vora Patron Program Coordinator, JAINA One Robin Drive Rochester, NY 14618
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परस्परोपग्रह जीवानाम्
Live and Let Live
Chairpersons Raju Shah
Ravi Gada
Regional Coordinators
Mid Atlantic Gaurav Kapadia (516) 829-3316
Anish Shech (401) 274-8757
Purav Shah (630) 830-2046
Northeast Paulomi Gudka (416) 299-3627 Amit Shanghavi (905) 294-4312
Ravi Gada (512) 708-1098
Tejal Shah (281) 879 9457
Dina Mehta (954) 345-1660
Ameet Shah (910) 357-6488
West Sheetal Khandar (909)598-1777 Sheetal
General Coordinators Jill Shah (918) 251-3597
Raju Shah (203) 436-1338
Kavita Jhaveri (513) 984-1477
JAINA Youth Coordinator
Pravin Mehta
(615) 648-9535
Young Jains of America
Federation of Jain Associations in North America
A Non-Profit Tax Exempt Religious Organization. IRS Code Section 501 (c)(3) El #54-1280028
August 7, 1997
Jains of the Americas and the World,
Jai Jinendra!
The first meeting of the 1997-1998 Executive Board concluded this past weekend. The weekend gave us a chance to meet new faces, as we had five new board members at this meeting; more importantly, it gave us a chance to plan for the upcoming year. We do not wish YJA to be solely known for our biennial conventions but also for doing numerous other projects that propagate our primary mission and goals.
Some of the projects that we wish to undertake this year are:
• Increasing the communication between YJA and the local parents
• Implementing a more interactive website, filled with chat rooms, news groups and the like where our members can engage in discussions from Anekantavad to Ahimsa
• Working with the JAINA Educational Committee to provide educational materials in an appealing way
• Increasing our membership base by various efforts including local seminars
• Implementing a Pen Pal program that provides our members with a vast network of people ranging from English to Australian
• Continuing our successes in the Foster Focus and People to People programs by matching new cities with new projects.
As you can see, the list of projects we wish to undertake this year is impressive, and a single page can not do justice to any one project. Therefore, we implore that you contact any one of the board members to learn more about our goals for the upcoming year via the phone numbers or email addresses on the left.
Jai Jinendra,
The YJA Executive Board 1997-1998
Young Jains of America (YJA) is the umbrella youth organization of the Federation of Jain Associations in North America (JAINA). The mission of YJA is to be recognized nationally and internationally as an umbrella youth organization for establishing a network to share Jain heritage and religion through youth.
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Young Minds
Federation of Jain Associations in North America A Non-Profit Tax Exempt Religious Organization. IRS Code Section 501 (c)(3) El #54-1280028 .
YJA Holds Executive Committee Meeting
T JA held it's Bi-Annual executive board meeting July
31-August 3 in St. Louis, MI. Returning board
- members, including Ravi Gada, Raju Shah, Jill Shah, Gaurav Kapadia, and Kavita Jhaveri welcomed five new members: Sheetal Khandar, West Regional Coordinator; Ameet Shah, Southeast Regional Coordinator; Amit Shanghavi, Northeast Regional Coordinator; Purav Shah, Midwest Regional Coordinator; and Tejal Shah, South Regional Coordinator. Returning second year members Paulomi Gudka, Anish Sheth, and Dina Mehta who were unable to attend. The ten board members discussed ways to improve policy and project failures from last year and implementing new projects this year.
The YJA Executive Board discussed the need to to establish better lines of communication with JAINA. Suc- cessful endeavors from last year include an expanded Web page, and a popular response to two pilot programs, People to People, and Penpals, where people are given Jain penpals so they can get to know each other.
The Executive Board established a new standing committee, Education, Chaired by Ameer Shah. The Education committee established three goals: to propagate education by flying Pathshala teachers to various centers to establish a weekly Pathshala class or to help standardize Pathshala classes already in existence, to set-up a scholarship fund for YJA members, and to start fundraising for educational purposes through Jathras.
The Events committee, headed by Kavita Jhaveri, wishes to expand the Penpal program globally, implement a program to groom youth center leaders for future YJA leadership positions, and encourage regions to have more regional conventions and field trips. The committee also wishes to inject rejuvenated interest and energy into Foster Focus, a program whereby local communities aide YJA by engaging in national service projects.
The Fundraising committee, headed by Jill Shah, will look into selling copper/silver jewelry emblazoned with the "Namokar Mantra," and seek more corporate and local sponsorship especially for the publication of Young Minds. They discussed establishing unified YJA chapters across the country by asking all local youth centers to rename themselves, “Young Jains of (city or university)," a chapter or affiliate of YJA.
Directorship elections were held with the following results: Ravi Gada and Raju Shah, Co-chairs; Jill Shah, Finance and Fundraising; Kavita Jhaveri, Events; Gaurav Kapadia, Public Relations; Ameet Shah, Education; Dina Mehta, Records; Paulomi Gudka, Membership.
Most importantly, we discussed possible sites for the 1998 YJA Convention. The convention will be the third one since YJA's inception and it promises to be best YJA Convention ever.
The meeting was very productive, and the decisions made promise to yield many positive results for YJA members in the future.
28/JAIN DIGEST FALL 1997 Jain Education Interational 2010_02
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Young Jains Respond to JAINA '97 That were you doing on the weekend of July 4ch, gated the purpose and politics surrounding the building of
1997? Were you celebrating the anniversary of Jain Temples in North America. The Boston Youth per
V America's Independence? Well, I, as well as formed specific rituals with a step by step explanation of how thousands of other Jains, was at the 9th biennial JAINA to conduct each, since rituals are losing their allure amongst Convention held in Toronto, Canada. It was a 4 day the new generation of Jains in North America, despite its convention beginning on the evening of Thursday, July 3d importance in the Jain religion. and ending at noon on Sunday, July 6h. The convention The evenings were filled with music and fun. After a day began with an icebreaker for the youth where we had the of classes and learning, everyone was ready to kick back and chance to meet youth our age from all over the US, Canada, relax with the new friends they had made! On the second and the UK
evening there were two activities that took place—a cruise In getting to meet other people we played many fun for those who were 19 and older or a garba/raas where you games. In one game we played, for each gum ball we'd taken, could wear your traditional Indian clothes and dance the we had to tell our group something about ourselves, so by night away. We all enjoyed to do garba even though it was the end of the night we all had multi-colored tongues. extremely crowded—but that only made it more fun! On
The first day began at 6AM where people could wake up the last evening of the convention, there was a cultural show early and practice yoga or meditation. Classes began at where youth from all over the US, Canada, and the UK around 8am. There were a large variety of classes that we performed dances, skits, and plays and showed off their could attend that were offered everyday. There was an talents. Afterwards, was an American dance party where Opening Ceremony, where people performed dances and everyone could spend the last night together having fun. explained what the convention was about and what we On the last day of the convention, there were some could gain from it. The convention gave all Jains the classes that you could attend and then the closing ceremoopportunity to meet with each other, to listen and learn the nies, but not that many youth had made it there because various aspects of the Jain philosophy and it provided us they'd left that morning or were still sleeping because of all with a common platform from where we could exchange the fun they'd had the night before! The majority of us just views on Jainism with each other. The theme was, “Jainism barely made it for lunch! in Practice ... the New Age” where it targeted the youth in Overall, the JAINA Convention was a lot of fun for me. North America who face the conflict of growing up in a dual It gave me the chance to visit new places and see new faces. culture. All the classes revolved around that theme. Some of I had the opportunity to learn more about our religion and the various classes included: workshops on Vegetarianism, how it is practiced in the present day. All in all, I had an Ahimsa and Aparigraha, Theory of Karma, and Jainism in awesome time, and really learned a lot about my religion. Theory and Practice. A Temple Politics Seminar investi
Email YJA To Reach The Executive Committee:
To Reach The Co-Chairs
To Reach The Advisory Board
To Reach Your Regional Co-ordinators (Replace xx with ma,we,se,so, ne,or mw.depending on your region.)
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YOUNG MINDS (continued)
The mission of YJA is to be recognized nationally and internationally as an umbrella Jain youth organization for establishing a network to share Jain heritage and religion through youth. YJA currently has over 25 affiliated organizations representing 2500 Jain youths. If you would like to learn more about YJA and or become a member, please fill out the following form and send it to Raju Shah P.O.Box 202039 New Haven, CT 06520-2039.
General Membership Form
First Name:
General Information: Last Name: Permanent Address: City: Tel [Home]:C _ Local Jain Center:
State/Province: [School/Work]:C .
Father's Name:
_Zip/Postal Code: Email:
_ Date of Birth: Mother's Name:
Educational Information: Check One: School
Other (Please Specify)
Undergraduate College Post-Graduate College
School Name:
Class Of (mm/yy):
Area of Study:
No. of Years:
Young Professional Information: Current Employer/Company: Business Address: City: Tel [Work]: )
State/Province: [Fax]:
Zip/Postal Code:
Please Check if applicable: O
do not want any of this information published by YJA in a positive manner.
Young Jains Plan Trip To India There has been much fanfare about the planned trip to India during the winter of 97. The trip is a two week tour of many of the Jain sites in India. The cost is $1300/- which is inclusive of lodge & board in quality hotels, and domestic travel. Please make checks out to BHARATIYA JAIN SANGHATANA. The trip starts on Monday, December 15, 1997. The admissions will be granted on a first-come, first serve basis. Due to the overwhelming response, please send your payments ASAP to Raju Shah P.O.Box 202039 New Haven, CT 06520.
Application For Trip To India Name:
M/F (Circle One) Date of Birth
Student (or) Working? Home Address: Home Phone:
Home Fax: School/Office Address: Have You Visited India Before? Yes/No If Yes, When Last Visited?: What Prompts You To Join The India Trip in 1997? Do You Plan To Stay In India After The Trip? Yes/No If Yes Where? Do You Want Us To Make Any Travel Arrangements For You? Yes/No. If Yes, Please Give Details Of What You Want Done. Would you find Air India OK? Which Is The Nearest International Airport To Your Home?
For What Period?
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M345: Gujarati uncle invite proposals for brilliant, handsome, vegetarian nephew, born Nov.71, 5'8", 140 lbs, B.S., well employed, from girls with family values. Call: 301/431-3521.
M548: North Indian Jain parents seek responses with bio-data/photo, from fair, attractive, educated, vegetarian girls, for their handsome, fair, intelligent son, born Feb.68, 5'8", 140 lbs, MBA, very well employed & settled in New York. Call: 718/ 279-0874.
M567: Alliance invited for handsome, vegetarian, enterprising Gujarati boy, born Sept. 68, 5'7", 140 lbs, B.S.(Comp.Sc), B.S.(EE), VA Tech., President, multinational Co. mfg. software/hardware. (3 weeks brief marriage), from cultured, educated girls. Call: 703/690-4490.
M377: Gujarati parents invite responses for their very handsome, fair, talented, vegetarian, active son, born Jan.70, 5'11", 145 lbs, MBA graduate, well employed, from cultured, beautiful, educated girls. Call: 615/ 648-9535.
M549: Alliance invited for Gujarati, handsome, accomplished, vegetarian H1B visa holder boy, born March 70, 6'0", 154 lbs, B.E.(Comp Sc), well employed, from educated, cultured girls in USA/India. Call: 503/533-9374.
MS72: Gujarati parents invite responses for their good looking, vegetarian, active son, born Aug.65, 5'5", 142 lbs, Civil Engg (Bom Uni), Dip. Comp, employed, from suitable match. Call: 609/266-4787.
M411: Responses invited for Gujarati Physician, handsome, vegetarian, born July 66, 5'6", 165 lbs, M.D., practicing Internist, from educated, cultured girls. (very brief marriage of 2 weeks & mutually separated). Call: 410/683-1248.
M551: Gujarati parents invite proposals for their handsome, vegetarian, very successful, US born son, July 71, 5'9", B.S.(Comp. Sc), pursuing MS, well employed, also owns enterprise for software development & consultation, from cultured, educated girls. Call: 810/682-6244.
M575: Alliance invited for handsome, vegetarian, brilliant, successful boy, born June 71, 5'11", 160 lbs, B.S.(Comp.Sc), well employed, from cultured, educated girls. Call: 502/244-7812.
M478: Parents invite responses from bright & caring girls for their handsome son, born Sept. 69, 5'11", 150 lbs, strict vegetarian, Ph. D. (Engg)
M552: Gujarati parents invite responses for their intelligent, good looking, vegetarian, US born son, June 69, 5'11", 149 lbs, B.S.(EE), well employed, from cultured, educated girls. Call: 716/381-8650.
M579: Gujarati uncle invite responses for handsome, fair, smart, vegetarian nephew, born March 72, 5'6", 150 lbs, M.S.(Electronics), well employed, from cultured, educated girls. Currently in India, willing to settle in USA. Call: 413/664-7488.
M508: Gujarati Physician invite responses with bio-data/photo, for his handsome son, born Dec. 66, 5'10", 145 lbs, J.D. Harvard Law School, from well educated, US raised girls. Phone: 713/984-0499.
M553: Gujarati parents invite responses for their handsome, brilliant, US born son, Nov 71, 5'10", 165 lbs, B.S.(Business), well employed with Oracle, from cultured, educated girls. Call: 502/245-7101.
M583: Jain parents invite proposals for their, handsome, fair, intelligent, vegetarian, US raised son, born Jan.71, 5'11", 165 lbs, CPA, very well employed, from pretty, cultured, educated girls. Call: 916/488-2601.
M514: Alliance invited for Gujarati, vegetarian, handsome boy, born Oct. 71, 5'9", 130 lbs, B.S. (Textile Chem), well employed, from cultured, educated girls. Call: 847/4261088.
M558: NI Jain parents invite correspondence for their vegetarian son, born Aug.66, 5'8", 200 lbs, B.S.(EE), M.S.(Comp.Sc), professionally well employed in a multinational firm, from educated, cultured girls. Call: 757/8386377.
M586: Gujarati parents invite responses for their handsome, talented, US born son, April 71, 5'10", 160 lbs, BA(Cornell), M.S.(PHE), very well employed, from educated, cultured girls. Call: 415/577-1935.
M525: Alliance invited for Gujarati, smart, good looking, vegetarian boy, born Aug.73, 5'9", 168 lbs, M.S.(Comp. Sc), pursuing MBA, very well employed. Call: 215/3384567
M559: Uncle invite responses for handsome, vegetarian nephew, born July 73, 5'6", 125 lbs, B.S.(statistics), Dental Mechanic, from suitable match. Residence in India & wish to settle in USA. Call: 281/495-4138. India phone: 2765-20755.
AM122: Gujarati parents invite responses for handsome, enterprising, very successful, social, vegetarian son, born Dec. 68, 5'9", 160 lbs, BS (Fin), very active in family business in USA at national level, from cultured, family oriented, educated girls. Call: 847/724-5376.
M528: Gujarati parents invite responses for their handsome, brilliant, US raised, vegetarian, son, born March 75, 5'7", 165 lbs, B.S.(ME), aerospace (Stanford). Relatively minor hearing problem, from edu. cated, cultured girls in USA/India. Call: 425/ 776-8748
M561: Gujarati family invite proposals with bio-data/photo, from highly educated professional, for extremely handsome, well rounded, progressive vegetarian son, born Nov.66, 5'10", 145 lbs, Ivy League MBA & BA from John Hopkins, Investment Banker.
AM124: Exceptionally handsome, fair, genius, 6'1", 27, athletic, D(Law) +MBA, in International business of entertainment law in Beverly Hills, from a prestigious, educated, cultured, very wealthy Gujarati family, seeks compatible girls. Call: 714/544-5005.
M538: Gujarati parents invite responses for their handsome, talented, US citizen, vegetarian, professional son, born May 69, 5'4", 130 lbs, M.S.(EE), well employed in NJ, enjoys traveling, sports, from suitable match. Call: 516/248-8265.
M565: Gujarati parents invite responses for their very active, handsome, vegetarian son, born June 67, 5'5", 158 lbs, B.S., well employed, will start business, soon, from suitable match. Call: 201/451-1599.
AM179: 26 years old, founder/owner of multi-million dollars international electronics Co., very handsome, extremely light skinned, athletic, 6'1", MSEE, son of wealthy, cultured, Gujarati family, seeks compatible girls. Call: 714/544-5005.
M546: Physician uncle invite responses for handsome, well mannered, vegetarian, well employed nephew, born Nov.67, 5'10", B.S. (Comp. Sc), from educated, cultured Gujarati girls. Call: 301/279-0537.
For information on responding to an ad, see instructions on page 34.
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MATRIMONIALS (continued)
AM182: Gujarati parents invite responses for their handsome, talented, vegetarian son, born Nov. 71, 5'6", 140 lbs, BS(Comp Eng), MBA, well employed with Fortune 500 Co., from cultured, educated girls. Call: 305/5953833.
F355: Gujarati parents invite responses with bio-data/photo, for north american born, beautiful, cultured daughter, family oriented, east west blend, Dec. 71, 5'2", Graduate degree, completing CPA, from professionals (engineering/medicine etc). Call: 416/2906908.
F547: Uncle invite responses from cultured, educated Gujarati boys, for pretty, brilliant, very successful, vegetarian niece, born Nov.69, 5'4", 120 lbs, M.Com(management), B.Ed., LL.B.(english med). Residence in India & wish to settle in USA. Call: 425/776-8748.
AM191: Gujarati parents invite responses for handsome, fair, intelligent, vegetarian son, born Sept. 64, 5'6", 140 lbs, BE, M.S.(Comp.Sc) (98), Texas Uni., from educated, cultured, good looking girls. Call: 817/446-4186.
F359: Gujarati parents invite correspondence from professional boys, for their beautiful, slim, talented, US raised, vegetarian daughter, born Aug.70, 5'2", 110 lbs, B.S.(fashion), own garment/design business. Call: 203/393-2916.
F550: Gujarati parents invite responses from cultured, educated boys, for their pretty, slim, talented, vegetarian daughter, born Dec.68, 5'3", 105 lbs, B.S.(data processing), well employed as Sr. Programmer with reputed air lines office. (Very brief marriage, no issue). Call: 847/298-7128.
AM196: Responses invited for Hindi Jain, vegetarian boy, born Oct. 72, 6'2", 140 lbs, employed in Hotel management, from suitable match. Call: 407/876-4444 after 700 pm.
F408: Parents invite responses for their highly accomplished, talented, pretty, vegetarian daughter, born Feb 70, 5'2", 110 Ibs, J.D., very well employed, from professional, cultured boys. Call: 412/521-7012.
F554: Alliance invited for beautiful, fair, vegetarian, Physician girl, born Feb.71, 5'1", 90 lbs, DHMS (homeopathic medical), Physician in a Hospital, from cultured, educated boys. Currently in India & willing to settle in USA. Call: 206/337-6261.
AM197: Gujarati parents invite responses with bio-data/returnable photo from educated young women, for US born, talented, vegetarian son, Feb.72, 5'4", 135 Ibs, M.D.(May 98). Call: 414/764-7736.
F428: Responses invited for Gujarati, pretty, cultured, vegetarian girl, born April 69, 5'4", 125 lbs, M.D., 3rd year resident, from highly educated professionals. Call: 408/260-7064.
F555: Responses invited for fair, beautiful, attractive, vegetarian daughter, born Nov.75, 5'2", 110 lbs, B.S., employed, from cultured, educated boys. Call: 301/2626970.
AM199: Responses invited for Gujarati, good looking, accomplished, intelligent, vegetarian boy, born 62, 5'11", 155 lbs, M.D., doing residency, from cultured, educated, family oriented girls. Call: 717/819-3441.
F482: Gujarati family invite responses for pretty, vegetarian daughter, born July 63, 5'1", 100 lbs, studied Home Sc., employed in diamond business, from suitable cultured match. Call: 201/473-5788 or 201/612. 7560.
F556: Alliance invited from Gujarati professionals for a beautiful, charming, smart, slim, vegetarian, brilliant girl, born June 67, 5'5", 112 lbs, B.S. (business), well employed with Fortune 500 Co. (Innocent issueless divorcee). Call: 510/793-7857.
AM200: Jain Physician invite responses for his very handsome, vegetarian, Yale educated, US born son, 73, 5'10", 160 lbs, M.D.(98), enjoys sports & sense of humor, will relocate for residency. Vegetarian match only. Call: 518/725-1985.
F509: Parents invite responses with bio-data/ photo, for vegetarian, beautiful, bright, caring daughter, born Oct.69, 5'3", 120 lbs, M.D. 3rd year resident, from professionals, preferably M.D. Call: 972/234-6506.
F557: Proposals invited for a very beautiful, slim, talented, vegetarian Gujarati girl, born April 71, 5'4", 109 lbs, M.S.(Comm), Dip.Comp, pursuing MBA, from cultured, educated boys. Currently in Bombay & willing to settle in USA. Call: 510/793-7857.
F516: Responses invited for pretty, charming, Gujarati, vegetarian girl, born Oct.59, 5'6", 150 lbs, (never married), Professional physical therapist, from suitable match. Call: 714/669-9300.
F233: Parents invite responses from well educated Jain or Gujarati vegetarian males for their pretty, talented, US citizen, vegetarian daughter, born July 66, 5'4", B.S. (Chemistry), well employed. Call: 919/7769091.
F542: Gujarati parents invite proposals with bio-data/photo, for their pretty, artistic, vegetarian, US citizen daughter, born Oct.73, 5'5", B.A., from suitable match. Call: 718/897-6862.
F560: Gujarati Physician invite responses for his pretty, vegetarian, bright, US born daughter, March 70, 5'4", 118 lbs, D. Pharm., employed as Clinical Pharmacist, from educated, cultured match. Call: 301/ 881-1510.
F257: Gujarati parents invite correspondence from well educated, professionals, for their beautiful, cultured, successful, US raised, vegetarian daughter, Sept.70, 5'4", Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm D). Call: 203/798-0596.
F544: Gujarati uncle invite responses for very beautiful, slim, fair, vegetarian, niece, born Oct.73, 5'4", 99 lbs, Dip.(Civil Engg.), Auto Cad, Computer, from cultured, educated boys. Currently in India & wish to settle in USA. Call: 703/780-9061 or 313/388-2944
F562: Alliance invited by Gujarati family, for pretty, vegetarian daughter, born Jan.63, 5'0", 85 lbs, B.A., Dip.Comp., Web Designer, from cultured, educated boys (no divorcee please). Call: 713/660-6752.
F324: Gujarati Surgeon invite correspondence from highly educated professionals, for his daughter, born Nov.70, 5'2", slim, fair, beautiful, talented & well versed with Indian culture, M.S. (economy) from very prestigious school. She visits India on regular basis. Call: 301/983-8597.
F545: Brother invite responses for pretty, slim, vegetarian sister, born Sept.74, 5'6", 110 lbs, Dip.(commercial art, interior design), from cultured, educated boys. Currently in India & wish to settle in USA. Call: 708/383-7420.
F563: Jain parents invite proposals from cultured, educated boys, for their exceptionally beautiful, very fair, slim, charming, vegetarian daughter, born May 76, 116 lbs, 3rd yr. BS, Sofia College. Residence Bombay & wish to settle in USA. Bombay ph: 4122489/4133993. Fax: 2087412. 192 Pushpa Kuni, 3rd fl, station rd, Bombay 400031.
32/JAIN DIGEST FALL 1997 Jain Education Interational 2010_02
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business (2 sons, 15, 12), from noble, family loving, suitable match. Call: 630/289-1424.
F564: Gujarati parents invite proposals for their, beautiful, fair, brilliant, vegetarian, US born daughter, Dec.75, 5'3", 110 lbs, B.S.(occu. therapy. 1999), from cultured, well educated boys. Call: 425/885-3335.
AF129: Gujarati parents invite proposals for their beautiful, fair, talented, vegetarian daughter, born April 69, 5'2", M.D., 3rd year resident, from professional boys, preferably MD. Call: 410/882-9697.
F566: Alliance invited for pretty, slim, vegetarian, US citizen girl, born March 71, 5'0", 85 lbs, MBBS, appearing USMLE, from well educated, cultured boys. Call: 914/2359226. Fax: 914/636-7391.
F578: Responses invited by sister for beautiful, brilliant, vegetarian, Gujarati sister, born Aug.73, 5'3", 112 lbs, B.S. (Physics), well employed, from culture, educated boys. Currently at Bombay & willing to settle in USA. Call: 281/277-5299.
AF171: Gujarati Physician invite correspondence for his very beautiful, fair, talented, US raised daughter, born Feb. 72, 5'5", M.D. (98), from professional boys, preferably MD. Call: 419/868-7476.
F568: Gujarati parents invite proposals with bio-data/photo from professionals, for their beautiful, talented, brilliant, US raised, vegetarian daughter, born Nov.70, 5'2", 110 lbs, DDM, Dentist. Call: 718/507-4570.
F580: Gujarati parents invite responses for their pretty, intelligent, US born daughter, April 70, 5'4", 132 lbs, BA, well employed with multinational co., as internet manager, from suitable match. Call: 303/690-2552.
AF192: Gujarati Physician invite responses for beautiful, US raised, vegetarian, attorney sister, born July 64, 5'5", 115 lbs, J.D., from well educated, cultured, professional boys. Call: 714/221-8014.
F569: Gujarati parents invite responses for their pretty, fair, caring, well rounded, talented, vegetarian, US born/raised daughter, June 73, 5'6", 120 lbs, MBA (Fin), well employed as VP, from cultured, well educated boys. Call: 610/670-3730.
F581: Gujarati parents invite proposals for their pretty, charming, brilliant, vegetarian daughter, born Dec. 73, 5'1", 110 lbs, BS (molecu. bio), well employed as research asst., from cultured, educated boys. Call: 408/733-1435.
AF193: Gujarati parents invite responses for pretty, slim, vegetarian daughter graduating in Nursing (spring 97), born Nov.74, 5'2", from professional boys. Call: 403/435-9070 or 909/927-7580. Fax: 909/765-7580.
F570: Gujarati parents invite responses for their beautiful, fair, intelligent, vegetarian, US raised daughter, born Oct.70, 5'0", 105 Ibs, M.D., 1st year resident, from well educated, professional boys. Call: 215/6733682
F582: Gujarati parents invite responses for beautiful, talented, cultured, smart, vegetarian, US born daughter, Nov.69, 5'0", 100 lbs, M.S., well employed, from professional, well educated boys. Call: 760/734-4353.
AF194: Gujarati parents invite proposals for pretty, slim, vegetarian daughter graduating in Medical Lab Science (spring 97), born Nov.74, 5'2", from professional boys. Call: 403/435-9070 or 909/927-7580. Fax: 909/ 765-7580
F584: Gujarati parents invite responses for pretty, cultured, vegetarian, US raised daughter, born June 70, 5'4", BS(Engg), M.S. (Physical Therapy), from professional boys. Call: 219/322-2862.
F571: Gujarati parents from N), invite proposals for their pretty, vegetarian, intelligent daughter, born Dec.74, 5'0", studying 2nd year business, little speech problem, from suitable educated boys. Call: 201/258-9322.
AF195: Hindi Jain parents invite responses from, well educated professional boys, for their vegetarian, US born daughter, Oct.74, 5'1", 100 lbs, studying in Dental School for DDS. Call: 407/876-4444 after 7-00 pm.
F585: Responses invited by Jain family for pretty, intelligent, vegetarian, US citizen daughter, born May 65, 5'1", 120 lbs, B.S. (biochem), well employed, from suitable cultured match. (4 months brief marriage, innocently divorced, no issue). Call: 916/ 488-2601.
F573: Gujarati parents invite responses for their good looking, vegetarian, smart daughter, born May 64, 5'2", 140 lbs, B.S.(Micro), MLT, plan to pursue MS, from educated, cultured boys. Call: 609/2664787.
AF198: Gujarati sister invite responses for his pretty, intelligent, vegetarian sister, born Feb.69, 5'4", 120 lbs, B.S., teaches French & Computers in a prestigious school at Bombay, from cultured, educated boys. Currently at Bombay & willing to settle in USA, Call: 212/327-0004.
F574: Jain Physician uncle invite proposals for beautiful, well accomplished, brilliant, vegetarian niece, born Jan.71, 5'6", 117 lbs, M.Tech (Comp.Sc. & Engg) IIT Bombay, employed as Professor, from professional, cultured boys. Currently in India & willing to settle in USA. Call: 413/499-4052.
F587: Jain Hindi speaking family invite correspondence with bio-data/photo, for their highly accomplished, beautiful, charming, family oriented, vegetarian, US raised daughter, born June 71, 5'0", 110 lbs, BBA, CPA, very well employed, from professionals. Call: 713/952-7868.
F589: Gujarati parents from NY invite responses for pretty, fair, intelligent, US citizen daughter, born Oct. 72, 5'3", 135 lbs, B.S.(Business & Fin), well employed, from cultured, educated boys. Call: 516/6786986.
F576: Gujarati parents invite responses from well educated professional boys, preferably MD, for their beautiful, fair, talented, vegetarian, US born daughter, Aug. 71, 5'0", 95 lbs, M.D., doing residency. Call: 713/ 666-9448. Fax: 713/666-8548.
F577: Correspondence with bio-data/photo invited for a pretty, charming, fair, vegetarian, Gujarati widow, born June 57, 5'4", 108 Ibs, B.S., well employed, owns motel
AF121: Are you exceptionally handsome, fair, tall, highly educated, from very cultured family? A wealthy Gujarati family has exceptionally beautiful, very light skinned, 23, 5'7", MS, intelligent, family oriented, virtuous daughter, exceptional in every way. Call: 714/544-5005.
For information on responding to or placing an ad, see instructions on the next page.
Jain Education Interational 2010_02
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Guidelines to all perspective participants
Be positive, constructive, creative and friendly! No match is going to be perfect." Complement and support each other practicing respect, sharing, acquire knowledge and maintaining your uniqueness while keeping an open mind. These are the qualities that make for human perfection. Our world is shrinking and we are a global village and life is not always easy. However, we can carry our philosophy and our value system that is very worth while, with us. Accept the challenge and make your choice be a worth while one.
Place this envelope in another envelope with your return address in the upper left-hand corner and mail it to Hasmukh M. Shah (see address above).
Upon receipt of these responses the MIS will place the ad holders address on the inner envelope and mail it.
Remember, MIS is not responsible for responses that do not conform to these instructions.
Placing an Ad and Registration with MIS
Anyone wishing to place an ad and register with the MIS- Marriage Information Service-must follow these instructions carefully:
Please notify the MIS
Please notify the MIS when an engagement or marriage has been announced. This helps us to know if this community service is working to help maintain our traditions.
Please note that if a successful alliance has taken place, both parties will agree to donate what ever amount they wish to JAINA to help defray the cost of publication.
O Fill out the attached Registration Form. The registrant must fill out this form. Do not leave anything blank.
Mail the following items to:
Hasmukh M. Shah
8721 Scrimshaw Drive New Port Richey, FL 34653-6623
(813/376-7290) - the completed form - a check in the amount of $25 payable to Hasmukh M. Shah.
Leave the "memo" or "for" line blank.
- a recent, full-length photo of yourself with your name printed on the back
Important Considerations
It is important to remember that the MIS is a non-for-profit, voluntary community service. The MIS and JAINA assume no responsibility or liability for the accuracy or authenticity of the information furnished in the ads or any consequences resulting thereof. The entire responsibility tests with the candidates themselves.
All information furnished to the MIS is confidential. Only those who are sincerely interested in looking for a Jain life partner should send a Registration Form. While matching photographs will not be passed on to the candidates by the MIS.
Parents/guardians should communicate with the candidate before placing ad and assist them in making a final decision.
Upon receipt of this information the MIS will draft an ad for you and it will appear in the JAIN DIGEST—but only once. Remember, JAIN DIGEST is a quarterly publication.
JAINA would like to congratulate all couples who have come together with the help of the services of the MIS. JAINA wishes to thank them for their generous donation.
The following candidates who have registered/listed with the Marriage Information Service are married/engaged, with the help of this service:
Placing an Ad Only
If you do not wish to register with the MIS and wish to draft an ad yourself, you may do so in 30 words or less. Remember, that the MIS reserves the right to edit all such ads. Follow step above, but submit your own ad instead of a completed form and photo.
As a rule, all MIS ads include the phone number of the registrant. However, if you do not wish to publish your phone number, you must specifically notify Hasmukh M. Shah.
F098, 196, 188, 159, 152, 151, 139, 127, 299, 206, 387,385, 366, 398, 397, 393, 316, 483, 465, 462, 426, AF110, AF106, AF90.
M199, 181,284, 287, 286, 254, 389, 388, 364, 343, 344, 336, 304, 330, 321, 470, 446, 422, 405, AM169, AM135, AM120, AM114, AM107, AM89, AM79.
Responding to an Ad
All those wishing to respond to an ad must follow these step-bystep instructions. Place your bio-data and a recent photograph of yourself in a sealed, stamped envelope with your return address in the upper left-hand corner and the MIS ad reference number in the lower left-hand corner of the envelope. Leave space on the envelope for an address.
More and more Jains around the world are not only appreciating this much needed service, but are also taking advantage of it. Simultaneously, the flow of ads in JAIN DIGEST is gradually increasing
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Send this completed form, a check in the amount of $25 and a recent, full-length photograph of yourself with your name printed on the back to: Hasmukh M. Shah, 8721 Scrimshaw Drive, New Port Richey, FL 34653-6623.
Name (please print):
Phone: ()
Date of Birth:
Are you a vegetarian? YES
What languages do you speak?,
What languages do you read? What languages do write?
Work experience:
Father's Name:
Have you been married before? YES NO If yes, indicate the name of your divorced spouse.
What is your Visa status in the USA/Canada?
Mother's Name:
Brother(s) and/or Sister(s).
Candidate's signature:
Fax: (
Do you smoke? YES
Do you have other relatives living in the North America?
Other relevant information (use additional paper if necessary):
Do you drink? YES NO
When did you enter the USA/Canada?
What is your religion?
The MIS and JAINA assume no liability or responsibility for the accuracy or authenticity of the information herein, nor the consequences resulting thereof.
Page #38
1. Two references who are members of the Jain Community or other Indianorganizations.
A. Name:
Member of:
B. Name:
Member of:
2. Indicate your personal preference of these criteria for the match. Age:
Between the ages of_ and_ or open. Height: Between the height of and or open. Weight: Between the weight of and or open. Education: Bachelor Masters Degree Other
Major: Vegetarian: Yes NO Work experience: YES NO Residence: (state)
Visa Status: Length of time in North America: - years. Language: English yes no not important, Other (specify): Color of skin: LICHT WHEAT OPEN
3. Photograph Attach a recent, full-length photograph of yourself with your name printed on the back. Please note: no photographs will be exchanged while matching is taking place.
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Jain Digest
With best compliments to JAINA
Dr. Navin C. Mehta, M.B.B.S., M.D., P.C.
(212) 505-9640
VO नमो अरिहंताण नमी सिद्राणं
नमो आयरियाणं 190 नमो उवन्झायाणं
नमो लाए सबसाहणं एसो पंचनमुकारी, सबपाबप्पणासणी मंगलाण चमवारी, पढमंडवइ मंगलं Live and Le Live
Tirthankar Parsavnath
Tirthankar Mahavir
Jain temple format
Jain Education Interational 2010_02
Page #40
________________ This cover is sponsored by JAYA TRAVEL AND TOURS Girnar Hills Jain Temples 24100 SOUTHFIELD ROAD SUITE 388 SOUTHFIELD, MICHIGAN 48075 USA RIZVI HOUSE 34 HILL ROAD BANDRA (W) BOMBAY 400050 INDIA TELEPHONE: (810) 559-5292 (9 to 5) (810) 559-2076 (FAX) 1-800-545-7788 TELEPHONE: 6420402 6436421 (FAX) JAIN DIGEST Circulation Federation of JAINA P.O. Box 700 Getzville, NY 14068-0700 NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID NIAGARA FALLS, NY PERMIT NO. 142 Address Correction Requested 2010_02