Book Title: Jain Digest 1987 02 Vol 07 No 01
Author(s): Federation of JAINA
Publisher: USA Federation of JAINA
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Page #1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAIN DIGEST QUARTERLY NEWS MAGAZINE EDITOR: S.A. Bhuvanendra Kumar FEBRUARY 1987 VOLUME 7 NUMBER FEDERATION OF JAIN ASSOCIATIONS IN NORTH AMERICA 5540 Woodbury Hills Drive, Parma, OH, USA 44134 2010_02 Page #2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ coming Events March 6, March 7-15, March 14-15, March 23, March 30, April 6, April 12, May 1, May 8, May 9, May 18, May 25, June 1, June 14, Aug. 21-Sept. 6 September 6, October 27, November 15, December 20, Friday Saturday - Sunday Saturday - Sunday Monday Monday Monday Sunday Friday Friday Saturday Monday Monday Monday Sunday Monday - Sunday Sunday Tuesday Sunday Sunday Mela Tijara Ashtanika Sonagir Mela Rishab jayanti Beginning of Vikram Era Ayam bil Mahavir Jayanti Varistap Parna Mahavir Kevalgnan Gautam Swami Becomes Ganadhara Muni Anadsuri Anniversary Acharya Shanti Sagar Jayanti Shruti Panchami Muni Buddhi Saga! Anniversary Paryushan Dashalaxan. Parva Anant Chaturdashi Mahavir Nirvan & Jain New Year Parshvanath Jayanti Acharya Samanta Bhadra Jayanti SOCIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS HAPPY BIRTH DAYS POONAM SHAH celebrated her birth day on December 26, 1986. Poonam, who will enter her 13th year, is the youngest daughter of Mr. Manu and Ila Shah of Oak Brook, Illinois. SATISH KHANDOR, the oldest son of Mr. Himat and Dularie Khandor of Toronto, Canada, celebrated his 9th birth day on 14th December, 1986. ERIKA KHANDOR, the youngest family member of Mr. Babu and Tilley Khandor of Mississauga, Ontario, Canada, celebrated her 9th birth day on 10 January, 1987. TUSHAR MEHTA, celebrated his 16th birth day on 20 January, 1987. He is the oldest son of Mr. Prabhu and Bhanu Mehta of Brampton, Ontario, Canada. SANJAY KHANDOR, eldest son of Mr. Kirti and Lata Khandor of Mississauga, Ontario, Canada, celebrated his 13th birth day on 20 January, 1987, RAJESH SHAH, youngest of the family, celebrated his 8th birth day on February 27, 1987. Rajesh is the son of Mr. Pravin and Kiran Shah of Northiake, Illinois. PAMONA SHAH, daughter of Mr. Manu and Ila Shah of Oak Brook, Illinois, celebrated her 16th birth day on February 20, 1987. Pamona is the oldest daughter of the Shahs. SAPNA KUMAR, the youngest of the family, celebrated her 3rd birth day on March 9, 1987. Sapna is the daughter of Mr. Sumathi and Sandhya Kumar of Westmount, Illinois. * Announcements accepted for publication with donatin of $5.00 or more to Jain Digest. 2010_02 Page #3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ M0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 IN MEMORY OF THEIR LOVING GRAND FATHER NYAL CHAND KHANDOR Who Passed Away On 13 March 1977 This Edition of JAIN DIGEST Is Brought Out Through Klllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllls A Financial Contribution By Slllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllles SATISH & SUNIL KHANDOR 87 Briarwood Avenue, Toronto, Ontario SANJAY & BINA KHANDOR 4688 Owl Circle, Mississauga, Ontario RITA, REKHA & REENA MORBIA 1804 Randolph Street, Windsor, Ontario RAMESH & ERIKA KHANDOR 2690 Los Palmas Court, Mississauga, Ontario allllllllllllllllllllllllo 2010_02 Page #4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAIN SOCIETY OF HOUSTON PLANS ANNUAL ELECTIONS HOUSTON, TX. The Houston Jain Society plans to call its General Body Meeting for April 11 or April 18, 1987 to hold elections of the Executives and the Trustees for the year 1987-88. Also, the Society will celebrate Mahavir Jayanti on the same day, with full participation of the membership. The nomination paper for various positions of the Society should reach Mr. Virendra Shethi, Election Officer, at 12123 Waldemir, Houston, TX 77077 by March 20, 1987; Mr. Jayant Mehta, President, adds. PARSHVANATH JAYANTI AT CINCINNATI JAIN CENTER CINCINNATI, OH. The Jain Center of Cincinnati and Dayton celebi red Parshvanath Jayanti with Snatra Pooja on December 21, 1986. The rejoice and remembrance of Lord Parshva's birth day continued with a dance performance beautifully rendered by Saloni and Nital Shroff. Mrs. Purnima Shroff directed the dance feature. Mrs. Chandan Shah presented placques to people who had observed Tapas for 16 - 18 days. Here is a brief historical note on the Lord. Lord Parshvanath, the 23rd Tirthankar, was born in 840 B.C. at Bhelupur in Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh. His father Asvasena was King of Varanasi and his mother was Vama. Parshva was married to Prabavati, the daughter of King Prasenjit. After 30 years of house holder's life, he became a saint. Parshva had a huge Muni Sangha and Buddha, the founder of Buddhism, in the opinion of Dharmananda Kosambi, well known Buddhist Schloar, had entered Lord Parshva's Order for sometime before becoming enlightened. In Majjhima Nikaya, Mahsihanada Suttanta, 12 pp. 48-50 Buddha relates his ascetic life as; 'I lived nude, took my food in hands... uprooted my hair, showed mercy even to a drop of water lest any invisible animate being killed. Even in Winter and Summer, lived nude in the forest, and never warmed my body; always meditating like a Muni'. Lord Parshvanath attained Nirvana in 740 B.C. at Mount Sammed Shikar in Bihar state. He thus preached his doctrine for 70 years and lived for 100 years. VEGETARIANISM FOR THE WORKING PERSON COOKBOOK BY BALTIMORE VEGETARIANS BALTIMORE, MD. Special diets are a chore for working folks. With that in mind, the Baltimore Vegetarians have created a cookbook of 100 quick, low-cholesterol recipes. The book also includes party ideas, a vegetarian spice chart, and stories from other vegetarians about how they manage to work the diet into a busy lifestyle. Recipes call for both fresh and frozen ingredients. The book is available by mail for $5.00. Write to: Baltimore Vegetarians, Box 1463, Baltimore, MD 21203 2010_02 A little knowledge is a dangerous thing and that's why so many people don't fool with it. Late B. Puttaswamiah Editor, Viveka bhydaya (KANNADA) Page #5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ AN EDITORIAL IN PRAGATI JINAVIJAY - a popular Marathi Jain Fortnightly AN INVITATION TO RESPOND In the past few days, Mr. S.A. Kumar, a Canadian resident and a fellow Jain, paid a visit to us. His visit to India was not merely to see his Kith and Kins but to encounter and exchange ideas and views with Jain Social and religious organizations, dignatories and journalists and to carry back the best of the system. To us it made us aware how Jain organizations in North America and Europe are engaged in publicizing and practicing Jain religion. There are Jain news letters, bulletins and periodicals in North America. And one such periodical from Canada is Jain Digest, a quarterly Jain News Magazine published by the Jain Federation of North America. It's editor is Mr. S.A. Kumar. When you go through this Jain Digest, it is a surprise to know that the Jain communities in North America are ceaselessly striving to build Centers and Temples. Many Western people encountered with Jainism have become its ardent followers. Many activities like Siddha Chakra Pooja have been performed and Jain Schools are operated for youngsters. During Mahavira Jayanti, several charities are undertaken. Ancient Jain Manuscripts have been exhibited in larger cities. Such accounts of these news make us proud and bring us joy. It is also inspiring to note that various lectures are organized about Jain religion, its history and philosophy. We are giving an account of all these in brief to show what Jain communities are doing in far off lands. Mr. Kumar, during his visit, communicated to us about the forthcoming 4th Biannual Convention of the Jain Federation of North America on May 23-25, 1987 in Chicago, USA. Many Jain scholars, dignatories and leaders have been invited to attend this convention. By attending the convention, we think, we will get acquainted with many Jain Centers of North America and mutual benefits reaped through contacts and contributions. Hence we should seize this opportunity to establish comaraderie, understanding and co-operation. Otherwise, we will not come closer. "The effort should come from Jains in India", Mr. Kumar expressed it as his view. Indeed we agree with him. We call upon individuals to attend the convention, if possible. No special invitation is required. A1 Always, a sizeable Jain Community gathers to celebrate Jain festivities in North America. And it is interesting to note that all Jains band together unified, without any differences. Pragati Jinavijay, our fortnightly newspaper does not go to North America. Our young Jain professionals - doctors, engineers and others - have gone to North America for education or to settle down there. Back here we make a request to the relatives of these youngsters to submit their addresses so that we could help them to enrich or maintain their language, religion and community through the medium of Pragati Jinavijay. We don't think Pragati Jinavijay will enrich their affluence, happiness or acquisitions. However, religious, social and linguistic awareness amongst them will lessen the strain of the society they live in. Therefore, if they like to read Pragati Jinavijaya, we will definitely dispatch it free. Response is the essence and you show it now. - Dr. T. P. Upadhye, Editor Rendered into English by Vasu Parisa Morchi, Mississauga, Ontario 2010_02 Page #6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ PITTSBURG JAIN SOCIETY RECEIVES JAIN MUNIS MONROE VILLe, pa. The Jain Society of Pittsburg provided an opportunity for its membership to have Jain Munis from Siddhachalam in New Jersey. A charya Sushil Kumar, Amarendra Muni, Saubhagya Muni and Yogesh Muni visited Pittsburg on November 16, 1986. During this occasion, a program of devotional songs and Ashirvachan by Acharya Sushil Kumar, Amarendra Muni and Yogesh Muni were held. It was later followed by a question-answer period. Acharya Sushil Kumar's theme of "Freedom thought by restraint of action" left a deep impression on the audience. CHICAGO JAIN SOCIETY BUYS LAND FOR TEMPLE CHICAGO, IL. The Executive Committee of Chicago Jain Society recently bought a huge land for its proposed temple and other buildings. The 15 acre land is about 32 miles from downtown Chicago. But the future highway construction will provide easy and rapid access from the greater Chicago area. The land was bought at $150,000.00, and the total cost of the project is said to be over a million. As further details become available, Jain Digest will keep its readers posted. GROUND BREAKING CEREMONY FOR JAIN BHAVAN SO CALIFORNIA CENTER ANAHEIM, CA. Significant progress for Jain Bhavan Project of So. California Jain Center has been achieved since 1986. Dhiren Shah, project's architect, has submitted all architectural and structural drawings to the city of Buena Park for approvals. Also, the drawings and the specifications have been finalized for tender bids. The design of the marble interior of the temple and the three idols of the Tirthankaras, Rishab, Parswanath and Mahavira, is underway in India. And about $350,000 donations have been pledged while efforts have been strengthened to raise another $250,000 required for the project Amrit Kothari, member of JCYC, is engaged in the construction of a scaled model of the Jain Bhavan using plexiglass. The model will be 41 inches long and 35 inches wide with a height of 15 inches. As the construction is scheduled to be completed in mid 1987 and to be ready for Dasha Laxan Paryushan festivities 1987, Kat Mahurat-Ground Breaking Ceremony has been tentatively scheduled for the last week of February or the 1st week of March, 1987. TOLEDO AREA JAINS CELEBRATE MAHAVIR NIRVAN TOLEDO, OH. On November 8, 1986 Jain Family Prayer Group of Toledo celebrated Mahavira Nirvan. After recitation of Prayers and Devotional Songs, a discussion of religious themes was held. The falling of leaves in the autumn season was used as an example to explain to the children the transitory nature of human life. The Tenth Lecture of Uttaradhyana Sutra was discussed wherein Mahavira describes to his disciple Ganadhara Indrabhuti Gautama the need to sever even the most personal of all attachments (be it to the teacher or family) and leads him onto Kevalajnana. A sumptuous dinner prepared by the hostess, Mrs. Divya Shah, was served. The children lit the Diwali lamps and sparklers symbolizing the guiding light shown by Mahavira and heralding the Nirvana of Tirthankara Mahavira and the beginning of the Jain New Year. 2010_02 Page #7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHHAGAN BAPNA DONATES $1000 TO JAIN DIGEST TRUST One of theunced a large sur. Salgia, Presid thanked Mod SOLON, OH. One of the early patrons of Jain Digest, Mi, Chhagan Bapna of Solon, Ohio, recently announced a large sum of $1,000.00 donation to Jain Digest Trust Fund. On accepting the donation, Dr. Salgia, President of Jain Federation, which publishes Jain Digest, Quarterly Jain New Magazine, thanked Mr. Bapna for his generosity and his gesture of vision. The President further added that it is very important that the trust fund grows through such generosity to see Jain Digest will continue to grow and thus meet the challenges of tommorrow. The volunteers at Jain Digest commend Mr. Bapna's virtue and say "thank you, Mr, Bapna". KSHAMAPANA A VIDEO PRESENTATION CINCINNATI, OH. A video presentation of "Kshamapana" produced by Bandhu Triputi was organized at Hindu Temple of Dayton on Sunday, January 18, 1987 by the Jain Center of Cincinnati-Dayton. The program began at 3:00 p.m. with the presentation for about one hour, and it was followed by a question answer session for 45 minutes. After the Aaarti, a dinner consisting of puri, vegetable, dal, rice and sweet was served before it was sundown. VEGETARIAN EVENT IN TORONTO TORONTO, CANADA. The Toronto Vegetarian Association, in conjunction with International Mahavira Jain Mission Canada, organized a free vegetarian lunch in Toronto on January 17, 1987. Nearly 200 people sampled the vegetarian lunch. The lunch consisted of green and fruit salad, pita bread, brown rice, mixed vegetables, Dhal and curried potato. Peter McQueen, President of TVA, who organized the event, said that the free meal was sampled by the hungry, the curious and vegetarians from a variety of backgrounds. MONTHLY JAIN POOJA MONROE VILLE, PA. The Jain Community of Pittsburg, PA held its monthly Pooja and Bhavana on December 21, 1986. The program began at 3:00 p.m. with Pooja and Bhavana was conducted up until 6:00 p.m. The other scheduled monthly Jain Poojas on Sunday, January Sunday, February 15, 1987 were held at the Hindu-Jain Temple. 18, and DETROIT JAIN SOCIETY ELECTS OFFICERS FOR 1987 DETROIT, MI. The election of new officers of Detroit jain Society was held Saturday, November 1, 1986 at 40400 Gulliver Dr. in Sterling Heights, a suburb of Metropolitan Detroit, The new officers are: Sharad Shah-President, Shashi Shah - Vice President, Vinay Shah-Secretary and Girish Shah-Public Relations. The trustees are: Rajni Shah and Jagdish Shah. 2010_02 Page #8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ INDO CANADA GENERAL FOODS Importer & Packers, Retailer, Wholesaler and Restaurant Supplier. 624 Bloor St. W. Toronto Tel: 536-2666 1453 Gerrard St. E. Toronto Tel: 469-3662 Vinu Patel Bhupendra Patel Insist on our World famous "Double Elephant Flag Brand" Dehraduni Basmati Rice. REGD. 2546. and reject all substitutes. For Indian Fresh Produce and Vegetables visit us at INDO CANADA GENERAL FOODS 2010_02 Page #9 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ PUBLICATION OF JAIN DEVOTIONAL SONGS SYLVANIA, OH. An anthology of Jain Devotional Songs in various languages of India has been planned by Mr. S. N. Prakash of Sylvania. In this regard, regional songs in Hindi, Bengali, Oriya, Marwari, Gujarati, Maratti, Malayalam and English are needed. The appeal is for favourite or popular songs in these languages. Each song must have a vernacular version accompanied by transliteration and a line-by-line English translation of the words. Selected songs will be edited, compiled and summarized to illustrate Jain Viewpoints. The publication is slated for Paryushan 87 if the appeal is a reasonable success. Mail all contributions to: S.N. Prakash, 6923 Brint Road, Sylvania, Ohio 43560 USA. For additional info. Prakash could be reached at (419) 882-1069 in the evenings. It is recalled here that Mr. Prakash has already published "A vasyakas" and free copies were made available for distribution last April. JAIN CENTER OF NO CALIFORNIA ELECTS OFFICERS FOR 1987 FREEMONT, CA. New Officers elected for the Executive Committee of No California jain Center for the year 1987 are: Navin Dedhia-President, Pravin Turakhia and Hasmukh Shah-Vice Presidents, Ashok Patravala-Secretary, Datta Shah-Treasurer, Dipak Shah-Public Relations and members at large are: Ashwin Vora, Leena Shah, Niru Shah and Kirit Bavishi. DR. SULEKH JAIN SECRETARY OF JAIN FEDERATION VISITS JAIN GROUP IN NC CHARLOTTE, NC. The Secretary of the Jain Federation of North America, Dr. Sulekh Jain, paid a visit to the Jain Study Group of Charlotte, North Carolina on December 28, 1986. Mr. Dhiraj Patel, the host of Jain Study Group, organized a meeting at 6215 Old Coach Road, Charlotte, The members of the group were addressed by the Secretary of the Federation. Dr. Jain's talk touched upon main activities of the Federation, its history and its objectives and to bring all the Jain Associations in US and Canada together. He further added that the Federation could chart its course to become a strong voice and a power, of the Jains in North America, in its social and religious implications. The Study Group of Charlotte decided to join the Jain Federation. And 8 Jains of the group elected to become the patrons of Jain Digest, Federation's Quarterly News Magazine, HOUSTON JAIN SOCIETY PROPOSES LAND SITE HOUSTON, TX. The Executives and the Trustees of Houston Jain Society called a General Body Meeting on 25th January, 1987 to consider the purchase of land site for the Society. The meeting was held at 11:00 a.m. at 6161 Reims Club House. The Agenda was to evaluate the purchase proposed of one acre of land located on Lot 3, Block 11, Rosslyn Garden Subdivision, some 50 miles north of Houston. The proposal was not approved at the meeting. As the majority of Jains reside in the SW part of Houston, a consensus was arrived at the meeting to look for a better site in terms of location, price and requirement. 2010_02 Page #10 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ voimme WITH BEST COMPLIMENTS RIVERVIEW MOTEL Warren, Ohio Telephone: (216) 898-1700 CAMELOT INN Elyria, Ohio Telephone: (216) 234-3232 allllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllls LAKE MOTEL Richfield, Ohio Telephone: (216) 659-3951 Slllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllller ELYRIA MOTEL Elyria, Ohio Telephone: (216) 458-5116 Mahendra Shah Ashok Shah Raman Shah Sllllllllllllllllllllllles 2010_02 Page #11 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ $ Name Address City his new office for the practice of law and the opening of a new title insurance agency. PATRONS INDRA SHAH Is pleased to announce the opening of Indra Shah Attorney at Law Ohio's Chicago Title Agency, Inc. Indra Shah, Esq., President I would like to $101 $5 SOCIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS* 2010_02 Office 13 St. Clair Avenue N.W., Suite 430 Cleveland, Ohio 44114 (216) 696-6030 Home 577 St. Lawrence Boulevard Eastlake, Ohio 44094 (216) 946-3946 JAIN DIGEST Quarterly News Magazine 4665 Moccasin Trail Mississauga, Ontario, Canada L4Z 2B3 DEDICATE JAIN DIGEST ISSUE/DONATE/SUBSCRIBE/ADVERTISE NOTE: Opening page dedication: $200.00 YEARLY SUBSCRIPTION: $15.00 YEARLY ADVERTISEMENT: $200.00/ page, $100.00/ 1/2 page COVER PAGES: $250.00 Please make check payable to: State JAIN DIGEST All contributions are tax-deductible in USA. Zip Page #12 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CH ma and Chi JAINA OFFICERS VISIT CHICAGO AGO, IL. The officers of Jain Federation and the editor of Jain Digest special trip to Chicago. The visit was aimed at the preparatory talks scussions concerning the forthcoming 4th Biannual JAINA Convention in , May 23-25, 1987. The meeting was held on January 17, 1987 at the residence of Mr. Manu and Ila Shah at Midwest Club in Oak Brook. On behalf of the convention host, Chicago Jain Society, members Manu Shah, Pravin Shah, Uttam Jain, Naresh Jain, Kamdar and Niranjan Shah participated in the meeting. From the Federation, Dr. Salgia-President, Mr. Lax Gogri-Vice President, Dr. Sulekh Jain-Secretary and the editor of Jain Digest, S.A.Kumar took part in the deliberations of the meeting. Ideas, views and thoughts were expressed by everyone to make the convention a success. It was resolved to set up various subcommittees at the level of the host organization for efficiency, expediency and manageability. sourvenir of the convention was agreed upon while a special issue of Jain Digest on the eve of the Convention was discussed. A The Preparatory Meeting on January 17, 1987 went smoothly and another meeting was scheduled for March 28th to consider any unfinished business. Mrs. Ila Shah served a delicious supper at the end of the Meeting. Poonam and pamona were great help to their mom in the preparation of food for all. LORD RISHAB'S NIRVAN AT LA PALMA, CA LA PALMA, CA. The Nirvan Kalyanak celebrations of Lord Rishab, the first Tirthankara of the Jains, were organized here on Sunday, February 01, 1987 by the Jain Center of So. California. The chief guest on the occasion was Yogesh Muni. Dr. Manilal Mehta, President of the Center, welcomed the guest and introduced him to the audience. Muni Yogesh delivered a lecture on the event of the day. Arti and Mangal divo were performed and the celebrations were concluded with devotional songs. AN APPEAL FOR SUPPORT MAHAVIRA VIDYARTHI NILAYA MYSORE, INDIA MYSORE, KR. The Great Jain Emperor, Chandra Gupta Maurya moved to Karnataka from Pataliputra with his Spiritual Guru Jain Acharya Bhadrabahu during the last quarter of the 3rd century B.C. No doubt, Karnataka preserves the largest number of Jain inscriptions in India. They reveal a sustained tradition from the 5th century A.D. to the 16th century which proves to be an inexhaustible source of information of immense value in the study of Jain culture in all its varied facets. 2010_02 In the 1900s Jain Community prospered in the State and Mysore city was the hub. Mr. Late Vardhamaniah, the industrialist and philonthrapist of the day, built a hostel for Jain students in the city and provided everything free. From there sprang a nucleus of Jain intellectuals. And the rest is history. Now the family controlled Jain hostel is no more. The descendents of Late Vardhamaniah could not continue the dream of their forefather. Page #13 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ The Jain nucleous of intellectuals that sprang from the historical hostel, in particular, one Jeevandhara Kumar, a well known professor of surgery in the province, visioned that education is an integral part of the growth of the community and a condusive environment is necessary. "The general public in democratic fashion needs to establish and operate an institution for Jain students", Dr. Kumar observed it in the early stages of the whole idea. An Ad-hoc committee was formed and Mahavira Vidyarthi Nilaya Mysore was registered with the Government of Kamataka on 17 January 1979. The project cost was estimated at RS 600,000 including the cost of the land. Some funds were raised and an acre of land near Mysore University Campus was bought. Broad objectivtives were outlined in the constitution of the organization. It is to formulate a scheme to encourage and to come out social, religious, cultural and educational activities of all the Jain Communites of the region by constructing and managing Students Hostel for Jains, Shelter Rooms for piligrims and other related activities. To subscribe to the idea and to become a member of the organization, any Jain of any linguistic background or tradition, he or she could opt to become Maha Poshak for RS 8001 (the cost of a room or whichever is higher), life member for RS 1001 or ordinary member for RS 101. And these members form the general body of the organization. Present status of the project is that the main floor has been almost complete except for auxillary structures such as kitchen - dining and washrooms. In fact the project needs immediate funds to complete these and to plan on the second phase of the second floor. TTTT MAHAVIRA VIDHYARTHI NITAYA North American Jains, both in USA and Canada, have our own priorities and projects. However, can we afford to forget and ignore the basic issues with which most of us have wrestled as kids at our school or hostel? Therefore, this appeal has been made to Jains in North America to seek support in the srides of fellow Jains back in India. It does not take much. But the thought and helping hand indeed are warranted. Your kind attention is required. "In particular, Jains who hail from this region of Mysore, need to show their support to this project" Dr. Jeevandhara Kumar declares, and adds, "This is a worthy cause and the Jain public is responsible for it. We seek support from you as a Mahaposhak or a Life Member. Please take a step with us". You could send your contributions here to c/o S.A. Kumar, Editor Jain Digest, 4665 Moccasin Trail, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada L4Z 2B3. Contribution acknowledgements will be made by Mahavira Vidyarthi Nilaya, 17 K.R. Circle, Mysore-1 India. If you wish you could send directly to this address. Your contributions are tax deductible in India for your nominating names. 2010_02 Page #14 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ NEWS FROM ABROAD NEWS FROM ABROAD ACHARYA SAMANTA BHADRA 96 ON DEC. 20'86 BAHUBALI, MR. Acharya Samanta Bhadra, the Spiritual Institution of Bahubali Jain Shrine in the southern part of Maharashtra State, is 96 years old. Acharya was born on December 20, 1891. Born in a rich family, he went to the university to obtain B.A. (Hons) from Bombay, Maharashtra bachelor by birth, he joined Jain Muni Sangh and about 50 years ago, he choose the hill for his penance in the present town of Bahubali. A Being an illustrious Jain Saint, a social activist and a reformer, and an educationist, Acharya has now laid a solid foundation for Bahubali for its uninterrupted growth. He has dedicated life for Jain Faith, its social and moral development and Jain Siddhanta. Through his awareness, conscious and construction, the whole Jain community of Maharashtra and Karnataka have been blessed with remarkable achievements in socio-economic and educational fields. Bahubali in Maharashtra stands as moral excellence of Acharya Samanta Bhadra. 96th year of inspiration surrounds everywhere. Acharya Samanta Bhadra Jayanti, prays for his tual guidance. a testimony to the spiritual and He is a institution himself. His Jain Digest, on this occasion of continued health and for his spiri JYOTI PRASAD JAIN AWARDED AHIMSA INTERNATIONAL AWARD NEW DELHI. Annual Award of World Peace, Ahimsa, Jain History and Culture went to Dr. Jyoti P. Jain for the year 1985. And in November '86, Ahimsa International held a function to felicitate and award the prize to Dr. Jain. The prize is awarded in recognition of Dr. Jain's contribution to the field of Jain history and culture. A cash award of $11,000.00 is also included along with the citation and honour. Dr. Jain, who is 74 years old, has authored over 1,000 publications and is one of the foremost Jain historians in India and elsewhere. SAHU SREYAMS JAIN RE-ELECTED PRESIDENT ALJMS NEW DELHI. The Convention of All India Jain Maha Samiti was held in New Delhi on December 1, 1986. Over 400 delegates from all provinces participated in the deliberations. Mr. Sahu Sreyams Prasad Jain was once again elected as the President of the Samiti. Mr. Ratan Gangawal was elected Managing Director and Mr. Babu Patodi was elected Secretary General. On assuming the post, Mr. Sreyams Jain called upon the delegates to take up the challenges of tomorrow in organizing and rejuvenating the whole Jain Community of India. Further he added, that the social development of the community warrants attacks on all fronts. Elacharya Vidhyananda Muni's message of 'unity through strength elucidated the basic principles of Jain Religion as the source of strength and power to build a better society. 2010_02 Page #15 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ROLE OF JAIN RELIGION IN PROTECTION OF NATIONAL CULTURE & ENVIRONMENT UDAIPUR, RS. Under the sponsorship of University Grants Commission, Ministry of Education, Government of India, an all India Jainology Seminar on 'Role of Jain Religion in Protection of National Culture and Environment' had been organized by Jainology and Prakrit department of Sukhadia University, Udaipur. The seminar was held from 8-11 January 1987. Over 50 eminent Scholars of Jainism and Indian Culture from across India participated. by Jainology and potection of National Culture and Janology Seminar on A pabished through the CP Jainism in the ance, unity, pe The golden age of medieval Indian Culture is also the golden age of Jainological Studies covering over 1000 works on various subjects and languages such as Prakrit, A pa bhramsa, sanskrit and other indian languages. During this period Jaina Art flourished through the construction of monuments, caves and temples throughout the land. The impact of Jainism in the development of Indian Society and Culture was enormous. Freedom, equality, tolerance, unity, peace and non-violence were fostered as well promoted by Jain Kings, monks and the laity. The seminar focused on these aspects of national culture and environment and highlighted through Jain historical and literature sources of Medieval India. Dr. Prem Sumar Jain, Director of Jainology department, Sukhadia University deserves all praise for organizing such a thought provoking seminar, first in the country, to reflect and reconcile the virtues of the Nation's culture and its bearing on social environment. IT IS HEARD........ MUNI-VAJRA Once a visitor went to Late Acharya Shanti Sagar, a well known Jain Saint of India during early and mid nineties. Acharya's name at the time stood synonymous with Sainthood. Such was the glory and fame of Shanti Sagar. The visitor had no respect for any Muni but the name and fame of Acharya had brought him to Shanti Sagar to have an intellectual and logical dialogue with the Acharya. He sat, near Acharya, cross legged and hands crossed. Shanti Sagar smiled radiantly at the visitor and blessed. The visitor, after introduction, settled down to the dialogue with Acharya. He said, "Acharyaji, this is Kaliyuga. And there aren't real Munis now. In fact the Munis now are ungenuine. There is a very slight chance of finding a genuine Muni." There was silence. The visitor sat silently expecting an outburst of anger and dismay. Shanti Sagar inherently faced instricateness of the situation. With a broad and radiant smile on his face, Shanti Sagar replied, "Diamond (Vajra) is a mere stone if it is not searched and separated from other stones. Similarly, real Muni could be found only if search is made. Muni is like diamond, - Muni-Vajra." - By A. Shantiraj Shastri Editor, GOMMATAVANI (KANNADA) JAIN NAME FOR MONTHS The Monsoon months of Ashada, Shravana, Bhadrapada and Ashwina corresponding to English months July, August, September and October have different names according to Jain Calender. The names of fain months are: Dana Virodhi (July), Abhinanda (August), Sapratistha (September) and Vijaya (October). - Jain Siddhanta Bhaskara Vo. 2. P.75 by Nemichandra Jain 2010_02 Page #16 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ MUNI VIHAR RANCHI. BI. Muni Sudharma Sagar after successful Chaturmasa in Ranchi has decided to undertake Vihar to Sammed Shikar. He will begin soon walking towards jain Shrine. During his Vihar the Muni will walk northwards from Ranchi and will cover about 150 miles. It is noted here that Jain Munis undertake extensive Vihar in their Sainthood in order to preach doctrines of Jain Tirthankars to all peoples. The term Vihar is a Jain word that originated during the time of 24th Tirthankar, Lord Mahavir. The word denotes the movement of Jain Saints by walk across the land during their lifetime. And the present Bihar state cwes its name to the Vihar of Lord Mahavir over 2500 years ago. VARDHAMAN BANK ELECTS BOARD OF DIRECTORS HUBLI, KA. SRI VARDHAMAN BANK FORMED UNDER Karnatak Charter is successfully growing as one of the non-nationalized banks in Karnatak State. Its activities have quadrupled in these years and deposits and reserves have remarkably increased. This is one of the few banks the Jain Community has started and manage. Elections to the Board of Directors were recently held on November 29, 1986. The new directors are: Messrs B.A. Rokhade, S.D. Chheda, P.D. Ijari, Dr. L.N. Rokhade, Dr. A.B. Mantganikar, A.S. Beelagi, T.T. Annageri, S.D. Bagi, M. Gabbur, B. Beelagi and Mrs. Jaya Sheela. FREE SURGERY FOR THE NEEDY AT AMAR JAIN HOSPITAL de Ahimsa. Again his salvation of mankind the brated through phila has been named oss department at Amar have repeated these we JAIPUR, RS. Mahavir Nirvan '86 in Jaipur was celebrated through philanthropic deed. Lord Mahavir sought salvation of mankind through work ethics (Karma), peace and Ahimsa. Again his followers have repeated these principles by establishing a free surgery department at Amar Jain Hospital in Jaipur. The department has been named 'Seva Mandir', where the needy and the under privilaged public will have free access to health services. To sustain and to serve the public free of any cost, a novel idea has been instituted to cover operating funds of Seva Mandir. It has sought out 363 donors with Rs 6000.00 each to have a trust fund. Latest press release says that so far, 100 donors have contributed to the fund. Interest revenues from the trust fund will suffice for the projected objective target. KAMPILA TIRTH FOR ALL JAINS NEW DELHI. Kampila, a Jain Shrine near Delhi, had caused problems for over 15 years for Jain followers. The problem was due to differences in beliefs and rites as espoused by various Jain Saints and Gurus. A conciliation and a compromise was recently worked out by main leaderships among Jains. They sat together as simple Shravakas to seek a solution that bears no partitive reference, It has been resolved and agreed that Kampila Shrine, from now on, manifests itself in Unity of Jain Religion - its Faith and its followers. Leadership on all parts has shown a visionary thought with an admirable act. 2010_02 Page #17 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ DEVENDRA PATIL PROMOTED LT. COL. AT NATIONAL DEFENCE ACADEMY POONA, MR. Southern India Jain Sabha recently held a function to honour Mr. Devendra Patil on his promotion to Lt. Col. within the Indian Army. Mr. Patil, who holds a Masters degree in Veterinary Science from Bombay University, joined the Indian Army during 1962 India-China War. Ever since, he has held various posts in Tibet, China, Pakistan borders and he has seen action in the wars in all these front lines. JAIN POETRY IN ENGLISH MADRAS, TN. A poetry book in English on Lord Mahavir: his life, philosophy and accomplishments has been recently published by Poets Press India Ltd. of Madras. The book contains 50 pages, and various poems have been written depicting multi-dimensional life and achievements of Mahavira. The author of the book is Dr. K. Srinivas, internationally known English writer and an author of high esteem. The book could be purchased from Poets Press India Ltd., 118 Raja Street, Velachari, Madras - 42, India. The price is Rs 10.00. NO ANIMAL SLAUGHTER ON MAHAVIR JAYANTI NEW DELHI. Mahavir, the 24th Tirthankar, preached peace through non-violence to the world. Mahatma Gandhi used it to end foreign rule in India. Martin Luther King practised it for equality in the US. Now the Delhi Corporation has issued orders to ban total animal slaughter on Mahavir Jayanti. It is thus honouring the Great Champion of Peace and Ahimsa. Total ban on animal slaughter on the day of Mahavir Jayanti has become the law within the jurisdiction of New Delhi. The animal lovers and the Ahimsists world over will indeed appreciate the efforts of the law makers of Delhi Corporation. EVENTS OF THE YOUNG INDIAN VEGETARIANS SURREY, ENG. The Young Indian Vegetarian Society, Surrey has organized several successful events in the area. On 30 November, 86, it participated in the demonstration against the Smithfield Meat Show. Around 1200 people joined the March, and the event was a great success. A christmas vegetarian meal was served on December 28, 1986 to around 80 people. The guests were shown the film, 'Vegetarian World' and a special collection was made for a bullock to rescue him from going to the slaughterhouse. Mr. Nitin Mehta of the Young Indian Vegetarians explains that 1987 will have a huge Vegetarian Festival at Covent Garden. He expects volunteer help and support. Contact him at tel: 681-8884 Surrey, United Kingdom. 2010_02 Page #18 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ TOGETHER WE'RE BETTER Great thinkers concluded that more the detachment from the worldly bondages, easier is the way to salvation. To attain this goal, call it MOKSHA or NIRVANA, Jains have adopted "AHIMSA" as a "step in aid" to train oneself to become free. a dogmas nirthankaras meas took shoren in a mirno the ref ". the followers of differ. As an objectes the object and "Do not do unto another what you don't want to be done unto you" is AHIMSA. As this being a universal truth, Jain Religion is a code for personal behaviour and not a dogma. Ahimsa is inherent in man. When man deterred from this path, the great Thirthankaras were born, they preached and retrieved him. Later on, the followers of Tirthankaras took short cuts to reach that goal and the points of view began to differ. As an object seen in a mirror, the viewpoints are many dependent on the angle of view. But the object and the reflection seen in the mirror are the same. Similarly the goal of Jain Religion is sa me - SALVATION, whatever the roads adopted by the followers of different traditions of Jainism, With differing opinions and interpretations, there grew up different traditions among Jains. It is painful to admit that these trends persist even today in spite of man claiming to be logical and scientific in his outlook. Jainism prevailed in India against all odds from other Faiths. Jains acted united keeping aside the secondary differences in the path to the goal of NIRVAN. In spite of the principle being applauded as universal, Jainism has faded and the number dwindled. Masses became victims of influence from other Faiths and Jains are now a negli bile minority in India. Some of them claim to be Jains by accident of birth and not for reasons of active following. Whatever is the constitutional guarantee for a minority, Jainism suffers with no effective voice. Jainism is a great religion and Jains have a high culture. It is high time that we realize our past mistakes. Picturing the fate of the religion and the followers in India should not dishearten those in North America. The obstacles that face us here are nothing when compared to the tortures that befell Thirthankas - Parshwanath and Mahaveera - as they pursued the goal of Nirvana. North American Jains are shielded from many physical influences from India and are dispersed far and wide with their number being miniscule compared to the rest of the population. All the same, it is encouraging to observe the fact that it is mostly the highly educated that have settled here. Having faith in the "NAMOKAR MANTRA", a Jain need not feel defensive of his actions. What is needed is to act sincerely as a Jain and set aside one's individual egos. Only then can we assure the next generation growing up here our heritage and value systems unique to being Jains. Ten chains individually cannot tie up an elephant, but woven together they can buckle it up. In America we do not feel the physical distances with the most modern mass communication means. It is high time that we join together heartily and vigorously revive our culture and spread its benefits to others. Without unity and cooperation nothing can be achieved. Rain drops here and there do not count, but together they form a river irrigating a valley. Run to be a pioneer. Hurry up. 'Together We're Better". Singly we could fail, but surely, - S. Nabhirajiah, B.A., L.L.B., Sylvania, Ohio, USA It is far better to forgive and forget than to resent and remember. - Acharya Shanti Sagar 2010_02 Page #19 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ M0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Best Wishes from MANOHAR LAL DAGA CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT Slllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllls DINGUS AND DAGA, INC, allllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllls (an Ohio professional corporation) 13855 Superior Ave. Cleveland Heights, Ohio 44118 (216) 321-9200 Alllllllllllllllllllllller 2010_02 Page #20 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ A BOOK REVIEW Author: "THE JAINA PATH OF PURIFICATION" Prof. Padmanabh S. Jaini Prof. of Buddhist Study University of California, Berkeley, U.S.A. Publishers: 1. University of California Press Ltd Berkeley, Los Angeles, London 2. Motilal Banarasidass Jawahar Nagar, Delhi - 110007 Through 'The Jaina Path of Purification' Mr. Padmanabh S. Jaini, professor of Buddhist Study at University of California, Berkeley, U.S.A., has presented a comprehensive literary work on Jainism, a Religion of Peace and Ahimsa. His elucidation of the essentials of Jain Cosmology and philosophy is concise but spendidly put. The path of purification, where the soul escapes Karmic attachment to eternal salvation, has been precisely explained. It touches the cycles of transmigrations, a Jain phenomenon, a reflection and an attempt to lessen emotional burden, the bondage axis. The basic process is the cycle of Transmigration through various degrees of purification of the soul. A detailed doctrinal description, the fourteen stages of spiritual evolution, has been explained. Prof. Jaini has nicely dealt with various Vratas and Gunavratas, which are principal codes of conduct for lay people otherwise called Shravakas in Jain term. The examination of Ahimsa Doctrine as consciousness and sacred to the conduct in daily life is remarkably shown. And the description of Jain rituals and rites and the process of attaining Siddha State is excellent. The concluding chapter, 'Jaina Society Through The Ages' discusses the strengths of Jain Religion and its progressive growth and survival through royal patronage, integration of divinities and peace and goodwill to all. Prof. Jaini's language and style in the book are lucidly modern, and the substance is rich to the extent that 'The Jaina Path of Purification' appeals to general readers and as well to the Pundits. It is indeed a valuable addition to one's library. - By 'Bhuvanendra' WELCOME NEW PATRONS 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. Mr. Toki & Vimla Savla, Bombay Mr. Pravin & Kiran Shah, Illinois Mr. Uttam & Anita Jain, Illinois Mr. Naresh & Dr. Bina Jain, Illinois Mr. Manu & Ila Shah, Illinois Mr. Niranjan & Lata Shah, Illinois Mr. Surendra & Shobhana Patel, North Carolina Mr. Kirti & Bhishma Shah, North Carolina Mr. Dhiru & Tara Patel, North Carolina Mr. Kirti & Hansa Shah, North Carolina Mr. Kirti & Jyoti Shah, North Carolina Mr. Pravin & Arti Shah, North Carolina Mr. Datta & Girish Shah, California Mr. Sailesh Lakdawala, Texas Mr. Navin & Leena Rambhia, Ohio Dr. Vinay & Laxmi Jain, Massachusettes Mr. Ashok & Dr, Kalpana Choksi, Michigan Mr. Kanhai & Leela Bhalgat, Michigan Dr. Rajendra K. Jain, Ontario 2010_02 Page #21 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ PATRONS British Columbia MICHIGAN 46 Mr. & Mrs. Gyanchand Singhai CALIFORNIA vauw Mr. Laxmichand & Hemlata Gogri. Mi. Mahendra & Saroj Porwal Dr. Jim & Kundan Sata Mr. Arvin & Ramila Shah. Drs. Nitin & Chandini Doshi Mr. Arvind & Jayashree Shah Mr. Dhiraj & Niru Maru Mi. Ashok Sakiecha Dr. Manila! & Savita Mentai Mr. Suresh Lodha Mr. Narendra & Kusum Bakshi 16 Mr. Ashok & Daksha lain, Drs. B. Bohra & Leela Bohra ILLINOIS w O 64 Mr. Vinay & Sneha Shah Mr. Satish & Aarti Doshi Mr. Narendra & Ila Menta Mr. Mahendra & Saroj Shah Mr. Chandrakant & Madhu Malde Mr. Samir Nitin Bhimani 75. 80. Mr. Surendra & Jyotsna Salgia Dr. Satyendra & Rekha Humad Dr. Vasant Gandhi Illinois Mr. Nemichand & Hemlata Jain NEW JERSEY Mr. Pradhuman Zaveri Mr. Arun & Deviyani Kothari 42 95. 96. 103. INDIA 83. 100. Mr. Fakirchand, Maharashtra Prof. Srimandhar & Lalita Kumar, Bangalore Mr. Shreyans & Shailaja Morchi, Poona Mi. C. N. & Hansa Sanghvi, Bombay Mr. Chintamani & Shakuntala Karte, Sangli Prof. Pratap & Sumitra Toliya, Bangalore INDIANA NEW YORK 58 Mr. Ravindra & Kamal Jain Dr. Jagat Prasad & Urmila Jain 48 KENTUCKY Dr. Mahendra & Jyoti Nanavati 107. Mr. Manhar & Mukta Parikh MASSACHUSETTS Dr. Ramesh & Rekha Shah Dr. Arun & Jean Jain Dr. Dhiraj & Pratima Shah Dr. Jay & Suman Mehta Dr. Girish & Kokila Chheda Mr. Ravi & Pramodini Pahade Mr. Shanti & Shoba Bedmutha 92. 93. MINNESOTA Mr. Vijay S, Bhandari 59 Mr. Pukhraj & Manju Jain 2010_02 Page #22 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 20 4 13 14 15 19 43 45 47 55 65 67. 81. 88. 89. 90. 94. 98. 101. 104. 2222222222223 1 21 24 25 26 105. 106. Mr. Pravin & Surbhi Shah Mr. Rajnikant & Veena Shah Mr. Pramodh & Veena Zhaveri 108. 109. 27 NORTH CAROLINA 31 Dr. Subhash Shah 33 34 OHIO Dr. Dilip & Rekha Ujla Dr. Virendra & Sushila Bhachawat Mr. Mohan & Seventi Jain Dr. Vinod & Hansa Suturia Dr. Hemendra & Meera Mehta Dr. Sulekh & Ravi Jain Dr. Padmaraj & Kausalya Mr. Nabhirajiah & Brahmila Mr. Pravin & Harsha Shah Mr. Ramesh & Dr. Jaya Shah Dr. Tanshukh & Bharti Salgia Mr. Madhukar & Divya Shah Mr. Jitu & Usha Shah Mr. Hasmukh & Bharti Shah Dr. Shailesh & Harshana Nanavati. Mr. Mukund & Mayuri Dalia Dr. Mohan & Kamla Bafna Mr. Chhagan & Indu Bapna Mr. Prem & Lata Jain Dr. Mahesh & Chandrika Shah 28 Dr. Padamraj & Radha Tumkur Mr. Kamal & Ashi Jain. ONTARIO Mr. Vasu & Julie Morchi, Mr. Arvin & Meera Jain. Mr. Sagar & Balbir Jain Mr. Sachin & Usha Jain, Prof. Harish & Connie Jain Dr. Jagdish & Lalita Mehta Dr. Labh & Kumud Mehta. Int'l Mahavira Jain Mission, Canada 2010_02 35 36 37 38 41 72. 73. 84. 85. 86. 97. 102. 39 82. Mr. Himat & Dulari Khandor Mr. Kirti & Lata Khandor Mr. Anand & Saroj Jain. Mr. Chandu & Ranjan Morbia Mr. Bhuvanendra & Brahmila Kumar Mr. Ramesh & Anupama Varia Mr. Prabhu & Bhanu Mehta TEXAS Mr. Anudeep Jain VIRGINIA Dr. Manoj & Kanta Dharamsi WASHINGTON Dr. Sushil & Asha Jain Page #23 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Trips to Las Vegas Hawaii And Around The World CALL AYA TRAVEL 3221 W. Big Beaver Troy, MI 48084 Tel: (313) 843-0306 (9 to 5) (313) 961-5233 (after hours) * CRUISES * PACKAGED TOURS * HOTELS * ESCORTED TOURS * CAR RENTALS * CUSTOMIZED ITINERARIES * INSURANCE * AIR LINE TICKETS COMPLETE BUSINESS TRAVEL SERVICE FULLY COMPUTERIZED 2010_02 Page #24 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ WITH BEST COMPLIMENTS from PETER FUNK SPARKLE WASH, INC. Industrial, Commercial, Residential Exterior Cleaning call (216) 464-4212 Franchise available throughout U.S.A. and Canada Please call Peter Funk (216) 464-4212 SAIH DISE36 2182 Brenthaven Bloomfield Hills Michigan 48013 SHAH PRAVINCH: SHAH ARTI 401 FARMSTATE DR CARY NC 27511 RETURN POSTAGE GUARANTEED ADDRESS CORRECTION REQUESTED 2010_02