Book Title: Harikesh Bal Diwakar Chitrakatha 049
Author(s): Nityanandsuri, Chidanandmuni, Shreechand Surana
Publisher: Mahavir Seva Trust Mumbai
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Page #1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ A Mahavir Seva Trust Presentation DIWAKAR CHITRA KATHA Vol. 49 Rs. 25.00 HARIKESH BAL The snake was killed due to its poison and the benign Dumuhi was spared. If I abandon my poison-like anger nobody will disturb me. All quarrels in this world are caused by pride and anger. Straight-forward and forgiving persons are loved by all. TRILOK SHARE Play Page #2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ | Harikesh Bal This story is more than two thousand five hundred years old but even today it serves as a guiding factor for social and political environment. Harikesh Bal was born in a poor and so called untouchable family. His dark complexion and fearful and bizarre appearance made him repulsive even to people of his own caste and clan. Over and above this, his angry and jealous temperament added fuel to the fire of his sorrow. With the blessings of a guru Harikesh Bal, the object of everyone's hatred, finds the path of austerities. He conquers his anger. Conquering his faults, he one day becomes an austere shraman (ascetic) venerated by gods. People infested with their caste-prejudice slight and insult Muni (ascetic) Harikesh Bal. The forgiving Muni influences these people with his tolerance, knowledge, and power of austerities, and shows them the true path. Removing casteism, he furls the flag of the victory of austerities, renunciation, and self-discipline at a prominent center of religion like Varanasi. This story, presented in interesting style, is based on the Jain scripture Uttaradhyayan Sutra and its commentary. The importance of Jain principle of the good deeds and not of caste has immensely helped towards welfare of humanity. The story has been written by the famous restorer of pilgrimage centers Kalyanak Tirthoddharak Acharya Shrimad Vijaya Nityanand Surishvar ji M. We are indebted to him for this favour. Many of the picture stories of this series have reached our readers through his inspiration only. -Shrichand Surana 'Saras' Written by : - Acharya Shrimad Vijaya Nityanand Suri Editor: Managing Editors : Translator : Muni Chidanand Vijaya Dr. Mansukhbhai Jain, Sanjay Surana Surendra Bothara PUBLISHERS MAHAVIR SEVA TRUST A-7, SAGAR NIWAS, IST FLOOR, OFF MANCHHUBHAI ROAD. MALAD (E), MUMBAI-400 097. PH. (O) 8811397, (R) 8892121 SHREE DIWAKAR PRAKASHAN A-7, AWAGARH HOUSE, OPP. ANJNA CINEMA, M.G. ROAD, AGRA-282 002. PH.: (0562) 351165 Page #3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ HARIKESH BAL On the dry sandy banks of the Ganges was a filthy settlement of poor people. Their livelihood was selling hides and bones of.dead animals and picking clothes and other Lleftovers of the dead from the cremation ground. In this settlement lived a man named Balkott. Gauri was the name of his wife. The name of their son was Bal. He was very crooked, ugly and black. Ma ! Quickly give me something to eat. I have Son ! Wait, to go to play with I will just neighbourhood serve. boys. Bal gobbled his food. Page #4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ In the nearby ground the neighbourhood boys were playing Balcame to them and said ANNE Play, and with you? Hey blacky ! Go away! 6 RA Please let me play with you. Lla These nasty comments from the boys made Bal cry w.myvus Wra Walmsle Why do you call me Blacky? Will you not let me play with you? tekse dal I will not move from here. I will pelt stones at you and make you run away Go and see your face in the Ganges first. How dirty and ugly it is. CHIH! CHIH! All boys started making fun of him, No! You quarrel with everyone. When your nostrils flare in anger you look like the buffalo of Yamaraj". We even hate to stand near you. Run away. Some naughty Boys started hitting Bal with sticks. Bal was mulish: he endured the beating-T Here! Take the beating! Still want to play with us ! Income www cd. # The god of death in Sanatan pantheon whose vehicle is buffalo. oni sotskim Th 2 Page #5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ He started pelting stones at the boys Take it ! How do you like? Taunting me? Harikesh Bal . 7 Oh! He is The group of boys gave him a thrashing. throwing stones. Come, give him Beat a thrashing. him up. Then came Bal's mother. Bal complained 19 Ma ! They beat me and hit at me with stones. Children Please play together peacefully and let Bal also play with you. No ! He spits at us and abuses. First you hit me and abused also. See, how dirty Stop it, Bal ! and torn is You called his dress. me dirty. Wait, I will show you. the In anger Bal started throwing stone again. His mother took him home. 3 Page #6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Harikesh Bal Every one in the slum, young or old, hated and taunted Bal for his repulsive appearance. This hateful and insulting treatment made him lose his temper. In anger he abused everyone and pelted stones. Already repulsive Bal appeared like a demon when he stomped and waved his hands with eyes burning red in anger. Bal! Why do you quarrel! Go and play alone. I will see you all. Beat him! Day and night Bal boiled with anger due to this hateful and insulting treatment he got from everyone. One day, perched high on a tree, he was watching the boys play. Suddenly the boys started spouting.NON WUWUN Look ! Blacky ! Blacky. Oh! Again calling me Blacky. Let me see. Page #7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Harikesh Bal When Bal looked down he found that the boys A little later a thick snake came out of another were hitting a snake with stick hole. The boys again shouted Oh ! It is the snake IMB Web that is Blacky No ! Why kill it. It Kill, kill! It is Another Blacky a black cobra. is Dumuhi*. It does has come. Kill Very poisonous. not bite. Leave it. it! Kill! Its bite causes Let it go. instant death LU They cut the snake to pieces. Is it not a snake ? It is a snake but not poisonous. It is harm- less. It neither hisses nor bites. No need to be afraid of it. From the tree, Bal was watching all this. His fists, tight in anger, relaxed. He was lost in his thoughts Do people kill only that which Does nobody kill is poisonous that which has no and angry? poison and does not bite.....? 3 The old man lifted the Dumuhi and left it near a distant drain. # A non-poisonous snake whose tail also looks like its head. Jain Education Internatione Page #8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Harikesh Bal He gave a serious thought to this incident He looks at the pieces of the dead snake With these thoughts Bal got down from the tree Is this a common happening in this world. People kill only those who harm others. Does no one kill an innocent.? My neighbours cut the poisonous snake to pieces and the non-poisonous Dumuhi moves around freely. Nobody killed it. People beat me and insult me, why? Because I also misbehave with them. I abuse them. If like this Dumuhi I too get rid of my anger, nobody will beat me. Everyone will love me. Bal sat down cross-legged at the same spot and thought calmly. During the process he became aware of his earlier birth and recalled incidents from that birth In Hastinapur lived a very handsome priest called Somdatt In appearance priest Somdatt is very handsome but he is very short tempered and jealous. He quarrels with and hates every one. Who has given him the name Somdatt? He should be named Rudradattt, the fireball of jealousy. Page #9 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Harikesh Bal Once a muni* came to Hastinapur. It was a Finding Somdatt standing at the gate the shraman summer afternoon with scorching sun. While asked looking for alms for breaking his month long Yes! I will have some Gentleman! fast he came to Somdatt's house. Seeing a fun today. I will put this Which path leadsshraman on this abandoned shraman Somdatt was afire with envy to the city ? A path. He will be in great pain Why has when he walks barefoot on this shraman this hot sand for some come here? time. Soon he will faint and fall down. Somdatt sent the muni on the sandy path. The simple ascetic took that path. This path was known as Hutavaha (path of fire). Somdatt! watched with curiosity from the end of the path Yes ! Now the muni will fumble and fall. I will have my fun. But the ascetic continued to walk normally. Somdutt was astonished Oh ! What is this? He moves slowly and calmly. Why his feet are not scorched? Has the sand become cold? # This muni or Jain ascetic was king Shankh of Mathura. He had renounced his kingdom and started Jain rigorous austerities after getting initiated. He was an accomplished and serene sage. Page #10 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ * Harikesh Bal Somdatt took off his shoes and walked on the path Somdatt was filled with remorse at his own ill intent I have misbehaved with such a great hermit. Hey ! What is this? This sand has become so cold as if someone has sprinkled water. Surprising ! Indeed, it should be the effect of the power of austerities of the muni. Resian He went and fell at the feet of the muni O great hermit! Please forgive me. I gravely misbehaved with you. It is the duty of a shraman to forgive all. You should also accept the religion of forgiveness. No one will have evil intent for you. Somdatt was so impressed with the muni that he became disciple of the muni. Even after getting initiated, Somdatt was proud Looking at other shramans he mutteredof two things. One, his appearance and two, his This shraman is a higher caste (Brahmin). He enjoyed looking at shudra". The other one his reflection in his water bowl too is from some low I am more hand caste. My Brahmin some than all these caste is the highest. shramans. How fair is my complexion ! # Lower caste. Dis not S goong ba t o 300 m2 ng 1990 For Private & Personal use only one o Page #11 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Harikesh Bal The ascetics complained One day the guru advised Som muni Gurudev ! Som muni is very proud of his beauty and caste. He belittles other ascetics. Som muni! It is not proper for a shraman to be proud of his own physical appearance and insult others. The castes like Brahmin or Shudra are of this body only. Soul has no caste. Al shudra engaging in austerities is great and a Brahmin indulging in sin is lowly. But Som muni could not get rid of his pride. Even the gains of his austerities and spiritual practices were nullified by his pride. After death he reincarnated as a god. Sitting under the tree, Bal was lost in his thoughts After the life as a god I was reborn in this slum as mother Gauri's son. For Private & Personal use only Page #12 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Harikesh Bal While remembering his past births, Bal's soul awakened Oh! I destroyed my austerities through my pride. It is due to pride that I am born in this poor family, with so ugly and repulsive appearance and demon-like angry temperament. Bal closed his eyes and The snake was thought killed due to its poison and the benign Dumuhi was spared. If I abandon my poison-like anger nobody will disturb me. All quarrels in this world are caused by pride and anger. Simple and forgiving persons are loved by all. Young Bal, lost in his thoughts, sat at that spot for hours. The children and youth of the neighbourhood came and shook him Hey blacky ! What has happened to you? You are here since long. Are A you sleeping ? Bal opened his eyes. There was no anger or hatred on his face. His eyes were filled with love for everyone. He joined his palms and said Hey ! What has happened to Bar Brother! | today? Why that request you angry Bal has all to forgive turned meek and me. I have simple today? abused you much. I have cursed you much. 10 Page #13 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Harikesh Ball Elders also came thereWhat brought about this complete change in Bal? What has happened to him ? Gauri came running-1 Ma! I have learnt a truth today. People only Bal! What is the kill him who is poisonous. matter, son! How Nobody kills a non-poisonous long you are sitting one. I have destroyed my here ? Come inner poison. Anger, pride, let's go home hatred, and jealousy are the inner poisons. Today I am free of them hanesing the shorall I request every one to please forgive me. Today my inner eye has opened. Joining his palms, Bal addressed all elders and his companions And he immediately left for the forest on the banks of the Ganges. The crowd silently saw him going MUNAUT have acquired knowledge. Now will go to the jungle and practice austerities It appears that Bal has truly acquired knowledge. Now he will never return. Page #14 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Harikesh Bal Bal continued walking and went deep into the When the ascetic saw the inner glow of forest. There he met an ascetic. Bal said knowledge in Bal he formally initiated himy and said Son! From today O great saint ! you will be known as Please show me ascetic Harikesh Bal. the path of bliss. I First of all win over want to practice your anger, pride, and austerities. evil feelinys. Practice austerities, meditation and equanimity. On getting initiated ascetic Harikesh Bal since rely commenced austerities and meditation. Sometimes he lied down at the river bank to endure scorching sun. Sometimes he stood facing the sun and raising his hands. He fasted for months together. Sorte times he sat inside a cave and practiced. Sometimes in desolate jungles. 12 on niemational Page #15 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Due to the influence of his austerities, even violent wild animals came and sat near him. Ascetic Harikesh Bal practiced vigorous austerities for many years. One day he thought as ave I should test if I have been able to destroy my anger. and pride. Harikesh Bal stood under a Tendu tree and started meditating. A yaksh" lived in that tree. When he saw the ascetic sitting at his place, he thought Who is he? Has he come to worship me ?< But he never perform any ritual like doing arati, burning a lamp, or offering food. Harikesh Bal live # A type of lower gods. With these thoughts ascetic Harikesh Bal wandered and came to Varanasi city. There was a Tendu forest outside the city. nabolichina 2 I will stay here and meditate. Gradually one month passed. The yaksh thought This ascetic stands statue-like in meditation under the tree. Has he come to seek some boon? Does he want to remove me from this place? Alright, before he does so, I will make him run away. Feiss 13 Page #16 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ In order to frighten the ascetic the yaksh produced his fearsome laughter and presented his horrifying form. O great sage! Please for give me. 4 The yaksh came and sat at the feet of the ascetic Ear tukAI Harikesh Bal ull But the ascetic stood firm in meditation with his eyes closed. C Oh! He is not disturbed at all. Then the yaksh used his mental powers 14 Oh! He is a great hermit. The worship of such sages leads to bliss. Oh! How filthy he looks! Who is this? Why he stands in front of this pious temple. Chase him away. 5 van 1 Ranger Zuen Yu a Hu wa hi sc He became a devotee of the ascetic. Once princess Bhadra came for worship in the yaksh temple. As soon as she came out of the temple after performing the worship, she saw ascetic Harikesh Bal del Aw Alre mrs@ abog sowol to oy A Page #17 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Harikesh Bal After these insulting words, the moment she After some time the princess opened her eyes. turned the puja-plate in her hands fell down. She She turned insane and gave a foolish grin. She fainted and fell on the ground. The maids cried pounded her head with her palms, disheveled her hair, gave a mad laughter, and jumped and danced waving her handsADRIA Ha! Ha! Ha!..... It appears Who am I? Who that the princess are you? Why is under some have you come evil spell. here? AM Oh! What has | happened to the princess !! It was then that the yaksh appeared and said Even 8-10 maids failed to hold and control her. The guards helped bring her under some controll and the king was informed. Doctors also came rushing. Check up what has happened to her, doctor! Hear me. I am Gandi Tinduk yaksh. This foolish girl has insulted a great sage and rudelv spit on him. She has committed a crime. The pulse is alright. Witch-doctors were also called but all efforts were in vain. 15 Page #18 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ VUK Harikesh Bal The king and queen joined their palms and At last the yaksh softened. He said humbly said Alright, you will No. Her wrong have to marry her O Divine one! doing is unpardonable. to the ascetic she Please forgive her. That is why I turned insulted. Then only She is an innocent girl. her mad. she can be saved. Please punish us for her mistake. I am prepared to do anything. I only want to save the life of my daughter. If she dies, I will also die. Shedding tears the king and queen sought the yaksh's pardon. The yaksh said Alright, now get her ready as a bride and gift her to the ascetic. The yaksh disappeared. The princess opened her eyes BUS Where am Daughter ! You committed a I ? What grave mistake by insulting a great happened to sage. You will have to atone that me. Why you otherwise the yaksh will kill you. all stand around ? MUZEU 16 Page #19 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Harikesh Bal They persuaded the princess and adorned her like a bride. The king and his family came to Tinduk jungle with a lot of dowry and gifts accompanied by band and music. The king brought bride Bhadra before the ascetic and said O great sage ! This ignorant girl has gravely insulted you. You are great and compassionate. Please forgive w her sin and accept her as your wife. Ascetic Harikesh Bal opened his eyes O embodiment King ! What do of austerities! you say ? Neither Whatever this girl someone insulted has done was out me nor am I angry of ignorance. She is at anyone. immature. Please accept her. O king! I have renounced all worldly relationships. I am an ascetic under the vow of celibacy. All women in the world are like mother .or daughter to me. I have nothing to do with your daughter. Page #20 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Harikesh Bal The king narrated the incident as told by the The ascetic explained about his vow and said, yaksh and added This was the condition put forth by the yaksh for sparing the life of my Yes, my daughter. We have Jord! Please accepted it. My daughter accept me. O king! From also accepts you as my side you her husband all are free of your commitment 5153 Then the yaksh uttered from the sky The great sage has forgiven you all. You are free to take your daughter back. The king asked the priests- Sire ! You may donate the girl, What do we do to abandoned by the the girl assigned to ascetic, to some the ascetic ? Who Brahmin. will accept her ? a sa ca SO 18 Jan Education International Page #21 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Harikesh Bal The king married the princess to the state priest Rudradev. Everyone paid homage to the ascetic and returned.[ PX To celebrate the marriage, Rudradev organized a yajna" and feast. Hundreds of Brahmins were moving in and around the pavilion. Students were busy cooking food. Preparations for the yajna were also going on nearby. VOLVODOVOL LAGU CODES TOMO ANTONALLY AUDITIO One month had passed since Muni Harikesh Bal was fasting and standing. He thought Let me go to the yajna pavilion today to break my fast. # The Vedic rite of offerings to deities. W WA ACTO 19 And he left for the yajna pavilion. Page #22 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ MAQINLY Harikesh Bal The Brahmins in the pavilion saw the ascetic coming- The muni stopped on the spot and looked at them calmly. At that moment that yaksh en tered his body. paap MILMYIN NIMILA Hey ! Shabbily dressed Why are one, who you entering this pious yajna pavilion ? are you? He replied in a loud and terrifying voice I am a shraman and have come seeking alms. intilatinrngkm Some Brahmins with sticks in their hands stopped himHaven't you seen Dare not spoil your ghost like face. this pious ground Have you picked these with your dirty feet. tattered rags from a Who invites ghosts garbage heap. How dare you step on this and demons like pious ground ? you ? ( 2 20 on Interational Page #23 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Harikesh Bal The yaksh in the ascetic's body said Gentlemen ! I am a shraman who has renounced household and lives on alms. You are distributing a lot of food. If you could only give me a little from the leftovers.... At that moment host Rudradev arrived. When he saw the ugly ascetic in rags he lost his temper and said O Rudradev ! As a farmer sows This food is only seeds in good as well for Brahmins and as bad part of his land, not for lowly people you should also donate food to a shraman with like you. Get out devotion. For such at once. giving is a source of merit. Idiot! You are trying to teach me. Only the scholarly Brahmins are sources of merit in this world. Dirt like you is worst than a trash-can. O Brahmin ! Those Brahmins who are without true knowledge and conduct, and whose life is filled with violence, untruth, anger and pride are not sources of piety. These words of the ascetic acted as fuel for the anger of Rudradev. He stepped ahead O great Brahmin ! Abandon your anger Stop this nonsense. and ego and think for a moment. It is not the I will prefer this food appearance or family of to rot rather than a monk that matters. It is give it to an unholy, his sacrifice that matters. person like you. To give to a detached is a pious act. Spa PS 9.00 $4 21 Page #24 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Harikesh Bal Many students and cooks from the kitchen, and teachers came rushing brandishing sticks, canes, rods, large spoons etc. They started beating the ascetic with whatever they could lay hands on. Rudradev lost his balance Hey ! Is there someone who can thrash this impostor with sticks and throw him out. Hold him from the neck and push him out. SIGURLU W Beat him! Beat him! Bhadra, the wife of Rudradev, saw all this from a distance. She came running and shouted Stop it ! Keep your cool, young Brahmins. Why do you commit such misdeed ? On reaching there. Bhadra stopped Rudradev and said My lord! What is this ? This is the same great ascetic in whose service are many gods, demons, and yakshas. My father had offered me to him, but he rejected me. Tarih 22 Page #25 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Harikesh Bal Bhadra explained them By insulting an ascetic you are inviting your death. Why knowingly break your head on a rock. Why jump into a raging fire. If this hermit gets angry he will burn the whole world in an instant. At the other end, the yaksh in the ascetic's body also got angry. He came out of the body. He flew into the sky and raised one hand. Sparkles of fire came out of the hand. Those involved in beating the ascetic started falling on the ground and vomiting blood. Some twisted their necks and others cried and shouted like mad SLIVYYYYY YY Oh ! I am dying ! Save me !! Page #26 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Harikesh Bal Looking at the terrible condition of his men, Rudradev got nervous. Along with Bhadra he approached the ascetic. Joining his palms he said O great sage! We have insulted you out of ignorance. Please forgive us SU Bhadra and Rudradev fell at the feet of the ascetic and prayed again and again. Muni Harikesh Bal responded O great sage! Gentleman Your little anger has have no aversion put these people into this miserable condior anger for you. tion. Please forgive Relax and have them, lord ! no fear. The ascetic raised his hand and said Lady! All this is not my doing. It has been done by my devotee, the yaksh of Tinduk tree. O great man! We all are ignorant fools. Please have mercy on us. We seek refuge at your pious feet. w000 24 Page #27 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Harikesh Bal Seeing Rudradev begging forgiveness from the Then Rudradev and Bhadra joined their palms ascetic, the yaksh in the sky waved his hand. All and said the students and teachers got O great sage! O Brahmins ! Neither WWWWWWW Food is ready in I was angry due to your our yajna-pavilion. Oh! What If a hermit like ill-treatment nor am I happened to you accepts pleased by your praise. us ? something, the I dwell in my equanimity. remaining food If it pleases you to How did we fall will turn into offer me alms I will on the ground? ambrosia. accept without any hesitation. When Rudradev explained everything they all begged forgiveness from the ascetic. The ascetic entered the yajna pavilion. As soon as he accepted food the sky was filled with sounds of divine drums and music. The gods showered flowers, divine gems and gold and silver coins. Great offering ! See ! The glory of Great offering! austerities is evident today. Austerities and vows, and not the caste, are important in this world. Wh 1062 P3 Page #28 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Hurikesh Bal The chief priest pointed at the ascetic and said See the divine influence TOYYYYY of ascetic Harikesh Bal from the Shvapak clan. INTYY SHOP Even gods are in his attendance. E D IE All around Varanasi people talked about thisBrother ! Did you Yes, brother ! What the ascetic has said is, see the power of indeed, true. It is not the austerities. Ascetic Harikesh Bal from clan but the austerities and conduct that is the Shvapak clan is important in life. Man is revered today even great for his austerities by gods. and good deeds and not due to his clan. W TAAVAVA After this incident, Rudradev, the state priest, along with his yajna-priests, teachers, and students came to ascetic Harikesh Bal in the Tinduk forest and asked O great ascetic venerated by gods ! Please tell us what is the true yajna ? How do we perform that yajna ? What are the places of merits, donation to whom leads to well-being ? What is 01 the definition of a true Brahmin ? O Brahmins ! Consider your soul to be the sacrificial-pyre of the yajna. It is filled with the fire of austerities. The offerings are pious thoughts and deeds. A person endowed with pious conduct and discipline is called a true Brahmin. path Duo 2. Er # In ancient times the people of this clan cooked and ate dog-meat. 26 Jan Education International Page #29 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Harikesh Bal One who pacifies his passions and takes a dip at the peaceful banks of celibacy in the pond of religion filled with the water of pious sentiments always remains pure. Austerities, self-control, equanimity, piety, meditation, and purity of thought are essential for purity of soul. conten uto Thus after giving the message of truth, good conduct and ahimsa, ascetic Harikesh Bal returned into the jungle. He left his earthly abode after years of spiritual practices by taking the ultimate vow. THE END THE MESSAGE: This story, popularly known as Harikeshiya, is from the 12th chapter of Uttaradhyayan Sutra. The message of this story is that one who does pious deeds excels in life. The pride of clan or family is worthless. There is a similar story, Matang Jatak, in the fourth part of the Buddhist Jatak. Both the stories refute casteism and establish the supremacy of austerities, pious deeds, and good conduct. 27 Education International Page #30 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Harikesh Bal ASTONISHING It was a rainy monsoon night and King Shrenik and queen OXEN Chelana were sitting in the balcony of their palace. The king said Queen ! Do you hear the murmur of the flowing river, see the slanting drizzle and feel the caressing wind? The weather is very pleasant Yes, my lord! It must have rained heavily The water level in the river is rising. The king called his guards < < There was a thunderous lightening and the king Hooked at the river Hey ! In such Sire ! He appears weather what that to be an aged man. man is doing on the He may be collecting floating wood from river-bank? the river. AT HAN Look there. A man is standing at the river-bank and picking something. Quietly find out who is he? BO As you say, sire ! Two guards hid behind a tree and watched. 28 Page #31 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Harikesh Bal After collecting logs of wood the old man left. The guards followed hin The guards shadowed the old man. The old man arrived at a large mansion, opened the gate and went in. JA AINTZIRALI Poor man. He must have come to collect wood. It appears that he earns his living by selling wood. Yes, looks to be very old. Is this his house or has he entered for stealing ? Let's wait for some time. When the old man didn't come out even after long, the guards put a mark on the house and Lreturned. The guaras came to the mansion and knocked. The same old man came out. In the morning the guards informed the king Go and fetch him Sire ! That hear. old man lives in a large mansion. We couldn't find who he is ? King Oh ! This is the same old man. He/ Shrenik has appears to summoned be the owner you. Please of the house. come with us. Page #32 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Harikesh Bal The merchant put on a rich dress and a diamond necklace. He arrived in the court with the guards who informed 30900 Sire! This is the merchant who was at the river-bank during the night. The merchant intervened Yes, Sire! My name is Mamman merchant. It was I who was collecting wood at the river-bank. QOCKO CELECT But you appear to have no dearth of wealth? Shui 9Yue What! Are you sure you recognize him? Last night this merchant.....? 30 Merchant ! Why were you collecting wood? unde Sire! I have a pair of oxen. One hom of one oxen remains incomplete. I am completing that second horn of that ox with whatever amount I earn by selling sandal-wood. Lanang Sire! Dry wood from the forest comes floating in the river. Often some logs of costly sandal-wood are also found. I collect and sell that wood. Page #33 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Harikesh Bal O merchant!! don't understand what you say. What sort of oxen you have ? How are you making the horn ? Sire ! To understand this kindly come to my home. Then only you will grasp everything. 00000 DODOC Next day King Shrenik and queen Chelana came to Mamman merchant's home. It was a huge building. The royal couple was astonished to see the grandeur. Sire ! Please come inside the house. No! We have come just to see your oxen. Where are they? They are inside the house. Oxen, and inside this grand mansion !! The merchant led the royal couple to a secret gate inside the mansion Sire ! We will have to go Oxen ! In the cellar ? down into the Isn't it a riddle ? cellar through this concealed door. Please be careful... 31 Page #34 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Harikesh Bal The merchant opened the secret gate. The royal couple climbed down into the cellar. The whole cellar was glowing with light of diamonds and gem stones. Sire ! Look ! These are So much the two golden oxen. They wealth! And with are studded with diamonds, this miserly pearls, and rubies. One horn merchant ! of one of these oxen is incomplete. SATU The merchant informed Sire! I made this pair of oxen with all the wealth I had. Only the upper portion of a horn is incomplete. Merchant ! Do you risk your life just to complete this horn ? Yes, sire ! My last desire is to complete this pair. Just a few days labour is involved now. The king looked at queen Chelana and said Yes, sire ! The merchant's astonishing pair of oxen has revealed the secret of life. Queen ! Did you see? It is possible to satisfy the hunger of stomach but not one's cravings. All the suffering in this world is caused by desire. Wealth never brings satisfaction. The vessel of desires always remains empty. And it is because of cravings that man suffers... THE END 32 Page #35 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ FIFTEEN PROHIBITED TRADES (1) Anand Shramanopasak discarded fifteen professional activities while accepting the seventh vow of limiting the articles of use (Upbhog-paribhog Pariman Vrat). Those fifteen trades are as under (1) Angar karm-Such trades wherein fire, fuel or coal is mostly used is called Angar karm. To start a brick-kiln or cement factory fall in this category. Seiska (2) Van karm-To get cut big trees. To obtain contract of clearing the forest. (3) Shakat karm--To manufacture and sell different types of carts and carriages for carrying passengers or goods. (4) Bharee karm-To under trade of giving bullocks, camels, mules and the like on hire. (5) Sphotan karm-Profession of mining, stone quarry. - Upasak-dasha, Ch. 1, Sutra 51 SSSSSSSSKKKKKKKKKKS. Page #36 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ (9) zig + vana kama (3) Tenje i ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo (8) chta ti FIFTEEN PROHILIATED TRADES (1) Nan Education International