Book Title: Gatha Muktavali newly Discovered Recension of Halas Sapta Sataka
Author(s): H C Bhayani
Publisher: Z_Aspect_of_Jainology_Part_2_Pundit_Bechardas_Doshi_012016.pdf
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Page #1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ GATHA-MUKTAVALI : A NEWLY DISCOVERED RECENSION OF HALA'S SAPTA-SATAKA H. C. Bhayani A. Weber distinguishes six different recensions of Hala's Sapta-Sataka (popularly also called Gatha-Saptasati) which he designated as : (1) the Vulgate, (2) X, (3) R, (4) S (=Sadha rahadeva's Muktavali), (5) T=The first Telinga recension), (6) W (= the second Telinga recension). Of these the recensions S and T basically depart from the other recensions in the arrangement of Gathas. They arrange the Gathas in subjectwise groups called Vrajya (S) or Paddhati (T) from several anthologies of Samsksta and Praksta Subhasitas. We are indeed familiar with this type of grouping and designation. In the MSS. collection of the L. D. Institute of Indology exists a manuscript of a work called Gatha-muktavali (GM) (No. 7812), which turns out to be one more recension of the Sapata'ataka, different indeed from the aforenoted six recensions set up by Weber. GM is similar to Sadharanadeva's Muktavali and the first Teling recension in that it also groups the Gathas under different Paddhatis, Since its grouping is similar to that of the Muktavali, it differs from T, which first divides the Gathas into Sat akas or Centuries, and then subdivides each one of the centuries according to the subjects. Obviously, though influenced by S, GM shows considerable independence in the number and sequence of the group as well as the number and sequence of Gathas within the groups. The manuscript is incomplete. Only first 14 out of a total of 45 folios (reported in the list of contents for which see further) are preserved. The obverse of the first folio is blank. The manuscript folios measure 23 x 8 cm. Each side has ten lines and each line has forty letters on an average. The handwriting is bold and clear. The padimatra (prsthamatra) is used. The Ms is carefully copied; there are therefore very few copying mistakes. No continuous serial numbering for the verses is given, but the verse within each group (Paddhati) are serially numbered. The Ms. breaks off after the word laDaitaNa in the fourth verse of the strI rUpa-varNanaqefal Over and above the fourteen of the text, we find two extra folios, one of which contains a complete list of contents of the whole manuscript. This folio, though unnumbered, seems to be in the same hand as the folios of the text proper. The list is reproduced below with the serial number added to the Paddhatis, Page #2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 17 Gatha-Muktavali: A Newly Discovered Recension of Sapta-Sataka Accordingly, out of a total of 58 Paddhatis and 850 verses, we have in the preserved portion 14 Paddhatis (the 14th being incomplete) and 249 verses the last verse being incomplete). The second extra folio has its portion at the right hand upper corner missing; hence the numbering on the back side is lost. On examination it turns out to be a folio belonging to another Ms. of GM. The obverse side begins with fa'a ang which exactly corresponds with the beginning of the 10th folio of our Ms., and the five letters are the final letters of verse no. 8 of the Varsa-paddhati. But in the stray folio the verse is numbered as the 14th. The remaining verses of the group in this folio, from the 15th to the 17th, exactly correspond to the VargaThis fact indicates that the different Mss. paddhati verses no. 16 to 28 in our Ms. of the GM. recension varied in matter of the arrangement of verses within a group. Al Although the number of Paddhatis contained in S and GM (60 and 58 respe ctively) is roughly the same, only 30 titles are common between the two recensions, our guide in drawing this conclusion is the GM list of contents. Also, the number of verses, their selection and ordering within the groups that are common, show so much variation between the two recensions (judging, of course, from the available portion of the GM) that we must recognise them as two distinct recensions. though GM had S before it, it shows a high degree of independence in its classifi Of the 249 verses cation as well as in its selection and ordering for each group. of the extant portion of GM, only 179 are common with S, and only the ga, ga, sujana, rAjacA, dAna and parts of the paTaRtuvarNana and strIrUpavarNana Paddhatis of GM. have sub. stantial correspondence insofar as the selection (but not the number and sequence) of the verses is concerned. For the rest of the groups there are many omissions and several additions. Regarding the new verses we find, GM is in substantial agreement with the R recension. Besides the numerous verses which are absent in the Vulgate but which GM commonly shares with S and R, there are 15 verses in GM which are absent in S but available in R. Moreover, there are 7 verses in GM which are exclusively found in the T recension, 3 verses which are not found in any recension, but which Weber has noted as citations in the Alamkara literature, 2 verses which, although found in the Vulgate, are absent in S, and 15 which are not found in any recension and indeed not noted by Weber. A most remarkable oddity to be noted about GM in this connection is that it has included several verses which are not in the Gatha metre. The prominently glaring case is that of 29 verses in Skandhaka metre, all borrowed from the tenth Asvasaka of the Setubandha. The Saryaftawana, sandhya, Timira and Candrodayapaddhatis are constituted exclusively with these verses (excepting the last verse in the Candrodaya-paddhati). Besides this, I.2, 1.8, II.6, III.14 are Skandhakas. Of these III.14 is the same as Setubandha III.10. 1.4 and X.ii.12 are Gitis, the former being 3 Page #3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 18 H. C. Bhayani the same as the second Calika Paisaci verse cited by Hemacandra under Siddhahema VIII. iv. 326 (the first verse, known to be the Mangala verse of the lost Bihatkatha and cited by Hemadandra under that Sutra as also by Bhoja in the Srngaraprakala is also found in GM as 1,3), and the latter is identical with the fourth verse in the Prastavana of the Abhijnanafakuntala. Lastly, V1.16 in the Aparavaktra metre is also taken from the Sakuntala. It appears there as the opening verse of the fifth act. One more fact to be noted about GM is that some of the verses it exclusively shares with S and/or R are also found in Bhuvanapala's text of the Gathakofas (the Chekokti-vicara-lila), which also shares with GM a very large number of variants that are different from GM's readings. These comparisons and facts show that, besides using S as its principal source, GM derived some material from S and T (which, together with Bhuvanapala, had before them a text-tradition for some individual verses that was different from GM's), and for the rest it eclectically selected from a few other sources, not caring to restrict itself to the Gatha verses. Page #4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ II CONCORDANCE OF GM. WITH S. AND G. S Some other recension or sourco GM 1, harapaddhati 1. (1. namaskAravajyA) 238 (12. anurAgana') 2 (mama) 3 (nama) 151 T. 113 W. 816 89 644 (kRSNacaritra) 642 " 245 (12. anurAgava) 112 94 864 (56. sujanava) 673 674 672 679 677 680 670 250 265 224 319 272 321 320 R.452; W.753 689 (suja) 678 , 282 285 Page #5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 20 11. C. Bhayani ____ 12 666 (suja) 671 , 280 113 - 4. durjanapa 248 684 (58. durjanava) 685 686 687 689 253 135 537 688 . 5. manasvipa 588 (31. manasvitra ) 284 R. 450%; W. 752 W.978 6. rAjacATavaH 225 (11. cATuva) 228 213 227 364 471 R. 607;X. 613; W. 726 7. nItipa 600 (24. sAhasava') 128 (7. svarUpAkhyAnavra') 251 126 ( ) 243 116 (6. jAtivra) 68 109 (5. dRSTAntava') 217 127 (svarU) 255 599 (sAha) 245 601 (35. vidagdhana) 286 111 (dRSTA) 310 132 (svarU) 191 dAnapadeg 602 (36, kRpaNata) 662 (55. tyAgava) 660 ( , ) 136 230 76 : Page #6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Gatha-Muktavali: A Newly Discovered Recension of Sapta-Sataka 9. anyApadezapa (1) hastI 95 (4. anyApadezava') 100 ( , ) 104 , 383 45 527 R. 668; W. 787 R. 669; W. 788 R. 670; W. 789 R. 671; W. 790 R. 672; W. 791 R. 673; T. 72; W. 792 (2) gaupa 597 (33. saubhAgyavra0) 460 639 640 R. 587; W. 795 (3) hariNapa 285 (13. premava) 571 (28. hariNa) 287 589 620 R. 597; W.763 571 (hariNa) 595 (4) zunakapa - 1 689 598 (33. saubhAgyava) 690 (59. devaratra ) 507 (22. asatIvradeg ) 690 664 (5) kapipa 119 (6. jAti) 117 113 // 532 533 171 bhramarapa 92 2 569 (27. madhukarana) 3 7 (2. vasaMtava") 331 Page #7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ___H.C. Bhayani 139 387 593 (32, guNavra ) 96 (4. anyApadezava) 561 ( madhu ) 562 ( 442 444 R. 484; W. 754 R. 501; W.755 ) 615 R. 587; W. 161 564 (madhu0 563 ( 565 ( ". 566 ) 591 592 T. 533; W. 819 568 (madhu ) 643 16 (7) narmadApa 579 594 (32. guNava) 497 (22. asatIvra) 98 (4. anyApadezava) R. 574; W. 760 549 (8) azokapa 40 (2. vasantava) 93 (4. anyApadezava) 172 (10. uccAvacatra) 51 ( vasa) 279 404 405 (9) pATalApa 102 (4. anyApadezava) 694 (59. devara) 567 (27. madhuvaratra) 468 469 621 (10) prakIrNaka 281 392 R. 624; W. 768 636 (46. mallikAtra) 121 (6. jAtivra ) 105 (4. anyApadezana) 12 (2. zaradva) 626 (43. ikSutra) 112 (jAti) 535 S.626 W.740 424 Page #8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 23 411 Gatha-Muktavali : A Newly Discovered Recension of Sapta-Sataka 688 (58. durjanava) R. 594; W. 762 W.982 99 (anyA) 172 658 (54. subhaTava') 402 627 (ikSu) R. 654; w.776 12 (jAti) 11 SaRtuvarNanapa (1) vasantapa 42 (2. vasantava) 543 544 406 (19. rodana) 586 39 (vasa) 398 470 ) 499 50 ( , ) R. 664; W. 783 321 (14. mAninIva0) R. 658; W. 778 45 (vasa) R. 659; W. 779 44 , R. 657%; W. 777 397 (roda) 43 " 443 41 ( 32 vasa . 497 128 R. 360; W. 780 R. 663; W.782 675 R. 662; W. 781 311 308 219 20 31 21 412 371 (16. virahiNIva) 39 ( vasa ) 22 322 (2) grISmapa 54 (2. grISmatra) 402 (19. rodanava) 288 399 450 (21, sakhIsamAzvAsana 70 Page #9 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ H.C. Bhayani 494 56 (grISma) 82 (3. utprekSA) R.547; W.758 299 53 (grISma') 195 (10. uccAvacava) 198 , ) 473 T.2673; W.845 (3) varSApadeg 539 336 170 315 584 584 29 386 567 63 (varSAva') 351 (16. virahiNIva') 612 (40. apragalbhava) 66 (varSA') 70 (varSA') 75 (,,) 368 (vira) 370 . 67 (varSA') 64 400 (roda') 403 (,,) 62 (varSA) 72 (,) 73 ,,) 76(,) 237 (12. anurAgrana) 380 (vira') 506 (22. asatIvra) 65 (varSA ) 61 (,) 560 (27. madhukarana) 538 696 566 436 541 623 324 R. 615%; W. 766 R. 616; W. 767 Y. 420%; W. 711 177 37 R. 684 R. 608 638 560 394 578 88 (3. utprekSAva) 68 (varSA ) Page #10 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Gatha-Muktavali : A Newly Discovered Recension of Sapta-Sataka 25 27 87 (utpre) 118 (6. jAtiva) 564 102 28 (4) zaratpa 11 (2. zaradva) 13 " 92 (3. utprekSAtra) 79 (3. utprekSAva) 86 ( , ) 17 ( zaradeg ) 147 (8. varNanAva) 500 (22. asatIvra) 434 624 186 563 75 263 691 692 693 T. 90; W. 821 9 695 R. 640; W. 769 488 ( asadeg ) 22 ( zara' ) 23 (2. hemantava') 574 (29. hAlikava) 575 ( ) 645 (50. pratyUSana) 10 (zara) 14 ( ,,) 15 ( , ) 16 ( ,,) 568 569 606 562 625 681 684 (5) hemanApa 77 109 329 30 (2. hemantava) 18 (,) 20 , 21 , 24 , 691 (69. devaratra) 25 (hema) 26 S. 641; W. 770 R. 6423 W. 771 R. 6433; W. 772 R. 644; W. 773 R. 6453; W. 730 R, 646%; W. 745 27 28 " " Page #11 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 26 11 12 13 (6) fafara 1 2 3 4 5 11. sUryAstamanapa 1 2 3 4 5 6 12. sandhyApa 1 2 3 4 2 4 13. timirapa 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 14. candrodayapa 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 29 - 66 (22. asatIvra) | | | | | | III 21 487 (22.2deg) 19 (2. hemanta ) 193 (10. uccAvacatra ) | | | | #7 || H. C. Bhayani 66 8 238 458 I 111 11 ||||||| R. 647: W, 774 T 229; W, 834 T. 556; W. 925 Setubandha 10.6 10.8 10,97 10.10 10.11 10.14 31 11 11 21 19 21 17 37 13 33 27 31 19 31 31 33 w 11 10.16 10,20 10.23 10.24 10.27 10.28 10.29 10.30 10,31 10.34 10.38 10.40 10.41 10.42 10.43 Page #12 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Gatha-Muktavall: A Newly Discovered Recension of Sapta-Sataka 10.44 10.45 10.46 10.47 10.50 10.51 10.52 10.53 219 ( 11. cATuba ) 15. strIrUpavarNanapa 153 ( 8. varNanAva) 136 138 234 271 303 W.969 Page #13 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ The verses are given according to the Paddhati and the serial number therein. We have supplied the Sanskrit chaya also. 2. 1. jA theraM va hasaMtI kai-vaaNaMburuha baddha - viNivesA / dAvei bhuvaNa-maMDalamaNNaM cia jaai sA vANI // 3. 4. III GM. VERSES NOT FOUND IN WEBER'S EDITION OF THE SAPTASATAKA 5. [ yA sthaviramiva hasaMtI kavi vadanAmburuha baddha-vinivezA / darzayati bhuvana- maNDalamanyameva jayati sA vANI // ] saMjhA-paNAma-ghaDio giri-taNaA-vihua-vAma-hatya - vihaDio / hasiUNa mukka-salilo ekka-kareNa NiamaMjalI jeNa kao // (The Mangala Gatha) [ sandhyA praNAma - ghaTito giri-tanayA vidyuta-vAma-hasta-vighaTito / hasitvA mukta-salila eka-kareNa niyamAJjaliryena kRtaH // ] panamata panaa- ppakupita- kolI- calanagga-lagga-paTibiMbaM / tasasu nakha-tappanesuM ekAtasa-tanu-thala luddaM // [praNamata praNaya-prakupita-gauro caraNAgra-lagna- pratibimbam / dazasu nakha -darpaNeSu ekAdaza-tanu-dharaM rudram // ] navaMtassa ya lIlA - pAukkhevena kaMpitA ucchalaMti samuddA sailA nipataMti taM halaM vasudhA / namata // [ nartatazca lIlA- pAdotkSepena kampitA vasudhA / ucchalanti samudrAH zailA nipatanti taM haraM namata // ] sasihaMDa - maMDaNA samohanAsANa suraaNa-piANaM / girisa - girida-suANaM saMghADI vo suhaM deu | (12) (13) ( 17 ) [ rAzi-khaNDa (sa-zikhaNDa ) - maNDanayoH sa moha-nAza ( sa - mohanAza ) yoH surajana (suratna) - priyayoH / giriza - girIndrasutayoH saMghATI vaH sukhaM ( zubhaM ) dadatu // ] (14) Page #14 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 29 Gatha-Muktavali : A Newly Discovered Recension of Sapta-Sataka 6. oMkAra-vaMka-dhaNuNo paDhama-puliMdassa Namaha puNNe calaNe / Na muaMti caDula-jIhA pAsallaM jANa sArameyA deyA / / (18) [ oMkAra-vakra-dhanuSaH prathama-pulindasya namata puNye caraNe / na muJcanti caTula-jihvAH pArzva yayoH sArameyAH (?) | ] 7. daNuiMda-ruhira-litto sahai uviMdo Naha-ppahAvali-aruNo / saMjhA-bahu-avaUDho Nava-vAriharu vva vijjulA-paDibhinno / / (II 6 ) [ danujendra-rudhira-liptaH zobhate upendro nakha-prabhAvalyaruNaH / sandhyA-vadhvavagUDho nava-vAridhara iva vidyutpratibhinnaH / / ] 8. te viralA sappurisA je abhaNaMtA ghaDaMti kanjAlAve / thoa ccia te vi dumA je abhaNia-kusuma-NiggamA deMti phalaM // (III 14 ) [ te viralAH satpuruSA ye avadanto ghaTayanti kAryAlApAn / stokA eva te'pi drumA ye ajJAta-kusuma-nirgamA dadati phalam // ]. maDahulla Ae kiM tuha imIa kiM vA dalehi taliNehiM / Amoe mahuara mAlaIa jANihisi mAhappaM / / ( VI 15) [ laghutayA kiM tava asyAH kiM vA dalaiH talinaiH / Amode madhukara mAlatyAH jJAsyasi mAhAtmyam / / ] 10. ahiNava-mahu-lava-bhAvi taha paracuMbia cuud-mNjriN| kamala-vasahi-mitta-Nivvudo mahuara visumarido si NaM kaha // (VI 16 ) [ abhinava-madhu-lava-bhAvitAM tathA paricumbya cUta-maJjarIm / kamala-vasati-mAtra-nirvRto madhukara vismRto'si tAM katham // ] , 11. ekku ccia duvvisaho viraho mArei gavaI bhImo / ki puNa gahia-silImuha-samAhave phagguNe patte // (XI 11) [ eka eva durviSaho viraho (viratho) mArayati gata-patikAH (gaja-paton) bhImaH / kiM punargRhIta-zilImukha-samAdhave phAlgune prApte // ] 12. DahiUNa NiravasesaM sasAvaraM sukka-rukkhamArUDho / ki sesaM ti davaggI puNo vi raNNaM pulovei / / (XII 7) [ dagdhvA niravazeSa sa-zvApadaM zuSka-vRkSamArUDhaH / ki zeSamiti davAgniH punarapi araNyaM pralokayati // ] Page #15 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 30 H. C. Bhayani 13. isi (IsIsi ) cuMbiAI bhasalehi sukumAra- kesara - sihAI / odaMsaaMti daamANA pamadAo sirIsa - kusumAI // [ ISadISaccumbitAni bhramaraiH sukumAra kezara zikhAni / avataMsayanti dayamAnAH pramadAH zirISa kusumAni // ] 14. caMda Nimikka calaNA Naha bhamira-marAla- Nimia-bIa-paA / kamala-vaNa-diNNa-hatthA saraa - sirI bhuvaNamoarai || [ candra-nyastaika-caraNA nabhobhramanmarAla nyasta- dvitIya-padA / kamala-vana-datta-hastA zaracchrIrbhuvanamavatarati // ] 15 sA mAha- mAsa- gosagga-majjirI taM pi dinna - puNNaggI / miliA golA tU he duve vi tumhe dhammiTThA // (XII 12 ) (XIV 1 ) [ sA mAgha mAsa - prAtarmajjanazIlA tvamapi datta - puNyAgniH / militau godA-taTe dvAvapi yuvAM khalu dharmiSThau // ] Besides these there are twentynine verses taken from Setubandha X. The GM. variants are noted at the end. ( XVI 5 ) Page #16 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ IV GM. VARIANTS FOR THE GATHAS GIVEN IN W. ( B. stands for Bhuvanapala's text of the Saptasataka) W. GM. Variants 7 IX viil 1 pA appaharaM. 37x ii 22 degbhamAiNadeg (B); degvuDDuvvu DuNivuDDa (B). 42 VII 1 dhuvaM. jaM si Na viNiddA (B). 66 x v 13 ciragaiadeg (B). 67x iii 17 degmalasaM pae tuha viiNNaM (B). kaMTaijjaMtamamhamaMgaM kiNo hasasi (B). 68 v 4 . degpahAe a (B); degviraso a (B). 78 VII AsaMghiadeg (B); paNaijaNo. 77xv 1 degsaeNaM va (B). 92 IX vi 1 vaddhapphalagaruI mAlai tti (B). 102 x 28 tahasaMThiaNeDDakkaM tapelladeg (B). 112 II NiuNaM. aNudiahaM vaDDhato. goviAa (B). 135 IV saNehadANeNa (B). 136 VIII dANarahiassa (B); vacchassa (B). 139 1x vi mahai pANalohillo (B). 151 II sUravive vva. 170 x degottiNie (B); degpaloTTa' (B); diahe (B); mupdA (B). 171 ullalai; kokkhae i. 172 maTAserihi (B); DuMDuhi. 177 dUmeMti; mamaM (B). 186 x mahadrahANaM; degsIAI (B). 191 viriDiM; gAravagghaviA; soNNAra; khaMgheNa. VII jaM mittaM vasaNadesaAlammi(8); vAullaaM va(B). 113 114 VII 17 Page #17 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ H.C. Bhayani 2 245 253 255 219 xi 230 VIII 238 x vi VI 248 IV 250 III 251 VII IV VII 263 x iv 265 279 viii 281 Ixx 284 285 286 VII 287 Ixiii 299 310 VII 311 III V III 1 asajjhaM (B); maNammi asa ittaNaM pattA (B). khaNNuo jhaDiapatto (B); mA (B). pAriaM B). vAluapaDalaM (B); Na ei (B). bhAaNo. maMgulaM (B); lajjiro. ruvaM (B). akulINo (B). do akajjAiM; Nivvavia%; jamaNivvaviaM. pattapphalasAricche (B); degvaMdammi (B). appavvaso bi suaNo (B); AhijAIe. puNa bhaNAmo; kakellipallavApallavANa hu huMti(B). mAliAeNomAliAi; phuTTihii (B);mAsalo(B). atthamaammi. poTTaM bhareMti sauNI (B); vihaluddharaNa bharasahA (B). jANao. savvaaM (B); maINa vi. Thavei ure paiNo (B); galaMta upphaM (B). guNehiM (B); necchaMti puliMdA mottiAI (B). degmAsammi (B); AvIyadeg (B). rottaNa (B); joei gaavaIu (B). Na vi taha dUmijjai (B); parehiM (B). vi Na viNiggayAiM (B). phiTTo. suDhie (B). dUmijjai (B); paviralaa. Nakkhadeg; piva (B). degNIsahi piva. ko tarai samutthari vitthiNNaM NimmalaM samuttuMgaM (B); ca paoharo. NesA (B); gajjirubhaMta. vicchaDDo kusumaraso hoi (B). darave viAI (B); vodrahIu. sAsai sasaMko (B); aMvANa vaNaM. muMDI kajjeNa viNA vi. eeNaM cia. 315 320 ___ III x 322 i 324 xxx 329 331 X 336 364 386 x iii ____vi Ix IX 337 392 4 396 402 404 _IX IX x vili 10 3 Page #18 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Gatha-Muktavall: A Newly Discovered Recension of Sapta-Sataka 405 412 414 424 x viit x Ixx __Ixx 442 443 444 454 458 460 467 468 494 497 499 ix 5 4 kamalAhaeNa jaM. 21 Na deha suttu suvaha. 12 vAaMtavahaladeg (B). cAvaM jai vi visuddhaM (B); saro (B); vihaDaMto; va; kecciraM. 13 aviraa-paData-jalahara-dhArA-raarajju-ghaDiya-vaMdhehi / (B);avaaMto ccia hakkai mahialaM pAuso uaha / / ____ pakkhA (B); viasAvijai (B); kuMdaakaliA (B). 10 viva; dUmijjai (B); dakkhiNa'. Isi pi mAlaImaulaM (B); ArahaNapANadeg (B). paritto jUrai (B); NialAiA. mayaNaMmulIi mayaNavaDarohaNaMdeg (B); degvaDa'. 1 saalagoTThadeg (B). AvannAiM. NikkaMDa'; pADalaM; kaA iha ggAme (B). coriviruehiM. 12 vAreha NaM gharA Neti (B); jA maA sA maa ccia. iha ggAme (B); tassea (B). raia-amaNa (?)-deho; Navari gaiMdo ccia (B); garuamAi (B). phophA; samalliai ( ). juNNa addaaM (B). ThaDDheNa. ete pahie gharaM NieUNa (B). jevvaMtaradeg (B). 1 etaM; ukkaMThao. maddaNasaAI. 24 sahai; pariggaha ANaM va. 5 pUsaANa (B). ___veDhaesu (B). paMthakalaMvANa (B); Asasa (B); mA dhariNimuhaMNa (B). avari (B); mA taM. chirekka deg(B); dinna-unnaapaeNa (B). ___16 kAle; tusArehiM (B). 16 raNajhaNai. 26 paDiSellio (B). 527 X / 532 535 537 538 541 10 543 549 560 563 564 566 567 568 569 575 576 X iv xiv x ill Page #19 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 34 H.C. Bhayani Ix vil 579 584 11 585 586 589 591 592 595 606 620 621 623 625 638 3 19 639 640 664 1 aNNaNaIsu (B). __ degpavaNagalatthallaNadeg (B); dhukkuTukei (B); hiaaM va vijulA. pecchaha (B); urammi. violA pahiA (B); uppaMka (B); bhalli (B). avirala-pasariaM. 'maaraMda parimala suhAe (B). 12 ___ kuMdaka liAe; ahilijjai (B). AUNNaM AaDDhia-bhalla-mammAhaAa. 17 paccaha; parimAsa. doviamaIe (B); taha lAlio (B). kamalesa bhamai parimalai sattaliM (B). muai (B). 15 ucchevaraM (B); degjAA (B). avariM. __ deggharadeg (B); degvojjharakalaala'; maNoharA iha giri ggAmA (B). 2 pijaha ullei. 3 tuha (B). 3 jaha ahiNaMdai; vukkai. 20 siaseMghava (B); dhUlipuMja'; vasuAhuti va . mukkodeg (B). 21 vAsammi; sarasacikkhilaM (B); tassa sImadeg. cADuassa kusalANa. vAsasaaM (B). taM taha (B). degsAsa. paumAlehaDA (B); degvalaNeNa; sotta. 13 vaThANa (B); sarae sahassa magge (B). 11 saMkIlio vva Najjai; vAsAamammi paMtho; maNeNa. 20 suaM (B); jIveNa. 3 amaamaaM (B); caMdamuha (B); degDahaNo. carieNa. 5 rasAsAo(B); suviNNachANaM paMDuucchRNaM; bhamAsANaM(B). paiNA. 9 suhaaro caMdo (B). ___ mahuarehiM (B); saMbharatehiM (B). 681 684 1 2 688 689 690 691 692 695 696 711 726 730 740 745 753 755 IX x III IX 5 Page #20 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ daMtukkatta. 11 u Gatha-Muktavali : A Newly Discovered Recension of Sapta-Sataka 35 758 x ii 6 tisio; samUsarai. 760 IX vii 2 veDisalaAgharatelli mailiA (B). 761 IX vi jIammiva: kaliaM. 762 ki bhaNNai. 763 maiatti mao maIvi tisio mao tti kaliUNaM; Na piai. 767 19 utthaMghiyAe; seo. 768 3 kallaM va phuTTihisi (B). 769 770 5 ohAra saMghAsAluANa vaimUlamalliaMtANaM (B); kiliMcaa (B); valai. 771 ___ kuNa parihAsaM de diara; NahoraNA varAIaM; puNo pikaM kuNasu taM chAaM. 772 pAvareNaM; vAsabhavaNeNa (B); jassa urammi Nisammai (B). 774 ua asa. 777 pavaNo; degpattaM. dharijjihii (B); degpallavANaM jo. 780 14 sajjeha deha tUraM (B); kuNaha vicchiti (B); puhavivaissa ( B); jaha halahalao ( B). . 781 17 vaNaava; vasaMtamAse; puNo vi. 782 15 dUraM; degparimala ; viva. 783 jaNassa ( B). 787 4 degsaMThiArakkhaM ( B ); jIhamettamahuraM kalamachettaM. 788 IX15 vaNasAliNo ( B); hohI. 790 visamAha apaDahaveDhaNAviulaM (B); jANai NivvAheuM. 791 IX omaggakavoleNa gayamaeNa patte; dasAvasANammi (B); tae (B). 795 khurapIDhapellaNadalaMtapattharadeg (B); dhavaloAriapaMthe. rae lacchI. 819 gamesu; vAsaa. 821 aMve; jANaMtA via. 834 volINo. 845 rAIu; jaha ira. 925 dIhA vi samappai; kaha Na te. 778 1X IX 816 000 13 11 12 Page #21 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ H.C. Bhayani 969 XV 978 v 982 IXx8 laDahattaNaaM. vaaMsa. jaha gaMbhIro jaha; so sarasavANio Na kao. Variant readings of the Setubandha verses found in GM. as campared with the texts according to the Setutattva candrika (RG. Basak's edition) (S), Goldschmidt's edition (G) and the Kavyamala edition (K). Setu. GM. 6 XI 1 raiNo (GK). rai ). disAbhoA; degveDhaM (GK). divase. divasa', virame (s); gamiAdeg; kilitAI (GK). degpphusia. diaheNa, homuddha (s deghosuddha); raiNo. roaggAI. dosai; degsaDhadeg (GK); kumuadegGK. sthaiaM; degbhAaM; NivvaDaMti (s). 'rAadeg (GK). timiravilibbhaMtamailamuddha'. maulAvia%; vaDaNadeg (GK). ukkhaDa;deg uttaMbhi'; laMviatvasaddo; ghettavva. a; uvarideg (GK). kasiNa. vivaM; degsuumAla. vitthiNNaM (GK); taDujjua'; khAUNa; ukkhittaM (s). vahalammi vi tamadeg (GK); NivvAviUNa; aNuvajjhaMti. *. In Basat's edition ghumvantatimira is to be read for dhuvanta in XI 38. Page #22 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Gatha-Muktavali : A Newly Discovered Recension of Sapta-Sataka 7 __426 parimAsaNa'; avaDicchideg (GK); pADeMti diNaara. ___437 phusio; viraio. __44 , 8 arAI; thoadeg (GK); paaDaMti (GK). uvautta. 46 . 10 NirAapalaMvo; degpaDio. 47 , 11 maiMda dhavalasasi. oatte. degvaliA (s) bhamaMti. degcchaMdaNa?. vicchUDhavva sasiara; avibhAdeg (GK). 45 50 " , 12 13 51 52 53