Book Title: Fragrance of Children
Author(s): Bhadraguptavijay
Publisher: Vishvakalyan Prakashan Trust Mehsana
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Page #1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ FRAGRANCE OF CHILDREN BAR 2000 200000 po000000 000000 ORAL IUNI SHREE BHADRAGUPTAVIJAYJI Page #2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ VIKP FRAGRANCE OF CHILDREN ernational KO Munishree Bhadraguptvijayji SHREE VISHVA-KALYAN PRAKASHAN TRUST MEHSANA (GUJARAT) SHANTILALDOSHI Page #3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ PM MONOMA 盘金金金金金金金金金金金签签 FRAGRANCE OF CHILDREN By: MUNISHREE BHADRAGUPTVIJAYJI Translated By : LALCHAND K. SHAH Published By : SHREE VISHVAKALYAN PRAKASHAN TRUST Near Kamboi Nagar, Mehsana. Pin-384 002 ( Gujarat ) First Edition: 2000 / Nov. 1976 Second Edition : 2000 / Mar. 1978 Third Edition : 3000 / July 1982 PRICE : 2 RUPEES Printed By : Keshavji H. Gogri, Harsha Printery. 122, Dr. Meisheri Road, Bombay-400009. 金金金金金堡盛金经签盒 缝盘 For Personal & Private Use Only Page #4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ POOPOOOOOOOOOOOO1200oo00POoonroopoooooo . My Hearty Desire It was my hearty desire that these three booklets for children, viz. (1) Fragrance of Children (2) Life of Children and (3) Thinking of Children may be published in Gujarati, Hindi and English. After publishing them in Gujarati and Hindi, when my desire of publishing in English version turns out in the concrete form, my heart is overfilled with joy and happiness. Moral, Religious and Spiritual development of each and every child is considered as a Must, and success of man's life depends on this threefold development. All the parents, religious tutors and preceptors may pay more attention towards this threefold development and for their uplift, every sort of efforts must be put to the test. Children who have become some sensible, must be alert and Vigilant to keep their morality, religiousness and spirituality alive and for their fulfilment these three booklets will give them good direction. You do make these three booklets your bosom friends and these booklets will be better and nobler guide, helper-path lighter. Dear Children, May your best and purest Character be the giver of the best offerings to your life, to your family, to your society to your nation and universe, and that is all my hearty desire. Muni Bhadraguptavijay 金金金金堡签签签盒 For Personal & Private Use Only Page #5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ FRAGRANCE OF CHILDREN FLOWERS ** 1. Homage 2. 3. 4. Take Out 5. Tolerate 6. Never Eat 7. Never Kill 8. 9. Never See 10. Do Learn 11. Don't Be Jealous 12. Think Day-To-Day 13. Bhagwan Mahavir In The Morning Do And Don't How Will You Live? Questions For Personal & Private Use Only Page #6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 1. HOMAGE Pay homage to God. Have love for God. Pay homage to Preceptor. Hold firm Commands of Preceptor in heart. Pay homage to father. Remember obligations of the father. Pay homage to mother. Remember obligations of mother. For Personal & Private Use Only Page #7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 2. IN THE MORNING liteill! Whom will you remember while getting up in the morning ? You will certainly remember Shree Navkar Mantra while getting up in the morning. Then only you will step out of the bed. who are in Shree Navkar Mantra ? Arihanta (afka ) is there. Siddha ( here ) is there. Acharya (Pers) is there. Upadhyaya (ECTETIT) is there. Sadhu ( Ay ) is there. We have to pay homage to them We have to show love towards them. What is gained by meditating the Naykar ? All our sufferings are vanished away. All our sins of every birth are washed away. The seeds of merits are shown. The oceans of happiness are overflown. 14 N For Personal & Private Use Only Page #8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ It 3. DO AND DON'T Do not beat or kill any living beings. Do not tell a lie at any time. Do not rob or steal at any time. Show mercy on the unhappy. Show benevolence to others. MU Fill up the treasures of meritorious deeds. A Abuses can't be spoken. Whatever things can't be eaten. Whatever drink can't be taken. Food should be given to the hungry. Water should be offered to the thirsty. Clothes should be given to the naked. For Personal & Private Use Only Page #9 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 313552 4. TAKE OUT Take out rubbish of anger. Take out rubbish of pride. Take out foolishness of deceit. Take out lure of greed, Take out all these daily. Anger is uprooted by forgiveness. Pride is uprooted by modesty. Deceit is uprooted by straightforwardness. Greed is uprooted by donation. Enmity is increased by anger. Enmity is tranquilized by forgiveness. Modesty is vanished by pride. Virtue is created by modesty. Restlessness is done by deceit. Calmness is created by straightforwardness Sins are increased by greed. Sins are decreased by donation. ss o For Personal & Private Use Only Page #10 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 5. TOLERATE EBUKE OF FATHER AND MOTHER PUNISHMENT OF THE THEABUSES OF SOMEONE Tolerate rebuke of father and mother. Tolerate punishment of the tutor. UNHAPPINESS Tolerate the abuses of anyone. Tolerate the unhappiness when comes. Do not oppose father or mother. Do not go against the tutor. Do not abuse in return of abuses. Do not weep in unhappiness. Hundreds of merits are stored in tolerance. We become dear to all. We become great learned. We become great man. Our name becomes reputed. TOLERA NOWLEDLY For Personal & Private Use Only Page #11 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 6. NEVER EAT PASI Alloye cream Never eat potatoes. Never eat onions. Never eat brinjals. Never eat gingers. Never eat radishes. Never eat Sweet-Potatoes. Never eat carrots. Never eat honey. Eggs can never be taken. By eating all these things, the mind gets spoiled. By eating all these things, sins are committed. Bad thoughts arise a lot. Bad deeds are committed. We shall go to hell. Better to remain hungry, if nothing else is available for eating. Better to eat one thing less, but never eat any of the above things. (wL - - For Personal & Private Use Only Page #12 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 7. NEVER KILL Never kill the helpless flies. Never kill also the mosquitoes. Never kill bugs and lices. What is their guilt ? What is your punishment to them? They do not take away your life, Then how can their life be taken ? Their intention is not to kill you, They are ignorant and humble insects. While moving here and their, they happen to sit on your body, and they 1 try to seek food there. While going on your way, if you injure someone unknowingly but he takes out the knife and hits you.... then what will you feel at that time? Justice or injustice ? Injustice. Well ! Then by mistake, some insects may come to your house or sit on your body, and you kill them ! Then is it justice or injustice ? For Personal & Private Use Only Page #13 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 12 8. How will you live? Will you live by killing other living beings ? or Will you live by reviving other living beings? Will you live by quarrelling with other living beings ? or Tom Will you live by having peace with other living beings ? Will you live by achieving your selfishness ? or Will you live by showing benevolence to others ? Will you live committing sins ? or Will you live by performing religion ? Live by reviving living beings. Live by having harmony. Live by showing benevolence. Live by performing religion, Otherwise it is better to die. For Personal & Private Use Only Page #14 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 9. Never See CINEMA FAULTS OF OTHERS Never see cinemas and dramas. WEALTH OF Never see the faults of others. IVICES OTHERS Never see the vices of others. Never see the wealth of others. By seeing the cinemas and dramas, Eyes are spoiled. Money is wasted, Mind is diseased. Life is ruined. By seeing the faults of others, NEVER SEĚ Such faults find place in us, Virtues run away from us. By seeing the vices of others, Such vices find place in us, Bad intentions arise in us. OPEN INWARD EYE By seeing the wealth of others. We are tempted to steal it, Greed for wealth arises in us. For Personal & Private Use Only Page #15 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 14 10. DO LEARN How is non-Violence practised ? Learn it. How is the truth spoken ? Learn it. How is benevolence done? Learn it. Get Knowledge about Soul. Get Knowledge about meritorious deeds. Get Knowledge about Sins. Get Knowledge about Channels through which Karmas enter Soul. Get Knowledge about ejecting the Karmas from Soul. Get Knowledge about the bondage of Soul by Karmas. Get Knowledge about emancipation of the Soul. Do get knowledge of such things. Get Knowledge about the prosperity of the Soul. As the Knowledge progresses, Modesty will be present, Forgiveness will be there. Frankness will be there. Politeness will be there. | Darkness of ignorance runs away by the light of knowledge. AYA essa - - For Personal & Private Use Only Page #16 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 11. DON'T BE JEALOUS Don't be jealous of anyone's Don't be jealous of anyone's happiness. Don't be jealous of anyone's power. By being jealous what is achieved? Trouble is achieved. bungalow. Misery is gained. Mind becomes envious. Life is on fire. if you want to think, Think the following Why did the others get the bungalow? Why did the others get the happiness? why did the others get the knowledge? why did the others get the Power? They got it because they practised the religion in the former births. You also start to take efforts for practising the religion now. All the religion- performers do certainly get all the happiness. All the religion-performers' all miseries do disappear fully. Don't be jealous, perform the religion, GEC For Personal & Private Use Only "ככ M&C 0000 A4 TTUORA Burruss PERFEET HAPPINESS RELIGION 15 M MIND BECOMES ENVIOUS BY JEALOUSY umala PERECT MESERY JEALOUSY Page #17 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 16 12. Think Day-to-Day When will endure the hardship like Mahavir? When will I have the renunciation like Shalibhadra ? When will I perform the penance like Dhana Anagar? When will I build Jain Temples like Emperor Samprati ? When will practise the twelve vows like Kumarpala? When will I perform Samayika like Punia? When will I show the devotion for knowledge like Hemchandracharya ? All these personalities were also little like oureselves and when they grew up, They performed great grand deeds; When we grow up, we will also perform; great grand deeds like them. We will perform; and we will perform; We will become great, friend! We will become great. After becoming great, we will try for the emancipation of the soul; We will try for the prosperity of the Universe. For Personal & Private Use Only Page #18 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 17 wygluten 13. BHAGWAN MAHAVIR 11 ROCC DOOG A city 'Kshatriya Kund' by name, A centre of mere holiness: A King named Siddhartha ruled there. All subjects were happy and healthy. Trishala was the Queen of Siddhartha. A mine of meritorious gems was she. On the 13th day of bright fortnight of Chaitra, A son was born to the Queen Trishala, A heap of charming beauty And of un-parallel lustre and brilliance By name, he was Vardhaman Kumar. Knowledge was un parallel in Vardhaman Kumar. Fearlessness was incomparable in Vardhaman Kumar. Others may get Scared, not he; He was dear to all. Dear also to the Gods-angels. Dear also to the demons-devils. Dear also to the humans. Dear also to the animals Vardhman Kumar had nothing but impartiality towards all; And tendency to release all from the unhappiness. mu Hot For Personal & Private Use Only Page #19 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 18 UMHV Modesty was shown towards Mother by Vardhaman Kumar. He did nothing such that might make Mother unhappy. Modesty was shown towards Father by Vardhaman Kumar. He did nothing such that might make Father unhappy. Father and mother got him married. Yashoda was his Queen.. Great, Chaste and Virtuous woman was She. Got unparallel Fame in the World. Was renowned in the Scriptures, . But Vardhaman Kumar was free from the Worldly attachment or passions. The moment for renunciation arrived. Royal throne with every thing was abandoned. Became a great fortunate Mendicant. Physical and Mental pain and storm crossed him. But Bhagwan never totterred or falterred. There and then menifested Pure-Knowledge free from all illusion, And Angels Sang the meritorious Songs. There and then he attained the Eternal Knowledge. The Supreme God has neither Love nor Hatred. The Supreme God was desireless. The Supreme God emancipiated the living beings and achieved the emancipation, Salutation to Bhagwan Mahavir ! TI For Personal & Private Use Only Page #20 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 1. On whom will you show love? 2. Whose commands will you obey? 3. Whose obligations will you remember? 1. -2 Whom will you remember while getting up in the morning? 2. Who are in Navkar? 3. What is gained by meditating Navkar? -3 1. Of what will you fill up the treasures ? 2. What will you give to the hungry? 3. What will you give to the naked? ++++++++÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷ +++++++ QUESTIONS Bypas 1. How is anger uprooted ? 2. What is increased by anger? by 123 19 3. What is decreased donation ? -5 1. What will you do if unhappiness comes? 2. What will you do against abuses ? 3. What are the merits of tolerance ? 6 1. What should not be eaten? 2. Why not to eat all these things? 3. What will you do if nothing else is available for eating? -7 1. Whom should you not kill ? 2. there Justice or injustice in Killing? 3. Why is Injustice there ? For Personal & Private Use Only Page #21 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 20 -8 3. How will you live? What is dear to you? Selfishness or Benevolence ? When will you prefer to die ? -9 What will you not see? What happens by seeing Cinema or Drama ? 3. What happens by seeing the faults of others? -10 1. What will you learn? 2. What sort of knowledge will you get. What is gained by knowledge ? ********* 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. -11 What is gained by being jealous? How did the others get hapiness? What will you do to get it? -12 Like whom do you think to be? Like whom will you perform Samayika? Like whom will you get the knowledge? 13 What are the names of Father and Mother of Mahavir ? Who was Yashoda? To whom was Mahavir dear ? When did he become Mendicant? What Qualities had Mahavir ? For Personal & Private Use Only Page #22 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ For Personal & Private Use Only