Book Title: Dynamic Acharya Shri Jawaharlalji
Author(s): Atmanandji
Publisher: Z_Comtemporary_Jain_Legends_007736_STD.pdf
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Page #1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 14. Dynamic Acharya Shri Jawaharlalji Ordinarily it is believed that Jain mendicants and nuns perform the rites of their own religion and read only the books on Jainism and that way they live away their life in their narrow field of religious boundaries. They preach Jainism and learn Jainism and do nothing beyond that. But here is a great personality who has been out of these limitations. He held "Atmavat Sarva Bhooteshu" know everybody like thyself and thus, extended equal love towards all living beings on earth. It is appropriate to know about this great man here also. Malva is as good as a heart in India and great personalities like the king's Vikramaditya and Bhoj and poets like Kalidas and Bhavbhooti, the worshipers of the goddess of learning-Saraswati have been in this region. A couple, Jivrajji, and Nathibai of Oshwal Vanik caste were living in the Chandla village of Zaburva District in this region. The family was highly cultured with religious fervor. One brilliant and charming child was born to this family in 1876. The day corresponds to the previous day of Gnan Panchmi, the day celebrated in adoration of the god of knowledge. This was the first child of the couple and since it was quite charming and lovely, its name was kept as Jawahar-a jewel. The human life enlightens only after hard tests. The difficulties in the lives of great men are normally to lead them to the path of greatness. The child Jawahar lost his mother when he was of only two years of age and father when he was of five years. He, therefore, was brought him up by maternal uncle Mulchandbhai who was maintaining his family through a small shop of cloth. There were many tribals and low caste people living in and around the village Chandla, Jawahar was put up to a school run by Christian missionaries. The child had the indecency to learn much from the nature rather than from the books. He learnt Gujarati, Hindi, and a bit of arithmetic and then he had to sit at the cloth-shop with his maternal uncle. The child Jawahar became so much expert in evaluating the cloth within a very short time that even the experienced persons praised him. The child was much impressive in appearance, he was brave, adventurous, deep thinking and industrious and became known very well in and around the village. But the destiny was otherwise. The life of Jawahar was taking a new turn and soon there was an unexpected incident. Detachment and Mind-Searching: As Jawahar was of only 13 years, his maternal Uncle Shri Moolchandbhai with whom he was staying passed away all of a sudden. Jawahar lost his only support. He had thought that his maternal Uncle Shri Moolchandbhai will be his good guardian for many years but as he died unexpectedly, Jawahar felt a deep shock. His tender heart could not be at rest for quite a long time. Jawahar had now the responsibility to took after his widow aunt and her son Ghasilal who was hardly five years old. Jawahar converted these worldly miseries into the causes of worldly detachment and this is an evidence of the deep impressions of his previous lives. A note of his thinking has been found and it runs as under: "Oh conscious soul! It is your blunder that you forget yourself upto now. You have not done any note-worthy worship or prayers of any Dharm-religion in spite of so much time have passed out. Now, at least, accept my word and sincerely try to correct this serious error which committed. You are not in much convenient circumstances and one does not get such opportunity often. Therefore, act vigorously with all your power and internal strength and take advantage of Lord's prayers and his vicinity." Sometimes, the whole picture of his very short life passed through his mind. "Mother passed away, father passed away, maternal uncle passed away and what have I to do by earning profits in this shop? I can make suitable arrangements for maternal mother and her child Ghasilal. I must, 79 Page #2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ therefore, go to a good teacher somehow and march on the way to god. This is the real good thing for me. He remembered the great obligation of his maternal uncle of and he was feeling of it very much and yet continuous thinking, unshakable determination and the power of taking firm decisions lead the boy ahead on the way to search for the Absolute. Dhanrajji Objects: Dhanrajji the elder brother of the father of Jawahar came to know that Jawahar was not working for the shop-cloth with enough attention and hence he called Jawahar and persuaded him to be more careful for shop and homely work. Jawahar told him that he was internally detached from worldly affairs and might not stay with family for long time. Hearing this, Dhanrajji was very much displeased and angry with Jawahar. Dhanrajji asked his two sons to keep an eye over Jawahar so that he should not meet any saint, mendicant or nun in or about the village. This continued for some time but there was no change in the attitude of Jawahar. Dhanrajji then instructed the prominent persons of the village that they should speak ill of monks and mendicants before Jawahar whenever occasion arose so that Jawahar might begin to hate the monks and put off his idea to become a mendicant and may turn back from intense religious feelings. Thus, Dhanrajji tried to take back Jawahar from his way by all means he could but who can escape from what was destined to happen? Jawahar was staying like a lotus in between water since last four years. He took the least interest in shop and home. He was passing his time in reading, thinking and meditating. He was unhappy, as he was not able to meet any mendicant or devotee of religion. Meeting with Saint and Dixa: Jawahar happened to go to a small Limbdi village near Dahod with Udaychand, the son of Jashvantlalji. He could meet Ghasilal Maharaj of the tradition of Shri Hukamchandji. He, therefore, stayed at this village and expressed his intention to get Dixa, but Ghasilal Maharaj pressed upon Jawahar to obtain the consent of his relatives. Jashrajji, however, called up Jawahar back to home by creating false circumstances. But Jawahar was now impatient. After some days he went back to Limbdi. Since there was no way out, Dhanrajji had to send consent-letter with his son Udaychand for Jawahar's Dixa. He was granted would Dixa in 1892. Shri Ghasilalji Maharaj drew out the hair from the head of Jawahar also fulfilled his desire by taking Dixa as the disciple of Maganlal. Jawahar was now so much pleased as a hungry man would set sweets and a poor man would get huge stock of money. The feelings of detachments that had arisen in Jawahar were now being fulfilled. Study and Travelling: Jawahar was very much anxious to make his life very much advanced right from his childhood. Jawahar had exceptional power of memory, outstanding intelligence, deep thinking and tendency to be in readiness for the service of others. He was fully obedient. With all these virtues in Jawahar, Goddess of knowledge had to be pleased on him. Jawahar could commit to memory hundreds of Stanzas, Gathas-songs, prayers, Samayik, Stotras-hymns to be spoken when performing this religious performance, Pratikraman-a religious rite very shortly. After only one and a half months from Dixa, Jawahar had the separation from his teacher-master Shri Maganlalji Maharaj at Patalvad village and the mendicant Shri Motilalji Maharaj passified him taking him under his care. Shri Motilalji Maharaj installed more steadfastly the virtues of service to others, penance, restraint, detachment, renunciation, tolerance, sympathy and so on in this young Mooni Shri Jawaharlalji. During the first four months of rainy season which was spent at Dhar, Jawaharlalji studied poetics and at Rampura in the second monsoon, he studied, very carefully Dash Vaikalik, Uttaradhyayan, Acharang, Sutrakrutang, Prashna Vyakaran and other scriptures under the learned Shri Kesharmalji. He was always ahead of other learners because of his exceptional intelligence. He spent next three monsoons at Javara, Pandla-Shivganj and Sailana. Alongwith studies, he propagated freedom from 80 Page #3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ intoxication and other habits among the local public. In 1898 he could have the company of young Acharya Shri Chauthmalji Maharaj and his disciples and after two more monsoons he could meet all the members of the great Sangh of the followers of Acharya Shri Chauthmalji at Javara. In 1900, Acharya Chauthmalji entrusted all his responsibilities of his great Sangh to four outstanding Monies-mendicants because he was becoming weaker. Shri Jawaharlalji who had taken Dixa since only eight years, was also one of these four mendicants. The monsoon season of 1901 was spent at Mahidpur near Ujjain. Jawahar Was Appreciated By Jawahar: Respected Shri Lalji Maharaj had come to Indore after he was awarded the title of Acharya and from here; he came to Udaipur through Mewar region. The Jain community-The Sangh requested him to pass that monsoon at Udaipur but he said, "I shall give you a box of Jawahar in this monsoon so that your desires would be fulfilled" which meant that the monsoon of 1902 was spent at Udaipur where much knowledge was acquired, rigorous penance was performed and many people were preached. From here he went towards Jodhpur. On the way, the thieves took way their cloths, begging bowls and other pots near Taravligadh but the mendicants maintained peace. The monsoon of 1903 was spent in Jodhpur where a great Shravak-Jain Family holder Shri Pratapmalji was preached well and his false beliefs were washed off. He was put up on the path of virtue. The monsoon was spent in Bhinasar and then the other monsoon was passed again at Udaipur. Dixa to Ganeshlalji at Udaipur: This monsoon happened to be much effective and fruitful. (1) He observed fasts for eight to 61 days, (2) the whole of the people of Udaipur including the officers of the kingdom took advantage of the preachings of Shri Jawaharlalji and heard his lectures with interest. (3) One detached devotee named Shri Ganeshlalji Maru vowed for total celibacy at the age of 16 years and after the four months of the monsoon, he adopted Dixa. This holy soul very deeply studied almost all the Jain scriptures, Sanskrit, Persian and other languages and later became an Acharya. Shri Jawaharlalji left Udaipur and came to Masooda village near Ajmer via Nathdwara, Kankroli, Gangapur, Bhilwara and Chittore. He preached Suganchandji Kothari here and re-established him in Shravak Dharm-Duties of Jain family-holder. He then came to Gangapur via Raipur and spent the monsoon of 1907 here itself. He spent next monsoon at Ratlam. He gave proper guidance to the members of Sthanakvasi conference and came to Thandla. While spending monsoon at Thandla he told stories of maintaining discipline by an elephant, keeping peace by a serpent and forgiving the stone-throwers by those who were hurt. The people heard these stories with deep interest. These stories re-sound the virtues of world-friendship and kindness in the heart of the stories-teller. Jawaharlalji was not well when he moved from Thandla but on being little better, he came to Javara and then granted Dixa to a highly rich but graceful person named Shri Lalchandji at village Kodd. He then, reached to Indore via Dewas and passed this monsoon of 1911 at Indore itself. Shri Chandanmalji Firodia and other Shravakas requested Shri Jawaharlalji to come towards the south and the request was accepted. Hence, Maharaj Shri Jawaharlalji came to Ahmednagar to spend the next monsoon after visiting Badvaha, Sanavad, Burhanpur, Faizpur and Bhusaval. Monsoons in the South: Maharaj Jawaharlalji spent successive monsoons at Ahmednagar, Zunner, Ghodnadi and Jamgaon. He was awarded the title of Gani when he was passing his monsoon at Jamgaon. He again went through Ahmednagar, Ghodnadi, Mitti, Hivada, Sonai and other towns. At Hivada, respected Shri Lalji Maharaj, who had come here from Udaipur, awarded him another title of Yuvacharya. The title was given as the Sangh-people pressed to honor him; and then at the monsoon of 1919 at Silam, which 81 Page #4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ was Wednesday regular celebrating of awarding this title of Yuvacharya were held. Then in the next year itself Maharaj Shri Jawaharlalji received the news of sad demise of respected Shri Lalji Maharaj at Bhinasar and Maharaj Shri Jawaharlalji observed fasts for eight days. Becomes Acharya: Maharaj Shri Jawaharlalji had now the responsibility of reviving the whole Sangh, Jain community and other Jain groups. He had to advise them and guide them. He narrated his experiences to them and said that teaching requires the first attention so that ignorance and false beliefs can be wiped out. But there were no enthusiastic works available in the Sangh. He, therefore, created an institution "Sadhu Margi Jain Hitkarini Sanstha" for fulfilling these purposes. After completing monsoons at Bikaner and Ratlam, Maharaj Shri Jawaharlalji came in south and moved in Satara, Poona, Jalgaon and Ahmednagar cities and areas. While he was passing monsoon at Jalgaon in 1925 he had an abscess on his hand. It was not being cured in spite of long time treatment and the famous surgeon Dr. Gulgaonkar diagonised that Maharaj Shree had diabetes. The abscess was cut out without using anesthesia. By and by he was well. This was the circumstance when his fearlessness, tolerance and detachment towards his own body was being tested. He granted Dixa to Bhimrajji and Siremalji at Satara and to Shri Jivanlalji at Poona. He passed his monsoon of 1924 at Ghatkopar. Here he did many works related to kindness towards animals and other souls. The Shravaks (Jain family holders) were advised to unite and stay together. Mooni Shri Sundarlalji observed fast for eighty-one days and he was with Maharaj Jawaharlalji. There were preaching lectures everyday and thousands of Jains and others took advantage of these lectures. This monsoon was, thus, most busy and successful. Maharaj Jawaharji came to Bikaner in 1928 through Bhusaval, Jalgaon, Ratlam, Mandsaur, Nimbaheda, Udaipur and Beawar. Here also the institution "Sadhu Margi Jain Hitkarini Sanstha" was established, which is working even now for learning of Jain mendicants, their travelling, and rules on their behavior and other subjects. In the further journey, Maharaj Shri came to Churu via Sardar City. Here he granted Dixa to Shri Shekhchandji. He spent this monsoon and then proceeded towards Bikaner, Rohtak and Delhi. Here, special celebrations were held to honor Maharaj Shri Jawaharlalji. From here, he went towards Jodhpur via Agra and granted Dixa to Shri Motilalji at Jaya Taran on his way. He came to Udaipur via Ajmer very slowly. At Ajmer, there was celebration in the honor of Mooni Shri Ganeshlalji who was awarded the title of Yuvacharya. He had long efforts of 28 years to acquire knowledge and restrained life. This was inspiring for the whole Jain Sangh and Jain community especially to 65 saints and nuns who attended the celebrations. towards Saurashtra-Gujarat: The Saurashtra region of Gujarat had not, so far, seen such a learned and penanceful Jain. Acharya Shri Jawaharlalji believed in necessary reforms in the society of the day. Therefore a deputation of prominent Shravakas of Gujarat requested Acharya Shri Jawaharlalji to visit Gujarat and especially Saurashtra and accepting their request Acharya Shri came to Rajkot via Palanpur, Viramgam and Wadhwan city. He was in Rajkot, Jamnagar, Morbi and Ahmedabad. He was heartily welcomed everywhere by Jains, Jain-loving persons, national leaders and several rulers of Saurashtra. Acharyaji also was impressed to see their affection for him. But it was from here that his health began to deteriorate. He was unable to walk and even then he started towards Marwar. He spent his last four monsoons respectively at Beawar, Bagdi, Bikaner and Bhinasar. Acharya Shri Jawaharlalji did not fully recover after leaving Saurashtra. His knees and body continued to ache and before it can be controlled he had severe attack of paralysis in half of his body 82 Page #5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ on right side within six months of the golden Jubilee celebrations of his adopting Dixa. There was a large abscess also on the lower part of his backside. In spite of all these pains in his body, he talked with everybody, begged for pardon of his deeds and misdeeds and then left the mortal body very peacefully. His cremation and death rites were done befitting his personality. Deep mourning was observed through out the state and "Shree Jawahar Vidyapith" was established to suit his life-long activities. Special Features of Acharya Shri Jawaharji: He had tendency of detachment right from his childhood. He did not stop only at prevailing fixed rites and performances but gave special attention to achieve knowledge from all sides. He was very active, a great reformist and invested with the fervor of patriotism. Keeping himself within his limitations, he always contributed for the development of the society as a whole and not merely Jain community, even though he did give much attention to unite and consolidate the Jain community. In addition to many saints and religious personalities, several prominent persons and leaders of the nation came to see him, hear him and talk with him. Some important of them were as under: Mahatma Gandhi, the father of the nation Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Shri Bal Gangadhar Tilak Shri Pattabhi Sitaramaiah Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviaji Sando Prof. Ramamurti Senapati Bapat Shri RamNaresh Tripathi Kaka Saheb Kalelkar Shri Thakkar Bapa Saint Vinoba Bhave Rulers of Saurashtra and Rajasthan from places. Sir Manubhai Mehta in 1937 at Rajkot In 1937 at Rajkot In 1916 at Ahmednagar In 1937 at Porbandar In 1928 at Bikaner In 1916 at Ahmednagar In 1915 at Parner In 1931 at Bikaner Not known Not known Not known various In 1928 at Bhinasar He had no strict habits; he favored and worked for social reforms. He had broad outlook in dealing with religious and social problems. In his days learning was much less in Indian society in all sections and also in Jain community. There was child marriage as also advanced-age marriages. Dowry was wide spread. Condition of women, especially of widows was pitiable. Gambling, wine-drinking, meat-eating, tobacco chewing and smoking, use of narcotic substances, other addictions and adultery were common in all corners of society. Untouchability was a dark spot of Hinduism. Religion rivalry was prevailing between the followers of various religions of Aryans. There were educational, moral and national problems of the time. Acharya Shri Jawaharlalji has made praiseworthy contribution in bringing out reforms in these directions. Page #6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ * Learned is respected everywhere: He made this phrase fulfilled by his wide-spread, brilliant, learned, all-inclusive and experience-tested speeches and it is because of these reasons that his meetings were over-crowed by not only Jains but also with Hindus, Mohammedan, Sikhs, Young and old, men and women. Everybody had something to learn and achieve from his lectures. His Teachings: * He used to pray this: Oh Lord! I want to rise. I desire continuously to proceed to achieve my goal of progress in all direction. Oh Lord! Grant me such devotion that I may not go down or turn back, I may not be attracted by the worldly temptations. How fortunate | shall be, Oh Lord! If you rescue me! I have known your form and established it into my heart. I consider my heart to be your temple. * Muttering of spiritual phrases and hymns: This is vital in the lives of great man. Whenever they are tired of worldly problems and their mind experiences agony, only the god's name gives them peace. Even in serious troubles, they got relief by muttering and remembering god's name. This leads them to the way out. Whenever a man understands the essence of godly phrases Siddho Hum, Shuddho Hun, Anant Gnanadi Gun Samruddho Hum-and repeats them with concentrated mind, he realizes his unlimited internal powers and this gives him inexpressible pleasure. Repetition of godly names invokes the progress of the self, it increases the self-power and confidence and this completely developed soul is itself the God. * Education: Man is a bunch of unending enormous power but several layers of worldly vices and impurities cover up this power. To enlighten this power by removing those layers is the ultimate aim of education. Very few parents understand this and they hold the education to be only a tool to make money. This is a great blunder. Very experienced teachers are required to pour in good impressions in the tender minds of growing children. Penance: This is a kind of fire in which all impurities burns out and the soul comes out as bright as pure gold. Penance is, therefore, of prime importance. Those who go through penance have their speech very effective and holy. A penanceful mendicant must not and will never tell a lie or speak ungraceful words. His speech is like drops of nectar and fearful animals become fearless by hearing his words. A mendicant always keeps his tongue under total control and therefore, his speech is holy and effective. Untouchability: Every religion teaches to consider one another as brothers. Every man is our brother and the word and brother means an assistant. In this way a Shudra-a low caste man is also your assistant and you are also his assistant. Low caste people are the pillars of society. They are bottom-stones of a palace and if these are not strong, the society will be doomed, the culture will be nowhere. Remember that these low caste people are also children of Hindu community. Do not hate them or insult them. Love them, sympathize them. Determination: Does determination bears the power to eradicate miseries? Yes, certainly. Determination has unlimited power. It removes agony and then there is not rise of any more miseries. The development of one's own power of determination is real spiritual development it creates effect on non-living things of nature also. If you add your power to your determination, it does bring you success and eagerness of soul to do more work. Nature certainly helps for fulfilling the determination made with total sincerity. You must be free from pride and seek shelter of Almighty to achieve success. 84