Book Title: Does Earth Really Rotate and Review of Earth Shape
Author(s): Abhaysagar
Publisher: Jambudvi Vignyan Research Centre
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Page #1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Does the Earth Really Rotate ? and | R Review of The Earth - Shape By: Learned Jain Saint ABHAYSAGARGANI Proposed By: Acharrya Shri ASHOKSAGARSURI M.S. Page #2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ * *** * ************* THE EARTH ROTATION ** RES EARCH SERIES No.3-4 Does The Earth Really Rotate ? And Review of The Earth-Shape : By : Learned Jain Saint ABHAY SAGAR GANI (M. N. G. S. Washington) (M. A. S. Mumbai) A : Publisher : JAMBUDVIP VIGNYAN RESEARCH CENTRE Taleti, PALITANA. Pin : 364270 Phone : (02848) 252307 Page #3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CONTACT FOR THE BOOK : JAMBUDVIP VIGNYAN RESEARCH CENTRE Taleti, PALITANA. Pin : 364270 Phone : (02848) 252307 : GOOD-WISHES : * May welfare be done of every living being in the world. * May all become of belevolent mind. * May sins of all be washed oui. * May all become happy in the world. * May all diseased become free from thieir diseases. * May fascination and malice vanish from every one. * May stream of friendship prosper in all livin beings. * May all gain best knowledge, faith and good character. * May all gain the precious nectar of soul-equality. . : Printed by : Jamudweep Print Vision A-310, 3rd Floor, B.G. Tower, Shahibaug. Ahmedabad - 4. Mobile : 99250 63846 Page #4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ From the Publisher The real form of things can be known only when our thoughts and emotions concentrate on the sense of sight; but even this perception is not subtle. The right sort of perception takes place when our thought as well as emotions become pure and holy and reach a certain stage of spiritual progress. The sort of perception made at this level is philosophy-tatvagnyan or the knowledge of the essence, The representation of certain portions of that philosophy with the help of certain practical experiments can be named 'Science'. Thus science is a part and parcel of 'Philosophy'. Science, without the help of philosophy, shows imaginative or unreal or fanciful forms of things. This line of demarkation between philosophy and science has been effaced during the last hundred years. Not only this but science has crossed its legitimate boundary lines and defamed philosophy. Infact, this is a very sad state of things. Philosophy is a vision or an insight. Science is hands and feet, If there is no control of insight over the activities of hands and feet, there arises some calamity. It is, therefore, said that. WITHOUT SCIENCE PHILOSOPHY IS LAME. WITHOUT PHILOSOPHY SCIENCE IS BLIND. In the present age we see much progress of education, knowledge and yet the standard of life of the people is going down and down in all respects. The root cause of this state, as shown impartially by wise thinkers, is that we human beings have been fascinated by science. People have no faith in spiritual philosopy. Intelligent and educated persons to-day have no lofty ideals of life before them. We have, therefore, started pondering scientifically and impartially over things around us with the help of great philosophy. We humbly request the impartial and descriminate learned persons to note fact that learned saint Shree Page #5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Abhayasagarji Maharaj of the Jambudvip Vignyan Research Centre-Palitana has spared much time pains for the last decades to preach to and to teach educated youngsters the method of pondering over the objects of the universe on the basis of spiritual philosophy and the methods of knowing the difference between the so called 'truth' known through propaganda and the truth as can be known by pondering over the Principles of Geographical science. As a rcsult of this endeavour the Earth Rotation Research Institute (Now Jambudvip Scientific Research Center) Palitana has published altogether about a dozen of books in Hindi, Gujarati and Sanskrit... To circulate widely these ideas among the educated public, we bring out this (third and fourth) publication in the international English language. We request the wise readers to relcome impartially the ideology of the Maharajshree. Those who are inclined to know more are requested to contect personally or through post the (Now Jambudvip Vignyan Research Center) Palitana. Quite a lot of person helped whole heartedly in bringing out this book. We sincerely thank them all. Our special thanks are to Dr. U. R. Bhatt of L. D. Arts College, Ahmedabad for introducing Maharajshree's ideology to the English reading public. We also thank Shree Babulal Keshavlal Shah, (Chanasmawala) We thank propritors and the workers of Jambudvip Print Vision for their speedy and decent work. Page #6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ DOES THE EARTH REALLY ROTATE? How miraculous Nature is! It is not at all easy to probe into its mysteries. Its secrets have remained unfathomable. As human intelligence dives deeper and deeper into those mysteries with the help of science, it gets more and more to know of newer and newer things. Let us take an example of the planetary system. How incomprehensible it is! Human intelligence tries to understand its technique, and yet its so far unrevealed secrets disclose themselves. Modern scientists have been constantly trying to solve one very momentous problem. The Problem is: "Does the earth rotate or the Sun ? And what is the shape of the earth?" Some of the scientists have come to conclude that the earth is round and it revolves around the Sun. But they are unaware of the eternal truth cited by the scriptures of India and other countries that the earth is not round, and the Sun revloves around it. BELIEFS OF MODERN SCIENTISTS: Modern scientists have come to conclude that the earth has cir.cular motion of three sorts: 1, its rotation on its axis, 2, its going around the Sun, 3, planets revolving in their orbits, with their satellites, around and with the Sun. Learned persons of India have supported the abovementioned theory; as a result of which it is being firmly established that "The earth rotates on its axis, causing day and night in 24 hours and take a year to go round the Sun". Most of the scientists to-day carry on their research work beliving the rotation of the earth to be a fact. (1) Page #7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ It has been their well accepted theory; and they are not prepared to reconside this theory any more. Morever, most of us now-a-days are so much under the infiuence of scientists that we are habituated to believe even half-truths and imaginary things to be true. Under such conditions it is possible that it will take time for the scientific scriptural facts to enter the minds of the intellectuals. It, therefore, becomes necessary to get rid off false scientific beliefs from the minds and to establish true principles with the help of reason in their places. If we quote authorities from the holy scriptures to do this, then it will not enter the heads of the intellectuals. Hence, it is necessary to ponder over the belief of the holy scripturres together with the theories of scientists such as Pythagoras, Aristotle, Prolemy, Copernicus, Galileo, Mac-Donald, Henry Foster and others. SCIENTIFIC BELIEFS : Modern scientific beliefs are as followa: (1) The earth rotates on its axis with the velocity of 1000 miles per hour. (2) The earth goes around the Sun with the velocity of 66,000 miles per hour. (3) The Sun together with the earth and its planetary system moves 7,20,000 miles in an hour. Some of the scientists believe it to be 10 crores of miles per hour, but most of them believe it to be 7,20,000 miles. Moreover, they believe that "The earth is a planet separated from the Sun about hundreds of crores years ago; it has a fixed diameter from the east to the west,and from the north to south: and it has a shape like that of an orange or apple." Now-a-days many discoveries and inventions are being made depending upon the aboe theory.Rockets have been sent to Moon, Venus and Mars. The principle of the rotation of the earth is regarded as causing the nights and days lasting for six months. Page #8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ In course of time, it has so happened that most of the scientists have come to agree on this point. But it is quite necessary to ponder over impartially the eternal truths of scriptures. SCRIPTURAL BELIEFS: Almost all of the scriptures hold the unanimous view that "The earth is stationary and steady, and the Sun moves". (a) In the Jain Agama "Shree Soorya-Pragnapti sootra," there is a cleare evidence of motion of Sun. (1)Gandhar Shree Gautam Swamiji asked the following question to Shree Mahavirdev Bhagavan: "Oh! Bhadant,How many days and nights does the Sun take to go out of the innermost system(Mandal) to the outermost system and to come back to the innermost one?" Bhagvan Mahavirdev replied: "O,Gautam! that movement takes 366 nights and days each." -"Shri Soorya Pragnapti Sootra" Pratam Prabhut Sootra, 9. (b) He had also asked another question to support the point under consideration. It was: "Bhadant! Through how many mandals does the Sun travel during this period of 366 nights and days ? Through how many mandals does the Sun travel twice and through how many mandals does it travel only once ?" Shree Mahavir Prabhu replied: "Gautam ! The Sun travels through 182 mandals-once while entering and once while going out.It travels only once through the other two mandals - the innermost mandal and the outermost mandal." ." Shree Soorya Pragnapti Sootra," Pratham Prabhut-Sootra, 10. (3) Page #9 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ (c) As the Sun is advancing towards the east, night is appearing in countries at the back of the Sun. In this way because of the changes of place and territory, there are the changes of the Sun-rise and Sunset of the changes of and also changes of time. -"Shree Bhagvati Sootra Vritti". (Shatak.5.U.1) (d) "The first prahar(1/8 part of day) co-exists in both the parts of Jambudveep.* In that way, differnt phenomena of time occur as per different places in Jumbudveep. This means : The Sunrise in Bharat (One part of Jambudveep) is regarded as the Sunset by the people who live far behind that place of Sunrise. Mid-day time is the same for the places situated between the places of Sunrise and Sunset. In the same way, it is the first prahar of the day for some; for some it may be midnight at some place, whereas evening twilight at the other. Calcultating this way one can know about all the eight prahars simultaneously. All these the eight prahars occur at the same time because of the rotation of the Sun around the mountain Meru which is situated in the Jambudveep. -"Shree Mandal Prakaran Tika". (2) (a) "The Sun revolves around the sky or Heaven and the earth". -"Shree Atharvaved" (b) "The time has two sectors - the Sun going around the sky or Heaven and the earth". -"Shree Atharvaved", 13-12-5 (c) "The earth is motionless or steady or firm". -"Shree Atharvaved", 6-89-1 * (d) "The sky or the Heaven and the earth always remain motionless". -"Shree Atharvaved", 10-8-2 *Jambudveep :- A giantic island of 7 continents around Meru. (centre of universe.) Page #10 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ (3) (a) "The earth is motionless". -"Shree Rigved", 1-50-9 (b) "The Sun rotates according to its fixed velocity". -"Shree Rigved", 1-72-9 (a) "The earth is firm and motionless". - Shree Yajurved", 14-22 (b) "The earth is firm". -"Shree Sayan Bhashya" (c) "Looking at the worlds (taking notice of the sky and the earth), the Sun moves along." -"Shree Yajurved", 33-43 (5) "The Heaven and the earth are fixed and motionless". -"Koshitaki Brahmin" (6) (a) "My salutations to You - the Sun God who travels over a distance of 22,00 Yojans within half a twinkle of an eye." ("One Yojan equals' eight miles) -"Shree Aditya Hriday" (b) "My salutations to you who can go over 9,02,000 Yojans in a single Ghadi" (One Ghadi is a period of 24 minutes) -"Shree Aditya Hriday"- 50 In this way, from the above-mentioned quotations it can be well understood what the Agamas - Vedas etc. tell about the firmness or motionlessness of the earth and the rotation of the Sun. There are so many utterances in Smritis and other books which support the above-mentioned statements and beliefs. In spite of this, a great Indian Scholar Shri Arya Bhatt (476 A.D.) had expressed an opinion that the earth rotates. But Varahmihir, Shreepati, Acharya Shree Vidhyanandswami and other pundits had refuted the arguments of those who belived that the earth rotated. They had also satisfactorily answered their various objections raised at that time. REFUTING THOSE WHO BELIEVED THE EARTH TO BE ROTATING: Quite a few persons who then believed that the earth rotated were satisfactorily refuted of disproved. Those who believed (5) Page #11 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ the earth to be steady or motionless had satisfacrorily answered all the objections with coherent and logical arguments. As for example: (1) "Huge building and summits of mountain will undoubtedly fall to the ground because of the winds caused by velocity of the earth. Moreover, flags must always remain fluttering towards the western direction only. Heavy speed makes it impossible for any thing to remain firmly fixed." -"Shree Shreepati Pandit" (2) "The earth is naturally steady, just as the Sun is hot, the Moon is cool, water is wet, stone is hard, wind is fleeting. Things have strange powers. By nature the earth is motionless." -"Siddhanta Shiromani" 'Goladhyaya 5':- Shree Bhaskaracharya (3) "Some person say that the earth rotates, and stars and planets do not rotate or revolve. If it is so, how can birds return to their own nests which they had left some time ago." -"Panch-Siddhantika" ch. 12-6 Shree Varahmihir (4) "It the earth were rotating, how can birds come back to their nests ? Why do arrow shot to the sky do not disappear ? Why should an arrow shot to the east not go to the west? The earth has a very slow velocity, and therefore it does not so happen. Then how can the earth complete one full rotation within 24 hours ?" -"Siddhanta Shiromanivritta" Go. 'Maddhyadhikar,' verse 4-43 (5) "That the earth rotates is not perceptible by any organ of 15) sense. So it cannot be decided with the help of visible evidence that 'the earth rotates.' All can experience that the earth is motionless or steady and fixed. Therefore the experience that the earth is motionless or steady or fixed is not at all an illusion. Moreover, all the people, in all the place, at all the time, do not experience that the earth rotates." Some persons (occuping a ship) feel or experience that the (6) Page #12 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ship is motionless or steady, but that experience is merely an illusion; but others (occupying another ship or standing on the bank or shore) feel the the ship sails. The reasoning refutes the argument that ship is steady. It is not easy to decide with the evidence of experience that the earth rotates, because no inseparable characteristic of that sort can be traced. If one argues that the constellations and mid-day occur because the earth rotates, and this is the inseprable characteristic, then it is not at all proper because then it becomes supported by evidence. If anybody says that fire is matter because it is hot, then he has also to believe that water is matter because it is cold. According to this argument, like heat coldness also because the comes of the proof of matter. If this way though the earth is motionless, one becomes convinced of sunrise and sunset because of the rotation of the constellations and this is also believable. -"Shree Tatvarthasootta" 'Shloka Vartik' chapter 4 (6) "The earth does not rotate. The earth has heaviness and elasticity. It can therefore, not move. That which moves cannot be heavy and elastic e.g. fire and air. Air has no heaviness, therefore, it is not steady.Fire has no elasticity, therefore it is not steady. This is not the case with the earth. The earth,therefore, does not rotate." -'Soorya Gati Vigyan,'p.8 MORDEN SCIENCES: Let us now consider the belief of morden scientists. So far as the Holy Bible is concered the theory that the earth is round has been firmly adhered to. In those countries astronomers,astrologers and mathematic i am belived in the motionlessness of the earth. Of them Aristotle and Ptolemy are well-known. But in the 16th century A.D. Copernicus substantiated the earth to be rotating and the Sun to be steady. In 1611 A.D. in (7) Page #13 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ the month of March Galileo proved the earth to be rotating, and supported most of the arguments made by Copernicus. But Gelileo differed form Copernicus and proved that the Sun rotates on its axis takes month to complete one rotation. In 1615 A.D. the Pope-the Head of the Roman Catholic Church-called Galileo to Rome and endeavoured to understand his theory. Then the Pope appointed a Committee to know who was correct-Gelileo, Copernicus or Polemy. The committee regarded Galileo to be wrong, and his theories were banned. In 1623 A.D. the old Pope expired and a new Pope came into authority. In this new Pope's regime Gelileo begai to propag and his theories but they were once again banned. Before: Galilio, a scientist Brooke by name, had also tried to propog and the theory that "the earth is round and it also moves around the Sur" After the death of Brooke and Galileo their theory did not extinct, but became more and more widespread. Obstacles that came in the way of believing the earth not to be rotating were removed with help of reasoning. (1) To adjust the daily and yearly motion of the earth,we have to believe that the earth is inclined at the angle of 23 1620 (2) It should be imagined that atmosphere all around the earth. (Formely it was believed that atmosphere all around the earth is up to the height of 48 miles, but now-a-days it is believed to be prevailing upto the height of thousands and thousands of miles). (3) The principle of force of Gravitation should be accepted. Ancient inferences were sought to be compromised by accepting the principle of the force of Gravitation : as for example, how a bird flying in the Sky can come back to its own nest; why an arrow shot does not fail; why the violent winds do not spread destruction. To solve problems as the following the Law of Gravitation is applied. How can a fly go from one place to the other in a railway carriage of a running train ?-Here the motion of the fly as well as the (8) , Page #14 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ motion of the pressure of the air i.e. natural motion of the atmosphere is regarded to be the cause. As time went on this theory became very wide-spread and the principle that the earth moves was accepted by the royal authorities. It got its place in all the school and college text-books.Childen were tautght from the very beginning that the earth rotates. THE SHAPE OF THE EARTH : There are different opinions about the shape of the earth.Genrally it is taken for granted that the earth is round Let us see what the learned persons say in this matter. In 'The Sunday News of India' of 2nd May 1948 Henry Foster had contributed an article-'How Round is The Earth?. there he tells us that "The Earth is flat". He has also given reasons to support his belief. He has also given reasons to support his helief. Moreover he tells us that Mr. William Edgell studied this subject for about fifty years. He had spent many nights in observing the clusters of stars. He did not even sleep at ease. Mostly he spent his nights sitting in a chair and studying the stars. He had erected an iron-pipe in the same line as that of the Norh pole star. The pipe was quite facing the Norh pole star. After a pretty long and studious observation he declared that : "The Earth is flat, and the Sun moves all around the earth. And the Sun has a diameter of only 10 miles. The Pole Star is only 5,000 miles away."* * "Many people have spent years trying to prove that the earth is flat, but few have revealed such zeal as the late William Edgell of Midsomer Norton, Somerset.Edgell strove for over 50 years in order to study the night skies.He never went to bed but slept in a chair. Also he created a steel tube in his garden pointing towards the Pole Star which was visible through it. This eccentric man eventually evolved the theory of a flat, basin shaped earth with the Sun moving north and south across it. He contented that the Pole Star was only 5000 miles away,and that the Sun was only 10 miles in diameter." 'The Sunday News of India,' May 2nd, 1948. Page #15 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ A learned man named J. MacDonald wrote an article 'Is the Earth Round ?' in 'The Astrological Magazine' of July-August 1946. The article substantiates that "The Earth Is Not Round,' and it also logiclly proves that the earth is not moving. This article presents the theory that "The Sun Moves' and from that it has been regarded as ridiculous to believe that the earth moves and that too with a velocity of 1,000 miles per hour.* Thus, much has been pondered over this topic outside India also. In India also there are books like "P. L. Geography" and many others which have written by Indians. In these works the problem whether the earth rotates or not has been logically pondered over. In spite of the principle of Gravitation, and the theory of Atmosphere, certain questions still remain unsolved facing those who stand by and uphold the theory that the earth roatates. Those problems remain unsolved, and unrefuted. PROOFS FOR THE EARTH NOT MOVING In the straight position in which the North Pole Star appears on 21st June, on 22nd December and 21st June, it also appears exactly in the same position. This clearly proves that the earth does not move. According to the principle of the earth moving, we are able to perceive the displacement of Sun on every month and everyday. Then how is it that the North Pole Star is observed exactly in the same position on the months and all days ? (See for this Fig.1) *"The concentric and progressive motion of the Sun over the Earth is in every sense practically demonstrable. The earth like all other planets floats in space. The Sun' moves and is the centre of our (known) Universe. The idea that the earth moves on its axis at the rate of 1,000 miles per hours is ridiculous." -Astrological Magazine' . Page #16 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ The Earth Does Not Move The Pole Star 23.SEPT 21, JUNE 21. MARCH Fig. 1 : Proof No.1 (11) Page #17 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Morover, the scientists believe the earth to be revoving around the Sun with a heavy speed of 66,000 miles per hour, so it covers a distance of 15,84,000 miles within 24 hours. It takes 183 days to go from the right of the Sun to its left, and it is a distance of 32,94,72,000 miles. Even after going over such a long distance, how can it be possible to find the Pole in the same place ? Now, if we believe the earth to be steady and fixed instead of rotating, no questions about Pole Star will arise. URSA MAJOR OR THE GREAT BEAR: In this very way from the motion of the cluster of seven stars-The Great Bear, it can be quite clearly understood that the earth does not move. It is like this:- The Great Bear has a circular motion like that of the Moon. The Moon and other stars appear in the east early at night, but they all appear in the west early at dawn. If we, perhaps, believe the daily motion of the earth to be the reason of this, it cannot be regarded as the reason for the change in the direction of the Great Bear at early night and early dawn. This point can be clearly understood after a minute observation for a day or two. Here the point to be considered is - The two foremost stars of the Great Bear move in a straight line parallel to the Pole Star. The remaining five stars move after the Great Bear like its tail. Therefore, the changes in the position of the five stars at the back are parallel to those in the first two stars. The first two stars control the movement of the remaining five stars. Of the first two stars, the first one has a smaller field for motion; the second star has a larger field for motion than that of the first star. The field for motion of each subsequent star becomes gradually larger and larger. Thus the seventh star has the largest field of motion. These stars occupy different direction during their motion in a single night. As for example, on the fifteenth day of the bright half (12) Page #18 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ of the month of Phalgun (The first month after Spring season as per Indian calendar) at early night the first star of the Great Bear appears to the east of the Pole Star. The second star is also parallel to the first star almost in the eastern direction. The rest of the stars of the Great Bear are inclined towards the northern direction. These stars change their positions at midnight on the 15th day of the bright half of the month of Phalgun. The first star appears to the south of Pole Star, and the second star almost parallel to the first star and also towards the south. The remaining five stars appear inclined towards the eastern direction. On the same night (i. e. 15th night of the bright half of the month of Phalgun) at the end of it in the dawn these stars of the Great Bear occupy different positions as follows: The first stars appears to the west of the Pole Star, and the second star appears parallel to it towards the west. The remaining five stars appear inclined towards the south. In this way, on the single night of the 15th day of the bright half of the month of Phalgun the stars of The Great Bear appear changing their positions in three direction keeping a certain fixed parallel distance around the Pole Star. This clearly convinces us that the earth does not rotate ! Because if the earth were moving, according to the belief of the scientists, the stars of the Great Bear must change their place just as other stars appear rising on the eastern horizon, and then going towards the western horizon within twelve hours of the night because of the daily motion of the earth. But does not so happen. They change their positions as shown above in quite different ways. What does it show? The earth really does not rotate !!! (See Fig. 2 a, 2 b, 2 c) (13) Page #19 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ . The Earth Does Not Move The Great Bear HDWAL Fig. 2 a: Proof 2 Po HD WAT Fig. 2 b : Proof 2 (14) Page #20 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ The Earth Does Not Move MD.MAN Fig. 2 c. Proof 2 (Fig. 2 a, 2 b and 2 c show the different positions of the stars of the Great Bear on the 15 night of the bright half of the month of Phalgun. If the earth were really rotating the motion of the stars of The Great Bear must also be visible like that the different positions of the stars of the Great Bear.) (15) Page #21 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Moreover, on the same night (15th of the bright half of Phalgun) the Moon appears in the beginning on the eastern horizon where the stars of the Great Bear also appear; but the Moon takes two hours to go where the Great Bear is. Thus the Great Bear is two hours in advance of the Moon.. Also on the same day (Ph. 15. bright half) at mid-night the Moon and the Great Bear.appear over our heads quite in the middle of the sky. What is the reason for this ? Really, if the Moon appears going to the west from the east because of the day to day rotation of the earth on its axis, then how can we say that change of place or position of the Great Bear is strange ? This is a point which requires consideration THE PROBLEM OF THE REVOLVING OF THE MOON: If the earth is believed to be a planet of the SC ir System and it is also said that the earth revolves round the sun with a velocity of 66,000 miles per hour. In the same way the Moon is also a satellite of the earth. The Moon revolves arounds the earth with a velocity of 2000 to 2100 miles per hour whereas the earth revolves round the Sun with a velocity of 66,000 miles per hour. In this case the velocity of the Moon is quite negligible! And yet the Moon can revolve fully around the earth. This is really surprising ! Never mind! It does not matter ! The Moon and the earth come opposite to each other on the 7th, 8th or 9th day of black half of every month on the orbit of the earth. And yet why do they not collide with each other ? According to the belief of the modern scientists the average distance between the Moon and the earth is about 2,30,000 miles. Now the orbit of the earth is equal to its diameter (7926 miles). That is, about 8000 miles. The Moon takes 4 hours to go over this orbit at the velocity of 2000 to 2100 miles per hour. (7926\2100 = 3 hour,30 minutes, 30 seconds ) During those four (16) Page #22 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ hours the earth going over the distance of about 2 to 2.5 lacs of miles between the Moon and the earth will collide with the Moon before the Moon comes out of 8000 miles long orbit of the earth. (230000 66000 = 3.25 hours approximately.) If the earth rotated then on the 7th or 8th or 9th day of the black half of any month the earth would collide with the Moon, just as anything that comes between two rails collide with the railway engine. If the earth is actually moving, this is a matter for serious neutral consideration.( See Fig. 3) SELF EVIDENT PROOFS FOR THE EARTH NOT ROTATING Science shows 3 kinds of motions of the earth: (i) Daily Motion: for The earth moves on its axis. This is called its 'rotation'. Its velocity is 1000 miles per hour. (ii) Yearly Motion : Being attracted by the force of gravitation the earth moves round the Sun. This is called, its 'revolution'.Its velocity is 66,000 miles per hour. (iii) Motion with the Sun : The Sun itself takes with it, its whole family (of Mercury, Venus, the earth and all other planets ) round a centre named Shouri, with the same velocity as its own. This is the motion with the Sun. Its velocity is 7,20,000 miles per hour. Those three motions finish one whole cycle of 24 hours, 365 days, and 20 crores of years. (17) Page #23 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ The Earth Does Not Move Motion of the Moon Rotation of Earth (Voorthy 66000 miles per hown. Rotation of Moon 2100 perles Pou how SOF EARTH # 1 AXIS OF MOON Seme. 1 with I ww .1004 miles Diameter of conthe - Bons males * units. Dienwelter of Moon * 2100 miles . I volts. R.IS If the earth really rotates then on the 74,8th, or the day of the black half of any month the earth would collide with the Moon which rotates with the speed of 2100 miles per hour around the earth which rotates the Sun with the speed of 66000 miles per hour around the Sun. (18) Page #24 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ The first and the daily motion is always from the west to the east, whereas the second and the yearly motion is of two sort-the earth goes from the east to the west from June to December, and from December to June it goes from the west to the east. According to this motion the earth makes two semicircles when it goes round the Sun-one when it revolves from June to December, and the other when it revolves from December to June. Thus when the earth goes round the Sun it creates the following situation : The earth goes round the Sun from June to September keeping itself in the north-east quarter. The earth goes round the Sun from September to December keeping itself in the south-west quarter. The earth goes round the Sun from December to March keeping itself in the south-west quarter. The earth goes round the Sun from March to June keeping itself in the south-west quarter. (See Fig. 4) But in the third motion within the Sun with its planetary system goes round the planet Shouri. Thus its orbit -the path of revolution being extremely long it takes 20 crores of years to finish one cycle. Therefore third motion takes place in two directions - from the west to the east for 10 crores of years, and from the east to the west for the remaining 10 crores of years. Thus the Sun completes one whole cycle within 20 crores of years going over during every five crores of years towards north-east, north-west, south-west and south-east quarter respectively. (See Fig.5) Now hear the point to be specially born in mind is that for the time being we take it for granted that the earth goes round from December to June with its own velocity of 66,000 miles and keep itself moving round in harmony with the Sun's third motion velocity of 7,20,000 miles. (19) Page #25 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ The Earth Does Not Move Different positions of the earth DIFFERENT POSITIONS OF THE EARTH DURING ITS MOVEMENT AROUND THE SUN DIFFERENT POSITIONS OF EARTH DURING ITS MOVEMENT AROUND THE SUN NORTH SEPTEMBER OCTOBER AUGUST M.Eas! MOVEMOEN JULY (20) JUNE EAST WEST DECEMBER MAY JANUARY APRIL FEBRUARY S.west MARCH SOUTH Stost Rod SMAN Fig. 4 : Proof 4 Page #26 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ The Earth Does Not Move Rotation of the Sun Axis of rotation of Sun 200 Million years NORTH Rotational Velocity 720000 Miles per hour ... N. West (21) WEST December EAST June T ii!!! . pony's R.J.SHAH SOUTN Fig. 5 : Proof 5 Page #27 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ But - the earth goes round from the east to the west from June to December with a velocity of 66,000 miles to move round the Sun; but the Sun takes it from the west to the east with its third or the centripetal velocity of 7,20,000 miles. Because the Sun, with its whole family (of Planets) runs from the west to the east with a velocity of 7,20,000 miles for ten crores of years; then the earth also goes with the Sun from the west to east 7,20,000 miles and according to the yearly motion it goes 66000 miles from the east to the west. Thus the earth can travel 7,20,00066000= 6,54,000 miles around the Sun from June to December. Then how can it travel over 66000 miles to finish the semicircle within six months from June to December? This is a serious problem which should be pondered over! Moreover from December to June the earth has to go from the west to the east. And the Sun also goes from the west to the east. The earth going with a velocity of 66,000 miles can adjust itself to the Sun going with a velocity of 7,20,000 miles; but from June to December the earth has to go from the east to west; whereas the Sun goes from the west to the east (because it changes its direction every ten crores of years when the semi-circle is formed); then how can the earth adjust itself to the two opposite directions ? And the earth cannot make its yearly motion of 66,000 miles with that of the Sun of 7,20,000 miles. This is also to be deeply thought over !!! Moreover, the scientists say that being attracted by the force of gravitation can draw with it the objects remaining behind it or parrallel to it, or whether it can take them with it if it itself is dynamic ! But the force of gravitation cannot push towards the front of objects which are before it, on the contrary the force of gravitation Traws nearer to itself the objects which are in front of it. This can be very easily understood even by any person who knows about the principle of the force of gravitation. (22) Page #28 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Steam ship (39) Page #29 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ of the whole ship. Why so? Can the camera-lens or telescope lens remove the curvature of the earth ? Thus the attempt to prove that the earth is round by saying "The visible needs no proof" is ridiculous. Perhaps here the question may arise "If the curvature of the earth does not come between the steamship and the observer, then why can he not see the whole of the steamship? Why can he see the chimney or the mast only?" The simplest reply to this it is the queer result of our limited capacity of vision. (See picture on page 41) Scientist say about the round shape of the earth that the top-most part of a ship is seen first of all. Then gradually the whole ship unfolds itself down from the top to the bottom. This is shown in the diagram. But this is only an optic illusion, because one can see the top most part first with naked eye but with the help of telescope the whole of the ship can be seen. ILLUSTRATIONS OF OUR LIMITED CAPACITY OF VISION : To understand the apparent queer results of our limited capacity for vision, it is necessary to know that our eyeball is convex. It makes us see anything when the vision of both the eyes meets at a right angle. And so sometimes the vision is imperfect. As for an illustration, if we stand between two rails of a train, and cast a far off glance (about two furlongs ) the rails will appear meeting each other. This is only an optic illusion resuting from the limted capacity of human vision. In fact, whether broad gauge or metre gauge, the rails are always parallel; otherwise how can trains run so smoothly on them ? This is a matter of universal experience. In the same way if we cast a glance at a long straight tarroad, we find the two sides of the road meeting on the horizon. But if we walk over a long distance on the same road, we will find the horizon going farther and farther. This is also one more example of an optic illusion. We experience many such illusions in our practical life. (40) Page #30 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ SERAS :. os 28 >XXX SOXS 2920 * 33-2 OUR EYES AND THE ANGLE OF VISION : The real state of the thing; is that the Ken of human vision is limited up to a certain distance because of the contrivance of the eyeballs. To look at things beyond a certain limit one has to take the help of telescope etc. From this it can be understood that if one tries to look at things beyond the ken of human vision without the help of apparatus, one may find the state of things quite delusive instead of what they really are. (41) Page #31 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Angle of vision 450 HORIZON SEEMS ROUND, WHY? Moreover our eyes are so contrived that objects beyond the ken of vision will appear circular; e.g. if we cast a far off glance around us, we will find the line of horizon meeting the earth. If we go on the terrace of a tall building or climb mountain-tops we find the sky meeting the earth on all sides in the circular line of the horizon. That is the earth appears round viewing from the sky. (See fig. on page 45) Also according to our knowledge of the modern geometry our eyes form an angle of 45deg on all sides. That is why we see the horizon on all sides in the shape of a dome. But in fact this is an optic illusion. (42) Page #32 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Here, it should also be understood that if light passes through an object, it comes out in the same shape as that of the object. Thus, the object we see also appears to have a similar shape. As for example, if we see through a semi-circular or bi-angular or tri-angular or quadrangular pipe, from a certain distance objects will appear to us having the same shape as the pipe itself has. In this way our eyes are like convex lenses. So our- vision which passes through them centres around a certain limit. Thus it is quite natural that objects beyond that limit must appear round. From this it is quite clear that the illustration of the-steamboat, put forward to prove the earth to be round, does not stand the test of logic or experience. It is presented to prove one's belief on the strength of inference only. BEDFORD LEVEL EXPERIMENT: One very important proof of the roundness of the earth is also given by citing an experiment made by Dr. Wallace of Bedfordshire in England. (See fig. on page 46) Three bamboo-poles of the same length were fixed on an even water level in a big lake. But on observing from a distance the middle bamboo-pole appeared a little above. the other two. Why so? This is possible only if the middle pole is some what longer than the other two. (43) Page #33 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ This experiment is also not logical. Logic proves it caseless. Water seeks its own level. Water cannot stand like a heap of grains. And so to say that the middle pole appears above the other two is an optic illusion. It is not a fact. will But in fact three bumboo-poles fixed on an even water level are seen gradually diminishing as shown in the above figure. One can have such experience by seeipe light-poles on a straight railway line, or light-poles of a long str> ;ht bridge or by observing roadside trees.. Page #34 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CIRCUMAMBULATION OF THE EARTH AN IMAGINATION ! Another proof is also given to prove that the earth is round by saying that a rocket that starts to move around the earth comes back to the very place from where it had started. If pondered over properly this also does not appear true; because till now the so called travels of the rockets have been made from East to West. And the eastern direction is not a decisive direction. The pole star or the north direction is the only decisive direction with the help of which the travellers or the persons going around the earth can know well the diretion where they are. To understand this more clearly it is necessary to keep a day-to-day note of the place of the sunrise. Then it will be clearly seen that the s'in does not rise in the same place everyday but it changes the angle slightly. Generally for six months the sun will be found moving from the south-east towards the north-east. In the same way for six months the sun moves from the north-east towards the south-east. Thus the traveller who observes the Sun and begins to travel in a particular direction, will find that he has not hanged his direction though he has already done so, as the sun changes its angle within twentyfour hours. The traveller thinks that he goes on the straight path. But in fact by turning round he can come back to the place from where he had started. Scientists change the direction of the path of the rockets with the help of automatic controllers. If these rockets travel in only one direction they will be lost in the infinite space. In reality, the so called fact of coming back to the same place after travelling in one and the same direcion, can prove itself consistent (45) Page #35 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ only, when rockets and others begin theer journey not from east to west but from South to North, a fix gaze at the Pole Star and not the changeful places poles of the sunrise. That is, the path of their journey will be from the equator to the North Pole and then to the South pole through America, back to the equator via Australia. Only then it can be said that the earth is round. Otherwise, circumambulation from the East to the West is the result of perplexed intelligence. It is a problem how to travel over the North pole. The South Pole region is as good as unknown. Then how can a travel towards that region be possible? Therefore the argument to prove that the earth is round, by saying that if one travels in the same diection throughout, one can come back to the very place from where one had started is as good as befooling the children. In additon to this, we have been able to collect some authentic information by corresponding with many well nown learned persons at home and abroad. Reklying upon it we can say confidently that "All the conjectures, evidences, authoriies, and arguments which are put forward to prove that the earth is round are very very far from reality They are half truths imperfect as well as based on imagination and inference." Some evidences cited below have been set aside after proper considration. They bear no excitement of prejudice or partiality. Research scholars and others who are interested are strongly requested by us to ponder over the points given below. We firmly believe that after properly testing the points, readers also will be led to doubt the statement that the earth is round. (46) Page #36 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ (1) THE SOLAR ECLIPSE OF 30-8-1905 Ephemris published by American Astrological Bureau refers to the solar eclipse of 30-8-1905. It tells that this eclipse had been visible at the same time in North-West Africa, Indian Ocean, Green land, Iceland, South Asia, Siberia and British America. Then how could the people of America and Asia see the eclipse at the same time as the scientists say America and Asia are in the opposite directions? This is a point to be considered very very seriously. (2) THE TWILIGHT AT THE SOUTH POLE: American explorers of the South Pole report that "The time for the morning twilight to the South of equator must be as much as it is to the North of it. But it is not so, for the time for the morning twilight to the North of the Equator on 40deg latitude is one hour or sixty minutes, whereas on 40deg South of it, it is only five minutes. This fact arouses doubt about the roundness of the earth. (3) TO THE NORTH : Rev. Father Johnson travelled to the Southern latiudes. He writes in his autobiography that "Here the mornng twilight and the evening twilight last for only five to seven, minutes. We make all the prepartions for the night, as soon, as the sun reaches the horizon; because here dense darkness prevails immediately after the sunset." Such an account from, the autobiography of the explorer raises a question in our mind. (4) CAPT. J. ROSS ; . In 1838 A D. Capt. J. Ross attempted with Capt. Fro shire to go as far as he could to the South of the Mediter ranean Line in the Atlantic Circle. There he found a new secret which is as follows. On one side to the sea he found a strong wall of snow. It was about 400 to 1000 feet high. Its top surface was even. It had no crevices. He began to walk on it with curiosty. Suffering great many hardships he walked on and on constantly. He thus walked over 40,000 miles and yet the snow wall did not end. Being exasperated he turned back. How could this happen if the earth is round? (47) Page #37 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ If here the circumference of the earth is 10,700 miles, a person travelling on and on in the same directions must in this case come back four times to the same spot. Instead, he walked on, and on and he had to return. What does that show? Is it truthful to say that the earth is round? . (5) REPORTS OF THE SURVEYORS: Reports of the Surveyors Institution of America tell us that "One degree of latitude towards the Tropic of Cancer covers 50 miles. Then the distance in miles decreases as one proceeds to the North Pole. In the same way one degree of latitude towards the Tropic of Capricorn covers 75 miles. Then the distance in miles increases as one proceeds towards the South. Towards the South Pole one degree of latitude overs 103" miles. Why so? In fact, if the earth is round each degree of latitude must cover the same distance in miles in both the North as well as the South. (6) WEIGHT: Autobiographies of the explorers of the North Pole tell us that it requires a great amount of strength to lift up and to carry even a small weight of 100 lbs. in the North Pole Region. On the contrary the explorers of the South Pole tell us that even a weight of 400 to 500 lbs. can be very easily lifted up and carried away with great ease. Why this difference, if the earth is round. (7) THE POLE STAR: How can the people who inhabit the Mediterrauean Line or live beyond it see the Pole Star? Explorers towards the South report that the Pole Star appears up to 30deg latitude beyond the Mediterranean Line. (8) THE LENGTH OF THE DAY : It can be known from the Nautical Almanac pubished by Bureau of Navigation, Washington that in Sheland islands on 30deg latitude in the South the longest day lasts for 16 hours and 56 minutes; whereas on the same latitude in the North at Hammerfast in Norway the longest day lasts for 3 months. If the earth is really round, why there so much difference between similar latitudes in North and South? (48) Page #38 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ (9) SOUND: In the Antarctic Regions even an ordinary pistol when it is fired sounds like the thunder of a big cannon, and an avalanche crumbles with the terrible rumble of a devastation. No such thing happens towards the North Pole. As Captain Hall the explorer says even a sound report of a gun can be heard with great difficulty, beyond only 20 feet. This fact requires investigation into the so called roundness of the earth. (10) CAPTAIN MILL: An explorer Captain Mill by name has written in his Account of travels that-"In the Antarctic region human eye, sight can perceive at the most as far as 10 miles; whereas the records of the exp!orers of the North Pole tell us that in the North Pole Region human eyesight can perceive very easily as far as 200 miles." This statement supports the asertion that the earth is not round. (11) THE LIGHTHOUSE AT HATTERAS: As a rule things which emit lights can be seen from very long distances. The light-emitting point in the Cape of Hatt eras can be seen from even a far off distance of 40 miles. If the earth is really round, as it is believed, the curve of the earth will stand in between and the lightemitting point will not be seen. If the earth is round, a curve of 900 feet covering the distance of 40 miles, will obstruct the path of the light; and so the light emitting point can be seen only if it is 900 feet above the sea level. Yet the light emitting point can be seen from the height of 300 feet. This is the cognizable evidence that the earth is not round. . SA X (49) Page #39 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ (12) BACK TO THE SAME PLACE: Those who believe the earth to be round argue that if one travels straight way in the same direction on the earth, at last one returns to the same place from where one had started. The earth, therefore, is round. But this argument is not valid, since sea-farers have to depend on the stars and the mariner's compass to locate the direction. And yet they are many times misdirected, because they travel on a circular route and still believe it to be on a straight one. Let us take an illustration of an ant on a saucer. Let us put a saucer upside down on a table and then put an ant on the slopey part of the saucer. The ant will move around the saucer and going straight in one and the same direction it will come back to the very point from where it had started. We see that in fact the ant did not move in the straight direcion. According to the ant it may be said to be the straight path. The globe trotters start from the East or the West and go around the middle higher region of the earth and come back to the original place just as the ant did by going- around the bulging portion of the saucer. (13) IN A MERRY-GO-ROUND : To make the point more clear let us take an illusration of a merry go round which spins like a top. Any person riding such a wheel comes back to the same place from where he starts, in spite of so many turns taken by the merrygoround. In this way, the journey around the earth is made either from east to west or from west to east. (as shown in the figure on right) Why only this one circular route is taken around the earth? Why not the other one from the North to the South or from the South to the North? As for example starting the journey in an aeroplane from Australia and flying to the North over China, Russia, the North Pole Region and other territories one can reach Canada; and back from there through the South America and over the South Pole one can again reach Australia. But this new route is never taken. (50) Page #40 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ * * 1 . An American Airways Company showed its unwillingness to undertake a flight over the North and the South Poles. (as shown in the figure on left). Thus it is improper to form an idea of the round shape earth towards the North and the South by going on the East and the west. It is easy to understand from calculations, given in the arithmeticf 184. Mandal Orbits the Sun in Jain Scriptures. Why journey from the East to the west is possible. (14) RIVER-COURSES : It is a well accepted principle that rivers flow down from higher regions to the ones. If the earth had been round, all the rivers to the North of the equator would have flowed from the South to the North; and similarly in The other side. But it is not so in reality. Most of the rivers among. The Himalayas flow from North to the South. If the earth had been round such would not have been the courses of the rivers. (15) SUEZ CANAL: Ferdinand de Lesseps, a French engineer undertook the task of turning the distance of 100 miles between the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea into a sea-canal. When this publicly was announced there was enormous uproar in Great Britain. Lord Palmerston, the then "Prime Minister of Britain" addressing an institute of Civil engineers, admonished its members for not undertaking the Suez Canal work and thus bringing disgrace to their Country. (51) Page #41 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ On hearing Lord Palmerston the Chairman of that insti- tute humbly but firmly said that the plan would fail as it was impractical and that the shores of the canal within those hundred miles would crack or split as the earth is, round. Such an explanation was given because the earth was believed to be round. On the contrary the Suez Canal work was to be carried out bearing in mind that "the earth is flat." Lesseps had given clear instructions to this effect to his two assistant engineers. Lesseps inference was quite true. So the British-Parlia ment amended one of its acts in 1877 A. D. to the effect" that for the construction work of railways and canals tenders" should be accepted only from those engineers who disregard'- the so called curve of the earth. This act is in practice in Britain up to this date. (16) CIRCU MAMBULATION IN 'CHALLENGE: . A British ship-'Challenge' took 3 years to circumam-bulate from the South. It journeyed over 69000 miles. If the earth had been round this voyage would not have taken such a long time. In fact, it took six times the time it must take according to the supposed curvature of the earth. If the earth had been round on that latitude the circumference of the earth can be 10,800 miles only; whereas this was a voyage over 69,000 miles. Then how can the hypothesis the earth is round' can stand? (17) THE RIVER NILE: Several rivers flow over hundreds of miles toward the surface of the sea, yet their level goes down by very few fect. Especially the level of the river Nile goes down only by one foot over a distance of one thousand miles. This fact is quite inconsistent with the principle of the convexity of the earth. And thus the above mentioned fact supports the statement that the earth is not spherical or globular. (18) NAVIGATOR'S MAPS : Navigators keep sea maps with them when they go on voyages. Safety of any voyage depends upon these maps. These maps are prepared believing the earth to be even levelled. Oceans (52) Page #42 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ are also supposed to be even levelled. This proves that the earth is not round. Believing the earth to be spherical some people had prepared maps. Their ships were wrecked. Sea maps are the only proof that the earth is not round. (19) THE ATLANTIC OCEAN: Telegraph wires were to be installed in the Atlantic Ocean. A plan was to be prepared for it. Surveyers prepared a plan showing the area of 1665 miles between Valentia (Ireland) and Saint John (Newfoundland). The plan was prepared, believing that the surface of the Altantic Ocean is even and not curved. The plan may be regarded autho- ritative even to-day. This is a practical proof of the truth that "the earth is not round." If the earth had been round there would have been a curve of about 300 miles in the distance of 1665 miles. (20) IN THE SOUTHERN REGION : Every year the Sun remains to the South of the equator for the same duration of time, as it remains to the North of it. Now if the earth had not been so "extensive" as it is, but had been inclined according to the principle of Sir Newton, it would have been as much hot in tbe Southern regions as it is in the Northern one. But the Southern region being very extensive, the Sun to finish its every twenty-four hour journey around it travels faster from September to December. Thus at any point the sun has too little time to exert its influence. This fact proves that" The earth is not round." (21) GOING AROUND THE WORLD: Those who believe that the earth is round argue that the earth is round because people can travel around it in ships. What a ridiculous reason they give! It means that they cannot go around any object, if it is not spherical. It is a well known fact that one can travel in a ship even around the flat earth. (22) FORECASTS ABOUT ECLIPSES : It is said that predictions about the eclipses are made after taking for granted that the earth is round, and so there predictions come out true. Against this there is another point to be (53) Page #43 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ noted. Believing that the earth is flat ptolemy had predicted eclipses and his predictions had also come out true. (23) THE CANAL IN CHINA : A big canal in China is 700 miles long. When it was constructed no thought was given to the curvature of the earth. This Chinese canal is a challenge to those who :say that the earth is round. (24) THE NORTH POLE STAR: Astronomers' principle-'The earth is round' forces us to decide that if a person travels to the South of the equator it is not possible for him to see the North Pole Star. Yet it is a well-known fact that sailors could see and they did see the North Pole Star even when they went beyond 20deg latitude to the South of the equator. What does this fact imply? There is another fact to be pondered over about the North Pole Star. According to one principle of Newton generally it is supposed that "The earth is 19 crore miles away in the month of June from where it is in December." Now we can see the North Pole Star on the Southern latitude - from the same angle during the whole of the year. How can this happen? (25) WATER SEEKS ITS OWN LEVEL: If the earth is believed to be round, water will begin to flow on all sides from the point where it starts because all around it the earth is slopey. Let us take an illustration of a ball. If we pour water on a ball, it will flow towards all the directions. The fact is that the water on the earth does not flow in all the directions. It flows towards the lower level region only, and in the end reaches the sea. Having with us this "testimony, how can we say that the earth is round.? (26) HEIGHTS OF GLACIERS : If the earth had been round, the heights of perennial avalanches to the North of the equator would have been the same as those in the South. In the Sor America the height of the perennial aval anches is 16,000 feet. Bu is we proceed to the north this height gradually decreases. At las it goes down from 2000 feet to even 400 feet. Why sa? (54) Page #44 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ (27) VEGETATION: If the earth is round, there will be the same kind of vegetation towards the North Pole and the South Pole. It is not so in reality. In Greenland, Iceland, Siberia and other regions near the cold Arctic zone there grow potatoes, peas, grams and barley where as in the South on 70deg latitude nothing grows in Orkneys and Shetland islands. (28) THE FORCE OF GRAVITATION: It has been proved with the help of experiments that as we go towards the SOUTH Pole the force of gravitation of the earth gradually decreases. Those who have travelled towards the North Pole report that there it is much difficult to lift up even a weight of 100 lbs.; but quite reverse are the reports of those who have travelled towards the South. They report that they could lift up quite easily a weight of 300 to 400 Ibs. If the earth had been round like an orange the force of gravitation would have been as much strong at the South Pole as it is at the North Pole. (29) HELIOGRAPH : "Harpers, Weekly'-an American periodical in its issue of 20th October, 1894 reports: In the North from Mount" Doncomprego in Cloreds people were able to send a message to Mount Allen at a distance of 183 miles, with the help of a heliograph. * The above mentioned experiment would have utterly failed, because in the distance of 183 miles the curvature of the earth would have obstructed the path of the rays of the sun. (30) TME MARINERS' COMPASS : If the earth is round, while going to the South of the equator the needle of the Mariner's Compass must point to- the South Pole. But it does not happen like that. One may be any where but the needle shows the middle path. It is also necessary to mention that the earth has the longest circumference at the equator and the shortest at the North Pole. (55) Page #45 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ There are mountains of magnetic ore in the oceans and they may be affecting the needles of the Mariners' Compass. It is also possible that the navigators may be sailing round and round such magnetic mountains; and it might have created the illusion that the earth is round. What a needle of the Mariner's Compass! It has played a very significant role in establishing momentous principles as well as perhaps" in misguiding also! * A heliograph is a signalling apparatus for reflecting flashes of sunlight. (56) Page #46 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CONCLUSION: The principles established on physical sciences cannot be regarded as permanent. Now-a-days in the Western countries there are people who have begun to believe that "the earth is not spherical like an orange". Our Indian scriptures proclaim that the earth is not round! Ancient Indian books show that in the old days science and astronomy had made wonderful progress. In comparison to that the modern science is yet in its infancy. It is quite certain that the modern scientists will have to acknowledge the value of our ancient religious books, sooner or later. At present the man influenced by the mechanism feels rapidity in every field of his life: but with this progress senselessness and aimlessness is increased. One can easily find method in every phase of life by keeping real understanding and unique aim in the centre. Science is not dreadful but its Ism is very dreadful. Because when truth decays in the frame of obstinacy, the Ism in the form of stink comes out of it. There eager ones who wish to know more In this matter may correspondent with the great learned muniji saint to the following address : MUNI ABHAYSAGAR GANI C/O JAMBUDVIP VIGYAN REASERCH CENTER 'JAMBUDVIP', TALETI ROAD, PALITANA-364270. T. NO. 91-02848-252307. (57) Page #47 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ A RED SIGNAL Against Scientific Truth (?) A Structure unprecedented in history so far. Preparation are going on to erect in the finest marble a grand structure 'Jambudvip' by name, on the modern scale systam (526 6/19=10000 Kals = 1 foots) near Jain Agam Mandir, opp. Jain Society at Palitana in Saurashtra on a large plot of about 40000 Sq. yards. When this structure will be ready it will be easy to understand from the scientific point of view. * why the Sun and the Moon rotate;* how days and nights are caused;* why the Moon wanes and waxes;* how are the seasons caused;* why the day or the night for two months at Norway in Sweden; * Why the day or the night spreads over six months in the polar region; * why there are different seasons at the same time in India and Australia. The revolvng motion of Sun and the Moon will be illustrated with the help of mechanical devices. All are requested to give their active and kind Co-operation. (58) Page #48 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ THE EARTH ROTATION RESEARCH INSTITUTE Researcher Jain Muni (Jain Saint) Abbaysagar Gani M. N.G. S. Washington M. A. S. Bombay P.Box No. 4 3/8-67, Station Road, Mehsana (N.G.) SHRI JAMBUDVIP VIGYAN REASERCH CENTER "JAMBUDVIP, TALET! ROAD, PALITANA-364270. T. NO. 91-02848-252307. (59) Page #49 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ SCIENCE AND NON-VIOLENCE by Ganivarya Shri Abhaysagarji A hearty appeal to scientists and educationists attending -the conference on 'Science, Education and Nonviolence' at the Gujarat Vidyapith, Ahmedabad-14, on Mahatma Gandhi Birthday Centenary. Gentlemen, Human intelligence has been always progressive, so it yearns more and more to acquire deeper knowledge about things known to it as well as to probe into their unknown phases. The science of today has originated from this constant yearning. There is a vast difference between a close search of the inherent properties of any object and reflection on it with inquisitiveness. One gives prominence to the intellect whereas the other one is full of fancies. Intellect is the only real means to understand any object, neither fancy nor imagination. So it seems that the modern science makes various investigations and experiments keeping in the centre the original form of an object; but the definite or distinct form of the object is not there at the basis. There is only curiosity or amusement. Thus science adds more of information to the fields of knowledge, but it can- not step forward in the direction of the proper use of the information obtained. It is essential that the terminology of science must be made clear. 'Vignyan' means 'distinguished knowledge'. What is the distinguishing feature of that scientific knowledge? To go through various tests in the laboratory as well as through a lot of scientific apparatuses -is this the only distinguishing feature? Or is it to make more clear the original form of real knowledge? (60) Page #50 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Now-a-days science develops itself relying on the established principles. Severe struggle over investigations and experiments is going on but on the whole very little is known about the original form of an object. It requires endeavour of many years to know the original form of an -object hidden behind imagination, guess and inference. So Vignyan' is' distinguished knowledge. It is knowledge obtained through various investigations and experiments to make more clear and exact the original principles. It is, therefore, that the philosophers have regarded science and philosophy as compltements of each other to know well the external, and internal forms of objects. Philosophy exactly unfolds the internal and external forms of any object. Science without philosophy is lame. Philosophy without science is blind. Philosophy is the eye. Science is the lens. Philosophy is the soul. Sciens, is the body. Philosophy is the right foot. Science is the left foot. Philosophy is the eye. Science is inference hands and feet. In this way science lays bare the original form of things with the help of experiments using proper instruments. When science does not reach its proper stage, it depends on inference and imagination, and thus does not represent the definite form of things. My affectionate appeal to all the learned persons assembled here on this occasion of Gandhiji's Birthday Centenary is as follows: The modern age is called the age of science, but it is necessary to clarify the sciensific terminology. The way in which science is progressing, has made man more and more: restless, terrified and distressed. He also makes others more: restless, and distressed. Manufacturing a bomb-shell powerful enough to destroy to ashes the whole mankind of six thousand millions within six seconds will lead mankind to terrrible violence only. (61) Page #51 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Non-violence means like "one's own self unto others." Atmvat Serve Bhooteshu.' One does not come in the way of anyone else, small or big. To lead science towards. this direction it is necessary to direct the minds of the scientists to fix or settle the scientific terminology. Now-a-days science is being utilised to foster idle: curiosity, 'amusement and selfishness, instead of being used to acquire more and more knowledge. The reason is that the scientific terminology has not been made definite and exact. To use science for physical comforts and conveniences and amorous life is not its real use. Real science tries to test and explain things which cannot be understood so easily without the help of investigations and experiments. This kind of science will lead mankind to world-brotherhood and to the good of the whole mankind. In short it is necessary to co-relate seience with philo sophy. Now-a-days philosophy is being regarded as orthodox. Science has become all-powerful in all walks of life. Philosophy which can lead science to the proper path is regarded as of secondary importnance. Who will then lead science to the proper path and proper direction? Non-violence has the utmost importance in life, Live and let live,-The principle embodied in the proverb is the general practical form of the ideal of non-violence. Non-violence of this sort can also prevail and prosper in the field of science only when science becomes firmly establibhed on the basis of phiiosophy. Gani Abhaysagar Jain Upashraya Usmanpura Ashram Road Ahmedabad-13 14-10-69 (62) Page #52 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shree Jambudvip Jain Temple SES Vignyan Bhavan : Publisher : Jambudvip Vignyan Research Centre PALITANA. (GUJ.) INDIA. SHREE JAMBOODWEEP PRINT VISION AHMEDABAD For Private & Personal Use Onl 99250 53846, 9879896170 www.jahordiyong