Book Title: Catalogue Of Books Published By Goernment Oriental Manuscripts Library Madras
Author(s): Madras Government Oriental Series
Publisher: Madras Government Oriental Series
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Page #1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 1,002—17–5–50. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS PUBLISHED BY THE GOVERNMENT ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS LIBRARY, MADRAS. Madras Government Oriental Series TAMIL. NO. I. Kappal Sättiram in Tamil edited by Sri T. P. Palaniappa Pillai. B.O.L., Sri Venkateswara Oriental Institute, Tirupati. This is a rare book in Tamil on matter connected with construction of ships, and sailing in them to far off lands. The editor has written a scholarly introduction on the condition of sailing in ancient days. A small treatise on the purchasing of ground sites for constructing houses entitled Silpa Sattiram is also printed at the end of the book. This gives a clue to what kind of site and at which direction a person should buy if he were to be prosperous by the transaction-Price Rs. 1-10-0. No. II. Anubhava Vaidya Murai. - This is a remarkable book in Tamil on home remedies for various diseases. The recipes are given in simple language. Edited by Dr. C. Dorairajan, H.P. I.M., and Dr. C. S. Uttamarayan, H.P.I.M., Assistant Professors, College of Indian Medicine, Madras. A helpful alphabetical index of diseases and medicines is given at the beginning. A glossary of difficult terms appearing in the book is given at the end. In two volumes Volume I-Rs. 3-14-0. Volume II-Rs. 4-8-0. No. IV. U padēsakāndam of Jñāna Varoda ya Pandāram. Edited by Sri V. S. Chengalvaraya Pillai, M.A. This is entirely different from a book bearing the same name by Koneriyappa Mudaliar published in 1913. This is a monumental book in 2,601 stanzas describing the greatness of the worship of Siva illustrated with a number of anecdotes. A brief summary is given at the beginning of each chapter. In three volumes Volume I-Rs. 4-10-0. Volume II-Rs. 5-0-0. Volume III-Rs. 5-8-0. No. V. Colan Pūrva Pattayam.--A valuable historical account of Cöla Dynasty from the earliest sources down to Karikāla Cola. Edited by C. M. Ramachandra Chettiar, B.A., B.L. fittore press). No. VI. Kongadēsa Rājākkal.-Edited by Sri C. M. Ramachandra Chettiar. B.A., B.L. There are few works in Indian Languages bearing on history and as such the present work is found to be of consi. derable help to Research Scholars in History. Though written in a somewhat colloquial language it contains a wealth of information on the history of the Kings of Kongadēsa--Price Rs. 1-8-0. i No. VII. Sivajñānadipam.-A work on Saiva Philosophy edited by Sri T. P. Palaniappa Pillai, B.O.L., Sri Venkateswara Oriental Institute. Tirupati-Price Re. 1-6-0. Page #2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 2 TELUGU. No. X. Auşadhayogamulu in Telugu edited by Sri Veturi Sankara Sastri of Arsha Rasayana Sala. This edition gives medical specifics, their preparations and regulations of diet, etc., during treatment. This useful and valuable medical information in Sanskrit and Telugu verses followed 'by lucid Telugu annotation serves to be a "Home Doctor."-Price Rs. 3-12-0. No. XI. Vaidya Nighantu. -A dictionary of drugs (herbs and minerals) in Telugu edited by Sri Veturi Sankara Sastri. This volume is a rare and valuable asset to the literature of Indigeneous system of Indian medicine. It gives synonyms of various drugs, minerals and herbs in Telugu.-Price Rs. 2-12-0. . No. XII. Dhanurvidyā Vilāsamu in Telugu edited by Sri Veturi Prabhakara Sastri, Reader in Telugu, Sri Venkateswara Oriental Institute, Tirupati. This is a rare treatise on the Science of Archery with elaborate and critical introduction by the editor.-Price Rs. 4-14-0. No. XIII. Yögadarśanavişayamu.-An ancient work in Telugu prose on Yöga edited by Sri Vedam Lakshmi Narayana Sastri, B.O.L.-Price Re. 1-2-0. No. XIV. Khadgalakṣaṇa Siromani.--A small treatise on swords in Telugu Campū Style. Edited by Sri N. Venkata Rao, M.A., Head of the Telugu Depatrment, University of Madras. This volume gives the original names of swords in Sanskrit as well as in Portuguese and Hindustani and contains critical introduction by the editor in English. -Price Rs. 1-12-0. SANSKRIT. No. XV. Tantrasārasangraha (Vişanārāyaniya) with commentary by Narayana. Edited by Vaidyaratna Pandit Dr. M. Doraiswamy Ayyangar, Ayurveda Bhushana. An important work on antidotes to poisons of snakes, dogs, rats, spiders, scorpions, etc., and also gives Mantras for the same purpose. There is also a running commentary in Sanskrit with meanings in Malayalam and Tamil for some rare drugs. Some chapters are devoted to the form of worship of Lakşmi, Durgā, Siva, Skanda, Mārtānda Bhairava, Mộtyunjaya, Sakti and other Gods. There is one chapter each for the treatment of the diseases of women, veterinary science and fracture and surgery. (Instre presssy. Isr o No. XVI. Bhārgavanādikā.--Critically edited with an English introduction by Dr. C. Kunhan Raja, M.A., D. Phil., Professor of Sanskrit. University of Madras. A small work on Astrology dealing with the influence of planets on the life of man in the various stages of his life. -Price Rs. 6-0-0. No. XVII. Hariharacaturangam of Godāvara Mirsa.-Critically edited with introduction both in Sanskrit and English by Sri S. K. Rama. natha Sastri, Lecturer in Sanskrit, University of Madras (Retd.). A very valuable work on politics and military science including array of troops consisting of four divisions.-Price Rs. 6-8-0. Page #3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. XVIII. Brahmasūtravrtti - Mitākṣarā of Annambhatta.--A commentary on the Brahmasūtras of Vyāsa. Critically edited with Introduction by Sri P. S. Rama Sastri, Professor of Vedānta, Madras Sanskrit College, Mylapore.-Price Rs. 7-0-0. No. XIX. Nyāyasiddhānta Tattvāmytam of Srinivāsa.--A short treatise on the Vaiseșika School of Philosophy critically edited with introduction by Sri S. Subrahmanya Sastri, B.O.L., Junior Lecturer in Sanskrit, University of Madras.-Price Rs. 2-8-0. MALAYALAM No. XX. Garbhacikitsā.-Edited by Dr. N. Madhava Menon, A.M.A.C., Professor of Ayurveda (Retd.), College of Indian Medicine, Madras. This book written largely in prose and some Malayalam verses deals with diseases which affect the mother and the child, and includes such things as menstrual cycle, conception, prenatal care, treatment after child birth, treatment of certain infantile diseases (especially “Karappan "), etc.--Price Rs. 3-8-0. No. XXI. Vāstulaksanam-Silpavisayam.-Edited by Veda Višā. rada Sri S. K. Ramanatha Sastri, Lecturer in Sanskrit, University of Madras (Retd.). The detailed methods of house-construction in accordance with the views of ancient experts in the field, form the subject-matter of these two works.--Price Rs. 2-0-0. No. XXII. Kanakkusāram Bāla prabodham.--Edited by Dr. C. Achyutha Menon, B.A., PH.D., Reader in Malayalam, University of Madras. This work written in Malayalam verses with commentary, deals in a very telling manner with various problems in Arithmetic, especially cal. culations in respect of gold, timber, etc., useful in every day life. -Price Rs. 2-0-0. No. XXIII. Kanakkusāram.-- Edited by Dr. C. Achyutha Menon, B.A., PH.D., Reader in Malayalam, University of Madras. Calculations useful in everyday life in respect of timber, gold, wages for spade work, etc., are dealt with in this work. It is in the form of Malayalam verses with Malayalam commentary.--Price Rs. 2-12-0.' No. XXIV. Kriyākramam.-Edited by Sri P. Narayanan Kutty Menon, M.A. This is an astrological treatise written in prose and mainly deals with Sphutaganita-correct calculation of the movements of the planets. -Price Rs. 2-4-0. No. XXXVI. Mahāsāram.-Edited by Dr. M. K. Vaidyar. A.M.A.C., Ayurveda Bhusana, Professor of Ayurveda, College of Indian Medicine, Madras. Deals with Medicine and the curing of snake poison. This contains also some Mantras (incantation). (In the press).' KANNADA. No. XXV. Lököpakāra of Cāmundarāya. Edited by Pandit H. Sesha Ayyangar, Lecturer in Kannada, University of Madras (Retd.). As the title of the work indicates, topics of interest and of practical use Page #4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ INNI such as cookery, treatment of plants, preparation of scents, medicine, for various common diseases, veterinary science relating to the treatment of cows, horses and elephants, treatment for snake bites, etc., are dealt within this. The text is written in Kanda metre. A prose rendering for each verse is also given for easy understanding. (In the press). No. XXVIII. Ašvaśāstram of Abhinavacandra in Kannada edited by Dr. P. Srinivasa Rao and Pandit H. Sesha Iyengar, Lecturer in Kannada, University of Madras (Retd.). This edition in sixteen Chapters in Kanda metre and vịttas deals with the various species of horses, their characteristics and the treatment of their diseases. A scholarly introduction by the editor and the different readings found in the several manuscripts which were made use of are also appended. Price Rs. 4-2-0. No. XXIX. Ausadhagalu Vaidya Visaya.-Edited by Vaidyaratna. Dr. G. Srinivasa Murti, B.A., B.L., M.B. & C.M., Prescriptions for the treatment of various diseases and the method of preparing medicines noted down by experienced men have been compiled in this edition. This will be a very useful guide especially in places where medical help is "not easily available. (In the press). No. XXX. Sangitaratnākara.-Edited by Sri M. Mariappa Bhat, M.A., L.T., Head of the Kannada Department, University of Madras. The ten-fold gamakas, the seventy-two melakartarāgas and the various rāgas derived from them and the musical notes adopted in each case are given in the form of charts. This will be a very useful guide to the students of music.-Price Rs. 1-8-0. No. XXXI. Süpa Sāstra.-Edited by Pandit U. Sitaramacharya, Kannada Pandit, Presidency College, Madras (Retd.). A treatise on cookery describing the method of preparing various kinds of dishes, soups, sweets, cakes, condiments, etc.-Price Rs. 2-0-0. PERSIAN. No. XXXII. Jamiul-Ashya.-An encyclopaedia of flowers, birds, herbs and wild animals. This also contains the various kinds and history of tobacco. Author Hakeem Bakir Husain Sahib under the instruction of Azeem Nawabkhan Bahadur Mutamid Jang in the days of Nawab Ghulam Ghouse Khan Sahib. Edited by Afzal-ul-Ulama Hakeem Abdul Qadir Ahmed Sahib. Price-Rs. 13-8-0. No. XXXIII. Tibb-e-Faridi.-A rare and valuable book in Persian on Medicine by Faridudin. Edited by Afzal-ul-Ulama Hakeem Abdul Qadir Ahmed Sahib with an alphabeticalindex of the names of the herbs. The volume contains a special chapter on the various diseases of the eye. (Ophthalmia).-Price Rs. 8-4-0. No. XXXIV. Tahqiq-al-Buhran.-This is a short and comprehensive treatise on Buhran' (The period at which the destruction of, or the complete recovery from, the disease occurs) edited by Afzal-ul-Ulama Hakeem Abdul Qadir Ahmed Sahib.-Price Rs. 1-8-0. No. XXXV. Safinat-al-Najat.-A short treatise on marine by Nawab Ghulam Ghouse Khan Bahadur (1239 to 1272 A.H.), son of Nawab Azam Jah Bahadur, the ruler of Carnatic, edited by Janab Rahim Ahmed Farooqi, M.A., Lecturer, Government Arts College, Madras.-Price Rs. 1-10-0. Page #5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ MADRAS GOVERNMENT ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS SERIES. Name. Price. RS. A. P. 0.120 2 4 0 2 8 0 7 12 0 1. Sarvasiddhāntasangraha with notes. Edited by M. Rangacherya, M.A., Rao Bahadur, 1909. 2. Ganitasārasangraha with notes. Edited by M. Rangacharya, M.A., Rao Bahadur, 1912. 3. Padyacūdāmaņi with commentary. Edited by M. Rangacharya, M.A., Rao Bahadur and S. Kuppuswami Sastri, M.A. (L.E.S.), 1921. 4. Brahmasiddhi with commentary. Edited by Mahāmahopadhyāya S. Kuppuswami Sastri, M.A. (I.E.S.), 1937. . 5. Ratnešvaraprasādananātakam. Edited by P.P.S. Sastri, M.A. (Printed at Balamanorama Press, Madras). 6. Ramanujacampū with commentary. Edited by P.P.S. Sastri, M.A. 7. Mahābhāşya with commer:tary_Pradipoddyotana—Volume I (Ahnikas Ist to 4th), 1948. 8. Śästradipika with commentary (In the press.) (Srirangam San. karagurukula Patrika Series). 9. Bālabhārata with commentary, Part I (Srirangam Sankaraguru. kula Series No. 4), contains 1 to 3 sargas only. 10. Nayāmañjari (Srirangam Sankaragurukula Series No. 2) .. 11. Damarukam with commentary (Srirangam Sankaragurukula Series No. 6). 12. Śringāraprakāśa, Part I (Srirangam Sankaragurukula Series No. 7). 1 2 0 3 oo 20 120 2 0 0 2 0 0 08 0 1 8 0 LIST OF CATALOGUES PUBLISHED BY THE GOVERNMENT ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPT LIBRARY.. SANSKRIT. DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUES. Numbers. Price. RS. A. P. Vol. I.--Part I. Vedic Literature ... 1 to 46 0 12 Vol. I. Part II. Vedic Literature . . . . . . 47 to 245 0 12 0 Vol. I.---Part III. Vedic Literature .. .. 246 to 852 2 0 0 Vol. II.-Vedic Literature 853 to 1245 1 12 0 Vol. III.-Grammar, Lexicography and Prosody .. 1246 to 1805 1 8.0 Vol. IV.-Part I. Ithihasa and Purāna .. .. 1806 to 2337 1 8 0 Vol. IV.-Part II. Upapurānas and Sthalamāhātmyas. 2338 to 2610 Vol. V.- Dharmaśāstra .. .. .. .. .. 2611 to 3045 1 8 0 VO. VI.--Dharmaśāstra .. . .. .. .. 3046 to 3427 1 4 0 Vol. VII.-Dharmasastra .. .. .. .. 3428 to 3872 1.4 0 Vol. VIII.- Arthaśāstra, Kāmaśāstra and Systems of 3873 to 4334 1 4 0 Indian Philosophy--Nyāya. Vol. IX.-Systems of Indian Philosophy--Vaiseşika, 4335 to 4780 1 12 0 Yoga, Mimāms, and Vedanta-Advaita Philosophy. Vol. X.-Systems of Indian Philosophy-Dvaita, 4781 to 5122 1 12 0 Vikistādvaita and Saiva Vedāntas. Vol. XI.-Systems of Indian Philosophy 5123 to 5558 1 120 Vol. XII.—Religion .. 5559 to 6266 1120 Vol. XIII.- Religion 6267 to 7006 1 12 0 Vol. XIV.--Religion 7007 to 7729 1 12 0 • Vol. XV.- Religion .. 7730 to 8165 1 12 0 Vol. XVI.-Religion, Vrata and Puja .. .. .. 8166 to 8780 1 12 0 .. 5123 LO Page #6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 6 SANSKRIT-cont. DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUES---(cont.) Numbers. Price. RS. A. P. Vol. XVII. -Stotras . . . .. .. 8781 to 9357 1 12 0 Vol. XVIII.-Stotras-Prasamsa Stotras .. 9358 to 10540 1 12 0 Vol. XIX.-Stotras-Prasamsa Stotras .. 10541 to 11450 1 12 0 Vol. XX.-Kavyas . . . . . 11451 to 12143 2 12 0 Vol. XXI.-Kavyas .. .. 12144 to 12783 3 0 0 Vol. XXII.-Rhetoric and Poetics Music and Dancing 12784 to 13068 and Silpa sastra. Vol. XXIII.--Medicine .. .. 13069 to 13381 18 0 Vol. XXIV.-Jyotişa .. .. 13382 to 14076 3 2 0 Vol. XXV.Supplemental .. 14077 to 14560 2 4 0 Vol. XXVI. Supplemental .. 14561 to 15000 2 120 Vol. XXVII.-Supplemental .. 15001 to 15692 5 14 0 Vol. XXVIIT-Supplemental .. 15693 to 16200 3 120 Vol. XXIX.- Supplemental .. .. 16201 to 16700 3 2 0 Vol. XXX.--Supplemental .. 16701 to 17200 7 10 0 Vol. XXXI.- Supplemental .. 17201 to 17700 (In the press.) TRIENNIAL CATALOGUES. Vol. I-A (1911-13) 1 to 342 200 Vol. I-B (1911-13) 343 to 573 160 Vol. I-C (1911-13) 574 to 801 1 60 Vol. II-A (1914-16) 802 to 1329 Vol. II-B (1914-16) 1330 to 1456 18 2.0 Vol. II-C (1914-16) 1457 to 1942 Vol. III-A (1917-19) 1943 to 2348 6 0 0 Vol. III-B (1917-19) 2349 to 2679 6 0 0 Vol. III-C (1917-19) 2680 to 2894 4 4 0 Vol. IV-A (1920–22) 2895 to 3203 900 Vol. IV-B (1920-22) 3204 to 3634 8 00 Vol. IV.C (1920-22) 3635 to 4155 10.00 Vol. V-A (1923–25) 4256 to 4300 4 0 0 Vol. V-B (1923–25) .. 4301 to 4415 2 8 0 Vol. V-C (1923–25) 4416 to 5041 5 12 0 Vol. VI (1926–28) 5042 to 5380 10 0 0 Vol. VII (1929–31) 5381 to 5532 2 14 0 Vol. VIII (1931-32-1933-34) 5533 to 5700 14 0 Vol. IX (1934-37) . .. 5701 to 5996 600 Vol. X (a), (6) and (c) (1937-40) 5997 to 7496 (In the press.) Alphabetical Index of Sanskrit Manuscripts, Part I. 13 12 0 Alphabetical Index of Sanskrit Manuscripts, Part II. 1000 Alphabetical Index of Sanskrit Manuscripts, Part III. 3 6 0 Author Index of Sanskrit Manuscripts 1 8 0 TAMIL. DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUES. Vol. I.-Alphabet, Primer, Lexicography, Grammar and 1 to 511 1 140 Literature. Vol. II.-Itihasa, Purāņa, Religion and Philosophy 512 to 1122 2 2 0 (Vaişņavism). Page #7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ TAMIL-cont. DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUES --cont. Numbers. Price. RS. A. P. Vol. III. Religion and Philosophy (Saivism) .. 1123 to 1620 6.00 Vol. IV. Religion and Philosophy (Saivism) ... 1621 to 1867 13 10 0 Vol. V.--Alchemy, Medicine, Magic, witchcraft and 1868 to 2171 600 supplernent. Vol. VI.--Miscellaneous .. .. .. .. .. 2174 to 2725 19 120 Vol. VII.-Local Records . .. 2726 to 2949 13 4 0 Vol. VIII.--Local Records .. .. .. .. 2950 to 3169 (In the press.) . TRIENNIAL CATALOGUES. Vol. I.-Miscellaneous (1910–13) .. 1 to 1141 6 0 Vol. II.-Miscellaneous (1914-16) .. 115 to 310 4 14 0 Vol. III.-Miscellaneous (1917-19) .. 311 to 409 5 o o Vol. IV.-Miscellaneous (1920–22) 410 to 535 500 Vol. V:-Miscellaneous (1923-25) 536 to 859 6 8 0 Vol. VI.-Miscellaneous (1926-28) 860 to 952 4 100 Vol. VII.-Miscellaneous (1929-34) .. .. .. 953 to 1055 2 6 0 Vol. VIII.-Miscellaneous (1935-43).. .. 1056 to 1473 34 14 0 Vol. IX.-Miscellaneous (1944-49). .. .. .. 1474 to 1605 13 8 0 General Alphabetical Index of Tamil Manuscripts, 540 Vol. I. General Alphabetical Index of Tamil Manuscripts, ... (In the press.) Vol. II. Author Index of Tamil Manuscripts .. .. .. .. .. (Do.) Alphabetical Index of Tamil Local Record Manuscripts. (Do.) TELUGU. DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUES. Vol. I.-Itihāsa, Purāṇa and Mahātmya 1 to 3692 19 0 Vol. II (1).-Śrngāra Prabandhas ... 370 to 6161 00 Vol. II (2).- Śrngāra Prabandhas 617 to 8064 0,0 Vol. III.--Śrógāra Prabandhas 807 to 941 3.14 0 Vol. IV. ---Prabandhas--Dvipadakāvya ... 942 to 1221 5 120 Vol. V.--Grammar, Prosody and Lexicography .. 1222 to 1395 3 6 0 Vol. VI.Vacana Kavyas - 1396 to 1466 14 0 Vol. VII.-Satakas .. . 1467 to 1833 5 6 0 Vol. VIII.-Yakşagānams and Dandakams.. .. 1834 to 2040 4 10 0 Vol. IX.--Vedanta .. 2041 to 2273. 21 120 Vol. X.-Ganita, Jyotişa .. 2274 to 2399 , 13 0-0 Vol. XI.-Medicine .. 2400 to 2481 6 8 0 Vol. XII.-Music (Sangita) 2482 to 25927 6 0 Vol. XIII.--History .. 2593 to 2657 (In the press.) Vol. XIV.-Local tracts (Mackenzie Collections) 1. 1 to 150 (Do.. . Page #8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ TELUGU-cont. TRIENNIAL CATALOGUES. Numbers. Vol. I.-Miscellaneous (1910-13) Vol. II.-Miscellaneous (1913-16) Vol. III.-- Miscellaneous (1916-19) Vol. IV.--Miscellaneous (1919-22) Vol. V.Miscellaneous (1922-28) Vol. VI.-Miscellaneous (1928-41) .. Alphabetical Index of Telugu Manuscripts 1 to 137 138 to 292 293 to 539 560 to 715 716 to 812 .. 813 to 1069 Price, RS. A. P. 1 6 0 2 6 0 6 0 0 7 14 0 3 0 0 25 12 0 3 12 0 .. .. . KANNADA. DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUES. Vol. I.--Grammar, Lexicography, Prosody, Itihasa 1 to 133 6 0 0 and Purana. Vol. II.-Itihasa and Purana 4 12 0 Vol. III.-Religion- Agama 318 to 476 6 120 Vol. IV.--Religion- Agama (continued) Virasaiva 477 to 825 21 120 and Christianity. Vol. V.-Religion (continued) .. .. .. .. 826 to 1038 (In the press ) General Alphabetical Index of Kannada Manuscripts. * 2 4 0 "..: 139 to 317 MALAYALAM. * DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUES. . . l to 351 Vol. I ... .. .. .. . . . . Alphabetical Index of Malayalam Manuscripts Vol. II .. ... .. .. .. .. 82 0 0 2 0 2 8 0 .. 352 to 368 ISLAMIC. Descriptive Catalogue of Islamic Manuscripts, Vol. I Descriptive Catalogue of Islamic Manuscripts, Vol. II. Alphabetical Index of Urdu Manuscripts Alphabetical Index of Persian Manuscripts .. Alphabetical Index of Arabic Manuscripts ... 13 14 0 (In the press). 0 2 0 1 2 0 080 ng. Postage aadras Governeripts Series 2.0., Mad MARATHI. Alphabetidal Index of Marathi Manuscripts ? In one volume. 9 140 Subject Index of Marathi Manuscripts Descriptive Catalogue of Marathi Manuscripts ---Kaibiyats (In the press). N.B.- 1. Packing, Postage and Sales Tax extra. All the books in the Madras Government Oriental Series and Nos. 8 to 12 of the Madres Government Oriental Manuscripts Series can be had of the Curator. Government Oriental Manuscripts Library, Triplicane P.O., Madras-5. on gending in advance the amount sufficient to cover postage, etc. Books will not be sent bu V.P.P. . 3. The other publications of this Library can be had of the Superintendent Government Press, Mount Road, Madras-2, on sending in advance the required amount.